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  • Yushchenko awarded Jan Karski Eagle -/- Відбулася церемонія нагородження Президента України «Орденом Яна Карського» FOTO/S (BRAMA) 11/30/2005
  • NATO-Ukraine Commission Ambassadorial (NATO) 11/30/2005
  • Jean-Claude Juncker awarded European of the Year [Viktor Yushchenko awarded 'Non-EU Citizen of the Year'] (EU Observer) 11/30/2005
  • President of Ukraine Awarded 'Non-EU Citizen of the Year' (UNIAN) 11/30/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko welcomes Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin for official talks in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/30/2005
  • Болгарія підтримує вступ України до ЄС (Кореспондент) 11/30/2005
  • Volodymyr Lytvyn meets with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • 51% of Europeans support Ukraine’s EU membership: poll (5-ий канал) 11/30/2005
  • Europeans prefer Russia as EU member over Turkey (EU Observer) 11/30/2005
  • Iєн Боуг: Працюйте день за днем — і ефектом будуть величезні зміни (День) 11/30/2005
  • Януш Онишкевич: Україні треба представляти конкретні пропозиції і «брати за горло» Євросоюз (Україна молода) 11/30/2005
  • Kwasniewski honoured for role in Orange Revolution (Radio Polonia) 11/30/2005
  • Poles reveal USSR's targets for nuclear strikes on the West (The Scotsman) 11/30/2005
  • Ukrainian Justice Minister signs four conventions of Council of Europe on behalf of Ukraine (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • Впливова гостя: із чим пов’язаний візит Кондоліззи Райс до України? (День) 11/30/2005
  • Photo: Former President Leonid Kuchma's bodyguard, Mykola Melnichenko, talks during a press conference in Kiev. The key witness in the investigation into the high-profile killing of a journalist returned to Ukraine after a five-year absence, pledging to increase pressure on suspected mastermind former President Leonid Kuchma. Melnichenko became a central figure in the political scandal in this former Soviet republic that erupted after the 2000 kidnapping and slaying of journalist Heorhiy Gongadze when he released secret recordings allegedly made in then-President's office (AP/Yahoo) 11/30/2005
  • Photo: Mykola Melnychenko, former bodyguard of Ukraine's ex-President Leonid Kuchma, leaves the airport building in Kiev. Melnychenko, who says he bugged Kuchma's office and recorded hundreds of hours of conversations between top officials, returned to Ukraine after a five-year exile in the United States (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/30/2005
  • Melnychenko and Yeliashkevych arrive from Moscow (5-ий канал) 11/30/2005
  • Bodyguard who accused ex-president back in Ukraine (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/30/2005
  • Северінсен: Україна має зареєструвати Мельниченка кандидатом у депутати (Кореспондент) 11/30/2005
  • Lytvyn: Credibility Impeachment of Cabinet Is Improbable (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Yushchenko calls for raising the vote barrier for parliament (Kyiv Post) 11/30/2005
  • Draft First Five of PUOU Party List Consist of Yushchenko, Yekhanurov, Klitschko, Bessmertny, and Katerynchuk – Poll (UNIAN) 11/30/2005
  • Orange coalition crumbles ahead of polls (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/30/2005
  • Dismissed Ukraine leader charts her comeback (IH Tribune) 11/30/2005
  • Supporters of Pora, CPU Fight Near CPU Central Committee in Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Їх 127 — вистачить усім? Навіщо Україні аж стільки політичних партій і чому далеко не всі з них беруть участь у «головних стартах чотириріччя» — виборах до парламенту (Україна молода) 11/30/2005
  • Rada to Consider Amendments to Local Elections Law on Wednesday (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Геополітична бомба на півдні (День) 11/30/2005
  • «Даремний» референдум: севастопольські «регіонали» піаряться за бюджетні гроші? (День) 11/30/2005
  • Central Election Commission register initiative groups on holding referendum on Ukraine's accession to NATO and CEA (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • CEC Registers Initiative Groups on Referendum on Accession to NATO and European Union (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • ЦВК дозволяє соціал-демократам провести референдум (BBC Ukrainian) 11/30/2005
  • Russia’s 'NATO warning' to Ukraine not an ultimatum: Hrytsenko (5-ий канал) 11/30/2005
  • Russia Did Not Give Any Ultimatum to Ukraine Concerning Its NATO Membership - Hrytsenko (UNIAN) 11/30/2005
  • Ukrainian minister says he did not raise NATO issue in Moscow (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2005
  • Russia declines boosting rent for stationing naval fleet in Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 11/30/2005
  • Meeting of Alliance of Democratic Choice to Take Place in Kyiv on 2 December (UNIAN) 11/30/2005
  • No need to fear the color orange (CS Monitor) 11/30/2005
  • Tarasiuk, Solana, Ferrero-Waldner, Moldovan Foreign Minister Stratan Open EU Border Mission on Ukraine-Moldova Border in Odesa (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • EU opens border mission to halt Moldova smuggling (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/30/2005
  • EU Operation Begins Monitoring Ukrainian-Moldovan Border (RFE/RL) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine-China rift 'not my fault': Pinchuk (5-ий канал) 11/30/2005
  • Sixty-nine peacekeepers return from Iraq (5-ий канал) 11/30/2005
  • Tank firing range accident: 2 dead, 1 injured (5-ий канал) 11/30/2005
  • Two Cadets Die, One Wounded During Maneuvers at Desna Training Center in Chernihiv Region (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine, EU must do more for migrants - rights group (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine: Migrants, Asylum Seekers Regularly Abused (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/30/2005
  • Human Rights Watch States Migrants, Asylum Seekers Regularly Abused in Ukraine (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine report: On the Margins. Rights Violations against Migrants and Asylum Seekers at the New Eastern Border of the European Union (Human Rights Watch) 11/30/2005
  • Майже третина українців живе за межею бідності (Кореспондент) 11/30/2005
  • First national festival of social advertisements opens in Kyiv (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine and Russia to solve gas problems during talks in Moscow on December 5 and 6 (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • Russia's Gazprom Warns Ukraine Against Rejecting Gas Price Offer (RFE/RL) 11/30/2005
  • Gazprom: Ukraine Price May Be Raised (AP/Yahoo) 11/30/2005
  • Gazprom to Ukraine: Pay $160 per thousand cubic meters for gas or price will rise higher (5-ий канал) 11/30/2005
  • Medvedev: compromise gas price for Ukraine is $160 per 1,000 cu m (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine hopes for EU assistance in resolving Russian gas problem (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2005
  • Russian gas dispute puts European supply at risk (The Times) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine in talks on Kazakh, Azeri crude (Ukrainian Journal) 11/30/2005
  • EU to see Kiev as market economy (BBC News) 11/30/2005
  • EU May Grant Ukraine Market Economy Status (AP/Yahoo) 11/30/2005
  • EU says to recognise Ukraine as market economy (Reuters) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine takes step toward EU free trade (EU Observer) 11/30/2005
  • EU's statement on providing Ukraine with market economy nation status likely to be announced during December 1 Ukraine - EU Summit in Kyiv (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • Мінекономіки назвало нову дату вступу України до СОТ (Кореспондент) 11/30/2005
  • Основна проблема на шляху України до СОТ – квоти на цукор (Кореспондент) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine needs three more months for talks over WTO, official says (Ukrainian Journal) 11/30/2005
  • Ukrainian trade surplus plummets 71% in 9 mths (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2005
  • Premier issues instructions to start preparations for privatization of Nikopol Southern Pipe Making Works' state property share (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • Yekhanurov Ordered to Prepare for Sale Nikopol Southern-Pipe Plant (UNIAN) 11/30/2005
  • Head of State Property Fund of Ukraine has no information on future privatization of state share of Nikopol Southern Pipe Making Works (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • Ukraine to resell Nikopol metals plant (Financial Times) 11/30/2005
  • Cabinet tackling destiny of 16 state holdings (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 0.5 Kopeck Down to 5.0400 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Ukrtelecom Supervisory Board Member Liovochkin to Sue Brodskyi for Accusations of Attempt to Sell Company at Lowered Price (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Ukrtelecom's Board Chairman Dzekon Denies Siphoning Funds from Company (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Kyiv Administration Reports Stabilization of Housing Prices (Українські новини) 11/30/2005
  • Italy protest disrupts rail work (BBC News) 11/30/2005
  • Guilty plea in case of phony software [Maksym Vysochanskyy, a.k.a. Maksym Kovalchuk, 'admitted that he marketed and sold counterfeit software through various Web sites and through eBay'] (SF Chronicle) 11/30/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Head Disapproves of Ukrainian President’s Position (RISU) 11/30/2005
  • U.S. Ambassador to Represent Laity of Ukraine at Orthodox [ROCA] Sobor (RISU) 11/30/2005
  • Українська мова та „влада рад” (Велика Епоха) 11/30/2005
  • Once more, from the top. Ukrainian opera singer gets fresh start in Lockport [Tetyana Torzhevska-Neville] (Chicago Sun) 11/30/2005
  • National TV Company of Ukraine presents new format of Eurovision-2006 song contest (NRCU) 11/30/2005
  • Tourism boom: over 5 million in first 10 months of 2005 (5-ий канал) 11/30/2005
  • Modest River, Wide Chasm, With Europe 'Over There' ['Beautiful but poor' is a common shorthand description of Lviv, a city of 800,000 people in western Ukraine] (NY Times) 11/30/2005
  • Ignatieff launches campaign facing fire over candidacy (Globe and Mail) 11/30/2005
  • Alleged Nazi Guard in Court. Retired autoworker John Demjanjuk, 85, is fighting deportation. His lawyer says he would be tortured if returned to his native Ukraine. (LA Times) 11/30/2005
  • Did the New York Times sack the wrong reporter? [Judith Miller, Nicholas Kristof, Jayson Blair, Walter Duranty, Herbert Matthews] (WND) 11/30/2005

  • Information about March 2006 Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) elections (BRAMA) 11/29/2005
  • Op-Ed: Ukrainians were never 'little,' or 'Russian' (BRAMA) 11/29/2005
  • Ukrainians Disappointed with Liberal Push for Ignatieff as Candidate (BRAMA) 11/29/2005
  • Ignatieff candidacy strongly protested (BRAMA) 11/29/2005
  • Local candidate denies bias against Ukrainians [Michael Ignatieff] (CBC) 11/29/2005
  • Edmonton Conservative first MP in election mode (Edmonton Journal) 11/29/2005
  • Photo: Surrounded by the media, accused Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk is helped into Federal Court in Cleveland (AP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • Photo: Accused Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk is helped out of a vehicle upon his arrival at Federal Court in Cleveland (AP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • Photo: Accused Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk is helped into Federal Court in Cleveland by John Demjanjuk, Jr. and Ed Nishnic. Demjanjuk was appearing before an immigration judge on his filing that he should not be deported to Ukraine because he could face torture there (AP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • John Demjanjuk Fights New Deportation Try (AP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • [VIDEO] Demjanjuk Appears Weak During Deportation Hearing [Ruling Expected In 30 Days on whether Demjanjuk will be deported.] (Newsnet5) 11/29/2005
  • Demjanjuk Appears Weak During Deportation Hearing (Newsnet5) 11/29/2005
  • [AUDIO] Demjanjuk Fears Torture if Deported (WKSU) 11/29/2005
  • Demjanjuk Fears Torture if Deported (WKSU) 11/29/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk walks with his Bulgarian counterpart Ivailo Kalfin during their meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • President Viktor Yuschenko meets with Latvian Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis in Kyiv today (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Justice Minister Serhiy Holovatyi, currently on visit to Strasbourg, discusses with representatives of European Council new programmes of cooperation (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Ukraine to Step Up Its Accession to CE Conventions (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Ukraine to get EU market-economy status (IH Tribune) 11/29/2005
  • Ian Boag: We shouldn’t become too critical, because expectations are not always immediately justified (День) 11/29/2005
  • U.S. State Secretary Rice to Officially Visit Ukraine in December (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Rice to visit Merkel on Euro trip [In Ukraine, Ms Rice intended to 'underscore US support for continued political and economic reform one year after the Orange Revolution'] (Herald Sun) 11/29/2005
  • В Україні відбулися перші президентські слухання (VOA) 11/29/2005
  • Комісія: Зінченко давав неправдиву інформацію (Кореспондент) 11/29/2005
  • Corruption's grip eases in Ukraine (CS Monitor) 11/29/2005
  • Yekhanurov Regrets Bezsmertnyi Leaving Cabinet (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Yuschenko Accepts Bezsmertnyi's Resignation (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Rinat Akhmetov states his being people's deputy 'will maximally benefit Ukraine' (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Андрій Шкіль: У списку БЮТ не буде «мінусових» постатей (Україна молода) 11/29/2005
  • No ideas or accord (День) 11/29/2005
  • Rada Schedules Local Council Election for March 26, 2006 (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Lazarenko Calls On Rada to Restore His Parliamentary Mandate (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Melnychenko back in Ukraine via Moscow on Wednesday (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • Микола Мельниченко вiдбув в Україну (VOA) 11/29/2005
  • Єльяшкевич і Мельниченко приїдуть завтра в Україну? (Кореспондент) 11/29/2005
  • Неділя, яка не стала кривавою: рік тому, в ніч з 28 на 29 листопада, влада виводила війська проти Майдану. І зламалася остаточно (Україна молода) 11/29/2005
  • Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Lytvyn meets with President of Assembly of Western European Union Stef Goris (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • OSCE calls for disarmament in Moldovan conflict (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/29/2005
  • EU's mission, headed by Hungarian Police General Ferenc Banfi starts operating on Moldovan-Ukrainian border (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Дмитро Ткач про придністровське врегулювання (BBC Ukrainian) 11/29/2005
  • Russia will stop military cooperation if Ukraine joins NATO: Ivanov (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • NATO accession may end Moscow-Kyiv military cooperation - Ivanov (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • Russian, Ukrainian defense ministers sign cooperation deals (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • Russia against changing rental agreements for Black Sea base (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • Russian testing center in Crimea to continue work (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • 'The Kremlin has stopped putting all its eggs in one basket' (День) 11/29/2005
  • Ukraine to Join Southeastern European Defense Ministerial (DefenseLink) 11/29/2005
  • Southeastern European defense ministers to meet in Washington (AFP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • NATO Delegation visits Mykolayiv (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Polish Archive Outlines Soviet Attack Plan (AP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • Europe must face ugly truths of communist past (Chicago Sun-Times) 11/29/2005
  • Ukrainian Pora Urges US and EU to Put Political Pressure upon Baku (PanArmenian) 11/29/2005
  • Force scenario was considered among others for releasing Ukrainian seamen, captured by pirates off Somalia's cost, NSDC Secretary Anatoliy Kinakh says (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Former regional official shot dead in Ukraine [Stepan Senchuk] (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/29/2005
  • Former Lviv Governor Shot Dead (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • EcoLan Supervisory Board Head Senchuk Killed in Lviv Region (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • 'Police turned criminal' band trial underway (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • Police Detain Four Suspects of Assault on Mykolaiv Seaport Head Kapatsyna (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Odesa market criminal investigation (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • Clothes Storage Burns Down in Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Photo: File picture shows a prostitute injecting herself in Odessa. With an estimated 1.4 percent HIV-positive rate, Ukraine is the worst-affected country in Europe, according to a recent UNAIDS report (AFP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • Drug use fuels HIV epidemic in Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • Land of 250,000 sufferers: The Ukrainian kids who live with HIV (Daily Mirror) 11/29/2005
  • Ющенко оголосив догану 12 губернаторам (Кореспондент) 11/29/2005
  • Візьміть мене синочком... В Україні 24 тисячі дітей чекають свого всиновлення. Їхнє майбутнє — закордон, українська сім’я, інтернат чи «чорний» ринок? (Україна молода) 11/29/2005
  • Yekhanurov sees prospects for progress in Ukrainian-Russian gas talks (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • Naftohaz Ukrainy Says Russia's Terms for Gas Supply and Transit Payments Are Unacceptable (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Russia denies plans for arms-for-gas deal with Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • Yekhanurov slams Ivchenko for statement on Ukrainian arms supplies as payment for Russian gas (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • The Gas Impasse (RFE/RL) 11/29/2005
  • Збільшення ціни за російський газ це плата за прозахідну політику української влади – американський експерт (Радіо Свобода) 11/29/2005
  • Наскільки в Європі розуміють газову суперечку між Києвом і Москвою? (BBC Ukrainian) 11/29/2005
  • Gazprom threatens gas price hike (BBC News) 11/29/2005
  • Russian Gas Monopoly Gazprom to Hike Prices for Former Soviet Republics (AP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • Russia, Ukraine gas dispute worsens (Ukrainian Journal) 11/29/2005
  • Pipeline intrigue: Ukraine’s interests require public consolidation (День) 11/29/2005
  • Naftogaz mulls measures to make natural gas transit more efficient (Ukrainian Journal) 11/29/2005
  • Plachkov to Visit Turkmenistan in Mid-December for Talks on Natural Gas (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Yushchenko: Deal to Ship Caspian Oil to Europe Via Ukraine Almost Complete (AP/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • Oil production needs boosting, not slowing down (День) 11/29/2005
  • Ukrainian GDP could exceed 4% in 2005 - Yushchenko (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • President Viktor Yuschenko forecasts less than 10 percent inflation rate in 2005 (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Yushchenko says state property bill needs reworking (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2005
  • President on Priority Privatizations (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • Ще три об`єкти в Українi буде приватизовано (VOA) 11/29/2005
  • США вітають кроки Києва на зустріч бiзнесу (VOA) 11/29/2005
  • Yuschenko Promises Foreign Businesses He Will Minimize Official Interference and Simplify Regulatory Policy in 2006 (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Finance Ministry drafts shadow capital amnesty bill (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • On January 1 Ukraine will begin reforming coal industry, President Viktor Yuschenko says (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Mine collapse in Luhansk (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • Still no agreement on 2006 budget deficit, Finance Minister says (Ukrainian Journal) 11/29/2005
  • Ukrainian and Latvian Prime Ministers Yuriy Yekhanurov and Aigars Kalvitis discuss cooperation in fuel-energy and transport-transit spheres (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • Yekhanurov Says Drop in Ukraine-Latvia Commodity Turnover in 2005 Is Due to Fight Against Shadow Economy (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Ukraine and Russia Agree on Gradual Abolition of Exclusions from Their Free Trade Regime by 2010 (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Сергій Тарута: ІСД не планує брати участь у виборах (BBC Ukrainian) 11/29/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 1 Kopeck Down to 5.0350 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Foreign banks in Ukraine will promote active development of crediting, UkrSibBank's expert notes (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • First Deputy Foreign Minister Buteiko: Foreign Ministry Not Involved in Disruption of An-140 Airplane Production in Iran (Українські новини) 11/29/2005
  • Premier blames Foreign Ministry for lost Iran contracts (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • By July 1, 2006 all Ukrainian peasants will get land deeds, President Viktor Yuschenko promises (NRCU) 11/29/2005
  • From Markivtsi to the temple: Report from the small homeland of Archbishop Volodymyr dedicated to his 70th birthday (День) 11/29/2005
  • Purity of blood (День) 11/29/2005
  • President Signs Decree on Spirituality of Ukrainian Nation (RISU) 11/29/2005
  • Гуманітарна політика нової влади: повний провал чи є надія? Гості: Ігор Ліховий - міністр культури; Оксана Забужко – письменниця (Радіо Свобода) 11/29/2005
  • Виклики чи загрози? (День) 11/29/2005
  • Деградація мови (Львівська газета) 11/29/2005
  • Silent auction: Charitable auction raises eight million hryvnias for the Kharkiv Oblast Philharmonic (День) 11/29/2005
  • National Opera hosts benefit performance by concertmaster Kostiantyn Fesenko (День) 11/29/2005
  • Music lifted soprano above life’s sour notes [Martha Kostiuk Hollier: 'Every time I perform, I tell people that God blessed Ukrainians with a special gift of music.'] (Texarkana Gazette) 11/29/2005
  • Icons to stay with us (День) 11/29/2005
  • Graphics from a bunker: An exhibit of Nil Khasevych’s works opened last Wednesday at the House of the Artist (День) 11/29/2005
  • Borders(R) Announces Nominees for 2005 Original Voices Awards [Fiction nominee: 'A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian: A Novel' by Marina Lewycka] (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 11/29/2005
  • Businesses to help sick children (День) 11/29/2005
  • No visas required for 6 more European countries (5-ий канал) 11/29/2005
  • Глевка галушка, яку поспіхом ліплять «батьки» Полтави на Івановій горі, стане найбільшою наругою над однією з національних святинь (Україна молода) 11/29/2005
  • Повернення людяності: Україна вперше на державному рівні відзначала День пам'яті жертв Голодомору (День) 11/29/2005
  • Біль від Голоду. Його вгамують спiлкування з людьми, що пережили 1933 рiк, i всебiчне наукове дослiдження (Україна молода) 11/29/2005
  • 'My grandmother is still afraid to speak about the famine' (День) 11/29/2005
  • Decapitation of the soul (День) 11/29/2005
  • Why did Stalin exterminate the Ukrainians? The ideological dimension of the genocide (День) 11/29/2005
  • The freedom gene (День) 11/29/2005
  • Beauplan’s code: Ancient maps of Ukraine 'decoded' (День) 11/29/2005
  • The reign of the princes Askold and Dyr: beginnings of the mighty Kyivan state (День) 11/29/2005

