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  • Hoddle raves about Rebrov (BBC Sport) 11/30/2001
  • Україна ще далека від розуміння принципів західної демократії... (Українська Правда) 11/30/2001
  • Gallaher to buy controlling interest in cigarette factory in Ukraine (AFX Europe/FT) 11/30/2001
  • Cabinet of Ministers demands cancellation of ban put by local authorities on conveyance of grain (AgriUkraine) 11/30/2001
  • Agroindustrial complex of Ukraine (APK) has favorable conditions for foreign investments (AgriUkraine) 11/30/2001
  • Ukrainian space programme to be less international - arms-industry chief (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/30/2001
  • Poland to delay introduction of visas for Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/30/2001
  • CIS states agree to Ukrainian proposal to send election observers (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/30/2001
  • EUROPE: Ukraine N-plant plans fail in dispute on funds (Financial Times) 11/30/2001
  • Ukraine: NTV-Ukraine to launch in January 2002 (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/30/2001
  • Ukraine: Kiev radio station rebroadcasting BBC loses frequency slot (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/30/2001
  • Ukraine: Two parliament factions change names (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/30/2001
  • Ukraine: President endorses transit of Russian peacekeepers (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/30/2001
  • Ukraine: Status of Russian language sparks heated debate in parliament (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/30/2001
  • Russian-Ukrainian joint venture starts production of new aircraft engine (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/30/2001
  • Ukraine: Our Radio FM station not to be sold (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/30/2001
  • Ukrainian centrists mull setting up 'powerful' party (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/30/2001
  • Increase in budget allocations not enough to carry out Ukrainian army reform (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/30/2001
  • Turkmen, Ukrainian leaders discuss gas supplies on sidelines of CIS summit (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/30/2001

  • Chance for Rebrov (Edinburgh Evening News) 11/29/2001
  • Рейтинги партій та блоків у вересні та листопаді 2001 (Політична думка) 11/29/2001
  • Щодо оптимістичного та песимістичного прогнозів виборів в Україні (Політична думка) 11/29/2001
  • Bruno Schulz's Frescoes (NY Review of Books) 11/29/2001
  • Ющенко: (Українська Правда) 11/29/2001
  • Демократична опозиція дала українському суспільству шанс (Українська Правда) 11/29/2001
  • AIDS sweeps through eastern Europe: Ukraine, the worst affected country (New Scientist) 11/29/2001
  • Ukraine: Chief banker concerned about independence of state financial watchdog (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/29/2001
  • Prospects of Ukrainian agriculture (AgriUkraine) 11/29/2001
  • Ukrainian parliament writes off part of utility debts (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/29/2001
  • Ukrainian parliament endorses Civil, Commercial Codes (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/29/2001
  • Ukrainian minister admits he has nothing to say about journalist's murder (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/29/2001
  • Russia's Putin takes tea with Tajik and talks gas with Ukrainian leaders (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/29/2001
  • Ukraunian president appoints General Staff chief (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/29/2001
  • Two more workers die in Ukrainian mines in last 48 hours (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/29/2001
  • Ukraine, Russia to discuss military technology projects - leader (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/29/2001
  • Ukraine: Unions picketing parliament, demanding minimum wage increase (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/29/2001
  • Ukrainian PM offered second position on electoral bloc's candidate list (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/29/2001
  • Anthrax-positive pig discovered in southern Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/29/2001
  • Ukrainian national security supremo for new agreement on cooperation with NATO (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/29/2001
  • Ukrainian parliament ratifies international anti-terrorist convention (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/29/2001
  • Putin hails progress in Russian-Ukrainian relations (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/29/2001
  • Rokke scores final victory to take control of Kvaerner (Lloyds List/FT) 11/29/2001
  • Ukraine: New state TV chief determined to boost ratings (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/29/2001
  • Ukraine: New chief [Storozhuk] determined to boost state TV's ratings (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/29/2001
  • Ukrainian ballet stars at Annenberg (Philadelphia Daily News) 11/29/2001
  • H.I.V. 'Explosion' Seen in East Europe and Central Asia (NY Times) 11/29/2001
  • Marina Gertsberg: Pride of Her Parents (NY Times) 11/29/2001
  • RFE/RL Corruption Watch: Security Service Raid Targets 'Criminal Ukraine' Publisher (RFE/RL) 11/29/2001
  • RFE/RL - Corruption Watch: New Energy Scandal hits Kyiv (RFE/RL) 11/29/2001
  • RFE/RL - Corruption Watch: Policing the Police (RFE/RL) 11/29/2001
  • RFE/RL - Corruption Watch: The Governmetn-Criminal Alliance (RFE/RL) 11/29/2001
  • RFE/RL - Corruption Watch: Ukrainian, Slovak and Kyrgyz Criminals Ship Arms to Liberia (RFE/RL) 11/29/2001
  • RFE/RL Corruptionwatch: Kuchma Blames Baltic Banks (RFE/RL) 11/29/2001

  • У Франції, можливо, теж замовчували наслідки Чорнобиля (Radio Svoboda) 11/28/2001
  • 1 рік після початку касетного скандалу: чи змінилася Україна і ставлення до неї у світі? (Radio Svoboda) 11/28/2001
  • Президент Кучма йде слідами колишьного президента Австрії Курта Вальдгайма й не зможе відновити нормального міжнародного ставлення до його особи (Radio Svoboda) 11/28/2001
  • 28 листопада - рік «касетного скандалу» в Україні –гості Олександр Мороз, Олександр Жир, Леся Гонгадзе (Radio Svoboda) 11/28/2001
  • В Одесі розпочато процес єднання (Radio Svoboda) 11/28/2001
  • Кримська міліція втручатиметься у передвиборчу кампанію (Radio Svoboda) 11/28/2001
  • Ювілей й саміти СНД – платформа зустрічей для колишньої номенклатури (Radio Svoboda) 11/28/2001
  • New York cab drivers feel economic pinch (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/28/2001
  • World AIDS Epidemic on Rise, E.Europe Cases Swell (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/28/2001
  • The USA supports intention of Ukraine to join WTO (AgriUkraine) 11/28/2001
  • Number of farmsteads will grow twice next year (AgriUkraine) 11/28/2001
  • There will be no redistribution of land shares in Crimea (AgriUkraine) 11/28/2001
  • The stakes are higher than life (AgriUkraine) 11/28/2001
  • Donetsk region occupies the fifth place by number of farmsteads (AgriUkraine) 11/28/2001
  • Production of Ukrainian-Kazakh agricultural machinery (AgriUkraine) 11/28/2001
  • Romanian foreign minister, Ukrainian leaders discuss improvement of ties (BBC/FT-Bucharest) 11/28/2001
  • Ukraine's premier [Kinakh] vows action after five die in mine blast (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/28/2001
  • Ukrainian speaker [Plyushch] to contest parliament seat in provincial constituency (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/28/2001
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] in Russia for CIS summit (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/28/2001
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] flies to Moscow (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/28/2001
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] to run for parliament - [Working Ukraine] party leader [Tyhypko] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/28/2001
  • Managing company updates on state of nuclear industry in Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/28/2001
  • Flood of wide-ranging reforms as Ukraine moves to clarify the legal framework for its shipping and insurance markets (Lloyds List/FT) 11/28/2001
  • Poland: Two consulates to be opened in Ukraine (BBC/FT-Warsaw) 11/28/2001
  • Citizenship Rights [Poland] (Polish News Bulletin/FT) 11/28/2001
  • Ukraine [Sumy]: Twenty-one hospitalized after eating home-made cake (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/28/2001
  • Shore Leave Is Casualty, Too (NY Times) 11/28/2001
  • Powell to Visit Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 11/28/2001
  • Today in History - Nov. 28 (AP/Yahoo) 11/28/2001
  • U.S. sees 20 pct cut in steel output -Korea official (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/28/2001

