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BRAMA, August 11, 2001, 9am ET

Press Release

142 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Tel.: (212) 505-1765
Fax: (212) 475-6181
733 15th St., NW, Suite 1027
Washington, DC 20005
Tel.: (202) 737-6090
Fax: (202) 737-6091

Greetings to the Ukrainian Nation, the President, the Cabinet of Ministers,
and to the Supreme Rada of Ukraine!

Ten years ago the age-old dream of our ancestors was fulfilled. They fought through centuries of blood and tears to realize the supreme ideal of every freedom-loving people--to achieve their independence!

Ten years is truly a short time in the life of a nation, especially in the life of the Ukrainian people, who for three centuries struggled under a foreign yoke.

Nevertheless, in this short period of ten years, Ukraine achieved notable successes, above all in the field of foreign relations, receiving diplomatic recognition from over 100 nations of the world, gaining authority and the corresponding respect of the United Nations and of European and North Atlantic structures.

At the same time, however, certain internal hostile elements, in stubborn contradiction of the Ukrainian Constitution, are trying to place Ukraine within the Euro-Asian sphere of influence or the so-called Slavic Union, not taking into consideration the fact that Ukraine has long since chosen the path towards a democratic and civilized Europe, a path from which there is no turning back.

We are also hopeful that in its internal political situation, Ukraine will make further determined efforts to steer a course in the direction of the democratization of its political and societal systems, towards greater respect for human rights, greater freedom of the press, and the reform of its economic system.

These paths may prove to be extraordinarily difficult and painful; they will demand from the Ukrainian nation and its leaders a supreme exertion of resources, energy, and dedication in order to overcome the great hindrances that stand in the path of the desired goals.

Therefore, on the occasion of this landmark anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence, we Ukrainian Americans, members of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, send our sincerest greetings to the Ukrainian Nation and its leadership, appealing to all to step forth boldly and with confidence towards new successes on the way to a better future.

On behalf of the UACC Executive Committee,
Ihor Gawdiak, President

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