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  • EU Association Agreement will hurt Ukraine banks, according to Moody's (Ukrainian Journal) 09/30/2013
  • IFC to discuss $100 million loan to Galnaftogaz late next month (Ukrainian Journal) 09/30/2013
  • Cisco Systems to cooperate with Ukraine's Bionic Hlll innovation park (Ukrainian Journal) 09/30/2013
  • Fighting for the right to know (Kyiv Post) 09/30/2013
  • Criticism grows of Latvia immigration law that buys Schengen access (Business New Europe) 09/30/2013
  • Aleator Energy heads to market, developing the Povorotnoye gas field in Ukraine (Proactive Investors) 09/30/2013
  • Commemorative Plaque to Patriarch Mstyslav Unveiled in Lviv (RISU) 09/30/2013
  • Crimean Muslims Elect Spiritual Leader (RISU) 09/30/2013
  • Subjugated Europe. Stalin’s moves to establish communist governments in Central and Eastern Europe relied largely on local elements and tools already tested in the USSR (Ukrainian Week) 09/30/2013
  • INTERPIPE will be the steel partner for Dr. Steelhammer [Wladimir Klitschko; INTERPIPE press release] (Victor Pinchuk Foundation) 09/30/2013
  • Ukraine team to play Poland without fans (Ukrainian Journal) 09/30/2013
  • Голова медіа-профспілки в Брюсселі заявив, що до українських журналістів ставляться в Україні як до рабів (Майдан) 09/30/2013

  • At Kennedy Airport, a Complex Dance Over a UN Meeting (New York Times) 09/29/2013
  • Kiev and the EU: Who Will Blink First Over Tymoshenko? (Modern Tokyo Times) 09/29/2013
  • Good News Ukraine Blog (Kyiv Post) 09/29/2013
  • Pop Montreal 2013: Whitehorse at the Ukrainian Federation, Sept. 28 (Montreal Gazette) 09/29/2013
  • Amid Putin's crackdown, Sochi gay scene thrives (U.S. News & World Report/AP) 09/29/2013
  • Cadets gain real life experience (The Creightonian) 09/29/2013
  • Heavy rains across Ukraine slow winter grain sowing (Business Recorder) 09/29/2013
  • Genocide survivors gather for Remembrance Day ( 09/29/2013
  • Ukraine Set for Anniversary of Toldos Aharon's Passing (Arutz Sheva) 09/29/2013
  • Ukraine communists want referendum on Russia-led union (Press TV) 09/29/2013
  • Ukrainian from Greenpeace ship gets two months in jail (Kyiv Post) 09/29/2013

  • Street Style in Kyiv: Maxi coats and skinny pants in vogue in autumn (Kyiv Post) 09/28/2013
  • Ukrainian nationalists to ask FIFA to exclude OUN-UPA symbols from list of discriminatory signs (Kyiv Post) 09/28/2013
  • Ukraine punished by UEFA over racist chants; will play their next match behind closed doors (Sportskeeda) 09/28/2013
  • Machinations for Tymoshenko exit (Kyiv Post) 09/28/2013
  • Razom 2: Ukrainian Dance Fusion (StarPhoenix) 09/28/2013
  • Ukraine at tipping point (Winnipeg Free Press) 09/28/2013

  • The EU Faces Ukrainian Integration and History. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 09/27/2013
  • TABLE-Ukraine grain exports up 10 pct on higher wheat shipments (Reuters) 09/27/2013
  • Ukraine angry as Canada suspends free-trade talks (Toronto Star) 09/27/2013
  • The EU Faces Ukrainian Integration and History. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 09/27/2013
  • FIFA Orders Ukraine, Peru to Play World Cup Games Without Fans (Bloomberg) 09/27/2013
  • NATO to help Ukraine rebury radioactive waste (BSANNA NEWS) 09/27/2013
  • Government predicts spring EU Association Agreement ratification (Ukrainian Journal) 09/27/2013
  • Ukraine may increase its quota for coking coal exports next year (Ukrainian Journal) 09/27/2013
  • Record grain output expected for 2013-14, according to prime minister (Ukrainian Journal) 09/27/2013
  • Ukraine's 2014 budget facing new delays (Ukrainian Journal) 09/27/2013
  • Ukrsotsbank raid highlights western banks' Ukrainian misadventure (Business New Europe) 09/27/2013
  • Ukraine reaches deal for Black Sea gas (Business Recorder) 09/27/2013
  • Ukrainian festival in Clifton ( 09/27/2013
  • KYIV BLOG: Full-page IHT ad details career of Ukraine's 'Killer MP' [the criminal career of Oleksandr Shepelev] (Business New Europe) 09/27/2013
  • West can't offer Ukraine much, except more unemployment (Russia Today) 09/27/2013
  • 22nd Independence Day of Ukraine celebrated: National Assembly Speaker to set up inter-parliamentary friendship group (Business Recorder) 09/27/2013
  • Ukraine, energy companies agree to sign PSA on Skifske hydrocarbon deposit within one month (NRCU) 09/27/2013
  • Kyiv Tabs Shell-ExxonMobil For Gas Field (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/27/2013
  • Church leaders in Ukraine reject EU demand for new gay rights laws (Catholic Herald Online) 09/27/2013
  • Photo: Denmark's Amalie Dideriksen, center, winner of the women's junior road race event, celebrates on the podium with silver medalist Russia's Anastasia Iakovenko, left, and bronze medalist Ukraine's Olena Demydova, in Florence, Italy (Yahoo/AP) 09/27/2013
  • Topless Protesters Gatecrash Paris Fashion Week (Contactmusic) 09/27/2013
  • [Page down to see fashion photos] 'That b**** ruined my walk!': Chaos on the catwalk as British model PUNCHES topless feminist protesters who stormed Paris Fashion Week (Daily Mail) 09/27/2013
  • Марія Матіос: У Раді сюжет на сюжеті сюжетом поганяє. Відома письменниця, народний депутат — про «фільтрування» парламенту романтиками, підгодовування «регіоналів» варениками, проблеми мови й книговидавництва (Україна Молода) 09/27/2013
  • «Був націоналістом, ним і залишуся. Ніхто мене вже не виправить». Переконання коштували волинянину Йосипу Козіку свободи, але 84–річний чоловік каже, що ні про що не шкодує (Україна Молода) 09/27/2013
  • На Шпилі Бандери. Про що українські підкорювачі вершин Кавказу говорили з Михаїлом Саакашвілі — «неугодним» президентом Грузії? Інтерв'ю з грузинським лідером провів альпініст Мар’ян Нищук (Україна Молода) 09/27/2013
  • Саакашвілі порадив українцям не спілкуватись російською мовою (ТСН) 09/27/2013

  • Financial Times: EU steps up attention to Ukraine to get more influence in the East (Ukrainian Week) 09/26/2013
  • Photo: An activist of Femen, a feminist Ukrainian protest group, leaves the Tuileries Gardens after two of them were removed by security staff while disturbing the presentation of Nina Ricci's ready-to-wear Spring/Summer 2014 fashion collection Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013 in Paris. (Yahoo/AP) 09/26/2013
  • Ukraine’s leaders honor Babyn Yar victims (Interfax-Russia) 09/26/2013
  • Adam Reichardt: Shedding the Soviet skin is a long and painful, but Ukraine should do it (Ukrainian Week) 09/26/2013
  • Ukraine reaches gas deal with Exxon, Shell (Global Times) 09/26/2013
  • Nonstop Flights Between Ukraine and the USA Should Soon Be Possible (Travel Agent) 09/26/2013
  • REUTERS SUMMIT-Russian online retailer Lamoda sees rapid growth, Ukraine next (Reuters) 09/26/2013
  • U.S. Congressman: Washington 'Should Not Countenance' Russian Pressure On Neighbors (RFE/RL) 09/26/2013
  • Incident: UTAir Ukraine AT42 at Donetsk on Aug 10th 2013, dog strike (The Aviation Herald) 09/26/2013
  • Ukraine-EU Deal Wouldn’t Be Catastrophe for Russia — Medvedev (APA) 09/26/2013
  • Ukraine Has One Foot In Europe And The Other In The Economic Abyss (Forbes) 09/26/2013
  • PM: Submit Russian trade dispute to WTO (Ukrainian Journal) 09/26/2013
  • Ukraine and ExxonMobil consortium to tap major Black Sea natgas field (Ukrainian Journal) 09/26/2013
  • Ukrainian frigate steams to aid of NATO's anti-piracy mission (Ukrainian Journal) 09/26/2013
  • Yanukovych: European aspirations will help relations with Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 09/26/2013
  • In Kiev, a Jewish space where 'community' is new concept ( 09/26/2013
  • Ukrainian churches oppose EU requirement of expanded rights for gays (Catholic Register) 09/26/2013
  • High-Profile Rape Trial Begins In Kyiv (RFE/RL) 09/26/2013
  • Can Ukraine Shed Its Soviet Skin? (The National Interest) 09/26/2013
  • Patriarch Filaret and U.S. Ambassador Discuss International Relations and Ukraine’s European Integration (RISU) 09/26/2013
  • Contribution to worldwide security. The Day on Ukrainian president’s fresh initiatives (The Day) 09/26/2013
  • Serhii SYDORSKY (Principal dancer of the National Opera House of Ukraine): 'We speak with our bodies, use them to make declarations of love, and convey our emotions' (The Day) 09/26/2013
  • EuroBasket 2015: countdown has begun (The Day) 09/26/2013
  • Yanukovych signs law on ratification on agreement on social security between Ukraine and Poland (Interfax-Russia) 09/26/2013
  • Greenpeace says arrest of environmentalists illegal (Interfax-Russia) 09/26/2013
  • Ukraine reaches deal for Black Sea gas with Exxon, Shell (GlobalPost/AFP) 09/26/2013
  • Ukraine GDP Growth Forecast Cut in Half in Poll of Economists (Bloomberg) 09/26/2013
  • 80 історій від свідків геноциду — проект до 80-х роковин Голодомору 1932—1933 років в Україні (Майдан) 09/26/2013
  • Оселедець на профі–рингу Олімпійський чемпіон Усик підписав контракт із промоутерською компанією братів Кличків і вже призначив перший бій (Україна Молода) 09/26/2013
  • Провладний вандалiзм. Учора у Харкові за рішенням міськради комунальники розбили меморіальну дошку видатному вченому, націоналісту Юрію Шевельову (Україна Молода) 09/26/2013
  • У Миколаєві почалося перше засідання суду у 'врадіївській справі' (ТВі) 09/26/2013