  • Financial Times Appoints Chrystia Freeland as U.S. Managing Editor (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 11/28/2005
  • Javier Solana: EU and Ukraine should not be running ahead of themselves in advancing relations (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2005
  • Хав’єр Солана: 'Україна та ЄС перебувають у русі' (BBC Ukrainian) 11/28/2005
  • Ющенко: ЄЕП коштуватиме частки суверенітету (BBC Ukrainian) 11/28/2005
  • Administrate reform to benefit all Ukrainian citizens (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Need to combat corruption viewed as particularly important (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • First Presidential Hearings held in Kyiv today (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Gongadze case sent to Kyiv City Appellate Court (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Kyiv Appellate Court to hear Gongadze case (5-ий канал) 11/28/2005
  • Tapes with a 'set of unknowns' (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/28/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko offers unification concept to all democratic political forces in 2006 election (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Yuschenko Considers Unification of Democratic Forces' Best Formula for Success in 2006 Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Businessman Akhmetov to Join Party of the Regions to Run for Parliament (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Akhmetov to run for Rada with Regions: Yanukovych (5-ий канал) 11/28/2005
  • Yanukovych Says Yekhanurov Cabinet Should Resign for Election Period (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Бджоли ПРП гуділи. Але тихо-тихо (proUA) 11/28/2005
  • Ukrainian People's Party initiates creation of Ukrainian People's Bloc (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Six parties form broad ‘Yushchenko’ bloc (Ukrainian Journal) 11/28/2005
  • The Road That Leads Astray (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/28/2005
  • Rada to announce local council election campaign start on Tuesday (5-ий канал) 11/28/2005
  • Lytvyn Considers It Impossible to Hold Parliamentary and Local Elections at Different Times (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Moroz: Trying to Hold Parliamentary, Local Council Elections in Different Time May Block Political Reform (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Ukraine-Moldova talks on Transdniesterian conflict settlement renewed (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Lavrov: Ukraine's desire to join EU must not threaten Russia (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2005
  • Russia takes another step toward Soviet-style control (Yahoo) 11/28/2005
  • Yuschenko Urges Politicians to Refrain From Public Comments on Hostage Taking (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Somali pirates release Ukranian ship, crew (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/28/2005
  • Somalia pirates reportedly free Ukrainian cargo ship after 40 days (Ukrainian Journal) 11/28/2005
  • Interior Ministry Wants to Raise Pay for Its Staff by 30% Next Year (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • SBU Files Criminal Case in Connection with International Telephone Fraud in Crimea (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Cyanide spill from Romanian goldmine heading toward Ukraine (5-ий канал) 11/28/2005
  • Ukraine must stop devastation of the Danube Delta, says Foreign Minister (Bucharest Daily News) 11/28/2005
  • Rada to Debate 98 Issues November 29 - December 2 (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Speaker says 2006 budget bill must be adopted (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Parliament to consider 2006 budget on Thursday – 2nd reading (5-ий канал) 11/28/2005
  • Parliament scheduled to tackle 2006 budget bill in December (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Gazprom Calls on Ukraine to Sign Contract (AP/Yahoo) 11/28/2005
  • Gazprom says Ukraine row threatens European supply (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/28/2005
  • Naftohaz Sabotaging Gas Talks: Gazprom (5-ий канал) 11/28/2005
  • No gas protocol between Ukraine and Russia (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/28/2005
  • Poland to oppose Russia’s plans to build gas pipeline across Baltic (Ukrainian Journal) 11/28/2005
  • Yekhanurov Criticizes Foreign Ministry for Making Mistakes Harmful for Business (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Уряд планує скоротити заборгованість з відшкодування ПДВ (Кореспондент) 11/28/2005
  • Economics Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk urges authority to determine priorities of nation's development in 2006 (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • Yekhanurov Calls On Entrepreneurs to Actively Participate in Elections to Rada and Local Councils in 2006 (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Government inherited an economy where 53% of GDP was produced in shadows: Yushchenko (5-ий канал) 11/28/2005
  • Yuschenko Instructs SCSSM to Take Measures Against Practices of Keeping Double Registers of Enterprises (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 1.5 Kopeck Down to 5.0250 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Russian MTS Says Its Participation in Ukrtelecom Privatization Is Impossible (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Veterinary Service Bans Import of Pigs, Bovine Cattle and Their Processing Products from Brazil (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Ministry of Agricultural Policy Informs That Meat Prices Will Not Fall (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Agriculture Ministry: State of 27% Of Winter Crops Good, of 32% Satisfactory (Українські новини) 11/28/2005
  • Farmers warn over climate change (BBC News) 11/28/2005
  • Orthodox Church marks start of pre-Christmas Lent (5-ий канал) 11/28/2005
  • Orthodox-Progressive Union Has Plans for Parliament (RISU) 11/28/2005
  • Greek Catholic Chapel in Kyiv to Be Rebuilt (RISU) 11/28/2005
  • Sevastopol Council Again Refuses to Return Church to Roman Catholics (RISU) 11/28/2005
  • Ukrainian language – the third official? (Ukrayinska Pravda) 11/28/2005
  • Ignatieff confirms bid, reaches out to Ukrainians (CTV) 11/28/2005
  • Ukrainian Church honors 1930s genocide victims (Utica Observer-Dispatch) 11/28/2005
  • Ukrainians in Estonia commemorating victims of Holodomor and political repression (NRCU) 11/28/2005
  • The Bush family's kitchen nightmares [...if I had recipes like that, I'd keep quiet about them...] (Independent) 11/28/2005

  • Photo: Former U.S. president Bil Clinton looks at Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's country house outside the Ukrainian capital of Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shows his country house to former U.S. president Bill Clinton outside the Ukrainian capital Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Photo: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko pray near a monument honouring millions of victims of a man-made famine organised by Josef Stalin in the 1930s (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and former U.S. President Bill Clinton carry flowers to the monument honouring millions of victims of a man-made famine organised by Josef Stalin in the 1930s in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks with former U.S. President Bill Clinton outside the Mykhailov Cathedral in Kiev. Clinton arrived in Ukraine for a one-day visit to sign an agreement between the Ukrainian government and the Clinton Foundation, under which the foundation will provide Kiev assistance for programmes aimed at combating AIDS and tuberculosis (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Photo: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton shakes hands with Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko before their meeting in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Bill Clinton Praises Ukraine's Reforms (AP/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • В Україні вшановують пам'ять жертв голодомору 1932-33 рр. (Deutsche Welle) 11/27/2005
  • З'їзди комуністів, соціалістів, УНП і НРУ (BBC Ukrainian) 11/27/2005
  • Tymoshenko Predicts Her Political Union With Yuschenko Will Be Restored After 2006 Rada Elections (Українські новини) 11/27/2005
  • Yushchenko's Party May Lose Ukraine Election as Economy Slows (Bloomberg) 11/27/2005
  • Ігор Попов: ці вибори будуть демократичнішими, ніж раніше (BBC Ukrainian) 11/27/2005
  • Pirates Free Ukrainian Ship; Crew Safe (AP/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Pirates Release Ukrainian Ship Seized off Somali Coast (VOA News) 11/27/2005
  • Ship With Ukrainian Sailors Seized By Pirates Near Somalia Set Free (Українські новини) 11/27/2005
  • Ukrainian-Canadians protest Michael Ignatieff's bid for Toronto riding (CP/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Ukraine president honored (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) 11/27/2005
  • US condemns Azeri rally policing (BBC News) 11/27/2005
  • Four Children Found Drowned in Rivne Region (Українські новини) 11/27/2005
  • Revealed: kept in a dungeon ready to be sold as slaves...the women destined for Britain's sex trade (Sunday Telegraph) 11/27/2005
  • The plight of the cellar girls (Sunday Telegraph) 11/27/2005
  • Cyanide pollution of Romanian river (AFP/Yahoo) 11/27/2005
  • Celebrated dancers keep 'Nutcracker' in family (Orlando Sentinel) 11/27/2005
  • Visa mistake costs immigrant. Consulate says it erred in 2002, but man in Henrico waiting still (Richmond Times Dispatch) 11/27/2005
  • Today in History: 2004 - Ukraine parliament declared the recently held presidential election invalid (AP/Yahoo) 11/27/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainians light candles at the monument to the victims of the Soviet-era forced famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians, in Ukraine's capital Kiev. Ukraine marks the anniversary of the famine that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin provoked as part of his campaign to force Ukrainian peasants to give up their land and join collective farms (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainians light candles at the monument to the victims of the Soviet-era forced famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians, in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, his wife Kateryna and daughter Sofiya Khristina place candles outside the Mykhailov Cathedral in Kiev, at a ceremony honouring millions of victims of an artificial famine organised by Josef Stalin in the 1930s (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: A young Ukrainian woman lights a candle at the monument to the victims of the Soviet-era forced famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians, in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian mourners place candles outside the Mykhailov Cathedral in Kiev at a ceremony honouring millions of victims of an artificial famine organised by Josef Stalin in the 1930s (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian light candles at the monument to the victims of the Soviet-era forced famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians, in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian's light candles to commemorate the victims of the Soviet-era forced famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian mourners light candles by a monument honouring millions of victims of an artificial famine organised by Josef Stalin in the 1930s, in Kiev. President Viktor Yushchenko told the ceremony it was time to apportion blame for the tragedy (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian mourner holds a candle during a ceremony outside the Mykhailov Cathedral in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Elderly Ukrainian mourners hold candles during a ceremony outside the Mykhailov Cathedral in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Metropolitan Filaret, the head of one of Ukraine's Orthodox churches, officiates at a service outside the Mykhailov Cathedral in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko lights a candle to commemorate victims of the Soviet-era forced famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians, in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov, parliamentary speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn and the mayor of the Ukrainian capital Alexandr Omelchenko join mourners at a ceremony outside the Mykhailov Cathedral in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and parliament speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn seen participating in a rally to commemorate victims of the Soviet-era forced famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Viktor Halenko of the western village of Romny holds a photo of his father Pavlo, who died of hunger in 1932, during a commemorative rally to the honor memory of the victims of the Soviet-era forced famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians, in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks as Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov and parliamentary speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn listen during a commemoration ceremony in a park in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, his wife Kateryna, daughters Sofiya and Khristina, and son Taras plant a tree during a commemoration ceremony in a park in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and his son Andriy plant trees in a city park in Ukraine's capital Kiev to commemorate victims of the forced Soviet-era famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Ukraine Marks Soviet-Era Forced Famine (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Yushchenko demands truth on '30s famine (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Yuschenko Commemorates 1932-1933 Famine Victims (Українські новини) 11/26/2005
  • Гея: смерть і воскресіння (Україна молода) 11/26/2005
  • Сторінки із записаної книжки: два спогади напередодні чергової річниці Голодомору (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/26/2005
  • Цього не забути... «Моя бабуся й досі боїться говорити про Голодомор» (День) 11/26/2005
  • Campaign kicks off for key election in Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Ukraine Launches 2006 Parliamentary Election Campaign (Українські новини) 11/26/2005
  • Yuschenko Calls On Ukrainians to Support His Initiatives on Honest Elections (Українські новини) 11/26/2005
  • Draft Agreement on Honest Elections to Rada and Local Councils Is on Agenda of November 28 Presidential Hearings (Українські новини) 11/26/2005
  • Tomenko Quits Reforms and Order to Join Tymoshenko Bloc (Українські новини) 11/26/2005
  • Konovaliuk Expects His Bloc to Win 5% at Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 11/26/2005
  • Дорога, яка не веде до Майдану (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/26/2005
  • Плівки з «багатьма невідомими» (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/26/2005
  • Напередодні саміту Україна—ЄС: підсумки заради перспектив (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/26/2005
  • Ющенко планує створити комплекс, що координуватиме інтеграцію в НАТО (Кореспондент) 11/26/2005
  • Azerbaijani Activists Clash With Police (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • No Uprising for Azerbaijan Opposition (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Belarus leader's crackdown backed (Financial Times) 11/26/2005
  • Nationalists take aim at NGOs 'plotting' to destabilise Russia (Financial Times) 11/26/2005
  • Yekhanurov Wants to Set Up Economic Institute for Globalization Problems (Українські новини) 11/26/2005
  • Анатомія гальмування (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/26/2005
  • Ukraine Offers Weapons for Russian Natural Gas, Senior Ukrainian Official Says (AP/Yahoo) 11/26/2005
  • Чому не підписаний «газовий» протокол між Україною і Росією (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/26/2005
  • Припцип необ’єднуваності (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/26/2005
  • Церковні будови століття (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/26/2005
  • Духовний символ для сьогодення: Андрей Шептицький (День) 11/26/2005
  • Mark pleased to see Ukrainian bill pass (Brandon Sun) 11/26/2005
  • Obit: Roman V. Marynowych, 86, hosted TV show (Wash Times) 11/26/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko looks at a picture during the opening ceremony of an exhibition in Kiev. Ukraine is holding various ceremonies this week to remember the victims of the Holodomor, the manmade famine in 1932-1933 during which an estimated five to ten million people died (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/25/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko is seen after he opened an exhibition to mark the anniversary of the 1932-33 forced famine, in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/25/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Pensioner Kuzma Gromik reacts during a memorial ceremony for the victims of Stalin's Terror in the settlement of Rutchenkovo near Donetsk. Kuzma was fighting in the Ukrainian nationalist army (UPA) against the Red Army during World War II and spent 25 years in prison after being captured (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/25/2005
  • Yushchenko Urges Recognition of 1930s Famine as Genocide (VOA News) 11/25/2005
  • Yushchenko calls on world to recognize Soviet-era famine as genocide (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/25/2005
  • Ukraine demands 'genocide' marked (BBC News) 11/25/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko called upon international community to regard 1932-1933 famine as genocide against people of Ukraine (NRCU) 11/25/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko aired his opinion about need to shoot special film about Ukraine's three most devastating famines (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Ukrainian diplomats working hard to draft documents, which would form grounds for recognition of 1932 - 1933 famine in Ukraine by UN as act of genocide against Ukrainian people (NRCU) 11/25/2005
  • Одна калина за вікном... Хвилиною мовчання, вогниками свічок та калиновим гаєм Україна завтра згадає жертв голодоморів (Україна молода) 11/25/2005
  • Обезголовлення душі (День) 11/25/2005
  • Євген Сверстюк - про Голодомор: в державі 'немає серйозної волі' (BBC Ukrainian) 11/25/2005
  • Prosecutors ask court to consider case against ex-police over journalist killing (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/25/2005
  • PGO Transfers Gongadze Murder Case to Supreme Court (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Prosecutor General Office filed criminal case on murder of Georgiy Gongadze with Supreme Court of Ukraine for jurisdiction determination (NRCU) 11/25/2005
  • Piskun cannot return to top prosecutor post: Holovaty (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • Holovatyi: Piskun's Reinstatement As Prosecutor General Impossible Because of Lack of Enforcer in Court Decision (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Medvedko only Prosecutor General in the country: Rybachuk (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • Piskun's PGO sabotaged 1,120 criminal investigations: Lutsenko (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • Photo: Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, his wife Jolanta and wife of Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko, Kateryna, light candles in a church in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/25/2005
  • Алєксандр Кваснєвський: ексклюзивне інтерв'ю (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasiuk met with President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland (NRCU) 11/25/2005
  • Poland's outgoing president makes farewell visit to Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/25/2005
  • Україна-ЄС. Варшавський проект (Deutsche Welle) 11/25/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov waits for the start of a round table meeting during a Central European Initiative Summit in Piestany, Slovakia (AP/Yahoo) 11/25/2005
  • Ukraine, EU Start Talks on Simplified Visa Regime (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko proposes that Ukrainian political forces sign memorandum on honest elections (NRCU) 11/25/2005
  • Six parties form Yushchenko 'Nasha Ukrayina' bloc (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • OUPU Sets Up Our Ukraine Political Bloc of Yuschenko with NRU, CUN, PIEU, CDU, URP Sobor for Rada Election (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Several pro-Yushchenko parties join to run in 2006 vote (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2005
  • Третьяков виграв суд проти Зінченка (Кореспондент) 11/25/2005
  • 'With God and Russia' Soyuz joins Yanukovych bloc (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • Kostusev Abandons Soyuz Party, Joins Party of Regions (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Маневр Януковича (День) 11/25/2005
  • Патріарх УГКЦ Любомир Гузар: Чомусь не доглянуті справжні духовні цінності, які пробудилися під час Помаранчевої революції (Україна молода) 11/25/2005
  • Yuschenko Initiates Day-Off on Freedom Day (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • 'Литвинівці' реабілітують Лазаренка (Львівська газета) 11/25/2005
  • Клубок-клубок, і як тебе з'їсти? Верховна Рада не змогла вчасно оголосити про проведення місцевих виборів-2006. І не дуже хоче переносити їх на осінь наступного року (Україна молода) 11/25/2005
  • CEC Approves Samples of Seals of District and Divisional Election Commissions for 2006 Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Fugitive SBU colonel hiding in Russia (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • Rivne: Criminal Investigation opened against Education Minister (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • Yushchenko calls to solve CIS conflicts with US help ( 11/25/2005
  • Defence Ministries of Ukraine and Sweden signed 2006 cooperation plan (NRCU) 11/25/2005
  • 3 Fishermen Drown in Cherkasy Region (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • National Bank of Ukraine purchases all currency paid by Mittal Steel for Kryvorizhstal (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2005
  • Mittal Completes $4.84 Billion Acquisition of Ukraine Steel Plant (AP/Yahoo) 11/25/2005
  • State Property Fund Receives 24 bln from Mittal Steel (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • Mittal Steel Transfers UAH 24.2 Billion to State Property Fund for 93.02% in Kryvorizhstal (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 0.8 Kopeck Down to 5.01 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Kyiv mayor criticizes national budget (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • UMC Appoints Wojacki as Director-General (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • SCM Asking Antimonopoly Committee for Permit to Buy Over 50% in Optima Telecom (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • Ivano-Frankivsk hosts international investment forum (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • US Agency for International Development launched project in Ternopil region (NRCU) 11/25/2005
  • Ukraina State Aviation Enterprise Announces Plan to Purchase Automobiles for Transporting VIPs (Українські новини) 11/25/2005
  • 'Import less meat!': Agriculture Minister (5-ий канал) 11/25/2005
  • До 60-річчя сходження УГКЦ в катакомби (Львівська газета) 11/25/2005
  • Was Burning Down of Greek Catholic Chapel in Kyiv Arson? (RISU) 11/25/2005
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholic Head Visits Romania (RISU) 11/25/2005
  • Митрополит Володимир не схвалює Ющенка (Кореспондент) 11/25/2005
  • Свято Князя церкви (День) 11/25/2005
  • Odesa Roman Catholics Ask World Leaders for Help (RISU) 11/25/2005
  • Kyiv Roman Catholics Collect Signatures to Return Property (RISU) 11/25/2005
  • Former boxing champion Vitali Klitschko to enter politics; stays mum about what job (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/25/2005
  • Graduate battles to remain in UK (BBC News) 11/25/2005
  • First Deputy Prime Minister Stanislav Stashevskyi to attend meeting of Council of CIS Heads of Government in Moscow on Friday (NRCU) 11/25/2005
  • Ющенку СНД не подобається, але і не заважає (Україна молода) 11/25/2005

  • Photo: Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski shows off Ukrainian state awards during a meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yushchenko in the Mariinsky Palace in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/24/2005
  • Photo: Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and his wife Jolanta, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and his wife Kateryna attend a welcoming ceremony in front of the Mariinsky Palace in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and his Polish counterpart Aleksander Kwasniewski inspect guard of honour during a welcoming ceremony in front of the Mariinsky Palace in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/24/2005
  • Kwasniewski in Kyiv for last visit as Polish president (5-ий канал) 11/24/2005
  • Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski arrives in Kyiv today on two-day official visit to Ukraine (NRCU) 11/24/2005
  • Візит А.Квасьнєвського - востаннє на посаді президента? (BBC Ukrainian) 11/24/2005
  • Photo: High representatives of fourteen European countries pose for a picture prior to their welcoming dinner at West Slovakia's spa town of Piestany, Bosnia and Herzegovina's Human Rights and Refugees Minister Mirsad Kebo, Romania's Deputy Prime Minister Gheorghe Pogea, Italy's Deputy Prime Minister Giulio Tremonti, Belarus' Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Kobyakov, Polish Deputy Prime Minister Ludwik Dorn, Ukraine's Prime Minister Yurii Yekhanurov, Slovenia's Janez Jansa, Bulgaria's Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev, Albania's Prime Minister Sali Berisha, Slovakia's Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda, Croatia's Prime Minister Ivo Sanader, Czech Prime Minister Jiri Paroubek, Moldova's Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev and Serbia and Montenegro's President Svetozar Marovic (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/24/2005
  • Yekhanurov Leaves for Slovakia to Meet With Officials and Partake in CEI Prime Ministers Meeting (Українські новини) 11/24/2005
  • Україна та Європейський Союз: поблизу чи всередині? (Радіо Свобода) 11/24/2005
  • Ukraine and EU may sign agreement on liberalization of visa regime in early 2006 (NRCU) 11/24/2005
  • Cловаччина передасть свій досвід європейської інтеграції Україні - прем’єр Словаччини Мікулаш Дзурінда (Радіо Свобода) 11/24/2005
  • Великобританію цікавить Україна. Розмова з Робертом Брінклі, Надзвичайним і Повноважним Послом Великобританії в Україні (Львівська газета) 11/24/2005
  • Parliamentary election campaign officially starts in Ukraine on November 26 (NRCU) 11/24/2005
  • CEC head refuses to sign memorandum with media (5-ий канал) 11/24/2005
  • Опитування: До парламенту потраплять сім політичних сил (Кореспондент) 11/24/2005
  • OUPU to Announce Creation of Yushchenko Our Ukraine Political Bloc for 2006 Parliamentary Elections on November 25 (Українські новини) 11/24/2005
  • Tymoshenko visits native Dnipropetrovsk (5-ий канал) 11/24/2005
  • Разом! Тоді нас не подолати: усі промовці на Майдані закликали до єднання. Але траплялися й «шпильки» та непорозуміння (Україна молода) 11/24/2005
  • Перемога «картинки» (День) 11/24/2005
  • Політикум боїться змін,бо вже продав місця... Розмова з Юрієм Ключковським (Львівська газета) 11/24/2005
  • Битва за Донбас (proUA) 11/24/2005
  • MPs Tolochko, Pravdenko, Pliutynskyi Asking Rada to Reinstate Lazarenko as MP (Українські новини) 11/24/2005
  • SDPU(u) Asks CEC to Register Group for Collecting Signatures for Referendum on Ukraine's Membership in NATO and CEA Creation (Українські новини) 11/24/2005
  • A Post-Bloc Party for Democracy (LA Times) 11/24/2005
  • Putin backs tighter controls on NGOs (AFP/Yahoo) 11/24/2005
  • Russia beset by foreign spies: official (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/24/2005
  • 6 Children Hospitalized with Poisoning in Dnipropetrovsk Region (Українські новини) 11/24/2005
  • Ukrainian Government forecasts 3.8 percent growth in GDP in 2005 (NRCU) 11/24/2005
  • Ukraine Agrees WTO Entry Terms with Croatia (Українські новини) 11/24/2005
  • Ukraine wary of compromise in Russian gas talks (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/24/2005
  • Ukraine will not pay higher prices for Turkmen gas: Naftohaz CEO (5-ий канал) 11/24/2005
  • Turkmenistan Offers to Ship Gas to Germany (AP/Yahoo) 11/24/2005
  • Mittal Steel to pay for Kryvorizhstal by year’s end (5-ий канал) 11/24/2005
  • Mittal Steel to remit 24.2 bn. UAH for KryvorizhStal by December 28, 2005 (NRCU) 11/24/2005
  • Donetsk: Sixth day of underground strike for twenty-four miners (5-ий канал) 11/24/2005
  • Ukrtelecom is a monopolist: preliminary Anti-monopoly committee ruling (5-ий канал) 11/24/2005
  • U.S. Diplomats in Ukraine Directed Away from 'Canonical Church,' Says UOC-MP Orthodox Abbot (RISU) 11/24/2005
  • State Can Quickly End Schism in Ukraine, Says Russian Orthodox Rep (RISU) 11/24/2005
  • Ukrainian Elected Bishop for Constantinople Patriarchate (RISU) 11/24/2005
  • В обіймах любові: 4 грудня в соборі святого Юра для почитання вірним виставлять українську копію Туринської плащаниці (Львівська газета) 11/24/2005
  • Fr. Iwan Dacko: 'I think UCU faithfully follows the line of its founders, Metropolitan Andrey and Patriarch Josyf' (RISU) 11/24/2005
  • Volodymyr Lytvyn meets with members of International Association of Science Academies (NRCU) 11/24/2005
  • International conference 'Transformation of Journalism Education: European Context' opens in Kyiv (NRCU) 11/24/2005
  • Kyiv Council to Allocate Land for Building Single Hostel Complex for Students of All Kyiv Higher Education Institutions (Українські новини) 11/24/2005
  • Ініціативний бум: влада пропонує студентам вирішувати проблеми «дуетом» (Україна молода) 11/24/2005
  • Контрабандна дипломатія: унікальну колекцію антикваріату, яку незаконно намагалася вивезти бельгійська дипломатка з України, передано київським музеям (Україна молода) 11/24/2005
  • Iкони залишилися з нами (День) 11/24/2005
  • Cabinet to Create Database of Ukrainian Songs (Українські новини) 11/24/2005
  • Ukrainian publishers participate in Gaudeamus international book fair in Bucharest (NRCU) 11/24/2005
  • House passes bill on war mistreatment of Ukrainians (CBC News) 11/24/2005
  • Земля з українськими думками: українська присутність на східних окраїнах Польщі — не лише об'єкт досліджень для істориків чи культурознавців, а й жива гілка українського дерева. І Великій Україні слід нарешті згадати про це (Україна молода) 11/24/2005
  • Загадкові сім кілець: на Хортиці археологи й історики чаклують над культовою спорудою, вік якої — понад п'ять тисячоліть (Україна молода) 11/24/2005
  • Lithuanian Seimas recognizes Ukraine’s Holodomor as genocide (5-ий канал) 11/24/2005
  • Литва визнала Голодомор в Україні геноцидом (Кореспондент) 11/24/2005
  • Чому Сталін нас нищив? Соціально-економічний і національний виміри геноциду (ч. 6) (День) 11/24/2005

