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    [Current Month]
    2006 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
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  • Photo/s: World Trade Center - Recovery at night (BRAMA) 09/29/2001

  • ASN CALL FOR PAPERS - Peoples, Nations, and States in Former Communist Countries: A Cross-Disciplinary Convention (BRAMA) 09/27/2001

  • Зустріч постійних представників при ООН групи країн ГУУАМ [ООН] (BRAMA) 09/25/2001
  • Україна наголошує: світові конче потрібна нова структура для боротьби з міжнародним тероризмом [ООН] (BRAMA) 09/25/2001

  • Kennan Institute Research Workshop Series: Multicultural Legacies in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (BRAMA) 09/24/2001
  • Вольфганг Петрич запевнює Україну в особливій увазі до проблем національних меншин в Боснії і Герцеговині [ООН] (BRAMA) 09/24/2001
  • В Раді Безпеки відбулося відкрите обговорення ситуації в Центрально-Африканській Республіці [ООН] (BRAMA) 09/24/2001
  • Photo/s: Still shrouded in smoke (BRAMA) 09/24/2001
  • Photo/s: Ground Zero - 9/23/01 (BRAMA) 09/24/2001
  • Photo/s: Wall Street (BRAMA) 09/24/2001
  • Photo/s: Broadway and Financial District (BRAMA) 09/24/2001
  • Photo/s: Downtown Broadway (BRAMA) 09/24/2001
  • Photo/s: Ground Zero - 9/22/01 (BRAMA) 09/24/2001

  • Damaged police car (BRAMA) 09/19/2001
  • New design for the World Trade Center? (BRAMA) 09/19/2001
  • Tributes to the firefighters and volunteers; prayers for the victims (BRAMA) 09/19/2001
  • A child's point of view: drawings at firehouse (BRAMA) 09/19/2001
  • St. Patrick's Cathedral (BRAMA) 09/19/2001

  • Plast scouting organization prepares to help youth cope with the Great Tragedy (BRAMA) 09/18/2001
  • Message from the Ukrainian American Coordinating Committee: Sympathy and Aid (BRAMA) 09/18/2001

  • Антиукраїнське єство нинішньої української опозиції (BRAMA) 09/17/2001
  • UCCA Statement: A Day of Unforgettable Horror (BRAMA) 09/17/2001
  • Заява Комісії Україна - НАТО; Statement by the NATO-Ukraine Commission; Declaration de la commission OTAN-Ukraine (update) (BRAMA) 09/17/2001

  • Parish in Need of a Spiritual Leader (BRAMA) 09/16/2001
  • Ukrainian-American community's spiritual needs continue to go unheeded (BRAMA) 09/16/2001
  • Scenes from Downtown New York City - Saturday, 9/15/2001 (BRAMA) 09/16/2001
  • Scenes from New York's East Village - Friday, 9/14/2001 (BRAMA) 09/16/2001
  • Scenes from New York's East Village - Thursday, 9/13/2001 (BRAMA) 09/16/2001
  • Ukrainian National Women's League of America sends a prayer for victims of Attack on America (Update) (BRAMA) 09/16/2001

  • Ukrainian National Women's League of America sends a prayer for victims of Attack on America (BRAMA) 09/15/2001
  • Self Reliance Federal Credit Union (NY) sends aid for emergency units (BRAMA) 09/15/2001
  • Open Letter To the President of Ukraine from Myroslava Gongadze; Відкритий лист Мирослави Гонгадзе Президенту України (BRAMA) 09/15/2001
  • Statement by the NATO-Ukraine Commission; Declaration de la commission OTAN-Ukraine (BRAMA) 09/15/2001

  • Парохія Потребує Душпастиря; Parish needs spiritual leader (BRAMA) 09/14/2001
  • Where are the flags? (BRAMA) 09/14/2001
  • Candle memorial in Union Sq. sculpted by Ukrainian (BRAMA) 09/14/2001
  • Letter to Mayor Giuliani from United Committee of Ukrainian American Organizations of NYC (BRAMA) 09/14/2001
  • A Message from BRAMA: Attack on America (BRAMA) 09/14/2001

