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POLITICS Thursday, April 25, 22:54 EDT
Parliamentary Elections 2004
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  • UOC–KP Orthodox Synod Proposes Awards for National Deputies (RISU) 07/31/2005

  • Ukraine Trade Union Leader Praises Revolution But Continues Fight For Change [Mikhail Volynets] (RFE/RL) 07/29/2005
  • Assassination plot reported against PM (Ukrainian Journal) 07/29/2005
  • Few real signs of crisis for Yushchenko and Orange Revolution (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/29/2005
  • Опозиція без жартів (Без цензури) 07/29/2005
  • Forged Documents from Сentral Electoral Commission Discovered by Police (UNIAN) 07/29/2005
  • Тимошенко оприлюднила довідку про свої доходи за 2004 рік (УНІАН) 07/29/2005

  • Андрій Ющенко, син президента: продовження конфлікту (VOA) 07/28/2005
  • Експерти про свободу слова в Україні (VOA) 07/28/2005
  • “Україна після помарначевої революції” – слухання у Конгресі США (VOA) 07/28/2005
  • Economic reform lags in Ukraine (IH Tribune) 07/28/2005
  • Land property rights will shortly be registered in 'single window', State Land Committee Chief states (Government Portal) 07/28/2005
  • Нова влада, нова більшість (Львівська газета) 07/28/2005

  • Photo: Ukraine's President Viktor Yushchenko's son, Andriy, seen in Kiev, Ukraine, in this Wednesday Nov. 17, 2004 file photo. Ukraine's media tested the boundaries of their newly won freedoms with hard-hitting exposes on the allegedly extravagant lifestyle of President Viktor Yushchenko's son, sparking a public feud with the president over what is fair game in this ex-Soviet republic. The muckraking Web site Ukrainskaya Pravda last week ran stories alleging that Yushchenko's 19-year-old son Andriy drives a US$160,000 (133,000) BMW and frequently slaps down rolls of US$100 bills at high-end restaurants. (AP/Yahoo) 07/27/2005
  • Ukraine: Has Yushchenko's Political Honeymoon Come To An End? (RFE/RL) 07/27/2005
  • Vice Premier Tomenko: Internet must be prevented from becoming 'dirty technologists' tool' in election campaign (Government Portal) 07/27/2005
  • Speaker calls for more support for his party, underscoring ambitions (Ukrainian Journal) 07/27/2005
  • New Ukrainian leadership embraces Soviet-style conspiracy theories (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/27/2005
  • Bad press for Yushchenko after son's escapade (IOL) 07/27/2005
  • Journalists' letter to President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko (Ukrayinska Pravda) 07/27/2005
  • President Viktor Yushchenko's letter to Ukrayinska Pravda (Ukrayinska Pravda) 07/27/2005
  • Мирослава Гонгадзе і Сергій Шолох звернулися до Президента (УНІАН) 07/27/2005
  • The Secrets of PR Success (Moscow Times) 07/27/2005
  • Yushchenko to meet IMF’s de Rato at Crimea residence this month (Ukrainian Journal) 07/27/2005

  • Democracy Requires an Active Opposition (День) 07/26/2005
  • Українські журналісти вимагають вибачень від президента Ющенка (VOA) 07/26/2005
  • Yushchenko angers Ukrainian press (BBC) 07/26/2005
  • Омельченко може знову претендувати на посаду мера Києва (VOA) 07/26/2005
  • A Fighter on the Invisible Front: an interview with a provincial falsifier (День) 07/26/2005
  • 'На мене тиснути неможливо, бо ще ніхто нічого з мене не витиснув'. Розмова з Юрієм Костенком (Львівська газета) 07/26/2005
  • Orange clothes languish as some Israelis try to avoid political dress (Catholic News Service) 07/26/2005

  • Дорогою Кучми (Галицькі контракти) 07/25/2005
  • Church Says Revolution Would Be Bloody (Moscow Times) 07/25/2005
  • Кияни вимагають відставки міського голови (VOA) 07/25/2005
  • Починати рухатися на правовому рівні (BBC Ukrainian) 07/25/2005

  • Бізнес і влада: краще чи гірше? (VOA) 07/22/2005
  • With Parliamnet in recess, Yushchenko moves to assert authority (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/22/2005
  • Міняю диктофон на мікрофон (Без цензури) 07/22/2005

