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BRAMA, March 1, 2002, 10 am ET

Press Release

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Action Ukraine Coalition and Jewish leaders meet to discuss the removal of the Jackson-Vanick restrictions

UACC, Washington Office - Action Ukraine Coalition leaders, Dr. Zenia Chernyk, Chair of the Ukrainian Federation of America, and Ihor Gawdiak, President of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, met in Washington on February 14 with Jewish leaders to discuss the removal of the Jackson-Vanick restrictions which hamper normal U.S.-Ukraine relations, particularly in the area of trade. Among the Jewish leaders at the meeting were Rabbi Andrew Baker, Director of International Jewish Affairs in the American Jewish Committee, Mark B. Levin, Executive Director, and Shai A.Franklin, Director of Governmental Relations, of the Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia (formerly known as the National Council for Soviet Jewry), and Guy Billauer and Leonard Grossman from the American Jewish Committee.

During a frank and open exchange of views which lasted well over an hour, the Ukrainian leaders expressed their concerns about the recent introduction in the U.S. Congress of a bill which would free only Russia from Jackson-Vanick restrictions. They pointed out that the Jackson-Vanick amendment was enacted during the Cold War days of the Soviet Union and that its provisions should not be binding on Ukraine, a free and independent state not responsible for Soviet violations of human and religious rights. Furthermore, they argued that Ukraine's present record on ethnic and religious rights, including its treatment of Jews, is far better than that of any other state on the territory of the former Soviet Union, including Russia. Finally, they asked if American Jewish organizations would support a bill freeing Ukraine from the Jackson-Vanick restriction, which should be introduced very soon in the House by Congressman Bob Schaffer, one of the co-chairs of the Ukrainian Congressional Caucus.

The Jewish leaders in principle agreed with the arguments put forward by Dr. Chernyk and Mr. Gawdiak but raised the question of the restitution of Jewish communal property in Ukraine. The Ukrainian leaders responded that the Ukrainian government has in fact passed legislation mandating the restitution of communal property to its legitimate owners and that the great difficulties--political, social and economic - which hinder the Ukrainian government from carrying out this program, apply not only to the restitution of Jewish property but to the return of the communal property of other religious denominations as well. In spite of the fact that after further discussion no full agreement was reached, both sides felt very strongly that this was a fruitful meeting and that the two sides should have other meetings on this and other issues of common concern to both communities.

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