  • Four Freedoms Conference (on US-Ukraine relations) in Washington DC will take place as scheduled *** NOT CANCELLED *** (BRAMA) 09/13/2001
  • Звернення Президента України Л.Д.КУЧМИ до українського народу; ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT OF UKRAINE LEONID KUCHMA TO THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE (BRAMA) 09/13/2001
  • TERRORISM IN US: Україна пропонує скликати надзвичайне засідання Ради Безпеки на рівні Міністрів закордонних справ і проголосити 11 вересня Міжнародним днем боротьби з тероризмом [ООН] (BRAMA) 09/13/2001
  • CANCELLATION: Congressional Banquet to Commemorate 10th Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence (BRAMA) 09/13/2001
  • POSTPONED: Screening of 'The Undefeated' in Washington, DC - Демонстрація фільму 'Нескорений' (BRAMA) 09/13/2001
  • POSTPONED: UCCA Internet Chat - УККА розмова (BRAMA) 09/13/2001
  • Зустріч Постійного представника України з Генеральним секретарем ООН; New Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Presents Credentials (BRAMA) 09/13/2001
  • CANCELLATION: U.S.-Ukraine Foundation 10th Anniversary Conference Series (BRAMA) 09/13/2001

  • Photo/s: 24 hours later, less smoke, more devastation (BRAMA) 09/12/2001
  • Photo/s: A candle is lit at Union Square (BRAMA) 09/12/2001
  • Photo/s: Postcards from the heart (BRAMA) 09/12/2001
  • Photo/s: NYU Students Writing on the Wall (BRAMA) 09/12/2001
  • Photo/s: Flowers for the firemen (BRAMA) 09/12/2001
  • Photo/s: Graffiti memorial (BRAMA) 09/12/2001
  • Photo/s: 'SoFo' - South of 14th Street off limits (BRAMA) 09/12/2001

  • TERRORISM IN US: Реакція членів Ради Безпеки ООН на трагічні події, які відбулися в Нью-Йорку, Вашингтоні [ООН] (BRAMA) 09/11/2001
  • TERRORISM in US: Declaration du Conseil de l’Atlantique Nord; Statement by the North Atlantic Council (BRAMA) 09/11/2001
  • Photo: TERRORISM in US: Downtown New York City enveloped in smoke (BRAMA) 09/11/2001
  • TERRORISM in US: Statement by the Secretary General of NATO Lord Robertson; Declaration du Secretaire General de l'OTAN, Lord Robertson (BRAMA) 09/11/2001

  • 10 Years of Independence marked at the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations (BRAMA) 09/10/2001

  • Photo/s: Observing Independence Day at the Consulate of Ukraine in New York (BRAMA) 09/07/2001
  • Photo/s: A Japanese Ukrainian? (BRAMA) 09/07/2001
  • Congressional Banquet to Commemorate 10th Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence (BRAMA) 09/07/2001
  • Photo/s: Screening of Newest UCCA Film 'The Undefeated' to Premiere in Washington, DC - Демонстрація фільму Олеся Янчука 'Нескорений' (BRAMA) 09/07/2001

  • Дзвоніть Після 'Ланчу' (BRAMA) 09/05/2001
  • U.S.-Ukraine Foundation 10th Anniversary Conference Series (BRAMA) 09/05/2001
  • International Affairs Experts to Address U.S.-Ukraine Conference (Four Freedoms) (BRAMA) 09/05/2001
  • ООН: Розгляд ситуації в Демократичній Республіці Конго (BRAMA) 09/05/2001
  • IOM: Kosovo Anti-Trafficking Report (BRAMA) 09/05/2001
  • Kennan Institute Research Scholarships (BRAMA) 09/05/2001
  • 'Ukrainian Power' for kids (BRAMA) 09/05/2001
  • UCCA Internet Chat: III World Forum of Ukrainians - УККА розмова інтернeтом про ІІІ Всесвітній Форум Українців (BRAMA) 09/05/2001
    [Current Month]
    2006 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2005 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2004 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2003 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2002 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2001 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2000 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    1999 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    1998 - [12] [11] [07]

  • ** Special: [Ukrainian Holidays and Traditions] [SHOP UKRAINIAN] [POLITICS]

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