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  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko greets Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli during their talks in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/28/2005
  • European Commission sends contradictory messages on Ukraine (EU Observer) 02/28/2005
  • Комісар ЄС Оллі Рен: згодом Київ може розраховувати на повноцінне членство в Євросоюзі (Deutsche Welle) 02/28/2005
  • EU Official Suggests Ukraine May Join Bloc by 2015 (Moscow Times) 02/28/2005
  • Адам Ротфельд: через підтримку України у Польщі погіршилися стосунки з Росією (Deutsche Welle) 02/28/2005
  • Україна ступила на довгу 'коротку стежку до Європи' (Deutsche Welle) 02/28/2005
  • Two Houses on Brussels Hill (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/28/2005
  • Unspoken message of Bush's 'listening tour' (CS Monitor) 02/28/2005
  • Віталій Коротич: В Україні все буде гаразд, але не зразу (BBC Ukrainian) 02/28/2005
  • Ukraine trims Kuchma privileges (BBC News) 02/28/2005
  • Witness in Gongadze kidnapping wounded in attack after police say they identified abductors (AP/Kyiv Post) 02/28/2005
  • Attempt made on life of Gongadze murder suspect (Interfax-Russia) 02/28/2005
  • Progress in Ukraine murder probe [Gongadze] (BBC News) 02/28/2005
  • Фантомний біль партії влади (Галицькі контракти) 02/28/2005
  • 'Ми можемо працювати на виборах власними силами'. Розмова з Юрієм Костенком (Львівська газета) 02/28/2005
  • Schröder keeps faith in Fischer (Financial Times) 02/28/2005
  • Revolution May Be Under Way in Lebanon (AP/Yahoo) 02/28/2005
  • US welcomes resignation of pro-Syrian Lebanese government (AFP/Yahoo) 02/28/2005
  • Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan Vote, and Observers See Trouble (NY Times) 02/28/2005
  • Election in Kyrgyzstan raises hopes of Ukraine-style 'tulip revolution' (Independent) 02/28/2005
  • US Issues Annual Human Rights Report (VOA News) 02/28/2005
  • U.S. Cites Nations on Human Rights Abuses (AP/Yahoo) 02/28/2005
  • New openings for Arab democracy (CS Monitor) 02/28/2005
  • Egypt Promises Significant Democratic Reform (LA Times) 02/28/2005
  • Ukraine, Georgia Agree to Reverse Oil Flow [Odessa-Brody] (AP/Yahoo) 02/28/2005
  • Ukraine's Air Carrier Market: Promising but Vulnerable (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/28/2005
  • Show for Oblenergo with Court Trial and Orchestra (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/28/2005
  • Igor Surkis: 'I am happy that the President has taken this stand' (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/28/2005
  • Konstantin Grigorishin: 'It is not God, who faxes us laws' (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/28/2005
  • Ukrainian Language Summer School 2005 (Website) 02/28/2005
  • Kiev goes 'orange' for Eurovision (BBC News) 02/28/2005
  • Суперечки щодо українських учасників Євробачення (Deutsche Welle) 02/28/2005
  • Hopes Dim Pope's Desired Trip to Russia (AP/Yahoo) 02/28/2005
  • UOC–KP Orthodox Call Autocephalous to Union, UOC-MP to Peace (RISU) 02/28/2005
  • Accused Nazi Appears at Hearing in Ohio (AP/Yahoo) 02/28/2005
  • Refugee training scheme turns out workers for skilled jobs (Glasgow Herald) 02/28/2005
  • Gay Parenting Celebrated At Conference [Greg Leder and Tom Glaser adopted their son, Elliot, from the Ukraine seven years ago.] (WCCO) 02/28/2005
  • 'The holocaust no one talks about': Poles mark 65th anniversary of mass Second World War deportations (Edmonton Journal) 02/28/2005

  • A Revolution in Orange - Photo exhibit at Cooper Union [Yara Arts Group] (BRAMA) 02/27/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian child rides a pony near an ice sculpture of a fairy character in a snow covered park in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/27/2005
  • Ukraine prosecutors probe bizarre Russian link in Yushchenko poisoning (AFX/Yahoo) 02/27/2005
  • Україна-ЄС: знову про реадмісію (Deutsche Welle) 02/27/2005
  • Візовий скандал у Німеччині: Фішер закликає не криміналізувати українців (Deutsche Welle) 02/27/2005
  • More former Communist states on the verge of Orange Revolution (Scotland on Sunday) 02/27/2005
  • Protests hit Kyrgyzstan elections (BBC News) 02/27/2005
  • Election Will Test Fledgling Republic (LA Times) 02/27/2005
  • Democracy Is Tested in Central Asia (Wash Post) 02/27/2005
  • Exclude Russia from G8 meeting after nukes deal with Iran: US Senator (AFP/Yahoo) 02/27/2005
  • Bush basks in that Reagan glow (Sunday Times) 02/27/2005
  • Deadly Ignorance (Wash Post) 02/27/2005
  • Ukraine to review privatization of 20 major firms this year (AFP/Yahoo) 02/27/2005
  • На Євробаченні співатимуть 'Разом нас багато!' (Українська Правда) 02/27/2005
  • Fiction: A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian by Marina Lewycka (Sunday Times) 02/27/2005
  • Books: There's a first time for everyone (The Observer) 02/27/2005
  • Books: Suicide by contract killing fails to go according to plan (Scotland on Sunday) 02/27/2005
  • Canadian Catholics pray for pontiff (CBC News) 02/27/2005
  • As reforms take place in Ukraine, religious groups unsure of new path (JTA) 02/27/2005
  • As suspected Nazi cases dwindle, government to cast wider net [Bojcun, Kuras] (AP/Intelligencer) 02/27/2005
  • Revealed: East Lothian town's Nazi secret (Scotland on Sunday) 02/27/2005

  • Ukraine strips ex-president of lush home, other retirement perks (CP/Yahoo) 02/26/2005
  • Комісар ЄС: Україна може бути в ЄС в 2015 році (BBC Ukrainian) 02/26/2005
  • Danuta Hübner, European Commissioner Responsible for Regional Policy: The European Union in 2020 – Still strong or long gone? (EuropaWorld) 02/26/2005
  • Два будинки на брюссельському пагорбі (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Вацлав Гавел: Україна довго не знала, де їй краще бути (День) 02/26/2005
  • Переговори з лавровою приправою (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Юрій Луценко: «В окремих випадкіх ми стикаємося з фізичним опором підлеглих» (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Як піонер Луценко поцілив шайбою у годинник Воронцова: у дитинстві нинішній міністр внутрішніх справ підтягувався на лопаті й був найвищим хлопцем у класі (Україна молода) 02/26/2005
  • Від влади чекають дій (День) 02/26/2005
  • US Offers Strong Support for Burmese Democracy Activists (VOA News) 02/26/2005
  • Germany's Fischer admits errors in visa row, gets Schroeder backing (AFP/Yahoo) 02/26/2005
  • Ukraine to review privatization of 20 major firms this year: deputy PM (AFP/Yahoo) 02/26/2005
  • Ukraine to Review Privatization of Firms (Deutsche Welle) 02/26/2005
  • Революція і контрреволюція в Україні та олігархічно-бюрократичні загрози (Україна молода) 02/26/2005
  • Віктор Лисицький: Вони класні хлопці, але «статистика» така... (День) 02/26/2005
  • Ризики євроінтеграції (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • «Криворіжсталь»: мета знову виправдовує засоби (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Ціна питання? Можливо, 120 мільйонів доларів (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Шоу для обденерго із судом і оркестром... (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Ігор Суркіс: «Я щасливий, що Президент зайняв таку позицію...» (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Костянтин Григоришин: «Закони нам не Бог факсом надсилає» (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • «Мене охоплює жах від реального стану справ...» (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Гримаси дитячої праці (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Ігри патріотів (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Не плач за мною, Україно! У вітчизняного кіно з'явився черговий шанс на виживання (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Технологія виконання скандалу: у Верховній Раді пройшли слухання «Національна кінематографія: стан, проблеми та шляхи їх вирішення» (День) 02/26/2005
  • Миро чи сльози? (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/26/2005
  • Bravery that offers beacon of hope in Georgia (The Times) 02/26/2005

  • Російський чинник (BBC Ukrainian) 02/25/2005
  • Transcript/audio: Finding Common Ground - Presidents Bush and Putin Discuss Democracy and Nuclear Proliferation 2/24/05 [with Adrian Karatnycky] (PBS) 02/25/2005
  • Controversy lingers decades after Joplin-born poet's death [Langston Hughes could not have known of the forced famine that Joseph Stalin inflicted upon people in Ukraine in the 1930s] (Joplin Globe) 02/25/2005
  • German visa loopholes 'exploited by gangs' (Financial Times) 02/25/2005
  • Tycoon's Lawyers Appeal Steel Mill Decision [Kryvorizhstal] (AP/Yahoo) 02/25/2005
  • Iranian Gas Transit Via Ukraine To Europe Discussed In Tehran (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 02/25/2005
  • UN's sex for food scandal--the Canadian connection [Buried in the middle of the Times’ article is the fact that 'at least two UN officials--a Ukrainian and a Canadian--had to leave the country after getting local women pregnant.] (Toronto Free Press) 02/25/2005
  • President gets up close to Slovak activists (Financial Times) 02/25/2005
  • Suddenly, Critics Pile On Putin (Business Week) 02/25/2005
  • Bush and Putin Exhibit Tension Over Democracy (NY Times) 02/25/2005
  • Putin loses his smile after lecture from Bush on democracy (Belfast Telegraph) 02/25/2005
  • Bush and Putin Mute Differences, Latching on to the Affirmative (NY Times) 02/25/2005
  • UN Predicts 9.1 Billion People on Earth by 2050 [ AIDS and poor health care also means a fall in life expectancy in Eastern Europe, particularly in Russia and Ukraine.] (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/25/2005
  • The good luck of traumatised Afghanistan (Mail & Guardian) 02/25/2005
  • High court rejects another candidate as Kyrgyzstan's electoral tensions grow (AP/Yahoo) 02/25/2005
  • Speculation High on Kyrgyzstan Revolution ['Tulip Revolution'] (AP/Yahoo) 02/25/2005
  • Kyrgyzstan votes in afterglow of Ukraine's Orange Revolution (Financial Times) 02/25/2005
  • Specter backs presidential amendment [Sen. Arlen Specter, father emigrated from Ukraine] (Monterey County Herald) 02/25/2005
  • State Department makes student visas longer (Technician) 02/25/2005
  • Микола Томенко: Поки що уряд працює на 11 за 12-бальною системою (Україна молода) 02/25/2005
  • Микола Томенко: не спекулюйте на темі міжнаціональних відносин (Сільські вісті) 02/25/2005
  • 'Я пішов у студію відразу з Майдану'. Розмова з Тарасом Стецьківим (Львівська газета) 02/25/2005
  • Влодзімеж Цімошевич: Хто б не став президентом Польщі, політика щодо України не зміниться (День) 02/25/2005
  • Kasyanov Hints He May Run in 2008 (Moscow Times) 02/25/2005
  • Youth Groups Say It's Time to Oppose Putin (Moscow Times) 02/25/2005
  • Український блокбастер: перша кров (Львівська газета) 02/25/2005
  • Олег Скрипка: Телевізійні олігархи або ж ненавидять нас із вами, або ж навмисне намагаються виховати баранів (Україна молода) 02/25/2005
  • Пісні помаранчевої революції в Німеччині (Deutsche Welle) 02/25/2005

