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  • A Heavy Mace for Mr. Poroshenko. What the new President should start with to meet expectations of his voters (Ukrainian Week) 06/30/2014
  • Belarus’s University in Exile Looks to the West (The New York Times) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine President Talks Peace With Merkel, Putin, Hollande (The Epoch Times/AP) 06/30/2014
  • Disenchanted With Home, Many Russians Seek New Life In Ukraine (RFE/RL) 06/30/2014
  • Moscow Says Killing Of Cameraman Shows Kyiv Not De-Escalating Conflict (RFE/RL) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine president ends unilateral cease-fire, saying: 'we will attack' [7:01 pm EDT] (Al Jazeera) 06/30/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine based on information received until 29 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/30/2014
  • Ukrainian president ends unilateral ceasefire [8:20 pm EDT] (Yahoo/AP) 06/30/2014
  • Russian arms likely used against Ukrainian aircraft, says US (Yahoo/AFP) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine 'will not renew ceasefire': Poroshenko (Yahoo/AFP) 06/30/2014
  • National Security and Defence Council: The plan of anti-terrorist assault ready, the military await the order (Ukrainian Week) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine ceasefire wrangle, journalist killed (Deutsche Welle) 06/30/2014
  • Terrorists shell residential districts in Sloviansk killing at least eight yesterday (Ukrainian Week) 06/30/2014
  • SBU detains terrorists intending to blow up Kyiv-Kharkiv railroad (Ukrainian Week) 06/30/2014
  • Expert: more diversions against Ukrainian gas transit system could take place in the next few weeks (Ukrainian Week) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine leaders meets security chiefs as end of ceasefire approaches (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/30/2014
  • Putin Keeps Retreating from War but Cannot Accept Peace (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 06/30/2014
  • In Russia, A Like Or Retweet Can Now Cost You Five Years In Jail. Nobody seems to have told Putin that retweets aren’t endorsements (Buzzfeed) 06/30/2014
  • A Conduit for Russian Gas, Tangled in Europe’s Conflicts. South Stream Pipeline Project in Bulgaria Is Delayed (The New York Times) 06/30/2014
  • Russian Hackers Targeting Oil and Gas Companies (The New York Times) 06/30/2014
  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko Declares Ceasefire Over: 'We Will Attack' (Mashable) 06/30/2014
  • Russian Social Media Fortify Rebellion in Eastern Ukraine (Voice of America) 06/30/2014
  • Op-ed: For Duma, Putin's Policies Are a No-Brainer (The Moscow Times) 06/30/2014
  • Terrorists shell the airfield in Kramatorsk and checkpoints near Sloviansk during truce (Ukrainian Week) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine and Russia agree to work on truce extension (BBC) 06/30/2014
  • Director of Crimean Tatar programmes on TRC Krym dismissed (KHPG) 06/30/2014
  • Railway bridge blown up in Kharkiv oblast (KHPG) 06/30/2014
  • Luhansk CVU fear Alchevsk journalist’s life could be in danger (KHPG) 06/30/2014
  • Mystery Man Who Gave Yanukovych a 2-Kilo Gold 'Bread Loaf' Revealed (The Moscow Times) 06/30/2014
  • Russian Sailors Arrive in France for Mistral-Warship Training (The Moscow Times) 06/30/2014
  • Ukrainians Crowdfund 'People's Drone' to Patrol Russian Border (The Moscow Times) 06/30/2014
  • The EU’s Opaque Dealings with Ukraine (KHPG) 06/30/2014
  • Russia Mounts Massive Military Exercises, Montenegrin Court SuspendsTabloid for Tarring Activist (Transitions Online) 06/30/2014
  • EU takes Russia to WTO over pork embargo (Euractiv) 06/30/2014
  • Telephone diplomacy over East Ukraine makes little progress (Euractiv) 06/30/2014
  • Germany Seeks ‘Substantial’ Talks on Ukraine Controversy (Bloomberg) 06/30/2014
  • 'Ukraine sanctions could increase Kremlin-backed killings in London' (Evening Standard) 06/30/2014
  • Gazprom dismisses Ukraine move on gas pipeline investment (BusinessDay) 06/30/2014
  • OSCE representative warns about appalling journalists’ safety situation in eastern Ukraine after death of one more journalist, calls for thorough investigation (OSCE) 06/30/2014
  • Poroshenko's statement after June 29 phone call with Putin, Merkel and Hollande (Kyiv Post) 06/30/2014
  • Cameraman for Russia's Channel One fatally wounded in Donetsk (UPDATED, VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/30/2014
  • Russian Cameraman Killed In Eastern Ukraine (VIDEO) (RFE/RL) 06/30/2014
  • Elton John Hopes to Meet Putin to Discuss Russia's Gays (The Moscow Times) 06/30/2014
  • OSCE Freezes Deployment to Eastern Ukraine After Kidnappings (The Moscow Times/Reuters) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine and Russia to hold fresh talks to end crisis (euronews) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine withdraws 2022 Olympics bid (Al Jazeera) 06/30/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine based on information received until 27 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/30/2014
  • Russian and Ukrainian OSCE PA Delegations pledge to pursue two-track dialogue (OSCEPA) 06/30/2014
  • Russian Investigator Stars in Anti-Government Gogol Adaptation (The Moscow Times) 06/30/2014
  • Separatists in Donetsk Seize Independent Journalists' Website (The Moscow Times) 06/30/2014
  • Putin Signs Law Giving Prison Terms for Internet Extremism (The Moscow Times) 06/30/2014
  • Ukraine ceasefire wrangle, journalist killed (Deutsche Welle) 06/30/2014
  • FSB Preparing to Close Muslim Institutions in Occupied Crimea, Silantyev Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/30/2014
  • Three Laws of Soviet Reality Again Operational Under Putin, Magarshak Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/30/2014
  • Autarchy Imposed or Chosen Would Seriously Harm Russians, Moscow Commentator Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/30/2014
  • Putin’s Russia Displays ‘Psychology of a Primitive Group,’ Analyst Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/30/2014

  • Crimea tourist crisis: Putin gets tough to persuade tourists to return (Daily Express) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine's Ancient Hatreds (National Interests) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine government urged to take firmer actions in east (Financial Times) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine and European Union Agreement Spurns Russia (Guardian Liberty Voice) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine's displaced: 'We want to go home'. Number of people displaced by conflict in eastern Ukraine has skyrocketed in past few weeks (Al Jazeera) 06/29/2014
  • In Ukraine, Frustration Grows With Kiev's Peace Efforts (Wall Street Journal) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine Says Five Soldiers Killed In East (RFE/RL) 06/29/2014
  • Apiary teaches Ukranian art of pysanky (Newsday) 06/29/2014
  • Putin's Ukraine Gambit Paying Off (The Moscow Times) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine could become a new 'Eastern European tiger' (News24) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine still facing tough times (Pottsville Republican-Herald) 06/29/2014
  • Anti-Americanism rampant, fringe conspiracy theories take hold in Russia. Feelings drive rising popularity of Putin, poll shows (+VIDEO) (The Weshington Times) 06/29/2014
  • Russia and Others Confer on Halting Ukraine Fighting, Which Goes on Despite Cease-Fire (The New York Times) 06/29/2014
  • Op-ed: Taras Kuzio: 20 questions for Poroshenko, parliament and government (Kyiv Post) 06/29/2014
  • Kiev Is Full of Hope — Yes, Even for Jews (Jewish Daily Forward) 06/29/2014
  • Locals look to Ukraine to make family complete. Inspired by friends, couple adopts siblings from orphanages (Clarksville Leaf Chronicle) 06/29/2014
  • EU-Associated Opaque Dealings (KHPG) 06/29/2014
  • Pro-Russian rebels free 4 OSCE observers (Yahoo/AP) 06/29/2014
  • Ukrainian soldiers call for lifting of cease-fire (Yahoo/AP) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko: bustle and brio, but is he a match for Putin? (Reuters) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine rebels free OSCE monitors, 3 Ukrainians killed in attack (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine, EU leaders to press Putin before truce expiry (Yahoo/AFP) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine conscripts prefer going home to joining rebels (Yahoo/AFP) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine phone talks between leaders last over two hours: Paris (Yahoo/AFP) 06/29/2014
  • Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova Now on ‘Baltic Path’ to the West, Russian Analyst Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/29/2014
  • Moscow Appears Ready to Play Armenian Ethnic Card against Georgia (Window on Eurasia) 06/29/2014
  • Are Russian Attitudes on Ukraine Shifting Away from War toward Conflict Resolution? (Window on Eurasia) 06/29/2014
  • Kremlin-backed militants continue intense pressure on journalists (KHPG) 06/29/2014
  • Tax Ministry: Some $250 million in state funds allocated to fraudulent companies in 2014 (Kyiv Post) 06/29/2014
  • A 100-Year Legacy of World War I. The legacy of World War I remains on display today in places as varied as France, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq, Turkey and Ukraine. (The New York Times) 06/29/2014
  • Iraq Says Russian Experts Have Arrived to Help Prepare Jets for Fighting. The experts’ arrival was seen as a rebuke to the United States, where concerns in Congress about the political viability of Iraq’s government have stalled aircraft sales to Iraq. (The New York Times) 06/29/2014

  • Terrorists attack Ukrainian military near Sloviansk, killing several Ukrainian troops (Ukrainian Week) 06/28/2014
  • Ukraine president signs EU trade and economic pact (Jurist) 06/28/2014
  • Ukranian Food Festival Works to Preserve the Culture (TWC News) 06/28/2014
  • Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine, looks west as war next door imperils its Russian market (Washington Post) 06/28/2014
  • Second group of OSCE monitors freed in eastern Ukraine (OSCE) 06/28/2014
  • Chairman-in-Office relieved about release of Luhansk-based SMM team, says OSCE ready to support implementation of peace plan to the extent security situation permits (OSCE) 06/28/2014
  • Russian Duma Chair, Ukrainian Rada Deputy Chair address OSCE PA Annual Session (OSCEPA) 06/28/2014
  • Ukraine, Europe leaders talk with Moscow before ceasefire expires (Yahoo/AFP) 06/28/2014
  • Bloodshed mars Ukraine ceasefire. Four soldiers killed as military moves to take over a checkpoint previously seized by Pro-Russia separatists (Al Jazeera) 06/28/2014
  • Three Ukrainian military killed in rebel attack: spokesman (Reuters) 06/28/2014
  • Four European monitors released by rebels in east Ukraine (Yahoo/AFP) 06/28/2014
  • Violations of media freedom in eastern Ukraine do not stop, says OSCE media representative [self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” aims to control media of the Donetsk region in Ukraine] (OSCE) 06/28/2014
  • Taras Shevchenko: Poet, Artist, Icon (1814–1861). Bicentennial exhibition honoring Ukraine's greatest cultural figure opens to the public Sunday, June 29. Original art work from Ukraine museum a major highlight (Ukrainian Museum) 06/28/2014
  • 60 Years Ago This Week, Ukrainians Rose Up Against the Soviet GULAG at Kengir (Window on Eurasia) 06/28/2014
  • Please support endangered Museum of Soviet Repression (KHPG) 06/28/2014
  • Russia accuses US of fueling Ukrainian crisis (Yahoo/AP) 06/28/2014
  • Saving Lieutenant Savchenko (Kyiv Post) 06/28/2014
  • Russia economy would shrink if hit by sectoral sanctions -minister (Reuters) 06/28/2014
  • Ukraine awaits ceasefire outcomes. Ukraine's three-day ceasefire extension in pro-Russian eastern regions has been marred by isolated violence. Moscow's economy minister has warned that tougher Western economic sanctions will harm Russia. (Deutsche Welle) 06/28/2014
  • Ukraine Takes Another Step on Western Path It Chose 800 Years Ago (Window on Eurasia) 06/28/2014

  • How tightly will Germany stand with Ukraine against Russia? (Christian Science Monitor) 06/27/2014
  • Part of the West? 'German Leftists Have Still Not Understood Putin' (Der Spiegel) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko replies to nazi name calling: Putin's adviser is a muppet [Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin's adviser Sergei Glazyev is a 'muppet' and a 'nobody'. Poroshenko's remarks came after Glazyev called Poroshenko a 'nazi', only hours before Ukraine was due to sign an Association Agreement with the EU.] (VIDEO) (Euractiv) 06/27/2014
  • Russia analyst: Putin is trying to 'rectify a historic wrong' (Euractiv) 06/27/2014
  • As Ukraine inks EU deal, Moscow is not giving up (Yahoo/AFP) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine's Secret Weapon: Feisty Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky. New Governor of Dnipropetrovsk Takes on Pro-Russia Separatists, but Critics Worry About Growing Power of Oligarchs (Wall Street Journal) 06/27/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine based on information received until 26 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/27/2014
  • At second OSCE-hosted meeting, journalists’ unions adopt action plan to improve media freedom situation in and around Ukraine (OSCE) 06/27/2014
  • Congratulating Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine on the Signing of Agreements with the European Union ( 06/27/2014
  • Victory and the Price Paid (KHPG) 06/27/2014
  • Poroshenko: Ukrainians expect EU to protect country's 'independence and territorial integrity' (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine signs historic EU pact, snubbing Russia (Yahoo/AP) 06/27/2014
  • Ukrainian president extends cease-fire for 3 days (Yahoo/AP) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine seeks concrete steps from Russia on truce (Yahoo/AFP) 06/27/2014
  • New sanctions on Russia could 'seriously' impact growth: minister (Yahoo/AFP) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine extends truce with rebels after sealing EU pact (Yahoo/AFP) 06/27/2014
  • Moody's cuts Russia's rating outlook to 'negative', cites Ukraine crisis (Yahoo/AFP) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova look to EU future with accords (Yahoo/AFP) 06/27/2014
  • EU signs trade pact with Ukraine, ceasefire extended by 72 hours (Reuters) 06/27/2014
  • Kiev Celebrates What It Fought For (Mashable) 06/27/2014
  • Defying Russia, Ukraine Signs E.U. Trade Pact (The New York Times) 06/27/2014
  • Russia Abruptly Cancels Rocket Launch (The New York Times) 06/27/2014
  • Russia: the 'Maleficent' to Ukraine's Sleeping Beauty? (+VIDEO) In sharp contrast to the festive mood in Brussels, the Kremlin is warning that today's Ukraine-EU trade deal signing will lead to 'serious consequences' for Kiev. (Christian Science Monitor) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine sets course for Europe, but rough waters lie ahead (Christian Science Monitor) 06/27/2014
  • Border guards close 9 checkpoints in east of Ukraine – NSDC (UNIAN) 06/27/2014
  • Chubarov: Simferopol authorities are segregating Crimean Tatars (KHPG) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine’s Security Service cuts all cooperation with Russian FSB (KHPG) 06/27/2014
  • Daughter of well-known pro-Ukrainian activist prevented from leaving Crimea (KHPG) 06/27/2014
  • Andriy Kravets, empire-builder for Yanukovych (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Kuzmin is now wanted in Ukraine, while Tymoshenko's gas case is closed (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine's Humanitarian Crisis Deepens (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Kryukiv trains break Hyundai's monopoly on Ukrainian rapid transportation market (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Former drug addicts flee Crimea, eastern Ukraine to continue substitution therapy (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Toxic waste, toxic scandal in Kalush (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Toll rises to 174 killed with deaths of 23 servicemen from June 19-24 (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine's road to economic prosperity (Kyiv Post) 06/27/2014
  • Mysterious money supposedly allocated for refugees (KHPG) 06/27/2014
  • European Union leaders prepare but delay imposing tougher sanctions on Russia (Deutsche Welle) 06/27/2014
  • Vladimir Putin’s butt gets kicked twice. You may know about just one. (New York Daily News) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine signs landmark accord with E.U. (Washington Post) 06/27/2014
  • UN: 110,000 fled Ukraine for Russia this year (Yahoo/AP) 06/27/2014
  • Sharp rise in people fleeing eastern Ukraine - UNHCR (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/27/2014
  • Germany eases immigration rules for Ukrainian Jews (Yahoo/AP) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko to decide on ceasefire later on Friday (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine signs trade agreement with EU, draws Russian threat (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/27/2014
  • Four Ukrainian servicemen killed in new fighting: military source (Reuters) 06/27/2014
  • Ukrainian rebels free four OSCE hostages, four still in captivity (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/27/2014
  • Kremlin Re-Imposing Soviet Myth about Voluntary 'Joining' of Non-Russians to Russia, Buryat Scholar Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/27/2014
  • Russian Army Won’t Be Ready to Intervene in Ukraine Before Mid-July, Felgengauer Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/27/2014
  • Russians Suffer from Three Misconceptions about Western Sanctions over Ukraine, Analyst Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/27/2014
  • ‘Traditional Islam’ Now has Four Distinct Meanings in CIS Countries, Moscow Expert Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/27/2014
  • Whose anti-Semitic and Homophobic Choice? (KHPG) 06/27/2014
  • In goodwill gesture, southeast rebels release international observers (Ukrainian Journal) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine set to sign EU association deal (Ukrainian Journal) 06/27/2014
  • EU deals could stoke growth, reform (The State) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine: Cease-Fire to End Friday Evening if Talks Fail (Wall Street Journal) 06/27/2014
  • Kuchma calls on tripartite group to resolve East Ukraine crisis (Ukrainian Journal) 06/27/2014
  • Pivdenmash faces shutdown due to halt of Zenit-3SL rocket production (Ukrainian Journal) 06/27/2014
  • Ukrainian rebels free four OSCE hostages, four still in captivity (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 06/27/2014
  • OSCE Chairperson-in-Office grateful for support in release of four monitors from Donetsk-based SMM team, calls for setting free the other team of four without delay (OSCE) 06/27/2014
  • OSCE Special Monitoring Mission Donetsk-based team of four released after 32 days (OSCE) 06/27/2014
  • Ukraine, EU sign historic trade and economic pact (Yahoo/AP) 06/27/2014
  • EU leaders won't hit Russia with new sanctions (Yahoo/AP) 06/27/2014

