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  • Photo: Havel, Walesa, Kwasniewski, Barroso, Yushchenko, Verhofstadt stand near the main gate to the Gdansk Shipyard, Poland (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko signs a document founding a European Solidarity Centre to monitor human rights and workers rights (AP/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gives a speech during a ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of the Solidarity movement in Gdansk. Representatives of 30 governments, human rights activists and historians are gathering in Poland this week to commemorate the 1980 Gdansk shipyard strike which ended on August 31 with the birth of eastern Europe's first independent trade union (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Solidarity hailed as inspiration for freedom (Reuters) 08/31/2005
  • World Leaders Laud Solidarity Movement (AP/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Solidarity trade union marks 25th anniversary (DPA/Expatica) 08/31/2005
  • European Leaders Honor 'Solidarnosc' (Deutsche Welle) 08/31/2005
  • President Participates in Solidarity Conference in Gdansk (UNIAN) 08/31/2005
  • Don't Waste What Solidarity Helped to Win, Says Walesa (Zenit) 08/31/2005
  • 25th Anniversary of Solidarity Movement Celebrated in Gdansk, Poland (VOA) 08/31/2005
  • Celebrating Solidarity, 25 Years On (Deutsche Welle) 08/31/2005
  • Communism began dying 25 years ago in Poland with Solidarity's birth (AFP/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Birthplace of Today (Transitions Online) 08/31/2005
  • Solidarity Remembered (Wash Post) 08/31/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko is seen on a huge screen speaking to the crowd in Independence square in the capital Kiev as Ukraine marks the 14th anniversary of its independence declaration, Aug. 24, 2005. Support for President Viktor Yushchenko is continuing to slip, but analysts said Wednesday Aug. 31, 2005 that the disappointment does not signal yet that the pro-Western leader's Orange Revolution is under threat (AP/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Poll: Support for Yushchenko on Decline (AP/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Poll: Yushchenko, Tymoshenko groups could form government after vote (Ukrainian Journal) 08/31/2005
  • Мед із дачі Президента. Відкритість влади, дубль черговий: позавчора ввечері Віктор Ющенко показав групі журналістів свою садибу під Києвом, і багато чого розповів (Україна молода) 08/31/2005
  • Photo: A British paratrooper demonstrates a weapon to Defence Ministers Jerzy Szmajdzinski of Poland, Anatoly Hrytsenko of Ukraine and Adam Ingram, the British Minister of State for the Armed Forces during a joint paratrooper exercise in Vindzhin military training centre south of Warsaw (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • U.S. Senators Lugar, Obama Praise Yushchenko’s Regime, Pledge Aid to Ukraine (MosNews) 08/31/2005
  • Europe's last dictatorship spurns reform (Guardian) 08/31/2005
  • Stuck in a Tit for Tat Mentality (Moscow Times) 08/31/2005
  • U.S. citizenship revoked for man linked to Nazis [Osyp Firishchak] (Chicago Tribune) 08/31/2005
  • Accused of aiding Nazis, retiree loses citizenship [Osyp Firishchak] (Chicago Sun-Times) 08/31/2005
  • Power-sharing seen as key to Zanzibar peace (Reuters/AlertNet) 08/31/2005
  • Activist takes up hospital’s missing babies case (Glasgow Herald) 08/31/2005
  • U.S. Lifts Trade Sanctions Against Ukraine [intellectual piracy] (AP/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Independent Auditing to Be Conducted at Nikopolski Ferroalloy Plant (UNIAN) 08/31/2005
  • Tymoshenko Satisfied with Court Ruling That Returned Nikopolski Ferroalloy Plant to State (UNIAN) 08/31/2005
  • Pinchuk vows to win back Nikopol Ferroally Plant at upcoming auction (Ukrainian Journal) 08/31/2005
  • Severstal & Evraz plan joint bid for Krivorozhstal (Russia Journal) 08/31/2005
  • Byzantine plotting muddies the waters [Krivorizhstal] (Mineweb) 08/31/2005
  • Socialists call for head of NBU governor (Ukrainian Journal) 08/31/2005
  • Russia's Alfa rejects Telenor accusations (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/31/2005
  • Telenor Brings Alfa to Account (Kommersant) 08/31/2005
  • Ukraine Jewry calls on government to stamp out anti-Semitism (Ha'aretz) 08/31/2005
  • Ukrainian Jewish leaders demand to suppress anti-Semitic propaganda (Interfax-Russia) 08/31/2005
  • Болонському процесу — осмислений підхід: чи приживаються нові правила у вищій школі? (День) 08/31/2005
  • Український стандарт і Болонська траєкторія (ч.2) (День) 08/31/2005
  • Культурний опір Коктебеля: під шум моря і гуркіт джазу (День) 08/31/2005
  • Попо, який продовжить пісню Армстронга: найсильніший український велосипедист Ярослав Попович заїхав на Батьківщину (Україна молода) 08/31/2005
  • 'Один бізнесмен посадив алею на мою честь'. Розмова з Іваном Гешком (Львівська газета) 08/31/2005
  • Vote helpers lauded (Edmonton Sun) 08/31/2005
  • A queen in her own backyard. After a life of toil, a Ukrainian immigrant's garden is truly her Eden (SF Chronicle) 08/31/2005
  • Ethnic women claim place in Canada’s past [Ukrainian senator to be profiled in the new TV series 'Mother Tongue'] (PR Direct) 08/31/2005
  • Martha Beilish: Giving rural women a voice (Website) 08/31/2005
  • Our neighbors -- the Ukrainians: Committee evaluates Ukrainian independence observation [Atanas T. Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 08/31/2005

  • Photo: U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, Head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senator Barack Obama inspect a pile of decommissioned weapons in a warehouse in Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • Photo: U.S. Senator Barack Obama inspects a pile of decommissioned weapons in a warehouse in Donetsk. Obama and his colleague Senator Richard Lugar are visiting Ukraine to oversee destruction of dangerous material from the Soviet era and announced the signature of an agreement providing for U.S. funds to help Ukraine deal with and destroy its chemical weapons (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • US Allocates $2 Million to Help Ukraine Destroy Obsolete Weapons (VOA) 08/30/2005
  • U.S. to Aid Ukraine in Countering Bioweapons (Wash Post) 08/30/2005
  • U.S., Ukraine sign pact on germ threat (Chicago Tribune) 08/30/2005
  • To Search or Not to Search? Russian border controllers were confused with the US Senators’ plane status (Kommersant) 08/30/2005
  • Poroshenko: Blackmailing President by Melnychenko Is Inadmissible (UNIAN) 08/30/2005
  • Major Melnychenko Put Forward Five Demands to President Yushchenko (UNIAN) 08/30/2005
  • [VIDEO] Американка оцiнює змiни за роки незалежностi України (VOA) 08/30/2005
  • CIS: Death Notices Serve to Revive Moribund Organization (RFE/RL) 08/30/2005
  • The CIS: the end of the road? (EurasiaNet) 08/30/2005
  • Ukraine Might Expel Russian Black Sea Fleet (Kommersant) 08/30/2005
  • МЗС вивчить дальшу присутнiсть росiйського флоту в Українi (VOA) 08/30/2005
  • Yushchenko poisoning investigation makes progress (RIA) 08/30/2005
  • В Українi утворюються новi полiтичнi блоки та групи (VOA) 08/30/2005
  • Beware the Russian bear, Lech Walesa warns West (The Times) 08/30/2005
  • Poland needs help to remain strong (Chicago Sun-Times) 08/30/2005
  • EU Plans to Launch Project for Safeguarding Ukrainian-Moldavian Border (Focus) 08/30/2005
  • Чому я не хочу бути заслуженим і навіщо девальвуються державні звання та нагороди (Україна молода) 08/30/2005
  • Українцi допомагають з пiдготовкою референдуму в Iраку (VOA) 08/30/2005
  • Photo: Osyp Firishchak, 86, of Chicago, leaves federal court after a hearing. On Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005, a federal judge stripped Firishchak of his U.S. citizenship for taking part in a police organization that helped the Nazis in rounding up Ukrainian Jews during World War II. Firishchak, a retired carpenter who has lived in this country for more than 50 years, faces probable deportation proceedings (AP/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • Ill. Man Who Aided Nazis Loses Citizenship [Osyp Firishchak] (AP/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • Needle-Sharing, Unprotected Sex Fuel HIV-AIDS in Former Soviet Union (VOA) 08/30/2005
  • Aid organisations turn to the telephone to help victims of sex traffickers (AFP/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • Ukrainian baby hospital hits back (BBC News) 08/30/2005
  • ПАРЄ шукає немовлят (Голос України) 08/30/2005
  • Third World feels staggering bite of petty corruption (IH Tribune) 08/30/2005
  • Hryvna to get pegged to euro in 2007 (RBC) 08/30/2005
  • Investments in Ukrainian economy fall 14% in H1 (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2005
  • The Building Blocks of Stronger Trade [Clarity in regional integration (CIS) depends on terms of WTO accession for Russia and some of its key CIS counterparts such as Ukraine.] (Moscow Times) 08/30/2005
  • Ukrainian Premier Says Petrol Prices Out of Government's Control [TV 5 Kanal] (RedNova) 08/30/2005
  • Ukraine to import at least 68 billion cubic meters of gas in 2006 (Ukrainian Journal) 08/30/2005
  • Russia: Tightening the Screws With Gazprom (RFE/RL) 08/30/2005
  • Telenor files US lawsuit vs Alfa in Vimpelcom row (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • Interpol freezes $160 mln from sale of stake in Kyivstar shareholder (Ukrainian Journal) 08/30/2005
  • Leonid Kuchma’s Mobile Connections Arrested in Germany [Kyivstar GSM] (Kommersant) 08/30/2005
  • Tim Draper, gonzo venture capitalist [Guess which statesman uttered the following, after meeting with Ukraine's new president, Viktor Yuschenko: 'The recent political upheaval known as the Orange Revolution provides the opportunity for a business revolution in Ukraine.'] (Deal/CNET) 08/30/2005
  • Ukrainian president condemns attack on Jewish student now in coma (AP/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • Ukraine Leader Pledges to Fight Racism [AFP] (RFE/RL) 08/30/2005
  • Yushchenko Commissioned Interior Minister to Personally Supervise Investigation into Beating Yeshiva Student (UNIAN) 08/30/2005
  • NCSJ Urges Ukrainian Government Crackdown on Anti-Semitic Incitement (US Newswire/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • National Deputy Calls Declaration of Patriarchate Ukrainian Greek Catholics’ Private Business (RISU) 08/30/2005
  • Schreiber Grateful for 'Glengarry' Cursing (AP/Yahoo) 08/30/2005
  • Bhojpuri film to star foreign actress [Ukraine-born model turned actress Tanya] (NDTV) 08/30/2005
  • Ukrainian fugitive sentenced to 18 years in jail for murder of prostitutes (Prague Daily Monitor) 08/30/2005
  • Man Suspected of Killing Girlfriend Found Dead [police said he killed 21-year-old Iryna Singerman] (LA Times) 08/30/2005
  • A Post-Soviet Labor Market Forms at Island's Other End [In Sardinia, about 50 women from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova gather every day...while waiting for someone to offer them a job.] (Moscow Times) 08/30/2005
  • Михайло Горинь: 'Діяльність УВКР не є тільки громадською, а й державною' (Урядовий кур'єр) 08/30/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks with U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, Head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, during their meeting in Kiev. Lugar is visiting Ukraine and other ex-Soviet states to oversee disposal of dangerous weaponry dating from the communist times (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko shakes hands with U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chairman of the U.S. Senate's Foreign Relations Committee, and Barack Obama, D-Ill., during their meeting in Kiev. The senators came to Ukraine to hold talks with government officials and find out how the United States can help this ex-Soviet republic on its path toward further integration with the West. The senators were detained for three hours Sunday in Russia's Ural Mountains city of Perm, but they were eventually allowed to take-off for Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • US senators pledge work to remove law to aid Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • U.S., Ukraine Sign Agreement to Counter Threat of Bioterrorism (USDOS) 08/29/2005
  • US Senators Hold Positive View on Democratic Changes in Ukraine (UNIAN) 08/29/2005
  • Ukraine President Meets with Senator Lugar (UNIAN) 08/29/2005
  • Першi результати вiзиту сенатора Луґара в Україну (VOA) 08/29/2005
  • US dismisses senators' detention in Russia as 'misunderstanding' (AFP/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • Russia Sorry for U.S. Senators' Detention (AP/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • Detained U.S. Senators Get Russian Apology (AP/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • Russia 'regrets' holding up U.S. senators' plane (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb. wasn't delayed in departure from Russia (AP/Journal Star) 08/29/2005
  • Wasn't the Cold War supposed to be over? (Chicago Tribune) 08/29/2005
  • We owe them a debt of honour. The Ukrainians and Turks can't be left out of the new Europe (Guardian) 08/29/2005
  • EU enlargement process should slow down, Ferrero-Waldner says (Greece Reporter) 08/29/2005
  • After a Holiday: the State of the Accounts (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/29/2005
  • Пiскун говорить, що його неправильно зрозумiли журналiсти [Майор Мельниченко ще не давав свідчень американському суду у справі Ґонґадзе.] (VOA) 08/29/2005
  • Гарвардський професор про майбутні завдання України (VOA) 08/29/2005
  • CIS and 'managed democratization' (RIA) 08/29/2005
  • CIS Leaders Paper Over Rifts in Kazan (Moscow Times) 08/29/2005
  • CIS: Turkmenistan Reduces Ties to ‘Associate Member' (RFE/RL) 08/29/2005
  • Of Men and Diplomats (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/29/2005
  • Ukrainian Official [Anton Buteiko] Wants Russia’s Black Sea Fleet out of Crimean Waters (MosNews) 08/29/2005
  • Empire of the czar [Anders Aslund on Putin] (US News & World Report) 08/29/2005
  • Chirac unveils ambitious foreign diplomacy agenda (AFP/Tocqueville Connection) 08/29/2005
  • Russia stays away as Poland celebrates 25 years of Solidarity (Independent) 08/29/2005
  • Freedom fighter left on the margin of politics [Lech Walesa] (Financial Times) 08/29/2005
  • Poles Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Solidarity (VOA) 08/29/2005
  • Two Georgian Activists Sentenced to Jail [in Belarus] (AP/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • Stirring for Russian revolution (Newsday) 08/29/2005
  • . . . and American Paralysis (Wash Post) 08/29/2005
  • New Chernobyl shelter facility to cost €1.09 bln, says Zhvania (Ukrainian Journal) 08/29/2005
  • Yushchenko cites CES documents on zone (Ukrainian Journal) 08/29/2005
  • Miners, Yushchenko's former foes, welcome his visit (IH Tribune) 08/29/2005
  • День шахтарки Тимошенко (Львівська газета) 08/29/2005
  • 'Дефіциту газу в Україні не буде'. Розмова з Олексієм Івченком (Львівська газета) 08/29/2005
  • Tymoshenko wants Ukraine to avoid energy dependency (Interfax-Russia) 08/29/2005
  • Energizing the German election (IH Tribune) 08/29/2005
  • Economics Ministry Reduced Forecast of Industrial Production Growth for 2005 from 12% to 6.5% (UNIAN) 08/29/2005
  • Four Potential Buyers of Kryvorozhstal to Study Contest Conditions (UNIAN) 08/29/2005
  • Out-of-Control Package [Viktor Pinchuk's Nikopolsky Ferrous Alloy Plant] (Kommersant) 08/29/2005
  • Liberalization of tariffs may stimulate an export boom to Ukraine (Warsaw Business Journal) 08/29/2005
  • Probe into Ukraine 'baby thefts' (BBC) 08/29/2005
  • Полiщук обiцяє вивчити справу iз зникненням дiтей (VOA) 08/29/2005
  • HIV Territory (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/29/2005
  • Контроль за ліками в Україні відтепер буде жорсткішим (VOA) 08/29/2005
  • Want to stay in Israel? Pledge that your daughter will be leaving (Ha'aretz) 08/29/2005
  • Attack on yeshiva men not motivated by anti-Semitism (Ha'aretz) 08/29/2005
  • 2 yeshiva students stabbed by neo-Nazis (Jerusalem Post) 08/29/2005
  • В центрі Києва по-звірячому побитий учень юдейської школи (RISU) 08/29/2005
  • Ukraine Seminary a 'Mantle of Our Lady' (Zenit) 08/29/2005
  • Letter of Bishops of Poland and Ukraine on Reconciliation: 'We Have to Rise Above the Legacy of History, Forgive One Another' (Zenit) 08/29/2005
  • A Moscow Choir Fills In for Mozart's Ignorance of Russia (NY Times) 08/29/2005
  • Athletics: IAAF Confirms 2 Positive Tests From Worlds (AP/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • Athletics: Two positive tests from world championships, says IAAF (Reuters) 08/29/2005
  • France, Belgium Publish Blacklist of Air Carriers Prohibited From Their Airports [cargo - South Airlines, Ukraine] (AP/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • Amid safety flap, France and Belgium publish lists of 'unsafe' airlines [South Airlines (Ukraine)] (AFP/Yahoo) 08/29/2005
  • IFC to Finance Hotel in Kyiv, Ukraine (IFC) 08/29/2005
  • Two tests away. Former Moldova doctor aspires for medical license [Sergei Demchenko, born in Ukraine] (Hickory Daily Record) 08/29/2005
  • Russian, Ukrainian chambers ready for business (Oregonian) 08/29/2005
  • Saying goodbye to Russian (Warsaw Business Journal) 08/29/2005
  • The Pursuit of Happiness (Transitions Online) 08/29/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gestures as he talks to miners in the city of Donetsk. Yushchenko arrived in the centre of Ukrainian coal industry to mark the national Miners' Day (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/28/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko stands with a candle and flowers during a service for Ukrainian miners at a church in central Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/28/2005
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko promises help for miners (Reuters) 08/28/2005
  • Антон Бутейко: 'Україна може стати членом ЄС під час II терміну Ющенка' (BBC Ukrainian) 08/28/2005
  • Two U.S. Senators Held at Russian Airport (AP/Yahoo) 08/28/2005
  • Russians Briefly Detain U.S. Senators (AP/Yahoo) 08/28/2005
  • Senate group held in Russia [officials declined to allow Lugar and his group to board a U.S. plane for Ukraine after inspecting nuclear weapons destruction site] (Chicago Tribune) 08/28/2005
  • International Labor Organization (ILO) conference 'AIDS and labor Space' in Kiev, October 12-13 (Azertag) 08/28/2005
  • Court Overturns Privatization of Ukrainian Chemical Plant (Black Enterprise) 08/28/2005
  • Phishing the net and trawling for fraud [The internet mafia in Eastern Europe is ruthless...One Sydney victim last week found $14,000 ripped from her credit just one day from two ATM terminals in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.] (Sydney Morning Herald) 08/28/2005
  • Group runs computer training center for ex-Chernobyl workers in Ukraine (JTA) 08/28/2005
  • Shining moment at Carteret church. Craftsman applies gold leaf to cathedral domes, crosses [Ivan Moroz] (Home News Tribune) 08/28/2005
  • Ukranian learns U.S. teaching techniques to help his changing society (Bozeman Daily Chronicle) 08/28/2005
  • Gogol Bordello (News Observer) 08/28/2005
  • Gettin' Fresh! [Ukrainian-born Eugene Hutz is happy being the wild, mustachioed frontman of local band Gogol Bordello] (NY Post) 08/28/2005
  • Trash can turn into treasures in the... [previous owner bought (the icon) from monks at a monastery in Kiev, Russia.] (Island Packet) 08/28/2005
  • In Moscow, the Old Party Is Gone and a New One Beckons (NY Times) 08/28/2005
  • Shakespeare was a political rebel who wrote in code, claims author (Guardian) 08/28/2005
  • Journey Gives Hope For Chernobyl Victim [Anya Rybalka] (WNBC) 08/28/2005
  • Garden-fresh treats (Edmonton Sun) 08/28/2005
  • Chasidic Pilgrims Help Ukraine (Baltimore Jewish Times) 08/28/2005
  • Running on twin engines. 25-year-old brothers from Russia...arrived in Fort Wayne from Kiev in February 1999... (Fort Wayne Journal Gazette) 08/28/2005
  • Brighton tours just beachy (NY Daily News) 08/28/2005
  • A local family can only watch and wait (Times Leader) 08/28/2005
  • Loving the big empty of Manitoba (LA Times) 08/28/2005
  • On this day: 1973 – Princess Anne becomes the first member of the British royal family to visit the Soviet Union, arriving in Kiev for an equestrian event. (Sunday Mail) 08/28/2005

