BRAMA БРАМА - УкраіНовини - Ла Страда ККДУ СУА СФУЖО
БРАМА: Соціяльні Проблеми в Україні Friday, July 26, 2024, 22:26 EDT
Головна ст.
  • News/новини
  • Архів
  • Торгівля жінок
  • Закон 2000 США
  • Закон України
  • Стаття Нью Йорк Тамймс
  • Стаття "Поневолення"
  • 99 СФУЖО/ООН заява
  • 98 ООН СФУЖО/заява
  • 98 МОМ/ООН заява
  • 98 НЙ конференція
  • 98 Львів/МОМ конференція
  • Інші проблеми
  • 99 ООН заява
  • Чорнобиль
  • Інші джерела
  • "Ла Страда" Україна
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    News - новини
    Швидко погіршаючий економічний стан України змушує молодих невинних жінок у безнадійні напрямки життєвих шляхів. Ця сторінка присвячена тим молодим жінкам України, щоби попереджати їх про несподівані небезпеки які тепер часто їх чекають.

  • Poland: White book to be prepared on recently publicized war crime (BBC/FT) 01/31/2001
  • Ukrainian tells Helms of abortive attempt to desert in 1985 (New Jersey Online) 01/31/2001
  • Romanian president promises 'special attention' to ethnic Romanians in Ukraine (BBC/FT) 01/31/2001
  • Ukrainian ad-hoc commission head denies having all scandalous tapes (BBC/FT) 01/31/2001
  • Ukrainian nationalist group pickets Iranian embassy (BBC/FT) 01/31/2001
  • Ukraine's extreme nationalists, left-wingers unanimous that president must go (BBC/FT) 01/31/2001
  • Україна закликає активізувати міжнародні зусилля у напрямку запобігання незаконній торгівлі зброєю / Ukraine calls for the strengthening of international efforts in the prevention of illegal arms trade (BRAMA) 01/31/2001
  • ООН: в інтересах дітей / OON: v interesakh ditej' (BRAMA) 01/31/2001
  • Photo: Rescuers carry one of eight bodies from the sunken Ukrainian ship Pamyat Merkuriya (AP/Yahoo) 01/31/2001

  • Ukrainian security service 'impeding' return of test results on body - MP (BBC/FT) 01/30/2001
  • Ukraine: Prosecutor sees former minister, foreign special services behind tape scandal (BBC/FT) 01/30/2001
  • Ukraine: Prosecutor sees former minister, foreign special services behind tape scandal (BBC/FT) 01/30/2001
  • Ukraine: Two anti-presidential protesters expelled from Rivne university (BBC/FT) 01/30/2001
  • Ukraine: Deutsche Welle head criticizes possible closure of Radio Kontinent (BBC/FT) 01/30/2001
  • Ukrainians should ask whether president has moral right to stay - journalist (BBC/FT) 01/30/2001
  • Crimean journalist says political reprisals behind court sentence (BBC/FT) 01/30/2001
  • Yabluko Party demands full publication of scandalous tapes (BBC/FT) 01/30/2001
  • Grisly Mystery in Ukraine Leads to a Government Crisis (NY Times) 01/30/2001

  • Police detain two drug dealers, seize 320 g of heroin (BBC/FT) 01/29/2001
  • Belarusian border unit reports increased radiation near Chernobyl (BBC/FT) 01/29/2001
  • Anti-president tents return to central Kiev after holiday break (BBC/FT) 01/29/2001
  • Ukrainian and Greek officials discuss ways of fighting human trafficking (OSCE News) 01/29/2001
  • 14 Killed in Black Sea Shipwreck (AP/Yahoo) 01/29/2001

  • Ukraine Coastguard Says Finds 22 Bodies From Ship (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/28/2001

  • Babyn Yar memorial must be inclusive: Canada's Ukrainian community sends cautionary note to the Government of Ukraine (BRAMA) 01/26/2001
  • Broadcasting council denies pressurizing independent radio station (BBC/FT) 01/26/2001
  • Chief prosecutor speaks on his attitude to recent political scandals (BBC/FT) 01/26/2001
  • Three hunger strikers move from eastern city to capital (BBC/FT) 01/26/2001
  • Security chief says he couldn't publicize scandal tape before election in Ukraine (BBC/FT) 01/26/2001
  • European bank not ready to pay for completion of Ukrainian reactors (BBC/FT) 01/26/2001
  • Ukrainian official denies justice minister offered tapes to European assembly (BBC/FT) 01/26/2001
  • European parliamentarians to assess evidence in Ukrainian tape scandal (BBC/FT) 01/26/2001
  • European Assembly Raps Ukraine over Press Freedoms (Reuters/Russia Today) 01/26/2001
  • U.S. Calls for Liberia Sanctions (AP/Yahoo) 01/26/2001

  • Political pressure forces Radio Liberty off air in Ukrainian city - paper claim (BBC/FT) 01/25/2001
  • Nazi Slave Fund Suffers Legal Blow (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/25/2001
  • Ukrainian eastern Region enduring tuberculosis epidemic - health minister (BBC/FT) 01/25/2001
  • Ukrainian mercenary in kamikaze mission for 1,500 dollars (BBC/FT) 01/25/2001
  • Another Ukrainian MP willing to testify on tape scandal (BBC/FT) 01/25/2001
  • Anti-presidential protesters charged with resistance to police (BBC/FT) 01/25/2001
  • Police reportedly demolish protesters' camp in Western Ukraine (BBC/FT) 01/25/2001
  • Protest in Kyiv (Kiev) demands president, interior minister resign (BBC/FT) 01/25/2001
  • More illegal immigrants detained in western Ukraine (BBC/FT) 01/25/2001

  • Official investigation into Ukrainian journalist's death called inadequate (Freedom Forum) 01/24/2001
  • Two former Soviet republics file anti-tobacco suits in Miami (Reuters/Excite) 01/24/2001
  • Plot to kill Milosevic mirrored Diana crash (The Scotsman/FT) 01/24/2001
  • Громадянський комітет захисту Конституції 'За Україну без Кучми!' Фантом чи реальність? (прес-конф 31 січня 2001) (IREX ПроМедіа) 01/24/2001
  • Засоби масової інформації - провідник соціальної інформації для населення (круглий стіл 26 січня 2001) (IREX ПроМедіа) 01/24/2001
  • Як зупинити генетичну небезпеку? (прес-клуб 25 січня 2001) (IREX ПроМедіа) 01/24/2001

  • Parliament member dies of gunshot wound (Independent) 01/23/2001
  • Press Rights Body Denounces Kyiv on Missing Man (Reuters/Russia Today) 01/23/2001
  • Ukraine Denounced on Missing Journalist (Wash Post) 01/23/2001
  • BYU students implement international anti-smoking programs (UWire/Excite) 01/23/2001
  • Turkey Cuts French Contract Over Genocide Vote (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/23/2001
  • Police disperse anti-presidential protesters in Rivne, arrest 12 (BBC/FT) 01/23/2001
  • PACE calls on members to refuse extradition of former Ukrainian guard officer (BBC/FT) 01/23/2001
  • Kiev court rejects complaint by missing journalist's mother (BBC/FT) 01/23/2001
  • Protests possible during papal visit, warns Ukrainian Orthodox Church (BBC/FT) 01/23/2001
  • Head of presidential administration decries situation in Ukraine's media (BBC/FT) 01/23/2001
  • Ukraine: Citizens' units to be formed to help police (BBC/FT) 01/23/2001

  • Ukraine: Media Freedom Comes Under Scrutiny (RFE/RL) 01/22/2001
  • Council of Europe to Analyze Tape Alleged to Incriminate Ukraine's Kuchma (AFP/Russia Today) 01/22/2001
  • Interior Ministry denies shadowing Ukrainian opposition faction leader (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • Ukraine: Former deputy premier denies financing anti-presidential protests (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • Anti-presidential protest march starts in Ukrainian Region (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • Ukraine: Tax authority announces check of 178 mass media in 2001 (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • Ukraine: Faction leader appeals to interior minister about being followed (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • European parliamentary body to debate freedom of speech in Ukraine on 25 Jan (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • Police detain suspects in 1998 murder of interbank-exchange head (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • Former deputy premier accuses energy minister of 'sabotage' (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • Interior Ministry of Ukraine decries information leaks by media (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001
  • Russia: Council of Europe to hold hearings on press freedom issue (BBC/FT) 01/22/2001

  • Czech embassy denies issuing visa to missing Ukrainian journalist (BBC/FT) 01/21/2001
  • Prosecutor's office employees force way into home of Socialist Party aides (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 01/21/2001
  • Sacked Ukraine Deputy Premier to Oppose Government (Reuters/Russia Today) 01/21/2001

  • Ukrainian President Kuchma Defends Himself on German Visit (AFP/Russia Today) 01/20/2001

  • Babies to body parts: all for sale on the Internet (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/19/2001
  • Schemes and scandals in Ukraine (Economist) 01/19/2001
  • Reporters without Borders head interviewed on missing journalist (BBC/FT) 01/19/2001
  • Opposition MP says he has more scandalous recordings (BBC/FT) 01/19/2001
  • Ukraine to perform additional testing for radiation among peacekeepers (BBC/FT) 01/19/2001
  • Gongadze relatives refuse body ( 01/19/2001

  • Library exhibits work by children near Chernobyl (St. Paul/Minneapolis Pioneer Planet) 01/18/2001
  • Czech visa issued to missing Ukrainian journalist after disappearance, says TV (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • Tape confirmed authentic by foreign organized crime experts - MP (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • Search reveals new data on whistle-blower's case in tape scandal (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • No signs of crime on scandalous tape - Parliament commission head (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • Ukrainian president decrees measures to prevent disappearances of people (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • Prosecution searches home of aide to anti-government activist (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • Hungary, Romania sign joint appeal to EU for aid in environmental protection (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • President's key aide against early elections, speaker's resignation (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • Prosecutor in journalist case denies wrongdoing on TV (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001
  • Ukrainian newspaper (Den') analyses prospects for freedom of speech in Ukraine (BBC/FT) 01/18/2001

  • Court bans antipresidential protest in Donetsk (BBC/FT) 01/17/2001
  • Mother of Missing Ukraine Reporter Calls for Tests (Russia Today) 01/17/2001
  • Hungary: Rehabilitation of ex-premier executed for war crime in 1946 proposed (BBC/FT) 01/17/2001
  • Photos: Ukrainian American lawyer receives Presidential recognition (BRAMA) 01/17/2001
  • Ukraine detains 38 illegal migrants from India in western region (BBC/FT) 01/17/2001
  • Anti-presidential protest begins in eastern Ukrainian city (BBC/FT) 01/17/2001
  • PACE urges independent examination of controversial Ukrainian tapes (BBC/FT) 01/17/2001
  • Deputy head of Ukrainian committee confirms onus on language issue in media (BBC/FT) 01/17/2001
  • Retired coal miners stage picket at the parliament (BBC/FT) 01/17/2001
  • Uzbek drug trafficker detained possessing heroin in Ukraine (BBC/FT) 01/17/2001

  • Anti-president protesters in Kharkiv threaten hunger strike following court ban (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Bulgarian police intercept people-smuggling ring on Greek border (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Parliamentary committee's head outlines mass media problems (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • UNESCO chief announces concern over 'murder' of Ukrainian journalist (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Parliamentary committee head Zinchenko attacks poor freedom of speech (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • MPs, journalists slam Ukraine's freedom of speech record in parliament (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Slovakia, Belgium pledge cooperation against people smuggling (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Ukrainian prosecutor rules on suspending deputy premier (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Ukrainian minister denies CD piracy, producers call US pressure unfair (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Alleged war criminals are a British 'internal affair' - Ukrainian official (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Ukrainian newspaper comments on interview of whistle-blower in tape scandal (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Journalists's mother speaking of pressure on her in parliament (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Armenian veterans' union slams Russian president's 'insensitive move' in Baku (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Court restricts location of anti-presidential protest in west Ukrainian city (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Protesters demand Germany cancel Ukrainian president's visit (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001
  • Authorities plan to bury journalist's body - protest leader (BBC/FT) 01/16/2001

  • Straw plans to strip ex-Nazis of citizenship (Independent) 01/15/2001
  • Anti-presidential protests to resume in capital on 6 February (BBC/FT) 01/15/2001
  • Regional anti-presidential protest dampened by bomb threats (BBC/FT) 01/15/2001
  • Ukrainian Security Service denies threatening Radio Liberty employees (BBC/FT) 01/15/2001
  • New regulation makes human trafficking a criminal offence in Kosovo (OSCE News) 01/15/2001
  • Грудень 2000 року: рейтинги політичних діячів та інститутів у громадській думці: IREX круглий стіл (BRAMA) 01/15/2001
  • Socialist leader's spokesman questioned as witness in tape scandal (BBC/FT) 01/15/2001

  • Britain May Strip Ex-Nazis of Citizenship (Reuters/Excite) 01/14/2001

  • Lithuania hero demands justice (BBC) 01/13/2001
  • Ukrainian deputy premier stresses role of family in her career (BBC/FT) 01/13/2001
  • Truth on a shoestring budget: Ukrayinska Pravda (Globe and Mail) 01/13/2001

