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  • Ukraine leader speaks with US vice president amid coalition talks (AFP/Yahoo) 03/31/2006
  • Yushchenko sees 'orange' coalition (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/31/2006
  • Ukraine leader expects pro-Western allies to reunite (AFP/Yahoo) 03/31/2006
  • Orange Forces May Not Support Yushchenko. By Natasha Lisova (AP/Yahoo) 03/31/2006
  • Man cleared of laundering cash for hooker gang (icSouthlondon) 03/31/2006
  • Radical Ukrainian nationalism and the war in Chechnya. By Andrew McGregor (Jamestown Foundation) 03/31/2006
  • Council race and cash stir up more questions (Oregonian) 03/31/2006
  • City: No recourse in apparent violations (Oregonian) 03/31/2006
  • Hundreds rally in Kyrgyz protest, tension high (Reuters/AlertNet) 03/31/2006
  • Opinion: Whose Ukraine? By Viktor Erofeyev (IH Tribune) 03/31/2006
  • Ladies fіrst, або бідна Юля (Українська правда) 03/31/2006
  • Experts assess Ukraine's parliamentary elections (BRAMA) 03/31/2006
  • Експерти у США аналізують українські вибори. Мирослава Ґонґадзе (VOA) 03/31/2006
  • Pope seeks to bring back Christian values to core EU (Financial Times) 03/31/2006
  • ЦВК: остаточні результати будуть у квітні (BBC Ukrainian) 03/31/2006
  • Єхануров: політики повинні повернутися з війни (BBC Ukrainian) 03/31/2006
  • Ukrainian egg decorating taught in Port Angeles (Peninsula Daily News) 03/31/2006
  • «Добрий день, професоре К. Малевич», або Історія однієї знахідки на чернівецькому горищі (Україна молода) 03/31/2006
  • CEC Counts 100% Of Voting Protocols: Party Of Regions 32.12%, Tymoshenko Bloc 22.27%, Our Ukraine 13.94%, SPU 5.67%, CPU 3.66% (Українські новини) 03/31/2006
  • Abramov, Vekselberg Named in U.S. Suit (Moscow Times) 03/31/2006
  • Richest Ukrainian Pledges Strong GDP (AP/Moscow Times) 03/31/2006
  • Ukrainian rocket to launch U.S. satellite from Pacific in April (RIA) 03/31/2006
  • Газ і світло дорожчають (Львівська газета) 03/31/2006
  • Fitch Upgrades Ukraine's Bank Mriya To 'BB-'; Off Rating Watch Positive (BRAMA) 03/31/2006
  • Ukraine’s energy sector regulator votes to hike gas prices by 25% (Ukrainian Journal) 03/31/2006
  • Yushchenko assures US of pro-West course (Ukrainian Journal) 03/31/2006
  • Commission ends vote counting, says five parties may enter Parliament (Ukrainian Journal) 03/31/2006
  • Виборча кампанія була дорожчою за попередню (Deutsche Welle) 03/31/2006
  • РЕЗУЛЬТАТИ ВИБОРІВ. Остаточні попередні результати (Українська правда) 03/31/2006
  • Spend an evening with Peter Ostroushko (Bozeman Daily Chronicle) 03/31/2006
  • Вибори-2006. Час виправляти помилки. Микола Томенко (Україна молода) 03/31/2006
  • Склад майбутньої Верховної Ради. Повний список [3/30/06] (Україна молода) 03/31/2006
  • Михайло Ратушний: Майбутня коаліція має бути без дідівщини. Учасник парламентської комісії з нагляду за виборами підбиває підсумки кампанії (Україна молода) 03/31/2006
  • Adopted Ukrainian boy becomes geography whiz (Birmingham News) 03/31/2006

  • Юлiя Тимошенко – гість Російської служби Голосу Америки (VOA) 03/30/2006
  • Експерти у США аналізують українські вибори (VOA) 03/30/2006
  • Ахметов про умови коалiцiї з Нашою Україною (VOA) 03/30/2006
  • Тимошенко каже про таємнi коалiцiйнi розмови (VOA) 03/30/2006
  • Процес формування коалiцiї затягується (VOA) 03/30/2006
  • Photo: Vedernikova Marija, 6, the only child in the 30 km (18 miles) exclusion zone around the closed Chernobyl nuclear power plant, waves through the window of her home in Chernobyl March 30, 2006. Ukraine is preparing to mark the 20th anniversary of the world's worst nuclear disaster, when a reactor at the Chernobyl plant exploded, spreading a radioactive cloud across Europe and the Soviet Union. (Reuters) 03/30/2006
  • Photo: Mihail Radkevich and Anna Kalita, who live together after their partners died, stand in front of photographs from their earlier lives in their home in the village of Ilinci inside the 30 km (19 miles) exclusion zone around the closed Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Reuters) 03/30/2006
  • U.S. Envoy Contrasts Belarus with Flourishing Democracy in Ukraine (USDOS) 03/30/2006
  • Russia Bans Wine From Moldova, Georgia in Trade Spat (Update1) (Bloomberg) 03/30/2006
  • Conservatives Ready to Offer Apology and Redress to Chinese Canadians [...who once paid a hefty head tax for the privilege of settling in Canada] (Epoch Times) 03/30/2006
  • Turkish School Awarded 'Ukraine's Best School' (Zaman) 03/30/2006
  • Immigration debate crux: jobs impact (CS Monitor) 03/30/2006
  • Christian Science Monitor journalist released unharmed in Iraq. Jill Carroll update (CS Monitor) 03/30/2006
  • Revolutions gone astray in Eurasia (Asia Times) 03/30/2006
  • Small quake in Ukraine, not many hurt (Trinidad Express) 03/30/2006
  • Ex-premier [Yulia Tymoshenko] of Ukraine vows softer approach to business. By Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/30/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks during a news conference in Kiev, March 30, 2006. The Central Election Commission issued results for Ukraine's parliamentary election with 99.52 percent of the vote counted giving Tymoshenko block 22.26 percent of the vote. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/30/2006
  • Ukraine's richest man pledges to reverse sluggish economy if pro-Russian party takes power (AP/Kyiv Post) 03/30/2006
  • Photo: Rinat Akhmetov, an eastern Ukrainian steel and coal magnate who is considered Viktor Yanukovych's main financial backer, speaks to the media in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, March 30, 2006. Ukraine's richest man pledged Thursday to reverse the country's sluggish economy and respect all post-Soviet privatization deals if his pro-Russian party returns to power. (AP/Yahoo) 03/30/2006
  • Former Prime Minister [Tymoshenko] Lauds Ukraine's 'First Honest Elections in Fifteen Years' (VOA) 03/30/2006
  • Orange is not the only colour. Russian speakers in Ukraine's Crimean peninsula have helped vote out Viktor Yushchenko, writes Tom Parfitt (Guardian) 03/30/2006
  • No major changes as vote-counting in Ukraine nears completion [99.9%] (Interfax-Russia) 03/30/2006
  • Briefing: Ukraine court weakens Telenor rights in venture (IH Tribune) 03/30/2006
  • Chernovetskiy calls for protests as Kiev mayor seeks to cancel vote (Ukrainian Journal) 03/30/2006
  • Фініш виборів в малюнках (Українська правда) 03/30/2006
  • Український цуг-цванг (Українська правда) 03/30/2006
  • Чи стане Тимошенко прем’єром, а Безсмертний спікером? Рейтинги від 'Української правди' (Українська правда) 03/30/2006
  • Політичні кольори України (Високий замок) 03/30/2006
  • П'ятірка лідерів виборів лишається незмінною (BBC Ukrainian) 03/30/2006
  • Останній ривок (Львівська газета) 03/30/2006
  • 'Наша Україна' не поспішає підписувати 'помаранчевий' меморандум (Deutsche Welle) 03/30/2006
  • Повний перерахунок? Не смішіть! (Україна молода) 03/30/2006
  • Ukraine to keep pro-Western course, reforms, Prime Minister says (Ukrainian Journal) 03/30/2006
  • Budget deficit widens on poor tax revenue (Ukrainian Journal) 03/30/2006
  • Schroeder Named Chairman of Gas Pipeline [bypasses Ukraine] (AP/Yahoo) 03/30/2006
  • Gazprom Chief: Belarus Must Pay [European] Gas Rates (AP/Yahoo) 03/30/2006
  • Kroes Energy initiates exploration and development in western Canada; Provides update on Ukrainian situation (Yahoo! Finance) 03/30/2006
  • Ukrainian border guards discover 10 detonators on train headed to Azerbaijan (AP/Kyiv Post) 03/30/2006
  • Eastern European roots (Pittsburgh Tribune-Review) 03/30/2006
  • Gas Deal Roils Ukraine and May Have Cut Leader's Vote. By Steven Lee Myers and Andrew E. Kramer (NY Times) 03/30/2006
  • Photo: Oleg A. Palchikov, the managing director of a company [RosUkrEnergo] now set to control Ukraine's natural gas, is registered as living at this home outside Moscow where the residents say they have never heard of him. (NY Times) 03/30/2006

  • Author writes to right Da Vinci Code errors (Catholic Sentinel) 03/29/2006
  • Author writes to right Da Vinci Code errors (Catholic Sentinel) 03/29/2006
  • Преса неоднозначно пише про Тимошенко (VOA) 03/29/2006
  • Doctors Seek Asylum After Exposing Ukraine Abortion for Cosmetics Scandal (LifeSite) 03/29/2006
  • Election defeat a cold shower for Yushchenko. By Oleg Varfolomeyev (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 03/29/2006
  • Аутсайдери хочуть перерахунку голосiв (VOA) 03/29/2006
  • Ukraine history hits home (Courier Post) 03/29/2006
  • Russia, West weigh in on Ukraine coalition talks (AFP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Колишнiй посол Пайфер коментує вибори (VOA) 03/29/2006
  • New Citizens Address Immigration Laws (6ABC) 03/29/2006
  • Today: [NYC Briefing] Ukraine's 2006 Parliamentary Elections: Implications for Business and the International Community (BRAMA) 03/29/2006
  • Photo: A Ukrainian girl watches a partial solar eclipse through a CD in Kiev, Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • U.S. maneuvers to ensure Ukraine joins WTO before Russia - Kosachyov (Interfax-Russia) 03/29/2006
  • Putin: U.S. Setting Back WTO Membership (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Ruslana is ready to take her seat in the Parliament (Forum) 03/29/2006
  • Biography award for a grandfather's tale that became his own (Sydney Morning Herald) 03/29/2006
  • Four arrested for selling residence papers to hundreds of migrants (Kathimerini) 03/29/2006
  • Orange Revolution Chiefs Face Hard Choices (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Yushchenko Meets With Former Ally, Old Foe (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Ukraine president in post-poll talks. By Tom Warner and Stefan Wagstyl (Financial Times) 03/29/2006
  • Ukraine leader meets rivals for coalition talks after election rout (AFP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • 'Orange' coalition could face pro-Russian party opposition (RIA) 03/29/2006
  • Rice: We will work with any Ukrainian government (Forum) 03/29/2006
  • Ukraine's military respects secret ballot (UPI) 03/29/2006
  • Tymoshenko Says Yekhanurov Holds Talks With Yanukovych, Kliuev On Coalition Creation (Українські новини) 03/29/2006
  • Ukraine election official: Disorganization, not fraud, causes lengthy vote count (AP/Kyiv Post) 03/29/2006
  • Party of Regions of Ukraine lead growing [96% counted] (Interfax-Russia) 03/29/2006
  • Photo: Central Election Commission head Yaroslav Davydovych speaks to the media in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, March 29, 2006. Ukraine's election chief on Wednesday blamed the slow vote count following the weekend parliamentary election on disorganization and denied mounting allegations from Ukrainian parties that the delay reflected an attempt to manipulate the results. (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Photo: A TV crewman rests in Central Election Commission in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, March 29, 2006. Some 65 hours after Ukraine's more than 34,000 polling stations locked their doors, Ukraine is still waiting to hear the official word on who won Sunday's parliamentary race. (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Photo: Members of Central Election Commission seen during their meeting in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, March 29, 2006. The Central Election Commission's lengthy vote continued Wednesday, with just more than 94 percent of the votes counted. (AP/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Tymoshenko bloc claims vote rigging, to contest Ukraine election results (RIA) 03/29/2006
  • Election losers in Ukraine demand ballot recount (RIA) 03/29/2006
  • Photo: Pre-election leaflet of Ukraine's former Prime Minister Tymoshenko is seen at entrace of collective kitchen in Chernobyl (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Yanukovych group emerges as winner in Crimean vote, may form govt (Ukrainian Journal) 03/29/2006
  • Parties focus on pro-Western coalition (Ukrainian Journal) 03/29/2006
  • Investment promotion agency wins top European awards (OSCE) 03/29/2006
  • Ukraine court cuts Telenor rights in Kyivstar (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • First Ukrainian listing on London's main market - Shady businesses veiled (EME Russia) 03/29/2006
  • Ukraine in talks to resume direct imports of Turkmen gas in July (Ukrainian Journal) 03/29/2006
  • Azerbaijan seeks to join Central Asian gas pipeline bypassing Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 03/29/2006
  • Chernobyl diary [Chornobyl] (BBC) 03/29/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian police officer working inside exclusion zone around closed nuclear power plant receives examination in Chernobyl (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/29/2006
  • Photo: A sign warning of radiation hangs from a fence around the 30-km exclusion zone around the closed Chernobyl nuclear power plant March 28, 2006. Ukraine prepares to mark the 20th anniversary of the world's worst nuclear disaster, in which a reactor at the Chernobyl plant exploded, spreading a radioactive cloud across Europe and the Soviet Union. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/29/2006

  • МВС не помітило жодних фальсифікацій (VOA) 03/28/2006
  • Вже йдуть розмови про можливi коалiцiї (VOA) 03/28/2006
  • Party of Regions leading with 29.74% of the vote in Ukraine (Part 2) (Interfax-Russia) 03/28/2006
  • Accident victim clings to life (Greenwich Time) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine braces for new coalition (BBC) 03/28/2006
  • Advantage Tymoshenko, As Coalition Talks Off To Slow Start (RFE/RL) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine leader meets rivals in coalition talks after losing key poll (AFP/Yahoo) 03/28/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, left, and Viktor Yanukovych seen during their talks in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, March 28, 2006. Yushchenko began a series of talks Tuesday on forming a parliament majority by hosting his Orange Revolution enemy Viktor Yanukovych in a meeting that could dim hopes of a reunion of the revolutionary allies turned rivals. (AP/Yahoo) 03/28/2006
  • Tymoshenko stakes her claim to power after election success. By Stefan Wagstyl and Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/28/2006
  • Yushchenko under pressure to reunite orange front (Guardian) 03/28/2006
  • A Patchwork Orange in Ukraine (Der Spiegel) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine Teeters Between Two Futures After Voting (LA Times) 03/28/2006
  • Op-ed: Orange election (IH Tribune) 03/28/2006
  • Editorial: The future is still orange (Daily Telegraph) 03/28/2006
  • Heroine of the Orange revolution seeks return as Prime Minister. By Andrew Osborn (Independent) 03/28/2006
  • Op-ed: Mary Dejevsky: So what went wrong with the orange revolution? (Independent) 03/28/2006
  • Observer: Orange and red-faced (Financial Times) 03/28/2006
  • Editorial: Piece Orange together (Financial Times) 03/28/2006
  • This one is a dummy, dummy (Financial Times) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine and Belarus show limits of EU influence (Financial Times) 03/28/2006
  • After Vote, Ukraine Faces Uncertainty Over Coalition. By Steven Lee Myers (NY Times) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine press gloomy after polls (BBC) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine Head Meets With Political Adversary (AP/Fox News) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine's fiery ex-PM puts pressure on president. By Ron Popeski (Reuters) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine president chairs coalition talks after poll. By Ron Popeski (Reuters) 03/28/2006
  • Return of Ukraine alliance in doubt. Heroine of revolution calls on ex-comrade to resist pro-Moscow victor (AP/Denver Post) 03/28/2006
  • EU Monitors Praise Ukraine's Election Conduct (RFE/RL) 03/28/2006
  • Former Ukrainian Premier [Tymoshenko] Says Will Meet President on Coalition (Bloomberg) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine leader gropes for way out of tough spot after key poll (AFP/Yahoo) 03/28/2006
  • Op-ed: Ukraine shows democracy's whims (Baltimore Sun) 03/28/2006
  • Coalition formalities to be settled within week - Tymoshenko (Interfax-Russia) 03/28/2006
  • Party of Regions leading with 30.04% of the vote in Ukraine (Part 2) (Interfax-Russia) 03/28/2006
  • Our Ukraine won't coalesce with Party of Regions - official (Interfax-Russia) 03/28/2006
  • Chernovetski [Kyiv mayor-elect] Threatened Journalists (UNIAN) 03/28/2006
  • Russia's Stance on Neighbors Irks U.S. In another sign of friction with Moscow, a Bush administration official criticizes its approach to elections in Belarus and Ukraine. (LA Times) 03/28/2006
  • Merrill Lynch's Bourrier Deserts Poland for Russia and Ukraine (Bloomberg) 03/28/2006
  • Azerbaijan Official Calls for Pipeline (AP/Yahoo) 03/28/2006
  • Russian markets -- Factors to Watch on March 28 [Ukraine investors worry Tymoshenko may come back] (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/28/2006
  • Ukraine poll drives former allies into each other's arms. By Adrian Blomfield (Daily Telegraph) 03/28/2006
  • Стають «слухняними» оркестри, коли за пультом цей маестро...Відомий американський скрипаль і диригент Адріан Бриттан не шкодує часу, сил і грошей для підтримки молодих українських музикантів [3/25/06] (Високий замок) 03/28/2006
  • Помаранчева чи сіро-буро-малинова? (Високий замок) 03/28/2006
  • Весна іде, косу несе...«Помаранчеві» готуються утворити коаліцію (Україна молода) 03/28/2006
  • «Сюрпризи», які прогнозувалися...Для соціологів результати голосування несподіваними не стали (Україна молода) 03/28/2006
  • «Голоснули» — і забули...Під час виборів українці рвали одне одному бюлетені, не знаходили себе у списках, помирали просто на дільницях і змушували відомих політиків стояти у довжелезних чергах (Україна молода) 03/28/2006
  • Відсутність Литвина в Раді: причини невдачі (BBC Ukrainian) 03/28/2006
  • Вибори в Криму: неофіційні підрахунки (BBC Ukrainian) 03/28/2006
  • Тарасюк: зовнішньополітичний курс України не зміниться (Deutsche Welle) 03/28/2006
  • Ера Омельченка в Києві добігла кінця (Deutsche Welle) 03/28/2006
  • Украдена перемога? (Українська правда) 03/28/2006
  • Справедливість, як вона є (Українська правда) 03/28/2006
  • Ukrainian President Tries to Reunite Team (AP/Yahoo) 03/28/2006
  • Переможці виборів вибирають партнерів у коаліцію (BBC Ukrainian) 03/28/2006