  • Photo: Presidents Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine stand after a summit of CIS leaders in Kazan (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/27/2005
  • Photo: President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko seen before meeting of leaders of the Common Economic Space in Kazan, capital of Tatarstan region. Vladimir Putin on Saturday met with the leaders of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan to discuss their nascent trade bloc that is under pressure from members' competing interests (AP/Yahoo) 08/27/2005
  • Putin, Ex-Soviet States Discuss Trade Bloc. Leaders From Russia, Three Other Ex-Soviet States Consider Free-Trade Zone; Ukraine Holds Back (AP/Yahoo) 08/27/2005
  • Kazan Summit Reveals Rifts Among Former Soviet Countries (VOA) 08/27/2005
  • President Says Georgia Staying in Alliance (AP/Yahoo) 08/27/2005
  • Saakashvili Comments on CIS (Civil Georgia) 08/27/2005
  • Пробний камінь. Київ і Тбілісі вибудовують вісь демократичних країн (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/27/2005
  • «Франція не є опонентом України»: Юрій Сергеєв про російську призму, картезіанську логіку й рейки до ЄС (День) 08/27/2005
  • З життя дипломатів (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/27/2005
  • Після свята: повідомлення про стан розрахунків за кредитом (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/27/2005
  • Правоохоронні органи: перебудова на марші (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/27/2005
  • Azerbaijan opposition protesters call for free elections (AFP/Baku Today) 08/27/2005
  • U.N. may be caught in Clinton's shadow (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) 08/27/2005
  • Ambassador's comments over softwood lumber 'out of line,' Harper says (CP/Yahoo) 08/27/2005
  • Разом біля телевізора, або Про що ми не почули в промові Президента (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/27/2005
  • За лаштунками ядерної пргограми Ірану (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/27/2005
  • АКТивна «зачистка»: Президент Віктор Ющенко зажадав від уряду скасувати до 1 вересня 1300 регуляторних актів, які дають поживу корупціонерам і заважають працювати підприємцям (Україна молода) 08/27/2005
  • Територія ВІЛ (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/27/2005
  • Ukraine’s President Hopes for Single Orthodox Church (RISU) 08/27/2005
  • Ukrainian Communist Party Leader Defends UOC-MP Orthodox Church (RISU) 08/27/2005
  • «Зближення українців і грузинів розпочалося не сьогодні...» (День) 08/27/2005
  • Білі нитки «архівної справи»: у львівському архіві замість документів «підшивають» кримінал (Україна молода) 08/27/2005
  • Russian Expressiveness in the Sacred Sphere as a Possible Mozartean Connection (NY Times) 08/27/2005
  • Інституалізована пам’ять (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/27/2005

  • Slavery Survives, Despite Universal Abolition; Sex Traffickers Prey On Eastern Europeans (RFE/RL) 08/26/2005
  • Photo: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko speaks to Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko as they pose for a photo after the CIS summit in Kazan, capital of Tatarstan region (AP/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Photo: Presidents Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine and Mikhail Saakashvili of Georgia stand together after a summit of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) leaders in Kazan (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiyev, walk to pose for a group photo after the CIS summit in Kazan, capital of Tatarstan (AP/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, Turkmenistan's Deputy Prime Minister Aganiyaz Akyev, Moldova's president Vladimir Voronin, Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliev, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Armenian President Robert Kocharian, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, Tajik President Emomali Rakhmonov, Uzbek President Islam Karimov seen at a news conference after the CIS summit in Kazan (AP/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • CIS leaders meet for key summit (Euronews) 08/26/2005
  • CIS: If It's So Ineffectual, Why Do Leaders Keep Meeting? (RFE/RL) 08/26/2005
  • A Date Before Divorce. The heads of the CIS meeting to finally break up (Kommersant) 08/26/2005
  • Photo: Prominent Iranian dissident Alireza Jafarzadeh claimed Tehran had mastered the design of nuclear capable cruise missiles secretly sold to the Islamic Republic by Ukraine and was on the verge of producing copies (AFP/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Iranian dissident fires Ukraine, Iran charges on Tehran's nuclear program (AFP/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Search widens for Ukraine babies [Harrowing reports of babies stolen at birth and human organ removal in Kharkiv to be investigated by PACE] (BBC News) 08/26/2005
  • ПАРЄ розслідує зникнення дітей в Україні (BBC Ukrainian) 08/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko holds a candle at the monument to the perished miners in the east Ukrainian town of Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko listens to an unidentified Orthodox official during her visit to Ukraine's eastern city of Donetsk. Tymoshenko on Friday visited the hostile Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, the country's coal-mining center, to mark a holiday for miners (AP/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko embraces Yefim Zvyagilsky, director of the Zasyadko' mine in Donetsk. Tymoshenko on Friday attended the ceremonies marking the national Day of Miners in Donetsk, the centre of Ukraine's mining industry and power base of politicians ousted from government by last year's 'Orange Revolution' (AP/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Ukraine Prime Minister Visits Donetsk Area (AP/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Ukrainian Premier Says All Wage Arrears to Miners Cleared [UNIAN] (RedNova) 08/26/2005
  • Соцiологи говорять про зниження довiри до нової влади (VOA) 08/26/2005
  • Ukrainian UN peacekeeper dies swimming in Liberia (Reuters/AlertNet) 08/26/2005
  • Чотири країни можуть створити радiостанцiю для Бiлорусi (VOA) 08/26/2005
  • Пiдсумки рекламної акцiї «Кохаймося!» (VOA) 08/26/2005
  • Голова СБУ: 'Прикро, коли брехню і некомпетентність видають за реформи' (Експрес) 08/26/2005
  • Олег Медведєв: «Литвин фактично перейшов в опозицію до нової влади» (Високий замок) 08/26/2005
  • «Чим більша любов до правителя, тим нижчим є поріг терпіння»: Микола Жулинський про владу та митця (День) 08/26/2005
  • The last survivor finds peace (Globe and Mail) 08/26/2005
  • Other groups still battling for reparation (Globe and Mail) 08/26/2005
  • Give Inky the credit (Brandon Sun) 08/26/2005
  • Special honour (Edmonton Sun) 08/26/2005
  • Ally of former president, arrested for abuse of power, freed on bail [Yevhen Kushnariov] (Ukrainian Journal) 08/26/2005
  • Polish prime minister targets Belarus (Ukrainian Journal) 08/26/2005
  • Russian MP Completes Sex Movie Depicting Ukrainian PM, Georgian President (MosNews) 08/26/2005
  • Economic Leverage Against Free Will (Kommersant) 08/26/2005
  • IMF tells the National Bank of Ukraine: Let speculators boost hryvnia (Ukrainian Journal) 08/26/2005
  • Kyivstar Management Left out in the Cold (Kommersant) 08/26/2005
  • Alfa wins Ukraine ban on Kyivstar managers (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/26/2005
  • Ukraine Eyes Azeri Oil Fields (USACC) 08/26/2005
  • Faith, hope and parity: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I (Financial Times) 08/26/2005
  • Олекса Гудима називає проголошення Патріархату УГКЦ справою самої Церкви (RISU) 08/26/2005
  • Лідер комуністів видав книжку про захист канонічного православ’я в Україні (RISU) 08/26/2005
  • Після свята (День) 08/26/2005
  • Jewish Community of Ukraine Welcomes New Holocaust Memorials (RISU) 08/26/2005
  • Self-indulgence or self-preservation (The Australian) 08/26/2005
  • Heavy reading. Oh yes, and there are articles, too [Harper's Bazaar, Sept.2005 p.446 - Example that fashion mags aren't all fluff: First lady of the Ukraine, Kateryna Yushchenko, talks candidly about the dangers her family faces in a fledgling democracy.] (Houston Chronicle) 08/26/2005