  • Gassy Deal. Friendship of the Nations. Ukrainian Minister of Justice Roman Zvarich said yesterday that Ukraine intends to pay Gazprom its debt of $1.43 billion for gas supplies from 1997 to 2000 with money. This is in violation of the agreement with Naftogaz Ukrainy signed in August 2004 (Kommersant) 07/21/2005
  • Photo: Servicemen from the first fully professional Ukrainian brigade, train at their base in Novograd-Volynskiy, 250 km (156 miles) to the west of the capital Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, July 21, 2005. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko's government plans to replace the mainly conscript army with a professional military service by the end of 2010. (AP/Yahoo) 07/21/2005
  • Неефективність українського уряду: висновки експертів (VOA) 07/21/2005

  • Ukrainian Agency Analyzing Gongadze Tapes (RFE/RL) 07/20/2005
  • СБУ та ФБР проведуть нову експертизу плівок Мельниченка (VOA) 07/20/2005
  • Justice Minister Roman Zvarych unveils plan to purge State Executive Service's ranks (Government portal) 07/20/2005
  • President turns down Vice Premier Roman Bezsmertyi's (Government portal) 07/20/2005
  • Photo: A Ukrainian traffic policeman talks to a driver while her car is evacuated in central Kiev (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/20/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian traffic policeman talk in central Kiev July 20, 2005. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko disbanded the 23,000-member traffic police department because of widespread corruption, Itar-Tass news agency reported today. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/20/2005
  • Resolution of Gongadze murder blocked (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/20/2005
  • Ukrainians Lament Slow Pace of Change (Deutsche Welle) 07/20/2005
  • Від єдиного урядовця – представника старої влади вимагають звільнитися (VOA) 07/20/2005

  • Yushchenko targets Donetsk 'clans' (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/19/2005
  • «Більшовиків» рахують восени? Завдяки парламентсько-урядовому конфлікту виконавча влада збагнула, що бiльшiсть проблем спричинила нестача парламентської більшості, й активно займається її творенням (Україна молода) 07/19/2005
  • Юля+Вова=? (Без цензури) 07/19/2005

  • Брюс Джексон: Україна лише починає рух до демократії (VOA) 07/18/2005
  • Protest camps badger Yushchenko (BBC) 07/18/2005
  • „Чорні списки” ПОРИ – першi результати (VOA) 07/18/2005
  • How Putin youth is indoctrinated to foil revolution (The Times) 07/18/2005
  • Міфи і реальність (Львівська газета) 07/18/2005
  • Політичні галюцинації – річ страшна (Високий замок) 07/18/2005

  • Wave of anti-Semitic articles seen tied to vote for Ukraine Parliament (JTA) 07/17/2005
  • Збіґнев Бжезинський оцiнює ситуацію в Українi (VOA) 07/17/2005

  • Ігор Жданов: «Якщо ПРП не згодна з рішенням Мін’юсту, їй доведеться судитися із Президентом» (Без цензури) 07/16/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko speaks in Donetsk, Ukraine, Friday, July 15, 2005. Viktor Yushchenko told a packed auditorium in the hostile eastern city of Donetsk that he was ready to bury the past and work to improve life throughout Ukraine. Yushchenko was making a one-day visit to Donetsk, a Russian-speaking region that overwhelmingly supported his rival in last year's bitter election. (AP/Yahoo) 07/15/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, left, is greeted by Director of the Zasyadko coal mine Yefim Zvyagilsky in Donetsk (AP/Yahoo) 07/15/2005
  • Protests Greet President In Eastern Ukraine [AP] (RFE/RL) 07/15/2005
  • Medvedchuk Summoned to Interior Ministry to Explain Conferring High State Ranks on Certain Citizens (UNIAN) 07/15/2005
  • Branches of Authority Clash in Ukraine. Viktor Yushchenko tries to make peace between the Speaker and the Prime Minister (Kommersant) 07/15/2005
  • Виступ Ющенка перед активом і громадськістю Донецької області (УНІАН) 07/15/2005
  • Горизонт, затуманений виборами: Верховна Рада в неповному складі обурюється «безпардонною» поведінкою своєї «дитини». Чи примирить Ющенко Прем’єрку Тимошенко та спiкера Литвина? (Україна молода) 07/15/2005
  • Війна проти спікера (Львівська газета) 07/15/2005