  • Ukrainian elections free and fair, consolidating democratic breakthrough (OSCE) 03/27/2006
  • OSCE Chairman Karel De Gucht welcomes free and fair conduct of elections in Ukraine (OSCE) 03/27/2006
  • Перша реакцiя США на вибори в Українi (VOA) 03/27/2006
  • [AUDIO] President's Party Fares Poorly in Ukraine Elections (NPR) 03/27/2006
  • Orange majority could have between 229 and 257 deputies (Ukrayinska Pravda) 03/27/2006
  • United States Says Ukrainian Elections Seem To Be 'Free and Fair'. Official says preliminary results do not signify repudiation of Orange Revolution (USDOS) 03/27/2006
  • Author of 'Solaris' Dies at 84 [Stanislaw Lem was born into a Polish Jewish family on Sept. 21, 1921, in Lviv, then a Polish city but now part of Ukraine.] (AP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Yanukovich leads in Ukraine with half votes counted (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • U.S. Says Ukraine Elections Were Fair (AP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine vote was 'free and fair': White House (AFP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Klitschko concedes in mayoral race (AP/SI) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine's Orange hero loses zest (BBC) 03/27/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko seen during his meeting with the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Pierre Lellouche in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Image: Graphic shows exit poll results for Ukrainian elections. (AP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine election will not affect rating-Moody's (Reuters) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine leaders jostle for power (BBC) 03/27/2006
  • Orange revolution will survive if old bedfellows get together. By Helen Womack (The Age) 03/27/2006
  • Tough choices for Ukraine president after poll humiliation (AFP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine's Timoshenko May Return as Premier After Vote (Update2) (Bloomberg) 03/27/2006
  • Yushchenko reels from key vote, set to reunite 'orange' team (AFP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine 'orange' liberals mull coalition after poll (Reuters) 03/27/2006
  • Profile: Yulia Tymoshenko (BBC) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine's Tymoshenko seeks to head coalition (Reuters) 03/27/2006
  • Chernovetsky leads in Kyiv mayoral vote (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Photo: Members of the election commission empty a ballot box at a polling station in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, March 27, 2006. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on Monday declared Ukraine's parliamentary elections 'free and fair' and said they had strengthened the ex-Soviet nation's democratic course. (AP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • One million Ukrainian voters unable to cast ballots - elections commission (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Tymoshenko Wants to Cancel Russia-Ukraine Gas Agreement (MosNews) 03/27/2006
  • Sberbank says deal to buy Ukrainian bank on track (RIA) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine divided as pro-Moscow party rallies. By Adrian Blomfield (Daily Telegraph) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine voters punish president (BBC) 03/27/2006
  • Election may set Ukraine on pro-Russia course (Irish Examiner) 03/27/2006
  • Yanukovich makes sweeping advance in Ukraine election (The Scotsman) 03/27/2006
  • Yushchenko scorned as Ukraine turns its back on the orange revolution. By Andrew Osborn (Independent) 03/27/2006
  • Ruling Party Suffers Rout in Ukraine. By Peter Finn (Wash Post) 03/27/2006
  • Over 67% citizens of Ukraine took part in the election (Forum) 03/27/2006
  • [PDF] Вибори в Україні відповідають міжнародним стандартам (IRI) 03/27/2006
  • Ukrainian Elections Meet International Standards (IRI) 03/27/2006
  • Fighting for freedom of the press (News-Miner) 03/27/2006
  • Old guard promises voters end to Ukraine's rift. By Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/27/2006
  • New Jersey Ukrainians get on the bus to exercise democracy (North Jersey) 03/27/2006
  • Українці Німеччини проголосували мляво (Deutsche Welle) 03/27/2006
  • Безсмертний: провладна сила погодиться на висунення кандидатури Юлії Тимошенко на посаду прем’єр-міністра (Deutsche Welle) 03/27/2006
  • Тимошенко: коаліція БЮТ з Соцпартією та «Нашою Україною» забезпечує перемогу над Партією регіонів (Deutsche Welle) 03/27/2006
  • Підрахунок голосів на виборах до Верховної Ради затягується (Deutsche Welle) 03/27/2006
  • CEC Counts 30.13% Of Voting Protocols: Party Of Regions 26.17%, Tymoshenko Bloc 23.73%, Our Ukraine 16.85%, SPU 7.3%, CPU 3.46% (Українські новини) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine pain is over for Scots [Viktor Yushchenko has splashed out €150million to end the dispute over Scotland's Euro 2008 qualifier in Kiev.] (Daily Record) 03/27/2006
  • Shock in Ukraine. By Stefan Wagstyl and Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/27/2006
  • Yushchenko humiliation heralds long uncertainty. By Stefan Wagstyl and Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/27/2006
  • Reform Leader Suffers Setback In Ukraine Vote. By Steven Lee Myers (NY Times) 03/27/2006
  • No Clear Winner in Ukraine. An ex-premier appears to be leading, but lacks a majority. Three parties that lean to the West may have enough seats for a ruling coalition. (LA Times) 03/27/2006
  • Pro-Russia bloc ahead in Ukraine. Elections signal setback for West (Chicago Tribune) 03/27/2006
  • Yanukovych Bests Ex-Orange Revolution (Der Spiegel) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine's Orange revolution turns blue (Mail & Guardian) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine president slows down rush to coalition. By Olena Horodetska (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Orange Revolution Team Face Former Nemesis. By Natasha Lisova (AP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Ukrainian elections free and fair, consolidating democratic breakthrough (OSCE) 03/27/2006
  • Yushchenko’s Our Ukraine suffers defeat (Ukrainian Journal) 03/27/2006
  • Leftist leader [Vitrenko], unhappy with exit poll, calls for street protests (Ukrainian Journal) 03/27/2006
  • Tymoshenko, seen as next PM, vows to cancel Ukraine-Russia gas deal (Ukrainian Journal) 03/27/2006
  • NATO Official Says Europe Should Stick By Ukraine [AFP] (RFE/RL) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine blogs on (Guardian) 03/27/2006
  • EU urges new Ukraine government to continue path to forge closer ties (AP/Kyiv Post) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine investors worry Tymoshenko may come back (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Has Orange Revolution Received New Lease On Life? By Jan Maksymiuk (RFE/RL) 03/27/2006
  • Yanukovych Set To Win Poll, But Not Majority (RFE/RL) 03/27/2006
  • Q&A: why Yushchenko suffered at polls (The Times) 03/27/2006
  • President may form coalition with man he deposed. From Jeremy Page (The Times) 03/27/2006
  • Reeling Ukraine president considers coalition (Guardian) 03/27/2006
  • Photo: Central Election Commission head Yaroslav Davydovych speaks to the media in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, March 27, 2006. The Central Election Commission, meanwhile, began releasing results from first hundreds of ballots counted. They fluctuated wildly, putting Viktor Yushchenko's party and, later, Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc ahead by a broad margin. The first returns came from precincts abroad and the nation's penitentiaries and couldn't be considered a fair reflection of the vote. (AP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Кличко вирішив, що він уже став Омельченком (Українська правда) 03/27/2006
  • Chernovetsky to be Mayor of Kyiv? (Ukrayinska Pravda) 03/27/2006
  • National exit poll results unexpected for Our Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Ukraine's Tymoshenko calls for liberal coalition (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Rivals humiliate Ukraine's Yushchenko in poll (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Official preliminary results of Ukrainian elections published (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Regions Party ready to cooperate with all political forces in parliament - Yanukovych (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Our Ukraine agrees to let Tymoshenko Bloc nominate PM (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Agreement on coalition with Our Ukraine, socialists scheduled for Monday - Tymoshenko Bloc (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Ukrainian Socialist Party leader ready to form 'orange' coalition (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Our Ukraine to nominate Yekhanurov for PM (Interfax-Russia) 03/27/2006
  • Yushchenko seen as big loser in Ukraine's key vote (AFP/Yahoo) 03/27/2006
  • Yanukovich declares victory in Ukraine election (Stuff) 03/27/2006
  • Two faces of democracy: Belarus, Ukraine. The 'freest' vote ever was held in Ukraine Sunday. But Belarus is cracking down on opponents. By Fred Weir (Christian Science Monitor) 03/27/2006

  • Crackdown Splits Opposition in Belarus (Der Spiegel) 03/26/2006
  • Pro-Russian leader declares victory in Ukrainian elections (CBC/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Pro-Russia Forces Poised For Comeback in Key Ukraine Poll (Deutsche Welle) 03/26/2006
  • In pictures: Ukrainians vote (BBC) 03/26/2006
  • [AUDIO] Ukraine Elections Test Democracy Trend (NPR) 03/26/2006
  • ПОПЕРЕДНЯ ЗАЯВА: МІЖНАРОДНА МІСІЯ ЗІ СПОСТЕРЕЖЕННЯ ЗА ВИБОРАМИ до Верховної Ради України – 26 березня 2006 р. (OSCE) 03/26/2006
  • [PDF] Statement of preliminary findings and conclusions on the parliamentary elections in Ukraine, 26 March 2006 (OSCE) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine Parliament Will Enjoy More Power (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Members of election commission empty a ballot box at a polling station in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, March 27, 2006. The Central Election Commission said the count came from precincts abroad and put Our Ukraine ahead with 36.6 percent, followed by former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's bloc with 22.72 percent and pro-Russian opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych's party with 14.2 percent. (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • [AUDIO] 'Orange Revolution' Leader Rebuffed in Ukraine (NPR) 03/26/2006
  • Yanukovych appears to make big gains in Ukraine election (Knight Ridder) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's pro Moscow opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych smiles during a news conference in his party press center in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, March 26, 2006 .Pro-Moscow opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych on Sunday declared his party the winner of the parliamentary election. (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's pro Moscow opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych at a polling station in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday. (CP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Yushchenko Headed For Defeat In Parliamentary Elections (RFE/RL) 03/26/2006
  • Ballot's Complexity Reflects Choices In Elections. By Askold Krushelnycky (RFE/RL) 03/26/2006
  • Tymoshenko Bloc, Our Ukraine, Socialist Party may form majority in parliament - exit polls (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Our Ukraine ready to sign memorandum on coalition (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Yushchenko Beaten Into Third Place in Ukranian Exit Poll. By Peter Finn (Wash Post) 03/26/2006
  • Opposition Regions Party tops 2nd Ukraine exit poll (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Interfax-Ukraine poll gives four parties early lead in elections (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Five parties to get Ukrainian parliament seats - Public Opinion Foundation Ukraine exit poll (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Exit polls give pro-Russia party the largest chunk of votes in Ukraine (CP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Seven parties to get parliament seats - Ukrainian Sociology Service exit poll (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine Opposition Leads in Vote, Exit Poll Shows (Update2) (Bloomberg) 03/26/2006
  • Russia-backed opposition leads in Ukraine: exit polls (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine Exit Polls: Pro-Russia Party Ahead (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine polls close [March 27, 2006 8:30am AEDT] (ABC News (Australia)) 03/26/2006
  • Falsifications at Ukrainian elections not numerous - Regions Party (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych blows a kiss to about 10,000 of his supporters during a rally at Kiev's Victory Square in this Dec. 24, 2004 file photo. Exit polls showed Yanukovych's pro-Russian party taking the largest chunk of votes in Ukraine's parliamentary elections Sunday, March 26, 2006 in a stunning comeback for the man whose ballot-stuffing attempt to win the 2004 presidency triggered the Orange Revolution. (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • [VIDEO] Голос Америки та 5-ий канал провели телеміст (VOA) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine Exit Poll: Pro-Russian Party Ahead (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine: Elections Now, Geopolitical Crisis Ahead (Axis Globe) 03/26/2006
  • Екзит-пол 'Всеукраїнської соціологічної служби' (Українська правда) 03/26/2006
  • Key Players in Ukraine's Elections (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Members of the local electoral commission prepare a ballot for an elderly voter during voting in the parliamentary elections in the village of Muzychi, about 30 km (19 miles) southwest of Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Officials in Crimea and Donetsk impede the conduct of exit-poll (Forum) 03/26/2006
  • Unidentified Person Makes False Claim About Bombs At All Polling Stations In Solomianskyi District Of Kyiv (Українські новини) 03/26/2006
  • Turchynov Believes His Statement About Organization Of Transit Server By Our Ukraine Facilitates Minimization Of Possibilities Of Interference In CEC Server's Work (Українські новини) 03/26/2006
  • Over 58% of Ukrainian voters cast ballot papers by 8:00 pm Kyiv time - CEC (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Davydovych Calls On Mass Media To Avoid Publishing Exit-Poll Results Before 22:00 (Українські новини) 03/26/2006
  • Екзит-пол ФОМ-Україна (попередні дані на 18:00) (Українська правда) 03/26/2006
  • Ukrainian elections for Ruslana, to Belgium in June (Belgovision) 03/26/2006
  • Security Service of Ukraine arrested the first suspect in the so-called 'transit server' case (Axis Globe) 03/26/2006
  • Екзит-пол: Регіони України - 33%; БЮТ - 22%; НУ - 13% (BBC Ukrainian) 03/26/2006
  • Національний екзит-пол'2006 (попередні дані на 18:00) (Українська правда) 03/26/2006
  • Wladimir hits 30! [Klitschko] (Fightnews) 03/26/2006
  • Хід виборів: черги на дільницях (BBC Ukrainian) 03/26/2006
  • Victor Yushchenko’s Television Address (Forum) 03/26/2006
  • Three Ukraines (Ukrayinska Pravda) 03/26/2006
  • Turnout at parliamentary election by 4:00 pm Kyiv time hits 40.46% - CEC (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Members of a local electoral commission prepare a ballot for a voter during voting in the parliamentary elections at a hospital in Lviv, Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: An elderly Ukrainian woman fills in her ballot papers during voting in the parliamentary elections at a poling station in the village of Muzychi 30 km (19 miles) south-west of Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Phoenix set to rise from embers of orange revolt. Old rival ready to take on divided reform camp. From Andrew Osborn in Kiev (Sunday Herald) 03/26/2006
  • Molotov cocktail thrown at Ukrainian polling station (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Chernobyl 20 years on (Guardian) 03/26/2006
  • Living with the fallout [Chernobyl] (Sunday Sun) 03/26/2006
  • Cincinnati still helping Chernobyl (Cincinnati Enquirer) 03/26/2006
  • Discovery of Red Army phrasebook hints at Soviet plans to fight Hitler on British front (The Scotsman) 03/26/2006
  • White House reporters heavy on the humor [Anyone know when we dropped the 'the' before Ukraine?] (Sentinel and Enterprise) 03/26/2006
  • Belarus: 4 Ukrainians released, 3 remain in custody (5TV) 03/26/2006
  • Milla Jovovich: No more action movie (Electric New Paper Singapore) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko casts his ballot during the parliamentary elections at a polling station in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainians cast their ballots at a polling station in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine votes for new parliament in key poll (AFP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Russia-backed opposition set for comeback in Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Talks on Orange coalition to begin Monday (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Our Ukraine - Party of Regions bloc could forge national unity - Kuchma (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • In Ukraine, Moscow's Man Makes Comeback. Kremlin Trying to Maintain Sympathies of Ex-Soviet States. By Peter Finn (Wash Post) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine students, profs visiting U of S, businesses (Times-Tribune) 03/26/2006
  • Corrected: Kyiv, Ashgabat to switch to cash settlements for gas soon -Yekhanurov (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Turkmenistan says Ukraine to pay $169.6 mln gas debt (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian soldiers line up to vote in the parliamentary elections at a polling station in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's pro Moscow opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych, second left, and his wife Lyudmila leave a polling station in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov talks to the media holding his ballot at a polling station in downtown Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine holds parliamentary election (UPI) 03/26/2006
  • Orange Revolution Goes Through First Tough Election (Zaman) 03/26/2006
  • Voter turnout in Ukraine 18% at midday - official (Interfax-Russia) 03/26/2006
  • Voting list warnings for Ukraine (The Scotsman) 03/26/2006
  • Yushchenko hails Ukraine election (Al Jazeera) 03/26/2006
  • Polls Open in Ukraine Parliamentary Poll (VOA) 03/26/2006
  • Ukrainians Voting in First Election Since Revolution (Update3) (Bloomberg) 03/26/2006
  • Ukraine Is the Winner as Nation Heads to the Polls. The first parliamentary election since the Orange Revolution reflects the nuanced politics expected of a democracy. (LA Times) 03/26/2006
  • 20 Years On, UN Accused of Ignoring 500,000 Chernobyl Deaths (MosNews) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's pro Moscow opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych casts his ballot a polling station in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Boxing champ aims for knockout in Ukraine mayor race (AFP/Yahoo) 03/26/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko receives flowers after voting in the parliamentary election at a polling station in Dnipropetrovsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/26/2006