  • Yushchenko calls for election law revamp (Ukrainian Journal) 08/25/2005
  • Юлія Тимошенко збирається в Донецьк (VOA) 08/25/2005
  • Американський конгресмен: Україна – майбутня потуга (VOA) 08/25/2005
  • 'Позиція України щодо ЄЕП залишається незмінною'. Розмова з Борисом Тарасюком (Львівська газета) 08/25/2005
  • Ukraine Drops Parade, Honors Gongadze on National Holiday (Moscow Times) 08/25/2005
  • 'На пана скаржиться раб, господар береться до роботи'. Розмова з Мирославом Мариновичем (Львівська газета) 08/25/2005
  • Микола Рябчук: Реальна й уявна Україна (Львівська газета) 08/25/2005
  • Олександр Мороз: 'Симптоми дуже тривожнi' (Експрес) 08/25/2005
  • Олег Медведєв: «Тепер злочином вважається те, що вчора виглядало дрібними пустощами» (Високий замок) 08/25/2005
  • Former PM Turner presents final report on Ukraine election to Martin (CP/Yahoo) 08/25/2005
  • PM pledges redress for wrongs to Ukrainians (CTV) 08/25/2005
  • PM reaches out to Ukrainians (Globe and Mail) 08/25/2005
  • Ukrainian-Canadians victims of wartime hysteria (Edmonton Journal) 08/25/2005
  • Пiскун каже, що не зважає на прiзвища, а на закон (VOA) 08/25/2005
  • Top Ukrainian Anti-Corruption Official Killed in Car Crash [Petro Bevz, State Tax Administration] (MosNews) 08/25/2005
  • Ukrainian contingent should be withdrawn from Iraq by end of year (KUNA) 08/25/2005
  • Therapists help Ukrainian soldier relearn his skills (Pioneer Press) 08/25/2005
  • Solidarity's Walesa says 'job done' after 25 years (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/25/2005
  • Kazakhstan too Rich for a Revolution — President (MosNews) 08/25/2005
  • Opposition condemns Ukrainian diplomat's statement (AzerNews) 08/25/2005
  • Ukrainian Ambassador Victor Mayko urges not to rest on laurels in partnership with Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan) 08/25/2005
  • USAID Swears in New Mission Director for Ukraine (Noticias) 08/25/2005
  • Ukraine ratifies 17 of 93 Common Economic Space agreements (RIA) 08/25/2005
  • Ukraine cbank says may intervene at 5.00/5.06 (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/25/2005
  • NBU says unnamed speculators seeking to ‘destabilize exchange rate’ (Ukrainian Journal) 08/25/2005
  • Gazprom tit-for-tat plan would link Turkmen gas shipments to Russia’s (Ukrainian Journal) 08/25/2005
  • Lauder blocks Studio 1+1 acquisition by Privatbank co-owner (Ukrainian Journal) 08/25/2005
  • Legal Developments: (Ukraine) Risks and rewards characterise Ukrainian investments (Legal Week) 08/25/2005
  • Donetsk Religious Leaders Issue Joint Appeal on Independence Day (RISU) 08/25/2005
  • Experts Predict No Interdenominational Crisis from Greek Catholic Move to Kyiv (RISU) 08/25/2005
  • Ukrainian Socialists Condemn Greek Catholic Move to Kyiv (RISU) 08/25/2005
  • Gogol Bordello - Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike - Not your mother's Ukranian punk band! (Spin) 08/25/2005
  • Review: Canadian paintings sensitive to gospel's historical origins (Canadian Christianity) 08/25/2005
  • From Topshop to the world stage (The Times) 08/25/2005
  • Юрій Крімаренко: «Рано чи пізно - у Бердичеві мав з’явитись свій чемпіон світу» (Високий замок) 08/25/2005
  • Proud Ukrainians raise the flag (Herald News) 08/25/2005

  • Empire State Building lights up for Ukraine's Independence Day [FOTO/S] (BRAMA) 08/24/2005
  • Empire State Building colorfully commemorates Ukraine's Independence Day [FOTO/S] (BRAMA) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Yevgenia Timoshenko, 25, daughter of Ukrainian Premier Yulia Timoshenko, poses with British singer Sean Carr, 36, during celebrations of 14th anniversary of independence at Independence Square in Kiev. Media reports that Timoshenko and Carr are to get married soon (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Yevgenia Tymoshenko daughter of Ukrainian Premier Yulia Tymoshenko, poses with British rock musician Sean Carr during Independence Day celebrations in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko addresses the crowd in Independence Square in the capital Kiev, as Ukraine marks the 14th anniversary of its independence declaration (AP/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, President Viktor Yushchenko and parliamentary speaker Volodymyr Litvin watch a concert in central Kiev during celebrations for Independence Day (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Two women smile holding a photo of Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko as they participate in the celebrations on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of Ukraine's independence (AP/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko greets a crowd as his wife Kateryna looks on holding their son Taras, after he laid flowers on the monument to Mykhailo Grushevsky, Ukraine's president in 1918, in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian folk groups perform during celebrations for the 14th anniversary of Ukraine's independence in the capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and first lady Kateryna Chumachenko, holding their son Taras, light candles during a prayer for Ukraine, attended by heads of all Ukrainian churches, at St. Sofia Cathedral in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, first lady Kateryna Chumachenko, holding their son Taras, daughters Sofia, and Khrystyna take part in a prayer for Ukraine, attended by heads of all Ukrainian churches, at St. Sofia Cathedral in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • Ukraine marks independence anniversary for the first time without a military parade (AP/Kyiv Post) 08/24/2005
  • Yushchenko asks Ukraine for unity (BBC News) 08/24/2005
  • Виступ Ющенка на Майдані з нагоди Дня Незалежності (proUA) 08/24/2005
  • Ющенко в день незалежностi звернувся до народу (VOA) 08/24/2005
  • Кияни коментують День незалежностi, промову президента (VOA) 08/24/2005
  • Beheaded journalist given Ukraine's highest honour (Reuters/AlertNet) 08/24/2005
  • U.S. Rep. Cardin 'Optimistic' About Ukraine's Future (VOA) 08/24/2005
  • Interview transcript: Congressman Ben Cardin on Ukraine (VOA) 08/24/2005
  • Dismissing the CIS (Moscow Times) 08/24/2005
  • Russia Rethinks Its CIS Policy (Moscow Times) 08/24/2005
  • Russia Has Lost Ex-Soviet Republics to West — Expert (MosNews) 08/24/2005
  • The 'Color' Democracies are Left in the Cold. Russia sets priorities for the CIS members (Kommersant) 08/24/2005
  • Moscow to Halt Economic Aid to Ex-Soviet Neighbors — Kremlin Source (MosNews) 08/24/2005
  • Kremlin plots to secure Putin a third term (Daily Telegraph) 08/24/2005
  • Presidents create axis of 'post-Soviet independence’ (Baltic Times) 08/24/2005
  • The Black Sea Basin: A New Axis in Global Maritime Security (Wash Institute) 08/24/2005
  • Web cartoonists face jail after leader's lampoon goes too far (The Times) 08/24/2005
  • Red Army's 'ghosts' of Afghanistan (BBC News) 08/24/2005
  • Report: 2005 World Population Data Sheet [PDF] [Ukraine, Belarus - lowest fertility rates] (Website) 08/24/2005
  • Fund halts AIDS cash to Uganda over 'mismanagement' [Global Fund to Fight AIDS - Ukraine was also blacklisted in January 2004 but financing has since been restored] (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/24/2005
  • China’s Sinosteel ready to invest $1 billion in Kryvy Rih mill (Ukrainian Journal) 08/24/2005
  • U.S. company, RusAl, interested in building aluminum plant (Ukrainian Journal) 08/24/2005
  • Sorry Ukraine - your out (ic Wales) 08/24/2005
  • Молебень за Україну відслужили патріархи всіх конфесій. Крім Сабодана (Експрес) 08/24/2005
  • Donetsk Jewish Leaders Mark Ukraine's Independence Day (FJC) 08/24/2005
  • Religious democracy (Kyiv Post) 08/24/2005
  • Greek Catholics Move Headquarters to Capital (RFE/RL) 08/24/2005
  • Russian patriarch denounces Ukrainian Catholics (Catholic World News) 08/24/2005
  • Patriarch Slams Church's Move to Kiev (Moscow Times) 08/24/2005
  • Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrates 100 years of history (Kittson County Enterprise) 08/24/2005
  • Олександр Ярмола: «Гайдамаків» важко втиснути в рамки» (Високий замок) 08/24/2005
  • 86-year-old found safe 1 day after disappearance [John Frys] (Chicago Tribune) 08/24/2005
  • Former dean of Yale Law School dies at 80 [Abraham S. Goldstein, a son of Ukrainian immigrants] (AP/Newsday) 08/24/2005
  • On this day: 1991 – Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head of Communist Party and urges its leadership to disband the party; Ukraine becomes the seventh of 15 Soviet republics to declare independence. (Herald Sun) 08/24/2005