  • Chernobyl doctor stops in Hawaii en route to Marshalls [Dr. Lyudmyla Porokhnyak is the medical director of the Women's Society in Ukraine.] (AP/KPUA) 02/24/2005
  • Bush's Gloved Handshake a Slovak Faux Pas (AP/Yahoo) 02/24/2005
  • Українi рекомендують знизити бюжетний дефiцит (VOA) 02/24/2005
  • Новий глава МВС обiцяє декримiналiзувати мiлiцiю (VOA) 02/24/2005
  • Grapeland woman from Ukriane takes oath of citizenship (Palestine Herald) 02/24/2005
  • Про політичну вагу 'трьох поросят' (Українська Правда) 02/24/2005
  • Analysis: Moscow Steps In to Check Kyiv's European Drive (RFE/RL) 02/24/2005
  • Key Issues in Russian-American Relations (AP/Yahoo) 02/24/2005
  • Protesters on orange alert over Patriot Act [DuPage Against War Now organizers want residents who believe the Patriot Act is unconstitutional to attend the April 6 council meeting wearing orange] (Chicago Daily Herald) 02/24/2005
  • Ukraine defense minister concerned over disappearance of missiles, launch system (AFX/III) 02/24/2005
  • Ukraine's president Yushchenko to visit Iran (AFX/III) 02/24/2005
  • EU Appealing In Ukraine, But Not NATO (Angus Reid) 02/24/2005
  • Bush-Putin Summit to Target Nuclear Terror (AP/Yahoo) 02/24/2005
  • Bush Praises Slovaks for Ousting Communism, EU Entry (Update3) (Bloomberg) 02/24/2005
  • Bush Hails Georgia, Ukraine Revolutions Ahead of Talks with Putin (Civil Georgia) 02/24/2005
  • Bush sees democracy spreading in ex-Soviet realm (Reuters) 02/24/2005
  • Bush sees democracy coming in Moldova, Belarus (AFP/Yahoo) 02/24/2005
  • Iraqi Kurd Outlines Govt. Demands; Car Bomb Kills 12 (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/24/2005
  • Ukraine to withdraw troops from Iraq [ the end of this year - Defense Minister Hrytsenko] (AFP/Yahoo) 02/24/2005
  • PM vows to channel 50% of state company profits to employees (Ukrainian Journal) 02/24/2005
  • New money set aside for wronged racial groups [...internment of Ukrainians during the world wars] (Globe and Mail) 02/24/2005
  • New Lifeline for Trafficking Victims [The charity was able to give advice to two 21-year-old men from Ukraine.] (The Scotsman) 02/24/2005
  • 'Timewasters' blamed for delay to foreign nurses [...applicants who get turned down are from eastern European countries such as Ukraine] (Edinburgh Evening News) 02/24/2005
  • Her Trump card is role of Ivana [B-movie actress Katheryn Winnick, who is of Ukrainian descent, is the new Ivana] (NY Daily News) 02/24/2005
  • Katheryn Winnick [Birth Place: Toronto, Ontario, Canada] (Website) 02/24/2005
  • Parthenon Offers Up Ukraine Doc ['Ukraine Wild' hosted by Ruslana, guided tour of the country] (Website) 02/24/2005
  • American idol contestant - Anatoliy 'Anthony' Fedorov [emigrated from Ukraine 10 years ago] (Website) 02/24/2005
  • Bucks contestant keeps on singing ['Anthony' Fedorov] (Bucks County Courier Times) 02/24/2005
  • Tape clue in hunt for president’s poisoner (Glasgow Herald) 02/24/2005
  • ГЕЛЬМАН ЗІЗНАВСЯ, ЩО ВІН ПРИДУМАВ 'ТЕМНИКИ' (Українська правда) 02/24/2005
  • Pope back in hospital (Sunday Times) 02/24/2005
  • Сміх і гріх нової опозиції: розгромивши на виборах супротивників, Віктор Ющенко постав перед викликом нового часу — відсутністю гідних опонентів та контролерів нової влади (Україна молода) 02/24/2005
  • Виступ Ющенка перед депутатами Європарламенту (Deutsche Welle) 02/24/2005
  • Ющенко в Європі: на конвертах і в месіджах (Українська Правда) 02/24/2005
  • Kiev seeks to assuage Moscow (IH Tribune) 02/24/2005
  • Свято демократії чи «Хелловін» на Банковій. Опозиція: радикали чи маргінали? (День) 02/24/2005
  • A Bridge of Sighs: Months after feeling euphoric at their role in Ukraine’s revolution, Poles are now feeling a little deflated about the country’s foreign policy (Transitions Online) 02/24/2005
  • Валізи ілюзій (День) 02/24/2005
  • To Russia, With Tough Love (NY Times) 02/24/2005
  • Once-mighty Putin is now looking vulnerable (Daily Telegraph) 02/24/2005
  • Bush Prepares to Lock Horns with Putin (Deutsche Welle) 02/24/2005
  • Kremlin in no mood to be lectured, Bush told (The Times) 02/24/2005
  • Bush-Putin summit: freedom vs. friendship (CS Monitor) 02/24/2005
  • In Belarus and Moldova, hopes for democracy (IH Tribune) 02/24/2005
  • A better balance (Financial Times) 02/24/2005
  • The agony and Extase: Next time Caesar comes visiting in Brussels, can Europe speak with one voice? (Guardian) 02/24/2005
  • Stop moaning, start acting: Europe should not carp about America's foreign policy, but press forward with its own agenda (The Times) 02/24/2005
  • «Моє міністерство — це перший фронт»: обіцянки та скепсис Юрія Павленка (День) 02/24/2005
  • Суворовський «каліграфіст»: військове майбутнє міністру оборони Анатолію Гриценку напророкували однокласники, а він любив майструвати меблі і малювати танки (Україна молода) 02/24/2005
  • Справа Гонгадзе як дзеркало української влади (Сільські вісті) 02/24/2005
  • Ревізія історії: керівництво КПУ звернулося до Міністерства освіти і науки України з вимогою переглянути підходи до вивчення вітчизняної історії (Львівська газета) 02/24/2005
  • Оксана Білозір: Мінкультури не фінансуватиметься за залишковим принципом (Україна молода) 02/24/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks before the European Parliament in the northeastern French city of Strasbourg (AFP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko addresses the European Parliament in Strasbourg (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Photo: President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko is welcomed by President of European Parliament Josep Borel in Strasbourg, during a visit at the European Parliament (AFP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Photo: European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko give a press conference after their meeting at EU headquarters in Brussels (AFP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana hold a joint news conference after a meeting in Brussels (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gives a press conference at EU headquarters in Brussels (AFP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko addresses the media in a joint media conference with EU Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Photo: European Commission Chairman Jose Manuel Barroso welcomes Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko at EU headquarters in Brussels (AFP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and a World War Two veteran hold red carnations as they take part in a ceremony at the Unknown Soldier's Tomb in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Ukraine makes vow to Russia while wooing EU (AFP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Prosecutors Following New Yushchenko Lead (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Ющенка просять заново “запустити” політреформу (VOA) 02/23/2005
  • Новi пропозицiї для вирiшення проблеми пiратства в Українi (VOA) 02/23/2005
  • Якими будуть податковi змiни для малого бiзнесу в Українi? (VOA) 02/23/2005
  • Culture cash sets aside $25 million for commemoration of racist episodes (CP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Україна чекає дозволу Росії на реекспорт 'скандальної' нафти (УНІАН) 02/23/2005
  • Ruslana censored in Russia [scenes from the so-called Ukrainian Orange Revolution dropped from video] (Esctoday) 02/23/2005
  • Crimean Tatars: Policy of The New Government of Ukraine is Critisized (UNPO) 02/23/2005
  • Ukrainian singers to visit (Corning Leader) 02/23/2005
  • ‘Missile man was not murdered’, police insist (Cyprus Mail) 02/23/2005
  • Analysis: Bush-Putin Summit And Its Implications For The Caucasus (RFE/RL) 02/23/2005
  • Порошенко - друга особа в державі. А може стати першою? (УНІАН) 02/23/2005
  • Янукович називає Кучму 'великим розчаруванням' і шкодує, що не служив в армії (УНІАН) 02/23/2005
  • Yushchenko Claims that Two Witnesses on Gongadze Case Were Murdered (UNIAN) 02/23/2005
  • Ukrainians in U.S. look forward to return and white-collar jobs [KRT/Chicago Tribune] (Centre Daily) 02/23/2005
  • The Worst Form of Slavery [trafficking] (Harvard Crimson) 02/23/2005
  • Ukraine May Enter WTO by End of Year — EU Official (Mosnews) 02/23/2005
  • Yushchenko Calls on European Lawmakers to Assist Ukraine’s Entrance in EU (UNIAN) 02/23/2005
  • NATO and Kiev agree to seek closer links (IH Tribune) 02/23/2005
  • On the Path to EU, Ukraine Plans to Draw Up “Road-Map” Plan for Current Year – Yushchenko (UNIAN) 02/23/2005
  • IMF willing to discuss resumption of lending to Ukraine (AFX/III) 02/23/2005
  • Bush leans on Putin. Will he budge? (CS Monitor) 02/23/2005
  • Bush looks for the Russian soulmate of his first term (Financial Times) 02/23/2005
  • Yushchenko affirms Nato ambitions (Financial Times) 02/23/2005
  • Yushchenko: We are not Competing with Turkey for EU Place (Zaman) 02/23/2005
  • Putin: No Need to ‘Plant Permanent Revolutions’ (Civil Georgia) 02/23/2005
  • Walker's World: Can Bush still see Putin's soul? (WP Herald) 02/23/2005
  • Bush and Putin: Strains Are Showing [Feb. 28 issue] (BusinessWeek) 02/23/2005
  • Armored cars in the streets ahead of tense Bush-Putin summit in Slovakia (AFP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • Moscow Says 'Weak People' Won't Derail U.S. Ties (Reuters) 02/23/2005
  • Ukrainian Parliamentarian delegation praised Jafza's facilities and services [United Arab Emirates] (AME Info) 02/23/2005
  • Tajikistan to go to polls, opposition cries foul (Reuters/AlertNet) 02/23/2005
  • Chairman urges ties with Ukraine [Viet Nam] (VNA) 02/23/2005
  • Protests continue in Kyrgyzstan in support of disqualified parliamentary candidates (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2005
  • UOC–Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox Faithful Join Protest of Ukraine’s Possible Entry into EU and NATO (RISU) 02/23/2005
  • MP and Security Service Head Discuss Problems of Protestants in Kyiv (RISU) 02/23/2005
  • Yuschenko launches assault on Ukraine's old ruling class (Taipei Times) 02/23/2005
  • Україна – ЄС: ще раз про перспективи та дійсність (Deutsche Welle) 02/23/2005
  • Ukraine bid to join Nato threatens wider rift with Russia (The Times) 02/23/2005
  • Ющенко: добу багатовекторності України завершено (BBC Ukrainian) 02/23/2005
  • Європа стає ближчою: Віктор Ющенко оголосив кінець етапу багатовекторності в зовнішній політиці України (Львівська газета) 02/23/2005
  • Bush charms Brussels yet divide with EU remains (Financial Times) 02/23/2005
  • EU plans on China provokes ‘deep concern' in US (Financial Times) 02/23/2005
  • Blair keeps low profile amid the scramble (Daily Telegraph) 02/23/2005
  • EU alliance gives Bush no cause for concern (The Scotsman) 02/23/2005
  • Georgia and Russia at impasse, says new premier (Financial Times) 02/23/2005
  • Conciliatory Bush faces dilemma over recalcitrant Russia (Guardian) 02/23/2005
  • Deciphering Putin (Business Week) 02/23/2005
  • Bush May Feel Chilly Blast From Russians, Envoy Says (NY Times) 02/23/2005
  • Headed For a Fall In Russia? (Wash Post) 02/23/2005
  • Promoting democracy abroad (Wash Times) 02/23/2005
  • Сьогодні – день народження Президента (proUA) 02/23/2005
  • «Happy Birthday, Mister President…» (День) 02/23/2005
  • Сила РНБО: нові повноваження секретаря Ради нацбезпеки й оборони дають право радити Кабміну (Львівська газета) 02/23/2005
  • Із математиків — у хірурги: Міністр охорони здоров'я Микола Поліщук у дитинстві «оперував» курчат, займався боротьбою і був учителем арифметики (Україна молода) 02/23/2005
  • On abortion [excerpt from 'Memory and Identity' by Pope John Paul II] (The Times) 02/23/2005

  • Photo: US President George Bush listens as Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko addresses leaders gathered at the NATO Summit in Brussels (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Photo: British Prime Minister Tony Blair, U.S. President George W. Bush and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko at the NATO summit in Brussels (AFP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Photo: U.S. President George W. Bush and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko attend a NATO summit in Brussels (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Photo: U.S. President George W. Bush shakes hands with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko at NATO headquarters in Brussels (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Photo: President George W. Bush hosts a bilateral meeting with Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko in Brussels (White House) 02/22/2005
  • Photo: The new President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, is welcomed by NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer for a meeting at the alliance Headquarters in Brussels (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • NATO: Summit Yields Training for Iraq, Boost for Ukraine, but Doubts Remain Over Trans-Atlantic Unity (RFE/RL) 02/22/2005
  • Брюссельські вафлі для Ющенка (Українська Правда) 02/22/2005
  • Ukraine's Leader Seeks EU, NATO Integration (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Ukraine seeks Nato relationship (Guardian) 02/22/2005
  • Bush Says NATO Might Be Open to Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Nato hails Ukrainian aspirations (BBC News) 02/22/2005
  • Paul Martin all for diplomacy, but advocates tough stand on nuclear ambitions (CP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Bush Denies U.S. Plans to Attack Iran (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Bush says Iraq row is over, but warns of dispute over China embargo (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Putin Says Russia Will Pursue Democracy on Its Own (Reuters) 02/22/2005
  • Bush, Putin Differ on Russian Democracy (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Who poisoned Viktor Yushchenko? (BBC News) 02/22/2005
  • Pressing Putin to mend his ways (Economist) 02/22/2005
  • Protests start in Kyrgyzstan over removal of opposition candidates from election race (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Chamber judgments concerning Turkey and Ukraine (ECHR) 02/22/2005
  • Report: Ukraine's army says two anti-aircraft missiles missing (CP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Bush to Focus on Nonproliferation [Omelchenko alleges that a private Russian arms broker and officials in Ukraine's state-owned arms export agency and security services were behind Kh-55 missile deal with Iran] (LA Times) 02/22/2005
  • Freedom doctine meets hard-line Russian stance this week (UExpress/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Opening remarks by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer: Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • AUDIO: Joint news conference Qamp;A [ENG] (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • AUDIO: Joint news conference Qamp;A [UKR] (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • AUDIO: Joint news conference Statement by the President of Ukraine [ENG] (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • AUDIO: Joint news conference Statement by the President of Ukraine [UKR] (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • AUDIO: Joint news conference Statement by NATO Secretary General (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Photos: Press conference following the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Стенограма прес-конференції Генерального секретаря НАТО Яапа де Хооп Схеффера та Президента України Віктора Ющенка за підсумками засідання Комісії Україна (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Q&A at the press conference by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine following the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Opening statement by Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine at the press conference following the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Opening statement by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the press conference following the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Photos: NATO-Ukraine Commission (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • AUDIO: Вступне слово В.Ющенка перед початком засідання Комісії Україна -- НАТО (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • AUDIO: Opening statement by Viktor Yushchenko (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Opening statement by Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine at the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Вступне слово генерального секретаря НАТО пана Яапа де Хооп Схеффера перед початком засідання Комісії Україна -- НАТО (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • AUDIO: Opening remarks by NATO Secretary General [English] (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • NATO ready to deepen partnership with Ukraine (NATO) 02/22/2005
  • Photo: A demonstrator shouts anti-NATO slogans to protest against Ukraine's closer ties with the Alliance during a rally near the presidential office in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Photo: A demonstrator burns a NATO flag to protest against Ukraine's closer ties with the Alliance during a rally near the presidential office in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Ющенко взяв участь у самiтi НАТО, мав зустрiч з Бушем (VOA) 02/22/2005
  • Analysis: Can Friendship Heal All Wounds? (RFE/RL) 02/22/2005
  • Ukraine Signs Action Plan But Talk Of Union Membership Avoided (RFE/RL) 02/22/2005
  • Yushchenko Appeals For Closer Ties With NATO (RFE/RL) 02/22/2005
  • The Split Consciousness of Separatism (Moscow Times) 02/22/2005
  • Ukraine's army said two anti-aircraft missiles missing [AP report] (Santa Fe New Mexican) 02/22/2005
  • EU Increases Duties on Certain Pipes from Ukraine and Croatia (SteelVillage) 02/22/2005
  • President and Secretary General de Hoop Scheffer Discuss NATO Meeting [see Ukraine comments] (White House) 02/22/2005
  • Ukranian Orphans Thank Omaha (Omaha Channel) 02/22/2005
  • Arrest me ... before I strike again. Identity theft pays [(The) thieves are so bold that they held a conference in Kiev for people interested in breaking into 'phishing' industry.] [USA Today] (Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Trypillian Tour: Wonders of Neolithic Civilization on the Territory of Ukraine (Website) 02/22/2005
  • Natalie Imbruglia: 'I'm back' [The video to the single was shot in Kiev in the Ukraine by director Jake Nava.] (ITV) 02/22/2005
  • Local 'Idol' plays it safe [Anatoliy 'Anthony' Fedorov] (Bucks County Courier Times) 02/22/2005
  • EU Signs Plan to Boost Ties with Ukraine (UNIAN) 02/22/2005
  • Canada Ready to Invest in Ukraine – Canadian Prime Minister (UNIAN) 02/22/2005
  • Yushchenko calls for Ukraine to join EU, NATO - UPDATE (AFX/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Буш порівняв Ющенка з Джорджем Вашингтоном (UNIAN) 02/22/2005
  • Yushchenko in Brussels: Between USA and NATO (UNIAN) 02/22/2005
  • General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) Conclusions on Ukraine (UNIAN) 02/22/2005
  • Yushchenko: Troops in Iraq in Ukraine's national interest, but ready to pullout (UNIAN) 02/22/2005
  • NATO Courts Ukraine, Offers Money for Munitions, Arms Clean-up (Bloomberg) 02/22/2005
  • Yushchenko: Ukraine-NATO Commission Confirmed Strategic Character of Relations with Alliance (UNIAN) 02/22/2005
  • Bush Takes Charm Offensive to NATO, EU (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Upbeat Bush visits EU and NATO aiming to revive ties (AFP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Putin Meeting Presents Challenges for Bush (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • Bush Wins Modest Support From NATO (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2005
  • NATO chief rebuffs Schroeder's criticism (DPA/Expatica) 02/22/2005
  • President Yushchenko Has Arrived in Brussels (UNIAN) 02/22/2005
  • [Interview with Foreign Envoy] (47) Ukraine Model for Dissolution of North Korean Nukes [Amb. Volodymyr Furkalo] (Korea Times) 02/22/2005
  • Russia satisfied with Lavrov's visit to Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 02/22/2005
  • EU apprehension an obstacle to membership, Yushchenko aide says (IH Tribune) 02/22/2005
  • Ukraine leader lobbies for EU entry (Financial Times) 02/22/2005
  • Ukrainian Question Posed to Brussels (День) 02/22/2005
  • Запитання Брюсселю (День) 02/22/2005
  • Integration Leitmotifs: How can we sway Eurosceptics in Ukraine and Ukrainosceptics in Europe? (День) 02/22/2005
  • Україна-НАТО: проблеми та перспективи відносин (Deutsche Welle) 02/22/2005
  • Марчук: Україна має дати сигнал НАТО зараз (BBC Ukrainian) 02/22/2005
  • Марчук: не скористатися нагодою самміту НАТО - втрата часу (BBC Ukrainian) 02/22/2005
  • NATO isn't a military group only. By Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (Taipei Times) 02/22/2005
  • Bush hails strong Europe as partner (Financial Times) 02/22/2005
  • Bush reaches out to Europe with pledge on Middle East (Independent) 02/22/2005
  • Роман Зварич: На гачок мене не взяти. Міністр юстиції залишиться на посаді. Проте нез'ясовано питання, хто ж причетний до корупції при реекспорті нафти? (Україна молода) 02/22/2005
  • На двох стільцях (Львівська газета) 02/22/2005
  • Як вiдмiнник Турчинов прийшов на Криворiжсталь: батько Олександра Турчинова та вчителі — про дитинство найтаємничiшого голови СБУ (Україна молода) 02/22/2005
  • Олександр Мороз: Щоб вести людей за собою, їх треба об’єднувати (Сільські вісті) 02/22/2005
  • Михайло Гладій: Вибір Литвина — «тиха опозиція» Ющенкові (Україна молода) 02/22/2005
  • Exit polls: a malfunction of instruments or morality? (День) 02/22/2005
  • Bush and Beirut protesters urge Syria to quit (Financial Times) 02/22/2005
  • U.S. Urged to Act Quickly on Farm Aid (NY Times) 02/22/2005
  • Responsible 'For Everything'. Minister Vyacheslav Kyrylenko: No cash payments in lieu of benefits for now (День) 02/22/2005
  • Для комісії з культури і духовності (Українська Правда) 02/22/2005
  • First Working Visit: Shevchenko memorial sites are among the new Ukrainian government’s top priorities (День) 02/22/2005
  • Should the Church of the Tithes Be Restored? (День) 02/22/2005
  • A Fiance in a Sack. Marriage migration: pros and cons (День) 02/22/2005