  • Director-General alarmed about murder of Ukrainian journalist (UNESCO) 01/12/2001
  • President tells premier to step up fight against audio, video piracy (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Ukraine prosecutor sets conditions for handover of body (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Ukrainian deputy premier questioned at prosecutor's office (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Parliamentary anti-corruption body demands interior ministry be sacked (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Ukrainian prosecutor conditionally agrees to hand corpse to journalist's family (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Ukrainian prosecutor-general, European official discuss missing journalist (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Use of force against anti-presidential protests reported in west Ukraine (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Photos [5]: Protest demonstrations, January 10 2001 in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine (BRAMA) 01/12/2001
  • Photos [5]: Protest demonstrations, January 10 2001 in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine (BRAMA) 01/12/2001
  • Photos [2]: Protest demonstrations, January 10 2001 in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine (BRAMA) 01/12/2001
  • Photos [5]: Protest demonstrations, January 10 2001 in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine (BRAMA) 01/12/2001
  • Newspaper analyzes relations between Crimean Tatars and Ukrainian power (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Ukrainian Premier Yushchenko luke warm in support of Deputy Premier Tymoshenko (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Reactor halted for emergency repairs at Ukraine's largest nuclear plant (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001
  • Police forcibly remove anti-presidential protesters in east Ukrainian city (BBC/FT) 01/12/2001

  • Mother of journalist Georgy Gongadze files lawsuit (BBC) 01/11/2001
  • Ukrainian president interviewed on tape scandal by Radio Liberty (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • Lesya Honhadze, mother of missing journalist, declares her life is under threat (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • Reporters Without Borders demands Ukrainian president sack prosecutor-general (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • Anti-presidential committee's spokesman explains further protests (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • Georgian MP wants official who lost state document to be charged with espionage (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • Ukrainian parliament ratifies agreement with Russia on missile warning systems (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • City court bans anti-presidential picket in east Ukrainian city (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • E-prostitution (Chicago Tribune) 01/11/2001
  • European deputies, Ukrainian speaker negative on constitutional changes (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • Council of Europe official warns Ukrainian speaker about Ukraine's delegation (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • Journalist says European deputies blind to media repression in Ukraine (BBC/FT) 01/11/2001
  • Amid protests, Ukrainian prosecutor says can't be sure body that of journalist (AP/Kyiv Post) 01/11/2001
  • Жіноча рівність може гарантувати суспільству (День) 01/11/2001
  • Про причини любити людей. І свій народ (День) 01/11/2001
  • Україна очима американців (День) 01/11/2001
  • Що спільного у Георгія Гонгадзе зi «справою Гонгадзе»? (День) 01/11/2001

  • Europe's response; Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma called for a moratorium (Guardian/FT) 01/10/2001
  • Як впливають екологічні фактори на здоров’я населення в різних районах Києва: круглий стіл (IREX 12.01.01) (BRAMA) 01/10/2001
  • Photo: Prosecutor General Mykhailo Potebenko (AP/Yahoo) 01/10/2001
  • DNA tests aid Ukrainian body mystery; another journalist beaten to death (CNN) 01/10/2001
  • Former SBU guard reveals new recordings (Kyiv Post) 01/10/2001
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prosecutor General Potebenko reports on probablity of journalist's body (AP/Yahoo) 01/10/2001
  • Ukraine: Prosecution says dead-body test conclusions final (BBC/FT) 01/10/2001
  • Ukraine: Missing journalist's colleague slams prosecution (BBC/FT) 01/10/2001
  • Ukraine prosecutor says probe into top officials dropped (BBC/FT) 01/10/2001
  • Ukraine: PACE delegation offers help in authenticity test of scandalous tape (BBC/FT) 01/10/2001
  • Headless journalist 'identified' (BBC) 01/10/2001
  • U.S. Wants Ukraine Probe on Vanished Journalist (Reuters/Russia Today) 01/10/2001
  • Ukraine Officials Erased Evidence on Missing Reporter (AFP/Russia Today) 01/10/2001

  • Refusing to let them fight for their country is just one way in which men try to keep women down (Guardian/FT) 01/09/2001
  • Delegation of women apparel retailers from the fSU to train in the US - seeking business hosts (BRAMA) 01/09/2001
  • Crew rescued from listing ship; Malfunction at Ukrainian nuclear plant (CNN) 01/09/2001
  • Europeans fear Balkans ammo still lethal (Chicago Tribune) 01/09/2001
  • Ukraine Without Kuchma protests to resume Wednesday ( 01/09/2001
  • Ukraine: Fugitive security officer reveals more recordings on Radio Liberty (BBC/FT) 01/09/2001
  • 'Kuchmagate' Chat-Room Links Public to Scandal (Transitions Online) 01/09/2001
  • Ukraine restarts nuclear reactor after repair works (FT/BBC) 01/09/2001
  • Migrant flood probe urged: Department vulnerable to fraud, abuse (Financial Times) 01/09/2001

  • Ukrainian soldiers in UK face 'genocide' inquiry (Independent) 01/08/2001
  • Photo: Ukrainian Ecology Control Group officer checks radioactive contamination (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/08/2001
  • International journalist group in Ukraine to study missing-jounalist case: Text of report by Ukrainian television on 8th January (BBC) 01/08/2001
  • Ukraine Sends Doctors to Kosovo to Test for Balkans Syndrome (Russia Today) 01/08/2001
  • WHO Doubts Depleted Uranium Gave Troops Leukemia (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/08/2001
  • Photo: Ukrainian Officer Checks Radiation Level at Checkpoint in Prizovitsa (Reuters/Excite) 01/08/2001
  • Straw urged to probe Nazi claims (BBC) 01/08/2001

  • Programme exposes 'war criminals' in UK (BBC) 01/07/2001
  • 10,000 Demonstrate in Germany Against Far-Right (Reuters/Excite) 01/07/2001

  • Russian adoptee 'cutest of them all' (The Examiner) 01/06/2001
  • Ukrainian minister denies corruption (BBC) 01/06/2001

  • Europe's farms push birds to brink (BBC) 01/05/2001
  • Ukrainians take to the streets in what could well turn out to be the Central European scandal of the decade: 'Kuchmagate.' (Transitions Online) 01/05/2001
  • Ukraine denies accusations of ousting Russian language from media (FT/BBC) 01/05/2001
  • France: Paris-based watchdog review media freedom violations in 2000 (FT/BBC) 01/05/2001
  • Moscow not happy about Ukrainian-only broadcasts in Ukraine ( 01/05/2001
  • Ukraine Without Kuchma action renewed in Lviv ( 01/05/2001

  • How to cool the Caucasus (Financial Times) 01/04/2001
  • Author pens book on bipolar disorder (Deerfield Review) 01/04/2001
  • Lawyer Recommends Dismissal of Holocaust Litigation (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/04/2001
  • Russian [language] squeezed out of Ukrainian media - Foreign Ministry (FT/BBC) 01/04/2001

  • Dreams of a better life end in a nightmare of sexual slavery (Chicago Tribune) 01/03/2001
  • Ukraine: Nuclear reactor taken off stream for maintenance repairs (FT/BBC) 01/03/2001

  • Web sites feed boom in sex trade and slavery (Mercury News) 01/02/2001
  • Energizing Nuclear Plants' Hopes (Wash Post) 01/02/2001
  • Oak Lawn woman helps beauty shine through for cancer patients (Daily Southtown) 01/02/2001
  • Акція 'Різдво з Гонгадзе'; 'Christmas with Gongadze' (BRAMA) 01/02/2001
  • Kobzar Society to ship first computers to Ukraine schools (BRAMA) 01/02/2001
  • Eurotech's EKOR continues to perform at Chernobyl [Chornobyl] (BRAMA) 01/02/2001

  • Ukraine Responds (Wash Post) 01/01/2001

  • Dear Washington Post ... (Letter to the Editor) (BRAMA) 12/31/2000

  • Move in Ukraine murder probe (Financial Times) 12/30/2000
  • Slight to Ukrainian Architecture (Wash Post) 12/30/2000

  • Udovenko does not expect unification of Rukh parties in the next millennium (Kyiv Post) 12/29/2000
  • Thousands of pilgrims expected in Kyiv and Lviv during papal visit (Kyiv Post) 12/29/2000
  • Journalist organization to arrive in Ukraine to study Gongadze case (Kyiv Post) 12/29/2000
  • Corruption committee head says oligarchs bribed foreign experts investigating Gongadze case (Kyiv Post) 12/29/2000
  • Swimming-Klochkova Voted Ukraine's Athlete of the Year (Reuters/Russia Today) 12/29/2000

  • For All Russia, Biological Clock Is Running Out (NY Times) 12/28/2000

  • Ukrainians Outraged Over Washington Post's Religious Intolerance (BRAMA) 12/27/2000
  • In Poland, Restitution Raises Fiscal Fears (Newsday) 12/27/2000
  • Europe's Jews seek restitution (Newsday) 12/27/2000
  • Vice-President of Madagascan Parliament Jailed (Reuters/Excite) 12/27/2000
  • Repaired Ukraine Reactor Restarted (AP/Yahoo) 12/27/2000

  • Letter to Washington Post: Ukrainian Church and 'Bates motel' comparison (BRAMA) 12/26/2000
  • Crossroads in Ukraine (Wash Post) 12/26/2000

  • Illegal Migration Rises Sharply in European Union (NY Times) 12/25/2000
  • Illegal Migration Rises Sharply in European Union (NY Times) 12/25/2000
  • Chornobyl Plant To Be Built Soon (AP/Yahoo) 12/25/2000
  • Nuclear Agency to Pay for Radiation Drug (NY Times) 12/25/2000

  • Response to Washington Post: 'One simply doesn't compare the House of God to a motel ...' (BRAMA) 12/24/2000
  • На Майдані Незалежності в Києві відбувається мітинг-концерт з приводу тимчасового згортання наметового містечка акції 'Україна без Кучми'. (ТСН) 12/24/2000
  • Video: На Майдані Незалежності в Києві відбувається мітинг-концерт з приводу тимчасового згортання наметового містечка акції 'Україна без Кучми'. (ТСН 1+1) 12/24/2000

  • U.N. Study of Diamonds-for-Arms Deals Focuses on Shadowy Trader (NY Times) 12/22/2000

  • Tax police removes block on Matlid Publications (BRAMA) 12/21/2000
  • B'klyn woman's new liver might be what kills her (NY Post) 12/21/2000
  • Ukraine's Kuchma Blames Home Forces for Scandal (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/21/2000
  • Photo: Angry protesters shout and wave portraits of opposition journalist Georgi Gongadze (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/21/2000
  • Photo: An angry protester shouts and waves a portrait of opposition journalist Georgi Gongadze (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/21/2000

  • Chairman Smith Decries Ukrainian Intimidation Tactics (US Newswire) 12/20/2000
  • Smith (R-NJ) Decries Intimidation Tactics Against Ukrainian Journalists; Case of Missing Reporter Seen as Threat to Democracy (BRAMA) 12/20/2000
  • His dream is to be healed and to look normal (Seattle Times) 12/20/2000
  • Survey Shows a Record 40 Percent of World Is Free (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/20/2000
  • Trafficking Proof Points To Liberian (AP/Yahoo) 12/20/2000

  • 'Ukraine Without Kuchma' protest action gains momentum (BRAMA) 12/19/2000
  • Matlid Publications (Eastern Economist) Raided by Ukrainian Tax Police (BRAMA) 12/19/2000
  • Чорнобиль: Звернення майстів культури і мистецтва України до зарубіжних колег / Chornobyl: Zvernennya maj'stiv kul'tury i mystetstva Ukrayiny do zarubizhnykh koleh (BRAMA) 12/19/2000
  • Ukraine energy sector to survive Chernobyl closure (Reuters/Excite) 12/19/2000
  • Not Everyone Overjoyed by Chornobyl Shutdown (Russia Today) 12/19/2000
  • Photo: Protesters with portraits of opposition journalist Georgiy Gongadze (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/19/2000

  • Photos: Kuchma supporters make a stand at Maidan Nezalezhnist' (BRAMA) 12/18/2000
  • Photos: Youth groups hold anti-Kuchma rally in Ukraine (BRAMA) 12/18/2000
  • Missing journalist identified in Ukraine (BBC) 12/18/2000
  • Reward offered for missing Ukrainian (CNN) 12/18/2000

  • Pope Calls Chornobyl Shut Down a Wise Decision (Reuters/Russia Today) 12/17/2000
  • Ukrainian Press Accuses West of Delaying Aid after ChOrnobyl Closes (AFP/Russia Today) 12/17/2000

  • Russia's Doctors are Beggars at Work, Paupers at Home (NY Times) 12/16/2000
  • СЕРГIЙ ТУЛУБ: Iз вугiльного глухого кута виведе лише цивiлiзована приватизацiя (День) 12/16/2000
  • Україна хоче асоціюватися з європейською безпекою (День) 12/16/2000
  • Революція «під землею» - Уряд розпочинає перерозподіл вугільного ринку (День) 12/16/2000
  • Гонадзе - Три місяці компромату замість інформації (День) 12/16/2000
  • Children of Chornobyl get Wild Rose treatment (Edmonton Journal) 12/16/2000

