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  • Ukraine set to export battery eggs to EU (FarmersWeekly) 08/31/2013
  • Ukraine opposes military action in Syria (Press TV) 08/31/2013
  • Ukraine to do everything to sign Association Agreement with EU, but not refuse relations with strategic partners, says Popesku (Interfax-Russia) 08/31/2013
  • Runna Hits Ukraine, Kazakhstan Markets (Fars News Agency) 08/31/2013

  • Ukraine, Russia will optimize joint customs control on border (BSANNA NEWS) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine leader says he has no power to pardon Tymoshenko (Reuters) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine planning to reopen old airport for Uman pilgrims (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine's president 'unable to let Yulia Tymoshenko' leave country (The Guardian) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine cannot avoid referendum to decide on accession to EU or Customs Union, says Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Tymoshenko’s treatment abroad still on agenda, should be settled within law, says Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Ukrainian Comics Set Up Satirical Party (RIA Novosti) 08/30/2013
  • U.S. Embassy to Help Restore Wooden Church in Drohobych (RISU) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine boxer and MP Vitali Klitschko eyes presidency (BBC) 08/30/2013
  • Putin 'deserves medal' for pushing Ukraine towards EU (EurActiv) 08/30/2013
  • Non-cash operations growing in Ukraine (ForUm) 08/30/2013
  • Local ROTC cadet visits Ukraine (Lock Haven Express) 08/30/2013
  • Russia offering Ukraine humiliating terms for gas contract revision, says Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine ready to join certain aspects of Eurasian and Customs Unions, says Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Yanukovych supports development of public private partnership (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Yanukovych: Putin was surprised at situation with customs clearance of Ukrainian goods (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Surkis: Metalist question resolved, time to calm emotions (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Some MPs have fake diplomas, but they cannot be named by law, says Tabachnyk (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine to Vote on EU/Customs Union Affiliation – Yanukovych (RIA Novosti) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine plays Russian anthem for home champion (AFP) 08/30/2013
  • Democrats Abroad Ukraine to hold Labor Day picnic on Sept. 1 (Kyiv Post) 08/30/2013
  • EU Enlargement Czar Meets Divisive Ukraine Opposition Leader (Wall Street Journal) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine plays Russian anthem for home champion (AFP) 08/30/2013
  • We'll meet all EU conditions, says prez (Ukrainian Journal) 08/30/2013
  • Ukraine will sell bailed-out banks when market allows, says official (Ukrainian Journal) 08/30/2013
  • EP calls for Ukraine-Russia dispute to be raised at G20 Summit (Ukrainian Journal) 08/30/2013
  • State coal mine losses reported up 34.2% y-o-y through July 31 (Ukrainian Journal) 08/30/2013
  • Kyiv concerned about lack of response from Moscow to Russian border guards’ actions in Azov Sea (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • IMF may waive requirement for increase in gas price for Ukrainian households, says Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • President says that price of gas for Ukrainian households not to be increased (Interfax-Russia) 08/30/2013
  • Навчаємося за Шевченком. Голова наглядової ради Благодійного фонду «Велика родина» Віра Ульянченко — про Шевченків урок, факсимільне видання першого «Кобзаря» і про те, що пов’язує Тараса Григоровича з альпінізмом (Україна Молода) 08/30/2013
  • Бунт криворізьких чорногорців. Через дрібний конфлікт у селищі міста гірників розгорілися бурхливі події на етнічному ґрунті. Місцеві мешканці вимагають виселити з міста усіх іноземців (Україна Молода) 08/30/2013

  • Ukraine names squad for FIFA World Cup qualifiers (Business Standard) 08/29/2013
  • Hands-On Wife Proudly Showcases Ukrainian Traditions [Nataliia Terletska and her husband, Ukrainian Ambassador Olexander Motsyk] (The Washington Diplomat) 08/29/2013
  • Russia denies allegations that it forces Ukraine into its Customs Union (NRCU) 08/29/2013
  • Kiev to decide Ukraine's future, EU says ( 08/29/2013
  • Ukraine's 1+1 Media Installs Front Porch Digital's DIVArchive (Broadcast Engineering) 08/29/2013
  • Rybak: Ukraine needs European living standards and cooperation with its strategic partner Russia (Interfax-Russia) 08/29/2013
  • Ukraine: Kiev at a crossroads (Presseurop) 08/29/2013
  • Ukraine will stick to EU plans, says PM (Ukrainian Journal) 08/29/2013
  • Germany's RWE to start natural gas to Ukraine for storage underground (Ukrainian Journal) 08/29/2013
  • Pressure on Kiev unacceptable, says EU enlargement commissioner (Ukrainian Journal) 08/29/2013
  • Finance ministry sells $101.94 billion of 15-year bonds at 7.75% (Ukrainian Journal) 08/29/2013
  • Ukraine to Seek Free Trade With EU Despite Russian Pressure (The Moscow Times) 08/29/2013
  • His Beautitude Lubomyr commented on political dimension of the celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine (RISU) 08/29/2013
  • Trade Conflict: Europe grows more sympathetic about Ukraine. European MPs support Ukraine in the trade warfare with Russia (Ukrainian Week) 08/29/2013
  • Time to look for compromise (The Day) 08/29/2013
  • Українська гімнастка сплутала гімни через емоції ( 08/29/2013
  • Астронавти над Лідо. Уперше Венеціанський кінофестиваль відкрився фільмом 3D–формату (Україна Молода) 08/29/2013
  • Вирванi з корiнням. Як нас «добровільно» виселяли з Лемківщини (Україна Молода) 08/29/2013
  • Четвертий Міжнародний Великий лицарський турнір «Шабля «Козака Мамая» 27,28 та 29 вересня 2013 р (Майдан) 08/29/2013

  • Kyiv to sustain no losses by giving up strategic partnership with Russia – Ukrainian opposition (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Photo: Gold medallist Ganna Rizatdinova of Ukraine (C), silver medallist Yana Kudryavtseva (L) of Russia and bronze medallist Margarita Mamun of Russia wave to fans during the award ceremony after the individual hoop competition final at the 32nd Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Kiev (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/28/2013
  • EU gauging Ukraine's resolve ( 08/28/2013
  • Brussels sees Moscow’s ‘first warning shot’ in conflict with Kyiv about free trade area, Customs Union (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Accident at Stirol plant happened because of unsatisfactory state of ammonia pipe (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Opposition leader claims most Ukrainians want EU-bound course (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • EU Cannot Lose Ukraine – EU High Representative [Press Release: Worldwide News Ukraine] (PRNewswire) 08/28/2013
  • The unlearned lessons of a Caucasian war (The Day) 08/28/2013
  • Ivan Marchuk’s unsolved mysteries. Kyiv History Museum hosting Marchuk’s solo exhibit (The Day) 08/28/2013
  • 101 reasons to love Ukraine. Den/The Day launches a new large-scale infographic project for Ukraina Incognita (The Day) 08/28/2013
  • Ukraine Must Work With Customs Union After EU Pact, Azarov Says (Businessweek) 08/28/2013
  • Ukraine Shows Willingness to Negotiate With Russia on Trade (RIA Novosti) 08/28/2013
  • Ukraine must implement three tasks to sign agreement with EU, says Yatseniuk (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Bubka continues to lead polls on future IOC head conducted by Western sports Web sites (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Мирослав Скорик: Параджанов виглядав небезпечним, але гуцулам подобалася безпосередність. Композитор і музикознавець про роботу над фільмом 'Тіні забутих предків', Соломію Крушельницьку та про майбутнє класичної музики (TVi) 08/28/2013
  • Ukraine PM tells Russia to accept 'reality' of EU trade deal (Reuters) 08/28/2013
  • Op-ed: Russia Leans on Its Neighbors (New York Times) 08/28/2013
  • Lausanne court upholds UEFA decision to disqualify FC Metalist from European competitions, says club’s vice president (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Ukrainian PR: Beyond a paint job ( 08/28/2013
  • Ukrainian Fashion Design to Hit NYC Catwalk [Ukrainian Museum in New York] (RIA Novosti) 08/28/2013
  • Cinephil Takes 'Ukraine Is Not a Brothel'. Venice docu-feature explores contradictions of Ukraine’s topless feminist org (Variety) 08/28/2013
  • Ukraine asks Gazprom for $2 billion loan (Ukrainian Journal) 08/28/2013
  • Topless protest group accuses cops of planting explosives at their HQ (Ukrainian Journal) 08/28/2013
  • Putin aide: Ukraine will lose sovereignty if it signs EU deal (Ukrainian Journal) 08/28/2013
  • Ukraine can't cooperate with EU and Customs Union, says Russian DPM (Ukrainian Journal) 08/28/2013
  • Russia: The Uses of Extremism. The emergence of three far-right discussion clubs and their links to the Kremlin spell more bad news for East-West relations. By Andreas Umland (Transitions Online) 08/28/2013
  • Ukraine to cut Russia gas imports (Oman Tribune) 08/28/2013
  • Hostages to Their Own System. Police officers admit that the Ukrainian law enforcement system is so corrupt that they themselves have become trapped (Ukrainian Week) 08/28/2013
  • Serial killer Onopriyenko dies in Zhytomyr prison (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Plans pertinent to winter period settled with Gazprom – Ukrainian deputy PM (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Germany’s RWE from Sept to start pumping gas to Ukrainian underground facilities, says Stavytsky (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Kyiv sees no reason for ceasing strategic partnership with Moscow (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Ukraine sends all documents required for talks on Roshen to Russia, says Ukrainian minister (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Fule: Pressure on Ukraine to prevent signing of Association Agreement with EU is unacceptable (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • UDAR MP Rozenko says Russian pressure on Ukraine will grow, but it should not be afraid of this (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Ukrainian government doing its best for signing association agreement with EU, says NSDC secretary (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • EU wants to see concrete elements of Ukraine’s progress in next few weeks, Fule says (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Two Ukrainians captured in Sudan during Mi-8 emergency landing released, says Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Police seize TT pistol and grenade in Kyiv office of Femen women’s rights group (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Lavrov disagrees with Kerry on blaming Syrian govt for chemical attacks – Russian Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Creation of new trade obstacles between Ukraine and Russia not good for two nations, says Ukrainian premier Mykola Azarov (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Ukrainian opposition calls on govt to reconsider relations with Moscow (Interfax-Russia) 08/28/2013
  • Dormition of the Theotokos according to Julian calendar (RISU) 08/28/2013
  • Fracking success declared in Ukraine ( 08/28/2013
  • The city of containers: Giant Ukrainian shopping mall that attracts 150,000 visitors every day (Daily Mail) 08/28/2013
  • Time to think about 46 million Ukrainians (GroundReport) 08/28/2013
  • Ukrainian Beadwork, Glass Art and More at this year's Craft Days [Oneida, NY] (Madison County Courier) 08/28/2013
  • Vision of a corrupt-free nation (Halifax Evening Courier) 08/28/2013
  • Femen moves out of 'bugged' Kiev office (News24/AFP) 08/28/2013
  • Мрія Сьогодні в США великий день. Рівно 50 років тому, так само в середу, в столиці країни відбулася багатотисячна демонстрація, відома як «Марш на Вашингтон» (День) 08/28/2013
  • «Або Сибір, або Брюссель!» Прем’єр–міністру України не вдалося переконати Москву, що ми можемо товаришувати з ЄС та Росією одночасно (Україна Молода) 08/28/2013
  • Україні пророкують перемогу в інформаційній війні із Росією (Майдан) 08/28/2013
  • В Європарламенті домовились, як захистити Україну від Росії (BBC) 08/28/2013

  • Ukraine police claim weapons found in Femen office (GlobalPost/AFP) 08/27/2013
  • Ukrainian Authorities Raid FEMEN Office, Seizing Gun and Grenade (Bustle) 08/27/2013
  • Ukraine police claim gun and grenade seized in FEMEN's offices (euronews) 08/27/2013
  • Eastern Europe Adds Ukraine to Foreign Ministers’ Agenda (ValueWalk) 08/27/2013
  • Russia’s Trade War Against Ukraine Will Backfire. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 08/27/2013
  • 'We Have A Dream' -- Visions Of The Future Inspired By Martin Luther King Jr. (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) 08/27/2013
  • Interview: Fukuyama On Democratization In Eastern Europe (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) 08/27/2013
  • Ukraine Femen group accuse police after arms find (Reuters) 08/27/2013
  • Ukrainian serial killer who mudered 52 people dies in prison (Irish Independent) 08/27/2013
  • In Yalta Cross Installed by Greek Catholics Thrown in Trash (RISU) 08/27/2013
  • Transfer News: Brendan Rodgers Keen on Yarmolenko (Sports News) 08/27/2013
  • Ukraine nuclear fuel imports reported down sharply in first half (Ukrainian Journal) 08/27/2013
  • CIS free-trade participants cannot expel Ukraine, says representative (Ukrainian Journal) 08/27/2013
  • Swinging Ukraine: Russia rejects customs union with EU-looking neighbor (Russia Today) 08/27/2013
  • Eastern countries add Ukraine to foreign ministers’ agenda (EurActiv) 08/27/2013
  • Russia didn’t expect Ukraine to come to signing of Association Agreement with EU, says ex-MP (Interfax-Russia) 08/27/2013
  • Ukraine to stop being Russia’s strategic partner after signing Association Agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 08/27/2013
  • Ashton: 'We can’t lose Ukraine' (Interfax-Russia) 08/27/2013
  • Ashton: Europe can't lose Ukraine (ForUm) 08/27/2013
  • Ukraine doomed to be regional leader, GUAM Secretary General says (BSANNA NEWS) 08/27/2013
  • Police identify ex-rector Melnyk’s location, preparing for his detention, extradition, says interior minister (Interfax-Russia) 08/27/2013
  • Run, Petro, Run. The flight of Petro Melnyk from under house arrest exposes the severe degradation of Ukrainian law enforcement (Ukrainian Week) 08/27/2013
  • IOM - International Organization for Migration : Canada funds IOM study on development contribution of Ukrainian migrants (4-traders) 08/27/2013
  • 'Lost' Ukrainian Orthodox Church records rediscovered (RISU) 08/27/2013
  • Yanukovych, Ukrainian World Congress President discuss situation with Ukrainians abroad, European integration (Interfax-Russia) 08/27/2013
  • PM-level talks fail to fix trade issues (Ukrainian Journal) 08/27/2013
  • President reaffirms Ukraine commitment to EU trade and political deals (Ukrainian Journal) 08/27/2013

