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  • Lobanovsky's staying put (BBC Sport) 10/31/2000
  • 'Реалізація державної молодіжної політики'- прес-конференція (IREX 1.11.00) (BRAMA) 10/31/2000
  • Captive Women Found in Raid on Sarajevo Nightclub (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/31/2000
  • Pipe Burst Pours Sewage Into Sea (AP/Yahoo) 10/31/2000
  • Captive Women Found in Raid on Sarajevo Nightclub (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/31/2000
  • Photo: elderly resident of a southern Ukrainian village of Zhashkiv tries on valenki (AP/Excite) 10/31/2000
  • The Russians Are Coming! (NY Review of Books) 10/31/2000
  • Switzerland Says May Sell Tank Cannons to Ukraine (Reuters/Russia Today) 10/31/2000
  • Ukraine Local Press-Digest - October 31 (Reuters/Russia Today) 10/31/2000

  • A New Paris to Kyiv Recording by Alexis Kochan (BRAMA) 10/30/2000
  • 'Стратегія та перспективи розвитку Інтернет-банкінга в Україні'- круглий стіл (IREX 1.11.00) (BRAMA) 10/30/2000
  • Stronger decision-making role for women in peace processes is called for in day-long Security Council debate (BRAMA) 10/30/2000
  • EuroGas and Teton Petroleum Company Agree to Extend Merger Talks (PRNewswire/Excite) 10/30/2000
  • Boston Rotary Celebrates 91 Years of Service to Community, World (BusinessWire/Excite) 10/30/2000
  • Ukrainian President in Portugal (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/30/2000
  • Ukrainian bishop here seeking aid for homeland (Cincinnati Post) 10/30/2000
  • In Election Year, Congress Piles on the Pork (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/30/2000
  • Korea Daewoo Motor to cut jobs, operations (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/30/2000
  • iPlanet(TM) Launches Global Service Provider Program; Antes $20M+ for Strategic Initiative (PRNewswire/Excite) 10/30/2000
  • EU-Russia discuss new strategic energy partnership (Reuters/Excite) 10/30/2000

  • Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Maidannyk's speech at the signing of the Ukrainian-Austrian agreements (BRAMA) 10/29/2000
  • Swiss Bank Holocaust Distribution Unfair to Ukrainians (BRAMA) 10/29/2000
  • Austrian Forced Labor Compensation Agreements Signed (BRAMA) 10/29/2000
  • A bit of Russia in Connecticut (AP/Bergen Record) 10/29/2000

  • Looking for Mr. Right (The Scotsman) 10/28/2000
  • Polish priest tells Jews of progress (Cleveland Plain Dealer) 10/28/2000
  • Crystal River races mix new, familiar - Two incumbents face challengers with goals and influential backing (SP Times) 10/28/2000
  • Announcing: English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Selected Terms (BRAMA) 10/28/2000
  • Свобода слова і «зливу» - Для 1 вiдсотка населення (День) 10/28/2000
  • Photo: Ukrainian Devotee of Hare Krishna Cult Dances (Reuters/Excite) 10/28/2000
  • City Apologizes After Police Beating Incident (Channel 6000) 10/28/2000
  • Lutheran Church Reopens in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/28/2000
  • Baghdad Airport Busier Than Usual (AP/Yahoo) 10/28/2000

  • Ющенко в Польщі - Повільно реагуєте - змінюйте тактику (День) 10/27/2000
  • ГАНЕБНI ДИВIДЕНДИ - На грошах остарбайтерів заробляли і «заробляють?» (День) 10/27/2000
  • Tyumen Oil Finalizes U.S. Export-Import Bank Loan Guarantee to Modernize Ryazan Refinery Near Moscow (PRNewswire/Excite) 10/27/2000
  • Railroad, Country Paying for Children's Free Travel (KPNews/Russia Today) 10/27/2000
  • Company Touts Fun Idea for Kyiv ( Today) 10/27/2000
  • Russia-EU summit to discuss long-term energy deal (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/27/2000
  • Rookie finally gets to savor time on ice (Philadelphia Daily News) 10/27/2000
  • Russia-EU summit to discuss long-term energy deal (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/27/2000