  • Videotaped Clinton Remarks on Chernobyl Shutdown (US Newswire) 12/15/2000
  • UN General Assembly affirms international support for Ukraine re: Chornobyl (BRAMA) 12/15/2000
  • AUDIO: Chornobyl Closure: from NPR - 'All Things Considered'(R) (BRAMA) 12/15/2000
  • Chornobyl Closing: A Relief for Many (Wash Post) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl powers down permanently (CNN) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl Closing: A Relief For Many (Wash Post) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Shut Down for Good (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl at a Glance (AP/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl Is a Vast Wasteland (AP/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl Shuts Down for Good with Flip of Switch (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Lights Go Out at Chernobyl Nuclear Plant (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • CPJ calls for prompt independent investigation of Gongadze disappearance (CPJ) 12/15/2000
  • (VIDEO) Chornobyl nuclear plant shuts down ( 12/15/2000
  • Photo: Chornobyl nuclear power plant is shown as it is readied to be closed down (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, left, and Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko, right, light candles (AP/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, stands on a stage at Kiev's Ukraine Palace (AP/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • U.N. Urges Human Traffic Crackdown (AP/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Shut (AP/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Shut Down for Good (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl Power Station Officially Closed (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Countdown to Chernobyl Nuclear Plant's Closure (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Readies for Closure (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Greenpeace Wants All Chernobyl-Type Plants to Shut (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Ukraine To Close Chornobyl Plant (AP/Yahoo) 12/15/2000
  • Workers Bid Ill-Fated Chernobyl a Bitter Farewell (NY Times) 12/15/2000

  • Chornobyl Closure Lays to Rest Powerful Symbol (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Media Circus on Hold in Chornobyl (AFP/Russia Today) 12/14/2000
  • Ukraine Village Spills the Secrets on Chornobyl (AFP/Russia Today) 12/14/2000
  • Photo: President Kuchma lays wreath at Chernobyl firemen monument (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • “Екологічна політика та екологічний рух: сучасний контекст”: презентація книги (IREX 12.18.00) (BRAMA) 12/14/2000
  • “Світ після закриття ЧАЕС”: засідання (IREX 12.21.00) (BRAMA) 12/14/2000
  • Ukrainian women hold portraits of their husbands and loved ones during a demonstration (AP/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Photo: A demonstrator holds a portrait of a relative, as she wipes away tears during a protest (AP/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Nuclear Power Battles Against Chernobyl Stigma (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Chernobyl Closure Lays to Rest Powerful Symbol (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • U.S., Ex-Republics Sign Agreement (AP/Excite) 12/14/2000
  • Chornobyl Nuclear Plant Shuts Down a Day Early (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Chornobyl Nuclear Plant Shuts Down a Day Early (Reuters) (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Ukraine Set for Chornobyl Closure (AP/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Cloud of Political Scandal Over Ukraine (SF Chronicle) 12/14/2000
  • Chronology of Talks on Chornobyl Closure (Reuters/Russia Today) 12/14/2000
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma (bottom L) signs the engineering events log book during a visit to Chornobyl (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Photo: Ukrainian and Russian PMs along with Ukraine's President during a wreath laying ceremony (AP/Yahoo) 12/14/2000
  • Photo: Ukrainian woman holds a portrait of her late husband during a demonstration in front of Ukraine's parliament (AP/Yahoo) 12/14/2000

  • Brouhaha arises over Bank Austria Holocaust claims (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/13/2000
  • Kuchma Denies Role in Disappearance (AP/Yahoo) 12/13/2000
  • FACTBOX-History of Chornobyl plant (Reuters/Excite) 12/13/2000

  • Photo: Ukrainian lawmakers listen to a videotape of Maj. Mykola Melnichenko (AP/Yahoo) 12/12/2000
  • Ukraine President Accused (AP/Yahoo) 12/12/2000
  • Rhodes scholar's blindness gave him a will to succeed (Philadelphia Inquirer) 12/12/2000
  • Ukraine energy sector to survive Chornobyl closure (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/12/2000

  • Europe can't kick nuclear habit - Atomic power gains post-Chernobyl life as clean alternative to fossil fuels (Ottawa Citizen) 12/11/2000
  • Peru Ex-Spy Chief Hires Lawyer (AP/Yahoo) 12/11/2000
  • Ukraine energy sector to survive Chernobyl closure (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/11/2000

  • “З якою мовою увійдемо у третє тисочоліття”: прес-конф (IREX 12.12.00) (BRAMA) 12/08/2000
  • Звернення Президента України Л.Д.Кучми до українського народу; Zvernennya Prezydenta Ukrayiny L.D.Kuchmy do ukrayins'koho narodu (BRAMA) 12/08/2000
  • Troubles Beset Ukrainian President (IH Tribune) 12/08/2000

  • Боротьба з міжнародним тероризмом (ООН:UN) (BRAMA) 12/07/2000
  • Ukraine's Kuchma Warns of Destabilization Attempts (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/07/2000

  • 'Все про медіа регіонів України”: презентація книги (IREX 7.12.00) (BRAMA) 12/05/2000
  • HIV in Eastern Europe: United Nations agencies call upon all European Heads of State to take the lead (EURO/WHO) 12/05/2000

  • Chernobyl Victims Demand Support (AP/Yahoo) 12/04/2000

  • Ukrainian ship Batkivshchyna to travel upriver to Norwich this morning (The Day) 12/03/2000

  • PHOTOS: 1932/33 Famine commemorated in Kyiv (BRAMA) 11/28/2000
  • Закриття Чорнобильської атомної електростанції (BRAMA) 11/28/2000
  • Ukrainian Jounalist Dead: Report from Kyiv by NPR's Julia Barton (BRAMA) 11/28/2000
  • International Seminar on Trafficking in Human Beings (UN News) 11/28/2000
  • (AUDIO) Moroz accuses Kuchma in disappearance of journalist (de Volkskrant) 11/28/2000

  • Workers in Bondage (Business Week) 11/27/2000
  • OSCE In Focus: Trafficking in human beings (OSCE News) 11/27/2000

  • Don't Knock them off their Pedestals (Wash Post) 11/19/2000

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: 33 victims of human trafficking aided by UN mission (BRAMA) 11/16/2000
  • Body of missing journalist found and lost? (BRAMA) 11/16/2000

  • “Куди зникли 67 млн німецьких марок, ...?” - прес-конф (IREX 16.11.00) (BRAMA) 11/14/2000

  • Humanitarian, arts patron, Charlotte Narkiewicz-Laine (Sun Times) 11/12/2000

  • German Compensation Fund for Former Forced Laborers (BRAMA) 11/11/2000

  • Ukrainians study international anti-trafficking methods and legislation (BRAMA) 11/09/2000
  • Crime and punishment: a glimpse into the future for traffickers of women from Ukraine (BRAMA) 11/09/2000

  • Trafficked Ukrainian women rescued in Sarajevo (BRAMA) 11/07/2000
  • Проблеми контролю над тютюном - прес-конференція (IREX 14.11.00) (BRAMA) 11/07/2000

  • 'Етносоціальні проблеми німецького руху України'- прес-конференція (IREX 3.11.00) (BRAMA) 11/02/2000
  • Police in Bosnia and Herzegovina take steps to stem human trafficking: UN mission (BRAMA) 11/02/2000

  • Captive Women Found in Raid on Sarajevo Nightclub (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/31/2000

  • Stronger decision-making role for women in peace processes is called for in day-long Security Council debate (BRAMA) 10/30/2000

  • Swiss Bank Holocaust Distribution Unfair to Ukrainians (BRAMA) 10/29/2000
  • Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Maidannyk's speech at the signing of the Ukrainian-Austrian agreements (BRAMA) 10/29/2000
  • Austrian Forced Labor Compensation Agreements Signed (BRAMA) 10/29/2000

  • “Висвітлення проблем контролю над тютюном в регіональних ЗМІ”- семінар (IREX 23.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/20/2000

  • Про ядерне роззброєння / Nuclear disarmament (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • UCCA responds to BRAMA op-ed 'We don't vote...' (BRAMA) 10/19/2000

  • Update on German and Austrian Forced Labor Class Action Litigation (BRAMA) 10/18/2000
  • Остання інформація стосовно проблеми вирішення колективного позову, заявленого колишніми примусовими працівниками (BRAMA) 10/18/2000

  • “Духовно-моральна освіта як основний фактор гармонійного розвитку суспільства...'- круглий стіл (IREX 17.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/12/2000
  • “Права людини щодо геїв та лесбійок”- прес-конф (IREX 19.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/12/2000
  • Addressing Freedom of the Press in Ukraine: UCCA brown bag lunch (BRAMA) 10/12/2000

  • Law to Protect Women Passes U.S. Senate 95-0 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/11/2000

  • Ukraine's capital develops program to combat AIDS (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/07/2000

  • Press feels familiar Soviet chill: Independent media targeted by new states (MSNBC) 10/06/2000

  • Smith speaks out in Congress about missing journalist in Ukraine (BRAMA) 10/05/2000
  • Swiss National Bank sued by Ukrainian, Russian and Yugoslav Nazi Victims (BRAMA) 10/05/2000

  • 'Хто і як організовує злочини в Донбасі'- прес-конф.(IREX 04.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/03/2000

  • OSCE expresses concern for missing Ukrainian journalist (BRAMA) 09/27/2000

  • Internet journalist disappears; colleagues suspect foul play. A letter to President Kuchma. (BRAMA) 09/25/2000

  • Demonstrators demand action: locate missing journalist (BRAMA) 09/23/2000

  • Amnesty International appeal for action - Georgiy Gongazde (BRAMA) 09/22/2000

  • The 'Gift of Life' for Children in Ukraine (BRAMA) 09/21/2000
  • Demonstration planned in support of missing journalist (BRAMA) 09/21/2000
  • IREX press conference II - Heorhyi Honhadze (BRAMA) 09/21/2000

  • Ukraine highly corrupt according to new study (BRAMA) 09/20/2000
  • IREX press conference about missing Ukrainian journalist (BRAMA) 09/20/2000

  • Ukrainian journalist disappears (BRAMA) 09/18/2000

  • Георгій Гонгадзе зник!!! (Українська Правда) 09/17/2000

  • U.S. Department of State Report on Religious Freedom in Ukraine (BRAMA) 09/15/2000
  • Eurotech's Ekor will be used in field application development at Chernobyl (BRAMA) 09/15/2000

  • Kennan Workshop Series: The Role of Women in Post-Communist Transitions (BRAMA) 09/12/2000

  • Kuchma signing of 3 optional protocols (Millenium Summit at UN) (BRAMA) 09/07/2000

  • Swiss Bank Settlement Ignores Ukrainians (BRAMA) 08/30/2000
  • Medical mission seeks host families in US for Ukrainian children requiring surgery (BRAMA) 08/30/2000

  • Protesters petition to reclaim Ukrainian Orthodox Church properties (BRAMA) 08/25/2000

  • Controversy overshadows sanctification of Uspenskiy Cathedral. Thousands protest in Kyiv. (BRAMA) 08/24/2000
  • Protesters demand independence for Ukrainian Orthodox Church (BRAMA) 08/24/2000

  • Husband of Ukraine government minister arrested (Reuters/Excite) 08/22/2000

  • Мережа оздоровниць на Одещині неухильно зменшується (День) 07/28/2000

  • Suspected Nazi case extended (Philadelphia Inquirer) 07/27/2000

  • Toxic dermatitis outbreak in Ukraine (BRAMA) 07/26/2000
  • Ukraine PM's surprise Chernobyl talks (BBC News) 07/26/2000
  • Ukraine - shooting for an AIDS epidemic (BBC News) 07/26/2000

  • Sex Trade Enslaves East Europeans - Migrant Women Brutalized In Burgeoning Business (Wash Post) 07/25/2000

  • Judge Revokes Man's Citizenship for Nazi Past (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/24/2000

  • Гроші остарбайтерам обіцяно, але механізм виплат не визначений (День) 07/22/2000

  • Ukraine expects problems in distributing compensations to Nazi victims (AP/Kyiv Post) 07/21/2000

  • Ukraine's AIDS headache becoming a migraine (Kyiv Post) 07/20/2000
  • Gov't 'sleuths' hound online paper (Kyiv Post) 07/20/2000

  • Forced/Slave Labor Accord Signed (BRAMA) 07/19/2000
  • «Робоче питання» вітчизняної економіки - Понад півмільйона українців втратили надію знайти роботу (День) 07/19/2000

  • Germans Sign Agreement to Pay Forced Laborers of Nazi Era (NY Times) 07/18/2000
  • Germany signs £3.3bn pact for Nazi victims (Guardian) 07/18/2000
  • Germany's £3.2bn bid to close book on Nazi past leaves only rifts and rancour in its wake (Independent) 07/18/2000

  • Germany Creates Fund for Nazi-Era Slaves (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/17/2000
  • Nazi Slave Labor Fund Created (AP/Yahoo) 07/17/2000
  • USA, Germany Sign Historic Nazi Compensation Deal (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/17/2000
  • Ukraine's Chernobyl station restarts sole reactor (Reuters/ABC) 07/17/2000

  • Sewage pours into Black Sea after pipe breaks in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 07/15/2000

  • Chornobyl relief fund will have place at OpSail (The Day) 07/14/2000

  • Gypies Not Getting Holocaust Funds (AP/Yahoo) 07/13/2000

  • «Ринок людей» - Прибутковіші за нього — тільки зброя і наркотики (День) 07/12/2000

  • Flooding Closes Chornobyl Reactor (AP/Yahoo) 07/10/2000
  • Macedonia deports 430 foreigners, many prostitutes (Reuters/ABC) 07/10/2000

  • Ukraine: Former Prime Minister Lazarenko Implicates President In Corruption (RFE/RL) 07/07/2000
  • AIDS virus spreading in the former Soviet republics (AP/Yahoo) 07/07/2000

