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BRAMA, April 26, 2002, 9 pm ET

On the 16th Anniversary of the Chornobyl Nuclear Disaster

On April 26, 2002 the world will mark the 16th anniversary of the worst nuclear disaster in the history of humanity - the Chornobyl explosion. This horrible catastrophe brought devastation to millions of Ukrainians and other people worldwide. Traces of radiation released into the atmosphere along with the steam from the explosion were noticed as far away as Sweden, Japan, and the United States.

The explosion at the 4th unit of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant was followed by an informational blockade. The government of the then Soviet Union purposely ignored to inform the public of the gravity of the explosion and required that children attend kindergartens, students attend the Mayday demonstrations, and life continue as normal. Such reckless, inhumane politics of the former Soviet government increased the disaster toll. Relatively few people died as a direct result of the explosion, but thousands if not millions of innocent citizens, especially children, are suffering health consequences from this horrific event. The full consequences are still being calculated; only 30 years after the disaster will humanity be able to fully assess the damage to the nation's health, especially of those who were young during the accident and their respective offspring. Only then will the world know the true negative repercussions of radiation on innocent victims.

Throughout the years, Ukraine has reaffirmed its commitment to cooperate in alleviating the consequences of the Chornobyl explosion. On December 15, 2000, the last operating unit of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant was closed, while ongoing programs continue to assure safety of the leaking sarcophagus surrounding the epicenter of the world's worst nuclear catastrophe. Experts estimate that the full costs of closing the Chornobyl plant, including development of alternative non-nuclear energy sources, development of employment opportunities for laid-off plant staff, etc., will comprise 4 billion U.S. dollars. Unfortunately, to date, Ukraine has received only a negligible portion of this sum.

It is critical that safety be improved at other reactors of the same type as Chornobyl unit 4 that continue to operate in Ukraine, in order to prevent a similar accident. Ukraine still needs help in alleviating the consequences of this dreadful explosion and preventing the possibility of another one.

As we mark the solemn 16th anniversary of the Chornobyl tragedy, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) appeals to the Ukrainian American community, as well as to the United States Government to continue providing assistance to those affected by this disaster. Let us honor the memory of those who laid their lives to protect the world from the harm of radiation by helping those who are suffering from the consequences of the Chornobyl nuclear holocaust.

On behalf of the Executive Board of the UCCA,

Michael Sawkiw, Jr.

Marie Duplak
Executive Secretary

April 26, 2002
New York, Washington, Kyiv

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