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  • Ukrainian president faces run-off (BBC News) 10/31/1999
  • Ukrainian Citizens Vote at NYC Consulate (BRAMA) 10/31/1999
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma talks to the waiting media after he voted in the presidential election (AP/Yahoo) 10/31/1999
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma holds his ballot as his grandson Roman stays close, at a polling station in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 10/31/1999
  • Photo: Petro Symonenko, Ukraine's Communist Party leader and presidential candidate leaves a voting cabin at a polling station (AP/Yahoo) 10/31/1999
  • Kuchma ahead in Ukraine (BBC News) 10/31/1999
  • Economy key to Ukraine poll (BBC News) 10/31/1999
  • Facts and Figures About Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 10/31/1999

  • The frontrunners in Ukraine's election race (BBC News) 10/30/1999
  • Pikhovshchik Heart Attack Live On '1+1' (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/30/1999

  • Analysis: Ukraine prepares for poll (BBC News) 10/29/1999
  • Six die in Ukrainian self-immolation (BBC News) 10/29/1999

  • Ukraine Election Seems Rigged to Help the Incumbent (NY Times) 10/28/1999

  • In profile: Ukraine's presidential contenders (BBC News) 10/26/1999
  • Ukraine opposition alliance breaks-up (BBC News) 10/26/1999
  • Ukraine Alliance Falls Apart (AP/Yahoo) 10/26/1999

  • Kiev-Style Hardball: President Kuchma plays a rough game of politics (Newsweek) 10/25/1999
  • Former Ukraine PM accuses authorities (BBC News) 10/25/1999
  • Ukraine presidential election contenders unite (BBC News) 10/25/1999
  • Ukrainian Fears Islamic Extremism (AP/Yahoo) 10/25/1999

  • Ukraine says second commercial Sea Launch will occur in Jan 2000 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/22/1999
  • Institute of Social Studies: Newsletter to Media Agencies on the Political Situation in Ukraine on the Eve of the Presidential Election (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/22/1999

  • Scythian Gold from Ukraine (BRAMA) 10/21/1999
  • UOC-KP Priest-Scholar Visits Canadian Parish (BRAMA) 10/21/1999
  • Patriarch Filaret to visit United States (BRAMA) 10/21/1999
  • Кучма вважає, що корупціонери нападають із підворіття (День) 10/21/1999
  • Parma Student Wins Trip (ABC/Yahoo) 10/21/1999
  • Ukraine to ship tanks to Pakistan despite coup (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/21/1999
  • Soccer: Ukrainian awards for Euro 2000 efforts (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/21/1999
  • Soccer: Ukrainian premier division results/standings (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/21/1999

  • 'Ukrainian Pompeii' Medieval Khersones Revisited (BRAMA) 10/20/1999
  • Violence, mud-slinging mar Ukraine election campaign (BBC News) 10/20/1999
  • Ukraine candidate promises workers' protection (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/20/1999
  • Євген Марчук: «Це вже не політична боротьба - це спецоперація» (День) 10/20/1999
  • Kuchma threatens to lift Ukrainian MPs' immunity (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/20/1999
  • Ukraine Students Start 3-Week Visit (LA Times) 10/20/1999
  • Фіскальна політика змінює ідеологію - Відтепер податки кроїтимуть на користь західних кредиторів (День) 10/20/1999
  • Ukraine mulls taking part in Turkish tank tender (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/1999
  • Consumers Packaging and First Guild Ukrainian Success (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 10/20/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Dynamo Kiev Maksim Shatskikh beats Germany's Bayer Leverkusen goalkeeper (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/20/1999
  • Institute of Social Studies: Newsletter for Media Agencies on Public Opinion Poll in Ukraine (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/20/1999

  • Opposition Candidates Fail to Present United Front (RFE/RL) 10/19/1999
  • Kaniv Four Has Not Fallen Apart, Founders Remain Allies (День) 10/19/1999
  • Ukraine Says May Close Chernobyl In Mid-2000 (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/19/1999
  • U.S. experts approve Ukraine Y2K nuclear actions (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/19/1999
  • Parliament Gives Pavlo Lazarenko Chance to Tell 'Whole Truth' (День) 10/19/1999
  • Ukraine sees 26-27 mln tonnes of grain in 2000 (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/19/1999
  • Su-24m Will Fly to Crimea - Kyiv agrees to replacement of Black Sea Fleet aircraft (День) 10/19/1999
  • Korean Lobby in Ukraine (День) 10/19/1999
  • Soccer: Ukrainian premier division fixtures for October 20-24 (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/19/1999
  • Andriy CHEBYKIN: 'We have managed to preserve classical artistic education' (День) 10/19/1999

