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  • Exercise “Joint Assistance 2005” in Ukraine (NATO) 09/30/2005
  • Yuschenko Appoints Hrytsenko As Minister of Defense (Українські новини) 09/30/2005
  • President Appoints Defense Minister [Anatoly Hrytsenko] (UNIAN) 09/30/2005
  • Гриценко зберіг посаду міністра оборони України (Кореспондент) 09/30/2005
  • Формування уряду Єханурова буде завершено завтра (Кореспондент) 09/30/2005
  • Опитування: Фаворитами майбутньої виборчої кампанії є НСНУ, Партія регіонів і «Батьківщина» (Кореспондент) 09/30/2005
  • «Я взяв портфель і вийшов...» Сергій Головатий — про «історію стосунків» з БЮТ та ризики «справи Гонгадзе» (День) 09/30/2005
  • Nationalist parties call on followers to back president after crisis (Ukrainian Journal) 09/30/2005
  • Кучма пропонує відкласти політреформу (Кореспондент) 09/30/2005
  • Photo: President Vladimir Putin greets Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov during their meeting in the Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow. Ukraine's new prime minister was on his first trip abroad after being confirmed in the post last week, a sign that he was intent on reassuring the Kremlin that the new government wants good ties with its giant neighbor (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/30/2005
  • Ukraine's PM in key Moscow talks (BBC News) 09/30/2005
  • New prime minister makes fence-mending visit to Russia (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/30/2005
  • Ukraine's New Premier Reassures Russia in Moscow Visit (RFE/RL) 09/30/2005
  • Ukrainians express hopes for ‘deep negotiations’ at PM’s Moscow trip (Ukrainian Journal) 09/30/2005
  • President Speaks with Vladimir Putin (UNIAN) 09/30/2005
  • 'It is necessary to make a picture with Putin and spread the rumor about the supper together and sleep over' [Oleg Rybachuk in Moscow] (Kommersant) 09/30/2005
  • Rybachuk: Moscow Drew Conclusions from Its Behavior (UNIAN) 09/30/2005
  • Editorial: Obseqiousness toward Putin (Wash Times) 09/30/2005
  • Nordic and Baltic lawmakers unite to press Ukraine to maintain its EU aspirations (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/30/2005
  • President Meeting with European & Baltic Speakers (UNIAN) 09/30/2005
  • Big Defeats and Little Victories (Kommersant) 09/30/2005
  • Has Yushchenko Betrayed The Orange Revolution? By Jan Maksymiuk (RFE/RL) 09/30/2005
  • NATO to Hold Anti-Terrorist Exercises in Ukraine (UNIAN) 09/30/2005
  • Exercise 'Joint Assistance 2005' in Ukraine (NATO) 09/30/2005
  • Political Charades [Book: 'Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in the Post Soviet World' By Andrew Wilson] (Moscow Times) 09/30/2005
  • Poland to pay for Stalin's ethnic cleansing (Radio Polonia) 09/30/2005
  • Ukrainian Ambassador Holds Ceremony [Jordan] (JNA) 09/30/2005
  • Migrants face a long and deadly winter. Welfare body calls for action on housing (Belfast Telegraph) 09/30/2005
  • OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine to support anti-trafficking festival (OSCE) 09/30/2005
  • UK Sex Trafficking: Amnesty welcomes Birmingham police crackdown, but UK must do more to protect victims (Amnesty International) 09/30/2005
  • 'Sex slaves' rescued in massage parlour raid (Daily Telegraph) 09/30/2005
  • В Україні знижується смертність від ВІЛ/СНІД (Кореспондент) 09/30/2005
  • The General Office of Public Prosecutor of Ukraine reveals the fact of chemical pollution in Transcarpathian (Forum) 09/30/2005
  • Yekhanurov: No more ‘reprivatization’ (Ukrainian Journal) 09/30/2005
  • Завод можуть забрати в держави на основі вже винесених судових рішень (День) 09/30/2005
  • Regal suffers new setback in Ukraine (Daily Telegraph) 09/30/2005
  • Peach harvest in Crimea justifies high expectations (Fresh Plaza) 09/30/2005
  • Представник Київської Патріархії прокоментував міркування Глави УГКЦ щодо єдності Церкви в Україні (RISU) 09/30/2005
  • Ukrainian President Signs Decree on Religions and Churches (RISU) 09/30/2005
  • Ukraine’s New Prime Minister Visits UOC-MP Orthodox in Dnipropetrovsk (RISU) 09/30/2005
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholics Participate in Polish Bishops’ Conference (RISU) 09/30/2005
  • Nostradamus’s predictions borne out by the Bible, a Ukrainian researcher claims (Interfax-Russia) 09/30/2005
  • President Greets Librarians (UNIAN) 09/30/2005
  • Grad seeking life lessons in Ukraine (North Jersey Media Group) 09/30/2005
  • Fresh Start. Esthetic Education, a Kiev band featuring two ex-members of the pop supergroup Okean Elzy, brings its act to Moscow this weekend (Moscow Times) 09/30/2005
  • Acting role struck chord for musician [Eugene Hutz] (Star Tribune) 09/30/2005
  • Everything Is Illuminated (Globe and Mail) 09/30/2005
  • Everything is Illuminated: Director's choices ruin novel's translation to film (Sun-Sentinel) 09/30/2005
  • Culture clash Illuminates the big screen [Toronto Sun] (Jam) 09/30/2005
  • Ukraine fairy tale for UK rocker [Yevhenia Tymoshenko and Sean Carr wedding] (BBC News) 09/30/2005
  • Big-hearted Hibbies (Edinburgh Evening News) 09/30/2005

  • Don't go wobbly on the orange (IH Tribune) 09/29/2005
  • Fitch: New Government in Ukraine – Policy Goals Unchanged (BRAMA) 09/29/2005
  • Address of H.E. Mr. Borys Tarasyuk, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine at Columbia University [TRANSCRIPT] FOTO/S (BRAMA) 09/29/2005
  • Ukrainian American Heritage Days 5th Avenue Parade, 10 September 2005 [VIDEO] (BRAMA) 09/29/2005
  • Ukrainian American Heritage Days in New York City, 1-11 September 2005 [SLIDESHOW] (BRAMA) 09/29/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko in New York City, 16 September 2005 [SLIDESHOW] (BRAMA) 09/29/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko, Philadelphia Liberty Medal award, 17 September 2005 [SLIDESHOW] (BRAMA) 09/29/2005
  • Prime minister touts pro-business credentials in visit to eastern Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/29/2005
  • Yushchenko reappoints Pynzenyk, names Bondar transportation minister (Ukrainian Journal) 09/29/2005
  • Ukraine Forms New Government (VOA News) 09/29/2005
  • В Українi йде перестановка політичних сил (VOA) 09/29/2005
  • Yanukovych party gains lead in opinion polls (Ukrainian Journal) 09/29/2005
  • МОЗ: в Україні немає лабораторії, яка визначає, чи є діоксіни в крові людини (proUA) 09/29/2005
  • Федур і Головатий: Генпрокуратура намагається поховати 'справу Гонгадзе' (Кореспондент) 09/29/2005
  • Генеральна прокуратура намагається якомога швидше закрити справу щодо вбивства Георгія Гонгадзе, стверджують адвокати Андрій Федур та Сергій Головатий (Радіо Свобода) 09/29/2005
  • Замовником вбивства Гонгадзе назвуть Пукача? (VOA) 09/29/2005
  • Defense Minister of Ukraine: Ukrainian military men are not afraid NATO any more (Forum) 09/29/2005
  • NATO and Ukraine Kick Off Intensified Staff Talks (UNIAN) 09/29/2005
  • У Вашингтоні закiнчилася конференція, присвячена Українi (VOA) 09/29/2005
  • Ukraine expects to solve problems in relations with Russia (Interfax-Russia) 09/29/2005
  • To Shut Doors Tightly [Oleg Rybachuk is the third politician of Ukraine who came to Moscow in one week] (Kommersant) 09/29/2005
  • Top officials from Ukraine, Belarus and Poland to hold three-way talks in Kyiv (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/29/2005
  • Photo: People walk from the Babi Yar victims monument during commemoration of the 64th anniversary of Nazi massacre of Jews, in Ukraine's capital Kiev... (AP/Yahoo) 09/29/2005
  • Ukraine Marks Anniversary of Nazi Killings (AP/Yahoo) 09/29/2005
  • Ukraine marks anniversary of Nazi massacres in Kiev (Ha'aretz) 09/29/2005
  • President Commemorates Babiy Yar Victims (UNIAN) 09/29/2005
  • В Україні вшановують 64 роковини трагедії у Бабиному Яру (Радіо Свобода) 09/29/2005
  • Killing Fields (AIJAC) 09/29/2005
  • Lithuania Deciphers Su-27 Black Box [with the aid of Ukrainian experts] (Kommersant) 09/29/2005
  • U.S. Military Concerned with Flight Safety Control in Ukraine (Kommersant) 09/29/2005
  • Ukraine’s New Prime Minister Yekhanurov Says No More Re-Privatizations (MosNews) 09/29/2005
  • Обговорюють можливості податкової амністії (VOA) 09/29/2005
  • Russian official: SES [a.k.a. CES] was organized only for the sake of Ukraine (Ukrayinska Pravda) 09/29/2005
  • Since Beginning of the Year, Economic Competitiveness Fell by 16% - Prime Minister (UNIAN) 09/29/2005
  • Ukrainian state debt up 0.3% in Aug (Interfax-Russia) 09/29/2005
  • Експерт: уряд Тимошенко ускладнив повернення державі акцій НЗФ (Deutsche Welle) 09/29/2005
  • Russian pact with Uzbekistan throws govt energy team into emergency (Ukrainian Journal) 09/29/2005
  • Ukraine to build 1st part of Dnister Hydro facility by y/e 2007 (Ukrainian Journal) 09/29/2005
  • Invensys Nuclear Wins Major Ukraine PWR Contract with Tricon Technology (PandCT) 09/29/2005
  • Cardinal Resources [Oil and gas production and exploration focused in the Ukraine] says in talks to buy assets to complement ops in Ukraine (AFX/III) 09/29/2005
  • Regal Statement; One Joke Too Far - Analyst (Newratings) 09/29/2005
  • Regal Credibility Shot To Pieces - ABN Amro (Newratings) 09/29/2005
  • Regal Petroleum says may face legal challenge over licences in Ukraine (AFX/III) 09/29/2005
  • Western Europe Wary of the Flat Tax, Despite Use in Eastern Europe (AP/Yahoo) 09/29/2005
  • ThyssenKrupp Elevator sets up subsidiary in Ukraine (Forbes) 09/29/2005
  • Hewlett-Packard opens giant computer assembly plant in Kiev (Ukrainian Journal) 09/29/2005
  • Ukrainian machine builders to deliver unique clamshells to Kazakhstan (Kazinform) 09/29/2005
  • Wheat Prices Rise as Dry Weather May Cut Ukraine, Russian Crops (Bloomberg) 09/29/2005
  • Malteurope Ukraine invested 24 mln euros into malt plant in Kharkov, delighting president's relative official (Agrimarket) 09/29/2005
  • Ukrainian Catholic leader wants single Catholic-Orthodox patriarchate [Cardinal Lubomyr Husar] (Catholic World News) 09/29/2005
  • Про утвердження патріаршого устрою Української Греко-Католицької Церкви. Пастирське послання (Патріярхат) 09/29/2005
  • Оголошено новий конкурс для навчання у США (VOA) 09/29/2005
  • Israeli, Ukrainian singers team-up [Victoria Hanna and Marjana Sadowska] (EJP) 09/29/2005
  • Sonia Lee Makes a Trip Home to Ukraine to See Family, and Play a Free Concert at an Area School (UCWE) 09/29/2005
  • Lighten up. Liev Schreiber turns director and professes the brilliance of Eastern Europe in Everything is illuminated (Hour) 09/29/2005
  • Hibbies hand over money to orphanage in Ukraine (Edinburgh Evening News) 09/29/2005
  • Success by design [Vika Brown] (Chicago Sun-Times) 09/29/2005
  • Ukrainian immigrant soars to Army's top competition (Las Vegas Sun) 09/29/2005
  • Kempton teacher Nets Ukrainian bride (SA Star) 09/29/2005
  • «Я бачив, як гинув Василь Бандера...» У нацистському концтаборі Аушвіц українцi пухли з голоду, працювали у каменоломнях, аналізували історію і відзначали християнські свята (Україна молода) 09/29/2005
  • Reuters historical calendar: 1941 - Over two days, German occupiers killed 33,771 Jewish men, women and children in the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev; 1960 - Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev heckled and thumped his desk during British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's speech to the UN Assembly in New York. (Website) 09/29/2005

  • Course on the United Nations and Ukraine (BRAMA) 09/28/2005
  • Thermidor in Ukraine? By Adrian Karatnycky (Foreign Affairs) 09/28/2005
  • Призначено нового міністра транспорту і зв’язку України (Кореспондент) 09/28/2005
  • Червоненка замінив Бондар (proUA) 09/28/2005
  • Пинзеник залишився на посаді міністра фінансів України (Кореспондент) 09/28/2005
  • Ющенко перепризначив Пинзеника міністром фінансів (proUA) 09/28/2005
  • Качур став міністром будівництва (proUA) 09/28/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko slumps in polls after split (Reuters) 09/28/2005
  • Ratings of Yushchenko and Timoshenko have fallen equally (Forum) 09/28/2005
  • Українці позитивно оцінюють призначення прем’єр-міністром Єханурова (Кореспондент) 09/28/2005
  • Відставку уряду Юлії Тимошенко та інших посадовців громадяни України сприйняли скоріше схвально, ніж негативно (Радіо Свобода) 09/28/2005
  • Нова влада втрачає довiру, говорять соцiологи (VOA) 09/28/2005
  • Результати ще одного опитування - також невтiшнi (VOA) 09/28/2005
  • Centre-right dominates Kiev cabinet (Financial Times) 09/28/2005
  • Yushchenko names new Economy Minister (Ukrainian Journal) 09/28/2005
  • Yushchenko Picking New Cabinet (Reuters/Moscow Times) 09/28/2005
  • Уряд є. Трохи не такий (Україна молода) 09/28/2005
  • Друга спроба: уряд відокремлено від політики (День) 09/28/2005
  • Політики коментують склад нового уряду (VOA) 09/28/2005
  • Екс-генпрокурор [Михайло Потебенько] заступився за Юлію Тимошенко (Кореспондент) 09/28/2005
  • Антон Бутейко про ситуацію в Українi (VOA) 09/28/2005
  • Speech by Zbigniew Brzezinski at the 6th Annual Roundtable 'Ukraine's Quest for Mature Nation Statehood', Washington, DC, September 28, 2005 (VOA) 09/28/2005
  • У Вашингтоні знову говорять про Україну (VOA) 09/28/2005
  • Ukraine's failure to join WTO may lead to severance from EU (Forum) 09/28/2005
  • Observer: Queen's blessing (Financial Times) 09/28/2005
  • Cherie and the Queen won't share stage at peace awards (Independent) 09/28/2005
  • Реприватизація Майдану через московську Генпрокуратуру (Україна молода) 09/28/2005
  • Democracy in Ukraine: The bitter taste of the orange revolution (Independent) 09/28/2005
  • Does Mr. Yushchenko Remember that the Price for his Power in the Days of the Revolution Equals the Price for our Lives? (Ukrayinska Pravda) 09/28/2005
  • Аксакал козачком: нова роль Леоніда Кравчука в українській політиці (Україна молода) 09/28/2005
  • Нарешті! Учора депутати міськради абсолютною більшістю відправили у відставку мера Львова Любомира Буняка (Львівська газета) 09/28/2005
  • «Бакаяда», або Як українські ЗМІ в Москві екс-керівника ДУС шукали (Україна молода) 09/28/2005
  • Kremlin back in a big way after Ukraine crisis (Ukrainian Journal) 09/28/2005
  • In TV 'town meeting,' Putin tips populist hand (CS Monitor) 09/28/2005
  • Putin Hints He May Stay in Politics (Moscow Times) 09/28/2005
  • Ukraine Government Difficulties Make Moscow Happy (Global Politician) 09/28/2005
  • Empire without foundations (Guardian) 09/28/2005
  • Arch-conservative pundits in Russia characterize Bush administration as 'neo-Bolshevik' (EurasiaNet) 09/28/2005
  • US military delegation visits Ukraine (Forum) 09/28/2005
  • Court Restored Chief of Military Reconnaissance to Post (UNIAN) 09/28/2005
  • Overnight, the world was safer (IH Tribune) 09/28/2005
  • Ukrainian officials find radioactive material believed stolen from Chernobyl (AP/Yahoo) 09/28/2005
  • New Evidence Found in Chernobyl Fuel Theft Case (MosNews) 09/28/2005
  • Українці – легка здобич сучасних работорговців (Львівська газета) 09/28/2005
  • Вони чекають... Посол України в Португалії Костянтин Тимошенко розповідає про ймовірність повернення українців, які заробляють за кордоном, після політичних змін на батьківщині (Україна молода) 09/28/2005
  • Полiтика з реприватизацiї залишається неясною (VOA) 09/28/2005
  • EU to Decide on Ukraine's Market Economy Status by December (AP/Yahoo) 09/28/2005
  • PM Rules Out Administrative Interference in Economy (UNIAN) 09/28/2005
  • Yekhanurov calls on Naftogaz Ukrayiny to boost Turkmenistan shipments (Ukrainian Journal) 09/28/2005
  • Ukraine to seek resumption of Russian pipeline project participation (Ukrainian Journal) 09/28/2005
  • Ukraine, Georgia clarify agreement on free trade (Georgia Messenger) 09/28/2005
  • UBS Starts Raiffeisen International at Buy [Ukraine's Aval bank] (Newratings) 09/28/2005
  • Ukraine: garlic deficit is leading to dramatic price growth (Fresh Plaza) 09/28/2005
  • Ukraine: Kherson farmers experience problems selling tomato (Fresh Plaza) 09/28/2005
  • Boom times for hi-tech fraudsters (BBC News) 09/28/2005
  • New archaeological discovery in Kiev (Forum) 09/28/2005
  • 'Everything Is Illuminated' star Eugene Hutz lights up the fair. Brighten the Corners (City Pages) 09/28/2005
  • Schreiber: Being a Director Isn't Easy (AP/Yahoo) 09/28/2005
  • Голова у комп'ютера — наша! Потужні персональні комп'ютери й інтернет стали можливими завдяки винаходу українця (Україна молода) 09/28/2005
  • Obit: Elaine Kowalsky. Vivacious printmaker and campaigner whose work echoed her personality (Guardian) 09/28/2005
  • Lincoln Brigade fought Franco with arms and with art (Villager) 09/28/2005

