Simany Deposit of Granite

The deposit is located 35 km to the North-East from Novgorod-Volhynsky of Zhitomir region, 4 km from the railway station; motor-way network is well developed. The deposit occupier non-arable lands with continuous outcrops of Proterozoic granites. Granites are average-grained pink and pinkish-red (highly decorative) and porphyrous gray (low-decorative): polishing is of good quality, 50 they are suitable for facing of constructions. Physical-chemical properties:

Blocks of more than 10 rn,’ volume for paper-producing machines can be obtained too.

Open thickness totals 32 m.

Indicated reserves amount to 1.26 mln. m’. Low level of radioactivity enables to use granite in all types of building.

Overburden is absent.

High decorative properties, large reserves, favorable geo-graphic conditions, easy way of development and market demand guarantee the success of Joint Venture.

Our address is:

Ukraine, 252601, Kiev , 34,

Volodymirska street, 34

Telephones: 228-60-51


Telex: 131419 TOPAZ SU

Fax: (044) 228-62-21