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  • UCCA welcomes victory of democracy in Ukraine -/- УККА вітає перемогу демократії в Україні (BRAMA) 12/30/2004
  • The truth will not be murdered: interview with Oleh Rybachuk, Yushchenko's chief of staff -/- Правду не вбити… SPECIAL (BRAMA) 12/30/2004

  • Letter: Today, I am proud to be Ukrainian (BRAMA) 12/29/2004

  • Viktor Victorious - it's official (BRAMA) 12/28/2004

  • Infractions not as widespread in Ukrainian election says Canadian MP Wrzesnewskyj (BRAMA) 12/27/2004
  • Ukraine Presidential Election 2004, 2nd Round re-run: New York, USA Results (BRAMA) 12/27/2004
  • Ukraine Presidential Election 2004, 2nd Round re-run: Vienna, Austria (No.1) Results -/- Протокол виборів президента України на ДВК N°1 в Австрії FOTOS/VIDEO (BRAMA) 12/27/2004
  • Remarks on the Conference 'Ukraine's Choice' [UPDATED] AUDIO/FOTOS (BRAMA) 12/27/2004
  • Highlights from DC conference 'Ukraine's Choice' AUDIO/FOTOS (BRAMA) 12/27/2004

  • L.Kulynych VIDEO: Ukrainians vote in re-run of election 2nd round, New York City VIDEO (BRAMA) 12/26/2004
  • Ukrainians vote in re-run of election 2nd round, New York City SLIDESHOW (BRAMA) 12/26/2004
  • Sydney Ukrainians choose Yushchenko (BRAMA) 12/26/2004

  • 24 hours in 'Orange Revolution Square'. By Vasyl Lopukh -/- 24 години на 'Площі помаранчевої революції'. Василь Лопух FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/25/2004
  • St. Nicholas 'Vertep' at the United Nations, NYC SLIDESHOW (BRAMA) 12/25/2004

  • Christmas greetings from Ambassador of Ukraine, Permanent Mission to the United Nations (BRAMA) 12/23/2004

  • Has the Diaspora failed? Can more be done? By Bishop Paul Peter Jesep Op-Ed (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • We're sending chills up your spine! New medical thriller by Gil Snider, M.D. Book release (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • 'Kiev' restaurant joins NYC Ukrainian American community in commemorations of election day with prayer and rally SPECIAL (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • American Autocephalous Orthodox organize Diaspora vote (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • NY Consul General sends holiday greetings to Ukrainians in America (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • Christmas message from Ukrainian Ambassador to U.S. (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • Chorus sings for the Orange Revolution FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • Russia will not leave Ukraine alone. By Bishop Paul Peter Jesep Op-Ed (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • [AUDIO] Marcy Kaptur and Dana Rohrabacher live interview about Ukraine political situation (BRAMA) 12/22/2004
  • UCC meets with Prime Minister Martin and Min. Carroll FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/22/2004

  • Entertainment Community Supports Democratic Elections in Ukraine [Hollywood Trident Foundation]SPECIAL (BRAMA) 12/18/2004

  • Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year': Brama's petition SPECIAL (BRAMA) 12/17/2004

  • UCC Election Observer Project in Full Swing (BRAMA) 12/16/2004
  • The Orange Revolution: history making a people; people making history
    Помаранчева революція: історія, яка творить людей; люди, які творять історію Op-Ed
    (BRAMA) 12/16/2004
  • Saving a 'Cursed' Ukraine. By Yuri Andrukhovych Op-Ed (BRAMA) 12/16/2004
  • Prayers for Lesia SPECIAL (BRAMA) 12/16/2004
  • Hartford (CT) Rally Draws Hundreds in support of Orange Revolution in Ukraine (BRAMA) 12/16/2004

  • God, Faith and the Orange Revolution. By Bishop Paul Peter Jesep Op-Ed (BRAMA) 12/14/2004
  • Primate of UAOC-S praises Patriarch Filaret; Is disappointed with Metropolitan Mefodiy (BRAMA) 12/14/2004
  • Ineffectiveness of diasporan organizations with the outbreak of the Orange Revolution. By Max Pyziur Op-Ed (BRAMA) 12/14/2004
  • For the record… disclaimer regarding fundraising efforts for Ukraine (BRAMA) 12/14/2004

