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  • The Pot, the Kettle, the Black Stuff (Europipelines) 04/30/2005
  • Photo: Municipal Workers decorate the central Kreshchatik street in Kiev, April 30, 2005. Ukraine will mark the 60th anniversary of the former Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two on May 9. [Hammer and sickle stars!!] (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/30/2005
  • Ukrainian art gets its own N.Y. museum (UPI/Wash Times) 04/30/2005
  • Too-Hot Ukraine Nuclear Plant Shuts Down [reactor No. 2 in western Ukraine's Khmelnitsky] (AP/Yahoo) 04/30/2005
  • Скандал з міністром Зваричем шкодить міжнародному іміджу України (Українська Правда) 04/30/2005
  • Corruption 'A Function of the State' in Kuchma's Ukraine, Expert Says (RFE/RL) 04/30/2005
  • Officials: Local Government Reform Lags in Ukraine (RFE/RL) 04/30/2005
  • Opposition reloaded. Attempt#3 (Ukrainska Pravda) 04/30/2005
  • World must stop the genocide in Chechnya (Kavkaz Center) 04/30/2005
  • Recalling the horror. Immigrant spent childhood in war camps (News-Herald (Michigan)) 04/30/2005
  • The Last Witness Recalls: I Saw Hitler Dead (Deutsche Welle) 04/30/2005
  • Catawba's Cavalier awarded Fulbright Lectureship in Kiev, Ukraine (Salisbury Post) 04/30/2005
  • On this Day: 1563 – Jews expelled from France; 1789 – George Washington inaugurated; 1815 – Kingdom of Poland under Russia; 1945 – Adolf Hitler suicide; 1970 – Richard Nixon - Cambodia; 1973 – Nixon admits bugging Watergate; 1977 – Argentina's Mothers of Plaza de Mayo demand return of disappeared children; 1986 – Soviet government announces that 197 people hospitalised in Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster; 2004 – Ten countries join the European Union bloc... (Sunday Mail) 04/30/2005

  • Gorbachev: Russia won't follow Ukraine (UPI/Wash Times) 04/29/2005
  • Greetings to the Ukrainian community on celebrating the Resurrection of Christ -/- Вітання до Української громади з нагоди Світлого свята Воскресіння Христового [Embassy of Ukraine] (BRAMA) 04/29/2005
  • Нацрада про можливiсть судових позовiв вiд телекомпанiй (VOA) 04/29/2005
  • As Ukraine Watched the Party Line, She Took the Truth Into Her Hands [Natalia Dmytruk] (Wash Post) 04/29/2005
  • Мельниченко: Березовський взяв мільярд з Пінчука, займається рекетом і хоче контролювати Ющенка (Українська правда) 04/29/2005
  • Photo: The jewellery exhibit called 'Divine Lavra' is seen during a presentation in St. Sofia's cathedral in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/29/2005
  • Russian victory festivities open old wounds in Europe (Guardian) 04/29/2005
  • Was Soviet Collapse Last Century's Worst Geopolitical Catastrophe? (RFE/RL) 04/29/2005
  • Essay: More power to your elbow (Financial Times) 04/29/2005
  • Роман Зварич зустрівся з ініціаторами створення політичної партії Пора (Урядовий портал) 04/29/2005
  • Микола Томенко пропонує збільшити кількість якісної української музики в теле- та радіоефірі (Урядовий портал) 04/29/2005
  • Ukraine enhances its presence in UN bodies (Government Portal) 04/29/2005
  • Ukraine's Permanent Representative to UN urges international community to boost financial-technical aid to Ukraine to overcome Chornobyl aftermath (Government Portal) 04/29/2005
  • Контрольовані Пінчуком підприємства згуртуються (УНІАН) 04/29/2005
  • Akhmetov company denies reports it plans to sell its assets (Ukrainian Journal) 04/29/2005
  • Exchange rate and inflationary pressures spark Kyiv demonstrations (Firstnews) 04/29/2005
  • Ukraine’s farmers not sure whether they are moving forward or treading water (Firstnews) 04/29/2005
  • Ukrainian Rabbi Attacked [Zhytomyr] (FJC) 04/29/2005
  • High School science teacher recognized by Amgen for superior skill in education [Dr. Mary Ann Varanka-Martin] (Estes Park Trail-Gazette) 04/29/2005
  • Flat tax revolution sweeps in from Eastern Europe (Independent) 04/29/2005
  • Study finds decline in global press freedom [Ukraine, which had been downgraded to Not Free in the 2003 survey, reversed course following the November 2004 'Orange Revolution' and was upgraded to Partly Free] (Freedom House) 04/29/2005
  • Demjanjuk wants his deportation judge off the case (AP/ONN) 04/29/2005
  • Deputy Prime Minister Bessmertny Presented in Kyiv Model of Administrative-Territorial Reform (UNIAN) 04/29/2005
  • Всю владу - громадам! (VOA) 04/29/2005
  • Чергова криза в Керченськiй протоцi (VOA) 04/29/2005
  • Мельниченко заявляє про фальсифікацію розслідування справи Гонгадзе (VOA) 04/29/2005

  • Уряд створив Національну координаційну раду з питань запобігання та поширення ВІЛ/СНІДу -/- National HIV/AIDS Coordinating Council in Ukraine (Урядовий портал) 04/28/2005
  • UCC applauds Canada’s commitment to Ukraine (BRAMA) 04/28/2005
  • Yushchenko at the Kennedy Library. By Bishop Paul Peter Jesep Op-ed (BRAMA) 04/28/2005
  • Greetings to the Ukrainian Diaspora on the Orthodox Easter -/- Вітання до Української громади з нагоди православного Великодня [UN] (BRAMA) 04/28/2005
  • Ukrainian Easter Traditions (Encyclopedia of Ukraine) 04/28/2005
  • New national credit rating issued for Ukraine (Firstnews) 04/28/2005
  • GUUAM gets new incentive (Azernews) 04/28/2005
  • Blessing the baskets: An Orthodox Easter tradition (Miami Herald) 04/28/2005
  • Ukrainian Easter Bread recipe [Paska] (Miami Herald) 04/28/2005
  • Vital Voices honors Ukrainian Women Civil Society Leaders [Sign-language interpreter Natalia Dmytruk, human rights pioneer (anti-trafficking) Oksana Horbunova, Orange Revolution student organizer Prof. Oksana Yarosh, advisor on gender policy Lyudmila Merlyan] (Website) 04/28/2005
  • Cracks in decaying shell of Chernobyl reactor threaten second disaster (Belfast Telegraph) 04/28/2005
  • Opting for truth over ‘triumph’ (JWR) 04/28/2005
  • Через кілька тижнів в Україні буде представлена Національна програма розвитку села (Урядовий портал) 04/28/2005
  • President Yushchenko proposes to draft Road Map of cooperation between Ukraine and World Bank for 2005 (Government Portal) 04/28/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian protesters shout slogans during a rally in central Donetsk, April 28, 2005. Demonstrators gathered to protest against the social and economic policies of Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and her government. (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/28/2005
  • 'Our People' stand up for Putin (BBC) 04/28/2005
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny goes after Linos shares owned by Russia’s TNK-BP (Ukrainian Journal) 04/28/2005
  • Незгода в українському Чикаго (VOA) 04/28/2005
  • Vital Voices відзначає українських жінок (VOA) 04/28/2005
  • Official Says [Polish] Vatican Priest Was Informer (AP/Yahoo) 04/28/2005
  • Gazprom Lost Its Gas. The Ukrainian Revolution cost the company $3.5 billion (Kommersant) 04/28/2005
  • Уряд Тимошенко отримав оцiнку на «вiдмiнно» (VOA) 04/28/2005
  • Legislative Assembly of Manitoba (Canada) Resolution: Democracy in Ukraine (Website) 04/28/2005
  • President Yushchenko IMF representatives agreed upon drafting comprehensive program of further cooperation (Government Portal) 04/28/2005
  • For Bucks' Fedorov, the 'Idol' beat goes on (Philadelphia Intelligencer) 04/28/2005
  • Chernobyl children seek host families (in UK) (Advertiser) 04/28/2005
  • An Orange Revolution Scenario in Russia: A Possible Export of the Orange Revolution To Its Territory? (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 04/28/2005
  • Українські експерти про перспективу експорту революції (VOA) 04/28/2005
  • Першi сто днiв нового уряду: думки громадян (VOA) 04/28/2005
  • Lowell shares insights with officials from Ukraine [Sponsored by the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation] (Lowell Sun) 04/28/2005

  • Tradition of Easter egg decorating lives on (Fort Frances Times) 04/27/2005
  • False hope and shattered dreams [trafficking] (CBC) 04/27/2005
  • Abrupt shift in hryvna exchange rate spotlights rift in Ukraine’s leadership (Firstnews) 04/27/2005
  • МЗС України занепокоєне арештом українцiв у Мiнську (VOA) 04/27/2005
  • Iноземнi експерти оцiнюють дiї української влади (VOA) 04/27/2005
  • Repatriate from Ukraine Becomes New Miss Israel (Website) 04/27/2005
  • Ukraine or Turkey? European Opinions. Citizens in the EU 'big six' back Kiev ahead of Ankara (Tiscali) 04/27/2005
  • Western Neighbours Keen To Help Transition To Democracy (RFE/RL) 04/27/2005
  • Барабани свободи проти Зварича (ПОРА) 04/27/2005
  • Looking back at Chornobyl in Ukraine [Atanas Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 04/27/2005
  • Photo: Members of Ukraine's National Alliance youth organization burn a portrait of Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko outside the Belarus Embassy in Kiev, April 27, 2005. Demonstrators demanded the release of five Ukrainians who had been detained the day before in the Belarus capital Minsk during a Chernobyl anniversary rally. (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/27/2005
  • Verdict in Khodorkovsky Trial Is Postponed (AP/Yahoo) 04/27/2005
  • Ukraine seeks to revoke ZALK sale to Russian firm (Reuters) 04/27/2005
  • Sick asylum children baffle experts (Reuters) 04/27/2005
  • Reagan's diaries to be published (Reuters) 04/27/2005
  • What does May Day mean to you? (BBC) 04/27/2005
  • Kiev Gets Last Secret Recordings [Gongadze] (AP/Moscow Times) 04/27/2005
  • Belarus/Russia: Chornobyl Rallies Challenge Authorities (RFE/RL) 04/27/2005
  • GUUAM: Ukraine Aspires To Leadership Role In Revitalized Organization (RFE/RL) 04/27/2005
  • Eye on Eurasia: A U.S. patriarch in Kiev? [Dated 4/26/05] (UPI/Wash Times) 04/27/2005
  • Not forgetting Yalta (Radio Polonia) 04/27/2005
  • Ukraine’s Entrance to NATO and EU Not to Hamper Its Relations with Russia – Buteyko (UNIAN) 04/27/2005
  • Ukraine Foreign Ministry Sent Protest Note to Embassy of Belarus Due to Arrest of Five Ukrainian Citizens in Minsk (UNIAN) 04/27/2005
  • Yushchenko wants Ukraine to be energy independent (Interfax-Russia) 04/27/2005
  • Ukraine Will Build Oil Refinery on [Western] Border (AP/Yahoo) 04/27/2005
  • Criminal case opened against former Odesa mayor (Interfax-Russia) 04/27/2005
  • In the enlarged EU, winds of reform blow from the east (AFP/Yahoo) 04/27/2005
  • Chernobyl Disaster Blamed for Cancer Surge in [Korean] Women (Korea Times) 04/27/2005