  • Photo: A woman reads a newspaper against a background of a huge ad in downtown Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/27/2005
  • Новий склад Уряду - на Урядовому Порталі (Урядовий портал) 09/27/2005
  • Photo: This December 2004 file picture shows the former first deputy chairman of the central bank Arseniy Yatsenyuk in Kiev. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, piecing together a new government to rejuvenate the economy after a split in liberal ranks, has named young central bank specialist Yatsenyuk as economy minister (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/27/2005
  • Ukraine president names new economy minister (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/27/2005
  • Yushchenko begins announcing members of new Cabinet (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/27/2005
  • Stashevskiy, a moderate lawmaker, replaces Kinakh as 1st deputy PM (Ukrainian Journal) 09/27/2005
  • Нові кадрові призначення в українській владі (VOA) 09/27/2005
  • Ющенко призначає членів нового уряду (Кореспондент) 09/27/2005
  • Призначено секретаря РНБО і міністра оборони (Кореспондент) 09/27/2005
  • Секретарем РНБО призначено Кінаха (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Міністром праці став Сахань (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Першим віце-прем’єром призначений Сташевський (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Ющенко звільнив Зварича, Білозір і Поліщука (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Терьохіна замінив Яценюк (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Міністром Кабміну став Богдан Буца (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Луценко залишився головним міліціонером (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Шандра залишився в новому Кабміні (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Ніколаєнко зберіг свій пост у новому Кабміні (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Ігнатенко залишився охороняти навколишнє середовище (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Тарасюк залишається міністром закордонних справ (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Павленко залишився міністром сім’ї і молоді (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Баранівський теж залишиться в Кабміні (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Призначено керівників Мінпаливенерго і Мінвуглепрому (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Ющенко перепризначив Тополова міністром вугільної промисловості (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Балога зайняв місце Жванії (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Плачков залишився при посту в Кабміні (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Кириленко став віце-прем’єр-міністром (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Безсмертного призначено віце-прем’єр-міністром (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • U.S. Optimistic Ukraine Economy, Reforms Are 'Back on Track' (USDOS) 09/27/2005
  • Жінка з рушницею (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Тимошенко заплуталася в Держкомстаті (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Former PM pays surprise Moscow visit (Ukrainian Journal) 09/27/2005
  • Advantage of Showing Up. Yulia Timoshenko paid a visit to Russian Prosecution Office (Kommersant) 09/27/2005
  • What a Change…Yulia Timoshenko was not received by Vladimir Putin (Kommersant) 09/27/2005
  • History of 'Timoshenko Case' (Kommersant) 09/27/2005
  • Police question Akhmetov in connection with criminal case (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/27/2005
  • Ukrainian Interior Ministry Questions Billionaire Akhmetov (UNIAN) 09/27/2005
  • Ukraine's Richest Man Tests Kiev's New Political Climate (Reuters/Moscow Times) 09/27/2005
  • In Ukraine, old whiff of scandal in new regime. Popular reformer Yushchenko now polls just 25 percent (Chicago Tribune) 09/27/2005
  • President of Ukraine Wins New British Award (UNIAN) 09/27/2005
  • 'Political tourism' or long-range national interests? (День) 09/27/2005
  • Rybachuk Met with Jackson and Herbst (UNIAN) 09/27/2005
  • NATO Secretary General to Take Part in Session of North-Atlantic Council in Kyiv (UNIAN) 09/27/2005
  • The organization of global interests: Head of the UN Mission in Kyiv on Ukraine’s prospects (День) 09/27/2005
  • Eastern Ukraine: The Ultimate Prize (RIA) 09/27/2005
  • Львівського мера відправили у відставку (proUA) 09/27/2005
  • Walesa Calls for Value-Based Policies, Institutions (VOA News) 09/27/2005
  • Suitors circle a Poland in limbo (Guardian) 09/27/2005
  • Moldovan separatist leader welcomes U.S. involvement in settlement process (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/27/2005
  • In Odessa, They Attempt to Settle Transdniestria’s Conflict (Kommersant) 09/27/2005
  • Ukraine offers to help mediate between Belarus and EU (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/27/2005
  • Foreign Minister Responds to Ukraine's Official Note (Baku Today) 09/27/2005
  • It's Azerbaijan's turn (IH Tribune) 09/27/2005
  • Authorities Use Force to Avoid Awkward Questions at Putin’s Live Conference (MosNews) 09/27/2005
  • Putin Won't Rule Out Third Term in 2008 (AP/Yahoo) 09/27/2005
  • Putin hails Russian riches, but vows no third term (AP/Yahoo) 09/27/2005
  • Russia and Ukraine to Work on Facilitating Visa Regime - Putin (UNIAN) 09/27/2005
  • Gelman Keeps Public Guessing (Moscow Times) 09/27/2005
  • An unanswered question for now: Commission investigating the Gongadze case presents report (День) 09/27/2005
  • Мiжнародна амнiстiя про проблему катувань в Українi (VOA) 09/27/2005
  • Ukraine: Decisive action against torture yet to be taken, says new report (Amnesty International) 09/27/2005
  • Ukraine - Time for Action: Torture and ill-treatment in police detention (Amnesty International) 09/27/2005
  • Ukraine: Victims of police brutality (Amnesty International) 09/27/2005
  • «Україна — час діяти!» Право першими оприлюднити цей звіт про українські тортури «Мiжнародна амнiстiя» надала саме «Україні молодій» (Україна молода) 09/27/2005
  • Government Asks Churches to Help Victims of Slave Trade (RISU) 09/27/2005
  • EU parliament moots asylum bill (BBC News) 09/27/2005
  • 73 bln UAH Planned to Be Allocated for Development of Armed Forces (UNIAN) 09/27/2005
  • NBU liberalizes hard currency export and import rules (Firstnews) 09/27/2005
  • Russian Economics Minister Visits Washington (Kommersant) 09/27/2005
  • Russian minister says economic integration with Ukraine inevitable (RIA) 09/27/2005
  • Україна не проміняє енергетичної незалежності на дешевий газ (Кореспондент) 09/27/2005
  • Russia’s Lukoil investigated by Ukraine for illegal distribution in JV (Ukrainian Journal) 09/27/2005
  • Ukraine's Coal Minister Vows to Learn From Past Mistakes When Closing Mines (RedNova) 09/27/2005
  • Titanium giant undaunted by clash with materials supplier [VSMPO threatened 'countermeasures' against Ukrainian-owned Volnogorsk GOK] (Flight International) 09/27/2005
  • EU proposes to open aviation talks with Ukraine (AFX/III) 09/27/2005
  • Wheat Prices May Fall as Russia, Ukraine Boost Sales (Bloomberg) 09/27/2005
  • Crushers Cut Prices for Sunflower Seeds (UNIAN) 09/27/2005
  • Most Ukrainians Support Religion in Schools (RISU) 09/27/2005
  • Lviv Laity Support Transfer of Greek Catholic Administrative Center to Kyiv (RISU) 09/27/2005
  • In a moral quagmire (День) 09/27/2005
  • Destined to be a Ukrainian: James Mace in Ukraine’s sorrowing memory (День) 09/27/2005
  • Virgil and Kotliarevsky: Two Aeneids (День) 09/27/2005
  • Ukrainian volunteers deliver aid to Katrina hurricane victims (Forum) 09/27/2005

  • NATO and Ukraine kick off intensified staff talks (NATO) 09/26/2005
  • Ющенко сформував новий уряд? (proUA) 09/26/2005
  • Ukraine's Orange Revolution can still end in success. By Anders Aslund (Financial Times) 09/26/2005
  • London think-tank honours Ukraine's Yuschenko with prize: Ukraine's President Victor Yushchenko was named as the recipient of the first-ever Chatham House Prize, awarded by the eponymous London-based foreign policy institute (AFP/Yahoo) 09/26/2005
  • Russia lifts arrest warrant for Ukraine ex-PM (Reuters) 09/26/2005
  • Prosecutors Nix Tymoshenko Arrest Warrant (AP/Yahoo) 09/26/2005
  • Ukraine ex-PM warrant cancelled (BBC News) 09/26/2005
  • Former Ukrainian PM Tymoshenko No Longer Wanted by Russia (MosNews) 09/26/2005
  • Росія припиняє переслідування Юлiї Тимошенко (VOA) 09/26/2005
  • Tymoshenko's Spokesman Confirms Ex-PM Visit to Moscow Yesterday (UNIAN) 09/26/2005
  • Yuliya Tymoshenko: is the limit of errors up? (Ukrayinska Pravda) 09/26/2005
  • 'There Will Be No More Revolution'. Field Commander [Yuri Lutsenko] of 'Orange Revolution' in Moscow (Kommersant) 09/26/2005
  • 'Бакай розорив цілі галузі української економіки'. Розмова з Юрієм Луценком (Львівська газета) 09/26/2005
  • Ukraine's prime minister: quiet man in, fiery lady out (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/26/2005
  • Тимчасовий уряд (Галицькі контракти) 09/26/2005
  • Допоможи Єханурову сформувати уряд (Галицькі контракти) 09/26/2005
  • New PM knocks Finance, Economy ministers (Ukrainian Journal) 09/26/2005
  • Єхануров невдоволений економiчним блоком уряду (VOA) 09/26/2005
  • Єхануров прагне кращих стосункiв iз сусiдами України (VOA) 09/26/2005
  • Battle Against Corruption Grinds to a Halt. By Roman Kupchinsky (RFE/RL) 09/26/2005
  • No Corruption at the Top (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/26/2005
  • 'Наша Україна' пояснила, які з порушників на виборах потрапляють під амністію (Кореспондент) 09/26/2005
  • Старе кіно (Галицькі контракти) 09/26/2005
  • Юля + Петро (Галицькі контракти) 09/26/2005
  • Nothing’s OK (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/26/2005
  • Proffesor wins one for the aposition (sic) (Financial Times) 09/26/2005
  • Kissed by Kuchma (Financial Times) 09/26/2005
  • Ukraine’s Richest Man Returns Home Despite Legal Probe (MosNews) 09/26/2005
  • Україна може стати членом НАТО у 2008 році (Кореспондент) 09/26/2005
  • Польщу перехилило зліва направо (Deutsche Welle) 09/26/2005
  • New Polish Government to Make Demands (AP/Yahoo) 09/26/2005
  • EU has democracy deficit, needs change, says Klaus (Prague Daily Monitor) 09/26/2005
  • Orange alert: Putin turns populist as fears of a Ukraine-style revolt haunt the Kremlin (Financial Times) 09/26/2005
  • Russia: Fractious liberals face high hurdles (Financial Times) 09/26/2005
  • Why Europe is getting China so wrong (Financial Times) 09/26/2005
  • Russia Introduces Sanctions against President of Moldova (Kommersant) 09/26/2005
  • Kateryna Yushchenko Held Informal Meeting with Wives of Diplomats (UNIAN) 09/26/2005
  • European Atomic Energy Community and EBRD to Provide Loans to Ukraine for Improved Safety (UNIAN) 09/26/2005
  • Nuclear: back on the horizon (The Age) 09/26/2005
  • Amnesty International: Decisive Action Against Torture Yet to Be Taken in Ukraine (UNIAN) 09/26/2005
  • Україна підписала факультативний протокол до Конвенції проти тортур (Кореспондент) 09/26/2005
  • Will Ukraine Survive Depopulation? (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/26/2005
  • Two miners killed in separate accidents in eastern Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/26/2005
  • A Prescription for Weakness (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/26/2005
  • The Cabinet of Ministers has almost approved a draft contract on Kryvorizhstal sale (Ukrayinska Pravda) 09/26/2005
  • Societe Generale plans to acquire banks in Ukraine and Montenegro - report (AFX/III) 09/26/2005
  • Кінах: Україна втратила довіру інвесторів (Кореспондент) 09/26/2005
  • Yekhanurov to travel to Moscow for natural gas talks with Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 09/26/2005
  • Proposed Turkmenistan to Ukraine Gas Pipeline May Cost US$14 BLN (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 09/26/2005
  • The Pipeline Divide (Russia Rpofile) 09/26/2005
  • Ющенко: В Україні не буде проблем ні з газом, ні з нафтою (Кореспондент) 09/26/2005
  • Ukraine bids on oil and natural gas extracting assets in Kazakhstan (Ukrainian Journal) 09/26/2005
  • Regal Petroleum Provides Ukrainian Update (Oilvoice) 09/26/2005
  • For Underestimated Contribution (Kommersant) 09/26/2005
  • Poor nations lose billions by taxing mobiles-study [Ukraine...charge(s) more than the average 20 percent] (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/26/2005
  • Far from the tree? (Financial Times) 09/26/2005
  • Timoshenko's daughter may not be married in church (Interfax-Russia) 09/26/2005
  • 'Babiy Yar' reserve will appear in Kiev (Forum) 09/26/2005
  • Getting Away With Hate (Moscow Times) 09/26/2005
  • ETS Premieres World's First Internet-Based English-Proficiency Test. New TOEFL Test Reflects Real-World University English (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 09/26/2005
  • Новий альбом 'Океану Ельзи' за 6 годин став платиновим (Кореспондент) 09/26/2005
  • Ukranian musician with a taste for gypsy punk finds himself starring opposite Elijah Wood in the upcoming 'Everything is Illuminated' (Detroit FreeP) 09/26/2005
  • Best of the fest? The food. Crowd eats pirohi and holubki by the thousands (Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin) 09/26/2005

  • Вiталiй Кличко хоче бачити Україну успiшною (VOA) 09/25/2005
  • Ющенка номіновано на міжнародну премію 'Chatham House Prize' (Кореспондент) 09/25/2005
  • Порошенко: Влада повинна творити (Кореспондент) 09/25/2005
  • Photo: Actress Yelena Bond and deputy leader of Russia's ultranationalist Liberal Democratic Party, Alexei Mitrofanov, smile at a Moscow nightclub during the early hours of September . They were attending the presentation of a blue movie 'Yulia' parodying Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and sacked Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Mitrofanov, whose party has been stridently critical of the new governments in Georgia and Ukraine and the Rose and Orange revolutions that brought them to power, denied the film was a cheap public relations stunt and said he was not worried about the reaction from Ukraine and Georgia (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/25/2005
  • Tymoshenko: out but not down. Ukraine's ousted prime minister plans fight back campaign to regain her job (Business Online) 09/25/2005
  • Rodnyanskyy: 'I was ashamed of the news on 1+1' (Ukrayinska Pravda) 09/25/2005
  • In Belarus, Battle Lines Are Drawn but Revolution Is Still a Tough Sell (LA Times) 09/25/2005
  • Святослав Вакарчук: 'Я не писав жодної пісні про революцію' (BBC Ukrainian) 09/25/2005
  • All shook up (NY Daily News) 09/25/2005
  • Photo: Wladimir Klitschko rallied from three knockdowns to register a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Samuel Peter in a non-title heavyweight fight (AFP/Yahoo) 09/25/2005
  • Photo: Heavyweight Wladimir Klitschko celebrates his victory over Samuel Peter after their 12 round NABF Championship bout in Atlantic City, New Jersey, September 24, 2005. Klitschko won with a unanimous decision. (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/25/2005
  • Photo: Heavyweight Wladimir Klitschko celebrates his victory over Samuel Peter after their 12 round NABF Championship bout (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/25/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine's Dmytro Grabovskyy shows his gold medal on the podium after winning the men's Under-23 road race at the world cycling championships in Madrid (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/24/2005
  • Editorial: Ukraine's lighter shade of orange (Wash Times) 09/24/2005
  • Ukraine’s New PM Blames Ministries for Acting Against Country Interests (MosNews) 09/24/2005
  • New Ukraine PM Blasts Finance, Economy Minister (Antara) 09/24/2005
  • Єхануров критикує економічну політику (BBC Ukrainian) 09/24/2005
  • Prime Minister Yekhanurov – the president’s man, loves teaching and Chekhov (Ukrayinska Pravda) 09/24/2005
  • Ukraine’s Yushchenko faces flak for deal with rival (Reuters/Gulf Times) 09/24/2005
  • Photo: The exploded fourth reactor of the Chernobyl plant is seen in a 1986 aerial view. The U.N. report concluded the accident caused fewer than 50 deaths directly attributable to radiation and predicted about 4,000 eventual fatalities. (Reuters/Wash Post) 09/24/2005
  • Chernobyl Report Reignites Debate (Wash Post) 09/24/2005
  • Небо як дах, земля як ліжко... (Україна молода) 09/24/2005
  • Fund-raising lunch for Ukrainian orphanage (Limerick Post) 09/24/2005
  • Тортури — це кримiнальний злочин (Україна молода) 09/24/2005
  • Приватизація «Криворіжсталі»: західний вектор (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/24/2005
  • Cardinal Husar denounces Uniatism and urges to establish a one Orthodox-Catholic Church in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 09/24/2005
  • Куліш, Огієнко, Турконяк… (Високий замок) 09/24/2005
  • Youth Religious Education Discussed in Ukraine (RISU) 09/24/2005
  • По кому дзвонить телефон Жолдака? (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/24/2005
  • Дівчинко, хочеш зніматися в кіно? (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/24/2005
  • Man sees bail increased by judge [Pavel Zozulya charged with attempting to lure two teenage girls into his car] (Daily Journal) 09/24/2005
  • General's final journey: Body of Russian Civil War army leader to be reburied in Moscow [Antonin Ivanovich Denikin] (Asbury Park Press) 09/24/2005

