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  • БЕРКУТ РОЗІГНАВ МАЙДАН (Українська правда) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine Faces E.U.’s Dismay on Turnabout on Accords (New York Times) 11/30/2013
  • Geoffrey Pyatt, US ambassador to Ukraine, condemns dispersal of opposition demonstration by police (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Tymoshenko calls on Ukrainians to rally until government overthrown peacefully - Tymoshenko's daughter (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • European Commissioner Fule calls on Ukrainian authorities to respect freedom of assembly (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian Choice leader [Viktor Medvedchuk] condemns crackdown on Euromaidan protesters in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Police disperse opposition rally in Kyiv city center, 35 detained - police statement (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine president should quit: opposition [was: Police physically break up Ukraine rally] (SBS/AAP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine: Police forcefully break up demonstration in Kiev [Police moved in on the demonstration at about 4:30 AM] (Financial Express/AP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian police oust pro-EU protest from landmark Kiev square (Russia Today) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine police disperse EU-deal protesters (BBC) 11/30/2013
  • MPs leave the Party of Regions (Ukrainian Week) 11/30/2013
  • Special police disrupts EuroMaidan. After 4 a.m., the units of Berkut, special-purpose police, began to oust activists out of Maidan Nezalezhnosti who stayed at the protest to support Ukraine’s European integration. According to police reports, the activists were pushed out of Maidan because of conflicts with utility service workers (Ukrainian Week) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian churches leaders have condemned the anti-constitutional coup at Maidan (RISU) 11/30/2013
  • Photo From Today’s Paper: Anger Over Ukraine’s Rejection of Pacts (New York Times) 11/30/2013
  • Petition to Impose personal sanctions on President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine members at 118,476 signatures, 9:45 pm ET ( 11/30/2013
  • [PDF] UABA Statement Upon Learning of the Unlawful Use of Force to Subdue the Euro-Maidan Demonstration (UABA) 11/30/2013
  • Canadian SKUMO & SUSK Release Joint Statement: “Open Letter to the Youth & Students of Ukraine” (website) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine leader 'outraged' by clashes (BBC) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich says he 'outraged' by violence in Kiev (Reuters) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine Protests Swell After Failure to Sign EU Trade Accord ( 11/30/2013
  • Opposition-initiated veche to be held in Kyiv's Shevchenko Park on December 1 (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian Demonstrators Converge Outside Monastery [was: Ukraine Leader Blasts Violence Against Protesters] (NPR) 11/30/2013
  • Police attack on Kyiv's EuroMaidan demonstrators draws international outrage (UPDATES) (Kyiv Post) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian President Condemns Violence During Opposition Demonstrations (Voice of America) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian police crack down on pro-EU protesters (Christian Science Monitor/Reuters) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine opposition seeks early polls after protest crackdown (GlobalPost) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine police smash pro-Europe protest, opposition to call strike ( 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine protesters’ anger mounts as police clear out Kyiv square [was: Ukrainian demonstrators converge outside monastery after police ...] (Toronto Star/AP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian demonstrators converge outside monastery after police break up protest [was: Police in Kyiv forcefully disperse hundreds of protesters in city centre ...] (Edmonton Journal/AP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine president 'deeply outraged' by violence (GlobalPost/AFP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine: Freedom of Assembly crushed (Amnesty International) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine's bloody crackdown leads to call for sanctions (The Guardian) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition accuses Yanukovich of stealing EU dream (The Star Online/Reuters) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian demonstrators converge outside monastery after police break up protest (CTV News/AP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition urges early elections amid mass protests (Deutsche Welle) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine opposition seeks early polls after protest crackdown (The Australian/AFP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition aims to continue protest despite harsh police dispersal of demonstrators (Newser/AP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian Opposition Leaders Call For Nationwide Strike Over Police Violence At Protest (New Tang Dynasty Television) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine holds key to Putin's dream of a new union (Pakistan Daily Times) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine police break up pro-Europe protests, opposition calls for strike (WTAQ/Reuters) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine police crack down on anti-government, pro-Europe protests in Kyiv (Deutsche Welle) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine opposition set to call general strike ( 11/30/2013
  • US condemns Ukraine gov't violence against protesters (AFP) 11/30/2013
  • Central Kiev Cathedral Barricaded by Pro-EU Protesters ( 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine police smash pro-Europe protest, opposition to call strike (Reuters) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine police disperse pro-EU protesters (euronews) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine police accused of violent crackdown on pro-EU protests (CNN) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine riot police break up pro-Europe protests (Reuters) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian Demonstrators Converge After Police Break Up Protest (NPR/AP) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine opposition urges fresh polls amid pro-EU rallies [was: Ukraine pro-EU protesters regroup after dispersal] (BBC News) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian presidential chief of staff [Serhiy Liovochkin] resigns - source (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Liovochkin's wife: Ukraine's authorities will face blockade, rejection at all levels (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Ukrainian Police Break Up Pro-EU Rally (RIA Novosti) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine's opposition leaders provide political focus for pro-EU protests (euronews) 11/30/2013
  • Ukraine's first deputy prime minister calls for calm, probe into Euromaidan events (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • EU strongly condemns excessive use of force in Kyiv rally, calls for investigations ? Ashton-Fule joint statement (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Lviv Mayor [Andriy Sadovy] says no force will be used against Lviv protesters (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Azarov: authorities not interested in current scenario, their task to save peace and stability (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Ex-president Yuschenko condemns force against Euromaidan protesters, wants interior minister's dismissal (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Azarov calls on Ukrainians not to give in to provocations (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Azarov concerned about dispersal of peaceful demonstrators on Independence Square – Azarov's spokesman (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Investigative group for inquiry into night events on Euromaidan created - Azarov's press secretary (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • [Inna] Bohoslovska says she's leaving Regions Party faction (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Some 35 people seek help from doctors, seven hospitalized after violent dispersal of opposition rally – Kyiv chief doctor (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Opposition creating national resistance headquarter, starts preparations for all-Ukrainian strike - Yatseniuk (Interfax-Russia) 11/30/2013
  • Леонід КРАВЧУК: «Президенту потрібно знайти слова, в які повірять, що не вся влада винна за цю ситуацію» (День) 11/30/2013
  • Реакція політиків ЄС на події в Україні (Кореспондент) 11/30/2013
  • КМДА просить суд заборонити акції на Майдані та Європейській площі (BBC) 11/30/2013
  • Зачистка Євромайдану: розповіді постраждалих (BBC) 11/30/2013
  • У Харкові провели масштабний провладний мітинг (BBC) 11/30/2013
  • Фонд 'Відродження' припинив співпрацю з урядом України (BBC) 11/30/2013
  • Інна Богословська закликає створювати в парламенті проєвропейську більшість (BBC) 11/30/2013
  • США і ЄС засуджують насильство на Майдані (BBC) 11/30/2013
  • Арбузов каже, що нічого не сталося такого, чого не можна повернути (Українська правда) 11/30/2013
  • Беркут розігнав Майдан (Українська Правда) 11/30/2013

  • Ukraine Says Membership in EU Depends on AID (VOA) 11/29/2013
  • Seeking Justice. U.S. Federal Judge Bohdan A. Futey discusses the international legal precedents that could allow Ukraine to demand recognition of the Holodomor as genocide in an international court (Ukrainian Week) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine holds key to Putin's dream of a new union (KDAL/Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine ducks EU 'surgery', economy still in pain (Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine Warned of Road to Nowhere as Trade Snub Rankles EU (Bloomberg) 11/29/2013
  • Russia's Putin scores Ukraine coup over EU (GlobalPost/AFP) 11/29/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition accuses Yanukovich of stealing EU dream [was: Jeers and cheers in Kiev's streets as Yanukovich spurns EU deal] (Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • Ukrainian Opposition Accuses Yanukovych of Stealing EU Dream [was: Protests as Ukraine Spurns EU Deal] (Voice of America) 11/29/2013
  • Yanukovych Gets Black Sheep Treatment In Europe (RFE/RL) 11/29/2013
  • EU summit Q&A: why Ukraine's refusal to sign is significant ( 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich vetoes EU push to save trade deal (Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • EU leaders congratulate Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, no one mentions Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Ukrainian analysts sure authorities will not use force to disperse protesters in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Police in Ukraine capital Kiev forcefully break up protest against President Yanukovich (New York Daily News) 11/29/2013
  • Moldova, Georgia Brace For Russian Retaliation After Forging Ahead With EU Pact (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/29/2013
  • New York Times: Russia-led trade bloc the Customs Union set to expand borders with recruitment of Ukraine (Sydney Morning Herald) 11/29/2013
  • Amnesty International catches Yanukovych out lying ( 11/29/2013
  • The Most Breathtaking Photos From Around The World This Week [see: 7. Pope Francis meets Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church] (Huffington Post) 11/29/2013
  • EU Fails to Court Ukraine NASDAQ (NASDAQ) 11/29/2013
  • EU blames Russia for failure of deal with Ukraine (Press TV) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine Reaffirms European Course - President Yanukovych [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (PRNewswire) 11/29/2013
  • Map: Explanation with maps of Ukraine's key position in the battle for influence between the EU and Russia (Yahoo/AFP) 11/29/2013
  • Thousands of Ukrainians lock hands (Sky News) 11/29/2013
  • Thousands protest Ukrainian leader spiking EU deal (Yahoo/AP) 11/29/2013
  • More than 85,000 sign petition on White House Web site demanding sanctions against Yanukovych [BRAMA: 91,870 as of 1:30 PM ET] (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Photo: Demonstrators protest during a rally in support of Ukraine's integration with the European Union in the center of Kiev, Ukraine, Friday Nov. 29, 2013. The European Union extended its geopolitical reach eastward on Friday by sealing association agreements with Georgia and Moldova, but blamed Russia for missing out on a landmark deal with Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 11/29/2013
  • Photo: Ukrainian riot police officers block a protesting crowd during an opposition rally in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, on Friday, Nov. 29, 2013. Thousands of demonstrators are gathering in Ukraine's capital after a deal that could have brought closer ties to the EU was shelved. Protesters are calling for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych, who ditched the free trade pact with the EU at Friday's summit in favor of closer ties with Russia (Yahoo/AP) 11/29/2013
  • Photo: Ukrainian police officers blocks a crowd from entering a road during an opposition rally in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, on Friday, Nov. 29, 2013. Thousands of demonstrators are gathering in Ukraine's capital after a deal that could have brought closer ties to the EU was shelved. Protesters are calling for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych, who ditched the free trade pact with the EU at Friday's summit in favor of closer ties with Russia (AP) 11/29/2013
  • Yanukovych says Ukraine-EU deal is suspended, not cancelled (euronews) 11/29/2013
  • Europe warns against Russian interference in Ukranian affairs (The Irish Times) 11/29/2013
  • Ukrainian president doesn't sign EU accord under pressure from Russia (UPI) 11/29/2013
  • EU to complain to Russia on Ukraine ( 11/29/2013
  • EU rejects Russia 'veto' on Ukraine agreement (BBC) 11/29/2013
  • Amnesty: влада обмежує права демонстрантів на Євромайданах (BBC) 11/29/2013
  • Майдан Незалежності в Києві очепили беркутівці (BBC) 11/29/2013
  • LIVE: у центрі Києва збираються протестувальники та беркутівці (BBC) 11/29/2013
  • Україна не підписала Угоду про асоціацію з ЄС (BBC) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine holds key to Putin's dream of a new union (Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • Analysis: Ukraine fiasco raises doubts about EU neighborhood policy (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich vetoes last-minute EU push to save trade deal (Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • OP-ED: Ukraine's Battle for Europe. By OLEH KOTSYUBA (New York Times) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine Backs Down (New York Times) 11/29/2013
  • E.U. Grapples With Disappointment Over Ukraine (New York Times) 11/29/2013
  • Economic Logic Pushed Ukraine to Russia (The Moscow Times) 11/29/2013
  • Topless Woman Held in Lithuania for Protest Near EU Summit (RIA Novosti) 11/29/2013
  • Georgia, Moldova Ink EU Agreements as Ukraine Backs Off (RIA Novosti) 11/29/2013
  • White House Website Petition Against Yanukovych Signed by 63,000 [88,319 at 11:10 AM ET] (RIA Novosti) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine, EU dig in heels as Vilnius summit opens (EurActiv) 11/29/2013
  • EU seeks ‘time for reflection’ after Vilnius summit failure (EurActiv) 11/29/2013
  • EU hopes Ukraine will change its decision on association agreement by Eastern Partnership Summit in 2015, says Grybauskaite (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Decision on non-signing Association Agreement with EU was forced – Azarov (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2013
  • EU's Barroso in Vilnius: 'We are on the side of the Ukrainian people' (Kyiv Post) 11/29/2013
  • European leaders offer package of financial aid to Ukraine - Polish President (The Voice of Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Barroso rules out possibility of EU-Ukraine-Russia tripartite negotiations (The Voice of Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Viktor Yanukovych: I confirm Ukraine’s intention to sign the association agreement in the near future (APA) 11/29/2013
  • EU openly blames Russia for failure to get landmark deal with Ukraine (Winnipeg Free Press) 11/29/2013
  • Stealing their dream. Viktor Yanukovych is hijacking Ukrainians’ European future (The Economist) 11/29/2013
  • Common sense won at Vilnius summit - Ukrainian PM (The Voice of Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine courts the EU abroad but curtails freedoms at home (Amnesty International) 11/29/2013
  • Poland's FM on EU-Ukraine Deal: It's Over ( 11/29/2013
  • Russia wins on Ukraine, but neighbors wary (The Japan Times/Washington Post) 11/29/2013
  • Vilnius summit overshadowed by Ukrainian trade deal rejection (Deutsche Welle) 11/29/2013
  • Jeers and Cheers in Ukraine Yanukovich Spurns EU Deal [was: Ukraine Says Membership in EU Depends on AID] (Voice of America) 11/29/2013
  • Torn between East and West, Ukraine Debates Future (Voice of America) 11/29/2013
  • Day of the gangster pygmy. Why, despite the appearance of defeat, Europe might have won the battle of Ukraine (The Economist) 11/29/2013
  • Succumbing to Russia's big stick. By Anne Applebaum [dated 11/28/2013] (Washington Post) 11/29/2013
  • Betrayal Of Hopes (Kyiv Post) 11/29/2013
  • EuroMaidan movement to move off streets, regroup (Kyiv Post) 11/29/2013
  • EU chides Ukraine’s rejection (BDlive/Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • No Ukraine deal amid EU-Russia tug of war (SBS) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine seeks integration with Russia and EU (CCTV) 11/29/2013
  • Despite Ukraine triumph, Russia's relations with its neighbors are under strain (Washington Post) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine wants financial, economic aid package from EU: Yanukovich (Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine will sign EU trade pact – but not right now (South China Morning Post) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine Leaders Must Listen to Own People - Bulgarian President ( 11/29/2013
  • Protesters in Ukraine backing association with EU believe they can travel to Europe without visas (The Voice of Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Yanukovych to meet EU leaders at Vilnius (Ukrainian Journal) 11/29/2013
  • Kiev remains committed to European integration, Arbuzov says (Ukrainian Journal) 11/29/2013
  • Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius (NATO) 11/29/2013
  • Kyiv protesters urge Ukraine to sign EU deal (euronews) 11/29/2013
  • Grybauskaite: Ukrainian leaders are taking country nowhere (Lithuania Tribune) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine 'going nowhere', says Lithuania at tough summit (Business Standard/AFP) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine's EU policies all about money, power (Business Recorder) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine, Slovak authorities still in 'constructive' gas link talks (Business Recorder) 11/29/2013
  • Journalists’ safety in Ukraine must be ensured, says OSCE media freedom representative (OSCE) 11/29/2013
  • ‘Door Still Open’ for Ukraine – EU Leaders (RIA Novosti) 11/29/2013
  • Bolton's Ukrainian community give backing to political protests at home (The Bolton News) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine initials open skies deal with EU in Vilnius (Kyiv Post) 11/29/2013
  • More journalists leave Kurchenko's UMH holding (Kyiv Post) 11/29/2013
  • Court sentences defendants in Vradiivka rape case to 5 to 15 years in prison (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine raises grain export forecast (Business Recorder) 11/29/2013
  • RPT-Fitch: Ukrainian Banking Sector Still Under Pressure (Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • Yuzhnoukrainsk reactor one given 10-year service life extension (Ukrainian Journal) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine: Top fruit thrives, greenhouse developments slows down (FreshPlaza) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine's Kernel swings to net loss on weak oil segment (Reuters) 11/29/2013
  • Ukraine and Canada ready to resume suspended free-trade negotiations (Ukrainian Journal) 11/29/2013
  • Tymoshenko to be returned to prison, says her ally (Interfax-Russia) 11/29/2013
  • США застерігають українську владу від застосування сили проти мітингувальників у Києві (VOA) 11/29/2013
  • Андрій ЄРМОЛАЄВ: «Європа є вибором суспільства, і він незворотний» (День) 11/29/2013
  • Що об’єднає українців після Майдану? (День) 11/29/2013
  • З’єднати київський Майдан з Євросоюзом спробували сьогодні активісти з усієї України...«Живий ланцюг» (День) 11/29/2013
  • Що буде після Євромайданів (Тиждень.ua) 11/29/2013
  • «Майдан програв. Майдан припиняється» - офіційна заява (ПІК) 11/29/2013
  • Два Майдани: спільне та відмінне BBC (Кореспондент) 11/29/2013
  • На Майдан стягують Беркут: глава МВС просить міліцію вести себе адекватно (Кореспондент) 11/29/2013
  • Євромайдан в Івано-Франківську згорнув наметове містечко і закликає їхати до Києва. Резолюція (Майдан) 11/29/2013
  • Затятість Майдану. Коменданти Євромайдану не збираються розпускати Євромайдан, навіть якщо Янукович не підпише Угоду про асоціацію з ЄС (Україна Молода) 11/29/2013
  • Гра, неприйнятна для Європи. Замість Президента Януковича угоду з ЄС у Вільнюсі символічно підписали представники громадянського суспільства (Україна Молода) 11/29/2013
  • Голос революції Руслана — про три Майдани, кулак Кличка, обморожені вуха і неприборкане студентство (Україна Молода) 11/29/2013
  • Україна провалила угоду про асоціацію з ЄС (ТСН) 11/29/2013
  • ЄС сподівається підписати угоду про асоціацію з Україною у 2015 році (ТСН) 11/29/2013
  • Президент Польщі скасував візит в Україну (ТСН) 11/29/2013
  • Вирок у "врадіївській справі": Дрижаку і Поліщуку дали по 15 років тюрми, Рабиненку - 11 років (ТСН) 11/29/2013