  • Photo: Exhibit Opening in Warsaw - (AP/Yahoo) 11/27/2001
  • World Cup (NY Times) 11/27/2001
  • Kravets Reinstatement Bid Rejected (Reuters/Excite) 11/27/2001
  • IAAF Probes Sotomayer Drug Case (AP/Yahoo) 11/27/2001
  • Photo: Boston Celtics' Vitaly Potapenko (AP/Yahoo) 11/27/2001
  • Ukrainian banks' assets on increase (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/27/2001
  • Ukrainian activist changes name to Bin-Ladin (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/27/2001
  • Sporting Digest: Athletics (Independent/FT) 11/27/2001
  • Ukraine admitted to International Organization of Migration (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/27/2001
  • Ukraine admitted to International Organization of Migration (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/27/2001
  • NATO to carry out exercises in Ukraine (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/27/2001
  • Ukraine: Court picketed by 200 over old ban on communist party (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/27/2001
  • Ukraine: Romanian minister worried about definition of Moldovan (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/27/2001
  • Ukraine/Russia: Russian media centre opens in Kiev (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/27/2001
  • Ukrainian banks' assets on increase (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/27/2001

  • Kravets' appeal thwarted (BBC Sport) 11/26/2001
  • Shaken by Close Calls, a Family Regroups (NY Times) 11/26/2001
  • Local authorities again hinder trading of grain (AgriUkraine) 11/26/2001
  • The World Bank prepared conception of project concerning financing of (AgriUkraine) 11/26/2001
  • Чого коштувала відмова від промосковського курсу (Radio Svoboda) 11/26/2001
  • Чи можливі демократичні вибори у країні, де відсутні (Radio Svoboda) 11/26/2001
  • Сергій Тигипко в українській політиці (Radio Svoboda) 11/26/2001
  • Привид фракції “Єдність” блукає кулуарами українського (Radio Svoboda) 11/26/2001
  • Американці підтримують тих, хто бореться за демократичні зміни в українській державі (Radio Svoboda) 11/26/2001
  • Production of grain went up by 1.7 times (AgriUkraine) 11/26/2001
  • Ukrainian reactor stopped for refuelling, maintenance (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/26/2001
  • Ukrainian president urges customs service to protect domestic market (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/26/2001
  • Ukrainian diplomat says Russia reluctant to open its information space (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/26/2001
  • Ties with Ukraine not affected by Russia-NATO thaw - ambassador (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/26/2001
  • Ties with Ukraine not affected by Russia-NATO thaw - ambassador (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/26/2001
  • Ukraine: Russian ambassador laments low investment activity (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/26/2001
  • Moldovan president accuses Ukraine of helping smugglers in breakaway region (BBC/FT-Chisinau) 11/26/2001
  • Russian media centre opens in Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/26/2001
  • Polish right-wing party to cooperate with Ukrainian parties (BBC/FT-Warsaw) 11/26/2001
  • Ukraine: Minister questioned by prosecution about slain journalist (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/26/2001
  • Ukrainian Defence Ministry reports on reduction in armed forces (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/26/2001
  • Senior Ukrainian officials warn that infrastructure crisis threatens economic growth (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/26/2001
  • Imperial Tobacco says Tobaccor acquisition proceeeding ahead of expectations (AFX Europe/FT) 11/26/2001
  • INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY & ASIA: Washington steels itself for big push to cut output: With global supplies well ahead of demand, US government officials are pressing the world's steelmaking nations to curb production, writes Peter Marsh (Financial Times) 11/26/2001
  • 'Landscapes of Zakarpattia' Photo Exhibit (BRAMA) 11/26/2001

  • Senior Ukrainian officials warn of infrastructure crisis (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/25/2001
  • [Pro-government] Paper [Den] explores consequences of Russia-NATO detente for Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/25/2001
  • Ukrainian TV profiles Crimean leader [Leonid Hrach] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/25/2001
  • In the Shape of a Boar': The Morphing of Czernowitz (NY Times) 11/25/2001
  • Photo: Figure Skating - Elena Grushina and Ruslan Goncharov (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/25/2001

  • No Southern comfort for 1st Inuit [Inuit/Ukrainian] draftee (St. Paul/Minneapolis Pioneer Planet) 11/24/2001
  • Rebrov given Spurs hope (BBC Sport) 11/24/2001
  • Arms bill 'will not deter dealers' (Guardian/FT) 11/24/2001
  • (Correction)Luminescence seen above Ukrainian nuclear plant [Khmelnytskyy] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/24/2001
  • Ukraine: Chief auditor [Valentyn Symonenko] accuses former premier [Viktor Yushchenko] of mismanagement, lying [paper - Den] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/24/2001
  • Security council not to police Ukrainian Internet - chief [Yevhen Marchuk] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/24/2001
  • Ukrainian, Russian foreign ministers discuss cooperation with NATO (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/24/2001
  • Ukraine: Former PM [Viktor Yushchenko] rules out alliance with pro-presidential bloc (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/24/2001
  • Russian ministry refuses to comment on Ukrainian nuclear 'glow' [Khmelnytskyy nuclear power plant] (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/24/2001
  • Ukrainian PM [Kinakh] advocates close economic cooperation with Russia (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/24/2001
  • Jazz Pioneer Norman Granz, 83, Dies in Geneva (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/24/2001
  • Photo: Ukrainian Irina Melnik (top) wrestles Canadian Carol Huynh (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/24/2001
  • Photo: An elderly Ukrainian woman lights a candle (AP/Yahoo) 11/24/2001
  • U.S. Woman Advances in Wrestling (AP/Yahoo) 11/24/2001

