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    The Legacy of Scythians

    by Valentyn Stetsiuk

    (Extract from "Research into Prehistoric Ethnogenetic Processes in East Europe", Book two)


    The second part of the book deals with the ethnic paternity of Scythians. In book one of the "Research into Prehistoric Ethnogenetic Processes in East Europe" we found out that a Turkish tribe of Bulgar was settled on the area westward from the river Dnepr since III mill. BC. Ukrainian archeologists found here some artifacts of the earlier Scythian culture, which have its roots in native cultures of this region. While no native roots of the Scythian culture can be found in other regions of Ukraine. Therefore, assumption can be advanced that Scythian culture belonged to old Bulgarians, whose descendants are modern Chuvashs. Comparison of Scythian onomasticon (= the list of proper names) with modern Chuvash lexicon was performed in order to check this hypothesis. Onomasticon list is available in the Ukrainian text below. Out of 199 words of Scytian onomasticon have 130 Chuvash parallels. Some examples are the following:

    Scyth. Argaio (Argaio) - Chuv. a rkay "trout";

    Scyth. Dokiwn (Dokion) - Chuv. ta k "pour"+ yun ‘blood";

    Scyth. Zoulemhs (Dzoulemes) - Chuv. çüleveç "lynx";

    Scyth. Zwrqtinhs (Dzortthtinnes) - Chuv. ça rttan "pike" (fish);

    Scyth. Pasarou (Pasarou) - Chuv. pa sara "polecat";

    Scyth. Saitafarnou (Saitfarnou) - Chuv. se te "add" + parne "present, gift";

    Scyth. Satra-baths (Satra-bates) - Chuv. sa ta r "rub" + pa ta "porridge, gruel".

    Topics and personages of Scythian mythology also can be explained with the means of Chuvash language. For example, Scytian gods Papay and Api are correlated to Greek Zeus and Gea. Chuv. "papay "grandfather, old man"and epi "grandmother" ("old woman") sound very suitable here.

    The explanation of Scythian legend about Targitaios and his three sons Lipoxais, Arpaxais, Kolaxais as well Scytian toponimy are given in the book.

    All these linguistic findings combined with archaeological artifacts allow to confirm that Scythian had Turkic origin and modern Chuvashs are Scytians descendants.


    Valentyn Stetsiuk
    Gr. Skovorody str. 9/7,
    Lviv, 290010, Ukraine
    tel., fax. 380-322-427414
    tel. private 380-322-766258
    [CILAkorot.ZIP] - 337K, download the zipped Internet version Word format, 70 pages.

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