  • President Clinton signs protocols on child rights (BRAMA) 07/06/2000
  • Photo: Worker points to a button, on the control desk which can permanently shutdown Chornobyl (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/2000
  • Photo: Ukrainian operator notes control readings at Chornobyl's only working reactor No. 3 site (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/2000
  • Photo: Ferris wheel, stopped since April 1986 when all of the residents were evacuated from the town of Pripyat (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/2000
  • Photo: Empty apartment building the town of Pripyat, with the Chernobyl power plant in the background (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/2000
  • Photo: Electric power lines are seen with the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in the background (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/2000
  • Anxiety Grips Chernobyl Workers (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/2000
  • Officials: Chernobyl Needs $62 Million for Safety (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/06/2000
  • West to fund a new tomb for Chernobyl (Guardian) 07/06/2000
  • Donors double offer to seal up Chernobyl (Independent) 07/06/2000
  • Funding Is Set for Chernobyl Shutdown (Wash Post) 07/06/2000
  • Japan Pledges $22.5 Million for Work on Chernobyl Shell (Dow Jones/Kyiv Post) 07/06/2000
  • Germany Passes Nazi Slave Fund (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/2000

  • Chernobyl aid pledged (BBC News) 07/05/2000
  • Chornobyl fund pledges near target, officials say (Reuters/ABC) 07/05/2000
  • Mail-order brides may be virtual slaves (Jerusalem Post) 07/05/2000
  • A River of Tears Flows Along Half the Danube (LA Times) 07/05/2000

  • Western donors to double help to Ukraine for Chornobyl reactor (CP/CBC) 07/04/2000
  • Conference in Berlin Seeks Money to Make Chernobyl Wreck Safe (AFP/Russia Today) 07/04/2000
  • Shadow Children - Ukraine has 416,000 working children (День) 07/04/2000

  • Slave Trade Endures In the 21st Century (SF Chronicle) 07/02/2000

  • Ex-PM laundered millions (Guardian) 07/01/2000
  • Ukraine to Recycle Fuel from Nuclear Missiles (Reuters/Russia Today) 07/01/2000

  • Swiss Convict Ukraine Ex-PM Lazarenko of Money-Laundering (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/30/2000

  • Ex-Ukraine PM's Sentence Suspended (AP/Yahoo) 06/29/2000
  • Chornobyl's continuing legacy (CS Monitor) 06/29/2000
  • Organization helps women at risk (Kyiv Post) 06/29/2000

  • Migrants to West Create Disaster for All Concerned (RFE/RL) 06/27/2000
  • Former PM Lazarenko held in U.S. admits to Swiss laundering (SF Examiner) 06/27/2000
  • Glance at Regional AIDS Impact (AP/Yahoo) 06/27/2000

  • Problems force shutdown at ex-Soviet nuke plants (Reuters/ABC) 06/26/2000

  • Berlin Could Finance Ukraine Nuclear Reactors Says Fischer (AFP/Russia Today) 06/25/2000

  • Britain's MI6 to Crack Down on People Smugglers (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/24/2000

  • Germany hopes West will help Ukraine post-Chornobyl (Reuters/ABC) 06/23/2000

  • «Чеченський синдром» в українському селі (День) 06/21/2000

  • Ukraine: Child-Welfare System Failing (RFE/RL) 06/20/2000
  • Ranking of World's Health Systems (AP/Excite) 06/20/2000
  • EBRD to consider financing two Ukrainian atomic power units following reforms in energy sector (Ukraine Today) 06/20/2000

  • A Summer in America, With a Focus on Health, for 'Children of Chornobyl' (NY Times) 06/19/2000

  • Tuberculosis cases on rise, county reports (Sacramento Bee) 06/17/2000

  • Photo: Surviving Chornobyl Kids in Cuba Meet President of Cuba and of Ukraine (Reuters/Excite) 06/16/2000
  • Photo: Chornobyl Kids in Cuba Meet President Fidel Castro of Cuba (Reuters/Excite) 06/16/2000
  • Photo: Fidel Castro, is welcomed by Ukrainian children of Chernobyl bearing a gift of bread and salt at the Tara Health Center (AP/Yahoo) 06/16/2000
  • Photo: Leonid Kuchma is welcomed by Ukrainian children from Chernobyl bearing a gift of bread and salt at the Tarara health center (AP/Yahoo) 06/16/2000
  • Photo: Chornobyl Kids in Cuba Wait to Meet Presidents of Cuba and Ukraine (Reuters/Excite) 06/16/2000
  • UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: 26 June (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 06/16/2000

  • Nuclear Legacy: Students of Two Atomic Cities (BRAMA) 06/14/2000
  • Ukraine Former Prime Minister Lazarenko Denies He Illegally Transferred Funds to U.S. Bank Accounts (AFP/Russia Today) 06/14/2000
  • Forced Labor Payments: Too Late? (AP/Yahoo) 06/14/2000
  • Chernobyl's December Shutdown is Guaranteed Says Ukraine Foreign Minister (AFP/Russia Today) 06/14/2000
  • German politicians ready to support nuclear alternatives in Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 06/14/2000
  • Sixth reactor of Zaporyzhzhya NPP to be put back on line June 14 (Kyiv Post) 06/14/2000
  • Life Returns After Cyanide Spill (AP/Yahoo) 06/14/2000

  • Lazarenko arraigned in California (BRAMA) 06/13/2000
  • Former Ukraine PM Pleads Innocent (AP/Yahoo) 06/13/2000
  • Ukraine: Asylum Policy Shuts Out Many (RFE/RL) 06/13/2000
  • U.S., Germany Clear Way for Slave Labor Deal (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/13/2000
  • Ashdod man held on white slavery charges (Jerusalem Post) 06/13/2000

  • Op-Ed: Trapped in the Nuclear Math (NY Times) 06/12/2000
  • Government demands almost $3 million in spill damages from Norwegian ship (AP/Kyiv Post) 06/12/2000

  • After the Fall, Traffic in Flesh, Not Dreams (NY Times) 06/11/2000

  • Kiev Would Have Shut Chernobyl Even Without Funds (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/09/2000
  • Parliament substitutes death penalty with serving life in prison (AP/Kyiv Post) 06/09/2000
  • U.S. says arrest hurts organised crime in Hungary (Reuters/ABC) 06/09/2000

  • Tymoshenko, Kuchma respond to Lazarenko’s latest statements (Kyiv Post) 06/08/2000
  • Ukrainian Ex-Premier Lazarenko Threatens to Disclose Accomplice in Shady Deals (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 06/08/2000
  • Chornobyl: 14 Years On, the Toll Still Grows (LA Times) 06/08/2000
  • Storm stops nuclear reactor in Ukraine (Reuters/ABC) 06/08/2000
  • TB epidemic takes on political dimensions (Kyiv Post) 06/08/2000
  • Lviv demonstrations provoke response from Moscow (Kyiv Post) 06/08/2000

  • Chornobyl Closure Means Search for Storage Sites, New Energy (RFE/RL) 06/07/2000
  • The fallout of half-truths that turned Chernobyl into a demonic myth (Independent) 06/07/2000

  • U.S. pledges $78 million in aid for Chornobyl closure (The White House) (BRAMA) 06/06/2000
  • Nuclear Safety Assistance for Ukraine (The White House) (BRAMA) 06/06/2000
  • US and Ukraine combat trafficking of women and children (The White House) (BRAMA) 06/06/2000
  • Chernobyl to close (BBC News) 06/06/2000
  • Muted reaction in Kiev (BBC News) 06/06/2000
  • Ukraine Plans to Close Chernobyl Plant by End of the Year (NY Times) 06/06/2000
  • Clinton offers $78m to help safe shutdown (Independent) 06/06/2000
  • Nature thrives in Chernobyl, scene of the world's most devastating nuclear accident (Independent) 06/06/2000
  • Bechtel National Facilitates Donation of Former Project Kitchen and Dining Hall to Ukrainian Orphanage (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 06/06/2000
  • Lviv Pays Its Last Respects to Ihor Bilozir (День) 06/06/2000

  • Statement by US Defense Team for Lazarenko (BRAMA) 06/05/2000
  • EU Says Chernobyl Closure Date Is Big Breakthrough (Reuters/Excite) 06/05/2000
  • Ukraine to Close Chernobyl Plant on Dec. 15 (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/05/2000
  • Chernobyl closure saga (BBC News) 06/05/2000
  • White House Announces Nuclear Aid for Ukraine, Chornobyl (Dow Jones/Excite) 06/05/2000
  • A trade that belies our sexual liberty (Independent) 06/05/2000

  • Living in the Shadow of Chornobyl's Reactors (NY Times) 06/04/2000

  • Ukraine ex-premier Lazarenko charged over killings (BBC News) 06/03/2000
  • Соціалістичний гангстеризм Чи є феноменальним «феномен Лазаренка»? (День) 06/03/2000
  • Call for new law to fight trade in foreign sex slaves (Independent) 06/03/2000

  • Lazarenko to be arraigned in San Francisco (BRAMA) 06/02/2000
  • Ukrainian prosecutor charges ex-prime minister with ordering contract killings (AP/CNN) 06/02/2000
  • Ukraine ex-premier Lazarenko charged in US (BBC News) 06/02/2000
  • Ukraine Former PM Charged With Money Laundering (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/02/2000
  • Lazarenko's lawyer responds to US criminal charges (Kyiv Post) 06/02/2000
  • Video: Ukrainian Official Charged With Bribery (Quicktime) (SF Examiner) 06/02/2000
  • Former Premier Of Ukraine Is Indicted - Money laundering in Marin alleged (SF Chronicle) 06/02/2000
  • Ukraine: Chornobyl End In Sight, But Replacement Is Stalled (RFE/RL) 06/02/2000
  • There are no winners in this insane and destructive war (Independent) 06/02/2000

  • Ukraine decides on Chernobyl end date but keeps mum (Reuters/ABC) 06/01/2000
  • Ukraine ex-PM Lazarenko hit with U.S. charges (Reuters/Excite) 06/01/2000
  • Former Ukrainian Leader Lazarenko Charged (AP/Yahoo) 06/01/2000
  • U.S., Germany slave fund talks to resume Friday (Reuters/Excite) 06/01/2000

  • Crimean Tatars Want Land, Political Representation (RFE/RL) 05/31/2000
  • Lviv outraged by killing of composer (Kyiv Post) 05/31/2000
  • Anti-Russian Protesters March In Ukrainian City (Reuters/Russia Today) 05/31/2000
  • Ukrainian President signs prisoner amnesty law (Kyiv Post) 05/31/2000

  • Anti-Russian riots after Ukrainian's death (BBC News) 05/30/2000
  • Richland, Ukraine students explore 'nuclear legacy' (Seattle Post-Intelligencer) 05/30/2000

  • U.S. Says Chernobyl Close Date Would Help Raise Funds (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/29/2000

  • German Govt., Industry Clash on Nazi Slave Fund (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/25/2000
  • Black Sea Polluted With Sewage (AP/Excite) 05/25/2000

  • Grants Competition for a Community-Based Primary Care Partnership in the NIS (BRAMA) 05/24/2000
  • Lazarenko's extradition hearing delayed - again (BRAMA) 05/24/2000
  • Lazarenko extradition trial scheduled to begin (Kyiv Post) 05/24/2000
  • Half of Ukraine workers earn under $30 a month (Reuters/ABC) 05/24/2000

  • EU welcomes Chernobyl closure date from Ukraine (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 05/23/2000
  • Одеська міліція затримала підозрюваних у вбивстві курсантів (День) 05/23/2000
  • EBRD defends decision to fund Rivne, Khmelnytsky nuke plants (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 05/23/2000

  • Austrian Forced Labor Negotiations Progress Quickly (BRAMA) 05/22/2000
  • SBU charges five in attack on Vitrenko last fall (AP/Kyiv Post) 05/22/2000

  • Austria to Pay Non-Jewish Former Forced Laborers (Israel's Business Arena - Globes) 05/21/2000
  • Ukrainians evacuated after rail chemical spill (Reuters/ABC) 05/21/2000

  • Chornobyl Turbo-Generator Back On (AP/Excite) 05/20/2000
  • Police arrest suspect in 1996 Shcherban murder (AP/Kyiv Post) 05/20/2000
  • Police seize two Moldovans in Odessa cadet slayings (AP/Kyiv Post) 05/20/2000

  • Ukraine's Crimean Tartars Mourn Stalin Deportations (Reuters/Russia Today) 05/19/2000
  • Generator Malfunction Shuts Reactor at Ukraine Plant (Reuters/Excite) 05/19/2000
  • U.S. to Check Chernobyl Fire Radiation in Belarus (Reuters/Excite) 05/19/2000

  • Forest fires spark Chernobyl radiation leak fear (Independent) 05/18/2000
  • Israeli government must stop human rights abuses against trafficked women (Amnesty International) 05/18/2000

  • Photo: Deal Made on Nazi-Era Compensation - 2 (AP/Yahoo) 05/17/2000
  • Photo: Deal Made on Nazi-Era Compensation - 1 (AP/Yahoo) 05/17/2000
  • Deal Made on Nazi-Era Compensation (AP/Yahoo) 05/17/2000
  • Ukraine sees May Chernobyl closure announcement (Reuters/ABC) 05/17/2000
  • Chernobyl officials say reactor normal after malfunction (AP/ABC) 05/17/2000
  • Ukraine fires boost radiation in Belarus - U.S. (Reuters/ABC) 05/17/2000

