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  • Yuschenko Suggests Medvedko as Prosecutor General to Rada (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • Ющенко вирішив обговорити з депутатами кандидатуру нового генпрокурора (proUA) 10/31/2005
  • Yuschenko Withdraws Prysiazhniuk's Candidacy for Post of Prosecutor-General (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • Yuschenko Proposes Naming Prysiazhniuk Prosecutor General (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • Court to Consider Piskun's Unlawful Dismissal Suit on November 8 (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • None of Political Forces Became All-National Party – Poll (UNIAN) 10/31/2005
  • Давидович: Держава відшкодує виборчі витрати партіям, які пройдуть до парламенту (Кореспондент) 10/31/2005
  • Yaroslav Davydovych: 'Half the Country Would Have to Be Punished' (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/31/2005
  • Yanukovych Says Rigging of 2006 Parliamentary Elections Must Not Be Allowed (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • National TV Council Head Shevchenko Predicts Administrative Pressure on Media During Election 2006 (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • SDPU(u) Intends to Participate in 2006 Rada Election Independently (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • Lytvyn's bloc - an umbrella for Kuchma's people? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/31/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian police restrain protesting local council member in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/31/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian policeman watches over a dozen protesting local council members who chained themselves to a fence they want removed around the administration building of President Viktor Yushchenko (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/31/2005
  • Ukraine torn by broken promises (BBC News) 10/31/2005
  • The tale is over or Yushchenko and the myth about Yushchenko (Ukrayinska Pravda) 10/31/2005
  • Yekhanurov Leaves for U.S. to Meet with Officials (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • Have Vision and Act (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/31/2005
  • Ukraine and NATO: Today Realism, Tomorrow Membership? (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/31/2005
  • EU closer to giving Ukraine market status & visa facilitation (Euro-Reporters) 10/31/2005
  • EU talks up Ukraine-Moldova mission (Euro-Reporters) 10/31/2005
  • Azerbaijan: Run-Up to Election Not Free or Fair (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/31/2005
  • Sowing seeds of democracy in post-Soviet granite (CS Monitor) 10/31/2005
  • How and Why Iraq Is Teaching a Lesson to the World – And to the Church (L'espresso) 10/31/2005
  • Luhansk Region Asks SBU to Investigate False Information About Burial of Radioactive Waste on Border with Russia (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • 12 Journalists on Hunger-Strike in Kirovohrad (UNIAN) 10/31/2005
  • Helicopter Flips Over During Emergency Landing in Luhansk Region (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • Prez to meet rada leaders over WTO bills (Ukrainian Journal) 10/31/2005
  • Ukraine seeking retention of $1.4bln agriculture subsidies in WTO talks (Ukrainian Journal) 10/31/2005
  • People's Party Faction to Support 2006 Draft National Budget at First Reading (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • State enterprises to be privatized (Wash Times) 10/31/2005
  • Mittal owner confirms interest in buying Kryvy Rih ore combine (Ukrainian Journal) 10/31/2005
  • Mittal Steel to pay for $4.8 bln Kryvorizhstal purchase in 60 days (Ukrainian Journal) 10/31/2005
  • Krivorizhstal: Ten Years and One Hour (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/31/2005
  • End of Reign? (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/31/2005
  • Russian Businesses Should Up Investment in Ukraine - Ambassador (UNIAN) 10/31/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Down 2.5 Kopecks to 5.0250 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • Conflict Flares between UOC-MP and UOC-KP Orthodox in Ostroh (RISU) 10/31/2005
  • Nearly 12,000 Missionaries Entered Ukraine in 2004 (RISU) 10/31/2005
  • Black Earth, Black Archeology, Black Times (Transitions Online) 10/31/2005
  • Police Toughen Guarding of Russian Culture Center in Lviv (Українські новини) 10/31/2005
  • First Lady Awards Larysa Kadochnikova (UNIAN) 10/31/2005
  • 'Пора' привітала Вітренко, Корчинського й Симоненка з Хеллоуїном (Кореспондент) 10/31/2005
  • Steppes in the right direction [fashion] (Daily Telegraph) 10/31/2005

  • Юрій Костенко: Альпінізм мені допомагає в політиці (BBC Ukrainian) 10/30/2005
  • Завтра ЦВК отримає електронний варіант регіональних списків виборців (Кореспондент) 10/30/2005
  • ЦВК не буде кілером ЗМІ (УНІАН) 10/30/2005
  • Луценко вважає справу проти Порошенка політичною (proUA) 10/30/2005
  • Лазаренко у США став батьком (proUA) 10/30/2005
  • Baku opposition prepares for 'color revolution’ (ISN) 10/30/2005
  • Four Hospitalized Following Kyiv Restaurant Fire (Українські новини) 10/30/2005
  • Fire Erupts in Restaurant in Kyiv (Українські новини) 10/30/2005
  • Three Dead and Three Hospitalized After Traffic Accident in Donetsk Region (Українські новини) 10/30/2005
  • Lawlor car doing twice speed limit (Sunday Times) 10/30/2005
  • Man detained in S.D. accused of getting ship to drug runners (San Diego Union-Tribune) 10/30/2005
  • В ООН обговорювали наслідки катастрофи на ЧАЕС (Deutsche Welle) 10/30/2005
  • Europe revives safe places for babies given up [23-year-old Ukrainian illegally working in a bar near Naples also left her baby in a trash can to die] (AP/Chicago Sun-Times) 10/30/2005
  • РНБО візьметься за енергетичну і продовольчу безпеку України (proUA) 10/30/2005
  • Ukraine property firm to list on LSE (The Business) 10/30/2005
  • Large scale private sector participation in Ukrainian investment forum (Petra) 10/30/2005
  • A new home for Ukrainian church artifacts (Philadelphia Inquirer) 10/30/2005
  • Busy Schedule for Ukrainian Muslims in Ramadan (Islam Online) 10/30/2005
  • Summoning Spirits ['The Rusalka Cycle: Songs Between the Worlds'] (SF Chronicle) 10/30/2005
  • On this day: 2001 – Ukraine destroys its last nuclear missile silo, fulfilling a pledge to give up the vast nuclear arsenal it inherited after the breakup of the former Soviet Union. (Herald Sun) 10/30/2005

  • Borys Wrzesnewskyj Committed to Supporting the Ukraine List, the Calling Gard of University of Ottawa’s Chair of Ukrainian Studies (BRAMA) 10/29/2005
  • «Правиця»-2006: пацієнт, скоріше, не народиться (Україна молода) 10/29/2005
  • БЮТ знімуть з виборів? Якщо Тимошенко домовиться з Лук'яненком, її блок буде нелегітимним, вважає Матвієнко (Україна молода) 10/29/2005
  • «Ми» — «колишні», зате народні! (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/29/2005
  • Ярослав Давидович: доведеться карати півкраїни (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/29/2005
  • «Поверь в мечту — и в путь!» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/29/2005
  • Україна і НАТО: реалізм сьогодні, членство завтра? (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/29/2005
  • Кінах: Президент ще не визначився з кандидатурою Генпрокурора (УНІАН) 10/29/2005
  • Мiнiстр промполiтики Володимир Шандра: Нам є що запропонувати світовi (Україна молода) 10/29/2005
  • Навіщо платити більше? Міністр пояснює (День) 10/29/2005
  • Kuchma knows that even Americans are tired of Melnichenko (Ukrayinska Pravda) 10/29/2005
  • У Лазаренка в США народився син (УНІАН) 10/29/2005
  • Yushchenko Son Says Bentley Arson Accusations Aimed Against Father, While President Loses People Trust (MosNews) 10/29/2005
  • Андрій Шевченко: «Громадська думка не дозволить, щоб УТ-1 знову стало пропагандистом...» (Високий замок) 10/29/2005
  • Повний ЄДАПС: виготовлення державних документів в Україні контролює людина, яка підозрюється в організації вбивства на замовлення (Україна молода) 10/29/2005
  • 22 моряки на скриню мерця. Українці абсолютно беззахисні перед піратством (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/29/2005
  • A Look at U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq [Ukraine, 18] (AP/Yahoo) 10/29/2005
  • Azerbaijan gears up for tense parliamentary poll (AFP/Yahoo) 10/29/2005
  • From east to west (Financial Times) 10/29/2005
  • Island paradise to go against Tanzania's flow (Financial Times) 10/29/2005
  • Five Indian illegal migrants detained in Ukrainian capital (India Daily) 10/29/2005
  • Єхануров: «Криворіжсталь» нікуди не втече (Кореспондент) 10/29/2005
  • «Криворіжсталь»: десять років однієї години (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/29/2005
  • Кінах переконаний, що вступ до СОТ відповідає інтересам України (Кореспондент) 10/29/2005
  • На короткому повідку (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/29/2005
  • Cabinet Intends to Make Conclusions About Work of State Holding Companies Before December (Українські новини) 10/29/2005
  • Church gets fresh start in new home. St. Sophia Ukrainian Catholic Church aims for regular services with its new priest (Honolulu Star-Bulletin) 10/29/2005
  • «Тіні» зникають опівночі (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/29/2005
  • Катерина Титова: тут інший підхід до навчання (Deutsche Welle) 10/29/2005
  • Лесь Курбас: «Силу нації не можуть вбити ніякі декрети» (День) 10/29/2005
  • Languages get lost in translation (BBC News) 10/29/2005
  • From a Bitter War Defeat Comes Russia's Latest Blockbuster Action Movie (NY Times) 10/29/2005
  • Меморіал через 89 років встановлять героям Крут. Поки що презентовано лише проект кургану з червоною колоною (Україна молода) 10/29/2005
  • Орел кримськотатарського народу (День) 10/29/2005
  • Дилема історичного острова (Deutsche Welle) 10/29/2005
  • Settling the West; exhibit focuses on Canadian homesteaders (Vancouver Sun) 10/29/2005

  • Ukrainian assistance to Pakistan (NATO) 10/28/2005
  • Organizations invited to join Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition (BRAMA) 10/28/2005
  • MSF hands over Ukraine HIV/Aids programme as Ministry of Health and national NGOs take on responsibility (BRAMA) 10/28/2005
  • Vlad Klitschko wants his brother Vitaly to win in Las Vegas FOTO/S (BRAMA) 10/28/2005
  • Сьогодні Ющенко запропонує парламенту кандидатуру генпрокурора (Кореспондент) 10/28/2005
  • Pecherskyi District Court of Kyiv Transfers Piskun's Unlawful Dismissal Suit to Shevchenkivskyi District Court (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • Yuschenko Declares UAH 62,000 Income for 2004 (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • Yushchenko's Declaration on Incomes (UNIAN) 10/28/2005
  • Президент України оприлюднив податкову декларацію (VOA) 10/28/2005
  • Регiонали зараз лiдирують, кажуть соцiологи (VOA) 10/28/2005
  • Членство в НАТО -- українцi тягнуть в рiзнi сторони (VOA) 10/28/2005
  • Lithuania Hosts Ukraine-NATO Talks (USDOS) 10/28/2005
  • Посол Польщі Яцек Ключковський: Мабуть, я був першим іноземцем, який дізнався від Ющенка про план організації руху спротиву фальсифікаціям (Україна молода) 10/28/2005
  • Moscow pundits ponder the challenge of Polish conservative nationalism (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/28/2005
  • Міст між двома світами – на словацько-українському кордоні незабаром з'явиться новий перехід (Deutsche Welle) 10/28/2005
  • Шевченко пояснив причини своєї відставки з посади віце-президента НТКУ (Кореспондент) 10/28/2005
  • Поміж загиблими в Амстердамі - двоє українців (BBC Ukrainian) 10/28/2005
  • Owners of seized Ukrainian ship to pay ransom to pirates off Somali coast (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/28/2005
  • Three Ukrainian soldiers wounded in Iraq by a roadside bomb attack (Ukrainian Journal) 10/28/2005
  • Ukraine Intends to Develop Cooperation With Peru (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov to personally overlook relations with Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan News) 10/28/2005
  • Moldova talks agree to fact-finding mission (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/28/2005
  • CIS Secret Service Chiefs Meeting in Yalta (UNIAN) 10/28/2005
  • Confusion as tense Zanzibar considers poll delay (AFP/Yahoo) 10/28/2005
  • Court Orders Prosecutor General's Office to Resume Inquiry of 2001 Tu-154 Crash Case (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • Police Question Yuschenko's Son in Connection with Burning of Lebanese Businessman Harfouch's Automobile (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • 1,600 Houses De-Energized Because of Bad Weather in Dnipropetrovsk Region (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • Ющенко наказав Єханурову зробити все, аби до кінця року Україна була в СОТ (proUA) 10/28/2005
  • Литвин пропонує 31 жовтня провести обговорення законопроектів з СОТ (Кореспондент) 10/28/2005
  • Ющенко проситиме депутатів посприяти вступу до СОТ (proUA) 10/28/2005
  • Ющенко просить не політизувати питання вступу України до СОТ (proUA) 10/28/2005
  • Рибачук: Україна сама іде в СОТ. Без Росії (proUA) 10/28/2005
  • State Property Fund, Mittal Steel Sign Agreement for Sale of 93.02% in Kryvorizhstal (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • Чи продаватимуть Нікопольський феросплавний? (VOA) 10/28/2005
  • Yekhanurov refers to oligarchs as 'national bourgeoisie' (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/28/2005
  • Moscow talks on Turkmen gas next week (Ukrainian Journal) 10/28/2005
  • Top TNK-BP officials meet Yushchenko over help to oil refinery sector (Ukrainian Journal) 10/28/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Up 3.5 Kopecks to 5.0 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • CSFB Ups Ukraine Debt Call To Overweight From Neutral (Newratings) 10/28/2005
  • US Military Appraises Antonov Airplanes' Partisipation in NATO Efforts for Pakistan (UNIAN) 10/28/2005
  • Antimonopoly Committee Recommends That UMC and Kyivstar Abolish Connection Fee (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • Ukraine's URS may be sold to Russia's VimpelCom soon (Cellular News) 10/28/2005
  • Norway's Orkla Group Posts Nearly Fourfold Net Profit Gain for Third Quarter (AP/Yahoo) 10/28/2005
  • U.S. Suspends Imports of Endangered Black Sea Sturgeon (USDOS) 10/28/2005
  • Vatican Seeks Diplomatic Ties With Russia (AP/Yahoo) 10/28/2005
  • Orthodox-Catholic consultation reviews relations between churches (Catholic News Agency) 10/28/2005
  • Pope Shares Hopes with Ukrainian Speaker (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • Eastern Voice Weak at Catholic Assembly, Says Ukrainian Greek Catholic Head (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • Царгородський слід (День) 10/28/2005
  • Ukrainian Orthodox in USA Ask Constantinople Patriarch to Intervene in Church Affairs in Ukraine (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • Plan for Location of Kyiv Churches to Be Elaborated This Year (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • Georgian Parish under UOC-KP Orthodox Jurisdiction Created in Kyiv (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Defend Former Election Committee Head (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • Минулого року до України в'їхали приблизно 12 тисяч іноземних місіонерів (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • State Reps Attend Meeting of Council of Churches (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • Sale of Rabbi Nachman’s Grave Halted (RISU) 10/28/2005
  • Dueling Ukranian Rabbis (Jewish Journal) 10/28/2005
  • Ukrainian National Science Academy Deepens Cooperation with China (UNIAN) 10/28/2005
  • Кабмін має намір сприяти збільшенню присутності української пісні в FM-діапазоні (Українські новини) 10/28/2005
  • A songburst from Ukraine (Shanghai Daily News) 10/28/2005
  • Musician finds shift to acting easy [Eugene Hutz] (Lexington Herald-Leader) 10/28/2005
  • Actor pulls off new role: Director. With propensity for films that are 'like amusement park rides,' Liev Schreiber lands acclaimed novel, popular star (Lexington Herald-Leader) 10/28/2005
  • A Trip worth repeating. Road movie finds heart amid absurdity during trek across Ukraine (Lexington Herald-Leader) 10/28/2005
  • Ukrainian gypsy punk band illuminates film [Eugene Hutz, Gogol Bordello][LA Times] (Fort Wayne Journal Gazette) 10/28/2005
  • Gogol Bordello knows how to 'Party!' (Tallahassee Democrat) 10/28/2005
  • Strings go better with Latvian kokle, world's only master says (AFP/Yahoo) 10/28/2005
  • Mississippi prepares for 2006 International Ballet Competition (Picayune Item) 10/28/2005
  • Whiting Awards Honor 10 Writers for Promising Talent [Ilya Kaminsky, born in Ukraine, now lives in Berkeley, book 'Dancing in Odessa' published last year] (NY Times) 10/28/2005
  • Living with Ukrainian TV (BBC News) 10/28/2005
  • In this urban cabbage patch, these women have making rolls licked 'Rollers' get to heart of cabbages (Richmond Review) 10/28/2005
  • Меморіал героям Крут (Радіо Свобода) 10/28/2005
  • On this day: 1708 – Sweden's King Charles XII takes Mohilev, Russia, and invades Ukraine; 1962 – Cuban missile crisis ends (Brisbane Courier Mail) 10/28/2005

  • Letter to Viktor Yushchenko: Civil servants in Ukraine should speak - Ukrainian (BRAMA) 10/27/2005
  • Economic Minister of Ukraine to kick off US-Ukrainian Investment Symposium at Boston's Harvard Club (BRAMA) 10/27/2005
  • Ukrainian language textbook of modern surgery - Website launch (BRAMA) 10/27/2005
  • Україна - США: двосторонні відносини після Помаранчевої Революції (BRAMA) 10/27/2005
  • [PDF] Viktor Gets His Groove Back (WSJ/Orange Circle) 10/27/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian soldiers carry coffins containing the remains of Red Army soldiers, who died in World War II, in the small town of Vyshgorod near Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/27/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian soldiers carry coffins containing the remains of Red Army soldiers, who died in World War II, in the town of Vyshgorod near Kiev. The remains of the 30 Red Army soldiers were recently discovered and are to be reburied in the town of Vyshgorod near Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/27/2005
  • Piskun Asks Courts to Overturn His Dismissal from Prosecutor General's Post (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Four MPs Propose That Rada Cancel Immunity of Local Council Deputies (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Микола Мартиненко: Ми не повинні сидіти в окопах і стріляти один в одного (Україна молода) 10/27/2005
  • Party of Regions Ready to Nominate Yanukovych for Premiership (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Pora and Christian Democratic Union Seek Cooperation During Election Campaign (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Zhvania Suspects Tymoshenko of Possible Involvement in Yuschenko's Poisoning (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Lazarenko Intends to Create Lazarenko Bloc for Contesting 2006 Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Lazarenko Intends to Return to Ukraine Before End of 2005 (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Американський суд знову відмовився звільнити Щербаня (Кореспондент) 10/27/2005
  • В’ячеслав Кириленко: «До сутички на Хрещатику не мають жодного відношення ні бійці УПА, ні ветерани Радянської армії» (Високий замок) 10/27/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Dokalenko President of National TV Company (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Президентом НТКУ став Віталій Докаленко (BBC Ukrainian) 10/27/2005
  • Віце-президент НТКУ подав у відставку (Кореспондент) 10/27/2005
  • Наталя Лігачова: 'Висловлювання пана Докаленка мене не надихають' (BBC Ukrainian) 10/27/2005
  • Hrytsenko: military must help end stereotype of NATO as aggressor (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/27/2005
  • Ukraine to Draft Action Plan on NATO Membership Before April 2006 (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Three peacekeepers injured in Iraq, Defense Ministry says (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/27/2005
  • Three Ukrainian Peacekeepers Injured in Iraq (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Ukrainian Embassy Delegation Visits Iraq's Wasit Province (UNIAN) 10/27/2005
  • Prosecutor's Office Files Criminal Case Against Police Officers for Illegally Detaining 188 People in Rivne Region in January-May (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Aid group urges Ukraine to combat discrimination against HIV/AIDS patients (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/27/2005
  • Global AIDS Crisis Gets First-Ever Global Awareness Campaign (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 10/27/2005
  • Successful Treatment of Stroke Victim Who Received Stem Cell Transplantation Therapy (MarketWire/Yahoo) 10/27/2005
  • ЄС надасть Україні статус країни з ринковою економікою до грудня (Кореспондент) 10/27/2005
  • Ukraine's Jackson-Vanik Graduation. Ambs Pifer and Miller Chair Coalition (USUF) 10/27/2005
  • Американський експерт коментує продаж «Криворіжсталі» (VOA) 10/27/2005
  • NBU approves measures to stabilize forex when Kryvorizhstal $ arrives (Ukrainian Journal) 10/27/2005
  • Arcelor's Dolle says Ukraine steel exports could weigh on European prices (AFX/III) 10/27/2005
  • Tymoshenko Calls for Funneling Funds from Kryvorizhstal Sale Into Pension Fund Balancing and Paying Compensations on Depreciated Deposits (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Up 2 Kopecks to 5.0350 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/27/2005
  • Lithuanian leader faults EU over new gas pipeline (IH Tribune) 10/27/2005
  • Russian nod needed for Turkmen gas pact (Ukrainian Journal) 10/27/2005
  • Yushchenko, Chiefs of TNK-BP, Discussed Opportunities of Developing Oil Branch (UNIAN) 10/27/2005
  • EGPI/Firecreek Begins Negotiations to Rehabilitate the 146 Million Barrel Burgrevatovskoye Oil Field in Ukraine (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 10/27/2005
  • Lanos Goes the Way of Logan (Kommersant) 10/27/2005
  • Ericsson to Expand GSM Network in Ukraine for $45 Million (Cellular News) 10/27/2005
  • Telenor Reports 31 Percent Gain in Third-Quarter Net Profit on Sales Growth (AP/Yahoo) 10/27/2005
  • Bird flu Czar to resume duties soon despite tendering resignation (Ukrainian Journal) 10/27/2005
  • Smoking bans around the world [October 2005 - Ukraine bans smoking in public places and at work] (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/27/2005
  • Vatican Seeks Diplomatic Ties With Russia (AP/Yahoo) 10/27/2005
  • Ex-Minister Bilozir Was Between Life and Death for Two Weeks (UNIAN) 10/27/2005
  • Білозір каже, що перебувала на межі між життям і смертю (proUA) 10/27/2005
  • Twice the fun as twins give city concert [Yuri and Volodymyr Kuratch] (Edinburgh Evening News) 10/27/2005
  • Kateryna Yushchenko and Ukraine 3000 Foundation (Forum) 10/27/2005
  • Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village receives award from the Alberta Museum Association (WebWire) 10/27/2005
  • Raising Money for Ukranian Orphans (Gilroy Dispatch) 10/27/2005
  • Prison sentence for persistent shop lifter (Galway Advertiser) 10/27/2005
  • Khrushchev bridges Soviet-American gap [Sergei Khrushchev, the son of a famous Soviet a citizen of the U.S., he travels the country giving lectures][Dated 10/25/05] (Website) 10/27/2005
  • Відгомін Соловків: 27 жовтня — день пам'яті соловецьких в'язнів, розстріляних в урочищі Сандармох (Україна молода) 10/27/2005
  • Чому Сталін нас нищив? (ч. 2) (День) 10/27/2005