  • Ukrainian flag raised over City of Binghamton (News 10 Now) 08/26/2013
  • Ukrainian independence celebrates 22 years (WBNG-TV) 08/26/2013
  • Russia: Ukraine Can't Be In Both EU, Customs Union (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/26/2013
  • Klitschko, Yatseniuk invited to extraordinary meeting of European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (Interfax-Russia) 08/26/2013
  • Japan, Ukraine to study nuclear accidents' environmental impacts (GlobalPost) 08/26/2013
  • Ukraine seeks European Union deal despite Russian threat (Press TV) 08/26/2013
  • Ukrainian Independence Day Celebrated (WBGH) 08/26/2013
  • Parishioners Find Miracle in Fire at Ukrainian Orthodox Church (NBC 10) 08/26/2013
  • Kyiv, Tokyo plan to launch small satellite to monitor radiation over Chornobyl, Fukushima-1 NPPs, says Japanese foreign minister [Chernobyl] (Interfax-Russia) 08/26/2013
  • Ukrainian Museum to host contemporary wearable art show ( 08/26/2013
  • Historic church burns in East Oak Lane [St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox church] ( 08/26/2013
  • Fire Damage at Pokrova (Protection of the Birth-Giver of God) Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, PA (UOCofUSA) 08/26/2013
  • Ukrainian parishes in Arnold celebrate St. Vladimir together (Tribune-Review) 08/26/2013
  • More than 2000 gather for 22nd annual Ukrainian Festival in Horsham ( 08/26/2013
  • Ukrainian Research Institute Explores Opening Research Center in Kiev [The Kyiv Initiative is opening in Kyiv] (Harvard Crimson) 08/26/2013
  • Medvedev ready for unambiguous talk on integration plans of Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 08/26/2013
  • Association agreement with Ukraine high on Fule’s agenda, says commissioner’s spokesman (Interfax-Russia) 08/26/2013
  • Return of Roshen product to Russian market might take years – Onishchenko (Interfax-Russia) 08/26/2013
  • [Russia] Duma considering gay blood donation ban (Interfax-Russia) 08/26/2013
  • A Road Map for Economic De-Sovietization (Ukrainian Week) 08/26/2013
  • Independence Declared. Recognition to Follow? Independence is not only 'from what' or 'from whom' – it is also 'for what purpose'. True independence still needs to be won, because it is in people's heads, not in border checkpoints (Ukrainian Week) 08/26/2013
  • Traditional instruments to be showcased at annual Bloor West Village Toronto Ukraine Festival ( 08/26/2013
  • Kazakhstan bans Ukrainian poultry imports ( 08/26/2013
  • Costa Rican Boxer Jaime Barboza Knocked Out in Ukraine (The Costa Rica Star) 08/26/2013
  • Ukraine Says Russia May Not Unilaterally Cancel FTA ( 08/26/2013
  • Accused Nazi still has Chesco address [Theodor Szehinskyj] ( 08/26/2013
  • Fukushima operator to seek foreign advice on toxic water (Reuters) 08/26/2013
  • 25 Of The Smartest Women On Twitter [see #22 Marina Gorbis, born and raised in Ukraine] (Fast Company Magazine) 08/26/2013

  • Photo: Anatoliy Shabotenko, of the Ukraine, dives from the 27.5 meter platform on the ICA building at Fan Pier during the fifth stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, Aug. 25, 2013, in Boston (Yahoo/GMA) 08/25/2013
  • Russian Cossacks Rally Against High-Heeled Ukrainian 'Kazaky' (RIA Novosti) 08/25/2013
  • Putin Threatens EU-Oriented Ukraine With 'Protective Measures' [RIA Novosti] (The Mosow Times) 08/25/2013
  • Japan's minister visits Chernobyl nuclear plant (Channel News Asia/AFP) 08/25/2013
  • Chisora targets 'unfinished business' with Klitschko (ESPN) 08/25/2013
  • Slideshow: Independence Day Fireworks (Kyiv Post) 08/25/2013
  • Ex-Soviet Hackers Dominate Cyber Crime World (The Mosow Times) 08/25/2013
  • Ukraine Defiant in Face of Russian Pressure Over EU Path [Reuters] (The Mosow Times) 08/25/2013
  • Forgotten Relics. Theatre, Music and Film Theatre reveals theatre and film life in the 20th-century Ukraine (Ukrainian Week) 08/25/2013
  • Dancers learn from Ukrainian adventure (Vernon Morning Star) 08/25/2013
  • Як у Києві День Незалежності святкували. Фоторепортаж (TVi) 08/25/2013

  • Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the 22nd anniversary of Ukraine's independence (Government of Canada News) 08/24/2013
  • A trade war sputters as the tussle over Ukraine's future intensifies (The Economist) 08/24/2013
  • VIDEO: Ukraine marks 22nd anniversary of independence (Press TV) 08/24/2013
  • Photo: A woman jumps under a giant Ukranian flag as supporters of opposition parties rally in Kiev (Yahoo/AFP) 08/24/2013
  • Ukraine Signals Commitment to Europe Despite Russian Threats (Atlantic Sentinel) 08/24/2013
  • Foreign and independent love for Ukraine (ForUm) 08/24/2013
  • Happy Birthday, Ukraine! (ForUm) 08/24/2013
  • Ukrainian Day in the Park ( 08/24/2013
  • HH Amir congratulates Ukraine on Nat'l Day (Kuwait News) 08/24/2013
  • Ukraine's Baby Fashion 2013 to kick start on September 10 ( 08/24/2013
  • Soccer-Ukrainian championship results and standings (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/24/2013
  • Celebration: Independence Day of Ukraine today (Yahoo/Manila Bulletin) 08/24/2013
  • Early Fight Results From The Donbass Arena in Donetsk ( 08/24/2013
  • VIDEO: The US Embassy in Kyiv sings 'Chervona Ruta' on Ukraine's Independence Day! (YouTube/US Embassy Kyiv) 08/24/2013
  • Ukraine’s leaders lay flowers at monuments to Shevchenko and Hrushevsky in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • Obama hopes to help Ukraine achieve progress in its European aspirations (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • Opposition supporters march on Independence Day under flags of Ukraine and EU (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • Putin greets Yanukovych on Ukraine’s Independence Day (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • Komorowski congratulates Yanukovych on Independence Day, wishes Ukraine progress in EU integration (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • Medvedev sends greetings to Ukrainian PM Azarov on Independence Day (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • Yanukovych: Ukraine ready for compromises to strengthen stability and prosperity (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • UDAR leader Klitschko: 'We will make Ukraine a state in which people are a major value' (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • Tymoshenko: Ukrainians should prove they deserve to be part of European family (Interfax-Russia) 08/24/2013
  • Ukraine leader ignores Putin warning on EU path (Reuters) 08/24/2013
  • Ukraine President urges Ukrainians to unite for common goal (Focus News) 08/24/2013
  • EU warns Russian pressure on Kiev is 'unacceptable' (GlobalPost/AFP) 08/24/2013
  • Ukraine Celebrating 22 Years Of Independence (Ukrainian News Agency) 08/24/2013
  • Адміністрація президента з'явилася на Facebook. Офіційна сторінка державного органу відтепер є у найбільшій соцмережі світу (ТСН) 08/24/2013
  • День незалежності: привітання, поради, запливи і заїзди (BBC) 08/24/2013
  • ВІДЕО: Музичне вітання до Дня Незалежності -- Червона Рута (YouTube/US Embassy Kyiv) 08/24/2013

  • Kyiv cannot be expelled from CIS free trade area, but its participants can leave FTA and apply sanctions to Ukraine, says Suslov (Interfax-Russia) 08/23/2013
  • Meet the Women Putting Ukraine On the Fashion Map (Fashionista) 08/23/2013
  • The Economist: Ukraine could benefit from Russian sanctions in the long run but it may not have that long (Ukrainian Week) 08/23/2013
  • Patriarch Shevchuk: Christian Ukrainians Must Be Responsibility for the Fate of the Independent State (RISU) 08/23/2013
  • Tonight's Law & Disorder: Aug. 23, 2013: Danylo A. Damidenko, 24, of Gaithersburg, Md., was arrested by Ulster County sheriff’s deputies at approximately 3 a.m. Friday at the Ukrainian National Estates, 216, Foordmore Road (Kingston Daily Freeman) 08/23/2013
  • The Financial Times: Ukraine is a step away from a major BOP crisis (Ukrainian Week) 08/23/2013
  • The Little Museum That Could (And Did!)...about The Ukrainian Museum in NYC [ blog] (East Village Artrs) 08/23/2013
  • Ukrainian Activists Draw Attention To Little-Known WWII Tragedy (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/23/2013
  • The Kremlin’s Bluff. Ukraine’s economic dependence on the Customs Union is exaggerated in an effort to disrupt the Association Agreement (Ukrainian Week) 08/23/2013
  • Tug-O-War. Three years after its creation, the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan has proven to be artificial and quasi-effective (Ukrainian Week) 08/23/2013
  • Black Ribbon Day: An International Day of Remembrance (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/23/2013
  • Ukraine-EU Deal to Entail Protective Measures - Putin (RIA Novosti) 08/23/2013
  • Putin warns Ukraine against EU pact ( 08/23/2013
  • Batkivschyna to hold rally in Kyiv on Independence Day (Interfax-Russia) 08/23/2013
  • Over 10,000 policemen to maintain order during celebration of Independence Day in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 08/23/2013
  • Yanukovych takes part in ceremony in honor of National Flag of Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 08/23/2013
  • Azarov to head to Moscow for trade talks (Ukrainian Journal) 08/23/2013
  • Kiev to ink Black Sea natgas PSA with ExxonMobil consortium next month (Ukrainian Journal) 08/23/2013
  • Ukraine's third-largest refinery to resume operation in October (Ukrainian Journal) 08/23/2013
  • Customs backlog to persist despite Russian easing, says trade group (Ukrainian Journal) 08/23/2013
  • Hasids say are ready to change traditional prayer site in Uman (Interfax-Russia) 08/23/2013
  • U.S. Strongly Supports Ukraine's EU Integration Aspirations - U.S. Secretary of State [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (The Herald/PRNewswire) 08/23/2013
  • Russian Actor Apologizes for Hate Speech in Ukraine (RIA Novosti) 08/23/2013
  • WJC: Ukrainian priests must stop glorifying Nazis (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) 08/23/2013
  • Україна святкує День державного прапора (Дзеркало тижня) 08/23/2013
  • 22 свічки на торті України. На День Незалежності показуватимуть наше кіно, влаштовуватимуть паради вишиванок, пригощатимуть юшкою та морозивом і навіть вберуть у національне вбрання Нептуна й Афродіту (Україна Молода) 08/23/2013