  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] praises chief of staff [Lytvyn], refuses to choose successor; [spoke about investigation into case of murdered journalist Heorhiy Gongadze] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/1+1) 11/23/2001
  • Енергетична Хартія у Брюсселі. Презентація нового українського нафтопроводу «Одеса-Броди» (Radio Svoboda) 11/23/2001
  • Четвертий парламент час вибору. Леонід Деркач у політиці (Radio Svoboda) 11/23/2001
  • Протягом майже півроку в німецькому місті Гільдесгайм сидить за гратами один з колишніх керівників компанії “Нафтогаз України” Ігор Діденко (Radio Svoboda) 11/23/2001
  • Український Голодомор – незручна тема для російської влади (Radio Svoboda) 11/23/2001
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] underlines cooperation during Central European summit (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/23/2001
  • Purge of Belarusian company heads politically motivated - Ukrainian TV (BBC/FT-Kyiv/1+1) 11/23/2001
  • UK dealers sell 'vacuum bombs' to Sri Lanka (Guardian/FT) 11/23/2001
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] calls for restoration of Danube navigation (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/23/2001
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] set to appoint new military chiefs soon - source (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/23/2001
  • Ukrainian minister [Kinakh] keen on own armed forces joining fight against terrorism (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/23/2001
  • Injured Klitschko Calls Off Izon Bout (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/2001
  • Central European Leaders End Talks (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/2001
  • Slutskaya Takes Lead in Cup of Russia (AP/Yahoo) 11/23/2001
  • Ukraine: Communist leader insists on expelling US ambassador (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/23/2001
  • Ukraine, Russia to coordinate weaponry sales to other states (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/23/2001
  • Ukraine plans long-term increase in oil, gas output (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/23/2001
  • Ukraine: President signals end to ban on Regional energy-company privatization (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/23/2001
  • Government wants to change mechanism of compensations of credits to farmers (AgriUkraine) 11/23/2001
  • Government works out program of social development of countryside (AgriUkraine) 11/23/2001
  • Ukraine touts new medevac aircraft (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/23/2001
  • Ukraine: President not to seek third term in office or appoint successor (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/23/2001
  • Ukraine: President fully trusted by 11 per cent of people - opinion poll (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/23/2001
  • Ukraine: President speaks for press defending national interest (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/23/2001
  • U.S. seeking cuts in steel production: Bid to stave off crisis (Financial Post/FT) 11/23/2001

  • ROMAN DZUMAN: Fighting with God and two iron fists (Eastside Boxing) 11/22/2001
  • Wrestling Results (AP/Yahoo) 11/22/2001
  • Ukraine: State alcohol, tobacco department abolished (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/22/2001
  • 136 Ukrainian combine harvesters were delivered to farmers for autumn field (AgriUkraine) 11/22/2001
  • Expenses for APK in draft of the budget will be 32% more (AgriUkraine) 11/22/2001
  • Ukraine: Luhansk TV closure 'political' - media watchdog (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/22/2001
  • Ukraine: New state TV chief vows fair election coverage (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/22/2001
  • Ukraine to have its Usamah Bin-Ladin soon, says Russian TV (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/22/2001
  • Russian-Ukrainian trade must increase four-fold - envoy (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/22/2001
  • Ukrainian Cossacks honour Russian ambassador (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/22/2001
  • INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL MARKETS: Better outlook for Ukraine NEWS DIGEST (Financial Times) 11/22/2001
  • New defence minister living on borrowed time - Ukrainian paper (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/22/2001

  • Чеські урядовці мають вивчати українську мову (Radio Svoboda) 11/21/2001
  • Ющенко - прем'єр, Литвин - голова Верховної Ради (Українська Правда) 11/21/2001
  • Ляльки і ляльководи. Хто пише п'єси для новоявлених реформаторів з (Українська Правда) 11/21/2001
  • Committee of Verkhovna Rada on issues of agrarian policy demands to increase (AgriUkraine) 11/21/2001
  • Government will provide Kharkiv Tractor Works (HTZ) with orders (AgriUkraine) 11/21/2001
  • Insurance of yield will be obligatory (AgriUkraine) 11/21/2001
  • Ukraine: Premier calls for end to dismissals in energy complex (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Ukraine: Media watchdog calls Luhansk TV station's closure political (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/21/2001
  • Ukraine: President's man brings power to election bloc (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Ukraine: Cases of slain journalists not forgotten - US ambassador (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Ukraine: Regional energy official resigns (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Ukrainian banks sceptical of US demands to root out terrorist accounts (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Ukraine: State agency allegedly involved in shadow privatization faces sackings (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry hails Kosovo elections (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/21/2001
  • Ukrainian authorities cut short illegal migration channel (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Ukraine to take measures to prevent repeat of Tu-154 disaster (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/21/2001
  • [Corr] Ukraine: New energy minister admits political links (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/21/2001
  • Ukraine: Crimean government locked in conflict with parliament (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Football: Wilkinson's pounds 50m plan to beat world (Guardian/FT) 11/21/2001
  • Ukrainian telecoms monopoly stunned by virus, hackers suspected (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001
  • Ukrainian oil production down year-on-year in January-October (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/21/2001
  • Paper alleges US-drawn scenario of Ukrainian elections (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/21/2001

  • Ukraine becomes Russia's top trading partner in the CIS (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/20/2001
  • Ukraine: Sacked state TV head vows to continue weekly TV programme (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/20/2001
  • Emerging Debt (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/20/2001
  • Bulgarian Leader Backs EU Membership (AP/Excite) 11/20/2001
  • Three Ukrainian construction workers killed in Russia Plane Crash (AP/Excite) 11/20/2001
  • A call for a more conscious gift-giving (UWire/Excite) 11/20/2001
  • Florida State Court Judge Dismisses Foreign Cases (BusinessWire/Excite) 11/20/2001
  • Export of grain will become more active after New Year (AgriUkraine) 11/20/2001
  • Number of unprofitable enterprises in APK dropped by 27% (AgriUkraine) 11/20/2001
  • Ukraine becomes Russia's top trading partner in the CIS (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/20/2001
  • Ukraine: Sacked television boss pledges loyalty to president (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/20/2001
  • Ukraine did not supply laboratory equipment to terrorists - foreign ministry (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/20/2001
  • Ukrainian industrial output up 16.1 per cent year-on-year in January-October (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/20/2001
  • USA, Ukraine announce plan for joint antiterrorist exercises in Crimea next year (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/20/2001
  • Ukraine: 40 children poisoned by food in eastern village (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/20/2001
  • New energy minister appointed in Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/20/2001
  • Ukrainian journalist in Afghanistan detained, asked to quit (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/20/2001

  • Indian junior foreign minister postpones visit to Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/19/2001
  • Ukraine: Head of national TV company dismissed (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/19/2001
  • Ukraine's sole aluminium maker increases output (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/19/2001
  • New head of Ukrainian state television appointed (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/19/2001
  • Georgia: Ukrainian, Turkmen military show interest in Su-25 upgrade (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/19/2001
  • Putin, Russian government discuss Afghanistan, relations with Ukraine, children (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/19/2001
  • A reward for courage in war-torn Ukraine (Jerusalem Post/FT) 11/19/2001
  • County rejects open space fund request [St. John Ukrainian Catholic] Church opposition seen as key [11/16/01] (The Hanover Eagle) 11/19/2001
  • Modern Horses Have Many Origins [Remains from archaeological sites in Ukraine and Kazakhstan] (Scientific American) 11/19/2001
  • Ukraine: [Volodymyr Lytvyn] Leader of pro-presidential bloc profiled (BBC/FT-Kyiv/1+1) 11/19/2001
  • Ukraine's sole aluminium maker increases output (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/19/2001
  • Ukraine defies World Bank on electricity bills (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/19/2001
  • Russia: Putin backs continuing talks on Dnestr republic (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/19/2001
  • Russian-Ukrainian gas problem settled - Putin (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/19/2001
  • Putin, Russian government discuss Afghanistan, relations with Ukraine, children (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/19/2001
  • Indian junior foreign minister postpones visit to Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/19/2001
  • Chess Piece (BusinessWorld/FT) 11/19/2001
  • Belarus Central Bank hints at delay in monetary union (BBC/FT-Minsk) 11/19/2001
  • A Call to Arms and All the Intricacies of a Triangle (NY Times) 11/19/2001