  • SUSK supports Euromaidan demonstrations across Canada (website) 11/28/2013
  • Succumbing to Russia's big stick. By Anne Applebaum (Washington Post) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine welcome to join European family says president (Baltic Times) 11/28/2013
  • Ukrainian government and EC to expand cooperation in EGNOS/Galileo navigation project (NRCU) 11/28/2013
  • 10000 protesters demand Ukraine sign EU pact (St. George Daily Spectrum/AP) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine: tens of thousands hold vigil in Kyiv to urge signing of EU trade deal (euronews) 11/28/2013
  • No deal 'so far' with Ukraine at EU-Russia tug-of-war summit [was: Ukraine under pressure at EU-Russia tug-of-war summit] (AFP) 11/28/2013
  • Georgia, Moldova Endorse EU Association Agreements (RFE/RL) 11/28/2013
  • Merkel Rules Out Ukraine-EU Accord at Summit as Optimism Cooled (Bloomberg) 11/28/2013
  • UPDATE 4-Ukraine, EU fail to salvage trade pact (Reuters) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine in squeeze between giants Russia and EU (Toronto Star) 11/28/2013
  • Lithuania President talks about Ukraine's future with Europe at Eastern Partnership summit (euronews) 11/28/2013
  • Merkel: 'No Hope' Ukraine Will Sign Deal (Wall Street Journal) 11/28/2013
  • After Ukraine, will Russia next lean on Moldova and Georgia? (The Sofia Glob/VOA) 11/28/2013
  • Fuele Says Brussels Regrets Kyiv's Decision (RFE/RL) 11/28/2013
  • Nadia Stefyn: Fighting for freedom in Ukraine ( 11/28/2013
  • Merkel: 'No Hope' Ukraine Will Sign Deal (Wall Street Journal) 11/28/2013
  • EU warns Ukraine over rejection of free trade deal [was: Ukraine's president fails to rescue pact for closer EU ties] (The Guardian) 11/28/2013
  • Christmas fast begins in Ukraine (RISU) 11/28/2013
  • A 'different' Bohomazov ... for the first time in 30 years, archival collection No. 360: the early works and personal documents of Oleksandr Bohomazov, a well-known cubo-futurist, the 'Ukrainian Picasso' (The Day) 11/28/2013
  • 'No Posters Allowed'. An unexpected exhibition has opened at the Isolation Foundation’s [Isolytsia] premises in Donetsk (The Day) 11/28/2013
  • Marynovych (UCU): if Vilnius deal goes bust we must look for new ways to fight the regime (RISU) 11/28/2013
  • The Black Sea Fleet cheated on the inhabitants of Sevastopol (The Day) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine president calls Tymoshenko a criminal ( 11/28/2013
  • Swedish foreign minister doubts Yanukovych's EU integration convictions are firm (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2013
  • EU partners won't sign statements of intention instead of Association Agreement with Ukraine – Yatseniuk (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2013
  • Cox: There is no doubt that Russia put pressure on Ukraine and this pressure was effective (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2013
  • NATO Secretary General Rasmussen: Ukraine-EU Association Agreement is beneficial for Russia as well (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2013
  • EuroMaidan Demonstrations in downtown Kyiv to last through November 29 (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2013
  • Fuele Says Brussels Regrets Kyiv's Decision (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich - a tough nut for the EU (Reuters) 11/28/2013
  • Protests continuing against EU reversal (Ukrainian Journal) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine signs offshore oil and gas PSAs with Italy's Eni, France's EDF (Ukrainian Journal) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine receives approval from Slovakia to begin nagtas imports (Ukrainian Journal) 11/28/2013
  • President to address Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius on Friday (Ukrainian Journal) 11/28/2013
  • After Ukraine, now what? (Deutsche Welle) 11/28/2013
  • American Chamber of Commerce calls on Ukraine to continue moving on European integration path (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine Sees Positive Result at EU Summit on Free-Trade Pact (Bloomberg) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine says still wants to reach historic EU pact (Pakistan Daily Times) 11/28/2013
  • EU-Ukraine: Cultural divide, US ambitions and Brussels expansionism (Russia Today) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine's EU 'U-turn' dominates East Europe talks (FRANCE 24) 11/28/2013
  • 'Free Ukraine, not me': Tymoshenko urges EU leaders (Business Recorder) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine-Russia-EU talks aimed at signing Association Agreement on more beneficial terms for Kyiv – Azarov (Interfax-Russia) 11/28/2013
  • Ukraine's Path Not Taken. Yanukovich’s secret meetings with Putin sealed the fate of the EU agreement (Prague Post) 11/28/2013

  • Chicken Kiev. Vladimir Putin cowed the Ukrainian government with sticks and carrots the EU can’t match. By Anne Applebaum ( 11/27/2013
  • Both Ukraine and Russia Belong in Europe. By Vladimir Kara-Murza (World Affairs Jounral) 11/27/2013
  • What the Mass Demonstrations in Ukraine Mean. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Jounral) 11/27/2013
  • VIDEO: ЄвроМайдан‬ у Філядельфії / EuroMaidan in Philadelphia (YouTube) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian president Yanukovich pours scorn on jailed political rival (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • EU ‘refines its thinking’ on its Ukraine-Russia relations (EurActiv) 11/27/2013
  • Archbishop Lubomyr Husar: The True Ukraine Stands on Maidan (RISU) 11/27/2013
  • UOC-Kyivan Patriarchate Spokesperson Describes What Ukraine Can Contribute to Europe (RISU) 11/27/2013
  • Edmonton's Ukrainian diaspora watching turmoil back home (Edmonton Journal) 11/27/2013
  • Statements on Ukraine, Eastern Partnership Debated in Parliament (Civil Georgia) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine's Illegal Coal Mines Lure Desperate Workers (Businessweek) 11/27/2013
  • UPDATE 1-Ukraine signs oil, gas deal with Eni and EDF, sees $4 bln investment (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Photo: Special police force officers secure a square of front of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers offices in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday Nov. 27, 2013, as round-the-clock opposition protests continue in support of European Union integration (Yahoo/AP) 11/27/2013
  • Музейники закликають підписати угоду про асоціацію з ЄС ( 11/27/2013
  • In Ukraine, Protests Highlight 'Generational Rift' (RFE/RL) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian students join EU rallies, smart phones in hand (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine president tells EU to keep off Tymoshenko case (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian Jailed Ex-Premier Urges EU to Drop Conditions for Deal (Bloomberg) 11/27/2013
  • Protests Continue in Ukraine Against Refusal to Sign EU Deal (VOA) 11/27/2013
  • EU dispute puts Tymoshenko in tight spot (Washington Post/AP) 11/27/2013
  • Yanukovych's Ukrainian calculus: power at all costs (BBC) 11/27/2013
  • Opinion: The Ukrainian Debacle (Huffington Post) 11/27/2013
  • Russia’s State Duma ready to draft, discuss new strategic partnership agreement with Ukraine (The Voice of Russia) 11/27/2013
  • President Yanukovych Invites EU and Russia to Negotiating Table (EIN News) 11/27/2013
  • The Grassroots Are Growing - by Nadia Diuk (Foreign Policy) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian protesters demand release of Tymoshenko (Yahoo/AP) 11/27/2013
  • Yanukovych: Ukraine has enough money to service foreign debt (Interfax-Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Yanukovych says resolution of 'Tymoshenko issue' is beyond his purview (Interfax-Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine has right to leave Third Energy Package after support for South Stream by EU, says Ukrainian president (Interfax-Russia) 11/27/2013
  • UPDATE 4-Ukraine leader to go to EU summit, but not ready to sign pact (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition vows to ensure signing of EU integration deal (The Voice of Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Україна досі має шанс підписати угоду про асоціацію – політолог (Radio Svoboda) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian potato prices expected to grow by one-third, spring 2014 (FreshPlaza) 11/27/2013
  • Yanukovich is playing with the rules, not by them. By Vitali Klitschko (Financial Times) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine Needs Russia Resolution Before EU Deal, Yanukovych Says (Bloomberg) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine, like Turkey, won't ever join the EU (The Times) 11/27/2013
  • Op-ed: Ukraine on the Brink (New York Times) 11/27/2013
  • East or West? Contrasting faces of Ukraine (BBC) 11/27/2013
  • Opinion: Europe Content to Watch Ukraine Sink (The Moscow Times) 11/27/2013
  • Over 20,000 people sign initiative to impose sanctions against Yanukovych on White House Web site (Interfax-Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine in Turmoil After Leaders Reject Major EU Deal (New York Times) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine says still wants historic pact with EU (EUBusiness) 11/27/2013
  • EU didn't consider 'Russian factor', looks for extra plan for Ukraine, says Kwasniewski (Interfax-Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian Antigovernment Protests Continue After EU Rejection (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich says EU should stop meddling over Tymoshenko (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Putin’s Ukraine Blackmail Is Not an EU Foreign Policy Failure (Carnegie Europe) 11/27/2013
  • Scrapped EU-Ukraine Trade Deal Is Good News For China (Forbes) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian MPs Barred Entry To Government Building Where Leaders Meet. Opposition parliamentary deputies are refused entry to Cabinet of Ministers government meeting in Kiev, PM Azarov warns protesters (New Tang Dynasty Television) 11/27/2013
  • Yanukovych to attend EU summit in Vilnius (Ukrainian Journal) 11/27/2013
  • Suspension of EU deal hinders Ukraine's credit, according to Moody's (Ukrainian Journal) 11/27/2013
  • Rada speaker calls for simplification of Canadian visa regime (Ukrainian Journal) 11/27/2013
  • ArcelorMittal tops list of companies government owes VAT money (Ukrainian Journal) 11/27/2013
  • Moscow To Ease Embargo On Ukrainian Chocolates (RFE/RL) 11/27/2013
  • The Best Ukrainian Protest Signs (RFE/RL) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine Offers New Deadline for EU Deal (The Moscow times) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition leaders Yatseniuk, Klitschko, Tiahnybok to attend Vilnius summit (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Explainer: What's Ukraine Missing Out On? (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine President Hopes Russia Talks Can Unlock EU Deal (Wall Street Journal) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian president Yanukovich pours scorn on jail political rival (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine says still wants to reach historic EU pact (GlobalPost/AFP) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine: Yanukovich believes some are using protests for their own political ends (euronews) 11/27/2013
  • Kiev still looking to reach EU agreement - Ukraine PM (The Voice of Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine's association with EU should be depoliticized - Putin (The Voice of Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Poland accuses Kremlin of blackmailing Ukraine (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine must choose between EU and Russia, Putin says (London South East/DPA) 11/27/2013
  • The town going behind Ukraine's back. The tiny Ukrainian town of Rava-Ruska on the Polish border has asked to join the European Union... (The Globe and Mail) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine abandons plans for closer ties to the European Union (World Socialist Web Site) 11/27/2013
  • Russia 'bewildered, disappointed' by EU criticism over Ukraine (Rappler/AFP) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine leader tells EU: 'Don't humiliate us' (euronews) 11/27/2013
  • Hundreds Rally Outside Ukraine Gov’t in Support of EU Deal (RIA Novosti) 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine Could Free Tymoshenko for $20Bln Payment – President (RIA Novosti) 11/27/2013
  • Russia Agrees to Lift Ukrainian Candy Embargo (RIA Novosti) 11/27/2013
  • Europe's failure on Ukraine: Three lessons ( 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine to sign $4 bln oil and gas deal with Eni and EDF - report (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • The Unusual Pickup Line Hayden Panettiere Used When She Met Fiancй Wladimir Klitschko (Yahoo/omg!) 11/27/2013
  • Hayden Panettiere on Having Kids with (Tall) Wladimir Klitschko: 'They'll Be Normal Height' (People Magazine) 11/27/2013
  • 5 Years After War, Georgia Defies Russia Over Europe (The Moscow Times) 11/27/2013
  • Kyoto Climate Deal Extension Stumbled on Ukraine Emission Limit (Bloomberg) 11/27/2013
  • Mystery Ukrainian billionaire plans to turn 'ghost' tube station that was used by Winston Churchill into flats after buying it for Ј50million (Daily Mail) 11/27/2013
  • Pope encourages Ukrainian Catholics to work 'every day' for Church unity (Catholic Culture) 11/27/2013
  • The Town Going Behind Ukraine's Back [Rava-Ruska] (NASDAQ) 11/27/2013
  • Maxim Behar: Ukraine Should Neither Tease Russia Nor Snub EU ( 11/27/2013
  • Ukraine still can sign AA in Vilnius, EP believes (ForUm) 11/27/2013
  • Yulia Timoshenko: the iron lady of Ukrainian business (The Voice of Russia) 11/27/2013
  • Migrants share magic of cultures in Ukranian Festival, Glendi and Croatian Festa this weekend [was: Ukranian dancer Yasya King prepares for the Ukranian Festival] (Herald Sun) 11/27/2013
  • Pictured: The blonde 25-year-old Ukrainian mail order bride who will land canoe conman John Darwin, 63, back in jail (Daily Mail) 11/27/2013
  • FIFA rejects Ukraine appeal; sanctions for discrimination upheld ( 11/27/2013
  • Yanukovych: Ukraine has enough money to service foreign debt (Interfax-Russia) 11/27/2013
  • UPDATE 1-Ukrainian bank's Eurobonds hurt after it seeks restructuring (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Eni Signs Deal with Ukraine on Offshore Exploration, Production (Wall Street Journal) 11/27/2013
  • Ukrainian bank's Eurobonds hurt after it seeks restructuring (Reuters) 11/27/2013
  • Чи можна ще врятувати «мрію Президента»? (День) 11/27/2013
  • Прогноз першого Президента. Леонід КРАВЧУК: «Євросоюз на наші прохання допомогти Україні не відреагував» (День) 11/27/2013
  • Які перспективи Євромайдану? (День) 11/27/2013
  • Політолог: Янукович поміняв євровибір на вибори-2015 і став президентом частини українців (Тиждень.ua) 11/27/2013
  • На Майдані здійснилася студентська міні-революція (ПІК) 11/27/2013
  • Донецькі ліві протестували проти асоціації з ЄС (BBC) 11/27/2013
  • Влада України незадоволена виступом спікера Сейму Литви на Євромайдані (BBC) 11/27/2013
  • Мер Тернополя закликав ректорів вузів скасувати навчання і йти на Майдан (Майдан) 11/27/2013
  • Двері Європи відчинені досі. ЄС задіяв додаткові механізми, аби таки спонукати Україну до асоціації. Янукович обіцяє виконати волю громадян (Україна Молода) 11/27/2013
  • Меркель готова боротися за Україну в ЄС і нагадує Путіну про завершення Холодної війни (ТСН) 11/27/2013
  • Адміністрацію Обами просять запровадити санкції проти Януковича та уряду Азарова (Документ) (Тиждень.ua) 11/27/2013
  • Сторінка Євромайдану стала найшвидше зростаючою за всю історію Facebook в Україні (watcher) 11/27/2013

  • Ukrainian PM 'not surprised' by people's insistence on EU progress (euronews) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovych to attend EU summit despite row (Deutsche Welle) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine leader to attend EU summit (Independent Online/Reuters) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's Putin problem (National Post) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine leader to go to EU summit, but not ready to sign pact (WTAQ/Reuters) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's leader defends putting deal on hold (Radio New Zealand) 11/26/2013
  • Students Join Protests In Kiev Over EU Deal (NPR/AP) 11/26/2013
  • EU aid offer for Ukraine to sign pact was humiliating-Yanukovich (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's choice: East vs West ( 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine Protests Continue As Russia Denies Anti-EU Pressure (Voice of America) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine president firm over EU 'U-turn' amid protests (MaltaToday) 11/26/2013
  • End 'sharp words' over Ukraine, Putin tells EU leaders (GlobalPost/AFP) 11/26/2013
  • Putin gives Ukraine an ultimatum (Independent Online) 11/26/2013
  • The Euro Virus Is Haunting Ukraine (Forbes) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine is 'united' on EU integration says Poroshenko (BBC News) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine U-turn on Europe pact was agreed with Vladimir Putin (The Guardian) 11/26/2013
  • EU Waters Down Vilnius Declaration (RFE/RL) 11/26/2013
  • EU assistance offer 'a pittance to a beggar,' prime minister says (Ukrainian Journal) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine will face challenges issuing eurobonds this year, analysts say (Ukrainian Journal) 11/26/2013
  • EU door still open for Ukraine, enlargement commissioner says (Ukrainian Journal) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine-EU trade deal 'big threat' to Russia's economy (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • Thousands take to street over EU decision (Ukrainian Journal) 11/26/2013
  • Russia urged Kiev to delay key EU deal - Ukrainian PM [was: Ukraine alarm at becoming EU-Russia 'battlefield' - PM] (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine president to meet EU leaders in Lithuania (Reuters) 11/26/2013
  • Transdniestrian settlement talks in Kyiv conclude with decisions on freedom of movement, pensions and social assistance, waste facilities reconstruction (OSCE) 11/26/2013
  • У Львові зібрався наймасовіший мітинг з початку Євромайдану (ФОТО, ВІДЕО) (Вголос) 11/26/2013
  • Top 10 silent movies [Dovzhenko's 'Earth' No. 9]. Think silent films reached a high point with The Artist? The pre-sound era produced some of the most beautiful, arresting films ever made. From City Lights to Metropolis, Guardian and Observer critics pick the 10 best (The Guardian) 11/26/2013
  • EU still hopes, but not really believes in signing of Association Agreement with Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Photo: Students take part in a rally to support EU integration in western Ukrainian city of Lviv November 26, 2013. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich will attend a summit with the European Union this week to discuss prospects for three-way talks on Ukraine's economic problems which would also involve Russia, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said on Tuesday. Sign reads, 'Students support EU' (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/26/2013
  • WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Impose personal sanctions on President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine members (We The People/ 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine says it wants to resume trade talks with Russia By Andreas Stein and Nikolaus von Twickel (Europe Online/DPA) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine admits Russia sought EU pact delay (Yahoo/AFP) 11/26/2013
  • The quest to recognize a righteous man. A West Hartford man’s quest to honor a Ukrainian archbishop [Andrey Sheptytsky] (Jewish Ledger) 11/26/2013
  • Media take partisan positions on Ukraine [Russian TV has described the actions of Ukrainian protesters as a provocation] (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • The SBU's white mini-van and how it triggered last night's clash (Kyiv Post) 11/26/2013
  • Why Yanukovych Spat in the EU's Soup (The Moscow Times) 11/26/2013
  • Q&A: EU-Russia battleground (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • As Ukraine turns to Russia, Yulia Tymoshenko stays in prison (Washington Post) 11/26/2013
  • Russia urged Kiev to delay key EU deal - Ukrainian PM (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • A Lot at Stake for Russia in Battle for Ukraine (ABC/AP) 11/26/2013
  • MP Kolesnichenko asks president not to go to Vilnius if Ukrainian opposition is invited there (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Ukrainian-Americans demonstrate at city hall; ... (Cleveland Plain Dealer) 11/26/2013
  • Striking students join EuroMaidan (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's Roshen could return to Russian market soon (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine has no alternative but to introduce European standards – Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Pro-EU Protests In Ukraine Enter Third Day (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine & EU: Why some protestors are more equal than others (Russa Today) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's ambassador to Canada hopes for positive decision in cancellation of visa regime between two countries (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Ashton: Ukraine 'not a prize' in game between Russia and EU (ForUm) 11/26/2013
  • Two Svoboda activists simply detained, no pre-trial restrictions chosen for them, say Kyiv police (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Elton John's book, Love Is the Cure, Out in Paperback Today (PRNewswire-USNewswire) 11/26/2013
  • Op-ed: Why is the West playing hardball with Yanukovych? (Kyiv Post) 11/26/2013
  • Angry protests in Kiev over EU pact rejection (RTE) 11/26/2013
  • After spats with US, Russia now on collision course with EU (Times of India) 11/26/2013
  • EU chair says Ukraine trade decision will cost Russia dearly (Reuters) 11/26/2013
  • Protests Continue as Ukraine Leader Defends Stance on Europe (New York Times) 11/26/2013
  • Opinion: Ukraine at a crossroads (The Boston Globe) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine has not reached final deal for Russian loans-Azarov (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's dilemma (Khaleej Times) 11/26/2013
  • Tymoshenko goes on hunger strike (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Myron Wasylyk named CEO at PBN Hill+Knowlton Strategies in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan & US (Business Wire) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine wooed by rival suitors (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine Opposition Leader Launches Hunger Strike (Voice of America) 11/26/2013
  • Russia says EU criticism over Ukraine shift inappropriate (Reuters) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine Tightening Security at Government Buildings – Report (RIA Novosti) 11/26/2013
  • US Ukrainians urge government not to use force against protesters (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • EU wants to hear Yanukovych's vision of current situation at Vilnius summit (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Rally in central Kyiv calls on Premier Azarov to step down (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Prosecutor's Office opens criminal case into attack on SBU car (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Protestors in Kyiv urge Yanukovich to sign EU pact (EurActiv) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine and Lithuania Parliament speakers to meet on Nov 27 - Rada press service (Interfax-Russia) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's Tymoshenko on hunger strike backing pro-EU rallies (Bangkok Post) 11/26/2013
  • Ukrainian Protesters Attack Van That Spied on Rally (The Moscow Times) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine-EU Association Deal Still In View – Foreign Minister (RIA Novosti) 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine opposition leader on hunger strike ( 11/26/2013
  • Ukraine's Tymoshenko on hunger strike backing pro-EU rallies (AFP) 11/26/2013
  • Ukrainian Protests Compared to 2004 Orange Revolution (The Moscow Times) 11/26/2013
  • How to use the energy of the Euromaidan. 'Whether Yanukovych signs the agreement in Vilnius or not, whether he enters the Customs Union or not, 100,000 people will always remind him that this country has a host, and it is the people' (The Day) 11/26/2013
  • Як розпорядитися енергією Євромайдану? «Підпише Янукович угоду у Вільнюсі чи ні, вступить до МС чи ні, 100 тис. людей завжди йому нагадають, що у цієї країни є господар, і це — народ», — експерт (День) 11/26/2013
  • У Львові студенти продовжують страйк, облрада збирається на виїзне засідання (День) 11/26/2013
  • Студенти Могилянки і Ужгородського університету оголосили страйк (День) 11/26/2013
  • Посол США при ОБСЄ: Світ спостерігає, як українська влада зараз дотримується свободи мирних зборів громадян (Тиждень.ua) 11/26/2013
  • Євромайдан розколовся навпіл. Молодь вимагає прибрати партійну символіку. Прихильники євроінтеграції проти приєднання до руху політичних партій (ПІК) 11/26/2013
  • Як пройшла ніч на Євромайданах України. Відеорепортаж (Кореспондент) 11/26/2013
  • Києво-Могилянська академія скасувала пари задля Євромайдану (Кореспондент) 11/26/2013
  • Невідомі знесли Євромайдан у Дніпропетровську, є постраждалі (Кореспондент) 11/26/2013
  • Янукович привітав 'справжнього професіонала' Табачника з 50-річчям (Кореспондент) 11/26/2013
  • VIDEO: HARDtalk: Petro Poroshenko - Ukrainian Businessman and Politician (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • Прокуратура розслідує захоплення автобуса СБУ (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • Тимошенко оголосила безстрокове голодування (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • Преса: Євромайдан - другий шанс для Януковича (BBC) 11/26/2013
  • Причини та наслідки Голодомору. Відкрита дискусія Майдан Reload №26 (Майдан) 11/26/2013
  • Обличчя Євромайдану: Катерина Гладка – це передчуття історичного моменту (Майдан) 11/26/2013
  • Голос Євромайдану. На рішення Кабміну про «паузу в євроінтеграції» вулиця відповіла найбільшим мітингом з часів революції-2004 (Україна Молода) 11/26/2013
  • До Кабміну звезли беркутівців зі сходу та півдня України (ТСН) 11/26/2013
  • Завдяки європаузі Україна уникне дефолту, але перетвориться на Білорусь - Bloomberg (ТСН) 11/26/2013