  • Розпочато зняття дiї щодо України поправки Джексона-Венiка (VOA) 02/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during their meeting at the presidential office in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko greets Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during their meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Photo: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov listens to his Ukrainian counterpart Boris Tarasyuk during their press-conference following of their talks in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian vice premier in charge of eurointegration Oleh Rybachuk and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana in Brussels (AFP/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Bush says Ukraine must be welcomed into Western family (AFP/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Буш закликав Європу розпочати еру єдностi i пiдтримати Україну (VOA) 02/21/2005
  • Is Washington Pushing Ukraine and the EU into a forced marriage? (Der Spiegel) 02/21/2005
  • Ukraine Leader Wants Pragmatic Ties with Russia (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Ukraine cool to Russia-led economic zone (AFP/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Russia and Ukraine redefine ties (BBC News) 02/21/2005
  • Чалий: 'Дух Майдану не вдалося перенести на стосунки з ЄС' (BBC Ukrainian) 02/21/2005
  • Where does Slovakia stand? (Slovak Spectator) 02/21/2005
  • Lytvyn concerned over Ukraine's privatization revision (Interfax-Russia) 02/21/2005
  • Ukrainian Communists seek legal action against Kuchma (Interfax-Russia) 02/21/2005
  • Реприватизацiя пiдприємств таки буде бiльш обмеженою (VOA) 02/21/2005
  • Лавров: Москва поважатиме вибiр Києва (VOA) 02/21/2005
  • Bush Calls on Europe to Support Georgia, Ukraine (Civil Georgia) 02/21/2005
  • Tymoshenko Calls For Beneficial Ties With Russia (RFE/RL) 02/21/2005
  • Кремль дає дозвіл на 'прозору' незалежність (УНІАН) 02/21/2005
  • Ukraine Negotiates Co-Operation Plan with the EU (The Scotsman) 02/21/2005
  • Ukrainian President to Head to Brussels [AFP] (RFE/RL) 02/21/2005
  • Bush looking forward to meeting 'friend' Putin (AFP/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Bush to put diplomacy ahead of democracy for Putin (The Times) 02/21/2005
  • Critics pour water on US foreign policy's fiery vision (Financial Times) 02/21/2005
  • Bush seeks 'new era' in US-Europe ties (AFP/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • One question each: Europe's leaders are awarded topics for their presidential chat (Independent) 02/21/2005
  • Cherchez le petrole. The unexpectedly sharp reaction by Ukrainian Minister of Justice Roman Zvarych to the Cabinet’s Resolution “On Oil Re-export,” dated 16 February 2005, revealed, alongside a conflict of personal interests, a number of other controversies... (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/21/2005
  • A Realistically Minded Civilian to Head the SBU [Oleksandr Turchynov] (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/21/2005
  • Reprivatization Runs Amok? (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/21/2005
  • Ukraine cuts privatisation review (BBC News) 02/21/2005
  • Freeing the orange state. Plans for radical political and economic reform in Ukraine are upsetting Russia and rich industrialists alike (Guardian) 02/21/2005
  • Ukraine a Country of Prostitutes? (Der Spiegel) 02/21/2005
  • EU urges US to back Ukraine admission to WTO this year (EUbusiness) 02/21/2005
  • Mock Reform (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/21/2005
  • Justice Minister of Ukraine Zvarych Has No Intent to Resign (UNIAN) 02/21/2005
  • Tymoshenko: Ukraine Interested in Attracting Investments from Russia (UNIAN) 02/21/2005
  • Nemtsov Urges Russians to Invest in Ukraine (Mosnews) 02/21/2005
  • Ukrainian President Calls Re-Privatization “Politics of Exceptions” (Mosnews) 02/21/2005
  • Ющенко не погоджується з Тимошенко і наполягає на своєму (УНІАН) 02/21/2005
  • Investors See Storm Brewing Over Kiev (Moscow Times) 02/21/2005
  • Strategic relationship with Russia unquestionable - Yushchenko (Interfax-Russia) 02/21/2005
  • Lavrov calls for strategic partnership with Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 02/21/2005
  • Russian-Ukrainian relations to develop progressively - Lavrov (Interfax-Russia) 02/21/2005
  • Russian Foreign Minister in Ukraine for Talks (The Scotsman) 02/21/2005
  • Moody’s confirms Ukraine’s ratings as instability subsides (Ukrainian Journal) 02/21/2005
  • Ukranian national arrested on charges of theft (New Kerala) 02/21/2005
  • NATO to Help Ukraine Destroy Weapons (AP/Yahoo) 02/21/2005
  • Chernobyl Cleanup Workers Stage Hunger Strike [Itar-Tass] (RFE/RL) 02/21/2005
  • Chernobyl Veterans Hospitalized After Hunger Strike (Mosnews) 02/21/2005
  • Очікується затвердження Плану дій Україна-ЄС (Deutsche Welle) 02/21/2005
  • Ющенко візьме участь у засіданні комісії Україна-НАТО (Deutsche Welle) 02/21/2005
  • Brief encounter unlikely to see meeting of minds in Mainz (Financial Times) 02/21/2005
  • Strong Europe essential for world peace, declares Bush (The Times) 02/21/2005
  • 'Деякі структури чинили тиск на рухівців, аби вони входили до нової партії'. Розмова з Борисом Тарасюком (Львівська газета) 02/21/2005
  • Доля 'Громадського радіо' залишається невідомою (Deutsche Welle) 02/21/2005

  • The pull of the west (Financial Times) 02/20/2005
  • Unanswered questions swirl months after Yushchenko was poisoned (Knight Ridder) 02/20/2005
  • In former Soviet republics, high-profile deaths spark rumors (Knight Ridder) 02/20/2005
  • Німецька опозиція хоче для України чіткої перспективи вступу в ЄС (Deutsche Welle) 02/20/2005
  • Russia Says Ukraine, Georgia Are Sovereign (AP/Yahoo) 02/20/2005
  • Ukraine election emboldens opposition in former Soviet states, worries Kremlin (CP/Yahoo) 02/20/2005
  • Bush and Putin to Meet Amid New Wariness (AP/Yahoo) 02/20/2005
  • Putin to Look for Reassurance from Bush at Summit (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/20/2005
  • Talk With Putin Will Test Bush's Inaugural Pledges (Wash Post) 02/20/2005
  • Whose side is Russia on? (Sunday Telegraph) 02/20/2005
  • Bush tries to build bridges to Europe (Scotland on Sunday) 02/20/2005
  • Nothing to Celebrate: When Bush meets Putin this week, he'll have to take a closer look, and plumb the darker depths of Putin's soul (Newsweek) 02/20/2005
  • Hatred chic (Toronto Star) 02/20/2005
  • German Visa Scandal Gets Brussels' Attention (Deutsche Welle) 02/20/2005
  • Tempted by higher salaries, Hungarian doctors go west (AFP/Yahoo) 02/20/2005

  • Citizen Groups Send Reccomendations to Government Leaders Outlining Steps for Reducing Ukraines Dependence on Costly, Undependable Natural Gas Imports [Dated 2/17/05] (Common Dreams) 02/19/2005
  • Ющенко нарешті підписав указ про Порошенка (Українська Правда) 02/19/2005
  • Yushchenko doesn’t want Zvarych to resign (Ukrayinska Pravda) 02/19/2005
  • Хто знайде винного в темній кімнаті? Роман Зварич і надалі керує Мін'юстом. У ситуації з його відставкою так нічого й не ясно (Україна молода) 02/19/2005
  • Cherchez le petrole: демарш Романа Зварича (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • Ukraine to Investigate Former Security Chief (RFE/RL) 02/19/2005
  • Турчинов: серйозних змін в СБУ не буде (BBC Ukrainian) 02/19/2005
  • Реаліст у цивільному: Олександр Турчинов (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • Ties with Russia should not block Ukraine's way to EU - Yushchenko (Interfax-Russia) 02/19/2005
  • Беніта Ферреро-Вальднер: Двері в ЄС не зачинено і не відчинено... Але якщо є воля — є і шанс (Україна молода) 02/19/2005
  • Беніта Ферреро-Вальднер: Напередодні важливого кроку (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • Уроки прагматизму (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • In Europe, a shared foreign policy, too (IH Tribune) 02/19/2005
  • «Ви ще не в тюрмi? Тодi ми йдемо до вас... грати!» Нова влада повинна карати попередню за всі скоєні злочини. Однак старе добре гасло «Кучму — за грати!» поки що анітрохи не втілюється в життя (Україна молода) 02/19/2005
  • Тихо! Йде останній ефір... (Україна молода) 02/19/2005
  • Під розмови про створення громадського телебачення вмерло «Громадське радіо» (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • They're all pals with Bush now — just don't mention the war (The Times) 02/19/2005
  • Oranges and lemons perturb Putin (The Times) 02/19/2005
  • From west to east, rolling revolution gathers pace across the former USSR: Demonstrators in Krgyzstan are taking their cue from the upheaval in Ukraine (The Times) 02/19/2005
  • Ink helps drive democracy in Asia (BBC News) 02/19/2005
  • Україна висловила занепокоєння з приводу візового скандалу в Німеччині (Deutsche Welle) 02/19/2005
  • Locals unite to support Oksana (Belfast Telegraph) 02/19/2005
  • Революція перемогла! Хай живе король? (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • Люстрація економіки? (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • ДПАУ do you do, або 10 заповідей (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • Національна книжка: між минулим і майбутнім (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • Кіно як обличчя нації (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/19/2005
  • Book: A Short History of Tractors by Marina Lewycka (The Times) 02/19/2005
  • Безталанна Десятинна: київська влада збирається відбудувати пам'ятку X століття. Але чи доцільно це? (Україна молода) 02/19/2005

