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  • Lviv Academy of Arts Students Exhibiting Works in U.S. (BRAMA) 02/29/2000
  • Ukraine Hosts Top NATO Officials, Eyes Closer Ties (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/29/2000
  • Viktor Yushchenko's Regional Premiere (День) 02/29/2000
  • Cвободу слова на блюдці не принесуть. Нотатки з пленуму Національної спілки журналістів (День) 02/29/2000
  • Are Nuclear Power Plant 'Treated' Effluents Hazardous? (День) 02/29/2000
  • No money for Ukraine until after bank audit-IMF (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/29/2000
  • Sea Launch Sets Sail for Second Commercial Mission (PRNewswire) 02/29/2000
  • Gazprom Bond Holders Agree to Restructuring (День) 02/29/2000
  • Potable Water Could Run Short in Ukraine (День) 02/29/2000
  • Joy for Bayern, Feyenoord, Marseille and Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/29/2000
  • Церква. Віра. Інтелігентність (День) 02/29/2000
  • Olha Mykytenko: 'I don’t want to make a name using celebrities. I’ll do it by myself' (День) 02/29/2000
  • For Czarist Russia's Jews, a Look at a Promised Land (NY Times) 02/29/2000

  • Role of Ukraine in the UN Security Council/Роля України в ООН, особливо у Раді Безпеки (BRAMA) 02/28/2000
  • U.S. Department of State, Human Rights Reports for 1999-Ukraine (BRAMA) 02/28/2000
  • Informacja o tygodniku 'Polityka i Kultura' (BRAMA) 02/28/2000
  • Gogol Bordello - Not quite your mother's polka band (BRAMA) 02/28/2000
  • Canadian's Citizenship Questioned (AP/Yahoo) 02/28/2000
  • First ICO Satellite Set for Launch in March Aboard Boeing Sea Launch (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 02/28/2000
  • Internet Gold Reports 62% Increase in 99 Revenues and 100% Increase in Subscriber Base (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 02/28/2000
  • Photo: Milan's forward Andrij Shevchenko of Ukraine and Cagliari's Fabian O'Neill of Uruguay in action (AP/Yahoo) 02/28/2000
  • Chess (Wash Post) 02/28/2000

  • All Change in the Verkhovna Rada: How and Why Parliamentary Opposites Attract and Repel (BRAMA) 02/27/2000
  • A Call to Petition the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Chechnya/IMF (BRAMA) 02/27/2000

  • Women Lawmakers' Networking Day (BRAMA) 02/26/2000
  • Call for papers: Fifth Conference on Ukrainian Economics (Lviv) (BRAMA) 02/26/2000
  • Jazzman John Stetch Performs Solo Recital of Ukrainian Music, and More (BRAMA) 02/26/2000
  • Ukrainian Pysanky (Easter Egg) Workshops with a West-coast Flair (BRAMA) 02/26/2000
  • US highlights human trafficking (BBC News) 02/26/2000
  • Performing Arts: Solomia Soroka (Wash Post) 02/26/2000

  • † His Holiness Patriarch Demetrie Dies in Ukraine (BRAMA) 02/25/2000
  • ASN Conference 'Identity and the State: Nationalism and Sovereignty in a Changing World' (BRAMA) 02/25/2000
  • Interpol Posts Most Wanted List on Internet (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/25/2000
  • ORESA Ventures S.A. Preliminary Report 1999 (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 02/25/2000
  • Сергій Стадлер: «Або ви заробляєте гроші, або - займаєтеся творчістю» (День) 02/25/2000