  • VIDEO: Demonstrations in Ukraine over EU deal. CNN's Phil Black reports on protests in Ukraine demanding a restart of talks with the EU (CNN) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich defends policy, Tymoshenko declares hunger strike (Reuters) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine EU delay protest: 'Emotions are running high' (BBC) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine president firm over EU 'U-turn' amid protests [was 'Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych calls for calm'] (BBC News) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich says suspending moves to EU trade deal was difficult (Reuters) 11/25/2013
  • EU keeps Ukraine offer 'on the table' (GlobalPost/AFP) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine may gain 'short-term benefits' by move east ( 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainians angry over delay on path to ‘normalcy’ with EU (euronews) 11/25/2013
  • Estonia: Ukraine problems 'won't go away' (BBC) 11/25/2013
  • Putin Beats Europe in Battle for Ukraine (Bloomberg) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine Protests Continue Over Suspension Of EU Talks (NPR) 11/25/2013
  • Pro-Europe Ukrainians march as Kiev balances Moscow and Brussels (+video) (Christian Science Monitor) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine's Tymoshenko launches hunger strike: lawyer (Reuters) 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainian Protesters Clash With Police Over Snubbing of EU Trade Deal. Street Demonstrations Follow Larger Rally Against President (Wall Street Journal) 11/25/2013
  • Business Buzz on the Association Agreement. Mini-survey of business associations and executives on how the Association Agreement can affect their life in Ukraine (Ukrainian Week) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine Protests Continue Over Suspension Of EU Talks (OPB News/NPR) 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainian pro-EU protesters storm government building (Christian Science Monitor) 11/25/2013
  • The Battle for Ukraine (Wall Street Journal) 11/25/2013
  • Відеозвернення Януковича до українців (Кореспондент) 11/25/2013
  • Євромайдан: чи змінить Янукович своє рішення? (BBC) 11/25/2013
  • Yanukovych Chooses Russia over EU for Ukraine. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 11/25/2013
  • Is New Orange Revolution Brewing In Ukraine? (EurasiaNet/RFE/RL) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich says suspending moves to EU trade deal was difficult (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/25/2013
  • UNESCO Calls for Celebration of Taras Shevchenko's 200th Birthday [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (PRNewswire) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine Protesters Clash with Police over EU Agreement (VOA) 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainian World Congress calls upon Ukraine’s President to hear the voice of the Ukrainian people and sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (UWC) 11/25/2013
  • NDP concerned about the situation in Ukraine (New Democratic Party of Canada) 11/25/2013
  • Thousands Protest Ukraine's Rejection of Trade Pacts (New York Times) 11/25/2013
  • Звернення Президента до Українського народу. Прес-служба Президента України Віктора Януковича ( 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine protest: EU deplores 'Russian pressure' (BBC) 11/25/2013
  • European integration rallies broken up in Chernihiv (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • EuroMaidan activist in Odesa beaten, poisoned (Kyiv Post) 11/25/2013
  • Heavy police protection, all for Vladimir Lenin statue (Kyiv Post) 11/25/2013
  • WRAPUP 2-Police, pro-Europe protesters clash in Ukraine, EU condemns Russia (Reuters) 11/25/2013
  • Police, protesters clash in Kiev, Ukraine ( 11/25/2013
  • Europe needs to help Ukraine escape from Russia. By Viktor Yushchenko (Financial Times) 11/25/2013
  • Is New Orange Revolution Brewing In Ukraine? (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/25/2013
  • EU 'strongly disapproves' of Russia's action over Ukraine (Reuters) 11/25/2013
  • Police, pro-Europe protesters clash in Ukraine, EU condemns Russia (Reuters) 11/25/2013
  • Tear gas used against pro-European protesters in Ukraine (Deutsche Welle) 11/25/2013
  • Collection of signatures in support of Association Agreement with EU begins in Donetsk (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Clashes at Ukraine rally over EU agreement delay (BBC) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine police clash with pro-EU protesters in Kiev (FRANCE 24) 11/25/2013
  • Yanukovych planning to attend Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, Kyiv and Brussels not ready to sign agreement – Kozhara (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Lviv students want EU deal signed (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Analyst: 'EuroMaidan' gave Yanukovych additional argument in talks with Moscow and Europe (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Protesters clash with police outside government building in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Pro-EU Marchers Flood Kyiv... (Transitions Online) 11/25/2013
  • Two protesters taken to police station for spraying tear gas in central Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Huge demonstration in Kyiv in support of EU pact (EurActiv) 11/25/2013
  • Fule's spokesman: no suggestion of talks on association agreement between EU, Kyiv and Moscow (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Tymoshenko’s Daughter Asks Germany to Help Free Her Mother (RIA Novosti) 11/25/2013
  • [PDF] Ukrainian American Bar Association Statement On hearing of President Yanukovych’s betrayal of Ukraine’s right to reclaim its long awaited place among European nations (UABA) 11/25/2013
  • Kiev's Fiolent Plant working on technology for Ukrainian Navy corvette (Ukrainian Journal) 11/25/2013
  • Suspension of EU deals will hurt Ukrainians, says EU official (Ukrainian Journal) 11/25/2013
  • EU offered no compensation for Russian trade losses, says DPM (Ukrainian Journal) 11/25/2013
  • Protesters Renew Clashes With Police In Kyiv [was - PM: Ukraine Could Sign EU Accord In 2014] (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/25/2013
  • Police use tear gas on pro-Europe demonstrators in Ukraine (NBC) 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainian Jewish leaders: Romania unfit to lead Holocaust body (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine protest: Police clash with pro-EU crowd in Kiev (BBC) 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainian famine remembered in Windsor ( 11/25/2013
  • Slepnev: Ukraine's hesitation affected trade with Customs Union (News of Belarus) 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainian Opposition Pushes for Vote of No Confidence in Cabinet (The Moscow Times) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine Could Sign EU Agreement in 2014 - PM ( 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainian Bonds Advance as Credit Risk Drops on Russia Aid Bets (Bloomberg) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine signaled to Europe that timing of agreement with EU could change - Azarov (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine hit by media censorship and cyber attacks (GlobalPost) 11/25/2013
  • Protests continue in tense Ukraine capital (Businessweek/AP) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine Protesters Clash with Police over EU Agreement (Voice of America) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine police use teargas on pro-Europe demonstrators (WHTC) 11/25/2013
  • Hindering of Ukraine's integration into EU will complicate task of attracting financing for Ukraine, say experts (Interfax-Russia) 11/25/2013
  • Ukrainian Rulers Vow to Not Impede Pro-EU Rallies ( 11/25/2013
  • Opinion: Ukraine Had No Option - Drop EU for Russia or Be Crushed ( 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine Opposition Seeks to Keep Pressure on Yanukovych (Bloomberg) 11/25/2013
  • Kiev protests after government U-turn on Europe deal (The Scotsman) 11/25/2013
  • Patriarch Filaret Urges U.S. Senate to Promote Association Agreement Between Ukraine and EU (RISU) 11/25/2013
  • Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Head of UGCC in Solidarity with Participants of EuroMaidan and Warns Against Bloodshed (RISU) 11/25/2013
  • EU and Ukraine: What went wrong? ( 11/25/2013
  • PACE concerned that Ukraine is turning away from Europe (NRCU) 11/25/2013
  • Pope marks 80th anniversary of 'Terror-Famine of Ukraine' (Catholic News Service) 11/25/2013
  • Pope, other Christian leaders recall Ukrainian famine-genocide (Catholic Culture) 11/25/2013
  • EU hits at Russian stance on Ukraine but keeps deal on table (Financial Times) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine's prime minister wants to review Russian gas deal ( 11/25/2013
  • CEC Destroys Video Records Of Parliamentary Elections-2012 (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/25/2013
  • Photo: Lawmaker and chairman of the Ukrainian opposition party Udar (Punch), WBC heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, speaks during a rally in support of Ukraine's integration with the European Union in front of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers in Kiev, Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 11/25/2013
  • Ukraine hit by media censorship and cyber attacks (GlobalPost) 11/25/2013
  • Газпром не збирався переглядати газові контракти з Україною (День) 11/25/2013
  • Лєх Валенса: Немає вільної Польщі без вільної України (День) 11/25/2013
  • Ранок на Майдані. Портрети (День) 11/25/2013
  • Баррозу і Ромпей запевнили, що пропозиція ЄС підписати угоду залишається в силі (Тиждень.ua) 11/25/2013
  • Міліція звернулася до учасників акцій протесту (Кореспондент) 11/25/2013
  • Беркут побив львів’ян з Євромайдану (BBC) 11/25/2013
  • Путін викрутив Україні руки, поставив на коліна і змусив страждати, - The Washington Post ( 11/25/2013

  • Local Ukrainian community draws attention to its own holocaust (Sarasota Herald-Tribune) 11/24/2013
  • Vox Populi: The Kyiv Post asked participants of today's EuroMaidan rally how far they are willing to go to push for an association agreement with the EU (Kyiv Post) 11/24/2013
  • Toronto protesters support Ukrainian EU deal (Toronto Sun) 11/24/2013
  • VIDEO: Євромайдан. Львів. Ще не вмерла Україна [Dart Leo] (YouTube) 11/24/2013
  • На Майдані вимкнули світло, 'Беркут' готується до атаки - трансляція ( 11/24/2013
  • «Євромайдан» вимагає скасування рішення уряду про відмову від євроінтеграції (VOA) 11/24/2013
  • Ukraine divided as tens of thousands protest against government's scrapped EU deal (The Independent) 11/24/2013
  • Photo: Riot police guard the Presidential Office in Kiev, Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 11/24/2013
  • Photo: Demonstrators shout slogans during a protest in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through central Kiev on Sunday to demand that the Ukrainian government reverse course and sign a landmark agreement with the European Union in defiance of Russia (Yahoo/AP) 11/24/2013
  • Photo: Demonstrators hold up a flag with the face of jailed former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko during a protest in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched through central Kiev on Sunday to demand that the Ukrainian government reverse course and sign a landmark agreement with the European Union in defiance of Russia (Yahoo/AP) 11/24/2013
  • VIDEO: Ukraine: Pro and anti-EU protesters clash in Kiev (YouTube/Ruptly) 11/24/2013
  • Ukraine's Shift Toward Moscow Sparks Protests, Accusations (The Moscow Times) 11/24/2013
  • Kiev’s lost chance. The west must find ways of countering Moscow’s bullyin (Financial Times) 11/24/2013
  • Dramatic pictures show police and protesters clash during huge demonstration in Kiev 24 Nov 2013. Police fired tear gas at the protesters who responded by throwing smoke grenades ( 11/24/2013
  • Ukraine backs out of EU deal. Some 100,000 people protested in Kiev, the largest demonstration since the Orange Revolution in 2004 (Prague Post) 11/24/2013
  • Ukrainians March After Cabinet Snubs EU in Turn to Russia (Bloomberg) 11/24/2013
  • 80th Anniversary commemoration of famine in Ukraine [UK] (Rochdale Online) 11/24/2013
  • 18,000 People Rallying In Lviv Against Suspension Of Preparation For Signature Of Association Agreement With EU (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/24/2013
  • Pro-EU Ukrainians mass in biggest rally since Orange Revolution (Yahoo/AFP) 11/24/2013
  • Tens of thousands of Ukrainians in pro-Europe rally Eds: epa photos (Europe Online/DPA) 11/24/2013
  • Ukrainians march to demand EU pact (EUBusiness) 11/24/2013
  • Ukraine: Then and Now (National Review) 11/24/2013
  • Mass protests in Ukraine against government U-turn on EU (The Irish Times) 11/24/2013
  • Huge Ukraine rally over EU agreement delay (BBC) 11/24/2013
  • 'Let's build Europe in Ukraine' rally held in Mykhailivska Square (ForUm) 11/24/2013
  • Pro-EU Ukrainians mass in biggest rally since Orange Revolution (Google/AFP) 11/24/2013
  • More than 100000 protesting in Ukraine over EU agreement delay (GlobalPost) 11/24/2013
  • Ukrainians march for closer EU ties (Deutsche Welle) 11/24/2013
  • Ukraine police clash with pro-EU protesters ( 11/24/2013
  • Kyiv Police Tear-Gas Pro-EU Protesters (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/24/2013
  • Thousands march in Ukraine, calling on government to sign EU deal (CTV News/AP) 11/24/2013
  • Thousands of Ukrainians Protest Rejection of EU Trade Deal. James Marson (Wall Street Journal) 11/24/2013
  • Thousands Rally in Ukraine for EU Integration (Voice of America) 11/24/2013
  • Mass rallies in Ukraine against government U-turn on EU (Reuters) 11/24/2013
  • Demonstrations Over European Integration Start in Kiev (RIA Novosti) 11/24/2013
  • Kiev Police Use Tear Gas Against Pro-EU Integration Protesters – Report (RIA Novosti) 11/24/2013
  • Ukraine police fire tear gas in clashes with pro-Europe protesters (GlobalPost/AP) 11/24/2013
  • Tens of thousands rally in Kiev for closer EU ties (Appeal-Democrat/AP) 11/24/2013
  • Between Moscow and Brussels: Ukrainian Dilemmas ( 11/24/2013
  • Demonstrations Over European Integration Start in Kiev (RIA Novosti) 11/24/2013
  • EU foreign policy suffers setback in Ukraine (Kuwait News Agency) 11/24/2013
  • Opinion: Ukraine & Russia: Sovok Players, Sovok Tactics, Sovok Results (Wall Street Pit) 11/24/2013
  • The EU: a behemoth with an image problem (Deutsche Welle) 11/24/2013
  • Soccer-Ukrainian championship results and standings (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/24/2013
  • Ukrainian protesters flood Kiev after president pulls out of EU deal (The Guardian) 11/24/2013
  • Ukraine police fire tear gas at pro-Europe protesters (Yahoo/AFP) 11/24/2013
  • Thousands of Ukrainians Protest Scrapping of Trade Pact With E.U. (New York Times) 11/24/2013
  • Ukraine marks catastrophe anniversary [Holodomor] (Press TV) 11/24/2013
  • Soccer-Ukrainian championship results and standings (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/24/2013
  • 80th anniversary of Ukraine famine marked [Holodomor] (Radio New Zealand) 11/24/2013
  • Mississauga youth group remembers millions who died in Ukrainian famine [Holodomor] (Brampton Guardian) 11/24/2013
  • Mass starvation remembered [Holodomor] (Winnipeg Free Press) 11/24/2013
  • Holodomor: A Hunger Pain Not to Be Forgotten (Guardian Express) 11/24/2013
  • Histoire. Il y a 80 ans: la grande famine en Ukraine [Holodomor] (Ouest-France) 11/24/2013
  • Люди зібралися на віче 'За Європу' (BBC) 11/24/2013
  • Євромайдан у Львові: пряма трансляція (ZAXID.NET) 11/24/2013
  • «За європейську Україну!» у Києві. Продовження (фото). Сьогодні у Києві зібралось понад 100 тисяч прихильників євроінтеграції (День) 11/24/2013
  • Кримчани за стабільність. Але - європейську, а не євразійську ... (День) 11/24/2013
  • Опозиція встановлює намети на Європейській площі (Тиждень.ua) 11/24/2013
  • Опозиція має намір 25 листопада влаштувати блок-пікет біля будівлі Кабміну (Кореспондент) 11/24/2013
  • Євромайдан: он-лайн трансляція з Майдану Незалежності в Києві (Кореспондент) 11/24/2013
  • На Європейській площі встановили намети (BBC) 11/24/2013
  • В суботу #Євромайдан зібрався і в США (фото, відео) (Майдан) 11/24/2013
  • На київському Євромайдані почали встановлювати перші намети (фото) (ТСН) 11/24/2013
  • Учасників Євромайданів закликали не розходитися до закінчення Вільнюського саміту (ТСН) 11/24/2013
  • З'явилося відео застосування сльозогінного газу на Євромайдані (ТСН) 11/24/2013