  • Greetings to the Ukrainian Diaspora on Independence Day -/- Вітання до Української громади з нагоди Чотирнадцятої річниці Незалежності України [ООН] (BRAMA) 08/23/2005
  • Address of the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA on occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine -/- Звернення Посольства України в США з нагоди Дня Незалежності України (BRAMA) 08/23/2005
  • Вітання з Днем Незалежності України - Генеральний консул (BRAMA) 08/23/2005
  • The UCCA sends Independence Day greetings to the Ukrainian American community (BRAMA) 08/23/2005
  • Canadian Victoria Cross Winner Honoured in France [Filip Konowal] (BRAMA) 08/23/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian-born American actress and model Milla Jovovich listens to Ukraine's first lady Kateryna Yushchenko who shows her their countryside residence in the village of Novye Bezrady near Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • Вік відповідальності: неполітичні запитання до Дня Незалежності (День) 08/23/2005
  • Батьківщина-14. Коментарі до пережитого (Україна молода) 08/23/2005
  • 'Незалежність є цінністю, справді вищою, ніж власний добробут' (Львівська газета) 08/23/2005
  • Юрiй Луценко: Ім'я Віктора Медведчука вже фігурує в слідчих матеріалах МВС (Україна молода) 08/23/2005
  • Юрiй Луценко: Ім'я Віктора Медведчука вже фігурує в слідчих матеріалах МВС (закінчення) (Україна молода) 08/23/2005
  • Official Misstatements Show Lack of Unity in Foreign Policy (RFE/RL) 08/23/2005
  • Томенко про роботу уряду і конфлікт з РНБО (VOA) 08/23/2005
  • Інтереси України на Заході просуватиме 'Помаранчеве коло' (Радіо Свобода) 08/23/2005
  • The Orange Revolution, Six Months Later (NPR) 08/23/2005
  • Russia to end aid to 'revolutionary' allies-report (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • Sources: Russia Ponders Change of Policy in CIS (Civil Georgia) 08/23/2005
  • Experimenting with Realism in Former Soviet States (MosNews) 08/23/2005
  • Народжена в США: Перша леді України (Українська Правда) 08/23/2005
  • Українські правоохоронні органи чекає реформa (VOA) 08/23/2005
  • PM: ‘Nothing has changed’ about Customs Service corruption, bribes (Ukrainian Journal) 08/23/2005
  • Ukrainian Nuclear Reactor Shut Down Due to Faulty Valve [Khmelnytskyy] (UNIAN/RedNova) 08/23/2005
  • Angola, Ukraine To Strengthen Military Co-operation (Angola Press) 08/23/2005
  • EU Mission to Tour Moldova-Ukraine Border (RFE/RL) 08/23/2005
  • Belarus President Aims to Head Off Opposition Movement (NPR) 08/23/2005
  • As Minsk goes (Baltimore Sun) 08/23/2005
  • Sex Traffickers Prey On Eastern Europeans (RFE/RL) 08/23/2005
  • Ukrainian Police Investigate Illegal Stem Cell Therapy Clinics (MosNews) 08/23/2005
  • Ембріони проти зморшок: на Донеччині лікарі займалися незаконною трансплантацією людських органів (Україна молода) 08/23/2005
  • Ukraine C.Bank accuses banks of attacking hryvnia (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • TEXT-Statement by Ukraine's central bank (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • Russia Overpowered Ukraine. Kiev agreed to pay European prices for the gas (Kommersant) 08/23/2005
  • Russia to reduce oil transport through Ukraine in 2005 (RIA) 08/23/2005
  • Galychyna oil refinery work stoppage to last through end of September (Ukrainian Journal) 08/23/2005
  • EGPI Firecreek Receives 7 Ukraine Oil and Gas Fields to Evaluate (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko Wants to Reshape Country's Coal Mining Industry (AP/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • Ukraine to defend CES free-trade option (Ukrainian Journal) 08/23/2005
  • Yushchenko Promises Not to Interfere in Privatization Review (Black Enterprise) 08/23/2005
  • Report: Ukraine Property Chief Says Thousands of Enterprises Misappropriated Under Kuchma (AP/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • Privat Eyeing Krivorozhstal (Kommersant) 08/23/2005
  • Uzbek-Ukrainina trade turnover up by 68.3% in 1H (UzReport) 08/23/2005
  • Alfa steps up legal battle with Telnor (Financial Times) 08/23/2005
  • Russia's Alfa Group Files Suit in Ukraine Against Kyivstar Mobile Phone Network Operator (AP/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • Alfa to sue Telenor over Ukraine venture Kyivstar (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/23/2005
  • Ukraine Beats West on Its Home Turf (Moscow Times) 08/23/2005
  • Ukrainian cardinal says moving see will improve ecumenical relations (Catholic News Service) 08/23/2005
  • Переїзд відбувся. Найскладніше — попереду (День) 08/23/2005
  • Ukrainian Jewish officials want legal crackdown on anti-Semitism (JTA) 08/23/2005
  • Former Refuseniks Return to Ukraine as Chabad Emissaries (FJC) 08/23/2005
  • Ukrainian Festival filled with color, tradition [Lehighton] (Times News) 08/23/2005
  • New music: Gogol Bordello CD released today (St. Paul Pioneer Press) 08/23/2005
  • Nurse finds her roots on mission (St. Paul Pioneer Press) 08/23/2005
  • Nazi guard dies before deportation [Jakob 'Jack' Reimer] (Journal News) 08/23/2005
  • Police seek missing man, 86 [John Frys] (Chicago Tribune) 08/23/2005
  • W. Side man, 86, missing after going to fest [John Frys, 86, of the 2000 block of West Erie] (Chicago Sun-Times) 08/23/2005
  • The Cutting Edge: Inside the Orange Revolution [BBC Documentary 'highlight(s) something most commentators failed to acknowledge: the fascist, anti-semitic roots of the Orange Revolution'] (Sydney Morning Herald) 08/23/2005

  • Post-Soviet oil corridor proposed (UPI/World Peace Herald) 08/22/2005
  • CIS Soul-Searching (Moscow Times) 08/22/2005
  • Another CIS Summit and a traditional dilemma (Georgia Messenger) 08/22/2005
  • Meetings in Crimea, grumbling in Russia (Georgia Messenger) 08/22/2005
  • Murky Seas (Transitions Online) 08/22/2005
  • Foreign Ministry of Ukraine: One more try? (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/22/2005
  • An unwanted child? (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/22/2005
  • President Yushchenko Says Ukraine Will Participate in Ex-Soviet Economic Pact (AP/Yahoo) 08/22/2005
  • Ukraine will join trading block with Russia, other neighbours - Yushchenko (AFX/Forbes) 08/22/2005
  • Ющенко критикує МЗС, комемтує ситуацiю щодо ЄЕП (VOA) 08/22/2005
  • Ukraine may pull out of economic bloc (Ukrainian Journal) 08/22/2005
  • Ukraine pulls out of trading block with neighbours, oil exports to bypass Russia (AFX/Forbes) 08/22/2005
  • Ukraine Plans to Pull out of Ex-Soviet Economic and Trade Agreement (MosNews) 08/22/2005
  • Searching for a Economic Space. Ukraine Leaves UES [also CES, SES] (Kommersant) 08/22/2005
  • У пошуках української опозиції (Львівська газета) 08/22/2005
  • «Пористи» закликають нову владу визнати свої помилки (VOA) 08/22/2005
  • Українські журналісти заявляють про погрози від нової влади (VOA) 08/22/2005
  • Democratic Youth Movements Unite Across CIS (MosNews) 08/22/2005
  • Lukashenko: Slavs Not Ready to Give Up Collective Farms (Moscow Times) 08/22/2005
  • Racing towards the WTO (Kommersant) 08/22/2005
  • Igor Kolomoisky: I told Pinchuk, ‘life is a supermarket. you can take whatever you like, but the cash desk is at the end’ (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/22/2005
  • Raiffeisen International buys 93.5% stake in major commercial bank (Ukrainian Journal) 08/22/2005
  • Austrian bank Raiffeisen to take over Aval bank in Ukraine (AFX/III) 08/22/2005
  • Fighting with chimeras? (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/22/2005
  • Privat to spend $100 mln to buy 40% stake in Studio 1+1 television (Ukrainian Journal) 08/22/2005
  • Український ринок ліків чекають докорiннi змiни (VOA) 08/22/2005
  • Out to launch. L.B.-based Sea Launch finding success with its unusual blastoff methods; will soon head to land. (Long Beach Press-Telegram) 08/22/2005
  • 'Dnepr' booster start to complete Baikonur summer launches (Kazinform) 08/22/2005
  • Greek Catholic Move to Kyiv 'Their Own Business,' Says President Yushchenko (RISU) 08/22/2005
  • Ющенко: переїзд центру УГКЦ зі Львова до Києва є внутрішньою справою церкви (proUA) 08/22/2005
  • Catholics, Orthodox clash in Ukraine (Catholic World News) 08/22/2005
  • Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Moves Headquarters to Kiev (Zenit) 08/22/2005
  • 'Уніати' взяли Київ (Львівська газета) 08/22/2005
  • Polish Foreign Minister Honors Ukrainian Greek Catholic Leaders (RISU) 08/22/2005
  • Now Available: Ukrainian Reference Grammar in English (Website) 08/22/2005
  • Ukranian learns U.S. teaching techniques to help his changing society (Bozeman Daily) 08/22/2005
  • Musee d'art contemporain Presents 'Appearances' (Art Daily) 08/22/2005
  • Photo: Larissa Petruk dons traditional Ukrainian clothing to perform with the Barvinok Dance Ensemble (Rochester Democrat & Chronicle) 08/22/2005
  • Celebration of heritage, community highlight Ukrainian Festival (Rochester Democrat & Chronicle) 08/22/2005
  • Slideshow: Montco festival annual affair for hundreds who fled to United States. Ukrainians celebrate their country's independence. (Allentown Morning Call) 08/22/2005
  • Ukrainians celebrate their country's independence. Montco festival annual affair for hundreds who fled to United States. (Allentown Morning Call) 08/22/2005
  • Sheedy gets political (Melbourne Herald Sun) 08/22/2005
  • In war only the losers are guilty of crimes against humanity (Irish Examiner) 08/22/2005
  • Study seeks insight into American family culture and immigrant parenting [Olena Nesteruk, a Ukranian Ph.D. student at LSU, is doing her dissertation on how immigrant couples in the United States parent their children] (2theadvocate) 08/22/2005
  • Translating justice. Judges cope with limited pool of court interpreters. [Superior Court Judge Olga Stickel in Goshen speaks Ukrainian thanks to her family roots.] (South Bend Tribune) 08/22/2005
  • Island in an Ocean of Vodka ['During the lunch, vodka Imperia was drunk by former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma accompanied by his son-in-law Viktor Pinchuk, daughter Yelena'] (Kommersant) 08/22/2005

  • President Yushchenko guest of honor at The Orange Circle founding dinner (BRAMA) 08/21/2005
  • President Yushchenko guest of honor at The Orange Circle founding dinner [SPECIAL] (BRAMA) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: Actress and model Milla Jovovich buys a carpet with traditional Ukrainian design in the old quarter of Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian-born American movie star and model Milla Jovovich touring her native city Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Aug, 21, 2005. Forbes magazine in 2004 named Milla Jovovich as the highest paid model in the world. She topped the list with a gross earning of US$10.5 million. (AP/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, blesses faithful with a censer during the service on the occasion of the move of the church's headquarters to Kiev, in Ukraine's capital (AP/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: Lubomyr Husar head of Ukraine's eastern-rite Catholic church (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: Lubomyr Husar head of Ukraine's eastern-rite Catholic church blesses the faithful during a service marking the church's official move to the capital in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: Lubomyr Husar head of Ukraine's eastern-rite Catholic church, stands alongside senior clergy outside an unfinished cathedral (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: A Catholic priest takes confession from a parishioner during a Catholic service marking the official move of Ukraine's eastern-rite Catholic church to the capital in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: Catholic priests, one of them holding a mitre, pass by police cordon as they approach the site of the ceremony the Greek Catholic church conducted on the occasion of its headquarters' move to Kiev, as a policeman watches over, in the Ukraine's capital (AP/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: An Orthodox woman prevents a Catholic nun from entering the site of the ceremony the Greek Catholic church conducted on the occasion of the move of its headquarters to Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Photo: Orthodox protesters and police confront each other outside a Catholic service marking the official move the Ukraine's eastern-rite Catholic church to the capital in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Church move to Kiev fuels rivalry (BBC News) 08/21/2005
  • Ukraine's Eastern Rite Catholics Move HQ (AP/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Кардинал Любомир Гузар перебирається до Києва (Deutsche Welle) 08/21/2005
  • A Dictionary of the Divine. Hasidism - 1740s, Ukraine. A branch of the Orthodox Jewish movement that emphasizes devotion and the direct and emotional worship of God. Members conform to customs of dress and habit modeled on 18th-century Russian village life. [Aug. 29 - Sept. 5, 2005 issue] (Newsweek) 08/21/2005
  • French welcome Odessa movie (European Jewish Press) 08/21/2005
  • Seventeen novels, two million words, just one week … the Booker longlist is a very heavy sentence (Sunday Herald) 08/21/2005
  • Those sweet extra scrap dollars! [one of the oldest residents of the east Ukrainian village of Krinichki, discovered a buried munitions cache while cutting grass for her cow] (DPA/Yahoo) 08/21/2005
  • Nour striving for Ukraine-style 'Orange Revolution' in Egypt (Khaleej Times) 08/21/2005
  • Belarus: German Broadcaster Makes Waves With Russian-Language Plans (RFE/RL) 08/21/2005
  • Doors open to foreign workers (Chicago Tribune) 08/21/2005