  • Op-Ed: Viktor Gets His Groove Back. By Adrian Karatnycky (WSJ) 10/26/2005
  • Тоні Блер: Україна підтверджує європейські цінності (BBC Ukrainian) 10/26/2005
  • Piskun files appeal challenging dismissal (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/26/2005
  • Порошенко подав заяву до Генпрокуратури (Кореспондент) 10/26/2005
  • Ally [Petro Poroshenko] cleared of criminal charge - a trap for Yushchenko? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/26/2005
  • Заступник Вітренко викликаний до МВС (Кореспондент) 10/26/2005
  • Ternopil Regional Organization of Party of Regions Demanding Lutsenko's Apologies for Sarcastic Statements About Yanukovych (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • FRONTLINE/WORLD: Ukraine - A Murder in Kyiv (PBS) 10/26/2005
  • SDPU(u) Calls On Government to Announce Commitments Ukraine Will Have When Joins NATO (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Експерти оцінили стан оборонної галузі в Україні (Deutsche Welle) 10/26/2005
  • Yuschenko Directs Cabinet to Resolve Conflict Over National TV Council's Location (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Призначення президента НТКУ знову відклали (VOA) 10/26/2005
  • Sivkovych's Labor Ukraine Considers Appointment of National TV Company's President by Presidential Decree Illegal (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • На українських телеканалах передачі дублюватимуть українською мовою (Кореспондент) 10/26/2005
  • Ukrainian Deaf Society Requests TV Companies Make Translations Into Sign Language (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Ukraine to donate $3 million [and a Ukrainian cargo plane] for quake victims [Pakistan] (INN) 10/26/2005
  • Ukrainian Premier: Russia Can Be Included in Talks With Turkmenistan on Gas Supplies (AP/Yahoo) 10/26/2005
  • Ukraine's PM Heads to Turkmenistan for Talks on Natural Gas Supplies (AP/Yahoo) 10/26/2005
  • Yekhanurov on Official Trip to Turkmenistan (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Україна вирiшує проблеми з газовими розрахунками (VOA) 10/26/2005
  • Enerhoatom Plans to Join World Nuclear Association (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Kinakh Opposes Ukrtelecom's Privatization Before End of 2006 Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Yushchenko: Ukrtelecom should probably be next privatization (Ukrainian Journal) 10/26/2005
  • An exemplary start (Financial Times) 10/26/2005
  • Соцпартія не наполягає на звільненні Семенюк (Кореспондент) 10/26/2005
  • President rules out acceptance of property fund chief’s resignation (Ukrainian Journal) 10/26/2005
  • NBU Ready to Keep Currency Rate Stable (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Kryvorizhstal money threatens forex mkt (Ukrainian Journal) 10/26/2005
  • Головне — не «проїсти» ті мільярди? Куди підуть гроші від повторної приватизації «Криворіжсталі» (Україна молода) 10/26/2005
  • Yanukovych Says Kryvorizhstal Sale Jeopardizes National Security (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Інвестор прийшов. Чи витримає конкуренцію український капітал? (День) 10/26/2005
  • Mittal Steel ratings may be cut by S&P's (Economic Times) 10/26/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Down 1 Kopeck to 5.055 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Ukraine says has no bird flu, but on alert (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/26/2005
  • Union of Poultry Farmers of Ukraine: Bird flu can’t happen here (Ukrainian Journal) 10/26/2005
  • В Україні не виявлено жодного випадку захворювання людей на пташиний грип (Кореспондент) 10/26/2005
  • Greece Asking Ukraine to Lift Ban on Poultry, Bird Imports (Українські новини) 10/26/2005
  • Advice on raw eggs could hit food products (Food Production Daily) 10/26/2005
  • Autocephalous in Ivano-Frankivsk Won’t Unite with UOC-KP Orthodox (RISU) 10/26/2005
  • Woman's Accused Killer Is Convicted Stalker [Anastasia Melnitchenko, 22, a Ukrainian native and recent immigrant, met McAlpin in 2001 over the Internet] (NBC11) 10/26/2005
  • Crystal City Welcomes Sister City [Corning, New York - Lviv, Ukraine] (ABC) 10/26/2005
  • Our neighbors - The Ukrainians [Atanas T. Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 10/26/2005

  • OSCE Project Co-ordinator supports military reform and disposal of toxic rocket fuel in Ukraine (OSCE) 10/25/2005
  • Poroshenko Urges Yuschenko and Tymoshenko to Create Single Bloc to Contest Rada Elections (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Анатолій Матвієнко: Я повернувся в партію тільки для того, щоб уникнути розколу (proUA) 10/25/2005
  • Перша кров розколу: з'їзд УРП «Собор» супроводжувався сутичками між тими, хто хоче в блок до Тимошенко, і тими, хто туди не хоче (Україна молода) 10/25/2005
  • Це «Ми», кучмісти. Блок Володимира Литвина йде на вибори «з кулаками», «добром» та ворогом журналістів Чижем (Україна молода) 10/25/2005
  • Політичні «бої без правил» (День) 10/25/2005
  • Хабар у 3 000 000 дол.: хто одержувач? (proUA) 10/25/2005
  • OUPU Asking Kyiv for Permission to Commemorate Anniversary of Last Year's Protests on Independence Square on November 20 (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Dimitrij Rupel: Those involved in the violations during the last election should be duly prosecuted (День) 10/25/2005
  • Україна буде готова вступити до НАТО 2008-го (BBC Ukrainian) 10/25/2005
  • SDPU(u) Initiating Referendum on Ukraine's Accession to NATO and Participation in CEA (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Яап де Хооп Схеффер: «Ми не «продаємо» НАТО. Ми тільки пояснюємо, що це таке» (Високий замок) 10/25/2005
  • 'Ветерани УПА отримають належне соціальне забезпечення'. Розмова з В’ячеславом Кириленком (Львівська газета) 10/25/2005
  • Playing the card of inter-ethnic conflicts (День) 10/25/2005
  • Yuschenko Wishes Success to New Polish President Kaczynski (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Тарасюк про міграцію, «Криворіжсталь» та вибори (VOA) 10/25/2005
  • Talks With EU on Facilitating Visa Regime for Ukrainians Likely to Finish This Year (UNIAN) 10/25/2005
  • U.S. Supports Ukraine's Aspirations, Says State's Kramer (USDOS) 10/25/2005
  • OSCE Supports Military Reform and Disposal of Toxic Rocket Fuel in Ukraine (UNIAN) 10/25/2005
  • 20 killed by three explosions at Baghdad hotels (Guardian) 10/25/2005
  • Azerbaijan Arrests 2 in Alleged Coup Plot (AP/Yahoo) 10/25/2005
  • Time for apologies: Azerbaijani opposition promises honest access to oil (День) 10/25/2005
  • Ukrainian Doctors Provide Assistance to Over 2,000 Earthquake Victims in Pakistan (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Analysis: BBC's voice in Europe (BBC News) 10/25/2005
  • Authorities open inquest into death of Liam Lawlor (Guardian) 10/25/2005
  • Trials and tribulations of high-profile councillor (The Scotsman) 10/25/2005
  • Ющенко не задовольнив прохання Семенюк про відставку (proUA) 10/25/2005
  • Report: SPF chief submitted, withdrew her resignation on Friday (Ukrainian Journal) 10/25/2005
  • Ukrainian Officials Discuss How to Spend Windfall From Kryvorizhstal Sale (AP/Yahoo) 10/25/2005
  • Ющенко розповів, куди підуть кошти від продажу «Криворіжсталі» (Кореспондент) 10/25/2005
  • Приватизація 'Криворіжсталі': німецький експерт радить не поспішати витрачати гроші (Deutsche Welle) 10/25/2005
  • Investment and Metallurgical Union Determined to Return Kryvorizhstal (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Yushchenko: Kryvorizhstal success will quicken pace of privatization (Ukrainian Journal) 10/25/2005
  • Ukrainian President Urges Privatization of State Telecom Monopoly (Black Enterprise) 10/25/2005
  • В Українi палко дискутують продаж «Криворiжсталi» (VOA) 10/25/2005
  • President celebrates as sale shows change from old guard to the new (The Times) 10/25/2005
  • Mittal pays $4.8bn for Ukrainian steelworks (The Times) 10/25/2005
  • World's Biggest Steel Maker Is Acquiring Ukrainian Mill (NY Times) 10/25/2005
  • Mittal buys Ukraine steel mill in reality TV auction (Guardian) 10/25/2005
  • 'Remarkable' bid earns Mittal Ukraine entree (Daily Telegraph) 10/25/2005
  • Mittal wins Ukraine steel mill auction with $4.8bn bid (Financial Times) 10/25/2005
  • Mittal splashes out £2.7bn for Ukraine's biggest steel producer (Independent) 10/25/2005
  • Mittal Steel wins crucial new auction of Ukraine giant (AFP/Yahoo) 10/25/2005
  • Mittal to buy Kryvorizhstal for $4.79 bln (Ukrainian Journal) 10/25/2005
  • Dividends of the Revolution. Krivorozhstal sold for six times more than in Kuchma's time (Kommersant) 10/25/2005
  • The Price is Right: Kryvorizhstal sold at record price (День) 10/25/2005
  • Рекорд у прямому ефірі: учора українська власність стала коштувати дорожче (День) 10/25/2005
  • Рекорд у прямому ефірі (коментарі) (День) 10/25/2005
  • 24 200 000 000 грн. — саме за таку суму вчора було перепродано на публічному аукціоні Криворіжсталь». Індійський багатій, що діє від імені німецької фірми, купив наш металургійний комбінат у шість (!) разів дорожче, аніж півтора року тому «по блату» (Україна молода) 10/25/2005
  • F1 and the Ukraine steel business (GrandPrix) 10/25/2005
  • Yatseniuk Opposes Full Restoration of Privileges in Free Economic Zones (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Russian Gas Price Hike to Jeopardize Russia-Ukraine Relations (UNIAN) 10/25/2005
  • Ukraine says no to Gazprom (Oilvoice) 10/25/2005
  • Economy Ministry Cuts Its 2005 GDP Growth Forecast from 4% to 3.5% (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Another government retreat on GDP: 2005 growth to be 3.5%, not 4% (Ukrainian Journal) 10/25/2005
  • Optimistic Ukraine GDP growth forecast 4% - PM (Interfax-Russia) 10/25/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Up 0.5 Kopecks to 5.0450 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Kyiv places $250-mln in 10-year Eurobonds at 7.98% (Interfax-Russia) 10/25/2005
  • A guillotine with brakes: Bureaucrats opposed to abrupt cancellation of numerous regulatory acts. Why? (День) 10/25/2005
  • Cabinet Suggests Rada Permission for Import of Vehicles Older Than 8 Years (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Ukraine Forbade Import of Poultry from Croatia Due to Outbreak of Bird Flu (UNIAN) 10/25/2005
  • Ex-Antitrust Chief As Galileo Mediator (AP/Yahoo) 10/25/2005
  • Greenpeace to Submit Report on Chornobyl Disaster Aftereffects in April 2006 (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Op-Ed: Chernobyl exposed (Wash Times) 10/25/2005
  • В Києві презентували кампанiю проти СНIДу (VOA) 10/25/2005
  • Yushchenko says a tenth of Ukrainian population may die of AIDS in 5 years (Interfax-Russia) 10/25/2005
  • Yuschenko to Include Health Minister on National Security and Defense Council (Українські новини) 10/25/2005
  • Сім’я знайдеться для кожного! В інтернатах і дитячих будинках очікуються реформи (День) 10/25/2005
  • Storks becoming lazy: By 2050 Ukraine’s population will have shrunk to 34.8 million. That’s an optimistic forecast, scientists say (День) 10/25/2005
  • Ukraine launches comprehensive program to combat human trafficking (Forum) 10/25/2005
  • Orthodox Brotherhoods Against Ivan Mazepa (RISU) 10/25/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Metropolitan Against Constantinople Court in Ukraine (RISU) 10/25/2005
  • Representatives of Russian Orthodox Church Visit Ukraine (RISU) 10/25/2005
  • СБУ зайнялася здоров’ям Оксани Білозір (Кореспондент) 10/25/2005
  • 'Don’t sell yourself!' Creative social program launched in Ukraine (День) 10/25/2005
  • Shock from Zholdak: First-ever premiere of three Ukrainian plays at Berlin drama festival (День) 10/25/2005
  • Sex offense wasn't man's first [Pavel Zozulya], prosecutor says (Vineland Daily Journal) 10/25/2005
  • Sandy Lake man celebrates 105th birthday [Tony Skabar, born Oct. 18, 1900 near Kiev, Ukraine] (Brandon Sun) 10/25/2005
  • Federal apology, redress not in store for Chinese immigrants, group complains (CP/Yahoo) 10/25/2005
  • A hetman’s descendants: Most of Vyhiv’s residents have the same name (День) 10/25/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko welcomes Lakshmi Mittal, chairman and CEO of Mittal Steel, after a tender to sell the Ukrainian giant steel mill Kryvorizhstal in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov talk to reporters after a tender to sell the country's largest steel mill Kryvorizhstal in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Chairman and Chief Executive of Mittal Steel Company Lakshmi Mittal passes along protestors in background after the privatization auction in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who had spearheaded the privatization effort, passes along protestors in background after the privatization auction in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Representatives of the world's largest steel producer, Mittal Steel, celebrate after they successfully bought Ukraine's Kryvorizhstal Steel Mill (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov and presidential chief-of-staff Oleh Rybachuk watch a television broadcast of the auction of the country's largest steel mill Kryvorizhstal (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: A photo taken of a TV monitor airing a government broadcast of an auction to sell Ukraine's largest steel mill Kryvorizhstal shows representatives of the world's largest steel maker Mittal Steel holding up their bid during proceedings in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian demonstrator shouts during a protest against the privatisation of the country's largest steel mill Kryvorizhstal in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian demonstrator shouts during a protest against the privatisation of the country's largest steel mill Kryvorizhstal in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Kryvorizhstal steel mill in Krivoy Rog. With a bid of 4.8-billion dollars, the world's top steel maker Mittal Steel won a re-run auction of Ukraine's Kryvorizhstal giant, in a sale the 'orange revolution' government hopes will calm investor jitters and attract foreign investment. (AFP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • [PDF press release] Mittal Steel Company acquires a 93 per cent stake in Kryvorizhstal in Ukraine (Mittal Steel) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal Steel Buys Ukraine Steel Mill for $4.8 Billion in Biggest Ever Privatization Auction (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Ukraine's Largest Steel Mill Is Sold [Mittal Steel Co., bought Kryvorizhstal for more than $4.8 billion] (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal buys Ukraine plant for $4.8 bln (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal to Pay $4.8 Bln for Ukraine's Kryvorizhstal (Bloomberg) 10/24/2005
  • Ukraine's Flagship Steel Mill Sells for $4.8 Billion (VOA News) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal buys Ukraine steel mill for USD 4.7 billion (DPA/Expatica) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal wins repeat auction of Ukraine's steel giant (AFP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Country's Largest Steel Mill Sold at Auction (RFE/RL) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal Steel Buys 93.02% of Kryvorizhstal for UAH 24.2 Billion (Українські новини) 10/24/2005
  • Yuschenko Satisfied with Outcome of Kryvorizhstal Privatization Tender (Українські новини) 10/24/2005
  • Mill sale to cover Ukraine deficit (Reuters/CNN) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal Steel Has No Plans to Perform Mass Reduction of Workers at Kryvorizhstal (Українські новини) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal Buys Kryvorizhstal in New Ukraine Glasnost (Forbes) 10/24/2005
  • Mittal Steel купила Криворіжсталь (BBC Ukrainian) 10/24/2005
  • Семенюк пояснила причину своєї відставки (Кореспондент) 10/24/2005
  • Валентина Семенюк: 'Якщо інвестори не виконуватимуть зобов'язання, то я його ще п'ять разів продам' (BBC Ukrainian) 10/24/2005
  • СПЛАВилися: голова Фонду держмайна Валентина Семенюк зробила спробу подати у відставку. Але якось непереконливо (proUA) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: NATO-Ukraine family portrait (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Lithuanian Defence Minister Gediminas Kirkilas, NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Ukrainian Defence Minister Anatoly Gritsenko pose with other participants of the NATO-Ukrainian summit in Vilnius (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko shakes hands with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer after NATO members signed a 'Letter of Intent' to provide extensive training to rapidly enhance the professional skills of key civilian officials in Ukraine's Ministry of Defense (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Defence Minister Anatoly Gritsenko signs a protocol concerning the professional development of Ukrainian security personnel (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko shares a lighter moment with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko gestures while speaking during a media conference after a NATO-Ukraine High-Level Consultation in Vilnius (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko speaks during a media conference after a NATO-Ukraine High-Level Consultation in Vilnius (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Defence Minister Anatoly Gritsenko and the director of Institute of International relations and Political Science (IIRPS) Raimundas Lopata attend the NATO-Ukrainian summit in Vilnius (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • High-level NATO-Ukraine consultations in Vilnius, 23-24 October 2005 (NATO) 10/24/2005
  • NATO Pledges to Help Ukraine's Military (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • NATO won't commit to timetable for Ukraine to join (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/24/2005
  • Вільнюс: консультації НАТО-Україна (BBC Ukrainian) 10/24/2005
  • U.S. Defense Secretary Urgently Departs Lithuania After NATO-Ukraine Talks (MosNews) 10/24/2005
  • Ukrainian Sees No Russia Block on NATO Entry (NY Times) 10/24/2005
  • NATO a Tough Sell at Home, Ukraine Official Says (LA Times) 10/24/2005
  • 'It's All Up to You' (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/24/2005
  • Off colour: a region's democratic dreams depend on righting the Orange Revolution (Financial Times) 10/24/2005
  • Under Western Eyes: Ukraine’s Crisis and Ukraine’s Prospects (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/24/2005
  • Yushchenko re-afirms Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic goals (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/24/2005
  • Q and A: Otto von Habsburg on EU security [Boris Yeltsin had admitted, he did not know whether he was a European or an Asian; Ukraine and EU, Orange Revolution] (UPI) 10/24/2005
  • Kiev court derails possible case against former top security advisor (Ukrainian Journal) 10/24/2005
  • 'Народне' блокування (Львівська газета) 10/24/2005
  • Хрестини політика Піскуна (Львівська газета) 10/24/2005
  • Від відставки до відставки (Галицькі контракти) 10/24/2005
  • Ukraine Intends to Withdraw Peacekeepers from Iraq by December 20-30 (Українські новини) 10/24/2005
  • Journalists' Hotel in Baghdad Attacked (AP/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • S. Korea prime minister holds talks with Ukrainian president (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Azerbaijan reacts angrily to Ukraine’s release of opposition leader (Ukrainian Journal) 10/24/2005
  • A No-Win Situation (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/24/2005
  • Competition over Eurasia: Are the U.S. and Russia on a Collision Course? (Heritage Foundation) 10/24/2005
  • On Trip to South, Rice Uses an Atypical Topic: Herself (NY Times) 10/24/2005
  • SBU Detains 3 People Suspected of Stealing Fuel from Main Pipelines in Odesa (Українські новини) 10/24/2005
  • Dead lawmaker's family decries media slur (UPI) 10/24/2005
  • Moscow police open inquiry into death of Lawlor (Irish Times) 10/24/2005
  • Lawlor crash woman named [Julia Kushnir, a 28-year-old Ukrainian] (Belfast Telegraph) 10/24/2005
  • Police arrest 15 alleged operators of prostitution ring in north Bohemia (Prague Daily Monitor) 10/24/2005
  • Selling Sex, That Renewable Resource (NY Times) 10/24/2005
  • `Trafficking' a tough look at human victims (Chicago Tribune) 10/24/2005
  • An unflinching but imperfect look at the world of sex slavery (Seattle Times) 10/24/2005
  • Disturbing 'Human Trafficking' captures brutality of sex slavery (Boston Globe) 10/24/2005
  • Raw 'Trafficking' in sex slaves (NY Daily News) 10/24/2005
  • European Stocks Rise, Paced by Schering; Steel, Oil Shares Gain (Bloomberg) 10/24/2005
  • SPF Chair Semeniuk Hospitalized With High Blood Pressure (Українські новини) 10/24/2005
  • Ukraine to press ahead with mill tender (Ukrainian Journal) 10/24/2005
  • A Key Test in Ukraine (Business Week/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Steel sale will test Orange pledge (BBC News) 10/24/2005
  • Steel for Three (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/24/2005
  • Великий куш (Галицькі контракти) 10/24/2005
  • Навіщо їм Криворіжсталь (Галицькі контракти) 10/24/2005
  • Kyrgyzstan recalls Soviet-era debt ['Ukraine owes $27.2 million'] (Gateway to Russia) 10/24/2005
  • Ukraine Has Failed to Pay for Turkmen Gas Supplies: Niyazov (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 10/24/2005
  • Russia in control of Turkmen and Ukrainian gas trade (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/24/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Down 0.5 Kopecks to 5.0500 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/24/2005
  • Pope John Paul consented to Ukrainian Catholic move to Kiev (Catholic World News) 10/24/2005
  • Pope Celebrates Canonizations With Pilgrims (Zenit) 10/24/2005
  • Benedict XVI: Address to pilgrims (Holy See) 10/24/2005
  • Pope Benedict canonizes 5, closing Year of the Eucharist (Catholic World News) 10/24/2005
  • Eucharist is source of mission, Pope tells audience (Catholic World News) 10/24/2005
  • Colorado pastor finds deep love for Eucharist in Ukraine (Catholic News Service) 10/24/2005
  • Допомагаючи — очиститись... (RISU) 10/24/2005
  • Recent election of third chief rabbi in Ukraine splits Jewish community (JTA) 10/24/2005
  • Living in the USA [15-year-old Ukrainian Alina Dolzhenko] (Tyler Morning Telegraph) 10/24/2005
  • Ukrainian teacher visits East Texas schools through exchange program (Jacksonville Daily Progress) 10/24/2005
  • The President of Ukaine Victor Yushchenko opened Molodist International Film Fest (Forum) 10/24/2005
  • Українка перемогла на конкурсі піаністів (Deutsche Welle) 10/24/2005
  • A Scene-Stealing Death Upstages Humans (NY Times) 10/24/2005
  • Ukraine joins the European Travel Commission (Travel Daily News) 10/24/2005
  • Belgians customize extra-large boots for Ukrainian giant [Leonid Stadnyk] (RIA) 10/24/2005
  • Joseph Stalin: The Butcher of Russia. Leftwing Monsters V: Joseph Stalin (Frontpage) 10/24/2005