  • Kaptur Meets with Women Leaders of Ukraine in Washington (BRAMA) 09/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko puts Ukrainian army captain epaulettes on the shoulder of President Viktor Yushchenko during military exercises near Zhytomyr (AP/Yahoo) 09/23/2005
  • President Takes Part in Military Exercise (UNIAN) 09/23/2005
  • Delimitation of the Sea of Azov, Black Sea and the Kerch Strait discussed at Ukrainian - Russian meeting in Kiev (Forum) 09/23/2005
  • Foreign Minister of Ukraine Arrives in Moscow (Kommersant) 09/23/2005
  • New Ukrainian PM to visit Russia soon (Interfax-Russia) 09/23/2005
  • Yushchenko overcomes crisis in Ukraine (Financial Times) 09/23/2005
  • Ukrainian President Turns to a Rival (Wash Post) 09/23/2005
  • «Синенькі» на помаранчевому полі: Юрій Єхануров став Прем'єр-міністром. До його «коронацiї» прилучилися депутати-«регiонали» в повному складi i частина БЮТiвцiв (Україна молода) 09/23/2005
  • Перший раунд на користь Ющенка (Deutsche Welle) 09/23/2005
  • Юрій Єхануров виконує свої обіцянки – американський експерт Адріян Каратницький. (Радіо Свобода) 09/23/2005
  • Second time’s the charm for Yekhanurov (Ukrainian Journal) 09/23/2005
  • Yekhanurov confirmed as Prime Minister. Results of the Repeat Vote (Ukrayinska Pravda) 09/23/2005
  • Меморандум, який підписав Ющенко не звільняє прибічників Януковича від кримінальної відповідальності (Кореспондент) 09/23/2005
  • Голова ЦВК схвалює ідею амністії для порушників виборчого законодавства (Кореспондент) 09/23/2005
  • Комітет виборців України закликав Президента Віктора Ющенка відмовитися від амністії для осіб, причетних до порушень виборчого законодавства (Радіо Свобода) 09/23/2005
  • Ще одна оцінка Меморандуму між владою та опозицією (VOA) 09/23/2005
  • Янукович зробив помилки, вносячи правки до чернетки меморандуму (Кореспондент) 09/23/2005
  • Prez cuts key positions, curbs Security Council powers to please Rada (Ukrainian Journal) 09/23/2005
  • Чи вiдмовилася влада вiд цiнностей Майдану? (VOA) 09/23/2005
  • Ukraine press fears for Revolution (BBC News) 09/23/2005
  • Yushchenko Did Not Give Analysis for Case on His Poisoning Because He Wasn’t Asked (UNIAN) 09/23/2005
  • Moroz: Gongadze’s murderers must be sentenced before elections (Forum) 09/23/2005
  • Berezovsky Welcomes Ukraine Inquiry (Moscow Times) 09/23/2005
  • Moscow undecided on policy toward crisis-stricken Ukraine (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/23/2005
  • Станіслав Шушкевич: «Злорадність деяких у Мінську і Москвi свідчить, що Україна на правильному шляху» (День) 09/23/2005
  • Eight foreigners charged with bringing 59 migrants into Greece (Kathimerini) 09/23/2005
  • Govt Suggests that 2006 Budgetary Outlays for Aircrafts Be Increased to 45 m UAH (UNIAN) 09/23/2005
  • Former Economy Minister [Valeriy Khoroshkovskiy] pays $200 mln for 61% stake in Inter Television (Ukrainian Journal) 09/23/2005
  • Timoshenko’s daughter will get married in the Kiev Monastery of the Caves (Interfax-Russia) 09/23/2005
  • Оксана Пахльовська: «Тим Україна Європа, що вона знає категорію «інший» (День) 09/23/2005
  • Київ готується до мiжнародного кiнофестивалю (VOA) 09/23/2005
  • Bored Of War. Lord of War could’ve raised awareness, or at least heart rates. It doesn’t do either. (American Prospect) 09/23/2005
  • Boldface - Carmen Electra's Guide to Reporting [Last week, we were standing next to MADELEINE ALBRIGHT at the Rainbow Room, at a dinner in honor of VIKTOR YUSHCHENKO. Drawing on the hours that we've spent flipping though Foreign Affairs, we casually observed that it seemed rather odd for Mr. Yushchenko to be here just a week or so after he dismissed his entire cabinet. 'I don't want to get into that,' Ms. Albright replied curtly] (NY Times) 09/23/2005
  • U.S. Jewish groups launch drive to collect Holocaust restitution ['a final offensive'] (Ha'aretz) 09/23/2005
  • Out of the abyss [Grigory Rodin is one of the few survivors of the Babi Yar massacre...] (Financial Times) 09/23/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov and Parliament Speaker, Volodymyr Lytvyn answer questions from the media in parliament, Kiev, Ukraine. Yushchenko won the necessary parliamentary approval Thursday to name Yekhanurov as the new prime minister on the second try, securing crucial support from Viktor Yanukovich, the man he defeated in last year's bitter presidential race (AP/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • Photo: Yuri Yekhanurov is congratulated after Ukraine's parliament backed him, the candidate of President Viktor Yushchenko, as Ukraine's new prime minister in the parliament in Kiev. Yekhanurov, a middle-of-the-road politician and longstanding ally of the president, won on Thursday the support of 289 members of the 450-seat assembly, far more than the required majority of 226 (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (AP/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • Photo: Newly elected Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov (AP/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • Photo: Yuri Yekhanurov stands up after Ukraine's parliament backed him, the candidate of president Viktor Yushchenko, as Ukraine's new prime minister in the parliament in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • Ukraine Gets Prime Minister After Deal Between Rivals (NY Times) 09/22/2005
  • No Clear Winners from Government Crisis (RFE/RL) 09/22/2005
  • EU backs Yushchenko as Ukraine returns to normal (EU Observer) 09/22/2005
  • Five facts about new Ukrainian PM Yekhanurov (Reuters) 09/22/2005
  • Єхануров – прем'єр. Людина президента, любитель лекцій і Чехова (Українська Правда) 09/22/2005
  • Yekhanurov to announce new government next week (Interfax-Russia) 09/22/2005
  • Ukraine parliament confirms Yushchenko's PM nominee (AFP/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • Ukraine assembly backs new PM, averts crisis (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • Yushchenko's Pick for Prime Minister OK'd (AP/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • Ukraine Parliament Accepts Yushchenko's Premier (Bloomberg) 09/22/2005
  • Ukraine's Parliament Approves New Prime Minister on Second Vote (VOA News) 09/22/2005
  • Ukrainian president thanks parliament for Yekhanurov support (Interfax-Russia) 09/22/2005
  • Parliament approves Yekhanurov as new PM (Ukrainian Journal) 09/22/2005
  • Верховна Рада затвердила Єханурова главою уряду (VOA) 09/22/2005
  • Колишнiй посол Пайфер коментує затвердження Єханурова (VOA) 09/22/2005
  • Ukraine’s Yushchenko, Former Rival Yanukovich Sign Cooperation Deal (MosNews) 09/22/2005
  • Yanukovych faction votes for Yekhanurov in exchange for memorandum (Interfax-Russia) 09/22/2005
  • Ющенко підписав меморандум з Януковичем (Кореспондент) 09/22/2005
  • Меморандум порозуміння між владою та опозицією (Українська Правда) 09/22/2005
  • Yushchenko gives new responsibility to Rybachuk [National Security and Defense Council] (RIA) 09/22/2005
  • Ukraine abolishes state secretary, presidential first aide posts (Interfax-Russia) 09/22/2005
  • Peeling away Ukraine's 'Orange Revolution'. Can the beleaguered president weather the latest crisis? By Alexa Chopivsky (MSNBC) 09/22/2005
  • Ukraine parliament to vote again on Yushchenko's PM nominee (AFP/Yahoo) 09/22/2005
  • President to renominate Yekhanurov as PM (Ukrainian Journal) 09/22/2005
  • Єхануров «дубль два» (Україна молода) 09/22/2005
  • Tymoshenko and Yushchenko Heading for Showdown (MosNews) 09/22/2005
  • Роман Безсмертний: «Мені байдуже, наскільки боляче досаджатиме мені Юлія Тимошенко...» (Високий замок) 09/22/2005
  • Пункт прийому... Чого? Партія регіонів спробувала виманити у розчарованих «ющенківців» революційну атрибутику. Але «помаранчеві» дали «блакитним» дулю з маком (Україна молода) 09/22/2005
  • Inquiry names Kuchma as mastermind in Gongadze murder (CPJ) 09/22/2005
  • Kuchma and aides 'ordered killing of journalist' (Independent) 09/22/2005
  • Запитання без відповіді. Поки що: оприлюднено звіт слідчої комісії по справі Гонгадзе (День) 09/22/2005
  • Валерій Кравченко: «СБУ розглядала питання про моє фізичне знищення» (Високий замок) 09/22/2005
  • Кравчук хоче на вибори з «Об`єднаною Україною» (VOA) 09/22/2005
  • Подвійна відставка на тлі психологічного терору: учора ВР Криму підтвердила звільнення Анатолія Матвієнка з посади глави уряду. А напередодні рідна партія закликала його не складати партквиток (Україна молода) 09/22/2005
  • Ukrainian diplomat's detention stirs tensions (AzerNews) 09/22/2005
  • Not only poor fall prey to sex traffickers: OSCE (Reuters) 09/22/2005
  • Women's rights come under scrutiny in Bern (Swissinfo) 09/22/2005
  • Billionaires Welcome Back in Ukraine? (Forbes) 09/22/2005
  • Ukrainian, Russian agree to joint bid on Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant (Ukrainian Journal) 09/22/2005
  • Prosecutors move against $1.32 bln Tymoshenko company debt writeoff (Ukrainian Journal) 09/22/2005
  • Pynzenyk: Political crises may jeopardize Ukraine finances this yr (Ukrainian Journal) 09/22/2005
  • Congo bans Antonov planes after spate of crashes (Reuters/AlertNet) 09/22/2005
  • Two Ukrainian Members of Parliament Sign Antisemitic Letter (UCSJ) 09/22/2005

  • Viewpoint: The cult of 'People Power' (BBC) 09/21/2005
  • Orange crush on Yuschenko at Ukrainian Museum visit (Villager) 09/21/2005
  • У Вашингтоні не надто стурбовані ситуацією в Українi (VOA) 09/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin talk as they meet in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin smile as they meet in Kiev. Yushchenko and Voronin met to discuss how to settle dispute over Moldova's separatist Dnestr region (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Yushchenko to resubmit his PM nominee to parliament (AFP/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Ukraine Leader to Resubmit P.M. Choice (AP/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Ukraine president, ex-PM call for unity (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Ukraine, Moldova seek free poll in rebel region (Reuters/AlertNet) 09/21/2005
  • В Україні обговорюватимуть молдовські питання (VOA) 09/21/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko smiles during a press conference in Kiev. Tymoshenko said on Wednesday she was ready to offer President Viktor Yushchenko an alliance aimed at creating a new coalition government. (AP/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Photo: Sacked Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks during her news conference in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Ex-Ukraine PM Ready to Meet With President (AP/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Тимошенко простягає Ющенку руку примирення (VOA) 09/21/2005
  • Жінка в білому (proUA) 09/21/2005
  • In blow to Yushchenko, Ukraine parliament rejects premier nominee (AFP/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Crisis deepens as Yushchenko suffers defeat (Financial Times) 09/21/2005
  • Premier Rejected in Ukraine; Political Stalemate Hardens (NY Times) 09/21/2005
  • «Якби ви вчились так, як треба...» (День) 09/21/2005
  • Віктор Ющенко: Верховна Рада може стати зі мною поруч у подоланні цієї кризи (Україна молода) 09/21/2005
  • Чому не затвердили Єханурова і чому його затвердять згодом (Україна молода) 09/21/2005
  • Депутат Бондаренко пояснює свій вихід з НСНУ (VOA) 09/21/2005
  • Orange Revolution Drowns Amid Mutual Recriminations. By Jan Maksymiuk (RFE/RL) 09/21/2005
  • In Ukraine, a revolution undone (US News & World Report) 09/21/2005
  • Ukrainians Do Not Live by Bread Alone. By Roman Kupchinsky (Moscow Times) 09/21/2005
  • Ukraine parliament commission says Kuchma organized journalist's [Georgy Gongadze] abduction (AFP/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Commission Links Kuchma to Gongadze Case (Bloomberg/Moscow Times) 09/21/2005
  • Ukrainian Lawmaker [Volodymyr Lytvyn] Accused in Killing [Heorhiy Gongadze] (AP/Yahoo) 09/21/2005
  • Ukrainian Prosecutor: No Evidence Against Poroshenko (RFE/RL) 09/21/2005
  • Crimean parliament dismisses local government (Interfax-Russia) 09/21/2005
  • Борис Тарасюк про змiст його перемовин у США (VOA) 09/21/2005
  • Ukraine hails DPRK's commitment to abandon nuclear weapons programs (People's Daily) 09/21/2005
  • Will foreign prostitutes flood Switzerland? [In June this year, 504 permits came from Ukraine, 222 from Russia, 7 from Slovakia, 2 from Poland and 14 from Hungary...] (Swissinfo) 09/21/2005
  • Piano teacher guilty of sex abuse (ABC News (Australia)) 09/21/2005
  • Верховна Рада почала розгляд бюджету на 2006 рiк (VOA) 09/21/2005
  • Ukraine back to 2000 growth levels - Audit Chamber (Interfax-Russia) 09/21/2005
  • Ukrainian crisis negative for Eurobond issue - acting finance minister (Interfax-Russia) 09/21/2005
  • EGPI Firecreek updates progress in Ukraine (OilOnline) 09/21/2005
  • Various Christians Pray for the Opening of St. Sophia in Kyiv (RISU) 09/21/2005
  • UOC-KP and Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Continue Unification Talks (RISU) 09/21/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Archbishop Supports Canonical Creation of Courts on Ukrainian Territory (RISU) 09/21/2005
  • Russian Orthodox Concerned over Rumors of Constantinople Patriarchate Opening Court in Ukraine (RISU) 09/21/2005
  • Benedict XVI Urges Sports as a Promoter of Solidarity (Zenit) 09/21/2005
  • Ukrainian Jewish Leaders Consider Election of New Chief Rabbi Illegitimate (RISU) 09/21/2005
  • Ukrainian city gets a shul, but infighting tempers the joy (JTA) 09/21/2005
  • Lubavitch emissaries get their food by using the Ukrainian country roads (JTA) 09/21/2005
  • Transfer of Castle to Synagogue Considered in Lutsk (RISU) 09/21/2005
  • Ukrainian President Prays with Catholics, Orthodox and Baptists in Philadelphia (RISU) 09/21/2005
  • Steve Kroft - first American journalist to be given extensive access to the contaminated nuclear power complex in Ukraine (CBS) 09/21/2005
  • Black awarded Governer’s Lifetime Achievement Award [Alaska. Lydia Black, PhD., born in Kiev, Ukraine.] (Kodiak Daily Mirror) 09/21/2005