  • Abina Dann appointed Canada’s Ambassador to Ukraine (BRAMA) 08/20/2005
  • Про головне свято країни коротко (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/20/2005
  • Чотири президенти і «п’ятий елемент» (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/20/2005
  • Чадо нелюбе (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/20/2005
  • Спроба №? (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/20/2005
  • «Дружні» поради і вимоги російських «вболівальників» за долю України (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/20/2005
  • Найбiльше кучмiстiв — фiгурантiв кримiнальних справ — «ховається» в Народнiй партiї (Україна молода) 08/20/2005
  • Soviet Germ Factories Pose New Threat (Wash Post) 08/20/2005
  • Дитяча вольниця ХХІ століття: на українських вулицях — понад 30 тисяч безпритульних дітей (Україна молода) 08/20/2005
  • Ukraine Backs Off Ex-Soviet Trade Comment (AP/Yahoo) 08/20/2005
  • Raid raises stakes in post-revolution Ukraine (Financial Times) 08/20/2005
  • Ігор Коломойський: «Я казав Пінчуку: «життя — це супермаркет, бери що хочеш, але каса — попереду» (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/20/2005
  • Війна з химерами? (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/20/2005
  • Атмосфера «релігійних війн» створюється штучно (День) 08/20/2005
  • Страсті Господні: до переїзду Греко-католицької церкви до Києва «Братство» Корчинського та Московський патріархат готують «ексцеси» (Україна молода) 08/20/2005
  • Ностальгія за спасінням (Україна молода) 08/20/2005
  • Мирослав Маринович: «Нам треба йти далі!» (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/20/2005
  • Immigrant workers sue for overtime pay (Virginia Gazette) 08/20/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian leader Viktor Yushchenko helps Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili to adjust a neckerchief with the emblem of the Artek international children resort, as Polish leader Aleksander Kwasniewski and Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus look on at the Black Sea shore in Ukraine's Crimea. The four presidents arrived in the Crimea for talks and to attend events on the occasion of Artek's 80th anniversary (AP/Yahoo) 08/19/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian-born American movie star Milla Jovovich and Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko's wife Kateryna (AP/Yahoo) 08/19/2005
  • Artek: 'A country just for kids'. A Soviet-era youth camp is 80 years old this summer (BBC News) 08/19/2005
  • The Union of Oil and Democracy in Pioneer Camp (Kommersant) 08/19/2005
  • Ukraine to Host Four-Way Summit [Poland, Lithuania, Georgia, Ukraine] (RFE/RL) 08/19/2005
  • Poland, Lithuania want in on bloc mtg (Ukrainian Journal) 08/19/2005
  • Another Axis Is Being Created (Kommersant) 08/19/2005
  • Українські політики критикують арешт Кушнарьова (VOA) 08/19/2005
  • Poles apart (Guardian) 08/19/2005
  • Azerbaijan Outlaws Orange to Prevent Revolution [Retailers say they were warned in advance against selling goods of orange color and ordered to withdraw such items from their shops.] (MosNews) 08/19/2005
  • Kazakh presidential election set for December (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/19/2005
  • Belarus President Says Soviet-Style Agriculture Fits National Mentality (MosNews) 08/19/2005
  • Спрощення перетину кордону між Україною та Росією (VOA) 08/19/2005
  • Ukraine gets a 'weak' rating in the Public Integrity Index [2004 country report] (CPI) 08/19/2005
  • The Real Deal. As the hound of human traffickers, John Miller believes playing politics is not an option [son of Russian-Ukrainian Jews] (Seattle Times) 08/19/2005
  • More than 250,000 foreigners working in Czech Republic [The highest number of workers in the illegal work category are from Ukraine, who comprise an estimated 31 percent of workers without permits.] (Prague Daily Monitor) 08/19/2005
  • Ukraine to Leave Ex-Soviet Pact: Ukraine Intends to Pull Out of Ex-Soviet Economic Pact, Report Says (AP/Yahoo) 08/19/2005
  • Russian Economic and Trade Minister Visits Ukraine to Discuss Trade Relations (AP/Yahoo) 08/19/2005
  • Russia’s Trade Minister Gref Visits Ukraine to Ease Tension (MosNews) 08/19/2005
  • Tangled Russian-Ukrainian gas deals provide opportunities for corruption, influence (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/19/2005
  • After delay, natural gas talks with Russia to start next week (Ukrainian Journal) 08/19/2005
  • Govt order calls for building new refineries in Odessa, Feodosia (Ukrainian Journal) 08/19/2005
  • Ukraine Revenue Up as Tax Dodging Falls, Premier Says (Bloomberg) 08/19/2005
  • Правоохоронцiв критикують за обшук резиденцiї Ахметова (VOA) 08/19/2005
  • Ukrainian Connection Has Interferences. The Kiev authorities are not letting Russian business in (Kommersant) 08/19/2005
  • More European wheat going for feed (Farmers Weekly) 08/19/2005
  • Photo: Orthodox faithful protest the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church's plan to move its headquaters from the western city of Lviv to the capital in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 08/19/2005
  • Photo: An Orthodox nun shouts slogans against Ukraine's eastern-rite Catholic church during a protest outside the Vatican embassy in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/19/2005
  • 250 Process to Protest Greek Catholic Move to Kyiv (RISU) 08/19/2005
  • Православні соціалісти проти УГКЦ? (BBC Ukrainian) 08/19/2005
  • Ukrainian prelate defends controversial move to Kiev (Catholic World News) 08/19/2005
  • Move to Kyiv Natural, Says Greek Catholic Head (RISU) 08/19/2005
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Head Sees Politics in Russian Orthodox Positions (RISU) 08/19/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Synod and Politicians Protest Greek Catholic Move to Kyiv (RISU) 08/19/2005
  • Ukraine church move fuels rivalry (BBC News) 08/19/2005
  • Андрій Шевченко: «Важко було б уявити, що державний канал працює не державною мовою» (День) 08/19/2005
  • Анатолiй Хостiкоєв: 'Бiлим воронам' завжди дістається на горіхи (Експрес) 08/19/2005
  • Highly charged performances [Shostakovich] (Bangkok Post) 08/19/2005
  • Improbable beauty. In the scars of industry, photographer finds rich, colorful scenes [Edward Burtynsky, born in Ontario to Ukrainian parents] (Palo Alto Times) 08/19/2005
  • New decree now allows all U.S. citizens to enter Ukraine visa free (Ukrainian Journal) 08/19/2005
  • Found in Translation. A Ukrainian woman and her two sons have found a new life in Roseburg (Douglas County News-Review) 08/19/2005
  • Ukrainian National Association Licenses USSI's Client Based Life & Health Administration System (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 08/19/2005

  • At Liberty weekend, Ukraine's Yushchenko should feel at home (Philadelphia Daily News) 08/18/2005
  • Photo: Security forces abseil from a helicopter onto a ship during a drill in the western Kazakh town of Aktau August 18, 2005. Security forces of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine conducted a joint exercise designed to protect onshore fuel and energy infrastructure. (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/18/2005
  • Leaders to discuss new bloc in Crimea (Ukrainian Journal) 08/18/2005
  • 'Ющенко – дуже принципова людина. Й уперта'. Розмова з Володимиром Цибульком (Львівська газета) 08/18/2005
  • Yushchenko: Prosecutor, Tax Administration, to be reshuffled (Ukrainian Journal) 08/18/2005
  • Former Kharkiv governor, a Kuchma ally, detained for abuse of power (Ukrainian Journal) 08/18/2005
  • Українську владу звинувачують у недотриманні законів (VOA) 08/18/2005
  • Kyiv Says It Will Resolve Border Dispute With Romania (RFE/RL) 08/18/2005
  • Сергiй Ковальов: Путін — це КДБ при владі (Україна молода) 08/18/2005
  • President of Belarus holds fast to Soviet way of life: Those opposing Lukashenko's rule get the message (SF Chronicle) 08/18/2005
  • Cyprus is a poor excuse for turning away Turkey (IH Tribune) 08/18/2005
  • Готується ротацiя українських дипломатiв (VOA) 08/18/2005
  • Останнi новини про дiяльнiсть українських вiйськових в Iраку (VOA) 08/18/2005
  • Chernobyl resettlement eyed (UPI/Wash Times) 08/18/2005
  • Школа сімейного життя (Україна молода) 08/18/2005
  • Dead cow kills three men [Odessa region] (Australia News) 08/18/2005
  • Ukraine Builds Tax Case Against Billionaire. Will Rinat Akhmetov follow in the footsteps of Russian billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky? (Forbes) 08/18/2005
  • AMC to probe Russia’s TNK-BP for abusing influence on gasoline market (Ukrainian Journal) 08/18/2005
  • New issues: Ukraine plans euro deal (Financial Times) 08/18/2005
  • УГКЦ іде на Схід. У Києві готують мордобій? (Львівська газета) 08/18/2005
  • 'Провокації – ознака духовної слабкості' (Львівська газета) 08/18/2005
  • Алєксій ІІ хоче сварки (Львівська газета) 08/18/2005
  • Тимошенко надiється отримати додатковi кошти на освiту (VOA) 08/18/2005
  • Celebrating Ukrainian culture (Rochester Democrat & Chronicle) 08/18/2005
  • Не кожен українець у Чехії — нелегал (Україна молода) 08/18/2005
  • No drink. No drugs. No politics. No religion. No pets... So is this Utopia? (Independent) 08/18/2005

  • Серед перших візитів новопризначеного Постійного представника США при ООН -відвідання Постпредства України у Нью-Йорку (BRAMA) 08/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko looks at traditional pottery as he visits the Sorochinskaya Yarmarka (Sorochinskaya Fair) near the Ukrainian city of Poltava (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/17/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks with a potter as he visits the Sorochinskaya Yarmarka (Sorochinskaya Fair) near the Ukrainian city of Poltava (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/17/2005
  • Ukrainian Parties Scramble for Media, Foreign Allies Ahead of Parliamentary Elections (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/17/2005
  • Adamkus praises Eastern leaders (Baltic Times) 08/17/2005
  • Photo: An elderly Kiev resident walks by a billboard reading 'The country doesn't have enough Oscars! Kokhaimosya!' (let's love one another). Hundreds of these risque billboards have been placed throughout the Ukrainian capital causing a lot of controversy among its inhabitants (AFP/Yahoo) 08/17/2005
  • Risque billboards in Ukraine spark giggles, outrage (AFP/Yahoo) 08/17/2005
  • Американський експерт применшує значення скандалу з Андрiєм Ющенком (VOA) 08/17/2005
  • Yushchenko to Appear at Maidan Nezalezhnosti on Independence Day (UNIAN) 08/17/2005
  • 14 річниця Незалежності відрізнятиметься від попередніх (VOA) 08/17/2005
  • An Exercise Fit for Sending U.S. a Message (LA Times) 08/17/2005
  • Перенесення осідку глави УГКЦ до Києва: прозелітизм чи вимога часу? (Радіо Свобода) 08/17/2005
  • Євген Сверстюк: Конфлікт довкола греко-католиків не церковний, а політичний (BBC Ukrainian) 08/17/2005
  • Orthodox protest Ukrainian Catholic move to Kiev (Catholic World News) 08/17/2005
  • Плановане перенесення осiдку УГКЦ викликало протести (VOA) 08/17/2005
  • Греко-Католицька Церква у Києві шукатиме шляхи порозуміння з православними (Радіо Свобода) 08/17/2005
  • From Orange to Red Light (Transitions Online) 08/17/2005
  • У США навчаються чергові українські стипендiанти Маскi (VOA) 08/17/2005
  • Ukraine struggles while Russia prospers (Reuters) 08/17/2005
  • Cops, backed by armored vehicle, raid office of richest Ukrainian (Ukrainian Journal) 08/17/2005
  • Експерти остерігають перед енергетичною кризою в Українi (VOA) 08/17/2005
  • TNK-BP refinery halted indefinitely (Ukrainian Journal) 08/17/2005
  • Key advocate of currency trading restrictions resigns at central bank (Ukrainian Journal) 08/17/2005
  • Ukrainian Government Outlaws Spam (MosNews) 08/17/2005
  • Ukraine announces Foxconn investment plans, company remains mute (Digitimes) 08/17/2005
  • Ukrainian Airline Begins Operations In Pakistan (Asia Pulse/Yahoo) 08/17/2005
  • Проблеми на вугільних шахтах України (VOA) 08/17/2005
  • «Трудовики» пропонують своє бачення ситуацiї в Українi (VOA) 08/17/2005
  • Autocephalous Orthodox Assembly Considers Single National Church (RISU) 08/17/2005
  • Врятований Адам: керівник МЗС Польщі відкриє на Львівщині меморіальну дошку на честь митрополита Андрея Шептицького (Україна молода) 08/17/2005
  • Ukrainian Rabbi Calls Authorities to Answer Extremism (RISU) 08/17/2005
  • Choosing a religious life (Radio Nederland) 08/17/2005
  • Збагнути Вічність у видимому світі (Україна молода) 08/17/2005
  • Artek Celebrates Its 80th Anniversary (RFE/RL) 08/17/2005
  • Морська звитяга козаків: першим на Чорному морі був не російський флот, а козацький (Україна молода) 08/17/2005