  • World Cup 1 - Sloudnov and Sjoberg Top Performers (Swim News) 11/18/2001
  • Moldovan autonomous region [Gagauzia] about to declare independence - Ukrainian TV (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/18/2001
  • Improved US relations won't affect ties to Ukraine - Russian ambassador (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/18/2001
  • Russian ambassador to Ukraine rejects possibility of cooling in relations (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/18/2001
  • Power cuts hamper trials of new transport aircraft [An-70] in Ukraine (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/18/2001
  • Russia/Ukraine: Russian TV ban in Crimean town 'a political decision' (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/18/2001
  • Ukraine: Paper [Zerkalo Nedeli] reports discord in pro-presidential bloc (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/18/2001
  • Rebroadcasting of Russian TV outlawed in Crimea in run up to Ukrainian elections (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/18/2001
  • Russia TV investigates 'secret recruitment' for Afghan war in Russia (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/18/2001
  • Photo: FM Anatoliy Zlenko with Kofi Annan (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/18/2001
  • Photo: Yana Klochkova swims the final of the women's 200m individual medley (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/18/2001
  • Photo: AC Milan defender Kakha Kaladze of Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 11/18/2001
  • Ukraine's Olena Plastinina won the women's division of the Philadelphia Marathon (AP/Yahoo) 11/18/2001
  • San Francisco Public Relations Round Table Awards Scholarships to Bay Area Graduate Student (BusinessWire/Excite) 11/18/2001

  • FINA World Cup 1 - Day 1 Finals (Swim News) 11/17/2001
  • BODY AND MIND: CHESS LEONARD BARDEN (Financial Times) 11/17/2001
  • Nuclear power plant in western Ukraine confirms contamination of local river (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/17/2001
  • Ukraine, Moldova sign agreement on equipping border checkpoints (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/17/2001
  • Ukraine: 74 children poisoned by food in eastern [Kramatorsk, Donetsk] Region (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/17/2001
  • Russia, Moldova, Ukraine make joint statement at UN assembly on Dnestr problem (RIA/FT-Moscow) 11/17/2001
  • Ukraine, Moldova fail to sign accord on setting up joint border checkpoints (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/17/2001
  • Ukraine: Vested interests behind CD bill's failure - paper [Ukrayina Moloda] (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/17/2001
  • Ukraine: Interior minister says high-profile [Romashko] murder will be solved (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/17/2001
  • Bridge: Chess: England led at halfway in this week's European team championship in Leon, Spain, but were then outpaced and finished fourth behind the Netherlands. Top board Michael Adams, with 6.5/9, lost only in the final round. Luke McShane, 17, won his (Guardian/FT) 11/17/2001

  • Former skater finds running skills are icing on the cake (St. Petersburg Times) 11/16/2001
  • Omar leaves on Ukraine, Belarus visit (The Times of India/FT) 11/16/2001
  • USA, [GUUAM] countries to expand fight against terrorism (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Communists, former premier [Yushchenko]'s bloc lead in latest poll (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Prime minister [Kinakh] critical of banking system (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Former premier [Yushchenko] says his bloc alternative to authorities (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/16/2001
  • China interested in Ukrainian hovercraft - shipbuilding director (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/16/2001
  • Ukrainian president [Kuchma] visiting his cradle land [Chaykino, Chernihiv Region] (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Deputy premier [Dubyna] urges shut-offs to deal with electricity debtors (BBC/FT-Kyiv/1+1) 11/16/2001
  • Increase of production in agriculture this year will reach 9% (AgriUkraine) 11/16/2001
  • EBRD will probably finance APK of Ukraine (AgriUkraine) 11/16/2001
  • Increase of production in agriculture this year will reach 9% (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • EBRD will probably finance APK of Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Alcohol, tobacco advertising restricted in Ukraine - TV (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Omar leaves on Ukraine, Belarus visit (Times of India/FT) 11/16/2001
  • USA, CIS countries to expand fight against terrorism (BBC/FT-Baku) 11/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Communists, former premier's bloc lead in latest poll (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/16/2001
  • Majority of young immigrants to Hungary come from Transylvania and Ukraine (BBC/FT-Budapest) 11/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Party leader welcomes election bloc's link to president (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Eastern Ukraine's local TV company staff on hunger strike against closure (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Russian customs find fork-tongued passengers on Baku-Kharkov train (BBC/FT-Baku) 11/16/2001
  • Romania surprised at Ukrainian envoy's remarks on bilateral border talks (BBC/FT-Bucharest) 11/16/2001
  • Chess EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS (Leon, Sp) (Guardian/FT) 11/16/2001
  • Ukrainian deputy PM in Belarus, banking agreements signed (BBC/FT-Minsk) 11/16/2001
  • Romanian Foreign Ministry laments slow progress of border talks with Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Ex-premier catered to IMF demands - newspaper (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Text of presidential decree on democratic elections (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001
  • Ukraine: Prosecutor-General complains of understaffing (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/16/2001

  • Ukrainian president condemns Internet as tool for political warfare (Freedom Forum) 11/15/2001
  • R.Schmidt: Land Code will not be able to function without at least 30 (AgriUkraine) 11/15/2001
  • American chickens will be checked at the cost of Americans (AgriUkraine) 11/15/2001
  • Ukraine: Finance minister reminds MPs of sanctions threat over CID piracy (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/15/2001
  • Ukraine: Government insists on another hearing of piracy law (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/15/2001
  • About 6m tonnes of Kazakh oil to be transported via Ukraine this year (BBC/FT-Almaty) 11/15/2001
  • Ukraine: Runaway presidential guard said to pass polygraph test in USA (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/15/2001
  • Indian junior foreign minister leaves for visit to Ukraine, Belarus (BBC/FT-New Delhi) 11/15/2001
  • Ukrainian president dismisses vote-rigging talk ahead of elections (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/15/2001
  • Sport (World Cup 2002 Qualifying/European Play-offs, Second Legs): Germans do it in style - Germany - 4, Ukraine - 1 (Germany win 5-2 on aggregate) (Irish Times/FT) 11/15/2001
  • President critical of situation in Ukrainian mass media (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/15/2001
  • Football: Germans find form to book Asian ticket Germany 4 Ukraine 1 Germany win 5-2 on aggregate; EUROPEAN PLAY-OFFS Ballack breaks Ukraine as Czechs have two sent off and Slovenia qualify for first time (Independent/FT) 11/15/2001
  • World Cup: Clinical Germany all right on the night: Demolition of Ukraine sends Voller's men to the finals: Germany 4 Ballack 4 51, Neuville 11, Rehmer 15 Ukraine 1 Shevchenko 90 Germany win 5-1 on aggregate (Guardian/FT) 11/15/2001
  • Hungary not to introduce visas for Ukrainians - foreign minister (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/15/2001
  • EUROPEAN U-21 CHAMPIONSHIP (Guardian/FT) 11/15/2001
  • Chess EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS (Leon, Spain) (Guardian/FT) 11/15/2001
  • Ukraine: Anti-corruption MP reports attack on colleague (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/15/2001
  • Ukrainian police deny attack on MP (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/15/2001
  • Ukrainian parliament approves draft state budget in first reading (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/15/2001
  • Ukrainian president outlines army tasks under new defence minister (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/15/2001