  • Ukraine's Dolgopolov, France's Monfils gain semis (Newsday/AP) 08/22/2013
  • Yanukovych tops rating of most influential Ukrainians according to Korrespondent (Interfax-Russia) 08/22/2013
  • Guinevere Van Seenus Gets Vogue Ukraine’s September Cover (Forum Buzz) (The Fashion Spot) 08/22/2013
  • Ukraine's European choice demands concrete action (The Day) 08/22/2013
  • [VIDEO] Interview: U.S. Ambassador To Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt (RFE/RL) 08/22/2013
  • Ukraine plans to open Slovakian gas import route in September (Platts) 08/22/2013
  • Putin warns of 'measures' if Ukraine signs EU trade deal (Google/AFP) 08/22/2013
  • Ukraine vs. Yuri Barabash (New Eastern Europe) 08/22/2013
  • Ukraine mulling seizure of privatized Lisichansk oil refinery (Ukrainian Journal) 08/22/2013
  • Russia may phase out aircraft building cooperation with Ukraine – Deputy PM Rogozin (Interfax-Russia) 08/22/2013
  • Two Giants. An exhibition dedicated to Patriarch Josyf Slipyj and Pontiff John Paul II opened at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv (The Day) 08/22/2013
  • 'War.' Mobilization. Consequences. Banker Viacheslav YUTKIN: 'Although I work at a Russian bank, I think these actions of Russia against Ukraine are extremely unfair… There can be a reverse reaction that will harm Russia' (The Day) 08/22/2013
  • Chief Ukrainian rabbi: Uman authorities should remove crucifixion (RISU) 08/22/2013
  • Chief Ukrainian Rabbi Calls for Removal of Provocative Cross (The Jewish Press) 08/22/2013
  • U.S. Ambassador and UGCC Head Discuss Role of Church in Ukrainian Society and Eurointegration (RISU) 08/22/2013
  • Imperial-Soviet Feudalism. State monopoly, limited competition and the excessive exploitation of resources was always the basis for the economic model that the Kremlin tried to force upon Ukraine (Ukrainian Week) 08/22/2013
  • Taking My First Trip to Ukraine, Under the Watchful Eyes of Jesus. A visit to Lviv for my brother’s wedding showed that for some Jews with Eastern European roots, you can’t go home again (Tablet Magazine) 08/22/2013
  • Ukrainian nationalists to hold protests during Yanukovych’s visit to Kharkiv (Interfax-Russia) 08/22/2013
  • Putin aide: Customs Union will tighten screws if Kiev signs EU deals (Ukrainian Journal) 08/22/2013
  • Refugees seek haven in Ukraine - find misery (Yahoo/AP) 08/22/2013
  • Ukraine Has Very Good Chance to Sign EU Association - U.S. Ambassador [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (Sacramento Bee/PRNewswire) 08/22/2013
  • Ukraine Expands Sources of Reverse Gas Supply - Energy Minister [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (The Herald/PRNewswire) 08/22/2013
  • Ukraine to Extradite Suspected Far Right Group Killer Next Month [Russian nationalist Volkov] (RIA Novosti) 08/22/2013
  • Belarus, Ukraine begin joint geological surveys for oil and gas ( 08/22/2013
  • Eurasian Economic Commission not preparing any measures against Ukraine, Suslov says (Interfax-Russia) 08/22/2013
  • Suslov: Signing of agreement with EU to complicate Ukraine’s trade relations with Customs Union (Interfax-Russia) 08/22/2013
  • Tymoshenko can be treated in Germany only based on interstate treaty, says ombudsperson (Interfax-Russia) 08/22/2013
  • Russian trade easing follows EU warning (Ukrainian Journal) 08/22/2013
  • Govt may seek Rada approval for Chevron PSA despite council rejection (Ukrainian Journal) 08/22/2013
  • День Незалежності-2013: програма святкування у Києві (TCH) 08/22/2013
  • Крила, що об’єднують континенти. Гігантський кактус, жирафа, обеліск і навіть цілі будинки перевозять найпотужніші в світі українські літаки «Мрія» і «Руслан» (Україна Молода) 08/22/2013
  • Кооперація у прострації. Чому в Україні не діють механізми агробізнесу, успішно реалізовані в усьому світі (Україна Молода) 08/22/2013

  • Dance and music celebrate Ukrainian independence [Jenkintown, PA] (Daily Local News) 08/21/2013
  • 800 euros – and you are in Europe? The four risks Ukrainians run buying Schengen visas through go-between firm (The Day) 08/21/2013
  • Sevki ACUNER [EBRD]: There is constant interest in Ukraine. Big question: How quickly will this interest turn into actual investments? (The Day) 08/21/2013
  • Aloft Kiev Announced for 2015 (Hotel News Resource) 08/21/2013
  • Ukraine region rejects shale gas project (EurActiv) 08/21/2013
  • Two celebrations in one for Ukrainian-Canadian Association (Westman Journal) 08/21/2013
  • Fumio KISHIDA: Economic potential of Ukraine attracts special attention of Japan (The Day) 08/21/2013
  • Electrolux Ukraine plans to make spare parts for washing machines and refrigerators in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Docudays UA шукає регіональних партнерів (Майдан) 08/21/2013
  • Завтра в Україні почнеться освоєння кириличного домену '.укр' (TVi) 08/21/2013
  • З Києво-Печерської Лаври збираються виселити музеї? ( TVi) 08/21/2013
  • A Village for Fish. The submerged village of Bakota in the Podil Tovtry National Park hides historic secrets underwater (Ukrainian Week) 08/21/2013
  • Russia moves to ease Ukraine export flow (Ukrainian Journal) 08/21/2013
  • Ivano-Frankivsk regional council rejects Chevron shale gas agreement (Ukrainian Journal) 08/21/2013
  • Industrial production continued to fall in July, govt reports (Ukrainian Journal) 08/21/2013
  • Yuzhnoukrainsk nuclear plant to install Westinghouse assembly (Ukrainian Journal) 08/21/2013
  • Photos: 45th Anniversary Of 1968 Soviet-Led Invasion Of Czechoslovakia (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/21/2013
  • Ukraine, Poland to open two border crossing points in Q4, 2013 [Hrushiv-Budomierz and Uhryniv-Dolhobyczow] (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Yatseniuk: Russia plays its last card by banning Ukrainian exports (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Lukoil to restart Karpatnaftokhim works on Sept 10 – PM (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Ukraine urging Customs Union to trade under standards of WTO, CIS free trade area, says Azarov (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • University entrants in 2013 more often choose mathematical, natural sciences and technical specialties, says minister (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Ukrainians ready to protect territorial integrity of Ukraine by force, says poll (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Vandals burn Ukrainian flags in front of Donetsk city executive committee (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Ukraine’s Paralympic team overall leader at swimming world cup (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Ukrainian World Congress urges Yanukovych to release Tymoshenko (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Ivano-Frankivsk regional council refuses to agree PSA [production sharing agreement] with Chevron, calls on government to amend it (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Customs Union may withdraw from FTA with Ukraine if Kyiv signs association agreement with EU (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Poll Finds Church Marriages Twice as Strong as Official Ones (RISU) 08/21/2013
  • Leonid Kravchuk Calls Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church 'Church of High Spirit' (RISU) 08/21/2013
  • A New U.S. Strategy Toward Neo-Imperial Russia (Ukrainian Week) 08/21/2013
  • Ukraine eyes up exports to China ( 08/21/2013
  • Poles positive about reconciliation with Ukraine ( 08/21/2013
  • FSI: Ukraine - Most Stable Post-Soviet Country [Press Release: Worldwide News Ukraine] (PR Newswire) 08/21/2013
  • SCM [a Rinat Akhmetov company] sells 100% in Ukrainian Pharmacy Holding (Interfax-Russia) 08/21/2013
  • Бізнес-партнер Лісогора вважає 'постраждалого' шахраєм. Лісогор досі не розуміє, що відбувається та в чому його звинувачують (TCH) 08/21/2013
  • По той бік кіноекрана. Журналіст «УМ» зумів потрапити за лаштунки на зйомках українського фільму «Дорога на Захід» і навіть зіграв одну з ролей (Україна Молода) 08/21/2013

  • Roshen assesses Ukraine's losses from ban to supply its products to Russia at UAH 1 b in 2013 (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Russia's Plan For Ukraine: Purported Leaked Strategy Document Raises Alarm (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine says Russia trade tensions over (GlobalPost/AFP) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine: Russia Halts Import Block (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine says Russia has scrapped extra checks on imports (Reuters) 08/20/2013
  • UPDATE 3-Ukraine region rejects Chevron shale gas deal draft (Reuters) 08/20/2013
  • Roshen plans to double capacity at Russian plants (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Olga Shumylo-Tapiola: Putin needs a new PR agency for his relations with the neighbors (Ukrainian Week) 08/20/2013
  • Russia sends a bitter trade message to Ukraine – with chocolate (Christian Science Monitor) 08/20/2013
  • US Arrests for Alleged Cruelty to Adopted Ukrainian Children (RIA Novosti) 08/20/2013
  • How Putin Lost Ukraine (The Moscow Times) 08/20/2013
  • Kane native Airgood seeks to unveil world of Ukrainian poets [B.I. Antonich, Taras Shevchenko, Lina Kostenko] (Bradford Era) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine's EU deal: good or bad for the oligarchs? ( 08/20/2013
  • Ukrainian-American Day Festival to be held Sunday [Buffalo area] ( 08/20/2013
  • Mechel Disposes of Ukrainian Plant for EUR2,000 That It Bought for $500M (Wall Street Journal) 08/20/2013
  • Short memory of Ukrainian journalists and 'conspiracy of silence'. Or Why the media are actively 'whitewashing' Leonid Kuchma’s reputation (The Day) 08/20/2013
  • Deja vu, symptomatic both for Ministry of Education, and society. Excercise books with Lenin and Stalin’s portraits on the cover are again on sale in Kyiv (The Day) 08/20/2013
  • Orta Juma Jami Mosque Is Now Officially Open [town of Bakhchisaray] (RISU) 08/20/2013
  • Ukrainian computer game features Soviet Union as victor and US in ruins after nuclear holocaust (The Voice of Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Tavria School of Ukrainian Dance (Regina Leader-Post) 08/20/2013
  • Bear's Natasha Pogrebinsky on Life as a Ukrainian Refugee and How That Informs Her Food [restaurant in Astoria] (Village Voice) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine Celebrates 22 Years of Independence (The Global Herald) 08/20/2013
  • Russian 'Amazon' Buried With Cosmetics Could Be Man – Scholar. [The Sarmatians were a group of Persian-speaking tribes that controlled an area that is now parts of southern Russia, Ukraine and Central Asia from around 500 BC to 400 AD.] (RIA Novosti) 08/20/2013
  • Israeli Police in Uman Await the Arrival of 30,000 Hasidim (RISU) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine region rejects initial draft of Chevron shale gas deal (Reuters) 08/20/2013
  • Clashes erupt at Kiev city Rada building (Ukrainian Journal) 08/20/2013
  • Government to select company for first coal-to-gas project by October (Ukrainian Journal) 08/20/2013
  • UDAR leader calls for government to appeal to WTO over Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 08/20/2013
  • Russian border problems cost UAH3.75 million monthly, mill reports (Ukrainian Journal) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine’s losses could exceed $120 m in 2013 over Russia’s Roshen ban (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Ex-foreign minister: Ukrainian politicians should unite to resist Russian pressure on EU integration road (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Customs clearance of Ukrainian goods on Russian border returns to normal, says Income Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • European Socialists slam Moscow’s actions to prevent signing of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine sees 2013-14 grain exports rising to 30 million tonnes (Business Recorder) 08/20/2013
  • Ukrainian swimmer Lisohor confirms criminal case against him in Liberia, says Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Most Ukrainians see themselves as patriots, support country’s independence – poll (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Ukraine’s leaders to pray for country on Independence Day at monument to Volodymyr the Great (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • Yanukovych greets participants of 10th World Congress of Ukrainians (Interfax-Russia) 08/20/2013
  • 10th Ukrainian World Congress Begins in Lviv (RISU) 08/20/2013
  • Russian customs delay all Ukrainian exports. The Ukrainian Federation of Employers estimates losses at 2-2.5 billion US dollars (The Day) 08/20/2013
  • Pryimachenko, Trush, Makov… The Day found out the names of artists whose works Ukrainians would like to see on billboards (The Day) 08/20/2013
  • У Ліберії проти Лісогора порушили справу за викрадення людини (ТСН) 08/20/2013
  • Гопака вчитимуть безкоштовно. На Сорочинському ярмарку, який відкривається сьогодні, сміятимуться разом iз Гоголем і Вєркою Сердючкою (Україна Молода) 08/20/2013
  • «Пiдписання Україною угоди з ЄС — кiнець iмперським маренням Путiна» Відомий науковець і громадський діяч В’ячеслав Брюховецький... (Україна Молода) 08/20/2013
  • Кожний про своє. Учора під КМДА зібралося близько шести тисяч протестувальників, переслiдуючи рiзнi цiлi (Україна Молода) 08/20/2013