  • Editorial: The West must hold Russia to a real withdrawal from Ukraine (The Washington Post) 06/26/2014
  • Call it Terrorism: The Unacknowledged Tactic of the Russian-Led Insurgency in Ukraine’s East. BY JOHN E. HERBST (Atlantic Council) 06/26/2014
  • Little Failures: Russia's Very Expensive & Yet Wholly Unimpressive Side. It’s all a very Russian story: ungodly amounts of money spent with little to show for it. By Julia Ioffe (New Republic) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine's Crisis In Internet Memes (RFE/RL) 06/26/2014
  • Explainer: What EU Accords Mean For Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova (RFE/RL) 06/26/2014
  • Ukrainian Filmmaker Remains Behind Bars Despite Growing Support [Oleg Sentsov] (RFE/RL) 06/26/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine based on information received until 25 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine set to sign EU pact that sparked revolution (The Guardian) 06/26/2014
  • Ukrainian President: Peace depends on Putin's mood. EXCLUSIVE: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (+VIDEO) (CNN) 06/26/2014
  • What is Ukraine's association agreement with the EU? (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 06/26/2014
  • Report: Ukrainian Rebels Agree to Further Peace Talks (Voice of America) 06/26/2014
  • Op-ed: A day with Ukraine’s volunteer fighters. By Alexander J. Motyl (Al Jazeera) 06/26/2014
  • What is Ukraine's association agreement with the EU? (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/26/2014
  • John Kerry, Secretary of State: Remarks With French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius After Their Meeting ['There is some sort – but we will be very careful – of a de-escalation.'] ( 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine President Says Tough Decision Looms If Deal With Separatists Isn't Reached. Ukraine Government Representatives to Meet With Rebels on Cease-Fire. John Kerry Says Russia Must Prove 'in the Next Hours' That It Is Working to Help Disarm Separatists (Wall Street Journal) 06/26/2014
  • Kerry: Russians must take concrete steps (Ukrainian Journal) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine asks IMF to consider costs of insurgency when disbursing aid (Ukrainian Journal) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine will be natgas sufficient in 5-7 years, official says (Ukrainian Journal) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine invites monitors to check flow of Russian gas to EU (Ukrainian Journal) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine calls on Russia to support peace plan (Yahoo/AP) 06/26/2014
  • West to Putin: Prove commitment to Ukraine peace (Yahoo/AP) 06/26/2014
  • Kerry tells Russia to disarm Ukraine separatists 'in hours' (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/26/2014
  • Ukrainian rebels agree to further peace talks - Interfax (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/26/2014
  • Merkel calls Putin again on Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/26/2014
  • West renews Russia sanctions threat as Ukraine ceasefire crumbles (Reuters) 06/26/2014
  • Kyiv Patriarchate urges UOC-MP to refuse from participation in Slavic Unity Festival (RISU) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine leader slams Russia's 'insufficient' support for peace plan (Yahoo/AFP) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine offers regions more powers to calm insurgency (Yahoo/AFP) 06/26/2014
  • Russia counts on EU ‘friends’ to avert further sanctions (Euractiv) 06/26/2014
  • Putin Won’t Be Able to Mobilize Russians Much Longer by Ukraine Alone, Pastukhov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/26/2014
  • Putin Admits to Aggression in Ukraine but Leaves Loopholes for More (Window on Eurasia) 06/26/2014
  • Putin’s Failure to Develop Industry Limiting Russia’s Ability to Rely on Exports of Oil and Gas (Window on Eurasia) 06/26/2014
  • Fewer than Two Percent of Crimean Tatars Apply for Russian Citizenship (Window on Eurasia) 06/26/2014
  • Empty ‘positive signals’ used to justify another western cave-in over sanctions (KHPG) 06/26/2014
  • Tymchuk: Bombs to be expected anywhere in Ukraine (KHPG) 06/26/2014
  • Two medical students abducted by militants in Donetsk (KHPG) 06/26/2014
  • Luhansk hatistory lecturer abducted by Kremlin-backed militants (KHPG) 06/26/2014
  • Ukrainian authorities have evidence that Yanukovych finances terrorists – Klimkin (UNIAN) 06/26/2014
  • Putin changes tack on Ukraine (Deutsche Welle) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine takes one step closer to EU (Deutsche Welle) 06/26/2014
  • Lifestyle Blog: Is Jennifer Lopez dating a Ukrainian? (Kyiv Post) 06/26/2014
  • Living without Russian gas: Hard, but possible (Kyiv Post) 06/26/2014
  • Poroshenko speaks with Merkel, Hollande and Putin (Kyiv Post) 06/26/2014
  • Ukraine: Rebels and government blame each other for breaking ceasefire (euronews) 06/26/2014
  • Even with military intervention order revoked, Putin engaged in Ukraine. Russian personnel may be invited into eastern Ukraine on an official basis (VIDEO) [dated 6/24/2014] (Al Jazeera) 06/26/2014

  • Lawmakers Want Foreign Internet Companies to Store Users' Data in Russia (The Moscow Times) 06/25/2014
  • Bawdy Lyrics Mock Putin in Ukraine. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine Says Won't Budge in Gas Talks With Russia (Wall Street Journal) 06/25/2014
  • Follow the Money to Putin Inc. to See Why U.S. Struggles With Russia (Bloomberg) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine's Ceasefire Is Shot Down in Flames (VICE News) 06/25/2014
  • Donetsk separatists blame Ukraine’s army for breaking ceasefire agreement (Kyiv Post) 06/25/2014
  • Crimeans anonymously support Ukraine online (Kyiv Post) 06/25/2014
  • Merkel Says Sanctions on Table Amid Slow Ukraine Progress (Bloomberg) 06/25/2014
  • Obama warns more sanctions await Moscow on Ukraine (Yahoo/AFP) 06/25/2014
  • Dumb in the Duma? Shock in Russia over lawmakers' 'absurd' bills (Yahoo/AFP) 06/25/2014
  • Slavyansk, a ghost town under siege (Yahoo/AFP) 06/25/2014
  • Russia and Others Seek Extended Ukraine Truce, but Separatists Balk (The New York Times) 06/25/2014
  • Polish PM survives vote of confidence over bugging scandal (Yahoo/AFP) 06/25/2014
  • Ukrainian president outlines decentralization plan (Xinhua) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine With Few Months Gas Store Needs Russia Deal: BofA (Bloomberg) 06/25/2014
  • Ukrainian man in 2012 flight ruckus gets probation (Kansas City Star/AP) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine Boxing Superstar Prepares for City Hall Arena [Vitaliy Klitschko] (Voice of America) 06/25/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine based on information received until 24 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/25/2014
  • In Ukraine Signs of a Truce Unraveling (Businessweek) 06/25/2014
  • Putin talks with Germany, Ukraine about truce (Yahoo/AP) 06/25/2014
  • Maidan demonstrates (on June 17) for new Parliament elections and laws June 2014 (VIDEO). By Damian Kolodiy (OrangeDoc) 06/25/2014
  • Crimea’s Methadone Ban hits Rehabilitation Patients hard (KHPG) 06/25/2014
  • Hague urges Russian action on Ukraine peace plan (Yahoo/AFP) 06/25/2014
  • Putin’s Latest Declaration about Ukraine Meaningless Except as Deception, Moscow Analyst Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/25/2014
  • Because It Depends on State, Moscow Patriarchate has Lost Ukraine and May Lose Even More, Kyiv Analyst Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/25/2014
  • European Union Shows the Way on Crimean Non-Recognition Policy (Window on Eurasia) 06/25/2014
  • Putin’s Post-Crimea Popularity a Threat to Russia’s Future, “Nezavisimaya Gazeta” Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/25/2014
  • FSB looks for ‘extremists’ in a Crimean school (KHPG) 06/25/2014
  • 9 Luhansk residents have disappeared in the last 3 days (KHPG) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine seeks Putin help to save crumbling truce (Yahoo/AFP) 06/25/2014
  • Poroshenko: Ukrainian language was, is and to be sole state language (UNIAN) 06/25/2014
  • Poroshenko answers those, who demand “tough” and fact military actions in east (UNIAN) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine fulfilling all criteria for 2nd tranche of IMF aid: PM (Reuters) 06/25/2014
  • Poroshenko threatens to abandon ceasefire (Ukrainian Journal) 06/25/2014
  • We have until winter to cut gas deal with Russia, says Naftogaz chief (Ukrainian Journal) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine will fix damaged pipeline by early July, Naftogaz says (Ukrainian Journal) 06/25/2014
  • We will sue in Stockholm if Gazprom talks fail, says Naftogaz chief (Ukrainian Journal) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine to sign EU deal that sparked revolution (Yahoo/AP) 06/25/2014
  • Russia annuls sanction for use of force in Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/25/2014
  • US officials: Sanctions on Russia could be delayed (Yahoo/AP) 06/25/2014
  • OSCE representative criticizes steps to further increase government control of free expression and free flow of information online in Russia (OSCE) 06/25/2014
  • Swiss Chair discusses next steps in implementing peace plan and calls for reconsolidating European security during visit in Vienna [Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin] (OSCE) 06/25/2014
  • Successful surgery after wrong cancer diagnosis [Lessya Kotelevskaya] (Yahoo/AP) 06/25/2014
  • NATO: 'No signs' Russia is respecting commitments (Yahoo/AP) 06/25/2014
  • NATO will not offer Georgia membership step, avoiding Russia clash (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine says revocation of Russian right to intervene is positive (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/25/2014
  • Ukraine appeals to IMF over cost of conflict in east (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/25/2014

  • Ukraine Constrained to Declare Unilateral Ceasefire in Donbas (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 06/24/2014
  • Even with military intervention order revoked, Putin engaged in Ukraine. Russian personnel may be invited into eastern Ukraine on an official basis (VIDEO) (Al Jazeera) 06/24/2014
  • Putin: cease-fire in Ukraine should be extended (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • Putin says US trying to derail gas pipeline plan (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • US reserves judgment on Putin comments on Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine accuses Russia of using landmines (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • Obama, Biden make calls on Ukraine with truce in peril (Yahoo/AFP) 06/24/2014
  • Kerry arrives for NATO talks on Ukraine, Iraq (Yahoo/AFP) 06/24/2014
  • Masked men abduct deputy director of Crimean Madrassah after search [Crimea] (RISU) 06/24/2014
  • Terrorists seize church in Shaktarsk and threaten to shoot its pastor [Donetsk] (RISU) 06/24/2014
  • Doubting Putin, Obama Prepares to Add Pressure (The New York Times) 06/24/2014
  • Putin Presses Extension of Cease-Fire in Ukraine (The New York Times) 06/24/2014
  • How The Kremlin Wields Its Soft Power In France (RFE/RL) 06/24/2014
  • Poroshenko Warns He Might Scrap Cease-Fire (RFE/RL) 06/24/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine based on information received until 23 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/24/2014
  • Khrushchev gave away not only Crimea to Ukraine but Alaska to US as well, Moscow commentary says. By Paul Goble (Euromaidan Press) 06/24/2014
  • Ukrainian refugees find haven with a dash of presidential posh (Christian Science Monitor) 06/24/2014
  • UN estimates 423 killed in Ukraine's east (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • Russia demands Twitter block 'extremist' accounts (Yahoo/AFP) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine accuses Russia of using landmines (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • Ceasefire a welcome step toward diplomatic solution in Ukraine, says OSCE PA Vice-President Barnett (OSCEPA) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine and Iraq undermine German business morale -Ifo economist (Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine crisis tops agenda of OSCE annual conference in Vienna (OSCE) 06/24/2014
  • Two separatist leaders agree to ceasefire (Ukrainian Journal) 06/24/2014
  • Obama urges Putin to support Ukraine peace or 'face additional costs' (Ukrainian Journal) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine may resume natural gas supply talks with Russia in July (Ukrainian Journal) 06/24/2014
  • Poroshenko urges people in eastern regions to support his peace plan (Ukrainian Journal) 06/24/2014
  • Putin Asks Parliament to Withdraw Request for Ukraine Intervention (Voice of America) 06/24/2014
  • Russia Pushes Rebels into Ceasefire, Political Talks With Ukraine (Voice of America) 06/24/2014
  • Obama: Putin, Separatists Should Comply with Ukraine Peace Plans (Voice of America) 06/24/2014
  • NATO Foreign Ministers To Set Up Ukraine Trust Fund (RFE/RL) 06/24/2014
  • Putin Wants To Revoke Mandate Sanctioning Use Of Force In Ukraine (RFE/RL) 06/24/2014
  • Putin withdraws request to use force in Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • Report: Putin canceling threat of force (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • Cease-fire holds in east Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/24/2014
  • Russia's Putin renounces right to send troops to Ukraine - Kremlin (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • IMF mission visits Ukraine for bailout update (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • Russia mulls barring firms from using foreign-owned banks (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko welcomes Putin's step towards military de-escalation (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • Russian parliament to revoke resolution on intervention in Ukraine: Interfax (Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • U.S. firm Abbott to buy Russian drugmaker for up to $495 mln (Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • Russian shares up 2.5 percent after Putin asks to revoke right of military intervention in Ukraine (Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • Russia's Putin asks upper house to revoke right of military intervention in Ukraine - report (Reuters) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine rebels agree to ceasefire, Obama warns Russia (Yahoo/AFP) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine rebels agree to temporary ceasefire, peace talks (Yahoo/AFP) 06/24/2014
  • EU throws its weight behind Ukraine peace plan (Euractiv) 06/24/2014
  • Pro-Kremlin Circassian Organization Openly Seeks Moscow Grant to Undermine Other Circassian Groups (Window on Eurasia) 06/24/2014
  • Putin’s Goals Make Diplomatic Solution in Ukraine Impossible, Illarionov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/24/2014
  • Khrushchev Gave Away Not Only Crimea to Ukraine But Alaska to US as Well, Moscow Commentary Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/24/2014
  • Kaliningrad FSB finds ‘deep offence’ in a German flag (KHPG) 06/24/2014
  • Brothers tortured for their role in dismantling a militant checkpoint (KHPG) 06/24/2014
  • Head of Prosvita civic organization abducted in Luhansk [Volodymyr Semystyaha] (KHPG) 06/24/2014
  • Civic activist and newspaper editor abducted in Antratsyt [Viktor Danchenko] (KHPG) 06/24/2014
  • Putin Calls Off Threat To Invade Ukraine (Buzzfeed) 06/24/2014
  • Warsawgate Rocks Poland. Leaked recordings of top Polish officials dissing the Obama administration have worked to Putin’s benefit. Could he be behind them? (Daily Beast) 06/24/2014
  • Putin cancels permission on use of armed forces of RF in Ukraine. Poroshenko approves (UNIAN) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine: both sides claim to honour truce but not everyone respects peace plan (euronews) 06/24/2014
  • Russia to cancel resolution allowing for military intervention in Ukraine (Deutsche Welle) 06/24/2014
  • Germany's Steinmeier to meet Poroshenko in 'decisive' week for Ukraine (Deutsche Welle) 06/24/2014
  • Putin to Rescind Military Mandate in Gesture to Ukraine (The New York Times) 06/24/2014
  • Ukraine Reporter @StateOfUkraine: Now another #Ukraine helicopter was downed by RU/pro-RU fighters near #Slavyansk, according to preliminary info there were 9 men on board. (Twitter) 06/24/2014
  • EU throws its weight behind Ukraine peace plan (Euractiv) 06/24/2014
  • Á²ÉÖ²: Ï²Ä ÑËÎÂ'ßÍÑÜÊÎÌ ÇÁÈËÈ ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÑÜÊÈÉ ÂÅÐÒÎ˲Ò, 9 ÇÀÃÈÁËÈÕ / Ukrainian helicopter downed; 9 dead (Óêðà¿íñüêà ïðàâäà) 06/24/2014