  • Демократичний лобiзм - Розмістивши в Iнтернеті проект міського бюджету ... (День) 10/26/2000
  • US Jan-Aug steel imports rise, Sept imports fall (Reuters/Excite) 10/26/2000
  • Ukrainian Premier Concerned About Gazprom Bypass Plan (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/26/2000
  • Bergenfield students come to aid of Ukrainian toddler (Bergen Record) 10/26/2000
  • Banned Newspaper Resumes Publication in Ukraine (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/26/2000
  • Plans for Energy Routes Gaining Momentum (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/26/2000
  • Coldswitch hires Director of Research and Development (Canada Newswire) 10/26/2000
  • Scholars Examine Pius XII's Actions (AP/Yahoo) 10/26/2000
  • USWA Hails Administration's Pledge of Comprehensive Actions To Combat Re-Emergence of Steel Crisis (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/26/2000
  • Gov't Promises Steel Industry Help (AP/Yahoo) 10/26/2000

  • “Партії очима виборців”- круглий стіл (IREX 30.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/25/2000
  • Photo: Lazio's Simone Inzaghi, left, is tackled by Shakhtar Donetsk's Dainius Gleveckas (AP/Yahoo) 10/25/2000
  • Lazio Qualifies for Champ League (AP/Yahoo) 10/25/2000

  • Painting town red a natural for corporate party planner (Sun Times) 10/24/2000
  • Yara's art projects in Ukraine and Siberia (BRAMA) 10/24/2000
  • Ukrainian Eggplant (Salon) 10/24/2000
  • IFS International Announces Major New TPII License to Support Retailers Throughout Ukraine (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/24/2000

  • Oleh Lysheha at International Festival of Authors in Toronto / Олег Лишега на міжнародному фестивалі авторів у Торонто (BRAMA) 10/23/2000

  • Ukrainian musicians delight audience in DC (BRAMA) 10/22/2000
  • Bandurysts and memories of Stalin (BRAMA) 10/22/2000
  • Were Scythians the earliest Ukrainians? (BRAMA) 10/22/2000

  • Ukrainian orchestra will play at First Baptist Wednesday (Alabama Live) 10/21/2000
  • Scythian gold from ancient Ukraine arrives in Brooklyn (BRAMA) 10/21/2000
  • У Київі з'явився «громадский Інтернет» (День) 10/21/2000
  • Дніпропетровські пухівці порозумілися з губернатором (День) 10/21/2000
  • Транзитна роль України між Заходом і Сходом не повинна обмежуватися газом і нафтою (День) 10/21/2000
  • Three Utterly Unlike Sisters Trapped in Their Worlds (NY Times) 10/21/2000
  • Ukrainian Shumka Dancers move beyond folk label (Ottawa Citizen) 10/21/2000
  • Sea Launch Scores Another Success With Record-Breaking Satellite ( 10/21/2000
  • Equipment Tipped Soviets to Diplomat (AP/Yahoo) 10/21/2000