  • Agreement on NATO/PFP Trust Fund in Ukraine (NATO) 11/23/2005
  • Photo: A red double-decker London Routmaster bus stands at the curbside of a street as people walk by in Ukraine's capital Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Folk art exhibition continues celebration of opening of new Ukrainian Museum facility FOTO/S (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • Archbishop Husar's Orange Revolution of Faith [Op-Ed] (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • Holodomor (Great Famine 1932-33) to be marked by President of Ukraine (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • Нью-Йорк урочисто вшановує пам'ять жертв Голодомору в Україні 1932-33 років (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • Annual Ukrainian Genocide Commemoration held at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko thanks Americans for Holodomor recognition (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • President Bush sends greetings for Holodomor observance (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • Statement by H.E. Valeriy Kuchinsky at the Memorial Service of the Holodomor of 1932-33 at St. Patrick's Cathedral (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • Mayor Bloomberg proclaims Ukrainian Genocide Remembrance Day in New York City (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • Release of Soviet-era Documentary Collection on Holodomor (BRAMA) 11/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks as Georgian Patriarch Ilia II, Rujitsa Djindjic, widow of former Serbian Prime-Minister Zoran Djindjic, Georgian parliament speaker Nino Burjanadze, Estonian President Arnold Ruutel, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and Romanian President Traian Basescu listen to him during a concert in central Tbilisi (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Photo: Estonian President Arnold Ruutel, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko lay the foundation of a freedom monument in Freedom square in central Tbilisi (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Photo: Estonian President Arnold Ruutel, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko lay the foundation of a freedom monument in Freedom square in central Tbilisi (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks at a meeting marking the second anniversary of the Rose Revolution in Tbilisi. Behind Yushchenko is Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. At left is former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Georgia celebrates second anniversary of Rose Revolution (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/23/2005
  • Georgians celebrate Rose revolt (BBC News) 11/23/2005
  • Ющенко вирушив до Грузії (Кореспондент) 11/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's fired top prosecutor Svyatoslav Piskun answers media questions during a news conference in Kiev. Piskun whom President Viktor Yushchenko dismissed last month demanded Wednesday that the government respect a court ruling reinstating him to his job (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Піскун оскаржив не той указ Президента (Кореспондент) 11/23/2005
  • Piskun demands that president restore him to his job (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/23/2005
  • Piskun threatens to liquidate Prosecutor General Collegium (5-ий канал) 11/23/2005
  • Піскун ставить Ющенку ультиматум (Кореспондент) 11/23/2005
  • Piskun Considers Case Against Kolesnykov Partially Fabricated (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Dioxin level in Yushchenko’s blood down 83% over 12 months, data show (Ukrainian Journal) 11/23/2005
  • Security Colonels' Revelations: A Provocation Against Yushchenko? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/23/2005
  • Christian Democratic Union to Contest 2006 Parliamentary Elections in Same Bloc as OUPU, NRU, CUN, and PIEU (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Yushchenko, Tymoshenko call for unity ahead of March 2006 election (Ukrainian Journal) 11/23/2005
  • Yuschenko Calling On People's Power Members to Unite for Parliamentary Election (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Anniversary Turns Kiev Orange Again (Moscow Times) 11/23/2005
  • A Different Maidan Every Time. Anniversary (Kommersant) 11/23/2005
  • Україна відсвяткувала річницю революції (proUA) 11/23/2005
  • На Майдані встановили «Стіну плачу», але сліз не було (Високий замок) 11/23/2005
  • The Orange Revolution, One Year On (Moscow Times) 11/23/2005
  • Iєн Боуг: Не варто бути критичними, якщо не всі сподівання справдилися (День) 11/23/2005
  • Bush Hails Ukraine's Orange Revolution Anniversary (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Interior Ministry Records No Disorders During Freedom Day Celebration (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Bratstvo: 9 released, 2 will spend 5 days in jail (5-ий канал) 11/23/2005
  • «День сьомий»: за півкроку до громадянської війни. Сенсації 28 листопада (Україна молода) 11/23/2005
  • Talks aim to prevent Yanukovych from future government, aide says (Ukrainian Journal) 11/23/2005
  • Микола Томенко: Краще брати в полон, аніж працювати зi зрадниками (Україна молода) 11/23/2005
  • Kostusev to Vacate Post of Soyuz Party Chairman (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Ukraine, Romania Plan to Set Up Yuschenko-Basescu Commission on December 2 (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Особлива думка: Київ відмовляється спостерігати за виборами «під крилом» СНД (День) 11/23/2005
  • Russian MPs act to 'curb' NGOs (BBC News) 11/23/2005
  • Russia to curb foreign-funded NGOs (Reuters) 11/23/2005
  • Three Illegals Freeze to Death on Ukraine-Slovakia Border in Zakarpattia Region (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • National TV Council Issues Warning to Gala Radio for Breach of Broadcasting Terms (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Ukrainian political circles show solidarity with Syria (Arabic News) 11/23/2005
  • Foreign Ministry Searches for Ukrainians Among Those Suffered in Railway Wreck in Turkey (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Melitopol: Police bust car 'theft and ransom' ring, gang leader still at large (5-ий канал) 11/23/2005
  • Power down in 125 communities in Sumy, Kharkiv and Poltava oblasts (5-ий канал) 11/23/2005
  • 125 Localities De-Energized Because of Bad Weather in Sumy, Poltava, Kharkiv Regions (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Health Ministry Suspends Directive That Changed Rules for Training in Medical Schools (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Health Ministry reforms: more specializations in education, shorter internships (5-ий канал) 11/23/2005
  • Yuschenko Forecasts 4-4.5% GDP Growth and 8-8.5% Inflation Growth for 2005 (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Німецький експерт позитивно оцінює розвиток економіки України (Deutsche Welle) 11/23/2005
  • Ющенко відзвітувався про процес виконання програми 'Десять кроків назустріч людям' (Кореспондент) 11/23/2005
  • Russia Insists on Monetary Payment for Gas (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Russian premier postpones Ukraine visit due to natural gas negotiations (5-ий канал) 11/23/2005
  • Gas price row postpones Russia PM visit to Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Russian PM postpones visit on gas dispute (Ukrainian Journal) 11/23/2005
  • Turkmenistan, China to Sign Gas Deal (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Massive miners' strike next year: union (5-ий канал) 11/23/2005
  • Digging in the Pits of Despair (Moscow Times) 11/23/2005
  • Ukraine Seeks Long-Delayed Privatization of Telecommunications Giant Ukrtelekom (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Russia's MTS posts profit gain below expectations (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Stable at 5.0 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Czech Republic's Home Credit Group Seeking to Acquire Bank in Ukraine (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Raiffeisen Bank Posts Drop in 3Q Profit (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/2005
  • Kyiv Wants to Set Limit on Housing Prices on Primary Market (Українські новини) 11/23/2005
  • Single Church in Ukraine to Be 'without Political Interference,' Says Autocephalous Orthodox Head (RISU) 11/23/2005
  • Autocephalous Orthodox Bishops Criticize Address of UOC-KP Head (RISU) 11/23/2005
  • Greek Catholic Chapel in Kyiv Burns Down (RISU) 11/23/2005
  • Evangelicals Struggle for Right to Construct Church in Dnipropetrovsk (RISU) 11/23/2005
  • «Не розумію, для чого займатися справою, від якої тобі важко»: Сергій Жадан про нові книжки, дві українські літератури та ліву ідею (День) 11/23/2005
  • Приватизація законності: чого варті одеситам прокурорські «компроміси»? (Україна молода) 11/23/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian demonstrators hold Orange flags, symbols of last year's Orange Revolution, during a rally at the Independence Square in Kiev. About 100,000 Ukrainians braved freezing temperatures and snow to mark the first anniversary of Ukraine's Orange Revolution (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov sing the Ukrainian national anthem in Independence Square in the capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks as sacked Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko applauds during a huge rally at the Indepedence Square in Kiev. About 100,000 Ukrainians braved freezing temperatures and snow to mark the first anniversary of Ukraine's Orange Revolution (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: One of the leaders of the 'Orange Revolution' and former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko applauds as President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko speaks during rally on Independence Square in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Supporters wave orange flags as they listen to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's address in Independence Square in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: A woman supporter blows a kiss to Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko as he addresses the crowd in Kiev's central Independence square on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Orange Revolution (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Supporters wave orange flags as they listen to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's address in Independence Square in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko addresses the crowd in Independence Square in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Supporters listen to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's address in Independence Square in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko greets the crowd at the Indepedence Square in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko greets sacked Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko during a huge rally at the Independence Square in Kiev. About 100,000 Ukrainians braved freezing temperatures and snow to mark the first anniversary of Ukraine's Orange Revolution (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Sacked Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks during a huge rally at the Indepedence Square in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko shows a thumb up sign holding his son Taras prior to his address to the crowd in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian youth fire sparklers during a rally at the Independence Square in Kiev. Over 100,000 people gathered to mark the first anniversary of Ukraine's Orange Revolution on Tuesday (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Guards carry Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko through the crowd duirng a rally on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Orange Revolution (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Former WBC heavyweight champion Vitaly Klitschko, wearing an orange scarf reading 'Yes! Yushchenko,' leans against his crutch as he participates in a rally in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Thousands are seen in the Independence square in Kiev as Ukraine marks the first anniversary of the Orange Revolution (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Is Ukraine's future still Orange? (UPI) 11/22/2005
  • Orange Revolution Protests Bittersweet (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Sacked PM upstages Yushchenko at mass Ukraine rally (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Ukraine marks Orange Revolution (BBC News) 11/22/2005
  • A changed, but divided Ukraine marks 'orange revolution' anniversary (AFP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Yushchenko marks first Orange anniversary (Financial Times) 11/22/2005
  • Tymoshenko, Yushchenko address Maidan (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Ющенко і Тимошенко виступили на Майдані (Кореспондент) 11/22/2005
  • Виступ Ющенка на Майдані: 'Ну, ще раз крикніть 'Юля!', і я готовий виступати!' (Українська Правда) 11/22/2005
  • Виступ Тимошенко на Майдані: Так, як я підтримала Ющенка – тепер ми мусимо згуртуватися навколо обрання прем’єра (Українська Правда) 11/22/2005
  • У Києвi велелюдно вiдзначено рiчницю Майдану (VOA) 11/22/2005
  • Bush notes Ukraine 'orange revolution' anniversary (AFP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Бiлий дім вiтає Україну з річницею Майдану (VOA) 11/22/2005
  • Bush Praises Ukraine on First Anniversary of 'Orange Revolution'. Senate votes to repeal Ukrainian portion of Jackson-Vanik amendment (USDOS) 11/22/2005
  • [VIDEO] Як Майдан рік тому пiдтримували у США (VOA) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Demonstrators wearing orange symbols laugh as they mark the first anniversary of Ukraine's Orange Revolution in the capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Demonstrators wearing orange symbols share a light moment as they mark the first anniversary of Ukraine's Orange Revolution in the capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: A young man decorated with orange flags smiles during a rally on Independence square in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian women share orange flags and scarves, which became symbols of last year's peaceful revolution against electoral fraud, at the Independence Square in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainians try to get orange flags and scarves, which became symbols of last year's peaceful revolution against electoral fraud, at the Independence Square in Kiev. Ukraine on Tuesday celebrates the revolution's first anniversary (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Ukrainians Mark Orange Revolution Protests (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Річниця Майдану: Київ заповнений людьми (BBC Ukrainian) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Police arrest Russian Orthodox believers in downtown Kiev, during preparations to celebrate the first anniversary of the Orange Revolution street protests that led to reformer Viktor Yushchenko's presidency. Some 25 faithful, mostly elderly women, singing church songs, and carrying church flags, icons and blue-and-white flags of Yushchenko's main rival, the then premier, Viktor Yanukovych, while police surrounded them and bundled them into a police van a few yards from the stage where Yushchenko was expected to address the crowd later in the day (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Bratstvo activists: 63 in police custody (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Police Detain Kyivan Who Made Call About Intention to Bring Bomb to Independence Square in Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Unknown Person Reports Intention to Bring Bomb to Kyiv's Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Kyiv: Minor scuffles in front of Cabinet of Ministers (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Ukraine Celebrating Freedom Day (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Ukraine celebrates Orange Revolution day (Ukrainian Journal) 11/22/2005
  • Kyiv Begins to Celebrate Anniversary of Orange Revolution (UNIAN) 11/22/2005
  • Kyiv: Lutsenko meets Lviv orange activists at train station (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • 78 Buses and 21 Trains Arrived in Kyiv for Celebrating Orange Revolution Anniversary (UNIAN) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: [Pro-Yushchenko] Demonstrators shout slogans during a rally in eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Protesters shout slogans denouncing Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during a rally in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Donetsk: 'Year of maidan – year of deception' (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Донецьк: мітинги були нечисленними (BBC Ukrainian) 11/22/2005
  • Luhansk chooses red, white and blue to mark orange revolution (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Lviv: Ivan Franko University commemorates Day of Svoboda (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • 2,000 People Celebrate Freedom Day in Khmelnytskyi (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Kharkiv: Celebrations postponed until Friday (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, during an interview with The Associated Press in Kiev, Ukraine. Yushchenko, marking the first anniversary of the Orange Revolution protests that helped bring him to power, called on Ukrainians to be proud of the past year's accomplishments and patient while reforms continue (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, during an interview with The Associated Press in Kiev, Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, during an interview with The Associated Press in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Yushchenko Urges Ukrainians to Be Patient (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • New Government Has Radically Changed Ukraine – Yushchenko (UNIAN) 11/22/2005
  • Ющенко: нова влада кардинально змінила атмосферу українського суспільства (proUA) 11/22/2005
  • День Свободи в Кабміні: «дух Майдану» мав у Луценка вигляд фляги, яка рік тому врятувала не одну революційну душу (proUA) 11/22/2005
  • Ukraine Marks One Year Anniversary of Orange Revolution (VOA News) 11/22/2005
  • EU praises Ukraine's orange anniversary (AFP/IOL) 11/22/2005
  • ЄС підтримає Україну в річницю помаранчевої революції (Кореспондент) 11/22/2005
  • Українське вікно у майбутнє (Deutsche Welle) 11/22/2005
  • How Ukraine 'verged on civil war' (BBC News) 11/22/2005
  • Танки Помаранчевої революції. Таємне стає явним: у дні Майдану-2004 танкісти з «Десни» рвалися на своїх бойових машинах у Київ — на штурм Банкової. Їх зупинило лише рішення Віктора Ющенка брати владу без застосування зброї (Україна молода) 11/22/2005
  • Repeat tests find dioxin in Yushchenko's body (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Tests Confirm Existence of Traces of Dioxin in Yuschenko's Blood (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Експертиза підтвердила отруєння Ющенка діоксином (proUA) 11/22/2005
  • Ющенко назвав головних фальсифікаторів президентських виборів (Кореспондент) 11/22/2005
  • Луценко здивований заявами Ківалова (proUA) 11/22/2005
  • Луценко: Піскун винен в тому, що бандити не сидять у в’язницях (proUA) 11/22/2005
  • Бандити ще не в тюрмах... Каральний меч правосуддя поки не очистив найбрудніші вибори в історії України (Україна молода) 11/22/2005
  • Антиутопія-2004/05: що б могло бути, якби не було перемоги Майдану (Україна молода) 11/22/2005
  • «Янукдот — новий жанр усної народної творчості»: хіт-парад політичних анекдотів періоду виборчої кампанії-2004 (Україна молода) 11/22/2005
  • Хроніка спротиву (Україна молода) 11/22/2005
  • Ukraine assesses 'orange' year (CS Monitor) 11/22/2005
  • Why are Ukrainians disappointed with the Orange Revolution? (RFE/RL) 11/22/2005
  • Two 'orange' weddings: 50% divorce rate (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Deputy PM resigns to run campaign for Yushchenko’s Our Ukraine party (Ukrainian Journal) 11/22/2005
  • Ющенко мав право звільнити Піскуна (proUA) 11/22/2005
  • Piskun, barred from Prosecutor General Office, says may sue Yushchenko (Ukrainian Journal) 11/22/2005
  • The door is open, but still a long way off: Kyiv prepares to host Ukraine-EU summit (День) 11/22/2005
  • Lytvyn, Polish Ambassador Kluczkowski Discuss Ways to Deepen Interparliamentary Cooperation (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Foreign ministry issues reassurances: Over 20 ambassadors to be appointed by year’s end (День) 11/22/2005
  • 5 Hospitalized After Collision of 2 Minibuses in Kyiv Region (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • U.N. report says AIDS epidemic growing in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/22/2005
  • 8 Children Hospitalized for Suspected Hepatitis A in Dnipropetrovsk Region (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Spanish Police Bust Russian-Ukrainian Human Trafficking Ring (MosNews) 11/22/2005
  • Ukraine Might Become a WTO Member This Year – Yushchenko (UNIAN) 11/22/2005
  • Foreign Ministry Reports Ukraine's Annual Losses of USD 8 Billion Through Lack of Status as Market Economy Country and WTO Membership (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Ukraine Ready to Adopt 40 Out of 93 Documents on Common Economic Area (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Українське МЗС про поправку Джексона-Веніка (VOA) 11/22/2005
  • A Gift from America: Jackson-Vanik amendment repealed by half (День) 11/22/2005
  • Jackson-Vanik moves ahead (The Hill) 11/22/2005
  • Chief Rabbi Comments on Likely End of Jackson-Vannik for Ukraine (RISU) 11/22/2005
  • Lifting Jackson Vanik Will Boost U.S.-Ukraine Relations (AJC) 11/22/2005
  • Ukraine pipeline ready for construction (UPI) 11/22/2005
  • Russia Prime Minister Abruptly Postpones Visit to Ukraine Over Gas Dispute (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005
  • Kiev-Moscow pipeline impasse (UPI) 11/22/2005
  • Court backs Lukoil petrochemical unit in Ukraine, averts shutdown (Ukrainian Journal) 11/22/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Stable at 5.0 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Yuschenko Orders Cabinet to Draft Concept for Forming Land Market Before 2006 (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Греко-католицьку каплицю в Києві спалили? (RISU) 11/22/2005
  • Thousands of Orthodox in Kyiv Protest Separating Church from Moscow Patriarchate (RISU) 11/22/2005
  • Holding On Through the Generations: Though rooted in the Old World, Ukrainian Canadians are firmly planted in the new (One) 11/22/2005
  • Kirovohrad Authorities Ban Construction on Holocaust Site (RISU) 11/22/2005
  • The ring’s loss, Ukraine’s gain (Financial Times) 11/22/2005
  • Foreign travel passports not required for Ukrainians entering Russia (5-ий канал) 11/22/2005
  • Protection on paper or, How to save Khortytsia (День) 11/22/2005
  • Yuschenko Announces Minute of Silence in Memory of Victims of Famine, Political Persecution at 16:00 November 26 (Українські новини) 11/22/2005
  • Why did Stalin exterminate the Ukrainians? Comprehending the Holodomor. The position of soviet historians (День) 11/22/2005
  • The most important things remain unsaid (День) 11/22/2005
  • Today in History: 1963 - President Kennedy was shot to death while riding in a motorcade in Dallas; 2004 - Tens of thousands of demonstrators jammed downtown Kiev, denouncing Ukraine's presidential runoff election as fraudulent and chanting the name of their reformist candidate, Viktor Yushchenko, who ended up winning a revote the following month. (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2005