  • The Rise of Drones in Eurasia (Part One: Ukraine) (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 06/23/2014
  • Ukraine Shows Readiness to Pay More Attention to Oppressed Groups in Russia (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 06/23/2014
  • Russia Returns to Strategy of Escalation, Derailing Ukrainian Ceasefire (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 06/23/2014
  • Ukrainian Stakhovsky keeps Wimbledon in perspective (Reuters) 06/23/2014
  • The New Ordeal of Nadia Savchenko. Ukraine Military’s Most Famous Female Pilot is Now a Captive of Separatist Rebels. BY IRENA CHALUPA (Atlantic Council) 06/23/2014
  • Putin pledges support for Ukraine cease-fire as fighting continues (Al Jazeera) 06/23/2014
  • Curious wiretapping affair rocks Polish government (Deutsche Welle) 06/23/2014
  • Komorowski, Tusk and Sikorski try to fix Poland-US mess (Deutsche Welle) 06/23/2014
  • Separatist leaders in two main areas of eastern Ukraine have agreed to observe a ceasefire until June 27. EU leaders have met in Brussels to discuss the continued crisis in Ukraine. (Deutsche Welle) 06/23/2014
  • Ukraine: No let-up in violence despite ceasefire (euronews) 06/23/2014
  • Ukrainian FM seeks dialogue with separatists (euronews) 06/23/2014
  • Russian train derailed in explosion in Ukraine (euronews) 06/23/2014
  • Ukrainian rebels agree to Poroshenko ceasefire (euronews) 06/23/2014
  • Moscow changes tone, embraces Ukraine peace plan. A Ukrainian oligarch may have convinced Putin that President Petro Poroshenko's peace plan is 'an important step towards reaching a final settlement' in the east (Christian Science Monitor) 06/23/2014
  • A secret-recording scandal is rocking Poland. Here's what you should know. A Polish magazine has been publishing recordings of officials' conversations, apparently recorded in Warsaw restaurants. And it's threatening to topple the government (Christian Science Monitor) 06/23/2014
  • UOC-MP disavowed ‘political orthodoxy’ and separatists in Kyiv Caves Monastery (RISU) 06/23/2014
  • US defends Poland alliance after leaked tape scandal (Yahoo/AFP) 06/23/2014
  • Obama warns Putin of new 'costs' for Russian stance on Ukraine (Yahoo/AFP) 06/23/2014
  • Putin tells Obama: Ukraine must talk with rebels (Yahoo/AP) 06/23/2014
  • Peace talks begin in east Ukraine after cease-fire (Yahoo/AP) 06/23/2014
  • Obama urges Putin to stop backing separatists (Yahoo/AP) 06/23/2014
  • Rebels agree to abide by cease-fire in Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/23/2014
  • Ukraine seeks Western help to end pro-Russia revolt (GlobalPost/AFP) 06/23/2014
  • Op-ed: Poroshenko's Peace Plan Is Anything But. By Vladimir Ryzhkov, a State Duma deputy from 1993 to 2007 (The Moscow Times) 06/23/2014
  • Fear and Loathing Rule Eastern Ukraine (The Moscow Times) 06/23/2014
  • Poland’s real scandal. Poles should be focusing on the origin of tapes that have revealed that Poland’s politicians are doing what politicians do the world over. (European Voice) 06/23/2014
  • Poland’s Prime Minister Says He Won’t Dismiss Officials Caught on Leaked Tapes (The New York Times) 06/23/2014
  • Pro-Russian Rebels in Ukraine Match Government Cease-Fire (The New York Times) 06/23/2014
  • Breakaway regions agree to observe Ukrainian ceasefire (Al Jazeera) 06/23/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine based on information received until 22 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/23/2014
  • Ukrainian Separatist Leaders Agree To Temporary Cease-Fire (RFE/RL) 06/23/2014
  • Separatists hold their fire in Ukraine’s east amid peace talks led by Kuchma in Donetsk (VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/23/2014
  • Prosecutor's attempt to close down Mezhyhirya prevented by activists and journalists (Kyiv Post) 06/23/2014
  • OSCE PA Annual Session: Condemnation of Russia’s actions in Ukraine among proposed supplementary resolutions (OSCEPA) 06/23/2014
  • Ukraine Volunteer Militia Deploys to East During Cease-fire (Voice of America) 06/23/2014
  • Source: Russia Offered Baltics Cheaper Gas for NATO Exit (Voice of America) 06/23/2014
  • Ukraine Separatist Leader: Rebels Will Observe Temporary Cease-fire (Voice of America) 06/23/2014
  • Sanctions Threat Weighs on Russian Oil Industry (Voice of America) 06/23/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine based on information received until 22 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/23/2014
  • US defends Poland alliance after leaked tape scandal (Yahoo/AFP) 06/23/2014
  • Putin Will Blame Ukraine for Conflict: Khrushcheva [The New School Professor of International Affairs & Author Nina Khrushcheva discusses the mixed signals coming from Vladimir Putin who is seeking a cease-fire with Kiev, yet amassing troops along the border. She also discusses her book “The Lost Khrushchev” and the role of Russian history in Today’s crisis.] (Bloomberg) 06/23/2014
  • Ukraine Says Rebels Ignoring Unilateral Cease-Fire. Defense Ministry Calls on Russia to Do More for Peace Plan to Work (Wall Street Journal) 06/23/2014
  • President orders ceasefire, makes warning (Ukrainian Journal) 06/23/2014
  • Outbreaks of fighting threaten Ukraine unilaterally declared ceasefire (Ukrainian Journal) 06/23/2014
  • Western leaders threaten to slap Russia with yet more sanctions (Ukrainian Journal) 06/23/2014
  • Energy commissioner: EC will continue to try to settle gas dispute (Ukrainian Journal) 06/23/2014
  • Police Clash With Maidan Supporters In Kharkiv [on June 22] (VIDEO) (RFE/RL) 06/23/2014
  • EU Ministers Threaten Further Sanctions On Russia (RFE/RL) 06/23/2014
  • Ukrainian Jewish lawmaker assaulted near parliament (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) 06/23/2014
  • EU ministers: Sanctions if Russia won't cooperate (Yahoo/AP) 06/23/2014
  • Hague: Russia must cooperate or face new sanctions (Yahoo/AP) 06/23/2014
  • UK's Hague says EU ready for more Russia sanctions if necessary (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/23/2014
  • Russia says it has not received $73.3 mln Eurobond payment from Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/23/2014
  • Russia's Putin calls for compromise in Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/23/2014
  • Neighbour Poland is an enticing model for Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/23/2014
  • Report: Polish minister calls US ties worthless (Yahoo/AP) 06/23/2014
  • Russia must be in 'no doubt' about Ukraine sanctions: Britain (PTI/AFP) 06/23/2014
  • Support for Putin’s Policies on Ukraine Broad but Not Deep, Gudkov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/23/2014
  • Russian Conservatives Organize to Oppose Russian Nationalists (Window on Eurasia) 06/23/2014
  • In Ukraine, Putin is Carrying Out ‘Biggest Information Special Op’ in Modern Times, Eidman Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/23/2014
  • Putin’s Rule Will End by a Palace Coup or a Social Explosion, Akunin Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/23/2014
  • What should they talk about, Mr Putin? (KHPG) 06/23/2014
  • Portrait of Stalin appears in Russian-occupied Crimea (KHPG) 06/23/2014
  • Crimean Tatar Flag Day event also banned (KHPG) 06/23/2014
  • Cossacks Thought To Be Behind Observer Kidnappings [BRAMA: Which Cossacks?] (Der Spiegel) 06/23/2014
  • Poland leak: Radek Sikorski scorns 'worthless' US ties [BRAMA: Recorded and leaked by whom?] (BBC) 06/23/2014
  • Fighting strains Ukraine ceasefire, Putin urges dialogue (Reuters) 06/23/2014
  • Polish government 'under attack by crime group': minister (Reuters) 06/23/2014

  • Poroshenko's Ukraine peace plan gets limited support from Putin (Reuters) 06/22/2014
  • Fighting strains Ukraine ceasefire, Putin urges dialogue (Reuters) 06/22/2014
  • Nationalists rally in Kyiv and clash with police (euronews) 06/22/2014
  • Putin Attempts to Straddle a Divide He Helped to Pry Open in Ukraine (The New York Times) 06/22/2014
  • Fighting in eastern Ukraine overshadows calls for peace from Kyiv and Moscow (Deutsche Welle) 06/22/2014
  • Izborsky Club Leader Calls for ‘Renewal’ of Russia Elite to Build Empire (Window on Eurasia) 06/22/2014
  • Moscow’s ‘Covert’ Attacks on Non-Russians within Russian Federation (Window on Eurasia) 06/22/2014
  • UOC-KP warned of possible provocations by supporters of 'political orthodoxy' (RISU) 06/22/2014
  • Belarus rights chief freed from jail after 3 years [Ales Bialiatski] (Yahoo/AP) 06/22/2014
  • Putin backs Ukraine cease-fire, warns talks needed (Yahoo/AP) 06/22/2014
  • Lomachenko beats Russell for WBO 126-pound title (Yahoo/AP) 06/22/2014
  • Poroshenko's Ukraine peace plan gets limited support from Putin (Reuters) 06/22/2014
  • Putin tells Merkel, Hollande Ukraine peace plan should include ceasefire-Kremlin (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/22/2014
  • Putin urges Kiev to stop fighting, begin dialogue (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/22/2014
  • Lithuanian president compares Putin to Hitler and Stalin-magazine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/22/2014
  • Ukrainian to get facial reconstructive surgery (The Courier-Journal) 06/22/2014
  • Ukrainian band sings for unity in capital Kiev [Okean Elzy] (Reuters) 06/22/2014
  • In Ukraine, a night at the opera isn't just for adults. As an American, the Christian Science Monitor's European bureau chief did not expect the audience at Kiev's opera house to be quite so... youthful. (Christian Science Monitor) 06/22/2014
  • Ukraine: No good end likely. Virginia teacher talks about her homeland (Martinsville Bulletin) 06/22/2014
  • Why Ukraine's Separatist Movement Failed in Kharkiv. But Now, Recovered From Gunshot Wounds, Mayor Gennady Kernes is Back in Town (New Republic) 06/22/2014
  • Terrorists are willing to exchange a heroic lady-aviator on 4 militants (Inforesist) 06/22/2014
  • Tusk Faces Polish Opposition Ire as Wprost Gives More Tapes (Bloomberg) 06/22/2014
  • Terrorists revenge themselves on township who threw them out (KHPG) 06/22/2014
  • KHPG statement on the adoption of a law on internally displaced persons (KHPG) 06/22/2014
  • Verkhovna Rada Says Moscow Must Treat Ukrainians in Russia the Way It Wants Kyiv to Treat Russians in Ukraine (Window on Eurasia) 06/22/2014
  • Ukrainian band sings for unity in capital Kiev. 70,000 people enjoyed a concert by popular Ukrainian band Okean Elzy (VIDEO) (Reuters) 06/22/2014
  • Claims conflict over Ukraine ceasefire. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on Ukraine to keep to its own ceasefire – but there are conflicting accounts of who is firing at whom. (VIDEO) (Deutsche Welle) 06/22/2014
  • Tens of thousands attend unity gig in Kyiv (News Republic/Euronews) 06/22/2014

  • Ukraine's Poroshenko declares week-long ceasefire, warns rebels (Reuters) 06/21/2014
  • Conflicting Gestures From Putin to Ukraine Leaders (The New York Times) 06/21/2014
  • Ukraine’s oligarchs remain influential as ever (Al Jazeera) 06/21/2014
  • Captured Russian mercenary near Sloviansk condemns Putin, asks for forgiveness (VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/21/2014
  • Conflicting Gestures From Putin to Ukraine Leaders (The New York Times) 06/21/2014
  • Ukrainian Catholic church in Western Sydney desecrated with swastika graffiti (Sydney Morning Herald) 06/21/2014
  • Ukrainian Church Faces Obscure Pro-Russia Revolt in Its Own Ranks (New York Times) 06/21/2014
  • If Ukraine crisis continues, Baltic states will back further Russia sanctions (Christian Science Monitor) 06/21/2014
  • Ukrainian army fights rebels and neglect (Washington Post) 06/21/2014
  • Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine based on information received until 20 June 2014, 18:00 (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/21/2014
  • Putin Backs Poroshenko's Cease-Fire, Calls For 'Dialogue' (RFE/RL) 06/21/2014
  • Separatists dismiss Ukraine cease-fire (Yahoo/AP) 06/21/2014
  • Putin orders forces in the Urals on combat alert (Yahoo/AP) 06/21/2014
  • US hits 7 Ukraine rebels with sanctions (Yahoo/AP) 06/21/2014
  • Obama consults German, French leaders on Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/21/2014
  • Ukraine orders 1-week government cease-fire (Yahoo/AP) 06/21/2014
  • Kremlin criticizes Ukrainian peace plan (Yahoo/AP) 06/21/2014
  • Crimean Tatar Leader Says Russian ‘Occupiers Won’t Be There Long' (Window on Eurasia) 06/21/2014
  • Despite Internet, Moscow TV Sets Agenda for Russians, Levada Center Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/21/2014
  • The Passing of a Soviet Landmark – Last Khrushchev Apartments Coming Down at Least in Moscow (Window on Eurasia) 06/21/2014
  • Sending Russian Troops into Ukraine Could Lead to World War, Former Soviet Defense Minister Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/21/2014
  • Ales Bialiatski released! [Belarusian human rights defender] (KHPG) 06/21/2014
  • The Peace that chokes Russia (KHPG) 06/21/2014
  • Exposed: Russian TV totally distorts Radio Svoboda video footage (KHPG) 06/21/2014
  • OKEAN ELZY 'In the Live of Fire', Kyiv concert 6/21/2014 (YouTube) 06/21/2014
  • On June 21, Ukrainian supporters all over the world brought funeral wreaths to Russian embassies (Euromaidan Press) 06/21/2014
  • German defense minister: Putin trampled on international rules (CNN) 06/21/2014
  • Heroic Ukrainian female officer taken hostage by the terrorists “blew up” social media (Euromaidan Press) 06/21/2014
  • Address of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko ( 06/21/2014

  • Russia's Quiet War Against European Fracking. Environmentalists trying to block shale gas exploration across Europe are unknowingly helping Putin maintain his energy leverage over the continent. (Foreign Policy) 06/20/2014
  • Verkhovna Rada attempts to clean up legal mess created by Russia in Crimea (Kyiv Post) 06/20/2014
  • Europe, Russia OK with Ukraine peace plan. Why aren't Ukrainians? (+video) (Christian Science Monitor) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine Declares Ceasefire With Pro-Russian Separatists (Huffington Post/AP) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine Says 300 Separatists Killed In Fresh Fighting (International Business Times/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine's Toughest Battle Yet - Corruption (Voice of America) 06/20/2014
  • REFILE-EMERGING MARKETS-Ukraine bonds recover; emerging stocks head for weekly loss (Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine President Poroshenko orders cease-fire for 7 days, makes 1st visit to restive east (Washington Post/AP) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine crisis: Why Shell put shale projects on hold (Christian Science Monitor) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine Bonds Cap Second Weekly Decline as Cease-Fire in Doubt (Businessweek) 06/20/2014
  • Swiss CiO calls on all sides to support ceasefire to pave the way for implementing peace plan (OSCE) 06/20/2014
  • Background Briefing on Ukraine: Senior Administration Official ( 06/20/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 19 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/20/2014
  • Casualties Reported as Ukraine Seeks a Cease-Fire (New York Times) 06/20/2014
  • Crimea's Methadone Ban Hitting Rehab Patients Hard (RFE/RL) 06/20/2014
  • Poroshenko Announces One-Week Unilateral Cease-Fire (RFE/RL) 06/20/2014
  • Russian Media Claims About State Spokesperson Appear To Be Fantasy (RFE/RL) 06/20/2014
  • Podcast: Russia's New Utopianism (RFE/RL) 06/20/2014
  • Interfax: Kremlin says Ukrainian peace plan looks like an ultimatum, lacks offer of talks (Yahoo/AP) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine says it will 'remove need' for South Stream pipeline (Euractiv) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine’s Orthodox Leader Calls on Russian Patriarch to ‘Speak the Truth’ (Window on Eurasia) 06/20/2014
  • Putin’s Actions in Ukraine Following Script by Russian General Staff a Year Ago (Window on Eurasia) 06/20/2014
  • Don't Get Too Excited About Ukraine's New 'Peace Plan' (VICE News) 06/20/2014
  • UNREST IN EAST UKRAINE REVEALS A PATTERN. Pro-Russian unrest has become increasingly violent and now involves armored vehicles in east Ukraine. It appears to follow a pattern that would pave the way for a Russian invasion, according to a new analysis. (USA Today) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine Declares One-Week Cease-Fire in Fight With Pro-Russia Rebels. West Hopes to Pressure Putin, but Kremlin Reacts Coolly and Pro-Russia Rebels Demand Kiev First Withdraw Its Troops (Wall Street Journal) 06/20/2014
  • Can the Most Important Cold War Alliance Be Restored? (Window on Eurasia) 06/20/2014
  • Unsettled again, Crimean Tatars look for direction in Ukraine. Thousands of Tatars have fled their homeland in the Crimean peninsula since it was annexed by Russia. But what do they do now? (Christian Science Monitor) 06/20/2014
  • Law on Internally Displaced people comes in for criticism (KHPG) 06/20/2014
  • Criminal liability imposed for financing ‘separatism’ (KHPG) 06/20/2014
  • Kremlin-backed militants seize educational centre in Donetsk (KHPG) 06/20/2014
  • Russia’s Nationalist Fringe Takes Center Stage In Eastern Ukraine (KHPG) 06/20/2014
  • Operation on blocking of border is almost completed – Turchynov (UNIAN) 06/20/2014
  • Ukrainian soldiers repel attack of terrorists on military unit in Artemovsk – Defense Ministry (UNIAN) 06/20/2014
  • In parts of east Ukraine, a daily struggle to survive (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Russia Is Sending More Tanks Into Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/20/2014
  • Is Russia trying to stop Europe fracking? Just how far will Moscow go to keep Europe hooked on its natural gas? (CNN) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko says he will shortly sign order for ceasefire in east (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Russia to challenge US sanctions at WTO (Yahoo/AFP) 06/20/2014
  • In Kyiv today: Press briefing by OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (OSCE) 06/20/2014
  • Troops and rebels locked in fierce fight (Ukrainian Journal) 06/20/2014
  • Gas supplies at risk this winter due to Russian shutoff, says Naftogaz (Ukrainian Journal) 06/20/2014
  • Russian troops massing on border, NATO secretary-general warns (Ukrainian Journal) 06/20/2014
  • Russian defense cooperation ban to cost Ukraine $300m/yr, says CACDS (Ukrainian Journal) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine Loses Seven Soldiers As Poroshenko Readies Peace Plan (RFE/RL) 06/20/2014
  • New Ukraine Foreign Minister Seen Bringing Sober Style To Kyiv Diplomacy [Pavlo Klimkin] (RFE/RL) 06/20/2014
  • 7 Ukrainian troops killed; rebels drive tanks [AP really that means foreign terrorists are driving tanks from Russia?] (Yahoo/AP) 06/20/2014
  • Russian buildup seen as fighting rages in Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/20/2014
  • Some see foreign hand in growing Polish scandal. As eavesdropping scandal in Poland grows, some suggest Russia may have played a part (Yahoo/AP) 06/20/2014
  • U.S. adds seven Ukrainians, Russians to sanctions list (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine says border with Russia under control, but fighting rages (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Russia dips into pension fund in about-turn for Putin (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Estonia PM calls for permanent NATO presence as bulwark to Russia (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Russia denies troop buildup at Ukraine border (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine must strike at heart of corruption to survive-adviser (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine peace plan to call for 10-km buffer zone on Russia border (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine regains control of border with Russia - defence minister (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • New battles as Ukraine says 300 separatists killed in fighting (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine president unveils peace plan to curb insurgency (Yahoo/AFP) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko unveils peace plan, as Russia defends border troop deployment (Deutsche Welle) 06/20/2014
  • Ukraine Security Arrest 90 'Terrorists and Spies' With Links to Russia (The Moscow Times) 06/20/2014
  • New NBU Chair sells her share in the ICU group. Valeria Hontareva, the newly-appointed Chairperson of the National Bank of Ukraine (Ukrainian Week) 06/20/2014
  • 12 paratroopers killed in Donetsk Oblast (Ukrainian Week) 06/20/2014

