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BRAMA, May 14, 2001, 10am EDT

Press Release

Ukrainian former slave laborers eligible for Swiss bank settlement
Attorney warns that claims process is confusing

Ukrainians who performed forced and slave labor for Swiss owned firms are now eligible for payments through a little known clause in the settlement that ended the court cases against Swiss Banks in the United States. While Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals were recognized as victims of Nazism by the court, Ukrainians were initially ignored due to a flawed notice process administered by American organizations, which did not reach the vast majority of Ukrainian victims. Although over 1000 questionnaires were returned by Ukrainians to the court, this is but a small fraction of the number of eligible victims.

Thanks to persistent lobbying by the Ukrainian National Fund, International Union of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism, Ukrainian Union of Nazi Victims and Prisoners, and the Organization of Ukrainian Antifascist Resistance Fighters, Ukrainians who were forced to work for Swiss owned firms such as Nestle, Ciba-Geigy, Sandoz, Novartis, Hoffmann-La Roche, Maggi, Wander, and many others companies in Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Austria. Italy, France, Belgium, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Hungary, and Norway now may be compensated.

Jonathan Levy, an attorney for several Ukrainian organizations warns that the claims process is confusing and potential Ukrainian claimants have been underestimated. Levy had opposed the virtual exclusion of non-Jewish victims from the Swiss bank settlement. Levy now is concerned that the claims process may work against Ukrainians. "They have until only September 30, 2001 to file a claim, certain parties have tried to keep Ukrainian organizations out of the process, they undercounted our victims and now are dragging their feet in publicizing the process." Ukrainian organizations hope to meet with the International Organization for Migration who is handling claims in Ukraine in an attempt to deal with these problems.

All potential claimants are urged to file for benefits. In Ukraine claims forms can be obtained by calling (044) 490 5684 and in the United States 877-691-2862.

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