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    Чорнобиль - Chornobyl
    April 26, 1986

    Japanese Peace Bell tolls
    3 times for Chornobyl

    AUDIO: 2001 Chornobyl
    Commemoration at UN

    Chornobyl - City (1971 pop 10,000), raion center in Kiev oblast [Ukraine], port on the Prypiat River in Kievan Polisia. Before 1917 Chornobyl was an autonomous ('zastatne') town in Radomyshl county with a population employed in agriculture and small trades. The city has experienced periods of decline: in 1897 it had 9,300 inhabitants, while in 1926 it had 9,000. The main industry is food processing, but the city also has a pig-iron foundry and ship-repair base. Since 1972, a nuclear power plant has been located there. Chornobyl was first mentioned in 1193.

    - Encyclopedia of Ukraine, 1985

    The pre-dawn accident on April 26, 1986 sent a cloud that rained radiation over much of Europe and contaminated large areas in then-Soviet Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

    According to Ukrainian government figures, more than 4,000 of those who took part in the hasty and poorly organized Soviet cleanup effort have died, and more than 70,000 Ukrainians were fully disabled by the disaster.

    Overall, about 3.4 million of Ukraine's 50 million people, including about 1.26 million children, are considered affected by Chernobyl. Of them, 400,000 adults and nearly 1.1 million children are entitled to state aid for Chernobyl-linked health problems.

    -- AP/Yahoo, 04/26/2000

    December 14, 2000
    NPR Online

    Chernobyl Closure (14.4 | 28.8) -- Alex Kleimenov reports from Ukraine on the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power station, more than 14 years after the world's worst nuclear accident there. The last remaining reactor shut down today, one day ahead of schedule. For most people, the name Chernobyl will forever be associated with the explosion and fire that killed dozens of workers in the immediate aftermath and caused thousands of cases of cancer. But for the people in the nearby town of Slavutich, it the power plant been a faithful employer. High quality housing, good salaries and other amenities have made Slavutich something of a workers' paradise, and residents say it's been worth the health risk to live there. (4:00)

    Chornobyl Timeline
    - (Reuters)

    Aug, 1977 The Soviet Union launches Chernobyl's reactor Number One
    May, 1979 Chernobyl starts operating reactor Number Two
    Jun, 1981 Reactor Number Three is put into operation
    Apr, 1984 Reactor Number Four is started up
    1985 Serious nuclear accident in the Number One reactor; Soviet nuclear officials give no details of the accident/
    April 26, 1986 A test of the emergency equipment went awry and a series of explosions led to a nuclear core meltdown in Chornobyl reactor #4. The resulting radioactive cloud of dust spread over Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and other parts of Europe. The other 3 reactors are shut down.
    Nov 5, 1986 Reactor Number Two is restarted
    Nov, 1986 Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilian experts construct a cover, known as the sarcophagus, above the destroyed reactor.
    End 1986 Reactor Numbers 1 and 3 restarted
    Oct, 1991 Fire in reactor #2 forces station officials to shut it down.
    Nov, 1996 Lifespan of reactor #1 expires, and it is shut down.
    Apr, 2000 Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma says Chernobyl's last operating reactor Number Three will be shut down by the end of the year.
    Dec 15, 2000 Chernobyl shut down for good.
    Apr, 2001 International Chernobyl sarcophagus plan (Shelter Implementation Plan) at the Chernobyl nuclear power station raising funds to rebuild the outer protective shell of reactor #4.

    Links to photographs and detailed information about the Chornobyl/Chernobyl disaster and it's aftermath:
  • Spelling Chornobyl [not Chernobyl]
  • Apr 25 04 - Desovietizing post-Chornobyl Ukraine
  • Apr 24 04 - Chornobyl and Three Mile Island anniversaries are reminders of the risks of nuclear power and the need to shift to sustainable energy sources
  • Chornobyl images & maps
  • Ghost town: Elena's motorcycle trip through Prypiat, Ukraine - Chornobyl Photo Essay
  • Intro to 'Ghost town' - Chornobyl Photo Essay
  • Ukraine, Chornobyl Photos
  • Children of Chornobyl Relief Fund (CCRF)
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
  • Chernobyl: The Accident and Progress Since 1986
  • Dr. Meshkati's Page on Chernobyl
  • Greenpeace 10 Years After Chernobyl (Photo Archive)
  • InfoCenter Chornobyl
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): One Decade After Chernobyl (Conference Report)
  • Chernobyl: Assessment of Radiological and Health Impacts
  • Library of Congress: Chernobyl
  • RadEFX(sm) Radiation Health Effects Research Resource
  • RasaNet: Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident
  • Thyroid Cancer 7.5 years after Chernobyl, soaring
  • Time Magazine Photo Essay: Chernobyl's Unnatural Disaster (Dec. 2000)
  • Chernobyl 10 years later: a threat to the future (CNN)

  • Annotated Chornobyl Bibliography by Walter Huda, PhD
  • Assorted Maps and Pictures
  • Feb. 6 2002 UN Report - PDF only



    Ukraine video timeline: a year of protests and violence. Daily Telegraph 2/21/2015

    Nadiya Savchenko's speech in Basmanny Court, Moscow, 10.02.2015 (Voices of Ukraine)

    Joe Biden: Don’t tell us. Show us, President Putin. 2/7/2015 Munich Security Conference

    Speech by President of Ukraine at the Munich Security conference Feb 7 2015

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    Twitter storm day Jan 26 2015

    Live map of Ukraine

    Ukraine Today TV LIVE on Youtube

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    Live map of Ukraine

    Timothy Snyder: Ukrainian History, European Future. Timothy D. Snyder is a well-known historian and professor of history at Yale University. Speaking at the National University 'Kyiv-Mohyla Academy' on May 15, 2014 on deep connection and strong bonds between Ukrainian and European history.

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