  • Gambia, Ukraine Journalists Picked for Press Freedom Award [Mykola Veresen] (CJFE) 09/20/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko endorses Orange Circle; Delivers Keynote Address at Founding Dinner of New Initiative (BRAMA) 09/20/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian presidential chief-of-staff Oleh Rybachuk talks with Yuri Yekhanurov after he failed to win parliamentary approval for the post of prime minister (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks in parliament (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian politician Yuri Yekhanurov, who was President Victor Yushchenko's candidate for prime minister, gets up to hold a speech in Kiev September 20, 2005. Yekhanov failed to gain parliamentary approval; with 223 votes in parliament supporting him, he fell three short of the required majority in the 450-seat assembly. The red letters read: 'Away' and are part of a banner saying 'Away with Corruption'. (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Photo: Candidate for Ukrainian prime minister Yuri Yekhanurov speaks in parliament in Kiev September 20, 2005. President Yushchenko urged parliament on Tuesday to approve his candidate for prime minister to save Ukraine from disorder and denounced a 'cynical plot to destroy' his eight-month old liberal administration. The banner reads 'Away with corruption'. (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Lutsenko to chair Ukrainian government? (Ukrayinska Pravda) 09/20/2005
  • Acting interior minister [Lutsenko] possible PM candidate - Rybachuk (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Yekhanurov's candidacy may be re-submitted - source (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Ukraine PM rebuff deepens crisis (BBC News) 09/20/2005
  • Ukraine parliament rejects president's PM candidate (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Ukraine parliament no to PM choice (AP/CNN) 09/20/2005
  • Yushchenko urges chamber to end chaos (Reuters) 09/20/2005
  • Yushchenko says he will not resist political reform (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Plan to subvert leadership exists in Ukraine - Yushchenko (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Yushchenko explains resignation of previous Govt with mainly economic reasons (Forum) 09/20/2005
  • No businessmen will be in Cabinet - Yushchenko (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Serious reshuffling in store for Ukrainian govt - Yekhanurov (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Acting Ukrainian premier for European integration (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Ukraine faces showdown over confirmation of new prime minister (Financial Times) 09/20/2005
  • «Проєхануриться»? Сьогодні парламент затверджуватиме нового Прем'єр-міністра. Шанси Юрія Єханурова: 50 на 50 чи 60 на 40? (Україна молода) 09/20/2005
  • 'Ангел' над парламентом (Львівська газета) 09/20/2005
  • Ex-Ukraine Leader's Embrace Sparks Rumors [Yekhanurov, Kuchma] (AP/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Fragile democratic flowering in Ukraine (BBC News) 09/20/2005
  • Tymoshenko party pushes for bill reducing President’s powers from Oct. 1 (Ukrainian Journal) 09/20/2005
  • Yushchenko, Yanukovych meet over new PM (Ukrainian Journal) 09/20/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's top prosecutor General Svyatoslav Piskun speaks during press conference in Kiev. Piskun on Tuesday Sept 20 2005 announced that investigators had opened five criminal cases against officials from the country's top security body. The announcement followed a 10-day investigation into corruption allegations against some of President Viktor Yushchenko's top aides (AP/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Cases opened against Ukrainian Security Council officials (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Tymoshenko will not be prosecuted (Interfax-Russia) 09/20/2005
  • Kuchma 'behind reporter's kidnap' (BBC News) 09/20/2005
  • Ukrainian Commission: Former President Organized Journalist's Abduction (RFE/RL) 09/20/2005
  • Police suspect 1999 death of Chornovil was political killing, son says (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/20/2005
  • U.S-European Relationship Harmonious, Says U.S. Official (USDOS) 09/20/2005
  • Clinton Accuses Putin of Cultivating Authoritarianism (MosNews) 09/20/2005
  • EU monitors for Moldova-Ukraine (BBC News) 09/20/2005
  • USA hails initiative by Ukraine and Georgia on establishment of Commonwealth of Democracies of Baltic - Black Sea - Caspian Region (Forum) 09/20/2005
  • Georgia calls on Europe for coherent policy (Financial Times) 09/20/2005
  • Commentary: Georgia on the mind... (Wash Times) 09/20/2005
  • GUAM fms discuss implementation of resolutions of Chisinau Summit in New York (Today.Az) 09/20/2005
  • Photo: Simon Wiesenthal, dead at 96 (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Simon Wiesenthal Dies (AP/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • The fatherless (День) 09/20/2005
  • Rehabilitation of liberalism: What should be on the government’s economic policy agenda? (День) 09/20/2005
  • Official: Russia to Freeze Gas Prices (AP/Yahoo) 09/20/2005
  • Ukraine, Russia may start talks next year to cut barter in gas trade (Ukrainian Journal) 09/20/2005
  • ChornomorNaftoGaz denies govt favored foreign firms in oil projects (Ukrainian Journal) 09/20/2005
  • Microsoft Files Piracy Suits [as much as 91 percent of the software used in of Ukraine is counterfeit] (E-Commerce News) 09/20/2005
  • 'Canonical territory': When and why did this term come into common usage? (День) 09/20/2005
  • Short History of Tractors takes £20,000 Saga prize (Guardian) 09/20/2005
  • Russia reaches Guggenheim (Newsday/Journal Gazette) 09/20/2005
  • Not just filmed but 'Illuminated' (Salon) 09/20/2005

  • HBO New York Premiere - Last Best Chance [Nuclear weapons: 'we give them up, you won’t pay any attention to us later on'] (Council on Foreign Relations) 09/19/2005
  • Промова Президента України Віктора Ющенка у Національному Конституційному центрі Філадельфії з нагоди нагородження Філадельфійською медаллю Свободи (BRAMA) 09/19/2005
  • [VIDEO] H.E. Mr. Borys TARASYUK, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Statement at the 60th Session of the UN General Assembly 18 September 2005 (UN) 09/19/2005
  • Statement by H.E. Mr. Borys Tarasyuk, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine at the 60th Session of the UN General Assembly 18 September 2005 (BRAMA) 09/19/2005
  • [VIDEO - UKR orig] Statement by H.E. Mr. Victor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine at the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly 15 September 2005 (UN) 09/19/2005
  • [VIDEO - ENG] Statement by H.E. Mr. Victor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine at the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly 15 September 2005 (UN) 09/19/2005
  • Statement by H.E. Mr. Victor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine at the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly 15 September 2005 (BRAMA) 09/19/2005
  • Paris To Kyiv releases fourth studio album, 'FRAGMENTI' on Olesia Records (BRAMA) 09/19/2005
  • Editorial: Ukraine's Orange Split (Wash Post) 09/19/2005
  • Photo: Acting Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov is captured in a friendly embrace with former President Leonid Kuchma during civic celebrations in the eastern city of Dnipropetrovsk, Saturday, Sept. 10, 2005. Ever since Yekhanurov was captured in a friendly embrace with Kuchma, Ukraine's political circle has been a buzz trying to decipher what 'that kiss' means (AP/Yahoo) 09/19/2005
  • Acting PM in last-ditch bid to win parliamentary support for his candidacy (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/19/2005
  • Vote on Ukraine PM to reveal Yushchenko's strength (Reuters) 09/19/2005
  • Berezovsky says he only contributed ideologically to Yushchenko campaign (RIA) 09/19/2005
  • Commission to be set up to probe Yushchenko campaign funding (Interfax-Russia) 09/19/2005
  • Did Berezovsky finance Ukraine's Orange Revolution? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/19/2005
  • Resounding Revelations! (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/19/2005
  • Чим запам’ятається уряд Тимошенко (Галицькі контракти) 09/19/2005
  • A Brotherhood for the End (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/19/2005
  • Yushchenko Met With Victor Yanukovych, His Rival During 2004 Presidential Campaign (UNIAN) 09/19/2005
  • Crossroads of a Labyrinth (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/19/2005
  • Sacked Ukraine PM alleges sex bias (AFP/Yahoo) 09/19/2005
  • Ousted prime minister [Yulia Tymoshenko] warms to Russians (Ukrainian Journal) 09/19/2005
  • MP Martynenko Sues Ex-State Secretary Zinchenko (UNIAN) 09/19/2005
  • Georgia/Ukraine: Citizens See No Improvement in Society, Economy After Revolutions (RFE/RL) 09/19/2005
  • Parliament passes bill giving president authority to hire and fire SPF chief (Ukrainian Journal) 09/19/2005
  • Yushchenko Awarded a Liberty Medal (AP/Moscow Times) 09/19/2005
  • Yushchenko's press conference in Philadelphia (Forum) 09/19/2005
  • Ukraine Asks Russia to Investigate Former Ukrainian Official (RFE/RL) 09/19/2005
  • A 3rd term for Putin? Few dare to oppose him (IH Tribune) 09/19/2005
  • Russia to suppply arms to ex-Soviet Kyrgyzstan (Reuters/AlertNet) 09/19/2005
  • Euro takes bashing in run-up to Polish elections (EU Observer) 09/19/2005
  • Warsaw democracy jamboree (Euro-Reporters) 09/19/2005
  • Lukashenka at the UN: propaganda and invective (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/19/2005
  • Govt Approved of State Program of Armed Forces Development for 2006-2011 (UNIAN) 09/19/2005
  • Life After the Trash Can. As HIV/AIDS spreads into the general population, the number of HIV-positive orphans in Ukraine is growing. What life can they expect? (Transitions Online) 09/19/2005
  • Undercover in the sex trade (Globe and Mail) 09/19/2005
  • Stem cell company licenses Ukraine research center (Tampa Bay Business Journal) 09/19/2005
  • First Lady Dwells on Ukraine's Medical Problems (UNIAN) 09/19/2005
  • Potential for Ukraine (IH Tribune) 09/19/2005
  • Finance Ministry, World Bank Launches Investment Project (UNIAN) 09/19/2005
  • Government permits resumption of suspended natural gas Europe exports (Ukrainian Journal) 09/19/2005
  • Naftogaz Permitted to Resume Exports (Bloomberg/Moscow Times) 09/19/2005
  • Ukraine Increases Extraction of Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas (UNIAN) 09/19/2005
  • Offices were bugged, claims Ukraine vodka firm (CEE Foodindustry) 09/19/2005
  • Before his death, pope prayed to 'go to the house of the Father' (Catholic News Service) 09/19/2005
  • Icon weeps anew (Jersey Journal) 09/19/2005
  • Two concerts mark 60th anniversary of Bartok’s death [ 1888 his mother took him to Nagyszolos (now Vinogradiv in Ukraine)] (Budapest Times) 09/19/2005
  • Former economy minister [Valeriy Khoroshkovskiy] elected to head Inter TV supervisory council (Ukrainian Journal) 09/19/2005
  • 'Буняк чимало наобіцяв, але так нічого й не зробив'. Розмова з Іриною Мельник-Мерлені (Львівська газета) 09/19/2005

  • Ukraine Faces Real Change, at Last (Deutsche Welle) 09/18/2005
  • Yushchenko faces vote on new PM, spiraling battle with sacked premier (AFP/Yahoo) 09/18/2005
  • Ukraine Faces Real Change, at Last (Deutsche Welle) 09/18/2005
  • Мороз: Майдан розпочався з трагедії Ґонґадзе (BBC Ukrainian) 09/18/2005
  • President’s aides in murder ‘cover-up’ (Sunday Times) 09/18/2005
  • Ukraine faces renewed winter of discontent (Business Online) 09/18/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Boris Tarasyuk speaks during the 60th General Assembly at the United Nations in New York (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/18/2005
  • Ukraine Backs Polish Leader for U.N. Post (AP/Yahoo) 09/18/2005
  • World officials stress UN's leadership role on 2nd day of General Debate (UN News) 09/18/2005
  • [VIDEO] Viktor Yushchenko Receives Liberty Medal [and $100,000] (6ABC) 09/18/2005
  • Yushchenko Receives 2005 Liberty Medal (AP/6ABC) 09/18/2005
  • Liberty Medal given to Ukrainian leader (Philadelphia Inquirer) 09/18/2005
  • The High Price of Standing Up to Putin (NY Times) 09/18/2005
  • Russia Hounds Human Rights Group That Gets U.S. Help (NY Times) 09/18/2005
  • Sexual slavery seen as world's greatest crime (Toronto Star) 09/18/2005
  • No anti-Semitism in Ukraine, President Yushchenko insists [but promised nevertheless to treat the issue with the utmost seriousness] (AP/Ha'aretz) 09/18/2005
  • Jew donates $1m to visit Rabbi Nahman's grave (Jerusalem Post) 09/18/2005
  • An illuminating experience (SF Chronicle) 09/18/2005
  • Even the Sunflowers Are Illuminated (NY Times) 09/18/2005
  • For Liev Schreiber, everything is illuminating (Boston Globe) 09/18/2005
  • Seeing the light (Chicago Sun-Times) 09/18/2005

