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BRAMA, January 25, 2002, 1 am ET

Press Release

2002 Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine: UCCA asks for your Support

On March 31, 2002, the citizens of Ukraine will go to the polls to elect 450 representatives to the country's national legislature (Verkhovna Rada). These upcoming parliamentary elections have been declared by the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv to be one of the most important tests of democratic development since Ukraine declared independence ten years ago. The outcome of these elections will undoubtedly influence the progress of Ukraine's reforms over the next crucial years of transitional development resulting in either Ukraine's adoption of the necessary reforms for continued European integration or drifting back under the Russian sphere of influence. After ten years of independence, Ukraine now stands at a crossroads.

A free and open society is based on the knowledge, skills and political participation of its citizens and those they elect to serve in public office on their behalf. Therefore, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) will be conducting a comprehensive civic education program to enhance the process of a free and fair election. Civic information is essential to the development and preservation of a democratic system. The underpinnings of a democratic government are based on accountability to the people, broad participation in the decision-making processes, and extensive access to information.

Despite ten years of independent statehood, the tenets of an open and free society have yet to take hold in Ukraine. To that end, the UCCA has opened a permanent office in Kyiv, which will initially conduct a pre-election civic education program aimed at reinforcing the need for Ukraine's electorate to make well-informed decisions at the polls. Following the elections, this office will continue to work to strengthen political awareness among the populace, as well as to support democratic and free-market reforms. Ukraine's future lies in democracy and reform with the rule of law as its mantra.

In addition to seeking financial assistance from U.S. foundations and government agencies, the UCCA is appealing to the Ukrainian American community to support our efforts both morally and financially. The significance of the upcoming parliamentary elections must not be underestimated. We urge you to generously support our efforts by sending a check or money order made out to "UCCA- Election 2002" and send it to our National Office at:

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
203 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10003

All donations to the UCCA are tax-deductible.
The UCCA thanks you for your continued support.

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