  • Vote inspires hope (North Jersey) 03/25/2006
  • Ukraine: E-mail from readers (North Jersey) 03/25/2006
  • Ukrainians can vote for parliament -- in Kent (King County Journal) 03/25/2006
  • Ukrainian crew [24] rescued off Malaysian after ship sinks (AFP/INQ7) 03/25/2006
  • An eggs-cellent exhibition [Pysanky] (NWI Times) 03/25/2006
  • Reputed Russian Mobsters Arrested in N.Y. (AP/Yahoo) 03/25/2006
  • Will election see Russia's 'stooge' become Ukraine's Comeback Kid? By Andrew Osborn (Independent) 03/25/2006
  • A tale of two elections. Ukraine votes again (IH Tribune) 03/25/2006
  • Láki Námberz. The numbers don't add up for a Kiev moneychanger in this new story by James Meek (Guardian) 03/25/2006
  • Pora Leader Says Party Victim of Dirty Tricks. By Askold Krushelnycky (RFE/RL) 03/25/2006
  • Yanukovych at 30% Before Ukraine Election (Angus-Reid) 03/25/2006
  • Photo: AC Milan forward Andriy Shevchenko of Ukraine controls the ball during the Italian first league soccer match against Fiorentina at San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy (AP/Yahoo) 03/25/2006
  • Opposition Poised for Comeback in Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 03/25/2006
  • Ukrainian parliamentary elections begin (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/25/2006
  • Is the Orange Sun Setting? Viktor Yushchenko’s achievement must be understood in context. By Robert McConnell (National Review) 03/25/2006
  • Ukraine votes, gives verdict on 'Orange' leaders (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/25/2006
  • Big choice for Ukraine in colorful, confusing poll (Reuters) 03/25/2006

  • Ukrainian mafia no longer operates in Czech Republic - consul (Prague Daily Monitor) 03/24/2006
  • Kyiv accuses Moscow of 'political speculation' on language issue (Interfax-Russia) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine poll choice between 'past and future': Yushchenko (AFP/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine FM: Kiev to join EU by 2015 (UPI) 03/24/2006
  • Orange Wave Demonstrators Organize Chicago Ukranian Vote (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections to Occur on Sunday the 26th of March 2006 (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine's ex-premier toughens image [Yulia Tymoshenko] (AP/Baltimore Sun) 03/24/2006
  • Q&A: Ukraine general election (BBC) 03/24/2006
  • Interview: Moldovan President Discusses Transdniester, Ukraine (RFE/RL) 03/24/2006
  • Полiтологи пiдсумовують виборчу кампанiю (VOA) 03/24/2006
  • Влада твердить, що вибори будуть чесними (VOA) 03/24/2006
  • Photo: U.S.-born ethnic Ukrainian Darko Skulsky, an advertising entrepreneur who has produced music videos for Australian pop star Natalie Imbruglia and commercials for Vodafone, is seen with employee Darya in his office in Ukraine's capital Kiev, Friday, March 24, 2006. Ukraine's Orange Revolution did plenty to invigorate business in this ex-Soviet republic, so much so that business leaders say there's no turning back, and certainly no reason to fear uncertainty in Sunday parliamentary elections. (AP/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • Tymoshenko Discusses Postelection Scenarios. By Askold Krushelnycky (RFE/RL) 03/24/2006
  • Kyiv Poised Between Russia And The West (RFE/RL) 03/24/2006
  • U.S., Russia Focused On The Race, Not The Horses (RFE/RL) 03/24/2006
  • Analysis: Moscow Silent In The Run-up To Ukraine's Elections (RFE/RL) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine to cut dramatically dependence on imported energy by 2030 (Ukrainian Journal) 03/24/2006
  • No atom of doubt [Book]...Chernobyl and the safety of nuclear reactors (Guardian) 03/24/2006
  • Photo: Aslan with a campaign sign for the Party of Putin's Politics featuring a photo of the Russian president. (NY Times) 03/24/2006
  • Slidshow: Tensions in Crimea (NY Times) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko May Lose Parliamentary Vote, Poll Shows (Bloomberg) 03/24/2006
  • New Ukraine power struggle looms (BBC) 03/24/2006
  • SBU Detains Suspect In CEC Server Intrusion During 2004 Presidential Vote (Українські новини) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine Boxing Hero Eyes Political Title in Kiev (Deutsche Welle) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine - the Orange tide has turned (Radio Netherlands) 03/24/2006
  • Gas Trader Keeps Orange Team Apart (Moscow Times) 03/24/2006
  • Locals plan big Ukraine vote (Chicago Tribune) 03/24/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov, representing the Our Ukraine party, smiles during a rally in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • Photo: Supporters of the Our Ukraine party campaign wave flags during a rally in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • U.S. ends trade restrictions on Ukraine as Bush signs legislation [Jackson-Vanik] (Ukrainian Journal) 03/24/2006
  • Prez says Our Ukraine to play role in govt (Ukrainian Journal) 03/24/2006
  • Trade-off needed in settling Black Sea Fleet issue - Moscow (Interfax-Russia) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine protests detention of its citizens in Belarus (Interfax-Russia) 03/24/2006
  • Deputy Prosecutor General Shokin Denies Authority's Interest In Dragging Out Examination Of Gongadze Case (Українські новини) 03/24/2006
  • Russian Humanitarian Aid Convoy To Transdniestria Gets Stuck In Ukraine With No Money For Food And Petrol (Українські новини) 03/24/2006
  • Soap, tooth paste and skin care products are most popular in Ukraine (Website) 03/24/2006
  • Українці, лікуймо амнезію, або Чому я досі «помаранчева» (Україна молода) 03/24/2006
  • Комітет виборців України підбив підсумки передвиборної кампанії (Deutsche Welle) 03/24/2006
  • Партія регіонів та БЮТ здійснюватимуть паралельний підрахунок голосів (Deutsche Welle) 03/24/2006
  • Photo: Young Ukrainian couples share a kiss on the so-called Bridge of Love in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian national yellow-and blue flag waves against the St.Sofia Cathedral in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • Op-ed: Faded Orange: why the hero of Kiev faces peril at the polls. By Stefan Wagstyl and Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/24/2006
  • Yanukovich on verge of remarkable political comeback. By Tom Warner and Stefan Wagstyl (Financial Times) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine looks to rival; Orange Revolution sours (The Age) 03/24/2006
  • Ukraine Businesses Hopeful About Elections (AP/Yahoo) 03/24/2006
  • Ethnic and Cultural Divisions Haunt Ukraine Before Vote. By Steven Lee Myers (NY Times) 03/24/2006
  • Photo: Blue flags of the opposition Party of the Regions wave against orange campaign tents of pro-presidential Our Ukraine bloc in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/24/2006

  • США: Україна - стратегічний партнер, друг i союзник. Мирослава Ґонґадзе, Наталiя Леонова (VOA) 03/23/2006
  • President Signs Bill to Strengthen Trade Between U.S. and Ukraine (White House) 03/23/2006
  • Помiж ЦВК i КВУ - розбiжностi в поглядах (VOA) 03/23/2006
  • [VIDEO] President Signs Bill to Strengthen Trade Between U.S. and Ukraine (White House) 03/23/2006
  • Ukraine poll may roll back Orange Revolution ideals (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Bush clears hurdle to Ukraine WTO membership (AFP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Yuschenko: preparation of Bush's visit to Ukraine this year under way (Interfax-Russia) 03/23/2006
  • Bush opens up trade with Ukraine (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • U.S. Ends Trade Restrictions on Ukraine [Jackson-Vanik] (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Буш зняв з України дiю Джексона-Венiка (VOA) 03/23/2006
  • [VIDEO] США: Україна стратегічний партнер, друг i союзник (VOA) 03/23/2006
  • [VIDEO] Держдепартамент коментує вибори в Українi (VOA) 03/23/2006
  • Ukraine: Our Ukraine Envisions New Tymoshenko Alliance. By Askold Krushelnycky (RFE/RL) 03/23/2006
  • United States Graduates Ukraine from Jackson-Vanik Amendment (USUF) 03/23/2006
  • Redoubling the for women’s rights in the former USSR is falling off the international radar screen (Transitions Online) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: Yulia Tymoshenko, Ukraine's ex-premier who leads her own opposition bloc, addresses her supporters, against the background of her bloc's logo, during a rally in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: Supporters cheer Yulia Tymoshenko, Ukraine's ex-premier who leads her own opposition bloc, during her speech at a rally in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: A man stands under 'Born by Revolution' Union flags, supporting former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, head of Ukraines opposition Party of Regions, with a Lenin statue in background, in Donetsk (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: Tatar deputy of the Ukraine's parliament, Mustafa Jemilev, gestures while speaking to Tatar voters in the run-up to Ukraine's parliamentary elections, at a village in Golubinka (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: President Bush signs legislation to authorize the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment to the products of Ukraine... (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Ukraine should be more active on energy market - Yushchenko (Interfax-Russia) 03/23/2006
  • Ukraine to Cut Reliance on Energy Imports (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Moscow regrets Kyiv demands to alter Transdniestria convoy's route (Part2) (Interfax-Russia) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: Supporters of Ukraine's Pora youth democratic movement protest in front of Kiev City Hall,Ukraine,Thursday, March, 23, 2006. On Wednesday, a Kiev police officer shot and seriously wounded a Pora teenage activist as the youth attempted to hang up campaign posters for former heavyweight champion and Kiev mayoral candidate Vitali Klitschko. (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • 'Alexander Archipenko: Vision and Continuity' on the road to Smith College Museum of Art FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/23/2006
  • Converting the spirit. At monastery, monks chant the liturgy, focus on worship (South Bend Tribune) 03/23/2006
  • Belarus Opposition Leader Faces Dilemma (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Fifth day of protests against Belarus leader (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Book Review: Suite Francaise (Sydney Morning Herald) 03/23/2006
  • Yuschenko Vetoes Bill Entitling Residents Of Mountainous Areas To Benefits (Українські новини) 03/23/2006
  • Yuschenko Decorates Kyiv Mayor Omelchenko With Yaroslav The Wise Order (Українські новини) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: Orange campaign tents of pro-presidential Our Ukraine party, white tents of ex-premier Yulia Tumoshenko's bloc, and red tents of the progressive socialists seen in main Independence square in the Ukrainian capital Kiev a few days before the country's crucial parliamentary vote (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: A man with pennants of President Viktor Yushchenko's Our Ukraine party attached to his helmet and bicycle rides through the eastern Ukrainian town of Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • На справу про вбивство Гонгадзе накладено гриф „секретності” (Deutsche Welle) 03/23/2006
  • Tymoshenko Denies President May Dissolve Rada If It Fails To Make Coalition (Українські новини) 03/23/2006
  • Yushchenko warns may disband Parliament (Ukrainian Journal) 03/23/2006
  • Pysanky: Ukrainian Easter Eggs Herald Spring at The Ukrainian Museum FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/23/2006
  • Philadelphia community celebrates Ukrainian bard - Taras Shevchenko -/- УОКЦ шанує пам'ять кобзаря Тараса Шевченка FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/23/2006
  • Conference: Living with radiation in the modern world :: Commemorating Chornobyl - remembering Hiroshima/Nagasaki (BRAMA) 03/23/2006
  • 250 Canadian artists take to the stage to commemorate 20th anniversary of Chornobyl nuclear disaster (BRAMA) 03/23/2006
  • Chernobyl disaster linked to higher rate of infant mortality in Britain (Independent) 03/23/2006
  • Chernobyl 'Killed 1,000 UK Babies' (Sky News/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Plaque Honouring Welsh Journalist, Gareth Jones, To Be Unveiled At University of Wales [] (Website) 03/23/2006
  • Famine Exposure Newspaper Articles relating to Gareth Jones' trips to The Soviet Union (1930-35) (Website) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: Two Antonov AN-124-100 aircrafts sit during a inauguration ceremony on the tarmac of Leipzig-Halle airport March 23, 2006. NATO nations are turning to a Russian-Ukrainian joint venture to help make up for a chronic shortage of large aircraft able to ferry troops and heavy equipment to troublespots. The alliance held a ceremony in Leipzig on Thursday to mark the start of an accord giving it access at a few days' notice to six Antonov-124 Ruslan aircraft. Two of the Antonovs will be based in Leipzig, available at three days' notice. Four will be based in either Ukraine or Russia and will be ready within 6-9 days. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: Pilot Alexander Likhoded of Ukraine sits in the cockpit of an Antonov AN-124-100 aircraft at Leipzig-Halle airport (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Russian-Ukrainian Company Wins NATO Tender for Cargo Aircraft (MosNews) 03/23/2006
  • 'Condor' makes rare landing in Upstate (Greenville News) 03/23/2006
  • Slideshow: Antonov AN124 jet (Greenville News) 03/23/2006
  • Ukraine demands Russian humanitarian convoy alter route (Interfax-Russia) 03/23/2006
  • Ukraine's Naftogaz Ukrainy to take part in Nabucco oil and gas pipelinefrom Turkey to Europe (Interfax-Russia) 03/23/2006
  • EU Leaders Set to Clash Over Energy Policy (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Belarus Media Ignore or Denounce Protests (AP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Belarus protest enters fifth day, but Lukashenko stays firm (AFP/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Sunrise Energy Resources, Inc. - Operational Update (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Local Doctors Treat Girl With Severe Foot Disorder [Olga Vivchar] (ABC7) 03/23/2006
  • 3 charged in massage parlor case. [Oksana Prus, resident alien from Ukraine, charged with third-degree promotion of prostitution, a felony] (Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin) 03/23/2006
  • Trafficking in people on rise in Czech Republic-press (Ceske Noviny) 03/23/2006
  • 5 held in Medicare fraud scheme using elderly patients in state (Mercury News) 03/23/2006
  • Bolshoi Theater veteran to sing at Broadmoor branch library [Ukraine native Martha Kostiuk Hollier, lyric soprano] (Shreveport Times) 03/23/2006
  • Master of the Dance. [Ukrainian-born] Pavel Fomin has long history at Sarasota Ballet (Bradenton Herald) 03/23/2006
  • Photo: Supporters of Ukraine's Pora-PRP party beat barrel drums during a protest in front of Kiev's city hall (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/23/2006
  • Op-ed: Ukraine better off than it seems. By Adrian Karatnycky (Kyiv Post) 03/23/2006
  • Robber barons may yet take back Ukraine [Subscription only] (The Scotsman) 03/23/2006
  • Ukraine: An Endgame For The Orange Revolution? By Jan Maksymiuk (RFE/RL) 03/23/2006
  • Our Ukraine spokesman says 'orange coalition' will be formed before elections (Interfax-Russia) 03/23/2006
  • Ukrainian Diaspora Hopes for Democratic Elections in Ukraine (Forum) 03/23/2006
  • Ukrainian could enjoy regional status in Moscow - presidential envoy (Interfax-Russia) 03/23/2006
  • NBU won’t let hryvnia slide if stable coalition formed after vote (Ukrainian Journal) 03/23/2006
  • Yushchenko says no need to re-negotiate natural gas deal with Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 03/23/2006