  • Photo: A firefighter dressed in historical uniform leads old fire trucks during a parade in central Kiev. Ukrainian services belonging to the Emergencies Ministry celebrated their professional holiday in Ukraine on Saturday (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: A specialised workman drapes orange material over the 'Ukrainian House' - the former Lenin museum, now an exhibition hall in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Liberty Medal Awarded To Ukrainian President [Includes VIDEO] (CBS3) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko listens to reporters' questions after accepting the Philadelphia Liberty Medal at the National Constitution center in Philadelphia (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko signs autographs after accepting the Philadelphia Liberty Medal at the National Constitution center in Philadelphia (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko delivers a speech after being awarded the Liberty Medal in Philadelphia (AP/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gestures while speaking after accepting the Philadelphia Liberty Medal (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko acknowledges the crowd after accepting the Philadelphia Liberty Medal during an award ceremony at the National Constitution center in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Foundation presents the Philadelphia Liberty Medal annually to recognize global leadership in the pursuit of freedom (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko is presented with the Philadelphia Liberty Medal by Philadelphia Mayor John Street during an award ceremony at the National Constitution center in Philadelphia (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko is award the Philadelphia Liberty Medal by Mayor John Street in Philadelphia. At left is Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell (AP/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko kisses a Ukrainian dancer during a bread and salt greeting ceremony as his wife Katarina watches during the Philadelphia Liberty Medal award ceremony at the National Constitution center in Philadelphia (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Photo: Helen Poslusznyj from Philadelphia is framed between the Ukrainian flag and the U.S. flag as she waits to see Ukranian President Viktor Yushchenko before the Liberty Medal award ceremony at the National Constitution center in Philadelphia (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • Orange ya proud of Yushchenko? (Philadelphia Daily News) 09/17/2005
  • Bill Clinton wheels and deals at his summit (Reuters) 09/17/2005
  • Братство кінця (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Розпуття лабіринту (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Бабахнуло! (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Пакти про напад (День) 09/17/2005
  • Олександр Турчинов: «Якщо кримінальні справи почнуть зникати, я допоможу їх знайти» (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Володимир Скомаровський: «Мене відправили у відставку через прес-службу СБУ» (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Артіс Пабрікс: «Ми не можемо давати Україні менше, ніж Росії» (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • France's president greets heritage day visitors (AFP/Yahoo) 09/17/2005
  • The case of the missing children (Globe and Mail) 09/17/2005
  • Babies -- Bought, Sold and Traded: A Dark Side of the Consumer Mind-Set (Zenit) 09/17/2005
  • Бюджет-06: гроші знову підуть на соціалку. Хоча дуже хочеться фінансувати розвиток... (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Хто «скинеться» на бюджет розвитку? (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Відставка уряду не злякала інвесторів (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Іноземні інвестиції: проблеми та перспективи (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/17/2005
  • Ukraine united as old scores settled (Financial Times) 09/17/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko looks up during his visit to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (AP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko waves to people gathered in the member's gallery as New York Stock Exchange CEO John Thain looks on during the President's visit to the floor of the NYSE in Lower Manhattan (AP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Broker Edward O'Connell demonstrates an electronic trading device to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during the President's visit to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (AP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Організація «Помаранчеве коло» - коло впливових друзів України на Манхетені, у Рокфеллер-Центрі (Перший канал) 09/16/2005
  • Ukrainian: Yushchenko Needs a New Team (AP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Businessman [Boris Berezovsky] says Ukraine leaders asked for his help (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Ukrainian president denies Russian bankrolled him (AFP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Ющенко: джерела фінансування були прозорими (BBC Ukrainian) 09/16/2005
  • Турчинов розкриває карти (Львівська газета) 09/16/2005
  • Польові командири знову запрошують народ на Майдан (VOA) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko speaks at the Clinton Global Initiative forum in New York (AP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko speaks with former U.S. president Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative forum in New York (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko speaks with former U.S. president Bill Clinton and Canadian businessman Frank Giustra at the Clinton Global Initiative forum in New York (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Clinton opens rival summit on world's problems (AFP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • President Meets with Condoleezza Rice (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Yushchenko Met with Kofi Annan (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Yushchenko Delivered Speech at UN General Assembly (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko Holds Reception in NY (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Hued be right to say the city's making a fuss over Yushchenko (Philadelphia Daily News) 09/16/2005
  • Yushchenko in U.S. despite home woes (Philadelphia Inquirer) 09/16/2005
  • Turmoil in Ukraine galvanizes Kremlin into action (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainians place candles spelling out the nickname for journalist Georgiy Gongadze outside the presidential residence at a demonstration marking the fifth anniversary of Gongadze's disappearance in Kiev. Several hundred demonstrators marched to President Viktor Yushchenko's residence and moved on to the general prosecutor's office to demand action to solve Gongadze's murder. The headless corpse of Gongadze, 31, was found in a wood a month and a half after he disappeared in central Kiev in 2000 (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainians hold candles and placards during a demonstration marking the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of journalist Georgiy Gongadze in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainians hold candles during a demonstration marking the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of journalist Georgiy Gongadze, in Kiev...The placard reads 'Yushchenko, where are those behind Gongadze's murder?' (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainians hold candles and placards during a demonstration marking the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of journalist Georgiy Gongadze in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Elderly Ukrainian woman hold candles at a demonstration marking the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of journalist Georgiy Gongadze in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainians hold candles during a demonstration marking the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of journalist Georgiy Gongadze, in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Ukraine Honors Journalist Slain in 2000 (AP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Five Years After Georgiy Gongadze’s Murder Those Who Instigated the Killing Remain in the Shadows - RSF (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Ударники першої п'ятирічки: у ці дні 2000 року вбили Георгія Гонгадзе. У ці дні 2005-го й досі шукають правду про це вбивство (Україна молода) 09/16/2005
  • American Journalist Beaten in Kyiv (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Ukraine must integrate with NATO at equal rights (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Pro-democracy party says its activist was detained in Azerbaijan (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/16/2005
  • В Азербайджанi затримано активiста «Пори» (VOA) 09/16/2005
  • Belarussian police break up opposition protest (Reuters) 09/16/2005
  • Kremlin Allies Blast Kasyanov (Moscow Times) 09/16/2005
  • Ukraine to Lose $100-150 mln Annually from Ceasing Military-Industrial Collaboration with Russia (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Trafficking hits 'alarming' level (BBC News) 09/16/2005
  • Реабілітація лібералізму: яким має бути порядок денний економічної політики уряду (День) 09/16/2005
  • Iноземнi компанiї про iнвестицiйний клiмат в Українi (VOA) 09/16/2005
  • Свiтовий банк: в Українi бiзнесу потрiбнi реформи (VOA) 09/16/2005
  • Ukraine CB Says Hryvna Rate Perfect (Reuters/Moscow Times) 09/16/2005
  • Ukraine Naftogaz, SocGen in 2.5 bln euro loan deal (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Vimpelcom board backs bid, but doubts remain (Reuters) 09/16/2005
  • Nibulon Expanded Its Grain Shipment Facility in South Ukraine (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Autocephalous Orthodox Favor Constantinople Court in Ukraine (RISU) 09/16/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Secretary Opposes Constantinople Court in Ukraine (RISU) 09/16/2005
  • MP Accuses Constantinople of 'Sabotage' against Ukraine (RISU) 09/16/2005
  • Traditional Churches of Ukraine Support Christian Ethics Courses (RISU) 09/16/2005
  • Ukrainian Interchurch Council Reports on Religious Life (RISU) 09/16/2005
  • President Meets with American Jews (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • Restored Synagogue Opened in Sumy (RISU) 09/16/2005
  • Day and Eternity of James Mace (UNIAN) 09/16/2005
  • A Journey Inspired by Family Becomes One of Forgiveness (NY Times) 09/16/2005
  • With the Week's Newcomers, Enter the Warrior Princess (NY Times) 09/16/2005
  • Frayed Nerves and Visions as Two Worlds Compete (NY Times) 09/16/2005
  • Fashion the poorer as design loses out to celebrity factor (The Times) 09/16/2005
  • Soviet writer's frank World War Two notes published [Vasily Grossman] (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/16/2005
  • Polish customs officers seize 100 steppe turtles at Ukraine border (AFP/Yahoo) 09/16/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko addresses delegates at the 2005 World Summit during the 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • Photo: Viktor Yushchenko, the president of Ukraine, addresses delegates at the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • Photo: United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan meets Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko on the second day of the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • US urges Ukraine to stick to reform path (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • Rice Pushes for Change in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • World must act to alleviate crippling debt and rampant poverty, leaders tell UN Summit (UN News) 09/15/2005
  • UN: Organization Opens 60th Anniversary Summit Looking at Reforms (RFE/RL) 09/15/2005
  • Clinton opens rival summit on world's problems (AFP/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • Ukraine denies Russian magnate funded Yushchenko (Reuters) 09/15/2005
  • Звідки маємо те, що маємо? (BBC Ukrainian) 09/15/2005
  • Хто примусив Кравчука рахувати мільйони Березовського? (proUA) 09/15/2005
  • Kravchuk criticizes Yushchenko's call to delay political reform (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/15/2005
  • Ukrainian: Poisoning Must Be Proved (AP/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • Ex-SBU chief joins attack on Yushchenko (Ukrainian Journal) 09/15/2005
  • Турчинов наводить докази корупції у владі (VOA) 09/15/2005
  • Yushchenko Choice Represents 'Stopgap' Measure (RFE/RL) 09/15/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych speaks to The Associated Press in Kiev. Losing Ukrainian presidential candidate Yanukovych on Thursday praised the dismissal of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's government but said now the country will be rudderless until after the March parliamentary elections (AP/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • Стабільність нестабільності. Після підписання «Декларації єднання» в українській політиці вималювалася нова конфігурація: «помаранчеві» з «синіми», але без Юлі (Україна молода) 09/15/2005
  • President Orders to Improve Presidency (UNIAN) 09/15/2005
  • В’ячеслав Кириленко: Політична боротьба не змінить соціальні зобов’язання уряду (День) 09/15/2005
  • Brussels for Ukraine visas (Euro-Reporters) 09/15/2005
  • Криза в Україні не вплинула на переговори з ЄС (BBC Ukrainian) 09/15/2005
  • American Journalist Attacked in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • Putin to Visit Bush in Washington Friday (AP/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • Russia-OSCE military plan for Moldova: back to a 'post-Soviet security space' (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/15/2005
  • OSCE verification procedures proved ample opportunities to cheat (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/15/2005
  • Uzbeks charged with 'coup plot' (BBC News) 09/15/2005
  • Politicians are voted the world's least trusted people (Guardian) 09/15/2005
  • Berlin blues (Guardian) 09/15/2005
  • New 2006 budget shows deficit widening to 1.9% of GDP, up from 1.6% (Ukrainian Journal) 09/15/2005
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny secures €2.5bln five-yr credit from Societe General (Ukrainian Journal) 09/15/2005
  • French Bank Opened Credit Line at 2.5 bln Euro to Naftohaz Ukrayiny (UNIAN) 09/15/2005
  • Oil transit through Ukraine down 11% for first eight months (Ukrainian Journal) 09/15/2005
  • Експерти про долю нафтогону Одеса-Броди (VOA) 09/15/2005
  • Deal for Ukraine Company Renews Charges of Abuse (NY Times) 09/15/2005
  • Raddisson Sas Opens Kiev Hotel (UNIAN) 09/15/2005
  • Ukrainian bishops say citizens must not shrink from needed hard work (Catholic News Service) 09/15/2005
  • Catholic-Orthodox unity talks to reopen (The Tablet) 09/15/2005
  • Ukrainian rabbi and his teenage son attacked in Kiev (Ha'aretz) 09/15/2005
  • Всі в сад! 10 вересня, в день народження Олександра Довженка, який в Україні святкуємо як День кіно, на кіностудії імені Довженка був день відкритих дверей (Україна молода) 09/15/2005
  • Photo: Actors Elijah Wood and Viggo Mortensen pose for a photo as they arrive for the premiere of Wood's new movie 'Everything is Illuminated' in New York. The movie is based on the critically acclaimed novel by Jonathan Safran Foer that tells the story of a young man's quest to find the woman who saved his grandfather in a small Ukrainian town that was wiped off the map by a Nazi invasion (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/15/2005
  • 'Illuminated' puts actor Schreiber in new light (Reuters) 09/15/2005
  • How the Death Valley Screamers made it massive in Ukraine (Daily Telegraph) 09/15/2005
  • Ukraine Hosts Science Fiction Festival (UNIAN) 09/15/2005
  • [VIDEO] СУМ в Америцi відзначив ювілей своєї оселi (VOA) 09/15/2005
  • Walking miracle: Nine months later... frostbite amputee's remarkable recovery (Belfast Telegraph) 09/15/2005

  • The Orange Revolution: Round Two (ISCIP) 09/14/2005
  • Photo: Leonid Kravchuk, Ukraine's first post-Soviet president, answers media questions at a news conference in Kiev. Kravchuk accused President Viktor Yushchenko of hampering politcal reform that analysts said would bring more democracy in the country (AP/Yahoo) 09/14/2005
  • Berezovsky bombshell rocks Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 09/14/2005
  • Президентське оточення твердить про спецоперації (BBC Ukrainian) 09/14/2005
  • Російський бізнесмен Борис Березовський лише частково підтверджує заяву лідера фракції СДПУ(о) Леоніда Кравчука про фінансування передвиборчої кампанії в Україні (Радіо Свобода) 09/14/2005
  • Б.Березовський: платежі були, але я не коментуватиму (BBC Ukrainian) 09/14/2005
  • Politician [Mykola Martynenko] denies Berezovsky funded Yushchenko campaign (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2005
  • Berezovsky funded Yushchenko campaign - Kravchuk (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2005
  • Orange Revolution's bitter aftertaste worries business (Financial Times) 09/14/2005
  • Why Tymoshenko's Figures Didn't Add Up (Moscow Times) 09/14/2005
  • Ukraine's Orange Revolution: Government May Finally Function, Say Canadian Observers (Embassy) 09/14/2005
  • Ющенкова більшість (Львівська газета) 09/14/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's ousted prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks during an interview in Kiev. Tymoshenko, dismissed last week after months of government infighting, urged President Viktor Yushchenko on Wednesday to 'recognise his mistake' and rejoin forces to prepare for national elections (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/14/2005
  • Yushchenko Accuses Former Prime Minister of Misuse of Power (RFE/RL) 09/14/2005
  • President defends firing of Cabinet (Wash Times) 09/14/2005
  • Yushchenko: Fired PM may have used office to wipe out $1.5 bln debt (Ukrainian Journal) 09/14/2005
  • Yushchenko's Russian Adviser Blames Tymoshenko for Crisis in Ukraine (UNIAN) 09/14/2005
  • Ukrainian Expert Karatnycky: Despite Political Crisis in Ukraine, Yushchenko and Rival Tymoshenko Likely to Reunite After Next Election [Dated 9/13/05] (CFR) 09/14/2005
  • [PDF] The Gongadze Inquiry: An investigation into the failure of legal and judicial processes in the case of Gyorgy Gongadze (Website) 09/14/2005
  • Ukraine obstructing justice in journalist's murder [Gongadze] (IFEX) 09/14/2005
  • Gongadze Killers Still Roam Free in Ukraine (Scoop) 09/14/2005
  • President Bush Addresses United Nations Plenary (USDOS) 09/14/2005
  • Analysts Predict Difficult Talks for Presidents Putin and Bush in Washington (VOA News) 09/14/2005
  • Black Sea Fleet to join NATO's Active Endeavor - Ivanov (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2005
  • Russia Frets Over Czech Munitions to Georgia (AP/Moscow Times) 09/14/2005
  • Saakashvili: Georgia Will Join NATO, EU (AP/Yahoo) 09/14/2005
  • Bush should not count on a pushover (Guardian) 09/14/2005
  • Elections in Germany / 'For us, relations with Israel are a precious treasure' (Ha'aretz) 09/14/2005
  • Uzbekistan: Another US-funded NGO under pressure (Reuters/AlertNet) 09/14/2005
  • 'Food bug' hits cargo ship crew [thought to be Ukrainian] (BBC News) 09/14/2005
  • First Lady Visits Oncology Institute Clinic (UNIAN) 09/14/2005
  • Ukraine’s economy contracts in August for the 1st time in six years (Ukrainian Journal) 09/14/2005
  • Kinakh: Economic growth will be lower than previous govt estimate (Ukrainian Journal) 09/14/2005
  • Government Reduced Forecast of GDP Growth, Though Intends to Keep Inflation (UNIAN) 09/14/2005
  • Photo: Viktor Pinchuk, son-in-law of Ukrainian ex-president Leonid Kuchma, speaks during his interview in Kiev. Pinchuk, a magnate linked to leaders thrown out of office after last year's 'Orange Revolution' predicted on Wednesday that the dismissal of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, his avowed foe, would restore business confidence in Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/14/2005
  • Pinchuk hopes sacking of Tymochenko will end all attempts to seize his businesses (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/14/2005
  • Ukraine confirms steel plant sale for Oct 24 (Reuters) 09/14/2005
  • Ukraine steel sale due in October [Kryvorizhstal] (BBC) 09/14/2005
  • Acting PM says he has yet to decide on some privatizations (Ukrainian Journal) 09/14/2005
  • Ukranian crisis triggered by manganese plot (Mineweb) 09/14/2005
  • Vimplecom shareholders in favor of acquiring Ukraine’s RadioSystems (Ukrainian Journal) 09/14/2005
  • Vimpelcom EGM votes for RadioSystems purchase (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/14/2005
  • Raiffeisen buys Ukrainian card payment processor (Finextra) 09/14/2005
  • St Bede's is given the Michelangelo effect [Ukrainian artist Ruslan Narayevskiv] (News & Star) 09/14/2005
  • Un-Klezmer. Veretski Pass' old-world soul (East Bay Express) 09/14/2005
  • Success in the City [Eugene Hutz] (Burlington Free Press) 09/14/2005
  • Liev Schreiber Talks About Directing, New Movie, Ukraine, Foer (Bloomberg) 09/14/2005
  • Wood Finds New Fellowship in 'Illuminated' (AP/Yahoo) 09/14/2005
  • Cage makes a thinking man's movie [Nicolas Cage stars in 'Lord of War' as Yuri Orlov, a Ukrainian immigrant to New York who takes advantage of the end-of-the-Cold War fire sale] (Detroit FreeP) 09/14/2005
  • Actress Milla Jovovich and model Carmen Hawk...Both girls are from Ukraine... (Daily Telegraph) 09/14/2005
  • It takes a Village: The 'Hood Hounds rock the Ukrainian Village block (Chicago Tribune) 09/14/2005

  • Audition call for female actress to play mid-late 20's (BRAMA) 09/13/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during an interview with The Associated Press in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/13/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko during an interview with The Associated Press in Kiev, Ukraine. Yushchenko accused his former Orange Revolution ally Yulia Tymoshenko of having used her post as prime minister to try to settle old debts (AP/Yahoo) 09/13/2005
  • Ukraine President Lashes Out at Ousted PM (AP/Yahoo) 09/13/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks during a meeting with Ukrainian acting Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov and parliamentary speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn in Kiev. Participants signed a 'stability pact' aimed at preventing upheaval in Ukraine ahead of parliamentary elections in March 2006 (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/13/2005
  • Yushchenko and 9 Parties Signed Declaration For Unity & Cooperation (UNIAN) 09/13/2005
  • Декларація єднання та співпраці заради майбутнього України (proUA) 09/13/2005
  • Юрій Єхануров. Шлях самурая (proUA) 09/13/2005
  • Yekhanurov nominated as Ukrainian PM (Interfax-Russia) 09/13/2005
  • 'Я не претендую на жодну посаду у виконавчій владі'. Розмова з Юрієм Костенком (Львівська газета) 09/13/2005
  • Полiтологи дискутують змiну уряду в Українi (VOA) 09/13/2005
  • Ukrainian Constitutional Court Approves Limitation of President’s Authority (MosNews) 09/13/2005
  • Lawmakers block parliamentary podium, protest detention of ex-governor (AP/Kyiv Post) 09/13/2005
  • Yushchenko calls for quick investigation (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2005
  • Tymoshenko resigned willingly - Rybachuk (Interfax-Russia) 09/13/2005
  • Новий уряд має бути прагматичним (Deutsche Welle) 09/13/2005
  • Ukraine's sacked PM seeks return to office in 2006 (Reuters) 09/13/2005
  • The President Decided in Favor of His Corrupt Circle. Yulia Timoshenko tells Kommersant the reasons for her leaving (Kommersant) 09/13/2005
  • Chernomyrdin Backs Tymoshenko's Ouster (AP/Moscow Times) 09/13/2005
  • Олександр Зінченко: «Усі чудово розуміли, що революція — лише преамбула...» (День) 09/13/2005
  • Orange revolution not over (Wash Times) 09/13/2005
  • James Sherr: The Magic of the Orange Revolution Was Wearing Off Long Before This Crisis (День) 09/13/2005
  • Post-Revolutionary Disillusionment (День) 09/13/2005
  • Українці більше довіряють владі, але в ЄС хочуть менше (BBC Ukrainian) 09/13/2005
  • У нового держсектретаря навіть папуга вигукує: «Слава Україні» (Експрес) 09/13/2005
  • ...Плюс папуга, який каже «Слава Україні!» Олег Рибачук став ще одним посадовцем, який підтримав моду демонструвати громадськості своє житло (Україна молода) 09/13/2005
  • New call for journalist's killers to be brought to justice [Friday,(16 September) marks the fifth anniversary of the killing in 2000 of internet journalist Gongadze] (Press Gazette) 09/13/2005
  • Don't hobble NATO, US tells allies [On Ukraine, Rumsfeld was expected to stress the importance of helping Ukraine 'move in the right direction.'] (AP/Yahoo) 09/13/2005
  • US urges NATO allies to drop Afghan mission limits [message Rumsfeld will bring to Berlin is the importance of the 26-nation alliance maintaining a 'productive relationship' with Ukraine] (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/13/2005
  • President Speaks with Lukashenko (UNIAN) 09/13/2005
  • If It Weren't Funny It'd Be Tragic (Moscow Times) 09/13/2005
  • Nazarbaev Warns Foreign NGOs Ahead of Presidential Election (RFE/RL) 09/13/2005
  • Uzbeks shut second U.S. charity in four days (Reuters) 09/13/2005
  • Bright lights, big city - welcome to Tbilisi (CS Monitor) 09/13/2005
  • Two Ukrainian parties slam UN Chernobyl report (Interfax-Russia) 09/13/2005
  • All Alone with Chornobyl (День) 09/13/2005
  • Рабське дитинство: за використання дитячої праці в Україні цього року порушено 20 карних справ. Тим часом незаконних шахт, де працюють діти, в нашій країні близько трьох тисяч... (Україна молода) 09/13/2005
  • [VIDEO] Лiтнiй вiдпочинок у США українських сирiт (VOA) 09/13/2005
  • Black Sea turns cleaner (BNN) 09/13/2005
  • Terror Briton jailed for 47 years (BBC News) 09/13/2005
  • How Will the President’s 'Ministerial Surgery' Affect the Economic Situation? (День) 09/13/2005
  • New govt 2006 budget increases reliance on development projects (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2005
  • Ukraine may start selling state assets for bucks, not hryvnia, next yr (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2005
  • American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine Meets with Acting 1st Vice PM (UNIAN) 09/13/2005
  • Ukraine to begin crude oil shipments via Odessa pipeline next yr (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2005
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny completes 2nd natural gas pipeline link to Poland (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2005
  • First stage of strategic [Zhulyn-Nadvirna] oil pipeline has been commissioned (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2005
  • Ukranian update boosts JKX [ShareCast] (Yahoo) 09/13/2005
  • Recent Developments in Church Life (День) 09/13/2005
  • Ukraine's Progressive Socialists Accuse Government of Interference in Orthodox Affairs (RISU) 09/13/2005
  • Roman Catholics of Bila Tserkva Ask Journalists for Help (RISU) 09/13/2005
  • Vandals Profane Muslim Cemetery (RISU) 09/13/2005
  • State Overseeing Meeting of Hasidic Jewish Pilgrims in Uman (RISU) 09/13/2005
  • Intellectual Europe on the Ukrainian Genocide: Books devoted to the tragedy of the manmade famine published in Italy and Ukraine (День) 09/13/2005
  • Those Who Were Tortured to Death Are Standing Behind Us: An international conference on the consequences of totalitarianism, ended on September 6 (День) 09/13/2005
  • Education Minister Defends Gradual Introduction of Christian Ethics into Ukrainian Schools (RISU) 09/13/2005
  • School within a School: Language policy, the Crimean way (День) 09/13/2005
  • Ukrainian Vanguard (День) 09/13/2005
  • Dumka, Beethoven, Grammy (День) 09/13/2005
  • Sexual abuse allegations 'impossible' (The Australian) 09/13/2005
  • Enchanted by Ukraine: Sources of Jozef Korzenowski’s inspiration (День) 09/13/2005
  • Everything's Been Understated in Foer Adaptation (Village Voice) 09/13/2005
  • Death Becomes Her (Village Voice) 09/13/2005
  • Movie Review: 'Lord of War' (AP/Yahoo) 09/13/2005
  • Land of the Dead banned in the Ukraine (Movies Online) 09/13/2005
  • Сходження до незалежності: програмі «Прапор України на вершинах світу» — 15 років (Україна молода) 09/13/2005

