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BRAMA, August 22, 2001, 1am ET

Press Release

The UCCA Sends Greetings on the 10th Anniversary of Ukraine's Independence


Having endured centuries of foreign occupation and oppression, the will of the Ukrainian people was finally realized on August 24, 1991, when the Parliament of Ukraine restored independence and declared Ukraine's territorial integrity to be "indivisible and inviolable." Ukrainians throughout the world, who were elated when their dreams and hard work were realized, must not forget that only through the unyielding commitment and sacrifice of our forefathers could independence be achieved.

The thousand-year long history of Ukraine makes Ukrainians proud of our heritage, culture, and achievements. From the earliest inhabitants of Ukraine, the Trypillians; to the grand ruler, St. Volodymyr the Great, who baptized Ukraine; to the heroic Kozak state; to the poets and laureates of the 19th and 20th centuries; to the courageous leaders of Ukraine’s drive for independence during World War II; to the modern leaders of a restored Ukrainian state, the nation of Ukraine has shown resiliency in the path of adversity, rebirth in the path of destruction, and tolerance in the path of oppression. The Ukrainian Diaspora, together with our brethren in Ukraine, share in the glory of Ukraine’s long history and honor those who, throughout centuries, have sacrificed their lives for the restoration of Ukraine's independence.

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the largest umbrella organization of the Ukrainian-American community, welcomes the 10th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence and wishes the Ukrainian people strength and courage as they rebuild their state from the ruins of communism and implement the necessary reforms needed to establish a truly independent state. The UCCA greets the Ukrainian nation, the Hierarchy of Ukrainian Churches and its followers, the Ukrainian President, Prime Minister, Speaker and Deputies of the Parliament, leaders of Ukrainian Diaspora organizations, and all Ukrainians throughout the world on this joyous occasion of Ukraine’s restored independence! May we all strive to assist Ukraine in attaining the long-deserved prosperity and freedom that comes with its hard-fought independence.

Let us all rejoice in the fulfillment of the dreams of Ukrainian people everywhere, yet be cognizant that with independence comes sacrifice and obligation. Therefore, as we prepare to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the restoration of Ukrainian Independence, the UCCA appeals to all Ukrainians to unite in a common resolve to help Ukraine be a defender of democratic principles, free-market values, social equality, and to become a truly European nation.

Happy Tenth Anniversary Ukraine!
May You Always Live Long, Strong, and Prosper!

On behalf of the Executive Board of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America,

Michael Sawkiw, Jr.

Marie Duplak
Executive Secretary

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