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BRAMA, May 12, 2000, 2:00pm EST

Letter of Metropolitan Stephan

Xpucmoc Bockpec!


We invite any Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, mission or parish from any part of the world, that is looking to join a truly Ukrainian "Sobornopravna" jurisdiction. Please look at the history pages of our Metropolia's Website, along with all of the documents and pictures that were taken here, and in Ukraine, of me with the hierarchy of Ukraine. Many other Ukrainian Orthodox Church hierarchy have slandered us, and have tried to destroy us, but we are here for our Ukrainian Orthodox brothers and sisters in the Diaspora in order for all of us to continue our historical Sobornopravnist Church. We are not looking to be recognized by any "main-line" Orthodox Church, nor do we want to join the Kyiv Patriarchate, we only want what was once here in the Diaspora: A totally sobornopravnist church, that always did and continues to support the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine and its people, for she is our Mother Church, but we are here with a full hierarchical structure and are totally independent in our church matters.

The people rule our churches! The bishops and priests are only here for your spiritual leadership and needs. This must be understood! You elected the bishops and hired the pastors, you can also dismiss them!

The people's voices are the leaders. Who may I ask built your churches? Your bishops? I think not. Who suffered and gave their tears and blood working hard for years, building your churches? You did, so it is now up to each of you to save what you have built. Let no man take from you anything that you have. The church is a part of you and your families. It is the future of your children and grandchildren. Think and think very hard as to what you want: A church that tells you what to say and how to say it or you're on their "list"? A church where you go that you feel unwanted by others, many of whom were not there nor may not physically built the churches? The time has come to stand firm and say "no"!

Any bishops who are also unhappy wanting to again have a sobornopravnist jurisdiction are also invited to contact me.

I say to all of our Ukrainian Orthodox faithful in the Diaspora: Unite and continue to support those who are trying to support you, during this most ugly time in our Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. The fighting must stop and the faithful shall be able to worship and gather as one, as they have since our grandparents first built the churches here in the Diaspora.

We are Ukrainian bishops, not just Americans who are using the word Ukrainian and calling ourselves a Ukrainian Church and Ukrainian bishops like so many other Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox groups in America, but we are Ukrainians by blood having families still living in Ukraine! This is the difference between others and ourselves. Do not let other groups confuse you, when they are claiming to be Ukrainian and are not! This must be understood. Many are going by the use of our ethnic identification as Ukrainian. This must stop in order to preserve our true Ukrainian churches and jurisdictions in the Diaspora. We will no longer tolerate this and must take any means necessary in order to stop this misrepresentation of our Ukrainian identity.

We will meet with any Ukrainian Orthodox church board in America, Canada, Australia or South America. Please contact our Consistory to arrange a meeting with our hierarchy. We will do everything in our power to secure and build you a jurisdiction that is the voice of the people.

BoicmuHy Bockpec!

Metropolitan STEPHAN

Metropolitan STEPHAN'S Schedule:

May 15-24: New York/New Jersey area
June 11-14: Chicago Illinois
June 15-20: Green Bay Wisconsin area
June 26-29: St. Petersburg, Florida
July 2-5: Toronto, Ontario
Aug. 1-2: Long Island, New York
Aug. 2-5: Hudson Valley, New York
Aug. 6-8: Paramus, New Jersey

Tentative Dates:
Oct. 2-14: Germany/England
Nov.: Austrailia/New Zealand
Dec.: South America


Information on our Metropolia.

Our History.

Metropolia Main Page.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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