  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Darya Taranenko during the Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Darya Taranenko during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Ukraine: Introduction To the March 26 Elections (RFE/RL) 03/22/2006
  • Liberia: Ukrainian Contingent Donates to Four Orphanages (AllAfrica) 03/22/2006
  • Living in the dead zone: 20 years after Chernobyl [The Ukrainian Museum exhibition, NYC] (Villager) 03/22/2006
  • Belarus Election Protesters Wary of Police (AP/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • В Українi пташиний грип наразi нiби подоланий (VOA) 03/22/2006
  • NATO nations turn to Ukraine, Russia for airlift (Reuters/AlertNet) 03/22/2006
  • Спостерiгачi позитивно оцiнюють кампанiю (VOA) 03/22/2006
  • IFC Launches Strategic Development Plan for Ukraine’s Pulp and Paper Secto (Harold Doan) 03/22/2006
  • Ukrainian Eastern Catholic bishops urge voting for moral, economic recovery (CNS) 03/22/2006
  • Photo: A monument to Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, a central figure in Ukrainian history during the 17th century, is seen in Ukraine's capital Kiev Wednesday, March 23, 2006, backdropped by St. Michael's Cathedral. Khmelnytskyi, a leader of Ukrainian Cossacks, announced a union with Russia in 1654, which was to last for over 300 years. The March 26 election will play a key role in determining if this former Soviet republic will continue the pro-Western course adopted by President Viktor Yushchenko. (AP/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Photo: Street actors perform parody of popular Ukrainian politicians, from left, Socialist leader Oleksandr Moroz, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, President Viktor Yushchenko, and parliament speaker Volodymir Lytvyn (AP/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Photo: Street actors perform a parody of popular Ukrainian political leaders of 'orange revolution' former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (L) and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (AP/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Art of the Egg (Saanich News) 03/22/2006
  • A Ukrainian restaurant struggling for survival (North Jersey) 03/22/2006
  • Kyiv City Appellate Court decides to postpone Gongadze case hearing (NCRU) 03/22/2006
  • Women rescued in trafficking op [UK] (BBC) 03/22/2006
  • Ukraine intervenes ahead of polls (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Not the usual suspects: eclectic cast aims for Ukraine's parliament (AFP/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Ukrainian president denies problems with minority languages (RIA) 03/22/2006
  • Photo: oung activists for Russia's United Russia party march in support of Ukraine's pro-Moscow Regions Party on Independence square in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Three main parties vie for power. By Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/22/2006
  • Kyiv Mayor Omelchenko Reports Involvement Of Pravex Bank In Elite Center Fraud (Українські новини) 03/22/2006
  • Russia Expects Other Regions Of Ukraine After Kharkiv To Declare Russian Regional Language (Українські новини) 03/22/2006
  • Russia aims at recognition of the Russian language in Ukraine (Forum) 03/22/2006
  • Photo: A campaign worker for pro-presidential Our Ukraine party distributes campaign flags in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Photo: A Ukranian man casts a shadow on a pre-election tent with a portrait of a former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/22/2006
  • Президент особисто перевірив готовність ЦВК до голосування (Україна молода) 03/22/2006
  • Police arrests activists in Belarus, protests may be losing momentum (Ukrainian Journal) 03/22/2006
  • TransDnistrian leader seeks Russia’s help (Ukrainian Journal) 03/22/2006
  • Bird flu outbreak in Ukraine suppressed - minister (Interfax-Russia) 03/22/2006
  • Пора вимагає арешту міліціонера, що поранив активіста (BBC Ukrainian) 03/22/2006
  • Orange past peels away as Ukraine poll looks likely to avoid dramas. By Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/22/2006
  • Tymoshenko holds secret coalition talks with Our Ukraine, aide says (Ukrainian Journal) 03/22/2006
  • Yushchenko choosing between Tynoshenko and Yanukovych? By Oleg Varfolomeyev (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 03/22/2006
  • Croatian NGO 'GONG' Will Monitor Elections in the Ukraine (SEE Online) 03/22/2006
  • Tymoshenko Expects Yuschenko To Initiate Democratic Coalition (Українські новини) 03/22/2006

  • Former Ukraine PM Tymoshenko Rules Out Coalition with Party of Regions (VOA) 03/21/2006
  • Photo: A couple kiss in front of campaigning tents and flags of Yushchenko's "Our Ukraine" at the Independence square in Kiev (AFP/Yahoo) 03/21/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (L) shakes hands with Serbian and Montenegro Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic as they meet in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/21/2006
  • Посла Гербста переводять на нову посаду (VOA) 03/21/2006
  • State champion gymnast springs into competition [Dianna Kurowyckyj] FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/21/2006
  • «Братки» перефарбувалися в зелено-білі кольори. У Житомирі люди Литвина побили «нашоукраїнця» (Україна молода) 03/21/2006
  • Паском по дупі...б'ють комуністичних агітаторів у Тернополі (Україна молода) 03/21/2006
  • Партію регіонів можуть зняти з виборів до Дніпропетровської облради (Україна молода) 03/21/2006
  • Hryvnia Keeps At 5.06 UAH/USD On Interbank (Українські новини) 03/21/2006
  • Official Unemployment Rate Up 0.1 Percentage Point To 3.3% In February (Українські новини) 03/21/2006
  • Тарасюк: Переговори щодо спрощення візового режиму затягуються (Deutsche Welle) 03/21/2006
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks during a news conference in Kiev, Tuesday March 21, 2006. Tymoshenko pledged that she would never unite with Orange Revolution foe, Viktor Yanukovych, even if such a union would return her to the powerful prime ministerial job after this weekend's parliamentary election (AP/Yahoo) 03/21/2006
  • Revised Ukrainian Law on Non-Profit Registration Remains Problematic for Churches (RISU) 03/21/2006
  • Communist Posters Glued to Roman Catholic Church in Crimea (RISU) 03/21/2006
  • Photo: Supporters of the opposition Progressive Socialist Party shout slogans during a meeting in support of their candidate Natalia Vitrenko in central Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/21/2006
  • Дивитися на покази Українського тижня прет-а-порте ходить дружина Президента Катерина Ющенко, а на подіум у костюмах провідних дизайнерів виходить радник Президента співак Володимир Гришко (Україна молода) 03/21/2006
  • Orange push to win east Ukraine (BBC) 03/21/2006
  • Belarusian Protesters Turn Out Again (AP/Yahoo) 03/21/2006
  • Belarus protesters rally against fraud (Ukrainian Journal) 03/21/2006
  • Photo: A young couple dance during a supporters rally of Belarus' opposition leader Alexander Milinkevich on a main square in central Minsk (AP/Yahoo) 03/21/2006
  • Photo: Supporters of Belarus' opposition leader Alexander Milinkevich stand with banned Belarusian, Ukrainian and EU flags at tents during a rally on a main square in central Minsk (AP/Yahoo) 03/21/2006
  • Protesters defy Lukashenko over poll (Reuters) 03/21/2006
  • How to Handle Europe's Last Dictator? (Der Speigel) 03/21/2006
  • Russia’s role seen in shut gas supplies between Turkmenistan, Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 03/21/2006
  • Telenor Offers Deal to End Russian Feud. By Andrew E. Kramer (NY Times) 03/21/2006
  • Telenor seeks to split with Russia’s Altimo in cell phone sector (Ukrainian Journal) 03/21/2006
  • Antonov to deliver two AN-70 planes to Defense Ministry in 2008 (Ukrainian Journal) 03/21/2006
  • Russia proposes suspending new customs regime on Moldovan-Ukrainian state border ( 03/21/2006
  • Communism Bad for Your Health? (Newswise) 03/21/2006
  • Party of Regions member denies tampering with export figures (Interfax-Russia) 03/21/2006
  • Former state Rep. Schaffer to blog on Ukraine elections (Denver Post) 03/21/2006
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, right, signs autographs for his supporters, as he visits the Antonov aircraft plant during his election campaign in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/21/2006
  • Ukraine's East-West divide runs deep in Crimea (AFP/Yahoo) 03/21/2006

  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designers Tetyana Ostroverhova and Viktor Zavadskiy during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Viktor Anisimov during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo:A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Alexander Vasiliev during Ukrainian Fashion Week (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo:A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Olena Golets during Ukrainian Fashion Week (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • США пiдтримають Україну без РосУкрЕнерго (VOA) 03/20/2006
  • Graph: GDP growth rate - Ukraine (AP/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: A supporter of Belarus' opposition leader Alexander Milinkevich reacts holding a poster of him during a rally on a main square in central Minsk... with banned Belarusian and Nation Ukraine flags (AP/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Ukraine welcomes Russian role in energy (UPI) 03/20/2006
  • США вважають вибори у Бiлорусi нелегiтимними (VOA) 03/20/2006
  • Вибори-2006 обiйдуться Українi в один мiльярд (VOA) 03/20/2006
  • Manitobans head to Ukraine to observe election (CBC) 03/20/2006
  • Canucks to watch over Ukraine vote (Toronto Sun) 03/20/2006
  • Kiev's Economic Performance on Trial (AP/Houston Chronicle) 03/20/2006
  • Putin congratulates Lukashenko on election victory (Part 2) (Interfax-Russia) 03/20/2006
  • Belarusian election turning into a farce. Georgian Parliamentarians Detained in Minsk; Helsinki Commission Staff, Others Denied Visas (CSCE) 03/20/2006
  • Kwaśniewski u jezuitów (Tygodnik Przegląd) 03/20/2006
  • Czech Airline CSA to Open New Line Between Prague and Ukraine's Odessa (AP/Money Sense) 03/20/2006
  • Telenor offers deal to end Russian telecoms row (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Telenor Offers to Sell Stake in Ukrainian Mobile Telephone Group Kyivstar to End Dispute (AP/Money Sense) 03/20/2006
  • Telenor proposal in Ukraine wireless spat (UPI) 03/20/2006
  • Ukraine to harvest 13-14 mln tons of wheat in 2006 (Interfax-Russia) 03/20/2006
  • Ukraine to complete WTO talks by mid-May, Economy Ministry says (Ukrainian Journal) 03/20/2006
  • Ukraine received no gas from Turkmenistan in Jan-Feb, minister says (Ukrainian Journal) 03/20/2006
  • Russia lifts import ban on one more Ukraine dairy firm (Interfax-Russia) 03/20/2006
  • Chicken Kiev added to inflation basket [London] (Reuters) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: People walk outside a Bentley car showroom in central Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: Campaign workers of the pro-presidential Our Ukraine party stand in front their party tents in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, March 20, 2006. On Sunday Ukraine's fourty-five parties will run for the country's crucial parliamentary elections that will usher in constitutional reforms under which key presidential powers will transfer to parliament. Wording on flags and tents reads Our Ukraine. (AP/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Belarusian opposition denounces election (Ukrainian Journal) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: Natalya Vitrenko of the Ukrainian People's Opposition Bloc (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: Supporters of Natalia Vitrenko, a radical socialist who leads the New Opposition bloc running for seats in March's parliamentary elections, shout during a rally in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: Supporters of Natalya Vitrenko's Ukrainian People?s Opposition Bloc shout slogans during an election rally in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk... According to polls Vitrenko's bloc is not among the six parties expected to clear the 3 percent barrier to get to parliament. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko, center, and head of the Central Election Commission, Yaroslav Davydovych, right, watch electronic equipment in the Central Elections Commission in Ukraine's capital Kiev, Monday, March 20, 2006. On Sunday, Ukraine's fourty-five political parties and blocs will run for the new parliament in the counrty's crucial parliamentary elections. (AP/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • Photo: Rinat Akhmetov, right, a Ukrainian coal and steel magnate, is No. 7 on the party list of former prime minister and losing presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych, left, during their meeteng in Donetsk, Ukraine, Sept.30, 2005. There are high expectations of parliamentary majority formed between President Viktor Yushchenko and his rival, who is bankrolled by powerful business magnate Rinat Akhmetov, a former Krivorizhstal shareholder who today is US$1.7 billion (1.4 billion) according to Forbes magazine. Considered the real force behind Viktor Yanukovych, Akhmetov is running for parliament and is widely thought to have his eye on the prime minister's office. (AP/Yahoo) 03/20/2006
  • 'Our Ukraine' bloc dismisses very idea of forming coalition with Regions Party. Roman Zvarych, vice chief of the 'Our Ukraine' election campaign, told this today press conference in Kyiv. (NRCU) 03/20/2006

  • Photo: A skateboarder performs a trick in front of tents promoting President Viktor Yushchenko's Our Ukraine party in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/19/2006
  • Up close with Ukraine vote, pains and all [Orest Temnycky of Clifton traveled to Ukraine...was among the thousands of Ukrainian-Americans who served as election monitors in December 2004] (North Jersey) 03/19/2006
  • Voting Could Move Ukraine Closer to Moscow (AP/Yahoo) 03/19/2006
  • Photo: The leader of the Donetsk regional organization of the Our Ukraine party, Anton Klimenko (L), kisses an orange flag - the symbol of the 2004 Orange Revolution - during an election campaign event in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/19/2006
  • Photo: Campaigner of Ukraine's Socialist party leader, Oleksandr Moros, in pink left, and a supporter of the pro-presidential Our Ukraine party, in orange right, talk to each other in downtown Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/19/2006
  • Transdniester: Legislative Head Comments On Customs Row (RFE/RL) 03/19/2006
  • Photo: A campaigner of parliament speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn's bloc carries his party's green flag in downtown Kiev on Sunday (AP/Yahoo) 03/19/2006
  • OI Provides PJs to Orphans in Ukraine (Oswego Daily News) 03/19/2006

  • Photo: The head of Ukraine's opposition Party of Regions, former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich (L) and an Orthodox priest (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/18/2006
  • Photo: The head of Ukraine's opposition Party of Regions, former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich (R) and his wife Lyudmila lay flowers at his mother's tomb in his Ukrainian home town of Yenakievo (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/18/2006
  • Photo: Two men talk to each other against the background of the portrait of Ukraine's parliament speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn in the Ukrainian capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/18/2006
  • Photo: Supporters of the head of Ukraine?s opposition Party of Regions, former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, shout during a meeting in Ukrainian settlement of Gorlovka 50 km (31 miles) north of Donetsk (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/18/2006
  • West, East Ukraine still split in heated election (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/18/2006
  • Мiнськ сказав «нi» двом спостерiгачам з США (VOA) 03/18/2006
  • Turkmenistan warns Ukraine over gas debts (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/18/2006

  • На кордонi з Молдовою дещо спокiйнiше (VOA) 03/17/2006
  • Фонд першої ледi допомагає лiкарням (VOA) 03/17/2006
  • Прогнозуть помаранчево-блакитну коалiцiю (VOA) 03/17/2006
  • The Credibility Problem of Euro Candidates in Eastern Europe (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 03/17/2006
  • Ukraine concludes WTO talks with Armenia, Columbia (RIA) 03/17/2006
  • Yushchenko to help form coalition in next parliament (Interfax-Russia) 03/17/2006
  • Slavutich to brew Baltika beer (Just-Drinks) 03/17/2006
  • EU, Ukraine, Georgia study gas pipeline (Ukrainian Journal) 03/17/2006
  • Ukraine seeks better ties with Russia after appointing new ambassador (Ukrainian Journal) 03/17/2006
  • Major Ukrainian grain trader misses bond payment, default looms (Ukrainian Journal) 03/17/2006
  • Ukrainian banks triple Eurobond issues to $650 mln in 2005, bank says (Ukrainian Journal) 03/17/2006
  • Ukraine: Prime Minister Cautious About Coalition Government (RFE/RL) 03/17/2006
  • Moldovan Separatists Unblock Border Traffic (AP/RFE/RL) 03/17/2006
  • Гельсінська спілка вказує на брак уваги до проблем прав людини в Україні (Deutsche Welle) 03/17/2006
  • News Analysis: What price democracy? [NY Times] (IH Tribune) 03/17/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuriy Yekhanurov, right, and Ukrainian Coal Industry Minister Viktor Topolov, left, look at a miner's tubber given to Yekhanurov as a souvenir during his visit to a mine in the town of Gorlovka near Donetsk (AP/Yahoo) 03/17/2006
  • Photo: Orange campaign tents are set up to promote the pro-presidential Our Ukraine political bloc in the Independence square in the Ukrainian capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/17/2006
  • Photo: Orange campaign tents of the pro-presidential Our Ukraine political bloc seen in the Independence square in the Ukrainian capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/17/2006
  • ГПУ може відновити справу прослуховування Кучми (BBC Ukrainian) 03/17/2006
  • Вибух передвиборчої бомби: до організації «касет Мельниченка» причетнi Євген Марчук та Олександр Мороз (Україна молода) 03/17/2006
  • „Наша Україна” та БЮТ відправляють спостерігачів у Донецьк (Deutsche Welle) 03/17/2006
  • Суперечки навколо запрошення спостерігачів від СНД (Deutsche Welle) 03/17/2006
  • ENEMO Says Ukrainian Parliamentary Campaign Is Mostly Fair (Ukrainian News) 03/17/2006
  • Election Observers Detained in Belarus (AP/Yahoo) 03/17/2006
  • Дніпропетровська будівельна палата оголошує боротьбу корупції (Deutsche Welle) 03/17/2006
  • Ukraine demands an apology for “CIA prisons” scandal (Forum) 03/17/2006