  • UCCLA response to Globe and Mail report. On War Criminals in Canada and Elsewhere (BRAMA) 04/26/2005
  • Photo: Belarusian police push back demonstrators during a rally to mark the 19th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in downtown Minsk, Belarus, Tuesday, April 26, 2005. Police arrested some 30 opposition protesters including Russians and Ukrainians Tuesday as hundreds rallied to mark the 19th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, in the latest public demonstration to be violently broken up under authoritarian President, Alexander Lukashenko. (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • Police detain protesters at Belarus Chernobyl rally (Reuters/AlertNet) 04/26/2005
  • Too little Western Chernobyl help, says Lukashenko (Reuters/AlertNet) 04/26/2005
  • Мiжнаордна преса про 19-ту рiчницю аварiї на ЧАЕС (VOA) 04/26/2005
  • Український радіоефір чекають змiни? (VOA) 04/26/2005
  • Полiтику Нацбанку загалом оцiнюють позитивно (VOA) 04/26/2005
  • Євросоюз готовий лiбералiзувати вiзовий режим? (VOA) 04/26/2005
  • I знову про полiтреформу (VOA) 04/26/2005
  • Chernobyl shield requires urgent reconstruction - environment expert (Interfax-Russia) 04/26/2005
  • Belarus cursed by Chernobyl (BBC) 04/26/2005
  • Germany: Foreign Minister Under Pressure Over Ukrainian Immigration (RFE/RL) 04/26/2005
  • Yushchenko tells officials that local self-rule must become the priority (Firstnews) 04/26/2005
  • On Chernobyl disaster anniversary, Secretary-General, urges dramatic expansion of development assistance to countries most affected (ReliefWeb) 04/26/2005
  • Ukrainians remember victims of Chernobyl nuclear disaster (AFP/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, front left, and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, front right, take part in a ceremony commemorating the 19th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • Ukraine’s Zenit Carries Spaceway F1 Satellite Into Orbit (Mosnews) 04/26/2005
  • It's bye-bye for Edmonton's Kim Choma as her run ends on the popular TV show The Bachelor (Edmonton Sun) 04/26/2005
  • Photo: Halyna, the wife of a Chernobyl victim, stands near the monument to Chernobyl victims (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko takes part in a ceremony to lay flowers at the 'Chernobyl catastrophe victims' monument in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, left, and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, right, hold flowers as they take part in a ceremony commemorating the 19th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • PM Tymoshenko Calls On to Unite for Overcoming Consequences of Chernobyl Catastrophe (UNIAN) 04/26/2005
  • Chernobyl is still a wasteland 19 years on (IOL) 04/26/2005
  • Today in History - April 26: On April 26, 1986, the world's worst nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl plant in the Soviet Union (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • Chernobyl 19th anniversary commemorated (Sydney Morning Herald) 04/26/2005
  • Chernobyl thyroid cancer detection scheme at risk (Reuters) 04/26/2005
  • Україна вшановує пам`ять жертв Чорнобиля. Від вибуху четвертого реактору постраждали 3 мільйони українців [3 million Ukrainian victims from the meltdown of Chornobyl reactor No.4] (BBC Ukrainian) 04/26/2005
  • Ukrainian leaders pay homage to lost liquidators of Chornobyl disaster (Government portal) 04/26/2005
  • Ukraine/Belarus: Commemorating The Chornobyl Disaster 19 Years On (RFE/RL) 04/26/2005
  • Photo: 1986 aerial view of the Chernobyl nuclear plant (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • Belarus marks Chernobyl disaster (BBC) 04/26/2005
  • Russian Veterans Mark 19th Chernobyl Anniversary With Hunger Strikes (Mosnews) 04/26/2005
  • Ukraine Criticizes Currency Revaluation (AP/Yahoo) 04/26/2005
  • Debate over war crimes gets heated. Ukrainian, Jewish groups disagree over whom Canada should prosecuted [Dated 4/25/05] (Globe and Mail) 04/26/2005
  • Vice Prime Minister Mykola Tomenko urges 'honest and objective' teaching of history (Government portal) 04/26/2005
  • [PPT] “Дорожня карта” Україна–ЄС на 2005 рік: Віце-прем’єр-міністр з питань європейської інтеграції Олег Рибачук [Ukraine-EC Roadmap 2005] (Урядовий портал) 04/26/2005
  • Президент Ющенко скритикував різку зміну курсу гривні (BBC Ukrainian) 04/26/2005
  • Is it time for a British revolution? (Guardian) 04/26/2005
  • Soviet break-up was geopolitical disaster, says Putin (Daily Telegraph) 04/26/2005
  • Rice's List. Is the United States pursuing “regime change” in Belarus? (Transitions Online) 04/26/2005

  • Excuse me, but is that a Ukrainian in the picture? [Veselka] (BRAMA) 04/25/2005
  • Photo: Candles are placed in front of a memorial dedicated to firemen who died after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster during a service in the city of Slavutich (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/25/2005
  • Ветерани не готовi до примирення (VOA) 04/25/2005
  • Проблеми чорнобильцiв напередоднi чергової рiчницi (VOA) 04/25/2005
  • Українськi зеленi подають в суд на мера Омельченка (VOA) 04/25/2005
  • A Changing Business Climate in Ukraine (VOA) 04/25/2005
  • Економiчнi перспективи України очима американського експерта (VOA) 04/25/2005
  • Russia's Putin: Soviet Collapse a Tragedy (AP/Yahoo) 04/25/2005
  • Don't forget us, say Chernobyl victims (Guardian) 04/25/2005
  • Fuel crisis at an end, declares Tymoshenko (Interfax-Russia) 04/25/2005
  • Land of the dead. On April 26 1986, the No 4 reactor at the Chernobyl power station blew apart. (Guardian) 04/25/2005
  • Land Of The Dead. Eyewitnesses Recall the Terrible Human Cost [Chornobyl, Chernobyl] (UNIAN) 04/25/2005
  • Foreign Correspondent (Australia) to air documentary 'Chernobyl Heart' (Sydney Morning Herald) 04/25/2005
  • There's something for everyone in West Town [Ukrainian Village] (Chicago Tribune) 04/25/2005
  • Pope Benedict XVI Blessed Yushchenko and Ukrainian Nation (UNIAN) 04/25/2005
  • Benedict XVI Invites UOC–MP Orthodox Head to Inauguration (RISU) 04/25/2005
  • Kazakh opposition cries foul over rally ban [an attempt to stave off a possible Ukraine-style 'people's revolution'] (Reuters) 04/25/2005
  • Ющенко отримав вибачення за антирекламу в Донецьку (Українська правда) 04/25/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's new Justice Minister Roman Zvarych speaks during an interview with the Associated Press in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, April 14, 2005. Zvarych, 51, was born in New York City into a family of Ukrainian immigrants. In 1993, he surrendered his U.S. passport to adopt Ukrainian citizenship and later went on to win a seat in the Ukrainian parliament. An ally of new President Viktor Yushchenko in parliament, Zvarych was tapped to head the Justice Ministry after Ukraine's Orange Revolution. (AP/Yahoo) 04/25/2005
  • Moscow takes calmer view on destiny of its former satellites (Financial Times) 04/25/2005
  • GUUAM leaders urge Russian withdrawal from Moldova, Georgia (Ukrainian Journal) 04/25/2005
  • Ukrainians Get Jitters Over Rising Hryvna (Moscow Times) 04/25/2005
  • Germany's Fischer Accepts Responsibility Over Visas (Update3) (Bloomberg) 04/25/2005
  • Free visas for Ukrainians (Slovak Spectator) 04/25/2005
  • Shevchenko Apologises To Ancelotti ( 04/25/2005

  • Ottoman massacre of Armenians remembered across Europe [Armenian religious and community leaders headed a cortege of around 1,000 people in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv carrying candles and red carnations.] (AFP/Yahoo) 04/24/2005
  • Trade in AIDS drugs (BBC) 04/24/2005
  • The Presidential Oil and Gas Scheme: Part Two - Gas (Ukrainska Pravda) 04/24/2005
  • Municipalities unprepared to take advantage of those looking to invest in Ukraine (Firstnews) 04/24/2005
  • Photo: Anti-smoking billboard 'Smoking? No time for that!' - Курити? На це нема часу! (Firstnews) 04/24/2005
  • Anti-smoking forces make gains in Ukraine (Firstnews) 04/24/2005
  • Photo: Pope Benedict XVI celebrates his installation Mass in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican; Ukrainian Cardinal Lubomyr Husar at far left (AP/Yahoo) 04/24/2005
  • [Book] Hard questions put to an older brother. He was a member of the S.S., died in Ukraine and left a forbidden diary (SF Chronicle) 04/24/2005
  • Ukrainian's photography exhibit stays close to subjects' reality [Boris Mikhailov] [Ann Arbor News] (Mlive) 04/24/2005
  • [Book review] How do you save your father from a gold-digging Ukrainian with 'superior breasts'? ['A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian' by Marina Lewycka] (Houston Chronicle) 04/24/2005
  • 350,000 in St. Peter's Square (CNN) 04/24/2005
  • The thankless task of promoting democracy [Dated 4/25/05] (IH Tribune) 04/24/2005
  • Migrant women trapped in Europe's sex industry (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/24/2005
  • Clothing drive collects 40 tons [for Ukraine] [Jackson Citizen Patriot] (Mlive) 04/24/2005
  • Chornobyl ( Chernobyl ) remembered: 19 years later: April 26, 1986 (BRAMA) 04/24/2005
  • Children of Chornobyl Canadian Fund continues to send aid -/- Допомога Чорнобилю продовжується (BRAMA) 04/24/2005

  • Court reverses sale of Ukraine steel mill [Kryvorizhstal] (Financial Times) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Taras, 6, a victim of after-effects of radioactive fallout from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Relatives of fire fighters who battled the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster hold portraits of those who perished after extinguishing the blaze, at the power station's reactor, during a rally in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Widows hold photographs of their husbands who died during or as a result of nuclear fallout from the Chernobyl disaster (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Hundreds of Chernobyl survivors rally to demand more compensation (AP/Billings Gazette) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko celebrates his round four knock-out victory over exiled Cuban Eliseo Castillo in Dortmund, Germany (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko is carried on the shoulder of an unidentified team member [Kyiv Mayor Omelchenko!] after his round four knock-out victory (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's boxer Wladimir Klitschko celebrates after winning the heavyweight fight against Cuban boxer Eliseo Castillo (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's boxer Wladimir Klitschko celebrates after winning the heavyweight fight against Cuban boxer Eliseo Castillo, right, in the Dortmund Westphalia hall on Saturday night, April 23,2005 (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's boxer Wladimir Klitschko celebrates after winning the heavyweight fight against Cuban boxer Eliseo Castillo (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's boxer Wladimir Klitschko celebrates after winning the heavyweight fight against Cuban boxer Eliseo Castillo (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko celebrates (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Klitschko Stops Castillo in Fourth Round (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko celebrates his round four knock-out victory (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko (L) is declared the winner (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko (R) walks away after knocking out exiled Cuban Eliseo Castillo (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko (L) delivers a punch to undefeated Cuban Eliseo Castillo (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko (L) delivers a punch to exiled Cuban Eliseo Castillo (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian WBO heavyweight champion Vladimir Klitschko (L) delivers a punch to exiled Cuban Eliseo Castillo (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: Widows hold photographs of their husbands who died during the Chernobyl disaster and its consequences (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005
  • German Khan Not a Lady's Man. TNK-BP capitulates to Ukraine (Kommersant) 04/23/2005
  • Racing All The Way To Moscow. Pyotr Poroshenko passed Yulia Timoshenko (Kommersant) 04/23/2005
  • Photo: A.C. Milan's Ricardo Kaka' of Brazil, right, celebrates with his teammate Andryi Shevchenko of Ukraine after scoring against Parma during Italy major league soccer match at San Siro stadium in Mila (AP/Yahoo) 04/23/2005

  • The Role of the United Nations in American Foreign Policy [Richard C. Holbrooke] (Council on Foreign Relations) 04/22/2005
  • Fighting the Monopolies (Ukrainska Pravda) 04/22/2005
  • Ukraine Surrenders to the Allies (Kommersant) 04/22/2005
  • No Return Point. Ukraine being invited to join NATO is like passing the point of no return (Kommersant) 04/22/2005
  • Photo: Presidents (L-R) Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine, Mikhail Saakashvili of Georgia, Vladimir Voronin of Moldova and Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan speak to media after the GUUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova) summit in Chisinau (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/22/2005
  • New Pope Roomed with Ukrainian Seminarian (RISU) 04/22/2005
  • Orthodox of Ukraine to Have New Saint (RISU) 04/22/2005
  • 150,000 Expected at FJC sponsored Seders across the FSU (RISU) 04/22/2005
  • Ukraine Court Reverses Own Ruling on Illegal Privatization of Steel Giant (Mosnews) 04/22/2005
  • Georgia Denies Delays in Pipeline Project (AP/Yahoo) 04/22/2005
  • A Gasket Sealed. Russia outmaneuvers Ukraine for Turkmen gas – for now (Transitions Online) 04/22/2005
  • Ukrainian Cavers smash world depth record (BBC) 04/22/2005
  • Ukraine divided over language row (BBC) 04/22/2005
  • Ukrainian Prosecutors Reveal Huge Embezzlement of Chernobyl Funds (Mosnews) 04/22/2005
  • Last Appeal of Accused Ohio Ex-Nazi Nixed [John Demjanjuk] (AP/Yahoo) 04/22/2005
  • High court rejects ex-Nazi's extradition appeal [Michael Seifert] (AFP/Yahoo) 04/22/2005
  • Lawyer: Court Cancels Earlier Mill Decision [Kryvorizhstal] (AP/Yahoo) 04/22/2005
  • GUAM Leaders Pledge to Boost Regional Cooperation (Civil Georgia) 04/22/2005
  • Pecherski Court Cancelled Its Resolution on Illegality of “Kryvorozhstal” Privatization (UNIAN) 04/22/2005
  • Embattled Belarus leader visits ally Russia (Reuters) 04/22/2005
  • Ukraine joins Australian-led group against chemical and biological weapons (AP/Yahoo) 04/22/2005
  • Nato edges towards talks on Ukraine membership (Financial Times) 04/22/2005
  • At NATO Talks, Accord and Discord for U.S. and Russia (NY Times) 04/22/2005
  • [AUDIO] Debut Novel Tackles Ukraine's Dark Political Past [Marina Lewycka discusses her novel, A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian. Dated 4/20/05] (Ukrainian Journal) 04/22/2005
  • Chernobyl child plays the bandula (Japan Times) 04/22/2005
  • Kuchma son-in-law trying to sell assets to Russian companies (Ukrainian Journal) 04/22/2005
  • Turkey turns down Ukraine's request to let oil tankers through strait (Ukrainian Journal) 04/22/2005
  • Ukraine Turns Screws on Russian Oil Firms (Moscow Times) 04/22/2005
  • Стабiлiзацiя цiн на енергоринку (VOA) 04/22/2005
  • В Українi рiзко впав долар (VOA) 04/22/2005
  • Ющенко пропонує вихiд з приднiстровської кризи (VOA) 04/22/2005
  • Ukraine Seeks to Quell Currency Worries [Economics Minister Asks Ukrainians Not to Panic After Currency Revaluation] (AP/Yahoo) 04/22/2005
  • Can Wladimir Klitschko resurrect his reputation? (East Side Boxing) 04/22/2005
  • Ukraine Worked Out Plan of Solving Transdniestrian Conflict (UNIAN) 04/22/2005
  • Vitaly Klitschko Sidelined by Surgery for 5 Months (Moscow Times) 04/22/2005