  • Treasuries Take Break; Trouble In Ukraine (Barron's) 09/25/2013
  • S&P, Fitch see downward risks for Ukraine's single-B rating (Reuters) 09/25/2013
  • China ‘land grab’ sees it given control of 5% of Ukraine, accused of ‘neo-colonialism’ (National Post) 09/25/2013
  • [An oak tree] that remembers Potocki and Makhno. Tourists are invited to see the 400-year-old tree of the height of 25 meters (The Day) 09/25/2013
  • From a family trunk to a museum. Kharkiv residents gather unique ethnic collection to preserve the 'historical memory' (The Day) 09/25/2013
  • Tons of coffee from around the world have arrived in Lviv (The Day) 09/25/2013
  • Alain REMY: 'I support Ukraine’s signing the Association Agreement with the EU' (The Day) 09/25/2013
  • One to Two Churches Robbed in Poltava Every Year (RISU) 09/25/2013
  • The Economist: Russia is fast losing Ukraine through its own arrogance and bullying (Ukrainian Week) 09/25/2013
  • Russia reiterates warnings to Ukraine ahead of EU summit (Ukrainian Week) 09/25/2013
  • Yanukovych promises Ukraine’s friends to solve the issue with Tymoshenko by October 21 (Ukrainian Week) 09/25/2013
  • The European Parliament offers sanctions against Russia for pressure on Eastern Partnership countries (Ukrainian Week) 09/25/2013
  • Moody's downgrades three Ukraine bond issuers to country level (Cbonds.Info) 09/25/2013
  • GRAPHIC-Inverted CDS, bond curves signal Ukraine default fears (Reuters) 09/25/2013
  • Ukrainian Man Builds DIY Electric Car (w/ video) (Gas 2.0) 09/25/2013
  • Immigrant women forced to be strippers suing ex-Detroit club owners ( 09/25/2013
  • Ukraine confident EU solution on Tymoshenko will be found (Reuters) 09/25/2013
  • European Aspirations Direct Ukraine's Development - President Yanukovych [Worldwide News Ukraine Press Release] ( 09/25/2013
  • Gallery View: Boxing Photos [Oleksandr Usyk and Vitali Klitschko] (Yahoo/Eurosport) 09/25/2013
  • Russia Sees Belarus, Ukraine Risking Currency Crises (Bloomberg) 09/25/2013
  • EU reviews association agenda with Ukraine ( 09/25/2013
  • Ukrainian gas sector escaping Russia's grasp (UPI) 09/25/2013
  • The Economist: Russia is fast losing Ukraine through its own arrogance and bullying (Ukrainian Week) 09/25/2013
  • Yanukovych vows to press on with EU deals (Ukrainian Journal) 09/25/2013
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny to expand oil field activities in Egypt next year (Ukrainian Journal) 09/25/2013
  • Ukraine grain exports reported up 14.3% over past three months (Ukrainian Journal) 09/25/2013
  • President has full slate of high-level meetings for New York stay (Ukrainian Journal) 09/25/2013
  • JAC Motors passenger cars Ukraine launch of J2, New J3, J5, J6, S5 [Autochannel press release] (Rush Lane) 09/25/2013
  • Citizens of big Ukrainian cities dissatisfied with bad roads, mud and parking on grass-plots (Interfax-Russia) 09/25/2013
  • Trade problems with Ukraine pose no serious threat to Russian economy – World Bank (Interfax-Russia) 09/25/2013
  • EP mission passes several proposals to Ukrainian authorities to resolve Tymoshenko case (Interfax-Russia) 09/25/2013
  • One of Greenpeace activists detained in the Arctic is Ukrainian national, says Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 09/25/2013
  • Yanukovych: Ukraine hopes to be elected to UN Security Council in 2016-2017 (Interfax-Russia) 09/25/2013
  • Ukraine calls for peaceful settlement of conflict in Syria – Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 09/25/2013
  • Third power in context of Polish-Ukrainian relations (News24) 09/25/2013
  • Students stranded in the Ukraine cry foul (New Era) 09/25/2013
  • Yegorov deported to Ukraine (The Slovak Spectator) 09/25/2013
  • Why Catholic Priests Can't Marry (at Least for Now) (Yahoo/ 09/25/2013
  • Government backs Ukraine on EU Association Agreement (Budapest Business Journal) 09/25/2013
  • Який чорт украв область? Політично–економічна криза на Тернопільщині загострюється (Україна Молода) 09/25/2013
  • Національний музей Тараса Шевченка. Модернізація, реконструкція й ігри в наперсток (Україна Молода) 09/25/2013
  • Регіональне варварство. Пам’ятну дошку Шевельову розбили, уламки вкрали (Майдан) 09/25/2013
  • Янукович: законодавство не дозволяє звільнити Тимошенко (BBC) 09/25/2013

  • Ukraine, Brazil Prepare for 2015 Cyclone 4 Launch (Aviation Week) 09/24/2013
  • Ukrainian President focuses on sustainable energy in General Assembly address (UN News Centre) 09/24/2013
  • Ideye believes Dynamo Kiev can still win Ukrainian title ( 09/24/2013
  • Ukraine Is Not a Brothel (Ukraina ne bordel): Film Review (Hollywood Reporter) 09/24/2013
  • Ukrainian Group Drawn Into Ugly Dolphin Debate (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/24/2013
  • RIA Novosti: Ukrainian Ruins Recognized [Chersonesos] (The Moscow Times) 09/24/2013
  • Ukraine Could Suffer Similar Fate to Greece, Cyprus, Says Medvedev (Prensa Latina) 09/24/2013
  • Ukraine CDS Jump to Three-Year High After Moody's Downgrade (Bloomberg) 09/24/2013
  • Ukraine establishes diplomatic relations with Fiji (ForUm) 09/24/2013
  • Russian War Games in the Baltics, Chinese Deal for Ukraine Farmland (Transitions Online) 09/24/2013
  • Ukrainian president gives interview to Bloomberg in New York (Interfax-Russia) 09/24/2013
  • Russia To Ukraine: EU Or Us? (Bitbag) 09/24/2013
  • Claressa Shields KO's Ukraine fighter at world championship boxing ... (Mlive) 09/24/2013
  • Ukrainian on board of seized Greenpeace ship (ForUm) 09/24/2013
  • EU agrees to speed up Ukraine deal amid Russian pressure: AFP (Focus News) 09/24/2013
  • Kaczynski urges Polish government to be first to ratify Ukraine's association deal with EU (NRCU) 09/24/2013
  • Muscular Women Competition in Ukraine ( 09/24/2013
  • EU Preps for Rapid Trade Opening With Ukraine If Accord Signed (Bloomberg) 09/24/2013
  • FAA Upgrades Ukraine’s Aviation Safety Rating To Category 1. Means The County Complies With ICAO Standards For Safety, Regulatory Oversight (Aero-News Network) 09/24/2013
  • Russia reiterates warnings to Ukraine ahead of EU summit (EurActiv) 09/24/2013
  • Red lights flashing for Ukraine as it sprints toward arms of EU (Business New Europe) 09/24/2013
  • Who Will Win The Game? As the November Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius draws closer, doubts fade that Kyiv and Brussels will sign the Association Agreement. How they see its implementation, is the question (Ukrainian Week) 09/24/2013
  • VIDEO: YES 2013 Videoblog: Victor Pinchuk about Ukrainian choice ( 09/24/2013
  • Russia threatens barriers against EU move (Ukrainian Journal) 09/24/2013
  • EU association deal poses no risk to Customs Union, says Ukrainian PM (Ukrainian Journal) 09/24/2013
  • Ukraine ready to give up expensive Russian natgas, says premier (Ukrainian Journal) 09/24/2013
  • Ukraine did not supply weapons to Syrians, says foreign minister (Ukrainian Journal) 09/24/2013
  • Ukrainian Judge Delays Case Against Tymoshenko (The Moscow Times) 09/24/2013
  • Germany will increase pressure on Ukraine ( 09/24/2013
  • Album of Most Famous Architect of Churches in Galicia Presented in Lviv (RISU) 09/24/2013
  • A website about Taras Shevchenko to be launched in Cambridge [] (The Day) 09/24/2013
  • Kyiv sees no grounds to stop free trade regime with CIS countries after signing of agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 09/24/2013
  • Yanukovych to meet with EU, NATO leaders, Chevron president in US (Interfax-Russia) 09/24/2013
  • Yanukovych attends reception hosted by Obama in New York (Interfax-Russia) 09/24/2013
  • China just bought 5% of Ukraine (Quartz) 09/24/2013
  • Hungry China wants to 'borrow' land from 'bread basket' Ukraine for 50 years (Russia Today) 09/24/2013
  • Ukraine Bonds Hit Further (Wall Street Journal) 09/24/2013
  • ЦЕРЕМОНІЯ ВРУЧЕННЯ ПРЕМІЇ ІМЕНІ БОРИСА ВОЗНИЦЬКОГО «За вагомий особистий внесок у розвиток музейної справи» ( 09/24/2013
  • Їхали до Словенії — опинилися в Іспанії. Посівши на Євробаскеті–2013 сенсаційно високе шосте місце, чоловіча збірна України вперше виборола путівку на чемпіонат світу (Україна Молода) 09/24/2013
  • Під крилом Вірляни. Режисер Вірляна Ткач — про принцип роботи експериментального театру, діаспору й цінність сучасної української культури (Україна Молода) 09/24/2013
  • Український бурштин тонами купляють у Польщі у 30 разів дорожче, ніж в Україні (ТСН) 09/24/2013
  • Російський ведучий розповів про 'евтаназію України' від угоди з ЄС (ТСН) 09/24/2013

  • 'Venus in Fur' to Dominate in American Theaters This Season [see Tony Award-winner Nina Arianda] (New York Times) 09/23/2013
  • How social networks give a chance to make the impossible work. Exhibition 'Windows' is open at the art gallery 'Art of Slobozhanshchyna' in Kharkiv (The Day) 09/23/2013
  • Yanukovych Faces EU Integration and History. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 09/23/2013
  • Russia sends new warning to Ukraine over EU deals (Reuters) 09/23/2013
  • Ukraine upgraded to Category 1 under FAA safety assessment program (ATWOnline) 09/23/2013
  • Ukraine has no way of telling what Russian Black Sea Fleet warships are up to (Kyiv Post) 09/23/2013
  • If Ukraine concludes agreement with EU, Kyiv to have no more privileges, says Medvedev (Interfax-Russia) 09/23/2013
  • Ukraine to host second session of Belarusian-Ukrainian demarcation commission (News of Belarus) 09/23/2013
  • Wallachia’s gifts – Ukraine’s treasure, or Eat walnuts, dear friends! (The Day) 09/23/2013
  • 70 'Beads' by Zinaida Likhachova. Exhibit shows how to combine folk tradition with the best achievements of contemporary art (The Day) 09/23/2013
  • 'Voices of LGBT'. An information project about the life of people with non-heterosexual orientation launched in Donetsk (The Day) 09/23/2013
  • Euro-2012 echoes by debts (The Day) 09/23/2013
  • 'Antonov' receives an offer it can(not) refuse. UN resolutions apply only to military aircraft, it is OK to sell civil planes to Iran (The Day) 09/23/2013
  • China buys 5 percent of Ukraine's land (UPI) 09/23/2013
  • Ukraine one step closer to EU? ( 09/23/2013
  • Clinton: EU-Ukraine Association Agreement to promote economic growth (Interfax-Russia) 09/23/2013
  • Ukrainian government approved plan for biometric passports (Ukrainian Week) 09/23/2013
  • Yanukovych to speak at plenary meeting of UN General Assembly, presidential advisor says (Interfax-Russia) 09/23/2013
  • Ukraine unveils EuroBasket 2015 logo (Interfax-Russia) 09/23/2013
  • Ukraine and EU ridicule Russian threats ( 09/23/2013
  • Ukraine face sanctions as FIFA opens racism investigation (Inside World Football) 09/23/2013
  • Kremlin promises respect any Ukraine's decision on EU (ForUm) 09/23/2013
  • Moody's downgrades Ukraine's sovereign Eurobonds to Caa1 (Cbonds.Info) 09/23/2013
  • Expert: EU has a potential to counteract Russia’s gas pressure on Ukraine (Ukrainian Week) 09/23/2013
  • Yalta Summit, Association and Tymoshenko: the clock is ticking (Ukrainian Week) 09/23/2013
  • 'Paradjanov' to be featured in Filmfest Hamburg competition program (PanARMENIAN.Net) 09/23/2013
  • The Klondike for the Opposition. Protest sentiments are escalating in the Donbas. But distrust for politics and inert opposition make the dissent purely pragmatic and local (Ukrainian Week) 09/23/2013
  • Tymoshenko's Trial Postponed Again Amid Rallies In Ukraine (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/23/2013
  • China buying Ukraine land to meet rising food demand (The Star/Reuters) 09/23/2013
  • Ukraine grain exports up 14 pct as wheat shipments rise (Reuters) 09/23/2013
  • Hryvnia stability is based on low inflation, says NBU advisor (Ukrainian Journal) 09/23/2013
  • Moody's action plunges Ukraine further into junk rating category (Ukrainian Journal) 09/23/2013
  • New shale gas agreement with Chevron closer after local council action (Ukrainian Journal) 09/23/2013
  • EU deals will sink Kiev, says Putin aide (Ukrainian Journal) 09/23/2013
  • Russia Predicts 'Chaos' After EU-Ukraine Deal (Transitions Online) 09/23/2013
  • Russia threatens to back Ukraine partition (The Times) 09/23/2013
  • Українці Польщі засудили тиск Москви на Київ перед підписанням 'асоціації' (Майдан) 09/23/2013
  • Сім сучасників Євгена Сверстюка. Письменник, дисидент, філософ згадує Бориса–Антоненка Давидовича, Олеся Гончара, Івана Світличного, Миколу Лукаша, Максима Рильського, Василя Симоненка, Василя Стуса (Україна Молода) 09/23/2013
  • Новий Кличко української політики. Чемпіон Європи з боксу записав відеозвернення до продажних колег–«титушок» і оголосив про намір зробити кар’єру політика–патріота (Україна Молода) 09/23/2013

