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BRAMA Computing and Software Friday, July 26, 2024, 19:42 EDT
Configure your PC
System Configuration
fonts, keyboards, zipping/compression
Windows 3.1, 95/NT, DOS
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·BRAMA Computing
·Brief Explanations of Software Available at this Server
·Configure your PC:
Ukrainianization of Windows/PC/DOS-based Applications
·Configure your Mac:
Ukrainianization of Macintosh by Zenon Feszczak (non-technical)
·RUSTEX-L Cyrillic Encoding FAQ (Technical)
·Cyrillic Encoding Tables (Technical)

·Macintosh (fonts, keyboards, other)
·Unix/Linux (fonts, utility, keybd)
·Windows 3.1 (fonts, keyboards, other)
·Windows 95/98/NT (fonts, keyboards, other)
·DOS (fonts, keyboards, other)

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System Configuration - Specific
System Configuration - Specific
... on zipping/compression, fonts, and keyboards utilities
Font Installation Keyboard Installation
Instructions presented here, though possibly applicable in general terms to other software, are primarily meant to facilitate the installation and configuration of software available at BRAMA.
Many files and programs obtainable on the Internet, including fonts and keyboard drivers found at BRAMA, are distributed in "zipped" format. This is a defacto convention used for compressing and/or bundling related files. After retrieving "zipped" or compressed files and programs, and prior to their installation and configuration, it is necessary to "unzip" or uncompress them. It is recommended that prior to doing this that you create separate directories/folders where to store these extracted files.

For zipping/uncompression the following shareware programs obtainable from Simtelnet are recommended for each of the three principle operating system variants in use on PCs:

For DOS: Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.31: Free zipfile extractor
For Windows 3.1: WinZip v6.3 SR-1 16-bit
For Windows 95/NT: WinZip v6.3 SR-1 32-bit
Each program comes with fairly complete instructions.
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Font Installation
Windows 3.1
  1. Download fonts and unzip them to their own directory/folder.
  2. Open Control Panel in the Main Window
  3. In the Control Panel window, choose the Fonts icon. The Fonts dialog box appears.
  4. Choose the Add button.
  5. Open the Drives list, and then select the drive that contains the fonts you want to add. Then select the directory where the fonts are located.
  6. From the List Of Fonts box, select the fonts you want to add. You can extend the select to add several fonts at once. Or, to add every font in the list choose the Select All button.
  7. Select the Copy Fonts To Windows Directory check box.
  8. Choose the Ok button. Then choose the Close button. Windows 3.1 adds the fonts to your windows\system directory making them available for use in Windows applications.

Windows 95/NT
  1. Download fonts and unzip them to their own directory/folder.
  2. Find the Control Panel Window by pressing the
    1. Start Button, then
    2. Settings, then
    3. Control Panel.
  3. In the Control Panel Window, double-click the Fonts icon
  4. From the File menu, choose Install New Font. The Add Fonts dialog box appears.
  5. In the Drives field, select the drive that contains your new fonts.
  6. If necessary, select the folder from the Folders list.
  7. To select all fonts, choose Select All, or to select individual fonts, hold down Ctrl as you click each font name in the List of Fonts.
  8. If you want to copy the files to your Fonts folder, make sure the Copy Fonts to Fonts Folder check box is selected.
  9. Click Ok. Windows 95/NT adds the new fonts to your Fonts folder, and they are now available for use in Windows applications
In DOS fonts are (generally) not installed on the system level; rather, integrated screen/keyboard drivers are used to work with Ukrainian text. r -- ( is a program available at BRAMA which falls into this category; the readme.eng file which is bundled with the program provides documentation.
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Keyboard Installation
Download necessary keyboard drivers and unzip them to their own directory/folder. Our recommendations:
For Windows 3.1 - use Winkey and
For Windows 95/NT - use Ukrainian Keyboard
For DOS - use r -- (
Windows 3.1
  1. Run install.exe
  2. Choose the Ok button in response to "Copy Program Files to Your Hard Disk?"
  3. Choose No in response to "Would you like to add multilingual Windows system fonts?"
  4. Copy the ukr1251a.wkb, ukr866a.wkb, and ukrkoi8.wkb files to the ~\winkey\keyboard directory
  5. Run winkey.exe.
  6. Choose Yes in response to " Would you like to turn this helpful but annoying feature off now?"
  7. Click on the Winkey icon and select Menu Configure ...
  8. In the middle column configure keyboards for Ukrainian KOI8, Ukrainian DOS, and Ukrainian Windows by selecting the ukrkoi8.wkb, ukr1251a.wkb, and ukr866a.wkb files, respectively and then click on Exit
  9. Click on the Winkey icon and select Alternate Keyboard ... to select the keyboard layout appropriate for your application
  10. Use Scroll Lock to switch to typing in Ukrainian
Windows 95/NT
  1. Read the Readme.txt file
  2. Run UkrKbd.exe
  3. Select from two codings - KOI8 or CP1251
  4. Select from four toggle options
  5. Select type of layout preferred - Transliterated/Phonetic or YTsUKEN (Typewriter)
  6. Choose the Ok button
  7. Use your toggle option to switch to typing in Ukrainian.

In DOS keyboard drivers are (generally) integrated with screen fonts to work with Ukrainian text. r -- ( is a program available at BRAMA which falls into this category; the readme.eng file which is bundled with the program provides documentation.
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These pages in their conception owe a great deal to the work of
Matvey Palchuk's Russification of Macintosh and
Zenon Feszczak's Ukrainianization of Macintosh pages.
Much thanks to them.

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