  • Council of Europe still worried about Ukraine vote (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/18/1999
  • Ukraine top communist pledges socialism after poll (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/18/1999
  • Slovakia mulls visas for Ukranians to combat mafia (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/18/1999
  • Soccer: Dynamo Kiev v Bayer Leverkusen match statistics (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/18/1999

  • Giant chip off the old Bloc Baltacha Junior provides a tantalising twist in the Scottish tale featuring sons of famous fathers (Independent) 10/17/1999

  • Postseason Honors. And the Winners Are... (Wash Post) 10/16/1999
  • Soccer: Leading scorers in Ukrainian premier division (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/16/1999
  • Soccer: Ukrainian premier division results/standings (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/16/1999

  • «Канівська четвірка» не розпалася. Засновники залишилися союзниками (День) 10/15/1999
  • IMF says Ukraine debt restructuring talk early (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/15/1999
  • IMF Urges Ukraine to Step Up Reform (AP/Yahoo) 10/15/1999
  • Ukraine Economy Seen Weakening (AP/Yahoo) 10/15/1999
  • Ukraine shares ease on week as election nears (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/15/1999
  • Revenue Canada to probe steel dumping (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/15/1999
  • Soccer: Ukrainian premier division result/standings (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/15/1999
  • Чи професіональний український футбол? (День) 10/15/1999
  • ДО УВАГИ ЖУРНАЛІСТІВ! Прес-конференція Постійного представника України при ООН В.Єльченка, присвяченна обранню України непостійним членом Ради Безпеки ООН. October 15, 1999. FOR THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE MASS MEDIA. The press conference of the Ambassador V.Yelchenko, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations is scheduled for October 19, 1999 at 3-15 PM. The press conference will be devoted to the election of Ukraine as a non permanent member of the UN Security Council (Consulate of Ukraine-NYC/BRAMA) 10/15/1999

  • Ukraine's Kuchma sick, reschedules campaign trips (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/14/1999
  • Kaniv-4 fails to anoint challenger (Kyiv Post) 10/14/1999
  • Election campaign not causing a stir in Lviv (Kyiv Post) 10/14/1999
  • Поразка на виборах - не гріх (День) 10/14/1999
  • Галина Паламарчук: «Ми самі подимо тиранів ...» (День) 10/14/1999
  • Ukraine says Council of Europe report biased (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/14/1999
  • Five Added to U.N. Security Council (AP/Yahoo) 10/14/1999
  • Ukraine to withhold t-bill sale details (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/14/1999
  • Economy begins to show signs of a turnaround (Kyiv Post) 10/14/1999
  • More duties threaten ag commodities (Kyiv Post) 10/14/1999
  • Promise of easy money draws Ukrainians to MLM (Kyiv Post) 10/14/1999
  • PFTS reveals stock-ratings secrets (Kyiv Post) 10/14/1999
  • Kyiv developers making way for high-quality office space (Kyiv Post) 10/14/1999
  • Soccer: Ukrainian premier division fixtures for October 15-24 (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/14/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Vyctoria Karpenko second place winner after Romanian gymnast Maria Olaru (AP/Yahoo) 10/14/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Vyctoria Karpenko flips over the balance beam during women's all-around individual competition (AP/Yahoo) 10/14/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Roman Zozulia vaults the horse during men's all-around individual competition (AP/Yahoo) 10/14/1999

  • Letters to the editor: Nazi Slave Labor (NY Times) 10/13/1999
  • Ukraine's militant Vitrenko appeals to malcontents (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/13/1999
  • Ukraine, Slovakia Vie for U.N. Seat (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/1999
  • Ukraine Charges Russians in Attack (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/1999
  • Photo: Duel '99 Ukrainian Missile launch in Crimea (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/1999
  • CIA: Russia, China at Most Y2K Risk (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/1999
  • Парламент дав можливість Павлу Лазаренкові сказати «всю правду» (День) 10/13/1999
  • World Bank sees Ukraine restructuring 2000 debts (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/13/1999
  • Russia to swap Ukraine energy debt for bombers (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/13/1999
  • Success smells sweet for Ukraine chocolate maker (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/13/1999
  • Ukraine Agmin sees '99 grain crop down at 26.4 mln T (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/13/1999
  • FS International Licenses TPII Software Solution to Ukrainian Processing Center for National Payment System (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/13/1999
  • Soccer Match Shows Political Rivalry (RFE/RL) 10/13/1999
  • Soccer: Ukrainian premier division result/standings (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/13/1999
  • Rusedski Advances in Vienna Tennis (AP/Yahoo) 10/13/1999