  • NATO launches 'Intensified Dialogue' with Ukraine (NATO) 04/21/2005
  • Ukrainian President Congratulates New Pope (RISU) 04/21/2005
  • Візит президента Ющенка до Румунії та Молдови (VOA) 04/21/2005
  • Чому не зареєстрували ПОРУ? (VOA) 04/21/2005
  • Трудова Україна хоче стати альтернативою владi (VOA) 04/21/2005
  • Chief Rabbi of Rome Visits Jewish Community of Zhitomir (FJC) 04/21/2005
  • Challenges to the Church. Two experts on Catholicism and religion in Asia and Latin America - Prof. Jose Casanova [aired 4/20/05] (PBS) 04/21/2005
  • Tymoshenko's lawyer denied access to Russian case files (Interfax-Russia) 04/21/2005
  • A Pope for All Catholics (Transitions Online) 04/21/2005
  • Ukraine set to tackle Russian oil companies (Financial Times) 04/21/2005
  • The Presidential Oil and Gas Scheme: Part One - Oil (Ukrainska Pravda) 04/21/2005
  • Ukraine Bank Strengthens Currency (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Ukrainian Billionaire May Be Defector (Forbes) 04/21/2005
  • TNK-BP to cut Ukraine fuel prices as govt probes oil cos for possible collusion (AFX/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • NATO Backs Ukraine on Membership Goal (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Ukraine Gov't Reaches Deal on Gas Prices (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian woman peers through the window at a currency exchange bureau in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko during a brief statement together with Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu at the end of their meeting at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace in Bucharest Romania (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko, right, walks past an honor guard with Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu, left, during the welcoming ceremony at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace in Bucharest Romania (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko, left, looks on as Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu, right, points his finger, during the welcoming ceremony at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace in Bucharest, Romania (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk, left, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov share a toast during a lunch with NATO foreign ministers in Vilnius (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Photo: A general view of the room is shown during a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Vilnius (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasuyk gestures while speaking during a media conference after a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Vilnius (AP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Russia, U.S. Clash Over Belarus 'Dictator' (Reuters) 04/21/2005
  • NATO Offers Ukraine Talks on Membership Goal (Reuters) 04/21/2005
  • Meeting in Lithuania, NATO trumpets ties to Russia, Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 04/21/2005
  • Nato meets in ex-Soviet republic (BBC) 04/21/2005
  • Ukraine’s richest man skips town, runs things by telephone (Ukrainian Journal) 04/21/2005

  • Pastoral Letter of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Beyond the Borders of Ukraine -/- Великоднє привітання духовенству і вірним Святої Української Православної Церкви (BRAMA) 04/20/2005
  • Archbishop Antony (Ukrainian Orthodox Church) sends message of prayerful greetings to His Holiness Benedict XVI (BRAMA) 04/20/2005
  • New Pope Celebrates His First Public Mass (AP/Yahoo) 04/20/2005
  • Benedict XVI: The Pope and His Agenda (L'espresso) 04/20/2005
  • Чорнобильцi хочуть угоди з урядом (VOA) 04/20/2005
  • Вибори-2006: круглий стiл (VOA) 04/20/2005
  • Волков звинувачує нову владу (VOA) 04/20/2005
  • Ukrainian Gov't Probes Russian Oil Cos. (AP/Yahoo) 04/20/2005
  • Prenuptial involving York man thrown out. Ukrainian mail-order bride signed contract under duress (AP/Charlotte Observer) 04/20/2005
  • Bucks contestant shines as 'American Idol' nears another cut. Anthony Fedorov draws praise from most judges. Tonight group will drop to six. (Allentown Morning Call) 04/20/2005
  • Centers reflect changing community (Seattle Times) 04/20/2005
  • The Oil Producers Disobeyed The Order. The Prices for a Fuel in Ukraine Will Not Be Lowered (Kommersant) 04/20/2005
  • Opposition groups fight government over fate of Donetsk boss (Ukrainian Journal) 04/20/2005
  • Experts believe next few months are crucial for Ukraine’s future (Firstnews) 04/20/2005
  • Exporters are worried about losing profits (Firstnews) 04/20/2005
  • Ukraine committee probes oil companies (AP/Business Week) 04/20/2005
  • Will Wladimir Klitschko Fulfill His Potential? (East Side Boxing) 04/20/2005
  • On This Day: 1996 - Ukraine reluctantly confirms, a decade after the Chernobyl disaster, that it will close down the plant by the year 2000 (Herald Sun (Australia)) 04/20/2005
  • When the going gets tough (IH Tribune) 04/20/2005
  • Why Russia is putting Stalin back on to his pedestal (Daily Telegraph) 04/20/2005
  • Head of Nato warns Ukraine of 'long road' to membership (Financial Times) 04/20/2005
  • Doctor shares insight on Ukrainian intrigue (Massachusetts Republican) 04/20/2005
  • Kiev reveals bone marrow trafficking (AP/IH Tribune) 04/20/2005
  • Ukraine President Yushchenko Says Revolution Inspired by Libya (Mathaba) 04/20/2005
  • Rice arrives with new volley of criticism for Russia (AFP/Yahoo) 04/20/2005

  • Transcript of Remarks by President Bush at Dedication of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (USNewswire/Yahoo) 04/19/2005
  • One Ukrainian adoption down, one more to go (South Bend Tribune) 04/19/2005
  • International adoption: Seminar set for May 14 (South Bend Tribune) 04/19/2005
  • Photo: Women's magazines in the shop-window of a news-stall in Kiev. Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, a leader of last year's pro-Western 'Orange Revolution,' made the cover of the Ukrainian edition of Elle magazine, a rare event for a political personality. (AFP/Yahoo) 04/19/2005
  • Prime minister and fashion star: Ukrainian leader appears in Elle [Tymoshenko] (AFP/Yahoo) 04/19/2005
  • Ukraine PM makes Elle front cover (BBC) 04/19/2005
  • Controversial German Cardinal Elected Pope [Joseph Ratzinger, 78, the Church's 265th pontiff, will take the name of Benedict XVI; leader of the world's 1.1 billion Roman Catholics] (Reuters) 04/19/2005
  • Pipeline from Odessa to Brody Offers Chance for EU to Diversify its Energy Supply [Wall Street Journal Europe] (SEEurope) 04/19/2005
  • Drunken sailor fined (Evening Star) 04/19/2005
  • President Yushchenko Comments on Ukrainian-Russian Relations [RIA Novosti] (NY Jewish Times) 04/19/2005
  • Commentary: Did Russia defeat Hitler? (World Peace Herald) 04/19/2005
  • 53 Jewish Veterans Put on Tefillin in Donetsk Synagogue (FJC) 04/19/2005
  • Ukrainian government bans crude oil exports this year (III/AFX) 04/19/2005
  • Chamber judgments concerning Ukraine (ECHR) 04/19/2005
  • A visit from the Ukraine. Principals touring CAHS find school challenges are similar (Cheboygan Tribune) 04/19/2005
  • Govt Adopted Measures to Implement Ukraine-EU Plan of Actions (UNIAN) 04/19/2005
  • Russia Violated Agreements on Stay of Russian Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine – Foreign Ministry of Ukraine (UNIAN) 04/19/2005
  • Transport Minister Chervonenko Offended with Statements of Prime Minister Tymoshenko (UNIAN) 04/19/2005
  • Criminal group trading in human tissue uncovered in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 04/19/2005
  • Ukraine backs UN commission's non-interference resolution (Interfax-Russia) 04/19/2005
  • Georgian PM: Uzbekistan Rejects to Participate in GUUAM Summit [Uzbekistan has consistently ignored the GUUAM] (Civil Georgia) 04/19/2005
  • Three senior police officers in custody over journalist murder (Ukrainian Journal) 04/19/2005
  • Boyfriend Row, Candles Led to Paris Hotel Blaze (Reuters) 04/19/2005
  • Омельченко хоче об'єднати Київ з областю і зробити з них Фінляндію (УНІАН) 04/19/2005
  • 60th Anniversary of Handshake That Made History [April 25, 1945 - Soviet soldiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front] (USDOS) 04/19/2005
  • Regime Change On The Cheap (RFE/RL) 04/19/2005
  • Greece crash kills man, 21 [Aleksandr Klepanchuk] (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle) 04/19/2005

  • Ukraine, Russia Spar Over Turkmen Gas. By Roman Kupchinsky (RFE/RL) 04/18/2005
  • Cashing In on Color Revolution (Moscow Times) 04/18/2005
  • Naval Retreat. Ukraine intends to get rid of the Black Sea Fleet (Kommersant) 04/18/2005
  • Chernobyl NPP's debt totals 30Mln hryvni (Interfax-Russia) 04/18/2005
  • Anger at use of foetuses for 'beauty' [Pregnant women and girls in Ukraine are reportedly being offered up to £100] (Daily Mail) 04/18/2005
  • On this day in 1988: 'Ivan the Terrible' guilty of war crimes [John Demjanjuk] (BBC) 04/18/2005
  • Ukraine visa update -/- Про візи... (BRAMA) 04/18/2005
  • Parishioners have faith in Cardinal Husar (Capital News 9) 04/18/2005
  • Cardinals Begin Secret Talks to Elect Pope (AP/Yahoo) 04/18/2005
  • Photo: U.S. Cardinal Michael Edward Egan, left, and Ukraine's Cardinal Lubomyr Husar attend a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican (AP/Yahoo) 04/18/2005
  • Colourful lives of the Orange shortlist novelists [A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian, a farcical debut novel by Marina Lewycka] (Daily Telegraph) 04/18/2005
  • U.S., British Authors Vie for Orange Prize [Briton's Marina Lewycka's darkly comic family saga, 'A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian,' a contender for the $57,000 prize.] (AP/Yahoo) 04/18/2005
  • Ukrainian sisters begrudge their dad's 36-year-old wife [Marina Lewycka's 'A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian'] (Detroit Free Press) 04/18/2005
  • Refugee daughter is Orange nominee [Marina Lewycka's 'A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian'] (PA/Yahoo) 04/18/2005
  • Six writers vie for Orange prize [Marina Lewycka has been shortlisted for her debut novel] (BBC) 04/18/2005
  • Міnister Zvarych, Could Be Another Fake Professor? (Ukrainska Pravda) 04/18/2005
  • Ukrainian in Moscow sounds proudly (Ukrainska Pravda) 04/18/2005
  • Alexander's ragtime brand of fine form [3 Stars for the Ukrainian Museum in NYC] (NY Post) 04/18/2005
  • Yushchenko Wants Analysis of Previous Deals (AP/Yahoo) 04/18/2005
  • Goddess of Revolution who makes Russians see red [Tymoshenko] (Glasgow Herald) 04/18/2005
  • Rivals jockey for position in Ukraine mobile market (Financial Times) 04/18/2005
  • Stocks expected to rise after govt pledge on privatizations (Ukrainian Journal) 04/18/2005
  • Прямий ефiр з послом США Гербстом (VOA) 04/18/2005
  • Ющенко закликає до змiн у приватизацiї (VOA) 04/18/2005
  • Yushchenko Has Introduced Semeniuk to SPFU [State Property Fund of Ukraine] (UNIAN) 04/18/2005
  • Two miners brought to safety in Ukraine (IOL) 04/18/2005
  • Soviet Hatred Still Simmers in Poland (AP/Yahoo) 04/18/2005
  • A Point of View [Ferdinand Mount, wrote the other day that...(t)he whole business looks as furtive as a Ukrainian gang master assembling a task force of illegal immigrants.] (BBC) 04/18/2005
  • Surgery for Klitschko; Title Defense Postponed Again (Reuters) 04/18/2005
  • Police Hold Woman Over Deadly Paris Hotel Fire [About 50 people injured, including...Ukrainian nationals.] (Reuters) 04/18/2005
  • Video clip of banquet in honor of President Viktor Yushchenko in Washington DC, April 6 (by (BRAMA) 04/18/2005