  • Зростають обсяги експорту українського зерна до ЄС (AgriUkraine) 11/14/2001
  • Local authorities prohibit to move grain and beet out of regions (AgriUkraine) 11/14/2001
  • Ukraine: Pro-presidential party leader reveals electoral plans (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/14/2001
  • Iran-Ukraine joint economic commission to meet in Tehran (Asia Pulse/FT) 11/14/2001
  • Ukraine: IMF loan conditional on budget adoption, state oil company audit (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/14/2001
  • Czech prison riots allegedly orchestrated from Ukraine (BBC/FT-Prague) 11/14/2001
  • Ukrainian paper examines dispute with Romania over continental shelf (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/14/2001
  • Ukrainian trade unions disagree with government-proposed minimum wage (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/14/2001
  • EUROPEAN U-21 CHAMPIONSHIP (Guardian/FT) 11/14/2001
  • Greek military delegation visits Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/14/2001
  • Football WORLD CUP QUALIFYING (Guardian/FT) 11/14/2001
  • Ukrainian premier stresses need for balanced, transparent budget (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/14/2001
  • Ukraine and Britain seek more opportunities for naval cadet training (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/14/2001
  • Ukrainian minister urges UN to lead dialogue on Afghan settlement (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/14/2001
  • Ukrainian GDP overtakes government forecast (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/14/2001
  • President allows Russian troops from Balkans to transit Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/14/2001
  • Ukrainians favour EU enlargement - poll (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/14/2001
  • Ukrainian daily sceptical about former premier's visit to USA (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/14/2001
  • Sport: World Cup 2002 Qualifying: European play-offs, second legs (Irish Times/FT) 11/14/2001
  • Channel 5 (Guardian/FT) 11/14/2001
  • Football: Voller's future in the balance (Independent/FT) 11/14/2001
  • Photo: Andrij Shevchenko fights for the ball against Germany (AP/Yahoo) 11/14/2001
  • Germany Qualifies for World Cup (AP/Yahoo) 11/14/2001
  • Sports - Brazil and Germany Face Critical Tests (NY Times) 11/14/2001
  • Consortium Service Management Group Inc. Signs Letter of Intent (BusinessWire/Excite) 11/14/2001
  • Ukraine Pres. Fires Air Defense Chief (AP/Excite) 11/14/2001
  • Ukraine President Kuchma Calls Internet a Killer (Reuters/Excite) 11/14/2001

  • Alliance World Dollar Government Fund Releases Monthly Portfolio Update (PRNewswire/Excite) 11/13/2001
  • Alliance World Dollar Government Fund II Releases Monthly Portfolio Update (PRNewswire/Excite) 11/13/2001
  • ACM Income Fund Releases Monthly Portfolio Update (PRNewswire/Excite) 11/13/2001
  • A Man's Internal Struggle Strains Family Resources (NY Times) 11/13/2001
  • Central European Media Enterprises Ltd. Announces Results For Third Quarter 2001 (PRNewswire/Excite) 11/13/2001
  • U.S. Consul Killed in Ukraine Crash (AP/Excite) 11/13/2001
  • Brazil, Germany Could Miss World Cup (AP/Yahoo) 11/13/2001
  • Photo: Andriy Shevchenko with his luggage prior to World Cup qualifier (AP/Yahoo) 11/13/2001
  • One more monopoly (AgriUkraine) 11/13/2001
  • No change in Ukraine's discount rate in November (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • World Bank director praises Ukraine's economic progress (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/13/2001
  • Ukraine hopes to export 500,000 tonnes of grain to EU (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • Ukraine: President signs land code (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/13/2001
  • US consul general in Ukraine killed in car accident (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/13/2001
  • Ukrainian premier promises no electricity price hike (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/13/2001
  • Russia destroys last nuclear warhead from Ukraine, says Putin (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • Two-thirds of Ukrainian Air Force fleet need repair (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • Chess EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS (Leon, Spain) (Guardian/FT) 11/13/2001
  • French aircraft denied Kazakh airspace, makes forced landing in Ukraine (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • Russian president says last Ukrainian missile has been scrapped (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • Ukrainian PM predicts continuing low inflation (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • Ukraine: Power cuts disrupt tests of An-70 plane in Crimea (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • New Ukrainian defence minister aims for civil control over military (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/13/2001
  • Ukraine: Paper slams president's refusal to appoint civilian defence minister (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/13/2001
  • Ukraine reportedly expels Moldovan customs officers from joint checkpoint (BBC/FT-Chisinau) 11/13/2001
  • Ukrainian paper highlights ex-premier's failure to meet top US officials (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/13/2001
  • Ukraine: First deputy premier evasive about heating in winter (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/13/2001

  • World Bank director praises Ukraine's economic progress (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/12/2001
  • Ukraine: Premier vows not to increase electricity tariffs for population (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/12/2001
  • Ukrainian premier promises no electricity price hike (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/12/2001
  • German footballers still have a chance of qualifying for World Cup 2002 (Nationteam wahrt in Kiew WM-Chance) (Suddeutsche Zeitung/FT) 11/12/2001
  • German footballers still have a chance of qualifying for World Cup 2002 (Nationteam wahrt in Kiew WM-Chance) (Suddeutsche Zeitung/FT) 11/12/2001
  • Ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine consider implementation of Hungarian status law (BBC/FT-Budapest) 11/12/2001
  • FOOTBALL: Ballack gives Germany an edge Ukraine 1 Germany 1 (Independent/FT) 11/12/2001
  • Ukraine: Pro-presidential bloc leader reveals election plans (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/12/2001
  • EUROPEAN U-21 CHAMPIONSHIP (Guardian/FT) 11/12/2001
  • Football: World Cup play-offs: Germany quick to emerge from their recession: (Guardian/FT) 11/12/2001
  • Germany quick to emerge from their recession: Ukraine 1 Zubov 18 Germany 1 Ballack 35 (Guardian/FT) 11/12/2001
  • Football: Eriksson unmoved by fringe festival England 1 Sweden 1 (Birmingham Post/FT) 11/12/2001
  • Ukrainian newspaper analyses former premier's visit to USA (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/12/2001
  • Photo: FM Anatoliy Zlenko speaks with Russia counterpart Ivan Ivanov at the U.N. (AP/Yahoo) 11/12/2001
  • Photo: Relative of Vitaliy Romaniuk, a sailor from the Kursk nuclear submarine, at a ceremony for the sailor in Sevastopol (AP/Yahoo) 11/12/2001
  • Photo: Chief of the General Staff General Volodymyr Shkidchenko has been appointed as defence minister (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/12/2001
  • EU Hopefuls in Daunting Fight Against Slave Trade (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/12/2001
  • World Bank, Ukraine clash over energy reform (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/12/2001