  • Putin's 'Dupes' (Huffington Post) 06/19/2014
  • Ukrainian boxer Dudchenko eyes shot at a world championship (Times Leader) 06/19/2014
  • Russia says some South Stream partners face EU pressure (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Wanted in East Ukraine: Someone Who Knows How to Operate a Tank. Separatists in Ukraine finally have the tanks. Now they need some guys who know what buttons to push (Vocativ) 06/19/2014
  • Russian Roulette (Dispatch 50): Separatists Shoot Down Ukrainian Plane (VICE News) 06/19/2014
  • Putin Is Just Getting Started in Ukraine (The Daily Beast) 06/19/2014
  • Terrorists seize Christian rehabilitation centre in Donetsk (KHPG) 06/19/2014
  • Help for Forcibly Displaced People (KHPG) 06/19/2014
  • Ruined life... UN: Number of internally displaced persons in Ukraine has reached 34,000. What issues should the government resolve to prevent a humanitarian disaster? (The Day) 06/19/2014
  • SBU detains Russian and German citizens involved in spying and organization of terrorist attacks (Ukrainian Week) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine’s gross external debt falls by USD 4.7bn (Ukrainian Week) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine's Naftogaz Says Gazprom Seeks to End Compensation Contract (The Moscow Times/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • OSCE says re-established contact with missing observers in Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko confirms he'll sign EU agreement on June 27 (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine rebels speak of heavy losses in battle against government troops (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine open to Western involvement in pipeline (Yahoo/AP) 06/19/2014
  • Rebels beg Russia for help as fighting rages (Yahoo/AP) 06/19/2014
  • How Putin Lost Ukraine. By Alexander J. Motyl (World Affairs Journal) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine Parliament Endorses Poroshenko Nominations Amid Fresh Fighting (RFE/RL) 06/19/2014
  • We Interviewed to Be a Tank Driver for the Separatists in Ukraine. Here's what happened (Vocativ) 06/19/2014
  • Events in Ukraine a great threat to media freedom across the OSCE region, media freedom representative tells participating States (OSCE) 06/19/2014
  • Poroshenko makes pro-European nominations (Ukrainian Journal) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine to start imports of natural gas from Slovakians in September (Ukrainian Journal) 06/19/2014
  • Quick Rada approval seen for energy sector state of emergency (Ukrainian Journal) 06/19/2014
  • Security tightened at gas pipeline network following bomb blast (Ukrainian Journal) 06/19/2014
  • New book: Negotiating Human Rights: In Defence of Dissidents during the Soviet Era: A Memoir, by Christina Isajiw (CIUS) 06/19/2014
  • South Ossetia Recognizes 'Luhansk People's Republic' (RFE/RL) 06/19/2014
  • Klitschko defends heavyweight belts against Pulev (Yahoo/AP) 06/19/2014
  • Biden commends Ukraine's president on peace plan (Yahoo/AP) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine confirms negotiator with Russia as foreign minister (Yahoo/AFP) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko gets parliament backing for key nominations (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • German minister doesn't see Ukraine in 'western alliance' soon (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Ukrainian parliament approves investment banker Hontareva as central bank chief (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine parliament approves Poroshenko's choice for prosecutor-general [Vitaly Yarema] (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Ukrainian parliament approves Pavlo Klimkin as foreign minister (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Russia says some South Stream partners face EU pressure (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Russia Is Still Meddling in Ukraine, and It’s Getting Worse (The Daily Beast) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine and Hungary discuss gas situation in secrecy (Budapest Business Journal) 06/19/2014
  • High Court finds dismissal of Yanukovych’s Constitutional Court head unlawful (KHPG) 06/19/2014
  • Terrorists seize Christian rehabilitation centre in Donetsk (KHPG) 06/19/2014
  • Police terminate murder investigation over abducted student Yury Popravko (KHPG) 06/19/2014
  • Broadcasting Council seeks to ban 4 more Russian channels (KHPG) 06/19/2014
  • Kiev Spokesman Warns of '4,000 Coffins' If Separatists Don't Surrender (The Moscow Times/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine Isn't Ready for a Truce, After All (Yahoo/Wire) 06/19/2014
  • Ukraine forces battle separatists after truce 'refused' (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014
  • NATO chief says a few thousand more Russian troops at Ukraine's border (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/19/2014

  • Izolyatsia press conference about its territory being seized by DPR (Vimeo) 06/18/2014
  • Russia positions new fighter jets on Ukrainian border (Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • The public supports holding snap elections to the Verkhovna Rada. Do MPs oppose them? (The Day) 06/18/2014
  • To seize and... destroy. Why does Russia want to gain control of the Crimean shipyards? (The Day) 06/18/2014
  • The taste of ashes. Marci SHORE: “Communist and Nazi past of Eastern Europe has not been dealt with yet” (The Day) 06/18/2014
  • How the Kremlin set up a European commissioner (The Day) 06/18/2014
  • Changes in Ukraine and the Voice of America. David ENSOR: “It is very important to reach Russian audience just to tell the Ukrainian point of view” (The Day) 06/18/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 17 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/18/2014
  • Interview: The 'Democracy Containment Doctrine' (RFE/RL) 06/18/2014
  • Poroshenko And Putin Hold Talks (RFE/RL) 06/18/2014
  • UN: Hundreds killed, detained in Ukraine breakdown (Yahoo/AP) 06/18/2014
  • Kiev wants joint EU-Ukraine gas strategy 'by July' (Yahoo/AP) 06/18/2014
  • US backs Ukraine ceasefire plan (Yahoo/AP) 06/18/2014
  • UN's Pillay says separatists taking east Ukraine into dead end (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • UK says jets were scrambled to see off Russian planes near Baltics (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • Royal Air Force Typhoons Intercept Russian Aircraft (RAF) 06/18/2014
  • Ukrainian National Guard Soldier: 'We're Used As Cannon Fodder' (VIDEO) (RFE/RL) 06/18/2014
  • U.S. and allies ready to punish Russia more over Ukraine: Lew (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • Bombings Force Sloviansk Residents to Flee: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 49) (VICE News) 06/18/2014
  • Naked Yanukovych Was Just the Start: Ukrainian Artist Knocks Putin by Painting Him in the Nude (Foreign Policy) 06/18/2014
  • Patriarch Filaret urged Patriarch Kirill to 'speak the truth' and to stop Putin from the bloodshed (RISU) 06/18/2014
  • The Galloping Militarization of Eurasia. Beyond Ukraine, there is a wider and more disturbing process of militarization under way (Transitions Online) 06/18/2014
  • Separatists in Eastern Ukraine Refuse Peace Plan (Mashable) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine’s President Proposes Peace Deal, Fails to Impress Russia (VICE News) 06/18/2014
  • Russia positions new fighter jets on Ukrainian border (VIDEO) (Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • SOFI OKSANEN: KNOWLEDGE IS A CHEAP AND UNIVERSAL WEAPON [Russia is now led by KGB men trained in psychological warfare, who know how the West thinks: Anne Applebaum] (Up North) 06/18/2014
  • Analysts: Ukraine Dispute Not Likely to Cut Russian Gas Sales to Europe (Voice of America) 06/18/2014
  • U.N. Report Details Casualties in Eastern Ukraine (The New York Times) 06/18/2014
  • Op-ed: Putin's Crossed Vision (The New York Times) 06/18/2014
  • Russia Arms Ukraine Secessionists, Again (Voice of America) 06/18/2014
  • In Ukraine, Divisions Not Necessarily About Language (Voice of America) 06/18/2014
  • Parts of Eastern Ukraine Gripped in 'Reign of Fear', Says UN Official (Wall Street Journal) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine May Face Further Gas Pipeline Accidents, Gazprom Says (Businessweek) 06/18/2014
  • Rebels Reject Ukrainian Leader’s Cease-Fire Idea (The New York Times) 06/18/2014
  • Petition: Impose personal sanctions on President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin ( 06/18/2014
  • Poroshenko expects VR to vote to dissolve itself (UNIAN) 06/18/2014
  • Ukrainian President Moves to Oust Central Bank Chief (Bloomberg) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine treating gas blast as terrorism (Ukrainian Journal) 06/18/2014
  • Government to approve state of emergency for Ukraine's energy sector (Ukrainian Journal) 06/18/2014
  • 30 Ukrainian soldiers wounded in fighting near Russian border (Ukrainian Journal) 06/18/2014
  • Gas settlement more difficult after bloodshed, says negotiator (Ukrainian Journal) 06/18/2014
  • Burned Ukrainian Boy Jubilant Over Ability to Walk (ABC/AP) 06/18/2014
  • Ukrainian Leader Proposes a Unilateral Cease-Fire in East (New York Times) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine acts to form new team, plans unilateral ceasefire (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine president offers cease-fire (Yahoo/AP) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine Facing Backlash From FX Borrowers Sunk by Hryvnia (Businessweek) 06/18/2014
  • Pro-Russia Militia in Ukraine Seeks Urgent Help from Moscow. The Kremlin Hasn't Responded to the Request That Comes as Ukrainian Forces Retake Borders Areas (Wall Street Journal) 06/18/2014
  • UN: Hundreds killed, detained in Ukraine breakdown (Yahoo/AP) 06/18/2014
  • UN's Pillay says separatists taking east Ukraine into a dead end (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • Security Council issues first statement on Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine president to order unilateral ceasefire 'shortly' (Yahoo/AFP) 06/18/2014
  • Russian reporter 'dies of wounds' in east Ukraine (Yahoo/AFP) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko sets out ceasefire plan after call with Putin (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko proposes ally as central bank chief [Valeria Hontareva to replace Stepan Kubiv] (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko proposes envoy to Germany as foreign minister [Pavlo Klimkin to replace Andriy Deshchytsia] (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/18/2014
  • Rumor Mill Integral Part of Moscow’s War Against Ukraine, Eidman Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/18/2014
  • Kremlin’s Spending on Crimea Exacerbating Tensions Between Moscow and Russian Regions (Window on Eurasia) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine Shows Liberal Project in Russia in Even Worse Shape than Nationalist One, Khramov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/18/2014
  • Cynical propaganda mileage from journalist’s death (KHPG) 06/18/2014
  • Kremlin-backed militants force their way into local residents’ homes (KHPG) 06/18/2014
  • Deep chill noted in relations between Ukraine and Russia (KHPG) 06/18/2014
  • Crimean occupation regime changes prisoners’ sentences (KHPG) 06/18/2014
  • Poroshenko: Ukraine 'is in a state of war' (Kyiv Post) 06/18/2014
  • Poroshenko's Right-Hand Man Emerges (RFE/RL) 06/18/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko Promises Unilateral Cease-Fire (RFE/RL) 06/18/2014
  • Terrorists drove two Russian tanks T-72 to Donetsk yesterday – NSDC representative (UNIAN) 06/18/2014
  • Yatsenyuk instructs Interior Ministry, SBU and Naftogaz to strengthen guard of gas pipelines (UNIAN) 06/18/2014

  • Why Ukraine's freeze on arms sales to Russia will hurt Kiev too. President Poroshenko has effectively ended $15 billion in arms contracts that keep Russia's military in the air and Ukraine's defense industry employed (Christian Science Monitor) 06/17/2014
  • Russia cuts off gas to Ukraine as Kiev orders border secured (Reuters) 06/17/2014
  • The Great Wall of Ukraine? Aiming to ward off Russian interference, Ukrainian officials consider building a 1,200-mile-long barrier between Ukraine and Russia (Vocativ) 06/17/2014
  • Put Language Aside, Then Let the Music Take Time to Speak. DakhaBrakha Plays at the Global Beat Festival (The New York Times) 06/17/2014
  • Blast hits key Ukraine gas pipeline: police (Yahoo/AFP) 06/17/2014
  • Ukrainian 'Black Hole' Weighs Heavy On European Business in Russia (The Moscow Times) 06/17/2014
  • Meet the Anti-Semites, Truthers, and Alaska Pol at D.C.’s Pro-Putin Soiree (The Daily Beast) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine Suspects Terrorism in Pipeline Explosion (New York Times) 06/17/2014
  • Putin, Poroshenko discuss Ukraine ceasefire as two TV crew killed (Yahoo/AFP) 06/17/2014
  • As Ukraine mulls security, some say build a wall with Russia (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine election narrowly avoided 'wanton destruction' from hackers. A brazen three-pronged cyber-attack against last month's Ukrainian presidential elections has set the world on notice – and bears Russian fingerprints, some say. (+video) (Christian Science Monitor) 06/17/2014
  • Ukrainian man sentenced to 30 years in prison for child porn [Maksym Shynkarenko] (Reuters) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine’s Dollar Bonds End Longest Losing Streak Since April (Bloomberg) 06/17/2014
  • Westinghouse chips away at Russian nuclear fuel monopoly in Ukraine (Kyiv Post) 06/17/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 16 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/17/2014
  • Dmytro Tymchuk: Quite a few militants in the Donbas will lay down arms in ceasefire (Ukrainian Week) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine, Iraq Conflicts Reinvigorate NATO Alliance (VOA) 06/17/2014
  • In Kyiv, Calls for New Parliament (VOA) 06/17/2014
  • Right Sector pickets Prosecutor General Office (Kyiv Post) 06/17/2014
  • Explainer: Why This Russian-Ukrainian 'Gas War' Is Different From The Others (RFE/RL) 06/17/2014
  • Russia's Nationalist Fringe Takes Center Stage In Eastern Ukraine (RFE/RL) 06/17/2014
  • Some Smile, Others Squirm As Obscenity Becomes Latest Rallying Cry In Ukraine Crisis (RFE/RL) 06/17/2014
  • Kharkiv Mayor Returns Home After Postattack Treatment [Hennadiy Kernes] (RFE/RL) 06/17/2014
  • Russian TV Reporter Killed in Luhansk Mortar Attack (VICE News) 06/17/2014
  • Petition: Impose personal sanctions on President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin ( 06/17/2014
  • Yatsenyuk: Breakdown of gas talks by RF is connected with Poroshenko’s visit to Brussels for signing of economic part of Association Agreement with EU (UNIAN) 06/17/2014
  • MasterCard seeks Russian partner as regulations tighten (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/17/2014
  • OSCE representative mourns death of Russian journalist Igor Kornelyuk in eastern Ukraine; denounces new cases of media freedom violations in Ukraine (OSCE) 06/17/2014
  • Russian journalist killed in eastern Ukraine [Igor Kornelyuk wounded by mortar fire] (Yahoo/AP) 06/17/2014
  • Journalist and civic activist abducted and killed in Kyiv (KHPG) 06/17/2014
  • Fifty-Eight Percent of Russians Oppose Russian Nationalist Groups inside Russia after Ukrainian Events (Window on Eurasia) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine’s Muslims Resemble Their Co-Religionists in Europe Rather than Those in Russia, Mukhametov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/17/2014
  • 'Forgive us, Ukraine' Despite the relentless propaganda and hate speech of most Russian media, by no means all Russians have been taken in. Russians have been laying flowers in sorrow and remembrance of the servicemen downed by Kremlin-backed terrorists on June 14, with signs asking forgiveness “for Putin” and “for our duped people” (KHPG) 06/17/2014
  • Kyiv University to teach Crimean Tatar Language and Literature (KHPG) 06/17/2014
  • Russian reporter killed by mortar attack in eastern Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/17/2014
  • Ukrainian forces, rebels clash near Russian border. [30 Ukrainians wounded today; 125 Ukrainian serviceman have been killed since the start of a military actions to defeat the terrorists] (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine Gas Supply Offers Time for a Deal: Anastasia Amoroso, global market strategist at JPMorgan Funds, examines the impact of Russia shutting down the flow of gas to Ukraine (Bloomberg) 06/17/2014
  • Russians cut off gas supplies to Ukraine (Ukrainian Journal) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine to seek massive imports of natural gas from European companies (Ukrainian Journal) 06/17/2014
  • President orders forces to retake full control of Russian border (Ukrainian Journal) 06/17/2014
  • Poroshenko asks French president for more EU sanctions against Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 06/17/2014
  • Russia: new pipeline will go ahead despite setback (Yahoo/AP) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine gets $680 million EU loan, more to come (Yahoo/AP) 06/17/2014
  • Ukraine says gas blast did not affect gas flow to Europe (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/17/2014
  • Slovak gas transit firm says volumes normal after Ukraine blast (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/17/2014
  • Will the Visegrad Four Survive Ukraine? The crisis to the east is severely testing cooperation in Central Europe (Transitions Online) 06/17/2014
  • ‘Khuilo’: The offensive term that has attached itself to Putin (Washington Post) 06/17/2014
  • Russia Explodes At Ukraine After One Of Its Top Diplomats Called Putin A 'D—head' (Yahoo/Business Insider) 06/17/2014
  • Moscow Wouldn’t Have Annexed Crimea Had Other Separatists Not Appeared in Ukraine, Russian Diplomats Say Privately (Window on Eurasia) 06/17/2014
  • ‘No Russian is Surprised KGB Archives More Open in Belarus than in Russia,’ Kirilenko Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/17/2014
  • KGB’s Successors Can’t De-Sovietize Russia Any More than Gestapo Could Have De-Nazified Germany, Genis Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/17/2014

  • Ukrainian analyst: The EU cares less about values than the USA (Euractiv) 06/16/2014
  • Ukrainian Activists Protest Russian Pianist In New York (VIDEO) (RFE/RL) 06/16/2014
  • The Battle For Mariupol. BY ASKOLD KRUSHELNYCKY (Atlantic Council) 06/16/2014
  • Five Compelling Reasons For The U.S. To Offer Lethal Military Assistance to Ukraine (Forbes) 06/16/2014
  • Russians pay tribute to Ukraine’s slain soldiers, post video on YouTube (Kyiv Post) 06/16/2014
  • Russia cuts gas to Ukraine. But will Moscow take the bigger loss? (+video) (Christian Science Monitor) 06/16/2014
  • Injured hair-hanging circus acrobats hire law firm [Injured acrobats are from Brazil, Bulgaria and Ukraine] (Yahoo/AP) 06/16/2014
  • Russia circulates new UN resolution on Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/16/2014
  • Scope of Ukraine's Refugee Crisis Remains Unclear (Voice of America) 06/16/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 15 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/16/2014
  • Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine: Spot Report on Damage to Donetsk City Water Supply, 15 June 2014 (OSCE) 06/16/2014
  • Ukraine's President Promises Peace Plan, Ceasefire (Voice of America) 06/16/2014
  • Iraq, Ukraine tensions keep markets on edge (Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Ukraine calls for strictness on Russia in Japan-OSCE meet (GlobalPost/AFP) 06/16/2014
  • Russia Cuts Gas to Ukraine While Maintaining Flow to EU (Bloomberg) 06/16/2014
  • The Destabilizing effect of empty sanction threats (KHPG) 06/16/2014
  • EU’s Clear and Consistent Capitulation? (KHPG) 06/16/2014
  • Putin’s War in Ukraine Marks Rebirth of Stalinism in Russia, Chubais Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/16/2014
  • Moscow’s Push for Federalization of Non-Russian Countries Intended to Weaken Them (Window on Eurasia) 06/16/2014
  • New Website Documents that Soviets Forcibly Re-identified Armenians as Turks (Window on Eurasia) 06/16/2014
  • Ukraine-Russia gas row: Red bills and red rags ["Previously, Ukraine's gas imports were subsidised in return for Russia's lease of the naval base at Sevastopol in Crimea, the home of the Russian Black Sea fleet. But since Russia annexed Crimea last month, that agreement is no longer valid."] (BBC) 06/16/2014
  • Myroslav Marynovych and Mustafa Cemilev honoured in the US capital (RISU) 06/16/2014
  • Kiev says Russia has cut all off gas to Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Ukraine fighting threatens water supply to four million: OSCE (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Ukraine says enough gas in storage to meet needs until December (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Gazprom CEO accuses Ukraine of being 'unconstructive' in gas talks (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • EU-bound Russian gas flows from Ukraine normal -Slovak pipeline (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • EU urges Russia to weigh improved offer for Ukraine gas (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Russia sees significant risks for EU gas supplies via Ukraine-Gazprom CEO (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Russia cuts gas to Ukraine, flows to EU threatened (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Ukrainian president seeks truce to push peace plan (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Russia cuts gas supply to Ukraine as tensions grow (Yahoo/AP) 06/16/2014
  • Report: Ukraine president proposing cease-fire (Yahoo/AP) 06/16/2014
  • Despite Ukraine, Exxon's Tillerson to Appear With Rosneft's Sechin. Oil Chiefs Are Scheduled for World Petroleum Congress as Moscow Is Accused of Moving Tanks Across Border (The Wall Street Journal) 06/16/2014
  • Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine: Spot Report on Damage to Donetsk City Water Supply, 15 June 2014 (OSCE) 06/16/2014
  • Iraq, Ukraine tensions keep markets on edge (Reuters) 06/16/2014
  • Ukraine Fighting Damages Water Pumping Station (Wall Street Journal) 06/16/2014
  • EU in trouble unless Ukraine sharply boosts gas reserves (EUbusiness) 06/16/2014
  • Gazprom Stops Supplying Natural Gas to Ukraine (The New York Times) 06/16/2014
  • Luhansk civic activist dies after being abducted by Kremlin-backed militants [Alexander Reshetnyak, a Luhansk EuroMaidan activist] (KHPG) 06/16/2014