  • Влада почала діяти. У Миколаєві розгромили Євромайдан: є жертви (Відео) (7Днів) 11/23/2013
  • Hackers break into Vitali Klitschko's accounts after his calls for protests (Kyiv Post) 11/23/2013
  • Hackers break into Vitali Klitschko's accounts after his calls for protests (Kyiv Post) 11/23/2013
  • Thousands Protest Over Government U-Turn On EU In The Ukrainian Capital (New Tang Dynasty Television) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine marks tragic date amid setback on EU hopes ( 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine commemorates famine amid protests at dropped EU deal (euronews) 11/23/2013
  • Opinion: Ukraine’s plans for the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius remain uncertain (Lithuania Tribune) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine had no option - drop EU for Russia or be crushed ( 11/23/2013
  • Crisis in Ukraine: Yanukovych to face consequences of his maneuvering (The Voice of Russia) 11/23/2013
  • EU still hopes Ukraine will sign trade deal (FRANCE 24) 11/23/2013
  • Amanda Paul: The statement of the government represented the final nail in the coffin in terms of having the Association Agreement signed (Ukrainian Week) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine's enduring Holodomor horror, when millions starved in the 1930s (Malaysia Sun) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine Remembers Soviet-Era Famine as Nation Tilts Toward Moscow [Holodomor] (The Epoch Times) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine Observes Minute Of Silence Of Famine Victims [Holodomor] (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/23/2013
  • In Ukraine, Holodomor's Terrors Remain Fresh In The Minds Of Survivors (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/23/2013
  • Yanukovych says politicization of tragic events is unacceptable [Holodomor] (Interfax-Russia) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine's leadership pays tribute to Holodomor victims (ForUm) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine Remembers Soviet-Era Famine as Nation Tilts Toward Moscow [Holodomor] (The Epoch Times) 11/23/2013
  • Як організувати євромайдан у своєму місті? Інструкція Читайте більше тут: (Експрес) 11/23/2013
  • Stable girl Olesia gallops off with a £240,000 jackpot… from a 20p bet (Express) 11/23/2013
  • Myroslava Gongadze on why the world should press for justice in her husband's murder (Kyiv Post) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine protests against suspension of EU deal (Vatican Radio) 11/23/2013
  • Clashes in Kiev ahead of pro-EU opposition rally ( 11/23/2013
  • Yanukovych squeezes $20 b out of Russia for not signing EU deal - opposition leader (Interfax-Russia) 11/23/2013
  • Soccer-Ukrainian championship results and standings (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/23/2013
  • Ukranians rally to back EU deal ( 11/23/2013
  • The Former Soviet Union in the '90s, in Blue [Boris Mikhailov's retrospective is at the Dominique Levi gallery on the Upper East Side.] (WNYC) 11/23/2013
  • In Ukraine, Holodomor's Terrors Remain Fresh In The Minds Of Survivors (RFE/RL) 11/23/2013
  • Angela Merkel to discuss Ukraine and Eastern Partnership with Vladimir Putin (APA) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine shouldn't expect cheaper gas or funding from Russia in short-term – Fitch (Interfax-Russia) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine PM Says His Country Not Seeking Entry to Customs Union (RIA Novosti) 11/23/2013
  • European Union door 'remains open' to Ukraine: Commissioner (Economic Times/AFP) 11/23/2013
  • Ukrainian community mark 80th anniversary of Holodomor with march through Melbourne (Herald Sun) 11/23/2013
  • Ukraine marks tragic date amid setback on EU hopes [Holodomor] (Washington Post) 11/23/2013
  • 5 reasons Ukraine stepped away from the EU (Russia Today) 11/23/2013
  • Yefremov: Ukraine's industry will die if AA is signed (ForUm) 11/23/2013
  • Memorial plaque is unveiled by Ukrainian community in Bradford [Holodomor] (Bradford Telegraph and Argus) 11/23/2013
  • Remembering the deadly famine in Ukraine [Holodomor] (St. Catharines Standard) 11/23/2013
  • Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor ( 11/23/2013
  • Tymoshenko Urges Reversal on Suspension of EU-Ukraine Deal (RIA Novosti) 11/23/2013
  • Opposition leader: Yanukovych traded Ukraine’s EU future for $20 billion (EurActiv) 11/23/2013
  • Holodomor Commemoration at St. Patrick's Cathedral today at 1 pm (BRAMA) 11/23/2013
  • Once Victims Of Stalin, Ukraine's Tatars Reassert Themselves (Capital Public Radio News) 11/23/2013
  • Biden to Ukraine: Disappointed in EU Deal Pullout (ABC) 11/23/2013
  • Pro-EU Rallies Held Across Ukraine (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/23/2013
  • EuroMaidan rallies in Ukraine (live updates) (Kyiv Post) 11/23/2013
  • Українці вшанували пам’ять жертв Голодомору, запаливши 10 тисяч свічок (Тиждень.ua) 11/23/2013
  • Євромайдан: у Миколаєві протестувальники побилися з міліцією (BBC) 11/23/2013
  • Україна вшановує пам'ять жертв голодоморів (BBC) 11/23/2013
  • В Києві розпочалася жалобна хода з вшанування пам’яті жертв Голодомору (фоторепортаж в прямому ефірі) (Майдан) 11/23/2013
  • Меркель звинуватила Росію у тиску на Україну (ТСН) 11/23/2013

  • Lost EU-Ukraine Deal: Blessing in Disguise? (World Affairs Journal) 11/22/2013
  • Lost EU-Ukraine Deal: Blessing in Disguise? (World Affairs Journal) 11/22/2013
  • State Department says Kerry will not attend OSCE meeting in Ukraine (Reuters) 11/22/2013
  • Russian threats block Ukraine-EU trade deal (Deutsche Welle) 11/22/2013
  • Top of the Agenda: Ukraine Suspends EU Deal, Reflecting Russian Concerns (Council on Foreign Relations) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine on EU fiasco: Domestic economy is top priority (eTurboNews) 11/22/2013
  • Podcast: Love Thy Neighbor (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/22/2013
  • Europe worried by Ukrainian allegiance ( 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine's Hostage Crisis - By Christian Caryl (Foreign Policy) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine refused to ‘sign a suicide note’, sending the EU’s ‘geopolitical project’ onto the rocks (Russia Today) 11/22/2013
  • Biden to Ukraine: Disappointed in EU deal pullout ( 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine Remembers 1932 Famine (Voice of America) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine: thousands gather in Kyiv for pro-EU rally (euronews) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine: Revolution 2.0? (GlobalPost) 11/22/2013
  • Thousands rally in Ukraine capital over EU deal (The State/AP) 11/22/2013
  • Ukrainian PM Booed In Parliament After Snubbing EU (NPR/AP) 11/22/2013
  • VIDEO: Ukraine Chooses East Over West (NASDAQ) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine, Putin's Thick Red Line (Worldcrunch) 11/22/2013
  • The Big Loser in Ukraine's Rebuff of Europe? Ukraine (Businessweek) 11/22/2013
  • Holodomor: Memories of Ukraine's silent massacre (BBC) 11/22/2013
  • Could Russia rescue Ukraine's faltering economy? (euronews) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine risks financial meltdown after break with EU ( 11/22/2013
  • The Man Who Mistook Ukraine for a Fur Hat (London Review of Books) 11/22/2013
  • VIDEO: Ukraine chooses east over west (Reuters) 11/22/2013
  • Yulia Tymoshenko's daughter to join Ukraine street protests ( 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine's enduring Holodomor horror, when millions starved in the 1930s (EuroNews) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine Opposition Protests Europe U-Turn (The Moscow Times) 11/22/2013
  • Thousands rally in Ukraine capital over EU deal ( 11/22/2013
  • Historic defeat for EU as Ukraine returns to Kremlin control (Yahoo/Telegraph) 11/22/2013
  • Boxing Champ Vitali Klitschko Joins Kiev Protest against EU-Ukraine Trade Deal Snub (International Business Times) 11/22/2013
  • U.S. State Department says Kerry will not attend OSCE meeting in Ukraine (The Star/Reuters) 11/22/2013
  • VIDEO: Посол США українською про рішення уряду щодо Асоціації з ЄС [US Embassy Kyiv] (День) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine's Holodomor Through An Austrian's Eyes (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/22/2013
  • New Book [by journalist Anne Applebaum] To Highlight 'Well Managed Cover-Up' Of Ukrainian Famine [Anne Applebaum] (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/22/2013
  • European Square: Hashtag of Ukraine protest (BBC) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine Blames IMF for Collapse of Accord With European Union (New York Times) 11/22/2013
  • Statement by the Press Secretary on Holodomor Remembrance Day [The White House] (BRAMA) 11/22/2013
  • Russian threats block Ukraine-EU trade deal [was 'Ukraine puts deal with EU on ice - for now'] (Deutsche Welle) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine has no alternative but European integration - Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 11/22/2013
  • Kyiv Post: Nine years after start of Orange Revolution, Kyivans take to streets in protest of scuttled EU deal (Focus News) 11/22/2013
  • Kiev suspends drafting of the EU–Ukraine Association Agreement (The Voice of Russia) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine calls halt to EU deal under Moscow pressure [was 'Ukraine scraps EU deal, 'bows deeply' to Moscow'] (The Age) 11/22/2013
  • Facing Russian Threat, Ukraine Halts Plans for Deals with E.U. [was 'Ukraine Refuses to Free Ex-Leader, Raising Concerns Over EU Talks'] (New York Times) 11/22/2013
  • Tymoshenko urges Yanukovych to hold NSDC meeting, pass decision to sign agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 11/22/2013
  • Cox, Kwasniewski still hope for signing of Ukraine-EU Association Agreement at Vilnius Summit (Interfax-Russia) 11/22/2013
  • Russia ready for tripartite talks with Ukraine, EU - Putin (Interfax-Russia) 11/22/2013
  • Fitch: Ukraine-EU Deal Recedes, Impact Mixed, Ratings Neutral (Reuters) 11/22/2013
  • EU 'disappointed' by Ukraine decision (European Voice) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine paid $1.8 billion for September gas imports, government says (Ukrainian Journal) 11/22/2013
  • UKRAINE’S UPRISING (European Public Affairs) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine Opposition Protests Europe U-Turn (The Moscow Times) 11/22/2013
  • Several Ukraine cities hold rallies against suspension of integration with Europe (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 11/22/2013
  • Tymoshenko calls for street protests after Ukraine's EU switch (Business Recorder) 11/22/2013
  • EU snub reveals Ukraine still under Kremlin sway (EUBusiness) 11/22/2013
  • Europe worried by Ukrainian allegiance (UPI) 11/22/2013
  • Yanukovych lost his way, and now Ukraine suffers (Kyiv Post) 11/22/2013
  • No catastrophe for Ukraine's integration into Europe - [Party of Regions] parliamentarian (Interfax-Russia) 11/22/2013
  • Putin Wins Again as Ukraine Snubs E.U., Keeps Opposition Leader in Prison (TIME) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine opposition mass rally in Kiev over snub to EU (BBC) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine: the revolution lives on ( 11/22/2013
  • The Eastern Partnership Summit: A Cheat Sheet (Transitions Online) 11/22/2013
  • Dozens Dead as Riga Supermarket Collapses, Ukraine Abandons EU Deal (Transitions Online) 11/22/2013
  • Ukrainians Protest Over Scrapped Plan for EU Trade Deal (RIA Novosti) 11/22/2013
  • US 'Disappointed' in Ukraine’s Stalled EU Deal (RIA Novosti) 11/22/2013
  • The President’s Slow Freefall. The latest developments make the prospects of signing the Association Agreement very vague. What can Europe do with Ukraine after 28/11? (Ukrainian Week) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine Pivots to Russia With Last-Minute Freeze of EU Plan (2) (Businessweek) 11/22/2013
  • Hanne Severinsen: There are so many people under the autocratic surface of Yanukovych regime who want to live in a European society (Ukrainian Week) 11/22/2013
  • Statement by Tom Mulcair on the 80th Anniversary of the Holodomor [Canada 'New Democrats'] (NDP) 11/22/2013
  • EU loses out on Ukraine, but may have dodged a bullet (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine: EU Suspension Order was 'Economic' Move (Voice of America) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine government drops pact with EU, renews Russia dialogue (Christian Science Monitor) 11/22/2013
  • EU trade deal would be Ukraine's 'ticket for the Titanic' (Russia Today) 11/22/2013
  • Putin: EU blackmailing Ukraine over halt in trade deal (Russia Today) 11/22/2013
  • Letters to the Editor - See Forced Famine (Scranton Times Tribune) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine says decision on EU is tactical, motivated by economics (Reuters) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine warned of missed chance after ditching EU deal (GlobalPost/AFP) 11/22/2013
  • Ukrainian PM booed in parliament after snubbing EU (Fremont Tribune/AP) 11/22/2013
  • Putin denies pressuring Ukraine on EU integration (Xinhua) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine media see Kremlin pressure over EU (BBC News) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine-EU trade deal deadlocked over Tymoshenko release (FRANCE 24) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine rejects European Union agreements (Ukrainian Journal) 11/22/2013
  • Parliament transport committee recommends single excise duty for fuel (Ukrainian Journal) 11/22/2013
  • AMC allows Turkish company to get control of Crimean wind plant (Ukrainian Journal) 11/22/2013
  • Ukraine Pivots to Russia With Last-Minute Freeze of EU Deal Plan (Bloomberg) 11/22/2013
  • Putin Accuses EU Of 'Blackmailing' Kyiv (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/22/2013
  • Звернення працівників Національного музею Тараса Шевченка до громадськості щодо ситуації, яка склалася навколо НМТШ напередодні святкування 200-річчя від дня народження Тараса Шевченка (Prostir.Museum) 11/22/2013
  • Євромайдан-2013 ( 11/22/2013
  • Аслунд пропонує українцям усунути Януковича з дороги у 'світле майбутнє' ( 11/22/2013
  • ЛЕВКО ЛУК'ЯНЕНКО: 'Помаранчева революція пробудила патріотизм' ( 11/22/2013
  • 'Влада нас зрадила' - на Майдані з'явились зачатки нової Помаранчевої революції ( 11/22/2013
  • 'Ми 300 років жили під Росією, яка нас пригнічувала' - попри дощ на Майдані стоять обурені люди ( 11/22/2013
  • Активісти 'відвоювали' Майдан Незалежності у правоохоронців ( 11/22/2013
  • Прихильники євроінтеграції вийшли на Майдан (Радіо Свобода) 11/22/2013
  • Львів’яни почали масово виїжджати до Києва на Євромайдан ( 11/22/2013
  • Львівська міськрада звинуватила Януковича у державній зраді ( 11/22/2013
  • Євромайдан: реакція регіонів (оновлюється) (День) 11/22/2013
  • Кравчук: Росія душила Україну і продовжує душити (День) 11/22/2013
  • Учасники Євромайдану: «Якщо не ми, то хто? Якщо не зараз – то коли?» (День) 11/22/2013
  • Юлія Тимошенко - Віктору Януковичу: Ви можете врятувати Угоду про асоціацію з ЄС(повний текст зверненння) (Тиждень.ua) 11/22/2013
  • Фюле: Двері ЄС для підписання асоціації залишаються відкритими (Тиждень.ua) 11/22/2013
  • Не зрада, а змова: Янукович і Азаров розіграли провокаційну виставу (ПІК) 11/22/2013
  • Путін звинуватив Брюссель у тиску на Київ і шантажі через скасування торгової угоди (Кореспондент) 11/22/2013
  • У Києва є шанси підписати Угоду про асоціацію з Європою - Кваснєвський (Кореспондент) 11/22/2013
  • Путін: Європа шантажує Україну (BBC) 11/22/2013
  • Збирається #Євромайдан (Майдан) 11/22/2013
  • Ліки від Голоду. Історики, соціологи й психологи аналізують: як нам вийти з постгеноцидного стану (Україна Молода) 11/22/2013
  • Західна преса в шоці від української європаузи, а російська - іронізує (ТСН) 11/22/2013
  • Путін погодився на тристоронні переговори з Україною та ЄС (ТСН) 11/22/2013

  • Віруючі УПЦ КП захищатимуть свій храм у Євпаторії від влади (Radio Svoboda) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine’s Rejection of EU Agreement Betrays Democratic Aspirations (Freedom House) 11/21/2013
  • Anders Aslund: Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych Opts for Robber Capitalism (Peterson Institute for International Economic) 11/21/2013
  • Keeping Ukraine's Door Open to Europe (German Marshall Fund) 11/21/2013
  • Did Ukraine just pick Russia over the EU? (Alaska Dispatch) 11/21/2013
  • 'Evaluated' to Be Yourself: Ukraine's Flawed Gender Recognition Procedure (Huffington Post) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine pulls the plug on EU treaty ( 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine stuns EU by putting association deal on ice (EurActiv) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine's East-West Dilemma Evokes Century-Old Memories (RFE/RL) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine throws EU's 'Eastern Partnership' into doubt (BBC) 11/21/2013
  • Putin's Low Blows Drive Ukraine Away From Europe (Bloomberg) 11/21/2013
  • Putin's Progress: Ukraine picks its team, and it ain't the West (GlobalPost) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine drops plan to go West, turns East to Moscow (Reuters) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine government drops pact with EU, renews Russia dialogue (euronews) 11/21/2013
  • After Kyiv Snub, Kwasniewski Says EU-Ukraine Deal Is Off (RFE/RL) 11/21/2013
  • Western politicians on suspension of preparations for the Association Agreement: Ukraine’s government bows deeply to the Kremlin (Ukrainian Week) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine's Decision on Association with the EU (US Department of State) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine government drops pact with EU, renews Russia dialogue (Reuters) 11/21/2013
  • Not signing EU pact would be grounds for impeachment: Ukraine opposition (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/21/2013
  • A Cold Front From the East. Hover over the countries in the cartoon below for a summary of the diplomatic wrangling (RFE/RL) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine's parliament votes down Tymoshenko release (Deutsche Welle) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine: 'European flag is in fashion' (Presseurop) 11/21/2013
  • European Commissioner Fule coming to Ukraine again, says his spokesman (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • EU 'Determined' To Sign Ukraine Deal, Fule Flies To Kiev (London South East) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine Ditches Plans for EU Deal, Turns to Russia (RIA Novosti) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine scraps plan to sign historic EU deal (EUBusiness) 11/21/2013
  • France says EU-Russia-Ukraine relations is no 'zero sum game' (EurActiv) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine’s Parliament extraordinary sitting may take place on eve of Vilnius (ForUm) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine parliament rejects proposed laws to release Tymoshenko ( 11/21/2013
  • Bill on Tymoshenko's treatment may be passed at first reading by New Year, says Regions Party MP (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Rada votes down all bills on allowing Tymoshenko's medical treatment abroad (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • EU, Ukraine still have room for maneuver in situation with Tymoshenko, says MEP Kowal (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Ukrainian parliament fails to pass bills on Tymoshenko release (Ottawa Citizen/CP) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine parliament rejects bills to release Tymoshenko (AFP) 11/21/2013
  • Ukrainian government issues decree to suspend preparations for signing of association agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition calls on Yanukovych to pardon Tymoshenko (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine parliament weighs Tymoshenko release (Reuters) 11/21/2013
  • Schwarzenberg: Ukraine will make a mistake, if it refuses to sign agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Association Agreement won't be signed without Tymoshenko issue settlement – Grybauskaite (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine fails to pass Tymoshenko release bill (Appeal-Democrat/AP) 11/21/2013
  • EU demands more reforms from Ukraine to lift visa barrier (EurActiv) 11/21/2013
  • EU Deal in Doubt as Ukraine Fails to Pass Laws (Wall Street Journal) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine fails to pass bills freeing Yulia Tymoshenko before EU summit (The Guardian) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine's parliament rejects crucial Tymoshenko bill (BBC) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine parliament rejects proposed laws to release Tymoshenko (Reuters) 11/21/2013
  • Keeping Ukraine's Door Open to Europe (German Marshall Fund) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine reaches a turning point (Crikey) 11/21/2013
  • A suspicious haste... Oleksii PODOLSKY: 'I concede that Gongadze case might be exchanged for Tymoshenko case: Kuchma will be declared not guilty and Tymoshenko will stay in prison' (The Day) 11/21/2013
  • When Judges Will Become Free. Christos Giakoumopoulos, Director of Human Rights in the Council of Europe, talks about the agenda for criminal justice reform in Ukraine (Ukrainian Week) 11/21/2013
  • Oleksandr Miroshnikov, the Galician Faberge (The Day) 11/21/2013
  • A bee 'hotel,' doubling as an education center for humans (The Day) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine considers approving GM crops ( 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine Remains Committed to EU Trade Deal (RIA Novosti) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine's 2014 national budget depends on trade talks with Russia – Azarov (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Ukrainian member of Arctic Sunrise crew freed on bail (ForUm) 11/21/2013
  • 'He who knows everything' sees great potential here. Dmytro SHOLOMKO: 'The world knows Ukraine as the export market of pipes, rolled iron, and steel, whereas Ukraine is above all one of the greatest exporters of technologies' (The Day) 11/21/2013
  • Growth in supply of retail property leasing in Kyiv could be 23% in 2013, say experts (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Shroud of Turin copy coming to Ukrainian church [Whippany] (New Jersey Hills) 11/21/2013
  • Ukrainian game kills Jews, gays, Americans (The Times of Israel) 11/21/2013
  • U.N.'s Ban wants Russia to show leniency over Greenpeace protest (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/21/2013
  • Three Russians jailed in Greenpeace protest freed on bail (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine could sign natural gas agreement with Slovakia (The Slovak Spectator) 11/21/2013
  • Ukrainian banks' assets grow by 0.8% m/m to UAH 1.24tn (USD 155.5bn) ( 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine considers approving GM crops ( 11/21/2013
  • Growth in supply of retail property leasing in Kyiv could be 23% in 2013, say experts (Interfax-Russia) 11/21/2013
  • Ukraine Remains Committed to EU Trade Deal (RIA Novosti) 11/21/2013
  • 'He who knows everything' sees great potential here. Dmytro SHOLOMKO: 'The world knows Ukraine as the export market of pipes, rolled iron, and steel, whereas Ukraine is above all one of the greatest exporters of technologies' (The Day) 11/21/2013
  • Ukrainian banks' assets grow by 0.8% m/m to UAH 1.24tn (USD 155.5bn) ( 11/21/2013
  • Уряд призупинив підготовку до підписання угоди про асоціацію з ЄС (Тиждень.ua) 11/21/2013
  • Яценюк бачить підставу для імпічменту Януковича через призупинення підготовки Угоди з Європою (Кореспондент) 11/21/2013
  • Кабмін зупинив підготовку до Угоди про асоціацію з ЄС (BBC) 11/21/2013
  • 24-го листопада: народне віче за Європейську Україну. 'Треба встати і вийти' (Майдан) 11/21/2013
  • Росiя на замку. РФ обмежила в’їзд на свою територію близько 20 тисячам громадян України (Україна Молода) 11/21/2013
  • Україна офіційно призупинила підготовку до євроінтеграції (ТСН) 11/21/2013

