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BRAMA, September 18, 2001, 9 am ET

Message from the Ukrainian American Coordinating Committee

On behalf of the Executive Board of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, I want to extend our deepest sympathy to all those affected by last week's tragedies. During a visit to Washington, several years ago, the late Vyacheslav Chornvil, speaking about the Chornobyl disaster, noted that "the radioactive cloud that today drifts over Chornobyl may tomorrow find itself over Washington." This observation spoke of the dangers of nuclear energy, but it may also be understood in the context of the horrific tragedy that has just befallen the United States. If ever we were complacent on the shores of our adopted homeland, this is no longer the case. Let us respond as heroically as we can. As the gamut of emotions from panic, disbelief, dread and anger wave over us, we need to resist the temptation to despair that can beset a people in such times.

We urge all our members and supporters to lend whatever assistance they can, be it by contributing money, donating blood, or consoling those who need our love. One thing all of us can do is offer our prayers for the victims of the heinous crimes that took place, for their families, and for our leaders who need courage and keen discernment to exercise their powers in the best possible way in bringing those responsible for these monstrous deeds to justice.

Ihor Gawdiak,


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