  • 'A Sense of Orange in the Air!' - 'The Path to a Free and Democratic Ukraine' at the Kennan Institute (BRAMA) 02/18/2005
  • Letter to The New York Sun: Reverse Bigotry - Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right (BRAMA) 02/18/2005
  • [Pagedown] Does Yushchenko need second thoughts? (RFE/RL) 02/18/2005
  • Presidential decrees make waves in Ukraine (RFE/RL) 02/18/2005
  • Photo: Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Polish Presidents, Valdas Adamkus, Viktor Yushchenko and Aleksander Kwasniewski pose for photographers after attending Croatian President Stjepan Mesic's inauguration ceremony in Zagreb (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/18/2005
  • Photo: President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko during his special interview for AFP in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 02/18/2005
  • Photo: President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko gestures during his special interview for AFP in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 02/18/2005
  • Viktor Yushchenko: Ukraine's accidental revolutionary (AFP/Yahoo) 02/18/2005
  • Yushchenko sets sights on EU entry talks in 2007 (AFP/Yahoo) 02/18/2005
  • Ukraine not turning its back on Moscow despite EU option: Yushchenko (AFP/EU Business) 02/18/2005
  • Ющенко вiдвiдає Брюссель i Страсбург (VOA) 02/18/2005
  • Poland reiterates backing for Ukraine membership of EU, NATO (AFP/EU Business) 02/18/2005
  • Bush's Iraq Coalition Shrinking (AP/Yahoo) 02/18/2005
  • NATO/PfP Trust Fund project to destroy surplus weapons and ammunition in Ukraine (NATO) 02/18/2005
  • NATO to help Ukraine destroy 1.5 million weapons (WP Herald) 02/18/2005
  • US, Britain, Norway sign on to NATO project to destroy Ukraine weapons stocks (AFP/Yahoo) 02/18/2005
  • Relationship Between Bush and Putin Getting Weaker (VOA) 02/18/2005
  • Вiдставку Зварича обговорять на засiданнi уряду (VOA) 02/18/2005
  • Statement in the Congressional Record by Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ), Co-Chairman, U.S. Helsinki Commission: Supporting normal trade relations treatment for Ukraine [Jackson-Vanik] (OSCE) 02/18/2005
  • [PDF format] FY 2006 Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations (USDOS) 02/18/2005
  • МВС знову взялося за справу Гонгадзе (VOA) 02/18/2005
  • Obit: I. Skoczylas, Ukrainian church leader (Philadelphia Inquirer) 02/18/2005
  • Tymoshenko says that Zvarych’s resignation is an intrigue (Ukrayinska Pravda) 02/18/2005
  • 30 чи 3000 (Українська правда) 02/18/2005
  • Посада секретаря РНБОУ - вакантна?! [Петро Порошенко зізнався, що Указу про призначення його секретарем Ради Національної безпеки і оборони досі немає.] (УНІАН) 02/18/2005
  • Ukraine Quiz [t's been in the news a lot lately but how much do you really know about Ukraine...] (Tiscali) 02/18/2005
  • [AUDIO] Despite Warnings, Hundreds Return to Chernobyl [Dated 2/17/05] (NPR) 02/18/2005
  • Repair of Leaking Chernobyl Sarcophagus Begins (Mosnews) 02/18/2005
  • Women say men tricked them to U.S., stripping [Dated 2/17/05] (KRT/Times Leader) 02/18/2005
  • 2 men charged in area sex ring. Ukrainian women were held captive and forced to work as strippers, police say. (Detroit News) 02/18/2005
  • Ex-Soviet states look to Moscow. Central Asian nations are seeking to avoid Ukraine-style revolt (Boston Globe) 02/18/2005
  • Yuschenko's phones tapped during election campaign (ABC-Australia) 02/18/2005
  • Russia's post-Soviet privatizations seen as 'time bomb' (CBC) 02/18/2005
  • Russian State Duma to consider Ukrainian re-privatization [(P)rocess will affect companies owned by Russians] (Russia Journal) 02/18/2005
  • Ukraine to Ease Visas for Eurovision (Moscow Times) 02/18/2005
  • Прес-служба Управління СБ України в І-Ф області спростовує заяву енергопостачальної компанії «Прикарпаттяобленерго» про захоплення 17.02.2005р. приміщення компанії по вулиці Індустріальній, 34 в м.Івано-Франківську бійцями спецпідрозділу «Альфа» СБУ. ( 02/18/2005
  • 'Без краваток і навприсядки' вже не буде [Олег РИБАЧУК] (УНІАН) 02/18/2005
  • Ukraine as model [Ukraine, it seems, has emerged as the model by which the US plans to spread liberty and democracy in the Arab world.] (Al-Ahram) 02/18/2005
  • Troops to Be Re-Named Republic Guards of Ukraine - Kikhtenko (UNIAN) 02/18/2005
  • 'American Idol' Picks 24 Semifinalists [Anthony Fedorov, 19, Trevose, Pa. The Ukrainian-born Fedorov is a college student who sings on weekends in New York City.] (AP/Yahoo) 02/18/2005
  • Today In Theatre History: 1859 Sholem Yakov Rabinowitz is born in the Ukraine. Under the pen name Sholom Aleichim (1859-1916) he will write many stories in Yiddish, several of which will be adapted as plays, most notably Fiddler on the Roof. (Playbill) 02/18/2005
  • CIS faces inevitable transformation (Georgia Messenger) 02/18/2005
  • Piskun knows who discussed Pavlovsky’s role in poisoning of Yushchenko (Ukrainska Pravda) 02/18/2005
  • Ukraine, EU experts discussing new civil satellite project (Ukrainian Journal) 02/18/2005
  • Non-drip ice cream leads wave of Russian innovation [Ukrainian company Koroloveskoe Morojennoe focused on healthy ice cream products] (Novis) 02/18/2005
  • Урядова криза (Львівська газета) 02/18/2005
  • Хто не хоче різати «сіамських близнюків»? У новому уряді спалахнув перший гучний скандал: міністр юстиції не помирився з колегами (Україна молода) 02/18/2005
  • Єврокомісар з питань зовнішніх відносин обіцяє Україні всебічну допомогу (Deutsche Welle) 02/18/2005
  • Євроегоїзм? (День) 02/18/2005
  • Bush's Repair Job With Europe (CS Monitor) 02/18/2005
  • Кінець 'Громадського радіо' (Львівська газета) 02/18/2005
  • УТ-1 погрожує страйком через створення суспільного мовлення (Deutsche Welle) 02/18/2005
  • Fischer fights off charge by opposition (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) 02/18/2005
  • Помічник Генерального секретаря ООН: вступ України в СОТ реальний ще у цьому році (Deutsche Welle) 02/18/2005
  • Оксана Білозір: «Тепер кожен міністр є політиком своєї галузі» (День) 02/18/2005
  • 'Життя багатше за будь-яку літературну вигадку'. Розмова з Юрієм Андруховичем (Львівська газета) 02/18/2005

  • UCU Rector Awarded by President [third degree of the order “for service” to the Orange Revolution] (RISU) 02/17/2005
  • Перша прес-конференцiя нового голови СБУ (VOA) 02/17/2005
  • Вiце-прем`єр з адмiнреформи мрiє звiльнити всiх чиновникiв (VOA) 02/17/2005
  • Декiлька енергооб`єктiв ймовiрно повернуться у держвласнiсть (VOA) 02/17/2005
  • Як повернути Зварича, не знищивши уряд? (УНІАН) 02/17/2005
  • Ukraine to step up NATO entry efforts (Interfax-Russia) 02/17/2005
  • У Києві припинило мовлення Громадське радіо (VOA) 02/17/2005
  • Микола Томенко: Можливо, 'Динамо–Київ' буде в другому пулі підприємств, які повертаються в державну власність (Українська Правда) 02/17/2005
  • Закривають «Громадське радіо» (Гаряча Лінія) 02/17/2005
  • RenderX Teams With Ukrainian National University to Open New Information Technology Laboratory to Publish Legal and Financial Documents (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 02/17/2005
  • Program helping pupils to thrive [seventh-grader's family came to America from Zaporozhye, Ukraine] (Republican) 02/17/2005
  • Feds Bust Slavery Ring [Ukrainian women forced to work as strippers in Detroit] (WXYZ) 02/17/2005
  • Moody's changes outlook on Ukraine to stable (Reuters) 02/17/2005
  • Міністр економіки вважає, що «Криворіжсталь» повинна бути державно [Minister: Kryvorizhstal should remain state-owned] (Гаряча Лінія) 02/17/2005
  • Зварич продовжує працювати (Гаряча Лінія) 02/17/2005
  • Роман Безсмертний: Ющенко не прийме відставку Зварича [Bezsmetniy: Yushchenko wil not accept Zvarych resignation] (Гаряча Лінія) 02/17/2005
  • Чорномирдін спростовує чутки про свою відставку [Chernomyrdin denies rumors of resignation] (Гаряча Лінія) 02/17/2005
  • No sign so far of Ukraine’s withdrawal from CES (Kazinform) 02/17/2005
  • Probe opened into illegal wire-tapping of Yushchenko, Tymoshenko conversations (Interfax-Russia) 02/17/2005
  • Ющенко з відставки Зварича проблеми не робить (УНІАН) 02/17/2005
  • Citing interference, Ukraine justice minister threatens to quit [Roman Zvarych] (AFP/Yahoo) 02/17/2005
  • Ukraine's Justice Minister Quits [Roman Zvarich / Zvarych] (Novinite) 02/17/2005
  • Privatisation of big Ukrainian steel company ruled illegal (AFP/Yahoo) 02/17/2005
  • Premature to speak about Russian trace in Yushchenko poisoning - security service head (Interfax-Russia) 02/17/2005
  • Yushchenko Officially Presented Defense Minister [Anatoly] Hrytsenko to Leadership of Ministry (UNIAN) 02/17/2005
  • New Ukrainian Army Must Meet Character of Society and Not Burden It Economically - Yushchenko (UNIAN) 02/17/2005
  • Peacekeepers' safety Ukraine's main concern - Yushchenko (Interfax-Russia) 02/17/2005
  • Ukraine investigates cruise missile sales (Russia Journal) 02/17/2005
  • Opportunities for Russia in the new Ukraine (Gateway2Russia) 02/17/2005
  • 'Якщо я зробив помилку, то можу вийти і сказати'. Розмова з Віктором Ющенком (Львівська газета) 02/17/2005
  • Інший Ющенко (Львівська газета) 02/17/2005
  • Лейтмотиви iнтеграцiї: як переконати «євроскептикiв» в Українi та «україноскептикiв» у Європi? (День) 02/17/2005
  • Беніта Ферреро-Вальднер: Просто зробіть це (День) 02/17/2005
  • «Печать звіра» — справа прокуратури: слідство у справі отруєння Ющенка зацікавилося сенсаційними записами розмов росіян щодо ролі Гліба Павловського (Україна молода) 02/17/2005
  • В кремлі не вірять у приїзд Путіна до Львова (Львівська газета) 02/17/2005
  • Людина між Києвом та Москвою: на українсько-російські стосунки впливатимуть інші постаті: плюс Нємцов, мінус Черномирдін (Україна молода) 02/17/2005
  • Gyurcsány presented with 'Ukrainian Liberation' scarf [Photo: Gyurcsány with Tymoshenko] (Budapest Sun) 02/17/2005
  • «Колоди i цеглу у дворi складав, то я думала: будiвельником стане»: мама віце-прем'єра Миколи Томенка про розкладайку в саду, листи з Афганiстану i «зiпсований» «четвiркою» атестат (Україна молода) 02/17/2005
  • Боротьба з перемитництвом – справа не лише країн-'експортерів' (Deutsche Welle) 02/17/2005
  • Газетний бум Майдану: помаранчева революція збагатила колекцію збирача друкованих ЗМІ десятками нових назв (Україна молода) 02/17/2005
  • With Elections Past, Many Are Critical of U.S. Presence (Wash Post) 02/17/2005
  • Додаткова експертиза у справі Гонгадзе (Deutsche Welle) 02/17/2005
  • 'Ми стали модною країною. І цим треба користуватися'. Розмова з Юрієм Єхануровим (Львівська газета) 02/17/2005
  • Радник президента Олександр Пасхавер критикує наміри прем'єр-міністра Юлії Тимошенко щодо реприватизації (Deutsche Welle) 02/17/2005
  • Німецькі експерти про наміри українського уряду перевірити законність приватизації кількох тисяч підприємств (Deutsche Welle) 02/17/2005
  • Конгрес США розглядає можливість скасування щодо України поправки Джексона-Веніка (Deutsche Welle) 02/17/2005
  • Emissions trading could add 20pc to power bills (Daily Telegraph) 02/17/2005
  • 'Укрпродукт' допущено на альтернативний інвестиційний ринок Лондонської фондової біржі (Deutsche Welle) 02/17/2005
  • Українська література в небезпеці (Львівська газета) 02/17/2005
  • No more Yalta? (Львівська газета) 02/17/2005
  • І ми вас просимо... (Львівська газета) 02/17/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko listens to the Lviv region new governor Petro Oliynyk during a meeting at the regional administration in the western city of Lviv (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/16/2005
  • Powell, Yushchenko and Bono among 166 Nobel Peace Prize candidates (AFP/Yahoo) 02/16/2005
  • Микола Томенко: Ми ризикуємо отримати нібито другого прем’єр–міністра Зінченка і нібито віце–президента України Порошенка (Українська Правда) 02/16/2005
  • Долю «Криворiжсталi» можуть роздiлiти тисячi пiдприємств (VOA) 02/16/2005
  • Ющенко вiдвiдав Львiв (VOA) 02/16/2005
  • «ПОРА» продовжує роботу над «чорним списком» чиновникiв (VOA) 02/16/2005
  • PM Says Ukraine to Contest Privatizations (AP/Yahoo) 02/16/2005
  • Bush Wants Money for Afghan Law School[, improve the issuance of driver's licenses in Ukraine...] (AP/SF Chronicle) 02/16/2005
  • Officials Warn of Future Terror Attacks (AP/Yahoo) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine's President Rolls Out Reforms (Moscow Times) 02/16/2005
  • Kyoto protocol comes into force [Ukraine committed to only allowing a 1% rise in emissions] (Guardian) 02/16/2005
  • Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner visits Kiev, Ukraine 16-18 February (Europa) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine: New Government Could Make Life Difficult For Ex-President Kuchma (RFE/RL) 02/16/2005
  • Королівство прямих люстер (Українська правда) 02/16/2005
  • Що найголовніше для влади (Урядовий Кур'єр) 02/16/2005
  • І 'Чисті руки', і Кодекс честі (Урядовий Кур'єр) 02/16/2005
  • Реформи починаються з адміністративної (Урядовий Кур'єр) 02/16/2005
  • Основним завданням Секретаріату Президента буде інтелектуальна робота (Урядовий Кур'єр) 02/16/2005
  • У 'Чорному списку 'Пори' - 150 чоловік (УНІАН) 02/16/2005
  • The U.N.'s rape of the innocents (WorldNetDaily) 02/16/2005
  • Підтримка по телефону (Голос України) 02/16/2005
  • Former Fed chief warns that nation is facing 'huge imbalances and risks' (Stanford Report) 02/16/2005
  • Ukrainian communities commemorate women who gave their life for Ukraine's independence [Atanas T. Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 02/16/2005
  • Sex Slave Hotline Expands to U.S. [Reuters] (Moscow Times) 02/16/2005
  • Making sweet music [Musical condom invented by Ukrainian - Dr Grigoriy Chausovskiy] (DeHavilland) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine's Premier Will Have Immunity (LA Times) 02/16/2005
  • Nemtsov Is Not About Being Conciliator Between Yushchenko and Putin (UNIAN) 02/16/2005
  • Poland expecting Odessa-Brody pipeline commitment from Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 02/16/2005
  • Yushchenko targets privatisation 'theft' (Guardian) 02/16/2005
  • Report: Ukraine to Contest Privatizations (AP/Yahoo) 02/16/2005
  • PM says Ukraine will contest privatization of 3,000 enterprises: Interfax (AFP/Yahoo) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine considers renationalising 'crony sale' groups (Financial Times) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine to revise privatization of 3,000 companies - PM (Interfax-Russia) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine revisits state sell-offs (BBC) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine plans to review 3,000 privatisations - PM (Reuters) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine PM says govt will contest privatization of 3,000 firms UPDATE (AFX/Yahoo) 02/16/2005
  • Viktor Yushchenko Attracts Investments with the War on Corruption...And scares them away with a review of privatization deals (Kommersant) 02/16/2005
  • Orange Revolution acts as beacon to investors (Financial Times) 02/16/2005
  • Ukraine: EU Commissioner Pours Cold Water On Kyiv's Immediate Membership Hopes (RFE/RL) 02/16/2005
  • Prosecutor’s General Office Assigned Additional Forensic Medical Examination with DNA-Analysis in Case of Gongadze (UNIAN) 02/16/2005
  • Отруїти Ющенка 'підказав' Гліб Павловський? (УНІАН) 02/16/2005
  • Yushchenko confident clues will be found to his poisoning (Interfax-Russia) 02/16/2005
  • Eastern Europe's Orange Revolution (Front Page) 02/16/2005
  • Why Brussels is in a spin over an accidental summit (The Times) 02/16/2005
  • The End of the Romance (Wash Post) 02/16/2005
  • Bush's democratic bandwagon hits a roadblock in Harare (Guardian) 02/16/2005
  • German Foreign Minister to Testify to Parliament in Visa Scandal (NY Times) 02/16/2005