  • Ukraine, World Bank to start talks on major loan tranche (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/11/2001
  • Ukraine and Russia seek to end rivalry on world arms market (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/11/2001
  • Ukraine to create special body to prevent money laundering - premier (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/11/2001
  • Ukraine: Crimean Tatars re-elect leader, pledge support to rightist party (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/11/2001
  • Ukraine: Crimean Tatars re-elect leader, pledge support to rightist party (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/11/2001
  • Crimean speaker provokes conflict with government - Ukrainian paper (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/11/2001
  • Russian TV reports on poverty of Ukrainian police (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/11/2001
  • Ukrainian opposition leader confident of election success (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/11/2001
  • Photo: Foreign Minister Anatoliy Zlenko addresses the UN General Assembly (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Photo: Sergiy Shyshchenko moves past Germany's Carsten Ramelow (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Photo: Cyclists in the Double Copacabana Cycling Race (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Photo: Gennadiy Zubov controls the ball against advances from Germany's Dietmar Hamann (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Photo: Germany's Gerald Asamoan challenges Anatoliy Tymoshchuk (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Photo: Oleh Luzhnyi and Germany's Michael Ballack (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Photo: Athletes participate in the Double Copacabana Cycling Race (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Igor Razoryonov is third in weightlifting (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Germany Ties Ukraine in Soccer Match (AP/Yahoo) 11/11/2001
  • Book review: 'Death and the Penguin': The Obituary Writer's Pet (NY Times) 11/11/2001
  • Getting Old and Getting by, With a Little Help From Some Friends (NY Times) 11/11/2001

  • Wizards slump to third straight loss (BBC Sport) 11/10/2001
  • Ukrainian paper examines shadow privatization of strategic plants (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/10/2001
  • Ukraine: Nuclear reactor's output reduced after pump failure (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/10/2001
  • Ukrainian premier positive on results of US visit (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/10/2001
  • Russian media centre to open in Ukrainian capital (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/10/2001
  • Ukraine bans US poultry imports (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/10/2001
  • Football: Luzhny given four-game Champions League ban (Guardian/FT) 11/10/2001
  • Football: Ukrainian wolves at Germany's door (Guardian/FT) 11/10/2001
  • Football: Luzhny suspended for four Champions League games (Guardian/FT) 11/10/2001
  • Ukraine: Presidential decree a blow to election transparency - newspaper (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/10/2001
  • Czech Leader: Atta Plotted Radio Free Europe Attack (Wash Post) 11/10/2001
  • U.N. Helicopter Crashes Off S. Leone (AP/Yahoo) 11/10/2001
  • Soltys Makes Court Appearance (KCRA) 11/10/2001
  • Mcgrady Leads Magic Past Kings (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/10/2001

  • Ukrainian official slams World Bank demand for rise in power tariffs (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/09/2001
  • Ukraine: Deputy speaker slams WB demand for rise in electricity tariffs (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/09/2001
  • Ukraine: Cabinet denies accusations of intrusion into church matters (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/09/2001
  • Ukraine: President blames technical fault for shoot-down of Russian airliner (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/09/2001
  • Ukrainian president concerned over pressure on country's exporters (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/09/2001
  • Moldova to urge Ukraine to seal off breakaway Dnestr region (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/09/2001
  • Ukraine: Joint venture to produce nuclear fuel (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/09/2001
  • Ukrainian, Moldovan leaders fail to reach border agreement - TV (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/09/2001
  • Businessman assaulted in southern Ukrainian city (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/09/2001
  • Ukraine: Joint venture to produce nuclear fuel (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/09/2001
  • Ukrainian nuclear plants report October results (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/09/2001
  • Moldova to urge Ukraine to seal off breakaway Dnestr region (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/09/2001
  • Injuries tear spine out of England: Gerrard joins the absentees and Owen may follow, reports David Lacey (Guardian/FT) 11/09/2001
  • The line-up (Guardian/FT) 11/09/2001

  • Welsh skater chases Olympic dream (BBC Sport) 11/08/2001
  • Ukrainian officials positive after meetings with NATO parliamentarians (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/08/2001
  • OSCE delegation praises new Ukrainian election law (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/08/2001
  • Ukrainian former premier meets top officials in USA - TV (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/08/2001
  • Ukraine: Abandoned fertilizers in Odessa Region pose environmental threat (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/08/2001
  • Football: Murphy on standby for injured Gerrard: One Liverpool man's problem is another's big chance, writes David Lacey (Guardian/FT) 11/08/2001
  • Two suspects in beating of journalist detained in western Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/08/2001
  • Ukrainian president urges parliament to join antiterrorist convention (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/08/2001
  • Ukrainian paper views former premier's visit to USA as advertising move (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/08/2001
  • EBRD Chief Says Kyiv Meets Terms For Loan On New Nuclear Reactors (RFE/RL) 11/08/2001
  • Ukraine: Regional newspaper's office burgled (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/08/2001
  • Ukraine's net international reserves reach record high (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/08/2001
  • Ukraine: Paper suspects cover-up of mystery deaths of speaker's staff (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/08/2001
  • Russian naval bases do not harm Ukraine-NATO cooperation - deputy speaker (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/08/2001
  • USA willing to send parliamentary observers to Ukrainian elections (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/08/2001
  • World Bank official in Kiev discusses credit for Ukraine (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/08/2001
  • Ukrainian deputy speaker dismisses allegations of illegal arms trade (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/08/2001
  • Ukraine benefits from partnership with NATO - deputy speaker (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/08/2001
  • Spanish minister hopes Ukraine contributes to fight against terrorism (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/08/2001
  • EUROPE & AFRICA: Ukraine set to receive EBRD N-plant finance (Financial Times) 11/08/2001
  • SHORTS: Ukraine set to win Dollars 1.5bn EBRD deal for nuclear plants (Financial Times) 11/08/2001
  • Football: Voller's training will `hurt' Germany (Independent/FT) 11/08/2001

  • Igor Tchetuev (Independent) 11/07/2001
  • Ukraine exports 7 million tons of grain to the East (AgriUkraine) 11/07/2001
  • In September export of grain increased up to 953,600 MT (AgriUkraine) 11/07/2001
  • Ukraine: Woman, two granddaughters found mummified in Kiev (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/07/2001
  • Ukraine: President promises land to peasants on anniversary of 1917 revolution (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/07/2001
  • Ukraine: Crimean speaker addresses 3000 commemorating 1917 revolution (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/07/2001
  • Ukrainian communists mark holiday, protest land sales, US policy (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/07/2001
  • Ukraine to export 7m tonnes of grain following record harvest (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Ukrainian president asks US leaders to lift trade restrictions (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Journalist, party branch leader beaten up in western Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Ukrainian, Spanish foreign ministers sign cooperation agreements (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Ukrainian leader not to appoint civilian defence minister (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/07/2001
  • Time not right for civilian defence minister in Ukraine - president (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Ukraine: Opposition bloc renamed after leader (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Romanian, Ukrainian presidents discuss border, ethnic minority issues in Warsaw (BBC/FT-Bucharest) 11/07/2001
  • Spain pledges support for Ukraine's European integration bid (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/07/2001
  • Orthodox church slams Ukrainian government over fears of losing independence (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/07/2001
  • Ukrainian energy company denies reports of fire at nuclear power plant (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Ukrainian, Slovak presidents agree on further cooperation (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Ukraine: Rally to mark Bolshevik revolution held in central Kiev (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Ukrainian, Romanian presidents discuss trade, flood relief (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/07/2001
  • Yushchenko Offers Ukrainians New Hope (PRNewswire/Excite) 11/07/2001
  • Photo: Ukrainian Communists shout slogans during a rally (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/07/2001
  • Growing U.S.-Russia Ties Criticized (AP/Yahoo) 11/07/2001
  • Photo: Pres. Kuchma welcomes welcomes Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Pique (AP/Yahoo) 11/07/2001
  • Turmoil silences many a talent (Boston Globe) 11/07/2001
  • Ukraine's Green party protests against spent nuclear fuel transportation (AP/ENN) 11/07/2001
  • Terror Follows Immigrants to America (NY Times) 11/07/2001
  • EUROPE: Russia plans to increase tariffs (Financial Times/FT) 11/07/2001
  • Tennis: Stubbs does a double take (Independent/FT) 11/07/2001