  • Pollster Maps Out Post-Revolutionary Moods (RFE/RL) 08/16/2005
  • Russia warns of foreign meddling (Reuters/CNN) 08/16/2005
  • Радник президента Ющенка: реприватизацiю слiд припинити (VOA) 08/16/2005
  • Зварич обіцяє виплатити гроші інвесторам „Криворіжсталі” (VOA) 08/16/2005
  • Донецький телеканал заявляє про переслідування з боку влади (VOA) 08/16/2005
  • Нова програма для молодих українських урядовцiв (VOA) 08/16/2005
  • Ukrainian American Night at Eisenhower park's Lakeside Theatre - Wednesday, August 24th (Neighbor) 08/16/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian police officers stand guard outside company offices in Donetsk. Police searched the eastern Ukrainian offices of the country's wealthiest tycoon, Rinat Akhmetov, on Tuesday as part of a tax evasion investigation, a prosecutor's spokeswoman said. The tycoon and his businesses have faced increasing pressure since Viktor Yushchenko came to power in January _ part of the new government's crackdown on shady business deals dating back to the previous administration. (AP/Yahoo) 08/16/2005
  • Ukrainian Police Search Tycoon's Company Offices in Tax Evasion Investigation [Rinat Akhmetov] (AP/Yahoo) 08/16/2005
  • Natural gas talks with Russia postponed (Ukrainian Journal) 08/16/2005
  • UkrTelecom to spend up to $300 million to build cell phone network (Ukrainian Journal) 08/16/2005
  • Antonov passenger jet passes tests in harsh Central Asian conditions (Ukrainian Journal) 08/16/2005
  • Діло без голови: на тлі пристрастей довкола посади Генпрокурора справу Гонгадзе відправляють до суду (Україна молода) 08/16/2005
  • Letter from Europe: A Solidarity legacy: Defense of freedom [25th anniversary of the Polish Solidarity trade union movement] (IH Tribune) 08/16/2005
  • Sovereign Democracy and the Usurper State (Moscow Times) 08/16/2005
  • Hryvna Soars Against Dollar [Ukraine's Central Bank intervened again on the currency market] (Moscow Times) 08/16/2005
  • Мовні війни: батьки в Сімферополі просять відкрити в Криму українську школу. Лише 7-му. А політики вимагають, щоб вона була російською. 620-ю за рахунком (День) 08/16/2005
  • Catholics throng Cologne streets (BBC News) 08/16/2005
  • Jean Paul Gaultier with traditional Ukrainian influences [Click Haute Couture to view the collection] (Website) 08/16/2005
  • Don't say 'adieu' to high fashion [In addition to his lavish use of gold and silver thread in his stitchwork, Jean-Paul Gaultier employed fur in his traditional Ukranian theme.] (Yomiuri Shimbun) 08/16/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko listens to Georgian Orthodox Patriarch Ilya II, as Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili looks on in Tbilisi (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/15/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko calls in a bell as his Georgian counterpart Mikhail Saakashvili watches during a visit to Vardzia monastery, south of Tbilisi. Yushchenko arrived in Georgia on Friday for a three-day working visit (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/15/2005
  • Saakashvili-Yushchenko 'Borjomi Declaration' broadens Euro-Atlantic integration vision (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/15/2005
  • EU should ratify constitution in 2 yrs-Austrian PM (Reuters) 08/15/2005
  • Russian fleet in Crimean doldrums (BBC News) 08/15/2005
  • Ukrainian media discuss lifestyles of president's son, prime minister (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/15/2005
  • От жалко пацана: панські замашки сина президента загрози суспільству не становлять (Галицькі контракти) 08/15/2005
  • Former Soviet Union Wheat Exports Expected Strong (Cattle Network) 08/15/2005
  • Ukrainian Company Building Pedestrian Tunnel in Ashgabat (NCA) 08/15/2005
  • Flat tax system may not be as fair as it seems (Guardian) 08/15/2005
  • Fears for Europe as bird flu spreads west (Financial Times) 08/15/2005
  • Chernobyl teenagers enjoy a visit (ic Coventry) 08/15/2005
  • Soldier awarded Purple Heart at Fort Irwin ceremony [Ukrainian-born Sgt. Yegor Bondarenko] (Desert Dispatch) 08/15/2005
  • Ukrainian soccer player charged with rape [Mytro Mazur, staying in nearby Kerhonkson, charged with raping a woman at a Catskills resort] (AP/NBC3) 08/15/2005
  • A Crunchy Cure Against Cavities (Deutsche Welle) 08/15/2005
  • Russia Blamed For Ukraine Anti-Semitism (EJP) 08/15/2005
  • Yushchenko Backs Special Fund for National Preserve of “Tauric Chersonesos” (UNIAN) 08/15/2005
  • New Advocates of Lesia Gongadze Started to Get Acquainted with Papers in Case (UNIAN) 08/15/2005
  • Vimpelcom EGM on Ukraine strategy postponed -- Alfa (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/15/2005
  • Antonov contract prospects slide as Libyans run into money problems (Ukrainian Journal) 08/15/2005
  • NBU official blames speculators for sudden hryvnia rise vs. dollar (Ukrainian Journal) 08/15/2005
  • The Ukrainian Security Service Is Looking for RosUkrEnergo Stock (Kommersant) 08/15/2005
  • Term for Ukrainian Rods Extended (Kommersant) 08/15/2005
  • Ukraine may offer several versions of CIS reform later this month [Itar-Tass] (AKIpress) 08/15/2005
  • The Presidents of Georgia and Ukraine Create a Defend Democracy in the World (Kommersant) 08/15/2005
  • Ukraine, Georgia want to form new bloc (Ukrainian Journal) 08/15/2005
  • «Пористи» занесли суддю Хандурiна у свiй «чорний список» (VOA) 08/15/2005
  • Зміни інформаційної політики на українських телеканалах (VOA) 08/15/2005
  • Новi зовнiшньо-полiтичнi орiєнтири для України? (VOA) 08/15/2005
  • Investigators in Kiev Visit Naftogaz Office (Moscow Times) 08/15/2005
  • Summer's Real Hotties: They're Not Outdoors [Spa 88, Russian-style operation located on a busy stretch of Wall Street - Ukrainian varenikes] (Wash Post) 08/15/2005
  • Heavenly host picks up opening awards [Italian director Sebastiano Toma worked with Ukrainian musicians Mark Chaet and Sergej Sweschinskij to create the timeless vaudeville show, Balagan] (Glasgow Herald) 08/15/2005
  • Colchester church blesses foundation for new construction (Norwich Bulletin) 08/15/2005
  • Woman, 108, may well have been province's oldest person [Kathleen Shatulsky] (Brandon Sun) 08/15/2005
  • Photographers focused at Paris Museum [Russian war photographer Evgueni Khaldei, born in 1917 in a small town in Ukraine] (EJP) 08/15/2005
  • Ukrainian Security Service Averts Chechens’ Attempts to Reach Eastern Europe (MosNews) 08/15/2005
  • On this day: 1979 – Two Soviet Aeroflot airliners collide in mid-air over Ukraine, killing 173. (Mercury News) 08/15/2005
  • National Insecurity Council (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/15/2005
  • Anatoliy Kinakh: 'I Am Not Satisfied With the Assessment That the Cabinet Made of Itself' (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/15/2005
  • Anatoliy Matvienko: 'I Have Come to the Crimea Forever' (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/15/2005
  • Between 'Hosanna!' and 'Crucify Him!' (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/15/2005
  • China keeps a nervous eye on colour revolutions (Sydney Morning Herald) 08/15/2005

  • Photo: French sailing ship 'Belem' and Ukrainian ship 'Khersones' sail during a windjammer parade as they leave the harbour of Bremerhaven on the German North Sea coast (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/14/2005
  • Photo: Yuriy Krymarenko of Ukraine celebrates after winning the men's high jump final at the world athletics championships in Helsinki (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/14/2005
  • Photo: Yuriy Krymarenko of Ukraine celebrates after clearing the bar during the men's high jump final at the world athletics championships in Helsinki (Reuters/Yahoo) 08/14/2005
  • Photo: Yuriy Krymarenko of Ukraine celebrates as he makes the winning jump to win gold in the final of the Men's high jump at the World Athletics Championships (AP/Yahoo) 08/14/2005
  • Photo: Yuriy Krymarenko of Ukraine wins the men's High Jump (IAAF) 08/14/2005
  • Athletics: Krymarenko secures high jump gold (BBC Sport) 08/14/2005
  • Walesa backs Belarus revolution (BBC) 08/14/2005
  • Poland to mark historic pact (Seattle Times) 08/14/2005
  • New Kyrgyz president sworn in [Kurmanbek Bakiyev] (Reuters) 08/14/2005
  • The Other Army (NY Times) 08/14/2005
  • Prices soar through the roof [Chicago's Ukrainian Village] (Chicago Sun Times) 08/14/2005
  • Soviet dissident granted political asylum; INS may appeal decision (AP/Helen Air) 08/14/2005
  • Nazi SS war criminals ‘are hiding in Scotland’ (Sunday Times) 08/14/2005
  • Booker covered in glory (The Observer) 08/14/2005

  • Georgia, Ukraine Push for New Alliance (AP/Yahoo) 08/13/2005
  • Ukraine and Georgia push for new alliance (Euronews) 08/13/2005
  • Solon asks Palace to settle RP, Ukraine companies’ dispute [Ukraine-based Sukhin Energy, Inc. (SEI)] (Manila Bulletin) 08/13/2005
  • Full Text: Borjomi Declaration [We, the Presidents of Ukraine and Georgia...] (Civil Georgia) 08/13/2005
  • Рада національної небезпеки (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/13/2005
  • Анатолій Кінах: «Особисто я не задоволений оцінкою, що її дала собі виконавча влада» (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/13/2005
  • Анатолій Матвієнко: «Я прийшов у Крим назавжди» (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/13/2005
  • Уже не «осанна», але ще й не «розпни» (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/13/2005
  • Orthodox Citizens of Ukraine Intend to Oppose Greek Catholic Move to Kyiv (RISU) 08/13/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Oppose Monument to John Paul II in Kamianets-Podilskyi (RISU) 08/13/2005

  • Gonzo VC - President Yuschenko gets it! (DFJ) 08/12/2005
  • Photo: Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yushchenko shake hands during their meeting in Borjomi, Georgia (AP/Yahoo) 08/12/2005
  • Yushchenko Travels To Georgia [first visit as Ukrainian president] (RFE/RL) 08/12/2005
  • Ukraine, Georgia Propose 'Democratic Alliance' (Civil Georgia) 08/12/2005
  • Ukraine steamed up over planned Russian porn film (AFP/Yahoo) 08/12/2005
  • The Myth of Ukraine's 'Third Force' in Parliament (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/12/2005
  • Німеччина може взяти на себе роль адвоката України в ЄС (BBC Ukrainian) 08/12/2005
  • Cabinet Names PM Tymoshenko as Co-Chair of Ukraine-EBRD Committee (UNIAN) 08/12/2005
  • Putin’s Decline and America’s Response (MosNews) 08/12/2005
  • Photo: Members of the youth opposition movement My (We), inspired by Ukraine's 'orange revolution', try to pick up supporters outside the Kremlin in Moscow. Wary of the decisive role of youth in popular uprisings in three former Soviet republics in the last two years, Russian politicians are battling for the hearts and minds of young people ahead of a 2008 presidential poll (AFP/Yahoo) 08/12/2005
  • In battle for hearts and minds, Russian youth become weapon of choice (AFP/Yahoo) 08/12/2005
  • Poland angry at attacks on staff (Guardian) 08/12/2005
  • Німеччина зацікавлена у більш ефективній візовій практиці для українців (Deutsche Welle) 08/12/2005
  • My Turn: A mother's heartwarming story of adoption [Olive Branch International (, supports orphaned infants in hospitals in Ukraine who are awaiting placement in orphanages.] (Iowa Globe-Gazette) 08/12/2005
  • Nuclear plant refuels, this time with fuel bought from U.S. company (Ukrainian Journal) 08/12/2005
  • President urges end to forex restrictions (Ukrainian Journal) 08/12/2005
  • Yushchenko orders creation of new panel to advise govt on the economy (Ukrainian Journal) 08/12/2005
  • Special Center Is Set Up to Improve Investment Climate in Ukraine (UNIAN) 08/12/2005
  • 45 Ukrainian Companies to Attend Business Forum in Baku (Baku Today) 08/12/2005
  • Greek Catholic Move to Kyiv 'Not Aggression but Necessity' (RISU) 08/12/2005
  • Heading for a wedding at the Station (Chester Chronicle) 08/12/2005
  • Making Pysanka Eggs To Give Away (Cheshire Herald) 08/12/2005
  • Critic's playlist...[Ukrainian-born artist] OKSANA SKIDAN: GARGOYLES. (Rochester DEmocrat and Chronicle) 08/12/2005

  • Ukraine's Ministry of Culture and Australia's Ukrainian community agree on cultural exchange programs ministry to sponsor programs for Australian Ukrainian cultural directors in Ukraine (BRAMA) 08/11/2005
  • Nearly 44 Percent of Ukrainians Use Mobile Telephones, Report Says (AP/Yahoo) 08/11/2005
  • International Youth Day A Time For Governments To Remember Commitments [young doctor, Ihor Rudenko] (RFE/RL) 08/11/2005
  • [Weekly Review of Developments in Human Rights and Democracy] U.S. judges eager to set up exchange program with Ukraine (USDOS) 08/11/2005
  • Russia: In City Of Riches, 'Average' Family Focuses On The Essentials [Russia's gross national income is $2,600 per person per year, compared to $970 in Ukraine] (RFE/RL) 08/11/2005
  • SPF confirms date for Kryvorizhstal tender as PM sets $3b expectation (Ukrainian Journal) 08/11/2005
  • Tymoshenko: Natural gas talk govt team a last resort to stem shortages (Ukrainian Journal) 08/11/2005
  • IFC Makes its Largest Investment in The Financial Sector of Ukraine With Aval Bank [Press Release] (Harold Doan) 08/11/2005
  • Ukraine to boost gas, diesel imports (Ukrainian Journal) 08/11/2005
  • Українські правозахисники не згодні з лідерами опозиції (BBC Ukrainian) 08/11/2005
  • Porn, politics and videotape: Russian producer treads new path (AFP/Yahoo) 08/11/2005
  • Ukraine’s Richest Man [Rinat Akhmetov] Suspected of Attempted Murder (MosNews) 08/11/2005
  • Foreigner allegedly strangled two prostitutes over money [Ukrainian national Oleh Opryya, 27, charged with killing 53-year-old Czech and a 23-year-old Ukrainian in their flats in Prague last September] (Prague Daily Monitor) 08/11/2005
  • Scientists See Chernobyl as Successful Wildlife Preserve (MosNews) 08/11/2005
  • Major Danger [One such effort involves a children's school in Kiev, Ukraine, where thousands of children live in the sewer system. The school gives them housing, education and hope.] (Roseville Press-Tribune) 08/11/2005
  • Arcelor still interested in Ukraine's Krivorozhstal (AFX/III) 08/11/2005
  • The Ukraine is double-edged for Russian steelmaker (Mineweb) 08/11/2005
  • Фердинанд Павел: 'Криворіжсталь' - непростий об’єкт для інвесторів (Deutsche Welle) 08/11/2005
  • 'Досягнути енергетичної незалежності за три роки – нереально'. Розмова з Олексою Гудимою (Львівська газета) 08/11/2005
  • Ukraine partially lifts bird flu embargo on Russian poultry (AFX/Forbes) 08/11/2005
  • Russian Orthodox Call Greek Catholic Move to Kyiv Aggressive (RISU) 08/11/2005
  • Religion takes a back seat in Western Europe (USA Today) 08/11/2005
  • Ukrainian folk dancing in Faro [Portugal] (Algarve Resident) 08/11/2005
  • His Reputation Exceeds Him [New York's Ukrainian Museum opened a fabulous new building in the East Village this spring with an appropriately groundbreaking exhibition.] (NY Sun) 08/11/2005
  • Miraculous alignment in the literary firmament (The Times) 08/11/2005
  • The literary Olympics: Brought to book (Independent) 08/11/2005
  • Literary heavyweights dominate Booker longlist (Guardian) 08/11/2005
  • Big names make up 'exceptional' Booker list (Daily Telegraph) 08/11/2005