  • Photo: Olympic champion Lilia Podkopayeva presents an outfit by Ukrainian label WAWA during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/16/2006
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer NB Pustovit during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/16/2006
  • Photo: Models presents a creation by Ukrainian designer NB Pustovit during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/16/2006
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Roksolana Bogutskaya during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/16/2006
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer NB Pustovit during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/16/2006
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Roksolana Bogutskaya during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/16/2006
  • У США презентовано «Помаранчеву революцiю» (VOA) 03/16/2006
  • Pope Benedict XVI commemorates survival of Ukrainian Catholic Church (Catholic Online) 03/16/2006
  • Pope blesses Ukrainian Catholic Church, commemorates its survival (Catholic News Service) 03/16/2006
  • Pope salutes Ukrainian Catholics for braving persecution (Catholic World News) 03/16/2006
  • Pope praises Ukrainian-Catholic Church for upholding Sacred Tradition, communion with Seat of Peter (Catholic News Agency) 03/16/2006
  • Benedict XVI Sees Greek-Catholics as Bridge of Unity; Recalls the Time When Communists Stepped Up Persecution (Zenit) 03/16/2006
  • Greek-Catholic Ukrainian Church: Bonded to Rome (Holy See) 03/16/2006
  • Polish priests fill need for ministers in European countries (Catholic News Agency) 03/16/2006
  • Ukrainian government split on economic growth forecast in 2006 (Ukrainian Journal) 03/16/2006
  • Processing plant opens in Ukraine (Meat News) 03/16/2006
  • RG Securities AG: Ukrainian largest pipe maker and the blue chip of the ... (News-Welt) 03/16/2006
  • Belarus, Ukraine diplomatic row escalates (Ukrainian Journal) 03/16/2006
  • Telenor to change Ukraine unit charter (UPI) 03/16/2006
  • Ukraine's Jews have enough stuff for a museum, but not enough money (JTA) 03/16/2006
  • WBC Supports Klitschko (East Side Boxing) 03/16/2006
  • Реприватизацiя в Українi буде обмеженою? (VOA) 03/16/2006
  • У Бiлорусi очiкують розправу над опозицiєю (VOA) 03/16/2006
  • Oil pipeline between Ukraine, Poland to be profitable, study says (Ukrainian Journal) 03/16/2006
  • Ukraine to rely on nuclear power, coal to enhance energy security (Ukrainian Journal) 03/16/2006
  • Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria Agree on Nuclear Fuel Supplies Bypassing Moldova (RedOrbit) 03/16/2006
  • Belarus warns vote protesters could face death penalty (AFP/Yahoo) 03/16/2006
  • Ukrainian TV channel to span reach overseas (Kyiv Post) 03/16/2006
  • US and Russia push nuclear power (BBC) 03/16/2006
  • Появилася нова версiя вбивства Гонгадзе (VOA) 03/16/2006
  • Ukraine has no plans to restore nuclear missile potential - minister (Interfax-Russia) 03/16/2006
  • Новий спосіб політичної реклами винайшли у Запоріжжі (Deutsche Welle) 03/16/2006
  • Photo: A Ukrainian protester shouts slogans as he holds a poster showing a caricature of Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko during a rally in front of the Belarussian embassy in Kiev (Reuters/AlertNet) 03/16/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian protesters shout slogans during a rally in front of the Belarussian embassy in Kiev (Reuters/AlertNet) 03/16/2006
  • Belarus KGB warns protesters on eve of election (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/16/2006

  • Photo: A model wears a dress by Ukrainian designer Oleksander Kanevsky during fashion show at the traditional spring-summer pret-a-porter Fashion Week in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Photo: A model wears a dress by Ukrainian designer Oleksander Kanevsky during fashion show at the traditional spring-summer pret-a-porter Fashion Week in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Photo: A model wears a dress by Ukrainian designer Roksalana Bogutska during fashion show at the traditional spring-summer pret-a-porter Fashion Week in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Photo: A model wears a dress by Ukrainian designer Roksalana Bogutska during fashion show at the traditional spring-summer pret-a-porter Fashion Week in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Photo: A model wears a dress by Ukrainian designer Roksalana Bogutska during fashion show at the traditional spring-summer pret-a-porter Fashion Week in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian national team soccer player Vladyslav Vashchuk models a suit of his own design during a fashion show at the traditional spring-summer pret-a-porter Fashion Week in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's Olympic gymnast Olena Podkopayeva wears a suit designed by Ukrainian national soccer team player Vladyslav Vashchuk, during fashion show at the traditional spring-summer pret-a-porter Fashion Week in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Photo: A model presents a creation by Ukrainian designer Roksolana Bogutskaya during Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • США: вибори в Українi стали вiльнiшими (VOA) 03/15/2006
  • Matchmaking agency appeals verdict in favor of Ukrainian woman (AP/Daily Press) 03/15/2006
  • Photo: A campaign worker ties a scarf with an emblem of the pro-presidential Our Ukraine party on a snowman in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Нинішня кампанія в Україні не без парадоксiв (VOA) 03/15/2006
  • Ukraine Takes Hard Line On Smuggling Through Transdniester (RFE/RL) 03/15/2006
  • Ukrainian cabinet adopts energy strategy until 2030 (RIA) 03/15/2006
  • Opposition Has No Alternative to Offer Ukraine — Yushchenko (MosNews) 03/15/2006
  • Президент не бачить конкурентів (Львівська газета) 03/15/2006
  • Europarliament: Russia will influence elections in Ukraine (Forum) 03/15/2006
  • Ukrainian NSDC secretary [Kinakh] leaves for Moscow (Interfax-Russia) 03/15/2006
  • Гриценко: Провокація РТР завдала шкоди Україні (BBC Ukrainian) 03/15/2006
  • Ukraine reports $373.5 mln trade deficit in January on gas price hike (Ukrainian Journal) 03/15/2006
  • Belarus: Prominent Writer Sees Little Potential For Change (RFE/RL) 03/15/2006
  • Scots farms still feel Chernobyl effects (Glasgow Herald) 03/15/2006
  • Cast of cliche's falls flat (Toronto Star) 03/15/2006
  • Students learn Ukrainian dance (Bismarck Tribune) 03/15/2006
  • Українцям так і не назвали імена власників Росукренерго (Deutsche Welle) 03/15/2006
  • Ukrainian opposition parties campaign for Russian language (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 03/15/2006
  • Голова німецько-української групи у Бундестазі: не важливо, хто формуватиме уряд у Києві (Deutsche Welle) 03/15/2006
  • Ukraine Attracting Shady Candidates (AP/Yahoo) 03/15/2006
  • Yanukovych declines TV debates with Yekhanurov ahead of election (Ukrainian Journal) 03/15/2006
  • Янукович боїться дебатів? (Львівська газета) 03/15/2006
  • Marchuk-Yednist Bloc, Social-Christian Party To Campaign On National TV (Українські новини) 03/15/2006
  • Report: up to 4m Ukrainians, lacking registration stamp, won't be able to vote (Interfax-Russia) 03/15/2006
  • Cabinet to stabilize situation on Tuzla (Forum) 03/15/2006
  • Ukraine, Moldova seek new railway route (Ukrainian Journal) 03/15/2006
  • Verkhovna Rada bans Nikopol plant privatization (Interfax-Russia) 03/15/2006
  • PGOK signs pellet supply deal with Mittal Steel Kriviy Rih (Interfax-Russia) 03/15/2006
  • New poultry deaths reported in Crimea (Interfax-Russia) 03/15/2006
  • EBRD to finance energy saving projects of Ukraine (Forum) 03/15/2006
  • Україна в рамках ВООЗ буде боротися проти тютюну (proUA) 03/15/2006
  • Вісім гірськолижників накрило сніговою лавиною на Закарпатті (Україна молода) 03/15/2006

  • Photo: Ukrainian artist Iryna Kyrshyna demonstrates a doll of the former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko at a show in Kiev, March 14, 2006. Tymoshenko's doll together with dolls of other Ukrainian politicians will be sold at an auction on March 24, two days before the country's parliamentary election (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/14/2006
  • Ukrainian TV Channel Starts Broadcasting to USA, Canada (RedNova) 03/14/2006
  • Ukraine's Yushchenko on offensive ahead of poll. By Olena Horodetska (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/14/2006
  • Belarus warned about repercussions for crackdown on opposition (BRAMA) 03/14/2006
  • Ukrainian President cleanses the Ukrainian Security Service; Ukrainian Interior Minister wants to take over the SBU (Axis Globe) 03/14/2006
  • Вiктор Ющенко дав оцiнку ситуацiї в країнi (VOA) 03/14/2006
  • Рада ухвалила змiни до виборчого закону (VOA) 03/14/2006
  • КВУ: Україна аж нiяк не готова до виборiв (VOA) 03/14/2006
  • Мельниченко ходить на телеканали, а його хочуть бачити у Генпрокуратурі та суді (Україна молода) 03/14/2006
  • Ukraine's Ambassador Shamshur presented credentials to U.S. President Bush (BRAMA) 03/14/2006
  • Keeping democracy alive in Ukraine (CS Monitor) 03/14/2006
  • Chernobyl: A Poisonous Legacy (Independent) 03/14/2006
  • A language is not an identity [Ten years ago, you wouldn’t hear people in the streets of Kiev speaking Ukrainian...The orange revolution of autumn 2004 was a national revolution that allowed Ukraine to re-establish its identity] (Le Monde diplomatique) 03/14/2006
  • Yuschenko Criticizes Opposition For Negative Political Advertisements (Українські новини) 03/14/2006
  • Winners in elections will join forces with Yushchenko - Yekhanurov (Interfax-Russia) 03/14/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gestures during at a news conference in Kiev, Ukraine, on Tuesday, March 14, 2006. Yushchenko pledged that the March 26 parliamentary election would be free and fair, calling it Ukraine's first ever democratic election. (AP/Yahoo) 03/14/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks during a news conference in Kiev, March 14, 2006. Yushchenko sought to assure dozens of reporters from across Ukraine that authorities will ensure a free and fair parliamentary election on March 26. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/14/2006
  • Ukrainian president to veto law that voters may be included in lists on Election Day (Interfax-Russia) 03/14/2006
  • Bloc 'Our Ukraine' not negotiating with Party of Regions on coalition (NCRU) 03/14/2006
  • Photo: A Ukrainian protester of ultra-left Progressive Socialist party shouts slogans during a rally against economic blockade of Transdniester region imposed by Ukraine, in Kiev, March 14, 2006. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko rated as 'counterproductive' the position taken by Tiraspol after Kiev introduced the obligation for all Dniester goods transiting Ukrainian territory to bear customs stamp of the Republic of Moldova. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/14/2006
  • Transdniestrian youth organization in Kyiv to protest blockade (Interfax-Russia) 03/14/2006
  • President of Ukraine forms the interdepartmental committee on Ukraine’s accession to NATO (Forum) 03/14/2006
  • Belarus: Tightening the screws on dissent (Amnesty International) 03/14/2006
  • Ukraine sends protest note to Belarus after six arrested at rally (Ukrainian Journal) 03/14/2006
  • Court freezes UkrSotsBank shares, may delay Banca Intesa’s acquisition (Ukrainian Journal) 03/14/2006
  • Naftogaz, Shell seek to sign soon on-land gas exploration agreement (Ukrainian Journal) 03/14/2006
  • Ukraine’s economic growth accelerates (Ukrainian Journal) 03/14/2006
  • Ukrainian government forecasts 6% GDP growth in 2006 (Interfax-Russia) 03/14/2006
  • Ukrainian-Turkmen gas talks continuing - Yekhanurov (Interfax-Russia) 03/14/2006
  • Ukraine in talks on integrating country's energy system with Europe's (Interfax-Russia) 03/14/2006
  • EU Nations Seek New Russia Energy Pact (AP/Yahoo) 03/14/2006
  • Armenian officer attempted to rape Ukrainian trainee attending the course of European Center for Security Studies (APA) 03/14/2006
  • A generation of powerful women -- Web site, book tell their stories [a piece by Ukranian Olympic gold-medal skater Oksana Baiul about her search for her birth father] (SF Chronicle) 03/14/2006
  • George Clooney: I am a celebrity! There, I said it! [Murrow was actually wrong about everything--as wrong as Walter Duranty was when he was a New York Times correspondent covering up Stalin's genocide in Ukraine] (Huffington Post) 03/14/2006
  • Court orders Ukrainian cargo plane to be grounded (Business Day) 03/14/2006
  • Асадчев: забрати у депутатів місцевих рад недоторканість буде непросто (Deutsche Welle) 03/14/2006
  • Членів БЮТ лідери «б'ють»? (Україна молода) 03/14/2006
  • Як українки планують навести лад у державі (Україна молода) 03/14/2006
  • Київ заперечує наявність американських в'язниць в Україні (Deutsche Welle) 03/14/2006
  • Chornobyl photo exhibit launches series of events commemorating 20th anniversary of nuclear accident FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/14/2006
  • Stage, film and TV actor David Rasche (left) attended the opening of an exhibition on Sunday March 12, 2006, titled 'Chornobyl'+ 20…This is our land - We still live here' featuring the photographs of Myron Stachiw (photo right) and Serhiy Marchenko FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/14/2006
  • A young boy is attracted to a computer screen showing a video of two boys from the Chornobyl, Ukraine region FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/14/2006

  • Our Ukraine-Party of Regions coalition unlikely - Yekhanurov (Interfax-Russia) 03/13/2006
  • Чи ще будуть змiни у Законi про вибори? (VOA) 03/13/2006
  • Луценко дбатиме про порядок на виборах (VOA) 03/13/2006
  • Київ: в Українi секретних в`язниць немає (VOA) 03/13/2006
  • США пiдтримують Київ щодо Приднiстров`я (VOA) 03/13/2006
  • Kiev city plans $300 mln plan for small hotels to boost tourism (Ukrainian Journal) 03/13/2006
  • Ukrainian economy grows 1.5% in 2 mths (Interfax-Russia) 03/13/2006
  • Voronin, Yushchenko hail developments in connection with new customs regime at Moldovan-Ukrainian border ( 03/13/2006
  • Photo: Orange tents of pro-presidential Our Ukraine political bloc seen in downtown Kiev two weeks before the country's crucial parliamentart elections. (AP/Yahoo) 03/13/2006
  • Belarusian Activists Sentenced to Jail (AP/Yahoo) 03/13/2006
  • Ex-Heavyweight Champ [Vitali Klitschko] Wants to Be Mayor (AP/Yahoo) 03/13/2006
  • Russia foreign minister says US delaying WTO entry (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/13/2006
  • Saudi, Ukraine to Set Up $1bn Investment Firm (Arab News/Zawya) 03/13/2006
  • Фонд держмайна розпочинає перевірку на 'Криворіжсталі' (Deutsche Welle) 03/13/2006
  • На Львівщині відкривається Центр ресоціалізації жертв торгівлі людьми (Deutsche Welle) 03/13/2006
  • Експерти ставлять під сумнів доцільність нового саркофагу на ЧАЕС (Deutsche Welle) 03/13/2006
  • Nuclear waste: Bury it and forget? (Reuters) 03/13/2006
  • United Nations Scientific Body still Tracks Radiation 50 Years on (UNEP) 03/13/2006
  • Alleged adoption scam still stings (Indy Star) 03/13/2006
  • Topping the scale. Ukrainian wins piano contest [Dmitri Levkovich] (Island Packet) 03/13/2006
  • Церква для міжнародних туристів (Львівська газета) 03/13/2006
  • Pope Addresses Ukrainian Greek Catholic Head on Lviv Pseudosobor (RISU) 03/13/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian protesters denounce the detention of journalists and students during a demonstration in Kiev March 13, 2006. Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko, accused in the West of crushing human rights, on Friday said his rivals in this week's presidential poll were trying to entice voters into revolution. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/13/2006
  • Destiny of 6 Citizens of Ukraine, Arrested in Belarus, Still Unclear (UNIAN) 03/13/2006
  • Op-ed: Light the Candles Of Belarus. Europe's Last Dictatorship Will Not Endure. By Mikulas Dzurinda (Wash Post) 03/13/2006
  • SBU bugging scandal is gaining pace in Ukraine [Dated 3/12/06] (Axis Globe) 03/13/2006
  • Ukraine Dismisses Russian Report About CIA Prisons (RFE/RL) 03/13/2006
  • Russian state-controlled TV revives allegation of secret CIA prison in Ukraine (AP/Khaleej Times) 03/13/2006
  • Yushchenko: Ukraine’s orange forces will form a coalition (Forum) 03/13/2006
  • Виборчі комісії Дніпропетровщини не готові до роботи (Deutsche Welle) 03/13/2006
  • Green Planet, SPU To Campaign On National TV, Lazarenko Bloc, Peasant Party On Radio On Monday (Українські новини) 03/13/2006
  • Віктор Ющенко. Українська політична нація. Вибори–2006 (Українська правда) 03/13/2006
  • Маніпуляція свідомістю та політична телереклама–2006. Частина 3 (Українська правда) 03/13/2006
  • 840 Ukrainian Peacekeepers To Vote Outside Ukraine In Rada Elections (Українські новини) 03/13/2006
  • Church not for Campaigning, Agree Authorities and Clergy of Ternopil (RISU) 03/13/2006
  • Yushchenko urges youth to study Ukrainian, says language should not be election issue (Kyiv Post) 03/13/2006
  • Trans-Dniester Region: The Specifics Of The Third Economic Blockade (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/13/2006
  • US-Ukraine Economic Relations: On the Road to the WTO. By Oleh Shamshur, Ambassadorof Ukraine to the USA (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/13/2006
  • Tarasiuk meets Bush, Cheney on boosting energy security in Europe (Ukrainian Journal) 03/13/2006
  • Investors mull route to move Iraqi oil via Turkey, Ukraine to Europe (Ukrainian Journal) 03/13/2006
  • Ukraine seeks to resume TransDnistria talks (Ukrainian Journal) 03/13/2006
  • [Russian] Arms dealer escorted to Ukraine (Czech Business Weekly) 03/13/2006
  • Фальсифікації стартували (Львівська газета) 03/13/2006