  • Lifting Jackson Vanik Will Boost U.S.-Ukraine Relations (AJC) 11/21/2005
  • USTR urges House action on Ukraine trade status (Reuters/ABC) 11/21/2005
  • Photo: Canadian top model Daria Werbowy speaks at a news conference as the new face of Lancome's advertising campaign (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Photo: Canadian top model Daria Werbowy speaks at a news conference as the new face of Lancome's advertising campaign, in Moscow. Werbowy, who grew up in Canada is of Ukrainian origin and was born in Poland. (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Revisiting the Orange Revolution, Part One: Considerable Gains Made (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks to reporters during an interview in his office in Kiev. Yushchenko told Reuters he would regain public support and win a parliamentary election in 2006 (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko signs an Orange flag, a symbol of last year's Orange Revolution (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Yushchenko Vows to Win Polls (RFE/RL) 11/21/2005
  • A changed, subdued Ukraine marks 'orange revolution' anniversary (AFP/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Ukraine Marks Orange Revolution (AP/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Ukrainian Woman Campaigns for President [Praskoviya Korolyuk - Orange Baba] (AP/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Holovatyi Protests Court Verdict on Unlawful Dismissal of Piskun from Prosecutor General's Post (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Piskun not allowed back to Prosecutor General’s Office despite court ruling (5-ий канал) 11/21/2005
  • Guards of Prosecutor General's Office Bar Piskun from Entering (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Moroz Says Rada Will Settle Situation at Prosecutor General's Office (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Kiev court ruling may lead to dueling prosecutors; minister to appeal (Ukrainian Journal) 11/21/2005
  • Піскун повертається з вендетою (Львівська газета) 11/21/2005
  • Кабінетний мачо: Арсеній Яценюк (Галицькі контракти) 11/21/2005
  • «Селекціонер» Ющенко: стратегія переманювання (proUA) 11/21/2005
  • Vice-premier Bezsmertny resigns to focus on campaign duties (5-ий канал) 11/21/2005
  • Bezsmertnyi Resigns to Concentrate on Elections (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Безсмертний переходить на роботу в кампанiї (VOA) 11/21/2005
  • Tymoshenko wants new constitution in Ukraine after elections (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2005
  • Тимошенко хоче нову Конституцію (Кореспондент) 11/21/2005
  • Tymoshenko says court has cleared her of old criminal cases (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/21/2005
  • Graft charge splits Tymoshenko group (Ukrainian Journal) 11/21/2005
  • Випрані думки: вибори — це соціальна технологія, на якій можна непогано заробити (Галицькі контракти) 11/21/2005
  • Три відсотки для попелюшки: Ольга Балакірєва розповіла Контрактам про те, як деякі її колеги заробляють на статистичній похибці та довірчому інтервалі (Галицькі контракти) 11/21/2005
  • Навіщо надуваються рейтинги (Галицькі контракти) 11/21/2005
  • Photo: A young activist of the 'Pora' movement ('It's time') chants slogans demanding the removal of the fence surrounding the presidential administration during the rally in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Photo: 'Pora' youth movement activists wave their flag in front of the presidential administration building (AP/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Photo: 'Pora' youth movement activists wave their flags in front of the presidential administration building in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Photo: Activists of 'Pora' movement ('It's time') chant slogans demanding the removal of the fence surrounding the presidential administration during a rally in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Pora Refuses to Cut Fence Near Presidential Secretariat After Rybachuk Promised to Always Leave Its Gate Open (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • 'Take down this fence' – Yellow Pora to Yushchenko (5-ий канал) 11/21/2005
  • Pora Puts Up Tent Camp in Downtown Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Pora to Cut Off Fence around Presidential Secretariat on Bankova Street (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • How to make a difference? EU-Ukrainian negotiations on facilitation of visa regime (EurActiv) 11/21/2005
  • One Year After Maidan: Same Road, Same Deadlock (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/21/2005
  • Ukraine cherishes orange sounds (BBC News) 11/21/2005
  • Donetsk blue and white, not orange, one year after (5-ий канал) 11/21/2005
  • Kyiv Forbids Transport Traffic in Independence Square November 22 Because of Orange Revolution Anniversary (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Ukraine Marks Revolution Anniversary as Holiday (RFE/RL) 11/21/2005
  • Ukrainians, Georgians See Few Social, Economic Improvements After Revolutions (RFE/RL) 11/21/2005
  • Lazarenko vs. Potebenko: December 6 court date (5-ий канал) 11/21/2005
  • Kyiv Decides to Erect Memorial Sign to Chornovil at Corner of Hrushevskoho Street and Muzeinyi Lane by December 24 (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Батогом і пряником (Львівська газета) 11/21/2005
  • Armenian and Ukrainian Speakers Signed Memorandum on Interparliamentary Cooperation (PanArmenian Network) 11/21/2005
  • Yuschenko Designates December 22 as Day of Diplomatic Service Workers (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • UN to Announce Data on HIV/AIDS in Ukraine on Monday (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Ukrainians work in serf-like conditions, exploited by agencies (Prague Daily Monitor) 11/21/2005
  • USTR urges House action on Ukraine trade status (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/21/2005
  • Пайфер про річницю Майдану, поправку Джексона-Венiка (VOA) 11/21/2005
  • Експерти вітають скасування поправки Джексона-Веніка (Deutsche Welle) 11/21/2005
  • U.S. Senate approves motion seeking Jackson-Vanik repeal for Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 11/21/2005
  • Jackson-Vanik Amendment Dropped for Ukraine (Kommersant) 11/21/2005
  • Top Russian Official 'Bewildered' by U.S. Lifting Soviet-Era Curb Off Ukraine (MosNews) 11/21/2005
  • Antimonopoly Committee Starts Investigating Situation on Retail Market of Liquefied Natural Gas in Chernihiv Region (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate 1.5 Kopeck Up to 5.0 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/21/2005
  • Ігор Бондарчук: 'Ліквідація Держкомрелігій і створення на його базі Держдепрелігій є наочним свідченням тієї уваги, яку керівництво країни приділяє питанням подальшої гармонізації державно-конфесійних відносин' (RISU) 11/21/2005
  • Terms of Endearment (Transitions Online) 11/21/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Head Calls Ukrainian Autocephalous to Unite without Bishops (RISU) 11/21/2005
  • Orthodox to Defend Their Rights in Ukraine (RISU) 11/21/2005
  • Вогонь і провокації (Львівська газета) 11/21/2005
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholics Again Refute 'Claims' on St. Sophia’s (RISU) 11/21/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Concerned over St Sophia’s (RISU) 11/21/2005
  • Ukraine to Have Own Copy of Shroud of Turin (RISU) 11/21/2005
  • Court Lets Crimean Tatars Move Market from Cemetery (RISU) 11/21/2005
  • Ukrainian Interchurch Council Opposes Pagan Construction in Vinnytsia (RISU) 11/21/2005
  • Museum Director Showcases Ukrainian Arts and Crafts in Modern New Facility (VOA News) 11/21/2005
  • Russia! Ballet to babushkas (IH Tribune) 11/21/2005
  • Ціна геніальності: кільком українцям радянської епохи отримати Нобелівську премію завадили обставини, певною мірою фатальні. Натомість серед Нобелівських лауреатів Контракти знайшли чимало вихідців з України (Галицькі контракти) 11/21/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and his wife Kateryna dance at a charity ball in Kiev. Charitable contributions and the money from tickets sale for the ball are to go towards the funding of new newborn intensive care units (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Photo: Protesters against Viktor Yushchenko's policies wave during a rally in the main square of the Ukrainian capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian holds two portraits of the Russian emperor and empress, who were murdered by Communists, during a protest against Viktor Yushchenko on the main square of the Ukrainian capital Kiev. The party that sponsored the rally is pro-Russian and supports closer ties between Ukraine and Russia. It condemns Yushchenko's pro-western policies. Many supporters were also holding Russian flags. About 5,000 left-wing opposers came to downtown Kiev, two days before the first anniversary of the Orange Revolution (AP/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian with a donkey passes by the anti-Yushchenko demonstration on the main square of the Ukrainian capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Hundreds of Leftists Rally in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Акції на відзнаку і проти річниці Майдану (BBC Ukrainian) 11/20/2005
  • МЗС не бачить перешкод скасуванню Джексона-Веніка (BBC Ukrainian) 11/20/2005
  • Senate votes to repeal Jackson Vanik, grant PNTR to Ukraine (5-ий канал) 11/20/2005
  • U.S. Senate Repeals Jackson-Vanik Amendment for Ukraine (Українські новини) 11/20/2005
  • Photo: Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine's western-leaning opposition reformer, gestures as he addresses a crowd at Kiev's main Independence square, accusing authorities of rigging the presidential vote, in this Monday, Nov. 22, 2004, file photo. Ukraine will celebrate first anniversary of the 'orange revolution' Nov. 22, 2005. President Viktor Yushchenko called for making the anniversary of the Orange Revolution a new state holiday, urging the nation to celebrate its achievements and not get bogged down by disappointment (AP/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Photo: Hundreds of tents and thousands of demonstrators are seen in the main street of the Ukrainian capital Kiev, in this Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2004 file photograph as they protest alleged fraud in the presidential elections and to support opposition presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko (AP/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Річниця Майдану: думки Валдаса Адамкуса (VOA) 11/20/2005
  • Year on, mystery still shrouds poisoning of Ukraine's president (AFP/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Ukraine's 'orange princess' still a major political force (AFP/Yahoo) 11/20/2005
  • Zinchenko Has No Plans to Run for Parliament in Bloc with BYT (Українські новини) 11/20/2005
  • People's Democratic Party Intends to Run for Parliament in 2006 Independently (Українські новини) 11/20/2005
  • МВС розглядає версію імітації замаху на життя у справі Крижанівського (proUA) 11/20/2005
  • Orange That Inspired Ukraine Scarcely Visible in Azerbaijan (Wash Post) 11/20/2005
  • Україна представлена на авiашоу у Дубаї (VOA) 11/20/2005
  • Kyiv - Ukrainian Greek Catholic chapel lost in fire (5-ий канал) 11/20/2005
  • A Synod on the Eastern Churches: Interview with Cardinal Lubomyr Husar (30 Giorni) 11/20/2005
  • Німецька лайка збагатить українську мову? (Deutsche Welle) 11/20/2005
  • Фільм про те, як британські актори зустрілися з українською мафією (Deutsche Welle) 11/20/2005

  • Photo: Praskoviya Korolyuk, affectionally called Baba (Grandma) Paraska gestures during an interview with the Associated Press in Kiev. Korolyuk has become the most recognizable veteran of the Orange Revolution - the massive protests that arose after a fraud-riddled presidential election and forced a rerun that Yushchenko won. She regularly captures headlines for her tireless travels around the country to bolster support for Yushchenko, whose popularity has fallen as the esprit of the protests faded (AP/Yahoo) 11/19/2005
  • Photo: Praskoviya Korolyuk, affectionally called Baba (Grandma) Paraska gestures during a taxi drivers protest in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/19/2005
  • Сенат США скасовує поправку Джексона-Венiка щодо України (VOA) 11/19/2005
  • Головатий: Піскун не може бути відновлений до закінчення розгляду судових позовів (proUA) 11/19/2005
  • Утретє в ту саму річку: Шевченківський райсуд Києва вчора поновив Піскуна на посаді Генпрокурора. Хто тепер Медведько? (Україна молода) 11/19/2005
  • Україна — Франція: укотре почнемо спочатку (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/19/2005
  • Yuschenko Says Kazakhstan's Economic and Internal Policies Are Successful (Українські новини) 11/19/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks to journalists in Kiev as her husband, Oleksandr, listens. Tymoshenko said that Ukraine's Supreme Court on Friday canceled all old criminal cases against her and her family that had been opened under former President Leonid Kuchma (AP/Yahoo) 11/19/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko listens for a question during a news conference in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/19/2005
  • Regions Party, New Democracy Agree on Unification (Українські новини) 11/19/2005
  • Партія Кушнарьова увійшла до Партії Регіонів, а Партія патріотичних сил Зінченка не йтиме на вибори з БЮТ (BBC Ukrainian) 11/19/2005
  • Зінченко не піде в блоці з Тимошенко на вибори-2006 (proUA) 11/19/2005
  • «Наша Україна» пропонує БЮТ іти на вибори разом (Кореспондент) 11/19/2005
  • OUPU Reelects Presidium (Українські новини) 11/19/2005
  • Рік після Майдану: повторення непройденого (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/19/2005
  • Yuschenko Establishes Day of Freedom on November 22 (Українські новини) 11/19/2005
  • Tymoshenko Intends to Celebrate Anniversary of Orange Revolution on Maidan Nezalezhnosti on November 22 (Українські новини) 11/19/2005
  • One year on, the orange uprising leaves a bitter aftertaste (Guardian) 11/19/2005
  • Thousands in fresh Azeri protest (BBC News) 11/19/2005
  • In Russia, Pro-Democracy Groups Hear Tick-Tick-Tick (LA Times) 11/19/2005
  • 15.4-pound boy born in Ukraine (UPI) 11/19/2005
  • Russia Ready to Buy 12 Billion kWh of Electricity from Ukraine Annually (Українські новини) 11/19/2005
  • Yekhanurov Initiates Soft Loans to Public for Replacement of Windows and Central Heating Radiators as Energy Saving Measure (Українські новини) 11/19/2005
  • Yuschenko Wishes Meteorologists Achievements in Work on Occasion of Their Vocational Holiday (Українські новини) 11/19/2005
  • Предстоятель УАПЦ: 'Єдина Помісна Православна Церква в Україні буде. Але, без втручання політичних сил...' (RISU) 11/19/2005
  • Андрей Шептицький і дилема гуманістичного вибору (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/19/2005
  • Помаранчеве кіно: творці одразу трьох художніх фільмів за мотивами минулорічної революції на Майдані розповідають «УМ» про цікаві деталі своїх проектів (Україна молода) 11/19/2005
  • Світ повинен це пам’ятати: про юридичну кваліфікацію Голодомору (День) 11/19/2005
  • Інститут національної пам’яті як засіб зцілення від пострадянської ментальності? (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/19/2005

  • Lugar Praises Repeal of Jackson-Vanik on Ukraine (Website) 11/18/2005
  • Photo: Mykola Belchenko, 69, looks at shoes from his collection in his one-room apartment in Kiev. The former shoe-maker has over 10,000 pairs of shoes, which he has been collecting since 1992 (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/18/2005
  • Holovatyi to Appeal Against Court Decision That Declared Piskun's Dismissal from Post of Prosecutor General Illegal (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • Головатий: Першу битву з Піскуном ми програли, але війну виграємо (Кореспондент) 11/18/2005
  • Ющенко вважає законним своє рішення про звільнення Піскуна (proUA) 11/18/2005
  • Court Rules That Piskun Was Illegally Dismissed from Post of Prosecutor General (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • Shevchenkivski District Court of Kyiv Restored Piskun to Post of Prosecutor General (UNIAN) 11/18/2005
  • Матвієнка призначено заступником Рибачука (Кореспондент) 11/18/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev during their meeting in Mariinsky Palace in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/18/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and his Kazakh counterpart Nursultan Nazarbayev inspect the guard of honour during a welcoming ceremony at Mariinsky Palace in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/18/2005
  • Україна і Казахстан про енергетику (BBC Ukrainian) 11/18/2005
  • Photo: Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev addresses Ukraine's parliament in Kiev. The Kazakh leader called on Ukraine to support a loose economic union of former former Soviet republics (AP/Yahoo) 11/18/2005
  • Kazakh president urges Ukraine to join ex-Soviet economic bloc (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/18/2005
  • Nazarbayev Delivered Speech in Chamber of Ukrainian Parliament (UNIAN) 11/18/2005
  • Лілія Григорович: 'Сталося так, що «контрольний пакет» у НСНУ отримав Порошенко'. Членкиня ради «Народного союзу «Наша Україна» розповідає про очищення керівництва партії, найбільшу помилку Порошенка, недоступність Зінченка, майбутні вибори і про кінець розчарування після «помаранчевого» медового місяця (Україна молода) 11/18/2005
  • Voters' Committee Recommending Parties Sign Fair Election Treaty (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • Результати експертизи щодо отруєння Ющенка оприлюднять через кілька днів (Кореспондент) 11/18/2005
  • Majority disappointed one year after Orange Revolution: poll (5-ий канал) 11/18/2005
  • Ukraine's reform euphoria falters [AP] (Chicago Tribune) 11/18/2005
  • «Світ — за межами нашого болю»: Борис Олійник про вимоги Європи, надії Майдану і власний вибір (День) 11/18/2005
  • Falling on Deaf Ears (Ukrainian Observer) 11/18/2005
  • Як вiдзначатимуть рiчницю Майдану? (VOA) 11/18/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Moskal Luhansk Governor (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • Russia's Ukrainian gamble (Ukrainian Observer) 11/18/2005
  • Ukraine and Russia Sign Regulations on Yuschenko-Putin Commission (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • Beijing concerned about ‘colour revolution’ (Financial Times) 11/18/2005
  • World Bank Extends USD 99.4 Million to Ukraine to Streamline Its System of Social Assistance (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • Kyiv to Build State Health Center for Mothers and Children in Troeschyna (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • Nazarbayev Talks Gas Transit in Kiev (AP/Moscow Times) 11/18/2005
  • Poland intends to cut reliance on Russian gas (IH Tribune) 11/18/2005
  • Russia Plans to Use Turkey as Hub for Gas (NY Times) 11/18/2005
  • Ukrainian Lawmakers Refuse to Reconsider Bill on Scrap-Metal Exports, Though Needed to Join WTO (AP/Yahoo) 11/18/2005
  • Yuschenko Directs Cabinet to Propose Mechanism for Legalizing 1994-2004 Privatizations to Parliament by March (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • During 10 Months of 2005, Kryvorozhstal Received 1.8 Billion hryvnias of Revenue (UNIAN) 11/18/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate 1.5 Kopeck Down to 5.0150 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • ZAZ to Halt Production of Tavria Cars by 2010 (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • Тривожний ювілей: в Українському домі відзначали 40-ву річницю з часу оприлюднення знаменитої праці Івана Дзюби «Інтернаціоналізм чи русифікація?» (День) 11/18/2005
  • Сашко Положинський: «В українській історії є сюжети на кілька десятків таких фільмів, як «Хоробре серце» з Мелом Гібсоном...» (День) 11/18/2005
  • U.S. House of Representatives Allows Ukrainian Officials to Establish 1932-1933 Famine Memorial in Washington (Українські новини) 11/18/2005
  • 'Light a Candle' Action to Be Held in Ukraine in Memory of Holodomor Victims (UNIAN) 11/18/2005
  • Uprooted Lemkos (Radio Polonia) 11/18/2005
  • Early European Travels to Ukraine (Ukrainian Observer) 11/18/2005
  • Легендарний вождь Вогнебога (День) 11/18/2005
  • Чистота крові (День) 11/18/2005
  • The Comic Book King (Ukrainian Observer) 11/18/2005