  • Audition call for East European male actors (BRAMA) 09/12/2005
  • Heavyweight Champ Klitschko to Join President Yushchenko at Orange Circle Founding Dinner SPECIAL (BRAMA) 09/12/2005
  • Op-Ed: Yushchenko showed leadership (BRAMA) 09/12/2005
  • A Tintin Moment: Why a cartoon character should concentrate the minds of Ukraine’s politicians (Transitions Online) 09/12/2005
  • Ukraine's New Premier to Appoint Cabinet by October (Bloomberg) 09/12/2005
  • Ukraine Acting Premier to Vet New Cabinet to Avoid Corruption (Bloomberg) 09/12/2005
  • Zinchenko successor promises quick probe into govt corruption charges (Ukrainian Journal) 09/12/2005
  • Yushchenko Orders Probe of Corruption Accusations (RFE/RL) 09/12/2005
  • President Introduced New Chief Drizhchany to Security Service Staff (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko during an interview with The Associated Press in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/12/2005
  • Tymoshenko Predicts Regaining Ukraine Post (AP/Yahoo) 09/12/2005
  • Tymoshenko won't unite with current opposition (Interfax-Russia) 09/12/2005
  • Yushchenko, Tymoshenko Lash Out (AP/Moscow Times) 09/12/2005
  • Kuchma backs Yushchenko in Ukraine turmoil (Financial Times) 09/12/2005
  • Ukraine's Orange rebels splinter (CS Monitor) 09/12/2005
  • A Fairytale Born, a Myth Destroyed (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/12/2005
  • Ukraine: A Conflict Over Gas and Power [By Roman Kupchinsky] (RFE/RL) 09/12/2005
  • Ukrainian consequences for Georgia (Georgia Messenger) 09/12/2005
  • Poland Did Declared Tymoshenko Person of Year of Central & Eastern Europe (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Economic, Political Reform Gaining Ground in Ukraine, Yugoslavia (VOA News) 09/12/2005
  • Yushchenko to Visit USA During 14-18 September (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Ukrainian president to visit U.S. in September [14-18; 60th Session of the UN General Assembly, also scheduled to take part in events hosted by the Orange Circle...] (RIA) 09/12/2005
  • President Opened Monument to Victims of Terrorism (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Mourners weep for fallen of 9/11 attacks (Glasgow Herald) 09/12/2005
  • Putin to Visit Ukraine Late in October (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Schroeder to be remembered for courage or chaos? (Reuters) 09/12/2005
  • OSCE: Diplomats Review Proposals for Reform (RFE/RL) 09/12/2005
  • Nazarbaev Clears the Decks (Transitions Online) 09/12/2005
  • First Lady Awarded Opponents of Human Trafficking (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Ukraine Expects to Earn Almost $5 Billion From Reprivatizations (AP/Yahoo) 09/12/2005
  • Finance Ministry postpones government roadshow for Eurobond issuance (Ukrainian Journal) 09/12/2005
  • Cabinet Adopted Draft State Budget for 2006 (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Ukraine to Be Absolutely Provided with Energy Resources – Fuel-Energy Ministry (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Beware of the bear (Warsaw Business Journal) 09/12/2005
  • Govt Proposes to Cancel Customs Duty (UNIAN) 09/12/2005
  • Raiffeisen expands its payment business in Ukraine (EFMA) 09/12/2005
  • Ukraine: Donald Trump considering half billion dollar investment (DPA/Menafn) 09/12/2005
  • Controversial arms fair to start (BBC News) 09/12/2005
  • British businessman sentenced in US weapons case (Reuters) 09/12/2005
  • Putin Makes Pilgrimage to Greece (Moscow Times) 09/12/2005
  • Rabbis: Jews don't destroy synagogues (Jerusalem Post) 09/12/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian-born actor/musician Eugene Hutz listens during a press conference for the film Everything is Illuminated at the Toronto International Film Festival (AP/Yahoo) 09/12/2005
  • Don't give up the day job! (IH Tribune) 09/12/2005

  • Today in New York: Tributes to 9/11 victims, hurricane Katrina casualties; Our Life magazine (BRAMA) 09/11/2005
  • Four Years After September 11th: The Media Failure (TCS) 09/11/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko opens a monument to victims of terrorism in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/11/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with Bill Owens, governor of Colorado, during opening ceremony monument to victims of terrorism in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/11/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks to media in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/11/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko: Former PM acted in favour of business groups (CP/Yahoo) 09/11/2005
  • Privatization wrangle forced Ukraine government dismissal: president (AFP/Yahoo) 09/11/2005
  • Yushchenko assures U.S. over Ukraine's reform path (Reuters) 09/11/2005
  • Former rivals of Orange Revolution heroine Tymoshenko look to her as possible ally (AP/Houston Chronicle) 09/11/2005
  • Behind Putin's Polish, a Bit of Anger (Wash Post) 09/11/2005
  • Rally Demanding Putin Resignation Banned in Moscow (MosNews) 09/11/2005
  • Reincarnated Bolsheviks rattle Russia's leaders (WP/Seattle ) 09/11/2005
  • Turkmenistan Divorces its Neighbours (IWPR) 09/11/2005
  • Thousands Rally in Azerbaijani Capital [More than 2,000 orange-clad opposition members...] (AP/Yahoo) 09/11/2005
  • Tehran's 'most wanted' breaks cover (Scotland on Sunday) 09/11/2005
  • Opening of Cheremosh Studio (Edmonton Sun) 09/11/2005
  • The horror and the humor. A road film set in Ukraine raises ghosts of the Holocaust [Everything Is Illuminated] (NY Daily News) 09/11/2005
  • Memoir: The Story Of A Life by Aharon Appelfeld (Sunday Times) 09/11/2005
  • A Rhinestone Cowboy Who Grabbed Cars by the Horns [Nudie Cohn immigrated as a child from Ukraine] (NY Times) 09/11/2005
  • On this day: 2001 – Terrorists crash two hijacked airlines into the World Trade Centre in New York City, bringing down the twin 110-storey towers, killing more than 2,800 people. Another hijacked plane slams into the Pentagon in Washington DC, killing at least 189 people. A fourth hijacked plane crashes in rural southern Pennsylvania, killing 44 people aboard. 1994 – President Yuri Meshkov of Crimea, which had declared itself independent of Ukraine, dissolves parliament and imposes emergency rule (Sunday Mail) 09/11/2005

  • Photo: People pass by a matryoshka, traditional Russian nesting doll of wood, depicting dismissed Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in downtown Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Aide: Ukraine's president has no intention to fight with his former premier (CP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Yushchenko assures US of Ukraine's pro-Western course (AFP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Bush presses Ukraine's Yushchenko on reforms (AFP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Bush Urges Ukraine Leader on Principles (AP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Bush presses Ukraine to stick to reform agenda (Reuters) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine Leader Says He'll Boost Economy (AP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko presses on with new government (Reuters) 09/10/2005
  • Former Prime Minister Tymoshenko to Go It Alone (RFE/RL) 09/10/2005
  • Trouble Was Brewing for Ukraine Coalition (AP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Yushchenko faces tough new rival after break with sacked PM (AFP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine's leader plans new government for swift reform (Financial Times) 09/10/2005
  • Fired Ukraine Premier Sees End of 'Orange Revolution' Unity [by Steven Lee Myers and Seth Mydans] (NY Times) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine's Ex-Premier Splits With Her Partner (Wash Post) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine faces crisis as orange leaders split (Guardian) 09/10/2005
  • Former premier turns against Ukraine leader (Daily Telegraph) 09/10/2005
  • 'Orange princess' defects to Ukrainian opposition (Independent) 09/10/2005
  • Former Ukrainian PM fires back (Globe and Mail) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine's big split (Globe and Mail) 09/10/2005
  • Як народжувалася казка і помер міф (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine's revolution takes another dramatic turn (Sydney Morning Herald) 09/10/2005
  • US, Ukraine move to secure deadly pathogens (ISN) 09/10/2005
  • Микола Салагор: «Я готовий підтвердити в суді обвинувачення Зінченка щодо митниці»! (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/10/2005
  • Scandal of the stolen babies sparks call for investigation (The Times) 09/10/2005
  • The research institute that advertises foetus body parts on internet (The Times) 09/10/2005
  • Микола Поліщук: «Знаю. Вмію. Можемо». Зможемо? (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/10/2005
  • І що напишемо на клітці з дитиною? (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/10/2005
  • Scars on the Chernobyl landscape (BBC News) 09/10/2005
  • Staying power (Guardian) 09/10/2005
  • The 'neoreal' wonk's guide to national security lingo (Houston Chronicle) 09/10/2005
  • 13 People Killed in Congo Plane Crash (AP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Australia boards foreign fishing boat (AFP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Як позначиться на стані економіки «кадрова хірургія» Президента? (День) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine gas transport system vital despite Russia-Germany deal (AFP/Yahoo) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine Woe Hits Regal (Black Enterprise) 09/10/2005
  • Ukraine's New Coal Minister [Viktor Topolov] Outlines Ministry's Tasks (RedNova) 09/10/2005
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholic Hierarchs Address Vital Social and Church Issues (RISU) 09/10/2005
  • Строката стрічка (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/10/2005
  • Painter and Israel Prize laureate Lea Nikel passes away at 86 [Born in 1918 in Zhitomir, Ukraine] (Ha'aretz) 09/10/2005
  • Tyson still able to attract attention (The Times) 09/10/2005

  • Letter: New Yorkers urged to vote for City Council candidate Brian Kavanagh (BRAMA) 09/09/2005
  • Photo: Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko after her televised address in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Photo: Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko waves to supporters in Kiev. Tymoshenko signaled Friday in an emotional televised address that she was moving into opposition to Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko (AP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's sacked PM breaks with Yushchenko, ending dream team (AFP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Sacked Ukraine PM turns fire on Yushchenko (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's Ex-PM to Join the Opposition (AP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Ukrainian ex-PM slams dismissal (BBC News) 09/09/2005
  • Ex-pm says Yushchenko jeopardizes Ukraine's future (Reuters) 09/09/2005
  • Photo: Newly appointed Ukrainian State Secretary Oleh Rybachuk speaks to the media in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks during a meeting with his Chief of Staff Oleh Rybachuk, acting Prime Minister Yury Yekhanurov and Ukraine's Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko acts quickly to re-form government (IH Tribune) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's new PM forms government as Kiev assures on pro-West course (AFP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine leader urges parliament to back new PM (Reuters) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko Appeals to Ukraine Officials (AP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's president sees new gov't within days (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine leader acts to form new govt to end crisis (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's new PM [Yury Yekhanurov] holds talks on forming government (AFP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine leader to build new team (BBC News) 09/09/2005
  • Acting Prime Minister Starts Consultations on New Cabinet (RFE/RL) 09/09/2005
  • Tymoshenko Refused to Form New Government (UNIAN) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko Is Holding Meeting with Oblast Governors (UNIAN) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko Discussed Political Situation with Parliamentary Leaders (UNIAN) 09/09/2005
  • Попри вiдставку, український уряд працює (VOA) 09/09/2005
  • Businessmen won't get govt jobs in Ukraine - state secretary [Rybachuk] (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2005
  • Рибачук визначає прiоритети роботи (VOA) 09/09/2005
  • Ex-DPM Tomenko Rejects Accusations of Disrupting 'Soft Package' of Agreements (UNIAN) 09/09/2005
  • Tymoshenko team bows out, but all eyes fixed on Ukraine's fiery 'Lady Yu' (AFP/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Solana Conveys to Ukraine's Leaders the EU's Continued Commitment to and Support for Reforms (UNIAN) 09/09/2005
  • Low-Key Technocrat to Form New Cabinet (Reuters/Moscow Times) 09/09/2005
  • Orange Turmoil. Is Yushchenko’s Democratic dream hopeless? (National Review) 09/09/2005
  • Op-Ed: Orange alert (The Times) 09/09/2005
  • Op-Ed: Bitter oranges (Financial Times) 09/09/2005
  • Op-Ed: The shine is off the orange (IH Tribune) 09/09/2005
  • Has the Orange Revolution turned sour? (Radio Polonia) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko finally acts to clean up his government [by Taras Kuzio] (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's Orange Revolution starts to go pear-shaped (The Times) 09/09/2005
  • Cabinet splits leave the Orange Revolution in tatters [By Tom Warner] (Financial Times) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's president sacks squabbling government [Tom Parfitt in Moscow] (Guardian) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine Leader Fires Cabinet as Reform Coalition Splits (NY Times) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's President Fires Cabinet [By Peter Finn] (Wash Post) 09/09/2005
  • Trying to Quell Crisis, Ukraine President Fires Top Officials [By Kim Murphy] (LA Times) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko sacks all his ministers in sleaze purge (The Scotsman) 09/09/2005
  • Orange revolution grinds to a halt as Yushchenko sacks entire government (Independent) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine's president sacks his cabinet (Daily Telegraph) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko fires revolution mate (National Post) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko axes government as Orange coalition unravels (Globe and Mail) 09/09/2005
  • In the Ukraine, Freedom's Bitter Fruit (BusinessWeek) 09/09/2005
  • Orange Scent Still in the Air (Kommersant) 09/09/2005
  • Yushchenko dismisses Cabinet, Poroshenko (Ukrainian Journal) 09/09/2005
  • European press review (BBC News) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine press mulls 'orange' woes (BBC News) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine press review (Financial Times) 09/09/2005
  • Praise and Derision for Yushchenko (AP/Moscow Times) 09/09/2005
  • Ukraine politics in turmoil; Russia and Poland watch from sidelines (Ukrainian Journal) 09/09/2005
  • Gongadze's Wife: Ukrainian Officials Could Solve Murder [AFP] (RFE/RL) 09/09/2005
  • German Experts: Hair of Gongadze, Given by His Mother, and Fragments of Tarashcha Body Are Identical (UNIAN) 09/09/2005
  • The crushing cost of the Russian counter-revolution (Guardian) 09/09/2005
  • Lithuanian Pleads Guilty to Trafficking Ukrainian Women in U.S. (RFE/RL) 09/09/2005
  • New acting PM seeks ‘stability’ as political crisis threatens economy (Ukrainian Journal) 09/09/2005
  • Acting PM: no 'reprivatization' in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2005
  • Market Ignores Government Dismissal (Reuters/Moscow Times) 09/09/2005
  • Sale of Ukraine steel company seen as unstoppable (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/09/2005
  • Kroes Energy unphased by Ukrainian political situation (CNW Group) 09/09/2005
  • Political ramifications of Ukraine's gas supply problems (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/09/2005
  • Critics Slam Russo-German Deal on Pipeline (Deutsche Welle) 09/09/2005
  • National Bank Adopted Bases of Money-Credit Policy for 2006 (UNIAN) 09/09/2005
  • Investors urged to consider Ukraine (Business World) 09/09/2005
  • Unveiling the East (The Times) 09/09/2005
  • «Канонічна територія»: коли, чому й навіщо запущено в широке використання це словосполучення (День) 09/09/2005
  • Станіслав Ніколаєнко добре знає Маркса і у чому винні попи (RISU) 09/09/2005
  • Vatican schedule: 5 canonizations, 26 beatifications for October-November (Catholic World News) 09/09/2005
  • Israel urges Ukraine to ban anti-Semite from parliamentary bid (Ha'aretz) 09/09/2005
  • The runaway hit at Venice (Daily Telegraph) 09/09/2005
  • Saving babies the medieval way (Daily Telegraph) 09/09/2005
  • All for love (Ha'aretz) 09/09/2005
  • The scar remains where towers fell. Ground Zero, four years later: site is shrine and a stop for tourists (Asbury Park Press) 09/09/2005

  • OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine signs Plan of Co-operation with Central Election Commission (OSCE) 09/08/2005
  • Boro Prez proclaims September 9 'Ukrainian Day' in Brooklyn FOTO/S (BRAMA) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Yuriy Yekhanurov, governor of the eastern Dnipropetrovsk region, seen in Donetsk, Ukraine, Saturday, April 23, 2005. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko appointed the little-known Yuriy Yekhanurov, a former economics minister who now serves as governor of the eastern Dnipropetrovsk region, as acting prime minister, and asked the rest of the ministers to stay on until a new Cabinet is named (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and Yuriy Yekhanurov, governor of eastern Dnipropetrovsk region, seen during the congress of the Our Ukraine political party that Yushchenko used to head before his presidency, in Kiev, March 5, 2005. Yushchenko appointed Yekhanurov acting prime minister on Thursday, Sept. 8, 2005, after he sacked the government led by his Orange Revolution ally, Yulia Tymoshenko (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Андерс Ослунд: у Єханурова практично немає ворогів (BBC Ukrainian) 09/08/2005
  • Tymoshenko unlikely to oppose Yushchenko - Ukrainian Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 09/08/2005
  • Юрій Луценко: не бачу Тимошенко в опозиції (BBC Ukrainian) 09/08/2005
  • Український полiтикум коментує вiдставку уряду (VOA) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko smiles as she leaves the prime ministers building in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko leaves the government building in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko smiles as she talks to members of the government in the prime minister's building in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko watches Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko addressing a press conference on a television set in her office in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Tymoshenko Thanked Members of Sacked Government (UNIAN) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko reacts after a news conference in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian man smokes while watching a television address of President Viktor Yushchenko after he sacked the government of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in Kiev. Regional governor Yury Yekhanurov, who was asked on Thursday to form a new Ukrainian government, said his major task would be to secure stability (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks at a news conference after dismissing the Ukrainian government led by Yulia Tymoshenko and appointing Yury Yekhanurov, head of the eastern Dniepropetrovsk region as acting prime minister in Kiev. Yushchenko dismissed his government amid a deepening corruption scandal that had produced a string of high-level resignations and called into question the integrity of the 'orange revolution' leader's administration (AFP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko reacts during a media conference in Kiev. Yushchenko sacked his government and said his abrupt move was motivated by an absence of team spirit among Cabinet members and other top aides (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • The orange revolutionaries let the side down (Economist) 09/08/2005
  • On the spot: why Yushchenko sacked his Government (The Times) 09/08/2005
  • Profile: Ukraine's caretaker PM (BBC News) 09/08/2005
  • Yushchenko: Yesterday We Achieved Agreement on Soft Solution to Crisis, but at Night This Agreement Was Broken (UNIAN) 09/08/2005
  • EU urges Yushchenko to restore stability [AFP] (Mail&Guardian) 09/08/2005
  • US plays down Ukraine crisis, urges more reforms (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Putin cautions against alarm over Ukraine crisis (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Russian Aide to Yushchenko Hails Tymoshenko’s Dismissal (MosNews) 09/08/2005
  • Poland on political crisis in Ukraine (Polonia) 09/08/2005
  • NATO is attentively monitoring the situation in Ukraine (UNIAN) 09/08/2005
  • Ukrainian President won’t Cancel US Visit (Focus) 09/08/2005
  • Захід вірить Ющенку (BBC Ukrainian) 09/08/2005
  • Yushchenko sacks Ukraine government over corruption scandal (AFP) 09/08/2005
  • Yushchenko fires government (Reuters) 09/08/2005
  • Yushchenko sacks Ukraine government [Yuri Yekhanurov, acting prime minister] (Financial Times) 09/08/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko Fires Government, Security Head (Bloomberg) 09/08/2005
  • Ukraine President Dismisses Government (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Ukrainian President Reshuffles Cabinet (VOA News) 09/08/2005
  • Ukraine leader sacks government (BBC News) 09/08/2005
  • Orange Revolution in turmoil (BBC News) 09/08/2005
  • President Yushchenko Sacks Government in Growing Crisis (RFE/RL) 09/08/2005
  • Увесь уряд у відставці. Звільнився Порошенко (BBC Ukrainian) 09/08/2005
  • Ющенко вiдправив у вiдставку уряд, Порошенка (VOA) 09/08/2005
  • Повернення Єханурова (proUA) 09/08/2005
  • Заява Ющенка. Тимошенко і Порошенко ідуть у відставку (proUA) 09/08/2005
  • Tymoshenko declared 'Person of the Year' (Interfax-Russia) 09/08/2005
  • President Changed State Security Chief [Ihor Dryzhachny appointed] (UNIAN) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Top aide to Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko, Oleksandr Tretyakov, answers media questions in front of the Cabinet building in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: The head of Ukraine's Defense and Security Council, Petro Poroshenko, speaks to the media in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Photo: Mykola Tomenko, deputy prime minister for humanitarian affairs seen after his press conference in Kiev. Tomenko submitted his resignation amid the biggest crisis that President Viktor Yushchenko's coalition government has faced during the its seven-month existence (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Ukraine leader loses more aides (BBC News) 09/08/2005
  • Top Ukraine officials quit amid graft furore (Reuters) 09/08/2005
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko, Tomenko Resign Amid Corruption Concerns (Bloomberg) 09/08/2005
  • Corruption Allegations Abound (RFE/RL) 09/08/2005
  • '25% – БЮТ, 25% – 'НСНУ', 25% – НПУ і 25% Президентові'. Розмова з Борисом Беспалим (Львівська газета) 09/08/2005
  • Бої «над сутичкою». Несподівані перспективи «третьої сили»: куди піде Володимир Литвин? (Україна молода) 09/08/2005
  • Nuclear power: Little to fear but fear itself (Economist) 09/08/2005
  • Ukraine's rtgs unaffected by cabinet dismiss - S&P (Reuters) 09/08/2005
  • Ukraine bonds stable despite political ructions (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Germany, Russia seal five-billion-dollar gas pipeline deal (AFP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Schroeder, Putin Complete Pipeline Deal (AP/Yahoo) 09/08/2005
  • Russo-German pipeline deal raises tension (Guardian) 09/08/2005
  • Schröder and Putin cementing relationship (IH Tribune) 09/08/2005
  • Ukraine Harvests 438,500T Sunflower (UNIAN) 09/08/2005
  • Internship gives Ukrainian student close view of grain markets (WCF Courier) 09/08/2005
  • Card. Kasper: ties with Russian church improve (AGI) 09/08/2005
  • Pope appoints new Synod participants (Catholic World News) 09/08/2005
  • Demjanjuk's Lawyer Asks That Client Not Be Sent To Ukraine (AP/NewsNet5) 09/08/2005

  • Senior official explains ‘Intensified Dialogue’ with Ukraine (NATO) 09/07/2005
  • Четвертий Всесвітній форум українців (BRAMA) 09/07/2005
  • Metropolitan Mefodiy of Kyiv to visit America [Op-Ed] (BRAMA) 09/07/2005
  • Ukrainian American organization to assist hurricane victims (BRAMA) 09/07/2005
  • Олег Рибачук - Бі-Бі-Сі: кадрові рішення президента неминучі (BBC Ukrainian) 09/07/2005
  • Ukrainian leader names new aide after graft charges (Reuters) 09/07/2005
  • Former Ukrainian secretary of state welcomes successor (RIA) 09/07/2005
  • Oleh Rybachuk Appointed State Secretary of Ukraine [replaces Oleksander Zinchenko, who resigned on Sep 3] (UNIAN) 09/07/2005
  • Poroshenko says he has no reason to resign (Interfax-Russia) 09/07/2005
  • Yushchenko administration in crisis mode (Ukrainian Journal) 09/07/2005
  • Ukraine president holds crisis talks in effort to heal rift in political team (Financial Times) 09/07/2005
  • 'Зінченко пішов шляхом наклепу'. Розмова з Борисом Беспалим (Львівська газета) 09/07/2005
  • Orange Revolution needs EU shot in the arm (EU Observer) 09/07/2005
  • Ukraine's Orange Revolution loses its lustre (Daily Telegraph) 09/07/2005
  • Yushchenko's popularity sliding (AP/CNN) 09/07/2005
  • New Faction and Pro-Yuschenko Block Set Up in Verkhovna Rada (UNIAN) 09/07/2005
  • In Kiev, Sharp Words as Parliament Opens (AP/Moscow Times) 09/07/2005
  • President of Romania Calls on EU and NATO to Support Ukraine (UNIAN) 09/07/2005
  • Prospects dim for NATO 2006 enlargement - diplomats (Reuters/AlertNet) 09/07/2005
  • Lessia Gongadze Would Not Offer Her Hand to Yushchenko (UNIAN) 09/07/2005
  • National Investigation Bureau to Be Set Up on Basis of PGO – Chief Prosecutor (UNIAN) 09/07/2005
  • Banana Revolutions and Banana Skins (Transitions Online) 09/07/2005
  • Kazakhstan: Former U.S. President Clinton Extends AIDS Initiative [Nazarbaev...recalled that it was Clinton who persuaded Kazakhstan and other former Soviet republics such as Ukraine and Belarus to give up nuclear weapons on their territory] (RFE/RL) 09/07/2005
  • Zanzibar tensions rise ahead of election (Reuters) 09/07/2005
  • Activists, Experts Dispute UN Report on Chornobyl (RFE/RL) 09/07/2005
  • Chernobyl fallout not as bad as first feared (The Times) 09/07/2005
  • Life 'worse for world's poorest' (BBC News) 09/07/2005
  • Conditions Decline in Soviet Republics, Sub-Saharan Nations (LA Times) 09/07/2005
  • Norway at top, Niger at bottom of UN’s 2005 Human Development Index (UN News) 09/07/2005
  • Hospital to bring back abandoned baby wheel (The Times) 09/07/2005
  • Ukraine, Turkmenistan postpone for 1 month signing 30-yr gas deal (Ukrainian Journal) 09/07/2005
  • Poland fumes over German pipeline (BBC News) 09/07/2005
  • German-Russian gas pipeline deal angers Poland (DPA/Expatica) 09/07/2005
  • Russia and Germany to seal $5bn gas pipeline deal (Financial Times) 09/07/2005
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny plans to soon acquire 50% stake in Russian oil co (Ukrainian Journal) 09/07/2005
  • Crimea needs to regain special economic status, says official (Ukrainian Journal) 09/07/2005
  • India joins Europe's Galileo satellite system (Reuters) 09/07/2005
  • Russian patriarch reaffirms demands on Vatican (Catholic World News) 09/07/2005
  • Russia: How many missionaries now denied visas? (Forum 18) 09/07/2005
  • «Iнтелектуальна Європа про український геноцид» (День) 09/07/2005
  • Голодомор очима італійців (Львівська газета) 09/07/2005
  • «Картину прийняли на політбюро під тиском Петра Шелеста»: легендарному фільму «Білий птах з чорною ознакою» виповнилося 35 років (День) 09/07/2005
  • 'First I make a party. Then I terrorise people'. Dorian Lynskey meets the Ukrainian who's bringing Gypsy punk to the west (Guardian) 09/07/2005
  • Everything Is Illuminated (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/07/2005
  • Lord of War (Reuters) 09/07/2005
  • North Port Ukrainians to help Katrina victims [Atanas T. Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 09/07/2005
  • A clinic for neighbors, run by neighbors (Naples Sun Times) 09/07/2005

  • Mayor of New York proclaims Ukrainian American Heritage Days SPECIAL (BRAMA) 09/06/2005
  • Підбито підсумки засідання РНБО України (Кореспондент) 09/06/2005
  • Ukraine leaders call crisis talks in corruption row (Reuters) 09/06/2005
  • Yushchenko’s Team Hit With Resignations, Accusations (RFE/RL) 09/06/2005
  • Ukraine's leaders fall out over corruption allegations (Financial Times) 09/06/2005
  • Orange Revolution turns bitter as Chocolate King accused (The Times) 09/06/2005
  • The Pits in the Orange (Kommersant) 09/06/2005
  • Суцільна контрреволюція (Львівська газета) 09/06/2005
  • Володимир Полохало: «Президент має позбутися комплексу вдячності своєму оточенню...» (Високий замок) 09/06/2005
  • Спекотна осінь 2005-го: Президент не пускає міністрів у депутати, або Деякі нюанси старту нового політичного сезону (Україна молода) 09/06/2005
  • Yushchenko wants to erect new barrier for rivals (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/06/2005
  • A Second Chance for Post-Soviet Democracy? (EurasiaNet) 09/06/2005
  • Ukrainian Legislators Pass Anticorruption Law (RFE/RL) 09/06/2005
  • Yushchenko cancels visit to Poland (Interfax-Russia) 09/06/2005
  • Putin tells West not to interfere in ex-Soviet republics (The Times) 09/06/2005
  • Putin still bitter over orange revolution (Guardian) 09/06/2005
  • Putin Denies Rift With Europe (Moscow Times) 09/06/2005
  • Admiral's Tangled Legacy (Moscow Times) 09/06/2005
  • 'France Is Not an Opponent of Ukraine' (День) 09/06/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian UN peacekeeper looks through his binoculars in Aabbad, Lebanon. Ukraine called for the UN to review its decision to replace Kiev's peacekeeping contingent in Lebanon, following findings of 'significant financial misconduct' by the troops (AFP/Yahoo) 09/06/2005
  • Ukraine hopes UN will reverse decision on peacekeepers in Lebanon (AFP/Yahoo) 09/06/2005
  • Ukrainian Peacemakers to Stay in Lebanon Through 2005 (UNIAN) 09/06/2005
  • American Military Delegation on Two-Day Visit to Ukraine (UNIAN) 09/06/2005
  • Turkmen Leader Again Postpones Trip to Ukraine (RFE/RL) 09/06/2005
  • Three Ukrainians Killed in Congo An-26 Crash — Ministry (MosNews) 09/06/2005
  • Photo: A patient in the hematological department of radiology and nuclear medicine institute in Gomel, plays with paper pigeons. Greenpeace and the affected nation of Belarus cast doubt on predictions of a relatively low death toll from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, as UN experts opened a meeting in Vienna (AFP/Yahoo) 09/06/2005
  • Photo: The concrete-and-steel sarcophagus which entombs reactor 4 at Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear plant is seen in this March 20, 1996 file photo. False information and unneeded evacuations driven by panic worsened the effects of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and left affected people with anxiety levels twice as high as normal, a top U.N. nuclear watchdog agency official said Tuesday, Sept. 6 (AP/Yahoo) 09/06/2005
  • Photo: The stricken Chernobyl nuclear reactor after a major explosion occurred April 1986. The Greenpeace environmental group denounced a UN report that radiation released from Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear power plant nearly two decades ago may cause fewer deaths than expected as 'whitewashing' the impact of the world's worst nuclear accident (AFP/Yahoo) 09/06/2005
  • IAEA 'whitewashing' impact of Chernobyl nuclear accident: Greenpeace (AFP/Yahoo) 09/06/2005
  • UN experts seek to downgrade toll of 1986 Chernobyl disaster (AFP/Yahoo) 09/06/2005
  • Chernobyl's mental scars prove hard to heal (Reuters/AlertNet) 09/06/2005
  • Chernobyl helped make nuclear plants safer - IAEA (Reuters) 09/06/2005
  • False Information Said Worsened Chernobyl (AP/Yahoo) 09/06/2005
  • New Report Says Chornobyl's Final Death Toll to Reach 4,000 (RFE/RL) 09/06/2005
  • Chernobyl's Harm Was Far Less Than Predicted, U.N. Report Says (Wash Post) 09/06/2005
  • Chernobyl's dangers called far exaggerated (IH Tribune) 09/06/2005
  • Study Depicts a Less Dire Chernobyl (LA Times) 09/06/2005
  • U.N. Releases Report on Scale of Chernobyl Nuclear Accident (USDOS) 09/06/2005
  • Ukraine's disappearing babies (Euro-reporters) 09/06/2005
  • Ukraine 3000 Foundation Announces Competition for Medical Institutions (UNIAN) 09/06/2005
  • Ambitious Energy Project in the Pipeline [Natural gas could travel from Russia to Germany -- underwater...Gazprom might be trying to use this as a threat against countries like Belarus and Ukraine] (Deutsche Welle) 09/06/2005
  • Naftohaz to Invest $2 bln into Development of Ukrainian Gas-Transport System (UNIAN) 09/06/2005
  • Nikopol Plant understated profit to minimize taxes, official says (Ukrainian Journal) 09/06/2005
  • Consumer prices unchanged in August, belying govt forecast of decline (Ukrainian Journal) 09/06/2005
  • Situation on Foreign Exchange Market in August 2005 (UNIAN) 09/06/2005
  • Situation on Monetary Market in August 2005 (UNIAN) 09/06/2005
  • New currency rules take effect for foreign investors in Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 09/06/2005
  • Man awaits sentencing in smuggling of Eastern Europeans [trafficking] (San Diego Union-Tribune) 09/06/2005
  • Workingman's Death (Reuters) 09/06/2005
  • A Friend of the Pope’s: Rev. Pavlo Kohut from Ternopil oblast recalls Benedict XVI’s youth (День) 09/06/2005
  • After the Holiday (День) 09/06/2005
  • Student beaten in Ukraine flown here for treatment (Ha'aretz) 09/06/2005
  • Russian MP slams 'Ukrainization' of Crimean schools (RIA) 09/06/2005
  • Koktebel’s Cultural Resistance (День) 09/06/2005
  • On Privatization and Chimeras: Kyiv Draws Up a List of Unsellable Monuments (День) 09/06/2005
  • Actor Wood says farewell to Frodo (Reuters) 09/06/2005
  • A Cossack Cross in Sandarmokh (День) 09/06/2005