  • EU's Schulz Not Losing Hope For Ukraine, Yet (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/20/2013
  • Doors open for Kiev, EU says ( 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine's EU deal hangs in the balance (euronews) 11/20/2013
  • New: Decision time for Ukraine (Baltic Times) 11/20/2013
  • Op-ed — by Anders Aslund. Testimony on Ukraine, Moldova, the EU and US interests (Kyiv Post) 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich playing hardball over EU signing - diplomatic source (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 11/20/2013
  • Tymoshenko's Fate Looms as Ukraine CDS Worst: East Europe Credit (Bloomberg) 11/20/2013
  • Bread and Law. Ukraine’s economic relations were originally European. So were its social lifestyle and institutions (Ukrainian Week) 11/20/2013
  • Lithuania to commemorate Ukrainian Famine [Holodomor] (The Baltic Course) 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine and World Commemorate Victims of 1932-1933 Holodomor (RISU) 11/20/2013
  • LDS church member dies, 2 missionaries injured in car crash in Ukraine (Deseret News) 11/20/2013
  • Slovakia Agrees To Reverse Gas To Ukraine (Eurasia Review) 11/20/2013
  • Ukrainian Catholic leader sees growth of 'bottom-up' ecumenism (Catholic Culture) 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine, Russia and the EU: does it have to be about brinkmanship? (The Guardian) 11/20/2013
  • Medvedev: Duties in trade with Ukraine may be imposed after consultations only (ForUm) 11/20/2013
  • Royal Bakery and Cafe. Unique Ukrainian treats in an unexpected location (Boise Weekly) 11/20/2013
  • Explainer: What Exactly Is An EU Association Agreement? (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/20/2013
  • Who's afraid of the EU? (El Pais) 11/20/2013
  • Opinion: Merkel takes a stand against Putin (Deutsche Welle) 11/20/2013
  • Ukrainian Guard Makes Embarrassing Mistake At Ceremony, Recovers Brilliantly (VIDEO) (Huffington Post) 11/20/2013
  • Parliament deadlocks on Tymoshenko bill (Ukrainian Journal) 11/20/2013
  • Senate resolution urges freeing of ex-PM, gets wide bipartisan backing (Ukrainian Journal) 11/20/2013
  • Tymoshenko’s Fate Looms as Ukraine CDS Worst: East Europe Credit (Businessweek) 11/20/2013
  • EU Commissioner Fule expects Rada to pass European integration bills on November 21 (Interfax-Russia) 11/20/2013
  • Pyatt: US to provide strong support for Ukraine on road to signing Association Agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 11/20/2013
  • Party of Regions MP Tsariov accuses US Embassy in Ukraine of training revolutionaries for street protests (Interfax-Russia) 11/20/2013
  • Opposition alarmed by increasing monopolization of media in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 11/20/2013
  • Poll: Almost two-thirds of Ukrainians believe famine of 1932-1933 was organized by Stalinist regime (Interfax-Russia) 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine risks seeing EU deal put off for 'very long time' (Yahoo/AFP) 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine's Foreign Ministry says Russia denies entry to foreigners violating immigration regime (Interfax-Russia) 11/20/2013
  • Association with EU may limit Ukrainian cooperation capacities - Moscow (Interfax-Russia) 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine bankers say they are ready to meet IMF reform demands (Ukrainian Journal) 11/20/2013
  • Lithuania's Foreign Affairs Minister: 'Ukraine belongs in the EU' (Atlantic Community) 11/20/2013
  • Tymoshenko's Fate Looms as Ukraine CDS Worst: East Europe Credit (Bloomberg) 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine's SCM Sees Markets Improve for Metal, Mining in 2014 (Bloomberg) 11/20/2013
  • Ukraine faces critical east-west tug of war over EU association agreement (The Guardian) 11/20/2013
  • Vitali Klitschko's wife says 'time has come' for star to retire from boxing (Yahoo/ANI) 11/20/2013
  • Inflation in Ukraine will be moderate in 2014, says NBU governor (Interfax-Russia) 11/20/2013
  • Yuzhnoukrainsk reactor extension cost estimated at UAH2.4 billion (Ukrainian Journal) 11/20/2013
  • Slovakia agrees to reverse gas to Ukraine (EurActiv) 11/20/2013
  • Ukrainian private firm gets Russian loan for gas purchases (Xinhua) 11/20/2013
  • Crimean Mufti Proposes to Build Mosque Near Church to Promote Dialogue Between Orthodox and Muslims (RISU) 11/20/2013
  • Сікорський: Київ відклав найважливіші рішення на останній момент, бо важко протистояти Росії (День) 11/20/2013
  • Знову загралися. Режим Януковича потрапив у чергову іміджеву пастку (Тиждень.ua) 11/20/2013
  • Усе по-старому. Азаров заперечує будь-які зміни планів щодо саміту у Вільнюсі (Кореспондент) 11/20/2013
  • США обіцяють 'сильну підтримку' Україні (Майдан) 11/20/2013
  • Компромiси з лукавством. Шлях на Брюссель вирiшили вiдкрити в четвер (Україна Молода) 11/20/2013
  • Суд подовжив арешт усім обвинуваченим у 'врадіївському' зґвалтуванні (ТСН) 11/20/2013
  • Росія заборонила в'їзд понад 20 тисячам українців (ТСН) 11/20/2013

  • Yanukovych holds a 'secret' meeting with Fule (Ukrainian Week) 11/19/2013
  • Exhibition Shows Russian Leaders, From Romanovs to Putin [the natural path of Russia, a constant trajectory leading towards greater and greater things...those who attempted to divert Russia from this path are portrayed in an unfavorable light...Decembrists, Polish monarchs, and Ukrainian separatists, among others.] (The Moscow Times) 11/19/2013
  • Tastes of the Ukraine Find Home in SoHo. The SoHo restaurant is the first U.S. location of a chain with 16 outposts in Moscow and one in Kiev. [Korchma Taras Bulba] (Wall Street Journal) 11/19/2013
  • Football: France beats Ukraine 3-0 to reach World Cup (Straits Times/AP) 11/19/2013
  • France stun Ukraine to reach finals ( 11/19/2013
  • EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Develo : EBRD supports grain industry development in Russia and Ukraine [Press release] (4-traders) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine to receive EU gas via reverse flow technology (E&T magazine) 11/19/2013
  • Rada to consider European integration bills on Thursday, says speaker (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine Stalls Decision On Tymoshenko Release (NPR) 11/19/2013
  • Op-Ed: Europe Needs Ukraine (New York Times) 11/19/2013
  • Viktor Yanukovych: Losing Europe...and Losing the Ukrainian Public? By Steven Pifer and Hannah Thoburn (Brookings Institution) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine wobbles between Russia and Europe (Maclean's) 11/19/2013
  • U.S. Senate Adopts Resolution Demanding Ukraine Release Tymoshenko Under European Court Of Human Rights' Ruling On Her Illegal Detention And Arrest (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/19/2013
  • EU could make decision on association with Ukraine directly at summit (NRCU) 11/19/2013
  • EU Issues 'Urgent Appeal' To Yanukovych (RFE/RL) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine delays debate on Tymoshenko decision (Press TV) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine again postpones Tymoshenko bill hearing (Europe Online Magazine/DPA) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine stalls decision on Tymoshenko release (Yahoo/AP) 11/19/2013
  • Lavrov Criticizes EU 'Pressure' on Ukraine (The Moscow Times) 11/19/2013
  • We are our own enemies. We are enemies to our own freedom. On Russian neo-totalitarianism, social junkies, and… Yurii Shevchuk’s new song (The Day) 11/19/2013
  • Fear of Russia forcing EU to sign Association Agreement with Ukraine – MP Lytvyn (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • EU denies plans to postpone signing of Association Agreement with Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • Yanukovych not ready to sign Association Agreement with EU – opposition (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • Fule's visit to Ukraine a result of Yanukovych's phone conversation with Barroso (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • Rybak, Fule discuss Ukraine's readiness to sign association agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • EU Deal with Ukraine Hangs in Balance (WSJ) 11/19/2013
  • Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of Tragic Genocidal Famine in Ukraine, Pastoral Statement of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine [Ukrainian and English] (UOC of USA) 11/19/2013
  • Head of Roman Catholics in Ukraine Publishes Appeal on 80th Anniversary of Holodomor [Archbishop Mieczyslaw Mokrzycki of Lviv] (RISU) 11/19/2013
  • Cardinal Lubomyr Husar to UGCC Laity Congress: Clergy Must Serve, Not Rule Over Members of Church (RISU) 11/19/2013
  • 'When talking about Holodomor, we are in fact talking about the totalitarian danger'. The Arabesques [Arabesky] Theater of Kharkiv showed the tragedy through the eyes of witnesses (The Day) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine parliament fails to break Tymoshenko deadlock (Reuters) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine parliament puts off Tymoshenko decision until November 21 (Reuters UK) 11/19/2013
  • Stanislav Kulchytsky: 'If we end up in the Customs Union – we will cement our communist past' (Ukrainian Week) 11/19/2013
  • Analysts slam Germany’s Ukraine policy shortcoming (EurActiv) 11/19/2013
  • Anti-racism monitors spotlight Ukraine after nationalist march (AFP) 11/19/2013
  • EU urges Yanukovich to intervene to save Ukraine trade pact (Reuters) 11/19/2013
  • No sign yet of Ukraine-EU agreement (Deutsche Welle) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine should demand compensation from Russia for organizing famine of 1932-33, says Tiahnybok (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • German Chancellor Makes Plea for Ukraine (New York Times) 11/19/2013
  • Russia's Lavrov criticizes EU pressure on Ukraine (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 11/19/2013
  • Russia Blames EU For 'Pressure' on Former Soviet States (RIA Novosti) 11/19/2013
  • EU Urges Yanukovych to Save Ukraine Trade Pact (VOA) 11/19/2013
  • Tymoshenko release bill to miss deadline (Ukrainian Journal) 11/19/2013
  • EU will back post-Soviet states amidst Russian pressure, says Barroso (Ukrainian Journal) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine to debate Tymoshenko bill to save EU deal (Business Recorder) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine's Parliament To Debate Key 'Tymoshenko' Legislation (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/19/2013
  • East or West? Ukraine Now Has to Choose Its Path [According to an old folk tradition, if a man knocks on the door of a Ukrainian beauty with a marriage proposal but does not win her heart, she will reject her suitor by presenting him with a pumpkin.] (ABC/AP) 11/19/2013
  • EU-Ukraine deal to be decided at the 'last minute' ( 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine should choose Russia over the EU (Russian Pravda) 11/19/2013
  • [PDF] S.RES.165 - Calling for the release from prison of former Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko in light of the recent European Court of Human Rights ruling. (Reported in Senate - RS) (Library of Congress) 11/19/2013
  • US Senate urges Kyiv to free Tymoshenko (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine seeking to join in pipeline project with Turkey and Azerbaijan (Ukrainian Journal) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine will pay $1 billion Gazprom tab this year, says official (Ukrainian Journal) 11/19/2013
  • Ukrainian frigate boards suspected pirate skiff (defenceWeb) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine, Azerbaijan create working group on TANAP [Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline] (AzerNews) 11/19/2013
  • EU Nears Deal to Send Gas to Ukraine (WSJ) 11/19/2013
  • Ostchem raises loan from Gazprombank to buy 5 bcm of Russian gas, says Firtash (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • Ukraine, Gazprom make amends ( 11/19/2013
  • The Beautiful And Bizarre World Of Soviet Police Posters (RFE/RL) 11/19/2013
  • With or without EU agreement, Ukraine must eradicate torture (Amnesty International) 11/19/2013
  • Pshonka not hoping for speedy return of alleged Lazarenko, Tymoshenko assets in Switzerland (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • US hasn't responded to Melnyk's extradition request yet, says Ukraine's PGO (Interfax-Russia) 11/19/2013
  • Former Ukrainian Nazi Living in US Ordered Attack – Report (RIA Novosti) 11/19/2013
  • Reuters Sports Schedule at 1400 GMT on Tuesday, Nov 19 (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/19/2013
  • France (0) v Ukraine (2): World Cup play-off match preview (The Independent) 11/19/2013
  • France v Ukraine: 84% of French public give up on Didier Deschamps' team (The Guardian) 11/19/2013
  • France vs. Ukraine: Date, Time, Live Stream, TV Info and Preview [Stade de France in Saint-Denis, France, Tuesday, Nov. 19 at 3 p.m. ET (8 p.m. GMT)] (Bleacher Report) 11/19/2013
  • France face tough Ukraine challenge (Gulf Daily News) 11/19/2013
  • France vs Ukraine Preview ( 11/19/2013
  • France must get it right against Ukraine (Independent Online/Reuters) 11/19/2013
  • Більшість українців вважають Голодомор цілеспрямованим знищенням нації (День) 11/19/2013
  • Сенат США прийняв резолюцію, у якій закликає ЄС підписати асоціацію лише за умови звільнення Тимошенко (Тиждень.ua) 11/19/2013
  • Тимошенко звільнять в останню мить перед початком саміту (ПІК) 11/19/2013
  • Робоча група щодо Тимошенко запропонувала дозволити судам відправляти засуджених на лікування за кордон строком на рік (Кореспондент) 11/19/2013
  • Спікер Ради вирішив відгородити ложу для журналістів склом (Кореспондент) 11/19/2013
  • Фірташ закачує газ, від якого відмовився Нафтогаз (BBC) 11/19/2013
  • Харків’яни закликали українську владу підписати Асоціацію з ЄС (Майдан) 11/19/2013
  • Міжнародна Амністія: З Угодою про асоціацію чи без – Україна має викорінити тортури (Майдан) 11/19/2013
  • Мат подвійної сили Українські шахістки зробили «золотий» дубль — слідом за світовою підкорили й континентальну вершину (Україна Молода) 11/19/2013
  • Завтра депутати намагатимуться підготувати закон щодо Тимошенко лише за одну годину (TCH) 11/19/2013