  • Photo: Polish movie director Andrzej Wajda...rallied the crowd at a Warsaw rock concert Sunday, March 12, 2006 part of an event organized by Polish and Ukrainian artists in support of Belarus's opposition a week ahead of a presidential election there. (AP/Yahoo) 03/12/2006
  • Photo: Some of the 5,000 young Poles wave Belarusian flags, sing and chant in support of Belarussian opposition at a rock concert by Polish, Belarussian and Ukrainian rock bands in the Old Town in Warsaw (AP/Yahoo) 03/12/2006
  • Ukraine's foreign minister Boris Tarasyuk discusses his country's role after the Orange Revolution [Dated 3/2/06] (EuroNews) 03/12/2006
  • As Internet TV Aims at Niche Audiences, the Slivercast Is Born (NY Times) 03/12/2006
  • Photo: A supporter of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's 'Our Ukraine' block waves an orange flag in the Independence square in Kiev, 12 March 2006. A record number of political parties are running for the parliamentary election on March 26. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/12/2006
  • Obit: Helen [Slywynsky] Petrauskas; Helped Promote Air Bags at Ford...Born in Lviv, Ukraine (Wash Post) 03/12/2006
  • Obit: Helen [Slywynsky] Petrauskas: airbag advocate, Ford executive, passes away following long illness [Petrauskas was born in Lviv, Ukraine in 1944.] (Auto Channel) 03/12/2006
  • With so many roles in spotlight, ballet is a pas de corps [The elegant Ukrainian couple, Maxim Beloserkovsky and Irina Dvorovenko, play the romantic leads Thursday night.] (Cleveland Plain Dealer) 03/12/2006
  • Bracing for Pandemic: Early-warning system for bird flu (SF Chronicle) 03/12/2006
  • Turkmenistan: Ukraine Paying Debt (AP/Yahoo) 03/12/2006
  • A shame on our society [Trafficking of women in Cyprus] (Cyprus-Mail) 03/12/2006
  • Ousted PM [Viktor Yanukovich] eyes revenge as Orange Revolution sours. By Nick Holdsworth (Daily Telegraph) 03/12/2006
  • Ukraine’s hardman back to wreck orange revolution [Viktor Yanukovich]. By Mark Franchetti (The Times) 03/12/2006
  • Former heavyweight champ [Vitali Klitschko] seeks new life as mayor of Ukrainian capital [AP] (Malaysia Star) 03/12/2006
  • Op-ed: Speak up, for the neighbors' sake. By Mark Brzezinski (IH Tribune) 03/12/2006

  • Helsinki Commission probes Belarus' elections (BRAMA) 03/11/2006
  • Ukraine, Ebrd Discuss Tender for Chernobyl Sarcophagus (RedOrbit) 03/11/2006
  • Як проходитимуть вибори за межами України? (VOA) 03/11/2006
  • Міністр Тарасюк – гість нашої студії (VOA) 03/11/2006
  • U.S. Decries Oppression in Belarus, Declares Support for Ukraine (USDOS) 03/11/2006
  • Ukraine's government planning to liberalize gas market - PM (Interfax-Russia) 03/11/2006
  • Piano competition narrowed to final three [22-year-old Dmitri Shelest] (Sioux City Journal) 03/11/2006
  • A life lies in 4 seconds of flight [Cole Brothers Circus star is ballyhooed as Ukraine's Blond Bombshell] (Dayton Beach News-Journal) 03/11/2006
  • Photo: Olena Iurkovska of the Ukraine in action on her way to win the Women's 10km Sitting Biathlon event at the Turin 2006 Paralympic Winter Games in Pragelato Plan, northern Italy (AP/Yahoo) 03/11/2006
  • 50 things you absolutely have to see: favourite Canadian hotspots [4. The Ukrainian Festival in Dauphin, Man., is a rollicking way to learn about the heritage of Ukrainians in Canada. This year's festival runs from Aug. 4 to 6.] (National Post) 03/11/2006
  • Gang's cop leak traced (NY Post) 03/11/2006
  • Pro-Russian party tops polls for Ukraine election (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/11/2006
  • New spent nuclear fuel storage facility being built at Chornobyl (Interfax-Russia) 03/11/2006
  • Bush calls Ukraine a good example of democracy (Interfax-Russia) 03/11/2006
  • Два тижні до виборів: прогноз соціологів (Україна молода) 03/11/2006
  • Вищий господарський суд України постановив вигнати бізнесменів «Аеросвіту» із захопленого ними державного аеропорту «Бориспіль» (Україна молода) 03/11/2006
  • American Steel Plans to Operate at Former CSC Mill (Redorbit) 03/11/2006

  • Two thousand kilometers in Ukraine (Ha'aretz) 03/10/2006
  • На україно-молдовському кордонi далi складно (VOA) 03/10/2006
  • Європарламент вдоволений кампанiєю в Українi (VOA) 03/10/2006
  • Соціологи вагаються робити виборчi прогнози (VOA) 03/10/2006
  • Election no threat to U.S. relations (Wash times) 03/10/2006
  • Slideshow: March 9-10, 2006, Washington, DC, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk (BRAMA) 03/10/2006
  • Keeping Ukraine Poor [Corruption] (IPS) 03/10/2006
  • Photo: U.S. President George W. Bush (R) meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/10/2006
  • Ющенко за завершення формування єдиного реєстру землі в 2006 році (Українські новини) 03/10/2006
  • Шевченківські дні в Києві (Львівська газета) 03/10/2006
  • Я не помру, поки не доведу тієї справи до кінця [Розмова з Лесею Гонґадзе] (Львівська газета) 03/10/2006
  • Качинський: Просування України на Захід має для Польщі ключовий характер (Deutsche Welle) 03/10/2006
  • EU Condemns Transdnestrian Intransigence, Denies Blockade (RFE/RL) 03/10/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk makes comments to the media after leaving the White House (AP/Yahoo) 03/10/2006
  • Джексон-Венік нам більше не страшний (Львівська газета) 03/10/2006
  • Ukraine Government in 2005 “Moved to Reduce its Role in Religion,” Says US State Department (RISU) 03/10/2006
  • Ukrainian Catholic University Celebrates Accreditation of Theology (RISU) 03/10/2006
  • Indonesia, Ukraine being added to new CDS index (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/10/2006
  • US Congressman Alcee L. Hastings to lead OSCE observation of Belarusian and Ukrainian Elections (BRAMA) 03/10/2006
  • “Ukraine’s Foreign Policy: from the Orange revolution through the parliamentary elections and beyond”. Remarks by Ukraine's Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk (BRAMA) 03/10/2006
  • Foreign Minister Says Ukraine Benefits from U.S., Europe Ties (BRAMA) 03/10/2006
  • Post-Soviet Enclave Losing Lifeblood Trade. By C. J. Chivers (NY Times) 03/10/2006
  • Tension on the Ukraine-Moldova border (Euro-Reporters) 03/10/2006
  • Photo: Transnistrians protested new customs rules at the Ukrainian border, carrying placards reading, 'Ukraine, Do Not Betray Your Citizens.' (NY Times) 03/10/2006
  • Moldova’s break-away region raises border tensions. By Tom Warner (Financial Times) 03/10/2006
  • New HIV/AIDS hospital opens in Ukraine (AP/Kyiv Post) 03/10/2006
  • Ukraine ties Black Sea rent to Russian gas (UPI) 03/10/2006
  • Ceyhan-Samsun project investment estimated at $9 bln (Interfax-Russia) 03/10/2006
  • Ship With Russian, Ukrainian Sailors Sinks off Egyptian Coast (MosNews) 03/10/2006
  • Фанфан-тюльпан. Помаранчевий тюльпан нідерландські квітникарі назвали «Віктором Ющенком» (Україна Молода) 03/10/2006
  • Маленька Буча — великий «дерибан». У престижному селищі Київщини досі лишаються непокараними земельні аферисти з місцевої влади (Україна Молода) 03/10/2006
  • Пiшли на поправку. Сполучені Штати продовжують здійснювати мрії українцiв (Україна Молода) 03/10/2006
  • П'ять років без права на реабілітацію. Унсовці знову повторили маршрут «України без Кучми» (Україна Молода) 03/10/2006
  • Чому В. Ющенко обіцяє референдум щодо НАТО? (BBC Ukrainian) 03/10/2006
  • Ukraine to increase power exports to Europe by 28.7% in 2006 (Ukrainian Journal) 03/10/2006
  • Ukraine issues natural gas distribution license to Ukrgaz-Energo (Ukrainian Journal) 03/10/2006
  • Kremlin-linked analyst says Russia may boost gas prices for Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 03/10/2006
  • Wealth of Ukraine’s richest man down 30% [Rinat Akhmetov] (Ukrainian Journal) 03/10/2006
  • My view: 'Gypsy Punks Underdog World Strike' [Gogol Bordello, Eugene Hutz] (Honolulu Advertiser) 03/10/2006

  • Benjamin Cardin (Maryland): Regarding H.R. 1053, authorizing the extension of permanent normal trade relations treatment to Ukraine (BRAMA) 03/09/2006
  • Slideshow: Congress moves to graduate Ukraine from Jackson-Vanik restrictions, March 8, 2006 (BRAMA) 03/09/2006
  • U.S. to repeal Ukraine trade restrictions (Ukrainian Journal) 03/09/2006
  • Russia Criticizes Ukraine Customs Rules (AP/Yahoo) 03/09/2006
  • Transnistrian authorities self-isolate themselves, Ukrainian representative at negotiations on Transnistrian problem says ( 03/09/2006
  • Ukraine's priorities are EU, NATO membership - diplomat (Interfax-Russia) 03/09/2006
  • Yushchenko calls for informed debate on NATO membership (Interfax-Russia) 03/09/2006
  • Shaeffer tells of monitoring 2004 Ukrainian elections (Pueblo Chieftan) 03/09/2006
  • Photo: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk walk to the Treaty Room of the State Department in Washington before their meeting (AP/Yahoo) 03/09/2006
  • Forbes Billionaires (rankings), Listed by Country [451. Rinat Akhmetov, 39, $1.7, steel, coal mines; 645. Victor Pinchuk, Ukraine, 45, $1.2, steel pipes; 645. Serhiy Taruta, Ukraine, 51, $1.2, steel, coal] (AP/Yahoo) 03/09/2006
  • Holtec seeks Ukraine’s OK to $152 mln spent nuclear fuel storage (Ukrainian Journal) 03/09/2006
  • U.S. experts slam Russia for poor democracy, call for tougher stance (Ukrainian Journal) 03/09/2006
  • TransDnistria withdraws from conflict settlement talks with Moldova (Ukrainian Journal) 03/09/2006
  • FBI: Immigrant organized crime ring busted (Newsday) 03/09/2006

  • Джексон-Венiк уже майже знятий з України (VOA) 03/08/2006
  • Crowley hails passage of Ukraine trade legislation (BRAMA) 03/08/2006
  • Coalition Statement on the Graduation of Ukraine from Jackson-Vanik FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/08/2006
  • The U.S.-European Relationship - Daniel Fried [US State Department] (Scoop) 03/08/2006
  • На короднi з Молдовою триває напруження (VOA) 03/08/2006
  • Three parties to contest Ukrainian parliamentary elections. By Oleg Varfolomeyev (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 03/08/2006
  • Ukraine steps in to close Europe's biggest black hole. By Vladimir Socor (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 03/08/2006
  • Georgetown University Professor [Robert Lieber] Discusses U.S. Policy in Europe ['...the condition of democracy in Russia is tragic...';'...the Orange Revolution in Ukraine is a tremendous inspiration...'] (USDOS) 03/08/2006
  • Release of Country Reports on Human Rights Practices [Paula Dobriansky, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs...] (USDOS) 03/08/2006
  • Ukraine: [Introduction] Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2005 [In Ukraine there were notable improvements in human rights performance following the Orange Revolution...] (USDOS) 03/08/2006
  • Ukraine: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2005 (USDOS) 03/08/2006
  • Ukraine Improves On Human Rights, But U.S. Says Gaps Remain (RFE/RL) 03/08/2006
  • House Approves Permanent Normal Trade Relations for Ukraine. March 8 bill repeals Jackson-Vanik requirements for Ukraine (USDOS) 03/08/2006
  • Soviet-era bill passes hurdle (JTA) 03/08/2006
  • AJC Salutes House Vote to 'Graduate' Ukraine from Jackson-Vanik (USNewswire/Yahoo) 03/08/2006
  • Congress Grants Ukraine Normal Trade Status (USNewswire/Yahoo) 03/08/2006
  • Moldova Says Transdniester Creating Ukrainian Border Crisis (RFE/RL) 03/08/2006
  • FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 24 [H.R. 1053 - Jackson-Vanik] ( 03/08/2006
  • US House okays normal trade relations for Ukraine (Jackson-Vanik) (Reuters) 03/08/2006
  • EU Commission launches push for common energy policy (Reuters) 03/08/2006
  • Women's Day: By the numbers (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) 03/08/2006
  • Meet Svetlana. Sad reality: More than 50,000 Israeli men will visit a brothel today (Ynetnews) 03/08/2006
  • Medical building parlor raided [illicit sex operations that were run by or employed Russian and Ukranian women] (Trenton Times) 03/08/2006
  • Europe urged to offer residency to trafficked women [Dated 3/7/06] (Reuters/AlertNet) 03/08/2006
  • Wales MEP Glenys Kinnock is demanding tougher action on gangs who traffic women for sex in the run-up to the World Cup in Germany this summer. (BBC) 03/08/2006
  • Teachers fill in gaps on genocide (Chicago Tribune) 03/08/2006
  • Chernobyl accident scars vivid 20 years on (Daily Yomiuri) 03/08/2006
  • Chornobyl and mothers to blame for heart defects in children. Every year 5,000 children with congenital heart defects are born in Ukraine [Dated 3/7/06] (The Day) 03/08/2006
  • Atanas Kobryn Ukrainian column (Sun-Herald) 03/08/2006
  • Op-ed: Dietmar STUDEMANN: A German-style “grand coalition” is impossible in Ukraine [Dated 3/7/06] (The Day) 03/08/2006
  • Op-ed: Grand Coalition: Ukraine’s Salvation (Kyiv Post) 03/08/2006
  • [VIDEO] Voice of America Ukraine Election Roundtable (VOA) 03/08/2006
  • A change of priorities, or structural readjustment? (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/08/2006
  • The failed exam [Having deported ten Uzbek citizens to Uzbekistan in the mid February, the Ukrainian government suddenly found itself under a squall of criticism by the international community...] (Дзеркало Тижня) 03/08/2006
  • Колишній міністр палива та енергетики застерігає проти видачі ліцензії компанії “Укргаз-Енерго” (Deutsche Welle) 03/08/2006
  • Регіональна преса приділяє парламентським виборам майже вдвічі більшу увагу, ніж місцевим (Deutsche Welle) 03/08/2006
  • Op-ed: Europessimism? Euro-optimism? Eurorealism. Does Ukraine have the inner strength to join the EU? [Dated 3/7/06] (The Day) 03/08/2006
  • Op-ed: Making Russia a better neighbor. By Mark Brzezinski (Boston Globe) 03/08/2006
  • Ukrainians Review Relationship with Russia (Angus-Reid) 03/08/2006
  • Київ і Тирасполь створюють комісії з кордону (BBC) 03/08/2006
  • The European Commission has published a Green Paper on a Secure, Competitive and Sustainable Energy Policy for Europe (BBC) 03/08/2006
  • РНБО - за стратегічний резерв нафти (BBC) 03/08/2006
  • EU Seeks Single Energy Regulator for Electricity, Gas Markets (Bloomberg) 03/08/2006
  • No extra anti-bird flu measures needed - Kharkiv zoo director (Interfax-Russia) 03/08/2006
  • From a Galaxy Far Far Away, Tchaikovsky's Ivan the Rebel (NY Times) 03/08/2006
  • Met Premiere With a Russian Twist [If you're Russian, you see him as a criminal reprobate; if you're Ukrainian, then you think of Mazeppa as a patriot.] (NY Sun) 03/08/2006
  • Gergiev Conducts Tchaikovsky's 'Mazeppa' (AP/ABC7) 03/08/2006