  • Draft: Germany, Firms Take Blame for Nazi Crimes (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/16/2000

  • Easton and Levy Name Swiss National Bank in Holocaust Lawsuit (PRNewswire) 05/15/2000

  • Denials in Chernobyl Reports (AP/Yahoo) 05/13/2000
  • Баварці подарували хворим українським дітям надію на здорове життя (День) 05/13/2000

  • Chernobyl Legacy Still Lingering - Scientists (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/10/2000

  • US Looks For More Reforms, Date For Chernobyl Closure From Ukraine (AFP/Russia Today) 05/09/2000

  • Albright Hopeful on Chernobyl Cover (AP/Yahoo) 05/08/2000

  • Five Ukraine Navy Cadets Stabbed to Death (Reuters/Russia Today) 05/07/2000

  • А чи потрібна українській пресі свобода? (День) 05/05/2000

  • Birthrate Dips in Ex-Communist Countries (NY Times) 05/04/2000

  • Effects of acute radation are long lasting-study (Reuters/ABC) 05/03/2000

  • Minn. Goes After Holocaust Insurers (AP/Yahoo) 05/02/2000
  • Ukraine Nuke Reactor Being Repaired (AP/Yahoo) 05/02/2000

  • Envoys Seek Special U.N. Assembly Session on AIDS (Reuters/ABC) 05/01/2000
  • Top Costan Rica court to rule on Nazi in days (Reuters/ABC) 05/01/2000
  • French police stop deaf-mute begging swindle (Independent) 05/01/2000

  • Crimean Tatars Demand Ancestral Lands (RFE/RL) 04/27/2000
  • U.S. Kodak Says German Unit Used Nazi-Era Labor (Reuters/ABC) 04/27/2000
  • French Court Studies Chernobyl Case (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/27/2000
  • Lviv newspaper evades libel rap (Kyiv Post) 04/27/2000
  • Ukrainian Held in Texas Oilman's Death (APBnews/Yahoo) 04/27/2000
  • 'Click charity' helps Chernobyl victims through online donations (Kyiv Post) 04/27/2000

  • † In Memoriam - Chornobyl (BRAMA) 04/26/2000
  • Analysis From Washington -- Chornobyl's Continuing Political Fallout (RFE/RL) 04/26/2000
  • Прес-реліз Міністерства екології та природних ресурсів України від 26 квітня 2000 року 'Чорнобильська АЕС - 14 років потому' (Consulate of Ukraine-NYC/BRAMA) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Slavutych - Ukrainian girls light candles near a memorial to victims of the Chernobyl's nuclear catastrophe (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Slavutych - An elderly woman prays near a memorial to victims of Chernobyl's nuclear catastrophe (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Slavutych - A Ukrainian man cries near a memorial to victims of the Chernobyl's nuclear catastrophe (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Slavutych - A woman lights a candle near the memorial to victims of Chernobyl's nuclear catastrophe (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Slavutych - A relative of a fireman, who died fighting the disaster at Chornobyl's nuclear power plant, mourns early morning (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: People place candles at the foot of the Tumulus of Glory outside the St. Michael Church of Chernobyl in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Kyiv - woman holds a portrait of her husband, who was killed in the Chornobyl nuclear power plant disaster (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Kyiv - Ukrainian woman puts money into the charity box inside a so-called Chornobyl Tram (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Kyiv - fireman mourns early morning Wednesday during a service in Kyiv (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Photo: Kyiv - driver walks around the Chornobyl Tram in preparation to start its route (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Chernobyl's grim legacy (BBC News) 04/26/2000
  • Chernobyl 14 Years After Nuclear Blast (ABCNews) 04/26/2000
  • Ukraine, Neighbors Honor Chernobyl Victims (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Ukraine Promises to Close Chernobyl (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/26/2000
  • Charity Act Greeted with Anti-Russian Sentiment (RFE/RL) 04/26/2000

  • Updates on Trafficking Bills in U.S. Congress and Senate (BRAMA) 04/25/2000
  • Photo: Ukraine's Prime Minister Yushchenko Lays Flowers on Chernobyl Monument (Reuters/Excite) 04/25/2000
  • Photo: Ukraine's Prime Minister Yushchenko Looks at Model of Concrete Sarcophagus of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Reuters/Excite) 04/25/2000
  • Photo: Ukraine's PM Yushchenko Visits Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Reuters/Excite) 04/25/2000
  • Photo: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant's Fourth Block Is Seen Over Abandoned Buildings (Reuters/Excite) 04/25/2000
  • Photo: Workers Set up Sign at the Entrance to Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Reuters/Excite) 04/25/2000
  • Photo: General View of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant's Fourth Reactor (Reuters/Excite) 04/25/2000
  • Expert Says HIV/AIDS Spread Due to Lack of Hope (RFE/RL) 04/25/2000

  • Chernobyl workers, families anxiously await fate (Reuters/ABC) 04/24/2000
  • Sex Slavery Flourishes In Kosovo: E. European Women Forced Into Brothels (Wash Post) 04/24/2000
  • Novel explores Chernobyl's 'Dead Zone' villages (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/24/2000

  • Photo: Mother wipes away tears as she holds a portrait of her son she said was killed as a result of the Chornobyl accident (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2000

  • IMPORTANT INFORMATION for German Slave-Forced Labor applicants (BRAMA) 04/21/2000
  • Chernobyl Kills And Cripples 14 Years After Blast (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/21/2000

  • Albright Calls on Ukraine to Announce Chernobyl Closure (AFP/Russia Today) 04/15/2000
  • Britain's Cook Backs Aid over Ukraine's Chornobyl (Reuters/Russia Today) 04/15/2000

  • Ireland Sending Biggest Ever Aid Convoy for Chernobyl Victims (AFP/Russia Today) 04/14/2000

  • On Lazarenko: Sorry, no FBI jewelry (SF Chronicle) 04/13/2000
  • Ukraine: AIDS, Tuberculosis Hit Hard (RFE/RL) 04/13/2000

  • Britain's Cook backs aid over Ukraine's Chernobyl (Reuters/ABC) 04/12/2000
  • UK promises help to close Chernobyl (BBC News) 04/12/2000

  • Ukrainian Dogs of War - Mercenaries Become New Ukrainian Export (День) 04/11/2000
  • Spain smashes Principality of Sealand crime ring (Reuters/ABC) 04/11/2000
  • Russian Proposes Nuke Waste Import (AP/Yahoo) 04/11/2000

  • Hungary Diverts Funds for Aid As Floods Continue (Reuters/ABC) 04/10/2000

  • Боротися з російськомовністю можна після перемоги над злиднями (День) 04/08/2000

  • Council of Europe -- a mouse that roared (Reuters/ABC) 04/07/2000
  • Кожен сотий українець є наркоманом (День) 04/07/2000
  • Школярі курять і п’ють частіше (День) 04/07/2000
  • Bulgaria detains Ukrainian over Lukanov murder (Reuters/ABC) 04/07/2000

  • East: Media Freedom Decreasing (RFE/RL) 04/05/2000
  • Helsinki Commission Documents Deterioration of Freedom of the Media In OSCE Countries; Legislative Initiative, Albright Letter Planned (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 04/05/2000

  • Ukraine Takes a Step Forward (День) 04/04/2000

  • WIT 9th Int'l Conference on Health and Environment (BRAMA) 04/03/2000
  • Nuclear Reactor in Ukraine Shut Down (AP/Yahoo) 04/03/2000

  • CCRF's 25th Airlift includes aid for mining disaster victims; AN APPEAL FOR HELP (BRAMA) 03/31/2000
  • Ukraine: Council of Europe To Debate Suspension (RFE/RL) 03/31/2000
  • Ukraine's Chernobyl to close by year-end - Kuchma (Reuters/ABC) 03/31/2000
  • Атомна енергетика (День) 03/31/2000

  • Ukraine Nuclear Reactor Stopped (AP/Yahoo) 03/30/2000
  • Не забуду рідну мову совєцьку (День) 03/30/2000

  • Chernobyl closure plan (BBC News) 03/29/2000
  • Chernobyl to close if aid arrives (BBC News) 03/29/2000
  • Ukraine Orders Chernobyl Closed (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2000
  • Chernobyl to close by the end of the year (Independent) 03/29/2000

  • Agreement Reached on Allocation of German Slave-Forced Labor Settlement (BRAMA) 03/28/2000
  • Helsinki Commission Hearing on Deterioration of Freedom of the Media in OSCE Countries Announced (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 03/28/2000
  • Pollution turns Tisza black (BBC News) 03/28/2000
  • New Romania river pollution near Ukraine, Hungary (Reuters/ABC) 03/28/2000

  • Fault cuts Chernobyl output by half (BBC News) 03/27/2000
  • Chernobyl cuts output after malfunction (Reuters/ABC) 03/27/2000

  • Germany: Government Agrees on Compensation for Nazi Labor (RFE/RL) 03/24/2000
  • Ukraine Likely to Shut Chernobyl in November (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/24/2000

  • Agreement on slave labour fund (BBC News) 03/23/2000
  • Division of Nazi Labor Fund (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2000
  • Ukrainian Prisoners Given Amnesty (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2000

  • CPJ Says Kosovo, Chechen Conflicts Impede Press Freedom (RFE/RL) 03/22/2000
  • Death penalty abolished in Ukraine (BBC News) 03/22/2000

  • Officials charged over Ukraine mine accident (BBC News) 03/21/2000
  • Three mine officials charged for fatal Ukraine explosion (Independent) 03/21/2000
  • Ivan Drach: «Izvestiya v Ukraine»? Let it come out in Ukrainian! (День) 03/21/2000
  • Ukraine's Cultural Default (День) 03/21/2000

  • Romania Loses $100M Over Danube (AP/Yahoo) 03/19/2000

  • Let Us Make Sure We Are Counted (BRAMA) 03/17/2000

  • Ukraine: Fatal Mine Accidents Are Common (RFE/RL) 03/16/2000
  • Reality bites for the disillusioned among Ukraine's diaspora (Kyiv Post) 03/16/2000
  • Anger at pollution firm's bankruptcy move (BBC News) 03/16/2000
  • Deep poverty takes its toll on birth rate (Kyiv Post) 03/16/2000

  • How many Ukrainians really are there in the United States? / Скільки українців проживає в США? (BRAMA) 03/15/2000
  • What you don’t know about Census 2000 (BRAMA) 03/15/2000
  • Photo: Ukraine's Environment Minister Ivan Zayets answers journalists' questions (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2000
  • Photo: Sampling of water from Tisza River in Hungary after it has passed through Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2000
  • Third pollution spill hits Hungary (BBC News) 03/15/2000
  • New toxic wave reaches Ukraine and Hungary from Romania (Reuters/ABC) 03/15/2000
  • Nasty Slick Seen on Troubled Tisza (ABCNews) 03/15/2000
  • Sanctions: Seven years of failure (BBC News) 03/15/2000
  • Canada wants action on Angola sanctions-busters (Reuters/ABC) 03/15/2000

  • Aid the Krasnodon (Ukraine) Mining Disaster Victims (BRAMA) 03/14/2000
  • Mine disaster latest in Ukraine's dangerous coal industry (AP/CNN) 03/14/2000
  • Ukraine's Bloodstained Coal (День) 03/14/2000
  • Криваве вугілля України (День) 03/14/2000
  • Accused Nazi Camp Guard Seeks $5M (AP/Yahoo) 03/14/2000
  • Rule of Oligarchs Is Hazardous to Ukraine (День) 03/14/2000
  • Проблеми з хлібом: їсти чи не їсти? (День) 03/14/2000

  • Funerals of Ukraine mine disaster begin (BBC News) 03/13/2000
  • Mourning in Ukraine following mine disaster (BBC News) 03/13/2000
  • Ukraine leader promises mourners he'll do something about unsafe mines (CP/Yahoo) 03/13/2000
  • Ukraine's Coal Industry Dangerous (AP/Yahoo) 03/13/2000
  • East Africa targets arms trade (BBC News) 03/13/2000

  • Photo: Two miners grieve over death of their colleagues killed in a mine explosion, in Krasnodon, (AP/Yahoo) 03/12/2000
  • VIDEO: A string of mining accidents (BBC News) 03/12/2000
  • Ukraine mourns mine deaths (BBC News) 03/12/2000
  • Ukraine mourns mine blast victims (BBC News) 03/12/2000
  • Ukraine's troubled mines (BBC News) 03/12/2000
  • Ukraine mine blast kills 80 (BBC News) 03/12/2000
  • 80 Ukrainian miners killed in methane explosion (Independent) 03/12/2000

  • At least 80 Ukrainian miners killed in methane explosion (Independent) 03/11/2000
  • Ukraine Mine Explosion Death Toll Rises to 54 (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/11/2000
  • Huge Zinc, Lead Spill in Romania (AP/Yahoo) 03/11/2000

  • Ukrainian siege over (BBC News) 03/10/2000
  • New toxic spill hits Eastern Europe (BBC News) 03/10/2000
  • Africa leaders accused of Angola sanctions busting (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/10/2000

  • Nazi Slave-Labor Talks Adjourn in Dispute (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/09/2000
  • 17 Arms Experts Are Named for U.N. Panel on Disarming Iraq (NY Times) 03/09/2000

