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BRAMA, March 5, 2001, 9:00am EST

Ukrainian theater ensemble adds color to the new millenium

©HK/BRAMA 3/04/01
Director Lidiia Krushelnytsky, presented with flowers and a standing ovation for her latest triumph.
©HK/BRAMA 3/04/01
Five Scenes of the New Millenium
©HK/BRAMA 3/04/01
Five Scenes of the New Millenium
©HK/BRAMA 3/04/01
Five Scenes of the New Millenium
©HK/BRAMA 3/04/01
Five Scenes of the New Millenium
©HK/BRAMA 3/04/01
Five Scenes of the New Millenium
©HK/BRAMA 3/04/01
Five Scenes of the New Millenium
©HK/BRAMA 3/04/01
Five Scenes of the New Millenium

New York - Even with the first threatening hint of a major late winter snowstorm devotees of Lidiia Krushelnytsky's "Студіа Мистецького Слова" (Studio of the Oral Arts) did not hesitate to take in another of the ensemble's tour de force performances. Based on the poetry and writings of Bohdan Boychuk the ensemble's latest production is a dramatic montage entitled П'ять Картин Двотисячного Року (Five Scenes of the New Millenium). The production was staged at New York's Pace University's Center for the Arts.

The challenging material by Boychuk, which takes its cue from basic themes of philosophical introspection, presents dialogues on human relationships, absolute meaning, prayer and the pursuit of enlightenment. Using austere settings and costumes, minimilastic choreographed movements, the ensemble under the creative direction of Ms. Krushelnystky has again assembled a brilliant and colorful prism of contemporary theatre.

Time passed swiftly as we were shifted from scene to scene, colors amplifying the stage action, and choreographed movement punctuating the poetry. The theater company as a whole meshed well together even as the young actors added depth and interpretation to their individual roles. Especially striking performances were rendered by Stefa Nazarkevych, Ivan Bernatsky', Olenka Lysetsky, and Liza Sonna.

M. Pyziur, BRAMA

Five Scenes of the New Millenium

The Ukrainian Stage Ensemble under the direction of Lidia Krushelnytsky presents "Five Scenes of the New Millenium", a montage written by Bohdan Boychuk.

Staged in five ongoing scenes, the montage projects different states of man's being in poetic and philosophical terms. The first scene presents the state of birth and early discovery of the world. The following scenes proceed through love, with a sweet or bitter taste, through doubts and uncertainties, through metaphysical introspection, into human relationships, and finally to God, terminating in prayers and illumination.

--Лідія Крушельницька
--Катя Кольцьо
--Мирослав Скорик
Оформлення й костюми
--Марійка Шуст
Виконання оформлення
--Олег Грабовський
--Андрій Ганкевич
Керівник сцени
--Христина Каратницька
--Дзвінка Добрянська
Оформлення афіші
--Лесик Геврик

Lidiia Krushelnytska was born in 1915 in Kuty, Kosiv county Ukraine (then, Galicia). A graduate of the Lviv Conservatory, she appeared in several operas in Stanyslaviv and Lviv, and after the war performed as a soloist with the Muza performing arts group in Austria. Immigrating to the United States in 1949, she joined the Theater-Studio of Y. Hirniak and O. Dobrovolska and appeared in many of its productions. In 1966 she became director of the Studio of the Oral Arts in New York where she has been working with young actors as an educator and drama director.

Encyclopedia of Ukraine

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