  • Новомученики промовляють до нас із Вірою, Надією, Любов’ю (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • Чи можливий патріярхат за сучасного вчення про Католицьку Церкву? (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • Святість об’єднаного народу (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • Якщо Христос помер в Аушвіці, то Він воскрес у Вадовицях (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • Збиратись у Церкву: роль Євхаристії у скріпленні патріяршого устрою Київської Церкви в сопричасті з Римом (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • «Владика Святий»: спогад про владику Івана Хому (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • Йшла по водах, як по битій дорозі (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • «Нехай славиться ім’я Марії» (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • Блаженні голодні: досвід та розуміння посту у святоотцівській традиції (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • Чи має місце Ісус між «Кока-колою» та Пауло Коельо? (Патріярхат) 03/07/2006
  • Партія регіонів підбила підсумки виборчої кампанії (День) 03/07/2006
  • Незчуємося, як Ахметов стане Прем’єр-міністром (Високий замок) 03/07/2006
  • У Дніпропетровську під час приїзду лідера блоку «Пора»-ПРП побилися його ж прихильники [«Важкi тупi предмети» літали повз Кличка...] (Україна Молода) 03/07/2006
  • Регіональний похід (День) 03/07/2006
  • Львів не має грошей на вибори (Deutsche Welle) 03/07/2006
  • «Помаранчеві» звинувачують один одного у «прослушці» та провокаціях...Турчинов, ти мене чуєш? (Україна Молода) 03/07/2006
  • Knowledge of tradition: a firmer foothold (The Day) 03/07/2006
  • «Знання традицій дає відчуття землі під ногами» (День) 03/07/2006
  • Князь Володимир на чолі «российского отечества». Знову українським дітям, впарюючи іноземний продукт, запудрюють мізки брехливим рівнянням: Русь = Росія. Різницю нашим сусідам помічати невигідно. Адже тоді цілком зрозумілим стане, що Київ — матір городів не російських, а все-таки руських (Україна Молода) 03/07/2006
  • Один iз авторiв пам'ятника Шевченку в Москвi — про свою найзнаменитішу роботу, про друзів-співавторів, ключову роль Хрущова в цьому проектi (Україна Молода) 03/07/2006
  • President welcomes Ukrainian-U.S. market access agreement ( 03/07/2006
  • «Україна може розраховувати на вступ до НАТО» (День) 03/07/2006
  • National Opera of Ukraine’s premiere of The Marriage of Figaro (The Day) 03/07/2006
  • CEC Registers 282 Foreign Observers To Rada Elections (Українські новини) 03/07/2006
  • March 26: election of a majority. President tells nation how to vote, count, and campaign (The Day) 03/07/2006
  • Parliamentary elections at risk (The Day) 03/07/2006
  • A “divine” mandate. Why are men of the cloth running for parliament? (The Day) 03/07/2006
  • Прогнозують помаранчево-блакитну коалiцiю (VOA) 03/07/2006
  • Проїхатися по кривій. У Києві відкрилася 45 станція метро (День) 03/07/2006
  • Дружина Президента й голова Наглядової ради Міжнародного фонду «Україна 3000» — про діяльність цієї благодійної організації, відродження традиції меценатства і професійні уподобання малих Ющенків (Україна Молода) 03/07/2006
  • «Жінрада» під куполом. У майбутньому парламенті жінок буде вдвічі більше (День) 03/07/2006
  • Women’s council under the dome. The number of women expected to double in next parliament (The Day) 03/07/2006
  • Віктор Ющенко взяв участь в урочистій церемонії нагородження жінок з нагоди Міжнародного жіночого дня ( 03/07/2006
  • Piskun Returns To Ukraine As Threat To His Life Unconfirmed (Українські новини) 03/07/2006
  • Cabinet Introduces Licenses For Gas Export (Українські новини) 03/07/2006
  • Experts assess Ukraine's business environment (BRAMA) 03/07/2006
  • Lymphocytes From A Risk Group [ChornobylChernobyl][Informnauka (Informscience) Agency] (Innovations Report) 03/07/2006
  • Photo: A Ukrainian man carries a bouquet of flowers in central Kiev March 7, 2006. Many Ukrainian men started their run on florists on Tuesday, a day before International Womens' Day, to buy a fresh bouquet of flowers for their loved ones. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/07/2006
  • Viking River Cruises Celebrates Six Year Anniversary (PRNewswire/Yahoo) 03/07/2006
  • Casino operator opens fifth outlet in Kiev (Baltic Times) 03/07/2006
  • House to vote on Ukraine graduation from Jackson-Vanik Amendment; not all representatives on board ACTION ITEM (BRAMA) 03/07/2006
  • 'Color' revolutions wane. Russia asserts its influence ahead of elections in Belarus and Ukraine this month. By Fred Weir (Christian Science Monitor) 03/07/2006
  • Ukrainian foreign minister [Borys Tarasyuk] to US ahead of key vote (AFP/Yahoo) 03/07/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian Foreign Minister Boris Tarasyuk, pictured 01 March, will head to the United States this week to meet with top US and UN officials in a two-day visit that comes a fortnight before a key election in the ex-Soviet republic (AFP/Yahoo) 03/07/2006
  • Ukraine hopes Jackson-Vanik amendments will be lifted (Interfax-Russia) 03/07/2006
  • Ukraine welcomes election observers (UPI/Menafn) 03/07/2006
  • Yekhanurov to take four days off to campaign ahead of March 26 vote (Ukrainian Journal) 03/07/2006
  • Ukrainian PM, key opposition leader to hold TV debates [?] (Interfax-Russia) 03/07/2006
  • Our Ukraine, Party of Regions could set up coalition - political experts (Interfax-Russia) 03/07/2006
  • The Cabinet of Ukraine to protect Ukrainians abroad (Forum) 03/07/2006
  • Transdniester Pulls Out Of Talks On Settlement (RFE/RL) 03/07/2006
  • Russia warns of TransDnistria talks delay (Ukrainian Journal) 03/07/2006
  • Statements on Transdniestria economic blockade are incorrect - Sova (Interfax-Russia) 03/07/2006
  • Ukraine calls for talks on Moldovan border spat (Interfax-Russia) 03/07/2006
  • Moldovan trains not allowed to transit via Transdniestria (Interfax-Russia) 03/07/2006
  • Transdniestria to back out of settlement talks - Smirnov (Interfax-Russia) 03/07/2006
  • Ukraine to collect $3.5 bln in FDI in 2006, Alfa-Bank report says (Ukrainian Journal) 03/07/2006
  • U.S., Ukraine sign crucial trade agreement opening way for WTO (Ukrainian Journal) 03/07/2006
  • U.S., Ukraine Reach Key Agreement On Market Access (RFE/RL) 03/07/2006
  • North Korea's Nuclear Push May Be Stymied by U.S. Banking Rules [ The Treasury designated Ukraine as a money laundering concern in December 2002. The label was rescinded four months later after Ukraine strengthened laws against illegal transactions and pledged greater financial transparency.] (Bloomberg) 03/07/2006
  • US, Russia moving apart [Inter Press Service] (Asia Times) 03/07/2006
  • Ukraine, Russia to sign deal after polls (UPI) 03/07/2006
  • Russia, Ukraine postpone agreement on natural gas prices, volumes (Ukrainian Journal) 03/07/2006
  • Polish PM Marcinkiewicz says EU 'energy pact' will ensure stable energy supplies from Russia (Interfax-Russia) 03/07/2006
  • Atomic Bomb Survivors Who Had Higher Radiation Exposure Show Increased Incidence Of Thyroid Diseases (Science Daily) 03/07/2006
  • Abuses Against HIV-Positive, High-Risk Groups In Ukraine Impeding Access To Prevention, Treatment, Report Says (Medical News Today) 03/07/2006
  • INC Research Expands European Operations. Leading Contract Research Organization Opens New Offices in France, Russia and Ukraine (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 03/07/2006
  • Book: Lost Cosmonaut, by Daniel Kalder:A Scottish spaceman and the alien worlds in orbit around Russia. By Askold Krushelnycky (Independent) 03/07/2006
  • Book Review - The voices of Chernobyl, pain-filled and eloquent (Philadelphia Inquirer) 03/07/2006
  • Apogee Rolls Out Innovative Fusion Program to Facilitate the Successful Emergence of Gifted Performing Artists onto the World Stage [Odessa (Ukraine)] (PRWeb/Yahoo) 03/07/2006
  • Photo: A woman gives money to a woman begging with a child on a street in Kiev March 7, 2006. Ukraine, as the rest of the world, marks International Woman's Day on Wednesday. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/07/2006
  • Gas price rises hurting Ukraine (Financial Times) 03/07/2006

  • Недешеві вибори (Львівська газета) 03/06/2006
  • Rada To Amend Election Laws (Українські новини) 03/06/2006
  • UOC-MP Orthodox Hold Seminar in Kyiv on Human Trafficking (RISU) 03/06/2006
  • Christian Democratic Head Lists Religious Problems in Ukraine (RISU) 03/06/2006
  • UOC-KP Orthodox Open to Dialogue with Ukrainian Greek Catholics (RISU) 03/06/2006
  • Numerous Orthodox Clergy in Ukraine Run for Election (RISU) 03/06/2006
  • В Україні лунає занепокоєння підготовкою виборів (Deutsche Welle) 03/06/2006
  • Іноземні інвестори вимагають від України чітких правил роботи на інвестиційному ринку (Deutsche Welle) 03/06/2006
  • Піскун повернувся в Україну (Кореспондент) 03/06/2006
  • Solana satisfied with Ukrainian-Moldovan customs declaration (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • Ukrainian dairies resume exports to Russia (CEE-foodindustry) 03/06/2006
  • Scenes from the Ukraine (Jacksonville Daily Progress) 03/06/2006
  • Neko Case turns to Russian, Ukrainian folk tales on new album Fox Confessor (CP/Yahoo) 03/06/2006
  • Ukraine, Russia working on joint space program (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • US sending Romania 1.25m dollars to help battle bird flu (AFP/Yahoo) 03/06/2006
  • U.S. Chamber Praises WTO Accession Agreement Between the United States and the Ukraine (Harold Doan) 03/06/2006
  • US urges Congress to lift Cold War trade law [Jackson-Vanik] against Russia, Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 03/06/2006
  • Українцiв закликають голосувати по совiстi (VOA) 03/06/2006
  • Київ увiв змiни на кордонi з Приднiстров`ям (VOA) 03/06/2006
  • Інвестори коментують ситуацію в Українi (VOA) 03/06/2006
  • Ющенко дав ексклюзивне iнтерв`ю УТ-1 (VOA) 03/06/2006
  • Kharkiv: City council approves Russian as “regional language” (5TV) 03/06/2006
  • Miami Doctors Help Badly Burned Ukrainian Girl [The eyebrow transplant was the 23rd procedure for Mariya Klymenko] (NBC6) 03/06/2006
  • U.S., Ukraine Sign WTO-Related Agreement on Market Access. USTR Portman, Ukrainian Minister Yatsenyuk sign pact March 6 (USDOS) 03/06/2006
  • Two Ukrainian Docs Perish in Road Tragedy (Times of Zambia) 03/06/2006
  • В Українi буде черговий касетний скандал? (VOA) 03/06/2006
  • Ukrainian government, UNICEF representative office in Ukraine sign cooperation plan for 2006 (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • Violin virtuoso and band set to release CD [Vasyl Popadiuk] (Mississauga News) 03/06/2006
  • Mike Mazurki: Wrestling's acting champ [nee Mikhail Mazuruski in Ternopil, Ukraine] (Slam!) 03/06/2006
  • Arts, Briefly [Svetlana Alexievich took the nonfiction prize for 'Voices From Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster' (Dalkey Archive Press).] (NY Times) 03/06/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine Sees Bright Future on Ski Slope. [Vorokhta, Ukraine] The ski industry helped the Carpathian Mountains region of Ukraine pull out of an economic slump caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union. (NY Times) 03/06/2006
  • Ukraine Sees Bright Future on Ski Slope (NY Times) 03/06/2006
  • Photo: Protesters carry red-and-blue flags of the political party of Natalia Vitrenko, a radical socialist who leads the New Opposition bloc running for seats in the March parliamentary elections, during a protest in Ukraine's capital Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/06/2006
  • Stanford opens historic collection to public [Stalin, Trotsky, Orange Revolution posters] (Contra Costa Times) 03/06/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian protesters from ultra-left Progressive Socialist party shout anti-presidential slogans during a pre-election rally near the presidential office in Kiev, March 6, 2006. A record number of political parties are running for the parliamentary election on March 26. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/06/2006
  • Yanukovych Warns of Rigged Vote (AP/Moscow Times) 03/06/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian woman from ultra-left Progressive Socialist party shouts anti-presidential slogans at police during pre-election rally near the presidential office in Kiev (Reuters/AlertNet) 03/06/2006
  • Yuschenko: no chance for opposition's revenge at parliamentary elections (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • Pora Party urges Ukrainian authorities to suspend contacts with Minsk (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • Ex-Security Council head sues Ukrainian interior minister (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • Solana Welcomes Implementation by Moldova and Ukraine of Joint Declaration on Customs ( 03/06/2006
  • Russia’s Refusal to Recognize Katyn Massacre Shocks Polish Leaders (MosNews) 03/06/2006
  • Russia/U.S.: New Report Urges Changes In Bilateral Relations. By Andrew Tully (RFE/RL) 03/06/2006
  • CIS: The Hard Road Away From Presidential Rule. By Ilian Cashu (RFE/RL) 03/06/2006
  • Ukraine introduces new rules of customs clearing of cargoes transported through Transdniesteria (NCRU) 03/06/2006
  • Ukraine, Moldova may plunge Transdniestria into crisis - official (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • C.F.M. stops traffic of trains on Cuciurgan-Bender railway as response to Tiraspol’s actions ( 03/06/2006
  • Region decries Ukraine customs rules (UPI/Menafn) 03/06/2006
  • Ukraine shuts down TransDnistrian border (Ukrainian Journal) 03/06/2006
  • NBU intervenes to prop up hryvnia against US dollar, dealers say (Ukrainian Journal) 03/06/2006
  • Ukraine’s inflation, led by sugar prices, rises 1.8% in February (Ukrainian Journal) 03/06/2006
  • Rising crude oil, gas prices force Ukraine to tap domestic reserves (Ukrainian Journal) 03/06/2006
  • Regal Petroleum in 150 mln usd Ukrainian plan - report (AFX/III) 03/06/2006
  • Black Sea nations to join forces to fight bird flu (Reuters/AlertNet) 03/06/2006
  • Ukraine not to sign intergovernmental gas deal with Russia before elections, premier says (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • Report: U.S.-Russia Relations Impaired (AP/Yahoo) 03/06/2006
  • Kazakhstan, Ukraine discussed military technical cooperation (Kazinform) 03/06/2006
  • Yuschenko, Solana hold talks (Interfax-Russia) 03/06/2006
  • Businessman vs. Kremlin: War of Attrition [His Assets Seized in 1990s Russia, Mr. Sedelmayer Finally Scores a Legal Win] (Wall Street Journal) 03/06/2006
  • Russia and Ukraine to approve space cooperation program (RBC) 03/06/2006

  • Німецький міністр - про Європу та Україну (Deutsche Welle) 03/05/2006
  • Russia's Wrong Direction: What the United States Can and Should Do [Russia has used energy exports as a foreign policy weapon: intervening in Ukraine’s politics, putting pressure on its foreign policy choices...] (Council on Foreign Relations) 03/05/2006
  • Helping Ukraine help the children who remain (Charlotte Observer) 03/05/2006
  • Sharing time for migrant culture [There are as many as 600 Ukrainian Tasmanians...] (Mercury News) 03/05/2006