  • Ultra Violet, Warhol Superstar, Dies at 78 (The New York Times) 06/15/2014
  • Putin’s ‘Soros’ Dreams of Empire as Allies Wage Ukraine Revolt (Bloomberg) 06/15/2014
  • Statement by OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President on events in Ukraine (OSCEPA) 06/15/2014
  • Evacuating Children Along a Dangerous Ukraine Route (The New York Times) 06/15/2014
  • Ukraine Holding Two Russian State Journalists: Reports (NDTV/AFP) 06/15/2014
  • Russia rejects Ukraine gas deal, deadline passes (Yahoo/AP) 06/15/2014
  • Putin Puts Tough Image Before Words (The New York Times) 06/15/2014
  • Ukraine's united, divided churches (Deutsche Welle) 06/15/2014
  • Petition: Impose personal sanctions on President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin ( 06/15/2014
  • Maidan Square reflects Ukraine's chaos. Street vendors peddle nationalist knickknacks as uprising's centre remains filled with barricades, radicals and drunks. (Al Jazeera) 06/15/2014
  • Civilians trapped as Ukraine clashes escalate (Al Jazeera) 06/15/2014
  • Nato 'preparing measures to help Ukraine defend itself' (ITV) 06/15/2014
  • Op-ed: Brian Bonner: Ukraine will have more Days of Mourning until West stands up to Putin (Kyiv Post) 06/15/2014
  • Ukraine’s Greatest Challenge – Continuing the Revolution While Defending against Russian Aggression (Window on Eurasia) 06/15/2014
  • Moscow Mobilizing Moldova’s Minorities and Political Opposition against Chisinau (Window on Eurasia) 06/15/2014
  • Attacks on KHPG’s Andriy Didenko (KHPG) 06/15/2014
  • Volunteer movement puts pressure on government to confront refugee crisis (Kyiv Post) 06/15/2014
  • Diplomatic community condemns protests outside Russian Embassy (VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/15/2014
  • Ukraine minister under fire for swearing about Putin (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/15/2014
  • NATO says Russia considers it an opponent, prepares Ukraine aid (Reuters) 06/15/2014
  • The Three Faces of Putin’s Aggression in Ukraine (Window on Eurasia) 06/15/2014
  • Çàÿâà ÌÇÑ Óêðà¿íè ç ïðèâîäó ïðîòåñò³â á³ëÿ ïîñîëüñòâà ÐÔ (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine) 06/15/2014
  • Ukraine protest after rebels down military plane (Business Recorder) 06/15/2014

  • Putin Rap by Adrian Bryttan - Ukrainian Cossacks (2014) (phantomfantom) 06/14/2014
  • Last-Ditch Russian Gas Talks to Resume as Ukrainian Jet Downed (Businessweek) 06/14/2014
  • Ukraine, Russia hold last-ditch gas talks before deadline (GlobalPos/Reuters) 06/14/2014
  • Ukraine President Promises an 'Adequate Response' After Rebels Shoot Down Military Plane (VICE News) 06/14/2014
  • After Annexing Crimea, Euphoric Russia Turns Thoughts to Ukraine [from 6/14/2014] (The New York Times) 06/14/2014
  • Russia condemns attack on Kiev embassy (BBC) 06/14/2014
  • Defense Ministry says terrorists use Russian machinery and equipment (Kyiv Post) 06/14/2014
  • Ó Êèºâ³ íåâ³äîì³ ïîáèëè æóðíàë³ñòà, ÿêèé ïèøå ïðî êîðóïö³þ / Unkown assailants beat journalist working on corruption investigations (²Ì²) 06/14/2014
  • Wreckage of Ukrainian plane shot down by separatists (VIDEO). Footage shows rebel forces scouring the wreckage of the Ukrainian military cargo plane shot down in east Ukraine in the early hour of Saturday, killing 49 servicemen onboard. (ITV) 06/14/2014
  • EU's Van Rompuy: Russia must stop support to Ukraine separatists (Reuters) 06/14/2014
  • Kyiv Vows 'Adequate Response' to Downed Plane (Voice of America) 06/14/2014
  • NATO: Photos Confirm Russian Tanks Near Ukraine (Voice of America) 06/14/2014
  • Çâåðíåííÿ Ïðåçèäåíòà Óêðà¿íè Ïåòðà Ïîðîøåíêà / Address by Petro Poroshenko, President of Ukraine: Today the Ukrainian army made its first offensive move against the terrorists ( 06/14/2014
  • Kerry warns Russia over ties to separatists in Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/14/2014
  • US presses Russia over weapons flow to Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/14/2014
  • Russia's slow invasion of Ukraine (Deutsche Welle) 06/14/2014
  • Bloodiest day in Ukraine conflict as rebel missiles bring down military jet Il-76 transport plane destroyed at Luganska airport, killing 40 paratroopers and nine crew (Guardian) 06/14/2014
  • 'This is a war, and Russia is involved' (Deutsche Welle) 06/14/2014
  • Department of State @StateDept: @StateDeptSpox: US condemns attack on #Russia's Embassy in #Kyiv, calls on Ukrainian authorities to provide adequate security. (Twitter) 06/14/2014
  • Photo: Cars by Russian Embassy in Kyiv turned over @euromaidan (Twitter) 06/14/2014
  • Ukraine prosecutor's office: 9 crew, 40 troops aboard plane shot down by rebels; all dead. (Washington Post/AP) 06/14/2014
  • Ukraine: 49 dead as rebels down military plane (Yahoo/AP) 06/14/2014
  • Natalia Melnychuk: How many Ukrainians have to be killed before the West imposes tough sanctions against Russia? (Kyiv Post) 06/14/2014
  • Bomb found near Ukrainian president's office - source (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/14/2014
  • Ukraine promises 'adequate response' over shot-down plane (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/14/2014
  • Rebels shoot down Ukrainian military plane, 49 killed (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/14/2014
  • NATO says images raise suspicions that Russia moved tanks into Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/14/2014
  • President Poroshenko declares a day of mourning for the dead ( 06/14/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko vows response to Luhansk plane downing (VIDEO) (BBC) 06/14/2014
  • PORTRAITS FROM KIEV. Photographs by ANASTASIA TAYLOR-LIND (The New York Times) 06/14/2014
  • Regional Separatism Threatens Russia Itself If Moscow Loses in Ukraine, Kalashnikov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/14/2014
  • Russian tanks and Ukrainian orphans in Moscow’s unabated offensive (KHPG) 06/14/2014
  • Pro-Russian Rebels Shoot Down Ukrainian Plane, Attack Border Guards (Mashable) 06/14/2014
  • Ukraine Says 49 Killed After Rebels Shoot Down Military Plane (Buzzfeed) 06/14/2014
  • Separatists Down Military Transport Jet, Killing 49 in Eastern Ukraine (The New York Times) 06/14/2014
  • St. Petersburg Imam Moves to Crimea to Push Moscow’s Agenda (Window on Eurasia) 06/14/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 13 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/14/2014
  • Merkel tells Putin she's concerned about plane shoot-down (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/14/2014
  • Íàä ïîñîëüñòâî ÐÔ ó Êèºâ³ âèâ³ñèëè óêðà¿íñüêèé ïðàïîð (ôîòî) (Äåíü) 06/14/2014
  • Îëåêñàíäð Àðîíåöü ‏@aronets: Îñü òàê çàðàç âèãëÿäຠïîñîëüñòâî Ðîñ³¿ ó Êèºâ³. Ëåòÿòü êàì³ííÿ òà ñèíî-æîâòà ôàðáà [12:40 pm ET] (Twitter) 06/14/2014
  • ²ÄÅÎ: ϳä ïîñîëüñòâîì Ðîñ³¿ ïåðåâåðòàþòü ìàøèíè (Hromadske TV) 06/14/2014
  • ÔÎÒÎ: Á³ëÿ ïîñîëüñòâà Ðîñ³¿ âèâ³ñèëè óêðà¿íñüêèé ïðàïîð çàì³ñòü ðîñ³éñüêîãî (ªâðîÌàéäàí – EuroMaydan) 06/14/2014
  • Ïðåçèäåíò Óêðà¿íè âèìàãຠïîêàðàòè âèííèõ çà òðàãåä³þ â Ëóãàíñüêó / President of Ukraine demand to punish those responsible for the tragedy in Lugansk ( 06/14/2014
  • Ó Ëóãàíñüêó òåðîðèñòè çáèëè ²ë-76 ç óêðà¿íñüêèìè äåñàíòíèêàìè - äæåðåëî (ÒÑÍ) 06/14/2014

  • Russia Just Significantly Escalated The Crisis In Ukraine (Business Insider) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian Parachutists Downed over Luhansk – June 14, 2014 (Israel Foreign affairs) 06/13/2014
  • Russian fighters in #Luhansk #Ukraine brought in large convoy of trucks/weapons/men, appear to be preparing for fight [11:01 pm ET] (Ukraine Reporter) 06/13/2014
  • DIRECT TRANSLATION: 'Donbas, the Heart of Russia'. A Commentator Close to Putin Writes: Unitary Ukraine is Finished. BY IRENA CHALUPA (Atlantic Council) 06/13/2014
  • Yatsenyuk instructs Govt to prepare for shutdown of Russian gas, Ukraine files lawsuit on 'Gazprom' in the Stockholm court of arbitration (UNIAN) 06/13/2014
  • Orchestrated Conflict. Controlling the Message in Ukraine (The New York Times) 06/13/2014
  • Ukraine tycoon offers to build Russian border fence [Kolomoyskiy] (Global Post/Agence France-Presse) 06/13/2014
  • Russia Sent Tanks to Separatists in Ukraine, U.S. Says (The New York Times) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian defense ministry: Rebels down large military transport plane in country's east [9:39 pm ET] (Yahoo/AP) 06/13/2014
  • Watch A Russian News Anchor's Reaction When He Hears A Surprising Opinion (RFE/RL) 06/13/2014
  • Podcast: The Khrushchev Legacy (RFE/RL) 06/13/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 12 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/13/2014
  • A Ukrainian Filmmaker in Prison for Opposing Russia’s Occupation of Crimea. Oleg Sentsov Waved Ukrainian Flags, Now is in Moscow's Former KGB Prison (Atlantic Council) 06/13/2014
  • Îëåíà ×åðâîíèê:  ìåíå íåìຠâ³ä÷óòòÿ, ùî ìè ïîâåðíåìîñü íàéáëèæ÷³ ðîêè. Îëåíà ×åðâîíèê:  ìåíå íåìຠâ³ä÷óòòÿ, ùî ìè ïîâåðíåìîñü íàéáëèæ÷³ ðîêè. Êóðàòîð ó Ôîíä³ «²ÇÎËßÖ²ß. Ïëàòôîðìà êóëüòóðíèõ ³í³ö³àòèâ» (²ÄÅÎ) (Ãðîìàäñüêå ÒÁ) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian troops drive rebels out of Mariupol (Yahoo/AP) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian minister: troops hit separatists in port (Yahoo/AP) 06/13/2014
  • Ukraine braces for Russian gas cuts from Monday (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/13/2014
  • NATO says Russian tanks in Ukraine would be serious escalation (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/13/2014
  • Ukraine suggests compromise gas price in row with Russia (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/13/2014
  • Russia says no plans on Ukraine gas talks before June 16 deadline (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian forces raise flag over port city Mariupol: minister (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/13/2014
  • Russian forces train with combat-ready S-300 missiles in Baltic (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/13/2014
  • The arson attempt of the mosque in Simferopol (RISU) 06/13/2014
  • Illarionov’s Ten Theses on Putin’s Aggression in Ukraine (Window on Eurasia) 06/13/2014
  • Under Russian Occupation, Crimea’s Ports Now ‘Danger Zone’ for International Shipping (Window on Eurasia) 06/13/2014
  • Russian National Security Undermined by Alienation between Russians and Ukrainians Living in Russia, Leader Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/13/2014
  • Check your sources, Mr Lavrov (KHPG) 06/13/2014
  • Jemiliev: We had freedom in Ukraine, and there’s no substituting that (KHPG) 06/13/2014
  • Scandalous release of ex-MP convicted murderer could accelerate court reform (KHPG) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian Forces Seize Crucial Port City From Pro-Russia Separatists (Mashable) 06/13/2014
  • Ukraine Claims Full Control of Port City Mariupol (The New York Times) 06/13/2014
  • Iraqi Shiite Cleric Issues Call to Arms Against Sunni Militants (The New York Times) 06/13/2014
  • OSCE Secretary General, on visit to Russia, discussed de-escalation of crisis in Ukraine (OSCE) 06/13/2014
  • Relations Chill as Ukraine Suspects Russia of Sending Rebels Tanks (The Moscow Times) 06/13/2014
  • Russian Separatist Leader Appoints New Mayor of Slovyansk (The Moscow Times) 06/13/2014
  • Russia's Culture Ministry Bans Film About Chechen Massacre Under Stalin (The Moscow Times) 06/13/2014
  • Missing Slovyansk Mayor Detained on Orders of Russian Militant, Report Says (The Moscow Times) 06/13/2014
  • Freedom House: Russia’s ‘malign influence’ preceded invasion of Crimea (KHPG) 06/13/2014
  • 'If it's good enough for the Red Army...' Viral video of WWII tank being started inspires pro-Russian rebels to raid MUSEUMS in Ukraine (Daily Mail) 06/13/2014
  • Kiev forces win back Mariupol (BBC) 06/13/2014
  • On the situation with Ukrainian orphans taken illegally to Russia ( 06/13/2014
  • Chief fighter of “DPR” Pushylin confirms getting 3 tanks from Russia (UNIAN) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian soldiers destroy 2 Russian tanks, 3 APCs and 2 trucks with weapons of terrorists – Tymchuk (UNIAN) 06/13/2014
  • 4 Ukrainian soldiers die and 31 soldiers get injuries in battles with terrorists – Tymchuk (UNIAN) 06/13/2014
  • Four Ukrainian troops injured as anti-terrorist operation moves to Mariupol (+VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/13/2014
  • Igor Strelkov – Moscow agent or military romantic? DAVID MARPLES (Open Democracy) 06/13/2014
  • Ukraine inflicts 'high casualties' on rebels (Yahoo/AFP) 06/13/2014
  • NATO Secretary General concerned about reports of escalation of the crisis in Eastern Ukraine (NATO) 06/13/2014
  • Ukraine Loses 2015 Euro Basketball Championship (ABC/AP) 06/13/2014
  • Militant bravado wins support for Ukraine radical [Oleh Lyashko] (Anchorage Daily News/AP) 06/13/2014
  • Ukraine Bond Rally Best in Region Signals Mounting Risks (Bloomberg) 06/13/2014
  • Russia bringing in tanks, Ukraine charges (Ukrainian Journal) 06/13/2014
  • Gazprom to halt Ukraine supplies Monday if $1.95 billion tab is unpaid (Ukrainian Journal) 06/13/2014
  • NBU advisor calls for measures to combat accelerating inflation (Ukrainian Journal) 06/13/2014
  • Military official calls for revival of Sapsan missile project (Ukrainian Journal) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian Rebel Leader Escapes Injury in Apparent Bomb Blast (Voice of America) 06/13/2014
  • Ukrainian forces reclaim port city from rebels (Reuters) 06/13/2014

  • Donetsk culture centre seized by separatist group [Izolyatsia Center for Cultural Initiatives] (The Art Newspaper) 06/12/2014
  • Putin to Russia: We Will Bury Ourselves [dated 6/12-20/2014] (Newsweek) 06/12/2014
  • Russia submits another draft U.N. resolution on Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/12/2014
  • Pro-Russian rebels add tanks to arsenal in east Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/12/2014
  • Ukraine says 3 tanks cross from Russia (Yahoo/AP) 06/12/2014
  • Ukraine rebel leader's car blown up in Donetsk (Yahoo/AFP) 06/12/2014
  • Ukraine rebel leader's minibus blown up in Donetsk killing two [Denis Pushilin was not in the car] (Yahoo/AFP) 06/12/2014
  • EU Gas Traders Ignore Ukraine Rejection as Talks Continue (Bloomberg) 06/12/2014
  • Ukraine Agriculture Stocks Advance on Closer Europe Ties (Businessweek) 06/12/2014
  • Highway to the danger zone: Russian bombers buzz coast of California, Alaska. Practice runs are latest Cold War-like provocation from Putin (Washington Times) 06/12/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 11 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/12/2014
  • Blast rocks center of breakaway town in E. Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/12/2014
  • Editorial: Ukraine goes it alone (Kyiv Post) 06/12/2014
  • Five members of aircraft crew killed in Sloviansk on June 6; service death toll rises to 66 (Kyiv Post) 06/12/2014
  • In Moldova, visa-free doesn’t mean poverty-free (Kyiv Post) 06/12/2014
  • On its way to Europe, Ukraine has to say no to phosphates (Kyiv Post) 06/12/2014
  • The Town Determined to Stop Putin. In Dnipropetrovsk, just 150 miles from the Donetsk People’s Republic, the regional governor is a very rich man [Igor Kolomoisky] with very big plans to stop pro-Russian separatists in their tracks (Daily Beast) 06/12/2014
  • Crimean Summer Tourism Disaster (Kyiv Post) 06/12/2014
  • Ukraine's humanitarian crisis worsens as tens of thousands flee combat in east (The Guardian) 06/12/2014
  • Poroshenko hints at Donetsk ‘roundtable’ (EurActiv) 06/12/2014
  • Ex-MP Lozinsky released from murder sentence ‘on health grounds’ (KHPG) 06/12/2014
  • Putin accuses Kiev of sinking gas talks (Ukrainian Journal) 06/12/2014
  • Baltics prepare to counter Moscow TV propaganda (Yahoo/AP) 06/12/2014
  • EU will finance projects worth $68M in Moldova (Yahoo/AP) 06/12/2014
  • Lavrov: Ukraine's [pro-Russian] rebels ready for cease-fire [...but Ukrainians have to stop firing first] (Yahoo/AP) 06/12/2014
  • Without water, east Ukrainians struggle to survive (Yahoo/AFP) 06/12/2014
  • Ukraine’s new president Petro Poroshenko is taking on a poisoned inheritance (The National) 06/12/2014
  • Refugees from hot zones find shelter on Yanukovych’s former estate (Kyiv Post) 06/12/2014
  • OSCE chief visits Ukraine refugees in Russia (Yahoo/AP) 06/12/2014
  • Gazprom to halt gas flows to Ukraine if no payment by Monday: CEO (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/12/2014
  • EU Commission chief appeals to Russia over Moldova (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/12/2014
  • Russia holds military exercises in Baltic in response to NATO (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/12/2014
  • Kiev says three Russian tanks entered east Ukraine (BBC) 06/12/2014
  • Lessons from the Maidan. The West can’t stand idly by while Putin has his way with Ukraine — and with his own people (National Review) 06/12/2014
  • Oligarchic Capitalism Blamed for Loss of Russia’s Position in Former Soviet Republics (Window on Eurasia) 06/12/2014
  • Crimean Muftiate Speaks Out as Russian Occupiers Ignore Crimean Tatars (Window on Eurasia) 06/12/2014
  • Lithuania Could Become Putin’s Danzig Corridor, Portnikov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/12/2014
  • ‘Zelenyi Klin’ isn’t Only Ukrainian ‘Wedge’ in Russia, and Some in Moscow are Nervous (Window on Eurasia) 06/12/2014
  • Russia accuses Ukraine of ‘annexing’ the Crimea (KHPG) 06/12/2014
  • Corruption watchdogs warn of danger to public procurement transparency (KHPG) 06/12/2014
  • Ukrainian president, Putin discuss crisis by phone - Kremlin (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/12/2014
  • Ukraine accuses Russia of allowing tanks across border (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/12/2014
  • Belarus reaffirms neutral stance on Russia-Ukraine conflict (Ukrainian Journal) 06/12/2014
  • Ukrainian Military Waits For Government To Act On Promises Of Support (RFE/RL) 06/12/2014
  • Threatened by rebels, UGV considers Donetsk and Luhansk shutdown (Ukrainian Journal) 06/12/2014
  • Poroshenko offers to hold talks with insurgents who lay down weapons (Ukrainian Journal) 06/12/2014
  • Nine Ukrainian Miners Missing After Blast (RFE/RL) 06/12/2014