  • Derussification. Revanchist ambitions in post-Soviet countries and the intent to retain Muslim peoples within its orbit fuel ethnic and religious tensions in Russia (Ukrainian Week) 09/22/2013
  • Ukraine Downplays EU Pact Concerns (The Moscow Times/Reuters) 09/22/2013
  • Sikorski: Ukraine a step away from EU deal ( 09/22/2013
  • Churches partner on common ground (Aitkin Independent Age) 09/22/2013
  • Dig Deeper. An intimate story of a solitary traveler from Gogol Bordello (Ukrainian Week) 09/22/2013
  • Ukraine Ends European Basketball Championship In Sixth Place (Ukrainian News Agency) 09/22/2013
  • Russia threatens Ukraine with bankruptcy over plans to sign EU agreement ( 09/22/2013
  • Ukraine's EU trade deal will be catastrophic, says Russia (The Guardian) 09/22/2013

  • Moody's downgrades Ukraine's government bond rating to Caa1, places it on review for further downgrade (Interfax-Russia) 09/21/2013
  • Roubini Urges Ukraine to Sign EU Accord Rather Than Russian Deal (Businessweek) 09/21/2013
  • Moody's cuts Ukraine sovereign credit rating, could cut more (Reuters) 09/21/2013
  • Clintons Urge Ukraine to Spurn Russian Pressure, Sign Deal with European Union ( 09/21/2013
  • Ukraine PM seeks to calm Russian fears over EU deals. Russia makes new threats over Ukraine's pro-Europe policy (Chicago Tribune) 09/21/2013
  • Ukraine may soon be with EU (Malaysia Sun) 09/21/2013
  • The Cross Versus the Crescent Moon. The Battle of Vienna took place 330 years ago. It was the final and most significant battle between Christian Europe and the Muslim East (Ukrainian Week) 09/21/2013
  • With EU Deal, Ukraine's Trade Balance to Worsen – Putin's advisor (RIA Novosti) 09/21/2013
  • Russia seeks to derail Ukraine's trade deal with EU, deploying taunts and insults (Washington Post) 09/21/2013
  • EU tells Ukraine to free jailed ex-PM or risk deal (Irish Independent) 09/21/2013

  • Kiev EV Taxi Service To Start With 200 EV Taxis (YouTube) 09/20/2013
  • EU to Ukraine: Free ex-PM Tymoshenko, or no pact (The Province/AP) 09/20/2013
  • Ukraine To WCOB, France And Lithuania To Play For Eurobasket Title ( 09/20/2013
  • McCain Explains 'Pravda' Op-Ed (RFE/RL) 09/20/2013
  • Head of UGCC: 'Russian World' Has Nothing to Do with the Church (RISU) 09/20/2013
  • Experts on Putin’s disastrous neighbourhood policy (Ukrainian Week) 09/20/2013
  • A Guide to Majestic Wooden Churches. Slender Gothic towers, lavish Baroque iconostases, and solid timber domes that trace back to pre-Christian times – The Ukrainian Week takes you on a tour of the unique wooden churches scattered along the Polish-Ukrainian border (Ukrainian Week) 09/20/2013
  • After Gas. Heavy dependence on exports of fuels has brought Russian economy to the verge of a deep recession (Ukrainian Week) 09/20/2013
  • Interview: McCain On Russia, Putin, And His Op-Ed (RFE/RL) 09/20/2013
  • Ukrainians are freeloaders, says Russian (Ukrainian Journal) 09/20/2013
  • Ukraine's gross foreign debt shrank slightly in 1st half, NBU reports (Ukrainian Journal) 09/20/2013
  • Electricity exports up 16.15 through Aug. 31, government reports (Ukrainian Journal) 09/20/2013
  • DTEK allocates UAH 1.5 billion for sustainable development projects (Ukrainian Journal) 09/20/2013
  • Ukraine makes history at EuroBasket. 2013 EuroBasket results: Ukraine qualifies for 1st World Cup with win over Italy (SB Nation) 09/20/2013

  • Signing of EU agreement will boost Ukraine quality of life, says PM (Ukrainian Journal) 09/19/2013
  • The formula of Ukrainian success: continuity of the aspirations. This conclusion suggests itself after the presentation of 'Subversive Literature' at the 20th Lviv Publishers’ Forum (The Day) 09/19/2013
  • Pragmatic times. Ukrainian business getting prepared for FTA realities, facing Russia's response (The Day) 09/19/2013
  • Mykola Rapai's secret. The gallery KalytaArtKlub is hosting 'Touching the Mystery,' an exhibit of works of a famous Ukrainian sculptor (The Day) 09/19/2013
  • Ukraine government approves EU agreements (Ukrainian Journal) 09/19/2013
  • Ferrexpo expands beyond Ukraine with $80 million stake in Brazil miner (Ukrainian Journal) 09/19/2013
  • Decision looms on use of Westinghouse fuel at Yuzhnoukrainsk (Ukrainian Journal) 09/19/2013

  • Love Me: A film by Maryna Er Gorbach & Mehmet Bahadir Er (PATRA SPANOU) 09/18/2013
  • Caricatures: What EU Integration Means For Ukraine (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/18/2013
  • Media Freedom in Ukraine: behind Molodova and Armenia (Ukrainian Week) 09/18/2013
  • People in national costumes marching on the streets. Mega-march in embroidered shirts in Yevpatoria. Locals decided to make it traditional… (The Day) 09/18/2013
  • 'Quiet Protest in the 1970s': The National Art Museum of Ukraine has changed its name for a while (The Day) 09/18/2013
  • Viola von Cramon: Ukraine is not willing to leave the European path (Ukrainian Week) 09/18/2013
  • Jailed opposition leader calls for adoption of EU deals without delay (Ukrainian Journal) 09/18/2013
  • Ukraine government presses Europe ambitions, ignores Russia (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/18/2013
  • Ukrainian government approves draft Association Agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 09/18/2013
  • Ukraine's Cabinet Backs EU Association Agreement (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/18/2013
  • Azarov: Ukraine to switch to European quality of life after signing Association Agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 09/18/2013
  • Norway's Ambassador says AA to change Ukraine (ForUm) 09/18/2013
  • Ukraine to push for EU agreement signing (Ukrainian Journal) 09/18/2013
  • Pyatt: US supports Ukraine’s rapprochement with EU, attempts by other countries to influence Ukrainian people’s choice unacceptable (Interfax-Russia) 09/18/2013
  • Communists to seek referendum on entry into Customs Union with legal methods (Interfax-Russia) 09/18/2013
  • Ukraine's Foreign Ministry condemns use of chemical weapons in Syria (NRCU) 09/18/2013
  • Photo: A woman uses her mobile phone to download books in a free mobile library in central Kiev (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/18/2013
  • EU Told to Embrace Ukraine and Reject Russia's 'Strong-Arm' Attempts to Block Association Agreement [Ukraine Monitor press release] (Yahoo/PRNewswire) 09/18/2013
  • Europe Asks Russia to Ease Truck Checks (The Moscow Times/Reuters) 09/18/2013
  • How Russian Fashion Took Over The Globe (Business Insider) 09/18/2013
  • Signing of association deal will help security, says official (Ukrainian Journal) 09/18/2013
  • Severodonetsk Azot denies Communist claims it has ceased operations (Ukrainian Journal) 09/18/2013
  • Ukrainian Hearts Drawn to Hryvnia Throw Lifeline to Central Bank (Businessweek) 09/18/2013
  • Yatseniuk: Kyiv initials Association Agreement with EU twice (Interfax-Russia) 09/18/2013
  • Ukrainian, Lithuanian presidents to open 10th Yalta Annual Meeting (Interfax-Russia) 09/18/2013
  • US ambassador: Tymoshenko case a matter of principle for Washington (Interfax-Russia) 09/18/2013
  • Кабмін схвалив проект Угоди про асоціацію (BBC) 09/18/2013
  • На наступні 4 дні у Києві біля Лаврської дзвінниці виросла львівська Ратуша (Майдан) 09/18/2013
  • Дим–димок над ненькою. Рiк тому в Українi заборонили палити в громадських мiсцях. Перевiрка показала: як курили, так i курять, та ще й рекламують (Україна Молода) 09/18/2013
  • Власність на Почаїв? Нардепи–«регіонали» вигадали новий спосіб, як передати Почаївську лавру Московській патріархії (Україна Молода) 09/18/2013
  • Гриби — фірами. У Карпатах горяни майже щодня перевершують рекорди, назбируючи по центнеру й більше боровиків (Україна Молода) 09/18/2013
  • Президент України Віктор Янукович та Президент Литовської Республіки Даля Грібаускайте відкриють 10-у Ялтинську щорічну зустріч 20 вересня 2013 року (YES-Ukraine) 09/18/2013

