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BRAMA, December 31, 2000, 10:00am EST

Sunday, 31 Dec 2000

Dear Washington Post:

Thank you very much for your contribution to the world's opinion of the American educational system. With the publication of Mr. Gibson's article on the diversity of religious shrines on New Hampshire Avenue, you have proved beyond a doubt that many Americans' understanding of history is sadly confined to interpretation through contemporary popular culture.

I respect the fine institution of The International House of Pancakes, as well as Alfred Hitchcock's masterpiece film "Psycho." However, there is little room for their mention in a discussion of Ukrainian Church Architecture.

Had Mr. Gibson opened an elementary book of Ukrainian history, he would know that words engraved above the church door of St. Andrew's Orthodox Church ("See you these hills, a great city will be built here with many churches") are a quote from the Kyievan-Rus text A Tale of Years Gone By. St. Andrew is said to have spoken these words while standing on a hill overlooking present day Kyiv. Perhaps the mention of hills in a city built on a swamp strikes Mr. Gibson as ironic. Had he attempted even remedial research on his article, he would know that these words are not a reference to D.C., The Bates Motel, or even the respected International House of Pancakes. They refer to Kyiv, the cultural and spiritual birthplace of the countries Ukraine and Russia.

The "untreated wood/onion domed" architecture of The Holy Trinity Catholic Church represents the architecture of churches in the Trans-Carpathian region of modern day Ukraine. The majority of these churches were closed during the militant atheist campaigns of the communist era. The fact that such a church was built in the United States during the time of the Soviet Union is a testament to the ideals of freedom on which our nation was founded.

Mr. Gibson's article demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of both Ukrainian and American history. Your publication of his article has caused a great deal of discussion among the Ukrainian community in America and the American community in Ukraine. Hopefully future articles in your newspaper will inspire such discussion by their keen insight, and not by their senseless inaccuracy.

Happy Holidays,
Matthew Lyberg
Fulbright Grantee to Ukraine

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