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BRAMA Computing and Software Saturday, July 27, 2024, 04:24 EDT
·BRAMA Computing
·Brief Explanations of Software Available at this Server
·Configure your PC:
Ukrainianization of Windows/PC/DOS-based Applications
·Configure your Mac:
Ukrainianization of Macintosh by Zenon Feszczak (non-technical)
·RUSTEX-L Cyrillic Encoding FAQ (Technical)
·Cyrillic Encoding Tables (Technical)

·Macintosh (fonts, keyboards, other)
·Unix/Linux (fonts, utility, keybd)
·Windows 3.1 (fonts, keyboards, other)
·Windows 95/98/NT (fonts, keyboards, other)
·DOS (fonts, keyboards, other)

Interactive Forums
· Subscribe to:
or go to the Computer Archives.
· ukr.* newsgroups

Digital Images
· Digital Embroidery traditional sidebars, dividers, etc.
· Ukragrafix large collection of wallpapers, sidebars, dividers, icons, graphics sets
· Icons for Windows
· Tryzub art images

Other Resources

Cyrillic/Ukrainian Configuration of PC Applications
These pages offer advice and instructions on how to install and configure Windows/DOS Cyrillic fonts and keyboard drivers available from BRAMA for use with Ukrainian.

Part I -- offers an overview along with specific instructions on installing fonts and keyboard drivers
Part II -- has instructions on configuring Internet applications such as WWW Browsers, Email, Telnet, and Usenet Newsreaders.
Part III -- covers configuration of PC Applications such as databases and word processors.

Part I
General Concepts
This section offers an introduction to concepts such as encodings, keyboard utilities, and zipping/compression.
System-specific instructions
System-specific instructions covering the unzipping/uncompression and installation of fonts and keyboard drivers on Windows 3.1, Windows 95/NT, and DOS systems.
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Part II - Internet Applications
WWW Browsers
WWW browsers enable access to multimedia information located on computers attached to the Internet. This information is usually presented in "pages" of formatted text, images, and also sometimes sound. This section covers the necessary configuration of browsers such as Netscape, AOL, and MS Internet Explorer to view pages in Ukrainian.
Electronic mail functions much like its paper counterpart, providing an easily understandable way of sending messages of various size to other people all over the world. Configuration of Eudora Lite, Netscape Mail, MS Internet Explorer, and AOL to receive and send email in Ukrainian are covered in this section.
Telnet gives a user the possiblity to be on one computer system and do work on another, which may be in the next office, across the street or thousands of miles away. Oftentimes, it is possible to access Usenet News and Email through Telnet. Here we cover how to configure Telnet programs such as SimpTerm, NetTerm, Trumpet Telnet, and Windows 95/NT Telnet to work in Ukrainian.
Usenet News
Usenet news are postings tagged with one or more universally recognizable labels, called either newsgroups or groups (such as soc.culture.ukrainian) for short. Programs known as newsreaders enable users to read and post articles to various newsgroups. This section is still in development.
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Part III - PC Applications
Word Processors
Word Processors facilitate the creation, editing, and maintenance of various documents including letters, briefs, and other similar types of materials. In this section configuration of MS Word and WordPerfect to use Ukrainian are covered.
Database applications store, collect, group, and facilitate the analysis of information. Configuraton of Foxpro and Access are covered here. This section is still in development.
Spreadsheets facilitate the analysis of information in a datasheet setting. Configuraton of Lotus, Excel, and Quattro Pro are covered here. This section is still in development.
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These pages in their conception owe a great deal to the work of
Matvey Palchuk's Russification of Macintosh and
Zenon Feszczak's Ukrainianization of Macintosh pages.
Much thanks to them.

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