  • Civilians take cover, flee Ukrainian city as shells land (Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • Biden: US supports Ukraine-Russia peace talks (Washington Post/AP) 06/11/2014
  • The End of the Donbas? (World Affairs Journal) 06/11/2014
  • European Filmmakers Call On Putin After Crimean Jailed for Terrorism (The Moscow Times) 06/11/2014
  • Readout of the Vice President's Calls with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (US Embassy) 06/11/2014
  • Newsroom Mezhyhirya: The story of YanukovychLeaks documentary (VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/11/2014
  • Biden: US supports Ukraine-Russia peace talks (Yahoo/AP) 06/11/2014
  • Cold War-style spy games return to melting Arctic (Yahoo/AP) 06/11/2014
  • Andrey Illarionov: “The aggression against Ukraine will inevitably end in a redrawing of Russia’s borders”. Andrey Illarionov, a former advisor to Vladimir Putin, talks to The Ukrainian Week about the prospects of Russian imperialism, the efficiency of Western diplomacy and the possible consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war (Ukrainian Week) 06/11/2014
  • 25,000 Displaced East Ukrainians Take Refuge in Soviet-Era Resort Town (VICE News) 06/11/2014
  • Ukrainian Health Ministry registers 7,000 refugees from southeast, can take in 30,000 (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 06/11/2014
  • The limitations of Russian propaganda in Ukraine (Open Democracy) 06/11/2014
  • Ukraine crisis: Death toll in east 'at least 270' (BBC News) 06/11/2014
  • U.S. Needs New Bases in Central Europe (American Interest) 06/11/2014
  • Parasyuk on the bad, and the good, at Poroshenko’s Presidential inaugural banquet (EuromaidanPR) 06/11/2014
  • Ukraine and Russia Still Far Apart on Gas Deal (New York Times) 06/11/2014
  • Ukraine and US 'will be good partners,' Poroshenko tells Biden (Ukrainian Journal) 06/11/2014
  • Moscow 'ready to resume dialogue,' says Russia's Kiev envoy (Ukrainian Journal) 06/11/2014
  • Ukrainians report beating off separatist attacks in eastern regions (Ukrainian Journal) 06/11/2014
  • Russia and Ukraine to resume natgas talks (Ukrainian Journal) 06/11/2014
  • Kyiv's Most Fearless Man (RFE/RL) 06/11/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 10 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/11/2014
  • Ukraine Says 257 Dead in Southeast Offensive. Ukraine Counts Dead in Fighting as Gas Talks With Russia Deadlock. Mounting Death Toll as Civilians Flee Region (Wall Street Journal) 06/11/2014
  • Crimean Tatar Leader Says Kremlin Relying On 'Old Soviet Policy' (RFE/RL) 06/11/2014
  • Russia Playing 'Pivotal Role' In Democracy Decline, Says New Report (RFE/RL) 06/11/2014
  • John Kerry: On the Occasion of the National Day of the Russian Federation ( 06/11/2014
  • Ukraine shuts two banks owned by associates of ousted leader (Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • NATO chief hopes for summit pledge to raise defense spending (Yahoo/AP) 06/11/2014
  • Russophobia Could Trigger Third World War, Putin Envoy Tells Finns (Window on Eurasia) 06/11/2014
  • Ukraine’s Donbas is Becoming a Northern Ireland, Kazarin Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/11/2014
  • As Putin Pursues Imperial Goals, Fewer Russians Regret End of USSR (Window on Eurasia) 06/11/2014
  • Moscow’s ‘special economic zone’ could dispossess Crimeans (KHPG) 06/11/2014
  • Lviv residents bring 700 helmets from Poland – on foot (KHPG) 06/11/2014
  • New documentary ‘Battle for Ukraine’ follows evolution of crisis from EuroMaidan to war in east (VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/11/2014
  • Meet The Crazy Russian Who's Supposedly Destroying NASA (VICE News) 06/11/2014
  • Donbas battalion commander:“Our format is a compromise between state agencies and the voluntary movement. We want to change our country”. Semen Semenchenko talks about voluntary special forces, the Chechen trail in Eastern Ukraine and inevitable terror (Ukrainian Week) 06/11/2014
  • Gas row: Ukraine 'won't fall into Russian gas trap' (BBC) 06/11/2014
  • Putin accuses Ukraine of sabotaging gas talks (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • Ukraine's energy minister has rejected Russia's gas discounts, calls for solution in court (Yahoo/AP) 06/11/2014
  • Gas price talks resume, Kiev rejects latest Russian offer (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • Ukraine holds out for bigger gas price cut from Russia (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • Putin says Ukrainian gas price demands a 'dead end' (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • Putin offers Ukraine gas discounts (Yahoo/AP) 06/11/2014
  • UK's Cameron points finger at Russia over hi-tech arms in Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • World Bank cuts growth outlook as Ukraine crisis weighs (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • Gazprom moves gas prepayment deadline for Ukraine to June 16 (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/11/2014
  • Russia gives Ukraine more time to reach gas deal (Yahoo/AP) 06/11/2014
  • OSCE head urges release of monitors missing in Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/11/2014

  • Russia's FSB says bomb attacks foiled in Moscow, Crimea (Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine releases two Russian state TV journalists (The Edge/AFP) 06/10/2014
  • In Eastern Ukraine, one journalist turns on another. A German reporter is forced to flee after a Russian counterpart denounces him on social media. By Maxim Eristavi (Columbia Journalism Review) 06/10/2014
  • Poroshenko inaugural address sends uncompromising message to Russians (Ukrainian Journal) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine Tension Prompts Boost Of U.S. Special Forces In Eastern Europe (Huffington Post/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Trilateral talks halt without deal Monday (Ukrainian Journal) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine boosts natgas reserves 7.3% amid supply disruption fears (Ukrainian Journal) 06/10/2014
  • Kiev cites 'mutual understanding' with Moscow on eastern regions (Ukrainian Journal) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine Peace Talks Progress as Evacuation Route Set Up (Bloomberg) 06/10/2014
  • East Ukraine's Internal Refugees. Ukraine Families Flee Into the Forest to Escape Brutal Fighting in Sloviansk (Daily Beast) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine still hot, no gas deal with Russia (Resource Investor/Bloomberg) 06/10/2014
  • Ukrainians Find Jobs and a Slice of Russia in Arctic Norway (New York Times) 06/10/2014
  • Polish MP: Ukraine 'Better Prepared' For Local Government Reform Than Poland In 1989 (RFE/RL) 06/10/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 9 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/10/2014
  • Russia, Ukraine to Resume Stalled Gas-Supply Talks Today (Businessweek) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine crisis raises risk for nuclear reactors (Deutsche Welle) 06/10/2014
  • Putin on notice: Two U.S. stealth bombers head to Europe for first time amid tension (Washington Times) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine president orders civilian corridor in east (Yahoo/AP) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine's president orders evacuation corridors for civilians (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Civilians take cover, flee Ukrainian city as shells land (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Poland urges Russia to control its border with Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Russia's Putin denies waging war on Internet freedoms (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Defying Russian warnings, Moldova and Georgia head for EU pact (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine says repulses separatist mortar attacks (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • After Ukraine, U.S. trains more special forces in eastern Europe (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine sees 'understanding' with Russia on peace moves (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • U.S. spokeswoman Psaki rebukes 'Russian propaganda machine' (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • Russia would react to NATO build-up near borders - minister (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/10/2014
  • AP IMPACT: Ukraine lost billions from tax cheats (Yahoo/AP) 06/10/2014
  • Putin Won’t Make Any Further Concessions on Ukraine, Two Moscow Experts Say [BRAMA comment: Putin hasn't made any concessions] (Window on Eurasia) 06/10/2014
  • Putin’s Dual Citizenship Law Opens the Way to Broader Repression, Pastukhov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/10/2014
  • Cultural centre becomes contested site in Ukraine crisis (Arts Professional) 06/10/2014
  • Russian media claims ‘genocide’ in Semenivka [Donbas] (KHPG) 06/10/2014
  • Luhansk editor and son hospitalized after being abducted by militants [‘Serditaya Gazeta’ (Angry Newspaper)] (KHPG) 06/10/2014
  • EuroMaidan activist abducted in Donetsk (KHPG) 06/10/2014
  • Stop Censorship’s New Agenda for a New Administration (KHPG) 06/10/2014
  • What it's like to live surrounded by war in Sloviansk. Russian Roulette (Dispatch 48) (+VIDEO) (VICE News) 06/10/2014
  • Sloviansk's 'People’s Mayor' Rumored to Be Detained By Own Forces in Ukraine (VICE News) 06/10/2014
  • Ukraine put an end to months of political chaos by swearing in a new president who vowed to restore the country's territorial integrity. Russian Roulette (Dispatch 47) (VICE News) 06/10/2014
  • Crimea: One for the History Books. The Kremlin is moving fast to make sure Russian students learn the ‘correct’ version of the Crimean annexation. By Halya Coynash (Transitions Online) 06/10/2014
  • MIA: Yanukovych disclosed information about Ukrainian Forces to Russia ( 06/10/2014
  • Despite Clash in Ukraine, Cease-Fire Talks Advance (The New York Times) 06/10/2014
  • Newsroom Mezhyhirya: The story of YanukovychLeaks. (VIDEO, Ukrainian with English subtitles) (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project) 06/10/2014
  • Strelkov: Sloviansk 'people's mayor' Ponomarev dismissed (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 06/10/2014
  • Mistral Ship Sale to Russia Will Shipwreck EU (The Moscow Times) 06/10/2014
  • 5 misconceptions about post-Maidan Ukraine in the Diaspora [article in Ukrainian] ( 06/10/2014
  • Moscow Draws a Religious Line in the Sand in Ukraine (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 06/10/2014
  • The Crisis in Ukraine Claims Another Victim: Russo-Japanese Rapprochement (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 06/10/2014
  • Putin’s Smart Defense: Wars, Rumors of War, and Generations of Wars (Part One) (Eurasia Daily Monitor) 06/10/2014

  • Ukraine, separatists battle to control border with Russia (Reuters) 06/09/2014
  • Ukraine Egg King Bond Fortunes Tied to Putin (Businessweek) 06/09/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 8 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/09/2014
  • Ukraine releases two Russia TV journalists (News24) 06/09/2014
  • Ukraine and Europe: A Historical Perspective. Ian Reifowitz (Huffington Post) 06/09/2014
  • Ukraine orders police deployment in east (Washington Post) 06/09/2014
  • In Ukraine, activists vow to hold new government's feet to the fire (Christian Science Monitor) 06/09/2014
  • On The Road With Volunteers Supplying Ukrainian Troops (RFE/RL) 06/09/2014
  • 5 Reasons Poroshenko Should Dissolve the Ukrainian Parliament (KMFA) 06/09/2014
  • Time running out for higher education reform (KMFA) 06/09/2014
  • On The Road With Volunteers Supplying Ukrainian Troops (RFE/RL) 06/09/2014
  • East Ukraine rebel stronghold hit by shelling (Yahoo/AP) 06/09/2014
  • Civilization-Empire, Not Nation State, Proper Form for Russia and the East, Bagdasaryan Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/09/2014
  • Putin Accelerating Russia’s Demise by Allying with China Rather than with the West, Former Advisor Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/09/2014
  • Russia is ‘Part of Europe But Will Never Be Part of the West,’ St. Petersburg Psychoanalyst Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/09/2014
  • Russian history textbook doctors the records on Crimean Annexation (KHPG) 06/09/2014
  • Stalingrad as latest step in re-glorification of tyrant (KHPG) 06/09/2014
  • Ukraine's President Pledges Peace While Shelling the East (VICE News) 06/09/2014
  • Terrorists claim to have taken OSCE observers hostage (Ukrainian Week) 06/09/2014
  • Terrorists attacked a military unit in Artemivsk at night (Ukrainian Week) 06/09/2014
  • Russians Find Few Barriers to Joining Ukraine Battle (The New York Times) 06/09/2014
  • Exclusive: Ukraine’s President Seeks ‘Understanding’ With Russia (TIME) 06/09/2014
  • 'Patriot's handbook' may give insight into Putin's thoughts (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/09/2014
  • After talks begin, new fighting in east Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/09/2014
  • NATO Moves Not Economic Sanctions behind Putin’s Tactical Shift on Ukraine, Illarionov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/09/2014

  • OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, upon request of Ukrainian President, appoints Swiss diplomat to accompany talks between Ukraine and Russia (OSCE) 06/08/2014
  • Ukraine's separatist regions face bleak economic future (South China Morning Post/AFP) 06/08/2014
  • Ukraine's new leader stands up to Moscow over Crimea and Europe (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/08/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko plans new team to take on Putin, build ties with West (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/08/2014
  • Russia, Ukraine, EU to continue gas talks in Brussels on Monday (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/08/2014
  • Ukraine energy firm hiring Biden's son raises ethical concerns (Fox) 06/08/2014
  • Russians Back Putin Because He Offers Illusion Russia is Again a Superpower, Levinson Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/08/2014
  • Russia No Longer Needs a Prime Minister, Commentator Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/08/2014
  • A New ‘Silent Yalta’ Took Place in Normandy, Russian Commentator Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/08/2014
  • Ukraine’s real problem, in four graphs (Boston Globe) 06/08/2014
  • From the Cyber-Trenches of Eastern Ukraine (Global Voices) 06/08/2014
  • Ukraine's new first lady a breath of fresh air (Yahoo/AFP) 06/08/2014
  • Poroshenko assumes Herculean task of saving Ukraine (Yahoo/AFP) 06/08/2014
  • Ukraine-Russia gas talks to resume (Al Jazeera) 06/08/2014
  • Op-ed: Boris Danik: Ukraine's war of independence (Kyiv Post) 06/08/2014
  • US stands with new Ukrainian president in talks with Russia, Biden says (PressTV) 06/08/2014
  • Poroshenko gets down to work in troubled Ukraine (Business Recorder) 06/08/2014
  • Ukraine's new President Poroshenko leads old team (Deutsche Welle) 06/08/2014

  • Ukraine, An Old Country Searching For A New Soul (Forbes) 06/07/2014
  • Ukraine's President vows to defend territory 'no matter what' (CNN) 06/07/2014
  • FACT SHEET: U.S. Assistance to Ukraine (The White House) 06/07/2014
  • Russian Roulette (Dispatch 46). Meet Yuri Kasyanov, a Ukrainian activist who raises money from ordinary people to buy supplies for the Ukrainian army, and every day risks his life to deliver them to the front lines. (VIDEO) (VICE News) 06/07/2014
  • Russian leadership backs restoration of Stalingrad name (Yahoo/AFP) 06/07/2014
  • It's Totally Normal That Joe Biden's Son Works for a Ukrainian Energy Company (The Wire) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko, Ukraine's rescuer (BBC) 06/07/2014
  • Interview: Transnistran president Shevchuk says he wants a 'civilised divorce' with Moldova (Euronews) 06/07/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko sworn in and sets out peace plan (BBC) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko welcomes his first grandchild (Kyiv Post) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko sworn in as Ukraine's president (Yahoo/AP) 06/07/2014
  • Kerry hopes for steps to ease tensions in Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/07/2014
  • Ukrainian energy firm hires Biden son as lawyer (Washington Post/AP) 06/07/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 6 June (OSCE) 06/07/2014
  • Ukraine protesters vow to keep Kiev tent city (USA TODAY) 06/07/2014
  • OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, when meeting in Kyiv, commends Ukrainian President for giving fresh impetus to national and international dialogue (OSCE) 06/07/2014
  • Ukraine, An Old Country Searching For A New Soul (Forbes) 06/07/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko To Be Sworn In as East Seethes With Conflict (Voice of America) 06/07/2014
  • Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the inauguration of President Poroshenko (NATO) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko Sworn In As President Of Ukraine (VIDEO) (RFE/RL) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko Sworn In, Calls for Unity, Will Visit East (RFE/RL) 06/07/2014
  • Kremlin Will Ultimately Disown and Suppress Those Fighting for It in Ukraine to Save Itself, Mitrokhin Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/07/2014
  • A Mini-Brezhnev Doctrine? -- FSB Promises to Block Revolutions in CIS Countries (Window on Eurasia) 06/07/2014
  • Kyiv Mufti Urges Muslims from Other Countries Not to Come to Ukraine and Fight Against Kyiv (Window on Eurasia) 06/07/2014
  • That Flickering Red Line. G7 countries have given Russia another month for pretending to take measures at ‘de-escalation’ while continuing to wage undeclared war on Ukraine. In the meantime France is free to sell warships to Russia and train the Russian navy on how to use them. (KHPG) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko Takes Presidential Oath in Kiev, Says Crimea Is 'Ukrainian Soil' (Mashable) 06/07/2014
  • Why Is France Building Warships For Russia? (VICE News) 06/07/2014
  • Ukraine's New President Pledges to Retake Crimea (VICE News) 06/07/2014
  • New Ukraine president defiant toward Russia in inaugural speech (Al Jazeera) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko Takes Ukraine Helm With Tough Words for Russia (The New York Times) 06/07/2014
  • Five details from Poroshenko’s inauguration you might have missed (Kyiv Post) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko sworn in as president (Kyiv Post) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko promises peace, offers terms to insurgents (VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/07/2014
  • Inauguration witnesses have high expectations of Poroshenko (Kyiv Post) 06/07/2014
  • English-language translation of Poroshenko's inaugural address on June 7 (Kyiv Post) 06/07/2014
  • Address of the President of Ukraine during the ceremony of inauguration (English) ( 06/07/2014
  • Bio of President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine (Ukr) ( 06/07/2014
  • Photos: Inauguration of the president of Ukraine ( 06/07/2014
  • US offers new aid to ex-Soviet European nations (Yahoo/AP) 06/07/2014
  • Crimean clubs out of Russian league next season (Yahoo/AP) 06/07/2014
  • Q&A: Who is Ukraine's new president? (Yahoo/AP) 06/07/2014
  • Rejecting Poroshenko, east Ukraine rebels say fight will go on (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • U.S. pledges millions more in aid to Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • German foreign minister urges Ukraine caution in military action (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • Ukraine's new leader stands up to Moscow over Crimea and Europe (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • Russia calls on Poroshenko to free detained journalists (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • Putin orders tightening of border control with Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko promises united Ukraine and no compromise on Crimea (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko says Ukraine will not give up Crimea (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • Poroshenko calls on separatists to lay down their arms (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014
  • Ukraine's new leader stands up to Moscow over Crimea and Europe (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/07/2014