  • Nazi slave cash talks falter (BBC News) 03/08/2000
  • Disputes threaten Nazi slave cash (BBC News) 03/08/2000
  • Iran buys kamikaze dolphins (BBC News) 03/08/2000
  • 17 Picked to Guide Iraq Arms Agency (AP/Yahoo) 03/08/2000

  • Nazi Groups Argue on Compensation (AP/Yahoo) 03/07/2000
  • Ukraine says wants 20 percent of Nazi slave money (Reuters/ABC) 03/07/2000
  • Annan proposes board for U.N. agency on Iraqi arms (Reuters/ABC) 03/07/2000
  • Migrant Workers Make More Passages of Hope (Wash Post) 03/07/2000

  • Canada's UN disarmament spokesman urges nuclear ban (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/06/2000

  • Gold ist ein schmutziges Geschäft (Die Zeit) 03/02/2000
  • The African connection (Kyiv Post) 03/02/2000
  • МВФ: уранці аудит - увечері гроші Проте поки «ранок» зiйде, дефолт очi виїсть (День) 03/02/2000

  • Eastern Europe United on Nazi Fund (AP/Yahoo) 03/01/2000
  • Chernobyl caused 'genetic disaster' in Belarus (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2000
  • «Елітарії» всієї країни, об'єднуйтеся! - У регіонах цю необхідність уже усвідомили (День) 03/01/2000

  • Cвободу слова на блюдці не принесуть. Нотатки з пленуму Національної спілки журналістів (День) 02/29/2000
  • Are Nuclear Power Plant 'Treated' Effluents Hazardous? (День) 02/29/2000
  • Potable Water Could Run Short in Ukraine (День) 02/29/2000

  • U.S. Department of State, Human Rights Reports for 1999-Ukraine (BRAMA) 02/28/2000

  • US highlights human trafficking (BBC News) 02/26/2000

  • Interpol Posts Most Wanted List on Internet (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/25/2000

  • Ukraine's troubled Chernobyl station stopped again (Reuters/ABC) 02/24/2000
  • Britain says greedy Zimbabwe perpetuates Congo war (Reuters/ABC) 02/24/2000

  • Advancing the cause of women while trafficking of women from Ukraine accelerates (BRAMA) 02/23/2000
  • Woman Tells Story of Sexual Slavery (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2000
  • Crackdown on sex slavery (BBC News) 02/23/2000
  • Ukraine Town Resumes Danube Use (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2000

  • Sex Trade May Be Replacing Narcotics (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2000
  • Ukraine abolishes death penalty (BBC News) 02/22/2000

  • Cyanide poisoning reaches Ukraine (BBC News) 02/21/2000

  • Costa Rica considers war criminal's status (BBC News) 02/19/2000

  • У хаті, яка завжди скраю «Середній» українець - соціальна основа негромадянського суспільства (День) 02/18/2000
  • Judge allows U.S. case against Demjanjuk to proceed (AP/ABC) 02/18/2000
  • Costa Rica says ready to deport Ukrainian ex-Nazi (Reuters/ABC) 02/18/2000

  • Deal Expected on Nazi Compensation (AP/Yahoo) 02/17/2000
  • Negotiations Continue on Nazi Funds (AP/Yahoo) 02/17/2000
  • Prostitute rackets rife in UK (BBC News) 02/17/2000
  • Tisza cyanide spill must not recur - EU official (Reuters/ABC) 02/17/2000
  • На Одещині готуються на 10 діб припинити водозабір з отруєного Дунаю (День) 02/17/2000
  • Britain identifies UNITA sanctions busters (Reuters/ABC) 02/17/2000

  • Ukraine restarts Chernobyl after minor malfunction (Reuters/ABC) 02/16/2000

  • Combating Corruption Is the Most Important of All Arts (День) 02/15/2000
  • На «прохання» Москви Одеса відрапортувала: З рухівським «Чеченінформбюро» покінчено! (День) 02/15/2000
  • Newborns Nursed by Undernourished Mothers (День) 02/15/2000
  • Serhiy Parashyn: Nuclear Power Plant's Priority Is Safety (День) 02/15/2000

  • Ukraine faces IMF probe (BBC News) 02/14/2000
  • Romania, Hungary Discuss Spill Compensation (Reuters/ABC) 02/14/2000
  • Czechs detain Ukrainians (BBC News) 02/14/2000
  • Copernicus Tempts Thieves Worldwide (AP/Yahoo) 02/14/2000

  • Photo: A demonstrator lights a candle and holds a portrait of a missing journalist Heorhiy Gongadze during the commemorative action (AP/Yahoo) 02/11/2000
  • Ukraine closes Chernobyl after minor malfunction (Reuters/ABC) 02/11/2000

  • 9 die, more than 2 million ill with flu in Ukraine (Reuters/ABC) 02/10/2000
  • House calls are her calling On the road with ambulance doctor Nina Gulina (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000

  • Prostitutes find work in Kosovo (BBC News) 02/08/2000
  • Flu epidemic closes schools in Ukraine (Independent) 02/08/2000

  • U.S. Vows Major Contribution to Chernobyl Tomb (Reuters/ABC) 02/07/2000

  • Ukraine promises to shut Chernobyl this year (AP/ABC) 02/06/2000

  • New pledge to close Chernobyl (BBC News) 02/05/2000

  • Ukrainian Nuclear Reactor Restarted (AP/Yahoo) 02/03/2000

  • Victory in UOC Parishes Legal Battle for Parish Rights (BRAMA) 02/02/2000
  • Чи вирішить референдум головну проблему? (День) 02/02/2000

  • Census 2000: Jobs for Students/Роботи для студентів (BRAMA) 02/01/2000
  • Rebel Ukraine MPs abolish Bolshevik holiday (Reuters/ABC) 02/01/2000
  • Ukraine repairs Chernobyl after new problem (Reuters/ABC) 02/01/2000
  • SA promises action against Unita (BBC News) 02/01/2000

  • IMF To Probe Ukraine Fraud (AP/Yahoo) 01/30/2000
  • Three dead after Ukraine mine blast (BBC News) 01/30/2000
  • Locksmith Tries To Shut Reactor (AP/Yahoo) 01/30/2000

  • IMF to investigate Ukraine loans (BBC News) 01/29/2000
  • DAVOS-IMF to investigate Ukraine charges - Fischer (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/29/2000

  • Chernobyl Reactor To Be Repaired (AP/NY Times) 01/28/2000
  • IMF says probing claims Ukraine misused IMF cash (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/28/2000
  • Ukraine misuse charges could put IMF on defensive (Reuters/Yahoo) 01/28/2000
  • Ex-Ukraine PM Alleges Fraud (AP/Yahoo) 01/28/2000
  • Former PM alleges $613m Ukraine fraud (Financial Times) 01/28/2000

  • Доказів продажу українського зброї для УНІТА немає, вважає експерт ООН (День) 01/27/2000
  • Позитивні стимули замість покарань - кращий варіант зміцнення української мови (День) 01/27/2000

  • Council of Europe Pressure Results in Abolition of Death Penalty (RFE/RL) 01/24/2000

  • Ukraine prolongs repairs at Rivne nuclear plant (Reuters/Infoseek) 01/23/2000

  • Freier für den Frieden (Die Zeit) 01/20/2000

  • Ukraine Accused Again of Illegal Weapons Exports to Africa (День) 01/18/2000

  • Former Lazarenko aide out on bail in US (Kyiv Post) 01/13/2000

  • Deportation of Suspected Nazi Sought (AP/Yahoo) 01/12/2000

  • Iз в'язниці відпущено колишнього помічника екс-прем'єра Павла Лазаренка (День) 01/11/2000
  • Chernobyl Zone May Be Resettled (AP/Yahoo) 01/11/2000

  • Reactor at Ukrainian Plant Restarts (AP/Yahoo) 01/10/2000
  • Soccer: Ukrainian club boss charged with extortion (Reuters/Infoseek) 01/10/2000

  • Ukrainian charged with embezzling more than $72 million is now under how arrest (SF Chronicle) 01/07/2000

  • Suspect charged in Ukraine attack (BBC News) 01/06/2000

  • Slave/forced Labor Settlement Reached (BRAMA) 01/05/2000
  • Council of Europe praises Ukraine on death penalty (Reuters/Infoseek) 01/05/2000
  • Jewish group scolds Costa Rica in hunt for Nazi (Reuters/Infoseek) 01/05/2000

  • Output Halved at Ukraine Reactor (AP/Yahoo) 01/02/2000

  • Chernobyl safe and running after entering 2000 (Reuters/Infoseek) 01/01/2000

  • Chernobyl nuclear plant says enters year 2000 safe (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/31/1999
  • Ukraine and Chernobyl Enter 2000 (AP/Yahoo) 12/31/1999

  • Ukraine Court Strikes Down Death Penalty (AP/Yahoo) 12/30/1999

  • Ukraine says Chernobyl likely to shut in Nov 2000 (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/29/1999
  • Russia gas, Ukraine atom plants worry Turks on Y2K (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/29/1999

  • Theft shuts down Ukrainian nuclear plant (BBC News) 12/28/1999

  • Ukrainian diplomat jailed for corruption (BBC News) 12/27/1999
  • Ukraine prolongs repairs at Rivne nuclear plant (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/27/1999

  • Трагедія в одеській податковій Постріл на пожежі руйнує «відомчу» версію про теракт (День) 12/23/1999

  • Образ України на Заході: еквілібрист iз Чорнобилем (День) 12/22/1999

  • IAEA says higher nuke standards needed (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/21/1999
  • Missile Wars on Local Level Now the future of SS-24 strategic missiles is not only America's concern (День) 12/21/1999

  • Germany Accepts $5.1 Billion Accord to End Claims of Nazi Slave Workers (NY Times) 12/18/1999

  • $5bn for Nazi slaves (BBC News) 12/17/1999

  • Germans Agree to Establish $5-Billion Fund to Compensate Slave Laborers (NY Times) 12/15/1999
  • Reactor Restarted in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 12/15/1999
  • Ukraine in throes of TB epidemic, says WHO (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/15/1999

  • U.S.-German Holocaust Deal to Be Inked Fri (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/14/1999
  • The Economy and Authorities to Be Purged of Criminals (День) 12/14/1999

  • Ukraine Nuclear Plant Malfunctions (AP/Yahoo) 12/13/1999
  • Soviet-Era Reactors Gear Up for Y2K Test (Reuters/NY Times) 12/13/1999
  • Ukraine alarmed by possible Russia sugar smuggling (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/13/1999

  • U.S. Holocaust lawyer postpones suing Germany (Reuters/Yahoo) 12/10/1999

  • Ukraine, Armenia Nuclear Plants Lagging on Y2K (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/09/1999

  • Photo: Chornobyl - An engineer operator works at the controls (AP/Yahoo) 12/08/1999
  • Photo: Chornobyl - An engineer operator works on a computer monitoring system, more than 20 years old (AP/Yahoo) 12/08/1999
  • Photo: Chornobyl - A statue of Vladimir Lenin sits outside the plant (AP/Yahoo) 12/08/1999

  • Ukraine restarts Chernobyl after malfunction fixed (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/06/1999

  • Chernobyl closed again after leak (BBC News) 12/02/1999
  • Chernobyl reactor shut down (Independent) 12/02/1999
  • Minor Accident Shuts Ukraine's Chernobyl Reactor (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/02/1999
  • Y2K nuclear link unveiled (BBC News) 12/02/1999
  • Заглянути в «зуби нації» намагалися вітчизняні стоматологи на власному з'їзді (День) 12/02/1999

  • Ukrainian shot trying to penetrate nuclear plant (Reuters/Infoseek) 12/01/1999

  • German Forced Labor Settlement at a Crossroads (BRAMA) 11/30/1999
  • Maybe a Settlement, Never Closure (NY Times) 11/30/1999

  • Chernobyl Plant To Reach Full Output (AP/Yahoo) 11/29/1999

  • St. George School in NYC Closing? / Не існуватиме більше школи св. Юра в НЙ? (BRAMA) 11/27/1999
  • Output Increases at Chernobyl Plant (AP/Yahoo) 11/27/1999
  • Справа екс-прем'єра Павла Лазаренка має нагадати претендентам про мінливості долі прем'єрів в Україні (День) 11/27/1999

  • Photo: An engineer operator carries out a preparation test at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/1999
  • Chernobyl reactor starts up again (BBC News) 11/26/1999
  • Ukraine Restarts Chernobyl After 5-Month Repairs (Reuters/Infoseek) 11/26/1999
  • Ukraine Restarts Chernobyl (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/1999

  • Lazarenko trail leads FBI to Kyiv (Kyiv Post) 11/25/1999
  • Search for better life forces women to sell sex (Kyiv Post) 11/25/1999

  • Needle Use Sets Off H.I.V. Explosion (NY Times) 11/24/1999

  • Photo: Two engineers carry out preparation tests at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/1999

  • Чи можна використовувати українські АЕС більш ефективно? (День) 11/20/1999

  • Germans Make Final Nazi Labor Offer (AP/NY Times) 11/19/1999
  • Leak shuts Ukraine nuclear plant, radiation normal (Reuters/Infoseek) 11/19/1999
  • Воля людини - проти палички Коха (День) 11/19/1999

  • No Nazi Labor Deal Despite Higher Offer (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/18/1999
  • Slave Labor Lawyers Applaud Progress in Talks with German Government and Industry, Urge Bridging of Final Gap (PRNewswire) 11/18/1999