  • Crimean Tatars: No Stalin Monument in the Crimea (UNPO) 02/15/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko lays flowers during a ceremony in Kiev at the monument to Soviet soldiers killed during the war in Afghanistan (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/15/2005
  • Photo: An Afghan war veteran kisses the gravestone of his comrade, a Soviet serviceman who perished during the war in Afghanistan (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/15/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian soldier stands at attention as relatives of those killed during the war in Afghanistan lay flowers during a mourning ceremony at the monument to Soviet soldiers perished in Afghanistan, in a heavy snowfall in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/15/2005
  • Ukraine Turns Up Heat on Ex-Leader Kuchma (AP/Yahoo) 02/15/2005
  • Kuchma Arrives in Czech for Visit to Spa (AP/Yahoo) 02/15/2005
  • Роман Шпек - за європейську супердержаву (BBC Ukrainian) 02/15/2005
  • Racial mix sparks stares and glares. By Catherine Oshanek (Calgary Sun) 02/15/2005
  • Yushchenko Asks Europe to Take Ukraine Seriously (Reuters) 02/15/2005
  • Yushchenko: Gov't Reviewing Privatizations (AP/Yahoo) 02/15/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko says government will revisit past privatizations (AFX/Yahoo) 02/15/2005
  • The role of US-funded groups in Ukraine's protests [AFP] (Baku Today) 02/15/2005
  • Book: 'The Good Soldier:' Austrian-born man recalls horrors of war and Soviet prison camp (Decatur Herald & Review) 02/15/2005
  • Nemtsov To Advise In Kiev (SP Times) 02/15/2005
  • Paper To Be Warned Over Rebel Interview [Warning to Kommersant for violating an anti-extremism law by publishing an interview with Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov] (SP Times) 02/15/2005
  • Одеський губернатор боротиметься зі СНІДом, туберкульозом і... заповнить декларацію про доходи [Odesa governor battles HIV/AIDS, tuberclulosis...] (УНІАН) 02/15/2005
  • Why Millions Say, Softly, God Bless America [Paul Johnson commentary...Ukraine is also withdrawing its troops from Iraq--a case of cowardice compounded by selfishness that bodes ill for the country's future...Spain and Ukraine expect to enjoy democracy but will not lift a finger to help the Iraqis, who have never had such a luxury.] (Forbes) 02/15/2005
  • Mincing Around With Minsk. [Reformers hope to hold a convention in Kiev] EU's ideas about aiding democracy movements are all wrong. (Slate) 02/15/2005
  • Yanukovych Calls Not to Speed Up Entering of Ukraine to NATO (UNIAN) 02/15/2005
  • Putin Opponents Based in Kiev (Zaman) 02/15/2005
  • War budget request loaded with extras [$60 million for Ukraine] (Chicago Tribune) 02/15/2005
  • President Yushchenko urges foreign companies to invest more heavily in Ukraine (Government Portal) 02/15/2005
  • 'Ukraine must export 5 to 10 mln t of grain each year' - Yushchenko (AgriMarket) 02/15/2005
  • Helping Ukrainians to take AIM (Manchester Online) 02/15/2005
  • The stealthy role of military informers in Ukraine revolution [AFP] (Manila Times) 02/15/2005
  • Last Year Population of Ukraine Reduced by More Than 340 Thousand (UNIAN) 02/15/2005
  • Ukrainian Gets Seven Years In Jail For Exploiting East European Labor (RFE/RL) 02/15/2005
  • Human trafficking in US gets tackled (Al Jazeera) 02/15/2005
  • Global Fund approves new grants to Haiti, China [In January 2004, it suspended payments to the Ukraine over concern at mismanagement and slow progress of a programme to boost the number of AIDS sufferers on anti-retroviral drugs. It resumed funding to a new partner there two months later.] (Reuters/AlertNet) 02/15/2005
  • State attorney to consider case of Righteous Gentile [Stefan Wrzemczuk of Ludmir, Ukraine (now Vldimir Volynsk in Poland) awarded the title of Righteous Gentile alledgedly did not help Jews during the Holocaust] (Ha'aretz) 02/15/2005
  • Rallies For, Against Same-Sex Marriage Continue (KCRA) 02/15/2005
  • Загиблий директор заводу шампанських вин був причетний до отруєння В. Ющенка? [Was the deceased director of a winery connected to Yushchenko's poisoning?] (УНІАН) 02/15/2005
  • Росія вже не має наміру арештувати Тимошенко [Russia no longer intends to arrest Tymoshenko] (УНІАН) 02/15/2005
  • Україна проситиметься в ЄС через три роки [Ukraine to request EU entry in 3 years] (УНІАН) 02/15/2005
  • Yushchenko Says He will not Interfere in Religion (RISU) 02/15/2005
  • More Students for Kiev's Jewish School (FJC) 02/15/2005
  • How to Teach Bribe Takers to Curb Their Appetites (День) 02/15/2005
  • Проблема довиборів до парламенту залишається не залагодженою (Deutsche Welle) 02/15/2005
  • Єгор Гайдар: в українського уряду є гарна база для якісного стрибка (BBC Ukrainian) 02/15/2005
  • 'Візова афера' псує імідж Україні (Deutsche Welle) 02/15/2005
  • German visa scandal rattles foreign minister (Guardian) 02/15/2005
  • Fischer takes blame for 'influx of criminals' (Daily Telegraph) 02/15/2005
  • Immigrant flood may sink career of minister (The Times) 02/15/2005
  • Chornobyl: Funding Problems May Cause Disaster (День) 02/15/2005
  • Hopes for a Revival: Urgent problems of Ukrainian culture discussed (День) 02/15/2005
  • Two Prophets. Following God’s Will: Taras Shevchenko and Mohammed (День) 02/15/2005
  • To Survive and Tell the World: Viktor Yushchenko on the Holodomor, archives, and repatriating historical relics (День) 02/15/2005
  • Europe-Ukraine: 'Green Corridor' (День) 02/15/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks to the media in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 02/14/2005
  • Українські підприємці критикують адмінреформу уряду Тимошенко (VOA) 02/14/2005
  • Як вiдродити український кiнематограф? (VOA) 02/14/2005
  • Новий уряд береться за боротьбу з контрабандою (VOA) 02/14/2005
  • U.S. Official Speaks of Ukraine's Need for Reforms. State's Tefft says U.S. ready to help (Website) 02/14/2005
  • Miracle breast gel has alarming side effects [Doctors advise avoid the treatment, which they say can cause cancer and is banned in the Ukraine where it was invented.] (IOL) 02/14/2005
  • Ukraine advisory role for Putin critic [Boris Nemtsov] (Financial Times) 02/14/2005
  • Ukraine President Picks Russian Adviser [Nemtsov] (AP/Yahoo) 02/14/2005
  • Ukrainian Premier Vows to End Smuggling (RFE/RL) 02/14/2005
  • S.Africa firms differ on use Russia, Ukraine steel (Reuters) 02/14/2005
  • Photo: Private First Class Yevgeniy S. Zaytzev directs a driver as they work to line up a 7-ton transport truck (USMC) 02/14/2005
  • Ukraine Marine keeps 2nd Marine Regiment running [Yevgeniy S. Zaytsev] [Dated 2/10/05] (USMC) 02/14/2005
  • The Monster Is Dead. Long Live the Monster? (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/14/2005
  • Kuchma's Heritage… (Zaman) 02/14/2005
  • Ющенко, Тимошенко і Мороз розділили владу на трьох (УНІАН) 02/14/2005
  • Ukrainian business expects transparency (SA Business Report) 02/14/2005
  • Geography behind 'strategic' role [A potential agreement between Bush and Putin could be named after Slovak capital] (Sloval Spectator) 02/14/2005
  • The Red, Orange and Tricolor Rallies [More than a quarter-million people took to the streets (across Russia, some in support, others in opposition to Putin) - the biggest demonstrations yet] (Moscow Times) 02/14/2005
  • [Two Ukrainian] Sailors missing as cargo ship sinks [AFP] (Australian) 02/14/2005
  • Community mourns the loss of a leader [Petro Diuk] (ic Coventry) 02/14/2005
  • У вдови Гонгадзе з Ющенком 'серйозної розмови не вийшло' (УНІАН) 02/14/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Victory Resonates In Connecticut Celebration (Hartford Courant) 02/14/2005
  • Ukrainian Victory Resonates In Connecticut Celebration (Hartford Courant) 02/14/2005
  • Democracy, or an Exercise in Fraud? [see: ...Last year (the association of former lawmakers) delved into election monitoring, sending a mission to Ukraine that was funded by the Washington-based U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, an organization co-founded by the wife of newly elected President Viktor Yushchenko...] (LA Times) 02/14/2005
  • Germany's Schroeder Backs Fischer Over Visa Row (Update1) [(Visa) measure led to an influx of illegal workers and prostitutes from eastern European countries such as Ukraine.] (Bloomberg) 02/14/2005
  • How to Avoid Building Russia in Ukraine (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/14/2005
  • 'Ми контролюватимемо владу, щоб вона не крала'. Розмова з Юрієм Костенком (Львівська газета) 02/14/2005
  • Soviet 'bacteria attack' planned [agents were prepared to poison military targets, including an Australian naval base, a former KGB spymaster has revealed] (Australia News) 02/14/2005
  • On this day: 1956 – Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev denounces Joseph Stalin's policies at Soviet Communist Party conference; 1992 – Nearly half of the former Soviet Republics vow to form separate armies. (Herald Sun) 02/14/2005

  • Тимошенко на ковзанці, Суркіс у небезпеці (Українська Правда) 02/13/2005
  • What Eurosceptics won't say (The Observer) 02/13/2005
  • Russia tired of lectures on democracy (Reuters) 02/13/2005
  • UN chief tells world to adapt fast to new security threats (AFP/Yahoo) 02/13/2005
  • Poland Asks for Apology Over Pact [Brama note: Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact turned over Ukrainian and Belarussian territories to the Soviet Union] (Moscow Times) 02/13/2005
  • Investment Potential Seen in Eurasia's Transitional Economies (VOA) 02/13/2005
  • German Bank Takes Wealth Abroad (Deutsche Welle) 02/13/2005
  • Дискусія про статус російської мови в Україні (Deutsche Welle) 02/13/2005
  • Страсті за націоналізмом: дискусія триває (Потяг 76) 02/13/2005
  • Eisenstein classic restored to uncensored glory [Battleship Potemkin] (Reuters) 02/13/2005
  • A celebration of thinking inside the box (Toronto Star) 02/13/2005

  • Роман Шпек: Шлях до Євросоюзу — це не стрибки з жердиною (Україна молода) 02/12/2005
  • Уряд України позбувається 'надваги' (BBC Ukrainian) 02/12/2005
  • Opening Irish job market to new EU member Poland 'right decision': Ahern (AFP/Yahoo) 02/12/2005
  • Photo: A Russian girl waves the yellow flag of the Ukrainian 'orange revolution' during a protest rally of Yabloko liberal movement in the center of Moscow (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/12/2005
  • Thousands of Russians demonstrate over social reform -- for and against (AFP/Yahoo) 02/12/2005
  • Ukraine to recover privatized steelworks 'in weeks': PM (AFP/Yahoo) 02/12/2005
  • Ukraine unveiled as Europe's home of last-minute collapses (The Times) 02/12/2005
  • A Ukrainian story that's anything but cheesy (Citywire) 02/12/2005
  • Kyoto Protocol's birthplace Japan yet to reconcile economy and ecology (AFP/Yahoo) 02/12/2005
  • Moscow calling (Guardian) 02/12/2005
  • Ukrainian joining historical 'moment' (Daytona Beach News-Journal) 02/12/2005
  • Party in support call for young Ukrainian amputee (Belfast Telegraph) 02/12/2005

  • Ющенко зустрівся з Клінтон та Маккейном (BBC Ukrainian) 02/11/2005
  • Op-ed: The Diaspora's Future. By Bishop Paul Peter Jesep (BRAMA) 02/11/2005
  • Write to your representatives to support a Ukrainian Genocide Memorial in Washington, DC -/- Пам'ятник жертвам українського Голодомору [UCCA] Action Item (BRAMA) 02/11/2005
  • UAOC calls for investigaton of property claims and assault on clergy in Kyiv (BRAMA) 02/11/2005
  • Photo: Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), John McCain (R-Az) and Joseph Liberman (D-Ct), wearing Yushchenko's campaign scarves, listen to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during their meeting at the presidential residence in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko greets U.S. Senator John McCain wearing Yushchenko's campaign scarf, during a meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with U.S. Senator Joseph Liberman, wearing Yushchenko's campaign scarf, during their meeting at the presidential residence in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko welcomes U.S. Senator Joseph Liberman, wearing Yushchenko's campaign scarf, while Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton smiles during their meeting at the presidential residence in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • Ukrainian President Heads to Switzerland (AP/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • Kyiv Media Law Institute Founded (Internews) 02/11/2005
  • Глава Уряду України Юлія Тимошенко провела телефонну розмову з керівником Національного демократичного Інституту (США) Мадлен Олбрайт (Урядовий портал) 02/11/2005
  • Stalin Statue 'Due to Go to Yalta' (St. Petersburg Times) 02/11/2005
  • В Українi обговорюється створення «суспiльного мовлення» (VOA) 02/11/2005
  • Yushchenko Has Strong Words For Would-Be Separatists In Eastern Ukraine (RFE/RL) 02/11/2005
  • Street Rebel Becomes Country's Top Policeman (RFE/RL) 02/11/2005
  • President Intends to Abolish Religion Committee (RISU) 02/11/2005
  • Хіларі Клінтон захоплена візитом в Україну (УНІАН) 02/11/2005
  • Yushchenko meets with U.S. congressional delegation [AP] (Kyiv Post) 02/11/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko due in Washington in April (AFP/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • Yushchenko to Pay State Visit to USA Early in April (UNIAN) 02/11/2005
  • Autocephalous Orthodox Patriarchate Office Asks State Minister for Protection (RISU) 02/11/2005
  • Kenney wants referendum on plan to lure immigrants (Philadelphia Inquirer) 02/11/2005
  • Why Not Just Put Hannibal Lecter on the Label? [Stalin wine pulled from shelves] (Reuters) 02/11/2005
  • Ukraine Sends a Warning to Russia. Kiev increases Moscow's defense fees (Kommersant) 02/11/2005
  • The Revolution Is Purging the Ranks of Its Opponents (Kommersant) 02/11/2005
  • Naftogaz to invest in Russia’s Kalmykia republic this year (Ukrainian Journal) 02/11/2005
  • Migrant women forced into cheap sex trade (Guardian) 02/11/2005
  • Picketers of the Presidential Secretariat demand dismissal of the Governor of Dnepropetrovsk and of the General Prosecutor (DVC) 02/11/2005
  • Turkmenistan and Russia fail to solve gas price dispute (AP/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • US loses 13.4 billion dollars to piracy: study [Russia, Pakistan and Ukraine are three major offenders for which action should be taken by Washington] (AFP/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • RIAA Submits Report To Federal Government Outlining Piracy Problems In More Than 60 Countries [New govt raises hope for rapid solution of problems in Ukraine] (Website) 02/11/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko Heads to Swiss Skin Clinic (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/11/2005
  • Trudy Rubin: Orange fever in old USSR [Philadelphia Inquirer] (Omaha World-Herald) 02/11/2005
  • Outside View: Western strategy for Ukraine (WP Herald) 02/11/2005
  • Gangmaster jailed for seven years (BBC) 02/11/2005
  • Суркісу, Ківалову, Сацюку і Білоконю відключили урядовий зв'язок (УНІАН) 02/11/2005
  • Як далеко може зайти реприватизацiя в Українi? (VOA) 02/11/2005
  • Yulia Tymoshenko: by style or beauty (Ukrainska Pravda) 02/11/2005
  • Borderlands: Beyond the Pale? (Transitions Online) 02/11/2005
  • After the Fall (Transitions Online) 02/11/2005