  • NATO steps up reform assistance to Ukraine (NATO) 10/23/2005
  • Photo: United States Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld looks at Ukrainian Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko as he addresses journalists during a NATO-Ukraine High-Level Consultation in Vilnius. Rumsfeld joins European colleagues Monday to examine how they can help Ukraine overhaul its oversized military, a key condition of the former-Soviet republic's joining the NATO alliance (AP/Yahoo) 10/23/2005
  • US steps up support for Ukraine to join NATO (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/23/2005
  • Rumsfeld Applauds Ukraine's NATO Progress (AP/Yahoo) 10/23/2005
  • Rumsfeld in Lithuania for NATO Meeting on Ukraine (VOA News) 10/23/2005
  • Саміт НАТО - Україна у Вільнюсі (BBC Ukrainian) 10/23/2005
  • Poroshenko to Ask PGO to Check Allegation That Pressure Was Exerted On Its Officials During Investigation of Case Against Him (Українські новини) 10/23/2005
  • Микола Катеринчук: НСНУ не буде продавати жодного місця в списку (BBC Ukrainian) 10/23/2005
  • Op-Ed: Orange Revolution turns to rot (LA Times) 10/23/2005
  • Azerbaijani Police Beat Demonstrators (AP/Yahoo) 10/23/2005
  • Strange and unsettling: my day trip to Chernobyl (The Observer) 10/23/2005
  • TV film on sex slavery joins new activist movies (Reuters) 10/23/2005
  • Human Trafficking (Variety) 10/23/2005
  • Lawlor 'died in crash with call girl' (The Observer) 10/23/2005
  • Five Killed, Five Hospitalized Following Collision Between Car and Microbus in Cherkasy Region (Українські новини) 10/23/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko banks on new steel mill sale (Reuters) 10/23/2005
  • Ukraine steel auction raises anger (AP/CNN) 10/23/2005
  • Saudi Arabia may join WTO in '05, Ukraine not - Lamy (Reuters) 10/23/2005
  • U.S. and EU must move, Lamy says (IH Tribune) 10/23/2005
  • Photo: Tapestries depicting Archbishop Josef Bilczewski, the archbishop of Lviv, Ukraine, and Rev. Zygmunt Gorazdowski from Poland, hang outside St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican during a canonization ceremony presided by Pope Benedict XVI (AP/Yahoo) 10/23/2005
  • Benedict XVI: Angelus Address [scroll down to Ukrainian greeting] (Holy See) 10/23/2005
  • Pope Benedict names first saints (BBC News) 10/23/2005
  • Pope presides over first saint-making ceremony, closes three-week synod (AP/Yahoo) 10/23/2005
  • Pope reaffirms priestly celibacy and makes new saints (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/23/2005
  • 5 Canonized as Year of Eucharist Ends (Zenit) 10/23/2005
  • Pope's Homily at Close of Year of the Eucharist (Zenit) 10/23/2005
  • Benedict XVI: Homily at Close of Year of the Eucharist [scroll down to Ukrainian text] (Holy See) 10/23/2005
  • Adventures in Uman (Ha'aretz) 10/23/2005
  • Ukranian Non-Jew 'Addicted' to Jewish Life (Baltimore Jewish Times) 10/23/2005
  • Honored Ukrainian pianist returns (Sioux Falls Argus Leader) 10/23/2005
  • DANCE, UKRAINE STYLE: Syzokryli Ukrainian Dance Ensemble celebrates its national heritage at 2 this afternoon at SUNY Orange (Times Herald-Record) 10/23/2005
  • Small Business: Whiz-bang kids from abroad (Sunday Times) 10/23/2005
  • Utahns host Ukrainian kids (Deseret News) 10/23/2005
  • History: Ivan's War by Catherine Merridale (Sunday Times) 10/23/2005
  • Genghis Khan: Greatest leader or brutal monster? ['When the Russian princes of plundered Kiev were taken, they were put under a floor of loose planks upon on which the Mongols then, with singing and dancing, celebrated their victory.'] (Japan Times) 10/23/2005

  • Poroshenko to Appeal His Deputy Mandate Termination (Українські новини) 10/22/2005
  • Порошенко: «Я заперечуватиму у суді закриття Генеральною прокуратурою кримінальної справи проти мене» (Кореспондент) 10/22/2005
  • «Послухай, все в твоїх руках...» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/22/2005
  • Українська криза та українські перспективи очима Заходу (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/22/2005
  • Rada Decides to Mark UN's 60th Anniversary on October 24 (Українські новини) 10/22/2005
  • Віце-прем’єр Роман Безсмертний: «Майдан ділити не можна» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/22/2005
  • Безсмертний і Порошенко вважають Тимошенко хорошим політиком, але поганим прем’єром (Кореспондент) 10/22/2005
  • Створено 'Народний блок Литвина' (proUA) 10/22/2005
  • URP Sobor Elects Lukianenko As Its Acting Leader Instead of Matvienko, Plans to Contest 2006 Parliamentary Elections as Part of BYT (Українські новини) 10/22/2005
  • Party of Patriotic Powers Elects Zinchenko As Its Leader to Replace Palii (Українські новини) 10/22/2005
  • «А тепер усе інакше»... Соціологія фіксує повернення старої тенденції — недовіри до політиків (Україна молода) 10/22/2005
  • Дімітрій Рупель: Порушники останніх виборів мають бути покарані (День) 10/22/2005
  • Арсеній Яценюк: «Не можна в економіці 2004—2005 років використовувати засоби і методи екомоміки 1995-го» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/22/2005
  • Іса Гамбар: У погоні за нафтою можна втратити як демократію, так і нафту (Україна молода) 10/22/2005
  • Foreign Ministry Checking for Ukrainians in Areas of Mexico Affected by Hurricane Wilma (Українські новини) 10/22/2005
  • 13-Year Old Girl Stages Her Own Kidnapping in Chernivtsi (Українські новини) 10/22/2005
  • Police Detain Suspect of Armed Assault on Museum Guard in Chernihiv (Українські новини) 10/22/2005
  • Three Died, Four Hospitalized After Car Accident in Kharkiv (Українські новини) 10/22/2005
  • Ukraine Prepares for Privatization Auction of Kryvorizhstal Steel Mill; Opponents Aim to Block It (AP/Yahoo) 10/22/2005
  • Сталь розливають на трьох (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/22/2005
  • First canonizations Sunday for Pope Benedict XVI (Catholic World News) 10/22/2005
  • Дідівці та Микола Костомаров: під Прилуками руйнується будинок, у якому десять років мешкав славетний український історик (День) 10/22/2005

  • After the Orange Revolution: The U.S. and Ukraine (BRAMA) 10/21/2005
  • Voters invited to learn about candidates in upcoming Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) elections (BRAMA) 10/21/2005
  • Galicia Revisited. Ukraine Trip Will Pioneer Multicultural Understanding (BRAMA) 10/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko invites South Korean Prime Minister Lee Hae-chan to negotiations in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/21/2005
  • Рибачук: Україна тримає курс на Європу (VOA) 10/21/2005
  • Prosecutors close abuse-of-power investigation against Yushchenko ally (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/21/2005
  • PGO Close Poroshenko Case (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Ex-Ukrainian security chief [Petro Poroshenko] cleared of charges (Interfax-Russia) 10/21/2005
  • Yuschenko Agrees to Provide PGO with Blood Samples for Investigation of Case Involving His Poisoning (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Рибачук розповів, як Піскун затягував розслідування справи про отруєння Ющенка (Кореспондент) 10/21/2005
  • Rybachuk Attributes Piskun's Dismissal to Delay of Investigation of Resonant Cases (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Хто очолить Генпрокуратуру після Піскуна? (Перший канал) 10/21/2005
  • US Court Refuses to Free Sumy Region's Former Governor Scherban on Bail (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Американський суд відмовився відпускати Щербаня під заставу (proUA) 10/21/2005
  • Рада розглянула справу ситучок в рiчницю УПА (VOA) 10/21/2005
  • Парламент просить скасувати реєстрацію КПУ, ПСПУ, 'Союзу' і 'Братства' (Кореспондент) 10/21/2005
  • Луценко: міліція діяла професійно і зупинила сутички (BBC Ukrainian) 10/21/2005
  • Генпрокуратура перевіряє причетність влади до організації зіткнень на Хрещатику (Кореспондент) 10/21/2005
  • Rada on Friday to Hear Internal Ministry, SBU, PGO's Reports on Progressive Socialist Party and OUN-UPA Clashes on Khreschatyk (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Pirates hijack ship off Somalia (BBC News) 10/21/2005
  • Pirates seize Ukrainian ship off Somali coast (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/21/2005
  • Pirates Seize Ship With 22 Ukrainians Near Somali Coast (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Azerbaijani opposition leader detained earlier this week in Ukraine heads to London (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/21/2005
  • Ukraine releases Azeri opposition leader (Ukrainian Journal) 10/21/2005
  • Putin, Yushchenko discuss broad agenda (Interfax-Russia) 10/21/2005
  • Police Detains German Citizen on Suspicion of Mock Kidnapping in Kremenchuk (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Uncertainty spreads in Ukraine as bird flu cases arise in neighbors (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/21/2005
  • Top Ukrainian vet [Petro Verbitsky] resigns over bird flu (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/21/2005
  • Some wonder ‘what’s wrong after Ukraine’s bird flu Czar quits (Ukrainian Journal) 10/21/2005
  • Hungary Says Bird-Flu Shot Works, Nations Interested (Bloomberg) 10/21/2005
  • CHRONOLOGY-Spread of bird flu from Asia (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/21/2005
  • Health Ministry Postpones Ban on Sale of Medicines without Prescriptions Until June 1, 2006 (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Ющенко: рішення про продаж 'Криворіжсталі' переглядатися не буде (proUA) 10/21/2005
  • Ющенко вважає моральним обов’язком влади завершити приватизацію 'Криворіжсталі' (Кореспондент) 10/21/2005
  • Ukrainian President Urges Privatization of Embattled Steelworks (Black Enterprise) 10/21/2005
  • Єхануров: кошти від Криворіжсталі підуть в бюджет (BBC Ukrainian) 10/21/2005
  • Parliament defeats $25.2 bln government 2006 budget proposals (Ukrainian Journal) 10/21/2005
  • Kyiv's Mayor Omelchenko Calls On Finance Minister Pynzenyk to Resign if Finance Ministry Fails to Pay State Budget's UAH-972-Million Debt to Kyiv Budget (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Yuschenko Orders Cabinet to Outline Procedure for Forming Single Energy Balance by December (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • S. Korea, Ukraine to Triple Volume of Trade by 2010 (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 10/21/2005
  • Yuschenko Instructs Cabinet to Elaborate Strategy for IT Development (Українські новини) 10/21/2005
  • Concorde Capital Completes Bank Forum Placement, Ukraine Real Estate Fund Next (PRNewswire) 10/21/2005
  • Bumper corn crops bring US farmers trouble by the bushel (Financial Times) 10/21/2005
  • Protest against unjust customs regulations [cigarette quota at Polish Ukrainian border] (Radio Polonia) 10/21/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Head Calls for Reconciliation (RISU) 10/21/2005
  • Нові святі зі Львова (Львівська газета) 10/21/2005
  • Ukranian Infighting Mars Shul Dedication (Jewish Times) 10/21/2005
  • Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Meets with Cossack Leaders (FJC) 10/21/2005

  • Photo: Three adults sit on a giant easy chair at an exhibition in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Photo: A man holds a giant spoon and lifts an oversized basket at an exhibition in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Photo: A woman leans against a giant easy chair at an exhibition in Kiev. The exhibition entitled 'The World through Children's' Eyes' simulates a world at the scale young children experience to remind adults of their early learning experience in an oversized physical surrounding (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov and his Korean counterpart Lee Hae-chan answer questions during a news conference in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov greets his Korean counterpart Lee Hae-chan during an official meeting in Kiev. Lee arrived in Kiev on Thursday for a three day visit (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Why NATO? Jaap De Hoop Scheffer Speech, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NATO) 10/20/2005
  • Achieving Ukraine’s integration goals: What needs to be done. Jaap De Hoop Scheffer Speech, Diplomatic Academy Kyiv (NATO) 10/20/2005
  • [AUDIO] Press conference with NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and the President of Ukraine, Mr. Viktor Iouchtchenko (Yushchenko), 18 October 2005 (NATO) 10/20/2005
  • [AUDIO] Press conference with NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, the Ukrainian Minister of Defence, Mr. Anatoliy Grytsenko and the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Borys Tarasyuk, 18 October 2005 (NATO) 10/20/2005
  • [AUDIO] Opening statement at the NATO-Ukraine Council, 18 October 2005 (NATO) 10/20/2005
  • Photos: North Atlantic Council visit to Ukraine 18-20 October 2005 (NATO) 10/20/2005
  • Joint Press Statement NATO-Ukraine Commission (NATO) 10/20/2005
  • North Atlantic Council visits Ukraine (NATO) 10/20/2005
  • Scheffer Says NATO Will Profit from Ukraine's Entry (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Схеффер: Проста людина має сама вирішити, чи хоче вона в НАТО (Кореспондент) 10/20/2005
  • Ukraine to seek full NATO membership (Ukrainian Journal) 10/20/2005
  • NATO Leader Tells Kiev That the Alliance's Door Is Open (AP/Moscow Times) 10/20/2005
  • В Одесі вiдкрили iнформаційний центр НАТО (VOA) 10/20/2005
  • Зник свідок у справі про судимості Януковича (BBC Ukrainian) 10/20/2005
  • 17% of Ukrainians Polled by Razumkov Center Ready to Back Party of Regions in 2006 Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • В Українi далi низька довiра до полiтикiв (VOA) 10/20/2005
  • Суддя КС Павло Євграфов: Складнощів з депутатською недоторканністю бути не повинно (proUA) 10/20/2005
  • Поганий той юрист, що не хоче бути Генеральним (Україна молода) 10/20/2005
  • Prosecutor who investigated Yushchenko's wife is sacked [The main reason...was his failure to wind up a politically explosive investigation into the killing of the investigative journalist Georgy Gongadze in 2000] (Independent) 10/20/2005
  • N. European Countries, Newly Independent Nations, Score Well in Press Freedom Survey (VOA News) 10/20/2005
  • Azerbaijan opposition leader freed in Ukraine (AFX/III) 10/20/2005
  • Court Frees Former Azeri Parliament Speaker Guliyev from Detention (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Azerbaijan arrests ex-minister for 'coup plot' (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Former Azerbaijani Minister Arrested (AP/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Azerbaijan's Opposition Struggling (AP/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Russia’s post-orange empire ['Ukraine’s orange revolution was Russia’s 9/11'] (openDemocracy) 10/20/2005
  • 40,000 Russian troops based abroad (UPI) 10/20/2005
  • Spanish Judge Orders Arrest of U.S. Soldiers Cleared in 2003 (USDOS) 10/20/2005
  • Yekhanurov Calling for Political Independence of Civil Servants (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Rada Sets Number of SBU Workers at 41,800 (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Police Detain Suspect in Murder Committed in Crimea in 1979 (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Police Detains Man on Suspicion of Torso Murder in Mariupol (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • 'В Україні зменшується кількість бідних' (BBC Ukrainian) 10/20/2005
  • Against resistance, Belarus revives its poisoned lands [Chernobyl/Chornobyl] (IH Tribune) 10/20/2005
  • Photo: Two elderly women demonstrate in front of the parliament building in Kiev against cuts in social spending ahead of the 2006 budget debates in parliament (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Photo: Coalminers and their relatives demonstrate in front of the parliament building in Kiev against cuts in social spending ahead of the 2006 budget debates in parliament (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Rada to Re-Debate Draft National Budget for 2006 on November 1 (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Rada Refuses to Tentatively Adopt 2006 National Budget with Revenues of UAH 118.7 Billion, Expentidures of UAH 127.4 Billion (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Kiev to Seek Boost in '05 Spending (Reuters/Moscow Times) 10/20/2005
  • Rada to Consider 2006 State Budget Thursday (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Former Owners of Ukrainian Steelmaker Kryvorizhstal File Lawsuit to Stop Resale of Steel Mill (AP/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Ukrainian PM confirms Kryvorizhstal auction plans (Interfax-Russia) 10/20/2005
  • Gas settlement with Turkmenistan to save Ukraine $29 mln (Ukrainian Journal) 10/20/2005
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny to soon sign agreement to borrow €3bln from CSFB (Ukrainian Journal) 10/20/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Down 0.5 Kopecks to 5.0300 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Handelsblatt видає щоденну газету в Україні (Deutsche Welle) 10/20/2005
  • Ukraine deputies fear bird flu, ban poultry imports (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/20/2005
  • Environment Ministry Asking Forestry Committee to Ban Hunting of Migratory Birds to Prevent Spread of Bird Flu (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Yushchenko orders sweeping anti-bird flu measures throughout Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 10/20/2005
  • Number of countries banning Brazil beef rises to 41 (AFP/Yahoo) 10/20/2005
  • Veterinary Department Chair Verbytskyi Tenders Resignation (Українські новини) 10/20/2005
  • Pope Approves Move of Greek Catholic Head to Kyiv (RISU) 10/20/2005
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholic Head Raises Issue of Common Eucharist (RISU) 10/20/2005
  • Ізраїльські історики відстоюють Андрея Шептицького (Deutsche Welle) 10/20/2005
  • Joseph Bilczewski, Tireless Archbishop of Leopoli (Zenit) 10/20/2005
  • Борис Олiйник про мовну ситуацiю в Українi (VOA) 10/20/2005
  • Чому Сталін нас нищив? (День) 10/20/2005
  • Sask. homestead records going online (CBC) 10/20/2005

