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BRAMA, March 1, 2002, 10 am ET

Press Release

Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission with H.E. Mr.A. Kinakh, Prime-Minister of Ukraine

The NATO-Ukraine Commission met in Ambassadorial session at NATO headquarters on March 1, 2002. Members of the Commission welcomed the participation in the NUC meeting of H.E. Mr. A. Kinakh, Prime Minister of Ukraine.

©NATO Photo
Left to right: Prime Minister Kinakh and NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson

The Commission welcomed Prime Minister A.Kinakh's information about latest steps taken by the Government of Ukraine in implementing program of economic and democratic reforms. The NATO Ambassadors further noted the information provided by Prime Minister A.Kinakh on the results of the last meeting of Ukraine's State Interagency Commission on Cooperation with NATO, held in Kyiv in November 2001. The Commission noted Ukraine's strong commitment to implementing the State Program of Cooperation with NATO for 2001-2004 and the relevant activities of the National Coordinators in Ukraine as a helpful tool to make the process of the NATO-Ukraine practical cooperation more efficient, particularly in the sphere of Defence reform, which is an integral part of the overall reform process in Ukraine.

The Commission underlined its commitment to the progressive strengthening of the NATO-Ukraine Distinctive partnership, based on a pragmatic balance between enhanced practical cooperation and a high-level dialogue.

While discussing the evolving security situation in the Euro-Atlantic area, NATO Ambassadors noted the statement by Prime Minister A.Kinakh that NATO enlargement is an important feature for strengthening of European security and that NATO's open-door policy is one of the major elements of overall European integration processes which enhance the level of national security of Ukraine in the context of the Euro-Atlantic integration policy of Ukraine.

©NATO Photo
General view of the NATO-Ukraine Commission meeting.

Allies took note of Prime Minister A.Kinakh's statement on the importance of holding a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the level of heads of State and Government in Prague in November 2002.

NATO and Ukraine discussed the security situation in the Balkans and underscored the commitment to peace and security in the region. NATO Ambassadors commended Ukraine's on-going contribution to KFOR, and highlighted the role of the Polish-Ukraine battalion in patrolling the border between Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. NATO and Ukraine reiterated their commitment to a lasting peace in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. They underlined the importance of the Government's full implementation of the Framework agreement to that end, and continued engagement by all sides in building a substantial social dialogue. Taking into account the importance of continued peace and stability in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia NATO and Ukraine expressed satisfaction with their consultations on the Balkans, including their recent coordination regarding the security situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and the importance of supporting in all aspects, the NATO, OSCE, and EU peace support efforts.

While discussing the 5th anniversary of the signing of the NATO-Ukraine Charter, the NATO Ambassadors accepted the invitation by Ukraine to hold a meeting of the NUC in Ukraine.

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