  • Op-ed: Lessons from the recent controversy surrounding Myron Kuropas (BRAMA) 02/10/2005
  • Open letter to the Ukrainian American press -/- Відкритий лист до української преси США (BRAMA) 02/10/2005
  • Did Kyiv sell cruise missiles to Iran? (RFE/RL) 02/10/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko greets supporters as he leaves the regional administration in Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/10/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks as State Secretary Oleksander Zinchenko and Interior Minister Yury Lutsenko listen during a meeting in the regional administration in Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/10/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and her Hungarian counterpart Ferenc Gyurcsany listen to questions during a news conference at the Cabinet of Ministers in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/10/2005
  • Новi мiнiстри обiцяють змiн в освiтi i соцiальнiй полiтицi (VOA) 02/10/2005
  • Свiтовий банк готовиий допомогти Українi (VOA) 02/10/2005
  • The French will help 'Our Ukraine' (Ukrayinska Pravda) 02/10/2005
  • Президент Ющенко вперше після виборів відвідав Донецьк (VOA) 02/10/2005
  • New Ukrainian president invited to Israel (AFP/Yahoo) 02/10/2005
  • Ukraine : Moda Ukraine - VІ International Specialized Exhibition of clothes, textiles & technologies (Fibre2fashion) 02/10/2005
  • Six containers with cesium-137 seized in Ukraine (Bellona) 02/10/2005
  • Yushchenko Visits Election Rival's Stronghold of Eastern Ukraine (VOA) 02/10/2005
  • Ukraine President Visits Hostile Region [Donetsk] (AP/Yahoo) 02/10/2005
  • Outside View: Western strategy for Ukraine (WP Herald) 02/10/2005
  • Входженню України в ЄС сприятимуть європейськi соцiалiсти (VOA) 02/10/2005
  • UOC-Kyivan Patriarchate Orthodox Hierarch in Khmelnytsk Hopes New Government will Resolve Property Issues (RISU) 02/10/2005
  • Bill Status of HB0312: [U]nit of instruction studying the events of the Holocaust shall be expanded to include the study of other events of genocide, including those in Ukraine, Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda, and Sudan. (Website) 02/10/2005
  • [Illinois House Bill 312] House committee pushes bill to make schools teach about genocide [... including incidents in Armenia and Ukraine...] [Dated 2/9/05] (Decatur Herald & Review) 02/10/2005
  • Former monk pleads guilty in nun's murder (Miami Herald) 02/10/2005
  • North Korea Says It Has Nuclear Weapons [it rejected moves to restart disarmament talks anytime soon, saying the bombs are protection against an increasingly hostile United States] (AP/Yahoo) 02/10/2005
  • Interview: RFE/RL Talks To Moldovan Opposition (RFE/RL) 02/10/2005
  • Press Conference 2/9/05: European Commission President Jose' Manuel Barroso, EU External Relations & European Neighborhood Policy Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner & US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice [see Question about Ukraine] (European Union) 02/10/2005
  • The Unassociated Press [Wikinews] (NY Times) 02/10/2005
  • Ukrainians Push Stalin Wine Off Canadian Shelves (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/10/2005
  • In Poland, the big bad wolf is afraid of no one since ban on hunting (AFP/Yahoo) 02/10/2005
  • New State of Site and Document Search Tools - siteMETA by META Inc. Ukraine (PRWeb) 02/10/2005
  • Premises of Autocephalous Orthodox Patriarchate in Kyiv Closed after Incident (RISU) 02/10/2005
  • Probing the Plot to Poison Yushchenko (Moscow Times) 02/10/2005
  • Yushchenko vs. Putin (IH Tribune) 02/10/2005
  • Democracy rising in ex-Soviet states (CS Monitor) 02/10/2005
  • Chumachenko could be great diplomat to Diaspora (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2005
  • Turkmens Take On Gazprom (Moscow Times) 02/10/2005
  • PR's Forrest Gump Finds Excitement Out East [Michael Willard, founder and CEO of The Willard Group] (Moscow Times) 02/10/2005
  • Church's cross saved from fire (Western Catholic Reporter) 02/10/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko listens to Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko during a meeting at the presidential office in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/09/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with France's UMP political party leader Nicolas Sarkozy (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/09/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko greets France's UMP political party leader Nicolas Sarkozy during their meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/09/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk shares a joke with France's UMP political party leader Nicolas Sarkozy during their meeting at the Foreign Ministry in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/09/2005
  • Photo: Supporters of Kazakhstan's opposition Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (DCK), wearing orange scarves, attend court hearing in Almaty (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/09/2005
  • Фоторепортаж: Український музей у Нью-Йорку отримав нове примiщення (VOA) 02/09/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko probably poisoned by government: attorney general [Piskun] (AFP/Yahoo) 02/09/2005
  • Yushchenko Likely Poisoned at Dinner - Prosecutor [Piskun] (Reuters) 02/09/2005
  • Райс у Брюсселi пiдтримує прагнення України (VOA) 02/09/2005
  • «Пора» зареєструвалася як громадська органiзацiя (VOA) 02/09/2005
  • Віктор Ющенко заявляє про необхiднiсть реформи судової влади (VOA) 02/09/2005
  • Viktor Yushchenko Equidistances the Special Services...From politics and business (Kommersant) 02/09/2005
  • Новий хмельницький губернатор подав у відставку (УНІАН) 02/09/2005
  • CIS: What happens to post-Soviet presidents after they leave office? [RFE/RL dated 2/8/05] (Eurasianet) 02/09/2005
  • ЛУЦЕНКО ПОЧАВ ЧИСТКИ. Першим 'полетів' генерал, що планував побоїще під час революції (Українська правда) 02/09/2005
  • Remarks by President Bush and President Kwasniewski of Poland in a Photo Opportunity (PRNewswire) 02/09/2005
  • President and Polish President Discuss International Policy (White House) 02/09/2005
  • Bush, Kwasniewski discuss visas, military ties (AFP/Yahoo) 02/09/2005
  • Bush Seeks $400 Million to Reward Allies (AP/Yahoo) 02/09/2005
  • Bush to Seek 50% Increase in Military Aid to Poland (NY Times) 02/09/2005
  • Washington Area Communications Firm Reveals Role in Ukrainian Election - Rock Creek Creative Assists Ukraine’s Democratic Victory [Note: Claim denied by Yushchenko’s press secretary Irina Gerashenko] (Website) 02/09/2005
  • Kuropas was part of delegation to Ukraine (MidWeek) 02/09/2005
  • Steel groups to bid for Ukrainian mill [Kryvorizhstal] (Financial Times) 02/09/2005
  • Analysis: Problems In Ukraine's Coal Industry Run Deep. By Roman Kupchinsky (RFE/RL) 02/09/2005
  • Obolon looks to Germany for acquisition (Aroq) 02/09/2005
  • Ukraine space industry growing (World Peace Herald) 02/09/2005
  • US-style free press - best bang for buck in foreign aid (CS Monitor) 02/09/2005
  • Canada will buy credits to meet Kyoto target (Toronto Star) 02/09/2005
  • У що вбирається український прем’єр-міністр? (BBC Ukrainian) 02/09/2005
  • 'Stalin' wines pulled from stores (Winnipeg Sun) 02/09/2005
  • On this day: 1667 – Peace of Andrusovo ends the Thirteen Years' War between Russia and Poland, giving Russia the eastern Ukraine, including Kiev. (Herald Sun) 02/09/2005

  • Чого чекає бізнес від нової української влади (VOA) 02/08/2005
  • Тарасюк заявляє, що в зовнiшнiй полiтицi України будуть змiни (VOA) 02/08/2005
  • Тимошенко починає «генеральне прибирання» (VOA) 02/08/2005
  • Ukraine to replace its Iraq forces with civilians (Reuters/AlertNet) 02/08/2005
  • Райс виголошує важливу промову, згадує Україну (VOA) 02/08/2005
  • Конфлiкт Нацради з донецьким телеканалом (VOA) 02/08/2005
  • Ukraine pushes EU hopes, distances Kiev from ex-Soviet economic bloc (AFP/EU Business) 02/08/2005
  • Kiev wants to start EU accession talks by 2007: FM (AFP/EU Business) 02/08/2005
  • Yushchenko Puts Troubling Checks and Balances on Tymoshenko's Cabinet. By Jan Maksymiuk (RFE/RL) 02/08/2005
  • Yushchenko Proposes Amnesty on [Illegally Acquired] Capital (AP/Yahoo) 02/08/2005
  • З участю всієї громади (Урядовий Кур'єр) 02/08/2005
  • Зінченко пропонує знищити галузеву пресу (УНІАН) 02/08/2005
  • “Inter” complains of censorship by Yushchenko’s adminstration (Ukrayinska Pravda) 02/08/2005
  • Телеканал “Київська Русь” просить захисту у Президента (УНІАН) 02/08/2005
  • Ukraine minister [Roman Zvarych] vows 'commotion' in tackling graft (Reuters) 02/08/2005
  • Govt to submit revised 2005 budget a month later than planned (Ukrainian Journal) 02/08/2005
  • Tymoshenko Assails Low Level of State Property Control (UNIAN) 02/08/2005
  • Ukraine Chooses Telenity's Canvas for Deployment of Multimodal Value Added Services (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 02/08/2005
  • Ukraine group aids Azeri opposition [PORA] (UPI/New Kerala) 02/08/2005
  • Україну відвідає делегація Конгресу США [11 лютого] (Урядовий портал) 02/08/2005
  • Ukraine to Withdraw Troops From Iraq Soon — Yushchenko (Mosnews) 02/08/2005
  • Lidl heist man jailed [Andriy Pavlyuk, co-accused Ukrainian unanimously cleared] (Buchan Observer) 02/08/2005
  • Many nations far from meeting Kyoto goals [developed countries are meant to cut emissions of carbon dioxide, largely from burning fossil fuels] (Reuters/AlertNet) 02/08/2005
  • Fate of Stalin Statue Not Yet Certain (St. Petersburg Times) 02/08/2005
  • New songs of Kuban Cossacks (RIA) 02/08/2005
  • ЮЩЕНКО ТАКИ ПРИЗНАЧИВ ПОРОШЕНКА В РНБО (Українська правда) 02/08/2005
  • Ukrainian President proposes Foreign Ministry to consider opportunity of maximal simplifying visa regime for foreigners, willing to visit Ukraine (Government Portal) 02/08/2005
  • Visa regime will be simplified for foreigners during Eurovision contest in Ukraine, Vice Prime Minister Oleh Rybachuk states (Government Portal) 02/08/2005
  • Ukrainian Government will be reliable support for village, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko states (Government Portal) 02/08/2005
  • Yushchenko To Security Services: Stay Out Of Politics (RFE/RL) 02/08/2005
  • Yushchenko Tells Secret Service to Get Out of Business (The Scotsman) 02/08/2005
  • Ukraine's new PM targets 'Kuchma clan' (Independent) 02/08/2005
  • Mykola Tomenko: 'This is Yushchenko’s government' (День) 02/08/2005
  • EU Sure to Say 'Yes' to Ukraine: Polish President’s Advisor Stanislaw Ciosek (День) 02/08/2005
  • Wanted: a Viable Opposition (День) 02/08/2005
  • Ghost of Chernobyl Continues to Haunt Ukraine (LA Times) 02/08/2005
  • Five Million Jobs: What Do They Cost and How Can They Be Created? (День) 02/08/2005
  • The Mainstay of Government: Businesses should not factor bribes into the cost of their products (День) 02/08/2005