  • Степан Гавриш: «Я переконаний, що парламент доживе до 2002 року» (День) 02/24/2000
  • Council of Europe criticizes referendum plan (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • Ukraine's troubled Chernobyl station stopped again (Reuters/ABC) 02/24/2000
  • Britain says greedy Zimbabwe perpetuates Congo war (Reuters/ABC) 02/24/2000
  • Ukraine may resume alumina supplies to Krasnoyarsk (Reuters/ABC) 02/24/2000
  • Cargill to open sunoil plant in Ukraine Feb 25 (Reuters/ABC) 02/24/2000
  • Economy shows signs of growth (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • A virtual gold mine? (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • Concerns trouble young new Ukrnafta boss (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • Pump prices set for dramatic rise (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • Tyumen still eyeing LyNOS, Oriana (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • «Газпромівки» погодилися на реструктуризацію (День) 02/24/2000
  • Capital's warehouse segment remains an inhospitable sector (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • DHL launches $300,000 facility (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • BellSouth and KPN Close E-Plus Deal to Share Control of E-Plus (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 02/24/2000
  • Crosco Provides Drilling Services in Ukraine (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 02/24/2000
  • Шевченко забив у «свої ворота» в стилі Лобановського (День) 02/24/2000
  • P&G ice sculpture exhibition to become an annual event (Kyiv Post) 02/24/2000
  • Getting Along Culturally With Cuba (Wash Post) 02/24/2000
  • Obituaries (Wash Post) 02/24/2000

  • Documentary Film 'Eternal Memory' (BRAMA) 02/23/2000
  • New Achievements in Khazarian Studies (BRAMA) 02/23/2000
  • Advancing the cause of women while trafficking of women from Ukraine accelerates (BRAMA) 02/23/2000
  • Woman Tells Story of Sexual Slavery (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2000
  • Crackdown on sex slavery (BBC News) 02/23/2000
  • Ukraine Town Resumes Danube Use (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2000
  • Photo: An activist of the right-wing UNA raises his fist, as a mark of supporting to the new Austrian government outside the Austrian embassy building in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2000
  • За ким плачуть високі гори? Сьогоднi - рiчниця депортацiї чеченського народу (День) 02/23/2000
  • Ukraine, Russia have gas debt talks (BBC News) 02/23/2000
  • Ukraine, Russia aluminium makers plan cooperation (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/23/2000
  • Ukraine ends ban on processing Jamaican bauxite (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/23/2000
  • Students From 56 Countries to Compete as Business Managers (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 02/23/2000
  • Гривню пустили у вільне плавання (День) 02/23/2000
  • Kafelnikov Advances at AXA Cup (AP/Yahoo) 02/23/2000

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma acknowleges applause (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2000
  • Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma gives his annual speech to the VR (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2000
  • Sex Trade May Be Replacing Narcotics (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2000
  • Ukraine abolishes death penalty (BBC News) 02/22/2000
  • Ukraine, Russia Reach Deal on Debt (AP/Yahoo) 02/22/2000
  • The Future of the IMF Depends on ‘Legalization’ of the Shareholder States’ Political Support (День) 02/22/2000
  • Middleman Monopolies Exploit Energy Market (День) 02/22/2000
  • Turkey needs arms to stop foreign threat (Reuters/ABC) 02/22/2000
  • Ukraine, Russia seek bauxite supplies from Guinea (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/22/2000
  • Tourists Do Not Go to Lviv, Which is why there is no serious investment in the tourist industry there (День) 02/22/2000
  • Praxon Announces OEM Relationship with KPN Royal Dutch Telecom (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 02/22/2000
  • ORBCOMM Licensed for Full Commercial Service in Ukraine (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 02/22/2000

  • Cyanide poisoning reaches Ukraine (BBC News) 02/21/2000
  • Ukraine asks World Bank to resume $120mln programme (Reuters/ABC) 02/21/2000
  • Ukraine seeks $500 mln Paris club debt restructure (Reuters/ABC) 02/21/2000
  • Ukraine to Let Currency Float (AP/Yahoo) 02/21/2000
  • Ukraine completes bombers-for-debt deal with Russia (Reuters/ABC) 02/21/2000
  • Ukraine sees 2000 sunseed exports at 1.0 mln T (Reuters/ABC) 02/21/2000
  • Ukraine to import up to 400,000 T raw cane sugar (Reuters/ABC) 02/21/2000
  • Photo: Lazio's Fernando Couto of Portugal challenges for the ball with Milan's Andreij Shevchenko of Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 02/21/2000
  • Photo: US champion Jeff Hartwig from US pole-vaults over a 19 feet bar during the annual Pole Vault Stars competition in Donetsk (AP/Yahoo) 02/21/2000

