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BRAMA, October 19, 2001, 11 am ET

Pastor FR.Bohdan Lukie, CSsR
973 371 1358

Glory be to Jesus Christ!

We, as Christians, by definition, should be a "hope-filled and joy-filled" people for we strongly believe and know that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came among us and has promised true life and Life Everlasting. We all are lovingly created in God's image and likeness. God has generously given us the freedom to choose good, to live well and to bring peace and goodness to this world. We also know with the power of choice comes the power to also choose death and destruction, to perform evil in this world.

As I write this on Oct. 11th, I painfully recall the horrible destruction of innocent human life that took place a month ago by the terrorist attacks on World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. Sadly, in the name of God, misguided people choose to destroy, to kill and to maim, believing that by these distorted actions, they are bettering the world and their misguided vision of life on earth.

People today are frightened and confused ­ not only in America, but throughout the world! A stable and secure world is no longer! All of us are at risk ­ no matter where we live, work or play! We now bluntly realize that we co-exist in a small "global village". Yes, everyone is worried and understandably concerned! So very many have returned to churches, and synagogues and mosques throughout the world to pray for guidance and strength and to re-evaluate life's priorities and values. We also sincerely pray for our elected leaders to be guided by the Holy Spirit and by the desire to establish justice and peace in every land on earth.

Yes, terrorism must be stopped. Misguided evil individuals must be brought to justice. However, we are truly thankful that our initial reaction to the terrorists has not been revenge or unbridled anger, but a need and desire to sincerely "stand together" to remove all evil forces, not only now, but for generations to come.

We can not delude ourselves! We are at war ­ war against terrorists, all terrorists throughout the world. We are not at war with the millions of innocent, suffering Afgan people or with millions of sincere Muslims who also desire and pray for world peace. For decades, Americans have generously helped the Muslim world in times of natural destruction, of earthquakes, of drought and oppressive regimes. Even now, it truly is Spirit-guided that millions of dollars of compassionate and humanitarian aid is being flown to Afghanistan to assist the innocent and starving masses who themselves are being persecuted by the same terrorists that we all fear.

Let us all commit ourselves to work for justice, and peace, and brotherhood throughout the world. We all are "children of the Father" ­ we all are "brothers and sisters"- be we, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist or whatever creed we believe. Please ­ let us pray as Jesus prayed: "May they all be one. Father, may they be one in us, as you are in me and I am in you! " (John 17:21)


Please read the message from the Pastor in this week's bulletin.

We would like to invite all parishioners and friends to participate in a SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE PRAYER SERVICE on Friday, October 19th at 7:30 pm for all those who have suffered and died in the Sept. 11th terrorist attack..

For forty days we continually have been burning seven candles on the tetrapod in St John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in memory of the deceased.

In accordance with our Ukrainian liturgical tradition, we wish to commemorate the 40th Day of Prayer with a MOLEBEN to the Blessed Mother for World Peace and PANAHYDA Requiem Service for the deceased.

We warmly invite you and your family to join us in loving prayer!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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