  • Media Repression Serious Issue in Presidential Campaign (RFE/RL) 10/12/1999
  • Повідомлення для ЗМІ про роботу офіційної делегації України на чолі з Б. Тарасюком, Міністром закордонних справ України в засіданні Ради міністрів СНД що відбуваться в м. Ялта (Consulate of Ukraine-NYC/BRAMA) 10/12/1999
  • Повідомлення для ЗМІ про зустріч Б. Тарасюка, Міністра закордонних справ Укаїни, з главами зовнішньополітичних відомств країн-учасниць СНД, що відбувалися в м. Ялта (Consulate of Ukraine-NYC/BRAMA) 10/12/1999
  • Ukraine asks U.S. Congress to help root out corruption (AP/CNN) 10/12/1999
  • Military Maneuvers Held in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/1999
  • Three Detained in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 10/12/1999
  • Between Convulsions and Diversion (День) 10/12/1999
  • Stalinist Terror, Ukrainian Style at Century's End (День) 10/12/1999
  • 'They Did Not Throw the Grenades' says Kryvy Rih Socialist headquarters (День) 10/12/1999

  • Ukraine opens its archives and a new book is born (BRAMA) 10/11/1999
  • Ukraine trade hopes for end to sunseed export tax (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/11/1999
  • Sea Launching of a Satellite Is Successful (NY Times) 10/11/1999
  • Gazprom to decide on Baltic gas line within a year (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/11/1999
  • Russian Singers See Trouble Ahead for a Tradition (NY Times) 10/11/1999

  • Germans offer 6 Billion Marks as compensation to WW II victims (BRAMA) 10/10/1999
  • Photo: Sea Launch success (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/10/1999
  • Sea Launch Successfully Delivers DIRECTV 1-R Satellite to Orbit (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/10/1999
  • First Commercial Sea Launch of Satellite Successful (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/10/1999
  • Commercial satellite's launch from sea is a first (CNN) 10/10/1999
  • Commercial Satellite Reaches Orbit (AP/Yahoo) 10/10/1999
  • Photo: Boxer Vitali Klitschko, of Ukraine shows the WBO Worldchampionship belt after defeating his oponent Ed Mahone of USA, by technical k.o (AP/Yahoo) 10/10/1999
  • Photo: Vitali Klitschko's final punch to US Boxer Ed Mahone (AP/Yahoo) 10/10/1999
  • Photo: Alexander Beresh of Ukraine performs on the rings (AP/Yahoo) 10/10/1999
  • Six Qualify for Euro Soccer Tourney (NY Times) 10/10/1999

  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk, right, and his Russian counterpart Igor Ivanov hold a press conference in Kyiv (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • 'Chernobyl doctor' treats radiation victims (BBC News) 10/09/1999
  • Japan N-Plant Worker Compared to Chernobyl Victims (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Doctor Cites Chernobyl in Japan Diagnosis (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Putin defends Russian campaign in Chechnya (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Photo: Tatiana Yarosh vaults over the hors in Tianjin China (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Photo: Olga Teslenko flips over the balance beam in Tainjin China (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Vyctoria Karpenko leaps in the air during floor exercise of women's team competition in China (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Serhiy Rebrov steals the ball from Russia's Dmitry Khokhlov (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Andriy Husin heads the ball (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Serhiy Skachenko takes the ball from Russia' Dmitry Alenichev (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Andrie Shevchenko challenges Russia's Yuri Drozdov (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine vs. Russia-Oleg Luzhnyi of Ukraine challenges Alexei Smertin (AP/Yahoo) 10/09/1999

  • FAQ: Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC-KP) in Canada (BRAMA) 10/08/1999
  • The Hollywood Ukrainians (BRAMA) 10/08/1999
  • Ukraine opens its archives and a new book is born (BRAMA) 10/08/1999
  • German Companies Offer $3.3 Billion in Slave-Labor Suit (NY Times) 10/08/1999
  • Ex-Soviet States Discuss Trade Zone (AP/Yahoo) 10/08/1999
  • OP-ED: A Treaty We All Need (NY Times) 10/08/1999
  • Making Rounds at the Square (Wash Post) 10/08/1999

