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BRAMA, October 13, 2000, 1:00pm EDT

On the rapid decline in membership of UCCA and other Diasporan organizations

One of the major concerns, perhaps even the most critical of concerns, being faced by Ukrainian-American organizations today is the rapidly falling numbers among their membership rosters. In the past, some organizations have come and gone, but for the better part of the 20th century there has been a consistent growth of the community overall, fed mostly by the 3 waves of immigrants from Ukraine through the 1950’s.

The immigrants of the 3 waves were drawn together for the most part by a common language, religion, and in general by a desire to maintain ties to their cultural heritage. The new "4th" wave is different. Influenced to a large degree by "denationalization" policies of the Soviet Union, an emphasis on use of Russian language, and the largely economic reasons for emigrating to the United States and other western countries, the newest wave has little incentive to join the Ukrainian Diaspora and to sustain the legacy of existing organizations.

Challenging any efforts made by the Ukrainian Diaspora to attract the new wave are the abundant resources for information, financial assistance, and assimilation counseling that is available in the Russian language. There is little need for immigrants from Ukraine to turn to their "elder brothers and sisters" and their established organizations for help. In addition to efforts by government organizations and large utility companies to reach the non-English speaking public by publishing much of their promotional materials in Russian, we see a new variety of organizations catering to "Russian-speaking nationals" reaching out to the recent arrivals from all former Soviet Republics "sans bias", and among them – Ukrainians.

Unless the Ukrainian organizations are repopulated by a fresh crop of immigrants, and with the natural attrition of current membership to death and generational losses, the Diaspora shall rapidly become even more marginalized than it already is.

Unless the UCCA along with other affiliated and unaffiliated organizations find ways to bridge the gap between old and new, look for ways to attract the new wave of immigrants, its numbers are guaranteed to dwindle down to zero exponentially.

HK/BRAMA - Gateway Ukraine

Related Stories/Links

  • UCCA responds to BRAMA op-ed "We don't vote..." - 10/12/00, BRAMA
  • We don't vote for UCCA leadership, yet it impacts us - 10/12/00, BRAMA
  • On the decline in membership in UCCA and other Diasporan organizations - 10/13/00, BRAMA

    Read an opinion piece by one recent immigrant who is active in the Ukrainian community in New York: Кого і що репрезентує УККА? (Koho i shcho reprezentuye UCCA?). - 10/13/00, BRAMA

  • About Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (Encyclopedia of Ukraine)
  • About Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (Encyclopedia of Ukraine)

    A writer from Ukraine whose unemployed mother is living in Chicago posted this plaintive note to Brama's Nova Khvylia Bulletin Board: “Панове, може хтось чув, чи не може дiаспора допомогти з роботою i взагалi чи існує якась підтримка діаспори для українців ‘новоi хвилi’?” (Gentlemen, has anyone heard if the Diaspora can help [my mother] with a job, and in general, does any kind of Diasporan assistance exist for 4th wave Ukrainians?)

  • Link to the original

  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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