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BRAMA, August 23, 2002, 1 am ET

Press Release
Shevchenko Scientific Society
63 Fourth Avenue · New York, NY 10003, USA · (tel) 212-254-5130 · (fax) 212-254-5239

The M. Hrushevskyi Competition
for the writing of a monograph
on the consequences of the Pereiaslav Treaty

The Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA announces the 2002 M.Hrushevskyi (former President of the Society) competition for a scholarly monograph on the consequences of the 1654 Pereiaslav Treaty. This work should be the result of extensive research in any branch of the humanities, and it should not have been published in full anywhere.

The best five projects
will receive research grants of US $5,000.

Those interested in this competition should submit by October 1,. 2002, an exact work plan, or a detailed description of the work (1000 to 1250 words), as well as letters of recommendation from two experts in the particular area. Winners will receive half of the grant in November 2002, and the other half - after completion of the monograph (prior to October 1, 2003).

Inquiries about the competition, and submittal of proposals should be directed to the Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA:

The Mykhailo Hrushevskyi Competition-2002
Shevchenko Scientific Society
63 Fourth Avenue
New York, NY 10003-5200
fax: (212) 254-5239
Tel.: (212) 254-5130


Наукове Товариство ім. Шевченка в Америці проголошує 2002 р. конкурс ім. Михайла Грушевського (колишнього президента НТШ) на написання наукової монографії про наслідки Переяславської угоди 1654 р. Ця праця повинна бути вислідом довшого наукового дослідження в будь-якій гуманітарній ділянці й дотепер ніде повністю не друкована.

П'ять найкращих проєктів
дістануть дослідні ґранти по $5,000.

Зацікавлені в конкурсі мають подати до 1 жовтня 2002 р. точний плян або опис праці (від 1000 до 1250 слів), а також рекомендаційні листи від двох фахівців із відповідної ділянки. Переможці конкурсу дістануть першу половину нагороди в листопаді 2002 р., а другу - по закінченні монографії (до 1 жовтня 2003 р.).

Запити про конкурс та зголошення на нього просимо надсилати до НТШ в Америці:

The Mykhailo Hrushevskyi Competition-2002
Shevchenko Scientific Society
63 Fourth Avenue
New York, NY 10003-5200
fax: (212) 254-5239
Tel.: (212) 254-5130

The American and Canadian Shevchenko Scientific Societies' Position on the Decree to Mark the "Pereiaslav Agreement of 1654"

The American and Canadian Shevchenko Scientific Societies concur with the position articulated by the Council of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Ukraine (June 2002) with respect to the decree issued by the President of Ukraine on "The Marking of the 350th Anniversary of the Pereiaslav Kozak Council of 1654": that this infamous act, as well as other ill-fated events in Ukrainian history which led to the enslavement of Ukranians, should be continuously analyzed and studied, rather than celebrated.

The Pereiaslav Agreement transformed Ukraine into a colony and brought enslavement to the Ukrainian people for several centuries. "Khmelnytskyi has delivered all of us into the bondage of the Muscovite tsar…" wrote the Chornobyl archpriest in a letter to the vice-governor of Chornobyl as early as January 27, 1654. The pain and tragedy, which by then had manifested itself for almost two centuries, was echoed in 1843 by Taras Shevchenko in his poem "The Plundered Grave" ("Rozryta mohyla").

It is the obligation of our contemporaries as well as future generations to investigate more thoroughly this dark date in Ukrainian history by examining what the consequences of the event of 1654 were for Ukraine over a period of nearly 338 years of subjugation; how the Pereiaslav Agreement resulted in a constant plundering of Ukraine's culture, scholarship, language and its most creative individuals; how it led to the liquidation of its Churches as well as the devastation of the Ukrainian population and the destruction of Ukraine's statehood.

In view of the above, the Shevchenko Scientific Society in America announced in April of 2002 a competition for the writing of scholarly monographs on the consequences of the Pereiaslav Agreement, offering research grants to the top five authors. This demonstrates our readiness to make a contribution to the elucidation of the long-lasting effects of the 1654 event in the history of Ukraine.

July 8, 2002

Daria Darewych, Ph.D.
Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada

Larissa Zaleska Onyshkevych, Ph.D.
Shevchenko Scientific Society in the U.S.A.

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