  • Ukrainian Canadian Congress to receive Governor General Commendation for its role in Ukraine's Presidential Elections (BRAMA) 08/10/2005
  • The Unbearable Heaviness of Being Argentine (Transitions Online) 08/10/2005
  • May We Have This Dance? (Transitions Online) 08/10/2005
  • Манфред Ґрунд: Україна повинна мати європейську перспективу (BBC Ukrainian) 08/10/2005
  • Yulia Timoshenko: Power in Ukraine Will be in the Hands of Three or Four People (Kommersant) 08/10/2005
  • Ukrainian First Deputy Premier Rules Out Fuel Shortage [TV5] (RedNova) 08/10/2005
  • Ukrainian Premier Denies Contracts Signed to Cover Gas Shortfall (RedNova) 08/10/2005
  • NZF to be Bobbed Off to Russian Business (Kommersant) 08/10/2005
  • New data creates demographic profile of orange revolutionaries, voters (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/10/2005
  • Yulia and Misha, A Mile-High Sex Tale [Blue movie parodying Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.] (Moscow Times) 08/10/2005
  • Держава в небезпеці? ональній безпеці загрожують СБУ, МВС, прокуратура і... Петро Порошенко (Україна молода) 08/10/2005
  • Mittal Steel Says It Plans to Bid for Mill (AP/Yahoo) 08/10/2005
  • Ukraine sets steel auction, PM predicts big price [suggested the sale could bring in more than $3 billion] (Reuters) 08/10/2005
  • $2BN-Deal! Mittal to steel Ukraine? (Bloomberg/Financial Express) 08/10/2005
  • Govt sets $2 billion price tag for its stake in Kryvorizhstal (Ukrainian Journal) 08/10/2005
  • Ukraine invites bids for steel co Krivorozhstal; starting price set at 2 bln usd (AFX/III) 08/10/2005
  • В Україні немає сплеску антисемітизму, запевняє Фельдман (proUA) 08/10/2005
  • German Embassy Says Ukrainian Journalists Didn’t Identify Themselves for World Youth Day (RISU) 08/10/2005
  • McEwan fights Barnes for Booker (BBC News) 08/10/2005
  • NBU boosts discount rate by half a point, citing inflation concerns (Ukrainian Journal) 08/10/2005
  • Lightning blamed for Linos shutdown (Ukrainian Journal) 08/10/2005
  • EC allocates 2 million for new feasibility study of Odessa-Brody pipe (Kazakhstan Gazeta) 08/10/2005
  • Ukraine starts using US nuclear fuel (Bellona) 08/10/2005
  • Investors Move East to Booming Romania and Bulgaria [which are more developed than Ukraine] (AP/Yahoo) 08/10/2005
  • 3 Tons of Bad Food Seized This Year [Russia - Most of the radioactive produce came from Belarus and Ukraine, two countries that were heavily polluted by the 1986 Chernobyl meltdown...] (Moscow Times) 08/10/2005
  • Ukraine offers free image editing app (Macworld) 08/10/2005
  • Internet scam ring exposed (Computer Crime Research Center) 08/10/2005
  • 'Beautiful brutes' come to town [Chrysler 300 Club International, rare automobiles, spans all of the United States, Canada and even foreign countries such as Ukraine] (Record-Courier) 08/10/2005
  • From braids to bling [Backpacking] (Guardian) 08/10/2005
  • International Writers and Illustrators Contest Awards to Be Held in Seattle's Sci Fi Museum [L. Ron Hubbard Writers and Illustrators of the Future Awards] (Galaxy Press/Yahoo) 08/10/2005
  • Coordinating Committee of Ukrainian American Organizations in North Port and Vicinity [Atanas Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 08/10/2005
  • Local doctors bring medical aid, training to Ukraine (Shreveport Times) 08/10/2005
  • Abramov case goes before judge [Three judges concluded that Abramov was imprisoned in Ukraine 'on a groundless prosecution for rape because of his outspoken political views.'] (Great Falls Tribune) 08/10/2005
  • After Chernobyl accident wildlife flourishes (Mongabay) 08/10/2005
  • Ukrainian orphans matched with homes (Newsday) 08/10/2005
  • Media test boundaries of new freedoms (IFEX) 08/10/2005
  • Осідок глави УГКЦ перенесуть у серпні (Львівська газета) 08/10/2005
  • Схід і Захід біля брами в Мудрість: щотринадцятого числа о 13-й годинi біля Софії Київської збираються на спiльну молитву християни з усієї України (Україна молода) 08/10/2005
  • 'Атмосфера в команді дещо надломилася'. Розмова із Сергієм Ребровим (Львівська газета) 08/10/2005

  • Timoshenko Sets Her Own Prices (Kommersant) 08/09/2005
  • RFE/RL Interviews Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko (RFE/RL) 08/09/2005
  • Photo: Young western tourists rest in front of frescos of Mikhaylo Gold Cupolas Cathedral in Kiev. The Ukrainian authorities have abolished visas for nationals of the European Union, Canada, Japan and the United States hoping to boost tourist numbers. (AFP/Yahoo) 08/09/2005
  • Photo: A pigeon flies in front of the domes of Kiev-Pecherska Lavra cathedral, a sacred place of the Orthodox religion and the treasure of Slavic culture, the most popular place for western tourists in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 08/09/2005
  • Tourists flood Ukraine after visa restrictions lifted (AFP/Yahoo) 08/09/2005
  • Chernobyl ecosystems 'remarkably healthy' (Nature) 08/09/2005
  • July industrial growth slowdown suggests continued woes for steel (Ukrainian Journal) 08/09/2005
  • Ukraine to take drastic steps to boost air safety, says Transport Minister (Ukrainian Journal) 08/09/2005
  • Iran pipeline deal hangs in the balance (Ukrainian Journal) 08/09/2005
  • Pinchuk Fumes As Ukraine Asks $2B For Steel Mill (Forbes) 08/09/2005
  • Second National Powwow Brings Native Americans to Washington (USDOS) 08/09/2005
  • GPO Dissmissed Fedur From Gongadze Case (UNIAN) 08/09/2005
  • Мельниченка викликають до суду в США 24 серпня (proUA) 08/09/2005
  • Ukraine Sets $2B Starting Price for Auction [Kryvorizhstal] (AP/Yahoo) 08/09/2005
  • Ukraine oil update (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/09/2005
  • Obit: Andrew Boyko, served Parma as judge, law director and assistant prosecutor (Cleveland Plain Dealer) 08/09/2005
  • Gypsy punk rocker roams all over the cultural map [Eugene Hutz] (NY Daily News) 08/09/2005
  • Gypsy Punk: Ukrainian frontman reveals his plans for world domination (Village Voice) 08/09/2005
  • Two billion people live in insecure states: study [Ukraine ranks as highly vulnerable in large part because of last year’s disputed election] (Pakistan Daily Times) 08/09/2005
  • Brink-dancing under the sun [...fancy but fake villages built to impress Catherine the Great during her tours of the Ukraine and the Crimea in the 18th century] (San Diego Union-Tribune) 08/09/2005
  • Qarea ready to test its Wireless Casino [Ukraine gambling] (Website) 08/09/2005
  • Local nun involved in project to honor underground religious [Photo shows one of the Eastern European sisters working in a factory during the communist regime. The nun was part of an underground movement that lasted from 1945 to 1990 and is now the subject of an oral history project.] (Herald-Standard) 08/09/2005
  • Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church-Canonical Bishops Separate from Patriarch (RISU) 08/09/2005
  • Wanted Ukrainian Millionaire Akhmetov Claims Law Obedience from Italy (MosNews) 08/09/2005
  • Nagasaki marks 60th anniversary of atomic bombing - ENGLISH (Asahi Shimbun) 08/09/2005
  • Ukrainian air force to 'spy' on Benelux (Expatica) 08/09/2005
  • Оголосити весь список? Будь ласка... З 1 серпня органи влади мали розпочати складання списків виборців до парламентських перегонів-2006. Хоча цей закон іще не набрав чинності, у деяких установах робота вже почалася (Україна молода) 08/09/2005
  • Growing pains for Czech tourism [Czech Republic has become a cultural meeting point for tourists from Germany and Britain with Ukrainian women] (IH Tribune) 08/09/2005
  • Ukraine Plans Black Sea Oil Refinery (Moscow Times) 08/09/2005
  • Перший крок до нафтової незалежності (Львівська газета) 08/09/2005
  • Глава УГКЦ матиме новий титул (BBC Ukrainian) 08/09/2005
  • On this day: 1996 – Ukrainian and Polish scientists discover an undisturbed 2,200-year-old tomb of a Scythian military commander containing some 1,000 gold and silver decorations and weapons in central Ukraine. (Mercury News) 08/09/2005

  • Letter: Recent Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) Election in Chicago - a Different Perspective [UPDATE] (BRAMA) 08/08/2005
  • Cornering the global market on color and other symbols of democracy [Parody] (BRAMA) 08/08/2005
  • Letter: Recent Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) Election in Chicago - a Different Perspective (BRAMA) 08/08/2005
  • Революція повертається (Галицькі контракти) 08/08/2005
  • Затулін: Економіка України зумовлює еміграцію; українські вчені спростовують заяви К. Затуліна (BBC Ukrainian) 08/08/2005
  • Suspect in Serial Killings in Ukraine Arrested (NY Times) 08/08/2005
  • Ukraine readies $2B steel auction [OAO Krivorozhstal] (Deal) 08/08/2005
  • Potential First Deputy and Prospective Prosecutor General (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/08/2005
  • Donetsk regional leader released from custody, visibly tamed (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/08/2005
  • The Program 'Jails For Bandits!' Closed By Users? (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/08/2005
  • Vladyslav Kaskiv, Pora Party leader: 'The new administration needs reforming' (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/08/2005
  • Privatization 2005: Petty Merchandise In Lieu Of Big Stock (Дзеркало Тижня) 08/08/2005
  • Kiev: Cash Payment for Gas in '06 (Moscow Times) 08/08/2005
  • President Vetoed Housing Code of Ukraine (UNIAN) 08/08/2005
  • Ukraine's 13 Former Governors under Investigation in Ukraine (UNIAN) 08/08/2005
  • Timoshenko: Economic Crisis No Threat to Ukraine (UNIAN) 08/08/2005
  • Law enforcement, defense officials angry at Poroshenko remarks (Ukrainian Journal) 08/08/2005
  • New government team will fly to Moscow this week to settle gas issues (Ukrainian Journal) 08/08/2005
  • Government makes deal with sugar makers (Ukrainian Journal) 08/08/2005
  • The Ecological Effects of the Chernobyl Disaster (Newswise) 08/08/2005
  • Jericho teen launches her own international relief effort [Plastunka Ulana Bihun establishes Ukrainian Orphanage Project] (Burlington Free Press) 08/08/2005
  • Ukrainian youth leaders on a tour with a mission (North Jersey) 08/08/2005
  • Germany prepares 'escaping prostitution' guide (DPA/Expatica) 08/08/2005
  • The pride of 'people without a country' [Lemkos] (Herald News) 08/08/2005
  • “Pavlograd Ripper” Suspected of Murdering 30 Girls Detained in Ukraine [Ukrainian police have arrested a Russian man suspected of killing about 30 young girls who have disappeared over more than two decades...] (MosNews) 08/08/2005

  • EU plans to fund opposition to Belarus 'dictator' (Scotland on Sunday) 08/07/2005
  • 'Security agencies block reform in Ukraine' - Poroshenko (AP/Gulf-News) 08/07/2005
  • Cossacks: Guardians or oppressors? (Chicago Tribune/Yahoo) 08/07/2005
  • Wolves in Ukraine attack dozens (ABC Australia) 08/07/2005
  • A trip back to old-school [Paris To Kiev] (Edmonton Sun) 08/07/2005

  • ‘Real difficulties’ remain with draft missal [see Europe: Ukraine defies Orthodox threats] (The Tablet) 08/06/2005
  • Genocide education now mandatory. Law requires schools to include expanded lessons on tragedies (Peoria Journal Star) 08/06/2005
  • When Old and New World Met in a Camera Flash (NY Times) 08/06/2005