  • Ексклюзив: Сенатор МакКейн про майбутнiй шлях України (Голос Америки) 02/07/2005
  • Ukrainian language textbook of modern surgery to be released (BRAMA) 02/07/2005
  • Ukrainian Consul General opens Yalta Conference 60th anniversary exhibit in New York (BRAMA) 02/07/2005
  • PORA continues revolutionary ideas (BRAMA) 02/07/2005
  • Crimean Tatars: Tatar Fury Over Yalta Monument to Stalin (UNPO) 02/07/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko talks to people during a trip to the town of Sumy (AFP/Yahoo) 02/07/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko arrives for a meeting at the regional administration in the town of Sumy (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/07/2005
  • Адмiнiстрацiя Буша планує збiльшити допомогу Українi (VOA) 02/07/2005
  • Влада і преса підпишуть договір (УНІАН) 02/07/2005
  • Ukraine Still Probing Yushchenko Poisoning (AP/Yahoo) 02/07/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko Vows to Fight Poverty (AP/Yahoo) 02/07/2005
  • Satirical vignette: Duma Freemasons and Diplomatic Berezovsky (Moscow Times) 02/07/2005
  • Yushchenko ready to sign media freedom agreement (Interfax-Russia) 02/07/2005
  • Ukrainian government officials barred from business (AFP/Yahoo) 02/07/2005
  • New Cabinet Includes Some Surprises (RFE/RL) 02/07/2005
  • FY 2006 International Affairs (Function 150) Budget Request - Assistance for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (FREEDOM Support Act, or FSA) - Ukraine request: $88 million (USDOS) 02/07/2005
  • Chernobyl Scrap Equipment Up for Sale (AFP/Yahoo) 02/07/2005
  • Monetary Policy Implementation at Different Stages of Market Development - Country Cases and Appendices [Click PDF file Ukraine] (IMF) 02/07/2005
  • Moscow's Political Tactics Alienating its Near Abroad (PINR) 02/07/2005
  • Yalta casts its shadow 60 years on (BBC) 02/07/2005
  • Firebrand of Choice: By naming Yulia Tymoshenko prime minister, Viktor Yushchenko has shown he is not afraid of strong personalities in his government, in tacit recognition of the difficult task ahead (Transitions Online) 02/07/2005
  • The Pride of Ukrainians (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • PERpetuum Secundum: Anatoliy Kinakh (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Roman(ce) with a Portfolio: Roman Bezsmertny (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Humanitarian Reformer: Mykola Tomenko (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • The President's Man: Oleh Rybachuk (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Tarasyuk Is Back (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Civilian Colonel: Anatoliy Gritsenko (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • A Stranger to His People: Yuriy Lutsenko (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Not a Stranger: Roman Zvarych (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Reforms in the Economy, Order in Finances? Viktor Pynzenyk and Sergey Teryokhin (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Nice to Talk With, and Steadfast: Volodymyr Shandra (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Ivan Plachkov’s New Job (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Welcome Rural Socialism: Olexandr Baranivsky (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • The Pilot of the Revolution: Yevhen Chervonenko (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Education is out of the Stone Age. Will the Bronze Age begin? Stanislav Nikolaenko (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • David Zhvania, Emergencies Minister (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • The Ecology of Finances: Pavlo Ihnatenko (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • With a Scalpel and Minister’s Portfolio: Mykola Polishchuk (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Pop Star, Politician, Manager: Oksana Bilozir (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • The First 'Star': Viacheslav Kyrylenko (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • The New Image of 'The Youth Brand': Yuri Pavlenko (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/07/2005
  • Микола Томенко зустрівся з сенатором США Річардом Лугаром (Урядовий портал) 02/07/2005
  • Борис Тарасюк пообіцяв відійти від декларативності у зовнішній політиці (Урядовий портал) 02/07/2005
  • Юрій Луценко обіцяє кардинальне оновлення органів внутрішніх справ (Урядовий портал) 02/07/2005
  • В Україні створені умови для реформування державної служби відповідно міжнародним стандартам (Урядовий портал) 02/07/2005
  • Soviet bomb-makers retrain in UK (BBC) 02/07/2005
  • Ukraine to annul steel firm sale (BBC) 02/07/2005
  • “Our Ukraine” party will have several authorized representatives in the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrayinska Pravda) 02/07/2005
  • Ukraine to sell steel mill again [Kryvorizhstal] (Financial Times) 02/07/2005
  • Ukraine posts highest CIS growth in 2004 (Interfax-Russia) 02/07/2005
  • Senior Ukrainian officer found dead in his Baghdad apartment (Ukrainian Journal) 02/07/2005
  • Dzurinda: Slovakia will help Ukraine reform (Slovak Spectator) 02/07/2005
  • Ex-diplomat will speak on Ukraine [Steven K. Pifer] (Richmond Times-Dispatch) 02/07/2005
  • Soviet nuclear scientists get 'retrained' in Leicester (Guardian) 02/07/2005
  • Юлія Тимошенко та члени Уряду взяли участь у презентації моделі європейської системи управління (Урядовий портал) 02/07/2005

  • VOA Ukrainian Exclusive: Senator McCain on Ukraine's Future (VOA) 02/06/2005
  • News Corp branches out into Ukraine (Daily Telegraph) 02/06/2005
  • [VIDEO] 'Folk!' - Documentary about 'Syzokryli' Ukrainian dance ensemble in production (trailer) (KinoRox) 02/06/2005
  • В Іраку загинув український миротворець [Ukrainian peacekeeper found dead in Iraq] (Українська правда) 02/06/2005
  • ‘Blood will be spilled if Stalin statue is erected’ - Crimean PM warns of violence as anniversary nears (Glasgow Herald) 02/06/2005
  • Ukraine Defense Chief [Anatoliy Gritsenko]: NATO Not Priority (AP/Yahoo) 02/06/2005
  • A free press safeguards all citizens [Take a look at the tattered face of Ukranian President Viktor Yushchenko and ask him about the operation of a government with no watchdog.] (Fort Wayne Journal Gazette) 02/06/2005
  • U.S. won't penalize Russia, Rice says (Knight-Ridder) 02/06/2005
  • Rice Urges Russia on Democracy Commitment (AP/Yahoo) 02/06/2005
  • Помаранчева революція на експорт - у Росію? (Потяг 76) 02/06/2005
  • Youth groups emerge to protest Putin (St. Paul Pioneer Press) 02/06/2005
  • Heritage inspires humour. Pistor poking fun for 30 years (Winnipeg Sun) 02/06/2005
  • Interview with an eBay Vigilante (AuctionBytes) 02/06/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko meets French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier during his visit to Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • Photo: President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier (AFP/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • Photo: French Foreign Affairs minister Michel Barnier meets Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • Photo: French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier and his newly appointed Ukrainian counterpart Boris Tarasyuk answer journalists' questions during a press-conference (AFP/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • Photo: French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier and his newly appointed Ukrainian counterpart Boris Tarasyuk shake hands prior to their talks in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's new defense minister Anatoliy Gritsenko speaks to the media in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks during the first Cabinet meeting of the new government in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • Pressure now on new Ukrainian prime minister to produce results (AP/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • Vice Premier for Eurointegration Oleh Rybachuk instructed to form and staff interagency commission for Ukraine's accedence to WTO (Government portal) 02/05/2005
  • PM says process has begun to revise Kryvorizhstal's privatization (Government portal) 02/05/2005
  • Defense Minister Grytsenko says Ukrainian military contingent will be withdrawn from Iraq in 2005 (Government portal) 02/05/2005
  • PM says process has begun to revise Kryvorizhstal's privatization (Government portal) 02/05/2005
  • France Urges Gradual Approach Ukraine's EU Plans (Reuters) 02/05/2005
  • Rice: Russia Must Improve Democracy for Better Ties (Reuters) 02/05/2005
  • Уперше в історії України крісло Прем'єр-міністра зайняла жінка (Голос України) 02/05/2005
  • СБУ шукає генерала-втікача [Олексія Пукача, який фігурує у справі про вбивство журналіста Георгія Гонгадзе] (Голос України) 02/05/2005
  • Від Японії до Сан-Франциско. Українці за кордоном голосують дві доби (Голос України) 02/05/2005
  • Не побоїмося сильніших... (Голос України) 02/05/2005
  • Прем'єр-міністр України Юлія Тимошенко представила голів обласних державних адміністрацій: (Голос України) 02/05/2005
  • Putin will support Ukrainian opposition openly (Ukrayinska Pravda) 02/05/2005
  • Medvedchuk - offended that Ukraine offended Russia (Ukrayinska Pravda) 02/05/2005
  • French Foreign Minister meets Ukraine's Yushchenko (Tocqueville Connection) 02/05/2005
  • Ukraine Cracks Illicit Weapons Case [A government probe into lucrative illicit weapons sales by officials loyal to former President Leonid Kuchma has led to secret indictments or arrests of at least six arms dealers accused of selling nuclear-capable missiles to Iran and China, a high-ranking intelligence official said Friday.] (AP/Yahoo) 02/05/2005
  • West neglects C.Asia's democracy plight-rights body (Reuters/AlertNet) 02/05/2005
  • Rice to Express Concerns on Russia's Democracy (Reuters) 02/05/2005
  • And we fretted about voting in Ukraine? (Toledo Blade) 02/05/2005
  • Tymoshenko's EU vision for Ukraine backed (The Scotsman) 02/05/2005
  • Photo: The Moscow Biennale and related projects include works about the clash of capitalism and Communism, like Igor Baskakov's paintings, in which the French artist Christian Boltanski reflects on his Ukrainian ancestry. (NY Times) 02/05/2005
  • Emphasizing Creativity, Not Collectivity [The Moscow Biennale and related projects include works about the clash of capitalism and Communism, like Igor Baskakov's paintings, in which the French artist Christian Boltanski reflects on his Ukrainian ancestry.] (NY Times) 02/05/2005
  • Group of Orthodox Faithful among Protesters of Tymoshenko (RISU) 02/05/2005
  • Faith A Concern of Tymoshenko, Ukraine’s New Prime Minister (RISU) 02/05/2005
  • Kyiv Plans to Rebuild Historical Tithe Church (RISU) 02/05/2005
  • From Tokyo to Kiev, it's Super [In Kyiv, also known as Kiev, the problem for Super Bowl enthusiasts is timing...] (Berkshire Eagle) 02/05/2005
  • 'Orange' Protest in Tashkent (IWPR) 02/05/2005
  • Kyrgyz Police Prepare for Election Unrest (IWPR) 02/05/2005
  • Ukraine's billionaire 'Joan of Arc' is confirmed as Prime Minister (Independent) 02/05/2005
  • В українців власна гордість (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Вічний другий: Анатолій Кінах (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Роман із портфелем: Роман Безсмертний (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Гуманітарій-реформатор? Микола Томенко (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Людина президента: Олег Рибачук (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Тарасюк повернувся: Борис Тарасюк (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Чужий серед своїх: Юрій Луценко (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Свій серед чужих: Роман Зварич (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Справжній цивільний полковник: Анатолій Гриценко (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Реформи в економіці й порядок у фінансах? Віктор Пинзеник та Сергій Терьохін (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Приємний у спілкуванні, стійкий у переконанні: Володимир Шандра (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Іван Васильович змінює посаду: Іван Плачков (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Здрастуй, соціалістичне село! Олександр Баранівський (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Штурман революції: Євген Червоненко (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • «Кам’яний вік» в освіті завершився. Настає бронзовий? Станіслав Ніколаєнко (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Давид Жванія — міністр МНС (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Екологія фінансів: Павло Ігнатенко (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Зі скальпелем у міністерсьому портфелі: Микола Поліщук (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Поп-зірка, політик, менеджер: Оксана Білозір (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Перша «зірочка»: В’ячеслав Кириленко (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005
  • Нове обличчя «молодіжного бренду»: Юрій Павленко (Дзеркало Тижня) 02/05/2005

  • Parliament supports Govt's Action Program (Government portal) 02/04/2005
  • Photo: Yulia Tymoshenko receives a bouquet of roses after being confirmed as prime minister (AFP/Yahoo) 02/04/2005
  • Senator McCain Tells Ukrainians of Nobel Nomination for Yushchenko (VOA) 02/04/2005
  • Ялта - колиска ООН (Голос України) 02/04/2005
  • Виступ Юлії Тимошенко у Верховній Раді (Урядовий портал) 02/04/2005
  • Керівник МВС знає, який депутат супроводжував отруту для Ющенка (Українська Правда) 02/04/2005
  • Прем'єр-міністр Юлія Тимошенко. Неофіційна біографія (Українська Правда) 02/04/2005
  • Перший віце-прем'єр Анатолій Кінах. Неофіційна біографія (Українська Правда) 02/04/2005
  • Віце-прем'єр з питань адміністративної реформи Роман Безсмертний. Неофіційна біографія (Українська Правда) 02/04/2005
  • Віце-прем'єр з гуманітарних питань Микола Томенко. Неофіційна біографія (Українська Правда) 02/04/2005
  • Віце-прем'єр з питань Європейської інтеграції Олег Рибачук. Неофіційна біографія (Українська Правда) 02/04/2005
  • Europe is starting to dance to the Bush tune. By Danielle Pletka, AEI (Financial Times) 02/04/2005
  • Tymoshenko wins unanimous vote (Financial Times) 02/04/2005
  • Yushchenko calls new Cabinet 'government of people's trust' (Interfax-Russia) 02/04/2005
  • NATO courts new Ukrainian president (ISN) 02/04/2005
  • Tymoshenko appointed Ukraine PM (BBC) 02/04/2005
  • The rise and fall of Ukraine's Social Democratic Party (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 02/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian newly approved Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko gives a thumb up during a parliamentary session (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, right, kisses the hands of newly appointed Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in the Ukrainian parliament (AP/Yahoo) 02/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko addresses parliament deputies during a session at the parliament (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/04/2005
  • Новий склад Уряду України (Урядовий портал) 02/04/2005
  • Президент України Віктор Ющенко в сесійній залі Верховної Ради підписав Указ про призначення Юлії Тимошенко Прем'єр-міністром України ( 02/04/2005
  • Тимошенко - затверджена. Рекордною кількістю голосів (УНІАН) 02/04/2005
  • Кабмін Тимошенко. І губернатори (Українська правда) 02/04/2005
  • Ukrainian Parliament Appoints Tymoshenko As PM (RFE/RL) 02/04/2005
  • VR Has Confirmed Yulia Tymoshenko as Prime Minister of Ukraine - 373 votes, a record (UNIAN) 02/04/2005
  • “Kryvorozhstal” to Be Returned to State, Together with Other “Stolen” Objects (UNIAN) 02/04/2005
  • Тимошенко розділить владу і бізнес (УНІАН) 02/04/2005
  • President Sacks Three Vice Prime Ministers and 15 Ministers (UNIAN) 02/04/2005
  • Yushchenko Assures that New Government Not to Steal (UNIAN) 02/04/2005
  • У Криму розпочалися урочисті заходи, присвячені 60-річчю Ялтинської конференції глав держав-учасниць антигітлерівської коаліції (Урядовий портал) 02/04/2005
  • Fear Of Orange (RFE/RL) 02/04/2005
  • Opinion: Echoes of Yalta's Failure Today (Deutsche Welle) 02/04/2005
  • Timoshenko confirmed as new Ukraine prime minister (AFP/Yahoo) 02/04/2005
  • Photo: Members of the new Ukrainian government listen to the speech of just approved Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko as they sit under a screen showing president Viktor Yushchenko, during a parliamentary session (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/04/2005
  • Tymoshenko Said Will Be a Force in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 02/04/2005
  • Ukraine Lawmakers Approve Prime Minister - Yulia Tymoshenko (AP/Yahoo) 02/04/2005
  • Yushchenko Presents Ukraine PM, Promises Honesty (Reuters) 02/04/2005
  • Затвердження прем'єр-міністра України перенесено. Це не привід драматизувати ситуацію (Deutsche Welle) 02/04/2005
  • Микола Томенко: «Це — уряд Ющенка» (День) 02/04/2005
  • Чого очікувати від 'залізної Юлі'? (Львівська газета) 02/04/2005
  • Black market anxieties revived on Ukraine arms (Financial Times) 02/04/2005
  • EU worries that Iran expects too much too soon from nuclear arms agreement (Financial Times) 02/04/2005
  • Georgian PM's death could spark split (Financial Times) 02/04/2005
  • Gangmaster who arrived penniless guilty of £5m racket (Independent) 02/04/2005
  • Gang master convicted over 'slave' workers (Guardian) 02/04/2005
  • Modern-day slave trader faces jail term (The Scotsman) 02/04/2005
  • Refugee who lived in the lap of luxury (Daily Telegraph) 02/04/2005
  • Fish factory gangmaster convicted of £5m racket (Daily Telegraph) 02/04/2005
  • Gangmaster facing lengthy jail term for £5m racket (Glasgow Herald) 02/04/2005
  • A fortune built on slave labour, a climate of fear, and cigarettes (Glasgow Herald) 02/04/2005