  • In and around the Carpathian Mountains. Volodymyr Sandiuk’s paintings are on display in the Lviv Art Gallery (The Day) 08/19/2013
  • Andreas Umland: The Meaning of Tymoshenko's Case for the EU: Will Brussels Sign an Association Agreement with Ukraine? (OpEdNews) 08/19/2013
  • Unity, openness, and a bit of geopolitics. This weekend Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church celebrated the 1,025th anniversary since baptism of Rus’ (The Day) 08/19/2013
  • Canadians have funded a new logo for Dnipropetrovsk (The Day) 08/19/2013
  • Programmers have found a security hole in one of Google’s services (The Day) 08/19/2013
  • Parma's Ukrainian Village will commemorate Ukrainian Independence Day with parade, festival on Saturday (Cleveland Plain Dealer) 08/19/2013
  • The New York Times in Moscow: Ukrainian rights group Femen asks for protection after beatings (South China Morning Post) 08/19/2013
  • U of A arts cuts risk relationship with community, professor warns. [Among the programs on the chopping block is the university’s Ukrainian Folklore studies.] ( 08/19/2013
  • Ukraine and Russia on path to trade war over EU pact ( 08/19/2013
  • Batkivschyna MPs demand prosecution of law enforcers who beat up lawmakers near Kyiv City Council (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Kremlin Warns Kiev Over 'Suicidal' Ukraine-EU Trade Deal (RIA Novosti) 08/19/2013
  • PRESS: World swimming champion Lisohor, his business partner arrested in Liberia for kidnapping (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Platts: Ukraine July Transit Of Russian Natural Gas To Europe Rises 26.2% On Year (Oil and Gas Industry) 08/19/2013
  • FEMEN activists attacked in Odesa (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • UPDATE 2-INTERVIEW-Ukraine snubs Russian gas, stepping up Europe imports (Reuters UK) 08/19/2013
  • Russia weighing tougher Ukraine sanctions (Ukrainian Journal) 08/19/2013
  • Report EU leaders back Ukraine deal said to push Moscow into sanctions (Ukrainian Journal) 08/19/2013
  • Opposition MP: Ukraine should seek WTO sanctions against Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 08/19/2013
  • Ukraine leaves list of 3 biggest customers of Gazprom (SteelGuru) 08/19/2013
  • Kyiv City Council Session Cut Short (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/19/2013
  • Ukrainian children enjoy things they can't do at home (Henley Standard) 08/19/2013
  • Serinus Energy Inc.-Ukraine: Olgovskoye-24 Commences Drilling (Wall Street Journal/Marketwired) 08/19/2013
  • Ukrainian Catholics mark 1025th anniversary of baptism of Kievan Rus' (Catholic Culture) 08/19/2013
  • Ukraine weddings can bring sickness before health ( 08/19/2013
  • Some 30,000 Hasidic Jews to come to Uman to celebrate Jewish New Year (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • FIBA Europe Secretary General describes U-16 EuroBasket 2013 in Kyiv as best in its history (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Metalist to leave for Germany early on August 20 (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Ukraine's Agroton says can't pay bond coupon after Cyprus blow (Financial Mirror) 08/19/2013
  • Ukraine Hosts International Break-Dancing Competition (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/19/2013
  • Women from Romania, Ukraine victims of forced labour, says report (The Slovak Spectator) 08/19/2013
  • Children from Ukraine, Belarus Holidaying at Slovenian Coast (STA) 08/19/2013
  • Ukraine power line links its hydropower plant to grid (SteelGuru) 08/19/2013
  • After Chernobyl, complexity surrounds local health problems (CNN) 08/19/2013
  • Obolon suspends beer shipments to Russia following Moscow trade moves (Ukrainian Journal) 08/19/2013
  • Several MPs hurt in clash with police outside Kyiv council, says Yatseniuk (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Kyiv City Council closes its special session having considered all issues in 12 minutes (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Some 3,000 opposition activists, union representatives rally in front of Kyiv administration (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Photo: Activists (R) of the Svoboda (Freedom) Ukrainian nationalist party attempt to break through a riot police cordon and get into the mayoral office in Kiev, August 19, 2013. Ukrainian opposition supporters scuffled with police on Monday as they demanded to hold the Kiev mayoral election which were earlier postponed until 2015 (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/19/2013
  • Ukraine’s Art Advocate: Kazimir Malevich and Ukrainian Avant-garde. Jean-Claude Marcade speaks about the obstacles keeping 20th-century Ukrainian avant-garde art from gaining worldwide renown (Ukrainian Week) 08/19/2013
  • Yanukovych notes need to honor memory of famine victims in Ukraine, his adviser says (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Government oriented rulings is a tradition of Ukrainian courts. Ukrainian courts rarely make rulings for the benefit of opposition (Ukrainian Week) 08/19/2013
  • Activist fighting against Yanukovych’s son senteced to five years in jail again. Public activist Kostyantyn Lavrov having fought against MAKO Donetsk Construction Company owned by Oleksandr Yanukovych was sentenced to five-year imprisonment. Novosti Donbassa reports (Ukrainian Week) 08/19/2013
  • Kaczynski [former president of Poland] memorial plaque in Odesa vandalized (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Pilgrims come to Kyiv to attend consecration of Greek Catholic cathedral (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Medvedev, Azarov agree on consultations to resolve trade and economic problems (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013
  • Russia will tighten customs procedures, if Ukraine signs EU Association Agreement – Glazyev (Interfax-Russia) 08/19/2013

  • Russia readies tighter customs if Ukraine signs EU deal: report (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/18/2013
  • Russia Moves to Restrict Imports If Ukraine Signs EU Deal (Wall Street Journal) 08/18/2013
  • Ukrainian feminist movement says three top activists beaten ( 08/18/2013
  • Russia to Hold Talks With Ukraine Over Cross-Border Trade Delays (Businessweek) 08/18/2013
  • Moscow, Kyiv To Hold Talks On Trade Issues (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/18/2013
  • Russia denies 'trade war' against Ukraine (The Nation/AFP) 08/18/2013
  • Dankner in talks with Ukrainian investor to keep IDB out of bondholders' hands (Haaretz) 08/18/2013
  • Ukrainian crude steel output expected to decline in September (SteelGuru) 08/18/2013
  • Ukraine increases gas import from Hungary - FGSZ (SteelGuru) 08/18/2013
  • Boxing body says Ukraine's Klitschko to run for president (euronews/Reuters) 08/18/2013
  • The 1025th anniversary of the Baptism will be a time of grace for the whole Ukrainian nation, Pope Francis (RISU) 08/18/2013
  • Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) blessed the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv (RISU) 08/18/2013
  • SLIDESHOW: Blessing of the Patriarchal Cathedral in Kyiv (RISU) 08/18/2013
  • Russia readies tighter customs if Ukraine signs EU deal - report (Reuters) 08/18/2013
  • Preps are underway for the 4th annual Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration (Alabama' 08/18/2013
  • Look to the Borderlands (New Eastern Europe) 08/18/2013

  • Greek Catholic believers around the world celebrate the Baptism of Rus in Kyiv on August 17-18 (RISU) 08/17/2013
  • Moscow starts realizing plan to prevent Ukraine from signing Association Agreement with EU and pull country to Customs Union, say media reports (Interfax-Russia) 08/17/2013
  • Bloodhound Gang bassist apologizes for incident with Ukrainian flag from Ukrainians, says TV (Interfax-Russia) 08/17/2013
  • Ukraine Says Russia Launching 'Trade War' Over EU Ambitions (Vatican Radio) 08/17/2013
  • Cross near Jewish sage gravesite in Ukraine defaced with Hebrew graffiti (Haaretz) 08/17/2013
  • Ukrainian boat clocks up a month's 'imprisonment' at Benghazi Port (Libya Herald) 08/17/2013
  • Envoy: Iran Plans to Supply Ukraine, Moldova with Natural Gas (Fars News Agency) 08/17/2013
  • Ukrainian folk music group entertain Billingham shoppers (Gazette Live) 08/17/2013
  • Court suspends CAS decision on Ukrainian club (Business Standard) 08/17/2013
  • Six people go missing after collision of ships on Irtysh River – Investigative Committee (Interfax-Russia) 08/17/2013
  • Four killed, 35 injured in ship collision on Irtysh (Interfax-Russia) 08/17/2013

  • О комплексе мер по вовлечению Украины в евразийский интеграционный процесс (Дзеркало тижня) 08/16/2013
  • Ukraine cuts gas imports by 35% this year (Energy Live News) 08/16/2013
  • John O'Sullivan: Russia’s actions against Ukraine are signs for NATO and the West to re-open negotiations. Recent trade bans and “non-tariff barrier” Russia has imposed on Ukraine should make the West and NATO re-open negotiations with Ukraine, writes John O'Sullivan for the National Review (Ukrainian Week) 08/16/2013
  • Ukraine bans grain, feed from three Russian federal districts (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Ukrainian exports to Russia grind to a halt (FreshPlaza/RFE/RL) 08/16/2013
  • Kyiv Considers Taking Russia To WTO Over Customs Spat (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/16/2013
  • Ukraine's Simplified Export Procedures Benefit Global Grain Market - OECD Expert (The Herald/PRNewswire) 08/16/2013
  • Bubka a legendary candidate for IOC president ( 08/16/2013
  • Ukraine Suspends Wheat Imports From Russian Regions Amid Trade Crisis (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/16/2013
  • Cross Defaced in Ukraine Hasidic Pilgrimage City (Jewish Daily Forward) 08/16/2013
  • Corruption and Crumbling Roads in Ukraine. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 08/16/2013
  • Brussels urging Kyiv and Moscow to find prompt solution to trade dispute in keeping with WTO rules (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Ukraine to create information system on counteraction HIV/AIDS (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Court extends period of detention for second defendant in Vradiivka case (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Zaporizhia businessman’s car comes under machine gun fire, no one hurt, says source (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Ukraine’s Border Service denies reports about Melnyk’s detention in Belarus and his transfer to Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Hearings on incident in Kyiv on May 18 postponed for two weeks as lawyer of defendants fails to attend [3 charged with hindering the work of journalists] (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Protestors burn Russian food stuffs near Russian embassy in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Kremlin: Russian, Ukrainian presidents talk by phone on bilateral cooperation, customs clearance of goods at Russian-Ukrainian border (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Greek Catholic believers around the world to celebrate Christening of Rus in Kyiv on August 17-18 (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Ukrainian diaspora in Canada suggests active campaign for Tymoshenko's release (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Foreign direct equity investment fell in Q2, government reports (Ukrainian Journal) 08/16/2013
  • Forecast expects Ukraine 2013 GDP growth to slow down to 0.1% (Ukrainian Journal) 08/16/2013
  • New Ukraine power line links Europe's largest hydropower plant to grid (Ukrainian Journal) 08/16/2013
  • Reaction sets in after Russia's trade ban (Ukrainian Journal) 08/16/2013
  • Putin Grasps Ukraine Warmly by the Throat [dated 8/15/2013] (National Review) 08/16/2013
  • Russia denies waging 'trade war' against Ukraine (Yahoo/AFP) 08/16/2013
  • Photo: Members of Ukrainian civil organization 'Nastup' burn goods produced in Russia as they hold a rally against what they see as Russian trade war on Ukraine in front of the Russian embassy in Kiev, August 16, 2013. On Wednesday, Russian customs officials started new, and time-consuming checks on all Ukrainian cargos, whether it be ferrous metals, heavy machinery or chemicals. Moscow has tightened checks on all imports from Ukraine in what some say is an attempt to dissuade its neighbor from turning towards Europe and away from its former Soviet ally (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/16/2013
  • Swedish Foreign Minister suspects Russia of attempting to thwart Ukraine’s cooperation with EU (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Ukraine bans grain, feed from three Russian federal districts (Interfax-Russia) 08/16/2013
  • Новина про те, що Кличко йде в президенти, виявилася 'качкою' (Українська правда) 08/16/2013
  • Присяжнюк - після переговорів з Росією: Було знайдено порозуміння (Українська правда) 08/16/2013
  • СПАСи і сохрани. 19 серпня християни відзначатимуть Преображення Господнє (Україна Молода) 08/16/2013
  • Росія віроломно, без оголошення війни...Примус до Митного союзу: Москва заблокувала роботу всіх українських експортерів. Збитки для нашої економіки обчислюватимуться сотнями мільйонів доларів (Україна Молода) 08/16/2013