  • Ukrainian steel mills raise prices to boost thinning ferrous scrap stocks (Platts) 09/17/2013
  • Ukrainian Activists Commemorate Gongadze And Other Slain Journalists (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/17/2013
  • When will the Gongadze case be finally solved? The journalist was killed 13 years ago, but those who ordered the crime are still at large (The Day) 09/17/2013
  • Ukraine and the EU: stronger together (The Day) 09/17/2013
  • Speaker returns 2014 budget to government (Ukrainian Journal) 09/17/2013
  • Income and tax ministry proposes 1% ecological tax on natural gas use (Ukrainian Journal) 09/17/2013
  • First two Oplot tanks for Thailand undergo testing near Kharkiv (Ukrainian Journal) 09/17/2013
  • Trade wars between Ukraine and Moscow are impossible, PM says (Ukrainian Journal) 09/17/2013
  • Tymoshenko: Ukraine to return to friendly relations with Russia after 'trade war', but on a fundamentally different basis (Interfax-Russia) 09/17/2013
  • Kliuyev, MEPs to discuss preparations for signing of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in Brussels (Interfax-Russia) 09/17/2013
  • Batkivschyna: Mythical debts 'thrown' on Vlasenko to prevent him from traveling abroad (Interfax-Russia) 09/17/2013
  • Interfax-Ukraine to host press conference by leader of Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine Natalia Vitrenko ‘European Integration: Disastrous Consequences for Ukraine. Who Will Answer For Them?’ (Interfax-Russia) 09/17/2013
  • Putin warns Obama via The New York Times. It will be very hard for the Russian president to portray himself as a peacemaker, says expert (The Day) 09/17/2013
  • President instructed the Cabinet to create a group tasked with tackling pressure on the business community (The Day) 09/17/2013
  • Russia backs down from costly customs dispute, for now (EurActiv) 09/17/2013
  • Ukrainian 'freak' cabaret causes sensation (euronews) 09/17/2013
  • Photo: Animal rights activists with dogs attend a rally to defend the rights of stray animals in front of the Interior Ministry in Kiev, September 17, 2013. A rally was held to protest against the brutal killing of stray animals and what activists say is police inaction in Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/17/2013
  • Wizz Air Ukraine announces third base (Routes-News) 09/17/2013
  • KFOR clears the way in Zubin Potok (DVIDS) 09/17/2013
  • World of fashion welcomes the return of Russian style (Russia Beyond The Headlines) 09/17/2013
  • В Україні дітей калічать 70-річні негодящі каруселі та надувні гірки-вбивці. Міліція закриває очі на самовільно встановлені розваги для дітей (ТСН) 09/17/2013
  • І сниться Ірпінь у Каліфорнії. Одіозний «регіонал» Петро Мельник утік до США з прибалтійським паспортом, тож домогтися його видачі Україні буде складно (Україна Молода) 09/17/2013
  • 13 років по вбивству. У роковини зникнення Георгія Гонгадзе його колеги зібралися на мітинг-реквієм. Тим часом кількість нападів на журналістів в Українi зростає (Україна Молода) 09/17/2013
  • Стартував спільний проект українських інтелектуалів та європейських послів «Ідея Європи» (Майдан) 09/17/2013
  • Громадськість розпочинає кампанію до 80-х роковин Голодомору (Майдан) 09/17/2013

  • Мирослава Гонгадзе: День, який змінив Україну (Майдан) 09/16/2013
  • Torrential rains kill 2 in southern Ukraine (APA) 09/16/2013
  • Ukraine's Gay Community Fears Russia's Pull (Truth-Out) 09/16/2013
  • Ukrainian midfielder dies after long battle with brain tumor [24-year-old defender Maksym Bilyi] ( 09/16/2013
  • Energy Community hopes Ukraine will adopt new rules of capacity distribution for electricity exports (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • Kiev's luxury ghost town where millionaire buyers fear to tread (The Guardian) 09/16/2013
  • Rallies to commemorate Gongadze to be held in Ukraine's 11 cities (NRCU) 09/16/2013
  • 'This place was sanctified!'. 20 years ago the 'Memorial sign to the victims of Holodomor in Ukraine of 1932-33' was installed in Kyiv (The Day) 09/16/2013
  • Pawel ZALEWSKY: 'The EU can open its market for Ukrainian goods even before the complete ratification of the Association Agreement' (The Day) 09/16/2013
  • Workers March in Warsaw, Shell Readies to Drill in Ukraine (Transitions Online) 09/16/2013
  • A puncher's chance. WBC title-holder Vitali Klitschko prepares to become the next president of Ukraine (ESPN) 09/16/2013
  • Oscars: Ukraine Enters 'Parajanov' in Foreign Language Race (Hollywood Reporter) 09/16/2013
  • Photo: People hold candles and placards with the silhouette of Ukrainian journalist Georgiy Gongadze during a commemoration ceremony to mark the 13th anniversary of Gongadze's kidnapping in Kiev, September 16, 2013. Gongadze, a well-known reporter who criticized top-level authorities for corruption and fraud, was kidnapped in central Kiev in 2000 and found dead in a forest outside the capital more than a month later. The placard reads, 'Unpunishability kills' (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/16/2013
  • Ukrainian Eurobonds weekly comment (Cbonds.Info) 09/16/2013
  • Ukraine put to shame as ugly mass street brawl between rivals hooligans unfolds in broad daylight (Daily Mail) 09/16/2013
  • Hardliner new advisor to Putin on Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 09/16/2013
  • Government trying to use Shell technology to boost exhausted gas well (Ukrainian Journal) 09/16/2013
  • Ukraine to increase exports of corn by 18.3% in current season (Ukrainian Journal) 09/16/2013
  • European Commission will resolve Slovakia gas delay, says official (Ukrainian Journal) 09/16/2013
  • Ukraine has two enemies of European Integration - Russia and itself [Update] (EurActiv) 09/16/2013
  • Ukraine submits bid to stage Euro 2020 games (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • Azarov: Ukraine chooses Shell for safety technology of shale gas extraction (ForUm) 09/16/2013
  • Rybak: Rada to allocate funds by-elections after CEC provides calculations (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • Metalist, Dynamo fans scuffle in Kharkiv (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • Ukrainian prosecutors to ask US to extradite fugitive rector Melnyk 'on terms of reciprocity' (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • Moskal: Prosecutor General's Office says Melnyk is in US (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • EU delegation: Fule to attend 10th Yalta Annual Meeting (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • Lavrov: Damascus chemical attack of Aug 21 is fabrication (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • Klitschko wants Accounting Chamber to report on misuse of UAH 1 b in parliamentary elections in 2012 (Interfax-Russia) 09/16/2013
  • Harmonizing Ethno Chaos. DakhaBrakha's lead singer Marko Halanevych talks about poor music tastes in Ukraine and post-modernist folklore (Ukrainian Week) 09/16/2013
  • Kildare's Willie Donoghue claims World Junior Boxing gold in Ukraine (Irish Independent) 09/16/2013
  • Timofey Nahorny United Athletes and Artists From Across the Planet in Kyiv! [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (The Herald/PRNewswire) 09/16/2013
  • ГПУ: Петро Мельник перебуває у Каліфорнії (TVi) 09/16/2013
  • Мельник переховується у сонячній Каліфорнії (ТСН) 09/16/2013
  • Звернення Мирослави Гонгадзе на 13-ту річницю вбивства Георгія Гонгадзе (Майдан) 09/16/2013
  • Міліція не дає повісити на міст через вулицю Інститутську банер в пам’ять Георгія Гонгадзе (Майдан) 09/16/2013

  • Video: Ukrainian Art Song Project on Forum TV, Season 2 Episode 2 (YouTube/Forum TV) 09/15/2013
  • Ukraine beats France to reach Euro quarterfinals (Yahoo/AP) 09/15/2013
  • Lviv Celebrates 650th Anniversary of Armenian Cathedral (RISU) 09/15/2013
  • Ukraine orchestra, Iranian choir record university song (Tehran Times) 09/15/2013
  • FIBA Update: Ukraine Advances With Help ( 09/15/2013
  • Spain sweep Ukraine 5-0 in Davis Cup playoff tie (NDTVSports) 09/15/2013
  • Soccer-Ukrainian championship results and standings (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/15/2013
  • World Happiness Report 2013: most CIS countries feel happier than Ukraine. Ukraine lands 87th out of 156 in the World Happiness Report 2013, experts estimate for the UN (Ukrainian Week) 09/15/2013
  • Air Arabia celebrates its five years of operations in Ukraine (Al-Bawaba) 09/15/2013
  • Klitschkos Plan und die Hamburger Villa (Berliner Zeitung) 09/15/2013
  • MEPs urge Russia to lessen pressure on ex-Soviet republics (New Europe) 09/15/2013
  • Is war with Iran inevitable? ( 09/15/2013

  • ULM exchange student is hitchin' a ride for charity (Monroe News Star) 09/14/2013
  • Next? European head coach in NBA (ESPN) 09/14/2013
  • Spain clinches Davis Cup playoff vs. Ukraine; Canada takes 2-1 lead on Serbia (Washington Post/AP) 09/14/2013
  • Ukrainians show pride in culture at festival (Newbritainherald) 09/14/2013
  • Magnificent Yevhen Konoplyanka chased by Premier League teams ( 09/14/2013
  • The Ukrainian Museum on TV, upcoming fall events... (Ukrainian Museum) 09/14/2013
  • Video: Banff WWI internment camps (CBC Calgary) 09/14/2013
  • Soccer-Ukrainian championship results and standings (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/14/2013
  • Ukrainian journalists to appeal to ECHR with claims against Constitutional Court and Verkhovna Rada (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2013
  • Trade wars between Ukraine and Russia impossible, says Azarov (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2013
  • Lavrov describes negotiations with Kerry on Syria’s chemical weapons as “excellent” (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2013
  • Ettrick family in Ukraine until crash trial held (Selkirk Weekend Advertise) 09/14/2013
  • Ukraine: Auf der Flucht vor Viktor Janukowitsch ( 09/14/2013
  • Opposition won't support presidential bill to strengthen guarantees of judges' independence, says Vlasenko (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2013
  • Obstacle Race, or Kyiv by Wheelchair (Ukrainian Week) 09/14/2013
  • MP regards article about Ukraine’s transit role in arms supplies to Syria as attempt to disrupt signing of association agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2013
  • Hot autumn in Russia-Ukraine relations (Journal of Turkish Weekly) 09/14/2013
  • The Insider's Guide to Ukrainian Village: 15 Great Things to Do ( 09/14/2013
  • Alan Pardew Coy About Newcastle Offer For Ukrainian Winger [Yevhen Konoplienka] (The Mag) 09/14/2013
  • Duma deputy deems unrealizable U.S. demand on putting Syria’s chemical weapons under intl control in 2-3 weeks (Interfax-Russia) 09/14/2013
  • Кремль призначить куратора для України, – ЗМІ (ТВі) 09/14/2013
  • ГогольFest-2013 відкрився перформансами оголених жінок та чоловіків в поліетилені (ТСН) 09/14/2013
  • У Львові пройде вечір пам’яті журналіста Георгія Ґонґадзе (Майдан) 09/14/2013
  • В Донецьку міліція затримала активістів, які розклеювали листівки із закликом не купувати російські товари (Майдан) 09/14/2013