  • Costa Rica considers war criminal's status (BBC News) 02/19/2000

  • У хаті, яка завжди скраю «Середній» українець - соціальна основа негромадянського суспільства (День) 02/18/2000
  • Вибух обмеженої відповідальності (День) 02/18/2000
  • Judge allows U.S. case against Demjanjuk to proceed (AP/ABC) 02/18/2000
  • Costa Rica says ready to deport Ukrainian ex-Nazi (Reuters/ABC) 02/18/2000
  • Space Foundation Announces Award for Space Achievement; - Sea Launch to be Honored at National Space Symposium (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 02/18/2000
  • Golden Telecom Acquires Outstanding Interests in Sovam Teleport Kiev (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 02/18/2000
  • Six foreign majors show interest in Bulgartabak (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/18/2000
  • Дніпропетровським сміттям зацікавилися голландці (День) 02/18/2000
  • Photo: Oksana Baiul of Ukraine grimaces as if in pain after her performance in the technical progam at the Winter Goodwill Games in Lake Placid (AP/Yahoo) 02/18/2000
  • Ancient Trypillia Civilization 7000 Years Ago' Historical Tour (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 02/18/2000

  • Deal Expected on Nazi Compensation (AP/Yahoo) 02/17/2000
  • Negotiations Continue on Nazi Funds (AP/Yahoo) 02/17/2000
  • Імпровізація у «лівому» марші (День) 02/17/2000
  • Prostitute rackets rife in UK (BBC News) 02/17/2000
  • Tisza cyanide spill must not recur - EU official (Reuters/ABC) 02/17/2000
  • На Одещині готуються на 10 діб припинити водозабір з отруєного Дунаю (День) 02/17/2000
  • Britain identifies UNITA sanctions busters (Reuters/ABC) 02/17/2000
  • School blast kills one in Ukraine, nine injured (Reuters/ABC) 02/17/2000
  • Scandal hovers over IMF visit (Kyiv Post) 02/17/2000
  • Damning report costs Energoatom boss job (Kyiv Post) 02/17/2000
  • Fuel firms sqawk over threat to JV tax breaks (Kyiv Post) 02/17/2000
  • Ukraine to boost alumina output to 1.3 mln T by '02 (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/17/2000
  • Mykolayiv Alumina sale draws closer (Kyiv Post) 02/17/2000
  • Siberians plot major metals plant (Kyiv Post) 02/17/2000
  • U.S. rice exports net change by country - USDA (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/17/2000
  • U.S. upland cotton exports net change by country (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/17/2000
  • Russian Windows 2000 launched -- first by pirates (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/17/2000
  • Tank shop turns into euromart (Kyiv Post) 02/17/2000
  • MBA non-smoker lands at RJR (Kyiv Post) 02/17/2000
  • Winter Goodwill Games Begin (AP/Yahoo) 02/17/2000

  • Russia Seeks New Dialogue With NATO (AP/Yahoo) 02/16/2000
  • Ukraine restarts Chernobyl after minor malfunction (Reuters/ABC) 02/16/2000
  • Майбутнє МВФ залежить від «легалізації» політичної підтримки країн-акціонерів (День) 02/16/2000
  • Матеріальна зацікавленість бізнесу у впровадженні ноу-хау - найкращий шлях фінансування науки (День) 02/16/2000
  • Novartis Reports 11% Rise in Net Income in 1999 (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 02/16/2000
  • Millennium International Ballet Gala: Sailing Into the 2000 (NY Times) 02/16/2000