  • Klitschko Stops Williams to Defend Heavyweight Title (AP/Wash Post) 12/12/2004

  • Congratulations to the people of Ukraine for commitment to legal principles [UACC Statment] (BRAMA) 12/09/2004
  • Democracy in action [UCCA Statment] (BRAMA) 12/09/2004
  • NYU production - Call for actors (BRAMA) 12/09/2004
  • Reforms adopted by the UN Security Council must reflect the interests of Eastern Europe: Ambassador Valeriy Kuchinsky [Будь-який варіант реформи Ради Безпеки ООН має враховувати інтереси країн Східної Європи] (BRAMA) 12/09/2004
  • Letter to Colin Powell (BRAMA) 12/09/2004
  • Community Welcomes Redress Initiative [UCCLA] (BRAMA) 12/09/2004

  • Ukraine's Election: Next Steps (Hearing of the House International Relations Committee) Audio (BRAMA) 12/08/2004
  • Shevchenko Scientific Society responds to election fraud in Ukraine (NTSh) 12/08/2004
  • Ukraine must run the extra mile. By Bishop Paul Peter Jesep Op-ed (NTSh) 12/08/2004
  • Orange - lucky color for local soccer team FOTO/S (NTSh) 12/08/2004
  • Chicago Community Rallies to Build US Support for Ukraine FOTO/S (NTSh) 12/08/2004

  • Obit: † Juchym Charczenko -/- Відійшов у вічність † інж. ЮХИМ ХАРЧЕНКО (BRAMA) 12/07/2004

  • Ukraine's second runoff election -/- Повторні президентські вибори [СКУ] (BRAMA) 12/06/2004
  • Audio/text: RFE/RL forum on Ukraine elections, November 30, 2004, with Orest Deychakiwsky (Helsinki Commission) and Jennifer Windsor (Freedom House) (BRAMA) 12/06/2004
  • Ivano Frankivsk, Ukraine, December 2004 SLIDESHOW (BRAMA) 12/06/2004

  • Op-Ed: Will We Pass the Democracy Test in Ukraine? By Timothy Snyder (BRAMA) 12/03/2004
  • Op-Ed: An Opportunity for Europe. By Timothy Snyder (BRAMA) 12/03/2004
  • Op-Ed: How to Protect Ukraine's Democratic Revolution. By Timothy Snyder (BRAMA) 12/03/2004

  • Roundtable - without a table FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/02/2004
  • News Roundup, December 2, 2004 (BRAMA) 12/02/2004

  • The Propaganda War Over Ukraine. By Andrew Sorokowski (JD, PhD) (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Ukrainians color London blue, yellow - and orange. By Tony Leliw FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Cage the Russian Circus Bear. By Bishop Paul Peter Jesep Op-ed (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • German party heads send Yushchenko letter of support (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Ukrainian Historical Association protests falsified election results (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Letter from an American to President Kuchma Letter (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • UACC cautions CNN against unbalanced reporting on Ukraine Letter (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Protesters near White House call on Bush to support democracy in Ukraine FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Tie an Orange Ribbon for Democracy - December 2nd/3rd ACTION ITEM (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Ukrainian Australians rallied on the steps of Melbourne’s Parliament House FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • New York area Ukrainians demonstrate support for Ukraine's opposition SLIDESHOW (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Argentine Ukrainians Protest Fraudulent Elections FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Paris Ukrainians rally at the Eiffel Tower for democracy in Ukraine SLIDESHOW (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
  • Lighting the tree of Hope - From Cleveland to Kyiv FOTO/S (BRAMA) 12/01/2004
    [Current Month]
    2006 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2005 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2004 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2003 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2002 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2001 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    2000 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    1999 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]
    1998 - [12] [11] [07]


    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

    Громадське радіо

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    Громадське телебачення

    Facebook Євромайдан

    Facebook Євромайдан

    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

    The Kyiv Post

    День The Day Newspaper

    Експрес онлайн -- Львів

    Voice of America/Голос Америки

    Mirror Weekly/Дзеркало Тижня


    Foto I |  Foto II |  Slideshow

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