  • British POWs seen excluded from Nazi labour deal (Reuters/Infoseek) 11/17/1999

  • Former British forced labourers seek compensation (Reuters/Infoseek) 11/16/1999

  • Analysis: Kuchma victory raises questions (BBC News) 11/15/1999
  • Cloud over Ukraine election (BBC News) 11/15/1999
  • Election monitors criticise Ukraine results (BBC News) 11/15/1999
  • Germany ups Nazi labour compensation offer (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/15/1999
  • British slave labourers seek German compensation (Reuters/Infoseek) 11/15/1999

  • Українцям запропоновано захищатися від грипу власним коштом (День) 11/13/1999

  • Progress Made on Nazi Labor Deal (NY Times) 11/12/1999

  • Germans offer 6 Billion Marks as compensation to WW II victims (BRAMA) 11/11/1999
  • Lazarenko's investigation goes to Antigua (BBC News) 11/11/1999
  • Українські підприємства витрачають на хабарі 6,5% середньорічних прибутків (День) 11/11/1999

  • EBRD-Health, social problems grow in East Europe (Reuters/Infoseek) 11/08/1999
  • Caribbean link alleged in Ukraine money scandal (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/08/1999

  • Ukraine Election Seems Rigged to Help the Incumbent (NY Times) 10/28/1999

  • Кучма вважає, що корупціонери нападають із підворіття (День) 10/21/1999

  • Violence, mud-slinging mar Ukraine election campaign (BBC News) 10/20/1999
  • Kuchma threatens to lift Ukrainian MPs' immunity (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/20/1999

  • Ukraine Says May Close Chernobyl In Mid-2000 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/19/1999
  • Parliament Gives Pavlo Lazarenko Chance to Tell 'Whole Truth' (День) 10/19/1999

  • Council of Europe still worried about Ukraine vote (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/18/1999
  • Slovakia mulls visas for Ukranians to combat mafia (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/18/1999

  • Ukraine says Council of Europe report biased (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/14/1999

  • Letters to the editor: Nazi Slave Labor (NY Times) 10/13/1999
  • Парламент дав можливість Павлу Лазаренкові сказати «всю правду» (День) 10/13/1999

  • Media Repression Serious Issue in Presidential Campaign (RFE/RL) 10/12/1999
  • Ukraine asks U.S. Congress to help root out corruption (AP/CNN) 10/12/1999
  • Three Detained in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/1999
  • Between Convulsions and Diversion (День) 10/12/1999
  • Stalinist Terror, Ukrainian Style at Century's End (День) 10/12/1999
  • 'They Did Not Throw the Grenades' says Kryvy Rih Socialist headquarters (День) 10/12/1999

  • Germans offer 6 Billion Marks as compensation to WW II victims (BRAMA) 10/10/1999

  • 'Chernobyl doctor' treats radiation victims (BBC News) 10/09/1999
  • Japan N-Plant Worker Compared to Chernobyl Victims (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Doctor Cites Chernobyl in Japan Diagnosis (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/1999

  • German Companies Offer $3.3 Billion in Slave-Labor Suit (NY Times) 10/08/1999

  • Представники Ради Європи підтверджують заяви «канівської четвірки» про безпрецедентний тиск на пресу в Україні (День) 10/07/1999

  • Radiation sickness (BBC News) 10/06/1999
  • Напад на квартиру редактора газети «Поступ» (День) 10/06/1999
  • Russia Raids Bank in Laundering Inquiry (NY Times) 10/06/1999
  • 3 Face Indictments in Federal Inquiry Into Russian Case (NY Times) 10/06/1999

  • Ukraine Politician Promises Nukes (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/1999
  • German Firms Set to Settle Holocaust Claims, Lawyers Say (Wash Post) 10/05/1999
  • Medical Progress Offers Hope for Japan Radiation Victims (LA Times) 10/05/1999

  • Holocaust Child Slave Laborers Seek Compensation (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/04/1999

  • Ukraine Nuke Reactor Malfunctions (AP/Yahoo) 10/02/1999
  • 'Pripyat': A Wasteland That Was Once the Cradle of Hope (NY Times) 10/02/1999

  • Ukraine Won't Abandon Reactor Plans (AP/Yahoo) 10/01/1999

  • List of Major Nuclear Accidents (AP/Yahoo) 09/30/1999

  • Who Stole and Who Helped? (День) 09/28/1999
  • Russian Racket Linked to New York Bank (NY Times) 09/28/1999
  • Y2K could harm East Europe nuclear safety -U.S. (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/28/1999

  • Ukrainian police hold suspected nuclear smugglers (Reuters/Infoseek) 09/27/1999

  • Ukraine sees no New Year repeat of Chernobyl blast (Reuters/Infoseek) 09/24/1999

  • Становище жінки щодалі поліпшується (День) 09/23/1999
  • Ukrainian teacher held over sex ring allegations (Reuters/Infoseek) 09/23/1999

  • Help Us Help The Children, Inc. Fundraiser (BRAMA) 09/22/1999
  • Парламент може змінити рішення щодо арешту Павла Лазаренка (День) 09/22/1999

  • Will Viktor Pinchuk Become a New Pavlo Lazarenko? (День) 09/21/1999

  • Swiss Help U.S. in Ukraine Case (AP/Yahoo) 09/20/1999
  • Swiss freeze accounts of former Ukrainian PM (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/20/1999

  • In Search of Survivors of German Forced/Slave Labor: An Appeal (BRAMA) 09/17/1999

  • First baby born in Chernobyl (BBC News) 09/16/1999
  • Президент боїться, що Лазаренко заговорить (День) 09/16/1999
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Waste Deal Signed (AP/Yahoo) 09/16/1999

  • Legal Setbacks Could Complicate U.S.-German Talks on Forced Labor, Officials Say (NY Times) 09/15/1999
  • Ukraine shrugs off Y2K fears despite Chernobyl (Reuters/Infoseek) 09/15/1999
  • Photo: Members of the international mobile radiological laboratories at Chornobyl (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/15/1999

  • One Wins, All Lose (День) 09/14/1999

  • Chernobyl to host international training exercises (Reuters/Infoseek) 09/13/1999

  • Виграв один - програв кожен (День) 09/10/1999

  • American Medical Centers to Establish 29 Vaccination Centers in 13 Cities in the Ukraine (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 09/09/1999

  • Westinghouse to ship nuclear fuel to Ukraine in 2004 (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/08/1999

  • Nuke Reactor Restarted in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 09/06/1999

  • Ukrainian miners plan strike over unpaid wages (Reuters/CNN) 09/02/1999

  • A Palace Fit for a Fugitive and Ukraine's Ex-Premier (NY Times) 09/01/1999
  • Language and Identity Discussed at Altaic Conference (RFE/RL) 09/01/1999

  • German Conference to Focus on Stopping Organized Crime (RFE/RL) 08/31/1999
  • Ukraine stalls on Chernobyl closure (BBC News) 08/31/1999
  • Ukraine not ready to close Chernobyl by 2000 (Reuters/Infoseek) 08/31/1999
  • Ukrainian security prevents anti-death penalty demo (BBC News) 08/31/1999
  • Ukraine to Complete 2 Nuke Reactors (AP/Yahoo) 08/31/1999
  • Kurchatov Research Holdings, Ltd. Announces First Revenue Generating Project Using EKOR Expected At Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 08/31/1999

  • German Forced/Slave Labor Compensation Negotiations to Continue in October (BRAMA) 08/30/1999
  • Bonn Talks End on Optimistic Note (BRAMA) 08/30/1999

  • Suspect in Russian Money Laundering Is Denying Any Crime (NY Times) 08/29/1999

  • Holocaust Survivors Face Delay in Compensation (Wash Post) 08/27/1999

  • Photo: Convicted Killer (AP/Yahoo) 08/26/1999
  • Ukraine Court OKs Death for Killer (AP/Yahoo) 08/26/1999
  • Києву загрожує епідемія менінгіту (День) 08/26/1999

  • Chernobyl Shelter Requests EKOR to Contain Radioactive Material (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 08/24/1999

  • Theft of Treasures Booms in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 08/23/1999

  • Bankers' home raided in crime money inquiry (The Times) 08/20/1999

  • Ukraine destroys 624 kg cocaine haul (Reuters/Infoseek) 08/19/1999

  • «Луганська бомба» проти кандидата (День) 08/17/1999
  • Ukraine fears spread of Romania, Moldova meningitis (Reuters/Infoseek) 08/17/1999

  • Hundreds Have Died in Ukraine Mines (AP/Yahoo) 08/16/1999

  • Ukrainian Forced/Slave Labor Class Action Litigation - Full text of complaint (BRAMA) 08/15/1999

  • Reparations Sought by Ukrainian Slave Laborers (BRAMA) 08/13/1999

  • Reparations Sought by Ukrainian Slave Laborers (BRAMA) 08/12/1999
  • German Holocaust fund should only aid slaves-attys (Reuters/Infoseek) 08/12/1999
  • Kuchma silent on media curbs (Kyiv Post) 08/12/1999
  • Widespread Drug Abuse and AIDS Take Their Toll (RFE/RL) 08/12/1999
  • Population in hard-hit Ukraine falling (Reuters/Infoseek) 08/12/1999

  • Стосунки Кучми з вільними ЗМІ видно й за океаном (День) 08/10/1999

  • The Business of War in Africa (NY Times) 08/08/1999
  • U.S. May Try to Curb Diamond Trade That Fuels African Wars (NY Times) 08/08/1999

  • Ukraine sentences satanist cannibal to death (Reuters/Infoseek) 08/03/1999
  • Crew of Ukrainian Freighter Stranded in New York Harbor (NY Times) 08/03/1999

  • Men Hardest Hit by Hurried Transition to Free Markets in Ex-Soviet Countries (UNDP/BRAMA) 08/02/1999

  • Transition from Communism lethal for some - UN (Reuters/Infoseek) 08/01/1999
  • Road to Capitalism Taking Toll on Men in the Former Soviet Bloc (NY Times) 08/01/1999

  • Chornobyl Children's Concerts (BRAMA) 07/31/1999

  • Chernobyl head sees problems closing in 2000 (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/28/1999

  • Coal miners continue to protest in eastern Ukraine (AP/CNN) 07/26/1999

  • Ukraine, EU Sign Nuclear Agreements (AP/Yahoo) 07/23/1999
  • Chernobyl to dominate EU Ukraine summit (BBC News) 07/23/1999
  • Finnish PM hopeful about funds for Ukraine reactors (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/23/1999

  • Ukraine's mining families protest over unpaid wages (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/22/1999
  • Coal Miners Protest in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 07/22/1999

  • EBRD grants 111.6 mln euros for Chernobyl shelter (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/21/1999

  • Two workers exposed to radioactivity at Chernobyl (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/19/1999

  • Germans waffle on Chernobyl (Kyiv Post) 07/15/1999
  • No Russian Spoken Here (NY Times) 07/15/1999

  • Activists Lobby UN Crimes Commission on Trafficking (RFE/RL) 07/13/1999

  • Ukraine facing power outages over growing energy shortage (AP/CNN) 07/10/1999

  • Ukraine Opposes German Nuke Plan (AP/Yahoo) 07/09/1999
  • Ukraine: Retain Nuclear Chernobyl (AP/Yahoo) 07/09/1999
  • Chernobyl overshadows German-Ukrainian talks (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/09/1999

  • Schröder confronts Chernobyl dilemma (BBC News) 07/08/1999
  • Schroeder to Discuss Chernobyl (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/1999
  • Greens step up pressure on Schroeder over Chernobyl (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/08/1999
  • Magee-Womens Hospital Receives Grant to Spur Healthcare Reform in Ukraine (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 07/08/1999

  • Schroeder goes to Ukraine (BBC News) 07/07/1999
  • Schroeder to Seek Chernobyl Deal With Ukraine (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/07/1999
  • French firms to build nuclear storage for Chernobyl (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/07/1999

  • Greenpeace Urges Chernobyl Changes (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/1999

  • Schroeder cautious on Ukraine nuclear talks (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/05/1999

  • 'Chernobyl cancer might have been prevented' (BBC News) 07/01/1999
  • Ukraine shuts Chernobyl reactor for repairs (Reuters/Infoseek) 07/01/1999

  • Thyroid cancer 10 times higher in Chernobyl kids (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/30/1999
  • Шахтарі продовжують пікетувати центральні органи влади (День) 06/30/1999

  • CBS 60 Minutes 'The Ugly Face of Freedom' - Status of Settlement (BRAMA) 06/28/1999
  • Time to Declare War on Sex Traffickers: Calls for Passage of New Bill H.R. 1356 (BRAMA) 06/28/1999
  • 'It's Time to Declare War on Sex Traffickers' (PRNewswire) 06/28/1999

  • President Denies Government Controls Media (RFE/RL) 06/25/1999

  • Ukraine wins Council of Europe reprieve (BBC News) 06/24/1999
  • Council of Europe delays decision on Ukraine (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/24/1999

  • Photo: Protesting Miners camping in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 06/21/1999
  • U.S., EU Urge Ukraine To Shut Chernobyl Plant (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/21/1999

  • G-7 committed to shut down Chernobyl (BBC News) 06/18/1999
  • G7 statement on nuclear safety, Ukraine (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/18/1999
  • G7 to send Schroeder to Kiev on shutting Chernobyl (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/18/1999
  • Block on cash to shut Chernobyl (Guardian) 06/18/1999