  • Photo: President Viktor Yushchenko and Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko plant a tree Sunday, April 17, 2005, in Kiev's Park of Glory on Ecology Day (AP/Yahoo) 04/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian death camp survivor Petro Dontsov stands in front of the main building of the former Nazi concentration camp in Sachsenhausen near the German capital Berlin, April 17, 2005. Survivors of the Nazi death camp Sachsenhausen will gather this Sunday to mark the 60th anniversary of the camp's liberation in 1945 and remember the victims of the Holocaust. (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/17/2005
  • Beauty salons fuel trade in aborted babies. Racketeers pay Ukraine women to sell foetuses to quack clinics for £10,000 courses of 'anti-ageing' jabs (The Observer) 04/17/2005
  • Iraqi troops tighten cordon on besieged town (AFP/Yahoo) 04/17/2005
  • Oleksander Turchynov: The order to crush the revolution came with Kuchma’s consent. The land forces though, were ready to switch to the side of the people. (Ukrainska Pravda) 04/17/2005
  • Kremlin hints at reprisal if faced with revolution (Sunday Herald) 04/17/2005
  • Jafza targeting industrial sectors in Ukraine - UAE (Khaleej Times) 04/17/2005
  • Sex Ring [Russian and Ukrainian women lured to Barbados with promises of quick money in legitimate jobs but, once in the island, were being forced to work as prostitutes] (Barbados Nation) 04/17/2005

  • Photo: Jevgenija Wasiljeva Romanova from the Ukrainian city of Charkov, a survivor of the Ravensbruek, Nazi concentration camp in eastern Germany, takes the hand of a female figure part of a memorial monument at the former camp on Saturday, April 16, 2005. More than 500 survivors of the Ravensbruek concentration camp return this weekend to commemorate the victims of the Nazi terror regime, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the camp in April 1945. (AP/Yahoo) 04/16/2005
  • Party calls for resignation of Ukrainian Minister of Justice (Roman Zvarych) (BRAMA) 04/16/2005
  • Steel Mill May Stay in Ukraine's Hands [Kryvorizhstal] (AP/Yahoo) 04/16/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko involved in missile sales to China, Iran: opponent (AFP/Yahoo) 04/16/2005
  • Appeal to all those who care. Chornobyl bazaar benefit -/- ЗВЕРНЕННЯ ДО ВСІХ НЕБАЙДУЖИХ (BRAMA) 04/16/2005
  • Fantastic gore. Mario Bava's The Mask of Satan (1960) [Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) grew up in Ukraine...] (Guardian) 04/16/2005
  • Library's digitization project to highlight immigrants to Northeast Missouri. Library seeking photographs of Ilasco to use in collection (Hannibal Courier-Post) 04/16/2005
  • Trenton visit on agenda of former Soviet leader Gorbachev (NY Newsday) 04/16/2005
  • Tymoshenko not negotiating criminal case closure with Russia (Interfax-Russia) 04/16/2005

  • An Unorthodox Orthodoxy (National Review) 04/15/2005
  • Ukraine Seeks Equality With Russia (AP/Yahoo) 04/15/2005
  • Чергове скорочення українських миротворцiв в Iраку (VOA) 04/15/2005
  • Зiнченко пропонує референдум з полiтреформи (VOA) 04/15/2005
  • Observers from Ukraine, Serbia, Russia to observe British election: newspaper (AFP/Yahoo) 04/15/2005
  • Chango Spasiuk - This Is the Sound of Globalization (NY Times) 04/15/2005
  • Ukraine demands Russian respect (BBC) 04/15/2005
  • Paris Hotel Fire Kills at Least 20 (AP/Yahoo) 04/15/2005
  • Pora organization demands dismissal of Ukrainian justice minister [Zvarych] (Interfax-Russia) 04/15/2005
  • Bars before eleven [(T)here's still the Sly Fox (formerly 'Lys Mykyta'), a.k.a. the Ukrainian Bar on 140 2nd Avenue...] (Washington Square News) 04/15/2005
  • New Ukrainian Museum casts Archipenko in a new light (Villager) 04/15/2005
  • Yushchenko Vows to Safeguard Media Rights (AP/Yahoo) 04/15/2005
  • 136 Peacekeepers Return from Iraq to Ukraine (UNIAN) 04/15/2005
  • Photo: Nataliya Katerynchuk, editor-in-chief of Ukraine's NTN television, talks about the station's current battle for survival in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 04/15/2005
  • Tymoshenko Claims She Canceled Her Visit to Russia, Expecting RF to Get Rid of its “Elder Brother” Complex (UNIAN) 04/15/2005
  • No plans to prolong Russian fleet's stay in Ukraine past 2017 - Tarasyuk (Interfax-Russia) 04/15/2005
  • Yushchenko puts [Microsoft CEO Bill] Gates in Ukrainian investment council (Interfax-Russia) 04/15/2005
  • Ukraine embraces its 'new attitude' (Wash Times) 04/15/2005
  • Photo: A fire swept through a central Paris hotel used by immigrants and tourists on Friday, killing at least 20 people including 10 children, police said. About 50 people were also injured, including U.S...and Ukrainian nationals (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/15/2005

  • Київ прибули предстаники Березовського (VOA) 04/14/2005
  • Additional Material Given to Ukraine Prosecutors in Gongadze Case (VOA) 04/14/2005
  • Перспективи трудової мiграцiї українцiв (VOA) 04/14/2005
  • Спiвробiтники «Бiлого лебедя» критикують слiдчi органи (VOA) 04/14/2005
  • Тимошенко спростовує повiдомлення про свою вiдставку (VOA) 04/14/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, Lebanese Cardinal Nasrallah Pierre Sfeir and Syrian Cardinal Ignace Moussa I Daoud attend a mass at St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/14/2005
  • Photo: Cardinal Pierre Sfeir Nasrallah, Patriarch of the Antioch for Maronites, and Cardinal Lubomyr Husar from Ukraine celebrate a Mass for Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican (AP/Yahoo) 04/14/2005
  • Photo: Cardinal Lubomyr Husar from Ukraine walks past next to Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli as he leaves St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican after a Mass for Pope John Paul II (AP/Yahoo) 04/14/2005
  • MFA of Ukraine comments on the issue of observation of human rights as a key element of Ukraine's present-day foreign policy -/- Коментар МЗС України щодо питання дотримання прав людини як одного з ключових елементів зовнішньої політики України на сучасному етапі (BRAMA) 04/14/2005
  • Obit: † MARIAN KOUZAN, Composer (BRAMA) 04/14/2005
  • Great Expectations (Transitions Online) 04/14/2005
  • Ukraine PM to stay despite economy woes - Yushchenko (Reuters) 04/14/2005
  • Президент Ющенко скритикував уряд (BBC Ukrainian) 04/14/2005
  • Interpol Suspends Warrant for Ukrainian Premier (RFE/RL) 04/14/2005
  • Ющенко: візит Тимошенко до Москви потрібен (BBC Ukrainian) 04/14/2005
  • Ukraine PM calls off Russia trip (Financial Times) 04/14/2005
  • Leader halts trip over arrest fears: Yuliya Tymoshenko of Ukraine was enraged to discover that she was on Russia’s wanted list (The Times) 04/14/2005
  • Ukraine PM cancels visit to Russia (Guardian) 04/14/2005
  • Демарш Тимошенко (Львівська газета) 04/14/2005
  • «Весняно-польові» дипломатичні роботи (День) 04/14/2005
  • Абсурдна заява (Львівська газета) 04/14/2005
  • Hungary PM urges EU membership for Croatia, Ukraine (Reuters) 04/14/2005
  • Юрій Луценко: «Дійде черга і до Кучми…» (Високий замок) 04/14/2005
  • Луценко не виключив справи проти Ющенка (BBC Ukrainian) 04/14/2005
  • Photo: Borys Kolesnikov, a regional official from eastern Ukraine, stands in a cage in a Kiev court. A Kiev court on Thursday turned down a request to release the regional leader whose arrest sparked allegations that Ukraine's new government was persecuting its political opponents (AP/Yahoo) 04/14/2005
  • Суд відхилив апеляцію Колесникова (BBC Ukrainian) 04/14/2005
  • Погрози про замінування в Києві (Deutsche Welle) 04/14/2005
  • Корупція на Харківщині (Deutsche Welle) 04/14/2005
  • Letter: Yushchenko must stay firm in plan to end corruption (Financial Times) 04/14/2005
  • Сторони обвинувачення (BBC Ukrainian) 04/14/2005
  • Смерть Гонгадзе — драбина до влади? Чи причетне до загибелі журналіста головне кланове угруповання України, що утвердилося в 2000 році (Україна молода) 04/14/2005
  • Photo: Yuri Felshtinsky and Alex Goldfarb, representatives of Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky, give a press conference in Kiev. The two associates of Berezovsky handed over evidence to Ukrainian prosecutors Thursday that they said could link former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma with the killing of a journalist five years ago (AP/Yahoo) 04/14/2005
  • 'Для мене дуже важливо те, що відбувається в Україні'. Розмова з Борісом Бєрєзовскім (Львівська газета) 04/14/2005
  • Міністр Зварич – ще один проФФесор? (Українська Правда) 04/14/2005
  • 'Я й тепер не пропущу жодної симпатичної жінки'. Розмова з Геннадієм Удовенком (Львівська газета) 04/14/2005
  • Video shows hostage begging for life and for US to quit Iraq (Guardian) 04/14/2005
  • Спочатку протестували, тепер розплачуються... (Deutsche Welle) 04/14/2005
  • Важко бути українцем у Криму (Deutsche Welle) 04/14/2005
  • OSCE and IOM organize seminar for consular officials in Ukraine on human trafficking (OSCE) 04/14/2005
  • Біла пляма на мирному атомі: Україна спроможна розпочати власний ядерно-паливний цикл (Україна молода) 04/14/2005
  • Ukraine's Avto-ZAZ takeover of Daewoo-FSO expected next week - Polish minister (AFX/Yahoo) 04/14/2005
  • Telenor in dispute over Russian bid plan (Financial Times) 04/14/2005
  • New Museum Opens on a Foundation of Modernism (NY Times) 04/14/2005
  • Ukrainian pianist Alexander Gavrylyuk wins Rubinstein competition (Ha'aretz) 04/14/2005
  • Crimean Muslims Demand Return of Land (RISU) 04/14/2005
  • Ukrainian president orders return of Kiev synagogue (Canadian Jewish News) 04/14/2005
  • Німецький посол в Україні за полегшення візового режиму (Deutsche Welle) 04/14/2005

