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BRAMA, September 17, 2001, 4 pm ET

A Day of Unforgettable Horror
- Support and Prayers to Our Nation

Sadness, sorrow, and disdain have filled the hearts of the Ukrainian American community as the United States became the target of a massive terrorist attack on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), as a representative organization of the Ukrainian American community, would like to express its deepest sympathies to the victims and the families of those who were affected by the terrorist acts perpetrated upon our nation. We deplore the cowardly act of violence, the faceless nature of terrorist activities, and the inhumanity and complete disregard for human life. Such barbaric acts defy the principles of democracy and humanity, the cornerstone of America and other peace-loving nations throughout the world. It is this call to democracy and the building of a better world that the Ukrainian American community has dedicated its resources and expounded its energy for the last one hundred years of its immigration to "the land of opportunity."

Yet, despite the horror and tragedy we have witnessed, the tremendous resolve of the American people must not be underestimated. The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America commends the massive, swift, and heroic response of emergency personnel, average citizens, and volunteers who have risked, and in some cases, given up their lives to save the lives of their fellow brethren. Sacrificing one’s own life to save the life of another is the greatest gift of human self-worth, respect, and kindness. We, Ukrainian Americans, citizens of the United States, stand behind our local, state and federal governments in their rescue and recovery efforts and pledge our unwavering support to assist the victims and their families during this tragic time in America's history.

The untold numbers of innocent victims and survivors of the terrorist attacks, among them Ukrainian Americans, reminds us as a community to garner our strength and resources to assist those afflicted by this horrific misfortune. In travesties such as this, the world unites, and as such, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America would like to thank our brethren in Ukraine who have also expressed their solemn regrets and sympathies to us as a community dealing with this painful moment in American history. Furthermore, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America urges the Ukrainian American community to aid in the recovery and rescue efforts by donating blood at their local blood bank or volunteering their time. Those who would like to contribute financially to assist the victims and their families may send a check or money order made out to:

UCCA-World Trade Center Relief Fund
c/o Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
203 Second Avenue
New York, New York 10003

America must remain unified during these trying times. We will recover and persevere!
God Bless America!

On behalf of the Executive Board of the
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA),

Michael Sawkiw, Jr.

Marie Duplak
Executive Secretary

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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