  • EU nations issue 'urgent' appeal to Ukraine on Tymoshenko (Google/AFP) 11/18/2013
  • Merkel fronts Bundestag on NSA spying, Ukraine (Deutsche Welle) 11/18/2013
  • Merkel leads EU calls for Ukraine to reform (Boston Globe/AP) 11/18/2013
  • EU tells Ukraine to act on Tymoshenko to save landmark deal (GlobalPost) 11/18/2013
  • EU reps try to break Tymoshenko deadlock (Ukrainian Journal) 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine faces crucial vote (European Voice) 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine’s E.U. gambit drags on (Blouin News) 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine harvests 59.5 m tonnes of grain from 96% of areas by November 18 (Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • Raiffeisen says no plans to sell Ukrainian Aval yet (Reuters) 11/18/2013
  • Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev will be in the Top-5 in terms of sales growth in Europe (Property Magazine International) 11/18/2013
  • Fitch Revises City of Kyiv's Outlook to Negative; Affirms 'B-' (Reuters) 11/18/2013
  • UPDATE 1-Ukraine extends partial controls on foreign currency sales (Reuters) 11/18/2013
  • UPDATE 1-Gazprom holds firm on Ukraine gas prices, debts (Reuters) 11/18/2013
  • Russia and Ukraine Reach 'Compromise' Gas Payment Deal – Kiev (RIA Novosti) 11/18/2013
  • Foreign direct investment quintupled in Q3, government reports (Ukrainian Journal) 11/18/2013
  • Час переглянути контракт Український експерт: «Відмова від російського газу була елементом контртиску Нафтогазу на Газпром... І це спрацювало» (День) 11/18/2013
  • «Пауза на рік» або дуже велика «регіональна» брехня (Тиждень.ua) 11/18/2013
  • Світ про Україну: список обдурених Януковичем, козирі проти Кличка та сланцева першість (Тиждень.ua) 11/18/2013
  • Американський сенатор розповів про «спадок Януковича» (ПІК) 11/18/2013
  • Міжнародна Амністія: З Угодою про асоціацію чи без – Україна має викорінити тортури (Майдан) 11/18/2013
  • Олександр Северин: [Не]доступ до інформації. How it works в адміністрації Януковича (Майдан) 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine out of choices and out of time to decide its political fate (eTurboNews) 11/18/2013
  • Merkel wants 'credible steps' from Ukraine for EU deal (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/18/2013
  • EU urges Ukraine to act on Tymoshenko to reach trade agreement (Deutsche Welle) 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine's future shouldn't depend on Tymoshenko alone, Kuchma says (NRCU) 11/18/2013
  • Soldier: Minneapolis man ordered Nazi-led attack (U.S. News & World Report/AP) 11/18/2013
  • France-Ukraine Betting Preview: Home side may have to wait for their breakthrough ( 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine plans to pay gas debt to Russia by end-2013 (Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • Ashton hopes Ukraine will meet Association Agreement conditions before summit in Vilnius (Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine enforces poultry moisture content ruling in 2014 ( 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine can't lose Customs Union market (NRCU) 11/18/2013
  • EU ministers likely to delay decision on Ukraine association deal (London South East) 11/18/2013
  • Russia and Ukraine’s UFL does not 'correspond' to UEFA ideals – Platini ( 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine, lost in transition from Soviet yesterday to 21st century modern state (euronews) 11/18/2013
  • Ukrainian dishes alive and well locally (StarPhoenix) 11/18/2013
  • Russia and EU continue tug-of-war over future of Ukraine's leadership (China Post/AFP) 11/18/2013
  • Rally in support of European integration held in Lviv (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • Tanaiste to attend Brussels meeting ahead of summit on Ukraine agreement with EU. Status of Yulia Tymoshenko has moved centre stage in debate over deepening ties between the EU and former Soviet state (Irish Times) 11/18/2013
  • Op-ed: Yanukovych excels in Orwellian doublethink (Kyiv Post) 11/18/2013
  • Pundits: Yanukovich holds the key of Ukraine’s geopolitical choice (euractiv) 11/18/2013
  • EU Foreign Affairs Council takes no decision on Ukraine - Lithuanian foreign minister (Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • Cox and Kwasniewski to arrive in Ukraine on Monday, Fule on Thursday, says Ukrainian MP (Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • Austrian foreign minister to try to convince Ukrainian president to resolve Tymoshenko's issue (Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine ready to join TANAP pipeline project (Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • EU urges Yanukovich to intervene to save Ukraine trade pact (The Star Online/Reuters) 11/18/2013
  • Ukraine's Countdown to Vilnius (Carnegie Europe) 11/18/2013
  • FM confirms Ukrainian citizen dies in plane crash in Kazan (ForUm) 11/18/2013
  • Dnipro believes Arsenal Kyiv should be excluded from Ukrainian Premier League (Interfax-Russia) 11/18/2013
  • UPDATE: EU says Ukraine must act fast on Tymoshenko to secure deal (London South East/DPA) 11/18/2013
  • Why the Tymoshenko case matters ( 11/18/2013
  • France v Ukraine (BBC) 11/18/2013
  • EU nations issue 'urgent' appeal to Ukraine on Tymoshenko (Yahoo/AFP) 11/18/2013
  • AP: Minneapolis man ordered Nazi-led attack, soldier says (MPR News) 11/18/2013
  • EU-Ukraine deal could be delayed (Press TV) 11/18/2013
  • Рада ЄС не ухвалила рішення про підписання 'асоціації' з Україною (День) 11/18/2013
  • Європарламентар: на сьогодні Україна обирає пропозицію Росії (Тиждень.ua) 11/18/2013
  • Точка зору. Не бути молодшим братом. Україна здатна здивувати світ (Кореспондент) 11/18/2013
  • Рада ЄС не прийняла рішення щодо України, але готова зробити це у будь-який момент (Кореспондент) 11/18/2013
  • Глава МЗС Польщі шкодує, що Україна 'залишила все на останню хвилину' (Кореспондент) 11/18/2013
  • Меркель, Янукович і Тимошенко домовилися, що Угода про асоціацію буде підписана - дипломат (Кореспондент) 11/18/2013
  • Рішення в останню мить - ЗМІ про асоціацію (BBC) 11/18/2013
  • Рада ЄС не прийняла рішення щодо України і чекає до саміту (ТСН) 11/18/2013

  • Deschamps: We must force Ukraine to crack ( 11/17/2013
  • Sevelda Says Raiffeisen Isn't Under Stress for Capital Increase (Businessweek) 11/17/2013
  • Geopolitics inside the Buffer Zone (New Eastern Europe) 11/17/2013
  • Ukraine concerns dominate preparations for Vilnius summit (European Voice) 11/17/2013
  • Raiffeisen CEO says in talks to sell Ukrainian unit (Reuters) 11/17/2013
  • Celebrating the harvest, Ukrainian style (Prince Albert Daily Herald) 11/17/2013
  • Gazprom Says Ukraine Buying Gas, Europe Supplies Safe (The Moscow Times) 11/17/2013
  • EU launches new drive to end deadlock over Ukraine's Tymoshenko (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/17/2013
  • EU may finance Ukrainian reforms, but not Ukrainian debts, says Tombinski (Interfax-Russia) 11/17/2013
  • Anonymous Hacks Ukraine's Customs Services, Leaks Documents (Global Voices Online) 11/17/2013
  • Oligarchs at war in the British courts (The Telegraph) 11/17/2013
  • Ukraine celebrates Welsh city founder John Hughes (BBC News) 11/17/2013
  • UPDATE 1-Raiffeisen in talks to sell Ukraine unit (Reuters) 11/17/2013
  • Lack of closeness between Ukraine and EU may lead to new disturbances - Ukrainian opposition (The Voice of Russia) 11/17/2013
  • EU waits for 'Tymoshenko law', mulls decision on ties with Ukraine (euronews) 11/17/2013
  • Raiffeisen CEO Under No Stress Over Capital Increase (Bloomberg) 11/17/2013
  • Тимошенко заявила, що не хвора на ГРВІ (BBC) 11/17/2013
  • 20 листопада у Львові демонструється фільм 'Великий голод 1932-1933' (Майдан) 11/17/2013
  • Deschamps still hopeful France can qualify (Times of Malta) 11/17/2013
  • Preview: France vs. Ukraine (Sports Mole) 11/17/2013
  • France vs. Ukraine: Prediction, Preview and Key Battles (Bleacher Report) 11/17/2013
  • France faces missing soccer World Cup (Sydney Morning Herald) 11/17/2013
  • Soccer-France ready to 'die' for a World Cup spot (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/17/2013

  • Epic Drama in Ukraine: Do Villains Turn Into Heroes? (Forbes) 11/16/2013
  • Europe Waivers Under Russian Pressure as Vilnius Summit Approaches (OpEdNews) 11/16/2013
  • Russia's Gazprom reassures West Europe on supplies (Las Vegas Sun/AP) 11/16/2013
  • Natural Gas Competition Enters the Mediterranean (DailyFinance) 11/16/2013
  • California Firm Props Up Ukraine's Failing Finances (Modern Tokyo Times) 11/16/2013
  • Ukrainian delegation tours Hallsville school district (Longview News-Journal) 11/16/2013
  • Russia and Europe Vie to Win the Prize of Ukraine. Putin's grand plan to restore the Russian empire may depend on which way Kiev goes later this month. (WSJ) 11/16/2013
  • Photo: An Orthodox priest sprinkles water to bless recruits from the presidential regiment as they take the oath at a military base in Kiev November 16, 2013. President Viktor Yanukovich has declared that Ukrainian Armed Forces will call the last conscript this autumn. One of the largest post-Soviet republics, Ukraine says goodbye to the conscription inherited from the Soviet Union by focusing on a high-tech professional army based on a western model (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/16/2013
  • Church in Senlis resumed its service (Anne de Kiev) (RISU) 11/16/2013
  • Tymoshenko complains to prosecutor's office about disrupted meetings, says defense counsel (Interfax-Russia) 11/16/2013
  • Ukraine 2-0 France In First Match Of Play-Offs For 2014 Football World Cup (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/16/2013
  • Karim Benzema: France were 'outmuscled' by Ukraine in World Cup play-off (Daily Mirror) 11/16/2013
  • Ukraine beats France 2-0 in World Cup playoffs (Times of India/AP) 11/16/2013
  • Ukraine 4-1 USA: Otamans still in the mix ( 11/16/2013
  • Glazkov Outworks Wilson: Dargan and Chilemba Win ( 11/16/2013
  • EU ambassador criticizes Kyiv for delaying fulfillment of criteria for signing of association agreement (Interfax-Russia) 11/16/2013
  • France chances take hit with Ukraine loss (Times of Malta) 11/16/2013
  • Deschamps believes in France miracle, despite Ukraine setback ( 11/16/2013
  • Ukraine vs. France: Changes Both Teams Should Make for Playoff Second Leg (Bleacher Report) 11/16/2013
  • France v Ukraine: French papers ask if this team is 'the worst in history' after World Cup playoff first leg defeat ( 11/16/2013

  • EU-Ukraine association agreement looks unlikely (Deutsche Welle) 11/15/2013
  • Organized Crime Trends In Ukraine Challenge Law Enforcement (Eurasia Review) 11/15/2013
  • Український простір у Франції. Культурний центр, що постане під Парижем, має на меті представляти Україну в контексті європейської історії та культури (День) 11/15/2013
  • Former Saint Tommy Mitchell Signs To Play in Ukraine (4guysinblazers) 11/15/2013
  • UEFA Qualifying Rewind: Ukraine, Portugal, and Greece all have the upper hand after first leg (Soccer By Ives) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine 2-0 France: Zozulya and Yarmolenko leave les Bleus with a mountain to climb (Soccerway) 11/15/2013
  • Fomenko hails Ukraine mentality (Soccerway) 11/15/2013
  • Soccer-Lloris starts for France against Ukraine (Reuters) 11/15/2013
  • Bold Ukraine leave France facing World Cup exit door (Irish Times) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine v France in Kiev (REUTERS) (SportsDirect News) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine vs. France Score, Grades and Post-Match Reaction (Bleacher Report) 11/15/2013
  • UEFA President Opposes Russian-Ukrainian League Merger (RIA Novosti) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine vs. France: 6 Things We Learned (Bleacher Report) 11/15/2013
  • France World Cup chances take hit with Ukraine loss (Reuters) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine to have record grain harvest in 2013 (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine Opposition Leader Denied Meeting With Tymoshenko (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine's Choice: East Or West? (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/15/2013
  • Will Ukraine Go West, or Stay East? Russia Fights Hard to Keep It in Its Orbit (VOA) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine at risk of polio outbreak, says WHO (Reuters) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine's population keeps decreasing (ForUm) 11/15/2013
  • US diplomat urges Kiev to pass EU bills (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2013
  • European Parliament extends observation mission until Vilnius summit (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2013
  • Opposition asks EU foreign council to delay Ukraine decision (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2013
  • EU association will help push energy projects, says energy minister (Ukrainian Journal) 11/15/2013
  • Platini: Russian-Ukrainian league does not meet UEFA principles (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • Preview – World Cup Playoff: Ukraine v France (French Football Weekly) 11/15/2013
  • Gazprom: Kyiv's refusal of Russian gas jeopardizing transit to Europe (ForUm) 11/15/2013
  • Notary Chamber of Ukraine concerned about Justice Ministry's attempts to put pressure on notaries (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • France have no fear of Ukraine, insists Deschamps ( 11/15/2013
  • World Cup play-off: Karim Benzema sure France will defeat Ukraine (SkySports) 11/15/2013
  • Naftogaz resumes Russian gas purchases (ForUm) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine may fulfill some requirements after Vilnius summit, Komorowski says (ForUm) 11/15/2013
  • Book presentation Orwell and the Refugees: The Untold Story of Animal Farm, Friday, November 15, 7 p.m. at The Ukrainian Museum, NYC (Ukrainian Museum) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine ranks among the TOP 5 IT-industry leaders (ForUm) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine Vs France playoff: 5 things to know (3News NZ) 11/15/2013
  • France face crucial Ukraine World Cup playoff (FRANCE 24) 11/15/2013
  • Ukrainian An-225 Mriya aircraft brings energy equipment to Philippines to resume local power plant's work (NRCU) 11/15/2013
  • Tymoshenko's daughter says statement by State Penitentiary Service about ex-premier's cold a lie (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • Authorities disrupt Tymoshenko's meeting with associates due to fear of ex-premier, united opposition – Lutsenko (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • Source: Economic courts to be disbanded in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • Doctors limit visits with Tymoshenko due to her illness (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine, Russia reaffirm commitments on natural gas exports to Europe (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine vs. France 2013 Score Struggle Strikes World Cup Bid (LALATE) 11/15/2013
  • European Commission takes into account Cox-Kwasniewski's statement that Kyiv can still solve outstanding issues (Interfax-Russia) 11/15/2013
  • Interview: Ukrainian DM hails military cooperation with China, eyes deeper ties (Xinhua) 11/15/2013
  • Tymoshenko case casts shadow on EU-Ukraine ties (Deutsche Welle) 11/15/2013
  • Hundreds of Children Rescued from Child Porn Ring (WBKO) 11/15/2013
  • Child porn probe began with Toronto man, ends with 348 people arrested: police ( 11/15/2013
  • Ukraine v France (BBC News) 11/15/2013
  • Gazprom Says No 'Positive Dynamics' in Ukraine Gas Debt Repayment (RIA Novosti) 11/15/2013
  • Die Zeit: Список обдурених Януковичем європейських політиків збільшується (Тиждень.ua) 11/15/2013
  • Янукович виграв: Європарламент починає «зливати» Тимошенко (ПІК) 11/15/2013
  • США тиснуть на МВФ у питанні співпраці з Україною - польські ЗМІ (Кореспондент) 11/15/2013
  • Молдова отримає безвізовий режим з ЄС, а Україна - ще не готова (BBC) 11/15/2013
  • Заробітчани в Італії через кризу і грубе поводження з гастарбайтерами мріють повернутися в Україну (ТСН) 11/15/2013

  • Ukraine's President Yanukovych Dithers on EU. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 11/14/2013
  • Gazprom Raises Concerns Over Gas Transit to Europe via Ukraine (Wall Street Journal) 11/14/2013
  • President: Ukraine in talks with Russia to address drop in trade turnover (ForUm) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine: 'All or nothing' (Presseurop) 11/14/2013
  • Boxer Klitschko vows to 'knock out' Ukraine leader in poll (GlobalPost) 11/14/2013
  • Hopes fade for Ukraine free trade EU deal (Baltic Times) 11/14/2013
  • Gazprom Says Ukraine Endangering Winter Gas to Europe (The Moscow Times/AP) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine running out of time for Tymoshenko issue settlement - German Foreign Minister (NRCU) 11/14/2013
  • US State Department urging Ukraine to take three last steps towards signing of association agreement (Interfax-Russia) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine's 'stalling' on EU trade pact seen as victory for Vladimir Putin. Kiev's failure to legislate for release of Yulia Tymoshenko, a key condition of Brussels deal, enhances Moscow's hold (Guardian) 11/14/2013
  • UPDATE 3-Ukraine parliament deadlock on Tymoshenko clouds EU signing (Reuters) 11/14/2013
  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister objects to putting off signing of Association Agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 11/14/2013
  • EU envoy warns Ukraine risks losing deal indefinitely (GlobalPost/AFP) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine Delays Bill to Free Ex-Leader (New York Times) 11/14/2013
  • Press says Ukraine torn between EU and Russia (BBC News) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine v France : Giroud And Nasri To Start – Lineups, Team News And Prediction (The Hard Tackle) 11/14/2013
  • Nearly 50% of Ukraine's Population Support Signing of Association Agreement [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (Sacramento Bee/PRNewswire) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine approves National Program on HIV/AIDS counteraction (ForUm) 11/14/2013
  • Gazprom alarmed over reliability of winter Ukrainian transit to EU (Interfax-Russia) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine's President Yanukovych Dithers on EU. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine's Yanukovich pushes hard line on Tymoshenko release (Reuters) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine vs France Preview ( 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine Fails To Free Tymoshenko, EU Bid At Risk (Worldcrunch) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine's Obstacle for European Integration [ press release] ( 11/14/2013
  • US Urges Ukraine to Take Last Steps Toward EU Deal (RIA Novosti) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine Forbes magazine staff resign in censorship protest (GlobalPost/AFP) 11/14/2013
  • Fitch Downgrades 9 Ukrainian Banks; Outlooks Negative (Reuters) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine elected member of UNESCO Executive Board for 2013-2017 (NRCU) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine Opportunity Trust Sees Mixed Results On Investments (London South East) 11/14/2013
  • EU envoys to travel to Ukraine next week to discuss Tymoshenko (Reuters) 11/14/2013
  • 'Historic Moment' For Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/14/2013
  • Lithuanian FM: Ukraine’s closer ties with EU not detrimental to Armenia (PanARMENIAN.Net) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine - EU agreement uncertain as Tymoshenko remains in prison (Warsaw Business Journal) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine to Last Until 2014 Without Russian Gas (The Moscow Times/Reuters) 11/14/2013
  • Gazprom may give Ukraine new payment extensions (Interfax-Russia) 11/14/2013
  • KYIV BLOG: Ukraine's game of high-stakes poker (Business New Europe) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine is finally trying to break its addiction to Russian gas-Interview with Cadogan ( Business News) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine trade union awards Zaporozhstal for social partnership (SteelGuru) 11/14/2013
  • Kiev is lagging European cities on shopping centre stock (Property Magazine International) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine Introduces New Poultry Meat Requirements ( 11/14/2013
  • Russian arms boss warns Ukraine, EU over planned agreement (Russia Today) 11/14/2013
  • Russia bans two Ukraine meat firms, as meat war threatens ( 11/14/2013
  • Tymoshenko bill must not offer "a technology for the evasion of prosecution" - Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine falters in last stage of race to sign deals with the EU (European Voice) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine vs. France World Cup 2014 Playoffs: Why France WIll Win First Leg (Latinos Post) 11/14/2013
  • Ukrainian parliament pours cold water over the country's EU prospects (EurActiv) 11/14/2013
  • Gazprom Warns Over Ukraine Gas Transit (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/14/2013
  • Zero hour is being delayed. 'Last political trading, connected with the Association, is taking place' (The Day) 11/14/2013
  • The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine liquidated the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (The Day) 11/14/2013
  • To defenders of monarchism. Any great-power policy will only exasperate the culture- and civilization-related contradiction of Russian history and affect Russia’s position in the world (The Day) 11/14/2013
  • 'Uncomfortable' literature. 167 libraries throughout Ukraine have received a special collection of books devoted to the events of 1932-33 (The Day) 11/14/2013
  • Ukraine-France Preview: Les Bleus braced for key clash in Kiev (Soccerway) 11/14/2013
  • Kyiv Testing 'Pause' in EU Integration (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/14/2013
  • Yarmolenko - homesick kid aiming to give France travel sickness (Google/AFP) 11/14/2013
  • Key Battles That Will Shape France's Clash with Ukraine (Bleacher Report) 11/14/2013
  • Cox-Kwasniewski mission statement (full text) (Ukrainian Week) 11/14/2013
  • EU gives up hope on Ukraine deal at Vilnius summit (Ukrainian Week) 11/14/2013
  • Boxing Champ Vitali Klitschko Steps Into The Ring Over Ukraine’s European Future (BuzzFeed) 11/14/2013
  • EU envoy warns Ukraine risks losing deal indefinitely (Public Radio of Armenia) 11/14/2013
  • How France Will Line Up Against Ukraine (Bleacher Report) 11/14/2013

