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BRAMA, December 15, 2000, 11:00am EST

General Assembly adopts economic measures aimed at helping countries in need

14 December, United Nations – The General Assembly today adopted a series of resolutions aimed at generating special economic assistance for individual countries and regions facing difficulties as a result of natural disasters or other problematic conditions.

Acting without a vote, the Assembly passed measures concerning assistance to Somalia, Belize, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Eastern European States affected by the developments in the Balkans, and East Timor, as well as a resolution on the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and a resolution on assistance to the Palestinian people.

By the terms of the text on East Timor, the Assembly urged the international community to continue efforts aimed at "Timorization" -- the enhanced East Timorese ownership of, and participation in, the social, economic and administrative infrastructure. The resolution also reaffirmed that humanitarian personnel must have safe and unhindered access to all those in need and called for ensuring the safety and security of all aid workers in West Timor, Indonesia.

Concerning the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, General Assembly President Harri Holkeri noted that while the explosion there nearly 15 years ago was a major global technological catastrophe, it also served as an eye-opener in many respects. He welcomed the decision by the Government of Ukraine to close the plant tomorrow, and reaffirmed the international community's intention to continue supporting the country and its people.

Concerning assistance to the Palestinian people, the Assembly urged Member States to open their markets to exports of Palestinian products on the most favourable terms, and called upon the international donor community to expedite the delivery of pledged assistance to the Palestinian people to meet their urgent needs.

In a separate action, the Assembly adopted a resolution inviting Member States to consider developing a framework for international humanitarian assistance in response to natural disasters which would outline the responsibilities of countries receiving and providing support. It also asked the Secretary-General to consider innovative mechanisms for improving the international response to natural disasters.

In another action, the Assembly passed a resolution on the follow-up to the historic UN Millennium Summit held from 6-8 September in New York. The text calls for using existing structures and mechanisms, as well as upcoming conferences and special events, to implement the Declaration adopted by world leaders at the Summit. The resolution also recognizes the need for resources, especially for Africa and the least developed countries as well as landlocked developing countries and small island developing States. Secretary-General Kofi Annan was requested to find innovative ways of enhancing UN cooperation in the Declaration's implementation and to prepare a long-term "road map" on the subject.

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