  • “Висвітлення проблем контролю над тютюном в регіональних ЗМІ”- семінар (IREX 23.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/20/2000
  • Druzhba lays 555 kilometers of Odessa-Brody pipeline (Kyiv Post) 10/20/2000
  • Poland wants international conference on Russian-European pipeline (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/20/2000
  • Russian press ministry concerned over Russian-language restrictions in Ukrainian media (Kyiv Post) 10/20/2000
  • Tri-region area could end up importing electricity directly from Russia (Kyiv Post) 10/20/2000
  • NBU Council elects Halchynsky as its president (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/20/2000
  • MOLODIST 3-DAY FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULE (Oct 21-23) (Kyiv Post) 10/20/2000
  • Як під Хотином запорізькі козаки врятували Європу (День) 10/20/2000
  • Pan Asia enters into an agreement with SPARS PLUS GRUPA LTD. to develop oil and gas distribution and transit facilities (PRNewswire/Excite) 10/20/2000
  • Macedonian President in Kiev (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/20/2000
  • Solution to Energy Problems not in View yet (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/20/2000
  • EU Near Energy Deal With Russia (Wash Post) 10/20/2000
  • Photo: Ukraine's Danylo Seredin competes at the Paralympic Games in Sydney (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2000
  • Russia's Main Task Is to Support New Yugoslav Leader (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2000
  • Vatican representative, Ukrainian official discuss possible papal visit (AP/Yahoo) 10/20/2000
  • Post-Soviet States Confab in Kiev (Planet Out) 10/20/2000
  • UAE satellite Pacific launch delayed to Saturday (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/2000

  • Belgian Cardinal: Pope May Resign (AP/Yahoo) 10/19/2000
  • 'Communication in the Digital Age': UESA Conference (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • Зустріч Постійного представника України при ООН з Президентом Сьєрра-Леоне / Ambassador Yelchenko meets with President of Sierra Leone (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • Про ядерне роззброєння / Nuclear disarmament (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • UCCA responds to BRAMA op-ed 'We don't vote...' (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • “Правозахисний рух та Конституція України: минуле і сучасне”- круглий стіл (IREX 20.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • “Актуальні аспекти діяльності органів місцевого самоврядування ільських територій в Польщі”- засідання (IREX 20.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • “Глобальні зміни клімату: як вони можуть вплинути на Україну?”- засідання (IREX 23.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • Dance with DESNA! (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • “Становлення нового адміністративного права України.”- презентація (IREX 31.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • Author Event for Irene Zabytko at The Ukrainian Museum: 'The Sky Unwashed', a novel about Chornobyl (BRAMA) 10/19/2000
  • Publisher gives business lesson (Kyiv Post) 10/19/2000
  • Soccer-Anderlecht's first half blitz sees off Kyiv (Kyiv Post) 10/19/2000
  • Artists face eviction from Andriyivsky uzviz (Kyiv Post) 10/19/2000
  • Ukraine grain prices holding up, seen rising (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 10/19/2000
  • Хвороби старшого покоління націонал-демократів притаманні і молодим політикам (День) 10/19/2000
  • Stand Firm, Provo (Salt Lake Tribune) 10/19/2000
  • Ukraine Briefly Shuts Down Reactor (AP/Yahoo) 10/19/2000
  • Pro-Ukraine Poland guarded on Gazprom pipe plan (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/19/2000
  • Sea Launch consortium delays UAE satellite launch -report (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/19/2000
  • Ukraine says undaunted by planned bypass gas pipe (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/19/2000
  • Belarus Slides Back to Soviet Times (AP/Yahoo) 10/19/2000

  • Leadership Conference in Washington DC looks at Ukraine in a global context (BRAMA) 10/18/2000
  • Остання інформація стосовно проблеми вирішення колективного позову, заявленого колишніми примусовими працівниками (BRAMA) 10/18/2000
  • Update on German and Austrian Forced Labor Class Action Litigation (BRAMA) 10/18/2000
  • Ukraine Seeks USD 270 million EBRD Loan for Chernobyl in 2000 (Reuters/Russia Today) 10/18/2000
  • Gazprom plans pipeline bypassing Ukraine to Europe (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/18/2000
  • Gazprom says to boost gas supplies to Europe (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/18/2000