  • How Powerful is the Pro-Russian Lobby in Ukraine? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 08/15/2013
  • Reuters Video: Ukraine's Klitschko Discusses Possible Run For Presidency (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/15/2013
  • From Hastings to the Ukraine (Hastings Star Gazette) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine's Bondarenko Holds World Captive for High Jump Gold (RIA Novosti) 08/15/2013
  • Putin Grasps Ukraine Warmly by the Throat (National Review) 08/15/2013
  • Kyiv To Make Sahaidachnoho Street Pedestrian-Only Street In September (Ukrainian News Agency) 08/15/2013
  • Russia's trade war against Ukraine on 'threatening scale' (Deutsche Welle) 08/15/2013
  • Ukrainians accuse Russia over trade (BBC) 08/15/2013
  • Ukrainian star fails world record bid, wins high jump gold (The Guardian) 08/15/2013
  • Ukrainian Imports Barred As Relations Hit A New Low (The Moscow Times) 08/15/2013
  • [Canada] Mayor and Ukraine governor talk trash and cash (Edmonton Journal) 08/15/2013
  • Fears Of Trade War Arise As Ukrainian Exports To Russia Grind To A Halt (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/15/2013
  • Suspect In Politkovskaya Killing Shot In Moscow (RFE/RL) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine Premier Orders Gov't to Settle Russian Customs Issues (RIA Novosti) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine's daily gas imports via Hungary increase 50% (Interfax-Russia) 08/15/2013
  • Video: Vitali Klitschko to run for president in Ukraine (The Guardian) 08/15/2013
  • Photo: Ukraine's Bohdan Bondarenko celebrates his gold medal in the men's high jump final at the World Athletics Championships in the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow (Yahoo/AP) 08/15/2013
  • Lviv to host Ukrainians from all over the world (The Day) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine Links Russia Trade Difficulties to Customs Union Discord (Bloomberg) 08/15/2013
  • Russia accused of trade war against Ukraine (Yahoo/Associated Press) 08/15/2013
  • Russian govt makes no decision to regulate imports from Ukraine – cabinet press office (Interfax-Russia) 08/15/2013
  • Foreign Ministry: Delimitation of Ukrainian-Russian maritime border a priority in bilateral relations (Interfax-Russia) 08/15/2013
  • Playing opposition. Five reasons for which some Party of Regions members publicly attack Ukraine’s European course (The Day) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine: Vitali Klitschko set to take on president (The Scotsman) 08/15/2013
  • WBC champion to skip boxing match, run for presidency instead (Ukrainian Journal) 08/15/2013
  • In Exile. Despite Viktor Yanukovych’s fear of Yulia Tymoshenko...he may agree to let her receive medical treatment in Germany. [T]his would sharply increase the regime’s chances of signing an Association Agreement with the EU, while [...] it would create new obstacles for the opposition (Ukrainian Week) 08/15/2013
  • Vinnytsia court drops charges against rights activist Groisman posthumously, media (Interfax-Russia) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine raises forecast for August grain exports (Business Recorder) 08/15/2013
  • Expert: by lowering the refinancing rate the NBU provides government, not economics, with cheap money (Ukrainian Week) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine club booted from Champions League ( 08/15/2013
  • UEFA Bans Kurchenko’s Club From Participation in Eurocups (Ukrainian Week) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine vs Israel where to watch live online tv (Holidays Press) 08/15/2013
  • Fishing and Sea of Azov delimitation. Ukraine must use the existing international laws and bilateral agreements to bring the Ukrainian back home (The Day) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine's exports to Russia grind to halt (Ukrainian Journal) 08/15/2013
  • Ukrainians have taken to tourism business in droves. The number of people employed by the industry will become two and a half times higher by 2022, reaching 1,000,000 (The Day) 08/15/2013
  • 'Rozy/Donbass' as an example of correct PR. Road show, people’s diplomacy, and creative art projects: Den carries out a 'lab' survey of three versions of spending the money allotted by the government to improve Ukraine’s image. As a result we have a formula of the most paying promotion (The Day) 08/15/2013
  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry issues travel warning for Egypt (Interfax-Russia) 08/15/2013
  • Inkerman International [Ukrainian wine] says its products delayed at Russian customs checkpoint (Interfax-Russia) 08/15/2013
  • Yatseniuk: Trade war Ukraine and Russia has reached alarming proportions (Interfax-Russia) 08/15/2013
  • Ukraine exports 'blocked by Russia', trade tension mounts (EUBusiness) 08/15/2013
  • Talks in Moscow Friday to decide fate of Roshen confectionary exports (Ukrainian Journal) 08/15/2013
  • We can't allow our Customs Union trade to weaken, PM tells cabinet (Ukrainian Journal) 08/15/2013
  • Azarov explains problems with Ukrainian imports to Russia by processes in Customs Union (Interfax-Russia) 08/15/2013
  • 'Свобода' побачила позитив у 'торговій війні' із Росією (Українська правда) 08/15/2013
  • Хто ви, Герої війни і труда? (Українська правда) 08/15/2013
  • 'Укрзалізниця' в 2013: падіння перевезень та борговий зашморг (додані документи) (Економічна правда) 08/15/2013
  • Україну не повідомили про причини затримки товару на кордоні з РФ - Суслов (BBC) 08/15/2013

  • Zaporizhstal and Siemens Ukraine discuss cooperation at steel mill (Ukrainian Journal) 08/14/2013
  • Ukraine newspaper accuses government of stopping the presses (Ukrainian Journal) 08/14/2013
  • A Jewish Kitchen To Feed Uman pilgrims (RISU) 08/14/2013
  • Armenian church of Lviv will celebrate its 650th anniversary (RISU) 08/14/2013
  • To the sound of the duduk. Lviv is preparing to celebrate the Virmenska (Armenian) Street Day (The Day) 08/14/2013
  • First female artist in Bukovyna. 145th anniversary of Augusta Kochanowska celebrated in Chernivtsi (The Day) 08/14/2013
  • Ukraine Increases Lead in Medal Standings with Six Gold (SwimSwam) 08/14/2013
  • Photo: Israel's Eden Ben Basat, right, competes for the ball with Artem Fedetskyy, center, of Ukraine during their friendly soccer match in Kiev (Yahoo/AP) 08/14/2013
  • Cossack spirit of Ukrainian yachting revived at Cape Tarkhankut. Tourist catamaran racing championship of Ukraine finished near the village of Olenivka (The Day) 08/14/2013
  • Ukrainian athlete Hanna Melnychenko is a world champion in heptathlon (The Day) 08/14/2013
  • Love, happiness, hippies. The legendary Woodstock turns 44 on August 15 (The Day) 08/14/2013
  • Ukranian club banned from Champions League over match-fixing links (Sydney Morning Herald) 08/14/2013
  • Russia’s customs service halts all Ukrainian imports, says Ukraine’s Employers Federation (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Russia hits at Ukraine with chocolate war (EurActiv) 08/14/2013
  • Protest leader [Vasyl Liubarets] calls for October action (Ukrainian Journal) 08/14/2013
  • Complaints against Ukraine's Roshen are growing, says Russian official (Ukrainian Journal) 08/14/2013
  • Russia titanium monopoly to work Volchanske deposit through 2031 (Ukrainian Journal) 08/14/2013
  • Work to extend Yuzhnoukrainsk life on schedule, says EnergoAtom chief (Ukrainian Journal) 08/14/2013
  • Henkel pulls toilet freshener after Ukraine takes offence (Reuters) 08/14/2013
  • US Will Help Ukraine Increase Energy Independence [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (The Herald/PRNewswire) 08/14/2013
  • Ukraine's EU accession bid irks Russia (Peninsula/AFP) 08/14/2013
  • World Boxing Champion Klitschko to Run for Ukraine’s Presidency (Bloomberg) 08/14/2013
  • Klitschko tells WBC president about his intention to run for Ukraine’s presidency in 2015 (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Ukraine's Melnichenko hangs on for heptathlon gold (The Star Online/Reuters) 08/14/2013
  • Ukrainian accused of cybercrime in US sentenced to 40 years in prison, he pleads not guilty – media (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Pyvovarov: Metalist to appeal UEFA’s decision on August 14 (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Melnyk put on international wanted list, says Interior Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • U.S. tactical nuclear weapons must be withdrawn from Europe – Russian Defense Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Azarov warns against weakening of Ukraine’s relations with Customs Union (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Vradiivka marchers want to hold nationwide rally in October (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Ukraine’s Melnychenko becomes world heptathlon champion (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Some 420 new millionaires registered in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 08/14/2013
  • Under the Common Wealth Banner. British Ambassador in Ukraine Simon Smith: 'Progressive association with the EU, its standards and practices will be profoundly beneficial for Ukraine and will help it unlock its potential' (Ukrainian Week) 08/14/2013
  • 386 sickened by food poisoning in Ukraine ( 08/14/2013
  • Ukrainian churchgoers' anger as 'pay to pray' parking continues (The Bolton News) 08/14/2013
  • В Україні зростає кількість смертельних ДТП, а даішники радять 'давати дурням дорогу' ( 08/14/2013
  • У Фірташа кажуть, що Росія оголосила війну: блокує український експорт (Українська правда) 08/14/2013
  • Перевірка на дорогах. Громадський рух «Дорожній контроль» оголосив війну ДАІшникам. Є поранені й засуджені (Україна Молода) 08/14/2013
  • «Золота» драма в Будапешті. Оновлена жіноча збірна українських шаблісток відібрала світову корону у росіянок (Україна Молода) 08/14/2013

  • 22nd Annual Ukrainian Folk Festival — A lively celebration of culture and history (Montgomery Newspapers) 08/13/2013
  • Ukraine, China sign document to boost fishery cooperation (Xinhua) 08/13/2013
  • Ukraine's Media Landscape: The dark ages (New Eastern Europe) 08/13/2013
  • Expressions in Hebrew Painted on Crucifix in Uman (RISU) 08/13/2013
  • Holocaust Monument in Nikopol Desecrated (RISU) 08/13/2013
  • Ukrainian Minister Hopes for Bolstering Trade Ties with Iran (Fars News Agency) 08/13/2013
  • Russia worried as Ukraine creeps closer to EU (Times of India) 08/13/2013
  • Beekeepers need cheap loans. Ukraine confidently holds the third place among world leaders in the production of honey. But… (The Day) 08/13/2013
  • The law does not recognize, but also does not prohibit. What threats does dual citizenship pose for the national security of Ukraine (The Day) 08/13/2013
  • The 1st All-Ukrainian Open-Air Art Ceramics Workshop has opened in Bukovyna (The Day) 08/13/2013
  • Olha Kharlan becomes world champion. Ukrainian athletes return from Hungary with awards (The Day) 08/13/2013
  • Expert: Officials disguise their corruptive nature beneath portraits of Yanukovych (Ukrainian Week) 08/13/2013
  • Melnyk put on international wanted list, say police (Interfax-Russia) 08/13/2013
  • Ukraine prosecutors find no evidence Putin’s attempted assassination suspect was tortured (Interfax-Russia) 08/13/2013
  • Ukrainian sabre fencers defeat Russians in World Cup 2013 (Interfax-Russia) 08/13/2013
  • Installation of spyware servers in Ukraine is difficult, says expert (Interfax-Russia) 08/13/2013
  • Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church begins synod (Catholic Culture) 08/13/2013
  • NABU: the National Bank's Reduction Of Discount Rate By 0.5 Percentage Point To 6.5% Positive Signal For Market (Ukrainian News Agency) 08/13/2013
  • Ukraine awaits Venice Commission recommendations on electoral law (ForUm) 08/13/2013
  • Ukraine's representative at ECHR resigns (ForUm) 08/13/2013
  • Metalist Kharkiv awaits UEFA verdict on Champions League expulsion in match-fixing case (Victoria Times Colonist/AP) 08/13/2013
  • Photo: Olha Saladuha of Ukraine competes in the women's triple jump qualifying round during the IAAF World Athletics Championships at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/13/2013
  • Photo: Ganna Melnichenko of Ukraine competes in the women's heptathlon javelin throw event during the IAAF World Athletics Championships at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/13/2013
  • Unification with Romania – Moldova’s dilemma ( 08/13/2013
  • 22nd annual Ukrainian Folk Festival next week [Ukrainian American Sport Center at County Line and Lower State roads in Horsham] (The Intelligencer) 08/13/2013
  • Two Party of Regions representatives win by-election to village council in Ivano-Frankivsk region (Interfax-Russia) 08/13/2013
  • Party of Regions candidates win 100% of votes at by-elections for deputies of local councils in Crimea (Interfax-Russia) 08/13/2013
  • 'Reset' fizzles. Lilia SHEVTSOVA: “Putin will not strive for an abrupt collapse in relations with Washington on the eve of the Olympics. He wants to see Western leaders in Sochi” (The Day) 08/13/2013
  • USS Bulkeley at Sevastopol. Andrii Klymenko: It’s not just a show of the US flag in the Black-Mediterranean-Sea region, but a global naval strength factor (The Day) 08/13/2013
  • NBU cuts interest rate by 50 basis points (Ukrainian Journal) 08/13/2013
  • Kiev prosecutor finds violations in monitoring of escaped Azarov ally (Ukrainian Journal) 08/13/2013
  • Kiev utility tariffs will remain stable this winter, says DPM (Ukrainian Journal) 08/13/2013
  • Russian-Ukrainian nuke fuel production plans to be approved in fall (Ukrainian Journal) 08/13/2013
  • Мельника оголосили в міжнародний розшук (Українська правда) 08/13/2013
  • Українця посадили на 13 років у США за хакерство (Українська правда) 08/13/2013
  • Оце так «Мельникіада»! Скандально відомому «регіоналу» Петру Мельнику першому з ВІП–персон в Україні вдалося зняти електронний браслет і втекти з–під домашнього арешту (Україна Молода) 08/13/2013
  • Музей Івана Гончара запрошує відвідати виставку «А МИ, СЕРЦЕ, КОХАЙМОСЯ…» (мотиви кохання в народному мистецтві українців) (Майдан) 08/13/2013