  • Association for the Study of Nationalities 10th Annual World Convention - April 14-16 SPECIAL (BRAMA) 04/13/2005
  • Yushchenko, Chumachenko, Klitschko in Washington DC (by VIDEO (BRAMA) 04/13/2005
  • Ukraine's PM delays Moscow trip (BBC News) 04/13/2005
  • Ukraine PM Puts Off Visit to Russia (Reuters) 04/13/2005
  • Ukraine's PM Cancels Moscow Visit (AP/Yahoo) 04/13/2005
  • Arrest fears force Ukraine's 'iron lady' to cancel Moscow trip (Daily Telegraph) 04/13/2005
  • Юлія Тимошенко скасовує візит до Москви (BBC Ukrainian) 04/13/2005
  • Вiзит Тимошенко до Росiї скасовано (VOA) 04/13/2005
  • Тимошенко не їде в Москву. Через поле чи прокурора? (Українська Правда) 04/13/2005
  • Russia extends term of hard-line prosecutor (Reuters) 04/13/2005
  • Енергетичний маневр Путіна (День) 04/13/2005
  • Російські експерти - проти євроінтеграції України (BBC Ukrainian) 04/13/2005
  • Україні час планувати вступ до НАТО і ЄС - Вальоніс (BBC Ukrainian) 04/13/2005
  • Україна-НАТО -- якi перспективи? (VOA) 04/13/2005
  • Новини у справi Колесникова (VOA) 04/13/2005
  • Прокуратурі буде важко дістатися до колишніх можновладців (Deutsche Welle) 04/13/2005
  • Пукач убив Гонґадзе? (Львівська газета) 04/13/2005
  • 'Певний період міліція та СБУ стежили за Гонґадзе 'хором'. Розмова з Віктором Шокіним (Львівська газета) 04/13/2005
  • Кримінальна чи політична? (Українська Правда) 04/13/2005
  • Ukraine's Orange Revolution (NY Times) 04/13/2005
  • Poland sets date for Iraq pullout (IH Tribune) 04/13/2005
  • Putin's promise: The world must hold the Russian leader to his pledge to quit in 2008 (The Times) 04/13/2005
  • Putin rules out third term as president (Financial Times) 04/13/2005
  • Why make an enemy of Russia? (IH Tribune) 04/13/2005
  • Soft Power Politics (Moscow Times) 04/13/2005
  • Yushchenko to shut TransDnistrian border (Ukrainian Journal) 04/13/2005
  • Greetings From Mexistan (Wash Post) 04/13/2005
  • Хай слово мовлено інакше... (BBC Ukrainian) 04/13/2005
  • Полювання у ДУСІ привілеїв (BBC Ukrainian) 04/13/2005
  • «БРУДстрах»: Генпрокуратура України з'ясовує, куди поділися наші гроші, сплачені у Фонди обов'язкового соціального страхування (Україна молода) 04/13/2005
  • Schröder and Putin agree on Baltic pipeline (IH Tribune) 04/13/2005
  • Ukraine president concerned over inflation, growth (Reuters) 04/13/2005
  • Ukraine April inflation unlikely to slow-minister (Reuters) 04/13/2005
  • Protests batter Ukraine's economy (BBC News) 04/13/2005
  • Steel and mining business group calls off anti-government meeting (Ukrainian Journal) 04/13/2005
  • Vimpelcom owners clash over court ruling, Ukraine (Reuters) 04/13/2005
  • Telenor vows to repel 'assault' on Vimpelcom (Reuters) 04/13/2005
  • Vimpelcom moves closer to Ukraine expansion (Reuters) 04/13/2005
  • Beating the Blues, Keeping the Orange Faith (Moscow Times) 04/13/2005
  • Мегазірка з Кривого Рогу: чому Володимир Малахов не любить, коли в класі є сторонні (День) 04/13/2005
  • Greek Catholic Donetsk Bishop Responds to Orthodox 'Proselytism' Accusations (RISU) 04/13/2005
  • Хресна дорога «агентів Ватикану»: 11 квітня 1945 року почалася Голгофа греко-католиків України (Україна молода) 04/13/2005

  • Junior Achievement Ukraine recognizes young entrepreneurs and future leaders (BRAMA) 04/12/2005
  • Banquet in honor of Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine, in Washington, DC (April 6 2005) SLIDESHOW (BRAMA) 04/12/2005
  • Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine, greeted by crowd at Taras Shevchenko monument in Washington, DC (April 6 2005) SLIDESHOW (BRAMA) 04/12/2005
  • Сприйняття України змінилося - польський експерт (BBC Ukrainian) 04/12/2005
  • 'Звісно ж, ми ввійдемо до Євросоюзу'. Розмова з Віктором Ющенком (Львівська газета) 04/12/2005
  • Президент Ющенко: Україна буде у Європі (BBC Ukrainian) 04/12/2005
  • «Ще не вмерла...» і знову жива: Віктор Ющенко в Польщі відкрив Рік України і капличку на могилі композитора Гімну України Михайла Вербицького (Україна молода) 04/12/2005
  • Олександр Турчинов: Наказ придушити революцію давався з посиланням на Кучму. Але на бік народу були готові перейти Сухопутні війська (Українська Правда) 04/12/2005
  • Колесникову висунуть нові звинувачення? (BBC Ukrainian) 04/12/2005
  • Ющенко коментує справу Колесникова (VOA) 04/12/2005
  • Arrest sharpens Ukraine political divide (Financial Times) 04/12/2005
  • Politician’s Arrest Galvanizes Opposition (RFE/RL) 04/12/2005
  • Шокова терапія: Борис Колесников залишається у тюрмі. Влада обіцяє нові арешти, опозиція намагається протидіяти (Україна молода) 04/12/2005
  • Оскарженню підлягає? (BBC Ukrainian) 04/12/2005
  • Суркіс побував у МВС. Хто наступний на допит? (Українська Правда) 04/12/2005
  • Ласкаво просимо на допит! (Високий замок) 04/12/2005
  • 'Я не Янукович і не вмію брехати'. Розмова з Юрієм Луценком (Львівська газета) 04/12/2005
  • Далекі джерела фонду Леоніда Кучми (BBC Ukrainian) 04/12/2005
  • Bush joins Martha Stewart on 'Time 100' list (Reuters) 04/12/2005
  • A Breakthrough in Ukraine-U.S. Relations (День) 04/12/2005
  • Антон Бутейко: «Кожна влада має хвороби росту» (Високий замок) 04/12/2005
  • Wave of protest challenges Putin (Guardian) 04/12/2005
  • The Next Act in Central Asia's Transition Drama (Moscow Times) 04/12/2005
  • The Ripening of the Orange Revolution (День) 04/12/2005
  • Iнтрига з реєстрацiєю «Пори» триває (VOA) 04/12/2005
  • Експерти оцiнюють об`єктивнiсть українських новин (VOA) 04/12/2005
  • Телебачення прихильне до нового президента (Deutsche Welle) 04/12/2005
  • На 'Зеніті' - до Марсу (BBC Ukrainian) 04/12/2005
  • Hedge funds bet on Ukraine's future in EU (Reuters) 04/12/2005
  • Scrambling to halt gas price hikes, govt targets refineries, retailers (Ukrainian Journal) 04/12/2005
  • План Тимошенко може приголомшити. Не тільки олігархів (День) 04/12/2005
  • Уряд виправдовується. Багаті плачуть (BBC Ukrainian) 04/12/2005
  • Huge oil pipeline projects turns into reality (EU Observer) 04/12/2005
  • Russia SUAL says buys Ukraine's aluminium smelter (Reuters) 04/12/2005
  • Оксана Білозір: «У мистецтві не можна проводити реформи» (День) 04/12/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski talk during a welcoming ceremony in Warsaw (AP/Yahoo) 04/11/2005
  • Poland backs Ukraine talks on EU accession: Kwasniewski (AFP/EU Business) 04/11/2005
  • Polish president offers support for Ukraine EU entry; says could take a decade (AP/Kyiv Post) 04/11/2005
  • Ukraine president to thank Poland (BBC News) 04/11/2005
  • Віктор Ющенко у Польщі (BBC Ukrainian) 04/11/2005
  • Розпочинається візит президента України до Польщі (Deutsche Welle) 04/11/2005
  • Tymoshenko accuses pro-Russian opposition of politicizing criminal case against regional leader (AP/Kyiv Post) 04/11/2005
  • МВС запрошує для свідчень (BBC Ukrainian) 04/11/2005
  • Скандал навколо Колесникова розростається (VOA) 04/11/2005
  • Арешт Бориса Колесникова- протести тривають (BBC Ukrainian) 04/11/2005
  • Cops vs Gangsters: Episode One (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/11/2005
  • The Second Start (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/11/2005
  • 'Слід бути оптимістом, оскільки НАТО дає позитивні сигнали'. Розмова з Мішелем Дюре (Львівська газета) 04/11/2005
  • 'Для Заходу Україна виникла як політичний фактор у дні Майдану'. Розмова з Віталієм Портниковим (Львівська газета) 04/11/2005
  • Look whose influence is slipping (The Scotsman) 04/11/2005
  • Олександр Волков: Березовський — мій друг (Галицькі контракти) 04/11/2005
  • Russia and US reach OSCE deal (Financial Times) 04/11/2005
  • The last stand for Russia's free press (Guardian) 04/11/2005
  • Kazakhstan: Opposition groups attack new anti-demonstration law (Reuters/AlertNet) 04/11/2005
  • Iran denies buying missiles from Ukraine (ISN) 04/11/2005
  • The Fight Over Licenses (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/11/2005
  • Beleagured Abramov learns daughter imprisoned in Ukraine (Great Falls Tribune) 04/11/2005
  • Ukraine unveils steps to meet inflation target (Reuters) 04/11/2005
  • Ukraine says has oil supplies for pipeline to EU (Reuters) 04/11/2005
  • Ukraine mulls new refinery if pipeline plan fails (Reuters) 04/11/2005
  • BASF, Gazprom in gas exploration, pipeline deal (Reuters) 04/11/2005
  • Російсько-німецький контракт - погана новина для України (Deutsche Welle) 04/11/2005
  • Ukraine set to drop barter trade: Kiev plans to pay for gas imports from Russia with dollars (IH Tribune) 04/11/2005
  • Putin Facing a Backlash From Business (Moscow Times) 04/11/2005
  • Non-Privatization Model (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/11/2005
  • Russia's Vimpelcom seeks to buy into Ukrainian firm (Reuters) 04/11/2005
  • Ukrainian Notes Pope's Role in 'Orange Revolution' (Zenit) 04/11/2005
  • Український контекст соціогуманізму Папи (II) (Львівська газета) 04/11/2005
  • Photo: Nazi concentration camp survivor Petro Mischtschuk, 78, from Ukraine, walks with the Ukrainian flag during the commemoration ceremonies for the 60th anniversary of the liberation of former Nazi concentration camp Mittelbau-Dora (AP/Yahoo) 04/11/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Nazi concentration camp survivor Petro Mischtschuk, 78, walks with an Ukrainian flag during the commemoration ceremonies for the 60th anniversary of the liberation of former Nazi concentration camp Mittelbau-Dora (AP/Yahoo) 04/11/2005
  • Photo: Nazi concentration camp survivor Petro Mischtschuk, 78, from Ukraine, places a white rose at the monument for the inmates during the commemoration ceremonies for the 60th anniversary of the liberation of former Nazi concentration camp Mittelbau-Dora near Nordhausen (AP/Yahoo) 04/11/2005
  • Buchenwald still deals out pain (The Scotsman) 04/11/2005

  • Photo: German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder embraces concentration camp survivor Petro Mischtschuk from Ukraine during a ceremony to mourn the victims of the Holocaust at the former Buchenwald Nazi death camp near the eastern German town of Weimar (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Photo: Former Buchenwald concentration camp inmate Petro Mischtschuk from Ukraine stands on the site where the barracks in which he was incarcerated stood, during ceremonies to mark the 60th anniversary of the camp's liberation, in Weimar (AFP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Photo: 78-year old concentration camp survivor Pedro Mischtschuk from Ukraine holds a Ukrainian national flag during a memorial service in the former concentration camp of Buchenwald near Weimar (AP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Photo: 78-year-old survivor Petro Mischtschuk from Ukraine holds a Ukrainian national flag during a memorial event in the former concentration camp Buchenwald near Weimar (AP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Photo: 78-year-old survivor Petro Mischtschuk from Ukraine holds a Ukrainian national flag during a memorial event in the former concentration camp Buchenwald (AP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine Nazi concentration camp survivor Petro Mischtschuk, 78 years old, kneels with a red rose in his hand in front of the camp entrance at the former Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald (AP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian concentration camp survivor Petro Mischtschuk, 78, holds a flag and a red rose at former Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald near Weimar (AP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Photo: Survivors from Ukraine during the official commemoration ceremonies in the former concentration camp Buchenwald near Weimar (AP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • German leader and survivors mark liberation of Buchenwald camp (AFP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Nazi horrors at Buchenwald recalled on anniversary (Reuters/AlertNet) 04/10/2005
  • Bush, Moore, Martha on 'Time 100' Influential List (Reuters) 04/10/2005
  • Politicians, terrorists, sports idols top list of Time's most influential 100 (AFP/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Revealed: the world's most influential people (look away Tony, Becks and Nicole) (Independent) 04/10/2005
  • Арешт Бориса Колесникова: звинувачення і протести (BBC Ukrainian) 04/10/2005
  • Україна нагадала Росії про необхідність виконання договорів щодо Чорноморського флоту (Кореспондент) 04/10/2005
  • Iran Says Will Never Give Up Uranium Enrichment (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/10/2005
  • Іран: Ми не купували ракети в України (BBC Ukrainian) 04/10/2005
  • Чи можливий прорив у питанні тристороннього газотранспортного консорціуму? (Deutsche Welle) 04/10/2005
  • Метан: небезпечна суміш як енергоносій (Deutsche Welle) 04/10/2005
  • 'Помаранчева культура' в найвищій будівлі Європи (Deutsche Welle) 04/10/2005
  • Belly Dancing (NY Times) 04/10/2005
  • Let Fathers Be Fathers (NY Times) 04/10/2005
  • Pride in homeland runs deep for Ukrainian teens (Westchester Journal News) 04/10/2005