  • New Import Limits on Steel are Sought (Wash Post) 10/17/2000
  • Bohdan STUPKA: From theater of kings to show in the marketplace (День) 10/17/2000
  • Who Is Fooling the Crimeans? Crimean authorities' conflict goes to court (День) 10/17/2000
  • Chornobyl Victims Demand Their Privileges Be Kept and Mitiukov Be Fired (День) 10/17/2000
  • Pluralism in One Cabinet (День) 10/17/2000
  • Kyiv Mohyla Academy Is 385 years old (День) 10/17/2000
  • Slava Medvedenko's NBA Development is challenged (LA Times) 10/17/2000
  • Five More Airline Join Flight Pass Program now Serving 150 European Cities (BusinessWire/Excite) 10/17/2000
  • No More Invitations for Russia to Mideast Table (Reuters/Russia Today) 10/17/2000
  • Ukrainian Lawmaker Arrested in Germany (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/17/2000
  • Ukraine Members of Parliament Seen Adopting Budget in First Reading (Reuters/Russia Today) 10/17/2000
  • Russian, Ukraine Presidents Agree on Gas Debts (Reuters/Russia Today) 10/17/2000
  • European Soccer Roundup (AP/Yahoo) 10/17/2000

  • Divided Orthodox Church Losing Believers (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/16/2000
  • COFANT Files New Antidumping Petition With U.S. International Trade Commission and U.S. Department of Commerce (BusinessWire/Excite) 10/16/2000
  • Steel producers ask Clinton for more import relief (Reuters/Excite) 10/16/2000
  • Cash Incentive for Two Olympic Swimming Champions (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/16/2000

  • Klitschko clinches world crown (BBC Sport) 10/15/2000
  • REVENGE IS SWEET FOR KLITSCHKO (Sporting Life) 10/15/2000
  • Blues with a happy ending (Bergen Record) 10/15/2000
  • Ukrainian Village (Cleveland Plain Dealer) 10/15/2000
  • Death of Sergo Gegechkori son of Beria in Kyiv (Wash Post) 10/15/2000

  • Klitschko outpoints Byrd to win WBO title (AP/Excite) 10/14/2000
  • Old Torah scroll will have new caretaker (Philadelphia Inquirer) 10/14/2000
  • Photo: Vladimir Klitschko strikes WBO Heavyweight World Champion Chris Byrd (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/14/2000
  • Photo: Vladimir Klitschko is sent to the neutral corner (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/14/2000
  • Photo: Vladimir Klitschko strikes WBO Heavyweight World Champion Chris Byrd (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/14/2000

  • On the decline in membership in UCCA and other Diasporan organizations (BRAMA) 10/13/2000
  • Кого і що репрезентує УККА? Koho I shcho reprezentuye UCCA? (BRAMA) 10/13/2000
  • SputnikMedia Investment Jumpstarts VC in the Ukraine (World's 10/13/2000
  • Golden Mysteries From the Cowboys of the Steppes (NY Times) 10/13/2000
  • Alumina refinery cuts seen likely as surplus grows (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/13/2000

  • Wer nicht zu Europa gehört (Die Zeit) 10/12/2000
  • Honchar times it just right (BBC Sport) 10/12/2000
  • Addressing Freedom of the Press in Ukraine: UCCA brown bag lunch (BRAMA) 10/12/2000
  • “Духовно-моральна освіта як основний фактор гармонійного розвитку суспільства...'- круглий стіл (IREX 17.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/12/2000
  • “Права людини щодо геїв та лесбійок”- прес-конф (IREX 19.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/12/2000
  • We don't vote for UCCA leadership, yet it impacts us (BRAMA) 10/12/2000
  • enTRUST Solutions Developers Capture Top Honors in Software Competition (BusinessWire/Excite) 10/12/2000
  • Russian TV Tries Naked Newscasts (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/2000
  • Photo: Serhiy Honchar of Ukraine strains on his way to win the men's time trial event (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/12/2000
  • Photo: Gold medalist Serhiy Honchar along with runner-ups (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/12/2000
  • Honchar Takes Cycling Time-Trial Gold at Last (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/12/2000
  • Online market GSX says to have high liquidity (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/12/2000
  • Photo: An elderly Ukrainian customer sniffs a piece of meat (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/2000