  • До візиту Віктора Ющенка до США (Radio Svoboda) 11/06/2001
  • Боротба з міжнародним тероризмом й деякі аспекти американсько-української військової співпраці (Radio Svoboda) 11/06/2001
  • Україна представила свої пропозиції на Міжнародній антитерористичній конференції у Варшаві (Radio Svoboda) 11/06/2001
  • Чому департамент юстиції США хоче мати усі записи Миколи Мельниченка ? - «Файненшал Таймс» повідомляє (Radio Svoboda) 11/06/2001
  • East Europe Summit Backs West's Anti-Terror Fight (Reuters/Excite) 11/06/2001
  • Final Exhibition Key For Men's Basketball (Excite) 11/06/2001
  • Viktor Yushchenko Announces Campaign to Win Upcoming Parliamentary Elections (PRNewswire/Excite) 11/06/2001
  • Principessa, Don't Be Cruel to a Heart That's True (NY Times) 11/06/2001
  • Better less but of better quality (AgriUkraine) 11/06/2001
  • 'Azot' increases its statute fund (AgriUkraine) 11/06/2001
  • Україна експортує зерно в Республіку Корея (AgriUkraine) 11/06/2001
  • Ukraine denies payments to air-tragedy victims to be paid at army's expense (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/06/2001
  • Russia-Ukraine business forum postponed (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/06/2001
  • Ukrainian leader underlines positive results of anti-terrorist summit (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/06/2001
  • Russian nationalists in Crimea agitate for their own ethnic enclave (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/06/2001
  • Blast reported at bank in eastern Ukrainian city (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/06/2001
  • Ukrainian banking system free of terrorist money - National Bank (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/06/2001
  • Ukraine vows to compensate victims of downed Russian plane (AFX Europe/FT) 11/06/2001
  • Ukraine posts 16.1 per cent industrial growth through October 2001 (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/06/2001
  • Data on USAF use of Ukrainian airspace (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/06/2001
  • Ukrainian, Moldovan presidents to discuss border issues on 9 November (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/06/2001
  • Ukrainian premier upbeat on international oil pipeline project (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/06/2001
  • Ukrainian leader urges joint action to fend off illegal migration in Europe (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/06/2001
  • Ukraine: Investigator details charges against collapsed bank's management (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/06/2001
  • Ukraine: Foreign ministry's spokesman appointed (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/06/2001
  • Photo: Heads of State at Warsaw Anti-Terrorism Conference (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/06/2001
  • East Europe Summit Backs West's Anti-Terror Fight (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/06/2001
  • Bush Invokes Ghosts of Iron Curtain (AP/Yahoo) 11/06/2001
  • INDUSMIN Reports West Fields Oil and Gas Reserves (CCN/Yahoo) 11/06/2001

  • Ukraine TV names sums of compensation to families of air crash victims (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/05/2001
  • Ukrainian, Russian presidents discuss upcoming summit, business forum (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/05/2001
  • Movement for union with Russia, Ukraine, Belarus set up in Moldova (BBC/FT-Chisinau) 11/05/2001
  • CIS salaries show real rises in 2001 (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/05/2001
  • Central European Media To Release Third Quarter 2001 Results On November 13, 2001 (PRNewsWire/Excite) 11/05/2001
  • 25-річчя Української Гельсінкської Групи [прес-конф 8 листопада 2001 р] (IREX ProMedia) 11/05/2001
  • Poland awaits arrival of 16 presidents for conference on antiterrorism (BBC/FT-Warsaw) 11/05/2001
  • Program 'Zerno-2002' presupposes production of 36 million tons of grain crops (AgriUkraine) 11/05/2001
  • XIV Генеральна асамблея Всесвітньої туристської організації (ВТО) [прес-конф 6 листопада 2001 р] (IREX ProMedia) 11/05/2001
  • Ukrainian police detain 29 illegal migrants from India (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/05/2001
  • Ukraine: Minister [Durdynets] rejects charges of squandering civil defence funds (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/05/2001
  • Ukrainian Defence Ministry halts off-roader production (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/05/2001
  • Doing Her Bidding [See: military-tourism in Ukraine] (India Today/FT) 11/05/2001
  • Kuchma recordings caught up in US-Ukraine tug-of-war: Files may show presidential corruption, but former guard resists handing them over. And why does the Justice Department want them, anyway? (Financial Times) 11/05/2001
  • Ukrainian police arrest 45 illegal migrants from China, Iraq (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/05/2001
  • Ukraine: State TV signs cooperation agreement with CIS TV company (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/05/2001
  • New Ukrainian aero engine for bench tests this month (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/05/2001
  • Permanent secretary to be established in Ukrainian Ministry of Defence (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/05/2001
  • Russia: Heroin confiscation on Tajik-Afghan border four times up on 2000 (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/05/2001
  • US planes continue to use Ukrainian airspace (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/05/2001
  • Gale adds to bizarre saga of boat with no home (Independent/FT) 11/05/2001
  • Figure Skating CANADA GRAND PRIX (Guardian/FT) 11/05/2001

  • Italian organization helps trafficked women rebuild their lives (Nando Times) 11/04/2001
  • Ukrainian, Russian security chiefs praise joint efforts to investigate air crash (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/04/2001
  • Movement for union with Slav states meets in Moldova (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/04/2001
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] upbeat on international oil pipeline project (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/04/2001
  • Ukrainian youths hold protest against military action in Afghanistan (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/04/2001
  • Ukrainian opposition leader slams government-proposed draft budget (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/04/2001
  • IMF hails Ukrainian economic results (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/04/2001
  • Summary of Ukrainian TV 'Seven Days' programme 1900 gmt 4 Nov 01 (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/04/2001
  • Russia TV has more details of failed plot to kill Putin (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/04/2001
  • Exploring Around New York's Edges (NY Times) 11/04/2001
  • Hands Out, Even in a Time of Crisis (NY Times) 11/04/2001
  • Oleksandr Beresh of Ukraine takes 2nd on the high bar (AP/Yahoo) 11/04/2001
  • Voeller Obsessed with Ukraine Before Playoff (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/04/2001