  • Photo: Nazi concentration camp survivor 80-year-old Petro Mischuk from Ukraine lays down a flower after a memorial service at the former railway station of the former concentration camp Buchenwald near Weimar (AP/Yahoo) 04/09/2005
  • Protests over Kolesnikov arrest peter out (AP/Kyiv Post) 04/09/2005
  • «Менти» проти «бригади». Перша серія (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • День повалення Ахметова (Українська Правда) 04/09/2005
  • Supporting a free Ukraine (Wash Times) 04/09/2005
  • Другий початок (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • Репутаційний кредит (День) 04/09/2005
  • Another Russian Revolution? (Wash Post) 04/09/2005
  • Azerbaijan: Authorities Counter Burgeoning Opposition Youth Movements (RFE/RL) 04/09/2005
  • Azerbaijan reporters rally calls for media freedom (Reuters/AlertNet) 04/09/2005
  • Kazakh Opposition Leader Attacked (AP/Yahoo) 04/09/2005
  • Чистота частот (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • Модель неприватизації (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • Кабмін, Нацбанк, інфляція та курс (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • «Треба вести мову не про інструменти, а про стратегію...» (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • Украдене щастя Януковича: як Табачник підставив Я. та як зникає Державний архів у Львові (Україна молода) 04/09/2005
  • Оксана Забужко: «Безкнижна нація — бомба, закладена під майбутнє» (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • Фестиваль визнаних героїв (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • Show will highlight Ukrainian artwork (Sarasota Herald-Tribune) 04/09/2005
  • Moscow-Vatican rivalry (BBC News) 04/09/2005
  • Spirit May Be Guiding, but Politicking Is Strong (LA Times) 04/09/2005
  • Giovanni Paolo! (Boston Globe) 04/09/2005
  • Дев'ятиденна скорбота за Папою Римським (BBC Ukrainian) 04/09/2005
  • Похорон великого сина католицької церкви (Deutsche Welle) 04/09/2005
  • Дорога додому (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/09/2005
  • He showed the young how to upend the Republic of Boredom (Daily Telegraph) 04/09/2005
  • Travel news in brief: Ukraine waives visas (Guardian) 04/09/2005
  • The outsider within: In Search of Michael Howard (Guardian) 04/09/2005

  • Photo: Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe sits next to Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko as Britain's Prince Charles looks on during the funeral of Pope John Paul II in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko attends the funeral for Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican (AP/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • Photo: Bishop James Harvey greets Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko for the funeral for the late Pope John Paul II in St Peter's Square at the Vatican (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • Photo: Patriarch Filaret serves a public prayer in Orthodox St. Volodymyr Cathedral in Ukraine's capital Kiev to bid farewell to Pope John Paul II (AP/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • Pope Buried After World Bids Farewell (RFE/RL) 04/08/2005
  • Millions attend Pope's funeral (Catholic World News) 04/08/2005
  • Large Orthodox delegations at Pope's funeral (Catholic World News) 04/08/2005
  • An electric moment (Chicago Tribune) 04/08/2005
  • Прощання з Іваном Павлом Другим (BBC Ukrainian) 04/08/2005
  • World Draws Closer to Honor Pope (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • Планета прощається з папою Iваном Павлом II (День) 04/08/2005
  • 'Дивним чином, молодь завжди горнулася до нього...' Розмова з Блаженнішим Любомиром Кардиналом Гузаром (Львівська газета) 04/08/2005
  • Pope's Dream of Uniting Christianity Goes Unfulfilled (RFE/RL) 04/08/2005
  • John Paul II and Europe's Revolution of Freedom (Der Spiegel) 04/08/2005
  • Суд дав дозвіл на арешт Колесникова (BBC Ukrainian) 04/08/2005
  • Луценко: Обговорення 'справи Колесникова' у парламенті поставило під загрозу життя свідка і його родини (Кореспондент) 04/08/2005
  • Protesters Rally in Support of Arrested Donetsk Head (RFE/RL) 04/08/2005
  • Кримінал, який пахне політикою: затриманого голову Донецької облради Бориса Колесникова підозрюють у вимаганні грошей та ініціації замахів на життя бізнесмена (Україна молода) 04/08/2005
  • День Колеснікова (Львівська газета) 04/08/2005
  • Справа на голову, або Момент істини Ріната Леонідовича (Львівська газета) 04/08/2005
  • US unions call for independent inquiry on journalist deaths in Iraq (AFP/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • Journalists Seek Info on 2003 Iraq Deaths (AP/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • Річниця смерті телеоператора Тараса Процюка (BBC Ukrainian) 04/08/2005
  • Ukraine's U.S.-Born First Lady Shares Husband's Triumph (Wash Post) 04/08/2005
  • США відновили термінову допомогу Україні у $60 млн (Кореспондент) 04/08/2005
  • A Lovely Day for a Stroll: Bill Clinton in His Element (NY Times) 04/08/2005
  • One final Act: Denis MacShane on his contribution to the last hours before the dissolution of parliament (Guardian) 04/08/2005
  • Міністр внутрішніх справ України запропонував амністувати виконавців маніпуляцій під час президентських виборів (Deutsche Welle) 04/08/2005
  • Ющенка отруїли «біобомбою» КДБ? (День) 04/08/2005
  • Has Putin Promised Lukashenka Fair Weather? (RFE/RL) 04/08/2005
  • G7 виділяє Україні додатково $160 млн на об’єкт 'Укриття' (Кореспондент) 04/08/2005
  • EBRD ready to invest 500-600 million euros in Ukraine in 2005: president (AFP/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • EBRD says to double investment in Ukraine in 2005 (Reuters) 04/08/2005
  • Shipments of Turkmen Investment Gas to Ukraine Could Increase (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 04/08/2005
  • Українці стали більше заробляти (Кореспондент) 04/08/2005
  • Дiвчина з «поза Бродвею» популяризує у своєму театрi «Яра» українськi колядки (Україна молода) 04/08/2005
  • Open the floodgates (Expatica) 04/08/2005
  • Illegals with German Visas said in Portugal (Deutsche Welle) 04/08/2005
  • Євросоюз спрощує візовий режим для українців (Кореспондент) 04/08/2005
  • Court rules Checkpoint Charlie exhibit must go (Reuters) 04/08/2005

  • St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, in drawings and verse (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) 04/07/2005
  • EU likely to have 35 members in 10 years time, EU expansion conference hears (AFP/EU Business) 04/07/2005
  • U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership Receives Boost (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 04/07/2005
  • Yushchenko presses U.S. Congress for aid (IH Tribune) 04/07/2005
  • Ukrainian President Appeals to Congress for Aid, Improved Ties (Wash Post) 04/07/2005
  • Ukrainian leader seeks 'partnership' with U.S. (Chicago Tribune) 04/07/2005
  • Yushchenko asks Congress for new aid (Wash Times) 04/07/2005
  • Ukraine chief appeals for more U.S. support (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) 04/07/2005
  • Ukraine seeks NATO ties (Indianapolis Star) 04/07/2005
  • Key Cold War Legislation Still Plays Role in Trade (RFE/RL) 04/07/2005
  • He wears the face of Ukrainian resolve (Boston Herald) 04/07/2005
  • Yushchenko thrills area Ukrainians (Macomb Daily) 04/07/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's Prosecutor General, Svyatoslav Piskun, comments in the parliament on the detention of a provincial governor. Piskun said that Borys Kolesnikov, the governor of the Donetsk region, was detained Wednesday on charges of extortion, abuse of power, fraud and conspiracy to commit murder (AP/Yahoo) 04/07/2005
  • Photo: Demonstrators shout during a protest rally against the detention of Borys Kolesnikov, the governor of the Donetsk region, as they hold his portraits in downtown Donetsk (AP/Yahoo) 04/07/2005
  • Detention of Ukrainian regional governor triggers protests (AP/Kyiv Post) 04/07/2005
  • Луценко щодо затримання Колесникова: 'Яка політика, шановні? Натуральний бандитизм!' (Кореспондент) 04/07/2005
  • Піскун: Обвинувачення в сепаратизмі Колесникову не висувалося (Кореспондент) 04/07/2005
  • Карпачова: 'Справа Колесникова' виглядає як політичне замовлення (Кореспондент) 04/07/2005
  • Затримання Колесникова: Парламент чекає на виступ Піскуна і Луценка (Кореспондент) 04/07/2005
  • Колесникова затримано у справі, яку порушено в лютому (Кореспондент) 04/07/2005
  • Moldova's President Calls For 'Europeanization' (RFE/RL) 04/07/2005
  • The choice is not here (Guardian) 04/07/2005
  • Всесвітній День охорони здоров'я: медицина в Україні (BBC Ukrainian) 04/07/2005
  • World Health Day Report Focuses on 'Invisible Crisis' in Maternal, Infant Mortality (RFE/RL) 04/07/2005
  • Україна планує вийти з ЄЕП (Кореспондент) 04/07/2005
  • Верховна Рада змінила голову Фонду держмайна (Кореспондент) 04/07/2005
  • Ukraine, Turkmenistan Probe Gas Deal (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 04/07/2005
  • Hand in Hand: a gas deal between Ukraine and Turkmenistan may be many chess moves away (Transitions Online) 04/07/2005
  • Millions Mass for Pope as Last Will Released (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/07/2005
  • To Some, the Pontiff Was a Divisive Figure (Chicago Tribune) 04/07/2005
  • A bitter undertone in Russia (IH Tribune) 04/07/2005
  • New EU States to Join Schengen Open-Border Agreement in 2007 (RFE/RL) 04/07/2005
  • Memorial for Kennan Recalls Drama of Cold War Tensions (NY Times) 04/07/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko poses with U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko enters House Majority Leader Bill Frist's office with a bouquet of orange-colored roses given to him by a child after addressing a joint session of Congress (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo., waves an orange scarf, the color supporters of Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko's candidacy adopted during the Orange Revolution that peacefully ousted the Kremlin-backed government, during Yushchenko's speech to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress on Capitol Hill. Also pictured are Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif., and Rep. Marcy Kaptur , D-Ohio (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with U.S. congressmen as he after addressing a joint meeting of Congress (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko greets U.S. lawmakers after addressing a joint session of the U.S. Congress (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gives a thumbs-up U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay applaud, during remarks to a joint meeting of Congress (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko looks on as members of the U.S. Senate and Congress give him a standing ovation, after he addressing a joint meeting of Congress in the House of Representatives chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko addresses a joint meeting of congress as U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay look on (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko addresses a joint meeting of Congress (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko addresses a joint meeting of Congress as U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney looks on in the House of Representatives chamber on Capitol Hill (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko looks on as U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and House Majority Leader Tom DeLay applaud, as Yushchenko prepared to address a joint meeting of Congress (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gives a victory sign as U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney applauds as Yushchenko prepares to address a joint meeting of Congress in the House of Representatives (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko acknowledges the applause of U.S. lawmakers as he addresses a joint session of the U.S. Congress (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko addresses a joint session of the US Congress at the US Capitol (AFP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko acknowledges lawmakers' applause as Vice President Dick Cheney and House Majority Speaker Tom DeLay look on before he addressed a joint session of Congress (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney as Yushchenko arrived to address a joint meeting of Congress (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko is welcomed by U.S. lawmakers as he arrives to address a joint session of the U.S. Congress (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko is greeted by members of Congress on his way to address a joint session of the US Congress at the US Capitol in Washington, DC (AFP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Ukraine looking forward to joining a united Europe, Yushchenko says (Knight Ridder) 04/06/2005
  • US Congress cheers Ukraine leader (BBC News) 04/06/2005
  • Ukraine's president appeals for US economic support (AFP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Yushchenko Pushes for Normal Trade Status with U.S. (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Yushchenko Asks Congress for Economic Aid (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • President Seeks U.S. Help to Strengthen Democracy (RFE/RL) 04/06/2005
  • Yushchenko Calls for Stronger US-Ukraine Relations (VOA News) 04/06/2005
  • Поправка Джексона-Веніка: рудимент 'холодної війни' (Deutsche Welle) 04/06/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko envisions middle course (Chicago Tribune) 04/06/2005
  • Ukrainian president given Profile in Courage Award (Boston Globe) 04/06/2005
  • JFK award for Ukrainian revolutionary (Boston Herald) 04/06/2005
  • The face of Ukrainian freedom (Chicago Tribune) 04/06/2005
  • Майже прорив (День) 04/06/2005
  • Flattering Ukraine's new leader (Cincinnati Post) 04/06/2005
  • Американці своїх «не здають». А українці? (День) 04/06/2005
  • Secrets of journalist's murder cast long shadow over Ukraine's orange revolution (Guardian) 04/06/2005
  • Генпрокуратура перевірить інформацію про причетність Березовського до замаху на Ющенка (Кореспондент) 04/06/2005
  • Ukrainian Prosecutors Summon Regional Governor (RFE/RL) 04/06/2005
  • Затримано голову Донецької обласної ради Бориса Колесникова (BBC Ukrainian) 04/06/2005
  • Триває розслідування справи про сепаратистські дії під час виборів (Deutsche Welle) 04/06/2005
  • Yuschenko Thanks Chicago for Electoral Aid (AP/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • The Orange Revolution (NY Review of Books) 04/06/2005
  • Prosecutors reopen investigation into the death of Chornovil (AP/Kyiv Post) 04/06/2005
  • Зближення України з НАТО (Deutsche Welle) 04/06/2005
  • What Color for Minsk? (TCS) 04/06/2005
  • Shades of orange: Ukraine's small market draws interest in revolution's wake (CBS Market Watch) 04/06/2005
  • Валентина Семенюк: сувора, але справедлива (BBC Ukrainian) 04/06/2005
  • Прорив Архипенка: у Нью-Йорку з’явився новозбудований Український музей (День) 04/06/2005
  • Yad Vashem not displaying Bruno Schulz Holocaust art (Ha'aretz) 04/06/2005
  • Ольга Сумська: «Найгірше для актора — це страх» (Високий замок) 04/06/2005
  • Monarchs, Presidents to Join Faithful at Pope Funeral (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/06/2005
  • Freedom and religion (Lebanon Daily News) 04/06/2005
  • American Pope Highly Unlikely Given Views of Church Leaders (Wash Post) 04/06/2005
  • Despite triumphs, pope leaves behind 2 disappointments (Chicago Tribune) 04/06/2005
  • Ukrainian Orthodox confllicts deepen (Catholic World News) 04/06/2005
  • Authorities seek to deport mother of disabled son (Ha'aretz) 04/06/2005
  • City's dead rise from the snow (The Times) 04/06/2005