  • Russia back as geopolitical force. Commentary: Arnaud de Borchgrave, UPI Editor at Large (UPI) 09/13/2013
  • US-Ukraine Observer: 'America's Need for New Friends' (Sacramento Bee/PRNewswire-USNewswire) 09/13/2013
  • Energy Spats 'Estrange' Russia and Ukraine – Ukrainian Premier (RIA Novosti) 09/13/2013
  • Lithuania summons Russian ambassador over new border checks (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/13/2013
  • Photo: Ukraine's Ihor Zaytsev, right, jumps to stop Serbia's Rasco Katic during their EuroBasket European Basketball Championship Group E match at the Stozice Arena, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Friday, Sept. 13, 2013. Ukraine won won 82-75. (Yahoo/AP) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine moves closer to Eurobasket quarters (ESPN/AP) 09/13/2013
  • The Odessa Network [Wednesday, September 25, 2013, Washington, DC] (New America Foundation) 09/13/2013
  • Shevchenko misses the cut in Ukraine (Sports Mole) 09/13/2013
  • Pooh Jeter an unlikely Ukrainian hero (Hoops Hype) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine in Push for Quarterfinals (New York Times/AP) 09/13/2013
  • Ukrainian World Congress urges EU to recommend solution to Tymoshenko problem (Interfax-Russia) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine, Honduras revive tobacco dispute with Australia at WTO (Reuters) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine grain exports up 11 pct as wheat shipments rise (Reuters) 09/13/2013
  • Youtube video: Russian Pressure Moves Ukraine Closer to the West (Voice of America) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine's quarter-final hopes revived at EuroBasket (CBC/AP) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine beats Serbia at Eurobasket (ESPN/AP) 09/13/2013
  • European Parliament resolution on the pressure exerted by Russia on Eastern Partnership countries (in the context of the upcoming Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius) (2013/2826(RSP)) (Ukrainian Week) 09/13/2013
  • COMMENT: Red lights are flashing for the Ukrainian hryvnia (Business New Europe) 09/13/2013
  • 'Paradjanov' nommed as Ukraine’s Oscar entry (video) (PanARMENIAN.Net) 09/13/2013
  • Standard & Poor's: Ukrainian City of Ivano-Frankivsk 'B/uaA-' Ratings Affirmed On Moderate Performance And Low Debt; Outlook Negative (Cbonds.Info) 09/13/2013
  • Gazprom to boost gas transit via Ukraine, says Firtash (Interfax-Russia) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine, Shell sign operating agreement on Yuzivska field (ForUm) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine climbs to 26th place in FIFA ranking, England drops to 17th (Interfax-Russia) 09/13/2013
  • Yanukovych Follows in Kuchma’s Footsteps (Ukrainian Week) 09/13/2013
  • The European Parliament calls on Russia to stop pressure against Ukraine (Ukrainian Week) 09/13/2013
  • Hanne Severinsen: 'I believe that the 'soft power' of EU will be stronger than 'the big stick' of Russia' (Ukrainian Week) 09/13/2013
  • Arbuzov: Wage arrears decrease in Ukraine (ForUm) 09/13/2013
  • Arbuzov: Wage arrears in Ukraine reach almost UAH 1 billion (Interfax-Russia) 09/13/2013
  • EC President: EU Should Support Ukraine's European Integration [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (The Herald/PRNewswire) 09/13/2013
  • Video: Ukrainian legend Andriy Shevchenko makes his professional golf debut at the Kharkov Superior Cup (YouTube/GoalTV2) 09/13/2013
  • Customs Union observer status compatible with EU, says commissioner (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2013
  • Oil tanker arrives carrying Russian crude for Odessa refinery (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2013
  • Ukraine and Royal Dutch Shell sign agreement on natural gas drilling (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2013
  • EU warns Russia about pressure on Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 09/13/2013
  • Половина українців зовсім не читають книжок (ТСН) 09/13/2013
  • Київ обороняли... з Кремля. Потужна оборона не врятувала української столиці, загубила мільйони життів, утім зберегла стольний град сусідньої країни (Україна Молода) 09/13/2013
  • Вечір пам’яті Георгія Ґонґадзе. Київ, 16.09.13, 18:30 (Майдан) 09/13/2013

  • Royal Dutch Shell Signs Deal To Explore Ukrainian Gas Field (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/12/2013
  • Mangano Celebrates Ukrainian-Americans (Long Island News & PRs) 09/12/2013
  • Abuse Of Power (Kyiv Post) 09/12/2013
  • Who will get stolen Lazarenko money? (Kyiv Post) 09/12/2013
  • Ukraine should properly assess importance of Association Agreement with EU, says sociologist (Interfax-Russia) 09/12/2013
  • Ukraine to privatize 45 state-owned coal mines, but union rules may complicate issue (Stockhouse) 09/12/2013
  • Ultra-Nationalist Extradited to Russia from Ukraine (The Moscow Times) 09/12/2013
  • Ukraine Extradites Suspected Russian Extremist Killer (RIA Novosti/RAPSI) 09/12/2013
  • Ukraine Extradites Russian Ultranationalist (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/12/2013
  • Itar-Tass: If Ukraine opts for EU, Customs Union will slam its door shut (Russia & India Report) 09/12/2013
  • Assassination attempt at the hryvnia. Russia strengthens the front in the economic war… with an information attack (The Day) 09/12/2013
  • Poll Shows Who's 'Not' Russian, EU Demands Fair Play in Trade Pact Struggle (Transitions Online) 09/12/2013
  • Budget behind schedule despite approval (Ukrainian Journal) 09/12/2013
  • Ukraine and Royal Dutch Shell to sign okay gas drilling deal this week (Ukrainian Journal) 09/12/2013
  • Ukraine to stockpile 18 Bcm of natural gas before heating season (Ukrainian Journal) 09/12/2013
  • Russia's Lukoil to invest $81.5 million in Karpatnaftokhim projects (Ukrainian Journal) 09/12/2013
  • Oligarchs Give Ukraine's President Crucial Support In EU Drive (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/12/2013
  • After UNESCO Criticism Azarov Orders Moratorium on Construction Near St. Sophia and Kyiv Cave Monastery (RISU) 09/12/2013
  • HIV-Positive Patients at Lavra Clinic Handcuff Themselves to Bed (RISU) 09/12/2013
  • On the risks and stimuli of association with the EU (The Day) 09/12/2013
  • The Days of Ukraine to be held in London for the first time (The Day) 09/12/2013
  • Russian court upholds decision to open criminal case against Ukrainian fisherman (Interfax-Russia) 09/12/2013
  • Customs Union adopting European standards, Fule says (Interfax-Russia) 09/12/2013
  • Fule says creation of FTA with EU compatible with observer status in Customs Union (Interfax-Russia) 09/12/2013
  • Ukraine between two fires: Association with the EU or Customs Union? (ForUm) 09/12/2013
  • Ukraine, Russia see record maize harvest (Independent Online/Reuters) 09/12/2013
  • Andriy Shevchenko to make professional golf debut (CNN) 09/12/2013
  • St. Nicholas students featured in 'The Creed' video [Pennsylvania] (Republican & Herald) 09/12/2013
  • EU warns Russia over trade 'threats' to ex-Soviet bloc (BBC) 09/12/2013
  • Venice Film Review: 'Ukraine Is Not a Brothel' (Variety) 09/12/2013
  • Photo: A woman waves as Russian destroyer Smetlivy leaves the harbour at the Crimean port of Sevastopol September 12, 2013. The ship left the Black Sea port on Thursday to undertake missions in the eastern Mediterranean, local media reported (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/12/2013
  • Sixty Years Since Khrushchev's Rise To Power [September 12, 1953] (RFE/RL) 09/12/2013
  • Ukrainian Parliament Swiftly Adopts Pro-EU Laws (Ukrainian Week) 09/12/2013
  • 38% українців вважають, що їм пощастило жити в Україні (BBC) 09/12/2013
  • Асад погодився передати хімічну зброю під міжнародний контроль (BBC) 09/12/2013
  • Свині дали газу. На Прикарпатті запрацював перший в Україні біогазовий завод (Україна Молода) 09/12/2013
  • «Я постійно доводила, що не слабка стать». Єдина в Нью–Йорку жінка–поліцейський з українським корінням живе в Америці вже 30 років, але все одно сумує за провінційним Херсоном (Україна Молода) 09/12/2013
  • Ленінопад. У місті Узин Київської області невідомі скинули з постаментів два пам’ятники вождю пролетаріату (Україна Молода) 09/12/2013

  • International Festival 'Days of Music of Myroslav Skoryk' dedicated to the 75th birth anniversary of the famous maestro will take place in Kyiv from September 13 until October 13 (The Day) 09/11/2013
  • Lviv, Ukraine Is The Cutest European City You've Never Heard Of (Huffington Post) 09/11/2013
  • Ukraine look for Tahiti comforts ( 09/11/2013
  • EuroBasket 2013 results: Ukraine blown out, Lithuania romps over France ( 09/11/2013
  • America: a moment of silence (The Day) 09/11/2013
  • Church to review celibacy? (MSN) 09/11/2013
  • Fracking is a beacon of hope in Ukraine, Eastern Europe (Washington Examine) 09/11/2013
  • Deconstructing Putin on Ukraine. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 09/11/2013
  • Ukrainian translations of literary works by Rudyard Kipling are presented in his museum in Rottingdean and in Kipling Library at City University of Londo (The Day) 09/11/2013
  • Ukraine v England: Jack Wilshere eclipsed on the night he expected to shine in World Cup qualifier in Kiev ( 09/11/2013
  • After Three Years of Restoration 'Golgotha' Altar in Lviv to Be Blessed [Armenian Cathedral] (RISU) 09/11/2013
  • Latvia cruises past Ukraine 85-51 at Euro champs (Kansas City Star/AP) 09/11/2013
  • Як Юрій Шевельов з Нью-Йорка знайшов свого друга в Дружківці (Майдан) 09/11/2013
  • Russia passes proof of chemical weapons use by Syrian militants to UN Security Council – Duma deputy (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • Ukraine suspects Russian sabotage of EU push (EurActiv) 09/11/2013
  • EU rejects Russian pressure on Ukraine, seeks trade ties (Reuters) 09/11/2013
  • Russia not to use Ukraine's naval aviation facility (Zee News/IANS) 09/11/2013
  • Azarov: Ukraine, Shell to sign operating agreement on exploration of hydrocarbons on September 13 (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • Ukraine designates 45 coal mines for sale in privatization push ( 09/11/2013
  • Kiev denies Syrian arms connection report (Ukrainian Journal) 09/11/2013
  • Ukraine will reduce Russian natgas imports to 10 bcm, says Regions MP (Ukrainian Journal) 09/11/2013
  • EU aid dependent upon cooperation with IMF, says ambassador (Ukrainian Journal) 09/11/2013
  • Russia's Lukoil resumes polyethylene production at Karpatnaftokhim (Ukrainian Journal) 09/11/2013
  • Ukraine draws 0-0 with England in WCup qualifier (San Francisco Chronicle) 09/11/2013
  • Ukraine vs England LIVE Commentary ( 09/11/2013
  • Ukraine v England: no sign of an end to Tottenham Hotspur defender Kyle Walker's troubled week ( 09/11/2013
  • Exhibit Artists Respond to Genocide, October 4, 2013 - December 1, 2013 in Chicago (UIMA) 09/11/2013
  • Agreement with EU preserves Ukraine’s right to cooperate with customs unions, free trade areas, says Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • EP president backs signing of Association Agreement with Ukraine in Vilnius, recalls commitments undertaken by Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • Barroso: 'We cannot turn our back on Eastern Partnership countries' (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • Batkivschyna: Tymoshenko should be immediately examined in independent clinic for possible poisoning (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • EP Vice President Protasiewicz calls for signing Association Agreement with Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • Ivano-Frankivsk regional council to consider new agreement with Chevron in late Sept (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • Naftogaz, Germany’s RWE sign new contract for purchase and storage of gas – Stavytsky (Interfax-Russia) 09/11/2013
  • Cabinet of Ministers approves draft budget for 2014 with projected GDP growth at 3% and 8% inflation rate (Ukrainian Week) 09/11/2013
  • Gediminas Kirkilas: Armenia’s choice has the inevitable implications for Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, as well as for the EU (Ukrainian Week) 09/11/2013
  • Photo: Latvia's Kapsars Berzibs, left, tries to stop Ukraine's Maxim Korniyenko as he dunks the ball during their EuroBasket European Basketball Championship Group E match at the Stozice Arena, in Ljubljana, Slovenia (Yahoo/AP) 09/11/2013
  • В США згадують жертв терактів 11 вересня (ТСН) 09/11/2013
  • ЄС: Україна має змінити закон про вибори до саміту у Вільнюсі (BBC) 09/11/2013