  • Joint Press Statement NATO-Ukraine Commission Meeting Kyiv, 19 October 2005 (NATO) 10/19/2005
  • Photo: NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer listens to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasiuk while Ukrainian Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko looks on during a meeting in Kiev. NATO Secretary General begins talks with Ukraine officials over the country's membership (AP/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko invites NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer to negotiations in Kiev. President Yushchenko's liberal administration set membership of the European Union and NATO as long-term goals in its plans to move Ukraine into the European mainstream (AFP/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • Photo: NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Ukrainian Defence Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko and Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk pose for a picture ahead of their meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • Secretary General to chair high-level NATO-Ukraine consultations (NATO) 10/19/2005
  • NATO chief says door is open to Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • NATO entry preparations will bolster democracy - Yushchenko (Interfax-Russia) 10/19/2005
  • Yuschenko: Integration With NATO May Unite Ukrainian Politicians (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • Україна прискорює рух до НАТО (Кореспондент) 10/19/2005
  • Костянтин Морозов: треба збалансувати антинатівську риторику (BBC Ukrainian) 10/19/2005
  • В Одесi розпочався анти-натiвський протест (VOA) 10/19/2005
  • У Верховнiй Радi дискутують реабiлiтацiю УПА (VOA) 10/19/2005
  • Віце-прем'єр В'ячеслав Кириленко: Ветерани УПА — такі самі ветерани, як і радянські (Україна молода) 10/19/2005
  • BYT Appoints Turchynov as Head of Its 2006 Parliamentary Election Campaign (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • НСНУ вимагає звільнити лідера азербайджанської опозиції (Кореспондент) 10/19/2005
  • Кримський суд вирішить долю азербайджанського опозиціонера (Deutsche Welle) 10/19/2005
  • Kiev Surprised at [Azeri opposition leader] Guliyev's Arrest (AP/Moscow Times) 10/19/2005
  • Azerbaijani Leader Confident His Party Will Win (NY Times) 10/19/2005
  • Kazakhs Seem to View Activists As Threat (AP/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • Медіа-експерти вимагають звільнення Чижа (VOA) 10/19/2005
  • Photo: Reuters television cameraman Taras Protsyuk from Ukraine. A judge has issued an international arrest warrant for three U.S. soldiers whose tank fired on a Baghdad hotel during the Iraq war, killing Jose Couso, a Spanish journalist, and Protsyuk (AP/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • Spain orders arrest of US troops (BBC News) 10/19/2005
  • Spanish Judge Issues Warrant for Three GIs [Reuters cameraman Taras Protsyuk, a Ukrainian, also was killed.] (AP/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • Court Orders PGO to Refute Information on Ex-Security Service Head Smeshko Involvement in Arms Smuggling (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • 6 Ukrainians Detained In Italy on Suspicion of Arms Trafficking (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • Agents say man helped supply machine guns [accomplice, Sergey Zarodnyuk] (Seattle Post-Intelligencer) 10/19/2005
  • Yuschenko Instructs Cabinet to Take Measures to Prevent Bird Flu Spread in Ukraine (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • Kherson Region Shoots Migrant Birds Due to Bird Flu Spread Threat (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • Human Trafficking: 2-night miniseries to air Mon/Tues 10/24 and 25 at 9PM ET/PT [trailer] (Lifetime) 10/19/2005
  • Найдавніша та вічно молода: щорічно на облік МВС стають вісім тисяч повій (День) 10/19/2005
  • Yushchenko defies parliament on Kryvorizhstal sale (Financial Times) 10/19/2005
  • Kryvorizhstal tender to go ahead on schedule - Yekhanurov (Interfax-Russia) 10/19/2005
  • Приватизація 'Криворіжсталі'. Інвестори депутатів не злякаються (Deutsche Welle) 10/19/2005
  • Yanukovych Against Privatization of Kryvorizhstal (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • Experts Say Rada's Intentions to Halt Kryvorizhstal Privatization Threaten to Frustrate Privatization Tender (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • Блокують повторний продаж Криворiжсталi (VOA) 10/19/2005
  • Rada passes anti Krivorizhstal sale bill (Ukrainian Journal) 10/19/2005
  • «Криворіжсталь»: гра на пониження (День) 10/19/2005
  • Ukraine Ranks 44th on Transparency International's Corruption Scale (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • Russia Becomes More Opaque (Moscow Times) 10/19/2005
  • Parliament defeats export duty cut deemed crucial for WTO membership (Ukrainian Journal) 10/19/2005
  • Yushchenko: Royal Dutch/Shell interested in Ukraine gas extraction (Ukrainian Journal) 10/19/2005
  • Ukrainian nuclear company plans hydro project (Website) 10/19/2005
  • Ukraine is Experiencing an Economic Boom (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • FOREX-Dollar takes pause from yield-driven rally (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/19/2005
  • Ukrainian court rejects Storm's claim to amend Kyivstar charter (Cellular News) 10/19/2005
  • Cabinet to Consider Situation in Agro-Industrial Complex, Hear Commission Report on Poisoning of Children in Khmelnytskyi Region (Українські новини) 10/19/2005
  • Weather assists with grain harvest costs (Glasgow Herald) 10/19/2005
  • Credit Card Adviser Faces Trial for Fraud (Moscow Times) 10/19/2005
  • Another step in his journey: Emigre opens computer store (Massachusetts Republican) 10/19/2005
  • Runaway Net bride safe (Connecticut Post) 10/19/2005

  • Editorial: The cost of humanitarian aid to Ukraine is the aid itself (BRAMA) 10/18/2005
  • The case of missing medicine – Ukraine's humanitarian aid tax? SPECIAL (BRAMA) 10/18/2005
  • Corruption Threatens Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Watchdog Says (USDOS) 10/18/2005
  • Ющенко задоволений поїздкою до Великобританії (Кореспондент) 10/18/2005
  • Ukrainian leader sets sights on joining the West (Daily Telegraph) 10/18/2005
  • Orange revolution tests its leader's grey matter (Guardian) 10/18/2005
  • Yushchenko defends sacking his government (Independent) 10/18/2005
  • Queen Elizabeth II presents Yushchenko with international relations prize (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/18/2005
  • PM meets Ukrainian President at Number 10 (10 Downing Street) 10/18/2005
  • Yushchenko Talks NATO in London (AP/Moscow Times) 10/18/2005
  • Бутейко розповів, навіщо Україні вступати у НАТО (Кореспондент) 10/18/2005
  • SDPU(u) Initiates Referendum on Ukraine's Accession to NATO (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • В Україну прибуває делегацiя НАТО (VOA) 10/18/2005
  • Дні НАТО — в Україні (День) 10/18/2005
  • Костянтин Морозов: Без інформаційної роботи ніхто не матиме з нами справи (День) 10/18/2005
  • Ілько Кучерів: держава повинна інформувати про НАТО (BBC Ukrainian) 10/18/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov listens to Ukraine's national anthem at Victory square in central Minsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/18/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov attends a wreath-laying ceremony at Victory square in central Minsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/18/2005
  • Ukrainian Premier Appears to Break the Ice in Minsk (RFE/RL) 10/18/2005
  • Lukashenko says relations with Ukraine should be built on pragmatic basis (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/18/2005
  • Fearing Ukrainian-Style Uprising, Belarus Cracks Down (NY Times) 10/18/2005
  • Piskun Believes He Was Dismissed Because He Filed Case Against Poroshenko and Refused to Reopen Case Against Tymoshenko (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • Каськів звільнив би Піскуна набагато раніше (proUA) 10/18/2005
  • Games with the prosecutor general (День) 10/18/2005
  • На адресу тележурналістки в Дніпропетровську продовжують надходити погрози (Deutsche Welle) 10/18/2005
  • Free to mourn the Orange dream (BBC News) 10/18/2005
  • Olena Prytula. Safeguarding Ukraine's Orange Revolution (Mother Jones) 10/18/2005
  • Orange Revolution Possible by Students Strike (Seoul Times) 10/18/2005
  • The price of Ukrainian democracy: Could our politicians have gotten by without Berezovsky’s money? (День) 10/18/2005
  • МЗС не знало про затримання Ґулієва (BBC Ukrainian) 10/18/2005
  • Azeris turn away exiled opposition leader (Financial Times) 10/18/2005
  • Time needed for poll in rebel Moldova region-OSCE (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/18/2005
  • BAM's effectiveness hinges on Ukraine's integrity (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/18/2005
  • 'If Russian depots in Pridnestrovye blow up this will be like an atomic explosion' (Kommersant) 10/18/2005
  • Ukraine official [Secretary of Ukraine Security and Defense Council Anatoli Kinakh] asks for broader ties with Iran (Iranmania) 10/18/2005
  • Zanzibar on edge as vote endangers Tanzania image (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/18/2005
  • Prosecutor's Office Files Criminal Case Against High Economic Court Official Accused of Accepting USD 3,000 in Bribes (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • Canadian military setting up camp in hard-hit, mountain city (CP/Yahoo) 10/18/2005
  • Yuschenko Does Not Consider Rada's Recommendations to Suspend Kryvorizhstal Privatization a Hinderance to Plant's Privatization (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • Ющенко: Ніщо не зупинить приватизацію 'Криворіжсталі' (Кореспондент) 10/18/2005
  • Ukraine assembly moves to halt steel mill sale (Reuters) 10/18/2005
  • Ukrainian Lawmakers Debate Moratorium on Privatization of Steel Mill in Bid to Block Sale (AP/Yahoo) 10/18/2005
  • Rada Intends to Ban Kryvorizhstal Privatization (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • Rada to Examine Recommendation That Cabinet Halt Privatization Before 2006 Elections (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • 3 bidders place $200mln deposits with SPF ahead of Kryvorizhstal tender (Ukrainian Journal) 10/18/2005
  • Russians cut out of Ukrainian steel bidding (Mineweb) 10/18/2005
  • Ющенко і Яценюк бачать перспективи вступу України до СОТ до кінця року (Кореспондент) 10/18/2005
  • Yushchenko seeks Blair support on WTO (Ukrainian Journal) 10/18/2005
  • Transparency International Chief Talks About Corruption in CIS (RFE/RL) 10/18/2005
  • Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2005 (Transparency International) 10/18/2005
  • [PDF] Europe and Central Asia Regional Highlights CPI 2005 [In Ukraine (CPI 2005 score 2.6; CPI 2004 score 2.2) the improvement this year may be a sign that the new administration coming to power after the “Orange Revolution”] (Transparency International) 10/18/2005
  • Ukraine says has no gas debts to Turkmenistan (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/18/2005
  • National Security Council to grapple this month with energy sector (Ukrainian Journal) 10/18/2005
  • Pressure in the pipe (День) 10/18/2005
  • The Great (Pipeline) Game (St. Petersburg Times) 10/18/2005
  • Yushchenko: Ukraine’s economy has started to stabilize (Forum) 10/18/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 0.4 Kopecks Down to 5.0190 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • Report Claims Trade Unionists Targeted by More Violence (RFE/RL) 10/18/2005
  • ICFTU Annual Survey: Grim global catalogue of anti-union repression (ICFTU) 10/18/2005
  • Ukraine bans poultry imports from Greece (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/18/2005
  • Veterinary Service Bans Importation of Poultry Meat and Live Birds from Greece (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • Odesa Region Shooting Migrant Birds to Stop Bird Flue Spread Thread (Українські новини) 10/18/2005
  • Swan discovered with bird flu antibodies near Romania's border with Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/18/2005
  • Romania teams up with neighbours amid new bird flu scare (AFP/Yahoo) 10/18/2005
  • To Play on Foreign Soil [Ukrainian Mediaholding announced it is willing to invest more than $30 million in media projects in Russia] (Kommersant) 10/18/2005
  • В Українi почали складати комп`ютери HP [Hewlett Packard] (VOA) 10/18/2005
  • Папа Римський вважає правомірним перенесення резиденції греко-католиків зі Львова до Києва (УГКЦ) 10/18/2005
  • Pope to Canonize 5 on Sunday (Zenit) 10/18/2005
  • Archbishop Makariy of Lviv: 'The ecumenical patriarch has both a desire and the right to intervene in our affairs' (День) 10/18/2005
  • A faith for enduring believers (День) 10/18/2005
  • A Kiev project could multiply church leaders times four (Website) 10/18/2005
  • Дипломати передають наукові видання Науковому Товариству ім. Шевченка в Америці (НТШ-А) 10/18/2005
  • Historian Roman Solchanyk: 'Nations are built, not born' (День) 10/18/2005
  • Володимир Кучинський: «Я вже досить бився головою об зачинені двері» (Високий замок) 10/18/2005
  • Music festival comes of age: The 16th International Kyiv Music Fest (День) 10/18/2005
  • Gogol Bordello's Eugene Hutz Takes Hollywood (Chartattack) 10/18/2005
  • The man who found the pectoral: Launch of second edition of Borys Mozolevsky’s book The Scythian Steppe (День) 10/18/2005
  • Ukrainian photographer Maslov to visit WMU (Kalamazoo Gazette) 10/18/2005
  • On the threshold of a choice: Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky’s historical prose (День) 10/18/2005
  • Триває протистояння навколо визнання УПА (VOA) 10/18/2005
  • An army still without a state (День) 10/18/2005
  • 'The stones will cry out' (День) 10/18/2005
  • Foreigners make up more than 3 percent plus of Czech work force [One third of foreign workers are from European states outside the EU, mainly from Ukraine.] (Prague Daily Monitor) 10/18/2005
  • Delta to add 11 new transatlantic routes (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/18/2005
  • Delta May Extend Pilot Recall Program (AP/Yahoo) 10/18/2005
  • Dzus: How a personal trial affected me (Rochester Democrat & Chronicle) 10/18/2005
  • On this day: 1672 – Poland surrenders the Ukraine to the Turks after an invasion; 1944 – Soviet troops invade Czechoslovakia during WWII... (Brisbane Courier-Mail) 10/18/2005

  • Photo: Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the Duke of Edinburgh, Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko and Britain's Queen Elizabeth II at Mansion House in central London, after the Queen presented Yushchenko with the Chatham House Award. The annual award has been set up to reward an individual who has made the most significant contribution to international relations (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II smiles after presenting Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko with the Chatham House Award at Mansion House in central London. The Chatham House Award has been established to annually reward the individual who has made the most significant contribution to international relations (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II presents Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko with the Chatham House award, at Mansion House in central London (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II presents to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko the Chatham House Award at Mansion House in central London (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II talks with Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko at Mansion House in central London (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Queen Elizabeth arrives for an award ceremony and reception at Mansion House in central London (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and his wife Kateryna are greeted by the Lord Mayor of London Michael Savory as they arrive for an award ceremony and reception at Mansion House in central London. Yushchenko is due to be presented an award by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II honouring the role he played in Ukraine's Orange Revolution and as the individual deemed to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations in 2004 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko arrives for an award ceremony and reception at Mansion House in central London (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair greets Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko inside No.10 Downing Street (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair and Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko walk through No.10 Downing Street in central London, before their meeting (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair and Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko walk through No.10 Downing Street (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair greets Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko on the steps of 10 Downing Street in London (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair greets Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko on the steps of 10 Downing Street (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair greets Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko on the steps of 10 Downing Street in London (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks at Chatham House in London (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks at Chatham House in London (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Yushchenko gets award in London (BBC News) 10/17/2005
  • Королева Британії вручила нагороду Ющенку (BBC Ukrainian) 10/17/2005
  • Ukraine reaffirms desire to join EU, NATO (ISN) 10/17/2005
  • Yushchenko: EU Ukraine's 'natural' home (UPI) 10/17/2005
  • The Revolution So Far (Guardian) 10/17/2005
  • President Meets with Chatham House Members (UNIAN) 10/17/2005
  • Victor's laurels (Financial Times) 10/17/2005
  • Experts Name Stretovych, Moisyk, Omelchenko, and Karmazin as Possible Candidates for Post of Prosecutor-General (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • Martyniuk Forecasts That Parliamentary Consideration of Candidate for Post of Prosecutor-General Will Be Complicated (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • Леся Гонгадзе: звільнення Піскуна з посади генпрокурора пов’язано зі 'справою Гонгадзе' (Deutsche Welle) 10/17/2005
  • Easy Parting (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/17/2005
  • Dreaming of a remake, or, Why would Mr. Menard meet with Mr. Yushchenko? (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/17/2005
  • September crisis over, but strategic problems remain for Yushchenko (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's Defence Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko and his Canadian counterpart William Graham review the guard of honour, during a welcome ceremony in Kiev. Graham arrived in Ukraine on Sunday for a three-day official visit (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's Defence Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko and his Canadian counterpart William Graham smile during a welcoming ceremony in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • 'НАТО буде допомагати', обіцяє генсек НАТО (BBC Ukrainian) 10/17/2005
  • Мiж Україною та НАТО поглиблюється дiалог (VOA) 10/17/2005
  • Співпраця України й НАТО розвивається динамічно, заявив Єхануров (proUA) 10/17/2005
  • Lytvyn, Lellouche Stressed Importance of Parliamentary Component in Ukraine-NATO Relations (UNIAN) 10/17/2005
  • В Україні з робочим візитом перебуває голова Парламентської асамблеї НАТО (Deutsche Welle) 10/17/2005
  • Борис Тарасюк: '2005 рік знаменував прорив у стосунках України та ЄС' (BBC Ukrainian) 10/17/2005
  • The Ukraine-EU Barometer Shows… (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/17/2005
  • Will U.S. deport former Sumy governor to Ukraine? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/17/2005
  • Bezsmertnyi Forecasts OUPU, Tymoshenko Coalition, and People's Party Will Form Cabinet After 2006 Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • Луценко: відповідальними за події 15 жовтня на Хрещатику є організатори (proUA) 10/17/2005
  • 'Пора' вимагає заборонити КПУ і ПСПУ (Кореспондент) 10/17/2005
  • MP Kuras Dies (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • Режимні суб’єкти: склад парламенту залишиться колишнім — бандити плюс депутати (Галицькі контракти) 10/17/2005
  • Rada Planning to Consider Appointment of Constitutional Court Judges in Early November (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • Constitutional Court to Clarify Procedures for Appointing and Dismissing District Administration Heads and Electing District Council Heads (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • Azerbaijani Opposition Leader Arrested (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Azerbaijan security tight as opposition leader fails to show (AFP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Three Lviv Residents Suffer in Attempt to Get to Cliff by Off-Road Car in Zakarpattia (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • В інтернатах та дитячих будинках знову виявлені факти порушення прав людини (Deutsche Welle) 10/17/2005
  • Sorvino Stars in 'Human Trafficking' (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Вступ України до СОТ у грудні під сумнівом (VOA) 10/17/2005
  • Гендиректор СОТ: Україна не має шансів на вступ у 2005 році (Кореспондент) 10/17/2005
  • Russia Drags Behind Ukraine in WTO Talks (Kommersant) 10/17/2005
  • Three Companies Bid for Ukraine's Biggest Steel Mill, Government Says (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Arcelor, Industrial Group to Finance 60/40 Purchase of Kryvorozhstal (UNIAN) 10/17/2005
  • Manipulations at Ukrainian Metal Works [Kryvorizhstal] (Kommersant) 10/17/2005
  • Turkmen-Ukrainian Teams Discuss Oil-and-Gas Cooperation (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Ukraine, Turkmenistan agree on ways to clear $500mln natural gas debt (Ukrainian Journal) 10/17/2005
  • PM warns: Naftogaz brass may be shuffled over gas debt fiasco (Ukrainian Journal) 10/17/2005
  • Yushchenko pleads to richest businessmen for more capital investment (Ukrainian Journal) 10/17/2005
  • На волю, в пампаси! Український бізнес готовий до експансії за кордон — не як постачальник сировини, а як покупець іноземних активів (Галицькі контракти) 10/17/2005
  • Пан’Європейці (Галицькі контракти) 10/17/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 0.3 Kopecks Down to 5.015 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • Malyshev Plant Director Insists on Budget Line for Upgrading T-64 Tanks (UNIAN) 10/17/2005
  • Nissan to launch luxury brand Infiniti in Ukraine (Kyodo/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Police Detains Two Kyiv Residents Attempting to Dig Out Nun's Grave (Українські новини) 10/17/2005
  • Sun, Sand, Manty: Many Crimean Tatars see eco-tourism as the quickest way to rebuild their culture after years in exile (Transitions Online) 10/17/2005
  • Lemony Snicket Book Tour Coming Out (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005
  • Break May Be Near in Pundit's Wife's Death [criminal defense attorney Daniel Horowitz defended former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko] (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2005