  • Hohol/Gogol: From the Traditional to the Bizarre (BRAMA) 02/15/2000
  • Combating Corruption Is the Most Important of All Arts (День) 02/15/2000
  • Хто стоятиме біля труни Компартії (День) 02/15/2000
  • Українська армія рухатиметься «у Європу» Така позиція влаштовує і НАТО, і Київ (День) 02/15/2000
  • На «прохання» Москви Одеса відрапортувала: З рухівським «Чеченінформбюро» покінчено! (День) 02/15/2000
  • Newborns Nursed by Undernourished Mothers (День) 02/15/2000
  • Europeans Move Toward Backing German to Lead the I.M.F. (NY Times) 02/15/2000
  • Serhiy Parashyn: Nuclear Power Plant's Priority Is Safety (День) 02/15/2000
  • CD pirates take Ukraine by storm (Reuters/ABC) 02/15/2000
  • Epic Energy Inc. Announces Receipt of Initial Payment for Private Placement Financing (Canadian Corporate News/Yahoo) 02/15/2000
  • Andriy Medvedev: 'I treasure my friendship with Andriy Shevchenko like with nobody else' (День) 02/15/2000
  • There is Always Demand for Dumka. Abroad (День) 02/15/2000

  • Ukraine faces IMF probe (BBC News) 02/14/2000
  • Ukraine outlines plans to control debt (BBC News) 02/14/2000
  • Romania, Hungary Discuss Spill Compensation (Reuters/ABC) 02/14/2000
  • Czechs detain Ukrainians (BBC News) 02/14/2000
  • Copernicus Tempts Thieves Worldwide (AP/Yahoo) 02/14/2000

  • New & Noteworthy Paperbacks (NY Times) 02/13/2000

  • Ukraine official rejects IMF cash misuse charges (Reuters/ABC) 02/12/2000
  • Clinton Imposes Tariffs on Steel Imports That Exceed Quota (NY Times) 02/12/2000

  • Photo: A demonstrator lights a candle and holds a portrait of a missing journalist Heorhiy Gongadze during the commemorative action (AP/Yahoo) 02/11/2000
  • Criminal probe into Ukrainian parliament occupation (BBC News) 02/11/2000
  • Аргентинський урок для українського уряду (День) 02/11/2000
  • Ukraine closes Chernobyl after minor malfunction (Reuters/ABC) 02/11/2000
  • IMF broadens Ukraine probe as EU asks for clarity (Reuters/ABC) 02/11/2000
  • IMF mission to Ukraine starts work on Monday (Reuters/ABC) 02/11/2000
  • Turkey to seal two major arms deals in 2000 (Reuters/ABC) 02/11/2000
  • Clinton slaps tariffs on steel imports (Reuters/ABC) 02/11/2000
  • «Парадиз» у центрі пекла, або На зорі капіталізму в Красилові (День) 02/11/2000
  • Vadim, director who discovered Bardot, dies (Reuters/ABC) 02/11/2000
  • Чи говорили б ми про українську землю, якби Олександр Невський не розбив... шведів під Полтавою? Запитує кримський спікер Леонід Грач (День) 02/11/2000
  • Загадка християнського імені князя Аскольда (День) 02/11/2000

  • Нова книга: 'Масовий терор як засіб державного управління в СРСР' (BRAMA) 02/10/2000
  • «Якщо в парламенті збережеться демократія, то це буде прикладом для всього суспільства» (День) 02/10/2000
  • Подолання «синдрому розколу» (День) 02/10/2000
  • Right and left rumble in Rada (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Russia protests to Ukraine over Chechen centre (Reuters/ABC) 02/10/2000
  • Журналiсти засуджують росiйськi методи ведення «iнформацiйної вiйни» в Чечнi (День) 02/10/2000
  • 9 die, more than 2 million ill with flu in Ukraine (Reuters/ABC) 02/10/2000
  • House calls are her calling On the road with ambulance doctor Nina Gulina (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Czechs pull visa curtain on Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Ukraine says farms near to deal with creditors (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/10/2000
  • Kyiv unveils restructuring offer (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Russian firm eyes troubled Blue Chips (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Azovstal stake sale flops - no buyers (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Developer finds historic buildings just right for elite office space (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Billa opens long-awaited superstore in Kyiv (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Tyson-Axel Schulz Fight Discussed (AP/NY Times) 02/10/2000
  • Figure skating-Plushenko deposes Yagudin as European king (Reuters/ABC) 02/10/2000
  • Plushchenko Wins Free Skating Title (AP/NY Times) 02/10/2000
  • Kyiv Art Directors Club issues call for creative work (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • Ukrainian animators see light at end of tunnel (Kyiv Post) 02/10/2000
  • На Капелу «Думка» завжди є попит. За кордоном (День) 02/10/2000