  • Law to Protect Women Passes U.S. Senate 95-0 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/11/2000
  • Stanford prof advises Gore on foreign policy (AP/Excite) 10/11/2000
  • Veriovka Appreciation (KC Star) 10/11/2000
  • World Cup Soccer Roundup (AP/Yahoo) 10/11/2000
  • Portugal, Italy And Ukraine Keep World Cup in Sight (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/11/2000
  • Photo: Volodymyr Klitschko lifts his hand during a show training in Cologne (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/11/2000
  • Photo: Volodymyr Klitschko lifts his fists during training in Cologn (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/11/2000
  • Europe Still Key for New Ukrainian Foreign Minister (Reuters/Russia Today) 10/11/2000
  • Photo: A model wears a knitted set of a red jumper with Lenin's portrait, a black skirt (AP/Yahoo) 10/11/2000
  • WHO and Big Tobacco face off at anti-smoking summit (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/11/2000

  • AIDS Project Could Help Other CIS Nations (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/10/2000
  • Photo: A model presents a dress by Ukrainian designer Olexander Gapchuk (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/10/2000
  • Photo: A model presents a hooded jacket by Ukrainian designer Olena Golets (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/10/2000
  • Photo: A model presents a dress by Ukrainian designer Olena Golets (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/10/2000
  • Parliament Vice Speaker speaks out in support of gas transport system privatization (Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Ukraine misses 2000 sell-off revenue targets so far (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Ukraine and Azerbaijan sign cooperative program in defense sphere (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • President rejects Finance Ministry's budget reform proposal, labels it as raw (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Director of DCC's Odessa branch found shot at dacha (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • U.S. Trade Department sets high import duty for Ukrainian ferrosilicomanganese (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • NBU to levy sanctions against banks that violate reserve requirements (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • NBU active on interbank market last week (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • STA presents its version of 'small' tax code (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Kuchma expresses concern over criminal situation in Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Head of energy sector stresses successes in stockpiling energy resources (Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Chornobyl victims protest against privileges reduction in Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • WB mission for financial sector restructuring arrives in Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • UT-1 and UT-2 broadcasting to be financed in fall (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Tourist flow to Ukraine 2 million lower in 1999 than in previous year (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Ag policy ministry forecasts profitable year for sector (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Turkmenistan agrees to postpone Ukraine $281 million debt settlement until next year (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Ukrainians are warned to cancel trips to Israel (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/10/2000
  • Chornobyl Victims Demand More Aid (AP/Excite) 10/10/2000
  • Unigraphics Solutions Announces First VIEWNET Pilot Center In Former Soviet Union (PRNewswire/Excite) 10/10/2000
  • Puppeteer breathes life into students and things (Knight-Ridder/ 10/10/2000
  • Software segment faces new challenges (The Hindu) 10/10/2000
  • Photo: Police officer blocks Chornobyl victims protestors (AP/Yahoo) 10/10/2000

  • Government committee approves new method to value state assets for privatization (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Miners picket government demanding salary payments (Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Greenpeace protests Russian attempt to revoke radioactive imports ban (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Finance Ministry restructures t-bill debt to NBU until 2010 (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • EBRD to provide Ukrrichflot $17.7 million for ships (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Five political parties agree on uniting into one centrist party (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Report: Alleged coup attempt could be planned pressure on communists (Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Carlos Pascual sworn in as new U.S. ambassador to Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Finance Minister: WB credit will not prevent cut in budget expenditures (Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Russian site predicts that Ukraine-Russia fight for Turkmen gas to start soon (Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • U.S. Congress expresses concern over missing Ukrainian journalist (Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Ukraine beats Armenia 3-2 in World Cup qualifier (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Four Ukrainians die in yachting accident on the Sea of Azov (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Silski Visti closed for failure to pay Hr 1 million in fines, STA says (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • President signs law regulating lotteries and gambling (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/09/2000
  • Process of Privatizing Ukrainian Gas Pipeline Continues (Kyiv Post/Russia Today) 10/09/2000
  • Ukraine's Army wants you -- for a vacation (Reuters/CNN) 10/09/2000
  • A model presents a dress by Ukrainian designers Tatyna Zemskova and Olena Vorozhbit (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/2000
  • A model presents a dress by Ukrainian designers Tatyna Zemskova and Olena Vorozhbit (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/2000
  • A model wears an outfit by Ukrainian designers Tetiana Zemskova and Olena Vorozhbita (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/2000
  • Tourism in the New Millennium (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/2000