  • [AUDIO] BBC Interview: President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine answered your questions in a special edition of Talking Point. (BBC News) 10/16/2005
  • Yushchenko foresees Orange future (BBC News) 10/16/2005
  • 'Я переконаний, що Помаранчева революція дала приклад' (BBC Ukrainian) 10/16/2005
  • 'По справі Ґонґадзе мені нема у чому докорити' (BBC Ukrainian) 10/16/2005
  • MAP-2006, НАТО-2008? Інтерв'ю із Джеймсом Шером (BBC Ukrainian) 10/16/2005
  • Євген Кушнарьов: 'Такої технології, як Майдан, у Януковича не було' (BBC Ukrainian) 10/16/2005
  • Експерт: журналісти в Українi ще не четверта влада (VOA) 10/16/2005
  • Експерти невдоволенi судовою реформою в Україні (VOA) 10/16/2005
  • Miner Dead in Mine Rockslide in Luhansk Region (Українські новини) 10/16/2005
  • Sex with trafficked women is rape, says minister (The Observer) 10/16/2005
  • Britons fly abroad for stem-cell makeovers (Independent) 10/16/2005
  • Steel giants rush to invest in developing economies (AFP/Yahoo) 10/16/2005
  • As Gazprom Grows, So Does Russia's Sway (LA Times) 10/16/2005
  • UOC-KP Head Rejects Proposals of Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox for Electing Unified Head (RISU) 10/16/2005
  • Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox 'Seek Unification, not Annexation' (RISU) 10/16/2005
  • UOC-KP Bishops Support Unification Process with Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox (RISU) 10/16/2005
  • Політична освіта. Німецький досвід (Deutsche Welle) 10/16/2005
  • Ukrainian journalist visits Neosho (Website) 10/16/2005
  • A short history of tracking down my family in Ukraine [author Marina Lewycka] (The Observer) 10/16/2005
  • Garden Remembers Ukrainians (RNews) 10/16/2005

  • Photo: Supporters of Red Army veterans set a fire to a flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army during a rally in downtown Kiev. The supporters of the Red Army veterans were rallying to protest against calls by Ukrainian partisans to receive official recognition as World War II veterans. The partisans from the Ukrainian Insurgent Army fought against both Nazis and Red Army soldiers during World War II in a bid to create an independent Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • Photo: Police subdue a Communist demonstrator during skirmishes which broke out during rallies in central Kiev October 15, 2005 devoted to the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). Communists and other leftists denounce any notion of official recognition for the UPA, which fought both Nazi invaders and Soviet troops in the war. (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • Photo: Supporters of Red Army veterans and supporters of Ukrainian partisans clash during a rally in downtown Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • Photo: A Soviet army general chants as he takes part in a rally to protest against calls by Ukrainian partisans to receive official recognition as World War II veterans (AP/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • Photo: Veterans of the wartime Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) talk as one holds a portrait of UPA leader Stepan Bandera (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • Photo: A veteran from the wartime Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) remonstrates with an elderly woman Communist protester (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • Photo: Oleksiy Polishchuk, partisan veteran from the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, passes riot police during a march in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • Photo: Communist demonstrators confront riot police during skirmishes which broke out during a rally in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • Leftists, nationalists scuffle in Ukraine over WW2 (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/15/2005
  • National-Patriots mark Ukrainian Rebel Army anniversary in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 10/15/2005
  • Армія, яка все ще без держави (День) 10/15/2005
  • Головатий буде захищати Ющенка від Піскуна у суді (proUA) 10/15/2005
  • Піскун не має підстав звертатися до суду, заявив Головатий (proUA) 10/15/2005
  • Більшість українських політиків позитивно оцінили звільнення Піскуна з посади генпрокурора (Deutsche Welle) 10/15/2005
  • Iгри з генпрокурором (День) 10/15/2005
  • Розлука без печалі (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/15/2005
  • Мрії про римейк, або Навіщо пану Менару зустрічатися з паном Ющенком (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/15/2005
  • Колишнього губернатора Сумської області найвірогідніше депортують в Україну (Deutsche Welle) 10/15/2005
  • «А тепер Щербань! Я сказав — Щербань!»: екс-«губернатора» Сумщини в аеропорту радо зустрічатиме керівництво МВС. Але не все так просто з американським арештантом... (Україна молода) 10/15/2005
  • Міністр культури і туризму Ігор Ліховий: «Кадрової хірургії не буде. Але не виключено, що і я наражуся на такий скажений опір, як Білозір» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/15/2005
  • Yuschenko Approves New Structure of Secretariat (Українські новини) 10/15/2005
  • Call for EU to keep spreading east (Financial Times) 10/15/2005
  • Україна—ЄС: барометр показує... (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/15/2005
  • Гела Бежуашвілі: «Закавказзя» більше немає…» (День) 10/15/2005
  • Over tea and biscuits, EU plots to bring order to Moldova's frontier (Independent) 10/15/2005
  • Ukraine's Media Toils to Become 4th Estate (Deutsche Welle) 10/15/2005
  • Михайло Поживанов: Березовський — приємна людина, і спершу я йому вірив. Але виявилося, що він бреше (Україна молода) 10/15/2005
  • Фігаро: боротьба за право володіння брендом «Наша Україна» завершилася. Результат — бойова нічия (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/15/2005
  • Bus tires were cut in Donetsk with frequency like breads and butter on Maydan (Ukrayinska Pravda) 10/15/2005
  • First planeload of disaster relief gear takes off for Pakistan (CP/Yahoo) 10/15/2005
  • НЕП від Юрія Єханурова (День) 10/15/2005
  • Lawyers object to absence of Ukraine counterpart in court case [Lawyers defending former Vietnam oil officials charged with embezzlement objected to the absence of Ukraine’s Corall Institute] (Thanh Nien Daily) 10/15/2005
  • NBU Decides to Issue Additional UAH 50 Notes with Signature of Stelmakh Instead of Tihipko (Українські новини) 10/15/2005
  • Чи «перегнала» Ураїна СРСР за кількістю національностей? (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/15/2005
  • Микола Хвильовий: «азіятський ренесанс» і «психологічна Европа» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/15/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine's top Prosecutor-General Svyatoslav Piskun...sacked by President Viktor Yushchenko... (AP/Yahoo) 10/14/2005
  • Yushchenko sacks top prosecutor (BBC News) 10/14/2005
  • Yuschenko Fires Piskun (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • Звільнено генпрокурора Станіслава Піскуна (BBC Ukrainian) 10/14/2005
  • Ukrainian president sacks beleaguered prosecutor-general: report (CP/Yahoo) 10/14/2005
  • Піскун щасливий, що його відправлено у відставку (Кореспондент) 10/14/2005
  • Луценко прокоментував відставку Піскуна (Кореспондент) 10/14/2005
  • Комуністична Прокуратура України? Святослав Піскун, як і його попередник на посаді Генпрокурора Михайло Потебенько, може балотуватися до парламенту за списком Компартії (Україна молода) 10/14/2005
  • Повернути Щербаня (Львівська газета) 10/14/2005
  • Quo vadis, Петровичу? (proUA) 10/14/2005
  • Yekhanurov Intends to Dismiss Ministers in Case of Discord in Cabinet (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • Єхануров представив нового Міністра охорони здоров’я (proUA) 10/14/2005
  • Holovatyi Criticizes Constitutional Court for Deficient Use of European Human Rights Court's Experience in Decision-Making (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • President of Ukraine strives to end divisions (Financial Times) 10/14/2005
  • Full text of FT interview with Ukrainian president (Financial Times) 10/14/2005
  • Orange revolution oligarchs reveal their true colours. The high hopes for Ukraine after Yushchenko took power are being dashed as rival elites squabble over spoils (Guardian) 10/14/2005
  • Lytvyn Calls for Open Discussion of Ukraine-Russia Problems (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • Bus catches fire in eastern Ukraine, killing five passengers (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/14/2005
  • Kyiv Starts Heating Season (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • Yuschenko Orders Cabinet to Draft Bill on Ownership Guarantees of Privatized Facilities (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • Yushchenko and big business to meet, discuss privatization mistakes (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/14/2005
  • Єхануров: Олігархи доплатять за куплені за заниженими цінами активи (Кореспондент) 10/14/2005
  • Україна вже на 80% наблизилася до СОТ (proUA) 10/14/2005
  • Canada praises US subsidy cuts offer (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/14/2005
  • Партія Януковича не голосуватиме за законопроекти щодо СОТ (Кореспондент) 10/14/2005
  • У США вимагають скасувати поправку Джексона-Венніка щодо України (Кореспондент) 10/14/2005
  • Єхануров поклав провину за проблеми з Туркменістаном на 'Нафтогаз України' (Кореспондент) 10/14/2005
  • Turkmen leader balks at Ukraine gas deal (Ukrainian Journal) 10/14/2005
  • Court cancels Kuchma decree transferring refinery assets to Naftogaz (Ukrainian Journal) 10/14/2005
  • Tatneft to Gain Control over Ukrtatnafta (Kommersant) 10/14/2005
  • 10,000 Miners Hold Rally in Luhansk, Demand More Financing for Coal Industry in 2006 (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • Three bidders pay deposits for Ukraine steel mill (Reuters) 10/14/2005
  • Economic growth accelerates in September after contracting in August (Ukrainian Journal) 10/14/2005
  • В Україні зростає ВВП (Кореспондент) 10/14/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 1.2 Kopecks Down to 5.012 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • Court Declares Zolotonosha Hemp Factory Bankrupt (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • Об’єднання чи приєднання? (Львівська газета) 10/14/2005
  • Ukrainian Orthodox Approach Unification (RISU) 10/14/2005
  • Ukrainian MP Glad of Orthodox Brotherhoods’ Support (RISU) 10/14/2005
  • Ukrainian Scholars Want to Rewrite Books on Creation of the World (RISU) 10/14/2005
  • Kyiv and Chicago Reach Cooperation Agreement (Українські новини) 10/14/2005
  • A Contest of Suffering, With the U.S. as a Prize [At 12, his childhood already cut short by his mother's heroin addiction, Alex Krylov left Ukraine with his grandmother and started life anew in Brooklyn...] (NY Times) 10/14/2005

  • From War to Westminster by Stefan Terlezki CBE. Book review by Tony Leliw (BRAMA) 10/13/2005
  • Inaugural U.S. - Ukrainian Investment Symposium 'Sustaining Momentum' to take place at Boston's Harvard Club (BRAMA) 10/13/2005
  • US Arrests Sumy Ex-Governor Scherban for Violation of Rules of Stay in That Country (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • Former Ukrainian governor [Volodymyr Shcherban, Sumy] arrested in Tampa at Ukraine's request (AP/ABC) 10/13/2005
  • US Prosecutor Arrests Sumy Ex-Governor Scherban (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • Сторона захисту скептично оцінює заяви генпрокурора у справі Гонгадзе (Deutsche Welle) 10/13/2005
  • Останній кидок 'загнаного вовка' (Львівська газета) 10/13/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Yekhanurov's Cabinet (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • The last intrigue of Ukrainian Cabinet. President of Ukraine appoints Yuriy Polyachenko Health Minister of Ukraine (Forum) 10/13/2005
  • Ющенко призначив міністром охорони здоров’я Поляченка (proUA) 10/13/2005
  • Останнє призначення Віктора Ющенка (proUA) 10/13/2005
  • New advisory body aims at Rada support (Ukrainian Journal) 10/13/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian troops decontaminate each other, following a mock terrorist chemical attack at the training ground in Yavoriv (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • Ukraine Holds Drill to Boost NATO Chances (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • 'Наша Україна' буде змінювати Конституцію (Кореспондент) 10/13/2005
  • Янукович любить Україну не менше, ніж 'мудаки' (Кореспондент) 10/13/2005
  • Плющ: 'Ющенко переоцiнює себе -- i своє значення, i свої можливостi' (Експрес) 10/13/2005
  • Жванія: Отруєння Ющенка організувала Тимошенко (Кореспондент) 10/13/2005
  • Ігри з «патріотами»: що ж це за Партія патріотичних сил, яку за десять днів збирається очолити екс-держсекретар Олександр Зінченко? (Україна молода) 10/13/2005
  • УНП і НПУ. Боротьба за три букви (proUA) 10/13/2005
  • МЗС склав список виборців за кордоном на вибори-2006 (proUA) 10/13/2005
  • Russian Foreign Minister Threatens Neighbor Countries with Economic Pressure (UNIAN) 10/13/2005
  • Partisans rally for recognition as World War II veterans (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/13/2005
  • Ukraine: Is the Revolution Over? (VOA News) 10/13/2005
  • Ukraine's Orange Revolution. By Adrian Karatnycky [March/April 2005] (Foreign Affairs) 10/13/2005
  • Clan politics and backward lands. By Roger Sandall [Dated August 2005] (Culture Cult) 10/13/2005
  • Ukraine to rush mobile hospital, supplies to stricken Pakistan areas (Ukrainian Journal) 10/13/2005
  • Kazakh opposition says U.S. puts oil before democracy (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • Hunting Loose Nukes in Eastern Europe [Dr. Igor Bolshinsky, Ukrainian-born scientist] (ABCNews) 10/13/2005
  • 5 Killed in Vinnytsia Region Car Crash (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • 51.5 Hectares of Peatbog On Fire in Poltava Region (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • Poverty is falling in Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union (UzReport) 10/13/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian coalminers rally in the eastern industrial city of Donetsk. About 3,000 coalminers staged a protest to demand the government increase state financing to the sector (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian coalminer smokes and holds a slogan which reads 'deputy what did you do for miners' during a rally in the eastern industrial city of Donetsk. About 3,000 coalminers staged a protest to demand the government increase state financing to the sector (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • Thousands of Ukrainian miners hold protest, calling for an increase in state financing (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/13/2005
  • Turkmen head raps Ukraine, puts off 25-yr gas deal (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • Turkmen Leader Says Future Gas Exports to Ukraine Must Be Negotiated With Russia (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • Yushchenko Vows to Pay for Turkmen Gas (UNIAN) 10/13/2005
  • Turkmenistan said to be growing unhappy with $500mln gas payment delays (Ukrainian Journal) 10/13/2005
  • Constitutional Court Rules Unlawful Transfer to Naftohaz Ukrainy of 43% in Ukrtatnafta and 25% in Oil Refinery Halychyna (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • Yuschenko Calls for Legalization of Shadow Economy (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 1.8 Kopecks Up to 5.0 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • Ukrainian Anti-Monopoly Committee Bans Antonov Corporation (Interfax-Russia) 10/13/2005
  • Kyiv Wants to Complete Second Exit from Lisova Subway Station on October 15 (Українські новини) 10/13/2005
  • Ukrainian-Japanese Business-Forum Opens in Odessa (UNIAN) 10/13/2005
  • Bird Flu in Turkey Is Same Deadly Strain as Asia (NY Times) 10/13/2005
  • Status of bird flu in Europe (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/13/2005
  • Photo: Monsignor Sofron Stefan Mudry, Cardinal Telesphore Placidus Toppo, Cardinal Francis Arinze, Reverend Ciro Benedettini, Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez and Monsignor John Patrick Foley at a press conference on the Synod of Bishops, at the Vatican (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • World's Bishops Discuss Priest Shortage (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/2005
  • Priest shortage stems from crisis of faith, ignorance of the infinite, not celibacy, say Bishops (Catholic News Agency) 10/13/2005
  • Australian cardinal says church should not relax celibacy rule (Catholic News Service) 10/13/2005
  • Lack of Priests Seen as a Symptom of a Problem of Faith (Zenit) 10/13/2005
  • Yuschenko Vetoes Amendments to Law on Pensions for Research Staff (Україна молода) 10/13/2005
  • Ukrainians keep 'light' alive with monument [Taras Shevchenko bronze to be unveiled Sunday] (Syracuse Post-Standard) 10/13/2005
  • Celebration of life around the church (Oregonian) 10/13/2005
  • Astronaut bios [Pavel Popovich was born Oct. 5, 1930 in Usin, Ukraine] (Utah Daily Herald) 10/13/2005

