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BRAMA, September 5, 2001, 1 am ET

Press Release


MILFORD, MI (August 30, 2001) - Olga Halaburda is making it her business to preserve her Ukrainian heritage. Halaburda founded Ukrainian Power Videos, Inc., a company that produces Ukrainian educational videos and products for children.

After releasing a successful video series in November of 2000, Halaburda is now launching a Ukrainian educational product line beginning with jigsaw puzzles. The puzzles retail for $8. They feature puppets from the Ukrainian Power video series along with the Ukrainian alphabet and numbers, which are written out in Ukrainian. The puzzles go on sale September 10, 2001 and are available on the Ukrainian Power web site at

Inspired by her now 3-year-old niece, Natalie Kraj, Halaburda created Ukrainian Power to fill a void in the Ukrainian video market.

"While several entertaining Ukrainian cartoon videos exist, none focus on teaching the Ukrainian language," Halaburda said. "And that's what Ukrainian parents living in the U.S. and Canada need.

Halaburda and her two sisters are first generation Ukrainian-American. Halaburda says passing on one's language and traditions becomes challenging when dealing with the second generation and so on, especially when you consider that many Ukrainians are marrying outside their culture.

"I wanted to make the task of passing on the Ukrainian language easier for parents by making learning fun for children," Halaburda said. "That's why I chose to incorporate puppets, songs and games into my videos."

Halaburda says the videos are tools to supplement language learning at home and school.

To compliment her video series, Halaburda has just released a set of Ukrainian Power jigsaw puzzles for children between the ages of 3 to 7.

"It may not seem like a big deal to the American market, because you can go to any store and buy educational toys for children, but Ukrainian people haven't had that luxury," Halaburda said, "Ukrainian Power is breaking new ground by offering one-of-a-kind educational videos and now toys."

Olga Halaburda, surrounded by her puppets, Boomchyk Borovyk and Milya

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