  • The Two Ukraines (BRAMA) 02/09/2000
  • Council of Europe criticises Ukrainian referendum (BBC News) 02/09/2000
  • Rival Ukraine factions sit in parliament together (Reuters/ABC) 02/09/2000
  • Ukrainian Nationalist Leader Dies (AP/NY Times) 02/09/2000
  • Economic woes spread Belarus discontent (Reuters/ABC) 02/09/2000
  • Senate to consider legal treaty with Russia (Reuters/ABC) 02/09/2000
  • US lawmakers denounce Moscow's handling of Babitsky case - (AFP/Yahoo) 02/09/2000
  • Ukraine sees moderate money supply growth in 2000 (Reuters/ABC) 02/09/2000
  • Ukraine to offset high interest on farm loans (Reuters/ABC) 02/09/2000
  • Ukraine's Crimea starts spring sowing campaign (Reuters/ABC) 02/09/2000
  • Ukraine to write off farm debts before sowing (Reuters/ABC) 02/09/2000
  • Sepulchral Snapshots of a Vanished Culture (NY Times) 02/09/2000
  • The Book Club: Eating Between the Lines (Wash Post) 02/09/2000

  • Ukrainian Sergiy Kovalenko vs. Volvo (BRAMA) 02/08/2000
  • Photo: Members of the ultra-left Progressive Socialist party shout during a session at the Ukrainian parliament Tuesday (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/08/2000
  • Ukraine MPs take assembly split to court (Reuters/Infoseek) 02/08/2000
  • Fights break out in Ukraine parliament (BBC News) 02/08/2000
  • Din drowns Ukrainian parliament business (BBC News) 02/08/2000
  • Centrists Seize Control of Ukraine Parliament (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/08/2000
  • Ice Breaker Ivan Pliushch (День) 02/08/2000
  • Photo: Members of the ultra right-wing nationalist party UNA, during the funeral procession of their leader Anatoly Lupynos (AP/Yahoo) 02/08/2000
  • Prostitutes find work in Kosovo (BBC News) 02/08/2000
  • Flu epidemic closes schools in Ukraine (Independent) 02/08/2000
  • Ukraine probe, politics threaten debt deal (Reuters/Infoseek) 02/08/2000
  • Scandal Made to Order - IMF to Study How Ukraine Has Been Spending Its Loans (День) 02/08/2000
  • Ukraine unveils $2.6 billion debt swap offer (Reuters/Infoseek) 02/08/2000
  • Ukraine PM says ties with Russia over gas improve (Reuters/Infoseek) 02/08/2000
  • Ukraine to speed up industrial land privatisation (Reuters/Infoseek) 02/08/2000
  • Ukraine to cut tax breaks for foreign ventures (Reuters/Infoseek) 02/08/2000
  • Soccer: Russian officials attack England for choosing Ukraine (Reuters/Infoseek) 02/08/2000
  • Police investigate Copernicus theft (BBC News) 02/08/2000
  • Ukrainization Returns? (День) 02/08/2000

  • The Tragedy of Chechnia (BRAMA) 02/07/2000
  • Photo: Police officers sleep in a van outside the Parliamentary building in Kiev Friday (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/07/2000
  • Photo: U.S. Sec. of Energy Richardson shakes hands with the Ukraine's President Kuchma in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 02/07/2000
  • U.S. Vows Major Contribution to Chernobyl Tomb (Reuters/ABC) 02/07/2000
  • Photo: 'Littlest Defector' Walter Polovchak rests on a table in his home in Des Plaines, Ill (AP/Yahoo) 02/07/2000
  • Photo: Littlest Defector' Walter Polovchak reads to his 6-year-old son Alec, in their home in Des Plaines, Ill (AP/Yahoo) 02/07/2000
  • Photo: John McCain addresses a town hall meeting at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren, MI (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/07/2000
  • British Officials Negotiate With Afghan Jet Hijackers (Wash Post) 02/07/2000
  • Gazprom Competes for Energy Exports (RFE/RL) 02/07/2000
  • Ukraine January alumina output slips to 98,000 T (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/07/2000
  • U.S. Wins Wrestling World Cup Crown (Wash Post) 02/07/2000
  • Yagudin, With Broken Bone, Leads (AP/NY Times) 02/07/2000