  • Ukrainian celebrities visit NATO (NATO) 11/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian juggler Victor Kee performs during the Canadian company Cirque de Soliel's futuristic fantasy show, 'Dralion', an eclectic mix of Eastern circus traditions and avant-garde Western post-modernism, in Bilbao (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/17/2005
  • Головатий: виконуючи зобов’язання перед Радою Європи, Україна наближається до ЄС (proUA) 11/17/2005
  • Ukraine President Met Jacques Chirac (UNIAN) 11/17/2005
  • Не в тому місці й не в той час? (День) 11/17/2005
  • Маркіян Лубківський: Вiзит абсолютно своєчасний (День) 11/17/2005
  • Борис Тарасюк: «Шлях України до ЄС та НАТО почався з Ради Європи» (День) 11/17/2005
  • У Києві відбулися перші україно-німецькі парламентські слухання (Deutsche Welle) 11/17/2005
  • Twenty-three new ambassadors to be appointed by year’s end (5-ий канал) 11/17/2005
  • Rada to Debate Foreign Intelligence Bill Thursday (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Ukraine Inviting Council of Europe to Monitor Rada Elections in 2006 (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Six parties would qualify for Rada if elections were held in November (5-ий канал) 11/17/2005
  • Party of the Regions, Batkivschyna, OUPU, CPU, SPU, and People's Party Will Be Elected to Parliament, According to Poll by Razumkov Center (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Борис Тарасюк: Передвиборчі події відбуваються за нашим сценарієм (Україна молода) 11/17/2005
  • «Оголосіть, будь ласка, весь список!» Хто штурмуватиме парламент-2006 у виборчих когортах партій і блоків? Першою принципи формування свого списку оприлюднила «Наша Україна» (Україна молода) 11/17/2005
  • Жванія і Третяков переконували комісію ВР, що Березовський бреше (proUA) 11/17/2005
  • Кравчук: Я не казав, що Березовський давав гроші Ющенку (Кореспондент) 11/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian reporters hold ropes during a protest near the parliament in Kiev. Leading reporters staged a rally to protest against curbs on media activities during the campaigning for parliamentary election next year (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/17/2005
  • Yuschenko Welcomes Parliament Decision to Permit Mass Media to Comment On and Assess Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Journalists can comment on political parties and programs: Rada (5-ий канал) 11/17/2005
  • Rada Authorizes Mass Media to Comment On and Evaluate Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Депутати відмовляються обмежувати свої пенсії (proUA) 11/17/2005
  • Мирослав Маринович: Майдан — це винятково українська iсторiя, що вже не є спiльною з Росiєю (Україна молода) 11/17/2005
  • 'Orange Train' to Leave for Kyiv from Lviv on 21 November (UNIAN) 11/17/2005
  • Political murder theory in 1999 Chornovil killing (5-ий канал) 11/17/2005
  • Lukashenko says Belarus opposition has no backing (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/17/2005
  • Ukraine and Belarus Wish to Jointly Manufacture Military Equipment to Sell It to Third Countries (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • New anti-corruption measures in military announced (5-ий канал) 11/17/2005
  • Hrytsenko, Lutsenko and Drizhchanyi Outline Directions for Fighting Corruption in Army (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Ukrainian Peacekeepers in Iraq Cede Stabilization Duties in Wasit Province to Iraqi Army (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Beijing blocks foreign newspapers (Financial Times) 11/17/2005
  • 'Treason' rises in Africa (CS Monitor) 11/17/2005
  • Ukrainian city wants to reclaim its past (IH Tribune) 11/17/2005
  • Kyiv Council Will Not Consider Creation of Executive Committee (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian Emergency Ministry officer neutralizes an unexploded shell during an exercise near Bila Tserkva, 100km south of the Ukrainian capital Kiev. Exercises were organized to fight with possible emergency situations in the country (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Emergency Ministry servicemen in protective suits extinguish the fire during an exercise near Bila Tserkva (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/17/2005
  • Four People Dead, Two in Hospital After Traffic Accident in Kharkiv Region (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Україна приєдналася до конвенції з протидії торгівлі людьми (Кореспондент) 11/17/2005
  • Павленко доручив виявити гендерні дискримінації в Україні (proUA) 11/17/2005
  • New pensions for 'Hero Mothers' - 5 children or more (5-тй канал) 11/17/2005
  • Health Ministry Concerned With Increased Maternal and Infant Mortality (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Balkan, Black Sea health officials to discuss avian flu steps (AFP/Yahoo) 11/17/2005
  • Тарасюк: 2006 року Україна може стати членом СОТ (Кореспондент) 11/17/2005
  • Yekhanurov Says Kazakhstan Is One of Main Economic Partners of Ukraine (UNIAN) 11/17/2005
  • Ukrainian President Took Part in Energy Forum (UNIAN) 11/17/2005
  • Ukrnafta criminal investigation: UAH 5.5 mln in damages (5-ий канал) 11/17/2005
  • Ukraine Prime Minister Calls on Business Leaders to Stop Paying Salaries Under the Table (AP/Yahoo) 11/17/2005
  • Yekhanurov Calls On Entrepreneurs to Legalize Wages of Employees (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Rada Refuses to Allow Foreign Banks to Open Affiliates in Ukraine (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate 3 Kopecks Firmer at 5 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Архієпископ Ігор Ісиченко про проблеми об'єднання православ'я (BBC Ukrainian) 11/17/2005
  • Об'єднання УАПЦ з УПЦ КП не буде (BBC Ukrainian) 11/17/2005
  • Об`єднання православ`я в Українi вiдкладається (VOA) 11/17/2005
  • Прибирання єдності: об'єднання гілок православ'я можливе після очищення від марноти і «політики» (Україна молода) 11/17/2005
  • Russian Orthodox Won’t Discuss Constantinople’s Interference in Ukraine (RISU) 11/17/2005
  • Greek Catholic Head Calls for Joint Prayer for Ukraine Before Elections (RISU) 11/17/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox to Avoid Politics (RISU) 11/17/2005
  • Russian Orthodox Head Receives Lutheran Delegation from Ukraine (RISU) 11/17/2005
  • Cornerstone for Pagan Temple Laid in Vinnytsia (RISU) 11/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian students look at a giant notebook near the 'Lviv Politekhnika' university in the western Ukrainian town of Lviv. More than 120 students from 12 universities participated in making Ukraine's largest notebook, which is more than 22 meters long and over 3 meters wide (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/17/2005
  • Yuschenko Congratulates Students on Student Day; Calls for Activeness and Patriotism (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Cabinet Confirms State Program of IT Introduction in Educational and Science by 2011 (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Man memorizes Pi to half a million decimal places (5-ий канал) 11/17/2005
  • Long-distance listening (Prague Post) 11/17/2005
  • Russia Calls On Ukrainian Officials to Punish Attackers of Russian Culture Center in Lviv (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • Transport Ministry to List Toilets, TV Sets, Air Conditioners Among Necessities of Inter-City Buses (Українські новини) 11/17/2005
  • У Севастополі протестують проти встановлення пам’ятника російській імператриці Катерині ІІ (Deutsche Welle) 11/17/2005
  • У Вашингтонi буде пам`ятник жертвам Голодомору (VOA) 11/17/2005
  • Чому Сталін нас нищив? Iдеологічний вимір геноциду (ч. 5) (День) 11/17/2005

  • From the Brama archive: Ukraine’s First President – Symon Petliura [FOTO/S] (BRAMA) 11/16/2005
  • New folkart exhibit promises cultural extravaganza FOTO/S (BRAMA) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko addresses reporters following his meeting with French President Jacques Chirac at the Elysee Palace in Paris (AP/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: French President Jacques Chirac escorts Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko outside the Elysee Palace after their meeting in Paris (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: French President Jacques Chirac greets Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko at the Elysee Palace in Paris (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: French President Jacques Chirac greets Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko on the steps of the Elysee Palace in Paris (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: French President Jacques Chirac greets Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko in the courtyard of the Elysee Palace in Paris (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko reviews troops upon his arrival at the Elysee Palace in Paris (AP/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with Louis Schweitzer, the president of the French business organization Medef International in Paris (AFP/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and his wife Kateryna lay flowers at the tomb of Ukrainian politician Simon Petlyura in Paris (AP/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko lays flowers to the tomb of Simon Petlyura, a renowned politician who fought for Ukraine's independence after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, in Paris. Yushchenko is in France on a two-day working visit. [BRAMA note: Petliura's gravesite is in Montparnasse Cemetery; Symon Petliura is identified as 'Ukrainian President'] (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko in Paris for energy talks (AFP/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Ukraine’s Political Course Is Not Against Russia – Yushchenko (UNIAN) 11/16/2005
  • President Yushchenko in France for two-day working visit (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • Борис Тарасюк: Франція зацікавлена в Україні, в її прагненнях (BBC Ukrainian) 11/16/2005
  • Маркіян Лубківський: президент - автор дипломатичного успіху (BBC Ukrainian) 11/16/2005
  • Чого очікує Євросоюз від України напередодні самміту 'Україна – ЄС'? (Радіо Свобода) 11/16/2005
  • Tarasiuk Forecasting Ukraine's Admission into European Union in 2015 (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • EU may grant market economy status to Ukraine in December (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • European Commission Plans to Start Visa Facilitation Talks with Ukraine on November 20 (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • 'Україна буде готова до Плану дій щодо НАТО в квітні' - Кириченко (BBC Ukrainian) 11/16/2005
  • Григорій Явлінський: Усе, що у вас відбувається, має значення не лише для самої України (Україна молода) 11/16/2005
  • Bezsmertnyi Goes On Leave (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Attempt to purge Yushchenko party fails (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/16/2005
  • Борис Тарасюк: «Народний рух завоював гідне місце в історії» (Високий замок) 11/16/2005
  • Russia will not interfere in Ukraine parliamentary elections (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • Yuschenko to Deliver Speech on Kyiv's Maidan Nezalezhnosti at 8 p.m., November 22 (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Organizers of Orange Revolution Anniversary Celebrations Endorse Festival Program (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • 1st anniversary Orange Revolution celebrations will be paid for by Nasha Ukrayina (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • Opposition party demands dismissal of Interior Minister Lutsenko (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • Police Bring Action for Armed Assault on Ex-Security Service Colonel Kryzhanivskyi (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Президент призначив суддів КСУ (День) 11/16/2005
  • Rada to Consider Temporary Procedure of Financing Judicial Power on Wednesday (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Soviet Leftovers, Where Statecraft Is Stagecraft (NY Times) 11/16/2005
  • Official comments may indicate softer line in Azerbaijan criticism (Ukrainian Journal) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: A young Ukrainian woman activist from the PORA Youth movement lights a candle in central Kiev. PORA, which spearheaded protests during Ukraine's Orange Revolution last year, will organise rallies in Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic countries and in Brussels to voice support for the Belarussian opposition party ahead of the presidential election next year (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: Activists from the PORA Youth movement light candles in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Ukrainian and Belarusian Defense Ministries Agree on Cooperation for 2006 (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Defense Ministry Initiating Organization of Ukrainian Officers' Training in NATO Member Countries in 2006 (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Ukraine Dumps Conscription, Fast (Website) 11/16/2005
  • Government owes Kyiv city UAH 972 mln: court (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • Crimean Parliament wants greater powers (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • SBU and Police Detain Drugstore Pharmacist for Illegally Selling Tramadol in Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • 10 Hospitalized Because of Bus Fire in Donetsk (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • UN General Assembly Calls On International Community to Support Countries Affected by Chornobyl Nuclear Accident (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Infant mortality rates on the rise (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • Kinakh calls for doubling of AIDS prevention money in 2006 budget (Ukrainian Journal) 11/16/2005
  • Business Roundtable Discusses HIV Epidemic in Ukraine; Official Calls For More Funding to Fight Disease (Kaizer Network) 11/16/2005
  • Вступ України до СОТ залежить від Верховної Ради, США й Австралії (Кореспондент) 11/16/2005
  • EU Expects Ukraine to Join WTO Shortly (UNIAN) 11/16/2005
  • Lawmakers give nod to three WTO bills (Ukrainian Journal) 11/16/2005
  • Government Was Wrong to Close Free Economic Zones – Yushchenko (UNIAN) 11/16/2005
  • Cabinet Intends to Sign Memorandum on Compensations for Special Economic Zone Abolition with Investors (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Yatseniuk: No Grounds to Return All Privileges to Subjects, Working in Free Economic Zones (UNIAN) 11/16/2005
  • Russian will not raise natural gas prices: Naftohaz Ukrayiny CEO (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • Russia and Ukraine to proceed with $560 mln gas pipeline project (Ukrainian Journal) 11/16/2005
  • Ukraine's Government Wants to Cover Budget Deficits With Windfall From Steel Mill Sale (AP/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Ukraine uses 82.4% of EU steel quota (Interfax-Russia) 11/16/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Remains at 5.0300 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia are the only CIS countries implementing reforms – EBRD (Website) 11/16/2005
  • German Investors Doubtful of Reforms in Ukraine (Deutsche Welle) 11/16/2005
  • Українська економіка. Рік змін (Deutsche Welle) 11/16/2005
  • Foreign direct investment slows in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 11/16/2005
  • Ericsson Signs Network Deal for Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • Ericsson in $200M deal in Ukraine (UPI) 11/16/2005
  • Photo: A newly wed couple react as they leave the Mikhaylo Gold Cupolas Cathedral in Kiev after their wedding ceremony in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/16/2005
  • В очікуванні об’єднавчого Собору (День) 11/16/2005
  • Greek Catholic Church Not Demanding Transfer of St Sophia’s in Kyiv (RISU) 11/16/2005
  • Orthodox, Catholics Pray Together in Kyiv (RISU) 11/16/2005
  • Police Detain Man on Suspicion of Stealing Gold and Silver from Sviatopokrovskyi Church in Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Presbyterians of Ukraine Ask for President’s Help (RISU) 11/16/2005
  • Israel Calling On Ukraine to Close Interregional Personnel Management Academy Because of Anti-Semitic Publications (Українські новини) 11/16/2005
  • Former Culture Minster Bilozir back in politics (5-ий канал) 11/16/2005
  • [PDF] Soyuzivka's Halloween recap - photos (Website) 11/16/2005
  • Our neighbors - The Ukrainians [Atanas T. Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 11/16/2005
  • «Прикро, що про цей геноцид не може говорити український парламент» (Україна молода) 11/16/2005
  • On this day: 1994 – Ukrainian parliament approves Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (Sunday Mail) 11/16/2005

  • Jurors Announced for $25,000 Kobzar Literary Award 2006 (BRAMA) 11/15/2005
  • New leadership in Argentina's Ukrainian community -/- Новий голова Української Центральної Репрезентації в Арґентині FOTO/S (BRAMA) 11/15/2005
  • Ukrainian community leader from Kazakhstan visits Washington, D.C. FOTO/S (BRAMA) 11/15/2005
  • Zigging and Zagging Toward Democracy. By Adrian Karatnycky (Wash Post) 11/15/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin at the Hôtel de Matignon in Paris (AFP/Yahoo) 11/15/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin meet at the Hôtel de Matignon ( 11/15/2005
  • Photo: France's Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin welcomes Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko upon his arrival at Matignon in Paris. Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko is in France for two days of talks aimed at forging stronger ties and attracting investment into this ex-Soviet republic.Yushchenko plans meetings on Wednesday with President Jacques Chirac as well as a series of consultations with French energy companies (AP/Yahoo) 11/15/2005
  • Yushchenko heads to France for two-day visit (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/15/2005
  • Ukraine president visits Paris (UPI) 11/15/2005
  • U.K. Prime Minister Blair to Visit Ukraine for Ukraine-EU Summit December 1 (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Бернд Поссельт: українці - європейська нація (Deutsche Welle) 11/15/2005
  • European discipline: An unmarked date and its significance for Ukraine (День) 11/15/2005
  • Government Faces Uphill Battle in Achieving NATO Aspirations (RFE/RL) 11/15/2005
  • Czechs support Ukraine's efforts to join NATO, European Union (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/15/2005
  • Foreign minister: Russia violating Black Sea Fleet agreement (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/15/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn gestures as lawmakers gathered around the rostrum in Kiev, Ukraine. Lawmakers scuffled and wrestled with one another as parliament voted on a series of bills needed for entry to the World Trade Organization, the second such bout of violence to mar debate over the crucial legislation (AP/Yahoo) 11/15/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian deputies scuffle during a parliamentary session in Kiev. Ukrainian parliament was due to debate laws required to help Ukraine's talks with the World Trade Organisation but the communists opposed the move (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/15/2005
  • Brawl erupts in parliament, but lawmakers pass four WTO bills (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/15/2005
  • VR Adopted in First Reading WTO Laws Despite Communists' Blocking Tribune (UNIAN) 11/15/2005
  • Rada approved four WTO bills (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • Deputies Scuffle in Rada (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Rada to Debate WTO Bills Tuesday (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Communist Party vows to derail WTO bills (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2005
  • Party of Security Chief Kinakh Likely to Block with Our Ukraine (UNIAN) 11/15/2005
  • З'їзд іде — «дах» їде. Спроба «чистки» НСНУ: як це було (Україна молода) 11/15/2005
  • Сльози й соплі на першому плацдармі: навіщо «фракція Порошенка» відвоювала своє місце в керівництві «партії Ющенка» (Україна молода) 11/15/2005
  • «Розгул демократії». Чи торжество? Кому був вигідний скандал на з’їзді «партії влади» (День) 11/15/2005
  • Юрій Костенко: «Мені пропонували стати послом у Росії» (Високий замок) 11/15/2005
  • Кого Томенко не хоче бачити першими (VOA) 11/15/2005
  • URP Sobor (Lukianenko) Reports Matvienko Supporters' Assault on Party Office (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Yanukovych Supports Idea of Agreement on Honest 2006 Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • MPs Shufrych, Zayets, Shurma, and Fiks Asking Rada to Set Prime Minister's Salary at 10 Minimum Wages (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Lytvyn calls for canceling lawmakers' salary hike (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/15/2005
  • Юрій Луценко: «Гри в тишу й благодать не буде» (Сільські вісті) 11/15/2005
  • Заява 'Української правди' щодо реалізації сценарію стосовно Андрія Ющенка (Українська Правда) 11/15/2005
  • Serhiy Holovaty suspects that a Kyiv court will rule to reinstate fired Prosecutor General Sviatoslav Piskun to his post (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • Головатий: суд може поновити Піскуна (BBC Ukrainian) 11/15/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko appointed three justices to the Constitutional Court (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Lilak as Constitutional Court Judge (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Self-styled stage directors. How will the government and citizens mark the anniversary of the Orange Revolution? (День) 11/15/2005
  • Київ готується до відкриття пам’ятника Чорноволу (Кореспондент) 11/15/2005
  • США не платитимуть компенсацію родині Процюка (proUA) 11/15/2005
  • Гафнієвий скандал під «музику куль»: голову СБУ колишні підлеглі звинувачують у криміналі. А він каже, що це політика... (Україна молода) 11/15/2005
  • Remapping Ukraine? The Crimea seeks to amend its constitution (День) 11/15/2005
  • 15 Countries and 4 International Organizations to Take Part in Forum of Democratic Choice Commonwealth in Kyiv (UNIAN) 11/15/2005
  • Ukraine Did Not Align Itself With EU's Statements on Elections in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan Because of Its Special Position (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Representatives of the Uzbek Diaspora picketed the Russian Federation's Embassy in Kyiv (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • Ukraine denies sending military personnel to restore Ivory Coast's air force (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/15/2005
  • 80 emergency service workers returned home after a month of relief work and aid delivery to earth-quake stricken Pakistan (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • МЗС України продовжує переговори з піратами щодо звільнення українських моряків (Кореспондент) 11/15/2005
  • More than 150 kilograms of marijuana were confiscated by police in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • «Завтра буде, як і сьогодні. Але краще!» — запевнив міністр охорони здоров'я Юрій Поляченко донецьких медиків, які iз занепокоєнням ставляться до деяких «реформ» його попередника (Україна молода) 11/15/2005
  • Ukrainian businesses to unite to help fight HIV/AIDS (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/15/2005
  • The country’s human trafficking legislation is being adjusted to meet European standards (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • More than 50 thousand people were left without running water in the Crimean town of Kerch (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • Nearly 7,000 Cubic Meters of Crude Sewage Polute Dzhardzhava River and Kerch Strait in Crimea Due to Sewer Accident (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Economy ends slowdown, ready to accelerate growth, PM tells Cabinet (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2005
  • GDP Up 2.2% in October (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • IMF Forecasts Ukrainian GDP Growth of 5.5% and Inflation 13% in 2006 (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Mittal Steel will transfer the first half of its payment for the Krivorijstal steel mill in less than two weeks (5-ий канал) 11/15/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Inches Up 0.5 Kopeck to 5.0300 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Українсько-російські переговори про газ зайшли в глухий кут (Кореспондент) 11/15/2005
  • Russia, Ukraine approve pipeline feasibility study (RIA) 11/15/2005
  • Russia, Ukraine in talks over 2006 natural gas transit, supplies (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2005
  • Виправданий протекцiонiзм чи шлях у минуле? (VOA) 11/15/2005
  • Telenor Asks Court to Confirm Alfa Group's Violation of Terms of Naming Candidates for VympelCom Board (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Russia’s VimpelCom acquires Ukrainian cell phone co for $231.3 mln (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2005
  • Rada Decides to Draft Program for Supporting Innovative Activities of Technological Parks (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Rada to Impose Fines on Carriers That Refuse to Take Privileged Passengers (Українські новини) 11/15/2005
  • Portugal sees integration progress (BBC News) 11/15/2005
  • Ecumenical Institute Director Meets with Constantinople Patriarch (RISU) 11/15/2005
  • Court Supports Monastery’s Charge Against Newspaper (RISU) 11/15/2005
  • Ukraine’s Orthodox Brotherhoods Support Child Protection (RISU) 11/15/2005
  • MP Proposes Banning 'Totalitarian Sects' (RISU) 11/15/2005
  • OSCE Project Coordinator Awards Top Ukrainian Journalism Students (UNIAN) 11/15/2005
  • Ties of friendship between universities (День) 11/15/2005
  • Concept of Art Arsenal Museum Complex Approved (UNIAN) 11/15/2005
  • St. Louis art thieves sentenced to prison [AP] (Belleville News Democrat) 11/15/2005
  • The father of the Zaporozhian Cossacks: 150th anniversary of Dmytro Yavornytsky’s birth (День) 11/15/2005
  • Ukraine must be Ukraine: Premiere of documentary on Yevhen Chykalenko (День) 11/15/2005
  • For Ukraine and Belarus’s freedom. Ivan Kraskovsky, educator and diplomat: a profile (День) 11/15/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with Lithuanian Foreign Minister Antanas Valionis before their talks in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/14/2005
  • Our Ukraine wants old coalition back (Ukrainian Journal) 11/14/2005
  • Bezsmertnyi Insists On Yuschenko's Leadership on OUPU Election List (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • OUPU Confirms Council Composition of 177 Members (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • Ми хочемо стати правою ногою Президента. Розмова з Юрієм Костенком (Львівська газета) 11/14/2005
  • Блок без скомпрометованих осіб. Розмова з Ярославом Кендзьором (Львівська газета) 11/14/2005
  • Едуард Гурвіц: 'Прихильники Віктора Ющенка напередодні виборів таки об’єднаються...' (Радіо Свобода) 11/14/2005
  • Yuri Lutsenko: The Winners Will Compete on the Anniversary of the Orange Revolution (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/14/2005
  • Who are Yushchenko's true allies? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/14/2005
  • Lytvyn Believes the Only Achievement of Orange Revolution Was Freedom of Speech (UNIAN) 11/14/2005
  • Rada Members decided to reduce their monthly wages from 14,000 hryvnia a month to between 4 and 10 thousand (5-ий канал) 11/14/2005
  • Viacheslav Kyrylenko: 'I won’t keep mum' (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/14/2005
  • President of Ukraine to Pay Visit to France November 15-16 (UNIAN) 11/14/2005
  • 'Київський діалог' у Берліні: голоси громадянського суспільства (Deutsche Welle) 11/14/2005
  • Ukraine should take inspiration from Slovak reforms (Slovensko) 11/14/2005
  • Голову Служби безпеки України можуть викликати до Верховної Ради (Deutsche Welle) 11/14/2005
  • Assailant targets ex-SBU colonel who accused SBU chief of power abuse (Ukrainian Journal) 11/14/2005
  • Гафній для голови (proUA) 11/14/2005
  • Charity foundation by former Ukrainian president Kuchma owes $4 million in taxes (Regnum) 11/14/2005
  • US Court Postpones Lazarenko's Case Indefinitely (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • Rada to Set Up Commission to Investigate Reports About Pressure on Mass Media (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • Гість з ентузіазмом: Робер Менар (ІМІ) 11/14/2005
  • Baku opposition plans new strategy (ISN) 11/14/2005
  • Azerbaijan: New Generation Looks Forward to Better Political Future (RFE/RL) 11/14/2005
  • Youth Try to Drive Revolutionary Change in Former Soviet Union (VOA News) 11/14/2005
  • Defense Ministry Sends 100 Servicemen of Fourth Rotation to Liberia (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • Міноборони: представників військового відомства України у Кот-д’Івуарі немає (proUA) 11/14/2005
  • Ivorian gov't tries to rebuild air force-UN report (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/14/2005
  • Ukraine Accedes to EU Declaration on Nepal's Media Ordinance (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • Baloha Calling On Ukrainians to Strictly Abide by Fire Safety Rules While Using Heaters (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • Ukraine President to Oversee Medical Reform (UNIAN) 11/14/2005
  • The population of Kyiv is growing older (5-ий канал) 11/14/2005
  • Cabinet to Ask Rada to Approve 2006 State Budget with Revenues Of UAH 125.8 Billion and Expenditures of UAH 138.6 Billion (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • The government’s final draft of next year's budget will inlcude125 billion hryvnia in revenues and 138 billion in expenditures (5-ий канал) 11/14/2005
  • Ex-Soviet bloc sees slower growth in 2005: EBRD (AFP/Yahoo) 11/14/2005
  • Ukraine PM hopes GDP will grow 3.8 pct in 2005 (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/14/2005
  • Ukraine's GDP Grew by 2.8% During 10 Months - Yekhanurov (UNIAN) 11/14/2005
  • NBU chair forecasts 10.5%-11.5% inflation for Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 11/14/2005
  • Yekhanurov Vows to Pay Off All Debts on Value Added Tax by Year-End (UNIAN) 11/14/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Down 1 Kopeck to 5.0350 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • Fitch Affirms Ukraine's Privatbank at Long-term 'B', Individual 'D' (BRAMA) 11/14/2005
  • Premier Yuri Yekhanurov declared war on so-called black wages (5-ий канал) 11/14/2005
  • Russia's Energy Minister Due in Ukraine for Talks on Gas Supplies (AP/Yahoo) 11/14/2005
  • Kazakhstan, Ukraine seek progress in securing oil to fill pipeline (Ukrainian Journal) 11/14/2005
  • Кому продати Батьківщину: в Україні залишилося лише сім підприємств, які можна вигідно купити (Галицькі контракти) 11/14/2005
  • Претенденти на приватизацію (Галицькі контракти) 11/14/2005
  • Arcelor Interested in Buying Kryvorozhski Ore-Mining and Processing Industrial Complex (UNIAN) 11/14/2005
  • Yuschenko Orders Cabinet to Approve Table of Frequency Distribution by 2006 (Українські новини) 11/14/2005
  • Ukrtelecom may receive license to provide UMTS mobile services (Ukrainian Journal) 11/14/2005
  • Vimpelcom promises quick growth of Ukraine unit (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/14/2005
  • Migrants endure harship but drive Russia's economy (Reuters) 11/14/2005
  • Ukrainian Orthodox USA Clergy Discuss Influx of New Immigrants (RISU) 11/14/2005
  • New Disputes Arise between Orthodox and Muslims in Crimea (RISU) 11/14/2005
  • [VIDEO] Знайомтесь з унікальним у США музикою (VOA) 11/14/2005
  • Getting lost can be fun (CS Monitor) 11/14/2005