  • Ukraine v England: Big game or not, Ukraine coach Mykhailo Fomenko has little to say on tonight's World Cup qualifier (Independent) 09/10/2013
  • Ukrainian parliament says it will adopt pro-EU laws swiftly (EurActiv) 09/10/2013
  • Rainfall Aids Ukraine Rapeseed Planting, Erodes Russian Soybeans (Bloomberg) 09/10/2013
  • Ukraine v England: player ratings ( 09/10/2013
  • Ukraine reaches second round of EuroBasket for first time in history (Interfax-Russia) 09/10/2013
  • Operation Smear Campaign. With the presidential election drawing closer in Ukraine, a campaign is unfolding to discredit the mass media (Ukrainian Week) 09/10/2013
  • Yulia's daughter hopeful on mom's release (Ukrainian Journal) 09/10/2013
  • Industrial prices grow 1.2% in August after falling in July and June (Ukrainian Journal) 09/10/2013
  • 3 English soccer fans hospitalized after clash with youngsters (Ukrainian Journal) 09/10/2013
  • Communist party launching drive for Customs Union referendum (Ukrainian Journal) 09/10/2013
  • Kiev knife mob will kill, warns fan (Belfast Telegraph) 09/10/2013
  • Docudays UA Film Festival to Show slate of documentaries on contemporary China, «DOCU/CHINA» (PinchukArtCentre) 09/10/2013
  • Ukraine v England: Ukraine's home boys and high wages are mirror image of Premier League (The Independent) 09/10/2013
  • The Ukraine danger men ( 09/10/2013
  • Ukrainian Catholics will not change to Gregorian calendar (Catholic Culture) 09/10/2013
  • Egypt Said to Receive Offers of French, Russian, Ukrainian Wheat (Bloomberg) 09/10/2013
  • $6 Million Dedicated by USAID to Fund Transparency in Ukraine’s Higher Education Admissions [press release] (PRWEB) 09/10/2013
  • Ukrainian diplomats in US received no info about runaway ex-rector Melnyk, says Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 09/10/2013
  • Tombinski: Ukraine should decide whether to stay ‘in a gray zone of danger between Europe and Russia’ (Interfax-Russia) 09/10/2013
  • Tombinski: EU to provide macro-financial assistance to Ukraine only after it resumes cooperation with IMF (Interfax-Russia) 09/10/2013
  • Pshonka: New bill on prosecutor’s office envisages guarantees for independence of prosecutors (Interfax-Russia) 09/10/2013
  • About 3,000 police officers to maintain order in Kyiv during World Cup qualifier between Ukraine and England (Interfax-Russia) 09/10/2013
  • What next after Vilnius? In spite of risks, Ukraine will benefit from the EU agreement and manage to adapt to new conditions, The Day’s experts believe (The Day) 09/10/2013
  • The Schengen’s Kafkaesque Castles (Ukrainian Week) 09/10/2013
  • Unjustly Humiliated. A strict, often brutal visa regime for Ukrainians will hardly stop criminals or potential illegal migrants from getting to the EU (Ukrainian Week) 09/10/2013
  • 20 років мужності й екстазу. Ювілей Львівського форуму видавців. Свято, яке проходить без фінансового втручання держави (Україна Молода) 09/10/2013
  • Ірина Геращенко: ЄС налаштований на асоціацію завдяки «війні» з Росією. Народна депутатка від «УДАРу», член профільного Комітету ВР — про залаштункові моменти ухвалення євроінтеграційних законів (Україна Молода) 09/10/2013
  • «Судові війни» політв’язнів. Незаконно засуджені українці мають право на доплату до пенсії. «УМ» пояснює, як її домогтися (Україна Молода) 09/10/2013
  • На вулицях міст України з’явились зубаті російські матрьошки поряд із валянками (Майдан) 09/10/2013
  • 4 українські виші потрапили до світового рейтингу університетів (BBC) 09/10/2013
  • На порозі Асоціації: ЄС починає агіткампанію в Україні (BBC) 09/10/2013

  • New Year of 5774. 30,000 Hasids came to Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • Russia Tries to Turn Ukraine East (The National Interest Online) 09/09/2013
  • Ukrainian film critic Liudmyla Lemesheva on the phenomenon of cinematographers of the sixties (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • Russia's Medvedev warns Ukraine over joining EU trade bloc (Reuters) 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine's Anatoliy Tymoshchuk stands in the way of England progress (The Guardian) 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine v England: home coach Mikhail Fomenko feels pressure of 'the match of my life' ( 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine coach apologises to England over Kiev violence ( 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine power company DTEK raises $161 mln loan (Reuters) 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine tops Britain to advance at Euro champs ( 09/09/2013
  • CVU: Referendum on Ukraine's accession to Customs Union to depend on political will of authorities (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Russia's Medvedev warns Ukraine over joining EU trade bloc (GlobalPost/Reuters) 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine v England preview: The big tournament flops haunt Lamps (Yorkshire Evening Post) 09/09/2013
  • Kozhara: Ukrainian companies need adapt to foreign countries (ForUm) 09/09/2013
  • England back on familiar territory for their 'cup final' against Ukraine (The Guardian) 09/09/2013
  • Ordinary people in Hollywood (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • Dmytro MALAKOV: 'Modern architects view high rises with 20 floors as construction costs, and any more floors as revenues' (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • Vasyl Stus was commemorated in Kyiv on the site of the still not created park to be named after him (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • The parliament finally came to an agreement in the 'organic' question. The adopted law will reinforce the position of the Ukrainian agrarians on the European marke (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • War for the memory. Kharkiv authorities oppose the installation of a memorial board to renowned scholar George Shevelov. The community wins the first round (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • Charity certified by a notary… The Cabinet of Ministers proposed changes to legislation, which has been already named by public activists 'a ban on people helping each other' (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • Evolution vs. revolution. The Museum of Modern Art in Odesa (MMAO) is hosting the city’s third biennale (The Day) 09/09/2013
  • U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine: I want to understand as much as I can about all different religious traditions in Ukraine (RISU) 09/09/2013
  • The Economist: Ukraine is among top 10 emerging markets most vulnerable to a freeze in capital inflows (Ukrainian Week) 09/09/2013
  • The Ukrainian Myth – the Breadbasket of the World. Accelerating grain production in Ukraine may feed politicians and oligarchs, but not the country’s jobless rural population or backward econom (Ukrainian Week) 09/09/2013
  • Getting Shirty with Vladimir. Three ways that the West could make life more difficult for a hostile Russia (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Russian diplomat shot and killed in Abkhazia (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Criminal case opened in Russia against Bloodhound Gang singers (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Government allocates UAH 120 m for joint Ukrainian-Chinese film project (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Second All-Ukrainian Motor Transport Forum opens in Crimea (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Yanukovych: 'Referendum will be needed if issue concerns entry into union in which Ukraine should delegate part of its constitutional rights' (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Communist Party starts collecting signatures for referendum on Ukraine’s accession to Customs Union (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Is Gazprom on the Ropes? Ineffective business model of the Russian gas monopolist makes it a weaker promoter of the Kremlin’s policies abroad (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Photos: Roma community in Transcarpathia (Kyiv Post/AFP) 09/09/2013
  • England Fans Injured In Ukraine Knife Attack (Sky News) 09/09/2013
  • Three England fans treated in hospital after clash in Kiev (Reuters) 09/09/2013
  • Breaking: England fans injured in Kiev after 'thirty hooded Ukrainians attack them with knives' ahead of World Cup qualifier. According to reports three Britons were taken to hospital following the incident (Independent) 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine ex-PM family hopeful about Germany release (New Jersey Herald/AP) 09/09/2013
  • Kiev will free Yulia soon, says official (Ukrainian Journal) 09/09/2013
  • Tymoshenko still gets no proposals on going abroad for treatment (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • 1164 guided missile project will be finished this year, official says (Ukrainian Journal) 09/09/2013
  • Italy's Eni seeking to tap Black Sea oil and natgas deposits (Ukrainian Journal) 09/09/2013
  • Ukrtransgaz awaiting feasibility study on pipeline compressor station (Ukrainian Journal) 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine coach Mikhail Fomenko is an old-fashioned disciplinarian who rarely smiles – unless he beats England ( 09/09/2013
  • Ukraine v England: Focus Forum previews World Cup qualifier (BBC Sport) 09/09/2013
  • Foreign Ministry checking reports of Melnyk’s being in US [ector of the National University of the State Tax Service Petro Melnyk] (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Source: Rector Melnyk found, but not detained in United States (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • EU, Customs Union norms incompatible, Ukraine faces political choice – Shuvalov [Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov] (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013
  • Yanukovych: Ukraine to continue reforming Interior Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 09/09/2013

  • PREVIEW-Soccer-No margin for error as Ukraine meet England (Reuters) 09/08/2013
  • Highlights Ukraine-France EuroBasket 2013 (YouTube/FIBA) 09/08/2013
  • Indian boxers land in Kiev for World Junior C'ships (Business Standard) 09/08/2013
  • Lampard: Win against Ukraine more important than 100th England cap ( 09/08/2013
  • Ukraine captain taunts England (ESPN) 09/08/2013
  • Sweden Bemoans Russian 'Economic Warfare' (The Moscow Times) 09/08/2013
  • Hasidic Pilgrimage Far From Trouble-Free for Breslovs in Ukraine. Scuffles, Fires and Accidents Mark Record Uman Journey (Jewish Daily Forward) 09/08/2013
  • Ukrainian port eyed as Syria’s regime arms source (Ya Libnan) 09/08/2013

  • Mykhaylo Fomenko reignites Ukraine's World Cup qualifying campaign (The Guardian) 09/07/2013
  • Armenia, Ukraine face similar problems: expert (PanARMENIAN.Net) 09/07/2013
  • Ukrainian port eyed as analysts seek Syria's arms source [from Russia] (Washington Post) 09/07/2013
  • Stefan Fule Welcomes Reform Laws in Ukraine [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (The Herald/PRNewswire) 09/07/2013
  • Ukraine star [striker Yevhen Konoplyanka] says England are lost without Wayne Rooney ( 09/07/2013
  • Ukraine skipper [Anatoliy Tymoshchuk]: We're better than England, they can't even play together ( 09/07/2013
  • Ukraine's five men to watch against England (Daily Mail) 09/07/2013
  • 119 років з дня народження Олександра Довженка [10 вересня минає 119 років з дня народження кінокласика Олександра Довженка] (День) 09/07/2013
  • Amnesty International condemns Ukraine for wanting to opt out of anti-gay laws. The Ukrainian Parliament’s Commissioner for Human Rights wants to backtrack on decision to offer LGBTs legal protection (Gay Star News) 09/07/2013
  • Party Versus Regions. Since coming to power, the Party of Regions and Viktor Yanukovych, have consistently ignored the rights and interests of local governments that they said they would defend (Ukrainian Week) 09/07/2013
  • Drug With a green light from top officials, Ukraine is turning into one of the biggest drug transit countries on the way to the EU (Ukrainian Week) 09/07/2013
  • Ukraine delays former PM's trial for 22nd time [Yulia Tymoshenko] (Business Standard) 09/07/2013
  • Ukraine thrash San Marino (SuperSport) 09/07/2013
  • Bosnia, Ukraine win at Euro Championship (Arab News) 09/07/2013
  • Vitali Klitschko Likely Has Only One Fight Left ( 09/07/2013
  • As Fukushima Continues Releasing Radioactive Water, Chernobyl Is Close To Getting New Casing (International Business Times) 09/07/2013
  • 43-тю «Молодість» відкриватиме фільм Анджея Вайди «Валенса. Людина надії» (Майдан) 09/07/2013