  • Fifth Generation Warfare: Taste the Color Revolution Rainbow...t’s reasonable to note that there’s a fair degree of overlap in the Color Revolutions and the Great Crimean Heist. (VICE News) 06/06/2014
  • Putin Meets Obama, Poroshenko Amid Talk of Cease-Fire (Bloomberg) 06/06/2014
  • Putin, Ukraine leader break crisis ice at D-Day event (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Big risks seen in Putin's idea to beef up Gazprom (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Rebels down Ukraine army plane on eve of Poroshenko's swearing-in (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Crisis Puts Pressure on Ukraine's Jews (VIDEO) (Voice of America) 06/06/2014
  • Ukrainian MP kicks out Russian journos from parliament, calls them ‘spies’ (VIDEO) [BRAMA: Russia Today is controlled by the Russian government. That said, good for Lyashko.] (Russia Today) 06/06/2014
  • Ukraine Tries to Unite Local Militias to Fight Rebellion (Voice of America) 06/06/2014
  • Ukraine's Search for an Honest Thief. By CHRYSTIA FREELAND (Politico) 06/06/2014
  • Ukraine crisis creates new rifts in Europe as G7 shuns Russia (+VIDEO) (Christian Science Monitor) 06/06/2014
  • Kiev 'demands' Russian Cossack leader order release of OSCE monitors detained in eastern Ukraine ( 06/06/2014
  • Ukraine's Tenuous Grip on Russian Border Slips Further (Wall Street Journal) 06/06/2014
  • Rumblings In The West: Ukraine's Other Ethnic Quandary (RFE/RL) 06/06/2014
  • Army In Need: Volunteers Try To Get Supplies To Ukraine's Forces (RFE/RL) 06/06/2014
  • Another awkward encounter for Obama, Putin (Yahoo/AP) 06/06/2014
  • Russian, Ukrainian leaders talk amid D-Day pomp (Yahoo/AP) 06/06/2014
  • Moscow TV has Shaped but Not Created Russian Response to Crimea, Levada Center Expert Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/06/2014
  • A Second Ukraine Being Reborn in Russian Far East (Window on Eurasia) 06/06/2014
  • Regionalists in Russia Must Back Kyiv against the Kremlin, Site Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/06/2014
  • Head of Poroshenko's election headquarters in one of Vinnytsia districts found dead [gunshot wound] (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 06/06/2014
  • Interior minister's advisor: Yanukovych finances mercenaries in Ukraine's east (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 06/06/2014
  • Police In Moscow Detain 400 Suspected Illegal Migrants [Migrants from Ukraine are routinely bused across the border to various locations in Russia by their Russian employers, and housed at work sites.] (RFE/RL) 06/06/2014
  • Concert "In Our Time" with NY Bandura and Friends, Saturday June 7 at 7 (NYC) (Ukrainian Museum) 06/06/2014
  • Russia's Vostok Battalion arrives in Ukraine to take charge of rebels (Ukrainian Journal) 06/06/2014
  • Government unveils plan to split up Naftogaz Ukrayiny into units (Ukrainian Journal) 06/06/2014
  • Ukraine abandons three border checkpoints following separatist attacks (Ukrainian Journal) 06/06/2014
  • Obama rips Putin following G8-1 meeting (Ukrainian Journal) 06/06/2014
  • In Russian protege Abkhazia, a cautionary tale for Crimea (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Separatists in eastern Ukraine attack border post (West Australian/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Merkel reminded Putin of 'great responsibility' in Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Putin, Ukraine's Poroshenko speak at D-Day event (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Rebel attack leaves dead and wounded among Ukraine forces - National Guard (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Russia, Ukraine leaders shake hands, talk at D-Day event (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • World leaders gather for D-Day tribute, hope for thaw on Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Germany pledges to aid new Ukraine leader (Yahoo/AP) 06/06/2014
  • Q&A: Who is Ukraine's next president? More than three months after Ukraine's president fled to Russia in the wake of months of street protests, Petro Poroshenko is to be inaugurated Saturday as the troubled country's new leader. (Yahoo/AP) 06/06/2014
  • Ukraine says 15 rebels killed in border clashes (Yahoo/AP) 06/06/2014
  • Putin, Poroshenko chat before lunch in Normandy (Yahoo/AP) 06/06/2014
  • Russian, Ukrainian leaders meet in Normandy [Putin, Poroshenko] (Yahoo/AP) 06/06/2014
  • Putin, Ukraine Leader Talk at D-Day Anniversary Event (The New York Times/Reuters) 06/06/2014
  • Russia criminalizes ‘concealment’ of dual citizenship (KHPG) 06/06/2014
  • Crimean police terrorise elderly mother of independent journalist (KHPG) 06/06/2014
  • Kremlin-backed militants on the hunt for pro-Ukrainian students (KHPG) 06/06/2014
  • Mufti: This is our Homeland. Tell your ‘soldiers of fate’ to stay away! (KHPG) 06/06/2014
  • Kremlin’s Policies Cutting Size of Russian World Not Expanding It, Latynina Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/06/2014

  • Obama gives '2,3,4 weeks' to Putin before imposing further sanctions (Euractiv) 06/05/2014
  • Russian propaganda machine 'worse than Soviet Union' (BBC) 06/05/2014
  • New Kiev mayor vows 'zero tolerance' on graft (GlobalPost/AFP) 06/05/2014
  • Ukrainian native grabs opportunity at Triton College, graduates with 4.0 [Khrystyna Levytska, 21, of River Grove, wears a traditional Ukrainian blouse. She came to United States from Ukraine two years ago...] (Chicago Sun Times) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine mulls reformation of senior football league (GlobalPost/Xinhua) 06/05/2014
  • Melnyk, confident billionaire with Ukrainian roots, takes on Putin (Kyiv Post) 06/05/2014
  • Op-ed: Obama at Omaha. Roger Cohen (The New York Times) 06/05/2014
  • Ron Paul Is Supporting Russia’s Illegal Occupation of Crimea. The libertarian godfather has become one of the biggest cheerleaders for the 'referendum' that will lead to Russia's annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula. [Ron Paul's son, Rand Paul, is a Republican Senator and is a member of the Foreign Relations committee, generally responsible for overseeing (but not administering) and funding foreign aid programs as well as funding arms sales and training for national allies] (The Daily Beast) 06/05/2014
  • Gangsters And Fascists And Separatists -- Oh My! (RFE/RL) 06/05/2014
  • A Real Ladies' Man: Putin's Remarks On Women Over The Years (RFE/RL) 06/05/2014
  • Pragmatic Poroshenko Takes Power (VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/05/2014
  • At least 61 Ukrainian soldiers die for country in Kremlin-backed war (Kyiv Post) 06/05/2014
  • Israel has a lot to teach on fighting separatism (Kyiv Post) 06/05/2014
  • Israel silent on Russian annexation of Crimea, support of separatists (Kyiv Post) 06/05/2014
  • Eerie silence grips shelled Ukraine town. Residents of Krasny Liman near Slovyansk betray growing sense of dread following a day of shelling by Ukrainian troops. (Al Jazeera) 06/05/2014
  • With Group of 7 Backing, Obama Gives Russia One-Month Ukraine Deadline (The New York Times) 06/05/2014
  • As Ukraine moves on rebel stronghold, residents live with sound of shelling (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Russia says U.S. should push Ukrainian leader to halt violence [BRAMA: Easiest solution is for Russia to stop instigating the violence, stop sending armed men to fight againt Ukrainians] (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Concerns about possible escalation of Ukraine crisis have risen: ECB [European Central Bank] (Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Obama warns Putin to work with Ukraine or face new sanctions (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine crisis casts shadow over D-Day anniversary (Columbus Dispatch/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Obama, Cameron set new Russia sanctions deadline (San Jose Mercury News/AP) 06/05/2014
  • Obama and allies: Putin faces critical choices (Houston Chronicle/AP) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine government edging closer to martial law declaration in restive east (Kyiv Post) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine crisis: Donetsk rebel leaders still talking tough (BBC) 06/05/2014
  • Kerry, Lavrov: Ukraine shouldn't be 'pawn' (Washington Post/AP) 06/05/2014
  • Bill would boost Ukraine's energy efficiency, drilling (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Worldview: To reform, Ukraine will need Western support (Philadelphia Inquirer) 06/05/2014
  • A Ukrainian Brain Drain (The New Yorker) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine’s information war looks very different in its east and west (Miami Herald) 06/05/2014
  • Obama warns France on Russia Mistral ship deal (BBC) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine New President Faces Daunting Challenges (Voice of America) 06/05/2014
  • John Kerry, Secretary of State: Remarks With Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Before Their Meeting ( 06/05/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 4 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/05/2014
  • Soccer-Russia ready to take in Crimean clubs (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • So it appears Vladimir Putin can totally pump more iron than President Obama (Washington Post) 06/05/2014
  • Obama gives thumbs up to president-elect (Ukrainian Journal) 06/05/2014
  • G8-1 industrialized nations threaten to slap more sanctions on Russia (Ukrainian Journal) 06/05/2014
  • Pro-Russian rebels take over strategic Sverdlovsk border post (Ukrainian Journal) 06/05/2014
  • Top NATO military commander demands Moscow stop Ukraine interference (Ukrainian Journal) 06/05/2014
  • June Movie Matinée at the Museum. Film in the afternoons (NYC) with gallery 1/2 price admission (Ukrainian Museum) 06/05/2014
  • Luhansk Dispatch: Nowhere To Hide (RFE/RL) 06/05/2014
  • Hollande emerges as peacemaker at G7 dinner (Euractiv) 06/05/2014
  • The Vanishing of the Russophiles. Bulgaria’s vocal pro-Russia majority turned out to be a minority when it came time to cast ballots (Transitions Online) 06/05/2014
  • US President Barack OBAMA: “We stand together” (The Day) 06/05/2014
  • G7 leaders warn Russia of fresh sanctions over Ukraine (BBC) 06/05/2014
  • Donetsk rebel leaders still talking tough (BBC) 06/05/2014
  • Putin’s Approach ‘Orthodox in Form but Muslim in Content,’ [Rashit] Akhmetov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/05/2014
  • Putin’s China Deal Won’t Help Russian Economy Much, Moscow Experts Say (Window on Eurasia) 06/05/2014
  • Moscow Punishing Lithuania for Its Support of Ukraine (Window on Eurasia) 06/05/2014
  • Kuban Cossack Youth Back Ukraine Rather than Moscow (Window on Eurasia) 06/05/2014
  • Coffins and Questions about Russian nationals fighting in Donbas (KHPG) 06/05/2014
  • Sentsov: My country, for whose freedom I fought, will not abandon me”. (KHPG) 06/05/2014
  • KHPG calls for evacuation measures from ATO-affected areas (KHPG) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine's Underground Army of Civilians (Mashable) 06/05/2014
  • Obama Talks Ukraine With Allies, Steers Clear of Putin (Mashable) 06/05/2014
  • As D-Day Commemoration Approaches, Leaders Maneuver Over Ukraine (The New York Times) 06/05/2014
  • Obama concerned about France-Russia warship deal (Yahoo/AP) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine diplomacy kicks into high gear at G-7 (Yahoo/AP) 06/05/2014
  • Obama encourages Russia to open talks with Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/05/2014
  • Russia's ambassador to Kiev to attend Poroshenko inauguration (Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Two-dinner Hollande hosts Obama and Putin seeking Ukraine thaw (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Ukraine FinMin cuts 2014 GDP forecast to minus 5 pct - agency (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • U.S. to beef up Black Sea presence after Crimea crisis: Hagel (Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Russia faces struggle to wean Crimea economy off Ukraine supplies (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • Fighting rages in eastern Ukraine town, residents flee (Reuters) 06/05/2014
  • The Leonard Lopate Show: Then and Now: Ukraine and Russia, Money and Politics. Historian Serhii Plokhy argues that disagreements between Russia and Ukraine played a major role in the collapse of the Soviet Union [new book: 'The Final Days of the Soviet Union'] [dated 6/2/2014] (WNYC) 06/05/2014

  • In Crimea, Caucasus, Eastern Ukraine, Everyone's A Barbarian Except The Russians. Really? (Forbes) 06/04/2014
  • Editorial: Standing Up to Mr. Putin (The New York Times) 06/04/2014
  • Swiss say working with Egypt, Ukraine to recover stolen assets (Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Ukrainian president: it's possible I'll meet Putin this week (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Obama served up lesson in leadership at Warsaw banquet (Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Russian FM blasts West over Ukrainian crisis (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • 6 militants killed, 3 Ukrainian troops injured (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Obama: Ukrainians are heirs to Polish democracy (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Amid Ukraine spat, Putin open to Obama 'dialogue' (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • In Poland, Obama sees a guidepost for Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Rebels seize 3 government bases in eastern Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Russia's Putin dominates G-7 summit in absentia (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Obama, Seeking Unity on Russia, Meets Obstacles (The New York Times) 06/04/2014
  • Border Guards in Ukraine Abandon Posts (The New York Times) 06/04/2014
  • Order from Chaos: Moscow’s Men Raise a Rebel Army in Ukraine’s East (Vice News) 06/04/2014
  • Witness to a Ukraine Rebel Breakthrough. Ukraine’s rebels have secured their supply corridor to Russia. As Putin talks to Europe (and maybe Obama) about stability, the real war is about to begin. An eyewitness account. (The Daily Beast) 06/04/2014
  • Secret KGB Torture House Opens Its Doors in Riga (The Daily Beast) 06/04/2014
  • Pro-Russia Rebels in Ukraine Say Putin Gave Us 'False Hope' (NBC) 06/04/2014
  • Coup against Putin Possible, Could Spark Disintegration of Russia, Cemilev Says [Mustafa Dzhemilev] (Window on Eurasia) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine repays USD 1bn of public debt (Ukrainian Week) 06/04/2014
  • Acting President Turchynov announced partial closing of border with Russia. Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov announces the closing of part of Ukraine’s eastern border, including in Central Luhansk and North Donetsk Oblasts (Ukrainian Week) 06/04/2014
  • Poroshenko will offer a peaceful solution for Ukraine during inauguration (Ukrainian Week) 06/04/2014
  • Turkmen Prisoner on Hunger Strike, Ukraine Starts Selling State Assets [Ukraine's coal mines] (Transitions Online) 06/04/2014
  • Heavy fighting reported in separatist-held Ukrainian city Slaviansk (Euractiv) 06/04/2014
  • EU misses opportunity to sign Ukraine’s Association Agreement in Kyiv (Euractiv) 06/04/2014
  • 15,000 flee Donetsk - regional authorities (RISU) 06/04/2014
  • Putin Traveling To France For D-Day Ceremonies (RFE/RL) 06/04/2014
  • Putin Dismisses Clinton's Hitler Comparison With Sexist Jab (RFE/RL) 06/04/2014
  • Despite Denials, All Evidence For Deadly Explosion Points To Kyiv (RFE/RL) 06/04/2014
  • Ukrainian Army Shows Mixed Performance Against Insurgents (RFE/RL) 06/04/2014
  • Berlin, Moscow, And War Guilt: Why Germany Accommodates Russia (RFE/RL) 06/04/2014
  • Commentary: Russia, Take Your Terrorists Back Home. Andrii Deshchytsia, acting minister for foreign affairs of Ukraine (RFE/RL) 06/04/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 3 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine says no humanitarian crisis, no UN resolution needed (Chicago Tribune/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine's Poroshenko rejects martial law in east (Washington Post/AP) 06/04/2014
  • In Ukraine, Separatist Militia With Russian Fighters Holds a Key (New York Times) 06/04/2014
  • Why Ukraine needs Russia-for now, anyway [gas] ( 06/04/2014
  • VIDEO: President Obama Meets with President-elect Poroshenko (The White House) 06/04/2014
  • Obama gives backing to Ukraine's new president (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • UK accuses Russia of stirring Ukraine crisis, tells it to end unrest (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine Reporter @StateOfUkraine: About 2 dozen green buses are now in front of the #Lugansk city council. The purpose of their arrival is unknown. (Twitter) 06/04/2014
  • Obama: With help, democracy in Ukraine can thrive (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • France Moves to Defy Allies on Sale of Warship to Russia (Wall Street Journal) 06/04/2014
  • 6 militants killed, 3 Ukrainian troops injured (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • General: Russians are staying on Ukraine border (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Merkel prods Putin to be more helpful in Ukraine (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Canada sending 75 more troops to Eastern Europe (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • For the G-7, Putin is the man not coming to dinner (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Obama casts Ukraine crisis as march toward liberty (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Obama: With help, democracy in Ukraine can thrive (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • Putin looks east to bolster ties with North Korea (Yahoo/AP) 06/04/2014
  • NATO commander accuses Russia of destabilising eastern Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Merkel says won't hesitate to toughen Russia sanctions if needed (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine government claims heavy rebel losses as fighting rages on (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine leader says to unveil peace plan soon (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Obama says Poroshenko a wise choice for Ukraine, pledges aid (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Obama gives backing to Ukraine's new president (Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Obama says U.S. will defend eastern European allies (Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Obama pledges aid, calls Poroshenko wise choice for Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Poland can only be free and safe inside euro zone - Walesa (Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine proposes to split debt-laden state gas company (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/04/2014
  • Secretary Kerry: Remarks With President-elect Petro Poroshenko Before Their Meeting ( 06/04/2014
  • Battle rages in east for 2nd straight day (Ukrainian Journal) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine to sue Russia for $85 billion in Crimean annexation losses (Ukrainian Journal) 06/04/2014
  • European companies should buy gas at Russian border, says PM (Ukrainian Journal) 06/04/2014
  • Russia should cancel its gas price hike or face lawsuit, says PM (Ukrainian Journal) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine Bond Repayment Belies Gutted Economy: East Europe Credit (Businessweek) 06/04/2014
  • In Show of Support, Obama Meets With Ukraine Leader (New York Times) 06/04/2014
  • Poll: Ukrainians Want Freedom From Outside Intervention (RFE/RL) 06/04/2014
  • Obama condemns Russian 'dark tactics' in Ukraine (BBC) 06/04/2014
  • Ukraine crisis: Rebels take bases in Luhansk region (BBC) 06/04/2014
  • Crimean Tatar Mejlis newspaper accused of ‘extremism’ (KHPG) 06/04/2014
  • Top [Moscow Patriarchate] bishop asks forgiveness for the attack on a Kyiv Patriarchate church in Crimea (KHPG) 06/04/2014
  • Kremlin-backed militants force more Ukrainian channels off air (KHPG) 06/04/2014
  • Human Rights Ombudsperson condemns Russian ban on Mustafa Jemiliev (KHPG) 06/04/2014
  • Putin Transforming Near Abroad into Near East, Mitrokhin Suggests (Window on Eurasia) 06/04/2014
  • Ukrainians Made an Enormous Contribution to Allied Victory in World War II (Window on Eurasia) 06/04/2014
  • Obama Meets Ukraine's New President (Mashable) 06/04/2014
  • President Obama speaks at 25th Anniversary of Freedom Day in Warsaw (Kyiv Post) 06/04/2014
  • Remarks by President Obama and President-elect Poroshenko after bilateral meeting (Kyiv Post) 06/04/2014
  • Russia's hold on Crimea creating 'hopeless' financial disaster for farmers on parched peninsula (Kyiv Post) 06/04/2014
  • Radio France Internationale - 5/27/2014 RFI Interview by Jan van der Made with Max Pyziur (BRAMA) 06/04/2014