  • Comment: The EU may bore Britain, but it saves eastern Europe from tyranny ( 08/12/2013
  • St. Josaphat Ukrainian Festival, in Irondequoit, begins 4-day run Aug. 15 (Brighton-Pittsford Post) 08/12/2013
  • Ukraine Defense Group Reports Sharp Revenue, Export Hike ( 08/12/2013
  • Ukraine's Foreign Ministry recommends citizens to refrain from illegal visits to Nagorno-Karabakh ( 08/12/2013
  • Aliona HETMANCHUK: “Yanukovych may go down in the history of Ukraine as a politician who practically started integration into Europe” (The Day) 08/12/2013
  • Bicycle and cinema. Lviv NGOs made a joint effort to organize the Rover Film Festival in an attempt to accumulate the energy of cycling enthusiasts all over the country (The Day) 08/12/2013
  • Fragments of the past. The Crimean Tatar Art Museum in Simferopol hosts an exhibition of folk household goods and ethnic rarities (The Day) 08/12/2013
  • 'Traps' of the ocean and outer space. Kyiv’s gallery Triptych ART unveils an exhibit of the Ukrainian artist and traveler Valerii Shkarupa (The Day) 08/12/2013
  • Horned snake protected ancient items of the Trypillian culture. Unique artifact exhibited in Cherkasy Oblast Museum of Regional Ethnography (The Day) 08/12/2013
  • Henkel Withdraws Toilet Freshener From Ukraine After Complaints (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/12/2013
  • Thousands connect with Alberta's Ukrainian heritage ( 08/12/2013
  • Photo: Galyna Obleshchuk of Ukraine competes in the women's shot put final during the IAAF World Athletics Championships at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/12/2013
  • Photo: Ukrainian heavyweight boxing world champion Vladimir Klitschko (L) and his challenger Alexander Povetkin of Russia attend a news conference in Moscow (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/12/2013
  • State inspectorate for nuclear regulation permits commissioning of new ventilation pipe at Chornobyl NPP, says Rosatom (Interfax-Russia) 08/12/2013
  • 64th Anniversary of the arrival of Ukrainians to Newcastle (RISU) 08/12/2013
  • Celebration of the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine at the Metropolia Center of the UOC of the USA (RISU) 08/12/2013
  • Rescuers find body of second victim of household explosion in Luhansk (Interfax-Russia) 08/12/2013
  • Search continues for fugitive university rector, more versions surface (Kyiv Post) 08/12/2013
  • State Service on Emergency Situations: All tourists stuck on cable cars in Yalta successfully evacuated (Interfax-Russia) 08/12/2013
  • Blueprints of Ukrainian nuclear fuel plant to be approved in autumn (Interfax-Russia) 08/12/2013
  • Ukrainian lawmaker asks for asylum to avoid extradition ( 08/12/2013
  • Ukraine passes new pricing law (World Finance) 08/12/2013
  • Ukrainian solar on the rise despite wary investors (pv magazine) 08/12/2013
  • Teplodar PV completes work on 4.21 MW Odessa region solar plant (Ukrainian Journal) 08/12/2013
  • Hryvnia strength promoting price stability, according to NBU (Ukrainian Journal) 08/12/2013
  • Russians ask Kazakhs to ban imports from Roshen confectionary company (Ukrainian Journal) 08/12/2013
  • Prime minister ally flees police custody (Ukrainian Journal) 08/12/2013
  • Ukrainian passenger 'grabbed steering wheel' in fatal French coach crash (euronews) 08/12/2013
  • Ukrainian says he is to blame for bus crash in France – media (Interfax-Russia) 08/12/2013
  • Ukraine to set up monument for famine victims in Washington (Interfax-Russia) 08/12/2013

  • [SLIDESHOW] Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Celebrates 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine (UOCofUSA) 08/11/2013
  • Police Log: Ukrainian Bank Fraud & A Runaway Car [Rhode Island] ( 08/11/2013
  • High-heeled race in the Ukraine (KEYC) 08/11/2013
  • Kiev's dog hunters go on the attack to rid the city of strays (The Guardian) 08/11/2013
  • Ukraine go one better than London 2012 by topping the podium in Barcelona ( 08/11/2013
  • Ukranian Artist Sunsay Covers Lauryn Hill's “Everything Is Everything” (VIDEO) (Global Grind) 08/11/2013
  • Photo: Ukrainian rescue workers are seen at the scene of an explosion causing the partial collapse of a block of flats, in the eastern Ukrainian city of Luhansk, August 11, 2013. Two people were killed and 17 people injured in what emergency officials say was a household gas explosion, reported local media. (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/11/2013
  • Two killed, 30 injured in France accident (Daiji World/IANS) 08/11/2013
  • Photo: Olha Holodna of Ukraine competes in the women's shot put qualifying round during the IAAF World Athletics Championships at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/11/2013
  • У Луганську кількість постраждалих після вибуху в багатоповерхівці зросла до 11 осіб Більше читайте тут: (ТСН) 08/11/2013

  • Ukrainian 'Iron Lady ' bloodied but not bowed [athlete Natalia Semenova] (Yahoo/AFP) 08/10/2013
  • Photo: Anna Kornuta of Ukraine competes in the women's long jump qualification at the IAAF World Athletics Championships at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/10/2013
  • Photo: Maryna Bekh of Ukraine competes in the women's long jump qualification at the IAAF World Athletics Championships at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/10/2013
  • Photo: Yevhen Vynohradov of Ukraine competes in the men's hammer throw qualifying round during the IAAF World Athletics Championships at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/10/2013
  • Куда делся 1 млн. 437 тыс. 151 украинец Кубани? [1,437,151 Ukrainians disappeared from Kuban between 1926 and 1939. Where did they go?] ( 08/10/2013
  • Athletics-Broken nose shatters Semenova's discus hopes (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/10/2013
  • Athletics-World championships men's pole vault qualification overview [14. Oleksandr Korchmid (Ukraine) 5.40; 19. Ivan Yeryomin (Ukraine) 5.40; 21. Vladyslav Revenko (Ukraine) 5.40] (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/10/2013
  • Athletics-World championships women's 3000m steeplechase heats overview [11. Valentyna Zhudina (Ukraine) 9:37.79 Q] (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/10/2013
  • Natalia Semenova injured in freak discus accident (Boston Herald/AP) 08/10/2013
  • Beneath The Surface In U.S.-Russian Relations (NPR) 08/10/2013
  • Stray Ukrainian Train Arrives to Wrong City (RIA Novosti) 08/10/2013
  • Foreign Ministry checking reports about detention of Ukrainians in Moscow on suspicion of triple murder (Interfax-Russia) 08/10/2013
  • Snowden affair has not led Russia, U.S. to new Cold War – Lavrov (Interfax-Russia) 08/10/2013
  • Ukraine’s Olha Kharlan takes gold at World Fencing Championship (Interfax-Russia) 08/10/2013
  • Athletics-World Combined Events Challenge World championships men's decathlon results [24. Oleksiy Kasyanov (Ukraine)] (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/10/2013
  • Fans stay away as worlds get off to sweaty start [Ukrainian Natalia Semenova will not forget the event in a hurry either after being cracked in the face by Zaneta Glanc during the Pole's discus-swinging warm-up routine.] (Reuters) 08/10/2013
  • Обама поставив Росію на паузу через розбіжності (Українська правда) 08/10/2013

  • Епоха Кучми: десять неоднозначних років (BBC) 08/09/2013
  • Kerry wants to discuss Snowden, other issues in 2+2 consultations (Interfax-Russia) 08/09/2013
  • 500-Year-Old Easter Egg Discovered In Ukraine: Report (PHOTO) (Huffington Post) 08/09/2013
  • Former Ukrainian University Rector Escapes House Arrest (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/09/2013
  • Ukrainian man cited in Neb. for watercraft crash (Grand Island Independent) 08/09/2013
  • Ukraine return excites Neustadter ( 08/09/2013
  • Ukrainian Fraudster in $5 Million Cyber Scam Sentenced in NY (RIA Novosti) 08/09/2013
  • Ukraine Premier Seeks Lifetime Ban of Bloodhound Gang Musicians (RIA Novosti) 08/09/2013
  • Russian Vodka On The Rocks In New York's Gay Bars (RFE/RL) 08/09/2013
  • Interview with a Young Ukrainian Poet. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 08/09/2013
  • Jeremiah's Hope Camp in the Ukraine (South Cheatham Advocate Newspape) 08/09/2013
  • Ukrainian plane [carrying live hens] catches fire at Leipzig Airport, no one hurt (Interfax-Russia) 08/09/2013
  • PM threatens to ax rate-hiking officials (Ukrainian Journal) 08/09/2013
  • Fire-crippled coal power plant to restart in December, says official (Ukrainian Journal) 08/09/2013
  • Banking group calls for cancellation of new NBU forex procedure (Ukrainian Journal) 08/09/2013
  • Ukraine and Kazakhstan to step up military and technical cooperation (Ukrainian Journal) 08/09/2013
  • Ukrainian Freighter Loaded With Chickens Catches Fire in Leipzig (Bloomberg) 08/09/2013
  • Ukraine's FX reserves to fall further, adding to debt pressures (Business Recorder) 08/09/2013
  • Canada needs to nudge Ukraine toward EU (Winnipeg Free Press) 08/09/2013
  • Moscow Urges Kazakhs To Ban Ukrainian Candy (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/09/2013
  • Peach prices start growing in Ukraine (FreshPlaza) 08/09/2013
  • Brazil Interested In Cooperation With Ukraine In Oil Producing, Fishing And Military Sectors (Ukrainian News Agency) 08/09/2013
  • Report: Ukrainian police foil plot to desecrate relic (Catholic Culture) 08/09/2013
  • US to help Ukraine achieve energy independence (ForUm) 08/09/2013
  • EU Association Agreement unconstitutional, says Regions politician (Ukrainian Journal) 08/09/2013
  • The Tech Trailblazers Awards reaches tech startups across Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan with iHUB (IT News Online) 08/09/2013
  • Deal of the Day: Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union Savings Interest Rates at 3.00% APY (Go Banking Rates) 08/09/2013
  • Knights of Columbus expands to Ukraine and Lithuania (RISU) 08/09/2013
  • New papal document tightens safeguards against money-laundering (RISU) 08/09/2013
  • Photo: Ukrainian Dmitry Balandin poses with his wooden model Cylon in his flat in Zaporizhzhya August 6, 2013. It took Balandin, who works as a crane operator, six months to build the model from 500 parts. Balandin says he does not use blueprints and designs the parts as he works on them. He says he would love to build metal models but that is impossible to do so in his small apartment. He plays with Cylon as a child would play with a doll or Lego toy, and is now making a girlfriend for his model. He hopes to eventually build an entire model family and have them displayed at exhibitions and galleries. (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/09/2013
  • Ex-rector Melnyk couldn’t stand information about intention to arrest him, says lawyer (Interfax-Russia) 08/09/2013
  • Alarming News: Why a Mysterious Periodical is Provoking Anxiety. As the civilized world notes the slow death of the printed press, Ukraine is experiencing a real boom in print media (Ukrainian Week) 08/09/2013
  • Досудове розслідування 'врадіївської справи' завершено - прокуратура (Українська правда) 08/09/2013
  • Мельник втік з-під домашнього арешту (TCH) 08/09/2013
  • Олександр Северин: '…і всім іншим особам' (Майдан) 08/09/2013
  • А ви чули про «список Фюле»? Українська громадськість виступає локомотивом для виконання владою й політиками угод щодо асоціації з Євросоюзом (Україна Молода) 08/09/2013

  • Notes from Orange Revolution in Ukraine (Nehanda Radio) 08/08/2013
  • Ukrainian Students 'Shadow' the Law in Kansas (RIA Novosti) 08/08/2013
  • 'Judgement Day' for freedom of artistic expression. Natalia Zabolotna, the director of the Mystetskyi Arsenal Museum, incited surprise and outrage when she destroyed a painting – on display in the gallery – by artist Volodymyr Kuznetsov. Entitled “Koliyivshchyna: Judgement Day”, the work was to be presented as part of an exhibition... (Art Media Agency) 08/08/2013
  • Accusations against Ukrainian fisherman are ungrounded, says Ukraine's Foreign Ministry (Interfax-Russia) 08/08/2013
  • Ukrainian Carder in $5 Million Ring Sentenced to 14-Plus Years in Prison (Wired) 08/08/2013
  • Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU: a moment of conscious choice for the Eastern neighbour (Lithuania Tribune) 08/08/2013
  • Multiple vehicle pileup injures 16 in Ukraine (UPI) 08/08/2013
  • Racism and agression: African students' daily struggle in Ukraine (The Observers) 08/08/2013
  • PM threatens to ax rate-hiking officials (Ukrainian Journal) 08/08/2013
  • The 'five-day' war marks five years. [E]xactly five years have passed since the beginning of the Russia-Georgia armed conflict which took place in August 2008. (The Day) 08/08/2013
  • Money and geopolitics. The Day’s experts tried to find out what would happen to the hryvnia in the near future and how the Vilnius summit would affect the currency’s stability in the long run (The Day) 08/08/2013
  • A Ukrainian prepares 'desktop' for Bill Gates. One more national company signs a cooperation agreement with the world-famous company Microsoft (The Day) 08/08/2013
  • Addressed a wrong structure. Leonid KRAVCHUK: 'It is in the authority of the Verkhovna Rada to consider the actions by the 148 MPs, not the SBU… The MPs’ address to Polish Sejm was a political one, therefore the decision on their responsibility must be political, too' (The Day) 08/08/2013
  • Medicinal agency warns of medicine sold by unlicensed retailers (Ukrainian Journal) 08/08/2013
  • Largest Ukraine petrochemical company to resume operation in September (Ukrainian Journal) 08/08/2013
  • Number of people injured in Stirol accident grows to 26, say Horlivka authorities (Interfax-Russia) 08/08/2013
  • Authorities probe top Stirol management (Ukrainian Journal) 08/08/2013
  • Berezovets: Ukraine needs broad information campaign for EU membership (BSANNA NEWS) 08/08/2013
  • Europeans press Ukraine’s leader to accept deal on Tymoshenko, in return for trade pact (euronews) 08/08/2013
  • Five-century-old Easter egg discovered in Lviv [PHOTO] (Interfax-Russia) 08/08/2013
  • Russian Tashuev becomes new coach of Metalurh Donetsk (Interfax-Russia) 08/08/2013
  • Court orders Yatseniuk to retract his statements about Kliuyev’s involvement in May 18 events in Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 08/08/2013
  • Top Ukranian law students here to learn (Osawatomie Graphic) 08/08/2013
  • Ukraine: Perception vs. Reality (The Augusta Chronicle) 08/08/2013
  • Shakhtar signs Brazil's Bernard for $33 million ( 08/08/2013
  • Westinghouse still facing difficulties in Ukraine (Pittsburgh Post Gazette) 08/08/2013
  • Regional council in Ukraine diverts from small diversion hydropower in the Carpathians (WWF International) 08/08/2013
  • Burrowed In Brooklyn: A Little Ukranian Beach Town (NPR) 08/08/2013
  • Ukraine retains 28th spot in FIFA ranking (NRCU) 08/08/2013
  • Belarus, Ukraine draw up roadmap for joint farm machinery production (National Legal Internet Portal) 08/08/2013
  • Commission has 3 theories about Stirol accident, says prosecutor (Ukrainian Journal) 08/08/2013
  • Яценюк програв суд Клюєву (BBC) 08/08/2013
  • «Оздоровчі» від нардепа. «УМ» дізналася, скільки депутатів у період відпусток відмовилися від спеціальних бонусів на оздоровлення та додаткової матеріальної допомоги (Україна Молода) 08/08/2013