  • VIDEO Yushchenko: Ukraine Is 'Biggest Issue For Europe' (RFE/RL) 09/06/2013
  • Bosnia edges Montenegro, Ukraine defeats Germany at European Championship (Washington Post/AP) 09/06/2013
  • VIDEO: THIRTEEN features The Ukrainian Museum's current exhibition Out of Tradition: Contemporary Decorative and Applied Art and the upcoming 'Fashion, Ukrainian Style' event (NYC-ARTS) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine's attempt to opt out of EU homophobia laws, leaves Amnesty fuming (Amnesty International) 09/06/2013
  • Rev. Peter and Elizabeth Popoff Visit Ukrainian Orphanages, Commit to Help Meet Needs as Winter Approaches (Crossmap) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine: changing laws for EU agreement (euronews) 09/06/2013
  • 2013 EuroBasket results: Ukraine improves to 3-0; Tony Parker, France beat Israel (SB Nation) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine has enough gas in storage ahead of winter: minister (Platts) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine 9 San Marino 0: match report ( 09/06/2013
  • Expert: The Council of Europe's report reminds Ukrainian government of the 'Tymoshnenko factor' (Ukrainian Week) 09/06/2013
  • The Highest Heights of Lviv. The Ukrainian Week visits places where tourists have yet to set foot (Ukrainian Week) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine's Crimean Tatars need EU attention ( 09/06/2013
  • Pillow fight in Ukraine (euronews) 09/06/2013
  • The Future of the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Bases: Novorossiysk Versus Sevastopol (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/06/2013
  • Ukrainian UDAR became observer member of the EPP ( 09/06/2013
  • Soccer-Ukraine thrash San Marino 9-0 in record victory (Reuters) 09/06/2013
  • Photo: Ukraine's Roman Bezus (R) and Marko Devic celebrate a goal during their teams' World Cup qualifying soccer match against San Marino at the Arena Lviv stadium in Lviv (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/06/2013
  • Photo: International Olympic Committee (IOC) presidency candidate and pole vault legend Sergey Bubka (L) of Ukraine, Canadian IOC member Dick Pound (back C) and Spanish IOC member Juan-Antonio Samaranch Jr. attend a gala at the Teatro Colon opera house during the opening ceremony of the 125th IOC session in Buenos Aires September 6, 2013. IOC members will vote in Buenos Aires on September 7 to decide whether to award the 2020 Summer Olympics to Istanbul, Madrid or Tokyo (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine: changing laws for EU agreement (euronews) 09/06/2013
  • UniCredit Bank gets NBU okay to reorganize via Ukrsotsbank merger (Ukrainian Journal) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine: The vodka vending machine (BBC) 09/06/2013
  • Parliament passes 1st set of bills for EU (Ukrainian Journal) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine's Supreme Court not to consider Tymoshenko's appeal against her sentence in 'gas case' (Interfax-Russia) 09/06/2013
  • Premier Leasing to supply 3 railways with electric locomotives (Ukrainian Journal) 09/06/2013
  • Parliament sets Dec. 15 to hold 5 special elections in voided contests (Ukrainian Journal) 09/06/2013
  • Keighley’s Ukrainian community gathered to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of their country gaining independence (Keighley News) 09/06/2013
  • Oligarchs Under the Tuscan Sun. Post-Soviet millionaires are keeping Italian resorts afloat during the financial crisis (Ukrainian Week) 09/06/2013
  • Ukraine Expands List Of Laboratories For Accreditation By Rospotrebnadzor From 1 To 5 (Ukrainian News Agency) 09/06/2013
  • Вірляна Ткач: У Нью-Йорку театр – це найбільша економічна сила Американська режисерка - про бродвейські інтелектуальні театри, касове мистецтво і українську поезію [9/4/2013] (TVi) 09/06/2013
  • Сильне повернення тіней Параджанова. Довгоочікуваний кінопрорив: в осінньому прокаті з фестивальними хітами за глядача змагатимуться одразу кілька українських прем’єр (Україна Молода) 09/06/2013
  • У Верховній Раді - 'шпигунський скандал' (BBC) 09/06/2013

  • Could Navalny Force a Political Crisis for Putin? (World Affairs Journal) 09/05/2013
  • No Country For Men: Ukraine Facing Grave Demographic Crisis (International Business Times) 09/05/2013
  • The Cradle of Indo-Europeans. The dawn of Indo-Europeans on the Ukrainian steppes (Ukrainian Week) 09/05/2013
  • Ukraine hopes solve customs problems with Russia next week (ForUm) 09/05/2013
  • Nation’s sickest fall victim to corruption (Kyiv Post) 09/05/2013
  • Femen Acknowledges Male Mastermind, But Says Now Has Broken Free (RFE/RL) 09/05/2013
  • Kyiv shouldn't have to choose between Moscow, Brussels because of Association Agreement, says Rompuy (Interfax-Russia) 09/05/2013
  • Ukraine, Latvia, Croatia win at Euro championship (Jakarta Post/AP) 09/05/2013
  • Ukraine, Cuba agree on joint modernization of Cuban An-2s (Interfax-Russia) 09/05/2013
  • US-Ukraine Observer: 'Arrest and Release: Paradoxes of European Thought!' (Yahoo/PRNewswire) 09/05/2013
  • Femen let Victor Svyatski take over because we didn't know how to fight it. Once, we accepted a man like Svyatski taking control of us. But Femen is now a group where women follow their own ideas (The Guardian) 09/05/2013
  • Ukrainska Pravda (Ukrainian Truth) demands investigation of clone site, paper [Ukrainska Kryvda (Ukrainian Lies)] (Kyiv Post) 09/05/2013
  • Ukraine Approves First Laws Toward EU (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/05/2013
  • 'VILNIUS' plan. How will the president's declarations be realized in the parliament? (The Day) 09/05/2013
  • Rada expected to pass 5 EU bills Thursday (Ukrainian Journal) 09/05/2013
  • Kiev plan would have European energy companies store natgas in Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 09/05/2013
  • Naftogaz disputes reports it owes money to Ukrainian government (Ukrainian Journal) 09/05/2013
  • Ukraine falls by 11 places in Global Competitive Index to 84th (Ukrainian Journal) 09/05/2013
  • Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Attends Krynica Economic Forum (The Herald/PRNewswire) 09/05/2013
  • Ukraine cannot forever stay at the crossroads ( 09/05/2013
  • Ukraine plays host to thousands of pilgrims celebrating Jewish New Year (euronews) 09/05/2013
  • Ukraine snatches dramatic victory over Belgium at EuroBasket 2013 (Interfax-Russia) 09/05/2013
  • Serhii BUBKA: 'I think I am ready to head the IOC'. Elections of the new president of the International Olympic Committee are to be held on September 10 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There is one Ukrainian among six candidates to lead the world’s Olympic movement (The Day) 09/05/2013
  • Russia's Black Sea Fleet to demand return of money paid to Ukrainian customs service (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 09/05/2013
  • Film's revealing look at bare-breasted warriors (The Age) 09/05/2013
  • Even Their Seats Are To Be Separated When Putin And Obama Meet (OPB News/NPR) 09/05/2013
  • Chicago Architecture Foundation Partners with One Book, One Chicago (Gapers Block) 09/05/2013
  • Photo: Israel's Guy Pnini, right, challenges for the ball with Ukraine's Oleksandr Lypovyy during their Eurobasket European Basketball Championship Group A match in Ljubljana, Slovenia (Yahoo/AP) 09/05/2013

  • Opting for Deutsch in Ukraine. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 09/04/2013
  • Вірляна Ткач: У Нью-Йорку театр – це найбільша економічна сила Американська режисерка - про бродвейські інтелектуальні театри, касове мистецтво і українську поезію (TVi) 09/04/2013
  • Krynica Economic Forum: 'Removing the Economic and Political Blocks to Investment in the Eastern Partnership Countries' (EIN News/PRNewswire) 09/04/2013
  • Vancouver’s Ukrainian Centre offers up beer, perogies and dance: It doesn’t get better than this (MetroNews Canada) 09/04/2013
  • A warning shot. Russia will hardly ever treat Ukraine pragmatically. At least, as long as Putin is in power (The Day) 09/04/2013
  • 'Chapters of history of Ukrainian immigration'. Representatives of the School of Paris and of the American school of modern arts are exhibited in Lviv (The Day) 09/04/2013
  • Further Russian pressure on Ukraine to affect Moscow-Brussels ties, says Lithuanian foreign minister (Interfax-Russia) 09/04/2013
  • Documentary Exposes The Male Mastermind Behind Ukraine's Topless Feminist Movement (San Francisco Chronicle/Business Insider) 09/04/2013
  • Interview: U.S. Economist Judy Shelton Skeptical Of Customs Union (RFE/RL) 09/04/2013
  • 'The government does not care about the country’s image'. Why Andrii Kurkov decided to write a novel 'without Ukraine and Ukrainians' (The Day) 09/04/2013
  • Today Hasidim in Uman Celebrate the New Year (RISU) 09/04/2013
  • Russian Sberbank estimates probability of currency crisis in Ukraine ... (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 09/04/2013
  • Stunning Photos Show Rosh Hashanah Celebrations At Rabbi Nachman's Grave In Ukraine (Huffington Post) 09/04/2013
  • Rosh Hashanah Celebrated In Ukraine's Uman (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/04/2013
  • Toxic rocket fuel component fully removed from Eastern Ukraine with OSCE support (OSCE) 09/04/2013
  • Putin: Wherever Ukraine goes, we'll meet somewhere, someday (ForUm) 09/04/2013
  • Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for the Development of Ukraine deploys Avaya Scopia as foundation of National Telemedicine Network in Ukraine [Press release issued by NB Public Relations] (ITWeb) 09/04/2013
  • Trade Deal with Ukraine Offers Opportunities to Dutch Agriculture ( 09/04/2013
  • Russian, Ukrainian defense ministers to discuss bilateral cooperation on Wednesday (Interfax-Russia) 09/04/2013
  • Ukrainian Eurobonds daily comment on 3 September (Cbonds.Info) 09/04/2013
  • Syria: Ukrainians Fighting Alongside Opposition In Its Civil War (Ukrainian News Agency) 09/04/2013
  • The man who made Femen: New film outs Victor Svyatski as the mastermind behind the protest group and its breast-baring stunts (The Independent) 09/04/2013
  • Ukraine Has to Adopt Laws Advancing Eurointegration - President Yanukovych [Press Release: Worldwide News Ukraine] (Yahoo/PRNewswire) 09/04/2013
  • Photo: Director Kitty Green attends the 'Ukraine Is Not A Brothel' Photocall during the 70th Venice International Film Festival at Palazzo del Casino (Yahoo/Getty Images) 09/04/2013
  • Ukraine Reiterates Railway's Plan to Increase Eurobonds by 2014 (Bloomberg) 09/04/2013
  • Film: women group, Femen, founded and controlled by a man (Al-Arabiya) 09/04/2013
  • Expert: Armenia’s decision to join Customs Union will benefit all its members (News of Belarus) 09/04/2013
  • Chevron (NYSE: CVX) Shale Gas Investments in Eastern Europe and Latin America (Energy and Capital) 09/04/2013
  • Altered states: realms where royalty once ruled (Budapest Times) 09/04/2013
  • Invasion of Syria could hit Ukraine's economy, expert says (NRCU) 09/04/2013
  • Further Russian pressure on Ukraine to affect Moscow-Brussels ties, says Lithuanian foreign minister (Interfax-Russia) 09/04/2013
  • Signing of treaty on free trade zone between Ukraine, EU will create problems for Ukraine, Russia - Putin (Interfax-Russia) 09/04/2013
  • President urges Parliament to OK EU bills (Ukrainian Journal) 09/04/2013
  • EU association deal will violate treaty with Russia, says Kremlin aide (Ukrainian Journal) 09/04/2013
  • Stirol halts fertilizer production, citing market conditions (Ukrainian Journal) 09/04/2013
  • EU association means 'instant death' for tech sector, says MP (Ukrainian Journal) 09/04/2013
  • European Integration Index: Ukraine’s progress slows down (Ukrainian Week) 09/04/2013
  • Ukraine decides on first agreement of Customs Union it would like to join, says premier [Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov has said that Kyiv has decided to accede to the agreement of the Customs Union on the elimination of technical barriers in trade with the CIS member states, which are not members of the Customs Union.] (Interfax-Russia) 09/04/2013
  • Ukraine Has to Adopt Laws Advancing Eurointegration - President Yanukovych [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (The Herald/PRNewswire) 09/04/2013
  • Cox, Kwasniewski arrive at Tymoshenko's hospital (Interfax-Russia) 09/04/2013
  • Svoboda to picket Russia's diplomatic institutions in Ukraine demanding return of Ukrainian fisherman (Interfax-Russia) 09/04/2013
  • 45% українців - за інтеграцію в ЄС, 36% - до Митного союзу (Українська правда) 09/04/2013
  • «Перед Богом і землею всі солдати рівні». Невідомі могили вояків різних армій розшукує львівське комунальне підприємство «Доля» (Україна Молода) 09/04/2013
  • Велике перемир’я? Нова сесія Верховної Ради почалася з довгоочікуваного «явління» Януковича та вимушеної згоди навколо пакета законів щодо євроінтеграції (Україна Молода) 09/04/2013
  • Путін про Україну та ЄС: 'ми так не домовлялися' (BBC) 09/04/2013