  • Ukrainian Opposition Party Says State Oil Company Bankrupt (RedNova) 03/04/2006
  • Eviction sparks calls for change. Failed asylum seekers homeless in icy weather (Belfast Telegraph) 03/04/2006
  • Berezovsky denies plotting violent coup (Financial Times) 03/04/2006
  • Too marvellous for words...A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian, by Marina Lewycka [Book] (Guardian) 03/04/2006
  • NATO Sec. Gen. Proposed Discussion of New Approaches to South Caucasus (PanArmenian) 03/04/2006
  • Futuristic 'Ultraviolet' is plagued indeed [Milla Jovovich] (Philadelphia Inquirer) 03/04/2006
  • Students donate baseball gear to youth in Ukraine (Times Leader) 03/04/2006

  • Церкви обіцяють не залучатися до виборів (BBC) 03/03/2006
  • 'Future Leaders' Alumni Promoting Civic Responsibility at Home. FLEX graduates from Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan discuss their experiences (USDOS) 03/03/2006
  • (Part 1) What role for the Black Sea region in the European Union's energy strategy? By Vladimir Socor (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 03/03/2006
  • (Part 2) What role for the Black Sea region in the European Union's energy strategy? By Vladimir Socor (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 03/03/2006
  • Court overturns ruling for Regal Petroleum to return wells to NadraUkrainy (Interfax-Russia) 03/03/2006
  • Court upholds Ukrainian iron ore producer's share issue (Interfax-Russia) 03/03/2006
  • Asylum couple evicted from hostel. A Ukranian couple have been evicted from their accommodation after their application for asylum failed (BBC) 03/03/2006
  • Makiyivka plant boosts roll output 34% in 2 mths (Interfax-Russia) 03/03/2006
  • Poltavsky GOK reduces pellet output 16.5% in 2 mths (Interfax-Russia) 03/03/2006
  • Free, Fair Election Increasingly Unlikely in Belarus, U.S. Says (USDOS) 03/03/2006
  • Ukrainian Woman in Power (Ukraine-Observer) 03/03/2006
  • Photo: Activists of Ukraine's Green party are seen in downtown Kiev, Ukraine as they protest against the construction of nuclear storage facility on Friday (AP/Yahoo) 03/03/2006
  • Energy Watch [Black Sea attracts investors worldwide] (UPI) 03/03/2006
  • Photo: L-R: Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja, Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik and Foreign Minister of Ukraine Boris Tarayuk answer journalists questions in Kiev. Top European Union officials praised reforms undertaken in Ukraine following the 'orange revolution' and encouraged the ex-Soviet country to keep to its new pro-Western course after a key national election later this month. (AFP/Yahoo) 03/03/2006
  • EU praises Ukraine reforms, urges more after key election (AFP/Yahoo) 03/03/2006
  • “The star will rise, freedom will come” (The Day) 03/03/2006
  • Так історично склалося? [Мова в цій статті піде не про національні меншини, а про національну... більшость.] (Українська правда) 03/03/2006
  • Inflation at the market. What do our citizens think about it? (The Day) 03/03/2006
  • Verheugen’s forecast under scrutiny. Will Ukraine become a member of the European Union? (The Day) 03/03/2006
  • Photo: Austrian Foreign Minster Ursula Plassnik (R) and EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner look on during official talks in Kiev March 3, 2006. Plassnik and Ferrero-Waldner arrived in Kiev to attend an EU-Ukraine foreign ministers meeting ahead of Ukraine's parliamentary elections on March 26. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/03/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (L) shakes hands with Finnish Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/03/2006
  • Photo: Demonstrators wearing gas masks and chemical suits read a newspaper during a protest rally in central Kiev, March 3, 2006. Several dozens of protesters of Ukraine's Green Party on Friday staged a street event against plans to build a disposal site for nuclear waste in Ukraine. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/03/2006
  • Photo: A demonstrator wearing a gas mask peels a potato during a protest rally in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/03/2006
  • Ukraine to Increase Uranium Extraction to Meet Own Nuclear Fuel Needs - Minister (RedOrbit) 03/03/2006
  • Ukraine downplays Russia’s plans to build bypassing gas pipelines (Ukrainian Journal) 03/03/2006
  • Bakay, on television, stops short of naming RosUkrEnergo owners (Ukrainian Journal) 03/03/2006
  • Alliance to invest $500 mln to upgrade Ukraine’s No. 3 oil refinery (Ukrainian Journal) 03/03/2006
  • Belarus unleashes attack against opposition (Ukrainian Journal) 03/03/2006
  • EU to advise Ukraine on how to build contractual relations in gas supplies (Interfax-Russia) 03/03/2006
  • Schur's Strike! wins an award (Winnipeg Sun) 03/03/2006
  • Nazi Holocaust survivor dies (Herald-Sun) 03/03/2006
  • Ukraine presses Belarus for explanation on detention (RIA) 03/03/2006
  • Ukraine Operator Orders Roaming Package (Cellular-News) 03/03/2006
  • They returned so that others will not leave. National Opera of Ukraine hosts concert by greats of classical music and dance (The Day) 03/03/2006
  • The cross of a great Ukrainian woman [Sofia Rusova] (The Day) 03/03/2006
  • Candidate in Belarus is arrested. By Steven Lee Myers The New York Times (IH Tribune) 03/03/2006
  • PICTURING CHERNOBYL. At the heart of the matter (Japan Times) 03/03/2006
  • Mittal to invest in Ukraine to boost steel output (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/03/2006

  • Круглий стiл на тему виборiв в Українi (VOA) 03/02/2006
  • Ukraine catch man at airport with uranium (Reuters/Tiscali) 03/02/2006
  • Мінвуглепром провiв перший вiдкритий конкурс (VOA) 03/02/2006
  • На Сходi України майже усi за Януковича (VOA) 03/02/2006
  • [VIDEO] Круглий стiл на тему виборiв в Українi (VOA) 03/02/2006
  • Gov't Undecided About Future of Poland's Gas And Oil Supplies (TMCnet) 03/02/2006
  • Ukraine may join EU by 2015: Foreign minister (5TV) 03/02/2006
  • EU to work with whatever government comes to power in Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 03/02/2006
  • Fewer Ukrainians want Putin-style president, poll shows (Interfax-Russia) 03/02/2006
  • Global Poultry Industry is the Root of the Bird Flu Crisis ( 03/02/2006
  • Ukrainian news crews denied entry in Belarus (5TV) 03/02/2006
  • UN: SBU unlawfully alleged Uzbeks to be terrorists (Axis Globe) 03/02/2006
  • Holtec leadership to arrive in Ukraine to discuss construction of spent nuclear fuel storage facilities (Interfax-Russia) 03/02/2006
  • CEC to send ballot-papers to polling stations abroad in one week (NCRU) 03/02/2006
  • Polish cities in European Neighbourhood Policy (EuroPAP) 03/02/2006
  • Lithuania remembers Chernobyl (Baltic Times) 03/02/2006
  • Photo: Yaroslav Davydovych (R), head of Ukraine's Central Election Commission, shows a giant, nearly 78 cm long ballot and comprising of 45 political parties at a news conference in Kiev, March 2, 2006. A record number of political parties is running for the parlimentary election on March 26. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/02/2006
  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko, left, shakes hands with visiting U.S. Undersecretary of State Paula Dobriansky during their meeting in Ukraine's capital Kiev Thursday, March 2, 2006. Yushchenko assured Dobriansky that he will do his best to ensure democratic parliamentary elections this month. (AP/Yahoo) 03/02/2006
  • Brookings Institution to Hold Briefing on Ukrainian Foreign Policy [Featured Speaker: Borys Tarasyuk, foreign minister, Ukraine] (US Newswire) 03/02/2006
  • Critical Days Ahead for Jackson-Vanik Graduation: Coalition Ramps Up Campaign FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/02/2006
  • Україна: зусилля з подолання СНІДу підриваються порушеннями прав людини (HRW) 03/02/2006
  • Photo: Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew presents a book to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk at the Fener Greek Orthodox patriarchate in Istanbul (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/02/2006
  • Putin Expresses Regret for '68 Invasion [Soviet Union invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 called 'Prague Spring'] (AP/Yahoo) 03/02/2006
  • Despite Major Gains, Women Bear Disproportionate Share of Poverty Burden. [United Nations, see: TETYANA KONDRATYUK, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine...] (News Blaze) 03/02/2006
  • Anti-AIDS Efforts Undermined by Rights Abuses (HRW) 03/02/2006
  • Rights abuses endanger anti-AIDS efforts in Ukraine (AFP/Yahoo) 03/02/2006
  • Photo: A Ukrainian doctor examines an HIV/AIDS patient at the Odessa hospital in March 2005. A Human Rights Watch (HRW) report warned that routine harassment and discrimination by Ukraine's law enforcement and health care officials are undermining government efforts at fighting the country's HIV/AIDS epidemic. (AFP/Yahoo) 03/02/2006
  • Europe is 'happy hunting ground' for foreign spies, says watchdog (Independent) 03/02/2006
  • Ukraine-US market access deal to boost Ukraine's chances of joining WTO this year, says premier (Interfax-Russia) 03/02/2006
  • Crimean journalist’s home attacked after investigative info printed (Ukrainian Journal) 03/02/2006
  • U.S., Ukraine agree on key market access accord within WTO talks (Ukrainian Journal) 03/02/2006
  • Putin seeks to ease Europe’s energy fears (Ukrainian Journal) 03/02/2006
  • Ukraine's economy to grow not less than by 2.6% in 2006, economy ministry says (Interfax-Russia) 03/02/2006
  • Ukraine's state debt drops 0.2% in Jan (Interfax-Russia) 03/02/2006
  • Ukrainians Reject NATO, Ponder Socialist System [Poll] (Angus Reid) 03/02/2006
  • Mazeppa. Composer: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Sung in Russian with Met Titles in English [March 2006] (Metropolitan Opera) 03/02/2006
  • A superhero never rests. Action star Milla Jovovich has 20 movies under her belt (Mercury News) 03/02/2006
  • Fears for UK car plants as factories shift east (Guardian) 03/02/2006
  • Europe's last dictatorship [Belarus]. By Nick Paton Walsh (Guardian) 03/02/2006

  • Is Ukraine's Richest Man Also Its Future Prime Minister? (RFE/RL) 03/01/2006
  • Lithuania remembers Chernobyl [Chernobyl movement, alongside the Ukrainian Embassy to Lithuania, will open an exhibition at the Seimas gallery on Chernobyl’s after-effects in Eastern Europe] (Baltic Times) 03/01/2006
  • Over 450 baby boys ‘lost’ after Chernobyl [Czech scientists have linked a sudden drop in male births to the radiation that fell with raindrops after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 20 years ago.] (Gulf Times) 03/01/2006
  • Gorbachev, Almost 75, Sounds Off on U.S. [Record tarnished by his handling of the 1986 reactor explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, which the Soviet leadership announced to the world only after scientists in Sweden detected a radioactive fallout. Gorbachev insisted the Kremlin just didn't know the scope of the disaster, but many claim the Soviet leadership deliberately downplayed its gravity.] (AP/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Ill-health legacy of atomic bomb (BBC) 03/01/2006
  • Ukrainian Cabinet Unites Two Chernobyl Programmes into One (RedOrbit) 03/01/2006
  • Fr. William Hupalo oversees Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy (WCR) 03/01/2006
  • StreamServe CEO Declares That the Ukraine is the New Hub for Low Cost, High Quality Enterprise Software Development; Technology Industry Veteran Chris Stone Says India Has Been Supplanted by Eastern Europe as the Best Destination for Software Outsourcing (BusinessWire) 03/01/2006
  • Kazakhstan Memorial Honors Ukrainian Martyrs (Zenit) 03/01/2006
  • Risky Business (Oxford Business Group) 03/01/2006
  • Інтерв`ю з послом України Олегом Шамшуром (VOA) 03/01/2006
  • Єхануров дає оцiнку економiчнiй ситуацiї (VOA) 03/01/2006
  • Performing Politics. By Adriana Helbig [Roma in Ukraine. Dated 2/27/06] (Transitions Online) 03/01/2006
  • U.S., Ukraine Reach WTO-Related Agreement on Market Access. Formal deal to be signed March 6 gives 'strong boost' to WTO membership (USDOS) 03/01/2006
  • З Тимошенко зробили порно, а в Януковича вивчають мозок (Українська правда) 03/01/2006
  • Pro-Russian Ukrainian Bloc Has 4.5 Million Anti-NATO Signatures (AP/RFE/RL) 03/01/2006
  • US, Ukraine agree deal in talks on WTO bid (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • US, Ukraine clinch WTO deal (AFP/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • CSMG Technologies Announces Successful Tissue Welding for Cosmetic Surgeries in Ukraine (Primezone/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Ukraine’s Azovstal, Dniproenergo and Dniproazo listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (PRWeb) 03/01/2006
  • Belarus opposition plotting coup: state security (Reuters) 03/01/2006
  • Negotiations on transnistrian problem yield no results ( 03/01/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian Olga Shilovanova from Kharkov smiles after winning the Miss Ukraine beauty pageant in the capital Kiev early March 1, 2006. Twenty-six girls from all over Ukraine took part in the contest. (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Ex-Newspaperman Running for Congress at 95 [Sid Smith, son of a Ukrainian immigrant father, grew up in St. Louis] (AP/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Ukrainian Museum Commemorates 20th Anniversary of Chornobyl Disaster with Multi-Media Exhibition Chronicling Life in Affected Areas FOTO/S (BRAMA) 03/01/2006
  • Cri de Coeur. Tchaikovsky’s epic nationalist drama Mazeppa has its Met broadcast premiere this month (Opera News) 03/01/2006
  • Our neighbors - the Ukrainians [Atanas T. Kobryn column] (Sun-Herald) 03/01/2006
  • Obit: Stefan Terlezki. From slave labourer to rightwing Tory foot soldier at Westminster. By Andrew Roth (Guardian) 03/01/2006
  • Analysis: Is Ukraine's Richest Man Also Its Future Prime Minister? By Roman Kupchinsky (RFE/RL) 03/01/2006
  • Putin's power trip to Hungary and Czech Republic (IH Tribune) 03/01/2006
  • In Washington 'Putin lovers' take on 'democracy lovers' (Georgia Messenger) 03/01/2006
  • Ukraine sees no way round murky Russia gas deal (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Ukraine Says Deported Uzbeks Members of Al-Qaida-Linked Group (VOA) 03/01/2006
  • Ukraine Says Deported Uzbeks Linked To Al-Qaeda (AP/RFE/RL) 03/01/2006
  • Interior minister [Lutsenko] slams Russia's police for failing to extradite Bakai to Ukraine (Interfax-Russia) 03/01/2006
  • Ukraine's Security Service: 10 deported Uzbeks were members of an Al-Qaeda-linked group (Axis Globe) 03/01/2006
  • Ukraine observing democratic values it won during 'Orange Revolution', Yuschenko says (Interfax-Russia) 03/01/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian demonstrator stands in heavy snowfall during a protest in front of the Russian embassy in Kiev (Reuters/AlertNet) 03/01/2006
  • Photo: A Ukrainian soldier carries a wreath at the memorial site set in memory of about four and a half thousands of Polish officers, killed in 1940 by Soviet NKVD troops outside Kharkiv, in heavy snowfall (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (L) and his wife Kateryna (2L) greet Polish President Lech Kaczynski (2R) and his wife Maria before their departure from Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Photo: Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria place candles in front of the monument to the victims of the 1932-33 Great Famine during a wreath-laying ceremony in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Photo: Polish President Lech Kaczynski walks to place a candle to the monument honouring millions of victims of a man-made famine organised by Josef Stalin in the 1930s (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Turkey, Ukraine to boost energy, trade cooperation (AFP/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Photo: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Boris Tarasyuk(L) and Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gul speak to the press after their official talks in Ankara. The foreign ministers of Ukraine and Turkey agreed an action plan to boost cooperation between their countries, particularly in the fields of energy and trade. (AFP/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Photo: Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (R) speaks to Polish President Lech Kaczynski (L) as an unidentified official listens during their meeting in Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Ukraine ready to defend hryvnia during poll (Reuters/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
  • Russian oil firm slams plans for Caspian oil shipments to Europe (Ukrainian Journal) 03/01/2006
  • Ukraine approves steps to earn US$ blns within Kyoto Protocol (Ukrainian Journal) 03/01/2006
  • Kuchma confidant to announce RosUkrEnergo owners, newspaper reports (Ukrainian Journal) 03/01/2006
  • Poland, Ukraine OK energy security plan (Ukrainian Journal) 03/01/2006
  • Yuschenko still in dark over RosUkrEnergo owners (Interfax-Russia) 03/01/2006
  • World prices to guide Russian gas price for Ukraine - Putin (Part 2) (Interfax-Russia) 03/01/2006
  • US court postpones sentencing of Lazarenko until June 9 (Interfax-Russia) 03/01/2006
  • Ukrainian Man Wins $44M Court Case Against Volvo (MosNews) 03/01/2006
  • StreamServe CEO Declares That the Ukraine is the New Hub for Low Cost, High Quality Enterprise Software Development (BusinessWire/Yahoo) 03/01/2006
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

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    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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