  • Government of Ukraine reins in adoptions due to non-compliance with post-adoption reports by American families (BRAMA) 10/12/2005
  • A Great Tragedy: film about Ukraine's orphans (BRAMA) 10/12/2005
  • Constitution May Be Changed Only by National Referendum – Constitutional Court (UNIAN) 10/12/2005
  • Зміни конституційного ладу України можна ухвалити тільки на референдумі (Кореспондент) 10/12/2005
  • КС роз’яснив положення Конституції про здійснення влади народом (proUA) 10/12/2005
  • Майбутнi полiтреформи в Украiнi робитиме народ (VOA) 10/12/2005
  • Влада належить народу (Радіо Свобода) 10/12/2005
  • Ukraine's Prosecutor Finds Yushchenko Poisoning Was Assassination Attempt (VOA News) 10/12/2005
  • Yushchenko was poisoned with aim to kill - prosecutor (Interfax-Russia) 10/12/2005
  • Піскун: Ющенка отруїли з метою вбивства (Кореспондент) 10/12/2005
  • Піскун про отруєння Ющенка і свою відставку (VOA) 10/12/2005
  • PGO Directs SBU to Identify Instigators of Interference with CEC's Server During 2004 Presidential Elections (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • PGO, Police and SBU Approve Secret Plan of Investigation and Operational Measures in Investigation of Gongadze Case (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Головатий: Піскун не зможе розкрити 'справу Гонгадзе' (Кореспондент) 10/12/2005
  • Is Kyiv on Stable Path Toward Integration with World Economy? (RFE/RL) 10/12/2005
  • Уряд вирішив працювати так, як Ющенко (proUA) 10/12/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko welcomes Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller during an official meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk points out of the window as his Danish counterpart Per Stig Moeller watches (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk shakes hands with his Danish counterpart Per Stig Moeller during their meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • Denmark Supports EU Granting Market Economy Status to Ukraine (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Yushchenko tries to reverse his ratings slide (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/12/2005
  • Regions Party, Our Ukraine People's Union, Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc, Communist, Socialist, People's Party Will Qualify for Rada According to Kyiv International Sociology Institute Poll (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Martynenko Says Zinchenko Aimed to Get On Tymoshenko Bloc Ticket When He Voiced Corruption Accusations (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Exiled Russian billionaire may have bankrolled Tymoshenko campaign (Ukrainian Journal) 10/12/2005
  • Жванія хоче подати в суд на Березовського (Кореспондент) 10/12/2005
  • Третьяков спростовує заяви Березовського (Кореспондент) 10/12/2005
  • Yanukovych Vows to Never Collaborate with Pro-Presidential and Pro-Tymoshenko Forces (UNIAN) 10/12/2005
  • Ukraine Journalist Escapes a Murder Attempt (UNIAN) 10/12/2005
  • Drifting on the Black Sea (Evenimentul Zilei) 10/12/2005
  • Photo: A group of chemical warfare experts decontaminate clothes and equipment after inspecting a site where two devices filled with toxic agent were reported during the Joint Assistance 2005 NATO-sponsored drill at the Yavoriv military training facility, 50 kilometers west of Lviv. Hundreds of military and civilian personnel from Ukraine, the United States and 10 other countries practiced joint responses to a mock terrorist chemical attack as part of a NATO-sponsored exercise (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • Photo: Chemical warfare experts from a multinational team examine the area for traces of contamination with a toxic agent during the NATO-led Joint Assistance exercise in the Yavoriv military training facility, 50 kilometers west of Lviv (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • Українцi споряджують iракських правоохоронцiв (VOA) 10/12/2005
  • Cabinet Sets Aside UAH 10 Million for Aid to Pakistan (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Millions of Cigarettes Seized in Poland (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • Border Guards and Customs Officers Seize SUV for Smuggling One Cartridge (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Ukrainian Specialists Do Not Rule Out Pandemic of Mixed Human and Bird Flu (UNIAN) 10/12/2005
  • Pollutants 'damage sperm quality' [Study examined the effects of pollutants on some men in Kharkiv...] (BBC News) 10/12/2005
  • Близько ста жінок з усієї України стали жертвами злочинного угруповання, яке діяло у Рівному і займалося продажем у сексуальне рабство (Радіо Свобода) 10/12/2005
  • Ukraine court cancels tender for waste site (NEI) 10/12/2005
  • Лiквiдатори «Премiксy»: як Закарпаття прощається зі скандальними хімічними відходами з Європи (Україна молода) 10/12/2005
  • Курс Єханурова приведе Україну до інтеґрації в світову економіку. Але ще не скоро (Радіо Свобода) 10/12/2005
  • Yekhanurov Forecasts That Economic Situation in Ukraine Will Stabilize (UNIAN) 10/12/2005
  • Yushchenko discusses WTO accession with U.S. congressmen (Interfax-Russia) 10/12/2005
  • U.S. sees no obstruction to Ukraine's WTO accession (Interfax-Russia) 10/12/2005
  • Кінах «відкурсував» Україну від СОТ (proUA) 10/12/2005
  • Малі жертви стануть великими, якщо Росія випередить Україну на шляху до СОТ (День) 10/12/2005
  • Kinakh Calls for Coordination of Ukraine and Russia's Activities During Accession to WTO (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Ukraine: New Law on Laser Discs Brings WTO Membership Closer (Mondaq) 10/12/2005
  • Foreign trade surplus turns into deficit (Ukrainian Journal) 10/12/2005
  • Ten Companies to Bid for Stake in Ukraine's Biggest Steel Mill, Prime Minister Says (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • На 'Криворіжсталь' претендують десять покупців. Конкурс можуть зірвати (Кореспондент) 10/12/2005
  • Продаж 'Криворіжсталi': на що підуть гроші (BBC Ukrainian) 10/12/2005
  • Turkmen Leader Demands Ukraine Pay for Millions of Dollars Worth of Gas (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • Poland, Ukraine to invest in natural gas extraction, distribution (Ukrainian Journal) 10/12/2005
  • Regal Petroleum says Kiev court rules in its favour on Ukraine appeal (AFX/III) 10/12/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 2.2 Kopecks Up to 5.018 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Yekhanurov Orders Securities Commission to Settle Situation Around Registrars of JSCs (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Lviv Starts Restoration of Special Economic Zones Following President's Directions (UNIAN) 10/12/2005
  • Weather Center Forecasts 2006 Winter Crop Harvest of No More than 10 Million Tons (Українські новини) 10/12/2005
  • Grain Outlook: Ukraine, a Competitive Threat for Kansas? (Cattle Network) 10/12/2005
  • Інтернетом регулярно користуються 18 % українців (Кореспондент) 10/12/2005
  • Ukrainian prelate clarifies call for Synod on Eastern churches (Catholic World News) 10/12/2005
  • The Synod: The Eucharist Determines the State of the Church’s Health (L'espresso) 10/12/2005
  • Nine Japanese through to second round of Chopin piano contest (AFP/Yahoo) 10/12/2005
  • [VIDEO] Твори О. Булавицького сьогодні обабіч океану (VOA) 10/12/2005
  • Treat All Citizens Equally (Toronto Sun) 10/12/2005
  • Barrie celebrates its Ukrainian heritage [FOTO/S] (Barrie Advance) 10/12/2005
  • [VIDEO] Українці Мiннеаполiсу плекають давнi традицiї (VOA) 10/12/2005
  • Our Neighbors -- The Ukrainians (Sun-Herald) 10/12/2005

  • Yushchenko Ally Vows to Fight Allegations (AP/Yahoo) 10/11/2005
  • Poroshenko to Contest Court Criminal Proceedings Launched Against Him by Prosecutor General's Office (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • Ex-Minister Zvarych to defend Ex-Security Chief Poroshenko (UNIAN) 10/11/2005
  • Ющенко може доручити знести елітний будинок на Грушевського (Кореспондент) 10/11/2005
  • Former security adviser [Petro Poroshenko] faces corruption inquiry (Guardian) 10/11/2005
  • PGO Asking Seeking Witnesses in Death of Woman Hit by Automobile in Poroshenko's Motorcade in Chernihiv Region (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • Луценко: Прокуратура не довела до кінця жодну з резонансних справ (Кореспондент) 10/11/2005
  • Експерт: у разі відставки генпрокурор може стати автором наступного корупційного скандалу (Deutsche Welle) 10/11/2005
  • Головатий окреслив пріоритети роботи свого відомства (Кореспондент) 10/11/2005
  • PGO Annuls Lawyer Fedur's Removal from Gongadze Case (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • Hanne Severinsen: Unless we solve the Gongadze case, we won’t be able to discuss the supremacy of law in Ukraine (День) 10/11/2005
  • Police Calls On Lebanese Businessman Harfouch to Give Evidence on His Car Burning (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • 'It saddens me to hear such a reproach'. President Yushchenko addresses the nation (День) 10/11/2005
  • President discusses 'No. 1 task' at Lviv economic forum (День) 10/11/2005
  • Якби вибори відбулися зараз, то 3% бар’єр пройшло б сім партій (proUA) 10/11/2005
  • Литвин сказав, із ким піде на вибори (Кореспондент) 10/11/2005
  • Багатовекторні «Реформи...» (День) 10/11/2005
  • Zinchenko Has No Plans to Participate in Security Council Meeting (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • Капремонт «гуманітарки»: віце-прем'єр із гуманітарних питань В'ячеслав Кириленко планує реанімувати українське кіно та мультики, провести реформу в медицині та освіті й помирити наших ветеранів (Україна молода) 10/11/2005
  • Зміна влади в Німеччині і Польщі зміцнює європейські надії України (Кореспондент) 10/11/2005
  • EU doors still open to Ukraine (День) 10/11/2005
  • Ukraine and EU Strengthen Cooperation in Human Rights (UNIAN) 10/11/2005
  • Делегація України в ПАРЄ вважає резолюцію щодо України об’єктивною (proUA) 10/11/2005
  • Europe’s recommendations (День) 10/11/2005
  • Foreign Ministry Sets Up Group to Register Voters Abroad for 2006 Rada Election (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • МЗС України вже готується до виборів (VOA) 10/11/2005
  • Давидович прогнозує складнощі на виборах-2006 (proUA) 10/11/2005
  • How will Russia influence the 2006 parliamentary elections in Ukraine? (День) 10/11/2005
  • Чи фiнансував Березовський кампанiю Ющенка? (VOA) 10/11/2005
  • Березовський: в Україну-лише на запрошення Ющенка (BBC Ukrainian) 10/11/2005
  • Нємцов: Березовський виділив Тимошенко 20 млн. доларів (Кореспондент) 10/11/2005
  • Lytvyn Supports Regulation of Procedure of Instituting Proceedings Against Local Councils Deputies (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • Ukraine to Fulfill its Commitments on Russian Black Sea Fleet (UNIAN) 10/11/2005
  • Адмірал Безкоровайний: у ЧФ єдине завдання... (BBC Ukrainian) 10/11/2005
  • President Speaks about Program to Utilize Ammunition (UNIAN) 10/11/2005
  • В Українi турбуються безпекою харчування (VOA) 10/11/2005
  • Cabinet Forms Commission to Investigate Causes for Mass Poisoning of Children in Khmelnytskyi Region (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • Transport Ministry Calls for Conducting Vehicle Checks by Certified Service Stations Instead of State Traffic Inspectorate (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • 'I want my mommy...' Every year some 900 Ukrainian mothers abandon their children in maternity hospitals. Why? (День) 10/11/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 2 Kopecks Up to 5.04 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/11/2005
  • Україна не відмовляється від наміру вступити до СОТ до кінця 2005 року (Кореспондент) 10/11/2005
  • There is still an opportunity to implement effective reforms (День) 10/11/2005
  • Utilitarian approach is required (День) 10/11/2005
  • Нафта «заБРОДила»: нашу «трубу» вмонтовано в європейський нафтовий «басейн» (Україна молода) 10/11/2005
  • Тарас Чорновіл схвалює заяву православних братств про підтримку Партії Регіонів (RISU) 10/11/2005
  • Where unity is lived (National Catholic Reporter) 10/11/2005
  • With fatherland in his heart: the Artistic Ukrainian Movement (MUR) (День) 10/11/2005
  • Vyshnivets: myths and realities of the ancestral home of the Princes Vyshnevetsky (День) 10/11/2005
  • A shield on Constantinople: Kyivan Prince Oleh the Seer (День) 10/11/2005
  • Foal by Foal, the Wildest of Horses Is Coming Back (NY Times) 10/11/2005

  • Prosecutors accuse Poroshenko of abuse of power (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2005
  • PGO Opens Case Against Poroshenko on Impeding Economic Activity of Company Constructing House on Hrushevsky Street in Kyiv (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • New justice minister criticizes prosecutor-general over Gongadze case (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2005
  • Головатий мінімізуватиме шкоду, завдану Піскуном (Кореспондент) 10/10/2005
  • Kuchma, aides to face Gongadze probe (Ukrainian Journal) 10/10/2005
  • Prosecutor Opens Case into Ex-Pres' Office on Slaying Probe [AP] (UNIAN) 10/10/2005
  • Стретович не вірить, що справа проти режиму Кучми дійде до суду (proUA) 10/10/2005
  • Адвокат Андрій Федур критикує останні заяви генпрокурора (Deutsche Welle) 10/10/2005
  • PGO Brings Action Against Presidential Administration Officials for Prosecutor General Piskun Dismissal by Kuchma in 2003 (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • Exiled Russian tycoon offers million-dollar reward over journalist's death (AFP/Yahoo) 10/10/2005
  • 'Я є Президентом усіх українців, а не 'Нашої України'. Розмова з Віктором Ющенком (Львівська газета) 10/10/2005
  • PGO Looks Into 7 Theories of Yuschenko's Poisoning (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • Lost Beliefs (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/10/2005
  • Новий секретар РНБО Анатолій Кінах зустрівся з Путіном (Кореспондент) 10/10/2005
  • Kinakh traveling to Moscow to lay out agenda for upcoming Putin visit (Ukrainian Journal) 10/10/2005
  • Turkish EU talks give hope to Kiev (Financial Times) 10/10/2005
  • Denmark Strengthens Relations with Ukraine (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/10/2005
  • У понеділок стане відоме ім’я останнього міністра в новому уряді (Deutsche Welle) 10/10/2005
  • Zinchenko Wants to Head Party of Patriotic Powers (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • Лазаренко просить Піскуна зняти з нього всі обвинувачення (proUA) 10/10/2005
  • Security Council Department Chief Advisor and Head Ivchenko Wanted by PGO (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • Offside or Off Siding? (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/10/2005
  • Has Ukraine's Orange Revolution delivered? [Update 1] (BBC News) 10/10/2005
  • Alyaksandr vs. Alyaksandr (Transitions Online) 10/10/2005
  • Belarus’ Single Opposition Candidate Speaks Out (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/10/2005
  • Berezovsky may have already contributed $21 mln to Ukraine groups (Ukrainian Journal) 10/10/2005
  • Moscow is back in fashion in Ukraine as politicians maneuver for support (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2005
  • James Woolsey, Former CIA Director, Speaks to RFE/RL at Forum 2000 (RFE/RL) 10/10/2005
  • 'We Don’t Do Orange Revolutions'. Moscow was asked not to be afraid of American aid (Kommersant) 10/10/2005
  • Putin Keeps His Birthday [Ukraine political jokes de rigueur] (Kommersant) 10/10/2005
  • Пiдсумки українсько-натiвських переговорiв (VOA) 10/10/2005
  • Troops from 25 countries hold chemical attack response exercise in Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2005
  • Children's human rights education pilot project launched in Ukraine (OSCE) 10/10/2005
  • Kyiv Decides to Start Heating Maternity Homes, Hospitals, and Kindergartens on October 11 (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • Yushchenko calls for increased buildup of govt energy reserves (Ukrainian Journal) 10/10/2005
  • Ukraine's Yekhanurov Will Sell Assets to Spur Growth (Bloomberg) 10/10/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Remains at 5.06 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • Ukraine's NSDC Secretary says he will press for punishing those officials who misinformed President about special economic zones (Forum) 10/10/2005
  • Negative Foreign Trade Balance Totaled USD 372.2 Million in January-August (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • Ukraine: Closed Joint Stock Companies and the Right to Sell Shares (Website) 10/10/2005
  • Ukraine bans poultry imports from Romania, Turkey due to bird flu (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2005
  • Outbreaks near EU could herald flu's approach (IH Tribune) 10/10/2005
  • Transport Ministry Nullifies Directive on Registration of Electronic Resources (Українські новини) 10/10/2005
  • Ukraine Cardinal Wants Synod With Orthodox (AP/Yahoo) 10/10/2005
  • Cardinal Husar Suggests a Synod for Eastern Churches (Zenit) 10/10/2005
  • Greek Catholic Head Discusses Urgent Issues in Ukrainian Society (RISU) 10/10/2005
  • Lutheran Church in Odesa to Be Restored (RISU) 10/10/2005
  • After Soul-Searching, 4 Ukrainian Women Embrace Islam (Islam Online) 10/10/2005
  • У Львові пройшла Фулбрайтiвська конференцiя (VOA) 10/10/2005
  • Origin of Fake Books Is Ukrainian Mystery (Wash Post) 10/10/2005
  • First Lady in Chicago (UNIAN) 10/10/2005
  • To and from Ukraine with love [adoption] (Jefferson City News Tribune) 10/10/2005
  • Obit: Father promoted education by word, deed [Stephen J. Suss] (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) 10/10/2005

  • У Піскуна є сім версій отруєння Ющенка (proUA) 10/09/2005
  • Criminal Case Instigated Against Ukrainian Ex-President Kuchma (MosNews) 10/09/2005
  • Проти адміністрації Кучми порушено кримінальну справу за звільнення Піскуна (Кореспондент) 10/09/2005
  • Головатий розбереться, хто повернув посаду Піскуну (proUA) 10/09/2005
  • Головатий: справу Гонгадзе може розкрити лише новий прокурор (proUA) 10/09/2005
  • Head of Parliamentary Commission Investigating Melnychenko's Tapes Drachevskyi Promises Transparency (Українські новини) 10/09/2005
  • Петро Порошенко: Посад я ніколи ні в кого жодних не просив (BBC Ukrainian) 10/09/2005
  • Ousted premier eyes comeback. This isn't the 1st time Yulia Tymoshenko of Ukraine has had to fight to regain power (Chicago Tribune) 10/09/2005
  • Піскун: Запобіжні заходи щодо Лазаренка не анульовано (Кореспондент) 10/09/2005
  • Суд заборонив Коновалюку виступати від імені «Трудової України» (Кореспондент) 10/09/2005
  • Проект 'Триалог': німецька, російська та українська молодь шукає шляхів порозуміння (Deutsche Welle) 10/09/2005
  • Yuschenko Examines Projects for Kyiv's Development (Українські новини) 10/09/2005
  • Russia won’t be able to pull out its navy from Ukraine by 2017, intentionally (Ukrayinska Pravda) 10/09/2005
  • Moldova: EU Launches First 'Neighborhood Policy' Border Mission in Post-Soviet Space (RFE/RL) 10/09/2005
  • Foreign Ministry Searches for Ukrainians Among Those Hit by Earthquake in Southern Asia (Українські новини) 10/09/2005
  • Police break up protest in Azerbaijan capital (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/09/2005
  • Righteous indignation [Andrei Sheptytsky] (Ha'aretz) 10/09/2005
  • Photo: Yakov Bleich, Ukraine's chief rabbi, speaks as other Jewish leaders look on, few yards from the Babi Yar ravine where Nazi massacred tens of thousands of Jews 64 years ago, in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/2005
  • Photo: A Jewish boy, with an Israeli flag lays flowers at a monument near the Babi Yar ravine where Nazi massacred 33,700 Ukrainian Jews 64 years ago, in Ukraine's capital Kiev. Jews gathered Sunday for a separate commemoration in contrast to an official ceremony ten days ago (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/2005
  • Jewish Ukrainians Honor Massacre Victims (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/2005
  • Romania marks Holocaust, pledges to teach youth (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/2005
  • Portability of Benefits, Building Mentoring Resources, and Becoming Champions for Other Women Top Priority List for Women in Business [Kateryna Yushchenko, First Lady of Ukraine, was keynote speaker] (PRWeb) 10/09/2005

  • Ukraine journalist beaten and warned to halt investigation [CPJ] (BRAMA) 10/08/2005
  • «Мені сумно чути від вас цей докір...» Президент поговорив із Україною без купюр (День) 10/08/2005
  • Депутати фракцій ПРП, БЮТ, УНП і НУ звернулися в КС з приводу недоторканності (proUA) 10/08/2005
  • ПРП повертається до своєї історичної назви (Кореспондент) 10/08/2005
  • Pynzenyk Calls On OUPU, BYT to Set Up Joint Bloc for 2006 Parliament Election (Українські новини) 10/08/2005
  • Labor Ukraine Led by Konovaliuk Opens Its Ninth Congress in Kyiv (Українські новини) 10/08/2005
  • Yuschenko Instructs Cabinet to Take Measures for NTCU Transition to Public Broadcasting by October 14 (Українські новини) 10/08/2005
  • Головатий вважає повернення Піскуна на посаду генерального прокурора незаконним (Кореспондент) 10/08/2005
  • Справа Гонгадзе: ПАРЄ критикує генпрокуратуру України (Deutsche Welle) 10/08/2005
  • Berezovovsky Foundation to Sponsor Ukrainian Journalist Murder Investigation [Gongadze] (MosNews) 10/08/2005
  • ЄС не зачиняє дверей перед Україною. Але нагадує про невиконані домашні завдання (День) 10/08/2005
  • Турецький шлях. Чи вигідна Києву євроінтеграція Анкари? (День) 10/08/2005
  • EU deal to cut smuggling between two ex-Soviet states (Financial Times) 10/08/2005
  • З надією із Суомі (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/08/2005
  • Пер Стіг Моллер: «Надії та очікування величезні» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/08/2005
  • Поза грою чи поза ігрищами? (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/08/2005
  • «Національний парламент» чи привід до міжнаціонального конфлікту? (День) 10/08/2005
  • Парасчине лобi (Україна молода) 10/08/2005
  • China Communists eye leadership succession, economy (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/08/2005
  • Democracy withers away as China's leaders gather (Independent) 10/08/2005
  • NATO exercise against chemical attacks (IRNA) 10/08/2005
  • Food Poisoning Affects 330 Kids in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 10/08/2005
  • Ukraine to Start Free-Trade Talks With EU Next Year (Bloomberg) 10/08/2005
  • Сезонний феномен? (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/08/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Representative Comments on Single Church in Ukraine (RISU) 10/08/2005
  • Interview of Patriarch Lubomyr Husar with Konstantin Doroshenko [October 2002] (RISU) 10/08/2005
  • Synod: Hope for 50pct celibacy in Eastern priests applauded (AGI) 10/08/2005
  • Jewish Pilgrims Flock to Gravesite (RISU) 10/08/2005
  • Ukraine Debuts at Dubai Qur'an Contest (Islam Online) 10/08/2005
  • Троянський кінь державної двомоності (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/08/2005
  • Іван Марчук: «Не можу погодитися, коли мій портрет Ющенка інтерпретують як пророцтво помаранчевої революції й особистої драми Віктора Андрійовича…» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/08/2005
  • «Гаррі Поттер-6» — українець, німець і француз одночасно (Україна молода) 10/08/2005
  • Don't tell the Easter Bunny, but we're using the eggs for Halloween. By Martha Stewart (Seattle Times) 10/08/2005
  • Fans bid to help Ukrainian orphanage cash in once more (Edinburgh Evening News) 10/08/2005
  • Russian and Ukranian immigrants seek lives free of persecution [Duluth News Tribune] (Grand Forks Herald) 10/08/2005
  • Kidnapping suspect arrested (Mercury News) 10/08/2005
  • Ukrainian couple calls Eufaula home (McAlester News-Capital) 10/08/2005