  • Єхануров: Я не чиновник, я політик (Кореспондент) 11/13/2005
  • Безсмертний має залишити посаду віце-прем’єр-міністра (Кореспондент) 11/13/2005
  • НСНУ: Ющенко і Медведько повинні притягти до відповідальності фальсифікаторів виборів Президента-2004 (proUA) 11/13/2005
  • Боделан зник з бази даних Інтерполу (Кореспондент) 11/13/2005
  • Azerbaijan protest draws 20,000 (BBC News) 11/13/2005
  • Opposition protests for new Azeri vote (Reuters) 11/13/2005
  • Iran rejects U.S. claim on atomic weapons work (Reuters) 11/13/2005
  • New evidence of Iran nuclear arms ambition: US (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/13/2005
  • Curse of the high seas (Scotland on Sunday) 11/13/2005
  • SOS as pirate motherships take to the high seas seeking cargo and hostages (Sunday Herald) 11/13/2005
  • Royal Navy vows to hunt down Somali pirates (Sunday Herald) 11/13/2005
  • Photo: Asthma patients walk along a tunnel of a salt mine 300 metres below the surface in the Ukrainian village of Solotvino (AFP/Yahoo) 11/13/2005
  • Photo: Serhiy Savchuk, a 48-year-old asthma sufferer from the Ukrainian city of Kirovograd, relaxes in a bed inside a salt mine 300 metres below the surface in the Ukrainian village of Solotvino. Spending time in the halls carved out of salt is part of a unique treatment offered by the Ukrainian Allegological Hospital, which has had tremendous success in treating asthma and other respiratory ailments (AFP/Yahoo) 11/13/2005
  • Photo: Children with respiratory illnesses lounge on beds inside a salt mine 300 metres below the surface in the Ukrainian village of Solotvino (AFP/Yahoo) 11/13/2005
  • Unique relief from asthma deep underground in Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 11/13/2005
  • 'I was raped and beaten. I lost the will to run away' (Sunday Telegraph) 11/13/2005
  • Prufrock: Slick operations around Regal’s oilfields (Sunday Times) 11/13/2005
  • Murdoch targets Balkans for new News land grab (Independent) 11/13/2005
  • У Парижі вшанували жертв українського голодомору (BBC Ukrainian) 11/13/2005
  • Church members celebrate heritage (News Journal) 11/13/2005
  • Юні парламентарі з Херсона запрошують колег з усього світу (Deutsche Welle) 11/13/2005
  • His photos give pause that refreshes or repulses: Lovely works in Burtynsky shows provoke thought (Boston Globe) 11/13/2005
  • Putting on the Blintz (NY Times) 11/13/2005
  • McGregor revs up to cross Africa the long way (Sunday Times) 11/13/2005

  • Наша Україна уникла скандалу (Перший канал) 11/12/2005
  • Конфлікт на з'їзді партії НС Наша Україна (BBC Ukrainian) 11/12/2005
  • Ющенко впевнений у перемозі НСНУ на парламентських виборах (Кореспондент) 11/12/2005
  • Yuschenko Promises to Dismiss Clerks for Attempts to Use Administrative Resource During 2006 Rada Election (Українські новини) 11/12/2005
  • OUPU Opens Its Second Congress in Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/12/2005
  • З іменем Ющенка чи слідом за Ющенком? Сьогодні партія Президента — «Народний союз «Наша Україна» — визначатиме свою долю у виборчій кампанії-2006 (Україна молода) 11/12/2005
  • Партія веде чи партія доходить? (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Tymoshenko, seeking new alliance, calls for talks with president's party (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/12/2005
  • Костенко звинувачує Тимошенко у політичній непослідовності (Кореспондент) 11/12/2005
  • Луценко: Тимошенко хоче запобігти розслідуванням її діяльності як прем’єра (proUA) 11/12/2005
  • Юрій Луценко: НСНУ та БЮТ будуть суперничати на підмостках Майдана (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Мороз назвав першу п’ятірку списку СПУ (Кореспондент) 11/12/2005
  • Конвой соратників (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • В’ячеслав Кириленко: «Мовчати я не буду, бо соціальні проблеми — це проблеми не одного, двох, трьох членів уряду, а десятків мільйонів наших співвітчизників» (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Володимир Шаповал: Завдання повинні ставити політики, а вирішувати — професіонали (День) 11/12/2005
  • Володимир Шаповал: «Вічних» конституцій насправді не буває... (ч. 2) (День) 11/12/2005
  • Листопадові тези для Генпрокурора (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Заможновладці (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Панєвропейський рух: Європа має бути цілісною (Deutsche Welle) 11/12/2005
  • Swiss offer Ukraine bridge to Europe (Neue Zuercher Zeitung) 11/12/2005
  • Чому виграла України, програвши Мирославі Гонгадзе? (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Нерозквітлі гвоздики революції (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Іракська експедиція завершується (Україна молода) 11/12/2005
  • Eritrea slams Ethiopia for protesters' deaths (Reuters) 11/12/2005
  • Liberia leader faces tough challenges (BBC News) 11/12/2005
  • 2 Died in Fire in Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/12/2005
  • Forgotten Children (CTV) 11/12/2005
  • Пані Катерина Ющенко взяла участь у благодійному гала-заході ЮНЕСКО «Освіта для бідних дітей» ( 11/12/2005
  • Ліна Костенко: «Поїдьте туди, де вмерла Україна» (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Ющенко: проведення реприватизації в Україні було помилкою (proUA) 11/12/2005
  • Кабмін підтримав проект держбюджету-2006 (Кореспондент) 11/12/2005
  • «Ніхто не заощаджуватиме на копійчаних витратах» (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/12/2005
  • Ukrainian PM Comments on 'Faulty' APC Purchase Deal with Georgia (Civil Georgia) 11/12/2005
  • Ян Фігель: «Євросоюз пiдтримує освiтнi реформи в Українi» (День) 11/12/2005
  • Gypsy King of the road (The Scotsman) 11/12/2005
  • Mother, daughter, movie (Globe and Mail) 11/12/2005
  • Ottawa to unveil Italian redress package (Globe and Mail) 11/12/2005
  • Фенікс гетьманщини: у Батурині створять Музей гетьманської слави, побудують сучасний туристичний комплекс та заманять іноземних туристів — і все за приватні кошти (Україна молода) 11/12/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko invites France's Foreign Affairs Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy for talks in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/11/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk and France's Foreign Affairs Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy listen to a journalist's question during a joint news conference after their meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/11/2005
  • Yushchenko Proposes France Sign Ukrainian-French 'Road-Map' (UNIAN) 11/11/2005
  • Ukraine to get market economy nod from EU: French minister (AFP/Tocqueville Connection) 11/11/2005
  • France Supports Ukraine WTO Membership Bid - Ukraine President (Dow Jones) 11/11/2005
  • Філіп Дуст-Блазі: Французькі компанії дивляться з вірою в майбутнє України (День) 11/11/2005
  • Iouchtchenko, rencontre avec un rescapé (Le Monde) 11/11/2005
  • Swiss offer Ukraine bridge to Europe (Swissinfo) 11/11/2005
  • Рада має щераз розглянути спiрну угоду з НАТО (VOA) 11/11/2005
  • President of Kazakhstan to Visit Ukraine This Month (UNIAN) 11/11/2005
  • UK Documentary Finds Russian Link to Murder Attempt on Ukraine’s Yushchenko (MosNews) 11/11/2005
  • Our Ukraine, Nationalist Congress, Narodnyi Rukh, Entrepreneurs' Party to Block in Parliamentary Race (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • President: PM should lead party in March (Ukrainian Journal) 11/11/2005
  • Микола Мартиненко: «Тема корупції — вигідна виборча технологія» (День) 11/11/2005
  • Tymoshenko Ready to Start Political Consultations with Our Ukraine (UNIAN) 11/11/2005
  • «Наварили» пенсій. І заплуталися: БЮТ виступає за обмеження максимальних пенсій. Хоча тиждень тому голосував за протилежне... (Україна молода) 11/11/2005
  • Photo: Then pposition leader and current President of the Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, addresses a crowd in the central Independence Square in Ukraine's capital Kiev,in this Nov. 22, 2004, file photo. As Ukraine prepares for the first anniversary of the drama that filled television screens worldwide, Ukrainians are grumbling over higher prices and public trust has plummeted over allegations of corruption (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2005
  • Photo: A supporter of Ukraine's then opposition leader and current Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko waves orange flags during a street protest in downtown Kiev, in this Nov. 22, 2004, file photo (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2005
  • Photo: Supporters wave campaign orange flags and ribbons in the central Independence square greeting then opposition leader and current Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during his speech in Ukraine's capital Kiev in this, Nov.22, 2004, file photo (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2005
  • Народ хоче бачити героїв Майдану разом (VOA) 11/11/2005
  • Interior minister says Russia has not extradited wanted ex-officials (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/11/2005
  • Press freedom under threat in Ukraine, reporters watchdog group says [Ukrainian journalists at Menard's news conference heckled him and laughed loudly when the Harfouch brothers called for an independent parliamentary commission to investigate their complaints] (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/11/2005
  • Publisher of 'Paparazzi' Magazine Sues Ukraine Interior Minister (UNIAN) 11/11/2005
  • Арфуш подав судовий позов на Луценка (VOA) 11/11/2005
  • Брати-акробати: «налякані» брати Арфуші ніяк не хочуть дати Андрієві Ющенку спокою. Тепер найняли детектива зі Швейцарії (proUA) 11/11/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Deeva Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Region (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • President Appointed Deyeva Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Governor (UNIAN) 11/11/2005
  • Yuschenko Dismisses Deputy Transport and Communications Minister Aftanaziv (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • Prosecutors detain top military official for alleged bribe-taking (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/11/2005
  • SBU Ex-Colonel Kryzhanivskyi Accuses Drizhchanyi of Smuggling 8 Tons of Hafnium to China (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • All eight on board crashed Afghan plane dead [two Ukrainians] (AFP/Yahoo) 11/11/2005
  • У катастрофі 'Ил-76' в Афганістані загинули українці (Кореспондент) 11/11/2005
  • Foreign Ministry Looking for Ukrainians Among Afghanistan Air Crash Victims (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • Emergency Ministry's Mobile Hospital Completes Work in Pakistan (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • Somalia - where pirates roam free (BBC News) 11/11/2005
  • Vakhrusheve City Council Deputy Assaults 3 Wiremen in Luhansk Region (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • Ministry claims visits to prostitutes falling (Prague Daily Monitor) 11/11/2005
  • ICE Arrests 50 Aliens in NYC Operation Predator Sweep (NYJT) 11/11/2005
  • Yuschenko Commissions SPF to Sell Ukrainian Share in Kryvyi Rih Oxidized Ores Mill by March 2006 (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • ChornoNaftoGaz finishes Crimean pipeline, adding 4,500 new customers (Ukrainian Journal) 11/11/2005
  • Belarus Confirms Intention to Buy 2.5 Billion kWh of Electricity from Ukraine in 2006 (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • Stashevskyi Leaves for Belarus to Talk Over Trade and Economic Cooperation (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • Trade deficit widens in September as hryvnia strength hits exports (Ukrainian Journal) 11/11/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia 1 Kopeck Up to 5.0250 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • IMF Executive Board Concludes 2005 Article IV Consultation with Ukraine (IMF) 11/11/2005
  • Vimpel Communications Completes Ukranian Acquisition Over Telenor Opposition (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2005
  • Russia's Vimpelcom enters Ukrainian telecoms market (Reuters) 11/11/2005
  • VimpelCom Buys WellCOM for $230 Million (Українські новини) 11/11/2005
  • [Russia's] VimpelCom Enters Ukraine; Closes Acquisition of CJSC 'Ukrainian Radio Systems' (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 11/11/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Bishop of Donetsk Comments on Yanukovych’s Record (RISU) 11/11/2005
  • Rivne Governor Comments on Ostroh Church (RISU) 11/11/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Priest to Head State Department on Religion in Rivne (RISU) 11/11/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Won’t Soon Receive Chernihiv Church (RISU) 11/11/2005
  • Various Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox State Allegiance to Constantinople (RISU) 11/11/2005
  • Jewish Organizations Prominent at Conference on Andrey Sheptytsky (RISU) 11/11/2005
  • Lviv Remains Greek Catholic Archeparchy (RISU) 11/11/2005
  • U.S. State Department Reports on Religious Freedom in Ukraine (RISU) 11/11/2005
  • Concert of Ukrainian Composer to Take Place in Brussels on 22 November (UNIAN) 11/11/2005
  • Gay and lesbian film festival looks east (Neue Zuercher Zeitung) 11/11/2005
  • Вiталiй Кличко - наступний мер Києва? (VOA) 11/11/2005
  • DNA shows first Europeans were hunters not farmers (Independent) 11/11/2005

  • Віктор Ющенко поговорив у прямому ефірі зі студентами трьох українських ВНЗ (Кореспондент) 11/10/2005
  • Yuschenko and Yekhanurov Discuss Economy and Personnel Rotations (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Yushchenko gives blood samples for new poison tests (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/10/2005
  • Yushchenko Does Blood Test (UNIAN) 11/10/2005
  • Yuschenko Submits Blood Samples for Expert Examination in His Poisoning Investigation (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Photo: Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai Ungureanu gestures to his Ukrainian counterpart Borys Tarasyuk at the Romanian Foreign Ministry in Bucharest. Tarasyuk is in Romania to signing bilateral agreements and to discuss ways to improve security and stability in the Eastern Europe and the Balkans (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/10/2005
  • The long and winding road west (Guardian) 11/10/2005
  • Changing NATO (VOA News) 11/10/2005
  • Yushchenko Took Part in First Meeting of National Commission on Strengthening Democracy (UNIAN) 11/10/2005
  • Photo: Petor Lizak peers across a yet-unopened Ukraine-Slovakia border crossing in the middle of his village. With 800 residents on each side, the village has been divided for 60 years after being sliced in half at the end of World War II (AFP/Yahoo) 11/10/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian border guard looks on as a man strolling with his child walks towards the the yet unopened border crossing at the Maly Selmentsi village on the Ukraine-Slovakia border (AFP/Yahoo) 11/10/2005
  • In corner of Ukraine, a strip of Iron Curtain still awaits its fall (AFP/Yahoo) 11/10/2005
  • Ukraine won't appeal European court ruling on Gongadze murder (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/10/2005
  • CEC Approves Plan for Conducting 2006 Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Narodnyi Rukh to Run for Parliament in Bloc With Our Ukraine People's Union (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Medvedchuk said he will leave politics if his party fails to qualify for seats in Parliament (5-ий канал) 11/10/2005
  • Hromada Party Calls On Yuschenko to Put Kuchma and Members of His Circle on Trial (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Lazarenko Convinced That He Will Soon Be Acquitted of All Accusations (UNIAN) 11/10/2005
  • Berezovsky Demands Account for Money Transferred to Ukraine (UNIAN) 11/10/2005
  • Defense Minister: Ukrainian troops have completed their mission in Iraq (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/10/2005
  • Ukraine Likely to Leave 50 Peacekeepers in Iraq (UNIAN) 11/10/2005
  • Defense Ministry Works Out Procedure of Returning Ukrainian Peacekeepers from Iraq (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Київ не платитиме за вивід своїх сил з Iраку (VOA) 11/10/2005
  • Suicide Bombings in Iraq Kill 33 (AP/Yahoo) 11/10/2005
  • Колишні радянські республіки об’єднуються без України (Кореспондент) 11/10/2005
  • МВС України хоче знати, чому Росія припинила розшук Боделана (Кореспондент) 11/10/2005
  • Україну турбує захоронення хімікатів в Росії (BBC Ukrainian) 11/10/2005
  • Cautious protest in Azerbaijan (CS Monitor) 11/10/2005
  • Thousands join protest in Azerbaijan but flame of revolution fails to ignite (Independent) 11/10/2005
  • How not to fix an election: Another rigged vote in the former Soviet Union, but no revolution this time—yet (Economist) 11/10/2005
  • Our Ukraine People's Union Denies Involvement in Luhansk Region Head Danylov Dismissal (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • A top government official has been caught accepting a three million hryvnia bribe (5-ий канал) 11/10/2005
  • Vinnytsia City-Planning Commission Against Allocation of 12.9 Hectares Belonging to Mental Hospital for Building Housing Micro-District (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Як може Україна стати енергонезалежною? (VOA) 11/10/2005
  • Russia's Gazprom has accused Ukraine of undermining negotiations between the two countries on gas supplies from Russia (5-ий канал) 11/10/2005
  • Economic growth to accelerate this yr, double next yr, says Yatseniuk (Ukrainian Journal) 11/10/2005
  • Foreign direct investment to reach record (Ukrainian Journal) 11/10/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Down 1 Kopeck to 5.0350 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Antonov Corp. to Focus on Developing An-124 and An-148 Jets – Mialytsa (UNIAN) 11/10/2005
  • Baranivskyi Accuses Veterinary Service of Issuing Illegal Permission for Import of 1 Million Pigs from Poland (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Yuschenko Orders Cabinet to Form Service for Special Communications, Protection of Information (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Ми є занадто легковажними. Розмова з Блаженнійшим Патріархом Любомиром кардиналом Гузаром (Львівська газета) 11/10/2005
  • Lviv's Karpaty Blind Bandura Choir Ends Strike (Українські новини) 11/10/2005
  • Injury Forces Vitali Klitschko Out of the Boxing Ring (Deutsche Welle) 11/10/2005
  • Heavyweight champion to retire, prompting political speculation (Ukrainian Journal) 11/10/2005
  • [VIDEO] Триває візова лотерея (VOA) 11/10/2005
  • Світлий розум і хоробре серце Джеймса Мейса (Україна молода) 11/10/2005
  • Американець, який став українцем (Україна молода) 11/10/2005
  • Чому Сталін нас нищив? Як осмислювали Голодомор. Позиція радянських істориків (ч. 4) (День) 11/10/2005

