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BRAMA, May 13, 2000, 10:00am EST

Ladies and gentlemen !

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Shevchenko Scientific Society are preparing to publish the Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Ukraine (XX century).

If you or your parents are from Ukraine, worked there or maybe your creative efforts dedicated to Ukraine, we ask you to send a summary of yourself and/or your relatives with photos to the address of publishing company.

Also send your biography according to our outline in Ukrainian and/or if possible - in English. An outline is included below.

We’ll be glad to receive such an information from scientists-professors, arts, film and theatre actors, public and political figures, sportsmen, religious figures, etc.

We ask you to distribute this information, outline and our address to your friends, colleagues who are Ukrainians (have Ukrainian roots) or persons of non-Ukrainian nationality, but have connections with Ukraine (born in, worked in, researched Ukraine/Ukrainica).

Thank you.
With best wishes,

Chief of the Publishing Company ECU

Manager, Coordination Bureau of Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine

Outline of Biographical Notes
(We ask not to use abbreviations but give full names of institutions)

  1. Surname, name, patronymic (stress is obligatory)
  2. Date, month, year and exact place of birth, for the deceased - death (village, city, region, province (or other administrative regions) for former or modern territory)
  3. What is now or was (profession, public activity)
  4. Education: what and when graduated from higher educational institution or was studying (years). Former or modern name and location of the institution must be given
  5. If there are: scientific degrees, honorary titles indicate the years of receiving.
  6. Rewards, prizes (years of receiving and name of the institution awarded.
  7. What institutions, whom and what years have been worked.
  8. Activity: professional, public, political. Main achievements.
  9. Main publications (works): 4-6 in original language, co-author, years, places of publishing and pages.
  10. Bibliography, sources which make possible to look through about the activity of this person.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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