  • Photo: Candidates of the annual Miss Earth pageant, U.S.A. Amanda Kimmel, Afghanistan Sultara Bahrami, Finland Rita Aaltolahti, Belgium Isabel Van Rompaey, Ukraine Yevgeniya Rudenko, Romania Adina Dumitru and Indonesia Jenny Sutjiono, pose for photographers as they plant a tree at the grounds of a government welfare house in Manila (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/07/2005
  • [VIDEO][EN/FR/UKR] Opening remarks during the NATO-Ukraine Commission Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov, Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (NATO) 10/07/2005
  • [AUDIO] Ukrainian Prime Minister visits NATO HQ, exchange of views with members of the North Atlantic Council during the NATO-Ukraine Commission session (NATO) 10/07/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov talks to the media during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the end of their meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels (AP/Yahoo) 10/07/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov addresses a joint news conference with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer after a meeting at the alliance headquarters in Brussels (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/07/2005
  • NATO to Ukraine: Let's see action, not words (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/07/2005
  • Жозе Мануель Баррозу: важливішими від слів є дії (Deutsche Welle) 10/07/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during at a news conference in Kiev, Ukraine. President Viktor Yushchenko pledged Friday to overhaul Ukraine's legal system to improve its capacity to fight widespread corruption (AP/Yahoo) 10/07/2005
  • Президент назвав пріоритетні методи боротьби з корупцією ( 10/07/2005
  • Ющенко: фальсифікатори будуть покарані (BBC Ukrainian) 10/07/2005
  • Ющенко вирiшив довше поспiлкуватися з журналiстами (VOA) 10/07/2005
  • Yushchenko is asked to renege agreement with Yanukovych (Ukrayinska Pravda) 10/07/2005
  • Yuschenko Plans to Invite Tymoshenko, Poroshenko and Zinchenko to NSCD Meeting (Українські новини) 10/07/2005
  • Yuschenko Asks Constitutional Court to Determine Constitutionality of Law Granting Immunity to Local Council Deputies (Українські новини) 10/07/2005
  • Ющенко з’ясовує у суді законність депутатської недоторканності (Кореспондент) 10/07/2005
  • Ющенко обіцяє зробити все для скасування недоторканності депутатів (Кореспондент) 10/07/2005
  • Бандитам — ради?! Президент погодився з наданням недоторканності депутатам місцевих рад. Але останнє слово — за Конституційним Судом (Україна молода) 10/07/2005
  • Аперитив для фальсифікаторів (Львівська газета) 10/07/2005
  • Yekhanurov: There are no problems with the language issue in Ukraine; Gongadze (Forum) 10/07/2005
  • Yushchenko appoints new justice minister to improve Europe connection (Ukrainian Journal) 10/07/2005
  • Хід Головатим (proUA) 10/07/2005
  • Ющенко вважає, що призначення Головатого прискорить розслідування справи Гонгадзе (proUA) 10/07/2005
  • Юрій Костенко: Ми ніколи не дізнаємося хто замовив вбивство Георгія Гонгадзе (ІМІ) 10/07/2005
  • PACE asks for full investigation of Gongadze case (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/07/2005
  • Rybachuk Promises to Publish Income Declarations of Yuschenko and His Family in October (Українські новини) 10/07/2005
  • Berezovsky refutes Ukrainian Communists' funding allegations (Interfax-Russia) 10/07/2005
  • Ukrainian Communists demand Yushchenko's resignation; accusation that Berezovsky funded Yushchenko election campaign (Interfax-Russia) 10/07/2005
  • Journalist beaten and warned to halt investigation of Batkivshchina (Fatherland) Party (CPJ) 10/07/2005
  • Former Ukrainian PM Lazarenko hopes to run for parliament (Interfax-Russia) 10/07/2005
  • The Prosecutor General of Ukraine is involved in unlawful activity (Forum) 10/07/2005
  • Верховна Рада України вимагає від Генеральної прокуратури, Міністерства внутрішніх справ і СБУ порушити кримінальну справу за фактом голодомору 1932-1933 років (Радіо Свобода) 10/07/2005
  • 'Радянські офіцери' проти 'бандерівців' (Радіо Свобода) 10/07/2005
  • EU offers help to Ukraine, Moldova to end smuggling (Reuters/AlertNet) 10/07/2005
  • За допомогою ЄС посилено україно-молдовський кордон (VOA) 10/07/2005
  • Signature of EU-Moldova-Ukraine Memorandum of Understanding (Europa) 10/07/2005
  • Lutsenko Accuses Russian Interior Ministry of Initiating Cancellation of International Arrest Warrant for Former Zakarpattia Regional Police Chief Vartsaba (Українські новини) 10/07/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Havashi Zakarpattia Governor (Українські новини) 10/07/2005
  • Вибори до місцевих рад під загрозою (VOA) 10/07/2005
  • Західні захисники тварин критикують Україну (BBC Ukrainian) 10/07/2005
  • Кількість ВІЛ-інфікованих вагітних жінок в Україні збільшилася цього року удвічі порівняно з минулим (Радіо Свобода) 10/07/2005
  • Хочу до мами... Щорічно близько 900 українських матерів відмовляються від своїх дітей у пологовому будинку. Чому?! (День) 10/07/2005
  • Prez to push for WTO accession by year-end (Ukrainian Journal) 10/07/2005
  • Kiev to Revisit Dubious Deals (Moscow Times) 10/07/2005
  • Ukraine raises €600 mln as investors snap up 10-yr Eurobond (Ukrainian Journal) 10/07/2005
  • Ukraine Refuses to Provide Russia’s Gazprom with Gas Storage Facilities (MosNews) 10/07/2005
  • Agriculture Ministry Forecasts Unprofitable Production of 2005 Grain Due to Increased Fuel Expenses (Українські новини) 10/07/2005
  • Wheat Prices Fall as Rains May Boost U.S. Crop in Great Plains (Bloomberg) 10/07/2005
  • Можливість ефективних реформ ще існує (День) 10/07/2005
  • Вибори пахнуть не ладаном... «Найблагодатніша» церква знову втручається у справи держави (Україна молода) 10/07/2005
  • Архієпископ Львівський Макарій: «Вселенський патріарх має і бажання, і право втрутитися у наші справи» (День) 10/07/2005
  • Екуменізм Папи Івана Павла II та Українські Церкви (Патріярхат) 10/07/2005
  • Ватикан сльозам не вірить (Патріярхат) 10/07/2005
  • Усе, що пам’ятаю (Патріярхат) 10/07/2005
  • Океаноманія стартувала! (День) 10/07/2005
  • Decin removes Rybalko's bust, Russians complain [Ukraine-born Soviet marshal from World War II, Pavel Rybalko] (Prague Daily Monitor) 10/07/2005

  • Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs E. Anthony Wayne at Kiev International University (Website) 10/06/2005
  • Eugene Melnyk Donates $5 million to St. Joseph’s Health Centre Improves Patient Access to one of Toronto’s Oldest Hospitals FOTO/S (BRAMA) 10/06/2005
  • Melnyk gives Toronto hospital a $5M boost (Ottawa Citizen) 10/06/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Holovatyi as Minister of Justice (Українські новини) 10/06/2005
  • Призначено міністра юстиції (Кореспондент) 10/06/2005
  • Ющенко призначив Головатого міністром юстиції (proUA) 10/06/2005
  • Ukraine gets enlargement wink (EU Observer) 10/06/2005
  • Ukraine told that EU door is open (BBC News) 10/06/2005
  • Брюссель каже, що майбутнє України у Європі (BBC Ukrainian) 10/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov addresses a joint news conference with European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana at the end of a meeting in Brussels (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov is welcomed by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso ahead of talks in Brussels (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/06/2005
  • Europe screens Ukraine reforms (Euro-Reporters) 10/06/2005
  • Брюссель: зустрічі Єханурова з НАТО і ЄС (BBC Ukrainian) 10/06/2005
  • ЄС підтверджує намір почати переговори з Україною про спрощення візового режиму (Кореспондент) 10/06/2005
  • Ukraine pursues closer ties with EU (IH Tribune) 10/06/2005
  • Europe cannot shrink from enlargement (Financial Times) 10/06/2005
  • How the dreaded superstate became a commonwealth (Guardian) 10/06/2005
  • Ющенко: Політична криза вичерпалася. Політичних переслідувань не буде (Кореспондент) 10/06/2005
  • Ющенко звертається до Конституційного суду з питання недоторканності депутатів (Кореспондент) 10/06/2005
  • The press secretary of the President of Ukraine raises a claim to UT-1 channel (Forum) 10/06/2005
  • Віктор Ющенко: У нашій країні фальшивих виборів більше не буде (Україна молода) 10/06/2005
  • Тарас Стецьків: Якби я в серпнi знав, що у вереснi Президент звiльнить Порошенка, то ще подумав би, чи варто йти з НТКУ (Україна молода) 10/06/2005
  • Ukraine's dream is not dead -- yet (Globe and Mail) 10/06/2005
  • Матвієнко підозрює Тимошенко в кулуарному підкупі? (Українська Правда) 10/06/2005
  • Суддя Хандурін звинуватив Тимошенко і Притику в спробі узурпації судової влади (proUA) 10/06/2005
  • Rada Decides to Investigate Organization of Scandal Over Melnychenko's Tapes (Українські новини) 10/06/2005
  • Lytvyn denies accusations over killing of Gongadze (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2005
  • Литвин закликає Раду Європи до нових відносин з Україною (Кореспондент) 10/06/2005
  • У Страсбурзі від Литвина чекають прямих відповідей (Deutsche Welle) 10/06/2005
  • Українські політики вважають критику ПАРЄ передчасною (Deutsche Welle) 10/06/2005
  • Main Exams for Ukraine - PACE Reporter’s List [VR election, Gongadze case, constitutional reform] (UNIAN) 10/06/2005
  • Доповідь ПАРЄ: позитивний сигнал з критичними зауваженнями (Deutsche Welle) 10/06/2005
  • Поради Європи: вперше на рівні ПАРЄ пролунала серйозна критика нової влади (День) 10/06/2005
  • Титульна меншина (Львівська газета) 10/06/2005
  • Berezovsky to answer on Yuschenko's campaign financing (Interfax-Russia) 10/06/2005
  • Berezovsky Teams Up With Bush's Brother [...scandal-tainted brother of the U.S. president] (Moscow Times) 10/06/2005
  • Soldier fights new battle. Ukrainian man wounded in Iraq recovers in U.S. Ukrainian Americans aid treatment and recovery (Chicago Tribune) 10/06/2005
  • Campaign urges families to make more babies (AP/Guardian) 10/06/2005
  • [PDF - 144 pps] UNICEF Innocenti Social Monitor 2004: Economic growth and child poverty in the CEE/CIS and the Baltic states (UNICEF) 10/06/2005
  • Photo: Revisiting Chernobyl: Ivan Muzychenko and his son Alexander sort mushrooms gathered in a forest inside the exclusion zone, an area still highly contaminated by the fallout from the 1986 Chernobyl accident, in the village of Bartolomeyevka, 206 miles southeast of Minsk, Belarus (AP/Seattle Times) 10/06/2005
  • Photo: Revisiting Chernobyl: Wildlife, radiation thrive - Chernobyl maps (AP/Seattle Times) 10/06/2005
  • The Danube blues: Decades of misuse (IH Tribune) 10/06/2005
  • Turkey at the drugs crossroads ['Turkish mafia has lost power to Ukraine and a lot of the smuggling goes that way'] (BBC) 10/06/2005
  • Criminal Ring of 15 Bulgarians, Serbians and Ukrainians Busted in Bulgaria (Focus) 10/06/2005
  • Yekhanurov promises not to re-privatize businesses (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2005
  • Siim Kallas [EC Audit and Anti-Fraud chief] speech: Ukraine facing the future. On the road to reforms. Panel discussion 'Policy of reforms in Ukraine – basis for stability and prosperity of the society' (Europa) 10/06/2005
  • Conference 'Ukraine Facing the Future. On the Road of Reforms' Opened in Brussels (UNIAN) 10/06/2005
  • Ukraine Must Do More to Fight Corruption to Attract Investors, U.S. Official Says (AP/Yahoo) 10/06/2005
  • Yushchenko: Re-privatization policy would have discredited new government (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2005
  • Ukrainian president vows to uphold past privatisations (AFX/Forbes) 10/06/2005
  • Ющенко бере тиждень, щоб переконати депутатів проголосувати за СОТ (Кореспондент) 10/06/2005
  • Ющенко: Уряд Тимошенко замінив економіку піаром (Кореспондент) 10/06/2005
  • Paris shares remain lower in afternoon trade, dragged down by Total, Arcelor (AFX/Forbes) 10/06/2005
  • Arcelor submits bid with Ukrainian group for steel producer Krivorijstal (AFX/III) 10/06/2005
  • Mittal, Arcelor to Press On With Ukraine Bids After Turkey Loss [Kryvorizhstal] (Bloomberg) 10/06/2005
  • Running Away Steel. For second time Krivorozhstal’ might avoid Russian hands (Kommersant) 10/06/2005
  • Інтерв'ю з Михайлом Гончаром про Одеса-Броди (BBC Ukrainian) 10/06/2005
  • Regal Petroleum licences confirmed by Ukrainian Govt (AFX/III) 10/06/2005
  • І проїмо, і понадкушуємо: розгляд бюджету в парламенті обіцяє перетворитися на довгобуд (Україна молода) 10/06/2005
  • New issues: Ukraine prices €600m (Financial Times) 10/06/2005
  • NBU dumps dollars to save the hyrvnia (Ukrainian Journal) 10/06/2005
  • September 0.4% CPI rise seen as sign of easing inflationary pressure (Ukrainian Journal) 10/06/2005
  • Moscow Raiffeisenbank Looks for a New Boss in Ukraine (Kommersant) 10/06/2005
  • Yushchenko elevates agricultural concerns with newly created DPM slot (Ukrainian Journal) 10/06/2005
  • Загадки Старокиївської гори: кореспонденти «УМ» побували на розкопках Десятинної церкви i дiзналися про останнi знахiдки науковцiв (Україна молода) 10/06/2005
  • Оксана Забужко: «В Україні не вироблена модель ідеального чоловіка для творчої жінки» (Високий замок) 10/06/2005
  • Гаррі Поттер уже в продажу (Львівська газета) 10/06/2005
  • Film hit reopens wound of a humiliating defeat (The Times) 10/06/2005
  • Relative Values. In 'Roots,' a con artist arrives in a small Ukrainian town to unite Jewish emigres with impoverished locals posing as their long-lost relatives (Moscow Times) 10/06/2005
  • Steppe this way! It might have been Ukraine's wedding of the year - but it was a Yorkshire day (Leeds Evening Post) 10/06/2005
  • Eugene Melnyk's Largest-Ever Donation [$5 million] to St. Joseph's Health Centre Improves Patient Access to one of Toronto's Oldest Hospitals (CNW Group) 10/06/2005
  • Kazakhstan Ukrainians Association back candidacy of N. Nazarbayev at the President’s election ahead (Kazinform) 10/06/2005
  • Clergy take to the books: Priests, brothers invited to St. Bernadette School 'Read-In' (Western Catholic Reporter) 10/06/2005
  • Former SS camp guard dies (CJN) 10/06/2005
  • Obit: Geletchuk remembered as terrific mayor of Erickson (Brandon Sun) 10/06/2005
  • A map meant for whom? [map covering the territory of the Carpathian Basin; names in Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine have been renamed and are listed in original Hungarian] (Budapest Sun) 10/06/2005