  • Staff Resigns At Ukraine's 'Forbes' (RFE/RL) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine EU deal in jeopardy after parliament stalemate (Focus News) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine: 5 days before Vilnius summit 2 conditions for association agreement still not met. Jacek Saryusz-Wolski MEP (EurActiv) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine EU deal in tatters (Oman Daily Observer) 11/13/2013
  • Belarus-Ukraine border demarcation may take 5-7 years (News of Belarus) 11/13/2013
  • First Belarusian-Ukrainian border sign opens today (TVR) 11/13/2013
  • Klitschko has highest trust rating among Ukrainian voters – poll (Interfax-Russia) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine Delays Vote On Tymoshenko's Transfer (Voice of America) 11/13/2013
  • EU's Ukraine Monitoring Mission Prolonged (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/13/2013
  • Russia continues aggressive rhetoric towards Ukraine EU pact (The Beverly Hills Courier) 11/13/2013
  • Ukrainian natural gas demand slumps ( 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine Sees Improving Russia Relations As Top Priority (RIA Novosti) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine to Resume Russian Gas Imports 'When Needed' (RIA Novosti) 11/13/2013
  • Ukrainian, Russian Oligarchs Find Common Ground -- Soccer (RFE/RL) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine Consumer Watchdog to Inspect Candymaker's Factories (RIA Novosti) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine-EU deal hangs in balance (Peninsula On-line) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine's parliament fails to agree release of Tymoshenko ( 11/13/2013
  • Ukrainian Lawmakers Fail to Vote on Tymoshenko Treatment Abroad (Bloomberg) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine lawmakers delay acting to let ex-PM to get treatment elsewhere ( 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine lawmakers delay Tymoshenko travel vote (Deutsche Welle) 11/13/2013
  • Ukraine remains among world's leading arms exporters (ForUm) 11/13/2013
  • Hitch in Ukraine-EU Deal, Tension on Azerbaijan-Iran Border (Transitions Online) 11/13/2013
  • 14 Ukraine reporters quit over censorship concerns ( 11/13/2013
  • Tymoshenko release hangs in balance in Ukraine (BBC News) 11/13/2013
  • EU Agreement Turns Ukraine Into a Concubine (The Moscow Times) 11/13/2013
  • A gardener's reflections of rural Ukraine (StarPhoenix) 11/13/2013
  • Tymoshenko warns arrest of lawyer endangers EU-Ukraine agreement (Irish Times) 11/13/2013
  • Poll Shows Russians See Ukraine Drifting Away (The Moscow Times) 11/13/2013

  • US Asset Manager Buys $5Bln of Ukrainian Debt, Despite Risks (RIA Novosti) 11/12/2013
  • Franklin Templeton Investments reported buying up Ukrainian Eurobonds (Ukrainian Journal) 11/12/2013
  • We're working hard to correct Russian trade problems, says PM (Ukrainian Journal) 11/12/2013
  • European Commission lauds 1st-reading adoption of 'integration' bills (Ukrainian Journal) 11/12/2013
  • Russian natgas imports halted by Naftogaz (Ukrainian Journal) 11/12/2013
  • POPADIUK: Ukraine's shift toward Europe (Washington Times) 11/12/2013
  • Tymoshenko lawyer arrested, Ukraine stops importing Russian gas (Standart News) 11/12/2013
  • Ukraine fans turn out in thousands to get France tickets for World ...Rush for the play-offs: Ukraine fans in mass crush at ticket office ahead of World Cup decider against France in Kiev (Daily Mail) 11/12/2013
  • RPT-Fitch downgrades Ukrainian corporates on sovereign action (Reuters) 11/12/2013
  • Ukraine faces a key decision on alignment with Europe (Washington Post) 11/12/2013
  • Ukraine, A Chocolate Factory And The Fate Of A Woman (Capital Public Radio News) 11/12/2013
  • Kiev mulling Tymoshenko's health fate ( 11/12/2013
  • Ukraine raises the stakes in gas gamble with Russia (EurActiv) 11/12/2013
  • Ukraine reportedly suspends gas purchase from Russia (PanARMENIAN.Net) 11/12/2013
  • Ukraine's planned release of political prisoner Yulia Tymoshenko and trade agreement with EU hindered by Russia’s chocolate strategy (The Independent) 11/12/2013
  • Poll Finds Ukrainians Favor EU Pact (Wall Street Journal) 11/12/2013
  • Tymoshenko says EU-Ukraine deal under threat (BBC News) 11/12/2013

  • Ukraine and the EU. Sending the wrong signal (The Economist) 11/11/2013
  • Ukraine: Do-it-yourself pothole repair (BBC News) 11/11/2013
  • Rescuing Ukraine's Tarnished Image (Huffington Post) 11/11/2013
  • Analysis: Russia's phantom pain to hurt Ukraine in EU pact (Reuters) 11/11/2013
  • Lawyer for Ukraine's Tymoshenko questioned by prosecutor (Reuters) 11/11/2013
  • Franklin Templeton in $5 billion Ukraine debt gamble ( 11/11/2013
  • Ukraine to implement responsible, prudent language policy ['I assure you that the authorities will continue their efforts to implement a responsible and prudent policy aimed to support and develop the Ukrainian language based on the principles of social unity and harmony,' Yanukovych said' (NRCU) 11/11/2013
  • Phantom Pain in Russia's Amputated Limbs (New York Times) 11/11/2013
  • Analysis: Russia's phantom pain to hurt Ukraine in EU pact (Reuters) 11/11/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition says imprisoned leader Tymoshenko’s top lawyer has been arrested (Washington Post/AP) 11/11/2013
  • UPDATE 1-Gazprom underperforms Moscow stocks after Ukraine halts imports (Reuters) 11/11/2013
  • Ukraine to decide who will coordinate reforms related to implementation of Association Agreement and free trade with EU (NRCU) 11/11/2013
  • Rebrov hoping Ukraine can overcome play-off hoodoo (UEFA) 11/11/2013
  • Export development: Ukraine walks along the globe (ForUm) 11/11/2013
  • Kyiv beautification costs 700 million (ForUm) 11/11/2013
  • Recent Developments In Ukrainian Antitrust Enforcement (Mondaq News Alert) 11/11/2013
  • Rada to hold emergency session Wednesday (Ukrainian Journal) 11/11/2013
  • President denies caving in to IMF demand to hike household gas prices (Ukrainian Journal) 11/11/2013
  • Ukraine trying to get EEC to change South Stream pipeline stance (Ukrainian Journal) 11/11/2013
  • Ernst & Young lowers projections for Ukraine economic growth (Ukrainian Journal) 11/11/2013
  • Welsh founder of Hughesovka honoured by Ukraine with museum and commemorative stamp. Legacy of Merthyr industrialist to be honoured in Ukraine – where he founded a city which is now home to more than 950,000 people [John Hughes helped set up Ukraine mining community in Hughesovka now called Donetsk] (WalesOnline) 11/11/2013
  • Ideye on song for Kyiv (SuperSport) 11/11/2013
  • Biosecurity puzzled by mysterious Ukrainian melons (TVNZ) 11/11/2013
  • Ukrainian Strongman Inadvertently Breaks Up Gay Rally - Report (RIA Novosti) 11/11/2013
  • Russia Adds Carrot to Stick for Ukraine, Life Sentences for Moscow Airport Bombers (Transitions Online) 11/11/2013
  • Tymoshenko's defense counsel Vlasenko arrested, says Yatseniuk (Interfax-Russia) 11/11/2013
  • Opinion - The Russian March Starts in Kiev (The Moscow Times) 11/11/2013
  • Drop by Drop: Ukraine's Naftogaz halts Russian gas (Russia Today) 11/11/2013
  • Яценюк поквапився із заявою про арешт Власенка [на даний момент він не заарештований] (ТСН) 11/11/2013
  • Свідки пекла на землі. Щоденники очевидців Голодомору 1932–1933 років як унікальне історичне джерело (День) 11/11/2013
  • Політолог: 'тіньові' зустрічі Януковича з Путіним свідчать про 'розборки', а не переговори (Тиждень.ua) 11/11/2013
  • Власенка підозрюють у побитті колишньої дружини (Кореспондент) 11/11/2013

  • Ukraine PM Says No Confrontation with Russia (RIA Novosti) 11/10/2013
  • Photos: Usyk Makes Debut, Uzelkov Stops Codrington ( 11/10/2013
  • Where is Yanukovych? Russian TV says there was no presidential meeting in Moscow (Kyiv Post) 11/10/2013
  • Ukraine’s Genocide by Famine. Eighty years later, there’s no denying the Soviet atrocity [dated 11/9/2013] (National Review) 11/10/2013
  • Russia to Offer Ukraine Major Joint Projects if No EU Deal Is Signed (RIA Novosti) 11/10/2013
  • Yanukovych signs 'Klitschko amendments' to Tax Code (Interfax-Russia) 11/10/2013
  • Revealed: Pavlo Lapshyn driven to kill by far-right paramilitaries and racist football hooligans. Detectives found literature and images related to a far-right group and fascist Dynamo Kiev supporters on Lapshyn’s Russian Facebook page (Birmingham Mail) 11/10/2013
  • Aviation fans get glimpse of world's biggest plane [Antonov 225 - made in Ukraine] ( 11/10/2013
  • Ukraine prioritises trade, economic cooperation with Russia - Azarov (APA) 11/10/2013
  • Love Me: A film by Maryna Er Gorbach & Mehmet Bahadir Er [dated 9/18/2013] (PATRA SPANOU) 11/10/2013
  • Kiev Aligns Corruption Fight with EBRD (The Moscow Times/Reuters) 11/10/2013
  • У першому на професійному ринзі бою Усик переміг суперника технічним нокаутом (День) 11/10/2013
  • Концерт до річниці визволення Києва: пісні про Росію та платні прапороносці (Тиждень.ua) 11/10/2013

  • Olympic champion Usyk scores debut KO (World Boxing News) 11/09/2013
  • Finali Mondiali: Chukanov's title thriller at Mugello ( 11/09/2013
  • Corruption Ukrainian Style ( 11/09/2013
  • Ukrainians mark 1930s wave of Soviet-era famines ( 11/09/2013
  • Boxing: Uzelkov stops Codrington in six; Usyk wins debut (Fight News) 11/09/2013
  • 9 листопада — День української писемності та мови (День) 11/09/2013

  • Ukrainian dance club hosting Obzyhnky (Prince Albert Daily Herald) 11/08/2013
  • A Ukrainian Blogger for Luhansk Mayor? By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 11/08/2013
  • Poland is Interested in Ukraine Anti-Tank Missiles (Defense Update) 11/08/2013
  • Vitaly Klitschko faces ban on running for Ukraine presidency (Edmonton Examiner/Reuters) 11/08/2013
  • Post-Soviet Countries, Including Armenia, Show Rise in HIV/AIDS Cases ( 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine acts to prepare anti-corruption agreement, says EBRD (TrustLaw/Reuters) 11/08/2013
  • Weir to provide pumps and valves for Ukraine mine (World Pumps) 11/08/2013
  • Photos/Weights: Usyk vs. Romero, Uzelkov-Condrington ( 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine officially asks Russia to justify restrictions of confectionery imports (NRCU) 11/08/2013
  • Love Me (Lyuby Mene): Cottbus Review. Turkish-Ukrainian man-and-wife team Maryna Er Gorbach and Mehmet Bahadir Er use the romcom formula to tackle cultural crossover as well as social issues (Hollywood Reporter) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine in talks with European Energy Community on changing their position regarding South Stream gas pipeline (NRCU) 11/08/2013
  • Fitch downgrades to Ukraine, warns more cuts could come (Reuters) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine at a Crossroads. The former Soviet Republic has to decide between the EU and Russia (U.S. News & World Report) 11/08/2013
  • Could Russia ape Ukraine as a big force in corn? ( 11/08/2013
  • Massive Ukranian dance performance hits Regina and Saskatoon (CJME) 11/08/2013
  • Ukrainian community marks Holodomor tragedy (Victoria News) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine Credit Rating Cut by Fitch as Foreign Funding Squeezed (Bloomberg) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine rejects IMF calls to charge more for gas (Reuters) 11/08/2013
  • Fitch Downgrades Ukraine to 'B-'; Outlook Negative (Reuters) 11/08/2013
  • University of York's Professor David Moon heading to Russia and Ukraine for environment research project (The Press, York) 11/08/2013
  • Estonia’s richest businessman appeals to PM in dispute with Ukrainian partner (Baltic Business News) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine acts to prepare anti-corruption agreement, says EBRD (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 11/08/2013
  • Patriarch Sviatoslav: ‘Church Wishes to Contribute to Discussion about European Values’ (RISU) 11/08/2013
  • Rybak: Ukrainian president is ready to sign European integration laws passed by parliament (Interfax-Russia) 11/08/2013
  • Is Russia's Hold On Ukraine & Europe Dwindling? How Chevron (CVX) May Unlock Energy Security Concerns For Ukraine & Europe (International Business Times) 11/08/2013
  • Migrants and Ukraine: disaster or great opportunity? (ForUm) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine talks deadlocked as EU clock ticks down (EUBusiness) 11/08/2013
  • Olga Kurylenko to be Wonder Woman? (The Press) 11/08/2013
  • Yanukovych replaces Ivano-Frankivsk regional governor [new governor: Party of Regions Vasyl Chudnov] (Interfax-Russia) 11/08/2013
  • Yanukovych appoints ex-governors of Odesa, Ivano-Frankivsk regions as his advisors (Interfax-Russia) 11/08/2013
  • Signing of Association Agreement with EU allows Ukraine to forget about Soviet past – Poroshenko (Interfax-Russia) 11/08/2013
  • London Law Firm Tasked to Find '$200m Misappropriated by Tymoshenko and Lazarenko' [Ukraine Monitor press release] (The Business Journals/PRNewswire) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine hack hit 74 bank accounts (Bangkok Post) 11/08/2013
  • Kyiv asks Moscow through WTO for official response to restrictions on Ukrainian confectionery (Interfax-Russia) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine plans to invest $1.6 bn for EuroBasket (Business Standard/IANS) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine and USAID sign off on Green Markets National Project (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2013
  • Russia's trade war threats threatening unity of Regions Party (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2013
  • Ukraine threatens to gut gas purchases if Gazprom stays firm on prices (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2013
  • Kiev moving to meet EU deadline for bills (Ukrainian Journal) 11/08/2013
  • EU Issues Tymoshenko Ultimatum, A New Era of Stagnation for Russia? (Transitions Online) 11/08/2013
  • Ukrainian Art Song Project on OMNI TV's popular Ukrainian language TV program KONTAKT Saturday, Nov. 9 at 8 pm (UASP) 11/08/2013
  • У Конгресі США вшанували жертв Голодомору (Тиждень.ua) 11/08/2013
  • Угода з ЄС: українцям потрібні аргументи (ПІК) 11/08/2013
  • Депутати не вірять, що закон щодо Тимошенко буде прийнятий наступного тижня (Кореспондент) 11/08/2013
  • Вирішення питання Тимошенко відклали до середи (BBC) 11/08/2013
  • У «Тюрмі на Лонцького» презентують «Чорну книгу комунізму» (Майдан) 11/08/2013
  • «Дедлайн» минув. Надія ще є. У вирішальний для прийняття законів щодо асоціації з ЄС день Рада залишилася безплідною. Утім «проблему Тимошенко» ще можна розв’язати на позачерговій сесії у вівторок (Україна Молода) 11/08/2013

  • Ukraine parliament deputies squabble over Tymoshenko's release (euronews/Reuters) 11/07/2013
  • Ukraine Concerned Over Falling Gas Volumes From Russia (RIA Novosti) 11/07/2013
  • Ukraine should steer clear of Soviet Union 2.0 (CNN) 11/07/2013
  • Shell to Drill First Wells in $10 Billion Ukrainian Project (Bloomberg) 11/07/2013
  • US Seizes Ex-Ukrainian Prime Minister's Mansion [Pavlo Lazarenko] (Wall Street Journal) 11/07/2013
  • Ukraine Concerned Over Falling Gas Volumes From Russia (RIA Novosti) 11/07/2013
  • Naftogaz cuts August Gazprom gas debt by 20%: Ukraine minister (Platts) 11/07/2013
  • Monument to Solomia Krushelnytska erected in Ternopil region (The Day) 11/07/2013
  • EU resumes efforts to free jailed ex-PM (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2013
  • Gas corridor with Croatia and Hungary delayed for undisclosed reasons (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2013
  • Ukraine October inflation picks up to 0.4%, government reports (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2013
  • Naftogaz cuts August Gazprom debt to $806 million, from $882 million (Ukrainian Journal) 11/07/2013
  • Russia to sue Ukraine for failure to fulfill gas contract, says Regions Party MP (Interfax-Russia) 11/07/2013
  • Ukrainian churches: remember victims of Stalinist famine-genocide (Catholic Culture) 11/07/2013
  • WEF discusses future of Ukraine (indiablooms) 11/07/2013
  • Is Ukraine Destined to Join a US led 'Economic NATO?' (Modern Tokyo Times) 11/07/2013
  • Ukraine: Ani Lorak coach at The Voice ( 11/07/2013
  • Kyiv Post: Honoring Sheptytsky's courage, seven decades later (RISU) 11/07/2013
  • Icebreaker Chevron. Unprecedented government-challenging investment (The Day) 11/07/2013
  • Roshen chocolates lacking. Why? (The Day) 11/07/2013
  • Volodymyr MAKEIENKO: “Imagine the meeting between the opposition and Tymoshenko not in Kharkiv but in Berlin. The main question she will ask is: where my deputies?” (The Day) 11/07/2013
  • Art that withstood the destruction! On the newly discovered drawings from the Lviv period of Mykhailo Boichuk preserved by Yaroslava Muzyka (The Day) 11/07/2013
  • Photo: A flag with the portrait of jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko is seen as opposition supporters take part in a rally in front of the Parliament building in Kiev (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/07/2013
  • Photo: Opposition deputies wear t-shirts in support of imprisoned former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko during a session of Parliament in Kiev (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/07/2013
  • Photo: Opposition supporters take part in a rally in front of the Parliament building in Kiev November 7, 2013. European Union mediators resumed efforts in Ukraine on Wednesday to secure the release from jail of opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko as the clock ticks down to the signing of landmark trade accords at the end of the month (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/07/2013
  • Who will protect the past? High-density developments in the central Kyiv threaten St. Sophia Cathedral and the Caves Monastery with rising water table and cracking walls. However, no funding has been made available for rescue efforts (The Day) 11/07/2013
  • Verkhovna Rada does not start evening sitting, Tymoshenko's daughter comes to sitting hall (Interfax-Russia) 11/07/2013
  • Ukrainian Parliament To Debate Key Laws Affecting Tymoshenko Case (RFE/RL) 11/07/2013
  • Ukraine parliament deputies squabble over Tymoshenko's release (Reuters) 11/07/2013
  • Ukraine to offer IMF scheme to reduce Naftogaz deficit, says Boiko (Interfax-Russia) 11/07/2013
  • Poland plans to purchase Ukrainian-produced anti-tank missiles (Interfax-Russia) 11/07/2013
  • Accounts hacked in Ukraine after using ATMs (Bangkok Post) 11/07/2013
  • Razom 2 features a fusion of Ukrainian dance (Regina Leader-Post) 11/07/2013
  • European envoys in Ukraine to resolve Tymoshenko case (AFP/Yahoo) 11/07/2013
  • France squad to face Ukraine in World Cup playoff (Reuters) 11/07/2013
  • Ukraine to reduce purchases of Russian gas to minimum, says Boiko (Interfax-Russia) 11/07/2013
  • Russia: Ukrainian band banned as no work permit to rock out. Immigration officers have raided a concert in Russia by the popular Ukrainian band Okean Elzy for allegedly performing without a work permit (BBC News) 11/07/2013
  • Янукович без Європи? Ігри довкола «звільнення» Тимошенко приховують нездатність влади до вибору (Тиждень.ua) 11/07/2013
  • Джерело: Янукович дав команду регіоналам підтримати законопроект Лабунської (Тиждень.ua) 11/07/2013
  • Кнопкодави чекають команди: Янукович вирішує, як голосуватимуть по Тимошенко (ПІК) 11/07/2013
  • DW: Чотири шанси для Тимошенко. Верховна Рада не обере жодного? (Кореспондент) 11/07/2013
  • На Хрещатику в Києві триває марш комуністів на честь річниці Жовтневої революції (Кореспондент) 11/07/2013
  • Рада розгляне проекти щодо Тимошенко на вечірньому засіданні (BBC) 11/07/2013
  • Українська мова тримає позиції в освіті та кінопрокаті (Майдан) 11/07/2013
  • «Господи, пали»? Громадські активісти вважають, що Аграрний університет підпалили сектанти з метою загарбати його земельні ділянки (Україна Молода) 11/07/2013
  • Гастарбайтери з гітарами. «Океан Ельзи» оштрафували за нелегальну працю (Україна Молода) 11/07/2013
  • Попов пустив на Київ танки. 70–річчя звільнення міста стало не тільки днем жалоби для киян, а й днем масштабного піару для столичної влади (Україна Молода) 11/07/2013