  • Can Sanctions Stop Putin? (Brookings) 06/03/2014
  • Explosion at the Luhansk Oblast Administration kills seven (Ukrainian Week) 06/03/2014
  • The Birth of New Political Reality. Presidential elections are merely a prologue to the dramatic overhaul of political landscape (Ukrainian Week) 06/03/2014
  • The Ghosts of ’91. Tension between the U.S. and Russia is rising. A new history of the end of the Cold War helps to correct the record. [Book review: The Last Empire: The Final Days of the Soviet Union by Serhii Plokhy. Basic Books] ( 06/03/2014
  • Pentagon: Russian fighter intercepted US plane in late April (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Poland gives democracy award to Crimean Tatar Mustafa Dzhemilev (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Obama boosting America's military effort in Europe (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Germany's Merkel to meet Putin at France event (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • WHITE HOUSE NOTEBOOK: Obama, Poland show unity (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Judge lets US intercept info from hacked computers (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • A glance at military spending in Europe (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Obama on Putin: Trust possible, but will take time (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Obama in Europe: Security of allies is sacrosanct (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine tops agenda as Obama begins European trip (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • US disrupts Russian hacking schemes that stole millions (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Man arrested on red carpet says he never hit Pitt (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Pro-Russia rebels attack Ukrainian border guards (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Biden to Ukraine for Poroshenko's inauguration (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • G7 powers meet without Russia in summit snub over Ukraine (Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine army targets separatists in new offensive in east (Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Fog of war falls heavy after violence in eastern Ukraine region (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Kerry to meet Russia's Lavrov on Thursday: spokeswoman (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • U.S. presses allies to raise defense spending after Ukraine (Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Putin to meet Merkel during D-Day visit, no plans to meet Obama (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Obama offers military help to E.Europe allies worried by Russia (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • U.S. vacates base in Central Asia as Russia's clout rises (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Poland says France should pull back from Russian navy deal (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • U.S. reviews military presence in Europe after Russian moves in Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • West ponders how to stop - or fight - a new Great War (Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Putin quietly hands out awards to Olympic investors - paper (Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Inauguration of Ukraine's Poroshenko set for June 7 (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine rejects autonomy calls for ethnic Hungarians made by Orban (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • U.S. disrupts major hacking, extortion ring; Russian charged (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • NATO to consider longer-term response to Ukraine crisis (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine and Russia mull gas payment plan (Ukrainian Journal) 06/03/2014
  • Russian draft UN Security Council resolution draws questions from West (Ukrainian Journal) 06/03/2014
  • Fierce battle ensues after pro-Russian rebels attack border post (Ukrainian Journal) 06/03/2014
  • Russia ready to destabilize countries, says NATO secretary general (Ukrainian Journal) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine risk off? (Futures Magazine) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine has what it needs to combat separatists (GlobalPost/AFP) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine monitors alive, talks ongoing: OSCE chief (GlobalPost/AFP) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine Resumes Talks With Gazprom With Supply Cut on Horizon (Businessweek) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine Uniting Militias to Bolster Forces in the East (Voice of America) 06/03/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 2 June (Kyiv time) (OSCE) 06/03/2014
  • John Kerry: Remarks at the Innovation Framework Agreement Signing Ceremony With Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski ( 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine Crisis Forces Shell to Halt Shale Wells in Restive East (Businessweek) 06/03/2014
  • Ukrainian Official Issues Warning as Fighting Continues in East (Voice of America) 06/03/2014
  • Siege of free media in Ukraine continues, journalists remain principal target , says OSCE representative (OSCE) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine's consul general in Chicago discusses election (Chicago Tribune) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine Pushes Back as Rebels Attack in the East (New York Times) 06/03/2014
  • Obama, in Poland, Renews Commitment to Security (New York Times) 06/03/2014
  • Rebels in Eastern Ukraine Capture Government Posts (New York Times) 06/03/2014
  • A Guide To The Separatists Of Eastern Ukraine (RFE/RL) 06/03/2014
  • Warsaw, In The Spotlight, Looks To The U.S. To Come Out Of The Shadows (RFE/RL) 06/03/2014
  • NATO To Finalize Military Aid Package For Ukraine (RFE/RL) 06/03/2014
  • Amid Shift From War, Obama Embraces Sanctions As Tool Of Foreign Policy (RFE/RL) 06/03/2014
  • Putin Forever? Russian President's Ratings Skyrocket Over Ukraine (RFE/RL) 06/03/2014
  • EU Tells Bulgaria To Suspend South Stream Gas Project (RFE/RL) 06/03/2014
  • Released Activist Says Donetsk Rebels Use Captives As Forced Labor (VIDEO) (RFE/RL) 06/03/2014
  • Pro-Russian Cossacks Seize Ukrainian Church In Crimea (VIDEO) (RFE/RL) 06/03/2014
  • Journalist and producer detained and beaten in Simferopol (KHPG) 06/03/2014
  • Terrorists force Donbas newspapers to suspend publication (KHPG) 06/03/2014
  • Latvian media watchdog fines Russian TV channel for biased reporting on Ukraine (KHPG) 06/03/2014
  • Statement of Concerned Scholars Regarding the Current Predicament of the Crimean Tatars (KHPG) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine Turns Up the Charm to Capture Billions in IT Outsourcing (VICE News) 06/03/2014
  • This Just In: Fighting Breaks Out in Donetsk (VICE News) 06/03/2014
  • Ukrainian Petition Seeks Ban on Moscow Patriarchate Operations in Ukraine (Window on Eurasia) 06/03/2014
  • Scholars Demand Moscow be Held Accountable for Occupation of Crimea and Violation of Crimean Tatar Rights' (Window on Eurasia) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine military launches offensive against rebels (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • NATO to support Ukrainian army report (Kyiv Post/Interfax-Russia) 06/03/2014
  • Pro-Russian Rebels In Ukraine Can Shoot Down Aircraft, And It's A Huge Problem (Business Insider) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine president faces tough realities at home (Yahoo/AP) 06/03/2014
  • Ukraine News Summary: June 3rd, 2014 (Project Maidan) 06/03/2014

  • Russia Opposed Humanitarian Aid Corridors in Syria Before It Favored Them in Eastern Ukraine (Foreign Policy) 06/02/2014
  • Documents Show How Russia’s Troll Army Hit America. The adventures of Russian agents like The Ghost of Marius the Giraffe, Gay Turtle, and Ass — exposed for the first time. (Buzzfeed) 06/02/2014
  • Ukrainian border guards camp attacked, NATO, Russia trade barbs (Deutsche Welle) 06/02/2014
  • The Truth about Antisemitism in Ukraine and Russia (Ukrainian Winnipeg) 06/02/2014
  • Is Ukraine’s new president sweet on culture? (The Art Newspaper) 06/02/2014
  • Russia calls UN meeting to seek Ukraine cease-fire (Yahoo/AP) 06/02/2014
  • France hosts dueling dinners for Obama, Putin (Yahoo/AP) 06/02/2014
  • UK's Cameron, Russia's Putin to hold talks (Yahoo/AP) 06/02/2014
  • Russia, Ukraine hold new talks to settle gas spat (Yahoo/AP) 06/02/2014
  • Russian maneuvers to involve missile launches (Yahoo/AP) 06/02/2014
  • Russia says Ukraine situation worsening, submits U.N. resolution (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/02/2014
  • Explosion hits Ukraine border city, killing at least two (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/02/2014
  • 'Air strike' in Luhansk is crime by Kiev: Russia (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/02/2014
  • Russia grants gas respite but talks tough on Ukraine (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/02/2014
  • Russia, NATO trade accusations over Ukraine crisis (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/02/2014
  • Moscow is financing us, says rebel leader (Ukrainian Journal) 06/02/2014
  • Ukraine $786.3 million Gazprom payment falls short of Russian demand (Ukrainian Journal) 06/02/2014
  • OSCE negotiators trying to gain release for two monitor teams (Ukrainian Journal) 06/02/2014
  • Richest 100 Ukrainians lost $13 billion this year, says Forbes (Ukrainian Journal) 06/02/2014
  • Ukraine says hundreds of armed insurgents attack border guards ( 06/02/2014
  • Ukraine's IMF Agreement Could Worsen the Country's Problems (Huffington Post) 06/02/2014
  • Ukraine unrest hits home for visiting students (Sarasota Herald-Tribune) 06/02/2014
  • Latest news from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received from the Monitoring Teams until 18:00 hrs, 1 June (OSCE) 06/02/2014
  • Op-ed: Ukraine's Festering Divisions (New York Times) 06/02/2014
  • Russia-Ukraine Gas Talks Open Week of Engagement (Bloomberg) 06/02/2014
  • The Leonard Lopate Show: Then and Now: Ukraine and Russia, Money and Politics. Historian Serhii Plokhy argues that disagreements between Russia and Ukraine played a major role in the collapse of the Soviet Union [new book: 'The Final Days of the Soviet Union'] (WNYC) 06/02/2014
  • Ukraine crisis: Ghost train from Moscow to Donetsk (BBC News) 06/02/2014
  • Ukraine crisis instigates demand for new energy resources (BusinessDay) 06/02/2014
  • Ukrainian church in Crimea attacked by armed men: Kiev patriarchate (Zee News/AFP) 06/02/2014
  • Rebels in Ukraine tried to distribute candy to kids. But the plan went spectacularly wrong (Washington Post) 06/02/2014
  • Separatists Attack a Border Guard Headquarters in Eastern Ukraine (New York Times) 06/02/2014
  • As Poles Focus on Belonging to Europe, Their Love for the U.S. Has Cooled a Bit (New York Times) 06/02/2014
  • Secret Global Strike Kills 2 Malicious Web Viruses (New York Times) 06/02/2014
  • Russia Gives Ukraine More Time to Pay for Natural Gas (New York Times) 06/02/2014
  • Armed militants carry out attacks on Donetsk media (updated) (KHPG) 06/02/2014
  • Russia’s FSB launches first Crimean show trial (KHPG) 06/02/2014
  • Crimean Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate and its believers attacked (KHPG) 06/02/2014
  • Militants ‘purge’ Internet in Severodonetsk (KHPG) 06/02/2014
  • Violent Luhansk Clashes Up the Ante in Eastern Ukraine (VICE News) 06/02/2014
  • Russia Is Accusing Activists in Crimea of Terrorism (VICE News) 06/02/2014
  • Moscow Patriarchate Giving Awards to Stalinists and Anti-Semites, Eggert Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/02/2014
  • Putin’s Moves in Ukraine Pushing Russia toward Disintegration, Portnikov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/02/2014
  • Insurgents assault Ukrainian border guards in Luhansk Oblast; at least 15 wounded, 5 dead (UPDATES, VIDEOS) (Kyiv Post) 06/02/2014

  • With Ukraine Still Unsettled, Obama Sets Off to Soothe European Friends (New York Times) 06/01/2014
  • Vitali Klitschko urges Ukrainian protestors to leave iconic protest square in Kiev (Daily Mail) 06/01/2014
  • Foreign Fighters Make Presence Known Among Ukraine Separatists (Voice of America) 06/01/2014
  • Ukraine Needs New Faces (The Moscow Times) 06/01/2014
  • Obama to urge Europe to keep pressure on Russia (Yahoo/AP) 06/01/2014
  • Six Ukranian separatists killed around Donetsk airport (Reuters) 06/01/2014
  • At Ukraine's Perilous Border, Law Is Dispensed by Men in Masks (New York Times) 06/01/2014
  • With Ukraine Still Unsettled, Obama Sets Off to Soothe European Friends (New York Times) 06/01/2014
  • The Opinion-Makers: How Russia Is Winning the Propaganda War [dated 5/30/2014] (Der Spiegel) 06/01/2014
  • The Ukrainian far right Svoboda party: From the margins to the mainstream and back again? [dated 5/31/2014] (Blog) 06/01/2014
  • Five Arguments Russians Make for Decentralization of Ukraine Even More Compelling for Russian Federation (Window on Eurasia) 06/01/2014
  • Moscow Preparing to Seize Land in Crimea for ‘State Needs’ as It Did in Sochi (Window on Eurasia) 06/01/2014
  • Not One of 2,000 Muslims in Ukraine’s Luhansk Oblast Favors Secession, Leader Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/01/2014
  • Belarus or Northern Kazakhstan Could Be Next Eastern Ukraine, Tishkov Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/01/2014
  • Another pro-Ukrainian activist disappears in the Crimea [Seiran Zinedinov. Third disappearance in just over a week] (KHPG) 06/01/2014
  • France's Le Pen Says She Admires Putin as Much as Merkel-Magazine (The New York Times/Reuters) 06/01/2014
  • In Russian-ruled Crimea, a crackdown on journalists and activists who don't toe Kremlin line (VIDEO) (Kyiv Post) 06/01/2014
  • For sale: Heavily subsidized, unprofitable state-owned Ukrainian coal mines (Kyiv Post) 06/01/2014
  • Crimea Adopts Ruble as Ukraine Continues Battling Rebels (Bloomberg) 06/01/2014
  • The Growing Power of Putin’s Propaganda Machine (Fiscal Times) 06/01/2014
  • Obama to urge Europe to keep up pressure on Russia (Yahoo/AP) 06/01/2014
  • Poles reflect on life before and after 1989 (Yahoo/AP) 06/01/2014
  • NATO to discuss reinforcing troops in Poland-German defence ministry (Reuters) 06/01/2014
  • In Europe, Obama gets second chance to explain his Russia policy (Yahoo/Reuters) 06/01/2014
  • What Comes after Non-Recognition? [of Crimea] (New Eastern Europe) 06/01/2014
  • What Comes after Non-Recognition? [of Crimea; dated 5/28/2014] (New Eastern Europe) 06/01/2014
  • Moscow Patriarchate Not Marching in Lockstep with Kremlin on Ukraine, Lunkin Says (Window on Eurasia) 06/01/2014
  • Church of Kyiv Patriarchate attacked in Crimea (RISU) 06/01/2014
  • Ukraine's puppet masters. A typology of oligarchs. Sergii Leshchenko [dated 5/15/2014] (Eurozine) 06/01/2014
  • In Ukraine War, Kremlin Leaves No Fingerprints (The New York Times) 06/01/2014
  • Ukraine tells Russia to recognize new president (Arab News) 06/01/2014
  • Ukraine Introduces Ban on Russian Military Products [Itar-Tass, a Russian news agency report] (Fars News Agency) 06/01/2014
  • Ukrainian Forces Resume Massive Shelling on Semenovka near East Ukraine's Slavyansk [Itar-Tass, a Russian news agency report] (Fars News Agency) 06/01/2014
  • The Big Picture of the Geopolitical Chess Game: Ukraine is A “Square on the Chessboard” (Global Research) 06/01/2014
  • A two-tone election. Petro Poroshenko has been elected president. Now he has some dreadful problems (The Economist) 06/01/2014
    2014 - [12] [11] [10] [09] [08] [07] [06] [05] [04] [03] [02] [01]

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    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

    #FreeSavchenko video by Adriana Luhovy [Twitter storm Jan 26 2015]


    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

    Live map of Ukraine

    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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    Happy Kyiv (inspired by Pharrell Williams 'Happy')

    Inauguration of Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko, June 7, 2014

    The Kyiv Post

    Äåíü The Day Newspaper

    Åêñïðåñ îíëàéí -- Ëüâ³â

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    Nasha knopka Íàøà êíîïêà

    Yushchenko 2009 (NYC)
    Yushchenko 2008 (NYC)
    Genocide (NYC)
    Rushnyk (NYC)
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    Video: OC Yushchenko speech
    Video: Orange Circle Yushchenko
    Video: Heritage Days
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    What will L.Kuchma's fate be under the Yushchenko presidency?
    Same as Ceausescu
    Exile in Russia or elsewhere
    Prosecution and jail in Ukraine
    Immunity from prosecution in Ukraine
    Pardoned by Yushchenko
  • [Results & comment board] ...

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