  • Rinat Akhmetov Called in to Give Unknown Evidence. Questioning (Kommerasnt) 07/14/2005
  • Land Privatization to End Within 10 Months - Yushchenko (Black Enterprise) 07/14/2005
  • Парламентсько-урядова криза: коментарі політологів (VOA) 07/14/2005
  • В Українi формуються виборчi блоки (VOA) 07/14/2005
  • Ukrainian President Slams Tax Service for Failure to Reform (Black Enterprise) 07/14/2005
  • President Called on Tymoshenko and Lytvyn to Mutual Understanding (UNIAN) 07/14/2005
  • Мінус на мінус не дає плюс (BBC Ukrainian) 07/14/2005

  • Білозір заблокувала рахунки Театру російської драми (УНІАН) 07/13/2005
  • Ukraine Outraged by Russian Shoot-em-up Computer Game [Mission Galichina features Russian special forces destroying Ukrainian guerillas] (MosNews) 07/13/2005
  • Government Blames Parliament for Provocation (UNIAN) 07/13/2005
  • Литвин перервав відпустку і повертається з Криму до Києва (УНІАН) 07/13/2005
  • Росія визнала Тузлу українським островом (УНІАН) 07/13/2005
  • Yushchenko's party project a failure? (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/13/2005
  • Internal divisions may defeat Yushchenko's WTO aspirations (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/13/2005
  • Нереабілітований історією: прокуратура Донеччини порушила кримінальну справу за фактом підробки службових документів у Апеляційному обласному суді про зняття двох судимостей із Віктора Януковича (Україна молода) 07/13/2005
  • Як піде на вибори коаліція влади (Львівська газета) 07/13/2005

  • Agricultural Minister Baranovski Received Ultimatum from PM (UNIAN) 07/12/2005
  • Ukrainian Billionaire [Viktor Pinchuk] Stripped Of Another Asset [Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant] (Forbes) 07/12/2005
  • Ukraine's Ex-Security Service Chief Ihor Smeshko Denies Agents Poisoned President Yushchenko (UNIAN) 07/12/2005
  • Ukrainian Court Seizes Control of Metal Factory From Former President's Son-In-Law (AP/Yahoo) 07/12/2005
  • Немов весілля без баяну, немає партії Ющенка без Майдану (Україна молода) 07/12/2005
  • Черговий удар по 'проекту трьох' (Львівська газета) 07/12/2005
  • 'Конкурентів у нас буде багато. Це і 'Наша Україна', і БЮТ, Блок Литвина, КПУ, 'Регіони України', ПСПУ'. Розмова з Йосипом Вінським (Львівська газета) 07/12/2005

  • Ukraine Backpedals in Gas Dispute (Moscow Times) 07/11/2005
  • Студенти вимагають відновлення пільг на транспорт (VOA) 07/11/2005
  • Опозиція знову звинувачує владу у переслідуваннях (VOA) 07/11/2005
  • Yushchenko Allowed PUOU to Use Brand “Our Ukraine” (UNIAN) 07/11/2005
  • Ukraine Squares Up to Russia in Gas Pipeline Row (RedNova) 07/11/2005
  • Ukraine Holds First Oblast Election Since Orange Revolution (Pressbox) 07/11/2005
  • The Rich Boys. An ultra-secretive network rules independent oil trading. Its mentor: Marc Rich [One company from which Rich bought crude during this period was a front for extremist Russian and Ukrainian organizations. All were pro-Saddam...] (BusinessWeek) 07/11/2005
  • Сила, яка ще не програвала (Львівська газета) 07/11/2005
  • Будемо дружити партіями (Львівська газета) 07/11/2005
  • 'Ми вже маємо дві партії 'Наша Україна', і яка з них більш правдива, покажуть лише час і життя'. Розмова з Володимиром Філенком (Львівська газета) 07/11/2005

  • Paper Says Ukrainian Privatization Slowing Down in 2005 (Black Enterprise) 07/09/2005
  • Ура! Канікули! Парламент пішов на відпочинок без «СОТового» пакета, зате із законом про вибори (Україна молода) 07/09/2005
  • Не «наше» дiло — проситися: колишня партія «Реформи і порядок» не приєднується до НСНУ (Україна молода) 07/09/2005