  • Ukraine's 'Museum of Yanukovych's Promises' Flush With Exhibits (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/07/2013
  • Джеймс Шерр: «Україною керують не ті, хто наблизив би її до Європи, і Росія цим користується сповна» (Майдан) 08/07/2013
  • First Day of Muslim Holiday Eid al-Fitr Declared Official Holiday in Crimea (RISU) 08/07/2013
  • On the 'path of purification'. Oleksii PODOLSKY: 'The Gongadze case is a symbol of the government’s permissiveness. But the goal is not to take revenge on Kuchma… The goal is to open this 'ulcer' in order to teach others a lesson' (The Day) 08/07/2013
  • Ukraine's 'Museum of Yanukovych's Promises' Flush With Exhibits (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/07/2013
  • Recognizable images. Exhibition of artwork by Volodymyr Sliepchenko launched in Lviv (The Day) 08/07/2013
  • Ukrainian Artist Brings 'Boring' Software Art to Miami [Aleksiy Say] (RIA Novosti) 08/07/2013
  • Photo: Robot arms assemble cars at the Avto ZAZ plant, major Ukrainian car maker, in Zaporizhzhya, 500 km (311 miles) southeast of the capital Kiev (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/07/2013
  • A complete translation of the Quran into Ukrainian was published in Saudi Arabia, marking the anniversary of Ukraine’s acquaintance with the Islamic East (The Day) 08/07/2013
  • Moldovan government gives Roshen products clean bill of health (Ukrainian Journal) 08/07/2013
  • 5 workers killed by Stirol ammonia cloud (Ukrainian Journal) 08/07/2013
  • Stirol to pay UAH 1 m to families of employees killed in ammonia pipe explosion (Interfax-Russia) 08/07/2013
  • Environmental situation in Horlivka remains stable, town’s chief sanitary doctor says (Interfax-Russia) 08/07/2013
  • Ukraine consumer prices fall 0.1% in July after holding steady in June (Ukrainian Journal) 08/07/2013
  • Almost all Roshen products not up to par, says Russian agency (Ukrainian Journal) 08/07/2013
  • Ukraine hopes to start dialogue on Roshen with Russia this week (Interfax-Russia) 08/07/2013
  • New US Ambassador Pyatt presents credentials to Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister (Interfax-Russia) 08/07/2013
  • [Polish president] Komorowski 'ready to risk being pelted with eggs' for the sake of good relations with Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 08/07/2013
  • SBU sees no signs of treason in MPs’ address to Polish Sejm with request to recognize Volyn tragedy as genocide of Poles (Interfax-Russia) 08/07/2013
  • Kazakhstan’s Financial Police files new charges against Ablyazov (Interfax-Russia) 08/07/2013
  • Ukraine Bans Bloodhound Gang Bassist for 5 Years for Flag Desecration (The Moscow Times/RIA Novosti) 08/07/2013
  • Ukraine - cheapest tourist destination among UNWTO's top 20 (eTurboNews) 08/07/2013
  • Ukraine bans US Bloodhound Gang rocker for flag insult (BBC News) 08/07/2013
  • Bishop Milan Shashik: Celebrating the 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus, We Cannot Forget Sts. Cyril and Methodius (RISU) 08/07/2013
  • First Ecumenical Bicycle Pilgrimage from Zarvanytsia to Kyiv (RISU) 08/07/2013
  • Program of the Pilgrimage to UGCC Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ [17-18 August, on the occasion of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine] (RISU) 08/07/2013
  • Evangelicals, Adventists, Lutherans and Orthodox Armenians Prepare for Joint Conference Dedicated to 1025th Anniversary of Baptism of Rus (RISU) 08/07/2013
  • «Кину все та поїду до Америки...» Мандрівник iз Генічеська проміняв сите життя українського чиновника на романтику вільного пілігрима (Україна Молода) 08/07/2013

  • Expert: The number of life sentences in Ukraine increased twice since 2000 (The Ukrainian Week) 08/06/2013
  • James Sherr: 'People governing Ukraine are not going to get it closer to Europe, and Russia is taking a full advantage of this'. Chatham House’s James Sherr speaks on Russian diplomacy and the Kremlin’s possible efforts to hamper Ukraine’s real European integration (The Ukrainian Week) 08/06/2013
  • Caught in a Zeitnot. Developments in Ukraine and the lack of effect from the standard techniques of the Russian World have unnerved Vladimir Putin. This may push the Kremlin to radical steps to disrupt the signing of the Association Agreement and DCFTA with the EU and to eliminate the threat of a possible shift in Ukraine’s foreign policy after the 2015 presidential election (The Ukrainian Week) 08/06/2013
  • Chernivtsi TV channel staff asks EU for protection from government (Ukrainian Journal) 08/06/2013
  • Trans-Ukraine to build $100 million fuel complex in Mykolaiv region (Ukrainian Journal) 08/06/2013
  • Government Slavery: 470,000 Officials Become Hostage to the Regime. The new 'anticorruption' law turns 470,000 public servants into obedient servants ready to fulfil the will of the Yanukovych Administration (The Ukrainian Week) 08/06/2013
  • Ukraine: 5 killed, more than 20 sickened in ammonia release at chemical plant (Washington Post/AP) 08/06/2013
  • Case against Vradiivka rapists changed to attempted murder (Interfax-Russia) 08/06/2013
  • Ukrainian president wants WWII submarine lifted from seabed (Interfax-Russia) 08/06/2013
  • Valery TODOROVSKY: 'The bitter truth was hard to accept at all times' (The Day) 08/06/2013
  • Orthodox Priest Killed in Pskov (RISU) 08/06/2013
  • Former Ukrainian ambassador to US says why Yanukovych did not congratulate Obama on his birthday (Interfax-Russia) 08/06/2013
  • Ukraine - Cheapest Tourist Destination Among UNWTO's Top 20 [Worldwide News Ukraine press release] (Sacramento Bee/PRNewswire) 08/06/2013
  • President signs law exempting Ukrainians from property tax this year (Ukrainian Journal) 08/06/2013
  • Justice in Ukraine - no country for ordinary people? ( 08/06/2013
  • EU: Kiev should scrap auto recycling law (Ukrainian Journal) 08/06/2013
  • Kazakhstan gives Roshen products clean bill of health but mulls ban (Ukrainian Journal) 08/06/2013
  • State arms exporter reportedly sells cracked BTR-4 APCs to Iraq (Ukrainian Journal) 08/06/2013
  • Ukrainian hackers wreck Bloodhound Gang's Web site (Interfax-Russia) 08/06/2013
  • World Bank may lend Ukraine $800 million for deficit, says official (Ukrainian Journal) 08/06/2013
  • Ukraine's PGO probing scam with cars undelivered to Libya, two suspects on wanted list (Interfax-Russia) 08/06/2013
  • Ukraine market so weak, few have interest in stocks ( 08/06/2013
  • Ukrainian rights activist Dmytro Groisman dies (Interfax-Russia) 08/06/2013
  • Ukraine sign natural gas production deal with foreign consortium (SteelGuru) 08/06/2013
  • Ukraine: Cake attack as 'Chocolate War' intensifies (BBC) 08/06/2013
  • Врадіївських ґвалтівників звинувачують у замаху на вбивство (BBC) 08/06/2013
  • Два з семи. Наметове містечко біля Печерського райсуду відзначило дворіччя ув’язнення Юлії Тимошенко (Україна Молода) 08/06/2013

  • Mugging FEMENist Protesters in Ukraine. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 08/05/2013
  • 'The Fall of the West' and 'the Russian matrix' (Continued). Lilia SHEVTSOVA: “There is only one way out of the crisis of the Western civilization: to restore the values and principles of freedom (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • 'We are the cause of all our troubles'. A well-known economist and regular Den reader, Oleksandr PASKHAVER, on why and when he 'lost interest in pure economics' (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • 'Booster charge' for a bibliophile. Public Virtual Library for books and gadgets lovers opened in Kyiv. Such libraries are successfully operating in New York, Romania, and Russia (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • Welcome, Mr. Pyatt! (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • Plaque to commemorate Khrystofor Baranovsky. The Ukrainian People’s Republic’s first finance minister’s memory honored in Cherkasy (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • Previously unknown Ukraine. The Day peeked behind the scenes of the Hryhorii Veriovka National Choir in Israel and saw how the audience there received Ukrainian cultural product (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • The Ukrainian Miracle to be presented in Italy: Eight Ukrainian silent films, restored and dubbed, commissioned by Dovzhenko Center to be presented at the largest 32nd Pordenone Silent Film Festival (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • When clay speaks. Oksana Hrudzynska presented her anniversary exhibition at the National Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art Museum (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • Nearly 400,000 Hasidim have visited Uman over the past 20 years. 20,000 supporters of this religious movement will come to Uman in early September (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • The two paradigms of faith: reflections on the visits of Patriarch Kirill to Ukraine and Pope Francis to Rio de Janeiro (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • Moment of truth. Why Vilnius-2013 must not become Bucharest-2008 for Europe (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • Lest Vilnius-2013 become Bucharest-2008. Or How the European Choice will have to be defended before the summit in the Lithuanian capital city (The Day) 08/05/2013
  • Pro-Tymoshenko Rally Marks Two Years Since Her Arrest (RFE/RL) 08/05/2013
  • The Kremlin Tries Charm to Counter E.U. (New York Times) 08/05/2013
  • Photo: Bassist Jared Hasselhoff of the rock group Bloodhound Gang is seen urinating on the Ukranian flag during a concert in Kiev (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/05/2013
  • Ukraine investment in Norwegian shipyard (The Motorship) 08/05/2013
  • Benghazi Release of Ukrainian ship and crew 'imminent' (Libya Herald) 08/05/2013
  • Is the next energy hub in Ukraine? (Christian Science Monitor) 08/05/2013
  • Ukraine's Foreign Ministry waiting law enforcers' evaluation of US rock group's anti-Russia prank (Interfax-Russia) 08/05/2013
  • Ukraine investigates US rock band's flag misuse (Reuters) 08/05/2013
  • Tymoshenko supporters mark the Ukrainian leader's second anniversary in jail (YouTube/euronews) 08/05/2013
  • Mejlis Head Mustafa Jemilev [Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People] Undertook a Minor Pilgrimage to Mecca (RISU) 08/05/2013
  • Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame to induct 10 [Nicholas Krawciw] (Stars and Stripes) 08/05/2013
  • 'Fake rock' Russian spy plot: anti-Putin activists left between rock and hard place (Guardian) 08/05/2013
  • Tymoshenko spends two years behind bars (Interfax-Russia) 08/05/2013
  • Belarus and Russia in a 'chocolate war' against Ukraine (Russia Today) 08/05/2013
  • Pressure mounts on prez to free former PM (Ukrainian Journal) 08/05/2013
  • Resumption of Karpatnaftokhim operations delayed, Lukoil rep reports (Ukrainian Journal) 08/05/2013
  • Kazakh government launches investigation of Roshen products (Ukrainian Journal) 08/05/2013
  • 19 Ukraine sailors reportedly to be freed once Ukraine returns autos (Ukrainian Journal) 08/05/2013
  • Ukraine to Consult Experts for Movie Funding Decisions (Hollywood Reporter) 08/05/2013
  • Ukraine sends note to Russia on release of Ukrainian fisherman (ForUm) 08/05/2013
  • Ukraine Court Upholds Deportation of Russian Hate Killer Suspect [Mikhail Volkov, a member of the Battle Organization of Russian Nationalists (BORN)] (RIA Novosti) 08/05/2013
  • Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry waiting law enforcers’ evaluation of US rock group’s anti-Russia prank (Interfax-Russia) 08/05/2013
  • Bloodhound Gang’s onstage stunt disgusting – U.S. ambassador to Russia Michel McFaul (Interfax-Russia) 08/05/2013
  • Case on Russian flag desecration by Bloodhound Gang member opened (Interfax-Russia) 08/05/2013
  • Tymoshenko supporters rally in central Kyiv (Interfax-Russia) 08/05/2013
  • Ukrainian premier back from vacation, sets to work (Interfax-Russia) 08/05/2013
  • Over Five Hundred Roman Catholics Gathered for a Mass at St. Volodymyr’s Hill (RISU) 08/05/2013
  • Bangladesh imports 200000 tons of Ukrainian wheat (UkrAgroConsult) 08/05/2013
  • Five school students of Ternopil become winners of all-Ukrainian historical cultural competition (NRCU) 08/05/2013
  • Kyivstar provides e-ticketing service for Ukrainian Railways (Telecompaper) 08/05/2013