  • Four Ukrainian dance troupes stage massive show (StarPhoenix) 11/06/2013
  • European Banks Look to Leave Ukraine amid Growing Political Tensions (IBTimes) 11/06/2013
  • NBU: Ukraine needs financial literacy strategy (ForUm) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine spends 20 million in preparation for Sochi Olympics (ForUm) 11/06/2013
  • Pig's Head Dumped at Ukraine Chabad Synagogue (Jewish Daily Forward) 11/06/2013
  • Ukrainian Shale Gas Profits (Energy and Capital) 11/06/2013
  • Lithuania warns Russia over cheese ban and KGB smears (EurActiv) 11/06/2013
  • RUXX Advisory: Ukraine Credit Rating Might Be Cut Further After Anti-Banking Ruling (The Herald/PRNewswire) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine signs $10-billion shale deal with Chevron (Business Standard) 11/06/2013
  • EU envoys resume efforts to free Ukraine's Tymoshenko (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/06/2013
  • Chevron and Ukraine Set Shale Gas Deal (New York Times) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine signs shale gas deal with Chevron (Ukrainian Journal) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine to ink gas agreement with ExxonMobil-led consortium this month (Ukrainian Journal) 11/06/2013
  • Malyshev Plant boosting imports replacement for new Oplot tank (Ukrainian Journal) 11/06/2013
  • EU energy commissioner confident on avoiding gas supply disruptions (Ukrainian Journal) 11/06/2013
  • Yanukovych Defends Ukraine EU Trade Pact as Competitiveness Lags (Bloomberg) 11/06/2013
  • President urges to build European Ukraine (ForUm) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine moves away from Russia toward EU over Central Asian energy (Global Times) 11/06/2013
  • Ukrainian Railways shows stable performance (ForUm) 11/06/2013
  • Kyiv-based Batkivschyna organizes pro-EU march in city downtown on November 7 (Interfax-Russia) 11/06/2013
  • Financial Press: Cub Energy Capitalizes on High Netbacks on Ukrainian and Turkish Gas Plays (MarketWatch/ACCESSWIRE) 11/06/2013
  • Ukrainian arts group to perform at Hunstanton church [Zozulenka ensemble from Cherkassy] (Lynn News) 11/06/2013
  • Kyiv marks 70 anniversary of liberation from Nazis (NRCU) 11/06/2013
  • EU Envoys In Kyiv For Tymoshenko Talks (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/06/2013
  • Kyiv presents documentary about massacre in Babyn Yar (Interfax-Russia) 11/06/2013
  • Hearing of Tymoshenko's UESU case scheduled for December 6 (Interfax-Russia) 11/06/2013
  • Ukrainian president opens Teremky subway station in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 11/06/2013
  • Russia releases Ukrainian fisherman Fedorovych, says Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine scrambling for cash to pay Russian gas bill (Business New Europe) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine initiates proceedings in WTO on protection of national confectioners' interests (Interfax-Russia) 11/06/2013
  • Top diplomat: No plan b for EU-Ukraine agreement (EurActiv) 11/06/2013
  • Travel 'Back to Normal' at Ukrainian Border (The Moscow Times) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine: Chernobyl revisited (FRANCE 24) 11/06/2013
  • Immigration officials fine Ukrainian band at Russian gig [Okean Elzy] (Tne Moscow News) 11/06/2013
  • 'Darth Vader' appoints himself mayor of Ukrainian city [Odesa] (Russia Today) 11/06/2013
  • The 'Eternal Prisoner' and a shot of brandy. Danylo Shumuk was 18 when he disappeared behind barbed wire, a victim of Stalin’s secret war against his own people, eventually claiming the lives of 20 million. Shumuk would spend the next 42 years in confinement. (GLOBAL NEWS) 11/06/2013
  • Tear Down This Wall: Celebrating Victories Over Communism On World Freedom Day (Forbes) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine will again invite Rospotrebnadzor's specialist to check Roshen's factories, says Ukrainian ministry (Interfax-Russia) 11/06/2013
  • Ukraine lags behind Action Plan on Visa Liberalization with EU – Nemyria (Interfax-Russia) 11/06/2013
  • Кокс і Квасневський востаннє спробують вирішити питання Тимошенко (BBC) 11/06/2013
  • Після Києва — Європа. Відвоювавши українську столицю у нацистів, радянське керівництво отримало точку опори для відновлення «світової революції (Україна Молода) 11/06/2013

  • Ukraine Begins Delivery of 200 Battle Tanks to Ethiopia (Sudan Tribune) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine ducks agreement with EBRD on fighting corruption (Reuters) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine Energy Minister: Naftogaz Starts Paying Money Owed to Gazprom - Reports (Wall Street Journal) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine's final declaration of independence (Russia & India Report/RIA Novosti) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine hopes shale gas deal with cut its energy costs (euronews) 11/05/2013
  • Report Says Ukraine Candymaker Roshen to Cut Staff Following Russian Embargo (The Moscow Times) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine levels new charges against Tymoshenko (Blouin News) 11/05/2013
  • Peace Corps volunteer's Ukraine mission is not lost in translation (East Brunswick Sentinel) 11/05/2013
  • Olympics-Ukraine's Lviv launches bid for 2022 winter Olympics (Reuters) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine doubles down on $20 billion shale gas plan to escape Russia’s clutches (Quartz) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine signs $10 billion shale deal with Chevron - minister (euronews/Reuters) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine-Chevron Sign Hydrocarbons Sharing Agreement ( 11/05/2013
  • Gazprom Says Ukraine Far From Paying Off Gas Debt (RIA Novosti) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine pays less than 10% of gas debt so far, Gazprom says (Interfax-Russia) 11/05/2013
  • On The EU And Ukraine: 'Slightly Pessimistic' (REF/RL) 11/05/2013
  • Kyiv Signs $10 Billion Shale-Gas Deal With Chevron (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/05/2013
  • UPDATE 2-Ukraine signs $10 bln shale gas deal with Chevron (Reuters) 11/05/2013
  • EU optimistic over latest Russian, Ukrainian gas spat ( 11/05/2013
  • Drach Speaks To Challenges Facing Independent Media in Ukraine (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine's Moskalenko did not work in company involved in kidnapping (Interfax-Russia) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine coal mine output reported down 3.5% so far this year (Ukrainian Journal) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine, Chevron in gas deal (Investor's Business Daily) 11/05/2013
  • Ukrtatnafta to cut jobs as oil refining sector problems mount (Ukrainian Journal) 11/05/2013
  • Should I stay or should I go? Ukraine's EU gamble (Russia Today) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine's Jewish Congress head: Builder or bulldozer? [Vadim Rabinovich] (The Times of Israel) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine’s Military Reform Marred by 'Generals Scandal' (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine: European court rules on Tymoshenko case. Human rights court in Strasbourg calls former PM's imprisonment 'arbitrary' (The Prague Post) 11/05/2013
  • Will EU Embrace Ukraine's Membership Bid in Vilnius? By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine suing Tymoshenko for $200 million (Ukrainian Journal) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine ready to meet key IMF demands, Dzerkalo Tyzhnia weekly reports (Ukrainian Journal) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine approves 2022 Winter Olympic bid from Lviv ( 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine squad for World Cup qualifying playoff (Reuters) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine wishes to open consulate in Transdniestria (Interfax-Russia) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine minimizes Russian gas purchases (ForUm) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine Signs Olesske Gas Field PSA With Chevron (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/05/2013
  • Ukraine will try to return funds from foreign accounts of Tymoshenko, Lazarenko (NRCU) 11/05/2013
  • S&P affirms B- rating for City of Kyiv, downgrades Dnipropetrovsk and Ivano-Frankivsk ratings (Interfax-Russia) 11/05/2013
  • Ukrainian nationalists register in parliament bill on banning Communist ideology (Interfax-Russia) 11/05/2013

  • US Seizes Ex-Ukraine PM’s $6M California Mansion (RIA Novosti) 11/04/2013
  • Ukraine on the Road to the Association Agreement (New Eastern Europe) 11/04/2013
  • Ukrainian Nationalists Propose Ban on Communist Ideology (RIA Novosti) 11/04/2013
  • Cossack Mamai and NKVD-shot kobza players. Mykhailo Hrushevsky Museum launches Orest Skop’s art album [Artist Orest Skop] (The Day) 11/04/2013
  • USA Supporting Ukraine In Talks With IMF (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/04/2013
  • Upcoming Shale Boom In Ukraine (ValueWalk) 11/04/2013
  • Ukraine: Workers Removing Parts of Chernobyl Plant (New York Times) 11/04/2013
  • Ukraine, Croatia to sign memorandum on Adriatic Gas Corridor Nov. 5 (BSANNA NEWS) 11/04/2013
  • COMMENT: A full-blown crisis looms in Ukraine (Business New Europe) 11/04/2013
  • Russian premier plays down 'gas war' talk (Ukrainian Journal) 11/04/2013
  • Association agreement will lessen trade with Russia, according to S&P (Ukrainian Journal) 11/04/2013
  • World Bank director knocks Kiev currency trading, budget moves (Ukrainian Journal) 11/04/2013
  • S&P lowers Ukraine sovereign rating to 'B-,' citing financing load (Ukrainian Journal) 11/04/2013
  • Agreement with IMF is best response to question on Ukraine's solvency, says expert (Interfax-Russia) 11/04/2013
  • Russia, Ukraine, China block plans in CCAMLR to create Antarctica marine reserves (MercoPress) 11/04/2013
  • Ukrainian scientists to improve Hadron Collider (ForUm) 11/04/2013
  • FFU ready to help FC Arsenal Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 11/04/2013
  • Glazyev: U.S. Ambassador’s mission to make Ukraine sign AA with Europe (ForUm) 11/04/2013
  • President of Ukrainian National Olympic Committee visits Georgia [Sergey Bubka] (vestnik kavkaza) 11/04/2013
  • Commemorating the 80th anniversary of Holodomor (Hamilton Spectator) 11/04/2013
  • U.S. state secretary plans to visit Ukraine in December, says ambassador (Interfax-Russia) 11/04/2013
  • EU hoping for consensus in Rada for adoption of bill on prosecutor's office (Interfax-Russia) 11/04/2013
  • Crimean Tatars support signing AA with EU (ForUm) 11/04/2013
  • Former FBSC president predicts revival in Ukraine (Florida Baptist Witness) 11/04/2013
  • Ukrainian Premier League postpones Arsenal Kyiv-Metalurh Zaporizhia match (Interfax-Russia) 11/04/2013
  • Ukraine minister: Naftogaz debt to Gazprom to be resolved Monday ( 11/04/2013
  • The right hand that drops the stars (Indian Express) 11/04/2013
  • Three new exhibitions [early 20th century Soviet posters], fashion slideshow ... (Ukrainian Museum) 11/04/2013
  • Ukraine begins litigations regarding misappropriation of over $200 mln by Tymoshenko, Lazarenko (Interfax-Russia) 11/04/2013
  • Deficit of Ukraine's balance of payments 10.5 times down in September, says NBU (Interfax-Russia) 11/04/2013
  • Ukrainian government intends to keep market of Customs Union (NRCU) 11/04/2013
  • PRESS: Lazarenko could be deported from U.S. (Interfax-Russia) 11/04/2013
  • Delay in addressing Tymoshenko issue not in Ukraine's interests (NRCU) 11/04/2013
  • Soccer-Ukrainian championship results and standings (Yahoo/Reuters) 11/04/2013
  • Op-ed: Ukraine's Risky Bet (New York Times) 11/04/2013
  • Світ про Україну: шоколадна стіна Росії, онлайн-пірати та візові шахраї (Тиждень.ua) 11/04/2013
  • Європосол про питання Тимошенко: Щоб знайти рішення, нам потрібно про це тихіше говорити (Кореспондент) 11/04/2013

  • Ukraine and the EU: A change in tone (New Eastern Europe) 11/03/2013
  • De Blasio visited Communist USSR in college (New York Post) 11/03/2013
  • Scrabble champ crowned with help from a Ukranian lute [bandura] (ITV News) 11/03/2013
  • Child kidnappings were like a James Bond film, Ukrainian athlete says ( 11/03/2013
  • Tens Of Thousands Attend 'Pro-Europe' Rally In Moldovan Capital (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 11/03/2013
  • Russian Ambassador Zurabov Reminds Ukraine Of Need To Fulfill Terms Of Gas Contract When Conducting Settlements For Gas Supplies (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/03/2013
  • GUEST VIEW: The first Odessa: In Ukraine (Odessa American) 11/03/2013
  • Remembering fallen troops (Halifax Evening Courier) 11/03/2013
  • Will Ukrainian billionaire bid for the Unity mine? (WalesOnline) 11/03/2013
  • Anti-Semitism in the Ukraine and Elsewhere in Europe (American Thinker) 11/03/2013
  • [Wedding] Alexandra Chopivsky and Martín Corredera Silván (New York Times) 11/03/2013
  • Europe's Spies Work Together on Mass Surveillance: Guardian (Jakarta Globe/Reuters) 11/03/2013
  • Anti-Semitism in Ukraine, and beyond (The Commentator) 11/03/2013

  • Victor Pinchuk Uses Art to Shift Soviet Attitudes in Ukraine (TIME) 11/02/2013
  • Workshop participants learn an ancient art ( 11/02/2013
  • Local residents hope to shed light on little known genocide (WXXA) 11/02/2013
  • Opposition ready to support Labunska's bill without amendments – Turchynov (Interfax-Russia) 11/02/2013
  • Klitschko Knocked Out? The scandalous tax amendment and efforts to aggravate mutual distrust in the opposition (Ukrainian Week) 11/02/2013
  • If Russia acts formally concerning payment for gas, Ukraine will act formally transiting gas to Europe, says Boiko (Interfax-Russia) 11/02/2013
  • New book release: My Whispers of Horror: Letters telling women's true tales from ex-USSR nations. A collection of letters from real women in Ukraine and Russia telling their experiences in domestic violence, human trafficking, and more. (Consumer Electronics Net) 11/02/2013
  • Svoboda to support Labunska's bill on Tymoshenko's treatment – MP Mokhnyk (Interfax-Russia) 11/02/2013
  • U.S. Secretary Of State Kerry To Visit Ukraine For Meetings With Officials In December (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/02/2013
  • Щоденники очевидців Голодомору 1932–1933 років як унікальне історичне джерело (День) 11/02/2013

  • Rep. Mike Quigley [Chicago]: Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (YouTube) 11/01/2013
  • Ten talking points the NSA uses to justify its spying (Public Radio International) 11/01/2013
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholics and Jewish Community Establish Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Medal (RISU) 11/01/2013
  • ADL Honors Ukranian Archbishop Who Saved Jews During Holocaust [Metropolitan Archbishop Andrei Sheptytsky] (Algemeiner) 11/01/2013
  • Alarm over Ukraine economy after S&P downgrade (Times of Oman/AFP) 11/01/2013
  • [Methodist] Missionaries to Ukraine raising funds (New Philadelphia Times Reporter) 11/01/2013
  • Tymoshenko urging parliamentary opposition to vote for Labunska's bill without delay (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • Femen: Modern amazons, radical actions (FRANCE 24) 11/01/2013
  • S&P sees Ukraine GDP decline of 1% in 2013, growth of 1.5% in 2014 (NRCU) 11/01/2013
  • If These Men Are Doomed, Then Heaven Help Ukraine. An appeals court notices glaring problems with a notorious murder trial, then ignores them (Transitions Online) 11/01/2013
  • Ukraine U-turn: Gazprom kicks off Bulgarian part of South Stream (Russia Today) 11/01/2013
  • В України немає плану «Б» на випадок непідписання угоди з ЄС (VOA) 11/01/2013
  • Лавринович не знає, як законно звільнити Тимошенко (VOA) 11/01/2013
  • Ukrainian pork will come to EU market earlier than beef, says veterinary watchdog (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • Ukraine confident compromise with Gazprom on debt will be found (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • RIA Novosti: Ukrainian Ski Resort Blocks Mobile Phone Signals Over Radiation Concerns [Yaremche] (The Moscow Times) 11/01/2013
  • [Estonian] Defense Ministry Website Down as 'Anonymous' [Ukrainian] Hackers Take Credit (ERR) 11/01/2013
  • Ukrainian Olympic medalist arrested in Italy for abduction of children (ForUm) 11/01/2013
  • Ukraine's Foreign Ministry checking citizenship of former Soviet yachtswoman detained in Italy on suspicion of child kidnapping (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • If gas compromise not found with Russia, Ukraine will buy gas from Europe – Kozhara (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • Cox, Kwasniewski find Labunska's bill on treatment of convicts abroad most acceptable (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • Japanese government moves against Kiev auto import restrictions (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2013
  • Kozhara says November best time for signing agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • S&P downgrades long-term Ukraine rating to B (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • Tymoshenko ready to accept any proposal from Cox-Kwasniewski mission – Vlasenko (Interfax-Russia) 11/01/2013
  • Aled Blake on Ukraine [Columnist Aled Blake on the power struggle over the future of Ukraine and the role of a heroic Welsh journalist exposing Stalin's greatest crime] (WalesOnline) 11/01/2013
  • Ukraine's Prisoner's Dilemma [10/31/2013] (Project Syndicate) 11/01/2013
  • Lines Form at Russia-Ukraine Border Following Customs Changes [10/31/2013] (RIA Novosti) 11/01/2013
  • Metropolitan Sheptytsky Honored in His Village (RISU) 11/01/2013
  • Russia, Ukraine halt giant Antarctic marine sanctuary plan: group (Reuters) 11/01/2013
  • Lutsenko Links Salo's Appointment As Lviv Governor To Authorities' Preparations For Falsifications At Forthcoming Presidential Elections (Ukrainian News Agency) 11/01/2013
  • Government approves five Customs Union agreements (ForUm) 11/01/2013
  • Rightsholders Urge Apple and Google to Remove Pirate Apps (TorrentFreak) 11/01/2013
  • East Capital's Marcus Svedberg points to reform benefits in Eastern Europe [Over the past year, Ukraine was the country that did most reforms globally...] (Investment Europe) 11/01/2013
  • Holly Morris: Why stay in Chernobyl? Because it's home. (Exchange Morning Post) 11/01/2013
  • Ukraine 33th in world for number of Internet users (ZIK) 11/01/2013
  • Ukraine in talks with EU over modernizing natural gas pipeline system (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2013
  • EU seeking IMF standby help for Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2013
  • Russian PM plays down talk of gas wars, warns Ukraine on EU (Reuters) 11/01/2013
  • EXCLUSIVE-EU, IMF coordinate on Ukraine as Russia threat looms [10/31/2013] (Reuters) 11/01/2013
  • Ukraine says can do without loans for Russian gas payments (Reuters) 11/01/2013
  • Naftogaz may soon have to pay gas tab in advance, says Gazprom (Ukrainian Journal) 11/01/2013
  • Митрополита Шептицького вшанують на його малій батьківщині (ZIK) 11/01/2013
  • «Чому кремлівський агітпроп так дивно висвітлює те, що відбувається в Україні...» (День) 11/01/2013
  • «Золотий ключик» євроінтеграції (Тиждень.ua) 11/01/2013
  • Початок. Аналіз Угоди про асоціацію (Тиждень.ua) 11/01/2013
  • Хто крайній? Росіяни зібрали на кордоні черги із сотень великогабаритних фур (Україна Молода) 11/01/2013
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

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    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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