  • Eye on Eurasia: Russia's rumbling regions (UPI/WP Herald) 02/03/2005
  • Editorial: U.S. supports democratic Ukraine (VOA) 02/03/2005
  • Lobbies spent $284,000 courting state lawmakers in '04 (AP/WAVY) 02/03/2005
  • Global Market Briefings Announces New Business and Legal Guidebook on Ukraine (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 02/03/2005
  • Влада Ющенка: всі міністри та майже всі губернатори (оновлена версія) (Українська правда) 02/03/2005
  • Англомовна преса про справу Гонгадзе та можливий продаж Україною зброї (VOA) 02/03/2005
  • Чи пiдтримають українськi депутати курс на євроiнтегарцiю? (VOA) 02/03/2005
  • Kuropas maintains he is not an anti-Semite (DeKalb Daily Chronicle) 02/03/2005
  • Police hail gangmaster conviction [Victor Solomka, 44, was found guilty of money laundering and aiding illegal immigration] (BBC) 02/03/2005
  • Ukrainian Lawmaker Calls for Missile Probe (AP/Moscow Times) 02/03/2005
  • Analysis: Ukraine bangs EU membership drum (UPI/Wash Times) 02/03/2005
  • In Davos, Part VI [Pagedown] Victor even more impressive — more moving — at lunch, with a passel of journalists. (National Review) 02/03/2005
  • Crimean Muslims Want National Status for Holidays (RISU) 02/03/2005
  • Parliament Rejects Amending Religion Law (RISU) 02/03/2005
  • The Kremlin's Double Standards (Moscow Times) 02/03/2005
  • Пінчук назвав себе прихильником Ющенка (УНІАН) 02/03/2005
  • Ukrainian crewmembers killed in Sudan plane crash - source (Interfax-Russia) 02/03/2005
  • Rescuers looking from Ukrainian sailors from sunken vessel (Interfax-Russia) 02/03/2005
  • Pueblo doctor witnesses Orange Revolution in Ukraine (Pueblo Chieftain) 02/03/2005
  • Crowd Scenes. Snapshots by a Ukrainian photographer capture the historic street protests in Kiev. (Moscow Times) 02/03/2005
  • „ПОРА” за профеційнуй уряд, а не квотний (ПОРА) 02/03/2005
  • МВС ОЧОЛИТЬ ЛУЦЕНКО [Lutsenko to be Minister of the Interior] (Українська правда) 02/03/2005
  • U.S. Pick of Envoy To Kiev Ceremony Ignites a Furor [Myron Kuropas] (Forward) 02/03/2005
  • [Page down to] (JTA) - NJDC slams White House for Ukrainian appointment [Myron Kuropas] (Cleveland Jewish News) 02/03/2005
  • Controversial professor [Myron Kuropas] donated $1,550 to Speaker of the House (The Hill) 02/03/2005
  • NIU professor under fire. Myron Kuropas accused of holding anti-Semitic views [NIU paper] (Website) 02/03/2005
  • Kuropas attends Ukraine inaguration. Professor celebrates cultural roots as Yushchenko sworn in [NIU paper] (Website) 02/03/2005
  • North Atlantic Council invited Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko to meet with NATO (NATO) 02/03/2005
  • Ukraine Postpones Prime Minister Hearing (AP/Yahoo) 02/03/2005
  • Vote on approval of Ukraine PM delayed (AFP/Yahoo) 02/03/2005
  • Ukraine Parliament Delays Vote on New Premier (Reuters) 02/03/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian women hold a portrait of acting Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko as they shout slogans in support of Tymoshenko outside the parliament building (AP/Yahoo) 02/03/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian man holds a portrait of Yulia Timoshenko near the parliament buildin (AFP/Yahoo) 02/03/2005
  • Ukrainian gangmaster faces lengthy prison term (The Times) 02/03/2005
  • Gangmaster guilty over £5m racket (BBC) 02/03/2005
  • Ukraine vote yields important lessons for U.S. democracy (Miami Herald) 02/03/2005
  • A Headless Body Haunts the Ex-Leaders of Ukraine (NY Times) 02/03/2005
  • Iran and China linked to Ukraine missiles (Financial Times) 02/03/2005
  • Belarusian opposition takes heart (BBC News) 02/03/2005
  • Kyrgyzstan feels wind of change (BBC News) 02/03/2005
  • MDP expected to take part in Zimbabwe poll (Financial Times) 02/03/2005
  • Not Much Kinder and Gentler (NY Times) 02/03/2005
  • On this day: 1919 – Kiev, in the Ukraine, is captured by the Bolsheviks. (Sunday Times (Australia)) 02/03/2005

  • Президент Буш виголошує промову про стан держави, двiчi згадує Україну (VOA) 02/02/2005
  • Україна оскаржуватиме рiшення Євросуду у справi Мельниченка (VOA) 02/02/2005
  • Торгiвля людьми: для України проблема i далi актуальна (VOA) 02/02/2005
  • Верховна Рада готується до розгляду питання про затвердження прем`єра (VOA) 02/02/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian woman walks with her dog in a morning mist through the snow covered Mariinsky park in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/02/2005
  • Photo: A municipal worker removes snow as members of the Ukrainian Chernobyl party rally outside Ukraine's parliament in Kiev. Protesters, affected by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear explosion, demanded action to increase benefits linked to the consequences of the disaster (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/02/2005
  • Ukrainian parliament set to vote in firebrand Timoshenko as PM (AFP/Yahoo) 02/02/2005
  • New Ukraine Prime Minister Outlines Plans (AP/Yahoo) 02/02/2005
  • Кабінет міністрів Ющенка: від А до Я (Українська Правда) 02/02/2005
  • Ukraine Leader Readies to Dump Government Old Guard (Reuters) 02/02/2005
  • Ukrainian Premier-Designate Says Cabinet Chosen (RFE/RL) 02/02/2005
  • Ukrainian Cabinet program titled 'Meeting the People' (Interfax-Russia) 02/02/2005
  • Kuchma's Ukraine Cruises Back In the Spotlight. [Cruise missiles sold to Iran and China] By Roman Kupchinsky (RFE/RL) 02/02/2005
  • Ukraine Parliament Wants Former President Kuchma Arrested (MosNews) 02/02/2005
  • Ukrainian parliamentarians seek to prosecute Kuchma (Interfax-Russia) 02/02/2005
  • To arrest ex-Ukrainian President: the Parliament (Kazinform) 02/02/2005
  • Ukraine Accused of Selling Weapons to Iran (RFE/RL) 02/02/2005
  • Lawmaker: Ukraine Sold Iran, China Nukes (AP/Yahoo) 02/02/2005
  • Ukraine 'sold Iran cruise missiles' (The Scotsman) 02/02/2005
  • Ukraine: Nato's new Europe problem (World Peace Herald) 02/02/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko due at NATO summit with Bush: sources (AFP/Yahoo) 02/02/2005
  • Yushchenko to Come to NATO for Summit with Bush (Reuters) 02/02/2005
  • French FM to Visit Ukraine to Back Democracy (Reuters) 02/02/2005
  • The irresistible pull of a free and prosperous Europe (Financial Times) 02/02/2005
  • Barroso to focus on jobs and growth (Financial Times) 02/02/2005
  • Barroso ditches slogan of outstripping US (Financial Times) 02/02/2005
  • Europe Keen to Leave Tensions in the Past (Wash Post) 02/02/2005
  • New anti-Putin youth movement draws old reaction (Knight Ridder) 02/02/2005
  • Asylum decision suggests that US patience with Putin is wearing thin (Guardian) 02/02/2005
  • The Real Practical Joke Is on State TV Viewers (Moscow Times) 02/02/2005
  • Russia, China to Hold Security Talks (AP/Yahoo) 02/02/2005
  • Putin reels as the grey revolution gathers pace (The Scotsman) 02/02/2005
  • OSCE and Lavrov Eye Reform (AP/Moscow Times) 02/02/2005
  • The rifts that remain: Cautious EU optimism over the Iraqi elections cannot hide deep-seated differences with the US (Guardian) 02/02/2005
  • Sunday's election is meagre payback for reducing Iraq to utter chaos (The Times) 02/02/2005
  • Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine, one of the top ten world leaders (Kazinform) 02/02/2005
  • Coast guard searching for missing crew in cargo accident off Japanese island [six Ukrainians still missing] (AP/Yahoo) 02/02/2005
  • Ukraine Scraps Veterans' Pension Cuts (AP/Moscow Times) 02/02/2005
  • Crimean Tatar figure opposes monument to Stalin (Interfax-Russia) 02/02/2005
  • Замість Сталіна у Ялті буде Рузвельт (BBC Ukrainian) 02/02/2005
  • 'Gangmaster' case jurors go home (BBC News) 02/02/2005
  • Ukraine foreign reserves grow to $10.059 bln in Jan (Reuters) 02/02/2005
  • Мову переМОРОЗило? Лідер соціалістів передумав патронувати російську мову? Час готувати програму підтримки української (Україна молода) 02/02/2005
  • Двоязика небезпека: введення другої державної мови загрожує територіальній цілісності України (Україна молода) 02/02/2005
  • Choir is russian to impress at Coleraine event [Also competing at the event are 35 choristers from the Ukraine] (Belfast Telegraph) 02/02/2005
  • Orthodox Churches of Donetsk Spread Declaration against 'Guerillas' in Power ['Luhansk Declaration' calls on Christians 'to struggle against the nationalist-Banderite group that has seized power in Ukraine'] (RISU) 02/02/2005
  • Firefighters control club blaze [Ukrainian Cultural Centre in Cheetham Hill, Manchester] (BBC News) 02/02/2005
  • Our Neighbors - The Ukrainians [Atanas Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 02/02/2005
  • Останній писк моди - коса, як у Юлії Тимошенко (BBC Ukrainian) 02/02/2005

  • Ukraine Must Press For EU and NATO Membership – Interview with Boris Tarasyuk [Reuters] (UNIAN) 02/01/2005
  • Kuchma Leaves Mixed Legacy in Ukraine (VOA News) 02/01/2005
  • Official: Ukraine sold missiles to Iran, China [AP] (CTV) 02/01/2005
  • Юлія Тимошенко: Пропозиції президенту Ющенку по міністрам і губернаторам готові на 100% (Українська Правда) 02/01/2005
  • Seventh Session of Verkhovna Rada Opened Today [until July 8] (UNIAN) 02/01/2005
  • Ukraine Foreign Ministry Is Not Satisfied with EU Proposals on Collaboration with Ukraine (UNIAN) 02/01/2005
  • Ukrainian side takes proposals by European Commission on facilitation of relations between Ukraine and EU critically (Government Portal) 02/01/2005
  • Україна незадоволена пропозиціями Євросоюзу (Громадське радіо) 02/01/2005
  • EU steers clear of talk on Ukraine membership (EU Observer) 02/01/2005
  • Новий план дій 'Україна–Євросоюз' (Deutsche Welle) 02/01/2005
  • Україні не відкрили перспективу вступу до ЄС (Deutsche Welle) 02/01/2005
  • Britain backs Romania's EU membership goals [AP] (Malaysia Star) 02/01/2005
  • A Chance Not to Be Missed: What must the government of Ukraine do to be admitted to the EU? (День) 02/01/2005
  • Robert Brinkley: 'The ball is now in Kyiv's court' (День) 02/01/2005
  • Мішель Дюре: «Сценарій майже написано. Чекаємо команди режисера: вперед!» (День) 02/01/2005
  • In Ukraine, Western Media Mirrored Kremlin (Moscow Times) 02/01/2005
  • Putin's Wary Reconciliation: Russia faces stiff challenges in repairing relations with US and Ukraine [Dated 1/24/05] (Yale Global) 02/01/2005
  • Is the Russian Government on the Verge of a Breakdown? (RFE/RL) 02/01/2005
  • Trapping The Bear. Part 2 Russian Culture [Ukraine, the second most important republic in the USSR, was an even more interesting story...] (Bella) 02/01/2005
  • A New Government At Last In Ukraine [2/7/05 issue] (Business Week) 02/01/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and his wife Kateryna hold lit candles during a funeral ceremony of Yushchenko's mother Varvara, in her hometown of Khoruzhivka, in Ukraine's north (AP/Yahoo) 02/01/2005
  • Ukraine’s Yushchenko Hints at Russian Involvement in Poisoning (MosNews) 02/01/2005
  • Олександр Зінченко: До колишнього кабінету Медведчука я зайшов лише після освячення (Україна молода) 02/01/2005
  • 'Шанси Ющенка на Нобелівську премію миру незначні' (BBC Ukrainian) 02/01/2005
  • Coalition nations look ahead to exit [Ukraine has begun plans to withdraw its 1,600 troops, a move backed by the new president, Viktor Yushchenko, whose campaign included a promise to bring the troops home.] (Chicago Tribune) 02/01/2005
  • The Specter of Stalin Is Haunting the Crimea (День) 02/01/2005
  • Комуністи Криму - за встановлення пам'ятника Сталіну (Deutsche Welle) 02/01/2005
  • Oligarchs get Ready for Rematch (Zaman) 02/01/2005
  • Kazakstan: All Eyes on Kyrgyzstan [Fears of a Ukraine-style velvet revolution begin to grow in neighbouring Kazakstan.] (IWPR) 02/01/2005
  • CPJ urges vigorous investigations, reforms (CPJ) 02/01/2005
  • Moldova Red Cross helps teenagers accept new realities [HIV/AIDS...Red Cross Societies in Ukraine and Belarus are planning to come here and learn from what Moldovan Red Cross has achieved.] (Reuters/AlertNet) 02/01/2005
  • Ukraine still rated high-risk investment (Financial Times) 02/01/2005
  • Signal for Investors (День) 02/01/2005
  • Давос: світ пізнає Україну - Промова Президента України Віктора Ющенка на Всесвітньому економічному форумі (Урядовий кур'єр) 02/01/2005
  • Seven Ukrainian-Made Rocket Carriers Launched in 2004 [Dated 1/31/05] (Red Nova) 02/01/2005
  • 'Church Should Save Souls, Not Fight Other Orthodox,' MP [Tomenko] to Head of UOC–Moscow Patriarchate Orthodox (RISU) 02/01/2005
  • Amputee could walk within months [Oksana Sukhanova - Photo] (BBC News) 02/01/2005
  • New legs, new hope for Oksana (Belfast Telegraph) 02/01/2005
  • First woman elected to Detroit City Council dead at 96 - Mary Beck, Born to Ukrainian immigrants in Ford City, Pa. [AP] (Detroit FreeP) 02/01/2005
  • It's a wrap. Braids are back on parade. [Tymoshenko: of-the-moment] (Daily Telegraph) 02/01/2005
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

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    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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