  • Investors wary ahead of elections (Kyiv Post) 10/07/1999
  • Kuchma goes after youth vote (Kyiv Post) 10/07/1999
  • Наталка Вітренко вже прийшла? (День) 10/07/1999
  • Представники Ради Європи підтверджують заяви «канівської четвірки» про безпрецедентний тиск на пресу в Україні (День) 10/07/1999
  • Львів накрила хвиля фальшивого тероризму (День) 10/07/1999
  • Uzbek President in Ukraine (BBC News) 10/07/1999
  • Khartron wants Russian investors (Kyiv Post) 10/07/1999
  • Kyiv building company putting art back into architecture (Kyiv Post) 10/07/1999
  • Андрій Медведєв переміг «надію російського тенісу» (День) 10/07/1999
  • Yeltsin Son-in-Law Tied to Oil Giants (NY Times) 10/07/1999

  • Ukraine's Foreign Minister Tarasyuk Searches for Partners (BRAMA) 10/06/1999
  • The Year 1989 Foreshadowed the Fall (RFE/RL) 10/06/1999
  • Youth Apathetic about Presidential Elections (RFE/RL) 10/06/1999
  • Council of Europe urges free, fair Ukraine poll (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/06/1999
  • Ukraine PM evacuated after false bomb threat (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/06/1999
  • Хто поверне українцям сміх? (День) 10/06/1999
  • Radiation sickness (BBC News) 10/06/1999
  • Напад на квартиру редактора газети «Поступ» (День) 10/06/1999
  • Russia Raids Bank in Laundering Inquiry (NY Times) 10/06/1999
  • 3 Face Indictments in Federal Inquiry Into Russian Case (NY Times) 10/06/1999
  • Ukraine Jan-Sept industry output up 2.4 pct yr/yr (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/06/1999

  • Ukraine Politician Promises Nukes (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/1999
  • Bomb May Win Sympathy Votes (NY Times) 10/05/1999
  • German Firms Set to Settle Holocaust Claims, Lawyers Say (Wash Post) 10/05/1999
  • Medical Progress Offers Hope for Japan Radiation Victims (LA Times) 10/05/1999
  • Photo: Ukraine's Andrei Medredev returns the ball against Russia's player Marat Safin (AP/Yahoo) 10/05/1999

  • Ukrainian Candidates Spread Blame (AP/Yahoo) 10/04/1999
  • Ukraine leader angered by attack on rival (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/04/1999
  • Blasts Wound Candidate and 33 Others at Ukrainian Rally (NY Times) 10/04/1999
  • Holocaust Child Slave Laborers Seek Compensation (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/04/1999
  • United States Energy Association Selects FirstEnergy Corp. as Best Practice Utility Partner for Ukrainian Local Electric Company (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 10/04/1999
  • Obituaries (Wash Post) 10/04/1999

  • † Pomer Teodozij' Starak/Помер Теодозій Старак (BRAMA) 10/03/1999
  • Politician Injured in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 10/03/1999

  • Ukrainian presidential candidate wounded by bomb (BBC News) 10/02/1999
  • Photo: Natalia Vitrenko (AP/Yahoo) 10/02/1999
  • Ukraine Presidential Rival Hurt in Bomb Attack (Reuters/Yahoo) 10/02/1999
  • U.S. Cautions Russia on Tactics in Chechnya (LA Times) 10/02/1999
  • Shevarnadze visits Ukraine (BBC News) 10/02/1999
  • Ukraine Nuke Reactor Malfunctions (AP/Yahoo) 10/02/1999
  • 'Pripyat': A Wasteland That Was Once the Cradle of Hope (NY Times) 10/02/1999
  • After-Hours Role in the Sexy City (NY Times) 10/02/1999

  • Candidates Fear Fraud in Presidential Election (RFE/RL) 10/01/1999
  • EU urges fair Ukrainian elections (BBC News) 10/01/1999
  • Ukraine Won't Abandon Reactor Plans (AP/Yahoo) 10/01/1999
  • Ukraine Dismisses Western Y2K Worry (AP/Yahoo) 10/01/1999
  • Ukraine leader shrugs off IMF fund freeze (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/01/1999
  • IMF sees no loan payout to Ukraine until November (Reuters/Infoseek) 10/01/1999
  • Photo: Bayer Leverkusen versus Dynamo Kiev of Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 10/01/1999
  • Teen Gets Life for Killing Friend (Wash Post) 10/01/1999
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

    The Kyiv Post

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
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