  • Patriarch Filaret -- patron of the arts FOTO/S (BRAMA) 11/09/2005
  • Photo: Pigeons fly before the monument dedicated to the Ukraine-Russia union on a foggy day in downtown Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Yushchenko asks opposition to stop blocking work of prime minister (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/09/2005
  • Cabinet to Sum Up Nine Months' Work and Set Strategy for 2006 (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Blow to Kiev as Brussels closes door to further enlargement (EU Observer) 11/09/2005
  • Глава Єврокомісії: Майбутнє України – в Європі (Кореспондент) 11/09/2005
  • Ukrainian leader to visit France (AFP/Tocqueville Connection) 11/09/2005
  • Обережно: спрощення візових процедур (Deutsche Welle) 11/09/2005
  • European court holds Ukrainian government liable in Gongadze case (CPJ) 11/09/2005
  • European Court of Human Rights Chamber Judgement - Gongadze v. Ukraine (Noticias) 11/09/2005
  • SDPU(u) to Offer Kravchuk to Head Election List for 2006 Parliamentary Election (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Зiнченко пропонує нову виборчу процедуру (VOA) 11/09/2005
  • Photo: Some of the thousands of protesters who marched through Azerbaijan's capital Baku...carried orange flags looking for inspiration to last year's Orange Revolution in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Photo: Opposition supporters hold opposition orange flags shouting anti government slogans during a rally in Baku. Thousands of protesters marched through Azerbaijan's capital on Wednesday, answering the call by the main opposition movement to come into the streets to defend their right to free and fair elections. A Ukrainian flag is seen in the right corner (AP/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Azerbaijani-Ukrainian relations deteriorate after stolen elections (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/09/2005
  • Thousands of Azeris Protest Election, Ask Bush's Help (Bloomberg) 11/09/2005
  • Azerbaijanis Rally, Demand Free Elections (AP/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Thousands join Azerbaijan protest (BBC News) 11/09/2005
  • Eastern European countries pledge to support Georgia in resolving separatist conflicts (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/09/2005
  • Russia considers NGO restrictions (BBC News) 11/09/2005
  • Bill Will Force All NGOs to Reregister (Moscow Times) 11/09/2005
  • Iракська бригада може стати «українською» (VOA) 11/09/2005
  • 25% of Kyiv Residents Prepared to Vote for Omelchenko in Mayoral Elections (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Yushchenko fires two regional governors (Ukrainian Journal) 11/09/2005
  • Border Guards Detain Russian Ship for Poaching in Ukrainian Waters in Sea of Azov (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Border Guards Find Missing Russian Yacht in Black Sea (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • European Human Rights Court Orders Ukraine to Pay Dnipropetrovsk Resident EUR 2,200 Because He Did Not Receive Court Notification (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Two Policemen and Cash Collector Shot Dead During Attack On Cash Collection Automobile in Kharkiv (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Six People in Hospital after Car Crash in Kherson Region (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Rice, Thomas stand in way of Jackson-Vanik repeal: Weldon (The Hill) 11/09/2005
  • Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition (USUF) 11/09/2005
  • Will the Orange Revolution Turn Green? (Forbes) 11/09/2005
  • Economics Ministry Forecasting 5.8-7% GDP Growth and 9-11.5% Inflation for 2006 (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Economy Ministry Says Inflation May Grow to 11% in 2005 (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • By Optimistic Forecast of Economics Ministry, GDP to Grow in 2006 by 7%, Consumer Prices – by 9 –9.7% (UNIAN) 11/09/2005
  • Negative Foreign Trade Balance Totaled USD 748.1 Million in January-September (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Economics Ministry Concerned About Abrupt Fall of Positive Balance of Foreign Trade (UNIAN) 11/09/2005
  • Industrial output increases by 2.4% in October vs. 0.9% in September (Ukrainian Journal) 11/09/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Up 1 Kopeck to 5.0250 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/09/2005
  • Russian team to arrive in Kiev for talks over 2006 natural gas supply (Ukrainian Journal) 11/09/2005
  • Mittal Steel 3rd-Qtr Profit Falls 64% as Costs Jump (Bloomberg) 11/09/2005
  • Mittal Steel third-quarter profit drops (Reuters) 11/09/2005
  • Mittal Steel Quarterly Profit Tumbles (AP/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Russia's Vimpelcom deal to buy URS near completion (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Photo: Demonstrators dressed as Ukrainian border guards carry pigs during a protest in Kiev. Employees of Ukraine's meat industry demonstrated on Wednesday against illegal imports of meat (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Вчинки Шептицького є для нас уроками (Львівська газета) 11/09/2005
  • Belarus: Orthodox parish banned from worshipping (Forum 18) 11/09/2005
  • President Watched Natalka Poltavka (UNIAN) 11/09/2005
  • Critic's Choice for the week: The Rusalka Cycle: Songs Between the Worlds [Ukrainian Mariana Sadovska] (East Bay Express) 11/09/2005
  • Everything Is Illuminated: набір кіно-стереотипів (BBC Ukrainian) 11/09/2005
  • Boxing: WBC heavywight champion Vitali Klitschko retires (Ticker/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Boxing: Klitschko hangs up gloves (AFP/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Boxing: World heavyweight champion Klitschko retires (Reuters) 11/09/2005
  • Boxing: WBC Heavyweight Champ Klitschko Retires (AP/Yahoo) 11/09/2005
  • Boxing: Champ Klitschko decides to retire (BBC Sport) 11/09/2005
  • Rybak cruises to victory in Minneapolis [incumbent Mayor R.T. Rybak back in office for a second term] (Minnesota Public Radio) 11/09/2005
  • Our neighbors - The Ukrainians: Atanas Kobryn column (Sun-Herald) 11/09/2005
  • Dancer honoured with national award (Nipawin Journal) 11/09/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko introduces new Prosecutor General Oleksandr Medvedko to prosecutors in Kiev. Yushchenko said that top Ukrainian prosecutors have been more interested in helping politicians avoid prosecution rather than in investigating crimes (AP/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko Introduces Prosecutors to New Boss (RFE/RL) 11/08/2005
  • Yuschenko Critical of Work of Piskun-Led Prosecutor General's Office (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Ющенко дає завдання генпрокурору Медведьку (VOA) 11/08/2005
  • Photo: Former top prosecutor Svyatoslav Piskun talks to media after a Kiev local court finished Tuesday considering Piskun's appeal against his dismissal in Kiev. Last month, President Viktor Yushchenko sacked Piskun, and Yushchenko's office later accused the prosecutor of dragging out important investigations (AP/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Ukraine's Former Head Prosecutor [Svyatoslav Piskun] Challenges Dismissal (RFE/RL) 11/08/2005
  • Payout over Kiev reporter's death (BBC News) 11/08/2005
  • European Human Rights Court Orders Ukraine to Pay EUR 100,000 to Widow of Gongadze (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Ігор Осташ - про можливі дешеві візи до ЄС (BBC Ukrainian) 11/08/2005
  • Commission clears Ukraine for improved trade relations (Financial Times) 11/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's Defence Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko inspects the Ukrainian military camp near Kut, 170km (106 miles) southeast of Baghdad (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian soldiers man a check-point in a Ukrainian military camp near Kut. Ukraine's top military official arrived in Iraq to supervise preparations for the withdrawal of its 800-strong peacekeeping contingent, scheduled to be completed by the end of the year (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian soldier stands at a check-point in an Ukrainian military camp near Kut (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian soldiers from the military police patrol a road near Kut, southeast from Baghdad (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian soldiers from the military police patrol a road near Kut, 170km (106 miles) southeast of Baghdad (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Withdrawing Ukrainian troops may leave some army equipment for Iraqis (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2005
  • Wesley Clark: The basic principle of democracy is that you have to help yourself (День) 11/08/2005
  • Where is the logic? MPs oppose aviation cooperation with NATO (День) 11/08/2005
  • Leftists Commemorate Bolshevik Revolution With Antigovernment Rallies (RFE/RL) 11/08/2005
  • Привид бродить по столиці: учора комуністи відсвяткували 88-му річницю більшовицького перевороту. Обійшлося без зіткнень (Україна молода) 11/08/2005
  • Iсторія: від пафосу до фарсу. Річниця Жовтня пройшла за законами шоу-бізнесу (День) 11/08/2005
  • Українські лiвi відзначили річницю революцiї (VOA) 11/08/2005
  • «Депутати втратили внутрішні гальма». Тепер звичайний нардеп отримуватиме пенсію у 35 разів більшу, ніж у пересічного українця. Хто, як і навіщо підвищив зарплати й пенсії членам парламенту? (Україна молода) 11/08/2005
  • Хто і як голосував за обмеження депутатських пенсій (Україна молода) 11/08/2005
  • A million fewer: Central Electoral Commission releases tally of Ukrainian voters (День) 11/08/2005
  • Twenty-three vacancies. Can our foreign policy be effective without ambassadors? (День) 11/08/2005
  • Yuschenko Dismisses Zaporizhia Governor Artemenko (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Yuschenko Fires Luhansk Region Governor Danylov (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Київ не визнає результатiв виборiв в Азербайджані (VOA) 11/08/2005
  • Yushchenko to meet Azeri president soon (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2005
  • Observers urge Azeri election probe (Financial Times) 11/08/2005
  • West criticises vote but avoids rocking the boat (The Times) 11/08/2005
  • У Сороса новi iнiцiативи щодо України (VOA) 11/08/2005
  • Emergency Situations Ministry Winding Up Mobile Hospital in Pakistan (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • EU Allocates €3.8 Million to Ukraine to Boost Fighting Against Illegal Migration (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Ukraine, EU Discussing Murder of Columbian Human Rights Defender Valencia (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Foreign Ministry Calls On Ukrainians to Avoid Staying in Suburbs of Paris and Other French Cities Due to Mass Disorder (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Italy Accuses 6 Ukrainians Arrested in October of Illegal Arms Import (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Supreme Court ups jail term for rapist policemen (Ha'aretz) 11/08/2005
  • AMCU Recommends That Emergency Ministry Regulate Diving Operations in Beach Zones (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • 20 Workers of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital Stop Hunger Strike (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Yushchenko: WTO endorsements for Ukraine a matter of trust (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2005
  • Yuschenko Dismisses First Deputy Fuel and Energy Minister, President of ECU Prodan (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Ukraine refinery owners to auction 33 pct stake (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Canada’s Transeuro Energy to invest in Black Sea offshore projects (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2005
  • Ukraine Ukrsotsbank plans $150 mln bond in mid-06 (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Moscow’s Vneshtorgbank signs to buy Kiev’s Mriya Bank shares (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Remains at 5.0350 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Industrial Output Up by 2.4% in October (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • European Human Rights Court Obliges Ukraine to Pay UAH 5.3 Million to Terem Ltd (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Європейський суд – панацея для пiдприємцiв? (VOA) 11/08/2005
  • Ocean launch for giant satellite [Inmarsat-4 F2] (BBC News) 11/08/2005
  • Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation Criticizes Cabinet's Intention to Set Up Agrarian Exchange (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Ukrainian president vetoes poultry import ban (AFP/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Looking Back on Historic Ten Years, The 10th Annual Webby Awards Unveil 10 Web Moments That Changed the World [No. 4 Elections Worldwide (2004): Ukraine's Orange Revolution] (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 11/08/2005
  • Vatican official says full diplomatic relations with Russia not yet possible (AP/Billings Gazette) 11/08/2005
  • U.S.-donated Torah stolen from a congregation in a Ukrainian city (JTA) 11/08/2005
  • New Rabbi to Lead Jewish Renaissance in Ukrainian City [Mariupol] (FJC) 11/08/2005
  • Education Ministry to Invest UAH 1.7 Billion in IT Program in Education and Science (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Scottish Ballet and Royal Ballet Lead Nominations for U.K.'s National Dance Awards [Putrov] (Playbill) 11/08/2005
  • Interpreting the language of the culture ministry (День) 11/08/2005
  • Les Kurbas: 'No decrees can kill the strength of a nation' (День) 11/08/2005
  • UEFA Puts Ukraine, Poland on Final List of Three Bidders for Hosting European Soccer Championship 2012 (Українські новини) 11/08/2005
  • Pochaiv: holy abode of faith in the Ternopil land (part 2) (День) 11/08/2005
  • Professor Andrea Graziosi: 'James Mace’s concept of a post-genocidal society sets the agenda for the future' (День) 11/08/2005
  • Why did Stalin exterminate the Ukrainians? Comprehending the Holodomor.The position of soviet historians (День) 11/08/2005
  • Інституція волі: Український інститут національної пам'яті свідчитиме: не зважаючи на трагедії, народ наш є і завжди буде (Україна молода) 11/08/2005

  • Members of Congress Voice Support for the Repeal of the Jackson Vanik Amendment for Ukraine. Ukrainian Prime Minister Meets with Congress FOTO/S (BRAMA) 11/07/2005
  • Forgotten Children on W-FIVE. Victor Malarek's documentary about Help Us Help The Children [FOTO/S] (BRAMA) 11/07/2005
  • David Halton, 'Red Green', 'Air Farce' to receive special Geminis (CBC) 11/07/2005
  • NPC Afternoon Newsmaker News Conference 'Ukraine: Still Out in the Cold?' to be Held Dec. 8 at National Press Club (USNewswire/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Secretariat Planning to Make Yuschenko's Radio Reports Weekly (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari shakes hands with Ukrainian Defence Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko during their meeting in Baghdad (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari talks with Ukrainian Defence Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko during their meeting in Baghdad (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Iraq's Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari shakes hands with Ukrainian Minister of Defense Anatoly Hrytsenko in Baghdad (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Iraqi Defence Minister Saadoun Dulaimi and his Ukrainian counterpart Anatoly Hrytsenko inspect the honour guard during a ceremony in Baghdad. Hrytsenko arrived in Iraq to supervise preparations for the withdrawal of Ukraine's 800-strong peacekeeping contingent, scheduled to be completed by the end of the year (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Defense minister visits Iraq to discuss withdrawal of troops (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/07/2005
  • Hrytsenko Departs for Iraq to Check Preparedness of Ukrainian Peacekeepers for Withdrawal (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Duped by their own chicanery! (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/07/2005
  • Benefit Night on the Banks of the Potomac (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/07/2005
  • Yushchenko changes prosecutors (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/07/2005
  • Чесні та прозорі парламентські вибори – останній шанс України вступити до ЄС (Кореспондент) 11/07/2005
  • Yushchenko to decide soon whether to lead his party in March election (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime minister Yulia Timoshenko holds the award she received from the 15th International Economic Forum in Krinitsa-Poland (AP/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Orange Revolution Leaders Losing Steam in Ukraine (Angus Reid) 11/07/2005
  • Interview: Kyiv Post editor Andrey Slivka (UPI) 11/07/2005
  • The Law of the Stronger (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Supporter of the Ukrainian Communist Party hold a portrait of Joseph Stalin, during a mass rally marking the 88th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution on Independence square in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Supporter of the Ukrainian Communist Party try to force their way to the offices of President Viktor Yushchenko, in Kiev, Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: A demonstrator symbolically throws oranges against the riot police in front of the presidential residence in Kiev. The colour orange has become a symbol of standing up against the establishment since the recent 'Orange Revolution' which brought social and political change to Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Riot police detain activists during an action of protest in front of the presidential residence in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Photo: Supporters of the Ukrainian Communist Party some waving various communist party flags and banners as they gather during a mass rally marking the 88th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution on Independence square in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Communists mark Bolshevik revolution as nationalists hold competing rally (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/07/2005
  • 'Long live Lenin' - thousands of Communists march in Ukraine (DPA/Khaleej Times) 11/07/2005
  • Nearly 3,000 Communist Party Supporters Demand Living Condition Improvement Near Secretariat (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Police Detain 15 Followers of Eurasian Youth Union Near Secretariat (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • 50 Supporters of Bratstvo and Eurasian Youth Union Picket Presidential Secretariat to Demand Cabinet of Ministers' Resignation (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Observers condemn Azeri election (BBC News) 11/07/2005
  • West slams Azeri poll (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • Deportation of Ukrainian observers from Azerbaijan causes concern, foreign ministry says (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/07/2005
  • Ukraine Concerned Over Its 16 Observers Deported from Azerbaijan (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Azerbaijian bars Ukrainians before vote (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2005
  • В Українi цiкавляться виборами в Азербайджанi (VOA) 11/07/2005
  • Ukraine Calls On Russia to Ensure Safety Chemical Weapons Storage on Border with Ukraine (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • The razor’s edge (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/07/2005
  • Defense Ministry Starts Fourth Rotation of Ukrainian Peacekeepers in Liberia (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Plane Crash: Ukranian Helicopter Firm Offers Help (AllAfrica) 11/07/2005
  • Lytvyn for Creation of Sevastopol Development Program (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • До суспiльного ТБ в Українi таки ще далеко (VOA) 11/07/2005
  • Media: Banned in Gambia, Defiant in Ukraine [Mykola Veresen, International Press Freedom Award] (IPS) 11/07/2005
  • Television news production course to take place in Kiev (IJNet) 11/07/2005
  • Ministers to address Schiphol commemoration (Expatica) 11/07/2005
  • Three Died in Fire in Vinnytsia Region (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Supreme Court rejects appeal by policemen convicted of rape (Ha'aretz) 11/07/2005
  • Doctors Says Flu Responsible for Hospitalization of Children in Rubizhne, Luhansk Region (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Central Mass. helping Ukraine city fight AIDS epidemic (AP/WPRI) 11/07/2005
  • Ukraine: contradictions and opportunities (Budapest Times) 11/07/2005
  • Steel float (Warsaw Business Journal) 11/07/2005
  • Vulcan's All-Encompassing Embrace. The new owner of OAO Krivorozhstal is Indian billionaire Lakshmi Narayan Mittal, the world's richest non-American (Kommersant) 11/07/2005
  • UkrGazVydobuvannya starts natural gas extraction at Lviv region site (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Up 0.5 Kopeck to 5.0350 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/07/2005
  • Ukraine’s Kyivstar user base rises 6.8% on month as of Nov 1 (Cellular News) 11/07/2005
  • Ukraine’s CDMA Operator subscriber base up to 24,000 (Cellular News) 11/07/2005
  • NordAnglia sells in Ukraine (ShareCast/Yahoo) 11/07/2005
  • For Ukrainians, a reason to revel [Patriarch Filaret in the U.S.] (North Jersey Herald News) 11/07/2005
  • Parliament Investigates Religious Freedom Situation in Rivne (RISU) 11/07/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Faithful Address Opposition Leader Yanukovych (RISU) 11/07/2005
  • Kyiv Roman Catholics Demand Transfer of Church (RISU) 11/07/2005
  • Chernihiv Roman Catholics Still Hope for Return of Church (RISU) 11/07/2005
  • Crackdown fails to stop language schools visa racket (Daily Telegraph) 11/07/2005
  • For foreign-born students, FCAT can shatter dreams (North Post Herald-Tribune) 11/07/2005

  • Wladimir Klitschko at Brooklyn promotion on 27 October 2005 for brother Vitaly's upcoming bout with Hasim Rahman> SLIDESHOW (BRAMA) 11/06/2005
  • Photo: President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko gestures during an exclusive interview for AFP in his office in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 11/06/2005
  • Photo: A World War II veteran, who fought in the Red Army against Nazi Germany, takes part in an anti-fascist march in the Ukrainian capital Kiev, to mark the 62nd anniversary of Kiev's liberation from Nazi occupation. Some five thousand participated in the event (AP/Yahoo) 11/06/2005
  • Yuschenko Orders Cabinet to Strive for International Recognition of 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine as Act of Genocide (Українські новини) 11/06/2005
  • Ющенко очолить список НСНУ, якщо це сприятиме демократії (Кореспондент) 11/06/2005
  • УНП не блокуватиметься ані з НСНУ, ані з БЮТ (Кореспондент) 11/06/2005
  • Yuschenko Confirms Status and Tasks of Presidential Secretariat (Українські новини) 11/06/2005
  • Azerbaijan's ruling party heads for certain victory (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/06/2005
  • Azerbaijan's President Pledges More Reform (AP/Yahoo) 11/06/2005
  • Poll monitors [visiting PORA leaders of Ukraine's 'Orange Revolution'] detained [in Azerbaijan] before vote [AFP] (The Australian) 11/06/2005
  • Azerbaijan begins key elections (BBC News) 11/06/2005
  • Azerbaijan Braces for Election (Wash Post) 11/06/2005
  • Fear dominates Azerbaijan election (Sunday Herald) 11/06/2005
  • U.N. helicopter [Ukrainian crew] lands by mistake in India (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/06/2005
  • Kushnir could win €500k libel award (Sunday Business Post) 11/06/2005
  • Mine for £1,300: Ileana, the teenage sex slave ready to work in London (Sunday Telegraph) 11/06/2005
  • Scottish farms still contaminated by Chernobyl fallout (Sunday Herald) 11/06/2005
  • Boxing-Injury forces Klitschko to postpone title defence (Reuters) 11/06/2005
  • Strangers no more: Ukrainian orphans jump straight into family's hearts [Photo: Utah Jazz basketball star and Russian native Andrei Kirilenko poses with Oleena and other children from Ukraine prior to a preseason game.] (Deseret News) 11/06/2005
  • Action women give Hollywood hunks heave-ho (Sunday Times) 11/06/2005
  • Two new officers join Bensalem police force [George Litvinenko is fluent in Russian and Ukrainian] (Bucks County Courier Times) 11/06/2005
  • Reasons to confront crimes against humanity (Toronto Star) 11/06/2005
  • Dead and buried war hero claims medal 60 years on (The Observer) 11/06/2005
  • On this day: 1943 – In World War II, Russians recapture Kiev after two years of Nazi occupation. (Herald Sun) 11/06/2005
  • On This Date in History: In 1991, Ukraine signed the Soviet economic-union treaty at the Kremlin. (Monsters and Critics) 11/06/2005

  • Photo: Yushchenko supporters gather in Independence Square in Kiev, 06 November, 2004. A year after the 'orange revolution' that swept him to power, Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko is bitter about his shattered revolutionary team, and as determined as ever to lead the ex-Soviet nation on a pro-Western course (AFP/Yahoo) 11/05/2005
  • Photo: A year after the 'orange revolution' that swept him to power, Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko is visibly tired, bitter about his shattered revolutionary team, and as determined as ever to lead the ex-Soviet nation on a pro-Western course (AFP/Yahoo) 11/05/2005
  • Year after 'orange revolution', a tired, bitter but determined Yushchenko (AFP/Yahoo) 11/05/2005
  • Народження Генпрокурора (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/05/2005
  • Конституційна «десятка» погоди не зробить: до Конституційного Суду обрано п'ятьох щасливчиків. Але вісім крісел ще вакантні (Україна молода) 11/05/2005
  • Бенефіс на берегах Потомаку (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/05/2005
  • «Нехай на зло моїй матері...» (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/05/2005
  • Ювілейне (не)підбиття підсумків (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/05/2005
  • Yuschenko Forms Ukrainian Staff of Yuschenko-Putin Commission (Українські новини) 11/05/2005
  • Azeri opposition leaders arrested (BBC News) 11/05/2005
  • Azerbaijani Opposition Says Campaigner Held (AP/Yahoo) 11/05/2005
  • Dead tyrant's hold on the West keeps revolution at bay (Daily Telegraph) 11/05/2005
  • Придністров’я: новий формат, старі табу (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/05/2005
  • Сковзату по лезу ножа... (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/05/2005
  • Internal Ministry Promises to Keep Law and Order During November 6-7 Events (Українські новини) 11/05/2005
  • Main Gas Pipeline Explodes in Dnipropetrovsk Region, No Victims Reported (Українські новини) 11/05/2005
  • Security Officials Find Lost 3-Year-Old Boy in Ternopil Region Woods (Українські новини) 11/05/2005
  • «Блюзнірствують над могилами убієнних радіацією» (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/05/2005
  • І сьогодні намагаються заретушувати правду про Чорнобиль (Дзеркало Тижня) 11/05/2005
  • Health Ministry Denies 36 Kids Poisoned by Chicken in Luhansk Region (Українські новини) 11/05/2005
  • Пинзеник розповів, куди Кабмін вирішив направити кошти від продажу акцій «Криворіжсталі» (Кореспондент) 11/05/2005
  • Factories, funds flow to Ukraine (Asahi) 11/05/2005
  • Конфесійний конфлікт в Острозі: минуле і думи (День) 11/05/2005
  • Yuschenko Sends Oraza Bairam Greetings to Muslims (Українські новини) 11/05/2005
  • Молот для «архівної скелі». Громадська думка: масове розкрадання Львiвського державного архiву має розглядати Генеральна прокуратура України (Україна молода) 11/05/2005
  • Boxing: Klitschko Injury Postpones Rahman Bout (AP/Yahoo) 11/05/2005
  • Boxing: Klitschko injures knee, Rahman fight on hold (ESPN) 11/05/2005
  • Бога ради, залиште Денікіна собі. Телеграма. Термінова. Москва, Андрію Окарі (День) 11/05/2005
  • Teen of the Week: Kristina Chepurko reaches for the stars (Annapolis Capital) 11/05/2005