  • Jushchenko opens The Ukrainian Museum in New York! (BRAMA) 04/05/2005
  • Ukrainian prosecutor claims confessions in Gongadze case (CPJ) 04/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko gestures during remarks after being given the John F. Kennedy Profile In Courage Award, at the JFK Library in Boston (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Photo: Kateryna Yushchenko, wife of Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko, and Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg listen to Yushchenko's remarks after he was given the John F. Kennedy Profile In Courage Award (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko holds aloft his John F. Kennedy 'Profile in Courage' award during ceremonies at the JFK Library in Boston. Yushchenko, who survived an assassination attempt, was able to overcome alleged election fraud by his opponents and become the leader of Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Photo: Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) present Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko the John F. Kennedy Profile In Courage Award (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko is congratulated by U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) after being given the John F. Kennedy 'Profile In Courage' Award, at the JFK Library in Boston (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko is escorted into the JFK Library by U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., moments before Yushchenko was presented with the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award (AP/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko looks into the hospital room of Nastya Ovchar at the Shriner's Burn Hospital in Boston (AP/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Yushchenko Gets Profiles in Courage Award (AP/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Democracy's hero in Ukraine (Boston Globe) 04/05/2005
  • Yushchenko's courage (Boston Herald) 04/05/2005
  • Ukraine President Yushchenko to Address US Congress (VOA News) 04/05/2005
  • Yushchenko's warm US welcome (BBC News) 04/05/2005
  • Is Kyiv Set to Become a Close U.S. Ally? (RFE/RL) 04/05/2005
  • Ukrainian an 'inspiration' for Bush (IH Tribune) 04/05/2005
  • Нова ера українсько-американського стратегічного партнерства (Deutsche Welle) 04/05/2005
  • Bush Says He Supports Ukraine Joining NATO (AP/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Bush cautious on Ukraine Nato bid (BBC News) 04/05/2005
  • Bush Promises More Help to Ukraine (Wash Post) 04/05/2005
  • Yushchenko wins Bush pledges during US visit (Financial Times) 04/05/2005
  • Bush Pledges to Back Ukraine (LA Times) 04/05/2005
  • Bush, Yushchenko Discuss Ukraine's Iraq Role (RFE/RL) 04/05/2005
  • Bush accepts Ukraine's Iraq withdrawal (Wash Times) 04/05/2005
  • Bush pledges closer links to Ukraine (Houston Chronicle) 04/05/2005
  • Bush, Ukraine's Yushchenko Hail Shared Commitment to Democracy (VOA News) 04/05/2005
  • Президент Ющенко у США (BBC Ukrainian) 04/05/2005
  • Ukrainian President Visits Chicago (AP/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Yushchenko Calls on Ukrainian-Americans to Help Homeland (VOA News) 04/05/2005
  • Ukrainian leader gets red carpet (Chicago Tribune) 04/05/2005
  • Yushchenko thanks Ukrainians here (Chicago Sun-Times) 04/05/2005
  • Чиказькі українці одягають помаранчеве (BBC Ukrainian) 04/05/2005
  • The Bushes Plan to Attend Pope's Funeral, Possibly With Ex-Presidents (NY Times) 04/05/2005
  • Юрій Луценко: «Я поважаю закони, а не концепції» (Сільські вісті) 04/05/2005
  • 'Касетний балаган' (Львівська газета) 04/05/2005
  • 2 Ex-Cops Say They Killed Gongadze (Moscow Times) 04/05/2005
  • Генпрокуратура відновила слідство у справі про загибель Чорновола (Кореспондент) 04/05/2005
  • Borys Tarasiuk: Ukraine Can’t Export Revolution (День) 04/05/2005
  • Why Zimbabwe Is Not Ukraine (CS Monitor) 04/05/2005
  • The Ripening of the Revolution (День) 04/05/2005
  • Владислав Каськів: 'Треба було бачити обличчя людей, які пішли на адміністрацію Кучми. Вони реально готові були померти'… (Українська Правда) 04/05/2005
  • Міськрада Одеси визнала Гурвіца мером (Кореспондент) 04/05/2005
  • «Карусель» для мера: представлені на суді докази фальсифікації виборів мера Одеси в 2002 році передвіщають відставку Руслана Боделана? (Україна молода) 04/05/2005
  • Ukrainian Catholic leader will await Rome's approval for patriarchate (Catholic World News) 04/05/2005
  • Funeral to unite Bush, Blair and Clinton - but Castro will stay away (Independent) 04/05/2005
  • Українська делегація поїде на похорон Папи (BBC Ukrainian) 04/05/2005
  • «Не бійтеся!» (День) 04/05/2005
  • Ода до безрадісності: Іван Павло II був найсвітлішим Папою останнього тисячоліття. Помер не тільки понтифік — померла ціла епоха, яку цей «слов'янський Папа» намагався зробити людянішою (Україна молода) 04/05/2005
  • Що означає ця втрата для європейської цивілізації та християнського світу? (День) 04/05/2005
  • Pope John Paul II was not afraid to meet world's challenges (UExpress/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Keeping the faith (Guardian) 04/05/2005
  • Лист Блаженнішого Любомира до вірних Української Греко-Католицької Церкви з приводу смерті Святішого Отця Івана Павла ІІ (Львівська газета) 04/05/2005
  • British Catholics' mourning is a subdued affair (Daily Telegraph) 04/05/2005
  • Ukrainian 'People Smuggler' Fined (Deutsche Welle) 04/05/2005
  • ЄБРР в Україні: перехід до приватного сектора і портфельних інвестицій (BBC Ukrainian) 04/05/2005
  • Ukrainians Take Steel Deal to Europe Court (AP/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • 'Криворіжсталь' розглядатиме Європейський суд (BBC Ukrainian) 04/05/2005
  • Україна поновила заявку на отримання статусу країни з ринковою економікою (Кореспондент) 04/05/2005
  • Russia's RenCap launches fund, Ukraine-linked notes (Reuters) 04/05/2005
  • Nissan sets up new wholesale company in Ukraine (Kyodo/Yahoo) 04/05/2005
  • Russia Perekryostok grocery chain expands in Ukraine (Reuters) 04/05/2005
  • Хто вирішить 'українське питання'? (Українська Правда) 04/05/2005
  • Литвин проти зміни законодавства про мови (Кореспондент) 04/05/2005
  • Української музики в ефірі вітчизняних радіостанцій побільшає (Кореспондент) 04/05/2005
  • Concert Called Off Amid 'Orange' Talk (Moscow Times) 04/05/2005
  • «Принц» із Берліна (День) 04/05/2005
  • On the Eve of Church Unity? (День) 04/05/2005
  • Українцям не до жартів: одесити встановили пам'ятник російській імператриці (Україна молода) 04/05/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko delivers the keynote address at the Palmer House hotel in Chicago (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley applaud as Yushchenko's wife, Kathy Chumachenko, is introduced at the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (AP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko sends a kiss to the crowd as his wife Kateryna looks on during a keynote address to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (AFP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: U.S. President George W. Bush and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gather with their wives Kathy Chumachenko and first lady Laura Bush following a press conference (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: U.S. President George W. Bush and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gather with their wives Kathy Chumachenko and first lady Laura Bush following a press conference by the leaders at the White House (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: President Bush touches Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko after they held a joint press conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington (AP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: US President George W. Bush reaches to remove the translation ear-piece from Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko following a joint press conference (AFP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks during a press conference with U.S. President George W. Bush in the East Room of the White House (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: First lady Laura Bush and the Ukrainian President's wife Kathy Chumachenko watch President Bush and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko hold a joint news conference in the East Room of the White House, with Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne Cheney (AP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: U.S. President George W. Bush gestures alongside Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during a press conference in the East Room of the White House (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: U.S. President George W. Bush walks past an honor guard with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko to their press conference in the East Room of the White House (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: U.S. President George W. Bush greets Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko in the Oval Office of the White House (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: US President George W. Bush meets with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko in the Oval Office at the White House (AFP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Bush, Ukraine Chief Launch 'Strategic Partnership' (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Bush Outlines NATO Conditions for Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Bush Pledges Economic, Political Aid for Ukraine (Bloomberg) 04/04/2005
  • Bush rolls out red carpet for Yushchenko (AFP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Yushchenko, Bush Proclaim Shared Values in Talks (RFE/RL) 04/04/2005
  • Bush Welcomes Ukraine's Yushchenko to White House (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Bush: U.S. to Bear Burden of Iraq Costs (AP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Ющенко та Буш провели переговори (BBC Ukrainian) 04/04/2005
  • Ukraine president to meet with US counterpart in Washington (AFP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Bush to Welcome Yushchenko to White House (AP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Yushchenko is man with a mission (UPI/Wash Times) 04/04/2005
  • Yushchenko discusses challenges ahead (MSNBC) 04/04/2005
  • Yushchenko's challenges (Boston Globe) 04/04/2005
  • Ukraine visit highlights hope for democracy (CS Monitor) 04/04/2005
  • Yushchenko brings NATO request to Bush (Wash Times) 04/04/2005
  • Візит президента України до США: американські експерти очікують прориву в українсько-американських відносинах (Deutsche Welle) 04/04/2005
  • Presidential visit thrills Ukrainians (Chicago Tribune) 04/04/2005
  • Yushchenko to Visit Ukrainian Girl at Shriners Burns Hospital-Boston (BusinessWire) 04/04/2005
  • Ющенко: вбивці визнали провину (BBC Ukrainian) 04/04/2005
  • Berezovsky Threatens to Open Pandora's Box Created by Fugitive Ukrainian Bodyguard (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 04/04/2005
  • Major Melnychenko’s Catch-22 (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/04/2005
  • Немає в революції кінця (Галицькі контракти) 04/04/2005
  • NSDC Secretary Petro Poroshenko: 'I Would Introduce Special Instructions for Top Officials…' (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/04/2005
  • Петро Порошенко: 'Я можу заспокоїти пана Медведчука, що суд по фальсифікації виборів буде. І не один' (Українська Правда) 04/04/2005
  • Speaking too soon? (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/04/2005
  • Ukrainian Political Parties One Year Before the Parliamentary Elections (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/04/2005
  • Russia Official Warns Against Infighting (AP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Tensions Remain in Putin-Lukashenka Talks (RFE/RL) 04/04/2005
  • Talking about Another Revolution (Transitions Online) 04/04/2005
  • Communist Voronin Wins Second Term as Moldova Head (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Zimbabwe's Enabler (Wash Post) 04/04/2005
  • Egypt opposition in Europe demands Mubarak go (Reuters/AlertNet) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: Twelve of the 117 cardinals who will be taking part in the Vatican Conclave that will elect the next head of the Roman Catholic Church: Cardinals Julian Herranz Casado of Spain, Claudio Hummes of Brazil, Lubomyr Husar of Ukraine, Marian Jaworski of Ukraine, Walter Kasper of Germany, William Henry Keeler of the US, Michael Michai Kitbunchu of Thailand, Bernard Francis Law of the US, Karl Lehmann of Germany, Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez of the Dominican Republic, Alfonso Lopez Trujillo of Colombia and Javier Lozano Barragan of Mexico (AP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Photo: A Catholic prays in front of portrait of Pope John Paul II, who died at the Vatican, at St. Alexander Cathedral in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Прощавайте, Папо! (Українська Правда) 04/04/2005
  • The Great Unifier (NY Times) 04/04/2005
  • Christians, Muslims and Jews united in tribute (The Times) 04/04/2005
  • City braces for 2 million mourners (Guardian) 04/04/2005
  • Наш Папа (Львівська газета) 04/04/2005
  • Львів у жалобі (Львівська газета) 04/04/2005
  • 'Папа був Людиною з великої літери…' (Львівська газета) 04/04/2005
  • Іван Павло ІІ: слова до українців (Львівська газета) 04/04/2005
  • З любов’ю до України (Львівська газета) 04/04/2005
  • Assassination intrigue lives on after Pope (Toronto Sun) 04/04/2005
  • Another domino for the pope (Chicago Tribune) 04/04/2005
  • Local sermons recall pontiff's impact on varied flocks (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) 04/04/2005
  • Obit: Pope John Paul II (Independent) 04/04/2005
  • Obit: Pope John Paul II (The Times) 04/04/2005
  • Obit: Pope John Paul II (Daily Telegraph) 04/04/2005
  • Intelligence agents warn visas still being abused (DPA/Expatica) 04/04/2005
  • Kyiv Eyes Iran's Gas for Use, Transit to Europe (RFE/RL) 04/04/2005
  • Ukraine Asks Turkmenistan to Accept More in-Kind Payments for Gas (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 04/04/2005
  • Україна не розділяє кроків Росії із підвищення мита на нафту (Кореспондент) 04/04/2005
  • E.Europe bank Raiffeisen launches IPO (Reuters) 04/04/2005
  • RZB offer opens door to the east (Financial Times) 04/04/2005
  • The Ukrainian Museum Opens to the Public in New York (Art Daily) 04/04/2005