  • Oleksiy Zalevskiy Ready-To-Wear Collection for Autumn 2000 in Kiev (Reuters/Excite) 10/08/2000
  • U.N. Council Backs Mideast Resolution Without U.S. (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/08/2000

  • World Bank resumes $70 million tranche to Ukraine's coal mining sector (Kyiv Post) 10/07/2000
  • Prime Minister rejects Marchuk's energy sector accusations (Kyiv Post) 10/07/2000
  • Turkmen gas deal does not necessarily mean no Russian gas (Kyiv Post) 10/07/2000
  • Unknown illness appears in Ukrainian village, residents call for tests (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/07/2000
  • Process of privatizing Ukrainian gas pipeline continues (Kyiv Post) 10/07/2000
  • Ukraine's capital develops program to combat AIDS (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/07/2000

  • Press feels familiar Soviet chill: Independent media targeted by new states (MSNBC) 10/06/2000
  • Carlos Pascual sworn in as Ambassador to Ukraine (BRAMA) 10/06/2000
  • EC mission to arrive in Kyiv to discuss fuel grant (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • World Bank president meets with top Ukrainian officials (Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Ukraine awaits U.S. decision on resumption of PL-480 program (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Prime Minister and WB President to discuss new World Bank strategy for Ukraine (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Yushchenko criticizes Bondar for doubting planned privatization income figure (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Kuchma: Ukraine disappointed with Europe, forced to move closer to Russia (Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Ukrainian passenger jet impounded over plane-crash damages case (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Interior Minister briefs Parliament Gongadze case investigation (Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Experts conclude rocket fuel was not cause of Mykolaiv region illness (Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Poland would like to remain notified of EU plans to increase Russian gas imports (Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Ukraine reviews its Olympics' preparation policy (Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Austria and US approve compensation fund for slave laborers (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/06/2000
  • Sydney Gold Medallist Lenny Krayzelburg Returns to the USA as a Celebrity (PRNewswire) 10/06/2000
  • Diamond and Gas Exploration (BusinessWire/Excite) 10/06/2000
  • Ukrainians in Search of Their Identity (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/06/2000
  • Tyumen Oil Receives Competitiveness Award For Leadership in an Emerging Economy (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/06/2000
  • World Bank To Deliver Ukraine Loans (AP/Yahoo) 10/06/2000
  • Austria, US Approve Slave Fund (AP/Yahoo) 10/06/2000
  • Founders of Dillon International Honored as Angels of Adoption (PRNewswire/Excite) 10/06/2000
  • More than half of Ukrainians consider themselves religious (AP/Yahoo) 10/06/2000

