BRAMA, Nov 8, 2004, 1:00 pm ET

Press release

- 31 OCTOBER 04 -


We, as official international election observers appointed by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) and registered by the Central Election Commission of Ukraine, file the following preliminary report based on documented observations in Luhansk Oblast of Ukraine.


The UCCA group of officially registered election observers support Ukraine's commitment to OSCE standards for free and fair elections, that accurately reflect the will of the electorate.  UCCA does not support any candidate, party or election block.

A delegation of 12 observers traveled to Luhansk Oblast in Ukraine to report on the adherence to international election standards in the province.  This delegation of observers had the opportunity to visit all electoral territories in Luhansk Oblast prior to Election Day (E-Day).  The delegation remained in the province over a ten day period, commencing on 23 October 2004 and concluding on 1 November 2004. On E-Day, 31 October 2004, all twelve electoral territories (Numbers 105 to 116) were again visited to observe the election process taking place.

Prior to E-Day, teams met with representatives of the four major presidential candidates (Moroz, Symonenko, Yanukovych & Yushchenko), members of various Precinct Election Commissions (PEC) and Territorial Election Commissions (TEC), political party representatives, authorized candidate representatives, official (domestic) observers appointed by candidates, other official international observer groups, members of the mass media and local citizens.

Purpose & Scope:

This report has two main purposes:

There were some positive aspects to the election process in Luhansk Oblast. Nevertheless, consistent with Article 70(5) of the Law of Ukraine "On the Elections of the President of Ukraine" (the Election Law), this report is basing its recommendations solely on observed violations - so that they may be properly recorded in the public domain and hopefully actions taken so that they can be avoided in the future. 

General Observations:

The delegation had occasion to observe serious campaign irregularities in the pre-election period.   In the main, these irregularities can be characterized as the 'absence of a level playing field' that would help ensure fair elections.  Many of these reflect preferential treatment based on an abuse of state or administrative authority.  We list below some of the major irregularities in the pre-election period:

In addition, the current framework for determining the composition of PEC's and TEC's, as outlined in the Election Law, does not ensure unbiased treatment of all candidates.  Major candidates have the ability to stack these commissions with their supporters through other secondary candidates and/or remove unwanted commission members. Since the decisions of these commissions are conducted on the basis of a majority of votes, this leaves ample opportunity to manipulate outcomes.  The potential for systemic abuse of this sort is high in our opinion; however, that is not to say that all major candidates participated in such manipulation.                 

Specific Observations:

  1. Bribery, Intimidation or Harassment of Voters & Campaign Workers - Article 157 of the Criminal Code & Article 64(6) of the Election Law

  2. Voter List Violations - Articles 31, 32, 33 & 34 of the Election Law

  3. Ballot Box Violations -  Articles 70(5), 74(3) & 75(10) of the Election Law

  4. Impeding the rights of  International Observers & Media Representatives - Articles 28(9),  69 & 70 of the Election Law

  5. Ballot & Voting Premises Violations - Article 28(10),  74, 76(4), 78 of the Election Law

  6. PEC &TEC Violations - Articles 78, 79, 81 & 82 of the Election Law


The UCCA Luhansk Oblast delegation has concluded that the elections in the areas under observation were not universal, fair, secret, free or transparent. In addition, many PEC's and TEC's had Election Law violations ranging from relatively minor administrative errors to major violations of Ukraine's Election Law and Criminal Code. 

Such violations bolster the belief of Ukraine's citizens that the results of the election were pre-determined. The local electorate lacks confidence in the current system and they fear repercussions if they report any threats they experienced or if they report even minor transgressions of the Election Law.

As a result, there is an urgent need for all parties to act on the violations noted above in order to restore confidence in the system and to show violators the consequences of their actions. Similarly, party officials, authorized candidate representatives and local observers need to be more vigilant in their reporting of violations and do so in an proactive manner, when possible, to help prevent repeated violations.

It also became apparent that many PEC and TEC members were not fully conversant with the Election Law. As a result, many PEC and TEC members need additional training. Also, the general electorate would benefit from a greater awareness of their rights under the Election Law.  This would help eliminate voter list errors, as well as make them less susceptible to threats and intimidation.

Finally, since there is a lack of a fair and free press in Luhansk Oblast, as in many areas of Ukraine, the UCCA Luhansk Oblast delegation recommends that domestic and foreign news organizations initiate intensive reporting on this election in order to spread the truth and consequently discourage election violations.


In accordance with the findings of this report, the UCCA Luhansk Oblast delegation makes the following recommendations:   

  1. Thorough prosecution of all major Election Law and Criminal Code violations in a timely manner;
  2. Additional training of PEC and TEC members as to the requirements of the Election Law and their obligations therein;
  3. Reform of the Election Law regarding the composition of PEC's and TEC's to avoid biased or manipulated representation;
  4. An extensive public education program on voter rights and on ballot secrecy;
  5. Greater rights of guaranteed access for all official observers (domestic and international) and journalists, especially pertaining to jails, health institutions and special voting precincts;
  6. Special protection under the Election Law for voters, authorized candidate representatives and domestic observers who report violations;
  7. Guaranteed equal access to mass media for all candidates;
  8. The establishment of monitoring agents under the Election Law with the authority to issue automatic fines and/or other penalties whenever state authorities provide any form of support for any candidate;
  9. Similarly granting authority to such monitoring agents to issue automatic fines and/or other penalties for state authorities who harass candidates or impede legitimate campaign activities;
  10. Greater access to voters lists for the general public prior to elections and public education on the need to check the accuracy of voters lists; 
  11. Amend the Election Law to incorporate  procedural simplicity to correct voters lists;  and
  12. The establishment of a National Voter Registry and an independent governing agency charged with maintaining the registry and operating at arm's length from the government.

Note:  This report is also available in Ukrainian; however, only the English version is official