  • Photo: Two U.S. soldiers ride a gator with a Ukrainian-made Antonov 225, the world's biggest transport plane, in the background (AP/Yahoo) 11/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian-made Antonov 225, the world's biggest transport plane... (AP/Yahoo) 11/04/2005
  • Photo: A Japanese soldier takes photograph of a Ukrainian-made Antonov 225, the world's biggest transport plane, at the Chaklala air base in Rawalpindi, Pakistan (AP/Yahoo) 11/04/2005
  • Yuschenko Agrees to Provide PGO with Blood Samples for Investigation of His Poisoning (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Ukraine Says Creation of Holocaust Memorial Day by UN Is Occasion to Recognize Famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933 as Genocide (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Medvedko as Prosecutor General (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Rybachuk Says Yuschenko's Change of Candidate for Post of Prosecutor General Was Due to Presidential Secretariat's Mistake (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Parliament approves Medvedko for top prosecutor post (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/04/2005
  • Opposition joins in Medvedko approval (Ukrainian Journal) 11/04/2005
  • Orange Revolution leaders losing trust (UPI) 11/04/2005
  • Forward Ukraine Faction Reorganized into People's Bloc of Lytvyn (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • MPs Hadiatskyi, Klymenko, Serhienko Proposing Rada Rule Early Termination of Lazarenko's Parliamentary Mandate in 2002 Unlawful (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Українське судочинство: реформа триває (Deutsche Welle) 11/04/2005
  • Ukraine Says PM's Comments on Lukashenka Twisted (RFE/RL) 11/04/2005
  • Belarus Seeks Clarification of Ukrainian Premier's Comments (RFE/RL) 11/04/2005
  • Azerbaijani, Ukrainian Presidents Discuss Elections (RFE/RL) 11/04/2005
  • Tense Azerbaijan goes to polls in key test of democracy (AFP/Yahoo) 11/04/2005
  • Azerbaijanis Rally in Favor of Government (AP/Yahoo) 11/04/2005
  • Cabinet Sets Wages for Presidential Spokesperson, Ukraine's Special Envoy for Transdniestria at 75% of Premier's Wage (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • [Moldova/Transdniester] Vladimir Voronin: Friendship with Russia Is Our Main Asset (Kommersant) 11/04/2005
  • New Russian holiday harks back to time of troubles (Financial Times) 11/04/2005
  • Kyiv Mayor Omelchenko Promises to Decide on Status of Bankova Street by December 17 (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Kyiv City Administration Asks Court to Restrict November 7 Rallies of CPU and UNA in City Center (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Fire Erupts in 5-Storey House in Kyiv, No Casualties (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • 20 Employees of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital Continuing Hunger Strike in Demand of Higher Wages (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • MPs Hurov and Zarubinskyi Suggest Rada Set Up Commission to Oversee Whether Mittal Steel Fulfilling Its Commitments at Kryvorizhstal (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Inflation Rate Reaches 0.9% in October (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Up 1 Kopeck to 5.0400 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • 32.8% stake in Galychyna oil refinery to be auctioned off on Dec. 15 (Ukrainian Journal) 11/04/2005
  • Hundreds of taxi drivers protest high gas prices (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/04/2005
  • Taxi drivers protest high gas prices, block road to Yushchenko office (Ukrainian Journal) 11/04/2005
  • Rada to Debate Adjustment of Consumer Rights Law to EU Requirements on Friday (Українські новини) 11/04/2005
  • Ukrainian President Meets with Head of UOC-MP Orthodox (RISU) 11/04/2005
  • Opposition Party Leader Asks President to Prevent Interdenominational War (RISU) 11/04/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Criticize Opposition Party Leader’s Address to Ukrainian President (RISU) 11/04/2005
  • European Greek Catholic Bishops to Meet in Zarvanytsia (RISU) 11/04/2005
  • First Christian Radio Station in Kiev Receives Thousands of Calls (Christian Post) 11/04/2005
  • New State Department on Religious Matters Holds First Conference (RISU) 11/04/2005
  • Crimean Tatars Want Islam Also Taught at Schools (RISU) 11/04/2005
  • Opera's exhilarating conducting puts a human face on world at war [Kuzmenko] (SF Chronicle) 11/04/2005
  • It's the singers who put the 'Forza' in Verdi's 'Destino' (Contra Costa Times) 11/04/2005
  • Father, daughter making music [Volodymyr, Viktoriya Koshuba] (Beloit Daily News) 11/04/2005
  • Accomplished ballet performer [Vadim Solomakha] will stay in Fallbrook for San Diego ‘Nutcracker’ performance (Fallbrook Bonsall Village News) 11/04/2005

  • Statement by H.E. Mr. Valeriy Kuchinsky, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations on agenda item 72 'Holocaust remembrance' of the 60th session of the United Nations General Assembly (1 November 2005) TEXT/VIDEO (BRAMA) 11/03/2005
  • Time is ripe for international recognition of Holodomor as act of genocide against Ukrainian nation -/- Час для міжнародного визнання Голодомору актом геноциду проти українського народу назрів (BRAMA) 11/03/2005
  • Ukrainians in the U.S. urged to learn about candidates for March 2006 Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) elections (BRAMA) 11/03/2005
  • Obit: Oleh Romaniv -/- Відійшов у Вічність † Олег Миколайович РОМАНІВ. Вічна йому пам'ять. (BRAMA) 11/03/2005
  • Yuschenko to Demand That Medvedko Solve Resonant Crimes (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Rada Approves Medvedko's Appointment as Prosecutor General (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Prosecutor general nominee optimistic (Ukrainian Journal) 11/03/2005
  • Rada Refuses to Elect Deputy Speaker (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Rada Fails to Elect Heads of Nine Committees (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • VR Corruption Commission Finds No Evidence Against MP Martynenko (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Kyiv, Moscow Vie for WTO Entry (RFE/RL) 11/03/2005
  • Ukraine Expects to Coordinate WTO Entry with US in December (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Yekhanurov Says Ukraine Needs Market Economy Status to Pursue Talks on WTO Terms with US (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Moscow 'Perplexed' by Yekhanurov's Comments on WTO (RFE/RL) 11/03/2005
  • Ukraine WTO chances slim if Russia gets in 1st, PM tells congressmen (Ukrainian Journal) 11/03/2005
  • Premier reaffirms goals of reform (Wash Times) 11/03/2005
  • Роман Безсмертний: «Ющенко має відповідати за тих, кого приручив» (Високий замок) 11/03/2005
  • Тимошенко: ми маємо відновити нашу єдність із Ющенком (Deutsche Welle) 11/03/2005
  • «Усі ми розуміємо, наскільки важливо знову об'єднати Майдан» (Україна молода) 11/03/2005
  • «Бо треба було оту бандоту поламати», — каже батько Павла Лазаренка, 80-річний Іван Трифонович, про режим Кучми й мотивацію свого голосування на минулих виборах. Повернення сина з американського ув’язнення він та його земляки очікують без будь-яких «задніх» думок (Україна молода) 11/03/2005
  • Ukraine Rada rejects NATO support plan (UPI) 11/03/2005
  • Sclerosis of Victor Medvedchuk (Ukrayinska Pravda) 11/03/2005
  • MPs from Regions of Ukraine Blocking Rada Rostrum, Demanding That Rivne Governor Chervonii Be Sacked (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Rada Passes Law on Status of Sevastopol with President's Corrections (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Azerbaijan election a test of reform credentials (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/03/2005
  • In Azerbaijan, a 'necktie' revolt (CS Monitor) 11/03/2005
  • Zanzibar vote could spark extremism (CS Monitor) 11/03/2005
  • Congress of Judges to Appoint Five Constitutional Court Judges (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Photo: Relatives of veterans of the Soviet war in Afghanistan block the Ukrainian government headquarters to demand higher benefits in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/03/2005
  • Photo: Disabled veterans of the Soviet war in Afghanistan chat as their comrades block the Ukrainian government headquarters to demand higher benefits in Kiev. More than 2,000 members of the Ukrainian Union of Afghan war veterans want improved living standards for those who fought in the Soviet Union's 10-year war in Afghanistan (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/03/2005
  • Kyrylenko Ready to Meet With Afghan War Veterans to Discuss Their Social Demands (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • 700 Veterans of Afghanistan Blocking Cabinet, Demanding Implementation of State's Social Commitments (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Yuschenko Suspends Converting Internal Ministry's Interior Troops Into Non-Military Forces (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Security Service Calls On Citizens to Refrain from Using Force During November 7 Events (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Woman 'shocked and disgusted' by media reports (RTE News) 11/03/2005
  • Woman speaks out after Lawlor crash [Julia Kushnir] (UTV) 11/03/2005
  • 150 Employees of Stryi Outpatient Hospital Are on Hunger Strike to Back Strikers in Lviv (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Facing a hard cell. Doctor says human placentas work wonders ['About 5,000 people took the treatment in 1951 in Odessa'] (Las Vegas Sun) 11/03/2005
  • Chernobyl Legacy Sheds Light On Link Between Thyroid Cancer And Radiation Exposure (Science Daily) 11/03/2005
  • Charges likely in human smuggling case (Detroit News) 11/03/2005
  • Photo: Taxi drivers block access to the administrative building of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during a protest in Kiev. The drivers staged protests throughout Ukraine to denounce high fuel prices and proposed new complex rules on registering their vehicles (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/03/2005
  • Photo: Taxi drivers wearing headbands of Ukrainian flag colors protest, with a flag of the Taxi Drivers Trade Union in the background, at President Viktor Yushchenko's office in central Kiev. Hundreds of taxi drivers from across the country temporarily blocked the entrance to President Viktor Yushchenko's office Thursday to protest high gasoline prices and proposed new regulations they say would benefit unlicensed cab drivers (AP/Yahoo) 11/03/2005
  • Photo: Taxi drivers stand at their cars during a protest against high gas prices in central Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 11/03/2005
  • 100 Taxi Drivers Demanding Benefits and Compensations Near Secretariat (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Taxi Drivers Hold National Protest to Demand Improvement of Business Conditions (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Олекса Гудима: «Отримані від продажу «Криворіжсталі» кошти треба скерувати на енергозбереження та молодіжне будівництво» (Високий замок) 11/03/2005
  • Gas group calls for mkt liberalization to boost competition (Ukrainian Journal) 11/03/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Down 2 kopecks to 5.0500 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • NBU Gold and Currency Reserves Up by 4.4% to USD 14.889 Billion in October (Українські новини) 11/03/2005
  • Linking up a Hedge Fund, a Revolution and the Fall of the Berlin Wall (Wharton School) 11/03/2005
  • UkrTelecom scrambles to pay off a UAH800 mln tab for Kiev taxes (Ukrainian Journal) 11/03/2005
  • Ukraine to ban import of wild birds on flu fears (AFP/Yahoo) 11/03/2005
  • Україна з НАСА співпрацює в марсіанських та місячних проектах (BBC Ukrainian) 11/03/2005
  • Software pirate faces the music [Andrei Goncharko, Ukrainian sailor convicted of pirating computer programs] (IOL) 11/03/2005
  • Sculpture looks like real thing [wood sculptor, Leonid Kolibaba] (Shropshire Star) 11/03/2005
  • Ukrainian artist journeys to Omaha (Omaha World-Herald) 11/03/2005
  • Gallery-Going [John Graham (1886-1961) - Born Ivan Gratianovich Dombrowski in Kiev, Graham served as a cavalry officer in the Romanov army, earned a law degree, and, in 1920, immigrated to New York, where he took up painting...] (NY Sun) 11/03/2005
  • Чому Сталін нас нищив? Як осмислювали Голодомор. Позиція радянських істориків (ч. 3) (День) 11/03/2005
  • Roxolana's Garden Ukrainian Restaurant - Pittsburg (Website) 11/03/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov speaks to journalists after meeting U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the State Department in Washington (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • Photo: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice meets with Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov at the State Department in Washington (AFP/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • Photo: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice meets Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov at the State Department in Washington (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • Photo: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice shakes hands with Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Yekhanurov at the start of their bilateral talks in Washington (AP/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • Ukraine Seeks U.S. Support for WTO Bid (AP/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • US congressmen call for lifting sanctions on trade links with Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • Weldon meets with Prime Minister of Ukraine; calls for immediate removal of Jackson-Vanik ( 11/02/2005
  • U.S. lawmakers demand end to curbs on trade with Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/02/2005
  • Yekhanurov and US State Secretary Rice Discuss Fight Against Corruption (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Єхануров: Якщо РФ стане членом СОТ раніше, то Україна не вступить до цієї організації ніколи (Кореспондент) 11/02/2005
  • Yuschenko to Make Speech in Rada January 23 (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Більшість парламентських фракцій підтримують кандидатуру Медведька (Кореспондент) 11/02/2005
  • Ukrainian People's Party to Vote Against Medvedko for Prosecutor General's Post (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Медведько: фальсифікатори мають відповідати (BBC Ukrainian) 11/02/2005
  • Знову «донецький» на Різницькій? (Україна молода) 11/02/2005
  • Не політик. Новий генпрокурор: у парламенті чекають пояснень (День) 11/02/2005
  • Ukraine receives Melnychenko's original tapes (Interfax-Russia) 11/02/2005
  • CEC Puts 36.546 Million Voters on General Lists (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Наскiльки трансформувалися мас-медiа в Українi? (VOA) 11/02/2005
  • Ukraine's centrist camp in disarray ahead of 2006 elections (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/02/2005
  • CEC Refuses Again to Register Melnychenko as Parliamentary Candidate in 2002 Ballot (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Changing winds in ex-Soviet lands (BBC News) 11/02/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian soldier stands by a shooting mortar during military exercises at Divichki training base. Post-Soviet Ukraine plans to reduce its armed forces to 143,000 by the year 2011 (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • Верховна Рада каже «нi» угодi з НАТО (VOA) 11/02/2005
  • Верховна Рада відмовила НАТО у використанні української транспортної авіації (Кореспондент) 11/02/2005
  • Російський адмірал вважає, що Крим повернеться до складу Росії (Кореспондент) 11/02/2005
  • Putin postpones trip to Kiev; Fradkov visit expected in near future (Ukrainian Journal) 11/02/2005
  • 23 вакансії... Чи може бути ефективною зовнішня політика без посла? (День) 11/02/2005
  • Yushchenko calls for higher salaries for judges to end bribe-taking (AP/Kyiv Post) 11/02/2005
  • Ющенко: судова гілка не є незалежною (BBC Ukrainian) 11/02/2005
  • Yuschenko Directs Cabinet to Provide Judges with Housing in 2006 (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Congress of Judges Begins in Kyiv (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Ukraine Hopes for Democratic Election of President of Belarus (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Ukraine and Mali Aiming to Develop Cooperation (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Spice islands in turmoil as troops fire at election protesters (The Times) 11/02/2005
  • Sweden to Investigate Former Klan Leader (AP/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian feeds pigeons in Kiev. Ukraine is on alert for a possible outbreak of bird flu which scientists say could be transmitted by wildfowl migrating west along the Danube waterway from neighbouring Croatia and Romania (AP/Yahoo) 11/02/2005
  • Наскiльки Українi загрожує пташиний грип? (VOA) 11/02/2005
  • Rada approves two bills needed for WTO (Ukrainian Journal) 11/02/2005
  • Pynzenyk clashes with MPs over amendments that would boost deficit (Ukrainian Journal) 11/02/2005
  • World Bank May Invest in Rehabilitation of Hydroelectric Power Stations and Construction of High-Voltage Power Lines in Ukraine (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Yuschenko Says Optimization of Energy Consumption May Be Priority Direction in Using Funds from Kryvorizhstal Sale (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Remains at 5.0300 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Agricultural Policy Ministry Starts Checking Raw Materials at Meat Processing Enterprises (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Ukraine to Participate in NASA Projects (Українські новини) 11/02/2005
  • Мова — це валюта, що котується чи не котується на світовому ринку (Україна молода) 11/02/2005
  • Singing in Lviv [Ladies choir hosted by the choir Mriya in the cultural capital of Ukraine - Lviv] (Huddersfield Daily Examiner) 11/02/2005

  • [VIDEO] Вiзит Єханурова до США – день перший (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Вiзит Єханурова до США – день перший (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Ukraine's prime minister in US to discuss trade, bilateral ties (AFP/Yahoo) 11/01/2005
  • In Kyiv and Washington, Officials Hope to Boost WTO Bid (RFE/RL) 11/01/2005
  • Yekhanurov Says All Conditions for Approval of Ukraine's Membership in WTO by United States Are Fulfilled (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Yuschenko Believes Ukraine's WTO Membership Will Boost Prosperity of Ukrainians and GDP Growth (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Ukraine's Parliament Passes 2006 Budget in First Reading, and 2 WTO Bills (AP/Yahoo) 11/01/2005
  • Rada Approves 2006 State Budget with Revenues of UAH 118.7 Billion and Expenditures of UAH 127.4 Billion in First Reading (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Тривають дебати навколо держбюджету на 2006 рiк (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Compromise may pave way for WTO accession (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2005
  • Rada to Examine Medvedko's Candidacy for Prosecutor General's Post November 3 (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Кандидат на генпрокурора: минуле й майбутнє (BBC Ukrainian) 11/01/2005
  • Ющенко завагався щодо нового генпрокурора (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Piskun Forecasts Approval of Medvedko as Prosecutor General by Rada (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Two Prosecutor Candidates a Day in Ukraine (Kommersant) 11/01/2005
  • Piskun to contest his ouster using law against firing sick employees (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2005
  • Комісія ВР виявила підтвердження корупції у вищих ешелонах влади (proUA) 11/01/2005
  • В'ячеслав Брюховецький: Це була не революція, а (р)еволюція, тому всі ми мали завеликі очікування (Україна молода) 11/01/2005
  • Лесь Танюк: «Влада завжди виявляється меншою, ніж революція...» (День) 11/01/2005
  • Безсмертний: 'Менi тодi було байдуже, хто дасть грошi' (Експрес) 11/01/2005
  • Bezsmertnyi Denies Financing of Yuschenko's Election Campaign by Berezovsky (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Іван Бокий - про позицію Соцпартії щодо СОТ і заводів (BBC Ukrainian) 11/01/2005
  • Lytvyn Wishes to Remain Parliament Speaker After 2006 Election (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Ukraine's heroes turn into foes (BBC News) 11/01/2005
  • Влада помiтила демонстрантiв на Банковiй (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • В Українi протест в першу річницю виборiв (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Новий аналiз виборчих настроїв в Українi (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Пенчук: Такташов – брехун і провокатор (Кореспондент) 11/01/2005
  • Former Investigator in Kolesnykov Case Taktashov Says Case Was Fabricated (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Щербань відмовився від допомоги МЗС (Кореспондент) 11/01/2005
  • МЗС: Україна має зближуватися з ЄС i НАТО (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Ukraine Hopes Azerbaijan Holds Fair, Open and Democratic Parliamentary Elections (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Rose, Orange Revolutions' protagonists against 'color revolution' in Azerbaijan (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/01/2005
  • Ukraine Hoping for Peaceful Resolution of Situation in Kyrgyzstan (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Unedifying debut to 5+2 negotiations on Moldova (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/01/2005
  • Yuschenko Awards Japanese Ambassador Amae Order of Yaroslav the Wise (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Відомі імена двох загиблих українців в аеропорту Схіпхол (BBC Ukrainian) 11/01/2005
  • Dutch to pay air fares for families of fire victims (Reuters/AlertNet) 11/01/2005
  • МЗС України наполягає на додатковому розслідуванні в США справи про загибель Процюка (proUA) 11/01/2005
  • Lutsenko Accusing Kharkiv Governor Avakov of Pressuring Local Police (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Border Guards Detain Moldova Resident Trying to Smuggle 2 Kg of Jewelry in Odesa Region (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Eight Dead, One in Hospital After Car Accident in Poltava Region (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Last laugh goes to the hooker who wasn't (Daily Telegraph) 11/01/2005
  • Photo: An elderly Ukrainian woman begs for money in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/01/2005
  • Jobs needed to reduce poverty in Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union (AFP/Yahoo) 11/01/2005
  • EU-funded study on Ukrainian labour markets affected by human trafficking (OSCE) 11/01/2005
  • Тарасюк: Україна палива не захороняє (BBC Ukrainian) 11/01/2005
  • Chernobyl did not lead to thyroid cancer (UPI) 11/01/2005
  • UN Health Official Predicts Bird-Flu Outbreaks in Ukraine (RFE/RL) 11/01/2005
  • Чого чекає американський бізнес від Єханурова? (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Rush to Reprivatization Drops on Kiev's Agenda (Reuters/Moscow Times) 11/01/2005
  • Fair Auctions 101 (Moscow Times) 11/01/2005
  • Interbank Hryvnia Rate Down 0.5 Kopeck to 5.0300 UAH/USD (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Skoda Auto Makes 5 Millionth Car Under VW (AP/Yahoo) 11/01/2005
  • Veterinary Service Lifts Ban on Imports of Live Poultry and Poultry Meat from Greece (Українські новини) 11/01/2005
  • Caviar Farmers Hope to Fill Market Void (AP/Yahoo) 11/01/2005
  • Church leader to visit Clifton [Patriarch Filaret] (Herald News) 11/01/2005
  • [VIDEO] Українка, якa вчить американцiв спiвати (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • [VIDEO] У Міннесоті – унікальний український архiв (VOA) 11/01/2005
  • Churches worried about hikes in heating costs (CBC) 11/01/2005
  • Десь тут був Сіромаха... Дніпропетровські археологи натрапили на сенсаційну знахідку — могилу козацького полковника (Україна молода) 11/01/2005
  • Ukraine lifts ban on poultry imports from Greece (AFP/Yahoo) 11/01/2005
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

    Громадське радіо

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    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

    The Kyiv Post

    День The Day Newspaper

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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