  • Swiss National Bank sued by Ukrainian, Russian and Yugoslav Nazi Victims (BRAMA) 10/05/2000
  • Smith speaks out in Congress about missing journalist in Ukraine (BRAMA) 10/05/2000
  • Ukraine known to Germany for three things: Chornobyl, corruption and Dynamo (Kyiv Post) 10/05/2000
  • Russian publishing house may start newpaper in Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 10/05/2000
  • Parliament holds first 2001 budget hearings (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/05/2000
  • EBRD grants Ukraine $100 million to buy organic fuel (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/05/2000
  • NBU to revive sales of state bonds (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/05/2000
  • Russian Duma concerned over alleged Ukraine coup; Deputy Speaker to come to Ukraine to clear situation (Kyiv Post) 10/05/2000
  • EU plans to assist Russia in building pipeline bypassing Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 10/05/2000
  • Analyst: Turkmen gas deal could make Russian gas imports unnecessary (Kyiv Post) 10/05/2000
  • Ukrainian Defence Minister Olexander Kuzmuk talks o his Greek counterpart Akis Tsohatzopoulos (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/05/2000
  • Firm's 'Hybrid Solution' Yokes Local and Foreign Talent To Meet Demand for Programmers and Software (BusinessWire/Excite) 10/05/2000
  • A Concerto Without the Competition (Wash Post) 10/05/2000
  • U.S. Ambassador Bids Farewell to Ukraine (RFE/RL/Russia Today) 10/05/2000

  • 'Трансформація в Україні та Німеччині'- круглий стіл (IREX 05.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/04/2000
  • Benefit concert series debuts in Washington DC (BRAMA) 10/04/2000
  • U.S. to give Ukraine $24 million for disarmament facilities (Kyiv Post) 10/04/2000
  • Batkivshchyna wants Marchuk out as National Security and Defense Council secretary (Kyiv Post) 10/04/2000
  • Delegation from NATO's political committee arrives in Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/04/2000
  • Chornobyl radiation stirs quick mutation in plants near nuclear complex (AP/Excite) 10/04/2000
  • Andersen Group, Inc. Reports Second Quarter Results (BusinessWire/Excite) 10/04/2000
  • Chornobyl Plants Mutate Quickly (AP/Yahoo) 10/04/2000
  • Chornobyl Wheat Has Higher Than Expected Mutations (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/04/2000

  • 'Сучасний стан телерадіопростору України'- прес-конф.(IREX 10.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/03/2000
  • Senior Local Gov't Advisor Position (Kyiv) (BRAMA) 10/03/2000
  • 'Хто і як організовує злочини в Донбасі'- прес-конф.(IREX 04.10.00) (BRAMA) 10/03/2000
  • Kharkiv delegation in search of U.S. investors (BRAMA) 10/03/2000

  • 'Nation-Making, Past and Present: Community, Economy, Security': Call for papers (BRAMA) 10/02/2000
  • Відкриття сезону в Українському Музеї (НЙ) (BRAMA) 10/02/2000
  • Kuchma believes coup information to be exaggerated - report (Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Lazarenko adviser money returns to Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Ukraine's army to become professional by 2015 (Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • U.S. government warns of possible racial attacks in Ukraine and Russia (Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Anatoly Zlenko returns as Ukraine foreign minister (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • President certain Ukraine will cope with budget planning without foreign advice (Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Ukrainian leftists protest visit of U.S. military ships (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Two Russian sailors die aboard Maltese ship close to Crimea (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Russia prepares for An-70 mass production (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Soccer-Shevchenko, Rebrov in Ukraine squad (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Ukraine, EBRD agree on conditions for $100 million fuel credit (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Ukraine plans to boost arms exports (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Ukraine plans road show for power utilities (Reuters/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Finance Ministry expects to create fund to manage 2001 state debt (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • NBU active on interbank last week (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Olympic results will result in government's sports sector reshuffle - report (Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Ministry: Russian electricity transit to Europe inconvenient for Ukraine (UNIAN/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Poland cancels import tariffs on Ukraine's fuel (Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Poll: More than half of Ukrainians consider themselves religious (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Rukh party leader says dismissal of foreign minister influenced by Russia (Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000
  • Kuchma: Ukraine's foreign policy course won't change under Zlenko (AP/Kyiv Post) 10/02/2000

  • Boxing: America denied only gold (BBC Sport) 10/01/2000
    2000 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]

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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

    The Kyiv Post

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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