  • Moscow Seen 'Losing' Ukraine and Belarus Just as It Earlier 'Lost' the Baltic Countries (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 09/03/2013
  • Ukraine hailed as 'potentially huge market' for European business (GroundReport) 09/03/2013
  • Ukrainian Village preps for harvest [(Canada) Visitors will be able to experience a harvest just like Ukrainian settlers did over 100 years ago at the Harvest of the Past and Heritage Food Festival on Sunday, Sept. 8] (Sherwood Park News) 09/03/2013
  • Ukrainian city turns to Regina for help remaking its image (The Globe and Mail) 09/03/2013
  • Ukrainian President Yanukovych Urges Adoption Of Pro-EU Laws (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/03/2013
  • Ukraine Far Right Rallies Against Hasidic Pilgrimage (Jewish Daily Forward) 09/03/2013
  • Ukrainian Oligarch's [Victor Pinchuk’s Interpipe group] Cash Crunch Could Drive Prices Even Lower For Damien Hirst And Jeff Koons [an art market effect] (Business Insider) 09/03/2013
  • Kremlin Aide Warns Kiev Not to Sign EU Pact (The Moscow Times) 09/03/2013
  • Ukrainian Catholic University Has New Rector and President [Fr. Dr. Bohdan Prakh] (RISU) 09/03/2013
  • Ukranian president asks for laws to be passed to facilitate EU association agreement (euronews) 09/03/2013
  • Paule Goble: Moscow will 'Loose' Ukraine and Belarus just as it earlier 'Lost' the Baltic States (Ukrainian Week) 09/03/2013
  • Patriarch Filaret: Using Fascist Symbols During Religious Ceremonies Is Inappropriate (RISU) 09/03/2013
  • What did our grandparents wear? Ceremonial awarding of the main prize of the International Exhibition 'Book Art' to the famous Ukrainian ethnographer Oksana Kosmina will take place in early September in Moscow (The Day) 09/03/2013
  • Thousands Fly to Uman, Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah (Arutz Sheva) 09/03/2013
  • Ukraine issues production results for January-August (SteelOrbis) 09/03/2013
  • Housing construction in Ukraine rises 4.6 percent in July (NRCU) 09/03/2013
  • Azerbaijani movie to be screened at int'l event in Ukraine (AzerNews) 09/03/2013
  • Former Ukrainian porn star and her kids finally allowed to settle in the Czech Republic (Radio Prague) 09/03/2013
  • Banknote paper factory, or Birthplace of hryvnia (ForUm) 09/03/2013
  • America's Errant Foreign Policy [Minister Louis Farrakhan website] ( 09/03/2013
  • Prosecutors recommend Auschwitz guard charges (Yahoo/Associated Press) 09/03/2013
  • Germany hopes to charge 30 former Auschwitz guards [Report by Gareth Jones; edited by Tom Pfeiffer] (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/03/2013
  • Understanding the radioactive legacy of Chernobyl and Fukushima (EarthSky) 09/03/2013
  • 'Neither Athos nor Sinai has such icons'. Lutsk celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Museum of Volyn Icons, which has become the visiting card of the region and the whole country (The Day) 09/03/2013
  • Ukraine leader urges pro-Europe drive despite Kremlin pressure (Reuters) 09/03/2013
  • A fifth of those who died 'for the Fatherland, for Stalin' were Ukrainians (The Day) 09/03/2013
  • Romanians March Against Controversial Gold Mine, Ukrainian Opposition Leaders Meet EU’s Fuele (Transitions Online) 09/03/2013
  • Gloom and Doom. Has the mood improved in Central Europe as business leaders and politicians sit down again at the 'Eastern Davos'? (Transitions Online) 09/03/2013
  • Yanukovych may address Rada on EU bills (Ukrainian Journal) 09/03/2013
  • Rada speaker promises to pass seven EU bills in first session (Ukrainian Journal) 09/03/2013
  • Law enforcement agencies in for 'tough certification,' president says (Ukrainian Journal) 09/03/2013
  • Ukraine will boost coal output to 105 million mt, says president (Ukrainian Journal) 09/03/2013
  • Ukraine vows 'impartial' probe of police attack on journalist (UPI) 09/03/2013
  • Ukrainian Gas Diversification: Shale And LNG Considerations – Analysis (Eurasia Review) 09/03/2013
  • The Russian-Ukrainian Trade Spat ( 09/03/2013
  • Government to consider text of agreement with EU on September 18, says Azarov (Interfax-Russia) 09/03/2013
  • Yanukovych calls on parliament, government to implement import substitution strategy and stimulate domestic producers (Interfax-Russia) 09/03/2013
  • Geoffrey PYATT: 'The United States is powerfully committed to Ukraine's success, Ukraine's democracy, and Ukraine's prosperity' (The Day) 09/03/2013
  • У Раді провалили євроінтеграційний законопроект про митний тариф (ТСН) 09/03/2013
  • Купив життя. Недорого. Працівники ДАІ побили і забрали гроші у журналіста багатостраждального каналу ТВі (Україна Молода) 09/03/2013
  • ЦВК не відправить представника на збори КПУ щодо референдуму (BBC) 09/03/2013

  • The New York Times: USA and the EU should articulate a coherent policy towards Russia’s neighboring states (Ukrainian Week) 09/02/2013
  • Den/The Day launches a new large-scale infographic project for Ukraina Incognita: '101 Reasons to Love Ukraine' (The Day) 09/02/2013
  • 'Lancelot has come to us…'. A traditional festival, Genoese Helmet, was held in Sudak, the Crimea (The Day) 09/02/2013
  • Ukraine Regards Customs Union's Import Duty On Porcelain Dinnerware Contravenes CIS Free Trade Agreement (Ukrainian News Agency) 09/02/2013
  • Ukrainian Flees Lovers Quarrel by Crossing Border in Stolen Tractor (RIA Novosti) 09/02/2013
  • Ukraine wants to bail fisherman Fedorovych (ForUm) 09/02/2013
  • Restrictions on cash transactions will help banks, says NBU official (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2013
  • Perception is a sensitive issue. A few notes on Zhytomyr painter Mykola Butkovsky’s way of doing art (The Day) 09/02/2013
  • Price and value. Straight talk with Oleh Tistol, founder of the National Concept Art (The Day) 09/02/2013
  • Rinat AKHMETOV: 'We all must be together: business, government, and society' (The Day) 09/02/2013
  • Chevron agreement: new compromises (The Day) 09/02/2013
  • SHUKHOV: an unknown engineer who made a contribution to the development of… culture, art, and sport (The Day) 09/02/2013
  • Ukraine will work with U.S. to develop shale gas, says Azarov (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2013
  • Paul Poberezny, Pilot Who Founded Popular Fly-In, Dies at 91 (New York Times) 09/02/2013
  • President ready to send Tymoshenko abroad (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2013
  • Ukraine will continue to diversify natural gas sources, says president (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2013
  • President continues to balk at IMF household gas increase demand (Ukrainian Journal) 09/02/2013
  • Ukraine's FTA with EU to be good for everybody, says deputy foreign minister (Interfax-Russia) 09/02/2013
  • Three men have received suspended sentences for beating two journalists in Ukraine (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 09/02/2013
  • Ukrainian piracy clampdown call (Broadband TV News) 09/02/2013
  • More than 8,000 Hasidim Already in Uman for Rosh Hashanah (RISU) 09/02/2013
  • Wortzman in Ukraine: May Your Children Grow Up Jewish (Arutz Sheva) 09/02/2013
  • 'Paradjanov' among Ukraine's possible Oscar entries (PanARMENIAN.Net) 09/02/2013
  • 61 MPS graduated Academy of President of Ukraine (ForUm) 09/02/2013
  • Ukraine to supply EU with non-compliant eggs ( 09/02/2013
  • Interview: Ukraine/Black Sea is next frontier for Monsanto (AgraNet) 09/02/2013
  • ПР: євроінтеграція України не розвалить фракцію (BBC) 09/02/2013
  • «Український Музичний Ярмарок – 2013» (Майдан) 09/02/2013
  • Янукович змінив верхівку СБУ в семи областях України (ТСН) 09/02/2013

  • Photo: Ukrainian team performs during the group 10 clubs competition final at the 32nd Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Kiev (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/01/2013
  • Femen founders flee Ukraine 'fearing for their lives' (Deutsche Welle) 09/01/2013
  • Ukrainian MV Etel sails away after six-week Benghazi seizure (Libya Herald) 09/01/2013
  • Femen founders leave Ukraine 'fearing for their lives' (Yahoo/The West Australian) 09/01/2013
  • Photo: Gold medallist Spain's team (C), silver medallist Italy's team (L) and bronze medallist Ukraine's team pose during the award ceremony for the 10 clubs competition at the 32nd Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Kiev (Yahoo/Reuters) 09/01/2013
  • Kamel: My illumination: Making history by uncovering the past (Daily Northwestern) 09/01/2013
  • Ukrainian RATS, Israeli MiFis, and a French connection tell a tale of cyber-insecurityThe brazenness of hackers, and their ability to engineer their way into a stolen fortune, is reaching new heights, says security company Symantec (The Times of Israel) 09/01/2013
  • Iranian Gas for Ukraine? ( 09/01/2013
  • Dima Borisov talks cooking, Kyiv dining (Kyiv Post) 09/01/2013
  • Ukraine ignores Putin's warnings, seeks EU trade deal (New Europe) 09/01/2013
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

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    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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