  • Ukraine promises to shut Chernobyl this year (AP/ABC) 02/06/2000
  • Defector Relates to Elian's Plight (AP/NY Times) 02/06/2000
  • Photo: AC Milan Ukrainian forward Andriy Shevchenko is embraced by a teammate after scoring a goal (AP/Yahoo) 02/06/2000

  • Election warning for Ukraine deputies (BBC News) 02/05/2000
  • New pledge to close Chernobyl (BBC News) 02/05/2000

  • Insurance Sales/Роботи: продаж страховки (BRAMA) 02/04/2000
  • Інформація про засідання Верховної Ради, як відбулося 1 лютого 200 року в Українському Домі (Consulate of Ukraine-NYC/BRAMA) 02/04/2000
  • House Divided Over Reform (RFE/RL) 02/04/2000
  • Ukraine MPs take assembly split to court (Reuters/ABC) 02/04/2000
  • U.S. hopes Ukraine dispute will not hurt reform (Reuters/ABC) 02/04/2000
  • Ukrainian parliament dispute continues (BBC News) 02/04/2000
  • Ukraine leftist MPs extend protest session (Reuters/ABC) 02/04/2000
  • Білшість просочилася у «Верховну Раду» (Поступ/BRAMA) 02/04/2000
  • NATO commander to visit Ukraine next week (Reuters/ABC) 02/04/2000
  • Ukraine PM demands debt deals with agribusiness (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/04/2000

  • Rival Ukraine speaker occupies office (AP/CNN) 02/03/2000
  • Parliament rivalry mounts (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • Парламентська більшість бореться за політичне виживання парламенту (День) 02/03/2000
  • Crackdown on registration angers foreigners (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • Ukrainian Nuclear Reactor Restarted (AP/Yahoo) 02/03/2000
  • Чи є в Україні монетарна політика? (День) 02/03/2000
  • IMF probes loan-misuse allegations (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • Debt swap details start to emerge (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • Russia continues to withhold oil deliveries (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • Ukraine set to miss privatization goal (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • December surge heartens AvtoZAZ-Daewoo (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • Imported beer market fizzles out (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • Billing by the second boosts Kyivstar (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000
  • Історична бібліотека може піти в історію (День) 02/03/2000
  • Staying home for western degree (Kyiv Post) 02/03/2000

  • Victory in UOC Parishes Legal Battle for Parish Rights (BRAMA) 02/02/2000
  • † Roman Ilnytsky / Роман Ільницький (BRAMA) 02/02/2000
  • Чи вирішить референдум головну проблему? (День) 02/02/2000
  • Розпускати парламент доведеться доти, доки не буде закону про опозицію (День) 02/02/2000
  • Зелений» портфель з «червоною кнопкою» (День) 02/02/2000
  • Політична реінкарнація в пакеті (День) 02/02/2000
  • 45 Countries Lose Assembly Vote (AP/NY Times) 02/02/2000
  • The Victims (Wash Post) 02/02/2000

  • Census 2000: Jobs for Students/Роботи для студентів (BRAMA) 02/01/2000
  • Rebel Ukraine MPs abolish Bolshevik holiday (Reuters/ABC) 02/01/2000
  • Ukraine repairs Chernobyl after new problem (Reuters/ABC) 02/01/2000
  • SA promises action against Unita (BBC News) 02/01/2000
  • Ukraine says Sea Launch to delay second blast off (Reuters/Yahoo) 02/01/2000
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Facebook Євромайдан

    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

    The Kyiv Post

    День The Day Newspaper

    Експрес онлайн -- Львів

    Voice of America/Голос Америки

    Mirror Weekly/Дзеркало Тижня


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    Video: OC Yushchenko speech
    Video: Orange Circle Yushchenko
    Video: Heritage Days
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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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