  • Yushchenko election coalition divided over role for Lytvyn (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Yury Dyashchenko, 50, sets sets his clothing on fire during corruption protest outside parliament in Kiev, Ukraine, Friday, July 8, 2005. The protester accused President Viktor Yushchenko and his new government of failing to fulfill pledges to crack down on rampant corruption among state authorities. His condition is not known. (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • „Такі справи” звинувачують українську владу у бездіяльності (VOA) 07/08/2005
  • Рада Європи не припинить монiторингу України (VOA) 07/08/2005
  • Violence disrupts Ukraine parliament (AP/Guardian) 07/08/2005
  • Zvarych Confident that “Kryvorozhstal” Ex-Owners to Never Win Case in European Court (UNIAN) 07/08/2005
  • Centrists say Communist Parliament attack was aimed at helping Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: A protester sets himself on fire in front of the Ukrainian parliament building in central Kiev July 8, 2005. A group of demonstrators gathered in central Kiev to protest against corruption among Ukrainian high officials, Itar-Tass news agency reported. Police managed to put out fire and deliver the protester to hospital. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: A protester sets himself on fire in front of the Ukrainian parliament building in central Kiev July 8, 2005. A group of demonstrators gathered in central Kiev to protest against corruption among Ukrainian high officials, Itar-Tass news agency reported. Police managed to put out fire and deliver the protester to hospital. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko gives the thumbs up sign and officials applaud as lawmakers agreed to put the government's bills needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization up for consideration in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, July 6, 2005. More than a dozen lawmakers brawled in the Ukrainian parliament Wednesday during a debate over legislation needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization. (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn, front right, and his first deputy Adam Martunyuk, front left, continue as lawmakers fight around the rostrum in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, July 7, 2005. More than a dozen lawmakers brawled in the Ukrainian parliament Wednesday during a debate over legislation needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization. The rostrum is covered with a protest banner against members of President Viktor Yushchenko's government who have refused to relinquish their parliamentary seats. (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian lawmakers brawl in the Ukrainian parliament during a debate over legislation needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian lawmakers brawl in the Ukrainian parliament during a debate over legislation needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian lawmakers brawled in the Ukrainian parliament during a debate over legislation needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn, front left, in black dress, looks on as lawmakers fight around the rostrum in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, July 7, 2005. More than a dozen lawmakers brawled in the Ukrainian parliament Wednesday during a debate over legislation needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization. The rostrum is covered with a protest banner against members of President Viktor Yushchenko's government who have refused to relinquish their parliamentary seats. (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn, top right, and his first deputy Adam Martunyuk, top left, look at as lawmakers fight around the rostrum in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian lawmakers brawled in the Ukrainian parliament y during a debate over legislation needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian lawmakers brawled in the Ukrainian parliament y during a debate over legislation needed for Ukraine's entry into the World Trade Organization in Kiev (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn, top right, gestures as lawmakers gathered around the rostrum in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, July 5, 2005. The rostrum is covered with a protest banner against members of President Viktor Yushchenko's government who have refused to relinquish their parliamentary seats. The Ukrainian parliament on Tuesday failed to vote on a package of bills necessary for the country's admission to the World Trade Organization, handing an embarrassing defeat to Yushchenko who had made a personal appeal for support. (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko gestures as he talks to lawmakers in the parliament in Kiev, Ukraine, Tuesday, July 5, 2005. The Ukrainian parliament on Tuesday failed to vote on a package of bills necessary for the country's admission to the World Trade Organization, handing an embarrassing defeat to Yushchenko who had made a personal appeal for support. (AP/Yahoo) 07/08/2005
  • Помаранчева нитка між Майданом і Банковою протрималася недовго. Але загалом народ ще довіряє новій владі (Україна молода) 07/08/2005
  • 'Нашої України' поменшало (Львівська газета) 07/08/2005