  • Love and its everlasting ability to change people's lives. Mission visits orphanages in Ukraine FOTO/S (BRAMA) 10/05/2005
  • Ukraine PM to talk reform with EU (BBC News) 10/05/2005
  • EU to sound out Ukraine's new PM on reforms after government shake-up (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: Prime Ministers Matti Vanhanen of Finland and Yuri Yekhanurov of Ukraine smile during a news conference in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov of Ukraine and Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen of Finland walk after an official meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko welcomes the Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen for an official meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko welcomes the Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen for an official meeting in Kiev. Vanhanen arrived in Ukraine for a one-day working visit (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Finland supports Ukrainian bid for EU membership (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/05/2005
  • Finnish Premier to Discuss Ukraine's EU hopes [AP] (RFE/RL) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gesture during the first meeting of the new cabinet in Kiev. President Viktor Yushchenko has called on the Cabinet of Ministers to stick to the consolidated team position in their decisions and not advertise their personal opinions (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko demands that new Govt members abandon politics and refrain from making public commentaries (Government portal) 10/05/2005
  • Ющенко вимагає від Кабміну дисципліни (proUA) 10/05/2005
  • Ющенко висунув вимоги уряду Єханурова (Кореспондент) 10/05/2005
  • Чого очiкує Ющенко вiд нового уряду? (VOA) 10/05/2005
  • President Speaks About Economic Problems (UNIAN) 10/05/2005
  • Melnyk Appointed Deputy PM, Lykhovy – Minister of Culture and Tourism (UNIAN) 10/05/2005
  • Призначено віце-прем’єр-міністра і міністра культури (Кореспондент) 10/05/2005
  • Ющенко призначив віце-прем’єром Мельника (proUA) 10/05/2005
  • Баранівському призначили начальника (proUA) 10/05/2005
  • Міністром культури став Ліховий (proUA) 10/05/2005
  • Ukraine's new premier has WTO in sights (Financial Times) 10/05/2005
  • Yushchenko reshuffles Security and Defense Council (Interfax-Russia) 10/05/2005
  • Yushchenko will not fight loss of own authority and deputy immunity (Ukrayinska Pravda) 10/05/2005
  • Yushchenko explained the delay in investigation of his poisoning case (Forum) 10/05/2005
  • Ukrainian President Optimistic on Economy (RFE/RL) 10/05/2005
  • Yanukovych Accuses Yuschenko of Failing to Implement Terms of Their Memorandum; Threatens to Withdraw His Signature (Українські новини) 10/05/2005
  • Янукович може відкликати підпис під меморандумом з Ющенком (Кореспондент) 10/05/2005
  • Мельниченко знову бреше? (Українська Правда) 10/05/2005
  • Мельниченко стверджує, що на нього замаху не вчиняли (proUA) 10/05/2005
  • Мельниченко спростовує інформацію про замах на нього (Кореспондент) 10/05/2005
  • ПАРЄ закликає не гальмувати розвиток України 'політичними чварами' (Кореспондент) 10/05/2005
  • План Пiскуна в справi Гонгадзе провалився (VOA) 10/05/2005
  • Страсбург. Піскун анонсує реформи і суд над міліціонерами (Deutsche Welle) 10/05/2005
  • А в цей час під килимом… (proUA) 10/05/2005
  • Чому кричали «Юля», а не «Петя»? Петро Порошенко відповідає, підтверджує, заперечує... (День) 10/05/2005
  • Громадські організації виступають проти політреформи (VOA) 10/05/2005
  • Бжезинський: народ, не влада, вирiшує долю України (VOA) 10/05/2005
  • Російська й українська делегації посварилися в ПАРЄ через мовне питання в Україні (Кореспондент) 10/05/2005
  • Yuschenko Considers Yekhanurov Visit to Russia Successful (Українські новини) 10/05/2005
  • Ukraine's new Prime Minister returns empty-handed from Moscow (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/05/2005
  • Russia still gets it wrong on Ukraine (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/05/2005
  • Dr Benita Ferrero-Waldner European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood policy Remarks to the joint meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees of the European Parliament and of National Parliaments (Europa) 10/05/2005
  • Уроки турецького терпіння: чи зможе Київ чекати стільки ж, скільки чекала Анкара (День) 10/05/2005
  • 2 EU leaders raise red flags on Turkey (IH Tribune) 10/05/2005
  • European elites can't ignore the views of their peoples (Guardian) 10/05/2005
  • Обговорено недоторканiсть депутатiв мiсцевих рад (VOA) 10/05/2005
  • Арфуші без меж. Що дивно: журнал 'Папараці' в Україні існує не перший рік, а папараці-журналістики немає. Зате є фахівці з піару (proUA) 10/05/2005
  • Ukraine to resume missile tests, four years after commercial airliner downing (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/05/2005
  • Hungary to issue special visas to citizens of non-EU neighboring states from Jan. 1 (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/05/2005
  • A storm sweeps the post-Soviet space (Asia Times) 10/05/2005
  • Police Raid Kazakh Democracy Group Office (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Hackers shut down Belarus police web site (DPA/Khaleej Times) 10/05/2005
  • Corruption trial of PetroVietnam officials opens (AFP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: Two young beggars, a girl without a left leg and her young companion, share their money after a few hours work at a entry to a Kiev underground station. The number of disabled youngsters has risen dramatically in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union since the collapse of communism, the UN Children's Fund said (AFP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Lot of eastern Europe's disabled kids little improved: UNICEF (AFP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • UNICEF: East Europe Kids Still Endangered (Deutsche Welle) 10/05/2005
  • Many children with disabilities still 'written off' (UNICEF) 10/05/2005
  • У дитячій кімнаті міліції зроблять «капітальний ремонт» (День) 10/05/2005
  • U.N. Group Calls for Global Cooperation on Migration Policies [Ukraine is host to 6.9 million (4 percent) of world migrants] (USDOS) 10/05/2005
  • Premier: Ukraine will consider Russia's interests while trying to join WTO (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/05/2005
  • Ukraine sells dollars for second straight day (Reuters) 10/05/2005
  • Ukraine allows Arcelor to buy Industrial Group shares (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Poland gives green light to Donbas takeover of Huta Czestochowa (AFX/Forbes) 10/05/2005
  • Ukraine uses 69% of EU steel quota (Interfax-Russia) 10/05/2005
  • Emergency Visa Landing (Kommersant) 10/05/2005
  • Chiefs of Ukrainian, Brazilian Space Agencies to Discuss Cyclone-4 Project's Prospects (UNIAN) 10/05/2005
  • KCI Konecranes buys majority stake in Ukrianian Zaporozhcrane for 3 mln eur (AFX/Forbes) 10/05/2005
  • Ukraine's Jeans mobile subscriber base up to 5 mln users Sep 30 (Cellular-News) 10/05/2005
  • Coca-Cola to create separate division for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus (Ukrainian Journal) 10/05/2005
  • Надмузика від Сильвестрова: штрихи до портрета відомого українського композитора (День) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: Reigning Miss Earth Priscilla Meirelles from Brazil, right, arranges her hair as Miss Ukraine Yevgeniya Rudenko jokingly wears the crown... (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian designer Stanislassia Klein acknowledges applause at the end of the presentation of the Stella Cadente Spring/Summer ready to wear 2006 collection, in Paris (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: [Green] A model wears an ensemble by Ukrainian designer Stanislassia Klein... (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: [Mauve] A model wears an ensemble by Ukrainian designer Stanislassia Klein... (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Photo: [Lavender] A model wears an ensemble by Ukrainian designer Stanislassia Klein... (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/2005
  • Slavic designs blend Soviet-era tradition with a modern flair (IH Tribune) 10/05/2005
  • Punk meets Dada (IH Tribune) 10/05/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko seen during a taped television interview broadcast on four Ukrainian stations in Kiev. Viktor Yushchenko promised Tuesday that Ukrainians will see positive results from the new government before the end of the year (AP/Yahoo) 10/04/2005
  • Ukraine head promises reform move (BBC News) 10/04/2005
  • Президент України Віктор Ющенко виступив у ефірі чотирьох каналів (Кореспондент) 10/04/2005
  • Ющенко і Кінах погодили структуру РНБО (proUA) 10/04/2005
  • President will remain No. One after political reform in Ukraine (Forum) 10/04/2005
  • Омолодження ресурсу (День) 10/04/2005
  • Брати-буряти: «УМ» побувала в «офiсi» бурятського товариства, активним членом якого є і нинішній Прем'єр-міністр України (Україна молода) 10/04/2005
  • Порошенко не має наміру йти з політики (Кореспондент) 10/04/2005
  • Порошенко: Немає жодної кримінальної справи, де фігурує моє прізвище (Кореспондент) 10/04/2005
  • Начальник УБОЗ Києва просить ГПУ порушити справу проти Зінченка (proUA) 10/04/2005
  • У США вчинена спроба замаху на Мельниченка (Кореспондент) 10/04/2005
  • Плiвки Мельниченка -- предмет дискусiй в Києвi (VOA) 10/04/2005
  • 'I took my briefcase and left'. Serhiy Holovaty comments on the 'history of his relations' with the BYuT and the risks involved in the Gongadze case (День) 10/04/2005
  • ЦВК має намір заборонити ЗМІ коментувати перебіг виборчої кампанії (Кореспондент) 10/04/2005
  • National Television Council Seeking Clarification of Its Role in Regulating Relations Between Media and Authorities During Elections (Українські новини) 10/04/2005
  • Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine co-sponsors media forum (OSCE) 10/04/2005
  • Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine provides Central Election Commission with computers to improve voter lists (OSCE) 10/04/2005
  • Кілька мін уповільненої дії виборчого процесу-2006: найважливіші парламентські вибори ще не стартували, а графік уже зривається і чистота псується (Україна молода) 10/04/2005
  • Autumn ratings (День) 10/04/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma gestures whille talking to the media during a press conference in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/04/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukranian president Leonid Kuchma gestures whille talking to the media during a press conference in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/04/2005
  • Кучмі незручно коментувати діяльність Ющенка (Кореспондент) 10/04/2005
  • Московський кастинг (Львівська газета) 10/04/2005
  • Яким буде вплив Росії на виборах-2006? (День) 10/04/2005
  • Георгій Крючков: досвід Анкари в інтеграції до ЄС - приклад для України (BBC Ukrainian) 10/04/2005
  • Україна вітає початок переговорів ЄС з Туреччиною (VOA) 10/04/2005
  • Ukrainians Have Friendly Attitude to Europeans – Poll (UNIAN) 10/04/2005
  • Majority of Ukrainian Citizens Do Not Feel Themselves Europeans - Poll (UNIAN) 10/04/2005
  • Environment, Terror Top Russia-EU Agenda [sees as its own sphere of influence, including Ukraine, Belarus...] (AP/Yahoo) 10/04/2005
  • Putin glosses over tensions between EU and Russia (Financial Times) 10/04/2005
  • Путін завжди живий (proUA) 10/04/2005
  • Putin to Visit Ukraine Late in October (UNIAN) 10/04/2005
  • Friends or family? Finnish, Lithuanian, and Polish researchers support Ukraine’s EU membership (День) 10/04/2005
  • Comment: Nationalism has now become the enemy of Europe's nations (Guardian) 10/04/2005
  • How to turn an opponent into a NATO supporter (День) 10/04/2005
  • Jacek Kluczkowski: 'No need to dramatize' (День) 10/04/2005
  • Pulling for Poland (CS Monitor) 10/04/2005
  • Bold moves in Belarus (Chicago Tribune) 10/04/2005
  • EU to Introduce Monitoring Mission on Moldovan-Ukrainian Border (UNIAN) 10/04/2005
  • Mayors: Local Government in Ukraine on 'Threshold' of Democratic Reform (RFE/RL) 10/04/2005
  • Сина Ющенка допитають у справі видавця, якому спалили машину? (Українська Правда) 10/04/2005
  • Ukrainian Editor Says Bentley Destroyed Over Photos of Yushchenko’s Son (MosNews) 10/04/2005
  • Wrong Citizenship of Evgeny Adamov. The case of the ex-minister [see How US Sues Foreign Citizens: Lazarenko] (Kommersant) 10/04/2005
  • Power Blackout Strikes Kiev (AP/Moscow Times) 10/04/2005
  • Жахи iменi Коха: рахунок у вiйнi з туберкульозом, яку Україна веде з 1995 року, поки що складається не на нашу користь (Україна молода) 10/04/2005
  • Life rises after Ukraine disaster (National Catholic Reporter) 10/04/2005
  • What signals will the new cabinet appointments send to the economy? (День) 10/04/2005
  • Arcelor to Team Up with DIU in Kryvorizhstal Bid (Українські новини) 10/04/2005
  • Bill Banning Krivorozhstal Privatization Rejected (Black Enterprise) 10/04/2005
  • Ukraine’s IUD group completes purchase of Poland’s Huta Czestochowa (Ukrainian Journal) 10/04/2005
  • Ukrmetal announces start of Chernobyl metal handling tender (Ukrainian Journal) 10/04/2005
  • Kinakh calls for expanding capacity of Central Asia gas pipelines (Ukrainian Journal) 10/04/2005
  • Putin Makes Energy Partnership Pledge (AP/Yahoo) 10/04/2005
  • Putin asks Europe to join pipeline project (Ukrainian Journal) 10/04/2005
  • Ukrainian government gives Regal a green light (Financial Times) 10/04/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate 0.7 Kopeck Down to 5.06 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 10/04/2005
  • S&P assigns BB-rating to Ukraine’s €600 mln bond offering (Ukrainian Journal) 10/04/2005
  • Telenor stands firm against buying RadioSystems (Reuters) 10/04/2005
  • Ukraine: Will the Orange Revolution Boost the IT Outsourcing Industry? (AlwaysOn) 10/04/2005
  • EC suggests starting talks with Ukraine on common airspace (Ukrainian Journal) 10/04/2005
  • Eastern Europe's Wave of Hot Money Won't Last: Matthew Lynn (Bloomberg) 10/04/2005
  • A civilized approach (День) 10/04/2005
  • Did authorities crush Russian Orthodox Church Abroad parish? (Forum 18) 10/04/2005
  • Oxana Pachlowska: 'Ukraine is part of Europe precisely because it accepts diversity' (День) 10/04/2005
  • Yuschenko Intends to Create National Council on Culture (Українські новини) 10/04/2005
  • Ющенко запропонував створити Національну раду з питань культури (proUA) 10/04/2005
  • The Mad Ukranian [Eugene Hutz; Gogol Bordello; Everything is Illuminated] (Cleveland Free Times) 10/04/2005
  • The youth of a genius: the ascent of young Shevchenko and his unknown portrait by Karl Briullov (День) 10/04/2005
  • Paris Fashion for 2006 a Romantic Voyage (AP/Yahoo) 10/04/2005
  • Paris fashion: Gaultier's rustic summer, timeless chic at Issey Miyake (AFP/Yahoo) 10/04/2005
  • Guests but no hospitality (День) 10/04/2005
  • Kholm. The Lost Atlantis (День) 10/04/2005
  • Course offered on Carpatho-Rusyns, Slovaks (Herald Standard) 10/04/2005

  • Photo: A model displays a diaphanous outfit by French fashion designer Gaspard Yurkievich during the presentation of his Spring/Summer 2006 ready-to-wear collection in Paris (AP/Yahoo) 10/03/2005
  • A Fortress of Rules. By Mykola Riabchuk (Transitions Online) 10/03/2005
  • Президент ПАРЄ: Парламентські вибори стануть тестом на демократію (Кореспондент) 10/03/2005
  • Україна звітуватиме перед ПАРЄ (BBC Ukrainian) 10/03/2005
  • Народ з Ющенком в його конфлiктi з Тимошенко (VOA) 10/03/2005
  • Єхануров може і повинен очолити НСНУ, заявляє Литвин (proUA) 10/03/2005
  • На чолі з Ющенком НСНУ має шанс перемогти на виборах (Кореспондент) 10/03/2005
  • Міцний господарник (Галицькі контракти) 10/03/2005
  • Матвієнко залишився лідером УРП 'Собор' (Кореспондент) 10/03/2005
  • ПРП може змінити лідера (Кореспондент) 10/03/2005
  • Уряд із двома невідомими (Кореспондент) 10/03/2005
  • Ukraine's new prime minister holds first Cabinet meeting, promises transparency (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/03/2005
  • President Bush Congratulates New Ukrainian PM with Appointment (MosNews) 10/03/2005
  • Людина президентів: Юрій Єхануров (Галицькі контракти) 10/03/2005
  • Redecorated Cabinet (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/03/2005
  • In the Second Round (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/03/2005
  • Черговий по Кабміну (Галицькі контракти) 10/03/2005
  • Has Yushchenko planted counter-revolution? (Ukrayinska Pravda) 10/03/2005
  • Getting divorced in an Orange way (Ukrayinska Pravda) 10/03/2005
  • The Orange Revolution Devours Its Young [By Eric Margolis] (Website) 10/03/2005
  • Р.Шпек про Туреччину, ЄС і Україну (BBC Ukrainian) 10/03/2005
  • EU 'on precipice' over Turkey (CNN) 10/03/2005
  • Yekhanurov to Meet with EU Leadership in Brussels (UNIAN) 10/03/2005
  • Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen: 'We expect that politics in Ukraine will be exercised according to the law and with respect for democratic principles as well as human rights' (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/03/2005
  • Op-Ed: Driving the Scenic Route to European Union Membership. By NICHOLAS KULISH (NY Times) 10/03/2005
  • Київ нерішучий щодо того, що робити з Мінськом (BBC Ukrainian) 10/03/2005
  • Belarus opposition closes ranks (BBC News) 10/03/2005
  • Belarus opposition activists unite to choose single presidential candidate (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/03/2005
  • Ahtisaari, Bono, Lugar Seen as Nobel Prize Favorites (Bloomberg) 10/03/2005
  • Will new Prime Minister make Crimea any better? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 10/03/2005
  • Family and Party Business (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/03/2005
  • 1,000 NATO troops from 12 countries will take part in military exercises in western Ukraine (India Daily) 10/03/2005
  • Yushchenko orders high-level probe into attack on Paparazzi editor's car (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/03/2005
  • Celebrity magazine editor targeted by bomb attack (Ifex) 10/03/2005
  • OSCE Project Co-Ordinator in Ukraine Supported Anti-Trafficking Festival (UNIAN) 10/03/2005
  • Українські діти - жертви російських педофілів (Радіо Свобода) 10/03/2005
  • Eight Ukrainians die from AIDS everyday (Forum) 10/03/2005
  • Україна може цього року не потрапити в СОТ (VOA) 10/03/2005
  • Govt in talks with Pinchuk over disputed Nikopol Ferrialloy Plant (Ukrainian Journal) 10/03/2005
  • Russia to resume pipeline discussions (Ukrainian Journal) 10/03/2005
  • Regal cuts Ukrainian reserves slightly as govt allows development to proceed (AFX/III) 10/03/2005
  • UK smallcap opening - Regal Petroleum up on Ukrainian licence (AFX/III) 10/03/2005
  • 5th Reactor of Zaporizhzhya NPP Connected to Country's Energy Grid (UNIAN) 10/03/2005
  • Societe Generale considering purchase of Ukraine’s Ukrsibbank (Ukrainian Journal) 10/03/2005
  • For Ukrainian credit union, nationality opens the door (Philadelphia Business Journal) 10/03/2005
  • Extreme dry spell forces Ukraine to curtail winter grain plantings (Ukrainian Journal) 10/03/2005
  • New Union Created to Support UOC-MP Orthodox during Elections (RISU) 10/03/2005
  • National Bank Put unto Circulation Commemorative Coin 'The Protection of the Virgin' (UNIAN) 10/03/2005
  • Bells, bagpipes and a bit of a do ... Ukrainian style (The Times) 10/03/2005
  • Ukraine's wedding of the year (Guardian) 10/03/2005
  • Ukrainian love story pairs a billionaire's daughter with a Leeds rocker (Indepedent) 10/03/2005
  • Timoshenko’s Daughter Marries Death-Metal Singer (Kommersant) 10/03/2005
  • Ukrainian sets sights on top doctor (PA) 10/03/2005

  • Голова Єврокомісії: Україні не варто закривати шлях до Євросоюзу (Deutsche Welle) 10/02/2005
  • Україна може увійти в ЄС до 2015 року, вважає Тарасюк (proUA) 10/02/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko stands during the wedding of her daughter Yevgenia with Sean Carr (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/02/2005
  • Photo: Yevgenia Tymoshenko, the daughter of dismissed Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, walks with British singer Sean Carr from the heavy metal band Death Valley Screamers, after their wedding (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/02/2005
  • Photo: British heavy metal singer, Sean Carr, 36, poses outside the Kiev church after he married Evhenya Tymoshenko, the daughter of Ukraine's ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (AP/Yahoo) 10/02/2005
  • Photo: British heavy metal singer, Sean Carr, 36, poses outside the Kiev church where he married Evhenya Tymoshenko, 25, daughter of Ukraine's ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. The newlyweds emerged from a quiet Orthodox church in the Ukrainian capital Kiev to pose for journalists and wellwishers (AP/Yahoo) 10/02/2005
  • Photo: A young Orthodox monk looks at a Scottish bagpiper... (AP/Yahoo) 10/02/2005
  • Ex-Ukraine PM's daughter marries (BBC) 10/02/2005
  • Singer Marries Ex-Ukraine PM's Daughter (AP/Yahoo) 10/02/2005
  • New Slavs of New York: All Bling and No Borscht (NY Times) 10/02/2005
  • Leonid Stadnik: The world's tallest man (Independent) 10/02/2005

  • Ukrainian PM Holds First Cabinet Meeting (RFE/RL) 10/01/2005
  • Юрій Єхануров: склад уряду узгоджено (BBC Ukrainian) 10/01/2005
  • Аналізувати й стабілізувати. Саме такими є першочергові завдання нового українського уряду (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/01/2005
  • Єхануров у Москвi назвав Росiю головним партнером (VOA) 10/01/2005
  • Матті Ванханен: «Ми сподіваємося, що політика в Україні здійснюватиметься на основі закону й поваги демократичних приципів і прав людини» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/01/2005
  • Україна поглиблює спiвробiтництво з союзом НАТО (VOA) 10/01/2005
  • Ukrainian Interior Minister: I can say nothing new about Georgi Gongadze assassination (Arka) 10/01/2005
  • Police use truncheons to break up Azeri protest (Reuters) 10/01/2005
  • Putin seeks to hike social spending as his approval rating sinks (CP/Yahoo) 10/01/2005
  • Accidental tyranny [By Tom Stoppard] (Guardian) 10/01/2005
  • 'Репортери без кордонів' стурбовані нападом на автомобіль редактора 'Папарацці': в фокусі знову син Ющенка (Радіо Свобода) 10/01/2005
  • For $110, One Chilling Day in a Hot Zone: 19 Years After Nuclear Accident, Tourists and Wildlife Populate Chernobyl (Wash Post) 10/01/2005
  • Мiльйонний українець отримає акт на землю (VOA) 10/01/2005
  • Єпископ Іларіон: «Християнський світ чекає на врегулювання статусу українського православ’я, а Вселенський патріарх готовий сприяти цьому» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/01/2005
  • Станіслав Ніколаєнко: «МОН можна назвати міністерством майбутнього Ураїни» (Дзеркало Тижня) 10/01/2005
  • Dancers keeps traditions alive (Calgary Sun) 10/01/2005
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Karavay (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/01/2005
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Karavay during the international 'Seasons of Fashion' show in the capital Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/01/2005
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Lylya Poustovit during the international 'Seasons of Fashion' show in the capital Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/01/2005
  • Grandsons Debate 1945 Yalta Conference (AP/Yahoo) 10/01/2005
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

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    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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