  • Photo: The head of Ukraine's Defense and Security Council, Petro Poroshenko, speaks to the media in Kiev, immediately after the former chief of staff to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Oleksandr Zinchenko, who resigned Saturday, accused Poroshenko of being one of the most corrupt members of the government (AP/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Photo: The head of Ukraine's Defense and Security Council, Petro Poroshenko listens as the former chief of staff to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Oleksandr Zinchenko, who resigned Saturday, speaks at a news conference in Kiev. Zinchenko accused Poroshenko of being one of the most corrupt members of the government. He said he had repeatedly called on Yushchenko to fire Poroshenko (AP/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Photo: Former head of the presidential administration Oleksander Zinchenko gestures during a news conference in Kiev. Zinchenko resigned from his post in a protest at growing corruption among top officials and underscoring an increasing split in the Ukraines new administration (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Ukraine leader's team 'corrupt' (BBC News) 09/05/2005
  • Ukraine Aide Blames Corruption (AP/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Zinchenko Accuses Yuschenko’s Lieutenants of Authority Abuse (UNIAN) 09/05/2005
  • Зінченко i Порошенко обмiнюються звинуваченнями (VOA) 09/05/2005
  • Зінченко проти Порошенка (BBC Ukrainian) 09/05/2005
  • «А наостанок я скажу»: стенограма виступу екс-Держсекретаря України Олександра Зінченка на прес-конференції, присвяченій його відставці (proUA) 09/05/2005
  • ПОРА назвала Порошенка «Найвідомішим підприємцем у владі» (VOA) 09/05/2005
  • Architect of Orange Revolution quits [Oleksandr Zinchenko] (The Times) 09/05/2005
  • Відставка Олександра Зінченка: можливі причини (BBC Ukrainian) 09/05/2005
  • Зінченко пішов. На черзі – Тимошенко? (Львівська газета) 09/05/2005
  • He Said: 'Let’s Go For It…' (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/05/2005
  • Volodymyr Filenko: 'If Stetskiv and I Wanted to Make it to Parliament at Any Cost, We Would Have Joined the Presidential Party Long Ago' (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/05/2005
  • 8th Session of Verkhovna Rada Due to Consider over Thousand Issues (UNIAN) 09/05/2005
  • Putin warns against interference in ex-Soviet states (Reuters) 09/05/2005
  • Death toll from Chernobyl was over-estimated: report (The Times) 09/05/2005
  • Chernobyl 'likely to kill 4,000' (BBC News) 09/05/2005
  • Death, environmental toll from Chernobyl less than feared: report (AFP/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Chernobyl Toll May Be Less Than Feared (AP/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Chernobyl radiation death toll 56 so far - U.N. (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Effects of Chernobyl Accident Less than Previously Expected (VOA News) 09/05/2005
  • Юристи критикують дiї української влади (VOA) 09/05/2005
  • Young Burn Victim Nastya Ovchar Returned to Ukraine (added photos) (UNIAN) 09/05/2005
  • Egypt's Election Panel to Ignore Court Order on Poll Monitors (NY Times) 09/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian demonstrators block the the prime ministers building with sacks of grain during a rally in central Kiev. Ukraine's Socialist Party launched protests on Monday, demanding a change in the government's price policy for domestic agricultural producers (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian demonstrator tries to break through a police cordon with a grain sack to block the prime ministers building during a rally in central Kiev. Ukraine's Socialist Party launched protests on Monday, demanding a change in the government's price policy for domestic agricultural producers (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian demonstrators unload trucks with sugar beet and block police officers in front of the prime minister's office during a rally in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian demonstrator tries to break through a police cordon with a grain sack to block the prime ministers building during a rally in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • 0% Inflation in Ukraine in August - Statistics Committee (Black Enterprise) 09/05/2005
  • PM: Ukraine to continue barter payment system for gas transactions (Ukrainian Journal) 09/05/2005
  • Minority NFP Shareholders are Ready to Delegate their Votes to State (UNIAN) 09/05/2005
  • No Orange Color… (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/05/2005
  • Miner Dies in Luhansk Region (RedNova) 09/05/2005
  • Mogul [Ihor Kolomoyskiy] raises offer on 40% stake in Studio 1+1 television to $160 mln (Ukrainian Journal) 09/05/2005
  • One Plus One: Did They or Didn’t They Strike a Deal? (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/05/2005
  • Ukraine bans meat imports from Russia on foot-and-mouth fears (AFP/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Ministry of Agricultural Policy Reduced Grain Forecast (UNIAN) 09/05/2005
  • Pope to Declare Five New Saints (AP/Yahoo) 09/05/2005
  • Jewish man beaten in Kiev brought to Israel (Jerusalem Post) 09/05/2005
  • Ukrainian Jew who was beaten, en route to Israel for treatment (Ha'aretz) 09/05/2005
  • Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Reaches Millions on National TV (FJC) 09/05/2005

  • Президент прийняв відставку Зінченка (BBC Ukrainian) 09/04/2005
  • The Empire Strikes Back: China is using regional alliances to diminish U.S. clout in Asia (Newsweek) 09/04/2005
  • Vietnam struggles to meet WTO deadline (AFP/Yahoo) 09/04/2005
  • The Orthodox Church and the Stem-Cell Debate (RFE/RL) 09/04/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine players celebrate after scoring against Georgia during their FIFA World Cup qualifying soccer match in Tbilisi, Georgia. Ukraine became the first European team to win a place in the 2006 World Cup on Saturday -- thanks to some help from Denmark (AP/Yahoo) 09/03/2005
  • Photo: Georgia's Zurab Khizanishvili fights for the ball with Anatoliy Tymoschuk and Ruslan Rotan of Ukraine during their World Cup 2006 qualifying soccer match (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/03/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's Sergiy Shyshenko vies with Georgia's David Odikadze during a 2006 World Cup qualifying match in Tbilisi (AFP/Yahoo) 09/03/2005
  • Photo: Georgia's Kakha Kaladze and Andriy Voronin of Ukraine fight for the ball during their World Cup 2006 qualifying soccer match in an empty Mikheil Meskhi stadium in Tbilisi (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/03/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's soccer star Andriy Shevchenko is challenged by Levan Tskitishvili of Georgia during their World Cup qualifying soccer match in Georgia (AP/Yahoo) 09/03/2005
  • Ukraine realise World Cup dream (UEFA) 09/03/2005
  • Ukraine Qualifies for 2006 World Cup Play (AP/Yahoo) 09/03/2005
  • Володимир Філенко: «Якби ми зі Стецьківим хотіли потрапити до парламенту за будь-яку ціну, ми давно були б у партії Президента» (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/03/2005
  • Він сказав: «поїхали!..» (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/03/2005
  • ЧФ РФ: «чужої землі не віддамо ні п’яді» (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/03/2005
  • Етапи слідства (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/03/2005
  • Ігор Тарасюк: У моїй посаді немає нічого такого, чим можна було б пишатися (Україна молода) 09/03/2005
  • Як ми живемо: самооцінка населення (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/03/2005
  • Scandal hits Ukrainian UN troops (BBC News) 09/03/2005
  • Ukraine ordered to investigate theft of babies (The Scotsman) 09/03/2005
  • Без помаранчевого... (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/03/2005
  • Юлія Тимошенко: Думаю, так складно мені ще ніколи не було (Україна молода) 09/03/2005
  • Осінь. Феросплавам гаряче... (Україна молода) 09/03/2005
  • Europeans Find Gas Prices Taxing (Wash Post) 09/03/2005
  • Russian Orthodox Rep Concerned about Ukrainian President’s Statement (RISU) 09/03/2005
  • Renowned sculptor opening act at new Ukrainian Museum (Newsday) 09/03/2005
  • Нашу культуру врятує не «шароварщина», а агресивна стратегія? (Дзеркало Тижня) 09/03/2005
  • Nobu Berkeley (The Times) 09/03/2005
  • On this day: 1993 – Ukraine agrees to give Russia its nuclear warheads and the Black Sea fleet in return for financial compensation, easing two main disputes between the former Soviet republics (Mercury) 09/03/2005

  • Embassy seeks Ukrainian nationals that may have been in stricken southern U.S. region UPDATE (BRAMA) 09/02/2005
  • UAOC issues strong condemnation of anti-semitism (BRAMA) 09/02/2005
  • Ukraine: Government Throwing Apples After Oranges (RFE/RL) 09/02/2005
  • Yushchenko to Pay Working Visit to USA During September 17-18 (UNIAN) 09/02/2005
  • Pushing the boundaries (Financial Times) 09/02/2005
  • Belarussians hoping to rock toward change (IH Tribune) 09/02/2005
  • Ah, Solidarity (LA Times) 09/02/2005
  • 'Significant financial misconduct' by Ukrainian peacekeeprs in Lebanon : UN (AFP/Yahoo) 09/02/2005
  • Ukrainian unit in UN Lebanon force to be replaced in financial misconduct probe (UN News) 09/02/2005
  • Trans-Dniester's surreal life (BBC News) 09/02/2005
  • Ukrainian diplomats agree to help promote Ukraine space sector (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2005
  • U.K.'s Straw Rules Out Military Action on Iran Nuclear Plan [Russia took over the Bushehr contract after Ukraine pulled out of an agreement to supply turbines for the plant in 1998 because of pressure from the U.S. and Israel] (Bloomberg) 09/02/2005
  • European Official Claims Newborn Babies Stolen in Ukraine (MosNews) 09/02/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks at a news conference in Kiev. Tymoshenko on Friday defended the state's takeover of a key steel factory [Nikopol] as legal and accused the former owner [Viktor Pinchuk] of organizing a show rally to hold onto property he stole from the state when his father-in-law, Leonid Kuchma, was president (AP/Yahoo) 09/02/2005
  • Ukraine's Prime Minister Defends State's Takeover of Key Steel Factory As Legal [Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant] (AP/Yahoo) 09/02/2005
  • Tymoshenko: Selling Price of NFP May Exceed $1 bn (UNIAN) 09/02/2005
  • Ukraine PM vows to reclaim control of Nikopolsky metals plant despite protests (AFX/III) 09/02/2005
  • Ukraine factory tussle heats up (BBC News) 09/02/2005
  • President Criticized Conflict over Ferroalloy Plant (UNIAN) 09/02/2005
  • Ukrainian PM Chides Pinchuk for Plant Stand-Off (Forbes) 09/02/2005
  • Pinchuk ups ante in Nikopol dispute (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2005
  • President Orders to Ensure Legal Privatization (UNIAN) 09/02/2005
  • Russia’s Gazprom shifts position, will impose major gas price boost (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2005
  • Stoppage at major oil refinery to continue indefinitely, says company (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2005
  • Foreign Investment in Ukrainian Economy Increased (UNIAN) 09/02/2005
  • Tymoshenko: Draft Budget-2006 Stipulates Average Annual Hrn/$ Exchange Rate at 5.01/1 (UNIAN) 09/02/2005
  • Russia's Alfa may be losing its sure touch, sceptics say (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/02/2005
  • Друг Папи (День) 09/02/2005
  • Pope Pursuing an Ambitious Agenda (Zenit) 09/02/2005
  • Blokhin's golden revolution (UEFA) 09/02/2005
  • Greece’s biggest illegal cigarette ring smashed [ring employing Ukrainian and Moldovan immigrants] (Kathimerini) 09/02/2005
  • No-one knows how many such workers are in the country (Edinburgh Evening News) 09/02/2005
  • Chicago and Western in Ukrainian Village (Chicago Sun-Times) 09/02/2005

  • 'Приєднання України до НАТО відбудеться за будь-яких сценаріїв'. Розмова з Володимиром Хандогієм (Львівська газета) 09/01/2005
  • 'Нашим пріоритетом є угода про асоціацію'. Розмова з Романом Шпеком (Львівська газета) 09/01/2005
  • Forked Tongues. Judging by opponents' rhetoric in the presidential elections, Yushchenko was set to launch a linguistic revolution in Ukraine. So far, he hasn’t. (Transitions Online) 09/01/2005
  • Kinakh: Maximum Entry Rate at Parliamentary Elections Should Not Exceed 5% (UNIAN) 09/01/2005
  • Круглий стiл на тему пiдвищення прохiдного бар`єру (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • Полiтологи прогнозують складну виборчу кампанiю (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • Yuschenko Co-Founds Solidarity Center (UNIAN) 09/01/2005
  • Europe for revolution (Guardian) 09/01/2005
  • World leaders praise Solidarity and its peaceful road to democracy (Independent) 09/01/2005
  • Solidarity honored as force for democracy (Boston Globe) 09/01/2005
  • The world shows solidarity with Poland (The Scotsman) 09/01/2005
  • Leaders pay tribute to historic Solidarity movement (Glasgow Herald) 09/01/2005
  • Yushchenko, Saakashvili Celebrate Solidarity (Kommersant) 09/01/2005
  • Solidarity anniversary turns focus on Belarus (Guardian) 09/01/2005
  • Ukrainian language declared obligatory at Ukrainian courts (Itar-Tass) 09/01/2005
  • Лунають новi заклики до звiльнення Iвана Чижа (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • Готовність киян до перших пропорцiйних міських виборів (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • Ukraine ombudsman denies abduction of 300 babies (Interfax-Russia) 09/01/2005
  • Kateryna Yushchenko Visits Children's Home (UNIAN) 09/01/2005
  • Перспективи малого та середнього бізнесу в Україні (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • Merrill analyst: Situation is not improving as fast as expected (Ukrainian Journal) 09/01/2005
  • GUAM Working Group for Economics and Trade Adopted Plan of Work for 2005-2006 (UNIAN) 09/01/2005
  • U.S. lifts $75 mln worth of trade sanctions against Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 09/01/2005
  • Американський чиновник коментує зняття санкцій з України (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • Poroshenko plans Moscow visit for talks to keep gas prices unchanged (Ukrainian Journal) 09/01/2005
  • Ukrainian Magnate Defies New Rulers [Viktor Pinchuk] (Moscow Times) 09/01/2005
  • Tensions rise as Pinchuk resists takeover (Ukrainian Journal) 09/01/2005
  • Протистояння у Нікополі, демонструють у прямому ефірі (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • SPFU Signed Confidentiality Agreement on Kryvorozhstal with Arcelor Company (UNIAN) 09/01/2005
  • Usmanov’s Metalloinvest to join consortium for Kyryvorizhstal (Ukrainian Journal) 09/01/2005
  • US court delays Telenor-Alfa suit to Tue - source [Vimpelcom, Kyivstar] (Reuters/Yahoo) 09/01/2005
  • Полiтичний бiженець старої влади нарiкає на нову (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • Ukrainian minister criticizes government for negligent handling of anti-Semitism [Yevhen Chervonenko, Ukraine's transport minister and the most prominent Jewish official in the nation...] (AP/CJP) 09/01/2005
  • Noted Russian Orthodox Deacon Criticizes Prayer Service for Ukraine’s Independence (RISU) 09/01/2005
  • Kyiv Mufti Passes Away (RISU) 09/01/2005
  • Yushchenko Asked Teachers to Love Children (UNIAN) 09/01/2005
  • Член фракцiї СДПУ(о) звинувачує владу у полiтизацiї шкiл (VOA) 09/01/2005
  • Школа над прiрвою: за довгі роки ігнорування вчителі зневірилися у кращому майбутньому нашої освіти (Україна молода) 09/01/2005
  • Two men plead guilty in art heist [The works included original art by ...Ukrainian cubist sculptor Alexander Archipenko] [Dated 9/1/05] (AP/Belleville News Democrat) 09/01/2005
  • Фенiкс української iдеї. Батурин: історія та сучасність (Україна молода) 09/01/2005
  • Ukraine agog with prospect of reaching World Cup for first time (AP/Fox Sports) 09/01/2005
  • Ukrainian Mission honoured by Clarkson (Edmonton Sun) 09/01/2005
  • Letter to Editor: Mark’s work ‘immeasurable’ (Brandon Sun) 09/01/2005
  • Letter to Editor: Good news for Ukrainians (Brandon Sun) 09/01/2005
  • U.S. Citizenship Revoked for Ukrainian-Born Former Nazi Policemen. Osyp Firishchak helped round up L'viv Jews for deportation to Nazi camps [Dated 8/31/05] (USDOS) 09/01/2005
  • Ukrainian girl adapts well to her new American life [Adoption] (Daily Press) 09/01/2005
  • Century of tourism [Ukrainian Pysanka — the 10-metre high Easter egg was constructed in Vegreville in 1975 to commemorate the early Ukrainian settlements in the area east of Edmonton] (Calgary Sun) 09/01/2005
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

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    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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