  • Tymoshenko embroiled in dispute between tycoons (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/07/2005
  • President, PM to step up pressure on Socialists to support WTO bills (Ukrainian Journal) 07/07/2005
  • Progress made on WTO accession measure (Ukrainian Journal) 07/07/2005
  • Much Ado about the WTO. The Ukrainian opposition goes after the microphones (Kommersant) 07/07/2005
  • Photo: Kyrgyz youth wave Ukrainian and Kyrgyz national flags as they attend a western funded pre-election concert in Bishkek Thursday, July 7, 2005. Kyrgyzstan will vote for the new president on Sunday (AP/Yahoo) 07/07/2005
  • Верховна Рада ухвалила ще чотири закони, необхідних для вступу до СОТ (Deutsche Welle) 07/07/2005
  • Перегони облич та імен (Львівська газета) 07/07/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (C) speaks with parliament deputies as they block a vote in the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev, July 5, 2005. Opposition deputies in Ukraine halted a planned parliamentary debate on Tuesday on a package of laws aimed at clearing a path to membership of the World Trade Organisation, a key policy plank for the pro-Western government. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/06/2005
  • Fists fly as Ukraine parliament debates WTO entry (Reuters) 07/06/2005
  • Ukrainian Lawmakers Throw Punches (AP/Yahoo) 07/06/2005
  • Ukrainian Forces Test Their Strength. How the interior minister and his deputy quarreled (Kommersant) 07/06/2005
  • Naftogaz Ukrayiny natural gas supply deals said to cover huge gap (Ukrainian Journal) 07/06/2005
  • Showdown with opposition slows WTO bills (Ukrainian Journal) 07/06/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian deputies scuffle with their colleagues from the opposition during a debate in the parliament hall in Kiev July 6, 2005. Ukraine's parliament on Wednesday began the arduous process of approving laws needed to join the World Trade Organisation, a key goal for the country's new liberal administration, by passing a long-awaited bill on intellectual property rights. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/06/2005
  • United Russia Will Advise Yanukovych (Moscow Times) 07/06/2005
  • Президентові в партійному списку — ні! «Народному союзу «Наша Україна» без Ющенка у списку — теж... (Україна молода) 07/06/2005
  • Янукович знову заховався за спини спортсменів (Високий замок) 07/06/2005

  • Photo: Ukrainian parliament deputies stend around Speaker Volodymyr Litvin (C) as they block a vote in the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev July 5, 2005. Opposition deputies in Ukraine halted a planned parliamentary debate on Tuesday on a package of laws aimed at clearing a path to membership of the World Trade Organisation, a key policy plank for the pro-Western government. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/05/2005
  • Central Asian security bloc calls for deadline on US military pullout [The presidents of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), which comprises Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and China, signed a declaration calling for deadlines to be set on the closure of airbases used by US forces in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.] (AFP/Yahoo) 07/05/2005
  • Global arms dealers still fuel Congo unrest -report [Among other arms transfers, (Amnesty International) said it also had evidence of arms-for-diamonds agreements involving the Congolese government and companies in the Czech Republic, Israel and Ukraine.] (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (R) listens to Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko in the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev July 5, 2005. Opposition deputies in Ukraine halted a planned parliamentary debate on Tuesday on a package of laws aimed at clearing a path to membership of the World Trade Organisation, a key policy plank for the pro-Western government. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/05/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian parliament deputies stand around Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko (C) as they block a vote in the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev, July 5, 2005. Opposition deputies in Ukraine halted a planned parliamentary debate on Tuesday on a package of laws aimed at clearing a path to membership of the World Trade Organisation, a key policy plank for the pro-Western government. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/05/2005

  • Security forces find lab said to have made poison used on Yushchenko (Ukrainian Journal) 07/04/2005
  • Photo: Ukrainian youth movement 'We' activists hold portraits of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and horror movie character Freddy Krueger during a protest in central Donetsk, July 4, 2005. Demonstrators gathered on Monday, Independence Day in the U.S., to protest against the pro-U.S. policy of the present Ukrainian administration which, from their point of view, neglects people's needs. Signs collectively read 'Ukraine'. (Reuters/Yahoo) 07/04/2005

  • Студентськi протести в Сумах (VOA) 07/01/2005
  • Закон про Кабмін та ефективність роботи парламенту (VOA) 07/01/2005
  • Yushchenko poisoners' lab is found (Daily Telegraph) 07/01/2005
  • Suspicion shifts from Russia over poison used on leader (The Times) 07/01/2005
  • Ukraine Presses Russia Over Fugitive [Ihor Bakay, who under former President Leonid Kuchma headed a powerful department responsible for state property] (Moscow Times) 07/01/2005
  • МЗС про повернення Бакая і Пукача (VOA) 07/01/2005
  • Petr Poroshenko: Accession to NATO Is Like a Flicker of Light at the End of the Tunnel. Euro integration (Kommersant) 07/01/2005
  • Criminal charges reach senior leaders of Ukrainian opposition (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 07/01/2005
  • НДП нарiкає на політичні переслідування (VOA) 07/01/2005
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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

    The Kyiv Post

    День The Day Newspaper

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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
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