  • The Greens: Building 'Ecological Industry' in Ukraine (BRAMA) 06/17/1999
  • Greenpeace Protests in Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/17/1999
  • U.S. says major progress made in slave labor talks (Reuters/Yahoo) 06/17/1999

  • Conference Focuses On Nuclear Safety in Eastern Bloc (RFE/RL) 06/16/1999
  • No decision on Ukraine reactors at Cologne summit (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/16/1999
  • Ukraine Wants Aid for Reactors (AP/Yahoo) 06/16/1999
  • Greenpeace pickets site of new Ukraine reactor (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/16/1999
  • Germany opposes nuclear reactors in Ukraine (BBC News) 06/16/1999

  • German govt seeks duck Ukraine G7 atom row (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/15/1999
  • Germany to challenge G7 Ukraine reactor plan (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/15/1999
  • Eastern European Survivors of German Slave Labor File Class Action Against Industry Giants (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 06/15/1999

  • G8 to approve Ukraine nuclear aid (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/11/1999
  • Suspected Nazi Leaves U.S. (AP/Infoseek) 06/11/1999
  • Unpaid Ukrainian coal miners march for capital (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/11/1999

  • U.S. Drops Case Against Alleged Nazi Guard (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/10/1999

  • Green anger over cash for atom plants (Daily Telegraph) 06/09/1999

  • Canadian Anti-Nuke Action (BRAMA) 06/08/1999
  • Ukraine TV station complains of political pressure (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/08/1999
  • Chernobyl to use fuel from mothballed reactor (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/08/1999
  • Ukraine population falls as health deteriorates (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/08/1999

  • Western Ukraine HIV/AIDS Help Center (BRAMA) 06/07/1999
  • Ukraine: Human Rights Ombudsman in Tough Spot (RFE/RL) 06/07/1999
  • Ukraine MPs mull moratorium on capital punishment (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/07/1999

  • One more Ukrainian miner dies, blast toll reaches 49 (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/03/1999

  • Ukraine sees $120-$160 mln grant for Chernobyl cover (Reuters/Infoseek) 06/02/1999

  • More deaths in Ukrainian mine explosion (BBC News) 06/01/1999
  • Death Toll Rises in Ukraine Blast (AP/Yahoo) 06/01/1999

  • Ukraine Mine Death Toll Rises to 41 (AP/Yahoo) 05/28/1999
  • Two more miners die after Ukraine coal mine blast (Reuters/Infoseek) 05/28/1999

  • Photo: U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Glauthier speaking at the Chernobyl sarcophogus (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/27/1999
  • Photo: The new mobile Pioneer robot is shown near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant in Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/27/1999
  • SGI-Enabled Robot Sent to Chernobyl to Help Prevent Future Nuclear Accidents (PRNewswire) 05/27/1999
  • Photo: Cuban doctor Maria Teresa Oliva Rosello attends to Ukrainian boy Yuri Bachuk in Tarara, Cuba (AP/Yahoo) 05/27/1999
  • Photo: Children affected by the Chornobyl disaster in Tarara, Cuba (AP/Yahoo) 05/27/1999
  • Chernobyl Victims Get Help in Cuba (AP/Yahoo) 05/27/1999
  • Ukraine debtor chained naked in kennel (Reuters/Infoseek) 05/27/1999

  • Photo: Funeral for miners killed in mine explosion #1 (AP/Yahoo) 05/26/1999
  • Photo: Funeral for miners killed in mine explosion #2 (AP/Yahoo) 05/26/1999
  • Photo: A rescue worker smokes after returning from Zasadko mine shaft (AP/Yahoo) 05/26/1999
  • Photo: Rescue workers enter a mine shaft to search for survivors (AP/Yahoo) 05/26/1999
  • Ukraine president pays tribute to dead miners (Reuters/Infoseek) 05/26/1999
  • Photo: Ukrainian coal workers protesting non-payment of wages in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 05/26/1999

  • Death Toll Rises to 39 in Ukraine Mine Explosion (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/25/1999
  • Ukraine mine blast kills 35 (BBC News) 05/25/1999
  • 35 Killed in Ukraine Coal Mine Blast (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/25/1999

  • Chernobyl - a disaster recalled (BBC News) 05/24/1999
  • Chernobyl legacy mounts (BBC News) 05/24/1999
  • Ukraine denies refugee poisonings (BBC News) 05/24/1999
  • Nazi camp suspect faces new ordeal (Guardian) 05/24/1999

  • Council of Europe committee votes to suspend Ukraine (Reuters/Infoseek) 05/20/1999
  • Demjanjuk Again Faces Loss of U.S. Citizenship (Wash Post) 05/20/1999

  • Crimea's Tatars build new life in Ukraine (Reuters/Infoseek) 05/18/1999
  • Tatars mass to demand civil rights in Ukraine (Reuters/Infoseek) 05/18/1999

  • UN to tackle deadly legacy of war (Guardian) 05/17/1999

  • Photo: Miner Georgy Oltyan shaves as he takes part in a protest outside the Coal Ministry building in downtown Kiev. Dozens of miners protested unpaid wages (AP/Yahoo) 05/14/1999

  • Свобода преси парламент не зацікавила (День) 05/13/1999
  • German Companies Meet Lawyers for Former Slaves (Reuters/Yahoo) 05/13/1999
  • WWII Slave Labor Reparations Sought (AP/Yahoo) 05/13/1999

  • Drug war focuses on 'harm reduction' (BBC News) 05/08/1999
  • Teenager dies, dozens hospitalized with food poisoning in Ukraine (AP/CNN) 05/08/1999

  • Flood Update from Transcarpathia (BRAMA) 05/07/1999

  • Crimean Tatars Begin Protest March (RFE/RL) 05/06/1999

  • UN Ukrainian Mission Fundraising Bazaar for Chornobyl (BRAMA) 05/05/1999

  • Repairs completed at Ukraine's Zaporizhia nuclear plant (AP/CNN) 05/04/1999

  • Milosevic named 'worst enemy' of press (AP/CNN) 05/03/1999

  • Chernobyl legacy lingers down on the farm (Guardian) 05/01/1999

  • Disaster at Chernobyl (Wash Post) 04/29/1999

  • Ukraine: Experts Concerned About Radioactive Dust at Chornobyl (RFE/RL) 04/28/1999
  • Nuclear reactor restarted in Ukraine after unexpected shutdown (AP/CNN) 04/28/1999

  • Photo: Chornobyl Memorial in Slavutich Ukraine - 1 (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/1999
  • Photo: Chornobyl Memorial in Slavutich Ukraine - 2 (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/1999
  • Photo: The concrete-and-steel sarcophagus of reactor #4 - Chornobyl (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/1999
  • Ukraine marks 13th Chernobyl anniversary (Reuters/CNN) 04/26/1999
  • Blast kills two miners in Ukraine,five left trapped (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/26/1999

  • Chornobyl Anniversary Marked by CCRF Aid Airlifts (BRAMA) 04/25/1999
  • Photo: Chornobyl Memorial in Kiev on Sunday 4/25/99 (AP/Yahoo) 04/25/1999
  • Photo: Netherland's Military Attache Timmer Herrit checks the radiation level in front of Chornobyl plant (AP/Yahoo) 04/25/1999
  • Photo: Security guard Victor Gamza closes the gate outside the concrete-and-steel sarcophogus of Chornobyl #4 (AP/Yahoo) 04/25/1999
  • Photo: Radiation-contaminated cars, helicopters and other machines in aerial picture of July 23, 1998 (AP/Yahoo) 04/25/1999
  • Photo: The concrete-and-steel sarcophagus as seen from the air July 23, 1998 (AP/Yahoo) 04/25/1999
  • Photo: Wreckage of reactor #4 on 4/26/86 - Chornobyl (AP/Yahoo) 04/25/1999
  • Demonstrations in Ukraine and Belarus to mark anniversary of Chernobyl disaster (BBC News) 04/25/1999

  • Chernobyl Faces Millennium Bug Problem (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/24/1999

  • FOTO/S-AUDIO-MUSIC: First Lady Hillary Clinton receives 'Lifetime Achievement Award' from CCRF (BRAMA) 04/21/1999
  • Chernobyl's Lethal Legacy Hits New Generations (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/21/1999
  • Ukraine: Chernobyl will stay open pending Western money (AP/CNN) 04/21/1999
  • Weather eye on the economic skies (Guardian) 04/21/1999

  • Hard-up Ukraine to launch two nuclear reactors alone (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/20/1999

  • EBRD-Anti-nuclear group protests over Ukraine project (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/19/1999

  • EBRD extends work to help close Chernobyl by 2000 (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/17/1999

  • Underground blast kills three miners in Ukraine (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/15/1999
  • Report: At least 90 Ukrainians electrocuted in scavenging raids (AP/CNN) 04/15/1999

  • EU says a decision on Ukraine nuclear loan close (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/14/1999

  • Hillary Clinton to be honored by CCRF (BRAMA) 04/13/1999
  • Ukraine says Chernobyl blast cost $11 bln so far (Reuters/Infoseek) 04/13/1999

  • AIDS and Drugs Afflict Russia and Ukraine (RFE/RL) 04/09/1999
  • Unpaid Ukraine hospital workers go on hunger strike (Reuters/CNN) 04/09/1999
  • Ukraine's Abyss of Despair (LA Times) 04/09/1999

  • Ukraine introduces customs duty to fight rubbish (Reuters/ABC) 03/31/1999

  • Two Ukrainian Reactors Malfunction (AP/Wash Post) 03/30/1999
  • Ukrainian teachers go on strike over unpaid wages (AP/CNN) 03/30/1999

  • Західний Буг - європейський екологічний коридор (BRAMA) 03/29/1999
  • Danger, Despair at Ukraine Mines (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/1999
  • Scavenging a Way of Life in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/1999
  • Ukraine Nuclear Reactor Shut Down (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/1999

  • TB in Ukraine (BBC News) 03/25/1999

  • TB Epidemic at Critical Level in Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/24/1999

  • Ukraine extradites Uzbek dissidents (BBC News) 03/23/1999

  • Environmental Challenges to Health Through Key Stages of Life: UN Conference -- April 22, 23 (BRAMA) 03/22/1999

  • Miners Protest Pay Delay in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 03/20/1999

  • Wasyl Odynsky Defense Trust Fund (BRAMA) 03/18/1999

  • Ecology Conference in Dnipropetrovsk: May 1999 (BRAMA) 03/17/1999

  • EU criticises Ukraine's decision to reopen Chernobyl (BBC News) 03/09/1999

  • Chernobyl reopens (BBC News) 03/07/1999

  • Ukraine accused of gagging press (BBC News) 03/06/1999
  • Concern over plans to reopen a reactor at Chernobyl (BBC News) 03/06/1999

  • UN Secretary-General and Hillary Clinton Speak Out (BRAMA) 03/05/1999

  • (WFUWO Statement) Chornobyl's Disastrous Effect on Women's Health (BRAMA) 03/04/1999
  • (WFUWO) Statement regarding Health and Trafficking of Women prepared for the 43rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women (BRAMA) 03/04/1999
  • Ukrayins'ka mytnytsya na storozhi zakonu i na shkodu dityam (BRAMA) 03/04/1999

  • Ukrainian nuclear workers protest over wage arrears (BBC News) 02/18/1999

  • Ukrainian Deputy Assailed by Ukrainian-American New Yorkers on Political Platform (BRAMA) 01/30/1999

  • Six dead in Ukraine mine blast (BBC News) 01/02/1999

  • Kuchma vetoes huge rise in minimum wage (BBC News) 12/08/1998

  • Ukraine delays repairs to its only Chernobyl nuclear power reactor due to energy shortages (BBC News) 12/01/1998

  • Russian Red Cross appeal (BBC News) 09/30/1998

  • Ukraine mine explosion kills 24 (BBC News) 08/16/1998

  • Delegates from Ukraine met with Ukrainian community to discuss trafficking of Ukrainian women. (BRAMA) 07/31/1998

  • Gore tells Ukraine: Close Chernobyl (BBC News) 07/23/1998

  • International help for Ukraine to help resettle Crimean Tatars (BBC News) 06/26/1998

  • Ukrainian miners strike spreads (BBC News) 05/07/1998

  • Twenty coal mines go on strike in Ukraine (BBC News) 05/04/1998

  • Chernobyl anniversary marked (BBC News) 04/26/1998
  • Ukraine's final plea for Chernobyl aid (BBC News) 04/26/1998
  • Neighbours count cost of Chernobyl disaster (BBC News) 04/26/1998

  • Ukraine delays Chernobyl restart (BBC News) 04/24/1998

  • UN warns of new AIDS epicentre in eastern Europe (BBC News) 04/22/1998

  • Lax safety standards and human error blamed for Ukranian mine blast (BBC News) 04/12/1998

  • Ukraine mourns victims of mining disaster (BBC News) 04/06/1998

  • 30 die in Ukraine mine blast (BBC News) 04/04/1998
  • Blast at Ukrainian coal mine (BBC News) 04/04/1998

  • Poland pledges money for Chernobyl repairs (BBC News) 01/26/1998

  • Traffickers' New Cargo: Naive Slavic Women. By Michael Specter (NY Times) 01/11/1998

  • Chernobyl's concrete straitjacket crumbles (BBC News) 01/08/1998

  • ** цікаве: [Свята і традиції] [Крамниці] [Політика]

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