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BRAMA Computing and Software Friday, July 26, 2024, 23:50 EDT
Configure your PC
System Configuration
fonts, keyboards, zipping/compression
Windows 3.1, 95/NT, DOS
Internet Applications
·WWW Browsers
Netscape, MSIE, AOL
Eudora, Netscape, AOL
SimpTerm, NetTerm, Trumpet Telnet
Netscape, MSIE
PC Applications
FoxPro, Access
Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus

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Ukrainianization of Windows/PC/DOS-based Applications
·Configure your Mac:
Ukrainianization of Macintosh by Zenon Feszczak (non-technical)
·RUSTEX-L Cyrillic Encoding FAQ (Technical)
·Cyrillic Encoding Tables (Technical)

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System Configuration - WWW Browsers
System Configuration - WWW Browsers
Netscape, MS Internet Explorer, AOL
MS Internet Explorer AOL
In order to use the instructions which follow it is necessary for you to have fonts installed from BRAMA along with a WWW browser.
Netscape WWW browsers are available from Netscape.
Microsoft WWW browsers are available from Microsoft.
To configure Netscape versions 3, 4 to show webpages in Ukrainian
Netscape Version 3
  1. From the drop-down menus click Options, then
  2. click General Preferences, then
  3. click Fonts (here you assign fonts to particular character set encodings.) To assign fonts to KOI8 and CP1251 encodings, you
  4. Select Cyrillic from the For the Encoding drop-down list box
  5. At Use the Proportional Font, click Choose Font and select either ER Bukinist 1251 or ER Univers 1251; for size it is recommended to select a number between 9 and 12, depending on your preference.
  6. At Use the Fixed Font, click Choose Font and select ER Kurier 1251; for size it is recommended to select a number between 9 and 12, depending on your preference.
  7. Select Cyrillic(KOI8-R) from the For the Encoding drop-down list box
  8. At Use the Proportional Font, click Choose Font and select either ER Bukinist KOI-8 or ER Univers KOI-8; for size it is recommended to select a number between 9 and 12, depending on your preference.
  9. At Use the Fixed Font, click Choose Font and select ER Kurier KOI-8; for size it is recommended to select a number between 9 and 12, depending on your preference.
  10. Click Ok to confirm your choices and close the dialog box.

Some pages in Ukrainian or Russian are set to automatically switch to the proper encoding. For those that aren't you need to select the proper encoding. The steps for this are:

  1. From the drop-down menus click Options, then
  2. select Document Encoding, then
  3. select either Cyrillic(Win1251) or Cyrillic(KOI8-R) In addition, since it might not be readily apparent as to which encoding is being used you might need to try one and then the other. Lastly, some web pages specify specific font faces; if you don't have those fonts faces installed you won't be able to see the pages properly.

Netscape Version 4
  1. From the drop-down menus click Edit, then
  2. Preferences, then
  3. Fonts
  4. Select Cyrillic from the For the Encoding drop-down list box
  5. For Variable Width Font Select either ER Bukinist 1251 or ER Univers 1251; for size it is recommended to select a number between 9 and 12, depending on your preference.
  6. For Fixed Width Font Select ER Kurier 1251; for size it is recommended to select a number between 9 and 12, depending on your preference.
  7. Select User Defined from the For the Encoding drop-down list box
  8. For Variable Width Font Select either ER Bukinist KOI-8 or ER Univers KOI-8; for size it is recommended to select a number between 9 and 12, depending on your preference.
  9. For Fixed Width Font Select ER Kurier KOI-8; for size it is recommended to select a number between 9 and 12, depending on your preference.
  10. Click Ok to confirm your choices and close the dialog box.

Some pages in Ukrainian or Russian are set to automatically switch to the proper encoding. For those that aren't you need to select the proper encoding. The steps for this are:

  1. From the drop-down menus click View, then
  2. select Encoding, then
  3. select Cyrillic(Win1251) for pages in CP1251 or User Defined for webpages in KOI8. Netscape 4 does have a setting for Cyrillic KOI8-R, however, currently it doesn't work properly for most variants of KOI8 for Ukrainian. In addition, since it might not be readily apparent as to which encoding is being used you might need to try one and then the other. Lastly, some web pages specify specific font faces; if you don't have those fonts faces installed you won't be able to see the pages properly.

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To configure MS Internet Explorer (MSIE) 2, 3, 4
MSIE Version 2
This version of MSIE does not have any capablities for using Cyrillic fonts. We recommend you download a newer version of a web browser from either Netscape or Microsoft.

MSIE Version 3
  1. On the View menu, click Options
  2. On the General tab, click the fonts you want in the Proportional Font and Fixed-Width Font boxes
  • Some pages use predetermined colors and fonts instead of the ones you specify.
  • Microsoft's Native Language Support (NLS) module (available for no cost from their website for Win95 and WinNt) provides basic fonts and installation programs which work better with their browsers.

MSIE Version 4
In development ...
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To configure AOL Browsers to show webpages in Ukrainian
In AOL's Windows 3.1 WWW browser the fonts are hard-coded and cannot be changed. However, you can access the web through AOL using another browser. It is recommended that you install one from Netscape.
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These pages in their conception owe a great deal to the work of
Matvey Palchuk's Russification of Macintosh and
Zenon Feszczak's Ukrainianization of Macintosh pages.
Much thanks to them.

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