  • Photo: A believer cries in the Catholic church in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/03/2005
  • Photo: A woman places a candle by a portrait of Pope John Paul II at the Catholic Cathedral of St. Alexander in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 04/03/2005
  • Україна: співчуття і сум за Папою (BBC Ukrainian) 04/03/2005
  • World Remembers Pope As Man of Peace (AP/Yahoo) 04/03/2005
  • Accounts: Pope's Last Utterance 'Amen' (AP/Yahoo) 04/03/2005
  • Іван Павло Другий: Життєвий шлях (BBC Ukrainian) 04/03/2005
  • Pope sought Christian unity, got mixed results (Reuters) 04/03/2005
  • The Church Loses Its Light (Wash Post) 04/03/2005
  • List of Cardinal Electors, Non Electors (AP/Yahoo) 04/03/2005
  • Yushchenko Visit Shows Thaw With U.S. (AP/Yahoo) 04/03/2005
  • Ukrainian President Yushchenko will get a hero's welcome in Chicago (AFP/Yahoo) 04/03/2005
  • Президент України Віктор Ющенко прибуде в неділю з візитом до США (Deutsche Welle) 04/03/2005
  • Chicago awaits homecoming of Ukraine's first lady (Chicago Sun-Times) 04/03/2005
  • Марчук відкидає обвинувачення в організації прослуховування кабінету Кучми (Кореспондент) 04/03/2005
  • What Comes After Rose, Orange and Tulip? (Wash Post) 04/03/2005
  • What Would Happen if Russia Exploded in Protest? (NY Times) 04/03/2005
  • Kyrgyzstan's Shining Hour Ticks Away and Turns Out to Be a Plain, Old Coup (NY Times) 04/03/2005
  • 'Just imagine if Tony could hear me now...' (Sunday Telegraph) 04/03/2005
  • Fury grows at Mugabe’s rigged poll (Sunday Times) 04/03/2005
  • U.S. says Israel must give up nukes (Ha'aretz) 04/03/2005
  • Томенко закликає голосувати за 'Ґринджоли' (Кореспондент) 04/03/2005
  • Putin tries to harness rock against the revolution (Sunday Telegraph) 04/03/2005
  • Books: Through farm tools, a family history (Philadelphia Inquirer) 04/03/2005
  • First novels: Flawed fathers, protesting progeny (Seattle Times) 04/03/2005
  • Is Newly Liberated Kiev the Next Prague? (NY Times) 04/03/2005
  • Putin/Poutine (NY Times) 04/03/2005
  • 'The Great Mortality' (NY Times) 04/03/2005

  • Photo: A woman prays inside a cathedral in Ukraine's western city of Lviv (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/02/2005
  • Photo: Worshippers pray under a huge cross in the centre of Ukraine's western city of Lviv (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/02/2005
  • Pope's Final Moments Included Mass (AP/Yahoo) 04/02/2005
  • New Pope Unlikely to Be From United States (AP/Yahoo) 04/02/2005
  • Who will fill St. Peter's shoes? (Chicago Tribune) 04/02/2005
  • Potential Successors to Pope John Paul II (NPR) 04/02/2005
  • The Papal Transition: An Overview (NPR) 04/02/2005
  • Obit: Pope John Paul II (Guardian) 04/02/2005
  • US unrolls the red carpet for the hero of the orange revolution (AFP/Yahoo) 04/02/2005
  • Україна — США: стратегічне партнерство, інтереси та цінності (День) 04/02/2005
  • Ukraine's First Lady Heading to Chicago (AP/Yahoo) 04/02/2005
  • Справа Гонгадзе: доповідачка ПАРЄ за міжнародну експертизу плівок майора Мельниченка (Deutsche Welle) 04/02/2005
  • «Дим піднімається з фатальної гори...» (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/02/2005
  • Навіщо Березовському плівки Мельниченка? (Високий замок) 04/02/2005
  • Секретар РНБОУ Петро Порошенко: «Я ввів би «темники» для високопоставлених посадових осіб...» (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/02/2005
  • Кабмін — Зварич: ніхто не хотів поступатися. Але уряд «своїх позицій не здав!» (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/02/2005
  • Умовно-дострокова реляція (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/02/2005
  • Меч і щит (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/02/2005
  • Хто і за що, з ким і проти кого? Партії України за рік до виборів (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/02/2005
  • Визрівання помаранчевої революції (День) 04/02/2005
  • Едуард Кукан: «Дійте не поспішаючи» (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/02/2005
  • Молдовська дилема України (Дзеркало Тижня) 04/02/2005
  • Monitoring the Election Monitors (RFE/RL) 04/02/2005
  • Повзуча мовна контрреволюція: проект указу «Про захист прав громадян на використання російської мови...» є неконституційним (Україна молода) 04/02/2005
  • Вавилонська вежа: відкритий лист тим, хто пише укази Президентові України (Україна молода) 04/02/2005
  • Cracow lights a candle for its favourite son's last fight (The Times) 04/02/2005
  • The pope and the end of European communism (Chicago Tribune) 04/02/2005
  • Афган. Забутi вояки забутої вiйни (Україна молода) 04/02/2005
  • 60 років після війни: 'остарбайтери' (Deutsche Welle) 04/02/2005
  • Операція «Аргонавт» і Україна (День) 04/02/2005

  • Photo: A Ukrainian girl sits near a Pope John Paul II monument, erected at the site where the Pope addressed Ukrainians during his visit to the western city of Lviv (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian woman makes the sign of the cross as another reads a prayer during a service at a cathedral in the capital Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Photo: Pope John Paul II kisses a child upon leaving the Argentina's Ukrainian Cathedral in this file photo taken on April 10, 1987, in Buenos Aires (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • World's Catholics prepare for death of ailing pope (AFP/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Who will be the next pope? (Newsday) 04/01/2005
  • Diaspora rebirth begins in dialogue. By Bishop Paul Peter Jesep Op-ed (BRAMA) 04/01/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko Takes Westward Drive to U.S. (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Mr. Bush, Tear Down This Trade Barrier: How we could really help Ukraine (Slate) 04/01/2005
  • Ющенко доручив МЗС розібратися зі США в питанні про Тараса Процюка (Кореспондент) 04/01/2005
  • Could I have stopped this? Security chief Yevhen Chervonenko still worries that he could have done more to prevent the attempted assassination of Ukraine’s new President, Viktor Yushchenko (The Times) 04/01/2005
  • Envoy Seeks U.S. Help in Probing Slaying (AP/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Прослуховування кабінету Леоніда Кучми під час перебування його Президентом України організував Євген Марчук, який обіймав тоді посаду секретаря Ради (Кореспондент) 04/01/2005
  • Жир: Прослуховування кабінету Кучми було спецоперацією за участю третіх країн та українських політиків (Кореспондент) 04/01/2005
  • День несвятого Миколая: Мельниченко стверджує, що Березовський має не всі копії плівок і готує шантаж української влади (Україна молода) 04/01/2005
  • Усезаписуючий Мельниченко (Львівська газета) 04/01/2005
  • Notorious murder grips Ukraine (BBC News) 04/01/2005
  • СБУ також стежило за Георгієм Гонґадзе (Львівська газета) 04/01/2005
  • Експерт: проблема адмінресурсу залишиться і в майбутньому (Deutsche Welle) 04/01/2005
  • День Перемоги президент відзначатиме у Києві (BBC Ukrainian) 04/01/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk shakes hands with his Slovak counterpart Eduard Kukan during their meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Борис Тарасюк: Україна не може бути експортером революції (День) 04/01/2005
  • Lukashenko - No Kyrgyz 'banditry' in Belarus (Reuters/AlertNet) 04/01/2005
  • Ousted Kyrgyz leader blames US for toppling of his regime (AFP/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Revolution erupts in third former Soviet state (Guardian) 04/01/2005
  • Call for action as Kyrgyzstan's new government starts to fray (Financial Times) 04/01/2005
  • Russia reaps the whirlwind (Asia Times) 04/01/2005
  • Security chief says missile smuggling case solved (AP/Kyiv Post) 04/01/2005
  • Ющенко: виведення з Іраку має завершитись у жовтні (BBC Ukrainian) 04/01/2005
  • Bombs Kill 5 in Iraq Cities at Holy Time for the Shiites (NY Times) 04/01/2005
  • Democracy Demands in Lebanon May Shake Arab World (Chosun Ilbo) 04/01/2005
  • Yushchenko Wife Gets Ukraine Citizenship (AP/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Мир хатам - війна палацам? (BBC Ukrainian) 04/01/2005
  • Єханурова призначено губернатором Дніпропетровської області (Кореспондент) 04/01/2005
  • Інститут масової інформації: через порушення законів у минулому сьогодні українські ЗМІ опинилися в ситуації заручників (Deutsche Welle) 04/01/2005
  • Yushchenko lifts visa requirements for EU and Swiss citizens (Ukrainian Journal) 04/01/2005
  • Cool customer feels heat (The Times) 04/01/2005
  • Report says 80 percent of HIV-positive in CIS below 30 years old (AFP/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Official: Ukraine Wants to Import Iraq Oil (AP/Yahoo) 04/01/2005
  • Україні пообіцяли в Іраку вигідні контракти (Deutsche Welle) 04/01/2005
  • Віктор Ющенко: 'Футбол треба робити чистими руками! Тоді він переростає у фонтан емоцій' (Український футбол) 04/01/2005
  • 'Orange Plague' Kills Concert (St. Petersburg Times) 04/01/2005
  • Moscow Patriarch at odds with Constantinople on Ukraine (Catholic World News) 04/01/2005
  • Приватні власники Палацу Потоцьких готові поділитися з владою правами на володіння цією унікальною спорудою (Deutsche Welle) 04/01/2005
  • У Лондоні виявили оригінал Переяславської угоди (Львівська газета) 04/01/2005
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

    The Kyiv Post

    День The Day Newspaper

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    Video: Orange Circle Yushchenko
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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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