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  BRAMA, September 18, 1999

The Ukrainian Museum
203 Second Avenue (bet. 12th & 13th Sts.) New York, NY 10003
Wed. thru Sun. 1-5PM (212) 228-0110
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Burial Icon, approximately the size of a hand

Panorama of Kamianets-Podilsky today

New York – Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of Hurricane Floyd could stop the Ukrainian Museum from moving ahead with its calendar of events. The show must go on (to slip in yet hackneyed expression), thought the Ukrainian Museum staff, and despite the obstacles on the storm-battered East Coast, arranged to have Dr. Adrian Mandzij flown in from the Rochester area so that last night’s presentation could take place as originally scheduled.

For those of us fortunate enough to be in New York City, the effects of the hurricane disappeared almost as suddenly as the storm itself arrived. By the storm’s end, the city became refreshingly tranquil compared to the ravages of flood waters that were still wreaking havoc on the residents of neighboring New Jersey (see the canoers of Bound Brook in the AP photograph at and other parts of the region. Those who managed to overcome the elements to join the audience at the Museum on Friday evening were treated to a most interesting slide show and an illuminating lecture about the archeological excavations undertaken in Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine.

Kamianets-Podilsky is a little known archeological treasure, according to Dr. Mandzij. It’s significance is unique as a historical resource because it attests to the vibrancy and importance of Ukraine during the Middles Ages. Based on recovered artifacts and other historical data, it is known that at one time, Ukrainians, Poles, and Armenians dominated the ethnic fabric of this city. Each boasted it’s own operational system of justice, yet all seemed to live in peaceful coexistence. The ethnic diversity of Kamianets-Podilsky developed because of it’s positioning along important trade routes. It attracted travelers and traders from the far reaches of the continent and beyond. Situated on a hill along-side a river bank, the city’s boundaries formed a natural fortification against invaders unrivaled by any castle, and this safety factor was a great attraction for its denizens.

The series of slides primarily shows the excavation work that has been conducted in recent years. We were shown images of a stone underground sewer facility used in the 15th century, a gold ring found among the remains in a gravesite, a burial icon, coins, and other fascinating discoveries. The archeological dig is focussed on excavations of a church site which is thought to be from the 15th century. A surprise find this past year was the foundation of an even earlier church structure beneath that one, the older church believed to be from as early as the 12th century. Digging deeper still, they unearthed what is suspected to be a burial ground pre-dating even the older church.

The lecture is being offered again at the Ukrainian Museum this Sunday, September 19, 1999 in Ukrainian. We urge everyone with an interest in antiquities, history, or just plain inquiring minds to attend the presentation tomorrow.

Map of Eastern Europe circa 1600

Dr. Adrian Mandzij is a historian and archaeologist, and Director of the Kamianets-Podilsky Foundation.

A.Krill, BRAMA


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