  • Ukraine posts 3.9 per-cent inflation in first 10 months this year (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/03/2001
  • Bulgaria's premier hopes reopening of Danube will revive economy (BBC/FT-Sofia) 11/03/2001
  • Ukrainian missile hit airliner by 'tragic coincidence' - Russian official (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/03/2001
  • Russian security chief describes causes of Black Sea air crash (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/03/2001
  • Ukraine admits Russian Tu-154 plane was hit by its missile (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/03/2001
  • Ukrainian paper [Zerkalo Nedeli] examines ties with Russia in wake of Afghan crisis (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/03/2001
  • Ukraine: Paper [2000] links murders of two financial officials (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/03/2001
  • Ukraine to pay compensation for Black Sea air crash soon (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/03/2001
  • Russia says Ukraine responsible for airliner shoot-down (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/03/2001
  • Black Sea air crash report presented to Ukrainian president (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/03/2001
  • Ukrainian tax police: 78,000 pirate CDs seized this year (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/03/2001
  • Ukrainian presidential spokesman [Bezsmertnyy] discusses his role in election bloc (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/03/2001
  • Russian security supremo in Kiev to hold presser on aircraft downed in Black Sea (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/03/2001
  • TENNIS: Rusedski to look for another new coach (Independent/FT) 11/03/2001
  • Classical: The Five Best Concerts (Independent/FT) 11/03/2001
  • Slovakia: Duma head notes change in West's ties with Russia over war on terror (BBC/FT-Bratislava) 11/03/2001
  • Photo: Leonid Kuchma with Russia's National Security Council Chief Vladimir Rushailo (AP/Yahoo) 11/03/2001
  • Photo: Ukrainian National Security Council Members meet with Russia's National Security Council chief (Reuters/Yahoo) 11/03/2001
  • Aircraft Carrier Drifts in Aegean (AP/Yahoo) 11/03/2001

  • Hungary: 29 illegal immigrants caught at Ukrainian border (BBC/FT-Budapest) 11/02/2001
  • Greens demand end to nuclear waste transit through Ukraine (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine: Murdered stock market official received threats - colleagues (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • President Kuchma warns against Georgian-style crisis in Ukraine (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • (Correction) Russian-Ukrainian crash reconstruction inconclusive (BBC/FT-Kyiv/1plus1) 11/02/2001
  • Russian-Ukrainian crash reconstruction inconclusive (BBC/FT-Kyiv/1plus1) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine: President wants parliament to implement referendum results (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Russia, Ukraine to review air-defence practice after airliner tragedy (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine/Russia: Manipulation said to be purpose of new Russian-Ukrainian media project - paper (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukrainian leader doubts former premier's election optimism (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Turkey: Ex-Soviet aircraft carrier passes through Turkish strait (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine: President slams parliament for failure to amend constitution (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukrainian tax police: 78,000 pirate CDs seized this year (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • International organization says there are 85 brothels in Kosovo (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Slovak president says decision to impose visas on Russia 'rash' (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukrainian president slams government for coal problems (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukrainian nuclear engineers sacked after rise in emergencies (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine announces dissolution of missile army by 2003 (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukrainian president inclined to sign land code - with a few changes (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine: Battle for control over local TV company continues (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukrainian security chief praises Russian investigation into airliner tragedy (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine: Deputy premier meets some demands of miners, protests still planned (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine: Cabinet authorizes company to sell non-combat army surplus (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine must answer for Russian airliner crash, says Russian security chief (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Russia, Ukraine to review air defence exercises after plane lost in Black Sea (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Slovak Nationalist head slams government's 'unfriendly' policy towards Russia (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine: Deputy premier [Dubyna] meets some demands of miners, protests still planned (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukrainian-Russian commission gives preliminary results on downing of airliner (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine cracks down on jokers in anthrax-mail scare (BBC/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Ukrainian premier [Kinakh] calls on parliament to pass copyright law after US visit (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/02/2001
  • Ukraine: Chief prosecutor vows punishment for downing of Russian airliner (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/02/2001
  • Russia, Belarus sign joint directive to protect borders (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/02/2001
  • Turkey frees floating fun palace: Derelict aircraft carrier passes safely through Bosporus strait en route to new life as Chinese casino (Guardian/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Turkey: Ex- Soviet aircraft carrier passes through Istanbul Strait (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/02/2001
  • Score 1 for the Ukrainians - But is Taras Shevchenko Place safe? (BRAMA) 11/02/2001
  • Football: Houllier poised to leave hospital (Independent/FT) 11/02/2001
  • Possible cause of Russian air crash - reflection of radio signal off sea (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/02/2001

  • Державний департамент США знову закликає Україну до розбудови правовї держави (Радіо Свобода) 11/01/2001
  • Марчук і Рушайло в Криму знайшли причини загибелі російського пасажирського літака Ту-154 (Радіо Свобода) 11/01/2001
  • Росія побоюється, що демаркувати кордон з Україною означає відкрити для неї двері до Європи – канадський політолог (Радіо Свобода) 11/01/2001
  • Аль-Кайда переправляє терористів через Україну (Newsweek) (Радіо Свобода) 11/01/2001
  • Кучма міцно тримається у сідлі – Frankfurter Rundschau (Радіо Свобода) 11/01/2001
  • Міжнародні інституції презентують проекти, пов’язані із ухваленням земельного кодексу (Радіо Свобода) 11/01/2001
  • Експерт парламентської комісії у справі Гонгадзе Валерій Івасюк: 'За свідченнями у справі вбивства Георгія Гонгадзе комісія звернеться до Пінчука, Тигипка, Бакая, Марчука...' (Радіо Свобода) 11/01/2001
  • I had never seen a light so bright (Scotsman/FT) 11/01/2001
  • Oil, gas condensate theft in Ukraine shows tenfold increase (BBC/FT-Moscow) 11/01/2001
  • Reflection may have caused Ukrainian missile to hit Russian jet (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/01/2001
  • New Websites Help the Computer-Bound Support Green Causes ( 11/01/2001
  • Brazil Congress Committee Approves U.S. Space Deal (Reuters/Excite) 11/01/2001
  • Consortium Service Management Group Announces 120 Human Surgeries Using Tissue Bonding Technology (BusinessWire/Excite) 11/01/2001
  • New model needed for sovereign bond restructuring (Reuters/Excite) 11/01/2001
  • Photo: Tugboats Tow the Varyag, an Unfinished Aircraft Carrier (AP/Excite) 11/01/2001
  • Turkey Closes Famed Strait for Ship (AP/Excite) 11/01/2001
  • Officials Simulate Ukraine Crash (AP/Excite) 11/01/2001
  • State bought more than 2 million tons of grain (AgriUkraine) 11/01/2001
  • Growth of GDP in agriculture may reach 3.8% (AgriUkraine) 11/01/2001
  • Export of Ukrainian grain to Europe will go up (AgriUkraine) 11/01/2001
  • Reflection may have caused Ukrainian missile to hit Russian jet (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/01/2001
  • Ukraine exceeds grain harvest target by 5m tonnes (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/01/2001
  • Ukrainian union calls for curbs on monopolist practices in energy sector (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/01/2001
  • Ukrainian president's wife profiled (BBC/FT-Lviv) 11/01/2001
  • Ukrainian union calls for curbs on monopolist practices in energy sector (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/01/2001
  • Manipulation said to be purpose of new Russian-Ukrainian media project - paper (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/01/2001
  • Israel hopes for quick compensation from Ukraine for air crash (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/01/2001
  • Ukraine: General files defamation suit against former defence minister (BBC/FT-Kyiv) 11/01/2001
  • Miner dies in cave-in in eastern Ukraine (BBC/FT-Kyiv/UNIAN) 11/01/2001
  • Ex-Soviet aircraft carrier Varyag begins Bosporus passage (BBC/FT-Ankara) 11/01/2001
  • Why such strong opposition to the Ukrainization of Ukrainian orthography (pravopys)? (BRAMA) 11/01/2001
    2001 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]

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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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