  • Islamic group test ground in calm Ukraine (Saudi Gazette) 08/04/2013
  • Ukraine to supply maize to China in October-November (Business Recorder) 08/04/2013
  • Ukraine: The Energy To Change Course ( 08/04/2013
  • No Show in Russia for Bloodhound Gang [Jared Hasselhoff, the bass guitarist for the American rock group Bloodhound Gang, crumpled a Russian flag, unbuttoned his pants and pulled the flag through his...] (New York Times) 08/04/2013
  • 'Bloodhound Gang' Forced Out Of Russia (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/04/2013
  • US Rock Group Inadvertently Worsens Tensions (The Moscow Times) 08/04/2013
  • Finland, Ukraine take singles golds at World Games ( 08/04/2013
  • Europeans press Ukraine's leader to accept deal on Tymoshenko, in return for trade pact (Reuters) 08/04/2013
  • Rouhani: Iran, Ukraine Bilateral Ties Growing (Fars News Agency) 08/04/2013
  • Shakhtar Donetsk 3 - 1 Dynamo Kyiv All Goals & Full Match Highlights (YouTube/FutbolOnlayn) 08/04/2013
  • In Ukraine, A New Way Of Looking At Pain – And Death (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/04/2013
  • Ukrainian Premier League: Shakhtar Donetsk vs Dynamo Kyiv Match Preview (Inside Futbol) 08/04/2013

  • Ukraine's central Mosque holds Ramadan Iftar (Press TV) 08/03/2013
  • New US Ambassador Pyatt arrives in Kyiv, embassy says (Interfax-Russia) 08/03/2013
  • Can Ukraine resist Putin's pull? (The World Outline) 08/03/2013
  • Crafty artisanal jewelers of Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 08/03/2013
  • Ukrainian Couple May Face Jail for Nightclub Sex – Reports (RIA Novosti) 08/03/2013
  • Ukraine Hopes For Germany's Support In Signing Association Agreement With EU (Ukrainian News Agency) 08/03/2013

  • Why Should Ukrainians Care About Navalny? Yet another opposition activist in prison has a cumulative effect on the whole post-soviet sphere (The Ukrainian Week) 08/02/2013
  • Deactivation. Why civil activists in Ukraine face a new wave of repression (The Ukrainian Week) 08/02/2013
  • Ukrainian museum director destroys critical painting ahead of president's visit [Natalia Zabolotna, director of the Mystetskyi Arsenal art museum in Kyiv] (Art Daily) 08/02/2013
  • Ukraine: When Reform Isn't (Transitions Online) 08/02/2013
  • Ukraine executive loses match-fixing appeal; club could be expelled from Champions League (Washington PostAP) 08/02/2013
  • Ukraine's Metinvest boosts iron ore pellet output for third-party sales (Platts) 08/02/2013
  • Pictured: The glamorous Ukrainian blonde who led to fugitive oligarch's capture after detectives tailed her from London’s High Court to his luxurious French hideout (Daily Mail) 08/02/2013
  • Kiev Boryspil Airport tenders duty free and F&B concessions at Terminal D (MoodieReport) 08/02/2013
  • Ukraine initiates meat exports to Palestine ( 08/02/2013
  • Ukraine club could be tossed from Champions League (Kansas City Star/AP) 08/02/2013
  • Ukrainian man accused of Mohammed Saleem murder will face trial at Old Bailey (Birmingham Mail) 08/02/2013
  • Surplus of Ukraine's balance of payments reaches $2.2 b in H1 (Interfax-Russia) 08/02/2013
  • Belarus bans imports from Ukraine winery (Ukrainian Journal) 08/02/2013
  • Ukraine's Government to Introduce Tax on Film Exhibition (Hollywood Reporter) 08/02/2013
  • Ukrainian statue finds new home on U of S campus. A garden outside the Murray Library at the U of S becomes the home of Lesya Ukrainka (CJME) 08/02/2013
  • Ukraine to accelerate imports of Russian natural gas ahead of winter (Ukrainian Journal) 08/02/2013
  • Ukraine's budget deficit increases 81.2% on the month in June (Ukrainian Journal) 08/02/2013
  • Confectionery talks to start with Russia next week, says Ag minister (Ukrainian Journal) 08/02/2013
  • Naftogaz Subsidies Bleed Ukraine as Yanukovych Options Dwindle (Businessweek) 08/02/2013
  • UPDATE 1-Ukraine to supply 120000 T of maize to China in Oct-Nov (Reuters) 08/02/2013
  • Ombudsperson: No legal way for Tymoshenko’s treatment abroad (Interfax-Russia) 08/02/2013
  • FC Karpaty to pay footballer Marquez EUR 600,000 in debt and compensation (Interfax-Russia) 08/02/2013
  • Ukrainian World Congress urging Yanukovych to free Tymoshenko immediately (Interfax-Russia) 08/02/2013
  • Peresopnytsia museum has assembled a unique collection of Bibles (RISU) 08/02/2013
  • Dognal to Yanukovych: If You Sign Agreement to Join EU, You Will Lose Position as President [dated 8/1/2013] (RISU) 08/02/2013
  • What A Punk Sensibility Can Teach You About Embracing Chaos [Gogol Bordello] (Fast Company Magazine) 08/02/2013
  • Trial set for Ukrainian man accused of 'terror-related murder' in Birmingham. Pavlo Lapshyn, 25, charged with killing Mohammed Saleem, 82, and further offences related to explosions near Midland mosques (The Guardian) 08/02/2013
  • Ten children hospitalized with serous meningitis in Zhytomyr Oblast of Ukraine (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 08/02/2013
  • Photo: Ukraine's Daryna Zevina swims in the women's 200m backstroke heats during the World Swimming Championships at the Sant Jordi arena in Barcelona (Yahoo/Reuters) 08/02/2013

  • Researching Complexity, Stupidity and Weakness. Writer Marina Lewycka talks about Ukrainians in the UK, her writing and the modern era of dishonest people (Ukrainian Week) 08/01/2013
  • Fort Myers attorney helps Ukraine's legal system (The News-Press) 08/01/2013
  • Crowd violence mars Europa League game in Ukraine ( 08/01/2013
  • Museum Director in Ukraine Paints Over a Mural She Doesn't Like (New York Times) 08/01/2013
  • Dissident Kazakh Ablyazov faces extradition to Ukraine (Reuters) 08/01/2013
  • Screwed up: hammers, nails and the Eastern Partnership (The Day) 08/01/2013
  • Classic Soviet Cars On Display In Ukraine (RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty) 08/01/2013
  • Early success for Ukrainian fracking (UPI) 08/01/2013
  • Prez sends DPM to Libya to free prisoners (Ukrainian Journal) 08/01/2013
  • Ukraine's economy contracts in Q2, heightening need for help from IMF (Ukrainian Journal) 08/01/2013
  • Russian inspectors boost scrutiny of Ukrainian confectionaries (Ukrainian Journal) 08/01/2013
  • Trade group asks government to get Russians to lift Roshen ban (Ukrainian Journal) 08/01/2013
  • Project Ukrainian Barbie: Is the Farce Over? (Forbes) 08/01/2013
  • Tymoshenko, Ukraine and the EU ( 08/01/2013
  • No reason to raise housing and utilities rates for households in Ukraine, says minister (Interfax-Russia) 08/01/2013
  • Ukraine's [An-225] Mriya, Ruslan aircraft carry special commercial cargo in interests of foreign customers (Interfax-Russia) 08/01/2013
  • Ukraine divided over legacy of Nazi fighters. Local men who fought as part of the SS are remembered either as traitors or patriotic heros (The Times of Israel/AP) 08/01/2013
  • HC orders sale of abandoned Ukrainian Ship (Zee News) 08/01/2013
  • LN: Czech court turns down Ukrainian porn star's asylum effort [Anastasia Hagen-Hryshai] (Prague Daily Monitor) 08/01/2013
  • Melnyk placed under house arrest (ForUm) 08/01/2013
  • Melnyk signs letter of resignation from rector’s post (ForUm) 08/01/2013
  • Official placed under house arrest for first time in Ukraine [Melnyk] (Interfax-Russia) 08/01/2013
  • Kyiv Court of Appeals upholds verdict to Pavlychenko father and son: life imprisonment and 13 years in jail respectively (Interfax-Russia) 08/01/2013
  • Facebook: Altman says he is ready to return TVi to Kagalovsky (Interfax-Russia) 08/01/2013
  • Ukraine’s government postpones for 3 months entry into force of new rules of property appraisal, says minister (Interfax-Russia) 08/01/2013
  • Photo: Ukrainian dressed in the SS Galician Division uniform stand in the guard of honor during re-burial ceremony on the SS Galician Division cemetery near the village of Chervone in western Ukraine on Sunday, July 21, 2013. Western Ukraine marked the 70th anniversary of creation of the SS Galician Division. (Yahoo/AP) 08/01/2013
  • Photo: Ukrainian women take photo with a man dressed in the SS Galician Division uniform in front of the monument to SS Galician Division near the village of Yaseniv in western Ukraine on Sunday, July 21, 2013. Western Ukraine marked the 70th anniversary of creation of the SS Galician Division. (Yahoo/AP) 08/01/2013
  • Photo: Yevhen Kutsik, 86, former soldier of SS Galician Division, right, and a young Ukrainian nationalist wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the neo-Nazi slogan “white pride worldwide” lay a wreath to a monument to SS Galician Division near the village of Yaseniv in western Ukraine on Sunday, July 21, 2013. Western Ukraine marked the 70th anniversary of creation of the SS Galician aDivision. Writing on the wreath ribbon reads: 'To the killed soldiers of the Galician Division.' (Yahoo/AP) 08/01/2013
  • Photo: An Orthodox priest prays as Ukrainians dressed in the SS Galician Division uniform carry a coffin with remains of a Division soldier at the SS Galician Division cemetery during re-burial ceremony near the village of Chervone in western Ukraine on Sunday, July 21, 2013. Western Ukraine marked the 70th anniversary of creation of the SS Galician Division. (Yahoo/AP) 08/01/2013
  • Dissident Kazakh Ablyazov faces extradition to Ukraine (Reuters) 08/01/2013
  • Photo: SS Galician Division veterans, left and right foreground, and men dressed in the Divison uniform in front of the monument to SS Galician Division near the village of Yaseniv in western Ukraine on Sunday, July 21, 2013. Western Ukraine marked the 70th anniversary of creation of the SS Galician Division. (Yahoo/AP) 08/01/2013
  • No alternative: Kyivan Rus', Rus’-Ukraine, Ukraine > Europe (The Day) 08/01/2013
  • 'We see Ukraine's future in Europe'. Observations and contemplations of US Ambassador to Ukraine John F. Tefft (The Day) 08/01/2013
  • Still a long way to go… Monument to Stalin is to be installed in Gori again. Ivanishvili says nothing, as well as the intelligentsia… (The Day) 08/01/2013
  • Travel around Ukraine movement is gaining momentum in Kharkiv. It all started when The Day’s editor-in-chief suggested “intellectual tours” as the way to go (The Day) 08/01/2013
  • The experience of overcoming. German President Joachim Gauck urges Russia to follow the example of Germany and repent of the Soviet regime’s crimes (The Day) 08/01/2013
  • 'The Bells of the Lemko's Land' are ringing in a new festival (The Day) 08/01/2013
  • If Russia dared to confront its traumatic Soviet past, could the country stop reliving it? David Satter’s 'It Was a Long Time Ago and It Never Happened Anyway: Russia and the Communist Past' (2011): 'There was such inhuman, unimaginable misery, such a terrible disaster, that it began to seem almost abstract, it would not fit within the bounds of consciousness,' wrote Boris Pasternak after a trip to the Ukraine in 1931.] [dated 12/18/2011] (The Daily Beast) 08/01/2013
    2013 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]

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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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