  • Ukrainian women freed from sexual slavery in Turkey thanks to phone tip-off (Turkish Press) 08/05/2005
  • Man denies role in Nazi atrocities [Osyp Firishchak] (ABC7) 08/05/2005
  • Ukrainian Festival attractions range from sausages to soccer (Cleveland Plain Dealer) 08/05/2005
  • Yushchenko and Tymoshenko call for creation of parliamentary majority (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/05/2005
  • Ukraine's Future (VOA) 08/05/2005
  • Yushchenko Registers Revolution Symbols (Moscow Times) 08/05/2005
  • Book: 'Together and Apart in Brzezany: Poles, Jews, and Ukrainians, 1919-1945' (Ha'aretz) 08/05/2005
  • Body Found Identified As Ukrainian Woman (ABC7) 08/05/2005
  • Man, mother-in-law, ask judge for bail reduction (Times Leader) 08/05/2005
  • МВФ критикує економічну ситуацію в Україні (VOA) 08/05/2005
  • Українська наркополітика може погіршити ситуацію із поширенням ВІЛ/СНІД (VOA) 08/05/2005
  • Леонід Кравчук відходить від керівництва фракцією СДПУ(о) (VOA) 08/05/2005
  • UkrTransNafta completes filling 85-km Zhulino-Nadvirna oil pipeline (Ukrainian Journal) 08/05/2005
  • New government team with sweeping powers to go to Moscow for gas talks (Ukrainian Journal) 08/05/2005
  • Government OKs 150,000-ton sugar import (Ukrainian Journal) 08/05/2005
  • Veselka to perform with local duo at Springfield church (Springfield News) 08/05/2005
  • This Day In Sports: 1991 - Bubka! Bubka! Bubka! (NY Times) 08/05/2005
  • Іванна Іллєнко: 'Щоб випускниця Київської консерваторії опинилася в чеському борделі? Це неможливо!' Празьку кар'єру українська балерина, донька відомого кінорежисера Михайла Іллєнка почала... з головної ролі у фiльмi про торгiвлю людьми (Україна молода) 08/05/2005

  • American Judges Eager To Set Up Exchange Program with Ukraine (USDOS) 08/04/2005
  • David A. Mittell, Jr.: In Ukraine, history looks ahead (Providence Journal) 08/04/2005
  • Ukraine PM criticizes own Cabinet (CNN) 08/04/2005
  • Юлія Тимошенко: українська влада не працює як єдина команда (VOA) 08/04/2005
  • Петро Порошенко й НЗФ: корупція у новій владі? (VOA) 08/04/2005
  • Власність на революційну символіку (VOA) 08/04/2005
  • Аналітики про перспективи Донбасу і опозиції (VOA) 08/04/2005
  • Man accused of aiding Nazis testifies in own defense [Osyp Firischak] (ABC7) 08/04/2005
  • Ukrainian Cabinet Approves List of 520 Companies for Privatization in 2005-06 (Black Enterprise) 08/04/2005
  • Українські миротворці в Іраку проведуть інспекції прикордонної поліції (VOA) 08/04/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian youth wearing the 'Yes!' logo T-shirt. Controversy has enveloped the son of Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko for a second time in a week, amid reports that the 19-year-old owned the copyright to the lucrative trademarks of last year's 'orange revolution' (AFP/Yahoo) 08/04/2005
  • Photo: Yushchenko supporters during the 'Orange Revolution' in Kiev. Controversy has enveloped the son of Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko for a second time in a week, amid reports that the 19-year-old owned the copyright to the lucrative trademarks of last year's 'orange revolution' (AFP/Yahoo) 08/04/2005
  • Orthodox Channel in Russian Wants to Develop Cable Network Across Ukraine (RISU) 08/04/2005
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholics to Move Center to Kyiv on 21 August (RISU) 08/04/2005
  • Poland's Relations With Belarus Fray After Raid on Ethnic Poles (Bloomberg) 08/04/2005
  • Ukrainians Vulnerable to the Sex Trade (Moscow Times) 08/04/2005
  • Ukraine: Drug Law Reforms Would Threaten HIV/AIDS Fight (HRW) 08/04/2005
  • Slain Ukranian model led double life (AP/KESQ) 08/04/2005
  • `For us it was just like hell'. Holocaust survivor testifies in case of accused Nazi helper (Chicago Tribune) 08/04/2005
  • Closing arguments expected in case to strip Chicagoan of citizenship [Osyp Firishchak] (AP/ABC7) 08/04/2005
  • Tymoshenko Calls On Peasants to Not Hurry with Selling Grain of New Harvest (UNIAN) 08/04/2005
  • Govt Plans to Sell 520 Objects (UNIAN) 08/04/2005
  • Ukrainian DPM [Bezsmertnyi] Sets Out Strong Arguments for More Power to Local Self-Governments (UNIAN) 08/04/2005
  • Ukrainian Leaders Visit United States Through Open World Program (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 08/04/2005
  • Mind if we don't? Nuclear chill out: For £83, you can go on a guided tour of Chernobyl (Guardian) 08/04/2005
  • Ukraine International is the first CIS airline fully complying with the new quality and safety standards developed by IATA (e-Travel Blackboard) 08/04/2005
  • Hospital Worker Accused in Equipment Theft [more than $200,000 in medical equipment stolen, netted more than $12,000 on eBay sales in the U.S., Russia, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Mexico] (AP/Yahoo) 08/04/2005
  • Drunk cargo skipper sent to jail (BBC) 08/04/2005
  • Samy To Liaise With Ukraine Govt On Crimea Issue [Crimea State Medical University] (Bernama) 08/04/2005
  • Ukraine govt to float eurobond to help cover budget deficit (AFX/Forbes) 08/04/2005
  • 24-year-old student ready to span the globe [Vadim L. В“VladВ” Ostrovsky] (Danville Register Bee) 08/04/2005

  • Ukrainian Agriculture Minister [Oleksandar Baranivsky] Criticizes Government on Sugar Import Decree (AP/Yahoo) 08/03/2005
  • Statement by IMF Staff Mission to Ukraine (IMF) 08/03/2005
  • Holocaust survivor testifies in trial of alleged ex-Nazi [Osyp Firishchak] (KRT) 08/03/2005
  • Embassy Row [see: Unfinished revolution] (Wash Times) 08/03/2005
  • 3,000 People Become Ukrainian Citizens in 2005 (UNIAN) 08/03/2005
  • Statement by IMF Staff Mission to Ukraine (Harold Doan) 08/03/2005
  • Ukrainian parliamentary speaker to be progressively marginalized (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/03/2005
  • Designer of Yushchenko's Political Brands: President Was Absolutely Right to Pass Orange Revolution Brands to His Son (UNIAN) 08/03/2005
  • Ukraine leader's son in new controversy (AFP/Yahoo) 08/03/2005
  • Son cashes in on orange revolution (Guardian) 08/03/2005
  • Охоронець щасливої 'підкови': Андрій Ющенко не отримує грошей від права власності на помаранчеву символіку (Львівська газета) 08/03/2005
  • «Так!» — за так: родина Ющенків не має комерційної вигоди від запатентованої символіки (Україна молода) 08/03/2005
  • 'Так Ющенко!' Сварка через політичний бренд (Deutsche Welle) 08/03/2005
  • Ukrainian Journalists Refused Visas for World Youth Day in Cologne (RISU) 08/03/2005
  • Ukraine Bans Russian Poultry To Fight Bird Flu (RFE/RL) 08/03/2005
  • Ring exploited deaf migrants [deaf Ukrainian couple arrested] (Kathimerini) 08/03/2005
  • The Crimes of Communism Should be Condemned. Member of Swedish Parliament Go'ran Lindblad's speech at 'A Closer Look into China' Forum (Epoch Times) 08/03/2005
  • Exhibit brings Ukrainian artists together (Seattle Times) 08/03/2005
  • Ukraine to test possible use of pipeline for Russia, Europe shipments (Ukrainian Journal) 08/03/2005
  • Kiev court balks at extending detention for alleged Donetsk racketeer (Ukrainian Journal) 08/03/2005
  • Government lowers 2005 growth forecast (Ukrainian Journal) 08/03/2005
  • Ukraine does about-face on Snaige refrigerators (Baltic Times) 08/03/2005
  • Flight makes emergency landing [Aerosvit Airlines flight VV274 from Dubai en route Borispol in Ukraine yesterday made a safe emergency landing at Minhad air base.] (Khaleej Times) 08/03/2005
  • Odessa-Brody pipeline can supply Caspian oil only after 2007 (Kazinform) 08/03/2005
  • Red Cross search ends 65 years of uncertainty (Bay-Post Moruya) 08/03/2005
  • List of Journalists Who've Died in Iraq. 2003 - Taras Protsyuk, Ukrainian TV cameraman for Reuters, killed when U.S. tank fired at Palestine hotel in Baghdad, April 8. (AP/Yahoo) 08/03/2005
  • On this day: 1992 – Russia and Ukraine agree to put Black Sea fleet under joint command. (Herald Sun) 08/03/2005

  • Ukraine—2005 Article IV Consultation Preliminary Conclusions of the Mission (IMF) 08/02/2005
  • Борис Колесников знову на волі: тріумф права? (VOA) 08/02/2005
  • Ukraine Official [Boris Kolesnikov] Ordered Released Pending Trial (RFE/RL) 08/02/2005
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Metropolitan of Odesa and Progressive-Socialist Leader Oppose Church Independence from Moscow (RISU) 08/02/2005
  • Українська мова: на кухнi, для офiцiозу та застiлля? (Україна молода) 08/02/2005
  • Prosecutor says Gongadze probe moves to new phase (CPJ) 08/02/2005
  • Україна і США проведуть чергові спільні військові навчання в Криму (VOA) 08/02/2005
  • UK 'didn't want' Ukrainian Nazis. The Nazis recruited Ukrainians after invading the USSR in 1941 British officials were very uneasy about the decision to allow an entire Ukrainian SS division to settle in the UK in 1947, newly released files show. (BBC) 08/02/2005
  • Editor recalls trip to Ukraine (Lassen County News) 08/02/2005
  • Krivorozhstal Assessed at $1.16 billion (Kommersant) 08/02/2005
  • Feds Says Chicago Carpenter Helped Nazis (AP/Yahoo) 08/02/2005
  • Photo: Chicago carpenter Osyp Firishchak, 86, walks out of federal court Monday, Aug. 1, 2005, in Chicago. Government attorneys told a federal judge Firishchak should be stripped of the American citizenship because he was a member of a police unit that helped the Nazis round up Ukrainian Jews for forced labor and death camps during World War II. (AP/Yahoo) 08/02/2005
  • Roma realities and possibilities [Uzhgorod] (Christian Science Monitor) 08/02/2005
  • Youngest Defector Has 'No Regrets' 25 Years Later. 12-Year-Old Ran From Parents Returning To Ukraine In 1980 [Walter Polovchak] (NBC5) 08/02/2005
  • A Graceless Exit for Russia (Moscow Times) 08/02/2005
  • Ukrainian Deputy Premier [Bezsmertny] Sets Out Arguments for Administrative Reform (Black Enterprise) 08/02/2005
  • Government to step up grain purchases to prevent seasonal price slump (Ukrainian Journal) 08/02/2005
  • Sea Launch consortium gets contract for satellite launch in Kazakhstan (Ukrainian Journal) 08/02/2005
  • Russians shut down another oil refinery (Ukrainian Journal) 08/02/2005
  • Concorde Capital and Colliers International to Launch $100 million Ukrainian Real Estate Fund (UNIAN) 08/02/2005
  • Перші півроку — нівроку? Підсумки шести місяців нової влади: охолодження помаранчевих ілюзій суспільства і нові надії — на роботу над помилками (Україна молода) 08/02/2005
  • Життя і смерть біля чорнобильського «саркофага» (Україна молода) 08/02/2005

  • Clan politics and backward lands (Culture Cult) 08/01/2005
  • В Україні знову говорять про російський Чорноморський флот (VOA) 08/01/2005
  • Американські адвокати про справу Колесникова (VOA) 08/01/2005
  • Податкова проти журналістів: конфлікт вичерпано? (VOA) 08/01/2005
  • Japan-Ukraine Summit Meeting (Harold Doan) 08/01/2005
  • Love flourished in adversity (Border Mail) 08/01/2005
  • Ukraine IDs Slain Reporter Suspects [Gongadze] (AP/Yahoo) 08/01/2005
  • Ukrainian Revolution Lives On -- in Pup Tents (LA Times) 08/01/2005
  • WWII-era Nazi case going to U.S. trial (UPI/WPH) 08/01/2005
  • Feds Want Chicagoan Deported For Helping Nazis. Attorneys Say They Can Prove Osyp Firishchak Should Be Stripped Of His Citizenship (AP/CBS2) 08/01/2005
  • Ukraine's Prime Minister Pledges to Defend Jews' Communal Interests (RISU) 08/01/2005
  • Russian Black Sea Fleet Bases Not To Be Reduced in Ukraine – Poroshenko (UNIAN) 08/01/2005
  • Immigrant finds home in America (Massachusetts Republican) 08/01/2005
  • What lies behind alleged “plot” to kill Tymoshenko? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/01/2005
  • Ukraine starts power exports to Romania, talks with Belarus, Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 08/01/2005
  • Government in talks over a 2nd new refinery; PM sees no ‘limitations’ (Ukrainian Journal) 08/01/2005
  • PM meets SBU over assassination plot (Ukrainian Journal) 08/01/2005
  • Russia tells Ukraine gas prices could triple (IH Tribune) 08/01/2005
  • Poland, Ukraine: Pipe(line) dreams of energy independence (Czech BW) 08/01/2005
  • Депутат баварського ландтагу Урсула Меннле: 'Якщо критерії виконано – ласкаво просимо до ЄС' (Deutsche Welle) 08/01/2005
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

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    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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